duskel · 4 years
☆ send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile. ☆❤️ (i know i also sent this to your other simblr, but both make me smile!)
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Thank u so much dear, it means a lot that you like both of my blogs!! aahh ❤️
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moonhze-archive · 4 years
☆ send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile. ☆❤️
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😭 thank you so much!!
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fairefolked · 4 years
i make sparks
send me a 🌼 and i’ll give u a song i love
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clumsypxel · 4 years
for livvy: 06, 14, 20
thank you love! <3
6, 14, and 29 for livvy:
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?
although she has claimed to hate yoga many times, livvy has actually been rather loyal to it and does it as a hobby. she...isn’t very good at it, which leads her to complain about the yoga being the problem rather than her which annoys the living crap out of her boyfriend but lol he’s a sweetie so he just calmly encourages her to try it again the next day and to not get angry about it when she does.
14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates?
at the point i’m at in posting, livvy lives in a dorm at britechester university where she has 5 dormmates. she’s good friends with all but one of them (who is constantly leaving rude ass notes on her floor about her being a slob, but she’s literally the only one who cleans up after herself????? anyways) and ends up dating another one of them ;) after her second term of uni she actually moved into an apartment with her boyfriend and she loves living with him because they can cook together and she doesn’t have to mope about waiting for him to come over because he’s right there in the same apartment with her at all times lol
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures?
livvy looooooovvvvessss animals. her favorite animal is a dolphin because she thinks that they are just playful and adorable and altogether perfect, but when it comes to pets livvy is 100% a cat person. she loves dogs too, of course, but since her goal is to be a master chef (and so is her boyfriend’s) she wouldn’t be around to give it the attention it needed so she would end up feeling guilty about that lol as for mythological creatures livvy is convinced that mermaids and unicorns are real but definitely does not believe in vampires and witches (oh, boy, would she pass the f*ck out if she knew the truth. she is deadly afraid of vampires which is probably why she refuses to believe that they exist)
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fishflakesims · 4 years
for joel: 01, 50 👀, 49, 40, 21
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
alright let's break this shit down:
JOEL - it was the first name that popped up when i randomized the name so i could save my progress on him. initially i thought joel was just kind of a funny name for him i decided to keep it but since then i've grown really fond of it and can't imagine a different first name for him. backstory-wise, though, he picked a name that was similar to his deadname because his grandfather named him so he's sentimental about it. what's his deadname, you may be wondering? that's between me, joel, and whatever god he believes in.
JESSUP - i wanted something that flowed well plus i love me some good alliteration and since i wanted close friends to call him J.J. basically i just looked up "boy" names until i found something i liked. also it was his grandfather's name; the two of them were really close before he died so he wanted to include his grandfather's name in his. plus his dead(middle)name was one of his grandmother's and it just made sense to him.
GREENWOOD - i don't even know if this is actually a last name I'm just so fucking awful with surnames and i needed something that sounded pretty and vaguely witchy.
21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear?
ok so I'd like to start this off by saying literally everything scares this man. but being a general fraidy cat + anxiety + years of being bullied will make you jumpy. more specifically tho he's terrified of anything happening to his loved ones.
his reaction depends on what exactly the Bad Thing is. typically when he's stressed he acts grouchy and chain smokes or on rare occasion drinks. if the person did something completely stupid and got hurt or into trouble, he gets pissy like he's relieved still that they're okay but the moment he spots them? instant running to tackle them full-force with a hug while simultaneously yelling and bitching them out for being so reckless and dumb. and then he might go off somewhere to knit and grumble under his breath for a really long time while he works on his anger issues. but if it's really, really bad tho he'd probably shut down emotionally and get drunk or at the very least smoke like a chimney at an industrial plant. he'd probably lock himself up in his room at some point and turn music up really loud so he can vent to his goldfish, cleo, in privacy. also the music would help drown out his crying if he actually ended up crying, which he never does so when he does he ends up sobbing so hard it shakes his whole body violently and his wailing practically sounds like screaming and he ends up getting sick and throwing up really hard (and also loudly. what a noisy bitch.)
so basically not well? HFGDGDGFD
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
Joel's a bit of a snob, specifically with his choice in reading material. he loves to read classic literature and things like shakespearean plays and old ass poetry. his favorite genres are romance and horror, and if he had it his way he'd have you believe the most modern author he's into is stephen k*ng but actually I'm here to expose him for loving trash romance novels!! he likes those books with shirtless men on the front that are basically just poorly written, super self-indulgent smut, but his favorite is stuff like nicholas sp*rks novels. joel also enjoys a "good" romcom and "chick" flicks, but no one can ever know. and super cheesy love songs from the 60s & 70s? he's got dozens of compilation cassettes & cds. he keeps his stash of all this stuff in a shoebox underneath his bed like he's a teenager trying to hide skin mags from his parents 😭 he's ridiculous i love him
49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood?
joel has a fair amount of nightmares but he can't remember 99% of them. normally he just wakes up screaming, in a cold sweat and nearly hyperventilating from anxiety. the little snippets he remembers aren't very clear and they're more like blurry images that he can't discern and a feeling of dread & suffocation. afterwards he stays up for the rest of the night and will go for a swim if possible or go outside to look at the water. sometimes he'll lose track of time when he's doing this and he'll just be sitting there for hours before realizing how long it's been and then going back in the house. he's usually grumpier after having one but he's also more quiet and subdued, not nearly as flamboyant and loud as he normally is. if you ask him about it tho he'll say he's fine and if you push it he'll get snippy with you.
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, partner, etc, what would they say?
oh fuck telling people how you feel when you can just pine after them for secretly for years with only your best friend knowing you're in love with him because he knows how you act about every other guy except this one. no but for real he would just wait for the other person to say it first and if it never happened he'd just keep making heart eyes at them till he dies because he's awful at communicating any feeling outside of angry and horny. if it was confessed to him tho he'd shriek excitedly and throw himself around the other person in like a full body hug. (basically he glomps people. that's truly the only word to describe it.)
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lovelythesimmer · 4 years
☆ send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile. ☆❤️
Thank you so much!
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kingfakey · 4 years
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it’s not about mohawks. it’s not about plaid pants. it’s barely even about music. it’s about radical acts of kindness, and sticking up for those that can’t stick up for themselves. what’d sid vicious do for the damn planet aside from die? dude didn’t plant a single tree.
order up! here’s the result of the witch challenge-- a blue/purple scheme for an herbalist witch, with long dark hair and a punk vibe! this is marjorie heather, and she’s very passionate about plants. her green thumb glows a little brighter, and she puts it to good use allowing plants to flourish. give her an evening, and she’ll turn a city alley into a community garden. you can find her lugging branches of fruit trees around at night, grafting them onto other trees when nobody is around to stop her.
@wirefiish @crowfootedsims @fishflakesims @winterinsulani
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megamvz · 4 years
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#FaceYourSims challenge by @samssims
This was a trend on instagram called #faceyourart but I thought it would be fun to bring it around simblr.
Post 9 faces of sims you have 100% created (not born in game) to spot similarities and to see your style.
Thank you to @seaniesam for tagging me to do this challenge!
These are some random sims I made for my upcoming story to use in the background, and it was fun to see what similarities and trends appear within my sims.
I will tag (feel free to ignore) and anyone else who would like to join the challenge: @okelli @winterinsulani @simtrospective @pastelpixelsims @autisim @aquariussims
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wirefiish · 4 years
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@winterinsulani  “For the sim challenge, how about muscle goth?”
look . . . I just thought . . . buff vlad would be really funny . . . so . . .
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fishflakesims · 4 years
this isn't just a vent edit
do this thing if u wanna
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clumsypxel · 4 years
this is the lat one i swear (i really hope this isn't annoying ddsaldlka). for dove: 13, 16, 30
you haven’t been annoying! you actually just got me out of a fairly intense writing slump so thank you! <3
13, 16, and 30 for dove:
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker?
my girl is a HEAVY F*CKING SLEEPER. oooohhhhhhhhhmygod, this girl. when she was a kid, her mom would literally have to sit on her to wake her up. she slept through a whole ass tornado one time. her sister had to tell her about it in the morning. she was so confused. it hasn’t gotten any better with age. in fact, i’m positively sure that it’s gotten worse. she now talks in her sleep sometimes AND she takes up the whole bed too so i feel bad for whoever has the misfortune of sharing a bed with her. but if she were sharing a bed with someone she’d probably use them as her body pillow, regardless if their relationship was a romantic one or not. she’s a big cuddlebug. she can’t help it.
16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like?
she’s kind of in the middle. she doesn’t regularly work out but she doesn’t laze around the house, either. she goes on a run every now and again when she feels like it and will dabble in doing a few cardio workouts when she’s feeling a bit self conscious about her body but other than that dove kinda just...doesn’t do anything athletic. which drives folly insane. he’s always trying to tell her that working out regularly is good for your body and keeps you on a normal sleep schedule (because hers is all sorts of f*cked up. this girl goes to bed at 6 in the morning on average) but she doesn’t really care and keeps living her life LMAO poor folly, he’s just trying to look out for her but she makes it so hard  
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
dove is extremely artistically talented in multiple ways. she’s a master painter, a pianist, and she can play the violin pretty well, too. her favorite form of art, though, is definitely painting. she’s almost always painting if she has free time and if she leaves her house she definitely has a paint stain somewhere on her, be it on her skin, in her hair or on her clothing, it’s there somewhere. she’s currently working on painting portraits of her friends folly and sirena, and she would paint one for bas if he would actually talk to her. but he doesn’t so no painting for him LOL
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clumsypxel · 4 years
for bas: 09, 15, 17
9, 15, and 17 for bas:
09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday?
bas doesn’t feel very strongly about any of the seasons, but he thinks fall is pretty okay. alrighty, for holidays? oi, i’m gonna be honest here. bas is a liiittttleeee bit of a scrooge. he really doesn’t care for holidays, but, as i said, he’s only a little bit of a scrooge so he doesn’t go out of his way to ruin them for other people. ESPECIALLY since his best friend is super enthusiastic about them. he grew up rather alone so he’s never really...cared to celebrate?? of course he did as a child but at a point he stopped. i’d say the only holiday that he isn’t necessarily iffy on is new years. tbh he thinks that new years should be the only holiday that exists (he thinks that it’s the only holiday that has super important meaning).
15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear.
there isn’t a person but there is an entire family that just the mention of them will make his blood boil. i can’t say much about the why because SPOILERS but i can tell you the who: the entire f*cking snow family. he hates them. and he also despises raw berry sims in general but that hatred stemmed from his original hatred of the snow family. more on this later ;)
17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children?
yes and no. he would looove to get married and have a family since his was snatched from him at a young age but he’s secretly too afraid to pursue this want mainly because of unhealed wounds from his past. he has trust issues and many crippling insecurities that has basically convinced him that he isn’t worthy of love and that he will f*ck any relationship he gets into up. plus, at this point in his life his goals are extremely career oriented since he’s a fresh addition to the police force and he desperately wants to climb that ladder. i do think that eventually he will come around though once he finds the right lady. he would be a great husband and father, he just needs to have a lil faith in himself :,)
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fishflakesims · 4 years
☆ send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile. ☆❤️
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fishflakesims · 4 years
for sketch: 01, 28, 30, 38, 46, 50
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
breaking it down again:
SKETCH - so actually i looked up lists of terrible boy names and this one list hated the name sketch so goddamn much it was like someone named sketch salted their crops and fucked their wife plus the name has this certain vibe about it that was exactly what i was looking for. as for why sketch picked it out, he wanted something unique and fun because his parents gave all of their children old fashioned (kinda ugly) names and it was partially out of spite because he knew they'd find it dumb especially with his last name. 
he forgot to think of middle name, we love a trans icon
BOOKER - I'm punny 🥺
28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for?
sketch is the son of a ridiculously wealthy business tycoon who runs a crime organization and a very prominent socialite with lots of connections. i feel like that's probably already put him on the radar at least a liddol.
but if we're ignoring that, then it'd be for being sexy vampiric robin hood except he does everything anonymously or with a fake name and is good at covering his tracks and has his own connections so he (probably) wouldn't get caught. 
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
sketch loves old ass video games so think like 80s arcade shit but also point & click games from the 90s. his favorite kind of music is rock like ac/dc, def leppard, [insert 80s rock here] and he HATES bon jovi but not as much as he HATES reading! (he doesn't have the attention span for that shit plus his parents used to make him read old books all the time and now he despises reading.) as for movies and shows, he likes almost anything as long as it'll keep his attention (no dramas, documentaries, most musicals) but also he grew up not being able to really watch anything so he's got catching up to do now that he's older bc he's only seen a few movies.
38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc?
sketch gets cold really easily (i mean he's a vampire and they're not exactly living creatures so his body temperature is a bit lower than a human's) so he prefers really warm weather like around 90-100°F. he can go out in the daylight but it makes him feel ill (light-headed, dizzy, general weakness, nausea) plus he fuckin hates the bright light (because, u know, vampire). so his ideal weather would be about 95°F right before a thunderstorm. and then when it actually starts storming it's a bonus because the rain relaxes him. 
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lovers?
he's got a different dynamic with each of his partners so there are some things he does with just one of them and then there's certain things he'll do to all of them but sometimes in a slightly different way.
one thing he likes to do to all of them is gently run a thumb down the back of their necks then rest his hand right below the base of their necks and rub his thumb softly in the center of the back of whoever's neck he's doing it to. he'll do it to other parts, too: ears, side of the face, small of the back, shoulder, knees/lower upper leg… he did it to cloud's antennae a few times before he figured out it turned cloud on and now sketch just does it to be a cocktease.
i thought i should include one thing he does to them individually so here they are:
his favorite way to greet sprout is by sneaking up behind zem then abruptly grabbing zer around the waist and picking zer up and twirling zem around while yelling something like "how ya doin', hot lips!" to which sprout responds with a startled yet excited shriek and shrill giggling and a "lover boy!" which sketch always replies to with "did'ja miss me?"
sketch always lights whatever dusty's smoking, doesn't matter if it's in a bong or a joint or a soda can
sketch likes to come up behind cloud while cloud is playing video games and he'll wrap his arms around him and kisses the top of cloud's head (if he's able to, depends on what cloud's sitting on, if not he kisses whatever he can reach) and then rests his head on cloud while he watches him play video games
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, partner, etc, what would they say?
read my story when i finish it in like 20 years and find out
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fishflakesims · 4 years
I'm excited to see the difference between how doel looks in winter's edits vs mine because we definitely have different editing styles
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kingfakey · 4 years
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send me more for the cas challenge--
this one was very in my wheelhouse. @winterinsulani asked for a cute punk and idk if you noticed... but that’s my whole vibe. and anyway, i love her! this is logan miranda and she’s from del sol valley-- as much as she hates her home town, it’s where she needs to be to launch a career in music.
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