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Welcome home little Spark-ling ✨ in all your Prismatic glory 🤩 and don’t worry your Wendigo protector is right behind you to keep you safe and never let anyone dim your color 🌈 Artiqfox X Task One Collab 'Prismatic' Spark-ling Limited to 100 pcs #taskone #artiqfox #resinartto #wispling #sparkling #toys #sparkling #flame #fire #toyart #fantasyart #designertoys #kawaii #characterdesign #customtoy #resintoy #resin #modersmonsters #arttoys #customtoys #collectibles #arttoyculture #customtoy #kaiju #toycollection #toyphotography #toystagram #toycollector #toyart #designertoy #creature #creaturedesign (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoxSvtiuXTA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seccunda · 1 year
does tumblr mobile randomly decide to ping back up to posts uve already scrolled by for anyone else or is this my eternal inconvenience alone
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mercyofempty · 1 year
shit i shouldveturned on reblogs for that poll i just realized
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
Lore: Tieflings
Link to Disclaimer and other lore babblings
Featuring: The two types of tiefling (Orin belongs to one of them, actually) The other races' equivalents to tieflings Various ancestors of tieflings The 2e tiefling trait chart that I miss with all my soul My inability to be 100% neutral about certain 4e changes Tiefling Homelands, such as they are
Tieflings belong to a category known as the Planetouched; mortals descended from beings native to the outer planes. TIeflings are descended from the evil-aligned Lower Planes and at this point can be split into the newer Asmodeus tieflings and the original "generic" tieflings. (Other races have produced fiendish planetouched. Tanarukk are orcs of fiendish descent; Elven-demon hybrids called the fey'ri, or daemonfey; Dwarven descendants of the offspring of devils are maeluth; and wisplings are halflings of demonic descent.)
The original, generic tieflings are humans with a fiend or an evil deity from one of the Lower Planes in their family tree.
They appear as regular humans, usually with only one or two odd traits giving away their ancestry. Black feathers growing from their shoulders, glowing red eyes, a tail, making plants decay in their presence... wings...
The bloodline begins with the half-mortal child of a fiend or deity (a cambion, or a bhaalspawn, for example). They go on to have offspring with mortals and the child is a tiefling. The tiefling grandchild's line may continue to dilute with human blood until it seemingly disappears...
...until suddenly, possibly hundreds of years later, a family's new baby is born with six fingers or a tail or something and the village is talking about drowning the "devil" in the village stream. With a lack of understanding of what's happening, and a lot of fear, the family themselves usually reject their own child. There are only a few places in the Realms where a planetouched birth isn't considered an aberration (I'll talk about them towards the end).
The outlook for tieflings is... not good.
"Occasionally a tiefling is born to someone indifferent to its appearance, determined to redeem it, willing to exploit it, or evil enough not to care about its nature, and these tieflings are most likely to survive to adulthood." - Races of Faerûn
Even if their physical traits are not obvious, tieflings become aware from an early age that they are different, as the essence of the Lower Planes in their blood tries to compel them and they often have "strange needs, desires or urges." They can ignore these urges to be any alignment they so chose. Unfortunately, as the world around them hates them, they tend to grow up to be bitter and mistrustful; they're not terribly inclined to help people they expect to run them off in an angry mob. Some of them embrace their impulses, seeing as they're just going to be seen as monsters anyway.
Their ancestry can be from various categories:
Deities: Beshaba, goddess of misfortune is one of the more known ancestors of tieflings. Her descendants are marked by white hair and deer antlers growing from their heads. Mask, god of thieves is another ancestor; Maskarian tieflings cast no reflections. Bhaal's tieflings show no outward signs, but have inclinations towards violence and an obsession with death.
Baatezu; Devils, the Lawful Evil fiends of the Nine Hells. Erinyes (fallen angels with black wings), gelugons (ice insects) and pit fiends (giant scaly red monsters with horns) are the most common ancestors. They enjoy strict hierarchies, complicated plots, rules and contracts with lots of smallprint.
Tanar'ri: Demons, the Chaotic Evil fiends of the Infinite Layers of the Abyss ("If there's anything you don't like, you'll find it here."). The most common demonic ancestors are Mariliths (giant sexy snake warrior ladies with six arms and swords) and Succubi (who were strictly demons, until 5e decided the devils needed a soul-stealing sex monster even though they already had those and they were the exact same thing as a succubus (Brachina)). Where devils enjoy playing with contracts and mind games and the slow descent into corruption, demons are pure hunger/lust and chaos and usually go for the fast track to corruption. Orgies and mindless over-the-top violence, both at the same time, if possible. ["Devils and demons hate each other" is the biggest understatement the universe knows, and the two have been at war since basically the dawn of time. It's called the Blood War and it will never end. They are instinctually driven to destroy each other, and this is also built into their tiefling descendants.]
Other: Fiends who fall into no other category. There is actually a third category - Yugoloths, the Neutral Evil fiends, but they don't seem to make tieflings that I've seen. Night Hags are a common enough ancestor, and tieflings descended from them often have blue/violet skin, likened to the colour of bruises. Rakshasa are another one; cat eyes and occasionally fur turning up on them.
3.5e gave them a set of traits they all shared: higher reflexes; a boost to their intelligence stat (for some reason?); the ability to see in total darkness; to create areas of pitch black supernatural darkness; they were less affected by the cold and electric shocks, and their flesh and skin was slightly fire retardant. Sometimes they had an affinity for certain animals, or had wings.
Back in 2e, Tieflings were all unique and could manifest some of any number of random traits. Behold! The chart!
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And then, amongst the various shit that went down as the setting was burned down around us all in 4e, Asmodeus - Archdevil of the Ninth Hell, Ruler of the Nine Hells - killed the god Azuth and elevated himself to godhood. He "defeated" the Tanar'ri in the (eternal!) Blood War and celebrated by having a circle of warlocks known as "the Toril Thirteen" to create a new strain of tieflings descended from him to remind the world to fear him. This would be fine, except he did this by ruining overwriting all the pre-existing tieflings so that they would now all be descended from him and ALL have their varied, often subtle, appearances be changed to be red skinned people with goat horns and tails regardless of if that made any FUCKIGN sense. How do you overwrite a Night Hag or Mask or.the goddamn Mulhorandi pantheon The hells and Asmodeus have zero - ZERO, connection! He has no claim-.
Asmodeus exerts no control over "his" tieflings, however, they are simply marked by his power. People do not like them any better than the originals, but less of them are getting killed at birth now due to being born into families of other tieflings.
The ancestry of these tieflings does not dilute over time. The child of an Asmodeus tiefling is another tiefling.
By 15th century DR (5e) the Blood War is back on and the original tieflings have begun to re-emerge in Toril, but the majority are still the Asmodeus type.
The generic tieflings are rare enough that the majority can go their entire lives without meeting another of their kind. Asmodeus' tieflings are uncommon, but prone to being found in small groups.
Tieflings are "persecuted and feared in most of Faerûn." (Though the gods don't give a damn, and are happy enough to manifest to them in dreams in tiefling form to the delight of the religiously inclined)
There are, however, places where they are more common.
Back before it blew up (4e!) Thay had an unusually high tiefling population. "Thayan tieflings [were] usually the grandchildren of powerful wizards, birthed as part of some power scheme, and usually [spent] their lives as slaves or pawns to both sides of the family." Obviously, these tieflings became Asmodeus tieflings due to the ritual. Afterwards the lich Szass Tam decided to turn everybody undead. Some living people returned to Thay, once it was habitable again post-Spellplague (despite still being full of liches and vampires), so there may be some Thayan tieflings remaining. TIefling descendants of the refugees of Thay can also be found in the surrounding countries. Aglarond, mostly, since Rashamen has a decidedly negative history with Thay. Mulhorand is another land with a tiefling population. Mulhorand is Ancient Egypt. Not like fantasy-equivalent to Ancient Egypt, like they're actually the descendants of Ancient Egyptians who ended up in Toril (side effect of ancient wizards kidnapping people from other worlds to enslave). Mulhorandi planetouched are the descendants of the local gods, who once ruled the country themselves when it was first founded, and the mixture of aasmiar, genasi and tieflings is significant enough to make up 2% of the total population. In the case of tieflings, that usually means their grandfather/ancestor is Set, Anhur or Sobek. Historically the priesthoods of Mulhorand enjoyed bickering, which would've been annoying as the descendant of their god/their god's enemy, but the pantheon has told them to knock it off nowadays.
Mulhorandi tieflings have their own naming conventions, taking surnames based on their ancestor; Zia or Sia preceding the god's name. Ziasobek or Sianhur, for example. In the North, Neverwinter was once host to a cult dedicated to Asmodeus (the Ashmadai) that lead to a rise in tieflings, and since that offers an opportunity to blend in with their own kind the city attracted more tiefling immigrants, and as such has a fair sized population now.
I'm also taking a third option: immigrants from the outer planes would be unusual, but tieflings are out there and some of them may decide to move to Faerûn for some reason.
Sigil is a city at the centre of the universe built into the inside of a giant ring at the top of an infinite spire that has no beginning or end. It's also the nexus point of the universe, is covered in portals and its markets have goods from everywhere in known existence. It's population also comes from everywhere in existence, so tieflings are not such an oddity. Culturally it's rather like a fantasy parody of corrupt cockney Victorianesque(?) London, if the entirety of D&D moved there.
Tieflings can also be found living in the Lower Planes themselves, usually as canon fodder in the Blood Wars.
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cosmermaid · 8 months
I feel like a lot of people misunderstand how tieflings work in 5e lore, and Baldur's Gate 3 didn't help with that.
If anyone didn't know, tieflings aren't really a race as we understand them. It's more like a recessive trait, but tieflings are born from human families. A child being born as a tiefling is in-universe treated like a curse or a deformity.
There are no such things as half-tieflings. A character is either a tiefling, or they are not. Tieflings are most often born from human parents. They usually go on to have human children. (Even if they have kids with another tiefling.) Tiefling siblings should be rare. It's unfortunately pretty common for tieflings to be abandoned by their parents as babies, because they are seen as a bad omen, or shame about having an infernal-touched bloodline.
I can see Rolan and his siblings in BG3 having been orphaned tieflings that bonded as small children and stuck together their whole lives. But Arabella or at least one of her parents should have been human. Some of the tieflings in the refugees should have had human family members traveling with them as they fled Elturel.
Another fun fact is while tieflings are born from humans, other D&D races have their own plane-touched infernal counterparts. Elves have fey'ri, halflings have wisplings, and orcs have tanarukks.
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abyssalaerlocke · 4 months
Halfling Wyll
So, I was gonna say if Durge's default form is a dragonborn, Tav's default form should be a short race (because instead they stacked the companions with humans and elves).
But then I got thinking about what if one of the companions was made short instead, and — halfling Wyll, charming badass.
They didn't make him a normal tiefling or anything anyway, so they could totally make him a wispling (tiefling/fiendish halfling), even if there's no other characters like him.
He could start kind of aloof, but seems like a decent guy. You find him teaching the tiefling kids eye to eye, and he's a monster hunter who's a bit of a folk hero legend.
Then if you end up romancing him, you find out about his charming, traditional, nobility side. He finally gets to reconnect to and indulge a sweet, specific side of himself of things like fairytales and ballroom dances that he put behind him when his father exiled him and he's been living on the road for years.
I really want some art (or stories) of him now (but also really want to focus on my current WIPs right now) so if you're inspired, I'd love to see it 😯😃
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spankystokes · 1 year
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New from Strangecat Toys: Spark-Ling The Fire Wispling "Sunset" edition by Artiqfox! http://dlvr.it/Sh6BG5
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itemsofgoatlings · 2 years
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Wispling AD Added on 03-02-2014
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goatlingsvent · 8 months
like for space goats theres the wisplings and RAD, the aurora, the galaxy, the night and day phantoms and their RADs, and then like star crossed, nebula and twilight flight - not even counting all the zodiacs - while the only astronauts are space explorer and the snowglobe guy and theres ONE alien but i guess we're getting another flowy space goat
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lichlab · 2 years
CHILDREN OF THE ABYSS features four subraces found in earlier editions of Dungeons & Dragons: the fey'ri (elf), tanarukk (orc), durzagon and maeluth (dwarf), and wispling (halfling). In addition to unique traits for each subrace, each section contains information drawn from the lore of earlier game editions.
Along with these subraces comes the Hellborn Sorcerous Origin, a subclass for sorcerers whose magic comes from a fiendish ancestor or other unholy influence in their bloodline. Hellborn sorcerers become increasingly fiendish as they advance in their class, and some of their features are influenced by the nature of their dark progenitor. Although this subclass is particulary appropriate for the subraces described in this document, it has no special restrictions and is available to sorcerors of all races.
The document ends with a small collection of feats restricted to the subraces described above. These feats are designed to emulate certain features they possess in earlier editions but which might be too powerful to be awarded at character creation.
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Because you’ve been VERY naughty 🙇🏻‍♂️ Artiqfox x Christopher Luke Black Flame Spark-ling 🔥 🖤 Limited 1/1 piece 3.5 Inches @artiqfox @christopherluke #christopherlukeart #artiqfox #toy #collab #toydesigner #wispling #sparkling #flame #fire #wisp #firespirit #firewisp #art #3D #artist #resinart #resinfigure #toyart #cute #skull #designertoys #designerresin #artiqfox #toymaker #customtoy #resintoy #northampton #blackflame #coal #toyphotography (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmeXxmROLIW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seccunda · 11 months
uh. has anyone in the uk/eu just got tumblr live forced on them? why the fuck is that shit here
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sirblackaxe · 3 years
I found some 3rd edition rules for tieflings from some non-human races! I'm fiddling with updating them to 5E.
Fey'ri - Elf subrace (Elf + Demon (Succubi/Incubi))
If using racial ASIs, +1 CHA.
Shapechanger - Like changelings, with the additional restrictions that you can only change into Humanoids and must remain approximately the same height and weight.
Language: Abyssal
Access to a feat that grants wings and a 40' fly speed when not wearing medium or heavy armor.
Tanarukk - Orc variant (Orc + Demon)
If using racial ASIs, +2 STR and +1 DEX
Powerful build
Fire Resistance
Control Flames (cantrip)
1d6 STR bite
Langauges: Common, Orc, Abyssal
Access to a feat that grants spell resistance.
Maeluth - Dwarf subrace (Dwarf + Devil)
If using racial ASIs, +1 CHA.
Fiend Hammer - 1/day as a bonus action, choose fire or necrotic. a melee weapon you touch deals an extra 1d6 damage of the chosen type on a hit for 1 minute.
Language: Infernal
Wispling - Halfing subrace (Halfling + Demon)
If using racial ASIs, +1 CHA.
Stealth proficiency
Disguise Self 1/day (using CHA, may also cast using spell slots)
Language: Abyssal
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happyheidi · 2 years
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some more posters I found funny
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abyssalaerlocke · 5 months
Githyanki Tiefling
So tieflings are generally humans who have fiendish blood/are planetouched by the hells, and this usually comes from their parent. There seem to be references to half-breeds [edit: tieflings can originally be the offspring of a fiendish parent], but I believe currently, tieflings breed true (a tiefling's children will always be full tieflings without mixing). However, there are other ways to become planetouched, such as with Wyll Ravengard.
There are a number of tiefling variants for different races:
Fey'ri (elf), wispling (halfling), maeluth (dwarf), tanarukk (orc).
All this to say, I really feel like having a githyanki OC with a tail, and wonder about the possibilities of a fiendish githyanki.
Maybe githyanki Durge triggered a trap from the crown heist with Gortash, or otherwise earned Mephistopheles' wrath (denying him the 7,000 souls from the Rite of Profane Ascension) and became planetouched that way.
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yellow-sleeping-bag · 5 years
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Ooooh, improvement! 1st image is, October 2018?? Second one is January 2019, and the last one is a few days ago!
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