#wip: err0r!
friendzonefrog · 2 years
Word Find Tag
Thanks for the tags @fearofahumanplanet and @calicojackofficial! (sorry it took me a bit!) I've seen this game going around so I'm excited to finally do it :)
My words are: alone, consideration, convenience, dance, friend, glory, profession, sick, somewhere, and split.
*Dialogue in parentheses is an indication of a voiceover or a thought bubble.
*Some of these characters haven't been officially introduced yet? jkdjkdjk I'll get around to it eventually]
Alone - from Shreds of Integrity
DEWEY: Don’t think they could ever put her away for anything, let alone this. Her name's probably in the dictionary under “immunity.” (“See: privilege.”)
Consideration - from The Fall of Strömberg
(which is still in its conceptualization stage. Haven't settled on a final format yet, but here's sth from my notes.)
"Madam, such matters are above your understanding, and are to be left to the lords," continued the guard. "Serfs as you have no business in such affairs."
The woman's voice stammered, and her expression turned sour. "Perish, anyhow!" she blurted. "And if you awaken and find yourself to be more than a heap of ash come dawn, you will kindly tell His Lordship of my resignation." With that she marched off, without even the slightest consideration that she could be executed for taking such a brash tone.
Convenience - from Ms. Praline & the Evening Star
Oh, suppose one day every family might have their own zeppelin, just as they would a carriage? How splendid would that be? Imagine the convenience: upon receiving an urgent telephone call, a doctor could arrive briskly, albeit dramatically, to the patient’s lawn-- just in a matter of minutes!
Dance - from ERR0R!
DMITRY: I hate it when people cheer louder for me than they normally would for anybody else. It felt nice back when I was first learning to dance again, but... it doesn’t feel triumphant anymore. It just feels like people have permanently lowered their expectations for me, and they’re astonished I can even do the bare minimum.
Friend - from Shreds of Integrity
[tw: divorce]
STEPH: I think we were so worried about trying to save things… We didn’t even realize that the harder thing is letting go. 
DEWEY: Come on. I’ve been around you long enough to know when you're just copy-pasting the advice you give to patients who need to leave toxic friendships. 
STEPH: And it still applies to a toxic marriage.
Profession - from Shreds of Integrity
MADELEINE: Shh. I can’t be getting noise complaints at my own damn hotel. That’s just tacky and unprofessional.
Sick - from Shreds of Integrity
[tw: separation / divorce is kind of implied? ]
STEPH: This is… pathetic.
DEWEY: I know, I know, I… I’m sorry.
STEPH: Why didn’t you call a Lyft, or--
DEWEY: I was going to. My phone died. I just… I don’t know, I thought I’d sneak in and give it a quick charge, that’s all.
STEPH: Right, so "quick" that you had to take a nap while you waited.
DEWEY: I didn't mean to fall asleep. I’m sorry.
STEPH: You broke in, Dewey. I could press charges.
DEWEY: I know. I guess I was banking on the hope that you… wouldn’t.
STEPH: I’m sick of this. You can’t even hold up your end of one agreement?
Somewhere - from Shreds of Integrity
WES: You thought I was dead in a ditch somewhere, huh.
Tagging: @antihell @luckadelic and @memento-morri-writes (no pressure, and sorry if yall don't do tag games!)
Your words are: free, kitchen, leave, sleep, and without.
WIP taglists below cut
Taglists: (ask to be added/removed!)
Shreds of Integrity- @goldenzingy46
ERR0R!- @writeouswriter
[you guys can also do the game if u want!]
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madamefluffnstuff · 22 days
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @hircines-hunter, ofc <3
Kinda sorta vent/rant writing. My irl job has been driving me up the wall lately to the point of near perpetual burnout (not to mention two "meetings" with higher ups, but- another time). While doomscrolling Pinterest I found this aesthetic quote and this Cyberpunk 2077 fanart at the same time and got inspired. Dunno if I'll ever finish it or the like but it was therapeutic for the moment I needed it.
(Btw if anyone happens to know the original artist for the Cyberpunk fanart please let me know so I can credit them properly <3)
"Get up." She laid sprawled on the cold concrete as rainwater pelted her face. Blank, lifeless eyes stared into nothing as her limbs twitched sporadically. The mud on the other side of the cement slab stuck to her hair and lips, little droplets splashing on her face from the current drizzle. It mixed almost beautifully with the blood from the cut on her forehead. [ERR0R] [ERR0R] [MALF_NC_%0N DET-_TED] Her body was in survival mode now as it forced itself to take shallow gulps of air. Nothing was shutting down yet, thankfully, but she was in for another fight. A cough was choked from her throat as the edges of her vision started to blur. The very faint taste of copper rose in the back of her throat, not that she could do anything about it. [ERR0R] [SYST_M R*SET R#QU÷RED] [ERR0R] The warnings from her neural implant flashed behind her eyes, but her current state left her simultaneously powerless and apathetic to do anything about it. That long-distance transmitter did more damage than she realized. All she could hear was static. If she focused, she could very faintly hear peoples' voices calling her name over the audio snowfall. "You ---- need to---- get up." She froze. Who was that? "No one is com--- to save you. They can-t get --- in time. You need -- save yourself. It's you- turn to d- --- saving." Then silence.
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friendzonefrog · 2 years
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ERR0R! Character Intros
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John Oswald
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A private investigator, looking into a series of strange disappearances in Wilbur County, Maine. Well read and well collected, he's certain he's on the right path to cracking this case... but what he doesn't realize is just how close to the action he's about to get.
Levi Dunn
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A writer and cartoonist, on the run from the people who turned his brain into the host for an allpowerful supercomputer. He enlists the help of six others, in hopes of banding together and combatting the enemy forces... but how can they be sure they can trust him?
Lynn Crawford
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Coaches a middle school drill team. Gifted with leadership skills and strategic prowess, she's great at laying out foolproof plans step by step... although, usually there's pop music involved.
Daniel Regent
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A personal trainer. Apprehensive, but ultimately loyal. A brute force, defensive of anyone who's happened to earn his trust... which is easier said than done.
Dmitry Sideris
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Dancer and high school senior. Dedicated and disciplined, he is very intentional and thorough in everything he does, though he might tense up when unfamiliar things come his way.
And this situation is super unfamiliar.
Andre Simmons
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College student, and intern for a handful of social media influencers. His experience with constant deadlines has taught him how to be cool under pressure... even if he's boiling on the inside.
Britt Meade
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Potter and glassblower from Boston, in town for her sister's funeral. Reserved and focused, she has a gentle touch and an eye for detail. She's devoted to seeing every one of her projects through to completion... even projects like taking down an evil operation.
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John - bogn on picrew
Levi - artist unknown, deleted link :(
Lynn - bbymazz
Daniel - reidvest on picrew
Dmitry, Andre - Potato Lord
Britt - Gufri
TAG LIST: (Ask to be added/removed <3)
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friendzonefrog · 2 years
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WIP Intro: ERR0R!
"Living in an age of advancement is... scary."
Genre: Sci-fi, action, superhero, drama. Themes: Overcoming inner demons, and finding a healthy balance between trust and distrust. Rating: T (14+) for some dark themes and violence. ☢️ Content warnings: kidnapping and trafficking, human experimentation, loss. Format: Serial screenplay, 7-10 episodes. (My current hope is that someday it can be an animated webseries! Other backup ideas include graphic novel and podcast drama lol.) Status: Rethinking and revising ;)
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Wilbur County, Maine, USA.
Five years ago, a scientist discovered something shocking about mankind and the very matter that composes them. Now, as the world has all but adjusted, and new information is scarce, a group of evildoers has found a way to use this advancement for their personal gain. ERR0R! follows seven strangers who fall victim to their scheme.
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Character intros HERE
Below cut: tag list info + credits.
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TAG LIST: (Ask to be added/ removed <3)
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Page dividers by @ animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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friendzonefrog · 2 years
FriendzoneFrog's 'Formal' Writeblr Intro
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You can call me Friend or Frog (she/her). I'm a young adult from the US. When I say 'friendzone,' I don't mean it in an incel way, but rather in an "I'm the comedic relief friend character irl and I own it" way <3
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What I write:
I don’t ever stick to one thing, but my main niche is dialogue. I have sooo many hypothetical scripts for graphic novels, video games, animation, webseries, stage shows, etc. Basically I’m really into the idea of putting words on paper and then bringing them to life in another way :)
Favorite genres:
Crime and suspense thrillers
Mystery and whodunnits
Superhero (especially ragtag groups with wacky powers)
Dark comedy and satire
I play around with other genres, too!
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My projects:
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📁Shreds of Integrity
M (17+) Crime/Drama. A story focusing on agents and former agents of an FBI crime analysis unit, as they grapple with the weight of the job, its aftershocks, and its imbalance with personal life. Tags: #shreds of integrity Intro post Playlist Moodboard Character meme (Tens But tag game) STS character asks (sleeping habits) Picrew challenge - Madeleine
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🖥️ ERR0R!
T (14+) Sci-Fi/Superhero. Seven strangers evade a tech lab's evil plot involving shady clinical trials, experiments gone wrong, and a supercomputer with the power to take control of the universe. No pressure! Tags: #wip: ERR0R! Intro post Character intros Plalylist Moodboard (under construction) Character meme (Tens But tag game)
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😱Morbid Curiosity
M (17+) Horror/Thriller. Anthology series spanning several subgenres of horror, highlighting the weird, the paranormal, the terror in the mundane, and those who can't help but go looking for answers. 🎪 #1 Funfair Paranormal ▸ A college photojournalist visits the site of an abandoned amusement park harboring dark secrets and horrors unknown. 🌾 #2 Backroad Blues Southern Gothic ▸ A big storm's brewing in Uncertain, Texas, home to a population of 80 citizens devoted to preserving the town's rich history... however gruesome it may be. 🏰 #3 The Fall of Strömberg Gothic/Macabre ▸ In 1520, a banquet was set ablaze, killing a family of Swedish nobles, along with their guests. Since that night, nobody has entered the castle ruins and lived to tell the tale. [Might become a standalone outside the anthology tbh!] 🛒 #4 Night Shift Slasher ▸ Retail employees on the night shift usually have to fight to stay awake... but tonight they must fight to stay alive, as an unseen killer attempts to pick them off one by one.
Tags: #wip: Morbid Curiosity #wip: Funfair #backroad blues #the fall of strömberg #wip: Night Shift Intro and masterpost
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✨Ms. Praline & the Evening Star
G (all ages) Adventure / Fantasy. As a child, Mae Praline wished upon a star that she could fly. Twenty-two years later, she awakens to find a strange airship on her front lawn, and a mysterious letter addressed to her.
Tags: #ms. praline & the evening star Intro postMoodboard (under construction)
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I'm excited to share more about these stories, as well as others I'm dreaming up. I’m always happy to chat about my projects, chat about YOUR projects, answer asks, participate in tag games, etc.! I’ll also share writing tips and prompts when I can.
I have the type of social anxiety where I'm not too good at initiating conversation, but I do try my best, because I enjoy chatting! Feel free to hit me up at any time! (But please keep in mind that, as a personal policy, I am not comfortable privately messaging anyone under the age of 18.)
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What I'm into besides writing (and other content you might see) :
Messing around on Canva (GRAPHIC DESIGN SIDEBLOG)
Musical theatre and singing
Commentating/critiquing movies (follow me on letterboxd!)
Video games (follow me on backloggd!)
Board games
Comics (anything Hawkeye, I’m there.)
Attempting to teach myself ukulele and banjo
Making earrings :3
Hatewatching CW shows then accidentally becoming hooked
Computer, frog dividers- @ animatedglittergraphics-n-more
Ghost divider- @ racingairplanes
FBI divider- @ firefly-graphics
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friendzonefrog · 2 years
"Tens But" Tag
Thanks for the tag @writeouswriter I dig this hehe
Rules: List your OCs as “tens but” ("they're a ten BUT ___") to give us a not-at-all-comprehensive scope of their characters.
(if you wanna make it symmetrical like me, you can list 10 characters and tag 10 ppl!)
Some of these characters haven't even gotten their official intro posts yet, and honestly? This feels like a great way to indoctrinate them.
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"Shreds of Integrity"
Scott: He's a 10, but he has the handwriting of a 10-year-old.
Dewey: He's a 10, but he calls the bathroom the "washroom."
Kenna: She's a 10, but she eats plain waffles with butter and nothing else.
Madeleine: She's a 10, but she's never felt the consequences of her own actions because she uses her wealth and privilege to alleviate the repercussions 😩.
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Levi: He's a 10, but he's vulnerable to email scams :''')
Lynn: She's a 10, but she listens to pop radio singles on repeat... for a living.
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Macy: She's a 10, but she didn't even pack any snacks >:(
Devin: He's a 10, but his Pinterest DIY boards are not for the faint of heart.
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"The Fall of Strömberg"
Vilhelm: He's a 10, but he only has half that many fingers. (Which doesn't make him any less handsome <3)
Ilias: He's a 10, but he can't sit still for that many seconds.
open tag for literally anyone else who wants to do it! It's fun ;)
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friendzonefrog · 2 years
It's Storyteller Saturday!!
Feel free to send an ask about my writing process OR any of my current projects, and in return I'll send some questions your way!
My WIPs:
Shreds of Integrity - crime thriller / drama following agents and former agents of the FBI Chicago field office. Workaholism, depression, burnout, corruption, and the dangers of allegiance. ERR0R! - sci-fi / superhero story about seven strangers who must work together to stop a tech lab's evil plot. Supercomputers, experiments gone wrong, and weirdly specific superpowers. Morbid Curiosity - horror anthology series spanning several different genres of horror. (So far I've only formally introduced #1 - Funfair but I'd love to talk about any of them!) Ms. Praline & the Evening Star - early 1900s adventure / fantasy following a woman whose childhood wish to fly comes true... when she is gifted a zeppelin, and sent on a quest by a mysterious entity.
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