#with * / ryan caddel.
bjorkncaddel · 3 months
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⎯ Late at night, again. Neva was getting tired of Ryan's constant long hours shift. Before he arrived he already tidied up the living room, putting the blankets, pillows, and everything so he'd sleep on the sofa. Not in their bedroom. She didn't think moved in with him, meaning she would see him less and less… Will he even make it to see their own kids? A lot of doubts crept into her mind… Maybe it was the hormones because the heat made her more irritated than normal. Okay, Neva hardly gets annoyed, but being all 'hormonal', was making things difficult.
She reckons he won't even take her for their babymoon as he talks. Not if he continues on that speed of work. He doesn't even need that job to live! Therefore, she understands it is a passion of him. She'd be lost if people took art from her. Flash was in their bedroom, and Boo occupying the spot where Ryan slept on their bed.
There was a topic, she wanted to talk about… But she always forgot, always falling into his charms. Damn it. This time, she is irritated and very hormonal, she will try to remember… Once, she hears his footsteps. ❛ You'll sleep in the living room, and I'll be with Flash in our bedroom tonight. On the good side, you can play your fucking games. Good night. ❜
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celestial--sapphic · 4 months
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I thought it would be fun to create graphic versions of all the signs, letters, notes, newspaper clippings and other documents which feature in my Poppy Sweeting x f!MC fic Kiss me (like you wanna be loved) 🎨
This sign features in the first chapter when Poppy and Evelyn visit the Three Broomsticks and the pub is rather busy because Sirona is having to get rid of a lot of her stock.
You can read a snippet of the scene where it features below the cut ⬇️
“Hello, my young friend.” Sirona greets her, cheery but clearly tired, blowing a lock of hair out of her face with a puff of her lips. “What can I get for you?” 
“Two butterbeers please. You are busy tonight?” Evelyn replies, her head nodding to gesture behind her, again having to raise her voice to her heard by the witch. 
“Well, I put someone, ” her eyes twitch to the man serving at the other end of the bar. A dark-haired fellow who only looked a bit older than a seventh year and sports a rather pathetic attempt at a beard, “in charge of the stock order this week. ‘I got it so cheap, Sirona! Your usual supplies are ripping you off! ’.” She says in a mock gruff voice as her wand swishes and butterbeer poured into the glasses. “Turns out this incredibly cheap supplier is selling off products that are due to go out of date very soon, in other words: tomorrow . Got to sell off the lot before then or regardless of how cheap it was, it will still put me in the red. Hence, tonight’s offers.” Annoyance bordering on anger clear in her tone, as she points her thumb to a chalkboard behind her which reads in clear capital letters: 
(No refunds) 
“Alcohol doesn’t go off that quickly?” Evelyn questions curiously. “Or is it different in the wizarding world?” She spent a lifetime – well, from the age of four anyway – living with her Aunt Marianne who is the landlady of the Five Stars, a pub in north London. Having to lug about stock, clean the tables and polish glasses as a child before moving on to serve on the bar when she turned twelve had given her rather solid knowledge of the intricacies of running a Public House. It’s a topic she and Sirona had often chatted about and shared comparisons between the muggle and wizarding worlds.  
“No, no, absolutely not.” Sirona shakes her head, three glasses of butterbeer landing in front of Evelyn. “It certainly doesn’t, but under Department of Intoxicating Substances rules I can’t sell anything that is out of its manufacturer use-by-date. It would be totally fine to drink but rules are rules. So, I’m in a bit of a rock and hard place. Thus, this.” Her hand gives an indicating sweep around the heaving pub. 
“I guess there are worse things than having a busy business?” 
A dejected sigh: “There are better things too, like everyone paying full-price.” 
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dannyhq · 1 month
for: @caddel
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loud and strange noises were, well, part and parcel of life in a big city like new york. having lived in cities his whole life, it would be natural to assume daniel was able to tune most things out by this point -- and usually he was, but something told him this wasn't a normal city noise. against his better judgement, he diverted his route home from work to investigate and, turning the corner onto the new block, he immediately discovered he'd been right. the scene was a little too familiar, actually -- sights and sounds reminding him of the few hours just under a year and a half ago that had changed his life. but there was no time for that, now ; he could actually be useful and was determined to be so. searching for someone in uniform to approach and finding ryan, danny's heart skipped a beat and he made a beeline for the familiar figure. "ryan! hey!" a little out of breath as he made it to the other's side, he shrugged his backpack off. "can i help? is everyone okay? i can help triage, or-or anythin', really. whatever's needed."
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lovemetopieces · 2 months
Ryan's Home in Brooklyn | Closed starter | @caddel
Xenia smiled to herself as she made her way up to Ryan's door. They met a few weeks ago when she first moved to New York at her son's daycare. He has a nephew that goes there as well. They got to talking one day and found out that they were both avid gamers. After hanging out a couple of times, Xenia promised that the next time they hung out, she would bring a beta version of the game she was currently working on. She hoped he liked it. Knocking on his door, she waited for him to answer. When the door swung open, she smiled, holding up the game disc. "Hey," she said. "I brought the game over as promised."
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drreamgirls · 7 months
something about her feels wrong as she makes her way through the box club and into the ring like she's more storm than man or woman, a danger-zone high-risk disaster area, full of sharp bone slabs and a dark snarl on her narrow lips, rough calloused hands swathed up in wraps soaked through with blood. Her lower lip is split but it's healed over, congealed dark blood in the corner of it.
She feels her fists fly as she spars with Vladmir, the co-owner of the box club, almost breaks his nose cleanly through, her movements terrifyingly precise, flawless, controlled but furious, like fire bursting through windows, shattering them. He says cool it cool it cool it, but Mizu can't stop. She is dynamite ready to go off. She is an explosion. She's wearing a tank top and men's boxing shorts soaked through with sweat. She lunges forward and smashes her fist into the side of his face, one single clean cut powerful blow and Vlad reels, crashing into the ropes of the ring, hissing fuck. He rights himself and spits out blood, gasping in shocked awe, his breath completely shattered in his throat, you broke my fucking tooth!, he spits, his jaw crimson with blood, and Mizu just blinks at him, suddenly seeing him past the cloud of fury that has swallowed her up in the heat of the fight, and says "uh huh." removing her gloves and tossing a towel at him. She chugs down a bottle of water and wipes at the back of her neck with a black towel.
She is a late-night storm warning with tornadoes in her fingertips, her hair slick with sweat gathered up in a tight bun. When she hops off the ring, she sees him there, and although she does not react, a muscle in her jaw spasms; maybe he's been watching the fight, maybe he's been training. She doesn't fucking care. Suddenly her attention is snatched away, zeroing in on Caddel. She does not spare him a second glance but bumps into him when she passes by, pretending to be wanting to refill her water bottle, says my bad because she's (purposefully) made him drop one of his gloves snd she picks it up, her face a blank expressionless mask as she hands it over, her voice deep like thunder. Everyone here knows her as him, the Ghost, nobody calls her Mizu. She does not attempt to introduce herself.
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warflcwer · 5 months
who: Ryan Caddel ( @caddel)
where: The Corner Pub
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Losing a patient was never easy, no matter how long Adam had been a surgeon. Even if it was merely impossible to save the life, the guilt would always stack on his shoulders. In times like these, Adam often found himself wondering over to the nearest pub. He certainly wasn't reliant on alcohol, but a whiskey or two definitely helped. Walking towards the bar, Adam smiled politely at the bartender, ordering his usual double whiskey. Sitting on the stool, Adam glanced at the other man besides him. "You look like you could do with a drink, let me buy you another?"
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theandersbjork · 4 days
Closed: Ryan Caddel @caddel
Location: The back patio at Ander's home.
"Thanks for joining me." Anders took a quick hit of his cigar as he sat in silence for a moment, taking in the noise of this great city and the slight breeze rustling the leaves overhead. He took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the conversation ahead. Although he and his sister's partner Ryan had never been particularly close, Anders felt it was important to check in, especially with his sister’s pregnancy nearing its final months. “Just wanted to see how you’re doing. With everything going on… thought it might be a good time to chat."
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gcld-rushes · 6 months
                  ・ ✦ ・ 𝐆𝐂𝐋𝐃-𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒 / * ( closed starter )
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𝐅𝐎𝐑: @caddel
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: March 16
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄: Midtown Manhattan ( 𝐒𝐭. 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞 )
The streets bustled with eager spectators, their anticipation palpable as they adorned themselves with vibrant splashes of green, honoring Irish heritage in full regalia. Amidst this spirited throng, Colson found himself enveloped, the resonant melodies of Irish tunes serenading the air while clusters of celebrants spontaneously erupted into song and dance. The mingling scents of traditional Irish cuisine and freshly poured pints of verdant beer infused the atmosphere with an intoxicating allure, heightening the festive ambiance.
Catching sight of a stranger nearby, Colson felt compelled to engage, drawn by the shared enthusiasm for the parade. "Quite the turnout this year," he remarked with a congenial nod, gesturing towards the lively procession parading down the bustling streets. "Decided to join in the festivities, this year. Though I'm facing a dilemma myself— which of these green beers do you think tastes the best?"
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mvximized · 2 months
location: supermarket with: @caddel (ryan)
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max strolled down the aisle, pushing her cart along as she scanned the shelves for what she was looking for. she never normally cooked,--she never had time--but she'd been given a few days' break and she really wanted to make one of her favorites that her grandmother used to make. she ditched the cart a few steps back as she moved to reach for the seasonings when her hand nearly collided with someone else's. she laughed softly, trying to shake off the potential awkwardness with humor, but as soon as she made eye contact with the other person, she knew there would be no saving the awkward tension. her breath caught in her throat. she knew he lived here, she wasn't completely oblivious. she'd just really hoped the city would be big enough to never run into him. she was coming to realize her luck wasn't as plentiful as she'd hoped.
"oh..." she breathed, unable to help herself. she'd be lying if she said it didn't hurt a little to see him again. "um...you can have that one. i--" she didn't know what to say. so many emotions were churning inside of her. she wanted to cry, but she'd never allow herself to do that in front of him of all people.
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boroughshq · 8 months
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In preparation for our first event, under the cut you'll find a list of the shuffled character pairings for the upcoming snowstorm, along with further details about the event. As a reminder, the event will officially begin February 1st.
Marlon Mathis..............August Russo
Ryan Caddel................Claire Xiao
Javed Kashif................Alexander Warren
Onyx Harper.................Hercule Boisseau
Enzo Chavez.................Kian Zhang
Bijan Mousavi...............Oliver Metcalfe
Anavieve De Leon.........Deryn Adler
Riaz Mian.......................Fiona Burton
Athena Aston.................Anabelle Burton
Jasper Tomkins.............Johanna Paredes
Robin Morgan................Colson Kim
Gideon Chowdhury........Alina Ayutthaya-Harper
Kaan Demirci..................Neva Björk
Cerrus Balfour.................Anthony Ramos
Daniel Sutton..................Pauly Parker
Maccaulay Blake............Skyler Cameron
Josette Allen Lynn..........Honey Lavere
Merryn Hurley.................Riva Simone
Juliana Torres.................Benjamin Loverson
Violet Hú.........................Sherri Lowe
IC Timeline: Canonically, the snowstorm will suddenly pass through New York on Tuesday, February 1st.
OOC Timeline: Members will have from February 1st through February 8th to post their initial starters around the snowstorm. After 2/8, no new starters can be posted, but writers are free to continue their event thread until it's conclusion. An announcement will be made on both days when the event has started and ended.
Now that the pairings are announced, members are encouraged to reach out to the mun of their paired partner to plan out what will occur between the characters. Members are free to take liberties with the snowstorm backdrop to create whatever situational atmosphere they'd like - they can be as comedic, lowkey, absurd, mundane, adrenaline-seeking, or subtle as you'd like! If you're interested in more concrete details prior to the weather report on Tuesday, the 2014 Gulf Coast Winter Storm serves as a reference point!
Pairing Threads:
The primary reason behind the event is to encourage character interaction between characters who may not have engaged with each other before. As such, character threads are highly encouraged between the assigned pairing. Members can choose if they'd prefer to have their threads set during the action of the snowstorm (ex. thread of two character chatting while stuck in an ATM vestibule together until the power comes back on) or after the snowstorm (ex. first thread are characters running into each other two days after being stuck together in the ATM vestibule during the snowstorm).
Threads have no set length, neither in writing nor in IC time. The encounter between characters can be as brief as twenty minutes or as long as an overnighter, while threads can be full on multi-paras or simple gif conversations.
Additional Threads:
Members are also free to take advantage of the setting to engage in other snowstorm related threads during this time period, and are not limited to only engaging with their assigned partner. Other plotted threads and open starters are welcome! (ex. after being freed from the ATM vestibule, your character briefly seeks warmth at a nearby grocery store with other patrons, where an open starter may be set - or they return home to their roommate for a closed starter!)
Additionally, members are free to continue non-event threads!
Please be sure to tag all event threads as bhqevent001 for differentiation purposes.
Happy plotting everyone! An official post will be made once the event has begun on 2/1. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send them to the main!
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caddel · 9 months
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🔥 basics
full name: Ryan Hunter Caddel nicknames: people usually just call him Caddel  gender: male  pronouns: he / him sexuality:  straight aesthetics: speeding on a highway in the middle of the night on a motorcycle, home cooked meals after a long day, gaming consoles, 2am phone calls, late night texts age: 34 date of birth: may 5th  zodiac sign: taurus  residence:  brooklyn —private mansion occupation: firefighter / heir to the family company
🔥 about. / 🔥 connections. / 🔥 musings.
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bjorkncaddel · 28 days
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𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 a coloring activity, she was a tad surprised to see Maeve around. Elias had visited her per usual as he can, and if Neva wasn't in this place she'd be at home. After all, she has helped him raise the little girl since she was born. Neva is technically her 'mother'. Sometimes, even accidentally the little girl calls her mother. Luckily, early she had finished doing all the exams, which meant she could give full attention to Maeve, and she knew her husband soon would join them. Ryan probably didn't know Maeve was around. Neva helped her niece to be in the bed with her, while they both were doing the coloring activity. Neva wore only a white blouse, not fully buttoned, only two buttons, and her baby bump was fully exposed, she ended up removing the blouse and staying in her black Celine top. Neva texted to Ryan bring McHappy for her niece because the hospital food wasn't very good ( or anything that was healthy and tasty ) . The Swedish blonde was following the diet the doctor recommended, and she couldn't have any caffeine and salt in her new diet. ❛ Auntie, Freja and Nils can hear me? ❜ Maeve asked quietly, while distracted by her painting with colorful pencil. ❛ Mhmm… Want to say something for them? They're a bit quiet now, but soon they will move again. They're lazy, like grandma! Ops! ❜ The grandma in question refers to her own mother Linnéa, and Maeve laughs at the comment.
The little girl holds her bump and talks to the twins, leaving behind the colorful activity. And she kissed it as if she was going to be a big sister. Neva then noticed Maeve wanted to feel them, but after a second, she put her tiny hand where they were moving, and even she was impressed she could see them moving inside her. One thing is to feel, and the other is actually see with her eyes, it makes this motherhood more realistic. She was touched, but her stoic expression was hiding everything. There is a small smile of happiness stamped on her features.
While Ryan wasn't around the doctor came to visit her and told her a few good news in regards to their babies. She was just waiting to tell him in person. Another thing she is waiting is the new outfit for the twins they are going to arrive. The nurse came in again, but only to bring her lunch. And she put the colorful activity she was doing aside too. ❛ Why aren't you with your friends? ❜ Neva inquired curiously, for her niece who always is with her friends now. ❛ Because I missed you, auntie. And I want to see my cousins. Hi uncle! ❜ She says as she sees Ryan coming.
❛ And… ❜ Maeve starts but stays quiet, and Neva squinted her eyes at her niece.
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celestial--sapphic · 7 months
Kiss me (like you wanna be loved)
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Ao3 link
Evelyn Caddel takes Poppy up on that offer of a butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks (minus Highwing) and fifth year does not end the way in which she expected. In fact, it's much, much better.
Or: Self indulgent Poppy Sweeting x f!MC to fulfil my sapphic heart
Pairing: Poppy Sweeting x f!MC (Evelyn Caddel)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Word count: 10,858
Chapter: 1/?
Relationships: Poppy Sweeting/Evelyn Caddel / Poppy Sweeting/Original Female Character
Tags: Developing Relationship/First Relationship/First Kiss/Post-Game(s)/wlw/Sapphic/LGBTQ Female Character/LGBTQ Themes/Evelyn is an anxious mess when it comes to pretty girls/Fluff Slytherin/Hufflepuff relationship/pick and choose historical accuracy/Imelda is a bitch but we love her/Poppy Sweeting is Bisexual/MC is a lesbian
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yaenas · 1 year
[ text @ ryan, 3:00am ] I’m supposed to be up in an hour, and I can’t sleep. [ text @ ryan, 3:03am ] Somehow I wound up on YouTube… the WEIRD part of YouTube… [ text @ ryan, 3:05am ] Also. Stop it, Caddel
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fuckin-sick-bih · 2 years
What I Write
Hey, I'm Bex, and I wanna start using this blog to start posting some of my snz kink writings and to possibly take request scenarios. So here's a list of some of what I write:
Witcher Golden Blessing Stranger Things (Mostly Steddie) Just Allergies Lightning Bugs Tattoos and Tissues Tattoos and Tissues pt 2 Tattoos and Tissues pt 3 I'm Your Rock, Baby. I won't back down Marvel Matt with a cold ask (Daredevil) Quiet Night (Stucky) Burning Ice (Loki (Mobius/Loki if you squint)) Why Is It Green? (Loki (Mobius/Loki) tw: emeto warning no snz) Last of Us Joel with a cold ask Tess with a cold ask Joel with a cold at Bill and Frank's ask Red Dead Redemption Bounty of Sneezes My own OCs (Hale Hawthorn, Jessie Caddel, Mari Beckett, Silas Hawthorn, Jack Miller, Erin West, Nora Williams, Thomas Kneer, Cael Ryan, & Matthew Orias.) Rained Out Scent Sensitive Things We Do For Love Jessie's Sick Day
OC Picrew Ref Hale and Jessie
The list might be added to as time goes on! This blog is NOT a space for minors. Put your age or age range in your tumblr bio. I don't mind if you're following from your main blog but have a kink side blog! Just need to know you're over 18. Ex: 18-25 or 25-30.
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drreamgirls · 9 months
[ text @ Ryan] guess who's thoroughly fiendishly breathlessly frantically missing you?
[ text @ Ryan] this girl of yours you've spurned
after he hasn't texted back in an hour
[ text @ Ryan] wow, ok, I see how it is... I hope you have a nice life
[ text @ Ryan] actually, no. changed my mind. I'll HAUNT you in horrific ways to your LAST breath.
another twenty minutes later
[ text @ Ryan] will now be googling how to change the faucets...how to change light fixtures... will we ever love each other again
[ text @ Ryan] you better not be burning to death btw
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