#wireless charger night light
orangameelectronics · 4 months
Power Up Your Adventures: How the 40W PD Charging Portable Power Bank Can Revolutionize Your Travels
Get ready to supercharge your adventures with the revolutionary 40W PD Charging Portable Power Bank. This must-have travel accessory is set to change the game and ensure you never run out of power on the go. Whether you're a jetsetter exploring exotic destinations or a hiking enthusiast craving remote trails, this power bank will keep your devices juiced up and ready for anything. With its powerful 40W charging capabilities, this portable powerhouse delivers lightning-fast charging speeds, allowing you to refuel your smartphone, tablet, or other devices in no time. No more frantically searching for wall outlets or worrying about your battery life dwindling during critical moments. The 40W PD Charging Portable Power Bank has got you covered. Designed with portability in mind, this compact and lightweight power bank is perfect for travel. Slip it into your backpack or carry-on, and you'll have reliable power at your fingertips whenever you need it. Plus, with its sleek and stylish design, you'll be traveling in style while staying charged up. Don't let a dead battery put a damper on your adventures. Upgrade to the 40W PD Charging Portable Power Bank and empower your travels like never before. Get yours today and embark on your next adventure with confidence!
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dfivezstore · 6 months
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bizgamers · 9 months
Enjoy the beauty of this for your desktop setup👀👍 #nightlight #wirelesscharger #alarmclock #desksetup #review
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la-principessa-nuova · 2 months
I felt like G13 blowing up multiple times on a Tech check figuring out my charging situation for tonight. I packed last minute for 1 night, so I packed way lighter than I normally do and ended up forgetting to grab any chargers other than one USB C cable with a lightning dongle attached and a single USB C charging block. But I was pretty sure there were more chargers in my bag somewhere already so I’d be fine.
First I looked around for outlets. I’d need to plug in my watch, a fan, and my phone at a minimum, and preferably also my earbuds, but those would last until I got home anyway.
The two outlets I could see were next to the bed and by the foot of the bed. The one by the bed had a lamp plugged in, leaving only one spot and the one by the foot had no table nearby.
Then I started going through my backpack looking for additional chargers. First, I found a double USB C charger. This was a big win because now all I needed was a cable for each thing and they could all charge. Plugged into it was a Lightning cable. Now I could charge my earbuds too, since they’re the only thing I had using Lightning. I dug through some more and found an Apple Watch charger, but it was USB A. However, I knew I would be able to pull it off now, because not having a watch charger was the most likely way I expected to fail.
I started digging and couldn’t find anything to help until I finally remembered: in the other bag I brought, when I was packing my sheets, there was a bag with a wireless mouse at the bottom, and that would have a USB A to C adapter. I pulled it out and not only did it have one, but it was actually the one where I’d dumped in all the extra USB A to C adapters, so I had so many.
Then came the challenge of making the cords work. Ideally, I wanted the lamp, my phone, and the fan all at the head of the bed, and the others I didn’t care where they were. So I plugged those in at the door with the double USB C brick. I noticed the decoration hanging above the outlet had a little pocket in it that may or may not have been intended to hold something light and decorative. I gave it a little tug to make sure it could hold a little weight, and it made a nice little place to stow my charging watch and earbuds.
Then came the front of the bed, which was easy save for needing a third outlet. But then I remembered I’d seen something in my backpack: a book light! So I unplugged the lamp and clamped the book light to the table. And with that, I had successfully set up charging for all of my things.
And then after I found a pocket just completely full of USB C and USB A bricks.
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Long-time reader, first-time asker. Huge fan of your writing!
If you're still taking requests for the comfort prompts, can I request #18 for Borracho? I love the thought of reader having a terrible string of days at work (maybe they work together and aren't quite yet together) and Borracho (of course) notices and slips her favorite candy bar/treat into her jacket pocket to cheer her up?
Aw, thanks nonnie! Sure thing :D
Warnings: Light angst, tired reader, ends in fluff
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It has been a shitty, shitty week.
Your car broke down on Monday. On Tuesday, your date with the guy you were seeing, Ben (his friends often called him Borracho) had been cut short when he'd gotten called into work. On Wednesday, you found out that the repair costs for your car were going to be outrageously high. On Thursday, work had been absolutely slammed—but you'd had a brief bright spot when you managed to see Borracho for dinner between shifts.
Your Friday has, so far, been less than stellar.
You have to take public transportation to work, and to your chagrin, it's insanely delayed. When you finally reach the store that you manage, it's absolutely slammed with customers—and they just keep coming. You can't take your break when you'd like to, and when you finally make it to the break room, you're so exhausted and frustrated that you're on the verge of tears.
You glance at your phone's battery, huffing in annoyance when you find it nearing 5%. You walk over to your jacket, and begin to go through your pockets, looking for your wireless charger. You go still when you feel the wrapper of something crinkle beneath your fingers. You frown, drawing whatever it is out. You're perplexed still as you find yourself looking at your favorite candy bar. What the heck? You don't remember buying this. You spot a little arrow drawn on the corner of the wrapper, and turn it over. Your confusion melts to a watery smile as you eye a hastily scrawled, slightly-smudged message:
Take a deep breath. You got this. -B
You draw in a deep breath, then push it out after a few seconds. You grab your phone charger and plug your phone in, settling down. You open the candy bar, eyes sliding shut and groaning softly as it practically melts in your mouth. You sigh softly, feeling your tension dropping away just a bit more. You open your phone, swiping to Borracho's contact and opening it. Your finger hovers over the text field before you raise it to tap on the call button.
You raise the phone to your ear, listening to the brrrrrrrrrrr of the phone ringing. Frankly, you don't expect him to answer, but you'll be just as happy to leave a voicemail—
You perk up at the sound of his voice, gruff as it is.
"Hey," You greet, looking down at the candy bar. "Is this a bad time?"
"Ah—No! No."
You can hear the creak of his chair, and the scratch of his pen on the other end of the line before you hear it drop.
"You okay?" He presses. You can't help but smile.
"Better now," You admit, "Since I found the little treat you left for me."
"Oh, yeah?" He chuckles. "Good."
"When did you even put this in my pocket?"
"Grabbed it when I was getting cigarettes last night, put it in your pocket while you were texting."
"You sneaky little so-and-so. This is how you're putting your skills to use?"
"What else am I supposed to do with 'em?"
"Don't let your boss hear your say that."
"Don't worry about that."
You smile, biting your lip.
"Can I see you tonight?" You hedge.
"Course you can. If your car's ready, we can go pick it up."
"You don't have to do that with me."
"I don't mind. Besides, I can check what they did, make sure they're not padding your bill."
Your smile widens as you shift the candy bar in your hand.
"I'd really appreciate that," You agree.
"I'll come pick you up. Your shift's up at six, right?"
"Alright, I'll wait outside."
"Thanks, Ben."
"You don't have to thank me."
"Yeah, I do, I—" You stop yourself, feeling your emotions swelling again. "I appreciate it."
"...I know," He murmurs. You close your eyes, pulling another deep breath in.
"I'll see you tonight."
"Yeah, you will. Try to take the rest of your shift easy, baby."
Baby. It's a first from him, and it makes you flustered and warm.
"Don't work yourself too hard either," You urge.
"I won't."
"Okay. Bye."
You draw the phone away from your phone, eyeing the contact again. Baby. That felt nice. Sounded good, too, especially coming from him. You raise your candy bar, taking another bite as you hit the edit button on his contact information. You consider for a moment before you tap on his name, edit it, then hit save.
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
One more part of this out-of-body fic idea that got started here. This one directly follows this last part (laundry one)
Let me know if you still like it.
Hank woke up to some weird noise. He turned to his other side, trying to ignore it, but it wouldn't go away.
He could swear he had been hearing the same melody through his sleep for at least a couple of minutes when it suddenly stopped and turned into an irregular rattle of static with occasional outbursts of high-pitched squeaks. He distantly recognised it turning into the sound of voice, calling him by his name.
"Hank. Hank!"
Reluctantly, Hank groped around the bed for the phone, first finding headphones -- the source of the noise -- he set them aside and continued searching.
"What the fuck, Connor, what do you want?" without opening his eyes, Hank turned back around and swept his hand over the surface of the bare comforter. His phone must be beneath it on the bed. He palmed the area of the bed under it, and finally, his fingers brushed over the slick surface of the phone. It was almost burning hot.
"Phone's battery is almost empty."
Whatever sleepiness Hank had a moment ago left him the instant he realized what had been said.
Hank clasped the phone in his hand, bolted out of bed, and turned on the light, looking around the surface of dresser and bedside table, but finding no sight of charger around.
"Shit, where is it? Just a second. Fuck!"
Hank recognised the absence of headphones and snatched them from the bed on his way out. He marched to the living room, putting them on, and the moment they were in place, he heard the same noise as before, but now loud in his ears.
"How much battery do you have left?" he asked. Then, "Jesus, what were you doing, why is it so hot?"
The noise in his ears formed into something Hank couldn't understand. Some words were being said, but they were getting lost in static. He turned on the lights and finally, he saw the charger on the coffee table. Another wave of rattling static morphed into an now recognizable end of some sentence.
He grabbed the charger and searched for the nearest power socket.
"A second! Fuck!"
He pushed the charger into the power outlet and connected it with the phone on the other side after struggling to fit it the first try. For the first time in his life, he regretted never getting himself one of those wireless charging mats. Phone pulsed once in his hand, indicating the start of the charging, and Hank let out a sigh.
"Okay. It's okay, I put it charging. Everything is okay now."
He wasn't sure whether he was telling it to Connor or to himself, nor was he sure if the noise he had been hearing was coming from the headphones or his own pulsating blood in his head.
"Connor, are you there?" he asked after a few seconds of silence from the other end.
Hank focused on the sound of static, trying to pick up on any words that could be getting lost in it, but it appeared to get much quieter now that the phone was charging. Finally, the static changed into a voice.
"It's okay now," Connor said.
Relieved, Hank collapsed onto the couch and cursed under his breath. Thoughts were cluttering in his head. What if he left the phone as they agreed in the garage for the night? What if he didn't wake up from the noise? What if...
He leaned forward on the couch, propping his elbows on his knees, and buried his face in his palms, trying to catch his breath. Through his fingers, he looked at the phone, now resting on the coffee table.
He wanted to say something. To ask Connor about what happened, ask if he was okay. To apologize for whatever bullshit happened yesterday.
He wanted to say it all at once, but another thought suddenly struck him, and he asked
"It's not about the noise, is it?"
The static rustled slightly in response before Connor said
"No. Not only."
Hank waited for him to continue, but he got quiet as if there was nothing more to say. The noise got louder, then faded out. Hank waited.
"I just need a proof that I exist. That I am real somewhere. I was getting this kind of proof when we were talking, so I wrongly assigned it to hearing something other than silence. It is better when there's something present to hear, but I didn't account for the need to have a direct impact on it myself."
Hank took a moment to think about it.
"So you just need attention. Is that it?"
Something rustled, but no response followed.
Hank leaned forward and took the phone in his hand. It was still warm, but not nearly as hot as before. He thought about it running out of battery and how it usually lasted for about four days, how he had specifically chosen it for the battery life. It didn't even occur to him that it could run out during the night, as it was around 75% the last time he checked shortly before going to sleep. He still didn't know how full it was now – he didn't dare to look.
How could it run out so quickly? Even with Connor, it was barely affected after almost a full day.
"Tell me what happened."
For a moment static got louder, then disappeared completely.
"When I couldn't wake you up after a few minutes of me trying, I started to doubt if I was actually making any noise. I attempted to be louder, but I still couldn't hear any of it. It was... as if I was nothing."
"I started to consider the possibility that part of me might have become corrupted, so I ran self-diagnostics, but couldn't finish it due to an unknown error. I had to start over each time it failed. I tried to determine what makes it fail so I could attempt fixing it myself, but I didn't realise how much resources it was taking until I noticed that the battery is depleting at much faster rate than I estimated. I tried calculating how much time I had left before it would run out, but the battery drain rate was an unstable variable that changed significantly in short periods of time, making it pretty useless to rely on. I ran it multiple times to get an average value, but then it would increase again, and I think... I think I got stuck in a loop of repeating myself," he stopped for a moment, but then promptly interrupted himself again with, "It was really irrational, and I should have stopped both processes immediately. There was no need for me to run them on the first place, so it could have easily been avoided if I payed a little more attention to my battery usage."
Hank listened to him with an increasing awareness of his own pulse - rising with each passing sentence, despite only starting to calm down a few moments before. It seemed as if Connor himself wasn't even aware of what he was telling, as if for him it was an official report about someone else, something to be told in a formal tone of voice with only a hint of tension, that he couldn't hide.
Hank squeezed phone tighter in his hand and sighed.
"You panicked."
"You think?"
"Yeah...Fuck. How long have you...How long have you been trying to wake me up?"
"About twenty minutes if I round it up."
"And I almost left you in the garage for the night..."
"I guess I'm lucky you didn't."
Hank thought about the events of the previous evening and winced.
He needed to say something. He swallowed and took a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever he was about to say, but Connor spoke first before Hank managed to say a word.
"Sorry I woke you up," he said.
Words caught in Hank's throat, and he fell into a stunned silence. He didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry.
"Connor, you're fucking stupid if you think that's what I'm worried about. Do you have any fucking- Jesus Christ, are you serious? If you didn't wake me up, I swear, I'd wake up just to kill you!"
"That wouldn't be necessary."
This, and the casual tone Connor chose to use, did it for him, and Hank burst out laughing. Not because it was funny, but because it was anything but, and the abruptness of it finally set him off.
Sumo, who miraculously stayed asleep during the whole thing, finally woke up and came closer to see what was going on. He whined and looked at Hank puzzled. Hank looked back at him and forgot what he was about to say.
"Was that Sumo?" Connor asked.
"Yeah. If someone in this house deserves an apology for being woken up, it's him. But that one is on me."
"Pet him for me."
Hank put the phone back on the table and leaned to pet the dog.
"Sorry buddy. Didn't mean to be loud."
The warmth of the dog's fur and the sensation of it calmed Hank down a little, enough to think clearly about what happened.
"Connor, are you okay?" he asked, finally. It was the question he probably should have started with before any of this dialogue even had a chance to take place.
"I couldn't finish my self-diagnostics, but now that the battery is charging, there's nothing I should be worried about at the moment."
"That's not what I asked."
"I'm fine, Hank."
Hank wanted to comment on how he could have just said that the first time, but instead forced himself to take a deep breath. The last thing he wanted was for him to snap at Connor again, right after almost leaving him panicking himself into a shutdown.
"God," he muttered, "I don't know, Connor. I don't know what to do with you. I can't just stay awake at all times to keep you a company – I need to sleep sometimes."
"I know. I don't expect you to."
"Will you get into a similar...panic mode next time I'm not around to respond?"
Static rustled a little louder.
"Okay, don't answer that," Hank said. He rubbed his palms against his knees and stood up.
Static got louder again.
Hank held up a hand as if Connor could see him and said, "I'm not leaving anywhere. Just need a drink."
He crossed the room to the kitchen and looked at the fridge. He stared at it for a few moments, then poured himself a glass of water and spent another moment looking at...nothing in particular, really. It was too bright in the room, and in a distinctly sensory, visual way, it felt loud. He walked back to the corridor and turned off all the lights he previously switched on, then returned to the couch.
"Connor," he called, after sitting down.
Something rustled quietly in response. Then, after a moment it turned into a voice.
"I won't let it happen again."
Hank sighed and pressed the cold surface of the glass against his forehead. What was he even supposed to say to that?
"I'm not blaming you, for Chrissake..."
Hank let the static fade out and removed the glass from his head as it started to feel more warm. Room once again fell into silence.
"Connor," he tried again.
He wasn't sure what he wanted to say. Perhaps he just wanted to hear his voice – as if he, too, needed a proof of his existence.
"Listen, about yesterday..."
"I'm glad how it turned out," Connor said before Hank managed to finish.
"What? No. I was-"
"I suppose it was partly the reason you kept the phone around, so I wouldn't want it to go any other way, really."
"Just let me apologize, god damnit."
"There's no need," Connor said, "but I guess, if it makes you feel better..."
"It's not about making me feel better, it's-"
Hank trailed off. It was about him, wasn't it?
"Okay. Fuck it."
He took a few sips of water and set the glass aside. What time was it? It was still dark outside, so it couldn't be too close to the morning - Hank didn't care enough to check for a more specific answer. He settled down on a couch and thought. He couldn't just go back to sleep, leaving Connor alone with himself, not like he felt like sleeping anyway. Not anymore. Static was rustling quietly in his ears, and he thought that he should probably put the headphones on charge as well.
He turned his head, and his eyes landed on a TV. If he can't sleep anyway, he thought, maybe they both should just pretend for a moment, that everything is fine, and watch something. They'll figure out what to do later. Hank searched for a remote control, but it was nowhere to be found.
Connor hummed in response.
"Do you want to watch something?"
"What do you want to watch?"
"I don't know. Anything. Wait...You wouldn't be able to see, do you?"
Hank pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. How could he keep forgetting it.
"No, but it's okay. I can find a transcript."
"Okay then just...can you just turn it on? I can't find a remote anywhere."
TV screen blinked on. Connor gasped.
"What?" Hank sat up, his heart was starting to race again.
A few channels changed, volume turned up then down.
Cannels were flipping continuously on a low volume.
"I think, you were right."
"Can you be a bit more specific?"
"I am fucking stupid."
"What?" Hank's face twitched into a confused smile, mixed with an involuntary frown. He must have still been asleep.
"I just realised. I can hear it, and I can directly impact what's playing."
"Of course you can hear it and-" Hank trailed off, "Oh. Does it...count?"
"It does!"
Hank leaned back and shook his head.
"Thank god..."
This time, problem solved itself the moment he decided to put it aside. Wouldn't it be nice if it always worked? He supressed a smirk.
"It seems like I should've left you with a working TV, after all."
"I'm sorry I didn't think of it earlier."
"Hey, we settled it now, right?"
Static, that Hank could almost forget about, returned in a small wave.
"Hank, I think you should go back to sleep. I'll be fine."
Connor was right, probably. The bed would be more comfortable, but only in theory. In practice, it would depress Hank with its undone state, and what was probably more important - he didn't feel like leaving the phone too far away from where he could reach it. Even if it was fine, he couldn't quite trust it to be.
"Yeah, I think I'll crash on the couch."
Static rustled again, then disappeared.
"I'll be quiet," Connor said.
Hank lay back on the couch and became excessively aware of the weight of his own body, which now felt heavy against the surface of the couch. A moment ago, he thought he probably wouldn't be able to sleep at all, but now it felt as if he was already halfway asleep. He considered standing up and getting himself a blanket, but the thought of standing up again and looking at - what he couldn't force himself to see as anything other than dead - Connor's body was too much.
"Hey, Connor?"
"Next time you need something, say it before it becomes an emergency."
"I will."
With his eyes closed Hank listened to another wave of white noise, rustling quietly in his headphones. Hearing it was calming, in a way. The noise of the TV got distant, he could no longer distinguish any words being said. He should probably remove the headphones, but that would be another movement he didn't feel like committing to, so he left them on, and in a matter of minutes he sank back into sleep.
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lockes-woods · 8 months
Stuck Chapter 10
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WARNING: Sexual Themes; MDNI
Himiko groaned as the light hit her eyes. She instinctually rolled over, still half asleep. She groggily opened her eyes and squinted at her surroundings. She blinked slowly taking in the room before shooting up into a sitting position as the memories of the night before hit her like a brick wall. She scrambled to put on her glasses as she silently questioned whether or not it had just been a weird wet dream. That was until her eyes landed on her discarded red boxers that had a stain on the crotch. She threw the bedding off her as she rushed to get up. If the briefs didn’t confirm reality, the stain on her sheets definitely did. She could feel the heat of embarrassment crawl up the back of her neck as she stood in nothing but an oversized t-shirt.
She took a deep breath and tried to formulate some plan to make this as least awkward as possible. Himiko checked the drawers of the dresser in her room for clothing, but only found linens and empty drawers. After striking out, she pivoted to cleaning up her mess. She slipped the shorts and sweatshirt back on and grabbed her underwear before heading to the ensuite bathroom. She tossed the boxers in the hamper before going to the bathroom and wiping off the excess wetness. She quickly washed her hands and headed back into the bedroom. She bit her lip as she attempted to plan out her next step. In the midst of her silent panicking, she heard the sounds of someone coming out of the bedroom across the hall.
She silently cursed to herself. While Himiko knew she’d have to face them eventually she thought she’d have more time. She took another deep breath as her more rational side took over. She tried to convince herself that everything would be okay. She just had to ask whoever was up for more clothes and take a shower. It wasn’t like they were going to barge into her room and see the sheets right away. If she was lucky, they wouldn’t do the wash in her hamper until after she left. She hyped herself up as she approached the bedroom door and quietly peeked out. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw that it was just Mihawk. He was facing away from her on the couch on his laptop. This was good, she thought to herself, even if for some reason he did see her sheets or underwear he was the more likely of the two not to make a big deal out of it.
Himiko ventured out into the living room after shutting the bedroom door behind her just loud enough to make her presence known. She took one last deep breath before walking up to the side of the couch. Mihawk turned and greeted her with a side smile.
“Morning, you’re up early.” He said looking up from his laptop.
“What t-time is it?” she asked, her voice wavering as she made eye contact with him for the first time since the incident.  
“It’s seven fifteen,” He answered. If he heard her stutter, he wasn’t showing it. Himiko instinctually went for her pocket to confirm the time before realizing that her pockets were empty.
“Do you know where my phone is?” she asked, glancing around the room.
“Oh, it’s charging in the kitchen. We found it in our bathroom after you already turned in for the night. You must have left it in there when you were changing.” Himiko nodded as she padded to the kitchen and grabbed her phone off the wireless charger. Her eyes widened as she took in all the messages, she’d missed in the last twelve hours. There were over twenty in the going merry group chat, about five in the group chat she was in with her sisters, and a missed call from Nojiko. She clicked on her sisters’ group chat first and let out a sigh of relief. Nami had explained the situation to Nojiko after she missed her call the night before. While Himiko had been putting off telling her older sister about the whole sugar daddy thing, she was relieved that Nami hadn’t left her to worry about her safety.  
          She clicked on the going merry group chat and was instantly annoyed. At some point the night before they had done sign-of-life checks to make sure everyone was okay. When Himiko didn’t send a selfie Nami shared that she was ‘probably too busy with the DILFs to talk to them’. While she wasn’t wrong it did lead the whole group chat to spiral as they speculated what Himiko was doing with the DILFs.
“Everything okay?” Mihawk asked from his spot on the couch.
“Yeah,” Himiko said not looking up from her phone, “My friends are just being annoying. I missed our sign-of-life text, so Nami told everyone where I was.”
“Sign-of-life text?” Mihawk asked.
“Oh, sorry, um it’s basically just a selfie to assure everyone that everyone else is okay. We normally do them if we get separated on our nights out, or if there’s a bad storm like today.” She explained avoiding eye contact.
“That’s very sweet,” Mihawk said. She could feel the heat crawling up her neck at his genuine tone. She didn’t know how she had lasted this long without embarrassing herself.
“Yeah,” Himiko nodded finally looking up from her phone, “We’re a tight-knit crew, but as much as we love each other we also love giving each other shit. I was the main topic of discussion last night.” She did her best to focus on their current conversation and not on the comments he made about her last night.
“I hope this arrangement hasn’t caused you any trouble,” Mihawk said looking at her with a concerned gaze.
“Oh no, it hasn’t at all.” She said backpedaling, “My friends’ support is actually the main reason I accepted this arrangement. We just like to make fun of each other. This is just currently the lowest-hanging fruit. Even if I had passed up on your offer, they’d find something else to make fun of.”
“Ah, I see,” he said, eyes still gazing at her softly. Himiko bit her lip out of habit as she tried to keep her shit together. She was suddenly very aware of her proximity to the kitchen island. The memory of last night flashed through her mind, “You think it didn’t take all of my restraint not to bend her over the kitchen island and have my way with her.”  Himiko quickly stepped closer to the couch to get away from the island.
“Um, would it be okay if I got some more clothing? I’m kinda feeling gross and I’d like to shower. Unless you think it’d wake up Shanks. I can wait until after he gets up.” She said unconsciously playing with the hem of the sweatshirt.  
“Of course, I should have offered that to you sooner. Don’t worry about Shanks, he sleeps like the dead. He won’t be up for another two hours at the minimum.” Mihawk said pushing his laptop aside and getting up. He briefly stretched his arms above his head, causing his shirt to ride up. Himiko’s eyes widened as she took in his impressive V, that paired with his faint happy trail caused her to feel slightly lightheaded. She quickly darted her eye away from his waist. She counted her blessings that she couldn’t see anything else from his low-riding joggers.
          Her relief was short-lived as he lightly brushed her arm while passing her on the way to his room. While the touch was innocent enough it still made her heart rate spike. She took a deep breath through her nose attempting to calm her nerves as she trailed behind Mihawk. Her stomach dropped when he nodded for her to follow him into his room. She internally panicked, this was not the plan. They were drastically off plan. Himiko swallowed the lump in her throat as she entered their darkened bedroom. Only a sliver of light broke through their curtains. It was projected over Shanks’ sleeping form. Himiko immediately regretted glancing at him. He was splayed out on his back, the only thing protecting his modesty was a tight pair of black boxer briefs that left nothing to the imagination.
          She had only looked at him for a second, but his dick print was now seared into her memory. Was he hard? He had to be hard, there was no way he was that big flaccid. But there was no tent in his boxers? Himiko was so busy contemplating what she had just seen that she almost ran into Mihawk’s back when he stopped to open their closet door. Thankfully she was able to catch herself at the last second. She shook her head and tried to snap back to reality.
“Do you have any preference in material?” Mihawk asked her over his shoulder as he flicked on the lights.
“Um, no I’m fine with whatever. I really just need a shirt and a pair of underwear,” she said, as she took in their massive walk-in closet. Mihawk hummed in response as he pulled out a matching black running set, and a pair of black boxers, similar to the ones Shanks was wearing.
“Would you like another sweatshirt?” he asked, piling the clothing into her arms.
“I’m okay, honestly it’s getting kinda toasty with this one on.” She answered, about to turn around and get out of their room as fast as humanly possible. Before she was able to turn Mihawk caught her chin and tilted it upward. Her eyes widened as he leaned down into her space. Himiko.exe has stopped working. She stood frozen to her spot as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. She relaxed as soon as she realized what he was doing. He left her bubble as fast as he had entered it.
“You do feel a bit warm; I’d like to take your temperature after your shower.” He said releasing her chin. She nodded wordlessly as she turned and walked back through their bedroom, this time keeping her eyes glued to the floor as she passed a Shanks. She basically sprinted to her room. Himiko leaned against her door and let out a sigh of relief once she was back in her room. She had done it. Did it go exactly as planned? No, but few things ever do. She was just happy she was able to interact with them without making a total fool of herself.
          Himiko sighed as she saw the wall of white outside the window. The storm was still raging on. According to her weather app, the storm wasn’t supposed to let up until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. She still had over 24 hours before she could go home. She took a deep breath and went to the bathroom to finally shower. She placed her new clothes on the counter and quickly stripped off the old ones. She took the time to wrap her oversized t-shirt and shorts around her soiled underwear before placing it back in the hamper.
          She let out a deep sigh as the hot water hit her back. The water pressure was way better than her shower at home. She wet her washcloth and began to gently scrub at her body. She had just washed her hair the night before, so she just focused on her body. She didn’t know what scent the soap she was using was, she was pretty sure it was French based on the bottle, it smelled amazing. After loitering in the shower for as long as she could justify, she reluctantly turned off the water. She took her time getting ready as she mentally prepared herself to face Mihawk again.
          Once Himiko was presentable she quickly took a selfie of her flipping off the camera and sent it to the going merry group chat.
Himiko: [IMAGE] I hate all of you (Except Luffy)
Loverboy: Why does Luffy get special treatment?
Himiko: Cuz he’s the only one who didn’t comment about the whole DILF Thing.
Captain: I still don’t get what the big deal is.
King: All I said was get that bag; I was being supportive.
Himiko: Fine, only Zoro, Nami, and Sanji are dead to me.
 NomNom: Um, that was peak comedy.
NomNom: You need to get your sense of humor checked.
          Himiko shook her head as she pocketed her phone after messaging Nojiko that she’d call her later that morning. She wandered back into the living room to find Mihawk back in the kitchen. She saw him tinkering with something in the corner. Once she had rounded the island, she saw that it was an espresso machine. It looked to be a higher-end one; it had a built-in grinder and steaming wand.
“Are you making coffee?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.
“I’d define it as more of an attempt. I can never foam the milk correctly.” He admitted, slightly embarrassed, as he turned to face her.
“Do you want me to teach you?” She asked looking up at him through her eyelashes.
“Only if you want to,” he responded a light dusting of red covering his cheeks.
“I don’t mind. I mean we’re going to be stuck here for another day. You’ll have plenty of time to practice.” She said with a smile, stepping between him and the machine. She could do this; it was just like work. She rinsed out his attempt from the pitcher and poured some fresh oat milk in. Out of muscle memory, she placed a mug under the lip of the machine to catch the shots and positioned the steaming wand in the pitcher so that it was deep enough to aerate the milk, but not so deep that it would touch the bottom.
“Ready?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at Mihawk. He nodded, stepping up behind her. She gently grabbed his right hand and cupped it against her right hand that was cupping the pitcher. He then followed her lead and wrapped his left hand around her left hand that was holding the lever.
“’kay we’re going to pull down on the lever and then move our left hand to cup the other side of the pitcher,” she instructed, pulling the lever down.
“Then we’re going to pull the pitcher down steadily until the tip reaches the surface and makes a tearing noise.” She continued, pulling the pitcher downward.
“You hold it there for 3-5 seconds and then push the wand back below the surface.” She said, placing the pitcher on the little ledge of the machine.
“You can let go now,” she said smiling up at him.
“Oh, sorry,” he said quickly retracting his hands.
“How many shots do you want?” she asked.
“Oh, I’ll just take two.” He spoke. She nodded and queued two shots.
“Do you want any sugar in it?” She asked.
“Oh, sure we have vanilla syrup.” He said reaching up to the shelf above her head and placing the bottle down next to her. She nodded and poured a bit in the bottom of the mug right before the shots began to pull.
“Well, don’t we look cozy,” A husky voice said from behind them causing them both to jump. They turned to see a smirking Shanks dressed in some low-rise pajama pants and a white tank top.
“Himiko was just showing me how to use the machine,” Mihawk said.
“Do I get a turn?” Shanks asked, looking down at her. She felt her heart rate pick up under his gaze.
“Sure, if you want.” She said, thanking God that it came out clearly. She was almost too fixated on herself to notice Shanks’ left shoulder. She glanced at it before looking up at his face. This was her first time seeing it uncovered. His arm had been amputated at the mid-bicep. It was littered with scars. Her heart ached for him. She couldn’t imagine the amount of pain that came with losing his arm. Not only physically, but also socially.
“Do you also want a latte?” She asked not missing a beat.
“Nah, I prefer my coffee black. Can that thing do black coffee?” He asked.
“Hmm, not really, but we could do an Americano,” she answered. He nodded, coming up behind her. She quickly poured Mihawk’s milk into his latte before passing the mug off to him. He smiled down at her and circled the island to his down on one of the stools.
“So, an Americano is just shots of espresso and hot water.” She explained putting the kettle on.
“So, I don’t get to play with the steaming thing?” he asked, sounding genuinely disappointed.
“I mean I’m probably going to have a latte if you want to steam my milk.” she offered. He perked up as they went through the same steps, she had just explained to Mihawk. She tried to stay focused as she felt the waves of heat radiating his body; he was like a human furnace. Once all their drinks were made, they joined Mihawk at the counter.
“Have you guys eaten yet?” Shanks asked, taking a sip of his drink.
“No,” Mihawk shook his head, “I was planning on making breakfast when you got up. I just thought we’d have another hour ‘til that happened.”
“What would you like,” Shanks asked, as both Mihawk and him looked down at her. She busied herself with sipping her drink to give herself a minute to think. She both loved and hated it when they directed all their attention to her. While it felt nice to be noticed it also simultaneously made her feel like she was going to pass out.
“What do you have?” she asked, putting her drink down.
“Hmm, I think we have everything french toast or pancakes. As far as meats go, we have sausage and turkey bacon. We also have oatmeal or cereal. If you wanted something lighter.” Mihawk listed off.
“Could we have french toast and sausage?” She asked looking over at them. Shanks nodded as he got up from his chair and went around the island to start cooking.
“I can handle breakfast if you have any work you need to get back to,” Shanks said to Mihawk as he pulled out a bowl from their cupboard.
“Sounds good,” Mihawk said, getting up from the counter and pecking Shanks on the lips.
“If it’s going to take a bit, I’m going to call my older sister back. I missed her call last night.” Himiko said pushing away from the counter.
“Okay, you can use the office if you’d like some privacy.” Mihawk offered.
 “I don’t want to take it away from you if you have work that needs to get done,” Himiko replied.
“Don’t worry about it; I’m just responding to some emails. I can work on the couch.” Mihawk reassured her as he led her to their home office. Before Himiko could cross the threshold of the room a large orange blur sped past them. She quickly stepped back into Mihawk to avoid bumping into it.
“What was that?” she asked, slightly startled.
“Oh, that was Anko; the home office doubles as her bedroom. She’s normally a lot friendlier. It’s just time for her to eat.” Mihawk explained as he steadied Himiko. She nodded before heading into the office and sitting down in the chair. Mihawk pulled the door closed as he walked away.
          She took a deep breath, before dialing up Nojiko. She sat through her ring cycle twice before it went to voice mail both times. She was probably at work, Himiko reasoned before leaving a voice mail that she’d try her again after dinner. She left the office and headed back to the living room. She looked around confused. Where had everyone gone? Outside of Anko eating in the kitchen, the apartment looked empty. Mihawk wasn’t on the couch and Shanks was no longer in the kitchen.
“Himiko,” She heard her name called out by Mihawk to her right.  She furrowed her brow as she padded right around a corner before freezing in place after crossing into the room. Mihawk was standing next to a laundry basket holding up her pair of red soiled underwear. Her stomach instantly dropped.
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your-online-shop · 1 year
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5in1 RGB Atmosphere Light 15W Magnetic Wireless Charger for iPhone and Apple Watch. Original price : USD 40.90 Now price : USD 24.95 Featured brands | Shipped within 72 hrs. Free shipping | Free returns. Check the Link for more info : https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DCBhalJ This 5in1 charger is the ultimate charging solution for all your Apple devices. With 15W high-speed wireless charging, it can charge your iPhone XS, XR, 11, 12, 13, 14, Pro Max, AirPods Pro, and Apple Watch all at once. The charger features a magnetic design that ensures a secure and stable connection while charging. The RGB atmosphere light adds a beautiful touch to your room's ambiance, making it perfect for use at night.
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govindhtech · 4 days
iPhone 17 Series With A17 Chip, Camera Upgrades, And USB-C
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iPhone 17 rumors
Apple’s iPhone 17 series will maintain its innovation and performance. Rumors and industry speculation hint at the next-generation iPhones’ features. A detailed look at the iPhone 17 series’ predicted features, design, and technology.
Expected iPhone 17 series Models
Apple will likely produce many iPhone 17 versions, including:
iPhone 17
iPhone 17 Plus/Max
iPhone 17 Pro
iPhone 17 Pro Max/Ultra
This series will have ordinary and “Pro” models with pro features including superior cameras and performance.
Style and Display
The iPhone 17 series is expected to follow Apple’s streamlined, basic design. Due to better Face ID integration under the display, the iPhone 17 series may continue the flat-edge design of the iPhone 12 series but with thinner bezels and possibly no notches.
Display Dimensions
We may see iPhone 17 series displays comparable to those of its predecessors:
6.1-inch for the iPhone 17 and 17 Pro
6.7-inch for the iPhone 17 Plus and 17 Pro Max/Ultra
The Pro variants may have OLED screens with ProMotion 120Hz refresh rates and always-on displays for a more responsive user experience.
Improvements to cameras
Every iPhone announcement highlights the camera system, and the iPhone 17 series should improve it. Regular iPhone 17 models will likely have dual cameras, while Pro models may have triple or quad cameras.
Possible Camera Enhancements:
48MP primary Camera: The iPhone 17 Pro may have a higher-resolution primary camera for clearer shots and good low-light performance.
Periscope Zoom: The Pro Max/Ultra model may have 10x optical zoom with a periscope zoom lens, one of the most anticipated features.
Night Mode, Deep Fusion, and Smart HDR will improve thanks to AI processing.
Video recording will advance with ProRes support on Pro models, 8K video recording, and better cinematic mode for professional content creation.
A17 Bionic Chip performs
Next-generation A17 Bionic chips on the 3nm technology will likely power the iPhone 17 series. Expect this new chip to offer:
Better battery life through efficiency
Game and hard task performance faster
Improved camera, AR, and machine learning AI processing
The iPhone 17 series will have unmatched speed and performance for multitasking, gaming, and more with the A17 CPU.
Battery Life/Charging
Apple may improve iPhone 17 battery life with the A17 chip’s efficiency. Larger batteries in Pro models may provide all-day battery life under heavy use.
MagSafe will likely remain, potentially with faster charging.
There are speculations about reverse wireless charging, which would let you charge AirPods on the iPhone’s back.
USB-C port: New European regulations require a universal charger, therefore the iPhone 17 series may convert to USB-C for speedier data transfer and charging.
Internet and 5G
iPhone 17 series should enable 5G with enhanced performance and efficiency. Pro models may include Wi-Fi 7, which improves speeds and connectivity in busy networks.
Software: iOS18
New features, additions, and optimizations will likely come with iOS 18 on the iPhone 17 series. Expect deeper AI system integration, new privacy features, and more device customization.
Important iOS 18 Features:
Multitasking and widget improvements
AI-powered personal assistant functionality
Optimizing apps for better performance
Storage and Cost
Storage will likely start at 128GB and increase to 1TB or more in Pro variants. Due to the upgraded camera technology and features, the Pro Max/Ultra variants may cost more than earlier models.
Pricing (based on speculation):
iPhone 17: $799 iPhone 17 Plus costs $899 iPhone 17 Pro: $1099 iPhone 17 Pro Max/Ultra costs $1199
Release Date
Expect the iPhone 17 series in September 2025, as Apple usually releases new iPhones in September. A week following the announcement, pre-orders may begin, followed by general release.
The A17 CPU, improved cameras, and maybe a USB-C port are making the iPhone 17 series a powerhouse. Whether you’re interested in the Pro models’ sophisticated capabilities or the iPhone 17’s elegant, efficient design, this series will maintain Apple’s smartphone technology tradition. As the release approaches, check official announcements for features and details.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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imaginationofomi · 7 days
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter One
Aubrie often woke before the sun rose. The time she went to bed never mattered. After effects from years of nightmares. Even when she slept dreamlessly, she would jolt awake. Her partners were used to it.
Summer rubbed her hip when she twitched, eyes still shut and breathing evenly. Aubrie leaned forward and kissed her lover's smooth, oak brown forehead, stroking a beauty mark near her temple with the tip of her finger. Behind her, Bryce started to stir. She felt him reaching for her and scooted back, allowing him to hold her for a few minutes before she was climbing out of the bed and dancing into the bathroom.
She relieved herself and brushed her teeth, trying to cause as little noise as possible while she got ready for her morning run. She was the only early bird in the apartment, and she had the most demanding job.
It was physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing, but she wouldn't trade it for anything. She loved being a person that made a difference in the world, serving justice to those who tried to avoid it. And many did.
The downsides were the countless images of dead bodies in multiple positions that never vacated her mind. The broken limbs, ripped and mangled flesh, gaping wounds from various weapons, the tormented looks on some of the victims' faces. People were sick, and the things she'd seen were no help when she laid down to sleep at night.
Running helped. Music helped. Sex helped a lot. Though, none if it was enough.
Aubrie secured a headband around the hairline of her two strand mini twists and pulled them into a low bun, zipping up her jacket and staring in her bathroom mirror. It needed to be sprayed and wiped down, dried water from after shower condensation streaking parts of the glass. She fingered a coil that popped out at the nape of her neck and wound the strands around her knuckle.
Her dark eyes looked haunted, the whites slightly red from exhaustion that hadn't completely vacated her body. Deep brown skin dull from lack of effort in her skincare routine, she was due for a good facial and maybe a chemical peel. She blew air out between her lips and cracked her neck before she tapped the button to turn off the light. Removing her phone from the charger, she grabbed her wireless headphones off of the nightstand along with her work badge and put on the watch the tracked her heart rate, steps taken, distance ran, and calories burned.
Bryce's eyes were open when she glanced at the bed. Lips upturned, he reached for her hand. She wrapped her fingers around his and squeezed.
"I'll be back in a couple of hours," Aubrie whispered, heavily anticipating their few days of alone time coming up since Summer had arrangements to leave the city for work. Bryce was more than excited to have her to himself.
He didn't mind sharing. Being with Aubrie gave him freedom he never experienced in previous relationships, and that small fact made him appreciate her more. There was no hiding with them. It was why he loved her and why she loved him.
Things became complicated when Summer entered the picture. Where Bryce stood secure in their partnership, Summer struggled with feeling like she was less important. She picked fights when she was jealous, complained about Bryce when he wasn't around, sometimes when he was. It made the relationship tense, even more so when Aubrie suggested Bryce and Summer spend time together on their own.
If they all loved each other, there would be less problems, but Summer rarely gave men the time of day, and Bryce wasn't fond of her personality. They came together for Aubrie and Aubrie alone. Each preferred their set schedule of days for quality time, but on occasion, the three of them would have a night completely catered to the woman that drove them both crazy in all of the right ways.
Aubrie crouched down and kissed Bryce's cheek, stroking his thin beard and whispering promises of a nasty morning romp when she returned in his ear. His large hand smacked her butt as she walked away from him, and she winked over her shoulder, sparing a glance at Summer who hadn't budged. She would once she realized Aubrie was no longer in the bed. In fact, she wouldn't be surprised if Summer vacated the apartment before she made it back.
It surprised and confused people how comfortable Aubrie was being in committed relationships with both a man and a woman. They didn't understand her, how she made it work. Because they didn't understand the way her heart worked or the way she communicated. She had all the love in the world to give, too much for one person. And one person couldn't fulfill all of her needs.
She loved the hearts and souls of good people. Attraction found her in different ways, most beyond what was there physically.
Bryce made her laugh until her sides hurt, and he loved bad 80s horror films as much as she did. They loved concerts, dive bars, cheap beer and cold pizza. She could let loose with him. Summer stimulated her mind and provided her with gentleness that she often forgot to give herself.....when she wasn't raging about playing second fiddle to a man.
Aubrie had friends and acquaintances that served different purposes. Everyone in her life filled her up in one way or another. They all kept her sane when she felt herself slipping into madness, which happened more than she ever cared to admit.
The early morning air was clammy and cold, a familiar, unwavering odor of saltwater filling her nostrils the moment she stepped out of her front door and locked it behind her. Thankful that she had the good sense to put on long tights, she zipped her jacket a little higher and started to jog in place while she waited for the elevator to warm up her muscles. When she was outside of the gate to her apartment complex, she stretched her legs and arms, starting her playlist and taking off into a slow trot on her normal route.
She picked up her pace after two blocks, shifting to the right to make space on the sidewalk for another runner. He nodded at her as he passed, and she returned the gesture.
While she waited to cross the street to the beach trail, she kept her body moving and checked her watch. She was making good time. The light turned green, and she jogged across the asphalt, glancing up at the clouds over her head. They were dark gray and thick, concealing the sun and threatening to open the flood gates on her, the palm trees and other pedestrians. A gust of icy wind made her move faster, but when she got close to the spot that led her up a hill, she stopped running all together.
A few feet away, a large disturbance halted the morning rush and daily activities. The police were closing off a crime scene, and a faint audience was gathering to look at the graying limbs of a deceased body being dug out of the sand. Aubrie pulled her badge from her pocket and flashed the laminated card to an officer that was trying to stop her from approaching. He let her past the caution tape, and she beelined it for the detective she had a rapport with.
Joel Hughes was a white man in his mid 40's. Tall and wide, a former Marine with harsh blue eyes and a thin nose, he wasn't someone to mess with. He was good at his job, and even better at making everyone else feel like they were shit at theirs. When he wanted things done, he wanted them done right the first time.
He trusted very few people. Aubrie happened to be one of them.
"What are we looking at?" she asked, stuffing her badge back into her pocket. Joel looked up from his phone, obviously shocked to see her.
"You got here fast. I just told Edison to call you."
"Out for a run." She hadn't checked her phone since she left her apartment, but it was good that she was in the area, "Do we know anything?"
"A woman that lives in the neighborhood a block away saw an arm sticking out of the sand while she was walking her dog and called it in. There are track marks on the wrists and in between the fingers. We won't know more until they dig the rest of the body up. You can take a look, tell me if you see something." Nodding, Aubrie walked to the body parts that could very well be severed.
There were several forensic analysts already onsite, brushing away dirt and collecting bits of evidence. She bent her knees and stared at the skin that could've once been a warm brown but was now ashen from ocean air and lack of blood circulation. It was a woman's hand.
Someone handed Aubrie a pair of bright blue gloves, and she quickly slipped them on, examining the marks Detective Hughes mentioned to her. The first thing she noticed was the pattern. Every mark made on the wrist was uniform, deliberate, identical in each spot on opposite sides of the palmaris longus. Unlikely for an addict.
She also saw what looked like a fading bruise from some kind of restraint. Standing, she walked to the foot and ankle that had been dug up. Through the sand dust, another fading bruise circled the ankle. Exhaling roughly, she pulled her gloves off.
Until they were finished digging, there wasn't much for her to do. The body would be on her table soon enough, and she would have answers but even more questions. Nothing was certain. At some point, the woman could've been held against her will, tortured. Those bruises were only one piece of the puzzle. Who knew what was lying in what appeared to be a shallow grave?
Instead of her mind being clear at the end of her run, it raced. Her heart began to pound in her chest. Different scenarios flew through her brain, and her eyes darted back and forth as one of the analysts bent down in front of her to take pictures.
Heartbeat in her ears, she zeroed in on the face being dusted off and fought to hold in the scream that wanted to claw its way out of her throat. She thought her eyes might be playing tricks on her, but the clearer the woman's features became, the more Aubrie's stomach sank.
Tears filled her eyes before she could stop them, and she lifted her sleeve to her mouth to muffle her sob.
"Parrish, do you need a minute?" Detective Hughes asked. She shook her head and sniffed, forcing herself to appear strong even though she felt like setting the world on fire.
"I know her," she said quietly, "Her name's Bianca Cross. She works at Sticky Fingers. Worked."
"How familiar are you with her?"
"She's a popular bartender. Very friendly, always remembered my order. I can't imagine anyone wanting to kill her. She got along with everybody that walked into that place."
"We don't know that she was killed. People lead all kind of lives. You look pretty shaken up. Can you handle this or do you want me to give it to Tate?"
"I can handle it."
Aubrie officially had a personal vendetta. Her gut said murder, and she was going to listen to it. The person responsible would pay. She'd see to that.
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apexsalaesarena · 10 days
Mini Multifunction Wireless Charger with Speaker and RGB Night Light - Fast Charging Stand for All Qi-Enabled Devices
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Upgrade Your Charging Experience
Introducing the Mini Multifunction Wireless Charger, a versatile charging pad that does more than just charge your phone. This sleek and compact device combines fast wireless charging with a built-in speaker, RGB night light, and more, to create the ultimate charging station for your device. No need to clutter your space with multiple gadgets; our wireless charger has it all!  
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Key Features
Our Mini Multifunction Wireless Charger boasts a range of features that make it stand out from the rest. With a 15W max wireless charging capacity, it charges your phone faster than other models on the market. The built-in battery version allows you to use the speaker function without needing to be plugged in all the time, with a playtime of 2-5 hours. Plus, the wake-up light, musical rhythm, and Apple Bluetooth automatic time synchronization function add to its appeal. And let's not forget the built-in microphone and Bluetooth call function that make hands-free calling a breeze.
Benefits of Our Wireless Charger
- 15W max fast wireless charging for all Qi-enabled devices - Built-in speaker with Bluetooth connectivity - RGB night light with nine lighting modes - Wake-up light and musical rhythm to start your day off right - Apple Bluetooth automatic time synchronization - Built-in microphone for hands-free calling  
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When to Use
This multifunctional device is perfect for use at home, in the office, or even on the go. Use it to charge your phone, listen to music, or as a night light in your bedroom. The possibilities are endless! And with its mini size and lightweight design, you can take it with you wherever you go.
What Makes Our Product Special
What sets our Mini Multifunction Wireless Charger apart from the competition is its unique combination of features. Unlike other models, ours comes with a protective plate that provides overcharging, discharging, and overcurrent protection. This added safety feature ensures that your device is always protected while charging. Plus, with its stylish design and functionality, our wireless charger makes the perfect gift for tech enthusiasts and gadget lovers alike!  
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Call to Action
Upgrade your charging experience today with our Mini Multifunction Wireless Charger! With its sleek design, fast charging capabilities, and multiple functions, it's the perfect addition to any space. Order yours today and enjoy the convenience and style of this one-of-a-kind charging station. Your device deserves the best, and our wireless charger delivers just that! Read the full article
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citymshop · 17 days
Multifunction Wireless Charger Pad Stand Speaker TF RGB Light
15W Multifunction Wireless Charging Pad with Stand Speaker, TF RGB Night Light – Fast Charging Station for iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei Section 1: “Multifunctional Charging Hub” This 15W Multifunction Wireless Charger Pad offers versatile features for your charging needs and more. Wireless Charging: Supports fast wireless charging for various devices, including iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi, and…
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dollkichi · 2 months
dust is a threat to national security! and it's made up of like 70% fecal matter like it's literally the shit of dust mites which are little bugs that live in your sheets. in fact, i have an expensive ass anti dust mite duvet because it was still cheaper than getting medicine for my allergies every month. blue is my second favourite colour after red, but it used to be my favourite. at one point in time i had around fifty shades of blue memorised purely to show other people that i was a bigger fan of blue than they were. (i am a very competitive person) i like staring at people do ordinary everyday things. humans are so cute. what's funny about my earbuds is that they're wired but wireless at the same time. they're wired to each other but function on Bluetooth. i find that funny. Fourth Wing is about a girl going to a college that prepares you for war, aptly named 'War College'. it has forced subpar romance and i hate that. the writing is also mediocre. the worldbuilding and idea is pretty good, but alas, it was doomed from the start with all the forced sexual tension. there's one line that goes, and i quote,
"*You are not attracted to toxic men* I remind myself, and yet, here I am, attracted."
what the actual fuck. why do i put myself through this. i should never gotten past the beauty (chef's kiss) of a masterpiece that was Life of Pi...
the tea was delicious! on roblox i mainly play dress to impress and doors, although i sometimes play tower defence simulator when forced by my brother. i don't play roblox a lot, but for some reason i'm picking it back up in the past few days with all the long roblox sessions. my roblox username is also cringe as hell because i made it when i was like, five 😭
my mom got free soap from her friend who runs a soap shop so i reaped the benefits. one is a regular long rectangle and dark pink, wrapped in a blue ribbon, and it smells vaguely rosey. the second is small and in the shape of a rose, in a bright pink colour. it very strongly smells rosey. the third is medium sized and has a cream coloured base with a translucent honey coloured top in the shape of a flower. it smells like orange. honestly i just bought the nightlights because they looked cool, i've never been one to use them. losing chargers is so relatable though- poor bunny nigjtlight :(
now my doll is stuck in the dark at night!~
my nightlight is a Zhongli figure and my favourite genshin character is most definitely my love and light of my life Arlecchino <3
(although when Pantalone comes out its going to be him because THAT MAN IS SO PRETTY AUGHH I'M DEAD ON MY KNEES.)
WHAT. Dust mites are menaces and need to go. Blue and red are both very nice colors!! Memorizing 50 shades is kinda crazy though… but anything to prove that you are indeed the biggest blue fan. Being competitive over silly stuff like that is so real. Why are your earbuds like that. Why are they wired and wireless, that is so strange. GIGGLING AT WAR COLLEGE, what a creative name!! It kinda sounds like they were trying to appeal to booktok with all the forced romance and sexual tension. That’s a shame it does that tho when the idea and wordbuilding are good :(
What is Life of Pi about and would you recommend it?
I’m gonna steal your tea. I haven’t played a lot of dress to impress but I do like doors! I’m super excited for floor 2 to come out since the trailer released. There’s a game similar to doors actually that I’ve been playing, it’s called pressure. It’s well made and extremely fun! Anyways, we should totally play sometime. I wouldn’t mind playing dress to impress as long as you’re there. My username is cringe too so don’t worry… I changed it in a 2020 phase </3
Your soaps in the picture are so so pretty!! I am going 2 steal those too, mine now. I kinda wanna eat them. They look like they’d be good. They definitely sound like they smell good!!
OLD MAN NIGHTLIGHT?!?!?! Omg. Aside from being old, Zhongli is cool. Not my favorite character but also not a bad one. I love Arlecchino’s design!! She is soo pretty. She was super interesting too in the story. I’m excited to see what Pantalone is like when he comes out, he definitely is also pretty. I like his glasses and hair. I’ve always been a Venti fan since I first started playing back in 2020. I do really like Childe and Freminet + his siblings though too. I need to pick up genshin again… lost my 50/50 on Furina’s banner and I was like “I don’t wanna play anymore”, ehehe ^^;
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euspyshopuk · 2 months
Purchase Hidden Camera
In an age where security concerns are on the rise, the need for discreet surveillance has never been more critical. Hidden cameras, often known as spy cameras, offer a powerful solution for those seeking to monitor their surroundings without drawing attention. Whether it’s for home security, workplace monitoring, or investigative purposes, these devices provide unparalleled discretion and functionality. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various aspects of purchasing hidden cameras, including their features, types, applications, and considerations for buying from a reputable source like the EU Spy Shop.
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What Are Hidden Cameras?
Hidden cameras are surveillance devices designed to capture video (and sometimes audio) without being detected. They are cleverly concealed within everyday objects such as clocks, smoke detectors, picture frames, and even household items like pens and USB chargers. The primary advantage of hidden cameras is their ability to blend seamlessly into their environment, making them ideal for covert monitoring.
Key Features of Hidden Cameras
1. High-Definition Video Quality
One of the most important features to consider when purchasing a hidden camera is the video quality. High-definition (HD) cameras, typically offering 720p, 1080p, or even 4K resolution, provide clear and detailed footage. The higher the resolution, the better the image quality, which is crucial for identifying faces or details in the captured video.
2. Wide-Angle Lens
A wide-angle lens allows the camera to capture a broader field of view, covering more area with a single device. This feature is particularly useful for monitoring larger spaces or ensuring that the camera captures everything happening in its vicinity.
3. Motion Detection
Motion detection is a valuable feature that enables the camera to start recording only when it detects movement. This not only saves storage space but also ensures that you capture only relevant footage. Some cameras also send alerts to your smartphone or email when motion is detected, allowing for real-time monitoring.
4. Night Vision
Many hidden cameras are equipped with infrared (IR) LEDs, allowing them to record in low-light or complete darkness. Night vision is essential for 24/7 surveillance, ensuring that the camera can capture clear footage regardless of the lighting conditions.
5. Wireless and Wired Options
Hidden cameras come in both wireless and wired varieties. Wireless cameras are more versatile and easier to install, as they don’t require physical connections to a recording device. They typically transmit footage to a remote receiver or store it on a memory card. Wired cameras, on the other hand, offer a more stable connection and are often used in permanent installations.
6. Remote Access and Control
Many modern hidden cameras offer remote access and control via smartphone apps. This feature allows users to view live footage, adjust camera settings, and receive alerts from anywhere with an internet connection. Remote access adds a layer of convenience and flexibility, especially for those who need to monitor their property while away.
7. Audio Recording
While not all hidden cameras include audio recording, some models are equipped with microphones to capture sound. This feature can be useful for gathering additional context or evidence, though it’s important to be aware of local laws regarding audio surveillance.
8. Battery Life and Power Options
Depending on the intended use, battery life can be a crucial factor. Battery-powered cameras offer portability and flexibility, making them ideal for temporary installations or situations where wiring is impractical. However, they require regular recharging. Plug-in models, meanwhile, can operate continuously but are limited by their need for a power source.
Types of Hidden Cameras
1. Nanny Cams
Nanny cams are a popular type of hidden camera used to monitor caregivers, such as babysitters or nannies, while they look after children. These cameras can be concealed in various household items, such as teddy bears, alarm clocks, or photo frames, providing parents with peace of mind and ensuring the safety of their children.
2. Smoke Detector Cameras
Smoke detector cameras are excellent for monitoring large areas, such as living rooms or offices. They are typically installed on the ceiling, providing a high vantage point and a wide field of view. Their inconspicuous design makes them blend seamlessly into most environments.
3. USB Charger Cameras
USB charger cameras are discreet and functional, serving the dual purpose of charging devices and recording footage. They can be placed in any room with electrical outlets, making them a versatile option for both home and office use.
4. Clock Cameras
Hidden cameras embedded in clocks are another popular choice. They come in various forms, including wall clocks, alarm clocks, and desk clocks. Clock cameras are ideal for continuous monitoring and can be placed in any room without raising suspicion.
5. Pen Cameras
Pen cameras are portable and easy to use, making them perfect for covert recording on the go. They can be carried in a pocket or placed on a desk, capturing footage discreetly. These cameras are often used for recording meetings, interviews, or lectures.
6. Body-Worn Cameras
Body-worn cameras are designed to be worn on the body, often integrated into clothing or accessories like glasses or buttons. They are commonly used by law enforcement, security personnel, and private investigators for recording interactions and gathering evidence.
Applications of Hidden Cameras
1. Home Security
Hidden cameras are an excellent addition to any home security system. They can monitor entry points, common areas, and other critical locations without alerting intruders. Homeowners can use these cameras to keep an eye on their property, deter criminal activity, and gather evidence in the event of a break-in.
2. Workplace Surveillance
In the workplace, hidden cameras can help monitor employee behavior, prevent theft, and ensure compliance with company policies. They are particularly useful in retail environments, offices, and warehouses. Employers can use these cameras to maintain a safe and productive work environment.
3. Child and Elderly Care Monitoring
For parents and caregivers, hidden cameras provide a way to monitor the care of children and elderly family members. Nanny cams can ensure that caregivers are performing their duties responsibly, while cameras in nursing homes can help protect against neglect or abuse.
4. Investigation and Law Enforcement
Private investigators and law enforcement agencies frequently use hidden cameras for surveillance and evidence gathering. These cameras are invaluable tools in investigations, allowing professionals to document illegal activities and gather crucial evidence without being detected.
5. Personal Security and Privacy
Individuals concerned about their personal safety or privacy can use hidden cameras to monitor their surroundings. Whether it’s keeping an eye on a rented property, documenting harassment, or ensuring personal security, these cameras offer a discreet way to gather evidence and protect oneself.
Considerations When Purchasing Hidden Cameras
1. Legal and Ethical Considerations
Before purchasing and installing hidden cameras, it’s essential to understand the legal and ethical implications. Laws regarding surveillance vary by jurisdiction, and recording without consent can be illegal, especially in private spaces. Always check local regulations and ensure that your use of hidden cameras complies with the law.
2. Purpose and Location
Consider the specific purpose and location for the hidden camera. This will help determine the best type of camera and features needed. For example, a nanny cam might require audio recording, while a camera for monitoring a front door may need night vision.
3. Camera Quality and Features
Assess the camera’s quality and features, including resolution, field of view, and storage capacity. Higher quality cameras provide clearer footage, while additional features like motion detection and remote access can enhance functionality.
4. Price and Budget
Hidden cameras come in a wide range of prices, depending on their features and quality. While it’s tempting to opt for cheaper models, investing in a high-quality camera ensures reliability and longevity. Set a budget and choose a camera that offers the best value for your needs.
5. Reputable Supplier
Purchasing from a reputable supplier like the EU Spy Shop ensures that you receive a high-quality product with reliable customer support. Reputable suppliers offer warranties, detailed product information, and guidance on selecting the right camera for your needs.
Hidden cameras are invaluable tools for enhancing security, protecting privacy, and gathering evidence. With a wide range of options available, from nanny cams to body-worn cameras, these devices offer versatile solutions for various surveillance needs. When purchasing a hidden camera, it’s crucial to consider factors such as video quality, features, legal considerations, and the reputation of the supplier.
The EU Spy Shop offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality hidden cameras, along with expert advice to help you choose the right device for your specific requirements. By selecting a camera that meets your needs and complying with local laws, you can ensure that your surveillance efforts are both effective and ethical.
For more information on hidden cameras and other surveillance equipment, visit the EU Spy Shop’s website. Their extensive product range and knowledgeable staff can assist you in finding the perfect solution for your security and surveillance needs.
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noisycowboyglitter · 3 months
Lifelong Companions: The Enduring Friendship of Father and Son
The bond between a father and son can be a powerful and enduring force. When nurtured with love, respect, and shared experiences, it can blossom into a lifelong friendship. Imagine a dad and his son, tossing a baseball in the park, their laughter echoing through the air. This image captures the essence of a father-son best friendship – a connection built on trust, shared interests, and a deep understanding.
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Buy now:19.95$
These friendships transcend the typical parent-child dynamic. Fathers become mentors, guiding sons through life's challenges with a steady hand and a wealth of experience. Sons become confidantes, sharing their hopes and dreams with a man who understands them better than anyone. There's a sense of camaraderie, a shared journey where both learn and grow from each other.
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This special bond isn't limited to childhood. As the son grows into adulthood, the friendship evolves. They become fishing buddies, tackling life's challenges together. They share advice, celebrate triumphs, and shoulder each other's burdens. A father-son best friend is a constant source of support, a cheerleader in the stands of life, always there to celebrate victories and offer a hand up during setbacks.
Choosing the perfect gift for Dad can be tricky. But no matter his interests, there's a thoughtful present out there that will show him you care.
For the Tech-Savvy Dad: Consider the latest wireless headphones, a fitness tracker, or a portable phone charger.
For the Homebody Dad: A cozy robe, a subscription to his favorite streaming service, or a new game for family game nights are all great options.
For the Foodie Dad: A grilling basket, a gourmet food basket, or a class on how to make his favorite dish would be perfect.
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For the Outdoorsy Dad: New hiking boots, a hammock for relaxing, or a subscription to a national park pass service are all thoughtful choices.
For the Sentimental Dad: A framed photo of the two of you, a personalized gift with his initials, or a handwritten letter expressing your love and appreciation are sure to touch his heart.
Finding the perfect gift for someone on the autism spectrum requires considering their sensory preferences and interests. Here are some ideas to spark joy:
Sensory Play: Weighted blankets, fidget toys, and noise-cancelling headphones can provide calming comfort and focus. Think fidget spinners, squishy stress balls, or calming putty for satisfying touches.
Creative Expression: Art supplies, modeling clay, or light-up drawing boards can be a delightful outlet for creativity. Consider kits tailored to specific interests, like anime drawing or building models.
Building Skills: Puzzles, coding games, or logic brain teasers can be engaging and promote problem-solving skills in a fun way. Choose difficulty levels that match their abilities and interests.
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Subscription Boxes: Curated boxes with fidget toys, calming chews, or bath bombs cater to specific sensory needs and offer a surprise element.
Weighted Plushie: A cuddly friend with a comforting weight can provide a sense of security and promote relaxation.
Interests and Comfort: Don't forget about their passions! A book on their favorite topic, a cozy hammock for reading, or a video game they've been wanting can be perfect choices.
Remember, the best gift is one that shows you care about their unique needs and interests.
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gracelaramusings · 6 months
Day 19: Coron to Singapore
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We got up early to catch a bit of breakfast before taking the van to the airport.
There’s nothing like a flight to catch up on some writing. The three hour flight from Coron to Singapore was perfect to again share the wonderful experiences we’ve had over the last days, which I didn’t have time to record and share. With a USB outlet and my iPad on my lap, I was set.
While waiting in line a young couple of travellers asked if they could borrow money for overweight baggage, since their credit card was not working and they couldn’t take out money. Poor things! After Yuval learned it was just 1 kilo of overweight that they needed to pay for, he suggested they take out some clothes and wear them. That hadn’t occurred to them! Problem solved.
We then had a similar experience: oh, the sorrow of overweight baggage.
We are the type of people that hate paying for bags, but will when needed. What we didn’t take into consideration was that while we needed only one bag, our other flights allowed 23 kilo while this airline (Cebu Pacific) permitted just 20 kilo. Gotcha!
They then proceeded to charge what seemed like nearly every traveler for overweight baggage, with each kilo costing 600 Pesos— some $12 per kilo! Also, carryons could only be 7 kilo in total each.
Determined not to pay a cent for overweight baggage, we did the well-known juggling act. Wore sweatshirts, put on my hiking boots and switching them with light sandals… though still overweight, they seemed not to notice we had some extra items that we hadn’t yet packed away. Concerned that at another point along the journey they might double check the weight, we couldn’t breathe comfortably until we actually got on board.
We were overjoyed to see that our friends from Spain were with us on the plane, so we caught up on eachother’s travels and enjoyed reminiscing about how wonderful our excursion was.
Our flight was delayed due to thunderstorms in Singapore. Still, the flight was made that much nicer due to the fact that we had a lovely person in our three-seater. She lives in the Philippines but works in Singapore. She makes the few-hour flight a couple days a month in order to “work from home”. Though a challenge, she has a live-at-home nanny and family nearby which help make it work. She even nurses! It turned out she was part Iranian and part Indian. Towards the end of the flight I asked if she had ever met an Israeli before, and she said it was her first time. She showed me her spectacular wedding photos (white horse and all!). What a great way to pass a few hours. And cooler yet- she's of Iranian heritage. We are the first Israelis she'd ever met.
The Singapore airport is considered among the best in the world. Since I had filled out all the paperwork in advance, we made it through with the ease that was intended. At the baggage claim, they even gave out Oreos, chocolate milk and water, I think because of the delay!
Yuval reminded me of my rule to always ask at information when you arrive in an airport, and thanks to that reminder, we learned that the bus we planned to take from another terminal also came to our terminal, so inter-terminal travel avoided!
The bus literally dropped us off directly in front of our Singapore hotel.
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Check in, quick drink then a mission: find a wireless charger for my phone, to keep the juice flowing. We were told there were some electronics stores at the mall across from the hotel, so we ventured into our first Singapore malls. This one was not nearly as fancy as we expected, but we were fortunate to find a cheap electronics place that had a light charger that fit the bill. Yay!
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Heading back to the hotel as the stores were all closing, we were tired from travel, so this first night we called it a night, and got a relatively early night’s sleep.
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