#with * / kian zhang.
warflcwer · 5 months
who: Kian Zhang ( @tctteredwings )
where: Kian Zhang Hair
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With extremely short hair, Emmett never had any use for a hair cut. His beard however, was a different story. Emmett liked to stay clean and presentable, looking his best at all times. Since marrying Andrea very early on in their relationship, there had been only one person he trusted with a facial hair trim - his step child. The day was almost over as Emmett walked into the salon, having just come from the office, Emmett was still dressed in his usual suit and tie. Seeing Kian, the older man grinned, wrapping his arms around them in a warm embrace. "Hey mate," despite living in the US for half of his life, Emmett had still failed to drop the ever common nickname from the UK. "How's it going?"
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poetrysings · 7 months
Location: The High Line, Manhattan
Status: Closed Alexander starter for Kian ( @tctteredwings )
"Y'known, this is one of my favorite places in this little borough of yours" the blue-eyed man confessed at the other as they walked along the peculiar park in the elevated rail structure, both hands discretely tucked inside his pockets as the two walked freely, his own gaze moving vapidly and in awe between the art pieces exhibited there and the nature surrounding them; all in perfect unison. "When I have to come to this side of the bridge, I try to come here to give myself a break. It's a great place for a little hike. It's a great place to look at a very quick city and change perspectives" he voiced out loud, mostly to himself, a self reminder of why he had decided to come in the first place and why he had decided to invite the other along. There was a small chance, as minuscule as it could be, that Kian as the rest of New York, needed a breath from the chaotic life the city had to offer, if he could in any way provide that to them at the end of the day, he'd walk home a happy man.
"Do you enjoy art? Or has it never been in your radar? Are you an artsy type? You look like it" he grinned. From the moment they met, Kian had seemed like the coolest person to have around, an aura about them that had drawn Alexander in to try and befriend them. "I'm not sure you told me what you do for a living that time we met, or if I even asked with my dog pulling me away and keeping me distracted, sorry about that. I'm not sure I even asked that much about you but I would love to fix my mistakes now."
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ma6e · 1 year
JAKE A KIAN. [O algo así. La carta se encuentra prolijamente doblada entre las páginas de un sketchbook, sin intenciones de llegar a su dueño. Por el traspaso de algún material usado en el mismo sketchbook, tiene manchas amorfas de distintos colores encima. La letra descuidada y los borrones hechos de la misma tinta, sugieren que fue escrita a poca luz y con palabras rápidas, como quien se despierta en medio de la noche a escribir a la luz que entra por la ventana. El sketchbook se lo deja en la casa de Kian, por accidente. Es posible que la carta se deslice y llegue a sus manos.]
Mi amor, amorcito, mi vida. La cabeza me está dando vueltas en cosas que no debería, y acabo de imaginar el escenario más terrible de la vida: estás enamorado de alguien más, y es un sujeto que te trata tan bien y eres tan feliz, que no puedo ni siquiera quejarme. ¿Por qué me siento inseguro en este momento, por qué te imagino lejos de mi? Hace poco alguien me dijo que soñar con alguien es porque ese alguien está pensando en ti, pero si estás pensando cosas que lleven a que ese escenario se haga verdad, entonces prefiero que no me pienses. Que ni se te ocurra. Necesito botar estas imágenes de alguna forma, pero me rehúso a pintarlas, así que te escribo, y que se queden aquí encerradas para siempre, y tú a mi lado, y que esta imagen no se vuelva a materializar nunca más, porque no me puedo imaginar sin ti, y a ti sin mi. Lo siento, estás atrapado en mis brazos de por vida. Que pena. Soy un idiota. Te amo. ¿Esto cuenta como una amarre? Son como las tres y media de la mañana.
HAOKAI A JINAH. [La carta se encuentra dentro de un sobre blanco, como una carta formal, pero la estampa tiene la caricatura de un oso con un brote verde sobre la cabeza. Como los dormitorios no tienen un buzón muy ordenado, la deposita directamente por debajo de la puerta de Jinah. Tiene escrito su nombre, y en color rojo, las palabras top secret. Es un intento de bajarle el perfil, y hacerlo un poco gracioso, porque no es una carta de amor. De hecho, solo el sobre tiene esas pizcas divertidas, pero eso es algo de lo que Jinah se daría cuenta una vez lea el contenido. El mismo se encuentra escrito de su puño y letra, una letra ordenada y bonita, en tinta azul.]
Jinah, mi corazón, Sé que he estado extraño y ausente estos días, estas semanas, y me disculpo. Estoy tan acostumbrado a mi independencia, o a que los demás dependan de mí, que es difícil tomar las manos que te tienden. Es difícil verse vulnerable, incluso frente a las personas que sabes te contendrán en lugar de dejar que te desplomes. Dicho esto, si fuera menos cobarde, te diría esto en persona, pero es más fácil cuando sé exactamente lo que voy a compartirte, y cómo me vas a pillar la próxima vez que nos veamos. Lo que quiero que sepas es, que no estoy bien. Pero no tiene que ver contigo, ni con el amor que me entregas. Todas esas son cosas que valoro y amo, y no quiero que pienses que no es así, o que planeo dejarte ir. Porque no es verdad. Es mi madre. Hace unos meses se encontró una anomalía en sus exámenes de rutina, y eso ha evolucionado en lo peor que puedes imaginar cuando sabes de algo como eso. No sé hace cuánto lo sabe ella, pero yo me enteré hace aproximadamente tres semanas. Un poco más, un poco menos; he perdido un poco el sentido del tiempo. La cosa es que, ella está lista para irse, me dice, pero yo no estoy listo para dejarla ir. Cada vez que me encuentro con ella, que ahora es más seguido que nunca, me lo comenta. Me prepara, de alguna forma, para lo que ella ya asume como inevitable. Lo intenta. Pero no lo logra. No estoy listo, no me siento listo. ¿Sabes cómo es eso? Porque yo no sabía, y me abruma. Tanto, que no sé cómo encuentro la cabeza para seguir sumiéndome en cosas de la universidad, pero sé que no lo hago con tantas ganas como acostumbro. También sé que lo que tengo contigo ha sufrido un poco por lo mismo, aunque el único lugar en el que me siento un poco más vivo es cuando estoy contigo. ¿Encuentras tonto que te lo diga de esta forma? No me atrevo a articular las palabras y que estas salgan de mi boca. Dejarlo en un correo electrónico, por otra parte, se sentía más vacío que hacerlo por este medio ¿Te parece?. Pero estaba convencido de que tenía que contártelo, o terminaría por perderte. Y quiero que sepas que te amo. Tuyo, ZHK.
KOSTYA A MYEONG. [La carta se encuentra disfrazada en un sobre rosado con stickers de caricaturas de gatos dándose un besito, estrellas, corazones, y piedras de plástico, que asemejan a ese de un fan-mail. La persona a la que va dirigida es claramente Myeong, pero el remitente es una vagueza. La referencia a un gato con honoríficos cariñosos... en femenino. Nadie que no los conociera íntimamente y lo que comparten sospecharía que vendría de él, mucho menos que no se trata de una mujer. La carta ha llegado a manos del manager de Myeong, quien tiene como tarea entregársela al mismo. La carta misma está escrita en una hoja para cartas adornada con dibujos de un cielo estrellado, perfumada con su colonia, escrita en una fina tinta negra con una caligrafía acorde: elegante, y un poco difícil de leer. Junto a ella, una postal que no tiene más que un beso marcado.]
Mi estimadísimo Myeong, ¿Cómo te encuentras? Espero que mi elección de papel te agrade. Y los adornos, también. Los elegí yo mismo, con mis propios ojos y manos, y así me autodenomino tu mayor fan. No haría el esfuerzo por nadie más que tú. Estoy sentado en la mesita más bonita, con la vista más privilegiada de una ciudad que no visito tan seguido como para decir: estoy acostumbrado a esta belleza y ya no me impresiona. Pero aún así, no me siento completo, ni satisfecho, ni privilegiado. No te tengo a ti. Tampoco a mis gatas, pero para este mismísimo segundo en el que pensé en escribirte, ellas pasan a segundo plano. Quiero y necesito a mi chico. Estoy tan inspirado, y me siento tan desesperadamente enamorado, que hasta podría escribir una o dos canciones sobre ti. ¿Querrías escucharlas cuando regrese? Aunque lejos estés, en mis sueños te tengo. Como un gato sin dueño, siempre me encuentro. ¿Muy cursi? Piénsame, amor mío. Ya nos volveremos a ver. Kotenka ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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boroughshq · 8 months
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In preparation for our first event, under the cut you'll find a list of the shuffled character pairings for the upcoming snowstorm, along with further details about the event. As a reminder, the event will officially begin February 1st.
Marlon Mathis..............August Russo
Ryan Caddel................Claire Xiao
Javed Kashif................Alexander Warren
Onyx Harper.................Hercule Boisseau
Enzo Chavez.................Kian Zhang
Bijan Mousavi...............Oliver Metcalfe
Anavieve De Leon.........Deryn Adler
Riaz Mian.......................Fiona Burton
Athena Aston.................Anabelle Burton
Jasper Tomkins.............Johanna Paredes
Robin Morgan................Colson Kim
Gideon Chowdhury........Alina Ayutthaya-Harper
Kaan Demirci..................Neva Björk
Cerrus Balfour.................Anthony Ramos
Daniel Sutton..................Pauly Parker
Maccaulay Blake............Skyler Cameron
Josette Allen Lynn..........Honey Lavere
Merryn Hurley.................Riva Simone
Juliana Torres.................Benjamin Loverson
Violet Hú.........................Sherri Lowe
IC Timeline: Canonically, the snowstorm will suddenly pass through New York on Tuesday, February 1st.
OOC Timeline: Members will have from February 1st through February 8th to post their initial starters around the snowstorm. After 2/8, no new starters can be posted, but writers are free to continue their event thread until it's conclusion. An announcement will be made on both days when the event has started and ended.
Now that the pairings are announced, members are encouraged to reach out to the mun of their paired partner to plan out what will occur between the characters. Members are free to take liberties with the snowstorm backdrop to create whatever situational atmosphere they'd like - they can be as comedic, lowkey, absurd, mundane, adrenaline-seeking, or subtle as you'd like! If you're interested in more concrete details prior to the weather report on Tuesday, the 2014 Gulf Coast Winter Storm serves as a reference point!
Pairing Threads:
The primary reason behind the event is to encourage character interaction between characters who may not have engaged with each other before. As such, character threads are highly encouraged between the assigned pairing. Members can choose if they'd prefer to have their threads set during the action of the snowstorm (ex. thread of two character chatting while stuck in an ATM vestibule together until the power comes back on) or after the snowstorm (ex. first thread are characters running into each other two days after being stuck together in the ATM vestibule during the snowstorm).
Threads have no set length, neither in writing nor in IC time. The encounter between characters can be as brief as twenty minutes or as long as an overnighter, while threads can be full on multi-paras or simple gif conversations.
Additional Threads:
Members are also free to take advantage of the setting to engage in other snowstorm related threads during this time period, and are not limited to only engaging with their assigned partner. Other plotted threads and open starters are welcome! (ex. after being freed from the ATM vestibule, your character briefly seeks warmth at a nearby grocery store with other patrons, where an open starter may be set - or they return home to their roommate for a closed starter!)
Additionally, members are free to continue non-event threads!
Please be sure to tag all event threads as bhqevent001 for differentiation purposes.
Happy plotting everyone! An official post will be made once the event has begun on 2/1. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send them to the main!
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oftatteredwings · 1 year
for: @jengapuzzles ( utp! ) location: outside kian zhang hair
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Kian was hanging around the salon following one hell of a day, cigarette burning away between his fingertips, head leant back against the wall and eyes closed —- the stress was written all over his features. When he spotted someone walking up the sidewalk, he stubbed out the cigarette and pushed himself the standing again, glancing back inside. "It's been a long day," he commented lightly, a laugh escaping.
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nottinghillhq · 1 year
Hi! Would Nyle DiMarco be accepted? If so, any wanted connections he could fill?
Well hey there, anon! I don't see why he wouldn't be accepted here! Let's see - looking over our wcs, i think he could potentially fit in as one of elliot james' friends, silas grey's flatmates/coworkers, or kian zhang's ex boyfriend!
Members, if I missed something or you have a connection, please feel free to reply to this!
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soliloquivm · 1 year
✮ location kian zhang hair ✮ status : closed for @oftatteredwings ( kian ! )
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NERVES ARE PROMINENT within every inch of his body . the weather is nice , and while that is a comfort , it is still a cold sensation that crawls across his skin . he’d only been back for two weeks , found a new flat , touched base with his former manager , and now ? now is the time for damage control . his hand rests upon the door to the salon , his feet demanding that he turns his heel to return to the car , but he doesn’t , though the moment he sees kian through the window , ares begins to second guess himself . however , he caves , opening the door where the sound above announces his arrival , and he’s frozen , staring at the man he’d left behind . ‘ — hey ‘
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infiinitys · 2 years
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 GEMMA CHAN. SHE/HER / have you ever heard of COMPLEX by katie gregson-macleod, well, it describes DR. AURELIA ZHANG to a tee! the thirty-eight year old, and THERAPIST was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE is more withdrawn or more CONSIDERATE instead? anyway, they remind me of a sturdy shoulder to cry on, professionalism in their dna, an internalized sadness & a closet full of business wear, maybe you’ll bump into them soon!  
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙶𝙴𝚁 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶 : infidelity, divorce, pregnancy
Aurelia was born a twin, alongside her brother Kian in Manhattan, New York. The two appeared to be attached at the hip from the very moment that they came into the world and have remained that way ever since.
Aurelia was born a twin, alongside her brother Kian in Manhattan, New York. The two appeared to be attached at the hip from the very moment that they came into the world and have remained that way ever since.
Aurelia always admired her brother's confidence as a child, for her true self was someone she felt like she could never be, someone she truly didn't know.
She was always on the more studious side, very gifted when it comes to various ranges of academics. She was also a three sport athlete all throughout high school, a star on the women's soccer, basketball and lacrosse teams respectively.
At first Aurelia had every intention to become a profiler, planning to go to the FBI academy. Once she realized just how gruesome some of the cases were, she realized her interest in behavior might be better suited in a different field.
She was the valedictorian of her high school, armed with an acceptance letter to Harvard University's undergraduate psychology program.
Perhaps it seemed like common sense to not start a relationship with your academic rival, but even geniuses can have their faults. Aurelia found herself constantly butting heads with another member of her program. However, Aurelia continued to noticeably come out on top. The two began dating in their Junior year before an eventual proposal came the year after they graduated.
Aurelia had always made it very clear that she wanted to be near her brother, her best friend and confidant. The newlyweds made the decision to return to her hometown of New York City as they studied for their respective graduate programs.
Things changed again for her when the first positive pregnancy test came into view. The pregnancy had not been planned, but this did not mean that the parents to be were not excited. When Aurelia told her husband he was overjoyed. At that time, she truly believed that her life could not have gotten better.
Stella Lorelai Norton was born just a couple weeks shy of Aurelia's thirtieth birthday. She was taking an exam to gain her doctorate the moment her water broke.
Stella's first few years were quite blissful. It seemed that Aurelia and her husband were able to find a balance between work, raising their daughter and keeping their own marriage healthy and happy. At least, that was what Aurelia believed.
Aurelia and her husband had opened up a practice together in Brooklyn, living in a home not too far away due to their love for art and culture being just outside their doorstep.
However, everything changed when Aurelia received a call from their receptionist on the landline when she was home with Stella. It turns out, she had been sleeping with Aurelia's husband since shortly after Stella was born. The child was three at the time. And she had intended for Aurelia to hear every word of the phone call.
When her husband returned home, he was met with a shaking wife. Afraid that her daughter would hear, she quietly announced that she was leaving him and taking Stella with her.
Her now ex-husband pleaded with her to stay, pleaded with her to not break up their perfect family, even it had been his actions that caused the shattering of their marriage.
Her ex had turned downright deceitful by the time the fight for custody began, trying to throw every wrench he could into her happiness. However, Aurelia received full custody of Stella.
The woman ached for a chance to start over, so much so that she did so more than she likes to admit. Thus came a need to see the world, the restlessness consuming her more than she cares to admit. During this time she and Stella move on several different locations.
During this time she moved around she wrote two separate books, both that have been acclaimed sources for psychology research.
After the realization she was keeping her child from putting down roots, Aurelia made the decision to make a permanent decision when it came to her residence. She bought a rustic property in Notting Hill that she takes continues to nurture to this day.
While Aurelia often felt restless, the property she lives in now puts her at ease. She lives on a property with a sprawling fields for her daughter and her friends to run and play. One of her favorite places is the back porch overlooking her backyard, seated on her porch swing.
She currently owns and operates her own practice that is about a five minute drive from her home and is seeing a good amount of success due to her book sales.
Stella is on the verge of turning nine years old and is a joy to be around. She is bright, humorous and intelligent beyond belief.
Aurelia has a very professional sense of dressing, but her casual wear is often made up of long dresses, well-loved jeans and sweaters.
Also moved to Notting Hill because she believed that she and Stella would benefit from being close to her brother.
more to come.
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nothillhq · 2 years
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from  portobello  road  to  lancaster  road  ,  there  are  a  lot  of  faces  ,  but  i  knew  i  recognised  this  one .  the  freema agyeman lookalike  ,  amber stevenson was  just  spotted  catching  up  with  an  old  friend  ,  the  things  you  see  around  NOTTING  HILL ,  hey  ?  just  a  reminder  to  you  , heather,  please  make  sure  you  have  your  blog  to  us  within twenty four  hours and  check  out  this  link  here  for  any  further  information  ,  thank  you  for  applying  ,  we  cannot  wait  to  write  with  you  !
[          ◟   FREEMA AGYEMAN IS NOW TAKEN. ◝           ]
from  portobello  road  to  lancaster  road  ,  there  are  a  lot  of  faces  ,  but  i  knew  i  recognised  this  one .  the  freddie fox lookalike  ,  jason ‘jace’ montgomery was  just  spotted  catching  up  with  an  old  friend  ,  the  things  you  see  around  NOTTING  HILL ,  hey  ?  just  a  reminder  to  you  , heather,  please  make  sure  you  have  your  blog  to  us  within twenty four  hours and  check  out  this  link  here  for  any  further  information  ,  thank  you  for  applying  ,  we  cannot  wait  to  write  with  you  ! + angela’s kid wc
[          ◟   FREDDIE FOX IS NOW TAKEN. ◝           ]
from  portobello  road  to  lancaster  road  ,  there  are  a  lot  of  faces  ,  but  i  knew  i  recognised  this  one .  the  harry shum jr lookalike  ,  kian zhang  was  just  spotted  catching  up  with  an  old  friend  ,  the  things  you  see  around  NOTTING  HILL ,  hey  ?  just  a  reminder  to  you  , heather,  please  make  sure  you  have  your  blog  to  us  within twenty four  hours and  check  out  this  link  here  for  any  further  information  ,  thank  you  for  applying  ,  we  cannot  wait  to  write  with  you  !
[          ◟   HARRY SHUM JR IS NOW TAKEN. ◝           ]
from  portobello  road  to  lancaster  road  ,  there  are  a  lot  of  faces  ,  but  i  knew  i  recognised  this  one .  the  jenna louise coleman lookalike  , alana smith was  just  spotted  catching  up  with  an  old  friend  ,  the  things  you  see  around  NOTTING  HILL ,  hey  ?  just  a  reminder  to  you  , heather,  please  make  sure  you  have  your  blog  to  us  within twenty four  hours and  check  out  this  link  here  for  any  further  information  ,  thank  you  for  applying  ,  we  cannot  wait  to  write  with  you  !
[          ◟   JENNA LOUISE COLEMAN IS NOW TAKEN. ◝           ]
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ithacahq · 2 years
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MADISON BAILEY — Whitney Jenkins, barista & engineering student at Ithaca College GEMMA CHAN — Lina Zhang Lenoir, fashion design professor at Cornell OLIVIA SCOTT WELCH — Simone Bell, novelist & screenwriting student at Ithaca College MASON GOODING — Percival “Percy” Moon, creative writing & film student at Cornell EVAN MOCK — Kian Chase, fashion design student at Cornell XAVIER SERRANO — Rhys Rhodes, business marketing student at Cornell
Congratulations - first and foremost we’d like to say that we’re very happy to have you as a part of our group! Please refer to the new member checklist for more information.
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cameronclarkson · 3 years
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harry shum jr. & he/they/ genderqueer ‷ watch out , kian zhang has crash-landed into roswell !! they look 38 years old and celebrate their birthday on february 21st . they are from manhattan, new york , reside in moonbeam gardens and are currently working as a hair stylist at kian zhang hair. one thing you should know about them is they are self-taught in classical piano and can play each of beethoven’s symphonies off by heart ‷
here we go, it’s Kian 1.5, a combination of both versions 💖
Name: Kian Zhang Nicknames: Ki Age: Thirty-eight Date of birth: 21st February 1983 Birth place: Manhattan, New York Occupation: Hair stylist at Kian Zhang Hair Romantic/sexual orientation: Panromantic/pansexual
tw: enbyphobia, homophobia
Kian was born in Manhattan, New York, along with their twin sister, their best friend from the word go.
They’re second generation Chinese-American.
As the years ticked by they found themselves not entirely happy in their own skin, they started dressing differently, wearing the occasional smudge of eyeliner, something they attempted to embrace in high school.
It didn’t go well, the bullying soon followed; accepting themselves was frowned upon. Despite the multicultural city they lived in, their expression was limited in their youth
They didn’t really listen, continued on in private, with close friends they made... with a boyfriend, someone who meant the world to them as time went on. He was someone who stayed a close friend long into their thirties, despite the break-up in senior year.
Their creativity came out over time and they embraced it, choosing in the end to make their way into the beauty industry and Carsten Institute of Cosmetology was the place to do it.
As time went on, they came into themselves, as soon as you met them you knew everything about them.
Colourful was the best way to describe them.
They eventually chose to specialise in hairdressing, becoming a stylist to the stars within a couple of years of graduating.
Shortly after that they found themselves caught up in a new relationship, something that was difficult to balance, but they tried their hardest.
Within a year or so a wedding was on the cards, each detail planned out meticulously. It was to be the beginning of a new chapter for them and when they found out only six months later that she was pregnant, they realised it really, really was. 
Somehow, at some point during all of this they managed to open up their own salon in the upper east side —- somewhere that ended up with a three month wait for appointments at all times of the year.
Not long after their 30th birthday, the family of three relocated to Roswell, New Mexico, a decision that was made for her work. Kian chose to work on opening a salon there instead, a small franchise that they intended to let someone else run, but with their ethics and style.
As their time in Roswell ticked on, cracks in their relationship began to show, the hustle and bustle of city life being something that had kept them together —- they were both so used to be rushed off their feet.
Two years later a divorce was finalised and Kian headed back to New York for a while to check on things there.
But then they met someone who changed things, someone who made them want to try again. A couple of years passed, they moved into together, they were complete opposites in a way, yet that only seemed to make their bond stronger. They complimented one another and it was as simple as that.
But then that ended, too, abruptly and painfully. Kian did all they knew how to do, focus on work.
A month later a decision was made to head back to Roswell to spend more time with their son, to try out family life again and hopefully once and for all this time.
Their wardrobe is a rather eclectic mix of things, although their most colourful side comes out when they’re working and less so at home. At home they really are about being comfortable and nothing else.
There’s always the slightest hint of eyeliner with them, they’re never been able to let that go.
They’ve been playing piano since they were small and they’re pretty damn good at it now —- can definitely give Beethoven a run for his money.
They’ve got a bit of thing for 80′s music and are playing it constantly.
Can’t play sport to save their lives, although they like to think they were an amazing high-jumper in high school (they weren’t, but still mention it if anyone every brings sports up).
They collect Disney pins and have never been particular shy about it.
Go by they/them pronouns the majority of the time, but won’t be offended by the occasional he or him, especially in the days they’re dressed down in jeans and a hoody.
Once got stabbed with their own scissors by an unhappy client.
Wanted connections:
- twin sister; [kira zhang] - high school ex; their first boyfriend and first step into being who they were. they’re still good friends to this day. - ex wife/mother of their child: they were together in nyc and moved to roswell, she currently lives here too. - exes: a couple of bigger ones that meant the world, as well as a few that lasted only a couple of months. [wyatt moore] - hook-ups, etc.; they’re not exactly share and often try to shake off the loneliness with a random bedfellow. - current fwb; they could be entirely new friends or could be a past client, someone they know from new york, maybe someone they met while still married after moving. - old friends from new york; anyone they grew up with or shared a life with in some way. - clients; from both nyc and now roswell, they’ve worked with a lot of celebs over the years, but honestly, anyone. [lilac xiao] - newer friends in roswell; anyone they’ve met the last couple of months travelling back and forth. - an excuse to party; they’ll head out whenever they get a chance, these are the people who regularly join them. - more to come, suggestions welcome!
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roswell-rp-archive · 3 years
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Give a warm welcome to our new arrivals! Please make sure you send in your character blog within the next 24 hours, have a look over our checklist and get acquainted with Roswell by exploring our locations page. We hope you enjoy your stay.
Kian Zhang (Harry Shum Jr / Hair Stylist @ Kian Zhang Hair)
Iris Lee (Im Jinah / Divorce Lawyer)
Carlos Hernandez (Oscar Isaac / Librarian)
Orion McKinley (Rachel Vinberg / Cashier @ Galactica Gift Shop)
Arabella Flores (Priscilla Quintana / Employee @ Callisto Costume Store) 
Rocco D'Amaino (Joe Manganiello / Owner of Black Box Tattoo + Piercing)
harry shum jr. & they/them/ genderqueer ‷ watch out , kian zhang has crash-landed into roswell !! they look 38 years old and celebrate their birthday on february 21st . they are from manhattan, new york, reside in moonbeam gardens and are currently working as a hair stylist at kian zhang hair. one thing you should know about them is they are self-taught in classical piano and can play each of beethoven’s symphonies off by heart‷ ( heather, she/her, 30+, gmt )
im jinah & she/her / cis female ‷ watch out , iris lee has crash-landed into roswell !! they look age thirty - two years old and celebrate their birthday on october 1st . they are from boston, massachusetts reside in neptune ave and are currently working as a divorce lawyer. one thing you should know about them is that she keeps a dream journal‷ ( dee, she&her, 18, mst )
oscar isaac & he/him/male ‷ watch out , carlos hernandez has crash-landed into roswell !! they look forty-two years old and celebrate their birthday on april thirteenth . they are from providence, rhode island, reside in aurora apartments and are currently working as a librarian. one thing you should know about them is he is secretly a great chef‷ ( mel, she/her, 24, mst )
rachelle vinberg & they/them/non-binary ‷ watch out , orion mckinley has crash-landed into roswell !! they look twenty-three years old and celebrate their birthday on july fourth. they are from marseille, france, reside in tripp’s trailer park and are currently working as cashier at galactica gift shop. one thing you should know about them is they can always be found riding their skateboard‷ ( mel, she/her, 24, mst )
priscila quintana & she/her / cis woman ‷ watch out , arabella flores has crash-landed into roswell !! they look twenty nine years old and celebrate their birthday on june 17th . they are from san antonio, texas, reside in greystone complex and are currently working as employee @ callisto costume store. one thing you should know about them is she has kept a memorabilia from every town she’s ever been in. ‷ ( iris, she/her, 24, gmt+1 ) + connection: Jaden Lapointe's guitarist.
joe manganiello & he/him / cis man ‷ watch out , rocco d’amiano has crash-landed into roswell !! they look forty three years old and celebrate their birthday on february 3rd. they are from roswell, new mexico, reside in moonbeam gardens and are currently working as owner @ black box tattoo & piercing. one thing you should know about them is he was raised multilingual. ‷ ( iris, she/her, 24, gmt+1 ) + connection: twin kids Matteo & Giulia.
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tctteredwings · 8 months
for: @shallowstm location: kian zhang hair
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"So what're we doing today?" Kian asked the question after handing Josette her drink. They took a step back, idly running their fingers through her hair. "Something new or am I sticking with the usual?"
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boroughshq · 8 months
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WELCOME TO THE BOROUGHS, ASTRA! Hope the city is everything you dreamed it would be. Make sure to send your account in within 24 hours, and don't forget to follow the checklist as you get settled!
gemma chan as amelie zhang  ***filling kian-zhang’s twin sister WC!
[ gemma chan, cis female, she/her ] — whoa! AMELIE ZHANG just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for THEIR WHOLE LIFE, working as a THIRD GRADE TEACHER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 40 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit IMPULSIVE and BLUNT, but i know them to be IMAGINATIVE and GENUINE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to STATEN ISLAND! — (astra, 30, est, she/her, none ) filling kian-zhang’s twin sister wanted connection!
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oftatteredwings · 1 year
for: @urbnlgnds​ ( odette! ) location: kian zhang hair
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Kian hadn’t been at the salon that day, but had popped in right at the end of the shift with a ginormous arrangement of flowers he’d been given early, very nearly falling over the threshold as he approached. “Think this will actually fit anywhere or did you want to take it home?” he questioned, peering around the flowers to get a quick look at Odie.
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nottinghillhq · 1 year
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welcome to notting hill N and A we’re super excited to have you here, you’ve got twenty-four hours to send in your accounts!
SEO JOO-HYUN. SHE/HER / have you ever heard of ANGELS LIKE YOU BY MILEY CYRUS, well, it describes JIN-AE ‘ JINNI ‘ NAM to a tee! the thirty year old, and SECRETARY was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE is more sheepish or more POLITE instead? anyway, they remind me of ink stained fingernails , perfectly organized filing cabinets and the desire for freedom  , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ N ! ] 
 RENE JEAN PAGE. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of SOFTCORE BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD, well, it describes ARES CARTER to a tee! the thirty five year old, and FORMER MODEL was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more insecure or more PHILANTHROPIC instead? anyway, they remind me of bright lights always shining , dodging the camera in the dead of night , expensive cars parked in the garage  , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ N ! / filling oftatteredwings kian zhang’s ex bf connection  ] 
 TOM ELLIS. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of I COULD BE THAT RAIN BY BRIAN FULLER, well, it describes JAMES LEWIS to a tee! the forty four year old, and PATHOLOGIST  was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more superstitious or more THOUGHTFUL instead? anyway, they remind me of a lost childhood , evidence of achievements on the walls , meditation hours when the thoughts get too loud  , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ N ! filling oftatteredwings amber stevenson’s friend to lover wc ] 
 OK TAECYEON. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of ENEMY BY IMAGINE DRAGONS, well, it describes XAVIER KIM to a tee! the thirty five year old, and POLITICIAN was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more cynical or more CHARMING instead? anyway, they remind me of stacks of paperwork taking over the desk , arguments that seem polite but aren’t , expensive dinners meant to buy votes , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ N ! ] 
JACKSON WANG. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of WE ARE YOUNG BY FUN. , well, it describes JAIDEN ‘ JAI ‘ ZHAO to a tee! the twenty nine year old, and PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR / PODCAST STREAMER was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more skeptical or more AMUSING instead? anyway, they remind me of laughing at others fear , the weight of a camera upon his shoulder , being compared to scully from the x-files , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ N ! ] 
 YU JI-MIN SHE/HER / have you ever heard of SAFE & SOUND BY TAYLOR SWIFT + THE CIVIL WARS, well, it describes NORA YUN to a tee! the twenty four year old, and ANIMAL SHELTER ATTENDANT  was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE is more mousy or more CAUTIOUS instead? anyway, they remind me of sleepy summer nights outside , the longing for the beach , the constant desire to adopt every animal  , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ N ! ] 
 DANIEL HENNEY. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of WHERE SHE GOES BY BAD BUNNY, well, it describes SHANE COLLINS to a tee! the forty three year old, and STAGE MANAGER AT THE LOCAL THEATER  was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more of a pushover or more EASYGOING instead? anyway, they remind me of empty movie theaters , well pressed suits , art work all on office walls , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ N ! ]
MATT CZUCHRY . HE/HIM / have you ever heard of WAFFLE HOUSE BY THE JONAS BROTHERS, well, it describes HUNTER CAMERON to a tee! the forty six year old, and SONGWRITER  was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more pushy or more WILLFUL instead? anyway, they remind me of wasting time on youtube , confidence that could kill , comfortable hoodies at the end of the day  , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ N ! ] 
VICTORIA PEDRETTI. SHE/ HER / have you ever heard of NONSENSE BY SABRINA CARPENTER, well, it describes ZOEY MIZRAHI to a tee! the thirty year old, and ADOLESCENT THERAPIST was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE is more tactful or more BUBBLY instead? anyway, they remind me of a large group of friends all chatting away , late nights walking through the park , dancing under neon lights , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ N ! filling backpockct’s luke’s younger (half)sister wc ! ] 
CHARLES MELTON. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of break your heart by the gaslight anthem, well, it describes EWAN LEE to a tee! the twenty six year old, and pro baseball player was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say he is more immature or more spontaneous instead? anyway, they remind me of the sound of the baseball hitting the bat, worn out baseball caps, the view from a penthouse, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ A / she/her / 29 / cst ] 
HENRY GOLDING. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of when we were young by adele, well, it describes HENRY GATSBY to a tee! the thirty five year old, and CEO was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say he is more work obsessed or more hardworking instead? anyway, they remind me of the feel of brand new leather, the ticking of an expensive watch, work papers scattered on a marble kitchen countertop, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ A / she/her / 29 / cst ] 
BAE SUZY. SHE/HER have you ever heard of STILL INTO YOU by paramore, well, it describes JOON PARK to a tee! the twenty seven year old, and bookshop owner was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say she is more meek or more kind instead? anyway, they remind me of the smell of brand new pages on a book, white daisies in a vase bought from a thrift store, wool knit sweaters over tights, neat hand writing on a thank you note, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ A / she/her / 29 / cst ] 
ABIGAIL COWEN. SHE/HER / have you ever heard of light on by maggie rodgers, well, it describes KATHERINE FISCHER to a tee! the twenty three, and bartender was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say she is more hot tempered or more loyal instead? anyway, they remind me of worn out combat boots, clothes that have been worn for many years, a leather jacket that is slipped over every outfit, a ponytail holding up messy hair, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ A / she/her / 29 / cst ] 
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