#winter books are like AC for my brain lol
hannahbarberra162 · 19 days
But but listen, what about the opposite? What if reader is like exited, okay maybe the conditions aren’t the best but some people dream of traveling the world in a grand ship such as the Moby Dick.
Would they get any liberties given this? Perhaps Marco would take advantage of it, sightseeing in exchange for blood draws in her best behaviors? Maybe sometimes they get fussy and he hangs the outside time in front of them to make sure the process stays as easy as possible?
I literally would never have thought of this lol. My brain goes um, no, must have suffering? Must have lack of agency?!@ But I like this direction too. I did uh…add some suffering.
“But you said!” you cried petulantly. You were pouting like a child but you’d really had your heart set on sight seeing today. You’d never been to a winter island before and Marco had told you that you’d be able to go off the ship with him. Ever since he had mentioned that good behavior would be rewarded with shore leave, you were a stellar patient. You followed all his rules, the logical ones (sleep enough, drink water) and the stupid ones (don’t go in the crow’s nest, don’t eat too much hot sauce, don’t blow things up with Ace, don’t shoot guns with Izou, don’t jump off the side of the boat and have Namur catch you) hoping to get off the ship for once. You sat in that dull, boring room for hours and hours, reading books about winter islands in different seasons, flowers and wildlife of the Grand Line, and preparing for your trip. You stopped asking to be done sooner, or trying to skip sessions, all in the hopes of seeing more interesting sights on the Grand Line.
The Moby had been near several islands but you’d never been allowed off, Marco fearing that you’d get hurt or lost. But you’d been so good and well behaved, not even complaining when the nurse didn’t stick your vein on the first try. Marco had reluctantly granted your request, on the condition that he accompany you the entire time. He was smothering you in his quest to keep you healthy but you kept your mouth shut about that too. After all, how many people got to travel the world on the Moby Dick with Marco the Phoenix as their personal tour guide? No one was going to mess with you or ruin your trip with Marco next to you. You’d been up since dawn, waiting for Marco to tell you it was time to go.
“It’s not me yoi. There’s a snow storm on the island. It’s dangerous to fly or sail there right now,” Marco apologized. Logically, you knew he was right. The winds were blowing ice and snow across the deck and you couldn’t see more than a few meters ahead of the ship in any direction. It wasn’t his fault, but you still felt like throwing a tantrum, stomping your feet and all. “We’re not sailing away yet, you might be able to go tomorrow if the storm stops yoi.” Marco put his hand on your shoulder as you slumped in the chair. “I promised you that your behavior would get you time off the ship. I meant it. I just can’t do it today.” You closed your eyes, not wanting Marco see your disappointment. “But if you do two extra sessions today, that’s three more hours you can have for tomorrow.” Your eyes popped open. It would be nine hours in the goddamned chair but you’d do it if it meant only three tomorrow. Maybe Deu could come and hang out with you, alleviate some of the boredom.
“You promise? Really? I’ll only have to do three hours tomorrow?” You were skeptical of Marco’s sincerity but hopeful the storm would pass quickly and you’d have nearly a full day of freedom. 
“Really. This time I promise.” 
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sixofravens-reads · 2 years
I have finished Light from Uncommon Stars! What a wonderful book, emotional, great characters, the ending is perfectly bittersweet. I did think the alien technology was a little bit deus ex machina bc we don't go into The Science Of It All, but also this isn't hard scifi so it's not a huge issue.
Going to start Wizard of the Grove by Tanya Huff now. It's potentially the longest book on my TBR (I didn't compare all the books lol), but apparently it's actually two books bound together. It's been on my TBR for ages, and I've been juuust interested enough to not get rid of it yet, so it'll be good to get it off the list, whether that's by DNFing or reading it lol. I am a little worried cause the last Tanya Huff book I read was absolutely chock-full of weird incest, but I've heard that's an outlier and not all her books are so cringe, so let's hope for the best with this one.
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xcziel · 3 years
tagged by @vishcount ! <3 thank you so much! i'm giggling - do we both have liu sang/liu chang icons now?
relationship status: none, nil, nada. gray aro-ace equivalent of gold-star? i have never dated or done a 'relationship'
favorite color: black (it goes with everything)
three favorite foods: cheese pizza, fried chicken, popcorn
song stuck in my head: i just saw that tiktok of the lady dancing in the shopping aisle again so Feels Good by Tony! Toni! Toné! is competing with the chorus of Policy of Truth by Depeche Mode, which was swimming around my brain when i woke up today
last song i listened to: hmm i don't really listen to music much these days (i have earplugs in almost all the time for noisy neighbor reasons) but i did pull up Trauma by NF bc of vish's gorgeous liu sang art? Other than that i was dancing around to David Bowie's Let's Dance bc that's what i thought of when @jockvillagersonly 's "disco" post crossed my dash the other day (80s music is my weakness, and like @foxofninetales i WILL sing)
last thing i googled: how to correctly spell tony! toni! toné! ... no, before that it was where to watch Nobleman Ryu's Wedding because (of course) i saw gifs on tumblr
time: 3:20pm cst (15:20)
dream trip: i really really want to go back to the uk, especially scotland, and maybe a quick day trip to france. the weather is so perfect (for me) in the fall/winter that i enjoy walking around and i love the trains/tube. i love mountain views but not hiking or camping so i'd love to see iceland but only if i could go in luxury. same for taking a winter cruise - i like comfort too much.
anything i really want: well, right now, i want whatever issue my innards are having that's knocking me flat to resolve itself and let me get back to normal, or at least me-in-a-pandemic-normal. other than that, i'm waiting on the new Murderbot book to arrive and ooh! also i want to get a new pothos plant since i managed to neglect the old one nearly to death :/
tagging anyone who wants to play who hasn't had a turn! (otherwise we'll all just keep tagging each other around and around lol) no pressure, only if it sounds fun ❤
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browniefox · 3 years
Waking from the Long Winter
Ace Attorney - 5K Words
Phoenix Wright and a few moments during the ten weeks it takes to receive results from the Bar Exam.
A one-shot written solely for the half-joke I make within the first couple paragraphs lol. Character exploration of Phoenix finding himself again. Hinted narumitsu but just hinted.
Phoenix is sure there’s a joke here, somewhere.
Something about a lawyer walking into a bar, and then knowing to duck the second time. Or maybe not ducking, but running into it at top speed. Or trying to vault over the bar and getting his feet caught on it and falling on his face instead. There’s something there, he’s sure of it. More than anything, however, Phoenix wishes his brain would focus on the Actual Bar Exam instead of trying to make this stupid joke work.
He took the bar once before, of course. His memory of having done so, however, is shaky at best. Trying to look back at it, it’s nothing more than two days of pure stress. If he tries to pin the experience down to a word, it's just a really long and drawn out scream.
Taking the bar the second time, ten years later, is… different.
Phoenix studied, of course. Apollo had still had his flashcards and big binder full of notes. Slow days in the office were often punctuated with spontaneous quizzing on terms and laws and procedures. He’d spent late nights reading big law books and then falling asleep on top of them like he was in college again. He sat in on a lot of trials, reviewing the roles of the people in the court.
Now that he’s finally actually taking the Bar, it’s like a math test.
Obvious not as far as subject matter went. But it reminds him strongly of what taking a math test back in middle/high school had been like. Going into it scared and then being surprised by how quickly and easily he seemed to go through the questions. Of course, that also always ended with him getting the test back with a million red marks that revealed the test hadn’t been easy, he’d just been dumb.
For the first five minutes, nerves making Phoenix fidgety, the Bar exam had been scary and the words had refused to form comprehensive sentences. He’s pretty sure he almost had a panic attack. But then the five minutes pass, and Phoenix takes a few deep breaths, and when he opens his eyes again, he realizes he actually does know this stuff.
He was a lawyer, once, seven years ago. It feels like that should be more than enough time for him to have forgotten what being one was like, for all of the words to have become greek to him once more. And yet, his previous cases stick out to him on the page. Yes, he remembers using evidence law for the Skye case, he knows this. Ah, yes, he remembers studying this case because it reminds him of the Powers one. There’s even a question about spirit mediums at one point and Phoenix almost laughs out loud.
It probably also doesn’t hurt that he’d kept his enemies close during his disbarment, as well as working on MASON.
Kristoph had often asked for Phoenix’s opinion on cases, setting out the evidence and asking for the ex-lawyer’s input and expertise. He wonders if it was supposed to sting, if Kristoph had been trying to rub salt into the wound. If so, he had succeeded, sometimes. Other times, it’d been nice to fall back into those familiar ways of thinking, of trying to piece together a story, of trying to find justice.
Phoenix would never ever thank Kristoph for anything ever, but he did admit there were unexpected rewards for having put up with him for so long.
Paying for a barber hasn’t exactly been in the budget for years.
Not that there weren’t places you could get a haircut at fairly cheap, but every single dollar and penny counted. Even the months where things looked alright, where there was a comfortable sum left over after rent and taxes and food, most of it was set aside for when the rough times would return. They always did.
“Just a trim?” Trucy asks. She wears the fake mustache she insists on wearing every time he asks her to cut his hair. Her own was just trimmed by him, the floor littered with split ends. There’s layers throughout it, and now that it’s started to dry back out he can see his handiwork and nods to himself. The days of terrible and uneven cuts while trying to watch a video tutorial are well behind both of them, years of practice instead showing through.
The swivel chair from the desk has been moved into the bathroom and Phoenix looks at himself in the mirror, his hair for once not bunched up inside of his beanie. It’s long enough to pull back with a hair tie. Trucy is already gearing up to cut off an inch, the same inch she cuts off every time to keep it from getting too long. For years, that’s been the only reason to cut his hair. He runs his fingers through it. It’s to his shoulders right now and he blinks when he realizes that he hates it.
He hates how the long strands get in his face. He hates how sometimes he pulls his beanie off and his hair is staticy. He hates how if he doesn’t pull it back while cooking, if he has something on his hands, he has to awkwardly flick his head in usually-futile attempts to get the hair out of the way.
He hates it and he’s hated it for a while. But for some reason, every time before now, it’s felt easier and safer to keep it long and annoying.
“Actually,” He says, and then hesitates. He’s had his hair like this for so long now, and shorter hair… He steels himself and straightens a bit, “Actually, Truce, could you go a little shorter this time? Just, you know, a little-”
“Don’t worry, daddy, leave it to me!”
There’s a mischievous little glint in her eyes and Phoenix almost changes his mind, but she’s already spun the chair around and started cutting. Phoenix closes his eyes and waits. Trucy hums as she cuts his hair, and usually she does little tricks with the scissors, but this time she’s just cutting. He tries not to think about how close to his head the scissors sound, how much she must be cutting off. He’d asked her to, and he hates how long it was, and yet now that it’s too late to change his mind he’s nervous.
“Alright!” Trucy chirps and spins him back around to face the mirror. Phoenix opens his eyes.
A young lawyer, full of hope and trust and pure stubbornness, stares back at him.
And then he blinks, and the man has little tired wrinkles around his eyes and at the corners of his mouth and prominently between his eyebrows. He still has the couple-day-old stubble that he had yet to shave. There’s dark shadows under his eyes. He runs a hand through his hair. It spikes up in the back, just like it used to, just like it always has, like how his mom used to hate and try in vain to flatten down.
“Well, what do you think?” Trucy beams at him.
“It’s perfect.” He says.
And it’s true.
Phoenix has never owned a perfectly tailored suit in his life. He never found an issue with this. Off the rack was just fine, and a lot cheaper, and you didn’t have to worry about anything happening to it.
Apparently Miles thought that this was an issue.
Two weeks after Phoenix took the bar, Miles drags him to get a new suit. Phoenix stresses that his old suit was perfectly fine. He at least assumes it's fine. It is shoved somewhere near the back of his closet and by now is probably made up of as much dust as fabric. But it should still looks like a suit, and he can probably send it to the dry cleaners or something if he ever needs it.
Still, Miles insists on dragging him to get a new suit.
The people there all recognize Miles right of the bat, greeting him as ‘Mr. Edgeworth’, with a lot of ‘So good to see you again’ and ‘Are you here for the usual’ and ‘How is dear Ms. Von Karma doing’. His answers are amicable enough: ‘It’s nice to be back in the country.’ ‘No, not today, I’m here for my friend.’ ‘Franziska is doing well, thank you.’
Phoenix sees how they look at him when they don’t think he can see them. They don’t know that Phoenix is well used to being on guard constantly, no matter the time or place. He cedes that maybe he should’ve worn something today other than his hoodie and beanie and flip flops, especially with how the ‘flip-flop-flip-flop’ is just shy of echoing throughout the large store. He knows they must look an interesting pair, prim and perfect well put together Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth next to disbarred pianist and poker player Phoenix Wright. He doesn’t let it bother him as Miles picks around the room, finding suits that he approves of.
There’s too many shades of blue. Half the time, Miles holds up two and asks which one Phoenix likes more, and they look exactly the same. Still, they eventually end up with a few different ones for Phoenix to try on, and Miles and one of the men - the tailor? Maybe? Or the owner of the store? - walk around Phoenix and critique how it looks on him and then send him back to try on another. It reminds Phoenix how much he hates shopping. The whole process of having to try things on and take them off and then repeat is just a bit too tedious for his sake.
Miles more than Phoenix decides on which suit is best out of the ones he’s picked out, and then Phoenix's measurements are taken so that it can be fixed to fit him just right.
They’re looking at the ties, the last thing to grab before they leave, when Phoenix finally says,
“I haven’t passed the Bar Exam yet.”
Miles pauses for a second, then hangs the white tie back up. He doesn’t turn to face Phoenix but his eyes do glance over.
“You took the test.” He says, and Phoenix can hear the unsaid in there. ‘You took the test, right? You didn’t lie about that? You didn’t purposely sabotage your own test? You haven’t done something incredibly stupid already, have you?’
“I did.” Phoenix nods, and means ‘I really did. I gave it my all. I tried my best, I swear it.’
“Then you’ll need a new suit.” Miles says.
“But I haven’t passed yet.”
“Mm,” Miles hums, grabbing a dark red tie and looking it over, comparing it to the swatch of fabric that matches the color of Phoenix’s new suit, “You’re not going to fail.”
“If you fail, then you’ll still have a new suit. There’s more reasons than being an attorney to own a nice suit, you know. If you ever eat somewhere nicer than the Borsch Bowl, for one. Or I have a wide array of incessant events I’m expected to attend throughout the year. They’ll be more manageable if I have someone there with me, but there is usually a dress code. Or perhaps I’ll be in need of a co-council at some point. I could use your eyes, and lord knows they’ll let absolutely anybody co-council, qualifications be damned.”
Miles doesn’t say anything else, and neither does Phoenix. He does, however, pick a wine red tie and add it to the growing stack.
When he moves the items off of the piano, he’s careful to make sure he remembers where everything goes.
It’s his office, it’s his piano, and while maybe most of the things he takes off aren’t his they also haven’t been touched in weeks, and he doubts that Trucy or Apollo would notice anything different. Still, he feels oddly like a kid sneaking food out of the cupboards while his parents are out. Trucy is setting up for a show and Apollo is out looking at a crime scene. It’s the perfect chance.
He lifts up the covering from the keys of the piano. He sits down on the bench, and a chill rushes over him that isn’t there. He can almost hear the sound of the Borscht Bowl, the clamour of patrons. He’s played this piano so few times, he can count them on one hand. He’d given practice a couple tries when he first got hired, until it became clear that being paid not to play was probably just as lucrative - if not more so - than actually having the skill.
Phoenix rests his hands on the keys, cold ivory under his warm fingers. He’d taken classes, once, years and years ago, when he was small and young. His piano teacher then had been an old and nice woman, but she’d had to stop teaching after a few months due to health problems. He can still find middle C, and that is more or less where his skills end. Usually, when someone requests a song, he plays ‘hot cross buns’ or ‘heart and soul’ or any other classic of the sort.
This time, Phoenix lets himself bang around with wild abandon on the keys, like he had as a kid, caring little for melody or timing or anything at all. The piano is probably out of tune. Not that he can hear that sort of thing, but it's a fair and safe bet to make. The piano hasn’t been played in a long while.
He steps away for a moment and runs a finger over the spines of the books on the shelves until he came across a thin one, so thin that the spine didn’t have any kind of title, just staples holding the pages together. Some hot-shot customer had come into the Borscht Bowl, slapped the ‘Beginner’s Piano Lessons’ book on the top of the piano and declared that Phoenix was going to need it once he was beaten at poker that night.
Of course, Phoenix had won. He got to keep the book anyway. By ‘got to keep’, he meant the customer had punched Phoenix in a fit of rage after losing and had been kicked out, leaving the book behind. Phoenix had kept it.
He isn't any good at reading music, but he has the afternoon to himself. He gets out a pencil, writing the letters above the notes, counting the keys to make sure his fingers land on the right ones. It is slow, and tedious, and not something he has to do. It's something he's doing because he wants to.
Phoenix has a love-hate relationship with Parent-Teacher Conferences.
He loves to go when the teachers will tell him ‘oh, Trucy is a joy to have in class! Trucy brings such a brightness to the classroom! Trucy is brilliant, what an amazing daughter you have! She’s so talented!’ And then Phoenix gets to beam at Trucy, and Trucy gets to glow under the praise, and then he gets handed her report card that he can place on the fridge so he can look at it every morning and be filled with pride again.
He doesn’t so much like them when the teachers look at him funny.
Look, Phoenix is an adult, he can admit that his appearance took a pretty sharp decline after he was disbarred. But some days it was all he could do to put on the hoodie and beanie, and he had learned pretty early in how to rationalize it all away as ‘putting on an act’, as trying to get Kristoph to underestimate him. However, an adult man who adopted a daughter, and thus had had someone declare him fit to raise a kid, looking like he was one trip to McDonalds away from being completely broke wasn’t always the best way to present one’s self to other adults, especially ones on high alert make sure their students were in a stable living condition.
One time, Trucy had even had to warn him to clean up a bit. She’d picked up on the worried questions her teacher had been asking her, about how often she ate and what her dad did for a living. Phoenix had put on actual shoes and a button up for that PTC. The teacher had still looked at him suspiciously, but he’d done his best to exude confidence and ‘I’m perfectly capable of raising a child on my own’. He couldn’t risk losing Trucy. If he lost Trucy…
He can’t lose Trucy.
Of course, the days of those sorts of PTC’s are behind them. Now that Trucy’s in high school and has eight different teachers, PTC’s consist of going between the school’s cafeteria and library to find Trucy’s teachers, get told if she’s a good student or a distraction or doing well or doing poorly, and then heading right to the next teacher. Some teachers they just outright skip, like Trucy’s gym teachers.
“C’mon Daddy, you have to dress up too!”
Trucy spins around in her magician outfit. The straplessness of the dress made it against the school’s dress code, so she never got to wear it to classes. She’d been talking about showing it off during the PTC, when school wasn’t technically in session, and Phoenix knew that she was probably going to take the chance to dazzle her teachers with some of her smaller tricks as well.
Put that in the list of reasons why he did like PTC: getting to see people be amazed with Trucy’s close-up magic tricks.
“Trucy,” Phoenix sighs.
“No, please? I always get dressed up, and you never do.” She pouts, crossing her arms.
“That’s because you’re the star of the show tonight.”
“But you’re my assistant! Please, just this once? I know you don’t like getting dressed up, but...” And then Trucy hesitates, which is so unlike her it catches Phoenix’s attention right away, “But I’d like it.” She finishes. For a moment, the room is plunged into darkness that only Phoenix can see as chains shoot out of nowhere and a single psych-lock places itself in front of Trucy.
Phoenix sighs one more time. He’s not going to pry, not unless it becomes a big deal.
“Sure, can’t have you performing with a sub-par partner.” He relents and Trucy claps her hand excitedly.
He goes back into his room, reaching for a button down. Something simple, he figures. Just something a little nicer than usual.
And he sees the suit Miles had bought him.
It’s in a big black bag to keep it safe from dust or whatever. Almost without thinking to, he takes the hanger off the rack and sets it on his bed, unzipping the bag and looking at the suit. It’s so much like to his old one. He runs a hand over it and then almost puts it back. But if he can’t wear it to a PTC, how can he wear it to any of the myriad of events Miles had listed off? He used to wear a suit everywhere. It had been border-line mandatory.
“Hurry up, Daddy, or we’ll be late!”
Phoenix jumps at the banging on his door.
“Just a minute, sweetie!” He shouts back.
It feels… different. He blames that on the light blue waistcoat that Edgeworth had insisted on. That, and the fact that it was a suit that was made to fit him exactly. His old suit had been second-hand, all that he’d been able to afford at the time. The blue, what many people seemed to remember about him, had been due to lack of options rather than real choice.
He looks at himself in the mirror, running a wet hand through his hair to try and get it into some semblance of presentable. He still has his stubble. He hadn’t shaved this morning. It’s not too late to tear off the jacket and vest and go with his original plan of just a button up.
“Daddy!” Trucy calls again.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” He shouts back, and with one last look at himself, one last effort to convince himself he looks fine, leaves his apartment looking more like the Turnabout Terror than he has in years.
More of Miles’ things seem to come weekly.
Apparently Franziska is doing a deep and thorough cleaning of the Von Karma estate. She keeps finding more things, and so boxes and boxes turn up on Miles’ doorstep.
Phoenix finds himself spending a lot of his time in Miles’ office, and it means he ends up spending a lot of time helping Miles unpack boxes. Some of them are things that really shouldn’t have surprised Phoenix, like Steel Samurai manga and dvds that Franziska has unearthed from hidden corners of the estate. Miles had admitted he’d kept them anywhere he thought Manfred wouldn’t look. Other little things like that showed up - small mementos or notes, most of which seem innocuous, but that Miles insists would’ve been disapproved of.
There are also other things, like pens or books or pictures. Some of these do belong to Miles while others of them are items Franziska 'didn’t wish to hold on to any longer’. While that seemed to be the case with some, it only took looking at Miles face to confirm for Phoenix that a lot of them had secret sentimental value.
He never understood their relationship. He’d been an only child, and while there were people he was close to, he’d never grown up in the same building with them, nor under the harsh condition Miles and Franziska had. He's glad he doesn't have to jump through the weird hoops and unsaid rules that Miles and Franziska do when navigating anything to do with the other.
“Okay, you can’t tell me these are important.” Phoenix holds up a pair of scissors. They’re cold and pure metal, no plastic handle like the three pairs Phoenix himself owns. All three of them always go missing at the same time too, which completley defeatst he point of having so many pairs.
Miles sighs and rolls his eyes. He’s sitting on the ground in front of the bookshelf. With the most recent influx of books, alphabetizing them means that the previous books need to be pushed to the next shelf, and it has created a chain of necessary rearrangement to every subsequent shelf as well. Phoenix has seen Miles force the work onto some younger prosecutors or even unlucky detectives, but with Phoenix here he does it himself.
“Open them up.” He says and Phoenix does just that. There are initials welded into the metal, M.E.V.K. Phoenix raises his eyebrows.
“Miles Edgeworth… Von Karma?” He says, just to be sure, and Miles nods.
“Mm, yes. Those are my shears. Franziska insisted on the initials so that if I ruined my pair, she’d be able to tell they were mine right away, and I wouldn’t be able to try and steal hers. She took them to get initialed herself.”
He speaks of the event with the calm and cool that is so Edgeworth, but Phoenix has learned to read between lines. He runs a finger over the four initials. Von Karma. The household Edgeworth had lived in and belonged to in all but the official name change. The name that he was able to carry on these shears.
“I’ll put them in your desk.” Phoenix says instead of the millions of other responses running through his head. He’s standing in front of it anyway. He pulls open the first drawer as Miles says,
“No, I’ll be taking them home. They’re fabric scissors, Phoenix. Using them on paper will ruin them.”
Phoenix’s response to that completely leaves his head when he sees the small golden pin in the drawer.
“What’s this?” He says, more to himself than Miles. He knows what it is, and yet he asks anyway. It’s a defense attorney pin. He can see the petals, the image of scales in the center. It’s not as if he hasn’t seen one recently, he has defense attorneys working for him, after all. But it’s so out of place to see one in Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth’s office that it takes him completely by surprise. He picks it up, turning it this way and that.
“Is this... your dad’s?” He asks, the first answer that comes to mind.
“Is what- oh. No. It isn’t.” Miles is looking over now, and there’s something in his voice that makes Phoenix’s brow furrow. He sounds… hesitant? Scared? Nervous? None of those seemed quite right, but Miles didn’t seem completely at ease. Phoenix returned his focus to the pin.
There are teeth marks in it, like someone had bit into it at one point. The edges of it are worn slightly, softened with time. It’s nostalgic to look at.
It’s even more nostalgic to turn over and see the number 26381.
“Wait, this is…!” Phoenix stares at the number, the number that is burned into his memory. He’d memorized it soon after receiving the pin. It was his number, the number that meant he was really a lawyer, that he had done it.
“... yes. It is.” Phoenix looks back up. Miles is still looking at him, the odd expression still there. Not hesitance, not nervousness, not fear.
Anticipation. Miles is sitting there, watching in anticipation, as Phoenix finds his old defense attorney’s badge in Miles’ desk.
“You have my badge.” Phoenix says. He turns it back around to stare at the face. Yes, that bite mark… that was from Ema, wasn’t it?
“I do.” Miles confirms.
“Why?” Phoenix says. He weighs the small pin in his hand and then tosses it, catching it easily enough. It’s so light and small.
Miles considers both Phoenix and the pin, eyes tracking the movement of the pin as it goes up in the air again and then returns to Phoenix’s palm.
“I didn’t want anyone else to have it.” He says. He’s still anticipating something.
“I see,” Phoenix says. And… he thinks he does, “You never told me. Would’ve been a lot easier to have given it to you personally instead of having to take it off and give it to the board.” He gives Miles a half grin.
“They wouldn’t have accepted that. They’d be upset with you.”
“What would they do? Disbar me?” Phoenix jokes. Miles looks like he’s trying not to crack a smile at the joke. It’s a joke at Phoenix’s expense, but the pain of the event has been numbed by time, and the joke is made to Miles.
“I suppose there wasn’t much they could do at that point, no,” Miles agrees, “It would’ve been easier to have gotten it from you personally. I had to pull some strings to get it.”
“And you didn’t tell me.” Phoenix brings up again.
“No, I didn’t.”
“I thought you’d want it back.” Miles answers honestly.
Phoenix looks back down at the pin, his pin. He can see himself, six or five or even three years ago, finding out that Miles had his pin and begging the man to give it back to him. It had meant so much to him. Its absence had meant even more. It wasn’t as if he would’ve been able to do anything more with it than Miles had been doing; he’d have stuck it in a drawer, and on his worse days he would’ve pulled it out and cried over the small piece of metal.
Maybe if he’d found out a few years earlier, he would’ve been upset at Miles for not telling him, for keeping this from him. It was his badge, after all.
But now, seeing it placed in the top drawer of Miles’ desk where he could quickly open it and look at it whenever he’d wanted to, it fills Phoenix with something warm. This whole time, it hadn’t been locked away somewhere, or handed off to some rookie, or tossed away. It had been with Miles, watched over, polished, kept safe.
“Thank you.” Phoenix puts it back into the shelf, closing the drawer. The anticipation finally leaves Miles to be replaced with relief.
“It was my pleasure.” Miles smiles, and Phoenix returns it.
A lawyer doesn’t cry until it’s over.
For seven long and painful years, through even terrible twist and turn in the road, Phoenix hadn’t cried. Oh, he’d come close several times. Times where everything had started to get to him, when his chest had shaken with the sobs he so desperately wanted to let out, when he was reminded that he wasn’t a lawyer anymore, that the rule wasn’t his rule anymore. And yet the tears never came. His face stayed dry. And he’d rise again to carry on.
The packet comes in the mail ten months after the test.
It’s thick and heavy. He’s home alone, Trucy at school and Apollo doing some last-minute preparation for a trial. Sometimes it seems like the kid has better luck getting clients than Phoenix ever did.
He knows what the packet is the moment he sees it in the mail slot. He feels numb as he carries it to his apartment. He considers waiting to open it, but that seems like putting himself through unnecessary cruelty.
There’s a knife in the kitchen and he grabs it so he can cleanly slice open the top. It feels wrong to rip into it like an animal.
His shoulders shake as he slips the knife under the flap, his eyesight becomes blurry as he cleanly cuts across the top.
Win or lose, pass or fail, Phoenix thinks he knows how Godot felt at that trial. He imagines that if someone was watching him with the magatama, they’d see a final psyche-lock, placed firmly there when Phoenix had first started to close himself off for the war against Gavin, break apart.
Alone, in his apartment, for the first time in seven years, Phoenix cries.
It finally feels like it’s over.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Coffee mugs, teacups, or water bottles? Coffee mugs, I guess. I’ve never used a teacup and water bottles are bad for the planet. And mugs put me in a disposition to work lol. Bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy. Haven’t had one in a while and it brings me back to being a kid. How did your elementary school teachers describe you? Very quiet, quite aloof, would bring a new book to read everyday in the corner, and not really fitting in any group. Do you prefer to drink soda from cans, bottles or cups? I don’t like soda. Earbuds or headphones? Earbuds. I used to be a headphones chick during my ~punk rock phase because I thought it made me look edgy haaaaaaaah but I got out of that period pretty quickly and now I prefer earphones.
Movies or TV? Movies. TV shows make me impatient what with all the cliffhangers and season breaks and hiatuses. Favorite smell in the summer? Fresh seafood being served while beachside. No other sensation can compare. Game you were best at in PE/gym? Track and table tennis. For some reason I enjoyed futsal too; I was a pretty good blocker. What do you have for breakfast on an average day? I skip breakfast kinda all the time. Name of your favorite playlist? Maybe the playlist I made that’s just a compilation of Paramore’s whole discography. Lanyard or key ring? I use a lanyard so that my keys are already bunched together with my ID, which for me is easier to keep around. Having them separated will just make it easier for me to lose one of them. Favorite non-chocolate candy? Sour Patch Kids.
Favorite book you had to read for school? Dekada ‘70 or Without Seeing the Dawn. I also remember fairly enjoying this book about the Holocaust, I think it was called Number the Stars. Most comfortable position to sit in? As long as at least one leg is up, I’m comfortable haha. Most frequently worn pair of shoes? I wear all my shoes once a week, so I don’t think I have a favorite pair I wear more often than the others. Ideal weather? Dark and gloomy and stormy. My love for the beach aside, I love the rain. Pencils or pens? Pens. Once we graduated from pencils from the fourth grade I don’t think I ever looked back. Obsession from childhood? My earliest obsession was the original Hi-5 cast. Then it involved into wrestling, Pokémon, Beyoncé, and Paramore. Favorite crystal? I had to look them up as I wasn’t actually familiar with any crystals, and rose quartz seems cute. Favorite activity to do in warm weather? Ugh, I get so sluggish when it’s summer. It’s no fun to do anything other than going to the beach and staying there all day long. Favorite activity to do in cold weather? Watch movies, do healthy self-care stuff like coloring, drinking coffee, studying. I’m so much more productive in cold weather/temperatures. Five songs to describe you? That’s too many. I can’t even come up with one. Best way for someone to bond with you? Be comfortable in silence with me and not bombard me with extraversion. Top 5 favorite Vines? “There’s only one thing worst than a rapist, boom!” “A CHILD–” “No” “T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-TAAAARGEEEEEEET” “Stop, I coulda dropped my croissANT” “what the FUCK is up kyle NO what did you say what the fuck dude step THE FUCK UP kyle” “Fr e sh a voca do” Ads you have stuck in your head? I don’t have any. They aren’t memorable anymore, just irritating. Average time you fall asleep? Anywhere between 9:30 to 1. Range is big since it’s different all the time. What is the first meme you remember seeing? Oh god, I was there from the beginning. War flashbacks all the way from 9GAG in 2009-2010 - the FFFFFFFUUUUU-, Forever Alone, Y U NO?, Bad Luck Brain, Ridiculously Photogenic Guy, College Freshman, Lazy Senior guys. Was there for all of it and it used to be the most hilarious stuff I’d see on the Internet.
I don’t actually know if these were the first batch of memes, but they definitely changed the game when it came to Internet humor.   Suitcase, duffel bag, or backpack? Backpack. I never use the other two. Lemonade or tea? Lemonade.
Last person you texted? Gabie. Jacket pockets or pants pockets? I don’t mind either. Favorite type of jacket? Jean jackets or cardigans. Sci-fi, fantasy, or superheroes? Not a fan of all of these, but I’m most likely to get into something sci-fi. What clothes do you sleep in? Thin ones because it’s always really hot where I live, even with the AC on :/ Favorite type of cheese? Brie or ricotta. What saying or quote do you live by? “There isn't a person on this planet that should let a past nightmare dictate or cloud their future dreams.” What are you currently stressed about? Internship as always ughhhhh. Favorite font? I use Proxima Nova a lot. What did you learn from your first job? Favorite fairy tale? Never did like those, even as a kid. Favorite tradition? Huge Christmas dinnerssssssss. Talent you're proud of having? Having a sport. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Not feeling too creative for this today. Or ever. If you were an anime character, what genre of anime would it be? Character you relate to? Monica Geller or Amy Santiago. Favorite website from your childhood? Y8 without a shadow of a doubt. Any scars? On my left brow and one of my toes. Favorite flower? I like any flowers except for anthuriums. Any good luck charms? Nope. Least favorite flavor of food or drink? Rocky road and double dutch. Left or right handed? Right. Least favorite pattern? Can’t think of any. Worst subject in school? Calculus. Favorite weird flavor combo? Mayonnaise with everything, even though mayo doesn’t even count as a flavor hah. When did you lose your first tooth? I was either 5 or 6. Favorite potato food? As chips, fries, salad, or croquettes. Can’t help it, I love potatoes. Gas station coffee or grocery store sushi? Grocery sushi. I love sushi, no matter the quality tbh. Do you call them fireflies or lightning bugs? Fireflies. PC or console gaming? Console. Writing or drawing? Writing. Podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts. Barbie or Polly Pocket? Barbies. Fairy tales or mythology? I don’t care for either.
Cookies or cupcakes? Cupcakes, but this hurts to say considering I love cookies just as much. Your greatest fear? Failing. Your greatest wish? A secure future. Who would you put before everyone else? My girlfriend or any member of her family. Lamps, overhead lights, fairy lights, or sunlight? Lamps. Nicknames? Sure, but not a lot. I usually go by my given name. Favorite season? Winter, which I wish we had to begin with. Favorite app on your phone? Reddit. What is your desktop background? It’s one of the default mountain ones Apple provides in the Macs. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Just my mom’s, mine, and Gab’s. Favorite historical era? I’m a fan of any. History’s cool.
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changji · 5 years
Here we go I’m finally continuing our convo from like,, last week LOL but anyway 4-5k for an apartment I’m HOLLERING (yes i did it so you’d laugh) I’ve never lived in an apartment before but I’m pretty sure that’s really expensive for one sksks. Also personal chromebooks? My school literally can’t relate we share them with the rest of the students in the school. Tbh I don’t remember much from twilight so I’ll agree w you so that we don’t fight 🥺🥺
I normally go ham when I’m in a pool,, like I’ll start off w my hair up bc I don’t wanna get it wet but when I leave the pool everywhere is soaked. I haven’t played chicken in years?? Oml last time I played I was on my cousins shoulders and I was Puny. Haha most ppl are like “it can’t be that cold here right” and I’m “oh no it gets COLD” which I hate (but it’s colder in the territories so I’m thankful for where I’m at)
I’d rather it be hotter than colder bc at least there’s ac. I mean there’s heat but at least I can still walk outside without snow and ice everywhere. Don’t even get me started on freezing rain and winter tires and shovelling snow and OEUFIHD as you can see I hate the winter here. Tim hortons is so good I literally inhale iced capps 24/7. They’re pretty much blended frozen coffee but it tastes a lot better than it sounds!! I like to think of it as the Canadian pride and joy
I’ve actually never had timmies canned coffee… i’ve had the keurig pods things but they don’t taste as good as getting them from an actual timmies. But hey you never know maybe we will drink from ice bergs one day LOL. I’ll never back out from being your soulmate we’re literally meant To Be 😤😤 iced blonde vanilla lattes are so Good I’d probably inhale them as much as I do with iced capps if they weren’t so expensive
I didn’t even know that milk was a good portion of the drink,, when I saw a starbucks barista fill my cup with 80% milk I was like “hold up what” Your smoothies must be really good if your family specifically wake you up so that you can make them some hhh baker arella? More like smoothie expert arella. i usually make smoothies with whatever works and is in my fridge, but mango will always have my heart
People who eat pancakes plain should be banned from the world that’s disgusting,, you’re literally eating cooked flour,,,,,, I actually haven’t had waffles in 4 years oopsFrench is a mandatory course in grade 9 where I live but then after that you can choose if you wanna continue it or not. ASL classes seem so cool, I would totally take it if it were an option here. German & Japanese seem so hard; I look at the words and here ppl speaking it and I’m like ??? woah okay what’s happening
I’m terrible at English too, but then again I suck at every language? Is that even possible?? Jisung’s literally talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular skskdkf I am a Chan stan but Jisung wrecks me SO hard I can’t with this man. Pls don’t hurt my head too much with the fic I only have one braincell left bit ilyt 🥺 now I wanna try peet’s but I’m probably not going to the US for a hot minute 😔😔
(AJSDHJF I HIT THE LIMIT OF ASKS IM CRYINF) I saw what happened with ur Jisung drawing and I feel your frustration?? I was drawing a photo for an English presentation on photoshop and instead of closing my reference photo tab I closed the drawing (and i didn’t save it beforehand) so I lost the entire thing. Just thinking about it again makes me So Mad like,, how dumb can I be I literally can’t believe I did that!!
School sucks the life outta me I’m dreading going back and school starts in a little over a month? Fav vampire fic PLS I’m honoured. We fr out here as coffee soulmates look at us go 🤧👊
it’s so expensive like. whomst. I LOVE IT WHEN PPL SAY HOLLERING ITS SO FUNNY (ur so cute ily). living in an apartment is just Constant Stress esp bc i always accidentally slam a door open and make a hole in the wall and we have to pay but like i never learn LOL. the chrome books suck tho 😪 i would never fight w u LOL but i love twilight hhhh
today i just learned what “go ham” means like. i never knew. idk if i’m uncultured or ur weird (BUT ACCORDING TO CHAN WEIRS IS GOOD AND HES RIGHT.) i hate swimming sksks i burn easily and im Not here for it. i see why u would prefer the heat esp w snow, but i don’t have snow so i like winter LOL. i feel like i would die if i had to shovel snow like. i tried gardening and i gave up in .2 seconds. it was tough.
ooh an ice capp is like a frappuccino? i used to love them but they became too sweet. i believe in lattes and lattes only. keurig never tastes as good as the OG, i’ve had starbucks, dunkins, and peet’s keurig cups but it’ll never live up 😪 u r my soulmate and i snatched u, u can’t leave even if u wanted. period. LATTES ARE EXPENSIVE like. i pay $6.70 or smth like that bc of the vanilla flavoring and the extra shots. makes me wanna yeet myself off a bridge but there aren’t lattes in hell.
RIGHT omg the first time i saw them make it i was like. where r u giving me a cup of MILK but it tastes good so it’s okay. my stomach has not been cooperating and hurts whenever i get normal milk so i have to ask for almond and pay an extra 25 cents. like damn i $7 for a cup of coffee. but it’s okay it’s still good 🤧
& SMOOTHIE MASTER ARELLA HHHH my family is also Lazy like. it’s not hard to make a smoothie u FOOLS but i mean ig. they’ll just be hoes and force me to make them 😤 but it’s fine bc when i make the smoothies i’m let off of washing dishes 🤪
if u eat a pancake plain ur wrong on so many levels. it’s so painful to see. like. WHY. and cooked flour,,,, ada ur so funny omg waffles are so good like. it’s crispy but pancakes get soggy and it’s Gross. not here for it
i suck @ all languages too like grammar who? i only know keyboard smashes and incoherent screams. jisung is amazing and i love him w my whole soul. he’s such a good wrecker like whY are u so perfect?? i was bin biased but jisung came and made me double biased 🤧 i’m unloyal.
i don’t believe in no brain cells i believe in broken hearts and that’s what this fic is going for. angst angst and angst. i’ll send u peet’s and u send me tim hortons i look forward to gross and melted coffee 🤪
WLSKKSSK TUMBLR RLY OUT HERE UR SO CUTE AHHH i screamed for a good 5 minutes. i’m still upset. like. why did i do this to myself arella u big dumb. omg and did u save urself for the presentation? it’s worse for u bc like. it’s for school 😔 we can be dumb hoes together it’s okay
OVER A MONTH WHEN DO U START i have 2 weeks and a half. 3 weeks? i start on a thursday which is weird but Go Off. i’m gonna drop a class i’m not up for 7 classes esp w an AP and 3 honors 🤧 why did i take those classes i’m actually an idiot hhhhh
i stan ada and ada only (jk binsung but yk what they don’t count) stan TALENT my coffee soulmate ily
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clownycobalt · 7 years
Answer all 100!
1. Soundcloud!
2. Messy
3. Dark Brown
4. Hm, I do like the name Joshua, it has a nice ring to it and is one of the top tier names in my opinion, though I also dislike it for other reasons.
5. Single :/  (Maybe someday not!)
6. Chill, excitable, and reserved
7. Brown
8. Well, when I get a driver’s license soon I’m going to be driving a dark grey Santa Fe Sport.
9.  Any store tbh
10. At the moment, I’d call my style plain, but in my mind I envision having a really cute pastel style of some kind, I dunno.
11. Tumblr
12. I’m not sure... Twin sized?
13. I have three brothers and one sister.
14. I’d just wanna live in a cozy house somewhere, location doesn’t really matter, though not too down south, cus I like being up north.
15. Don’t have one.
16. I don’t even know any brands tbh
17. Every day
18. Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, OK KO, Destination Truth, so many others.
19. 10 Mens
20. 5′8
21. Sneakers
22. I mean, I go to the small gym in my apartment building and work out sometimes.
23. A lot of cuddles and snuggles! A lot of cheesy date stuff, smoochin’, all that stuff! A lot of eating as well! Eating with a date would be so sublime!~ We could just be wrapped up in blankets at home and enjoy our presence and warmth! Maybe play video games and other fun stuff! Don’t get me going on dates because I get like this haha! Going to the mall with a date would be fun as well!
24. 17 Clams, yo
25. I’m not wearing any.
26. Two
27. I don’t have a job, I want one though, I’m just horrible at looking.
28. Twelve or so, that I’d consider friends and not people I talk to sometimes (though I love y’all acquaintances too!)
29. I’m not sure, probably me getting angry and yelling at them and saying things I shouldn’t say. Also maybe something else that I forgot??
30. I think it was some kind of plum candle? Or one that was like, “Stormy Weather” or something.
31. Joshua, Jeremiah, Alex
32. Juniper, Catherine, Hazel
33. Sir Patrick Stewart and Kyle McLaughlin 
34. Sheryl Lee
35. Mary Elizabeth Winstead
36. Short Circuit or The Brave Little Toaster. Probably others but I’m bad with names.
37. I used to read a lot, now I read every now and then. My favorite book is Night Watch!!!
38. This question confuses me, I’d want both haha. Unless it means what I like? I guess brains? But you don’t have to be smart for me to like you! I’m hardly smart myself lol. 
39. Some people call me June, wonder why.
40. I don’t think I ever have... hm...
41. The Sign - Ace of Base, Scatman’s World - Scatman, Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ol’ Oak Tree - Tony Orlando & Dawn, Warszawa - David Bowie, Take On Me - a-ha,  Superman - Goldfinger, Hey Ya - Outkast, Second Wind - Billy Joel, Dancing in the Moonlight - King Harvest, and 99 Luftballons - Nena!
42. No
43. Oily, I think...
44. Being a bad, amoral person
45. I dunno, never thought about it, probably none.
46. This weird medium longish parted hair, don’t know the name, I’d want a bob cut if I could have one.
47. I live in a smallish apartment.
48. My family and friends are my role models.
49. Hm, I remember a while ago I got called cute by a girl after homecoming dance. That one came to mind, but it probably isn’t the most recent, recently people have been saying I’m a nice friend!!! So that’s good. My memory is bad though so maybe there is more recent stuff.
50. “Yeeee”
51. Nine, I think?
52. A Beetle of some kind would be a neat car.
53. Very bad.
54. I don’t, but I want to.
55. I’m not sure...
56. Suburbs
57. No
58. No
59. I try!
60. 325
61. Yes
62. Yep
63. McDonalds
64. Honey Mustard or BBQ sauce of some kind.
65. Jammies 
66. No
67. Drawing, Video Games, collecting stones, collecting figurines, and reading, etc.
68. Yes!
69. No
70. Some concert at the place where the ferry for the island comes, I forget the bands name.
71. Tea
72. Dunkin’ Donuts
73. Maybe someday.
74. I don’t really have a crush, I try not to get them, but I fail at doing that often haha!
75. Sure, why not!
76. Brown or Blue, I think, I don’t know though, I have terrible fashion sense.
77. Yes
78. Closed or partially open
79. Yes
80. People acting cocky gets on my nerves, also people not paying attention to people speaking, though I’m guilty of that one. Probably something else as well.
81. My mother
82. Cookie dough
83. Regular oreos 
84. Rainbow
85. A Nike exercise shirt thing.
86. An anthro rat person with a donut outfit lol.
87. Shy, I guess.
88. I’d love it, if anyone ever did it haha, lol
89. Don’t really know them, they seem ok though.
90. I wash my face at night and in the morning!
91. No
92. No
93. Popcorn!
94. Sorry, can’t think of anything!
95. Winter
96. Day
97. All, though I kinda prefer Dark.
98. July or December.
99. Cancer
100. My family.
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ramabear · 7 years
get to know ya meme
lol thanks for the tag @grayclouds im glad u got back from ur vacation all right!! 
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better! 
Name: rama
Nickname: rama mama, i’ve started callin myself ress too
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Height: 5ft 2in 
Orientation: ace
Nationality/Ethnicity: middle american white
Favourite fruit: plums and raspberries 
Favourite season: winter yeeeeeee
Favourite book: My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok is still right up there w/ my faves
Favourite flower: tiger lilies and peach colored roses
Favourite scent: baked goods, onion hands?, citris
Favourite colour: red and purple
Favourite animal: ducks and wolves
Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate: hot cocoa + coffee duh
Average hours of sleep: my brain demands 8 even tho sometimes i wish it only wanted 5 :(
Cats/Dogs: cats and big doggo
Number of blankets I sleep with: just one unless its Hella Cold
Dream Trip: ocean to ocean 6+ month driving trip that ends w/ a hecka long cruise so i can visit all the american states and know for sure i’ve been to all of them
Blog created: after the last big relationship fallout a few years ago
Number of followers: a little over 600
people im tagging:
na h
i dont have a good enough memory to even begin to tagg ppl, but thanks. these r fun and i like being tagged
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6-v-6 · 7 years
1-100. Just give it to me all
ALNLSNGLSG ARE YOU SERIOUS OMFG im so sorry this is going to be Long
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? I’ll say Pandora just because it’s the only one I’ve actually ever used. If I used Spotify I’d probably like it the most but I don’t use those apps so
2. is your room messy or clean?VERY VERY MESSY I need to clean it but im lazy
3. what color are your eyes?Brown!
4. do you like your name? why?My birth name? No. And that’s why I changed it ahahahaha yes I like the name Jae since i chose it myself. It’s short and simple
5. what is your relationship status?Single 
6. describe your personality in 3 words or lessContradictory ....... Situational 
7. what color hair do you have?Currently it’s blue c: Natural color is a lightish brown
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?I don’t have a car nor a license :/ I want a motorbike tho ! a black one
9. where do you shop?I shop pretty much exclusively online. Buyma or Amazon, typically
10. how would you describe your style?I’ve been told that I dress like a “bad boy”. I like leather and black and ripped skinny jeans but I do like casual stuff too. Like hoodies and sweats
11. favorite social media accountIf this is talking about my own social media accounts, then this one right here on tumblr. I’m not very active anywhere else
12. what size bed do you have?uuuuhhhh I don’t know proper terminology but it is small
13. any siblings?Yup! I have an older sister and a younger brother
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Japan probably? It’s super pretty and I’ve always wanted to visit
15. favorite snapchat filter?hmm I don’t use snapchat that much but probably the flower crown one it’s cute
16. favorite makeup brand(s)I don’t wear makeup tbh so i dunnooooo 
17. how many times a week do you shower?7 I don’t ever skip showering 
18. favorite tv show?Psych? I also like the 100 currently
19. shoe size?asglnasg... god .... im a 6 in mens nd like a 7 in womens i have small feet
20. how tall are you?ALNSLGNSG im trusting no one has read this far so it’s okay to disclose this info...exposin myself.. im 5′2″ ............
21. sandals or sneakers?Sneakers !! I don’t wear sandals like ever
22. do you go to the gym?Yes! Only recently, actually! I just bought a gym membership with my friend and we’ve been going 3 times a week c:
23. describe your dream dateoh geez I havent really thought about this? I’m not very romantic or anything (im on the ace spectrum) but... i dunno. I think it’d be nice to just have fun together. An amusement park maybe? And just a lot of hand holding and smiles
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Upwards of 100 bcuz my mom keeps giving me money even tho i dont use it
25. what color socks are you wearing?HAH im not wearing any 
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?1-2 it depends on the night
27. do you have a job? what do you do?I work at the cafeteria in my school. I run the register and help to stock items and also serve food to people
28. how many friends do you have?wow this is a Tragic question. Online I have quite a few! In person i literally have....... 2. Barely that lol. More like one
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?Killed my sister’s fish (on accident)
30. whats your favorite candle scent?I’ve never thought about this or really smelled many candles to begin with :( something mild though. Maybe a mild vanilla??
31. 3 favorite boy namesuuhghg 1) Cain 2) Luka 3) Eden
32. 3 favorite girl names1) Erin 2) Rayna 3) Kira
33. favorite actor?I rly dont give a crap about actors if I’m being honest lmao. Uhh choi minho :)
34. favorite actress?Lupita Nyong’o?? she’s gorgeous
35. who is your celebrity crush?I don’t have a crush on him but does Lee Taemin count
36. favorite movie?Princess Mononoke
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?I read ff more than books these days. I don’t have a fav book
38. money or brains?is this what I prefer? Money binch if I had money I wouldn’t need brains also I’m dumb anyways 
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?No I do not
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?Twice? Maybe 3 times
41. top 10 favorite songscheck out shinee’s entire discography 
42. do you take any medications daily?Nope
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)i ?? have no idea?? I guess oily? My skin doesn’t get dry so
44. what is your biggest fear?Probably flying. I hate planes
45. how many kids do you want?Exactly none
46. whats your go to hair style?? uh side-swept? I have no idea what to call it just what my hair normally looks like I guess
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)A moderately sized house
48. who is your role model?Not to be cheesy but Lee Taemin also Kim Kibum also Choi Minho also Kim Jonghyun also Lee Jinki
49. what was the last compliment you received?that I’m great? lol
50. what was the last text you sent?’okay’ to my mom lmao
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?ARE YOU TELLING ME SANTA ISNT REAL??? okay but for real who remembers the age they find out omg .. i was Young so idk maybe like 13
52. what is your dream car?ohhh boy a lambo for sure
53. opinion on smoking?Gross. Smells terrible
54. do you go to college?I do indeed. I’m gonna be a senior ya’ll
55. what is your dream job?To be a writer I guess. I don’t really have a dream job
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Suburbs? I dunno. I like living in the city I’d probably die of boredom in some rural area
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?hell yea binch
58. do you have freckles?nope!
59. do you smile for pictures?Not for selfies but for other pictures yes I feel like it’s weird or rude not to
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?like 300 something
61. have you ever peed in the woods?what the fuck?? lol?? no??
62. do you still watch cartoons?does voltron count :/
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?neither if I’m being honest but Wendy’s I guess. I never ever eat at mcdonalds
64. Favorite dipping sauce?barbeque sauce?
65. what do you wear to bed?An oversized shirt and boxers lol
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?no i cant say I have
67. what are your hobbies?Writing, sometimes. Playing video games. Bein unhealthy
68. can you draw?Naaaah
69. do you play an instrument?No :( I wish I did but I never learned any
70. what was the last concert you saw?SHINEE WORLD V IN LA!!!!!!!!! BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
71. tea or coffee?Coffee bcuz i h8 tea
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Well the coffee at dunkin donuts is worlds better so dunkin donuts
73. do you want to get married?no
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?i dont have a crush
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?’when’ lol i dont plan to get married
76. what color looks best on you?black, in my opinion
77. do you miss anyone right now?no not really
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?open because if it’s closed my cat will scratch on it incessantly until she’s let in
79. do you believe in ghosts?hell yeah dude
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?when people like, dance around a subject. I prefer it when people are straightforward. Especially if they want something from me
81. last person you called`Honest to god I can’t remember. I don’t ever call people lmao so probably my mom
82. favorite ice cream flavor?I like Rocky Road a lot!
83. regular oreos or golden oreos?regular. Golden oreos are a lesser creation
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?RAINBOW. GIMME DAT GAY SHIT
85. what shirt are you wearing?It’s just a plain white t-shirt
86. what is your phone background?ot5
87. are you outgoing or shy?Horribly, annoyingly shy although I can mask it pretty well
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?yes :D
89. do you like your neighbors?lmao I don’t know them?? They arent noisy though so yes I like them since they aren’t annoying or anything
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?Both. I take a shower in the morning and wash it then. And then do a skincare routine at night
91. have you ever been high?no.... not that I know of. One time I took nyquil though and it Fucked Me Up i felt high but idk if I was or if that’s even possible
92. have you ever been drunk?nope. I’m not a huge fan of the idea of getting drunk. I don’t like letting my guard down like that so if I ever do it’ll be when I’m alone
93. last thing you ate?a mento 
94. favorite lyrics right nowthe entire lyrics to So Far Away by yoongi
95. summer or winter?WINTER. I hate summer fashion i like being able to wear my jackets and jeans and not Die of heat stroke
96. day or night?night I guess just bcuz I can be alone
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?dark chocolate is superior in every way
98. favorite month?uhm.. December? Because its the end of the year and I’m on break then and Christmas and cold weather and hot chocolate
99. what is your zodiac signI’m a virgo 
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?uhhhHHHH I really make it a Goal to never cry in front of people since im just super uncomfortable with that and honestly dont feel comfortable enough around anyone to do that. My sister walked in on me when I was crying once though so her I guess
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rontufox · 7 years
I completed this way too long of meme thing
1: My name? Brian! 2: Do I have any nicknames? Rontu!
3: Zodiac sign? Sagittarius!! 4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? Breath of the Wild.... if I owned it 5: Book/series I reread? Island of the Blue Dolphins lol 6: Aliens or ghosts? neither, ugh 7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? Furudate 8: Favourite radio station? I haven’t listened to the radio in like... 3 years 9: Favourite flavour of anything? how the heck am I supposed to answer this? 10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? SO COOL 11: Favourite song? Aru Machi no Gunjou by Asian Kung-Fu Generation 12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? I don’t make friends 13: Favourite word? bro
14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? yeah 15: Last song I listened to? T.O.P. (the second ending song in Sonic X.... lol) 16: TV show I always recommend? HAIKYUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17: Pirates or ninjas? *groans* 18: Movie I watch when I'm feeling down? hm.... I only watch movies when I’m happy 19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? just...... tons of cheerful chiptune by Malmen 20: Favourite video games? platformers 21: What am I most afraid of? yes I’ll totally tell you 22: A good quality of mine? strong, optimistic 23: A bad quality of mine? distrustful lol 24: Cats or dogs? both 25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? NONE 26: Favourite season? WINTER!!!!!!!!!! 27: Am I in a relationship? I give and get so much love ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼 28: Something I miss? Angel’s Landing, I really wanna hike it 29: My best friend? my bro 30: Eye colour? BROWN!! 31: Hair colour? brown 32: Someone I love? my bro 33: Someone I trust? my bro 34: Someone I always think about? MIGHTY THE ARMADILLO 35: Am I excited about anything? my wonderful life 36: My current obsession? my Sonic fic 37: Favourite TV shows as a child? Power Rangers, Sonic SatAM, Rocko’s Modern Life, Powerpuff Girls, DBZ were my most fav 38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? I have no idea what that is 39: Am I superstitious? no. 40: What do I think about most? how lucky I am 41: Do I have any strange phobias? fans.  I thought it was just ceiling fans, but at some stupid camping retreat I was forced to go to, there was a rotating fan whose sound kept making me feel like I was gonna die??  I was terrified man idek 42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? both are cool 43: Favourite hobbies? drawing and writing 44: Last book I read? Island of the Blue Dolphins 45: Last film I watched? Interstellar 46: Do I play any instruments? nope 47: Favourite animal? FOX 48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? I don’t like doing ones like this 49: Superpower I wish I could have? cliche but I wanna fly 50: How do I destress? listening to music, writing, and hanging with my bro 51: Do I like confrontation? no. 52: When do I feel most at peace? when I’m alone 53: What makes me smile? Mighty............ 54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? off 55: Play any sports? I love soccer 56: What is my song of the week? gosh I don’t know 57: Favourite drink? almond milk tea now 58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? oh shoot... uh... like a year ago? 59: Afraid of heights? NO.  I love them 60: Pet peeve? you know what.  I hate when people are like “knock on wood” or like “you jinxed it by saying something!”  my gosh, shut up, can anyone ever say anything without people doing that?? 61: What was the last concert I went to see? my gosh this is boring 62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? no 63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? I wanted to work with animals 64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? yeah you wouldn’t believe the horrible stuff 2 people did to me in highschool/college 65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? idk 66: Something I worry about? I used to always worry I’d leave the house without a shirt on without realizing it.  I haven’t worried about that since my surgery LOL 67: Scared of the dark? no 68: Who are my best friends? mind your gosh dang business, but, you already asked this 69: What do I admire most about others? kindness 70: Can I sing? no but it’s fun 71: Something I wish I could do? hmmmm.... fly still lol 72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? idk it’s so boring to think about cuz it’d never happen 73: Have I ever skipped school? I guess?  by faking being sick 74: Favourite place on the planet? myself 75: Where do I want to live? Colorado 76: Do I have any pets? a cat named Sarai 77: What is my current desktop picture? a flowery place with pine trees and snowy mountains in the distance 78: Early bird or night owl? early 79: Sunsets or sunrise? gosh these are in EVERY meme thing 80: Can I drive? yup and I love to sing when I drive 81: Story behind my last kiss? I kissed me cat on the head 82: Earphones or headphones? earphones I guess 83: Have I ever had braces? gosh yes 84: Story behind one of my scars? my top surgery scar is where I got top surgery 85: Favourite genre of music? idk I love chiptune and r&b 86: Who is my hero? NISHINOYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERO HERO 87: Favourite comic book character? I kinda hate comic books 88: What makes me really angry? when characters be mean to Mighty 89: Kindle or real book? I.D.C.
90: Favourite sporty activity? hiking 91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? you think there should be MORE rules?
92: What was my favourite subject at school? science 93: Siblings? got a little sister 94: What was the last thing I bought? dinner for me and my sister 95: How tall am I? 5′1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 96: Can I cook? NO.  I AM INEPT 97: Can I bake? have never tried 98: 3 things I love? I love my life I love my friends I love myself 99: 3 things I hate? idk cilantro, loud sounds, uh people who waste my time 100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? I don’t know what those are 101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? ugh 102: Where was I born? NOSEY 103: Sexual orientation? ACE✧ 104: Where do I currently live? ...........get away from me 105: Last person I texted? my cousin 106: Last time I cried? a few days ago I guess 107: Guilty pleasure? making fun of stuff I hate with my bro 108: Favourite Youtuber? I really like Diabetus from Retsuprae 109: A photo of myself. *lazy* 110: Do I like selfies? tons, people prolly hate it 111: Favourite game app? I guess snapchat doesn’t count but I don’t have any game apps 112: My relationship with my parents? blunt 113: Favourite accents? idk 114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? idk 115: Favourite number? FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 116: Can I juggle? pff, no 117: Am I religious? no 118: Do I like space? yeah~ 119: Do I like the deep ocean? it’s okay I guess 120: Am I much of a daredevil? I used to be 121: Am I allergic to anything? my skin’s kinda allergic to water? 122: Can I curl my tongue? yeah 123: Can I wiggle my ears? sometimes 124: Do I like clowns? gosh I DONT” CARE 125: The Beatles or Elvis? anyway 126: My current project? my Sonic fic 127: Am I a bad loser? I’m not competitive so 128: Do I admit when I wrong? yeah I try to be proactive 129: Forest or beach? FOREST 130: Favourite piece of advice? "If....for SOME reason, someone thinks you're lame, they're wrong.” 131: Am I a good liar? LOL NO 132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? BORING 133: Do I talk to myself? I sing to myself 134: Am I very social? LOL NO 135: Do I like gossip? no it’s usually stupid 136: Do I keep a journal/diary? no 137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? I don’t think so 138: Do I believe in second chances? lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no 139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? I’d give it to whoever’s in charge or whatever 140: Do I believe people are capable of change? it’s rare 141: Have I ever been underweight? always 142: Am I ticklish? my gosh this question makes me wanna slap it 143: Have I ever been in a submarine? no 144: Have I ever been on a plane? way too many times 145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? this would never happen, no one could be as short and handsome as me 146: Have I ever been overweight? no 147: Do I have any piercings? no 148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? I don’t 149: Do I have any tattoos? no 150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? just keep trying to improve man 151: Do I believe in Karma? no 152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? I wear reading/computer glasses 153: What was my first car? why would I remember that boring piece of information 154: Do I want children? no 155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? ME 156: My most embarrassing memory? idk sorry I’m too lazy to think 157: What makes me nostalgic? Sonic 158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? yes it was horrible 159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? those aren’t what I value 160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? gray? 161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? no 162: What do I hate most about myself? how I can’t hear or talk very well 163: What do I love most about myself? how I’m ace and loving and optimistic 164: Do I like adventure? yeah!
165: Do I believe in fate? my GOSH.  NO 166: Favourite animal? you........... already asked this......... 167: Have I ever been on radio? no 168: Have I ever been on TV? yeah 169: How old am I? 29! 170: One of my favourite quotes? idk does it look like I can be bothered to do that right now 171: Do I hold grudges? yes 172: Do I trust easily? LOL 173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? yup 174: Best gift I’ve ever received? reciprocation 175: Do I dream? y-yeah? 176: Have I ever had a night terror? I’m not really sure what that is 177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? sometimes, once I had a dream that I flew up into the clouds, they were pink, and on the other side collected on top of a cloud was a big wide, crystal clear lake 178: An experience that has made me stronger? honestly just all the younger people in my life and seeing how I can help 179: If I were immortal, what would I do? not die 180: Do I like shopping? it’s fun if you’re with someone 181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? get a particular person killed 182: What does “family” mean to me? friends who love 183: What is my spirit animal? shut up 184: How do I want to be remembered? idk....... I hope people tell me what they think of me while I’m still alive 185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? identifying rocks 186: What is my greatest failure? trying to become an art teacher I guess lol 187: What is my greatest achievement? me~ 188: Love or money? would you stop 189: Love or career? anyway 190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? idk........ that’s too big a question 191: What makes me the happiest? me 192: What is “home” to me? *shrug* 193: What motivates me? ME 194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? this is really dramatic 195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? no. 196: A movie that scared me as a child? Jurassic Park when the t-rex had the kids pinned under the car 197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? onions?  I have no idea 198: Zombies or vampires? I hate both 199: Live in the city or suburbs? IDK 200: Dragons or wizards? I hate stuff like this 201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? gosh when I was a kid I’d always have this nightmare that was mostly a smell...... and a weird feeling/pain... my gosh 202: How do I define love? it’s wonderful and kind 203: Do I judge a book by its cover? idek if you’re talking literally or figuratively either way BORING 204: Have I ever had my heart broken? yeah 205: Do I like my handwriting? yup 206: Sweet or savoury? savory 207: Worst job I’ve had? the one I had before we got a new CEO where basically I did everyone’s jobs 208: Do I collect anything? not really 209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? underwear I guess 210: What is on my bucket list? fjdksl 211: How do I handle anger? I leave til I’ve calmed down 212: Was I named after anyone? no 213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? not that much 214: What TV character am I most like? idk 215: What is the weirdest talent I have? I can burp very loud and long on command 216: Favourite fictional character? MIGHTY THE ARMADILLO
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jmlascar · 8 years
long tag for the bae
I was planning to work on my fic but then @krasnyzmeya posted this tag and said she’d like to read my answers so obviously this is what my productive brain chose to do! But it was fun haha (also bby your answers cracked me up so much, especially your mom’s quote, she’s a legend) 
1. Coke or Pepsi: oh man I drink way too much diet coke
2: Disney or Dreamworks: I love Disney songs, but i’ll have to go with Dreamworks because you don’t get more brilliant than Shrek. Also How to train your dragon makes me cry and I think the internet needs to thank them for the utter weirdness that was the Bee Movie. It gave birth to some quality memes.
3: Coffee or tea: Tea, because I like just about any type, whereas I’m very specific about my coffee. But I drink a lot of both.
4: Books or movies: Books.
5: Windows or Mac: I was raised by the biggest Mac fanboy this planet ever saw, so that’s what I’m most familiar with, haha.
6: DC or Marvel: DC for the comics, Marvel for the TV shows, both for the movies. (is this cheating?) (whatever that question is cheating) (you can’t just pick one)
7: Xbox or Playstation: Nintendo DS. Tbh I never played the other two. We did have a playstation at home but it effectively became my brother’s.
8: Dragon Age or Mass Effect: I haven’t played either, but from what I’ve heard of it Dragon Age looks really cool.
9: Night owl or early riser: It is currently 2:45am. Definitely night owl. (If only for the owl part.)
10: Cards or chess: I love chess.
11: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.
12: Vans or Converse: …I only wear boots? But I’ve owned my fair share of Converses in the past, so that.
13: Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: Are these Dragon Age characters? Idk. Whoever’s gayest, probably.
14: Fluff or angst: I want fluff in my life and angst in my books.
15: Beach or forest: Forest. ‘I hate sand. It’s coarse and rough and it gets everywhere.’ –> my life
16: Dogs or Cats: …this is just cruel. 
17: Clear skies or rain: Rain rain rain
18: Cooking or eating out: Cooking is pretty nice, even if i’m often too lazy to do it properly. Cooking with friends is especially fun. 
19: Spicy food or mild food: I am so weak. Spice makes me cry. My tastes are boringly mild, lol. 
20: Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Halloweeen, because candy, scary movies, and cool costumes!
21: Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot (and no the winter coats and AC’s are not an option): I mean… normally I prefer cold over heat, but that’s because I get to be warm and fuzzy in my blankets. But if that doesn’t warm me up, I’d probably pick hot and drink lots of iced tea? But would the ice tea feel cool or?? idk the physics of that question hurts my brain lol
22: If you could have a superpower, what would it be: Controlling time! Or super memory.
23: Animation or live action: That’s so broad, I’m not even going to begin trying to pick one, man. 
24: Paragon or renegade: I don’t know what this is. But Renegade sounds edgy. So that.
25: Baths or showers: Give me a lavender scented bubble bath and i’ll probably ask you to marry me
26: Team Cap or Team Ironman: OH CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN 
27: Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Sci-Fi
28: Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? If not do you think you will in future? I’ve got sooo many, hahaha. I have a tendency to fall in love with pretty words. Let me pick the ones I can think off the top of my head:
from A Streecar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams: “They told me to take a streetcar named Desire and then transfer to one called Cemeteries and ride six blocks and get off at — Elysian Fields!”
from the Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison: “Along with the idea of romantic love, she was introduced to another — physical beauty. Probably the most destructive ideas in the history of human thought.”
from Giovanni’s Room, Hames Baldwin: “Touch, but no contact. All touch, but no contact and no light.” I asked him: “Why?” “That you must ask yourself,” he told me, “and perhaps one day this morning will not be ashes in your mouth.”
from The Lake, Alphonse de la Martine: “Mais je demande en vain quelques moments encore, Le temps m'échappe et fuit ; Je dis à cette nuit : Sois plus lente ; et l'aurore Va dissiper la nuit.”
English translation: "But I demand in vain a few moments again Time escapes and runs away from me I tell that night: Be slower; yet the dawn Will dissipate the night.“ 
from salt. by Nayyirah Waheed: ” ‘no’ might make them angry. but it will make you free. — if no one ever told you, your freedom is more important than their anger
29: Youtube or Netflix: Netflix. Their originals are the best of what tv can make, and they’ve never disappointed me so far.
30. Classic Disney, Disney Renaissance, or Modern Disney? Renaissance.
31. What would you tell your younger self? “Don’t listen to them. Keep being you. It’s going to be ok.”
32. If you could change one thing about the world around you, what would it be? I would make us all one hermaphrodite gender.
33. Make music or listen to music? @meta-duckling will tell you I’m off-tune and deprived of rhythmic sense (i’ll never forget nor forgive, nathan. never.) sooo i’ll go with listening, haha. I did play the harpsichord for a couple of years (& if you think it’s a lame outdated instrument just remember that hannibal lecter plays it, so u might wanna be careful, just saying) and used to sing kinda well but now it’s all gone
34. Slow burn or Oneshot?: Definitely slow burns. Big books and 300k word long fics with heaps of subtle character development give me life. That being said, I have a couple of one-shots I really love out there, and I think I’d enjoy writing one.
and I’ll tag @meta-duckling because i know how much you love making decisions ♡
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dandelliongirl · 7 years
Family Christmas
And heaps of snow.
December has been a wild ride. After my JLPT exam I spent a few days celebrating Independence day with mum and relaxing. The last couple of weeks before submitting my thesis were super busy with proofreading and reformulating a lot of my text. It was a tight schedule but I got it all submitted on the 15th - albeit super hastily. I’ve been both relieved and stressed because I’m happy it’s out of my hands for now but I also fear the feedback I’m going to get. I just hope I won’t have to do anything drastic to it. I do aim for the highest possible grade because I got one from my BA thesis and I’ve kind of set up expectations from all the good feedback I’ve gotten during the process. I want it to be worth the effort and the hours spent.
Dance recital came and went. Did not screw up anything, although the sole of my pointe shoe did snap in the last official show on Sunday evening. We had one extra show on Monday and the stage was littered with torn newspaper where I had to do a bunch of really quick pique turns on the shoe with a broken sole. I’ve never feared pirouettes as much as I did then but somehow I managed and didn’t break anything. Basically all size 5½ shoes were out of stock so I’m going to get a text message to schedule a fitting sometime this or next week.
My ballet gals and I had a little pre-Christmas party where we planned a lot of fun variations for next spring. We’re hopefully doing a pas de quatre from The Awakening of Flora, and me and my friend are doing the pizzicato polka. It’s up to our teachers and rehearsal schedules at this point though. We kind of already ordered a test tutu though and we’re super excited. Fingers crossed it’ll work out.
Christmas week was busy with a thorough Christmas cleaning. I cleared our kitchen cupboards from random used batteries, empty bottles and computer parts, organized our tools and office supplies, organized our walk in closet and bedroom closet, did two loads of laundry, cleaned the toilet, washed the floors and aired out all rugs and textiles. It took me three days and was super exhausting but also cathargic. On the 21st me and my friend went to see Star Wars VIII The Last Jedi. I didn’t really like the movie because of all the death and destruction and dark themes although I can totally see why it has been highly acclaimed. It was objectively a good movie but I just wasn’t feeling inspired or happy after it, which totally has more to do with me being oversensitive rather than anything else. I’m used to playing Animal Crossing and avoiding the news, how do you expect me to see so much death, destruction and depression. The original trilogy is so much more playful and because of the physical effects and stage props and tin can droids it’s easy to see it’s a work of fiction. Modern movie tech makes everything hit too close to home I guess.
I’ve been playing literal hundreds of hours of Animal Crossing Pocket Camp this month. I’m level 37 right now and hunting down Fauna to add to my campsite. I just got Marshal invited yesterday and gosh I love him so much. What an ABSOLUTE cutie pie.♥ I just wish the campers would give out more cotton since all rustic, cute and natural themed items require cotton...
I spent 5 total days with mum and dad over the Christmas holidays. We spent Christmas eve traditionally watching TV, going to place candles for my grand aunts’ grave and memorial stone, going to the sauna and eating an amazing dinner prepared by dad. We had a starter of fish and salad, a main of beetroot casserole, pork with a cream and pepper sauce, sweet potato fries, caramellized red onion with carrots, and a desert of crème brûlée with a mulled wine topping. The only thing that broke tradition this year was coming to spend some time with the bunny and letting him roam free for a while.
I got some really cool gifts even though I wasn’t supposed to get anything besides the insanely nice and expensive Clavinova piano. Dad got me a rad shirt with a dabbing unicorn and some really nice bluetooth headphones. Mum got me all the things that I wished for: a book, a big light box with letters and symbols, and a glass drinking bottle. I went to feed my friend’s cat on Christmas day so she got me the Lottie and Kicks amiibos. (Gosh I hope they make Leif and Luna amiibos at some point, they’re some of my fave NPCs right alongside K.K. Slider, Digby, Celeste and Reese&Cyrus. So basically all AC characters are my favourites lol. My fave villagers are Julian, Flurry and Marshal.) Grandpa gave me an adorable indoor thermometer he’s carved and painted himself and grandmum sent me 50€. My guy’s family got me a soup bowl with choclates in it and his grandpa knit me some new wool socks. They also got the bunny some sawdust for his litter and a bag of grass hay.
On Christmas day me, mum and dad went skiing. It’s been snowing like crazy and everything is so beautiful. It’s supposed to rain for a couple of days so I hope it won’t all melt away though. Skiing was so hard but not as hard as I thought it might be. It’ll take a few tries to get back in shape but we did around 5km, which is really good for a first time. Today we went and practically dug our summer house from a pile of snow. We had a little campfire going and we roasted sausages and had coffee/tea over there. I’ve been dreaming about our summer house a lot lately, and in my dreams it has been threatened by a bear, a leopard and a nearby prison. I’m sure it’s something to do with feeling threatened since the summer house is my safe place. Anyway it was really nice to visit and everything looked so pretty covered knee deep in snow.
I miss my boyfriend so much. I found out that he had skyped with his parents on Christmas and so I confronted him about why he hasn’t told me that he has a working video call connection. He told me he forgot, which obviously indicated that either he was lying or he did not want to, which is why it did not cross his mind to talk to me at any point. Eventually I managed to dig out that he’s been really homesick and Christmas was really hard for him. He also said that he isn’t sure if calling me would make him even more homesick. He’s been concerned about how strongly I’ve reacted to his exchange year. I can’t help it that I feel a lot of things and I was genuinely depressed for a month after he left. And I can’t help it that I do miss him a lot. But there is nothing I could do about it right now so I’m managing. And I’m learning how to be alone and how to be left alone. And I’m learning to be stronger and less selfish. In any case it does make me feel a bit easier to know that he is missing home as well. I would want to know that I’m loved and missed as well though, and it does make me really sad to think that he doesn’t necessarily miss me at all or want me back. I don’t know. I just want to feel loved because right now it feels like a really one sided relationship, and I feel like a backup plan or a safety net he’d like to get rid of but is too afraid to rather than too in love to. If it makes any sense? In any case I’m eternally grateful for my friend who’s been spending time with me weekly, and who’s coming to spend New Years with me. A true friend is so needed right now. And a fluffy bunny.
I’m both excited and anxious for 2018. I’m happy to make some resolutions and reflect on a lot of things at the end of 2017. In the New Year I’m definitely going to continue working on doing as I damn well please instead of fitting my schedules to everybody elses. I’m also thinking of travelling and taking advantage of this stage in-between but I don’t know where to go because my guy hasn’t invited to visit him and I’d like to have some company wherever it is that I’d go to. At the same time I’m definitely anxious regarding the big life changes of graduation and job hunting and everything that comes with becoming an actual adult of sorts. I know life will take me where I need to be and I’m a smart and savvy lady with brains and a working etiquette any employer would be happy to have. Still, there’s no-one who wouldn’t feel nervous in my position.
A few more days of 2017 remain and I’m going to enjoy video games, good company and hopefully some more skiing and winter nature. I also need to get the rest of my resolutions in check. It looks like melting New Years tins is going to be difficult as the EU has banned most tins.. We need to come up with a back up plan if we can’t find any leftover packages.
30 more minutes until new ACPC campers. I’m tired but Fauna is almost on level 7 and I’ve almost got the stuff she needs to join my campsite. I’m going to stay up and see if she’s there.
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theworldinmyeyesss · 7 years
Unusual Asks Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify
is your room messy or clean? Cleanish
what color are your eyes? Hazel
do you like your name? why? It’s alright, kinda basic
what is your relationship status? Single
describe your personality in 3 words or less: eccentric, introverted, intertwined
what color hair do you have? Red
what kind of car do you drive? color? White Nissan Sentra
where do you shop? Forever21, h&m, pacsun, rue21, Charlotte Russe
how would you describe your style? Street comfy
favorite social media account: Snapchat
what size bed do you have? Queen at school, full at home
any siblings? Yes sister
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Where I live because lots of opportunities and great night life and near my fam
favorite snapchat filter? The yellow butterflies
favorite makeup brand(s): urban decay
how many times a week do you shower? 5-7
favorite tv show? Prob riverdale
shoe size? 7
how tall are you? 5’4”
sandals or sneakers? Sneaks
do you go to the gym? Yes
describe your dream date: classic dinner and a movie or anything honestly
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? 4 bucks lol
what color socks are you wearing? Not wearing socks
how many pillows do you sleep with? Sleep on 2
do you have a job? what do you do? No
how many friends do you have? I can count them on one hand
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Idek
whats your favorite candle scent? Flannel by bath and body works
3 favorite boy names: Alexander, Anderson, ace
3 favorite girl names: Elizabeth, leityn, idk what else
favorite actor? Ryan gosling, zac effron,
favorite actress? Rachel macadams
who is your celebrity crush? Fuckin Christian grey
favorite movie? Prob 50 shades of grey
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? No
money or brains? Brains gets you money sooo
do you have a nickname? what is it? Jess
how many times have you been to the hospital? For treating myself I think like maybe 3 or 4 times
top 10 favorite songs: omg no too hard
do you take any medications daily? Yes anxiety
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) normal to dry
what is your biggest fear? Passing out or dying
how many kids do you want? 2-3
whats your go to hair style? Natural and down
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) mansion duh
who is your role model? Polina beregova
what was the last compliment you received? My pants were cool lol
what was the last text you sent? “It’s okie!! And prob just leggings or something hahaha I’ll pick you up tomorrow though!”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Idk like 9
what is your dream car? Tesla
opinion on smoking? Do whatever u want
do you go to college? Yes
what is your dream job? Nurse
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Nah
do you have freckles? Yeah
do you smile for pictures? Sometimes
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 2311
have you ever peed in the woods? Yep
do you still watch cartoons? Sometimes
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? I’m vegetarian
Favorite dipping sauce? Honey mustard
what do you wear to bed? Shorts and a tee
have you ever won a spelling bee? Nah
what are your hobbies? Dancing, YouTube
can you draw? Nah lol
do you play an instrument? I played piano for a good minute
what was the last concert you saw? I worked at a concert arena like all summer so
tea or coffee? Tea
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbs
do you want to get married? Yes pls
what is your crush’s first and last initial? JM or SD lol
are you going to change your last name when you get married? Yes absolutely
what color looks best on you? Maybe white idk
do you miss anyone right now? Yeah gianna
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed
do you believe in ghosts? Yes
what is your biggest pet peeve? Rude ass bitches
last person you called? I think Julie
favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate
regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate
what shirt are you wearing? This T-shirt idek
what is your phone background? Flowers
are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing
do you like it when people play with your hair? Nah fam unless it’s straightened
do you like your neighbors? They’re loud af
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Not rlly
have you ever been high? No
have you ever been drunk? Yes
last thing you ate? Chips
favorite lyrics right now: from Daddy issues by Demi Lovato “you’re the man of my dreams cause you know how to leave”
summer or winter? Summer
day or night? Night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk
favorite month? September or December what is your zodiac sign: Virgo who was the last person you cried in front of? Idk
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So I was tagged by @bgeiner​ and tbh I have done of these in quite, but whatever it could be fun.
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi: Either is fine I guess, though I’m not really that big on drinking soda. 2: Disney or Dreamworks: Both??? 3: Coffee or tea: Coffee all the way, preferably iced. It’s delicious and helps add fuel to my brain whenever I need the extra kick. 4: Books or movies: Hmm....both. 5: Windows or Mac: Windows is all I’ve ever known. 6: DC or Marvel: I don’t know, I’ve never seen any of their movies before. 7: Xbox or Playstation: Neither, I don’t play video games. 8: Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Neither I’m afraid. 9: Night owl or early riser: Oh definitely a night owl because I like to make the best of all 24 hours during the day, though there are times where I just want to collapse right into bed. My sub-conscious usually wakes up first while the rest of my body is still stuck in sleep mode. 10: Cards or chess: Cards 11: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate duh 12: Vans or Converse: Converse, of course, I’m hella gay! 13: Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: Sounds like a bunch of gibberish to me, sorry lol 14: Fluff or angst: YES ALL THE FLUFF but sometimes I might have a lapse in judgement and read angst which I’ll immediately regret afterward as I roll around on the floor crying my eyes out. 15: Beach or forest: Neither, I’m more of an inside dweller if you know what I mean. 16: Dogs or Cats: Call me a walking typical lesbian stereotype, but I actually have a slight preference towards cats. Dogs are great too, don’t get me wrong. 17: Clear skies or rain: I like light soft rain. 18: Cooking or eating out: I’m a terrible cook and too lazy anyways, so yeah take out it is. 19: Spicy food or mild food: Mild food, I just can’t handle any kind of spicy food. 20: Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Christmas 21: Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot (and no the winter coats and AC’s are not an option): Easy, be too cold because then at least I won’t sweat as much. Gross. 22: If you could have a superpower, what would it be: Well....It’s honestly a tie between invisibility and the ability to heal myself of injuries. 23: Animation or live action: Animation 24: Paragon or renegade: I don’t understand this question. 25: Baths or showers: Bath, though I rarely even step foot in the bathtub these days. I simply don’t have anytime to wash myself anymore. 26: Team Cap or Team Ironman: Team Lesbian 27: Fantasy or Sci-Fi: I’m more of a fantasy person. 28: Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? If not do you think you will in future?
1. “Good evening I’m a lizard woman from the dawn of time, and this is my wife.” ~ Madame Vastra
2. “I made the most elementary of errors...I fell in love.”~ Madame Vastra
3. “Ah, Clara, excellent! Just pop your clothes on that chair there!” ~ Madame ‘No Fucking Chill’ Vastra
4. “Oi! Married!”~ Jenny ‘The Vastra Tamer’ Flint
5. “I don’t like her, ma’am, I love her. And as to different, well....she’s a lizard.” ~ Jenny Flint
6. “Damn moon!” ~ Strax, my alien potato son
(OK I know that I was only supposed to give four quotes but I don’t care damn it because these are literally golden!)
29: Youtube or Netflix: Youtube 30. Classic Disney, Disney Renaissance, or Modern Disney? I don’t care 31. What would you tell your younger self? I would tell my younger self that there’s no shame in being gay since I’ll eventually meet the  really cute, smart, funny, and amazing girl that is now my girlfriend. I would also warn her about my life being ruined by inter species crime fighting Victorian lesbian detective wives.
32. If you could change one thing about the world around you, what would it be? Bernie Sanders of Hillary won the election instead of Donald Trump, and all Nazis are flung into the sun.
Wow that sure was a long crazy ride. Let’s see now, who should I tag to do this..... @mrs-brightside00​ @an-angel-you-ass-butt​ @pollylittlehigh-littlelow​ @emily-the-cliche​ @idemandaspinoff​ @thelatenightstoryteller​ @abbzworld​ @feshsticks​ @sarah-the-artiste​
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