#march * / starters.
why-the-heck-not · 6 months
I have a handle on my procrastination
…. I accessorized Elvis (the sourdough starter)
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nevillelngbottom · 2 months
“– Sorry,” Neville stuttered as he approached, hands fidgeting with his top. “But have you seen a toad at all?”
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fallenfantasyworld · 10 months
Dirty Dealings
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The Ice archer March had been visiting the new town and found herself taking a lot of photos, but met someone who had a enticing proposal which is what led her to being in the secluded room taking a few risqué photos. "Make sure you get my good side." She commented as she was a little red with how nervous she was doing such an activity.
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Where: Streets of Manhattan/Wexley Garage
When: March 2nd, late day
Who: Open
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Oscar had been up before the sun on what would ultimately become their final day of travel. He quietly made his way through the small home they'd used for shelter, peeking in at Emily's sleeping form as he made his way past the next bedroom. Setting his bag down on the living room coffee table, he finished crossing the room to peer out the curtains. The infected weren't many - only a handful shuffling about on the road. And he didn't see any sign of life other than theirs nearby. So they were good. Safe. The two of them would make it through fine. His worry satiated for the time being, he let go of the curtain and headed back for his bag - once more taking inventory until Emily came shuffling down the hall herself.
"Double check your stash," he told her as she sat down next to him, yawning. "We head out in twenty," he added as he finished repacking his bag.
"Why can't we just stay here?" she asked as she sleepily grabbed her own bag and dumped it out. She shook her head clear and blinked herself awake before finally starting to take her own inventory. "This place is plenty big. Enough for us. And the kitchen hasn't been totally ransacked. We could easily make it awhile here," she proposed.
"Food isn't the only thing we need to make it Em," he started denying her, leaning back onto the couch and looking her way. "Safety is numero uno and there's a horde of infected at our doorstep," he added with a motion toward the front of the house. "It's only a matter of time before they figure out we're alive and well in here and come looking for their next meal. We have to move out," he finished with a sigh.
Emily merely grumbled and mimicked his speech. Even before the fall she was tired of constantly moving. She just wanted something stable - which sadly seemed even more impossible now.
"We'll find something better once we hit the city. Okay?" he tried reassuring her.
"If we haven't found it now what makes you so sure."
"Becasue New York is full of high rises. We find one suitable and it won't matter what's going on in the streets. We'll be high enough for them not to follow and we can scavenge what we need from the rest of the building. It's a win-win."
Emily had stopped what she was doing to really listen to his plan. And, yet again, he was right. "Alright. Fine," she finally agreed, going back to her packing. "We leave in twenty. But I'm raiding this place first," she added, closing her bag and heading back into the home to gather what supplies she could before they left.
While the prospect of a more permanent shelter drove them, the fight to get inside the city was one of the more difficult paths they'd had to follow.
"This better be worth it," Em called out to her brother as she swung her bat at an infected's head, following it up with a second swing at another.
Oscar merely chuckled, momentarily watching his sister work. For as passive as usually was, she sure knew how to play the bad ass. He took out a trio of infected as they made their way further into the city. "Em! Six o'clock!" He shouted as a duo of infected came up on his sister.
She spun and took one out, but was caught off guard by the second, unable to get another swing in. They toppled to the ground and her bat went flying as she struggled to hold them off so she could grab her knife. Oscar rushed to her aid and sunk his blade into the infected's skull. Without hesitation he got Emily to her feet, but it had been milliseconds too long - the undead surrounding them. He quickly glanced around looking for a place to escape to when he saw the huge, white building ahead.
"There! Move!" he ordered, pushing her in the direction of The Wexley. The siblings took off running as fast as they could. "Here!" he yelled out further as he shifted his path to the left and around back, pulling Emily along with him. They burst into the garage and shut the door behind them, chests heaving from exertion.
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intheticklecloset · 10 months
Heya! I saw sentence starters were open, so I figured I'd send something in! No pressure though!^^ Maybe you could do something with ler Ranpo and lee Atsushi with the sentence starter, “You lose, I tickle you. Deal?” ?
I hope you're having a good day!!
Ooh, this is such a cute idea!! I never would have thought of a fic with these two! Thank you for the prompt! ^^
“If you win, I’ll let you off the hook. But if you lose, I tickle you. Deal?”
Atsushi’s eyes went wide. He hadn’t realized that swiping some of Ranpo’s chocolate as a gift for Akutagawa would bring such consequences, but he was here now, so he had to deal with them.
“O-Okay, deal,” he stammered, already glancing around the office like he was going to have any clue where to begin.
Ranpo grinned and leaned back in his chair lazily, waving a hand at him. “Go on. I’ll even give you a little longer than usual.”
Atsushi turned and bolted out of the office, hurrying down the hall to his coworker’s locker. All he had to do was figure out the code and break in before Ranpo came for him. Or, more specifically, for his chocolate – which Atsushi had stolen. That’s how he’d gotten into this situation in the first place. But it wasn’t his fault! Ranpo’s locker door had been left open, and it wasn’t like he didn’t have a ton of other candy…
Atsushi shook his head. No time for that now. He had work to do.
He tried everything obvious first – Ranpo’s birthday, Poe’s birthday, Fukuzawa’s birthday, the ADA’s founding date – nothing. All of it was wrong. Then he tried the time Ranpo had probably realized his sweets were missing, as well as a couple of other time-related combos. Again, nothing.
He was up against the world’s greatest detective. This was impossible!
The door to the offices opened. Atsushi froze as Ranpo strolled out into the hall, sauntering toward him with a smirk on his face.
“Figure it out?” he asked.
“N-No,” Atsushi replied, shifting into a sitting position. There was no point in trying to run, and really, didn’t he deserve this? He should have just bought the chocolate himself. It probably would have meant more that way…
Ranpo stopped in front of him and crouched, still smirking. “Really? I’m surprised. I figured you’d get it immediately.”
Atsushi frowned. “But…why would you make it obvious if you didn’t want me to get into your stuff in the first place? Which I shouldn’t have, I know, I’m sorry.”
Ranpo grabbed his ankle and dragged him away from the lockers so he was lying in the middle of the hall. Then he straddled him and gently began prodding into his sides. “If I was really mad, I’d be making you buy me twice as much as you stole. You wanna know what the code is, Atsushi?”
The weretiger giggled helplessly, embarrassed but willing to take this punishment for his crime. “W-Whahahahahat?”
Atsushi’s eyes went wide. That was… “Ahahahahakutagawa’s bihihihihirthday? You knohohohow that?”
“Of course. He means a lot to you, and you mean a lot to us.” Ranpo’s smirk softened into a smile even as he switched tactics and started scribbling all over Atsushi’s belly instead. “So, you stole about five chocolate bars, right? I think a minute for every bar will do.”
“Buhuhuhuhuhut why wohohohohohould you make thahahahahat your cohohohohohode? And why tehehehehehehell me?”
“Oh, I’ll change it after this, don’t worry,” Ranpo replied, chuckling. “I just wanted to know how obsessed with him you really were is all~”
Atsushi felt himself blushing, and not just from the tickling making him laugh and squeal. “Rahahahahahahanpo…!”
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embodies · 1 month
send me 💬, and i’ll use a line from a sentence meme i’ve reblogged to make a starter. @goesblind.
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❛ dangerous to be out so late. ❜ the words cut the air, hiemal crisp of winter cleaved by a sharp and silver tongue. it is not quite a snowfall that graces them at cainhurst castle at present but the bite of frost is seen to glimmer upon every surface and the nobles' attire has shifted from laces and silks to furs and velvets. hearth fires surely crackle and spit inside the castle walls, yet elizabeth has not always played well at the behest of expectations nor pleasantries. joining the chattering crowds bequeathes her little fascination : the same idle small talk, conversation superficial at best given how often hands are changed and new faces are acquainted. the scholars that have joined their midst are interesting, she's sure, but she will glean little from them so early into their envoy. with time, she hopes to leach knowledge from them like sap from a tree. knowledge is power.
for now, she is content to approach the one failing ( or refusing ? ) to conform to those aforementioned fireside rambles, subtly excused from the group to ( she presumes ) reap some fresh air. above them, the moon gleams brightly in an opalescent sky. it is full, pregnant with light. she envies it. caught for a brief moment enraptured with that all - encompassing lunar presence, she permits but a harshening of her jawline for a moment before resuming her train of thought. she wonders, does the moon enthrall you as deeply as it does i ? could kinship be possibly found in these outsiders welcomed into their not so humble abode ?
❛ the castle grounds can be home to some . . . unsavoury guests at this hour. ❜ she is all teasing and allure, a half - crescent curling her rouged lips in an effort to coax some level of camaraderie. really, her curiosity lies in his being here — both in the literal sense of the outdoors, escaping the slowly livening murmurs of regals and academics excitably discussing, but also what his role is in this delegation. what motivates, excites, intrigues. show thou heart unto me. ❛ we wouldn't want you getting lost so early into your stay. ❜ the countess stands adjacent to him now, taking in his taller stature with a tilt of the head. an unspoken question mark. a tinge of hope. of opportunity.
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electric-plants · 5 months
i got so blindsided and offended when i hit the spiral abyss levels that required two teams in genshin anyway you’ll never guess what just happened to me with the forgotten hall in hsr
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wxndswept · 6 months
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"Hello, I'd like to formally declare March 7th the cutest thing ever. Her reward? Headpats and some snacks of her choosing, on me."
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entriprises · 1 month
@ourcharade / benoit ♡ for a randomized starter ! you got : HOLLY 
“last i checked, having a hobby isn’t illegal,” although holly’s not sure how much better it is to call looking into windows a hobby as opposed to maybe a crime or plain weird. she scrapes the dirt off her shoe along the edge of the curb, looking back to the complete foot print she left in the planter.
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gainprincess · 1 year
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"Oooh....HUURRRRRRRPPPPPPP...hold on a second, bubu, you're...wheeeezeee...missing something!~"
While she adores how Silver Wolf's basically-naked ass jiggles and wobbles and claps in the air of their home, she can't help but note that a particular ink-marked sentence is missing on the part of her wife's ass usually covered by her shorts! She has to correct that!
The heavy, heaving sack of flab that is March 7th pushes herself off their bed with herculean effort, the top-heavy hog of a woman panting and wheezing as she waddles towards her lover, hands dancing along her own stomach as the heavy thing hangs past her knees, and brushes against her feet.
There's something magical of having grown this fat with the person she adores more than anything, this far into the future.
At first, March was afraid that Silver Wolf would be taken from her by the next pretty woman over two hundred pounds. Kafka, or Himeko, or Natasha, or the Trailblazer...She was very insecure that Silver Wolf would just choose plain old March, no memories or anything, and wouldn't just leave her when someone more interesting came along.
As the years've passed, though, she's grown less and less insecure about her relationship with her beloved. If Silver Wolf was the type to be that superficial about relationships, they wouldn't have lasted all these years, after all. She's fine playing the stay-at-home wife as well; An archery range lets her keep her bow arm sharp (even if it is flabby enough to count as a pale pillar of lard more than an arm), she has ample views to take photos from, and she's gotten REALLY good at cooking for her beloved as well!
But she is still a bit possessive. So she, every morning before the cybersecurity analyst heads off to work, takes out a thick ink pen, and scribbles something right on that big, fat, wobbly, sweaty clapcheek.
Today is no different, and she scribbles it on a bit extra big, so it only barely is covered by Wolfie's specially-designed shorts. She smacks her lover on the ass as the woman gets up to go to work, wedding ring glistening on her fat finger as she watches her wobble.
"Have...hfff...haaa...~...fun today...!~ I'll make you the most unhealthy meal you've ever had tonight!~"
She promises that every day...but maybe Silver Wolf will have something related to that mark happen on her way to work?
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marthashlyn3 · 8 months
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
no those aren’t weird sex noises coming from ur neighbour’s apartment; it’s ur local insomniac slap & folding bread dough in the wee hours of the morning
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otaku553 · 1 year
Tumblr User Otaku553 have you considered playing honkai star rail?
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I’m glad you asked, tumblr user lifeispfft!
I have!
Not had time!
I downloaded it for launch week and played up until I unlocked the gacha and did not continue and my friends keep on telling me to play more so I will!! Eventually!! After finals probably
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eternal-moss · 1 year
Honestly the most painful thing about HSR is that Stelle was practically made for me. I love women. Her unbothered autistic swag. She has grey hair. She literally looks like a wolf from her hair to her eyes. She uses a baseball bat. She is the Girl of all time. I wish I had enough space for starrail I really do
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mycorrhizastar · 11 months
You wanna follow my RSS feeds so bad. You wanna keep up with my gallery updates, and blog posts, and newsletters.
You wanna wander through my webbed site and find other cool websites through my links.
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villains4hire · 8 months
Starter Call for Briar.
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//Like for a starter/reply if sideblog and url+character if multi.
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