#witch uraraka
millidew · 23 days
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slay the princess + togachako. anything is possible <3
(hey. click for princess shigaraki)
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mikeluckas · 1 year
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Hero Witches 🧹🐸
more halloween card designs
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ibbdotam · 9 months
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i think mha halloween au is going to rot my brain out all month long
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moxiepoxart · 1 year
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Wizard! Ochako
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p1nkch3rries · 2 years
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✿Y/N L/N✿
Age: 15
Power/Quirk: Psychic Energy Manipulation, Mental Manipulation, Telepathy, Levitation, Chaos Magic
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Psychic Energy Manipulation
Telekinesis: Y/n has the ability to move, levitate, and otherwise manipulate objects using her psionic energy in a remote manner without the need for her energy to first be projected from her hands. Y/n uses this energy to affect and control molecules and particles, allowing her to fully control matter and energy.
Force-Field Generation: Y/n is able to create highly durable barriers of red energy that she can shape and manipulate as needed. She can use it to grab and break apart targets, protect others from enemy fire, contain a target or cover, and deflect attacks from enemies
Disintegration: Y/n is capable of using her energy in such an acute telekinetic way that she is able to completely disintegrate objects. (CURRENTLY UNKNOWN TO Y/N)
Mental Manipulation
Emotion Manipulation: With her mental powers, Y/n often used it in order to elicit fear or emotional pain in a person in the form of nightmarish hallucinations that could stun and weaken even an individual as powerful as Thor. These visions can depict things that a person fears, regrets, or general disturbances, though the nature of it is not up to Y/n. She is able to know what her victim is seeing and be inside the vision with them.
Due to her ability to interact mentally with others, Y/n can read minds, communicate telepathically and experience the memories and thoughts of others. She can also sense the minds and emotions of those around her.
Y/n is able to use this power to move through the air and simulate flight, in order to hover and safely float back to the ground. The use of this power manifests as a blast of psionic energy expelled from her hands onto the ground to propel herself up in the air, with a second blast used to slow her momentum as she approaches the ground allowing her to land safely.
Chaos Magic
Reality Warping: Y/n can warp reality. Y/n's reality-warping abilities began initially on a small scale, however, as time progressed, her powers have grown exponentially. Y/n can also create small zones where reality follows her wishes and rules. The areas are surrounded by a partially invisible force field and appear normal from the outside. 
Conjuration: The power to create or to uncreate something or someone from nothing. 
Transmutation: The ability to change the physical properties of creatures, things, or conditions.
Energy Absorption: The ability to absorb any energy or magic and transform it into Chaos Magic, amplifying Y/n's own magic to an even greater extent. She is capable of absorbing magic and energy without killing her target.
Spell Casting: Y/n was able to cast runes to keep others from using their magic.
Astral Projection: Unlike traditional astral projection, Y/n is able to project her astral form without losing consciousness of her physical self. She can accomplish this by manifesting the Scarlet Witch outside of her own body.
Teleportation: Y/n can transport others from one place to another. She is also able to disappear and reappear, leaving behind a trail of red smoke.
Illusion Manipulation: Y/n could cast very life-like illusions of herself and others. She also cast an illusion to transform landscapes into appearing as others.
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Y/n L/n was born as a mutant in a world where the mutant population was very low. When she developed her mutant powers, her parents abandoned her, fearing what she could do. While growing up, she often hid to avoid getting caught and killed for her abilities. At age 10, S.H.I.E.L.D found and recruited her to train under the Avengers' guidance to hone and improve her powers. She was taught hand-to-hand combat by Natasha Romanoff, who also taught her multiple languages. At 13, she was recognized as a full-fledged Avenger responsible for going on patrol and missions. At 14, the young girl was hit with the traumatic events of the Blip, dying, and coming back to fight Thanos.
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Spiderman: Friend (Alive)
Stephen Strange: Mentor/Father Figure (Alive)
Wong: Mentor/Close Friend (Alive)
America Chavez: Close Friend (Alive)
Clint Barton: Close Friend (Alive)
Bucky Barnes: Friend (Alive)
Sam Wilson: Close Friend (Alive)
Bruce Banner: Friend (Alive)
Scott Lang: Friend (Alive)
Thor: Friend (Alive)
Tony Stark: Close Friend (Dead)
Steve Rodgers: Father Figure (Dead)
Vision: Friend (Dead)
Natasha Romanoff: Close Friend (Dead)
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tofutastic · 4 months
Some new magnets and some older ones I updated!
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sunflower-art-19 · 8 months
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Uraraka getting ready for Halloween
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mimithealpaca · 8 months
uraraka's delivery service
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i still feels bad for the fate of kacchako in the day 1 au of many face(les)s of bkdk so i drew up a wholesome snack :)
i love my gorl 🥰
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gluttonyedits · 1 year
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requested by anon: Ochaco Uraraka palette swap with Katsuki Bakugo
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rwac96 · 1 year
Prompt; Eri reuniting with her parents, Izuku and Ochaco, and seeing that they came back in a three-way relationship with Akko, with Akko in between them holding both their hands.
Eri(eyes shining): I have two mamas now?!
Izuku: You can say that. *rubs the back of his neck*
Ochaco: Yup. *she kneels down, ruffling her hair*
Akko: *kneels down as well* Nice to meet ya, Eri.
Eri: Yay! *hugs Ochaco & Akko*
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lyneri · 2 years
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Watched Kiki’s delivery yesterday so wanted to draw Ochako as Kiki...
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chatonfils · 2 years
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I definitely don’t keep forgetting to post this.
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p1nkch3rries · 2 years
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SOUNDS OF FOOTSTEPS CAN be heard through the hallways as Y/n makes her way to find her classroom, aka Class 1-A. While walking, she slightly tugged her skirt in annoyance, not liking that she had to wear a uniform. Don't get her wrong; she loved how it looked and thought it was pretty, but that doesn't mean the material the uniform was made of was comfortable.
While walking, Y/n thought about all she had done in the last few weeks of being on Earth-112086. She had to learn about the history of quirks and the laws that were provided to restrict them with the help of Aizawa. She also brushed up on her Japanese with All Might since the last time she spoke the language was when Nat was still around.
Nezu gave Y/n a rundown of the school and explained to her that she could only use one of her powers so as not to raise suspicion. The power she decided on was one of the more useful ones, her Psychic Energy Manipulation. She believes that power will be able to cause the most damage to her enemies and is the best one at protecting others from danger.
Y/n also met the rest of the U.A. faculty and some notable pro heroes charted in the top 10 in the Hero Billboard Chart JP. And during all this happening, Y/n realized truly how different this world was from her own. She was already shocked at the idea of people becoming heroes to be famous since back home, most heroes didn't choose or want a life that involved crime fighting. The puzzle pieces of life just happened to fall like that.
Y/n was also shocked that they had schools specifically designed to train teens to become full-fledged heroes. They go through fake scenarios and fight one another to grasp the idea of what it's like to be put on the spot. It prepared the students for anything and honestly impressed Y/n with how organized it was.
But what shocked the young mutant the most was how everyone accepted the idea of powers. No one had to run and hide for developing a superhuman ability; they were actually praised for having such a thing instead. It felt weird for her to see, but it also made her feel safe and protected. However, she must not let her guard down.
Y/n's thoughts finally broke when she encountered a humongous door with the letters "1-A" painted red. She would be guessing that the reason to have such a large door would be for people with quirks that enhance their height. But then again, this school is uber rich, so they could have large doors for the hell of it.
Y/n took a deep breath before sliding the door open and walking inside the almost empty classroom, with the exception of a few students littered about. She got here early to hopefully not bump into anyone and snag a good seat in the back, which is exactly what she does. As she takes her seat, Y/n whips out a book, The Foster Theory, which Thor highly recommended. This is probably because his ex-girlfriend wrote it.
The young girl was able to read the first few pages until more and more students started showing up, which meant more noise. She gave up on reading after not being able to focus on the book anymore and decided to look out the window instead. Y/n admired how green the grass looked and how today would have been a perfect day for a walk with how clear the skies were.
'Now I can get used to this. What a peaceful da–'
"Take your feet off of that desk now!"
"It's the first day, and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"
"You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?"
'Nevermind... I was expecting too much.'
Y/n reluctantly looked away from nature's beauty and looked over at the two boys causing a scene on the first day. The first boy looked like a stereotypical rule follower with his nicely combed blue hair and spotless glasses. The second boy looked like a wannabe delinquent with his spiky platinum blonde hair, baggy pants, and lack of a tie. What a rebel...
Pulling her gaze away, Y/n noticed a plain-looking, green-haired boy standing at the door's entrance. He seemed to be on the verge of passing out as if seeing the rule follower and wannabe delinquent was like the equivalent of seeing Thanos himself. It didn't help his situation when glasses and blondie stopped bickering and aimed their attention at him.
"It's him."
Those two words caused the entire class to shift their gaze at the helpless boy, and his nervousness seemed to go from 50 to 100 quickly. "Uh, hi."
Of course, the green-haired boy's torturing didn't stop there, as glasses started stiffly marching his way over to the poor boy. "Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida fro–"
Y/n decided she didn't care for the commotion anymore and redirected her gaze back to the peaceful outside setting. She chose her area of focus to be the two young birds flying around outside, playing with one another. But, her peace was interrupted again when she heard Aizawa's voice ring through the air.
"If you're just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now."
Outside the main door, Y/n saw Aizawa lying on the floor in his yellow sleeping bag. His appearance left the whole class shocked and slightly unnerved. He sometimes did this when teaching the young girl quirk history, so she probably shouldn't have been surprised that he would do this to his own students too.
"Welcome to UA's hero course." Aizawa unzipped his sleeping bag and stood up. "It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that."
'Wow! He is amazing at first impressions... not.'
"Hello. I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher."
Everyone's faces became even more shocked when Aizawa uttered his last sentence. While everyone was frozen in surprise, the pro hero dug through his sleeping bag to pull out what looked to be a school p.e. uniform.
"Right, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside."
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"What? A quirk assessment test?"
"But orientation! We're gonna miss it!" A girl with a brown bob and pink cheeks said, disappointed.
Unlike everyone else, Y/n didn't seem to mind the idea of missing orientation. Even though she was robbed of her to go to a regular school, she understood that orientation usually consisted of sitting with your class and listening to someone speak for an hour or two about the rules.
"If you really wanna make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies. Here at UA, we're not tethered to traditions. That means I get to run my class however I see fit." said Aizawa.
"You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives. But you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before. The country's still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day, the Ministry of Education will learn."
The more Y/n thought about it, the more she agreed with his judgment. A mutant in her world who develops a power that enhances strength would have to make their test results go up gradually to make it look natural. But in a world full of superpowered people, shouldn't it be normalized to use that power in those tests?
"Bakugo, you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?" Aizawa said, looking at the wannabe delinquent.
"Sixty-seven meters, I think."
"Right. Try doing it with your quirk. Anything goes, just stay in the circle. Go on. You're wasting our time."
While Bakugo was stretching his arms to get ready for the throw, Y/n started wondering what his quirk exactly was. She thought of him cocky and confident, so that must mean his quirk is a powerful one. Powerful enough that it makes you think you're the biggest hotshot at school.
As Bakugo started throwing his ball, an enormous explosion erupted from his hand that caused the ball to shoot through the air at a rapid speed, leaving a fire trail behind it.
'Holy shit, dude. That's one loud and flashy power. No wonder he was cocky; he probably got praised for developing such a quirk.'
"All of you need to know your maximum capabilities." said Aizawa.
While speaking, the ball falls from the sky and hits the ground, and a beep could be heard from the device Aizawa used to calculate the distance of the throw. He looks down at the machine and then turns towards the class, showing Bakugo's results.
705.2 meters.
"It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero."
Y/n looked at the results in awe, but her feeling of awe was less from Bakugo's results and more from this world. At this moment, she finally realized that no one would look down on her for being a mutant and instead treat her as an equal. But her purpose in that world isn't to feel accepted; she's here to complete a mission... Only a mission.
"So this looks fun, huh?"
'Wait, what? Oh, I spaced out, didn't I?'
"You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all gonna be games and play time?"
The tension rose as Aizawa smirked, glaring at his class.
"Idiots. Today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately. Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs. Understand? If that's a problem, you can head home right now."
'Okay, so this day just went from 0 to 100 quickly.'
"You can't send one of us home! I mean, we just got here! Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair!" Yelled the girl with pink cheeks. Her protest of Aizawa's teaching methods seems to strike a nerve with him.
"Oh, and you think natural disasters are? Or power-hungry villains? Hm? Or catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities? No, the world is full of unfairness."
'He's right. Life was never fair back in my world. It isn't fair for the mutants who get hunted down and killed. It isn't fair for the people whose lives were affected by Thanos and the Blip. It isn't fair for Morgan, who has to grow up without her father. Nothing in life was fair.'
"It's a hero's job to combat that unfairness. If you wanna be a pro, you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So, go beyond. Plus Ultra-style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here."
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"Runners, on your marks."
(Y/N) knelt into a standing sprint start, wrapping her red psionic energy around her feet, eyes shifting to red. She was racing against a boy with tape rolls for elbows and black hair falling to his shoulders. The young girl was trying to understand the use of his quirk but decided against it as she had a test to focus on.
"Ready? Go!"
After the confirmation, Y/n lifted a foot off the ground and had her psionic energy push her through the air. She didn't, however, expect her classmate to shoot his tape to a nearby wall and swing through the air like Spiderman. With that swing, the black-haired boy passed her by a few milliseconds.
"4.05 seconds."
"4.15 seconds."
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Red energy wraps around the grip strength dynamometer and squeezes down on the machine's handle. The energy vanishes the moment a beep is heard ringing through the air. The device reads 200 kilograms.
'Not too shabby. Though maybe I do need to work on my actual arm strength. I can't always rely on my powers.'
As Y/n puts her dynamometer down, the tape boy's voice is heard exclaiming in shock. Her attention shifts to three boys in her class, the main focus being a boy with multiple arms attached to one another.
"Wow! You hit 540 kilograms? You're such a beast!"
Y/n sweatdrops a little at this statement.
'540 kilograms? Talk about some brute strength.'
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The standing long jump was probably the most straightforward test for the young mutant to complete. The objective was to jump across the sandbox and land as far away from the starting point as possible. Y/n levitated herself over and across the box, softly landing on the other side.
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The repeated side steps seem to be only helpful for the short boy that could bounce off the purple balls on his head. For this test, Y/n purely relied on the training she received as an Avenger and didn't use her powers. So, she tried her best.
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(Y/N) held the ball tight as she wrapped her psionic energy around it, eyes turning red. The moment she threw the ball, a trail of red followed behind it, causing it to fly through the air faster. Once it hit the ground, Aizawa turned to the class and showed her result.
750 meters.
Her score received a collective gasp from the class. Satisfied with her results, Y/n walked back to her classmates as the girl with pink cheeks took her place on the field. The brunette grabbed the ball, and she simply tossed it. After waiting a few minutes for any sign of it falling, Aizawa showed everyone her results. Now the class was even more surprised by what they saw.
As the brunette walked back to her fellow students, Y/n couldn't help but praise the girl for her results. "Wow, that's an amazing quirk you have there! I didn't even know infinity could be possible when throwing a softball."
Pink cheeks blushed a bit at the comment and smiled. "Thank you! But I think my quirk is nothing compared to yours. Those red wispies that come out of your hand are so pretty, and they've helped you in almost every test so far! Oh, I'm Ochako Uraraka, by the way!"
"I'm Y/n L/n. It's really nice to meet you, Uraraka. " Y/n smiled.
Before the two girls could talk to one another more, their attention was taken away by the green-haired boy that walked up to the white circle with the ball in his hand. He looked petrified. He seemed to be contemplating his next move, not wanting to get a bad test result.
'I wonder what his quirk is. His results have been average to low for the previous test, and he's currently the one lagging behind.'
"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home." said Iida, arms crossed.
"Huh? Of course, he is. He's a quirkless loser." retaliated Bakugo.
Y/n was confused for a second about why having no power would make you unable to be a hero. Her world had tons of non-superhuman heroes/vigilantes. But then she remembered something that she learned while studying quirk history.
'In this world, there has never been a quirkless hero. So that must mean he has to have a quirk to be in this school.' Now that's a cultural shock for me.
Looking back over at Midoriya, Y/n notices the glint of determination in his eyes. When he threw the ball, streaks of red glowed from his arm. But that seemed to do nothing since... the ball only went 46 meters.
'Well, that was anticlimatic.'
Midoriya looked down at the hand he threw with in utter disbelief, wondering why his quirk wasn't working. He was so sure that he was trying to use it while throwing that ball. However, his question gets answered when he sees Aizawa's scarf and hair start to float, his eyes glowing red.
"I erased your quirk. The judges for this exam were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school."
Midoriya seemed confused. "Wait, you did what to my-"
And then the realization hit him.
"Ah! Those goggles. I know you! You can look at someone and cancel out their powers. The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head!"
'Right, Aizawa's quirk erases people's powers. He tested out his quirk on me to see if it would do the same effect on mutants. It did. I guess mutations and quirks work the same in the human body.'
Aizawa continued talking to Midoriya but lowered his voice so that only the greenette could hear. Not being able to hear them and not wanting to eavesdrop, Y/n looked over at Uraraka.
"Do you have any idea what they are talking about? I can't hear them." Uraraka asked, looking concerned for the boy.
"Whatever it is, Mr. Aizawa only wants Midoriya to know." responded Y/n.
Suddenly, Aizawa's scarf was wrapped around the poor boy's body, pulling him close and glaring at him. The probability of their teacher's words being advice was slim. After a few moments, he let the boy go. The tension was high, and everyone wondered if anything Aizawa said to Midoriya was even good or helpful.
"I wonder if our teacher gave him some advice." said Iida.
"Probably told him to start packing."
"Do you just dedicate yourself to being the biggest asshole towards Midoriya? Or were you just born that?" Y/n asked, smirking a bit at how easy it was to make Bakugo angry.
"What did you say to me, you extra?!"
"It was just a question. No need to get pissy about it."
Y/n looked back a Midoriya, worried if the poor boy would even use his quirk. He was looking at the ball in his hand, a million thoughts going through his mind. Then that look of determination returned in his eyes as he threw the softball. The speed and power that was used in that throw was amazing.
'If he had such a powerful quirk all this time, why did he decide now to use it?'
Y/n's eyes drifted down to Midoriya's now broken finger. Her question was answered by seeing how damaged it was.
'Oh... That must be it. He doesn't know how to control his power.'
The softball hit the ground with a light thud, and another beep is heard from the device in Aizawa's hand. The teacher looked down at the machine and then back up at Midoriya in shock as if he wasn't expecting anything to come from the boy's throw. Aizawa turned the device over to the class and showed the results.
705.3 meters.
"He threw it over 700 meters!"
"Nice, he's finally showing us his true power!"
"But his finger appears to be broken now. Just like in the exam. This quirk is very odd."
"It wasn't a very pretty throw."
As more and more students voiced their opinions about Midoriya's results and his self-destructive quirk, Y/n decided to look over at Bakugo, who was the only one quiet. She was expecting him to say something, considering that he obviously didn't like the green-haired boy, but the only thing she saw was his face of pure shock. But that didn't last long.
Bakugo's open palms started bursting with small explosions, and his once-shocked expression turned to one of anger. He charged toward Midoriya, hand reaching toward him with the intent of using his quirk.
"Hey! Deku, you bastard! Tell me how you did that, or you're dead!"
Bakugo's running abruptly stopped when the fabric of Aizawa's scarf went around and restrained the boy. No matter how hard he pulled, the blonde couldn't escape his current trap.
"What? Why the hell is your damn scarf so strong?"
"Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and special metal alloy. Stand down. It'd be wise to avoid making me use my quirk so much. It gives me serious dry eye. You're wasting my time now. Whoever's next can step up."
Bakugo's restraints were free once Aizawa was done speaking, but the boy didn't move. He didn't even look at Midoriya, who slowly started walking away from him and going over to the rest of the students. The blonde just kept glaring at the ground.
"Ouch, is your finger okay?" asked Uraraka, concerned for Midoriya's finger.
"Sure. Fine!"
Y/n wasn't paying attention to the two students' conversation, too busy keeping her attention and gaze on Bakugo. He seemed furious, but not like before. His anger was now concerning and seemed to be coming from a place of insecurity. Unconsciously, her eyes flickered red as she started listening in on the blonde's thoughts.
'Until the exam, he was nothing. A little bug I could crush if I wanted to. Just an annoying bug that I can smash into the ground.'
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"All right, time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the whole list. It's not worth going over each individual's score." explained Aizawa.
Midoriya feared seeing his ranking, not wanting to be the one in last place, and getting expelled. When Y/n looked over at him, she felt bad, knowing that he would probably end up last. However, she also knew Aizawa wasn't going to expel him. The mutant saw the look in the teacher's eyes. She didn't even need to read his mind to know that he was going to break his own rule.
Once the beep was heard, everyone immediately looked for their names as the hologram turned on with the rankings displayed. Midoriya, whose eyes were closed, started slowly opening them. And when he found his name, his heart dropped to his stomach.
He was in the last place...
Then the hologram vanished.
"And I was lying, no one's going home. That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests."
Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida all yelled in shock, causing Y/n to stifle her laugh. She knew Aizawa wouldn't turn away a student with so much hidden potential. It honestly would be foolish if he did so. Once everyone settled down from their state of both relief and panic, Aizawa started speaking again.
"That's it. We're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning."
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Y/n felt drained, not having been mentally or physically prepared to do so much on the first day. But, even though she was tired and just wanted to sleep, she was excited about what was coming from this school. Except, she wasn't supposed to be. She was supposed to be looking for multiversal anomalies, but she found none in the past few weeks of being in this world.
These anomalies have been hiding in spots that Y/n can't seem to find, and it was frustrating her. She felt selfish for having a good time at U.A. when people from her world were out there possibly plotting against this world. If only she could get some type of lead in this mission.
"L/n! Wait up!"
Y/n turned towards the voice and was greeted by the happy aura that Uraraka naturally seemed to have around her. The mutant smiled a bit and slightly waved her hand at the brunette.
"You know, Uraraka, you can just call me by Y/n. There is no need for formalities."
"Oh, okay! Well then, you can call me Ochako!"
Y/n chuckled a bit at her enthusiasm as the two girls continued walking together. They had some nice small talk about what happened at school until Ochako noticed Iida and Midoriya a few feet in front of them, also talking to one another. The brunette called out to the two boys with her bright smile and happy aura.
"Hey! Wait up, you two! Are you going to the station? We'll join you guys!"
She started running up to the duo, and Y/n followed suit.
"I'm Ochaco Uraraka. Let's see, you are Tenya Iida. And your name is... Deku, right? Midoriya?"
"Uh, yeah, isn't that what Bakugo called you? Right?"
"Uh, well, my name's actually Izuku. Deku's what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me." Midoriya says, a little panicked and embarrassed.
'I knew that guy was an asshole.'
"Oh, I didn't realize that! I'm sorry. But you know what? I like Deku. It could make a great hero name! Plus, I think it sounds kinda cute."
"Deku it is!"
Iida and Y/n deadpanned at Midoriya's quick acceptance of the insulting nickname, and when they pointed it out, the boy started blushing even more. Luckily for the freckled boy, the attention drifted away from him when Iida realized he was never introduced to Y/n.
"I'm sorry, I've never properly introduced myself to you. How rude of me! I'm Tenya Iida."
"Oh, it's alright! I'm Y/n L/n, but you can just call me Y/n."
Iida was shocked at the idea of calling a girl he had just met by her first name. After all, the norm in Japan is to call people by their last name since it is the respectful thing to do. Of course, that doesn't apply if you are close to one another.
"But isn't that a bit too forward? We don't want to be disrespectful." asked Midoriya.
"Oh, well, I'm actually a transfer from America, so it's normal to call friends by their first name. But if you both are uncomfortable with doing so, that's understandable."
"A transfer? I would have never guessed. Your Japanese is really good, and you barely have an accent!" gushed Ochako.
"Well, if calling you by your first name is what you are comfortable with, then it is our responsibility as your classmates to respect that!"
Y/n chuckled a bit at Iida's response but thanked him for being considerate. After introductions, the four students continued their way to the train station, getting to know each other better. The young mutant was having a great time being around kids her age since she usually was with much older people. She liked it here.
'Yeah, I can get used to this.'
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 15 days
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