#with Hans
moltage · 5 months
so, Skipper. speaks English. We've seen him use Spanish because he "spent 8 years in the jungles of Mexico", wiki says he swore in Korean (this is the only one im unsure about), he probably knows Danish too-- having spent enough time there to get banned lmfao, also used Japanese words here and there (plus he once found himself in a hotel in Kyoto) so. We love a multilingual king
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dcrkblue · 9 days
closed starter: @wcstcrgaard
cenário: observatório refúgio crepuscular.
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Sob a majestosa cúpula de cristal, onde o brilho das estrelas dançava delicadamente, formando um véu de luz que envolvia o espaço ao redor, Caelina mantinha seu olhar fixo não no cosmos, mas em um jovem que se encontrava a poucos passos de distância. O observatório, com suas tapeçarias vivas de mapas estelares, que se moviam em constante transformação, assim como o telescópio imponente que revelava alguns dos inúmeros segredos ocultos da infinitude, permanecia sereno, alheio à presença de Hans. Mas ela não. A essência da fada operava como uma bússola mágica, sempre guiando-a em direção àqueles que, de alguma forma, haviam se perdido dentro de seus próprios labirintos morais. E o rapaz, envolto nas sombras de suas próprias escolhas errantes, não era diferente. Algo nele a chamava, uma toada que ecoava com as revelações que as estrelas já haviam lhe confidenciado. "Sabia que posso me comunicar com elas?" Suas palavras fluíram suaves, enquanto os lábios se curvavam em um sorriso."Elas carregam uma sabedoria infinita, muito além da soma de todos nós." A voz quase se fundia à atmosfera que os envolvia. "Mas creio que isso não deva ser uma revelação surpreendente." Com passos graciosos, se aproximou um pouco mais, e o brilho cintilante das estrelas se refletiu em seus olhos, que o fitavam com calidez. "Boa tarde, Hans. Que prazer encontrá-lo aqui."
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supertaliart · 3 months
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A continuation of my previous Skywalker Twins comic - feat Yoda part 3
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mightydyke · 1 year
I love when fiction makes the audience feel guilty about their role as the audience. When something fucked up is treated as a joke but later it's recognised how fucked up it was and the audience feels guilty for finding it funny. When a character breaks the fourth wall to plead for help, and you can't do anything so you just watch. And you know that the characters pain isn't real, but they're begging for help and you're not helping because their suffering is entertainment for you
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tonsillessscum · 9 months
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Leia post in honor of Carrie Fisher’s passing which was 7 years ago today.
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chrismho · 4 months
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getting yelled at by the skywalker siblings
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
I Always love thinking of the AUs where Anakin/Vader raises the twins, partially because of his immaculate dad T-shirts, and also I just love thinking of how he’d react to either of the twins dating a literal criminal (yk ignoring Anakin’s own numerous war crimes) cause I’m sorry Han but you don’t stand a chance
maybe someone should stop ignoring his crimes actually
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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kitsunetsuki · 2 months
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Hans Feurer - Pentax Calendar, 1978 (Photographis '79)
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watchyourbuck · 5 months
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hehearse · 2 months
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STRAY MENS. D-1 : SEOUL : dominATE world tour
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lookitsjess · 29 days
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kafk-a · 7 months
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Byung-Chul Han, from an interview published in ArtReview
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supertaliart · 4 months
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More Skywalker Sibling time! Now with a sequel
Part 3
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buckleylonglegs · 2 months
And when Eddie wakes up in the middle of the night with what he thinks is an armed assailant in his house but it's actually just Buck, Chim and Hen trying to shave off his mustache while he sleeps then what
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girlnephew · 10 months
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