#with a glass of room temperature water with a tiny bit of lemon
harrowedsoup · 1 year
I love the Chef Gideon AU though.
Like…Love is stored in the basic bread and simple meals that Gideon carefully makes Harrow everyday. It’s the fact that Gideon spends just as long getting unseasoned foods just right as she does complex recipes, despite Harrow not truly enjoying food either way.
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
Blurb idea Matty is sick in bed and Gigi is helping him and bringing him food/supplies. Maybe it’s unlike her because she’s usually playfully bullying him and she does by saying he looks bad and his hair looks shit but the sentiment is there and she’s being really sweet by helping him get better <3
maybe its a saturday and you and the other girls are out, at various classes and birthday parties, and gigi was supposed to come but she didnt want to. she begged you to stay home.
"daddy isn't very well," you say to her.
"he's literally tweeting," gigi says, holding up her phone to show you the notification.
"okay so he is on the mend," you laugh, "but you've got to be extra well behaved if i leave you here with him okay?"
"i'm always well behaved," she grins.
"not when it comes to your father you're not," you say, "but okay. ring me if he gets worse okay or if you need anything. and dont be a menace to him. i know he is tweeting but he still had a temperature this morning. promise?"
"promise," she says.
"matty," you yell through, while shoving a coat round valley's shoulders, "matt? i'm leaving gigi with you."
"great!" matty says, "gi get in here."
you look at gigi, who isnt moving.
"you promised," you say and she slopes off to his room.
matty is lying in bed propped up by pillows, his phone in his hand and tissues all around him.
"gigi baby can you get me some water," he says.
"you sound fine," she says.
"i'm not though. i'm poorly. help me dear sweet daughter. help your father"
"for fucks sake," gigi says, and leaves.
"language," he tries to yell after her, but his voice cracks and he groans and sticks his head under the pillow. to his surprise, gigi returns with a too full glass of water, in a babies sippy cup with no lid.
"this was all we had clean," she says, balancing it carefully as she walks across the carpet.
"i told your mum that im the one who does all the pots and this just proves it. i'm out for two days and it all goes to shit."
"i mean she is out ferrying around your horrendous amount of children," gigi says, sitting down on the bed. he kicks out at her and then slurps his water while gigi says "ewww" and tries to grab his bare foot under the covers.
"how do i look gi?" matty says.
"you look like shit, matthew," she says.
"should've seen that coming."
"i'm gonna go play drums," she says.
"gigi, honey, it's a bit too loud. can you pick a quieter activity? i'm going to try and take a nap."
"i'll play the electric ones," she says. "by the way, tweeting isn't the way to feel better."
she leaves the room again and he throws a pillow at her.
he wakes up an hour or so later. when he opens his eyes, they're blurry, but his daughter comes in to focus, watching him. she sees him open his eyes and jumps up.
"i came to ask if i can have a pack of crisps," she says.
"whatever," he says, and rolls over and falls back asleep.
another hour or so later, he feels something. something cool and refreshing on his head. something damp. he opens his eyes a tiny bit, not noticeably, and there is gigi, sitting on the edge of the bed again, dabbing his forehead with a wet flannel. he closes his eyes. tries not to smile. so she doesnt notice he's woken up. so she doesnt leave again. he drifts back off to sleep. next time he wakes up, it's her, footsteps on the carpet, and the door closing behind her, bringing him a cup of tea.
"it's lemon and honey," she says, placing it down on the side.
"were you..."
"i was careful with the kettle," she sighs. he smiles.
"thanks baby," he says.
"your hair looks shit," she says, and disappears again.
"thanks baby," he says. he gets out his phone. poorly and my daughter just said my hair looks shit. what a little gobshite
"stop tweeting!" gigi yells from the other room. matty laughs. he feels much better.
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leffee · 4 months
Day 23: Lemonade
Anthro au :)
Also, there are degrees mentioned in this one, my ass is using Celsius, America or not, I don't think it will hurt anybody, and I actually know what they mean, Fahrenheit on the other hand? Nuh-uh.
“Man, it’s so hoooot,” Pepper whined and tugged on her crossed legs.
“Yes, you have already said it like 20 times.” Zoe fanned her sweat-covered face, not stopping even when the chilly air produced by the ventilator hit her.
“Cause it’s still true!” Everyone groaned in agreement.
They were all at Zoe’s house. It was the middle of the summer - perfect time to enjoy her outdoor pool… or so they thought. They tried to push the scorching heat to the back of their minds and enjoy the water, the sunbeds, the tanning but… eventually they simply needed to admit that the sun was too much today and that inside will have to do. So now, instead of enjoying some water fun, the group sat on the floor with a ventilator in front of them, gracing each of them with a puff of cold air from time to time as it rotated. Even Zoe and Minka who normally thrived in hot temperatures were now slumped on the floor and panting heavily. 
Everyone was displeased with the weather, well, almost everyone.
“I wish it was just a little bit warmer, then it would be one hundredth percent perfect!”
They all turned to glare at Vinnie.
“You are an actual psychopath.”
“It’s like, forty degrees outside, if it gets any warmer, I think we will all perish.”
“Shut up, please, just shut up.”
Vinnie who has just entered the room chuckled at his friends,’ in his opinion, dramatic reactions. Being cold-blooded was normally a pain in the ass, but there were at least the tiniest number of situations when it was actually a plus. Still, he did feel kinda bad for everyone else.
“Maybe I can do something to help?”
“As much as we appreciate the offer, I don’t think there is anything you can do.” Penny sighed and leaned backwards on her palms.
“Or maybe…” Russell thought aloud as the air ruffled his hair. “Zoe, do you have ice cream or anything similar? Sorbets, maybe?”
Zoe merely shook her head.
“I wish. Yesterday when those three were here,” She pointed carelessly at Pepper - who grinned, Penny - who chuckled a bit, and Minka - who simply motioned a peace sign, “we ate all the frozen treats I had.”
“Wonderful,” Sunil huffed. 
“Mmmhm.” Zoe breathed a sigh. But then, “Wait! I might not have anything cold to eat but I did make some, well, lots of lemonade this morning, this should do, right?” She looked around at her friends who all nodded. So then, in this case just one tiny problem remained – nobody really wanted to move and risk heating up even more, at least nobody directly next to her. “Vinnie!” She called out.
“Yeah?” He asked when he approached closer to the semicircle "of shame", though he did deliberately avoid getting anywhere close to the fan’s radius.
“There are pitchers of lemonade in my fridge, take them out and bring us some,” Zoe ordered.
“Okay.” Vinnie nodded. “Can I have some too?”
“Yes, sure, just make it quick.” She waved him off and let her back hit the floor.
“And add plenty of ice cubes to our glasses!” Penny yelled behind Vinnie.
“Yeah, and be quick or we might evaporate!” Minka added, getting a thumbs up in return from him.
“And please, don’t spill the lemonade or worse, shatter the glasses!”
“Okay, I get it, jeez.” Vinnie threw his arms in the air at Sunil’s addition but did march to the kitchen.
It couldn’t have been longer than a few minutes when he returned to the rest of the group with a tray filled with glasses, but it felt like ages. He moved slowly, trying to perform a miracle of not tripping over anything. It seemed fate was on their side today because he reached his friends unharmed and put the tray before them, leaving it for their enjoyment after claiming one lemonade-filled glass for himself.
“Finally, our lemon-aid, I think I was genuinely starting to turn into steam.” Pepper was the first one who managed to push herself forward and take one glass. After her, everyone one by one took one for themselves too. The glasses were generously filled with ice, perhaps even too generously, but they weren’t gonna complain since combined with the fan’s chill, they finally felt significant relief.
One thing was for sure, to survive this day, they would need a refill, probably more than one.
Why does this prompts list has so many drinks, I mean first juice box then coffee now lemonade and day 26 is milkshake, there's only so many drinks-related stories I can write.
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0oolookitsme · 2 years
Best Gift and Waffles
Type- One Shot
Verse- @sunandherflores 's Harry and Y/n with their cutie of a baby, Arjun.
Warnings- None! Just fluff.
Word Count- 2.8k
A/N- Here's your birthday gift, Pyari. I love you so much <33 (I hope I did your verse justice)
Description- It's y/n's birthday, Harry ends up being assigned the duty of making waffles every time they'll be planned to be made, and Juno's gift is termed as the best she's ever received.
Arjun was the one most excited for this day and there’s no bluff in that.
As soon Harry’s eyes open and he relives a few moments of his life, he comes to the conclusion that it’s his wife’s birthday today and that he’s going to do his best to make it happier than the last one. He’s sure that his son will help him make that decision become obliviously possible.
As he turns on his side to take a look at y/n, he immediately huffs when he sees Arjun clinging onto her abdomen like a koala bear. Did he even sleep last night or stayed awake in the worry that Harry will surely forget to wake him up so that he’d be the first one to wish her? Well… he did almost forget that but still. Going back onto his back, he starts wondering what should he make for breakfast.
Not sure if he should wake Arjun up, he gets up making little to no movements and curses in surprise when his feet meet the cold floor, wondering if should take out those fuzzy socks for his son already.
With slight moisty-padding sounds of his feet, he exits the room while making sure he doesn’t shut the door- just in case that little munchkin decides to join him. That’d be very pleasant actually, but he can only hope that both of his loves get their full sleep. Did y/n think what the day ahead of her would look like while she was awake? He’ll make sure to ask what she guessed if she did.
It’s raining outside, or maybe it rained not so long ago as the raindrops on the window race with each other to reach the bottom. Opening them, he sees that it’s indeed raining and although Y/n does like a cool dark day, she loves a sunny day. He can only hope that the clouds would tear apart from each other and let at least a tad bit of sun shine fall onto the land which surely has water puddles on it here and there.
He pours a glass of fresh water into the water boiling machine placed at the corner of the slab, and shuts its lid, switching it on. Proceeding his walk towards the fridge, he looks into it to see if he can find anything that could make a good breakfast along with the cut up slice of lemon he had put in yesterday.
Before his eyes can search any further for lemons in lost hopes for any breakfast inspiration, his eyes land on the box in which Y/n had stored the waffle batter. Though he feels a little guilty for not putting in efforts which all belong to him, he cuts himself some slack and moves onto taking out the waffle maker from the lower cupboards and cooking spray from the cupboards above. He’s supposed to leave the batter to come to a normal temperature, so he pours in the hot water in his mug and drops that slice of lemon he found in the door of the fridge.
He isn’t much of a person to drink these kind of things but due to humidity and sweat from his practice sessions, pimples have been popping up on his skin and he hadn’t been hydrating very well as of lately either, resulting in chapped lips. It was y/n who had lectured him into starting to drink a cup of lemon water, guaranteeing that his skin would go back to being clear and to put two drops of mustard oil in his belly button to get rid of those cracked lips.  
Jumping down from the kitchen counter, he puts the mug beside the sink and starts to spray the cooking oil onto the waffle maker. Making sure to preheat the oven to 300 degrees.
As the waffle bakes until it turns golden brown, he prepares the frosting, but not before struggling to find that tiny bottle of vanilla essence. Adding some milk for the consistency he had desired, he finally stepped back at the sound of oven’s ‘ding’ and smiles when he sees the waffle through the blurry glass.  
He takes it out with a gloved hand and then takes out a spoon to spread the frosting over it. And, he’s doing just that when turns on his heels, grabbing onto the slab with all his might upon hearing a light weird sound. But just as immediately, he realizes that it was his son yawning soundly and lets out a deep sigh of relief, shaking his head while Arjun tries his very best to lower the sound of his hearty laughter.
“Shh,” Harry cautions, while his sheepish smile gives away that he’s embarrassed.
“Good morning, daddy,” Arjun laughs out, climbing up onto the counter to press a kiss on both of his cheeks. Harry greets back and repeats his actions, hugging his frame.
Helping the boy down as per his request, he continues to spread the frosting before asking him to help him with clearing the things out. The boy does oblige, but not before yawning again.
Arjun puts all the containers Harry hands him one by one quietly- not being much of a speaker in the mornings and especially not today, when he’s trying to not wake his mum up.
“That should be it for you, love. And hey, did you finish making your gift?” Harry asks with giddiness, crouching down a little so that he could hear whatever the answer is in a secretive way.  
“Yeah I did!”
The enthusiasm definitely caused Harry to back off a little. “You told me you’d tell me once it’s prepared, so… ?”
“Well, it’s made by me and I made it… You can know the rest once mumma sees it!”
“You little-“ and he’s cut off before he can finish his complain by Arjun giggling and running away upstairs, most likely to brush his teeth and shower.
Huffing once again, he decides on putting some sprinkles on the frosting and soon enough he’s stacking up a piece of waffle above the other to give it an appearance of a cake. The problem is, it isn’t giving celebratory yet, leaving him thinking very hard onto what else could be added. It does take time, but he steadies a candle atop the stack and finally feels satisfied.
Time to get ready for the day now.
Though he doesn’t proceed to do that until he’s covered the treat with a glass lid.  
Still steadying himself from climbing up the chairs in too much speed, he pushes open the door to Arjun’s room. Though when he’s met with a shut bathroom door and sound of water running inside, he walks right out. He’s sure he isn’t very pleasant to look at right now.
When he enters his and his lovely wife’s room, he’s surprised to see that she’s still asleep. Is she pretending to be asleep? He hopes that’s not the case as he takes out a pair of beige pants and a brown striped tee to wear over it. Maybe he’ll wear some sort of jacket immediately after getting a taste pf cool air, but he couldn’t care less right now- feeling too proud of himself for setting up his outfit beforehand.  
Once he hears Arjun’s room door being closed, he’s grabbing for his towel and jumping inside the shower. Perhaps, Arjun could wake up Y/n while his father showers and gets ready inside the bathroom itself.
Y/n on the other hand, stirs in her sleep before cracking open her eyes. Smell of vanilla remains heavy in air as she realizes that the breakfast is ready and it’s something tasty, making her smile with excitement. Though it falters when she finds no one beside her- neither Harry nor Arjun. What is she supposed to do? Go back to sleep? She sure as hell doesn’t wanna do that, so instead she rises up and switches on her phone to maybe reply to some texts, if she’s even gotten any this early.
It’s when her phone’s screen light up does she realize that it’s not so early anymore. It’s literally nine in the morning, the weather had her fooled. As soon as her phone connects with the wi-fi, messages start bombarding her notification bar. Most of the people she knows are morning birds, so she isn’t surprised to see a badge in red marked over the Whatsapp icon telling her there are 20 messages.
Slowly but surely, she opens and replies to all of them. Smiling over the status people put her photo in, especially the one her dad put- a photo of her as a child, looking at the cake on the table with the greediest eyes ever. Last but not the least, she opens the text message she’s received form Harry, opening it to find a video of them celebrating her birthday during the early months of their relationship, under it written a sappy poem he probably copied from google.
It feels like her heart’s smiling as she shuts off her phone and stretches. Just in the meantime, her bedroom is opening and peeks in the head of freshly showered Arjun, grinning from ear to ear as he walks with fast paced steps towards the bed once he sees that she’s awake.
“Happy birthday once again, mumma!” Geedily, he wishes her before leaning in to press a kiss onto her perked up lips, happily wrapped in her arms.
“Thank you, once again my lovely Juno,” She smiles, brushing her nose against his. “See, you wished me twice and your daddy hasn’t even come in front of me yet!” She complains to him, laughing when he shrieks, “boycott daddy!”
As she’s roughly combing out his hair with her fingers, the bathroom door opens and a rush of steam rushes out with a smell of strong men’s soap.
“There she is! There’s my darling wife!” Harry exclaims loudly, grinning with an open mouth before walking towards her with open arms. Leaning down, he hugs her tightly before pecking her lips twice. “Happy birthday,” he says rather peacefully, pecking her nose.
Smiling gently, she also pecks his nose and mumbles back, “thank you.”
“Me too, me too!” Voice of an excited Juno interrupts them.
It’s only a matter of seconds before they both share a look and tackle the little boy with kisses on either of his cheeks with obnoxious kissing sounds, making him laugh out loud. Just a hiccup and they leave his cheeks alone but not before kissing them one more time while making a loud ‘mwah!’ noise.
Getting up on his knees, he also presses a kiss on both their cheeks before Harry is grabbing him from Y/n’s arms, and pushing her to go shower already so that they can proceed to further plans.  
Moving to Arjun’s room, Harry places him onto the bed and crouches down to his level.
“Are you ready to give your gift to mumma?”
“Yes daddy, I’ve got the best gift ever!”
“Well well well, that’s awesome! Come downstairs with it and we’ll see where to place it, yeah?”
Arjun just nods vigorously and climbs down the bed, moving toward his clothing drawer as Harry exits the room and flees down the stairs, into the kitchen.
Removing the lid, he also removes the candle and put the meal inside the oven to heat it a little. He should’ve left it in the oven itself, but oh well. He anyways moves onto taking the flower bouquet of yellow and red roses out of the lower basket in the fridge and places it atop the dining table, in the vey middle. Then, places all the plates and glasses on their places, before shutting off the oven.
This time, he leaves the waffles in the oven, planning on taking it out once she reaches downstairs- considering the weather is still cold.
Jumping down the stairs comes Arjun, with something like a notebook covered in black sheet with a red ribbon tied messily, but it still looks so pretty that Harry is almost embarrassed of the fact that he learned how to tie his shoe laces when in 5th grade.
“Here!” Arjun hands the notebook-ish thingy to Harry, who replaces y/n’s plate with the gift. Arjun appreciates Harry’s decoration and then they hear a ‘ta-da!’ from the stairs, and everything goes still for both of them when they turn around.
It felt like everything went in slo-mo as she laughed, probably upon seeing their surprised facial expression before making her way to them.
“Do I not look good?” Y/n teases them, grinning widely.
She’s dressed in a brown saree, which somewhat matches Harry’s outfit. The clothing wrapped around her body as if it were made to be fitted on her body with perfect creases at just the right spots. She has pulled her hair in a low-sleek bun, a pair of complicatedly designed gold earrings hanging down from her ear lobule and a few bangles in her hands. A brown bindi sits in the midst of her brows and if you scan just a little bit down, you see black eyeliner on her eye lids, and black eye pencil used on her lower waterline.
If this isn’t what a goddess looks like, then Harry isn’t sure he can believe that.
“You look truly like a goddess,” he babbles out without filter, causing her to look down blushing and laugh at the same time.
“Why thank you,” she replies bashfully.
“You really are looking very pretty mumma!” Arjun chimes in, stretching out his arms while saying ‘very’.
“Not better than you, though.” She pouts, again laughing when his cheeks go red.
Gasping when her eyes land on the dining table, she lightly pushes harry to the side and moves towards it, lips apart in delight. “All of this looks so beautiful!” She unknowingly affirms Harry, moving to pick up the bouquet to smell it once and put it back down.
“This is so nice, thank you!”
“Mum, look! There’s my gift for you!” Arjun chimes in before Harry can affirm her.
With utter delight, y/n moves forward to pick up the gift. From behind her, Harry pulls out her chair for her to sit down as he watches over her shoulder with just as much curousity.
When she unties the ribbon, the folder of black paper pops open, and a scrapbook is revealed. While she’s adoring the cover and the tracing her fingers over the birthday wish written in Juno’s handwriting, Harry is thinking back to day before yesterday when Arjun had gone over to Gemma’s for a day but had took his scrapbook and sketch pens with him. So this is why.
Turning over the hardcover of the notebook, y/n realized there was no stopping now. Each page had a picture of every one of the family members Arjun is aware of, all of them holding a piece of paper or cardboard on which they had wished her a happy birthday with multiple blessings and all of the love they could give.
“Holy- oh my god, Juno,” she turns to look at him, seeming as if left breathless. “Did you do all of this bubba?” She asks him, placing him on her lap.
“Yeah I did, but Aunt Gemma also helped me,” he admits shyly, his nose a shade of blush pink.
“This is so very lovely, thank you very much Juno. Might be the best gift I’ve ever received!” She cried out in joy, kissing him all over his face.
From behind her a loud gasp. “What do you mean by ‘the best’!?” Harry asks her, coming in front of her with an offended expression and hands resting on his hips, seeming like asking for an explanation which can’t be made out of the rubbish statement she made. He steals a peek at Juno and sees him show him his tongue, causing him dramatically gasp again.
Pretending to wipe away faux tears, he stands up and starts to leave. “I’m heartbroken. No one even asked for breakfast. My heart’s aching so much,” he confesses in a gloomy voice, hanging his head low while he continues to walk like a skeleton in those spooky movies.
“I am starving though. Aren’t you too, Juno?”
“Mhm, I am. Elephants are jumping around in my stomach.”
“Oh shut it, I’m not going anywhere.” Harry turns around, instantly going over to the oven and taking out the waffles, which are still warm.
To say that y/n liked it would be an understatement. But to truly describe how much she freaking loved it, the words ‘These are the best waffles I’ve ever had, H. It’s always gonna be you who’ll make waffles from now on. I mean that, literally,’ should do the work
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sootyships · 1 year
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(the lighter sima in the glasses was made with honey replacing the brown sugar)
Sima is a fermented drink similar to ginger beer but using lemon instead of ginger. In Finland, it's a traditional May Day drink. Fermenting it at home is still reasonably common because storebought equivalents tend to be mediocre.
2 litres water (8.5 cups)
125 grams white sugar (0.6 cup)
125 grams brown sugar (0.6 cup)
½ lemon
a tiny bit of baker's yeast; a dollop the size of half a pea
a couple teaspoons of extra sugar
put sugar in a large pot.
wash the lemon really well. (best to use an organic lemon, but not mandatory.) use a potato peeler to peel the zest off the lemon and add to the pot. get rid of the white part of the lemon, then slice the innards of the lemon and add the slices to the pot.
boil half of the water, either in an electric kettle or directly in the pot with the sugar and lemon. if using an electric kettle, pour the hot water on the sugar and lemon bits. (move the pot off the heat after boiling if using the stove!)
add in the rest of the water cold!
wait until the mixture has cooled down enough that it won't kill the yeast. that's about body temperature. take a bit of the liquid into a cup and add in the yeast, let it dissolve, and pour the yeasty liquid back into the pot. mix gently.
let sit overnight or for approx. 24 hours in a nicely warm but not hot place. if the place is very warm, the drink will ferment faster. you will see some slight bubbles forming on the surface around the lemon bits.
after the ~24h, sift thoroughly, preferably using a cheesecloth in addition to a sieve to achieve the best result. avoid squeezing the lemons excessively unless you like a stronger lemon flavour.
bottle. add 1 teaspoon of sugar per every 4 cups of drink, and some 5 raisins per bottle. the raisins are used as indicators; once the raisins swell and stay at the top of the bottle, the spring mead is about ready.
do not close the cap tightly! the bottles may explode. unscrew the cap entirely at least once a day to release the pressure. you may leave the caps unscrewed.
the drink will take some 2-3 days to ferment at room temp, closer to a week in a fridge.
Once ready, store it in the fridge and drink it within a week. (Fermenting for longer means climbing alcohol content. With these short fermentation times, there's none to speak of—this is meant to be a kid-friendly drink.)
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millenniumfae · 4 years
Video Game Cooking: Nectar (Hades 2018)
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Nectar is one of the in-game items Zagreus can collect. By gifting these bottles of golden liquid to other characters, he raises his affinity with them, which in turn gives him powerup items and advances character questlines. 
Hades (2018) is a retelling/adaptation of the classical Persephone and Hades mythos. All items, settings, and characters are from classic Greek mythology; Zagreus’ foster mother is the primordial goddess of night. Achilles’ personal questline is about reuniting him with his lover Patrocles. Zagreus has spent his entire life sheltered underground in Tartarus, so he doesn’t know what birds are, or what winter is. 
In turn, ‘nectar’ exists in Greek mythology. It’s sometimes interchangeable with ambrosia; both are the legendary foods/drinks of the gods, said to grant immortality to anyone who consumes them, amongst other positive effects. In-game, nectar is the more commonplace counterpart to ambrosia; Zagreus finds nectar as a dungeon drop. But he needs to defeat the champion of Elysium boss to gain a single bottle of ambrosia.
Today, we’re gonna re-create the nectar of Hades (2018) for ourselves! It may be contraband in Hades’ domain, but it’s not like anyone pays attention to that rule, anyways.
Why are we recreating nectar, and not ambrosia? Because there already exists tons of ‘ambrosia’ drink recipes. Maybe not based off of the Hades (2018) version, but there’s nothing new or exciting in making yet another ambrosia drink. Nectar, on the other hand, gives us more room for invention.
Hades (2018) Nectar Recipe  (Makes One Serving)
1 1/3 cups Martinelli's sparkling cider
2 tablespoons orange flower water
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 teaspoon edible gold shimmer powder (make sure it lists all ingredients, and is certified food safe)
A pinch of coarse sea salt
A pinch of lemon zest
A drop of mint extract
The first times Zagreus gifts nectar to npcs, they describe honoring some sort of godhood custom and exchange with him with a ‘keepsake’ - an in-game powerup he can wear. Unlike with gifting ambrosia, their eyes don’t pop out with shock at receiving such a luxurious gift, it’s instead just something nice, even if relatively commonplace. But nectar is still prestigious enough that gifting the actual Olympic gods nectar goes over well.
If ambrosia is the equivalent of Zagreus gifting $30,000,000 Breguet watches to his friends and family, then nectar is the gourmet-wrapped basket of cheese and crackers you see in the ‘gift’ section of the grocery store. Something you spot while on errands, and impulsively buy so you have a hostess gift the next time someone invites you over. It’s a gift borne of societal custom, and implores the giftee to give you something in return, eventually. Everyone from your multimillionaire uncle Poseidon to your humble jailbird neighbor Sisyphus are pleased to receive such a gift, even if they might value its contents differently.
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(In the early-access versions of the game, nectar was ambrosia. The final release wrote ambrosia as the coveted, rare prize you earn after defeating the champions of Elysium. True enough, Zagreus can only find ambrosia after defeating the Elysium boss.)
In original Greek mythology, ‘nectar’ and ‘ambrosia’ aren’t two distinct things. Homer describes nectar as the god’s drink, and ambrosia is the food. But in Sappho’s and Anaxandrides’s poems, it’s the opposite. There’s more recorded mentions of ‘ambrosia’, rather than nectar. Some take this to mean that both nectar and ambrosia can be seen as something both food and drink, like honey.
Both share canonical similarities. Ambrosia and nectar are fragrant foods/drinks, sometimes used as literal perfume by the gods. Makes sense that nectar smells good, if in the AD period we’ve taken the word to mean the sweet stuff within flowers.
Other than its smell, we’ve no canonical information about nectar (other than in the Odyssey, nectar is described as either ‘rose-red’ in color, or in scent). Hades (2018) rendered nectar’s appearance as an opaque, warm gold liquid in a cute little round bottle, wrapped with a ribbon to benefit its ‘gift merchandise’ reputation.        
Nobody in Hades (2018) describes the taste/smell of nectar. Ambrosia, on the other hand, is said to be rare ‘vintages’ that you’re guaranteed to like. Sometimes, gifting either results in a cutscene where Zagreus and co. hang out at the lounge, complete with a sound clip of uncorking a bottle and pouring it into a tall glass. You can also see characters drink nectar amongst each other, savoring both the occasion and the taste. Eurydice also offers a ‘Refreshing Nectar’ power up item, which just kinda looks like normal nectar but in a tall glass. 
There’s a clear alcohol equivalence. But nobody references drunkeness in-game. Even original classical Greek culture didn’t have a drunk culture like we do; wine was revered, but it was mixed with water to be savored, not to intoxicate oneself. Maybe nobody in-game can get drunk in the first place; everyone’s either an immortal, or a ghost.
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(In my opinion, it’s always a bit weird when videogame characters can nurture deep, trusting relationships purely built upon a system of gifting items. But Hades (2018) does make it clear that Zagreus already has established relationships with most of the cast.)
Ambrosia’s a rare vintage. So what does that make nectar? We need to make something sweet, pleasant, attractive-looking, and also tangibly related to its rarer sibling. So we’re using another liquid that’s distilled and sometimes fermented; apple cider. 
A bit of this decision comes from the soundbite of opening up a nectar in the lounge; it’s a thin viscosity with a slight hint of foam, almost sounding like beer. And the color matters too, since different distillations of apple cider can result in different colors, ranging from dark brown to a light, bright gold.
Apple juice, when fermented, can have alcohol contents going from light apple wine, to brandies that have 10-25% alcohol. As a culinary ingredient, its modest fructose content means a higher temperature tolerance, and its citric acid can be used as a brine. It’s a popular ‘new world’ ingredient in cooking and baking. 
It’s also an ‘old world’ food. Hades (2018) doesn’t take itself super seriously, with its foil-wrapped gyros and french fries as in-game healing items. But any character/worldbuilding they do have, they keep it consistent. 
Zagreus says that Hermes’ symbol “almost looks like a bat wing”, when it’s very clearly a bird wing. Because he’s lived underground his whole life, he doesn’t know what a bird is. Weapons upgraded with the aspect of people like Guan Yu, or King Arthur, are time-bending powers that no one has ever heard of, with hints that these mysterious people live in places with their own gods/mythology. Zagreus catches a trout/bass/sturgeon fish for the first time, and it’s completely foreign to him, but Achilles fondly recalls these Greece-native fish fitting of his Nereid heritage. Characters have discussions about how mortals fear death, despite Thanatos being a gentle god represented by butterflies. There’s no sun, therefore no time, in the underworld. Hades is the god of minerals as well as the underworld, hence gems and diamonds being an in-game loot. 
Apples originated in Central Asia. During the Classical Greek era, they would have resembled what we call crabapples; small, hard, sour, cherry-sized. “At the Sammardenchia-Cueis site near Udine in Northeastern Italy, seeds from some form of apples have been found in material carbon dated to around 4000 BCE.”
It implores me to find ingredients that fit the setting, as with my other Video Game Cooking recipes. No pumpkins, no corn, potatoes, chocolate, tomatoes, vanilla. Instead, we have things like almonds, lentils, oranges, honey, garlic, onions (haha, suck it Achilles)
To reflect nectar’s ‘sweet smelling’ trait, we’re using an ingredient common in Persian cooking - and later the French royal court of King Louis; orange flower water. I found mine in my local Asian grocery. It’s a byproduct of making essential oil, and it’s colorless/flavorless, but with a strong aromatic smell that affects any food you mix it with. It’s also a known ingredient in modern day Greece, called anthonero (ανθόνερο). 
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(Eeurydice is confirmed to use both nectar and ambrosia as a cooking ingredient, and her food is apparently amazing. Maybe one day, I’ll make another Video Game Cooking recipe based off of her Pom Porridge, or Ambrosia Delights.) 
And to really make it look like the food of the gods, we’re adding an ingredient found more and more in swanky bars worldwide; edible glitter powder. Originally, people only used this to decorate baked goods and candies, but come Instagram, people are making these really picturesque cocktails that shimmer rainbow. You gotta be careful when buying these for yourself, though; the tiny tins of decorative edible shimmer power you find at Michaels may not actually be as edible as they claim. I found Bakell-brand Luster Dust at a bake-supply shop. If it doesn’t list its ingredients, or certify itself as FDA-approved, then don’t use it for food.
And since it’s called ‘nectar’, we’re also adding honey. Which has long history of its divine status as a holy food. To take down the intense sweetness a bit, the tinest pinch of sea salt - another holy, pure substance. And to really bring out the brightness of the apples, we’re adding a sprinkle of lemon zest. A tiny drop of mint extract brings a complex depth to the orange flower smell.
To make a glass of nectar; cover the bottom of the glass with mint, lemon, sea salt, honey, and orange flower water. Then, pour the apple cider with the gold shimmer dust together, so that the two mix together a bit, to avoid clumping of the powder. Then you mix the drink a bit, so that the honey, zest, and salt aren’t sitting at the bottom.
It only now occurs to me that this recipe might actually be a rendition of Eurydice’s Refreshing Nectar item, rather than pure nectar itself. But just take my word for it; when you open up a bottle of nectar, you get that whiff of blossoms with the slight coldness of mint, and the sea salt/honey taste goes really well with the apple juice. I imagine that Eurydice’s somehow making a further delicious drink by adding a splash of Bailoni and ice. 
Enjoy! Just imagine that you’re hanging out with Zagreus and his three partners, cracking a cold one open over stories about how crazy the surface world is. Did you know that we have machines called computers that instantly relay information all over the world??
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Fruit. (Part 2.)
Tony Stark (Sugar Daddy) x Reader Insert.
Word count: 3.9k
Warnings: Sugar daddy relationship, alcoholism, drunk driving, language, slight foot fetish?, public displays of affection, reader is a little brat. 
(Chapter 2 of the Guns n’ Glitter series.)
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A fluttering of lips against your face, you turn away and bury yourself under your covers, desperately trying to cling to sleep for as long as you can. But Tony is persistent, hands on your hips tugging you against him.
His voice is low and hoarse in your ear, "Wake up." A chill ghosts up your spine as he squeezes your hip. "We're going out today, remember?"
Yes, you remember, his fingers laced with yours as you drove his car, he told you everything he wanted to do today, each statement followed with a kiss to your knuckles in promise. But you feel exhausted. Well not really, just too comfortable to get up, and his hands on you aren't helping. He kisses the back of your neck, baby hairs standing to attention at the sensation. "No," is all you can say, pushing your face further into the pillow.
What time is it? It's a Saturday, why is he rushing?
"Come on baby," He says, a strain in his voice as he tries to be patient. "The longer we lay here, the more time we waste."
That's right, you only have two days, you're only staying for the weekend, and that has you letting out a deep sigh through your nostrils, turning to look at him.
"Five more minutes?"
He smiles, "Only if you kiss me."
Yesterday you wanted nothing more than to stay up with him, but now, Saturday morning washing over you, you just want to sleep in.
So you do kiss him, a hand in his hair as you pull his face closer to yours. It's disgusting, too sloppy and too wet this early in the morning, a mix of morning breath and an occasional mash of teeth, but he's set on devouring you, his tongue in your mouth ever so slowly pushing you to lay on your back. But you've done worse.
He slots himself between your legs, hands on your hips pressing you firmly against the mattress, and when he bites your lip, the moan that comes from your throat sounds painful, scratching it's way up and out. He swallows it, humming in approval, lips pressing to yours gently to sooth his previous action.
"You know," A huff of breath against your lips. "Believe it or not, this was supposed to be innocent."
You scoff, nails scratching his scalp, his eyes slip closed. "You're the one who climbed on top of me." You press a kiss to his chin, the hairs of his beard tickling your face.
"I can't help it, you're just so," He catches himself, thumbs rubbing little circles against your hips. "You're perfect, and you're stalling." His eyes snap open, glaring at you. "You little devil. Get up."
He's off of you before you can protest, grabbing you by your wrists and pulling you with him. Cool air bites your bare skin, the warmth of the covers was all that was protecting you from the insanely low temperature of AC in your room. He smiles at you, running a hand through his hair.
"Put on something pretty? Be ready in twenty. I'm not kidding."
You do put on something pretty, something that makes him want to say fuck it and take you back to bed like you wanted all along. But first, you freshen up in the bathroom. You brush your teeth, then walk through a delicate skin care routine, products applies with the light tap of your ring finger. You apply a light layer of makeup, slick your hair into a pony tail with some gel, then you get dressed.
You put on a little pink dress with thin straps, shoulders bare and thighs proudly on display. You dress it up with a pair of heels and a mini bag, a cuban link chain on your neck, matching diamond earrings, and bracelets that jingle every time you take a step.
"Tight," His pinky finger is caught between his teeth when he sees you, because, "My god, you don't disappoint, do you?"
"I live to please, Mr. Stark." A bat of your eyelashes, and an air kiss against his cheek, you know you'll be in trouble later.
But for now, he lets you play your part, teasing him and winding him up, because he lives for reminding you of who wears the pants in the relationship.
He pick a different car this time, the Roadster, and for a moment you think he's going to let you drive again. Reading your mind, he kisses your cheek, not on your life, and holds your hand to help you inside.
The first stop is breakfast, the sun barely risen as you leave the garage, and you're squinting against the bright light to take a few pictures. Because daddy's rich, and he's taking you out today, and you can't help but feel entitled. You work hard for the things he gives you, so damn right you're going to brag about it. Because who else can say they have Tony Stark wrapped around their finger? He drives with the top down, giving you the perfect view of the State of California.
Breakfast is more like brunch, he drives you across the state to take you to a restaurant in L.A. It's nice, on the water and not too crowded since it's so early. The sun feels warm on your skin, a mimosa in your hand, Tony takes pictures on your phone for you. Your outfit is adorable, you get many complements, the kind that makes Tony's left eye twitch if someone stares at you for too long.
"You look like you're going to have a stroke." You say, nodding to his water. "Are you hot? Drink something."
He shakes his head, plucking the lemon from his ice water. "Keep it up." Is all he says, taking a sip.
You smile, faking innocent. "What?"
He has the nerve to smile back, mocking you. "You know exactly what." He says, looking up as the waiter brings your food.
You ordered an omelette with hash browns, and Tony ordered a stack of blueberry waffles. He pours the syrup for you both, and per his request you feed him a piece. You also order a fruit bowl, sharing it between you. Your fingertips and lips stain red from the strawberries, which earns you a sweet kiss from across the table.
"Blueberries or strawberries?" You ask him suddenly, his eyes floating up from his food to your face.
"Do I get to weigh my options?" He raises an eyebrow.
"You can walk me through it." You trace the rim of your glass with a single finger, and his eyes catch it for a moment before putting his knife and fork down.
"Well, they both stain." He says it with a deviant little smirk that turns your face the color of your lips. "But strawberries taste sweeter."
"Then why do you like blueberries so much?"
"I don't necessarily like them," He says. "But I don't mind them."
"You prefer strawberries but choose blueberry pancakes?" You ask.
He lets out a huff, reaching over for your mimosa. "Must you question everything I say and do?" He counters. "Is this boring you?" He's teasing you, so you don't respond. "There wasn't a strawberry pancake option on the menu, sweetie."
You are a bit bored, your pestering is a bad habit, find anything to pick apart simply because there is nothing else to do. So you decide to occupy yourself with another task, the man sitting across from you more than willing to receive your antics.
"Is this strong enough for you?" He asks, pulling a face, placing your drink back down in front of you. "Want some wine?"
Under the table, you slip your feet out of your heels. "It's not even lunch time." You point out. "Will they serve it?"
"Did you forget who you're talking to?" He waves down the waiter, and sure enough a bottle of their most expensive wine is brought out to you.
He pours you a glass, then another, matching your one with two for himself. Your cheeks are flushed with color before you can even finish your food, and of course Tony notices, eyes dark as he watches you tap your nails against your wine glass.
Thoughts cloud his mind, The smooth look of your skin in the sunlight, face glowing and kissed by the sun. The pout of your lips, tinted red in color from fruit juice and wine. Your cheeks are flushed, eyelashes fluttering against your cheek bones each time you blink. You're comfortable, relaxed, and that's all he wanted for you today.
But then his eyes wander, down your face and to the jewelry sitting on your collar bones, jewelry he bought for you. The dress you wear is tiny, he imagines that if he looks under the table he'll see your bare panties between your legs, it hugs you like a glove, reflecting the sunlight, and there's something seductive about the way your curves move fluidly each time you shift in your seat. And then, that ghost of your touch traveling up his leg, he thinks he's imagining it at first, but then you bite your lip, resting an elbow against the table to lean forward.
He reaches a hand down, catching your foot just as it reaches the top of his thigh, and you fail at concealing a gasp.
"Forgotten our table manners, have we?" He raises an eyebrow at you, making you sit up straighter, clearing your throat.
"Of course Mr. Stark. My apologies." You decide to play coy, holding your head high, reaching a hand up to fluff your pony tail. "How do you like the wine?"
To your surprise, he doesn't let you go, fingers inching up to your ankle. "It's sweet, strong." He says, "Fruity."
"I like it too." You say, bracelets jingling as you reach for another piece of fruit. "But I think I've had more than enough."
His finger slips, over your ankle and down the arch of your foot, and you flinch in response, knee knocking the table. Your eyes widen, and you're quick to save your wine glass from tipping over.
He laughs, dropping your foot. "I agree."
He holds his hand out suddenly, eyes glistening with a sense of mischief, and you're hesitant to place your hand in his. Slowly, he guides your hand to his mouth, sucking your fingers clean of syrup and fruit juice. His tongue slides across your skin, dipping between your fingers and trailing up to the pads of your finger tips. His tongue is hot, warm, his eyes never leaving yours as he licks you clean, as he tastes you. Then as if nothing happened at all, he reaches over to dab your lips with a napkin, kissing the underside of your wrist before letting you go.
He waves down the waiter for what feels like the tenth time, leaving you flustered, wanting something much sweeter than fruit. But Tony has the day planned for you already, so you bite your tongue and let him drag you around the city, stealing one last sip of wine before you leave.
Your nail appointment is booked for noon, and it takes over two hours to get done. But being tipsy helps the process, bursting into a fit of giggles each time you look over at Tony. He sits beside you with his phone in hand, playing a game, which he lets you watch occasionally. He looks like a bored child, dragged out for a day of shopping with their mother.
When asked what color you want, Tony's hand on your thigh, you decide to let him pick.
"Red," he says, lips lingering at the corner of your mouth.
Red like those strawberries, like the juice he licked from your fingers, like the wine that's clouding your judgement. Red like the car he let your drive yesterday, red like your cheeks, because you know what he's implying. Red is his color, and now he's making you wear it.
But you continue to tease him, crossing and uncrossing your legs, arching your back to stretch your spine, shifting back and forth to pull your dress down. His eyes hardly ever leave you, looking up only when you turn to smile at him. He tells you to behave, which you blatantly ignore, shifting in your seat to face him. He doesn't complain though, taking in the sight of you, watching you relish in the feeling of being pampered.
On a couple accent nails, you get crystals and rhinestones, fingers catching the light as you hold your hand out for his credit card to pay.
Keep it up, his eyes are screaming consequences at you for your bratty behavior. But you can't help it. He's torturing you with a good time, so you're returning the favor. You thank him with a wet one right on his lips, his hand on the small of your back to guide you out of the salon and back into the warm California air.
Your heels click against the pavement, hair swaying in tune with the switch of your hips, and you can't stop staring at your new nails, hands spread out in front of you as you examine them in the sunlight. Tony has good taste, the red really does suit you after all.
"Are you hungry?" You just ate a couple hours ago, but you can go for a snack. So you nod, grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers. "Want some ice cream?"
Ice cream. Tony Stark has a wicked sweet tooth, or maybe he just wants to see your lips wrapped around an ice cream cone. Either way, he buys you one, strawberry for you, cookie dough for him. You let him have a lick, and you're half tempted to smear it across his face.
You're surprised that you don't get any on your clothes, especially with the rate your ice cream is melting under the sun. It takes several wet napkins to clean your hand free of that sticky feeling, because you don't think you can handle Tony licking your fingers a second time.
There's something cute about watching Tony eat ice cream, something that makes you take a picture of him, which earns you a scolding about being addicted to your cell phone. You remind him of your age difference, which has him grabbing your hip and rolling his eyes. You're just trying to get a rise out of him, and it's working, the remnants of his ice cream gone, both of his hands on you now.
"You like my age." He says, voice low and eyes squinting against the sun. "In fact, if I were closer to your age you wouldn't like me at all."
It's true, you don't like men your own age. You're too mature for that, you're chasing a career, and boys your age just want to get drunk and party all the time. Tony is a business man, an established business man, someone who encourages you to work hard and chase your dreams. Boys your age could never.
So you seal his affirmations with a kiss, "Just don't let it get to your head."
It's far too late for that already, his hand in yours as you drag him down the street.
You decide to stop in the shopping mall, Tony tucks a wad of cash in your purse and tells you to go crazy. So you do. Gucci, Chanel, Fendi, you're reaching for cash more than you can keep track of, burning through it far too quickly. When you ask for his credit card instead, he appears unphased as you run up his bill, handing him receipts to sign and bags to carry. You spend hours shopping, trying things on for him, dragging on the occasion as long as you can.
He hardly ever lets you go shopping. He much rather prefers to gift you things, let you order online instead of getting up and going to an actual store. He prefers the privacy and convenience, but today he's in a spoiling mood, tolerating all of your antics so that you can treat yourself.
You don't mean to act like a brat, he just makes it fun. You truly do appreciate all he does for you, and you decide to remind him of that when you're ready to go, wrapping your arms around his neck in a tight hug.
"All shopped out?" He asks, lips pressed to your ear.
"My feet hurt, and I'm hungry again."
He can hear the pout in your voice, which makes him laugh, an arm tucking around your waist. "I bet. You might as well have run a marathon in those shoes today."
You pull back, looking down at them. "They're cute."
"Very cute." He kisses your nose. "Let's go."
He loads your millions of shopping bags into the trunk, and you take your heels off while you wait, letting your hair down just for a moment to massage your scalp. You reapply a bit of lip gloss and blot your forehead using your phone camera as a mirror, refreshed by the time he's finished stacking everything in the trunk.
He takes you to an authentic Italian restaurant for dinner, the menu's written in actual Italian, which Tony has no trouble translating for you. You knew he was Italian, but hearing him speak it is another story.
You order pasta and a salad, trying to be good after eating an entire basket of bread sticks. But good never lasts too long when in Tony's company, a glass of champagne is set in front of you and all morals are out of the window. You drink until you can no longer feel the pain in your feet, twirling your fork full of pasta to feed to him across the table. You're not a light weight, but he makes sure you're responsible, encouraging you to drink water and eat more bread.
He lets you sample off of his plate as well, speaking in hushed tones as he fusses over you. Are you sure you're okay? Take a break and drink some water. No more. Okay fine, this is the last one. Yes, drinking out of my glass still counts. Watch your arm, don't set it on your food. It's cute, and it keeps you smiling all night.
Tony made good on his promise to treat you today, good food, a fresh set of acrylics, and cute clothes. You felt thoroughly spoiled, shopped out and ready to go back to the house.
But he isn't finished yet.
"You got to do everything you wanted," He says, wiping his mouth clean on a napkin. "Now it's my turn."
You groan, thinking that he's going to do some shopping for himself. If that were the case, he could have been doing it with you the entire time. But that isn't what he meant at all, your eyes wide as he walks you to a jewelry store, hand firm on your back just in case. You're tired, and drunk, but nothing beats the sight of diamonds.
"I have something special in mind." He pulls his shades from his face and tucks them onto the collar of his shirt, like the true asshole that he is. Too cool to even make eye contact with the poor guy behind the register. "Something custom."
It's not everyday that a store owner sees Tony Stark walk in, so Tony cuts him some slack, flashing him a smile.
"Of course. What do you have in mind?"
It's whispered behind his hand, out of earshot and out of your line of vision. You're instantly annoyed, stepping away from him to look at the display case behind you.
He's back on you in an instant, hands next to yours on the glass, his chest against your back. He kisses your cheek, sensing your change in mood. "It will only take about an hour. Until then, let's take a look around?"
With all the spending he's already done on you, you figured he would be done. Apparently not. "Sure," You say, turning your face against his lips, stealing a quick kiss. "Thank you for today."
"That's the whole point of this, isn't it?" It's his own weird way of saying you're welcome, but it makes you roll your eyes anyway, stealing another kiss.
You're undeniably handsy, clinging to his arm as he walks you around the jewelry store. You're a bit bored though, your collection is already large enough to be over the initial excitement of basic diamonds and gold. But something does catch your eye eventually, nail between your teeth as you stop dead in your tracks.
"See something you like?"
Nail tapping against the glass, "That one." It's a cuban link chain, encrusted with pink diamonds, "I don't have a pink one."
He realizes that you don't, so it's added to his tab. So is a pair of earrings, an anklet, another necklace, by the time his custom piece is done, you've run up the total three times what it would have been originally. Oops, he doesn't seem to mind though, once again swiping his card, not blinking twice at the price. You consider this payment for making you stay out so late.
He's silent as you walk back to the car, arm tight around your shoulders, he holds the bag just out of your reach, and you feel like a child being restricted from having too much candy. You just want to hold your spoils.
"Are you still not going to let me drive?" You ask, and the laugh he lets out actually shocks you.
"God, no. You can barely keep your eyes open. Yesterday was different." Yesterday wasn't different, but you don't complain as he leans you against the car, walking off to place the jewelry bag in the trunk with the others.
You take it upon yourself to climb in, landing hard against the passenger seat. You pull your hair free form it's pony tail and kick off your shoes, placing them up on the dashboard. You can tell that he's tired too, letting out a little huff as he gets in the car finally. You smile, raking your nails across his scalp, and he enjoys your touch for a moment.
"I was going to fuck the shit out of you," He says, eyes barely open, "But I think we're both a bit too tired for that now."
You visibly deflate, pouting as you lean over the console, kissing his forehead. "Can't hang old man?"
He laughs, pointing a finger at you. "You're drunk, and we have a long ride home."
He does have a point though, by the time you do actually get home you doubt you'll be able to do anything.
"I got something for you." He says, breaking your silence.
You laugh, "You got me a lot of somethings."
"No," He shakes his head. "A special something."
"I want to see."
"Tomorrow. I promise." The smile he gives you is dazzling, washing away your annoyance almost instantly. "We need to sleep."
He looks a little guilty, but you don't hold it against him, enjoying the warmth of his hand on your thigh as he drives.
The radio down low, wind blowing your hair, you can barely hear him when he asks, "Did you have fun today?"
You nod, doing your best to look over at him. "Thank you."
He pats your thigh reassuringly, the touch comforting. "You're welcome, baby. Anything for you."
Guns n’ Glitter masterlist.
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edgewaterfarmcsa · 3 years
The New England growing season is terribly short (June-October).  We break up this tiny passage of time into short bursts we call seasons: strawberry season (5ish weeks), blueberry season (3ish weeks), melon season (JUST GETTING STARTED WOOT WOOT!!), etc…  These fruit bursts force you to show up and give all you got because the harvest is so fleeting and nothing during any other time of year compares to the season that you are currently in.  As we combine melon season with the entrance of tomato season, we simultaneously welcome in the real muscle season:  canning season.  August is this wild month where everything (all the crops) catch up and suddenly you are hit with this pain in your gut that SUMMER IS SHORT and SUMMER IS ALMOST OVER and holy shit, it's time to savor every bit of it and figure out ways to bottle up the sun.  So, I turn to processing veg (can/pickle/ferment/freeze) as a coping mechanism to battle the inevitable change to Fall.  Also, canning  is pretty fun and deeply satisfying and mostly delicious (however there is the occasional science fair experiment gone wrong).  From here on out, with every CSA that comes and goes, I will try my best to provide one item in bulk(ish) that will beg you to be processed, so you too, can take summer with you into the cold dark months ahead (i hate winter).   
But before we go into pro-tips and how exactly you are going to deal with all those jalapenos- I need to tell y'all about this extremely productive and joyful experience that occurred weekly alongside the CSA Summer Harvest: enter, Kayleigh season.  Kayleigh worked at the farm years prior, but we never connected- she was slingin veg at the farmstand, and I was picking veg in the field.  This year she approached us looking to get back to Edgewater and low and behold, I needed help. AND-SHE-SHOWED-UP.  Yall, Kayleigh season lasted for 9 whole weeks and I am GRATEFUL for every single one.  Working alongside Kayleigh is actual magic.  Her work ethic is insane, her jokes slap, and while paying attention to every detail of every task, she is constantly looking ahead, reading my mind, and lightening the load.  On top of all this, she glows and our convos flowed.   My best connections and life changing conversations always happen during a full day outside- sunrise to sun up- in a field, during a harvest with someone great.  She is someone great.   Kayleigh season ends today. Next week she begins Nursing school and I’m so excited for her… (to take care of me when I'm in need of medical care jkjkjk). 
All that said, so long Kayleigh season- a damn good season- all too fleeting, powerful, and so full of joy.  
This recipe is recommended by my dear friend Sam who is a master jalapeno pickler… He gives the following suggestions:
I would use less sugar 
Also you can put the sliced jalapenos in the jar and just pour hot pickling liquid over it.
YIELD: 1 PINT SIZED JAR  The BEST recipe for easy homemade pickled jalapenos from scratch! Fresh jalapeños pickled and jarred.
15 to 20 large jalapeños, sliced, stems discarded 2 garlic cloves, smashed and peeled
1 cup distilled white vinegar 1 cup filtered water
4 tablespoons sugar (optional as it is for flavoring) 2 tablespoons kosher salt
In a medium sauce pan combine the garlic, water, vinegar, sugar and salt.
Heat to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar and salt. Once at a boil; add the sliced jalapenos pressing them so they are submerged under the pickling liquids. Remove the pot off of the heat and let them sit for 10-15 minutes.
Use tongs to transfer the jalapenos into a clean jar. Ladle the pickling juices over top until you've reached the top of the jar. Let cool at room temperature before securing a lid and popping them into the fridge.
I personally would treat these as I would any opened jar of jalapenos. They should last a long while if kept refrigerated in the airtight jar.
**REVISED: I've found that 20 medium jalapenos will fill a quart size jar. I upped the water and vinegar to 1-1/4 cups each. Sugar and salt stayed the same.
*This is not a canning recipe therefore not shelf stable and will need to be kept refrigerated.  With that said, I personally would treat these homemade pickled jalapeños as I would any opened jar of pickled produce in your fridge. They should last a long while if kept refrigerated in the airtight jar. Also, the spicy heat of the peppers should mellow out the longer they are in your fridge.  If looking for canning instructions or directions, follow the USDA guidelines.
As its name suggests, lemongrass is a grass with botanical origins that stretch across South and Southeast Asia, from India and Sri Lanka to Indonesia and the Philippines. Also called Malabar grass, Cochin grass, or fever grass among many other names, lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) grows in large bushy clumps. Its stalks are woody and pale green with bulbous lighter-colored bases that are somewhat reminiscent of green onions. Used whole, chopped, or pummeled into a paste, lemongrass adds a light but complex flavor and aroma—simultaneously lemony (hence the name), gingery, and floral—to sauces, soups, and meats.
In some parts of the world, lemongrass is also treasured for its health benefits. When brewed into a tea, the plant is considered an immunity-boosting treatment for a wide variety of ailments including gastrointestinal distress, fever, and asthma.
How can you use it? In South and Southeast Asian cooking, lemongrass commonly conspires with ingredients like garlic, galangal (and/or ginger), cilantro, Thai basil, shallots, lime leaves, and coconut milk to create bold, complex flavors.
To prepare lemongrass, start by peeling the stiff outer leaves away from the stalk to reveal the slightly softer underlayers. Slice the grass in two spots, about half an inch from the root and approximately three inches up, where the whitish color begins to turn green.
The pale lower section of the lemongrass is the meatiest bit. Even so, it must be sliced thin and then finely chopped, pounded into a paste with a mortar and pestle, grated with a box grater, or tossed in a food processor so that it isn’t too tough to chew. This is frequently how lemongrass is used in Cambodian cooking, Yun says, especially in the preparation of the spice paste kroeung.
Lemongrass is often finely chopped or pounded in order to break down the tough stalks.
Once minced or pounded, lemongrass can be added to marinades or grilled meats for a touch of sweet citrusy flavor or used to brighten curry pastes and simple sauces. Powdered lemongrass works here too. “Start with one teaspoon powder per lemongrass stalk, but be sure to taste as you go to make sure you’re getting that lemony-ginger bite,” Payumo advises. 
And despite the fact that lemongrass isn’t traditionally used in recipes of Western origin, adding it to creamy pastas or homemade ice cream is an unexpected delight.
But while only the lower bulb of the lemongrass stem is edible, every portion of the stalk has a role to play in the kitchen. The fibrous upper section of the stalk is full of tons of lemony, gingery goodness. To release the flavorful oils, both Yun and Payumo like to bash or flatten the lemongrass stalk with a cleaver or the side of a large knife. Payumo will also sometimes bend the stalk back and forth a few times instead of smashing it to release the oils.
Fresh lemongrass stalks work best in dishes like soups and slow-roasted meats that simmer for long periods of time. In Filipino cuisine it’s commonly stuffed inside whole pigs or chickens and then roasted, Payumo says. Extensive simmering or roasting is also the best use for dry lemongrass, which rehydrates as it cooks. Like with bay leaves, remove the lemongrass stalks from the dish before serving. 
Bruised, oil-rich lemongrass stalks work in the glass too. They not only make a mean cocktail stirrer, but they can also infuse spirits with almost no effort at all. Go ahead, throw a lemongrass stalk or two in a bottle of vodka and let it sit for a week before drinking. You won’t be sorry.
How should you store it? If you store it right, lemongrass will pretty much last forever. Wrapped loosely in a towel, the stalks will stay fresh and flavorful for a few weeks in the fridge. Otherwise, they’ll do just fine in the freezer, either uncut or pre-prepped. Try portioning minced, pounded, or grated grass into an empty ice tray for no-fuss future use. Dried and powdered lemongrass should be kept in sealed containers and out of the light.
Now go smash, slice, and pound away. You may not be getting to South or Southeast Asia this year, but with your new lemongrass skills, at least your culinary skills will permit you to imagine.
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averil-of-fairlea · 5 years
More than words
For my friend @oakenshieldgisborneandbuchanan. Bucky x Wife!reader
Inspired by the following imagines from @thefandomimagine:
Imagine Bucky taking care of you after you twist your ankle
Bucky. Just imagine Bucky;
Imagine having a training session with Bucky that turns into a make out session   
Imagine being pregnant with Bucky’s baby
Category: super fluff with elements of angst, spice
NOTE: this fic was written BEFORE the release of ‘Endgame’ and contains no spoilers (unless I’m suddenly clairvoyant). 
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“You shouldn’t have done that.”
You’re tempted to ask “which ‘that’ are you talking about?” but as Bucky stands by the exam table you’re resting on, he is dead serious. There are literally hundreds of things you should not have done in the name of loving him. Most of them have involved getting him out of harm’s way and putting yourself in his place. That’s how you ended up in a tiny, hole-in-the-wall clinic with a sprained ankle. A hateful zealot pretending to seek an autograph got a little too grabby, culminating in weapons drawn and shots fired. He called Bucky a traitor, a murderer, and a half a dozen other things before you took him down with a poorly executed - but effective - body slam, twisting your ankle during the struggle.  
It could have been worse, and it has been. And you’d do it all over again.  
“I couldn’t just let that guy take you out,” you reply, grateful that the near-assassin is in custody.
“It’s not your job to save me.”
Easier said than done. And you definitely don’t say it. The sappiest things you’ve ever said to each other were uttered at your ceremony - a quiet affair done in secret, save for Steve’s mandatory presence, at your apartment that became your passionate wedding suite later that night. There was no fanfare to the event, just heartfelt words, sweet kisses, close friends and good food. But your vows have stayed locked in your memory. So much has happened since then. Among other things, you lost him for a time to that snap-happy giant purple maniac. From that moment on, the saying ‘actions speak louder than words’ hit you square in the gut.  
It was nothing short of a miracle that he returned to you. So you’ve vowed to make your actions big, your words few. You show him your love; words are meaningless. If Bucky doesn’t know by now just how far you’ll go to keep him on this side of the earth, he’ll never know.  
Bucky strokes two fingers over your bandaged foot, which you loosened and sloppily re-applied while he stepped away to talk with the physician’s assistant who first examined you. For a good five seconds, he looks from your hurried, bandage job to you and back again, with an expression that says, “really?”
“Nice try.”  He unwinds the fabric, then begins re-wrapping it. He makes the last few revolutions with his eyes on you.
“That’s more like it,” he says. To your delight, the tighter wrapping isn’t uncomfortable. He’s better than a doctor. But you’ve known that forever.
He finishes and secures the bandage, then surprises you with a quick kiss on the top of your covered foot. He gives you just the slightest smile, enough to set a flock of butterflies free in the pit of your stomach.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have done that,” you say, mimicking him.
His smile widens, melting you.
The doctor comes in. Thank goodness. Bucky’s “bedside manner” was about to get steamy.  
Good news. No Xrays needed. You can go home.
“It’s not a terribly bad injury, but you need to take it easy so it can properly heal,” the doctor says. “No more of whatever it is you did to sprain your ankle in the first place.” The doctor has questions in her eyes. She glances at Bucky’s arm, concealed by a jacket. Her gaze moves to his face, the bill of an army green baseball cap pulled low to partially hide his features.
The doctor turns back to you. “What exactly were you doing, anyway?”
“Jogging,” you answer. “We both were. I fell into a ditch.”
The doctor cocks an eyebrow. “Did the ditch shoot you, too? There’s a bullet hole through your jacket.”
You shrug. “It’s a fashion thing. Bought it that way.”
“Mm-hm.” The doctor’s not buying it. She rocks on the heels of her shoes and cuts another look back to Bucky. You can tell she has definitely seen him before, but not you. That’s a good thing. You are, in many ways, his cover. He neither wants nor needs to be recognized. But maybe your fierce protection has brought down his guard a little.  
That’s a bad thing.
Great. Yet another worry to upset your mind. Since his return, the two of you have yet to know what complete peace and normalcy feel like. Life seems so strange - fragile as the thinnest glass, strong as steel; deeper than unseen galaxies, shallow as a puddle. Lasts too long for those who don’t appreciate it, too short for those who cherish every moment.
Everything seems so confusing sometimes, and you don’t have the words to express it. You and Bucky once talked about starting a family. Now, you’re not so sure you can keep him from the madness of this world and bring another human into it. 
After a lecture about proper jogging form, safe running surfaces, and bad fashion fads, the doctor says, “I’ve written you a prescription for pain, and I think we can drum up some crutches that are appropriate for your height. But you really just need to rest. Get waited on hand and foot. Pun intended.”
At your apartment, Bucky places an arm around your waist while you drape yours across the back of his broad shoulders, hobbling toward your door. You’ve never been so glad to live on the first floor.
“You sure you don’t want me to bring in the crutches?” he asks, opening the door.
“Ugh. Overkill.” Forget those things. It’s more trouble learning how to walk with them than just hobbling. Besides, you never realized how good it feels to lean on Bucky.
All at once, he turns and scoops you into his arms before you know what’s happening. You could protest, but honestly, it feels nice, and you’re tired.
“We didn’t even do this on our honeymoon,” you say. “Oh, wait. We didn’t have one.”
“This isn’t one, either,” he replies, shutting the door with a swift backward kick, “but as soon as you’re well - ”
“Hold on.” You twist your body a bit to press your thumbprint to the security system’s bio-ID pad, turning off the security system. You reset the alarm, then slide the old-fashioned metal locks into place - all ten of them. Your idea, of course.
“Overkill,” he says in a low voice, but of course you hear him. You growl and lightly bite the tip of his ear until he laughs.
After repositioning yourself in his arms, he walks you to the faded denim couch. He props your head and feet up with pillows. After briefly disappearing into the bedroom, he returns with a magnificent, jewel-toned quilt, a gift from King T’Challa. Coming from Wakanda, there is more to it than meets the eye. 
Princess Shuri calls it a kimoyo sheath. Once on, the colors fade and the entire piece turns black, highlighted with symbols, just like the beads, but the sheath’s symbols correspond to the body’s various systems. It conforms to your body, providing cocoon-like comfort. But it does so much more. The sheath’s keen sensors regulate core temperature; run full-body checks; make diagnoses; suggest treatment for illnesses, and in some cases, provide it. 
A thin blue light illuminates on top of your twisted ankle, following by words: Grade 1 Ankle Sprain. After the diagnosis is translated into different languages, the bottom section of sheath clings to the affected area and gives it an infusion of enveloping, soothing cold.
“Wow.” You’re in absolute awe. In the past, the sheath has picked up on cramps, shoulder dislocation, bruised hips, gas, and impending diarrhea. You tested it a lot after you first received it, just messing around, but then life got in the way of goofing off. This thing is brilliant. You should use it more often. 
“Check this out!” you call, suddenly realizing Bucky has been quietly puttering in the open kitchen. “We could have just come home and used this fancy blankie instead of going to that understaffed clinic.”
“Couldn’t risk it. I thought you’d broken your ankle.” 
You hear him moving things around in the open kitchen, but you’re too zonked to sit up and check. “Hey, what are you doing in there?” you ask.
“You’ll see.” He enters the room holding a tray with a sandwich, a glass of water with a twist of lemon, and your prescription bottle sitting next to it.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” you say with a grateful smile. But he doesn’t respond. He’s frozen.
“Bucky? What’s wrong?”
He drops the tray. 
“Are you OK?” The words screech from your throat as you sit up and swing your legs to the floor. Did that maniac from earlier today get to Bucky - slip him something without either of you noticing? That’s impossible! You were on that clown like white on rice before he could fire off another shot.
“No, no. Lay back down,” Bucky says, stepping over the mess and kneeling beside the couch.
“Why?” You put your feet back on the pillow but sit with your elbows propped up. You can’t fully relax until you know what’s going on.
“The blanket,” he says. He sighs through a warm smile, his eyes soft.
“Yeah. It’s cooling my sprained foot. Pretty amazing, huh?”
“Not as much as this.” He places his hand below your belly button, under the blue words. 
You sit up higher and look down at the scrolling translations.
Ukuthomba - amaviki amane.
Zwangerschap - vier weken.
Schwangerschaft - vier wochen.
Gestation - four weeks.
“What the!” Your eyes double in size. “Gestation, as in p-pregnant? When and how?”
He shrugs, his smile lighting up the room. “Like it said, four weeks ago. The rest, I think you know.”
You rewind your memories. Four weeks, four weeks... Debriefings. Training, lots of training, in preparation for possible new threats. Installing the metal locks while practicing some back kicks. Testing the integrity of the door by having him press against you, your back to the thick steel. A quick, stolen kiss. A shared laugh over a dumb joke. A serious lesson in defensive moves, winter soldier-style. Another quick, distracting kiss. A knee to the groin that was only supposed to make him flinch, not make contact. Him, pretending to double over in pain. You, swatting his shoulder when you realized he played you. Kiss number three, deeper and more urgent. Breathlessness. Peeling clothes away...
And ZERO protection.
“Wow,” you breathe, closing the delicious memory and finishing up a few quick mental calculations. The timing makes sense. “So that’s how that works.”
“Mystery solved.” Bucky chuckles through his brilliant smile, then kisses your cheek, the tip of your nose, your mouth. Tenderly, lovingly.
“Talk to me,” he says.
Of all the things you thought he’d say, that isn’t one of them. You’re not ready for words. You shake your head. “I don’t know what to say. Nothing seems sufficient.”
“Talk. to. me.”
It takes you another second or so to gather the words, but surprisingly, they come. You tell him the truth: that you’re happy - shocked, but happy. That even if you weren’t pregnant, you’d be happy, because he’s with you, and together you make a damn fine team. That you’re a little scared - not just about the baby and how life will change, but about him. That you’re afraid you’ll miss something and he’ll be taken from you again. That you can’t be everywhere and you won’t always be by his side. That you never want to leave him vulnerable.
Saying the things on your heart is healing. There is so much more to loving this man than protecting him.
“Make no mistake,” you add, “carrying a child isn’t going to stop me from kicking ass.”
“I know.” He strokes your hair. “But promise me this: you’ll remember that we’re in this together. You don’t have to shoulder everything. I’ll be more vigilant, more careful. And we’re going to have a real honeymoon, and your only job is to relax and be happy with me.” He rubs your belly and smiles broadly. “With us.”
Joyous tears streaming down your face as you nod enthusiastically and kiss his lips. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him close, telling him how much you love him. With his warm cheek against yours, he trembles in your embrace. That’s when you realize he’s at the most vulnerable point you’ve ever seen him, and he’s going to be just fine. 
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talesofstyles · 6 years
Hi hon :( could you write a little teeny blurb about H taking care of his girl when she's sad and tired and feeling a little under the weather? :(
FINE ELLIE (p.s. i changed a bit so she’s not sad nor tired, she’s just sick. hope that’s alright!)
Harry knew something was wrong the second she stepped into their apartment.
Without saying a word, she only offered him a half-smile and went directly to their bedroom. Harry was confused because she was never like that, so he turned off the stove and went to their bedroom to check on her.
When he got into their room, it was pitch black. The curtains were drawn. Not one single light was on. And through the light from the hallway he could found you curled up on your bed, only your head popping out from the thick blanket.
He walked closer to your bed and plopped himself down next to you. His hand immediately went to your forehead to check your temperature. “Love, y’not feeling well?”
Your eyes remained closed as you shook your head softly. “Av’ got a terrible headache.”
“Oh no, have you taken some nurofen?” He asked as he massaged your forehead gently and you shook your head again.
You were about to protest when he stopped but you decided against it when you felt his lips pressed on your forehead. “Alright, stay awake just a couple more minutes for me please? I’ll bring some food and medicine.”
“Noooo, I don’t want to eat. I feel like I’m about to vomit.”
“Just a yoghurt, yeah? A tiny bit. Five spoon, I promise, and then you’re done.”
“Three?” You attempted to negociate with him and he chuckled before replying, “four.”
“No, three.”
“Three and a half?”
“Good.” He said, leaning down again to press another kiss but it landed on your lips this time. “I’ll be right back.”
And he did. He came back five minutes later with a cup of yoghurt, a clementine in case you wanted some, a glass of water, a cracker, green tea with lemon and some aspirin. You were still awake but your eyes remained close because your head hurt so bad.
“Sit up a bit f’me, yeah?” He requested. You sat up as he re-arranged your pillows to support your back so you could sit comfortably. “Y’don’t have to open your eyes f’it hurts.”
You nodded and you could hear him tearing open the yoghurt cup. “Open your mouth f’me, pet. Bit wider please,” he chuckled at his own words. “Alright, that sounds… sexual.”
You wanted to laugh but your head hurts ten thousand times more if you did so you tried to stifle your giggle. “Don’t make me laugh, it hurts.”
“Sorry, sorry. Here you go.” He said as he fed you the yoghurt. You protested after the third spoon but he convinced you to keep going until you finished half of the cup. He even managed to get you to bite two pieces of clementines before he handed you the medicine and the cuppa for you to take a sip. “S’there anything I can do to help y’feel better?”
“Just get in the bed and give me cuddles please.”
“Alright, I’ll be the big spoon tonight.” He climbed onto the bed and pulled you closer to him, kissing the back of your neck as he wiggled around to get comfy. “Go to sleep, love. Feel better soon, alright? I love you.”
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The Keys to the perfect cup of cold brew coffee
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By Sarah Dawson
Iced coffee is the caffeinated beverage of choice for many during the summer months. But preparing a good cup takes a little more effort than pouring your leftover morning brew over ice. As many coffee connoisseurs know, the method that produces the best flavor and perfect balance of caffeine is cold brewing. We caught up with Jonathan Adams, co-founder of Philadelphia’s cult-favorite Rival Brothers Coffee Roasters, for the lowdown on perfecting your cold-brewed cup at home.
Consider the science behind cold-brewed coffee. In traditional hot coffee, hot water is introduced briefly to coffee grounds. This process is perfect for a hot cup, but not ideal for iced coffee. In order to extract the optimum amount of flavor, the water and grounds need to commingle a while—something you would never do with hot water, because the coffee would end up terribly bitter. “The result is a smoother, rounder coffee with less tannins and a lower pH,” Adams says.
Know that cold brew is high octane. Heat kills caffeine, Adams explains, so the resulting cold brew has a higher level of caffeine, which is why some choose to dilute it with water or milk. Also of note, the lower pH in cold brew makes it less acidic and easier to digest, so those who suffer from digestive issues may choose to add hot water to a cold-brew concentrate for a more traditional cup of coffee.
Remember that the beans matter. “At Rival Bros., we use a proprietary, espresso blend that tends to be a little bolder and darker and has a nutty, chocolate flavor,” Adams shares. When sourcing coffee, look for a medium plus espresso blend made from beans that have a matte finish with a little bit of sheen on them. Adams advises that you keep two things in mind when shopping: first, oily beans are the result of a dark roast, and these tend to lose their sweetness—which is not optimal in a cold brew; second, lighter roasted beans will result in a brew that is sour and opaque and not at all desirable.
Go for a coarse grind. Because the grounds and coffee are going to mingle for a spell, it’s best to opt for a coarse grind, which will minimize the likelihood that you’ll end up with tiny particles floating around in your glass. “Cold-brew coffee is made by a process called immersion brewing, like in a French Press preparation,” Adams explains. “In order to easily extract the grounds, they can’t be too fine.”
Follow a set of guidelines for your perfect cup.  “I don’t recommend a specific recipe, but brewing parameters,” Adams notes. “Personal taste varies, so it’s really best to observe a rule of thumb and tweak to what you prefer.” He also says that you don’t need a fancy vessel; a large Mason jar works perfectly. Here is Adams’s cold-brew framework:
Brew ½ pound of coarsely ground coffee to ½ gallon of filtered water.
Add coarse grounds to your container and fill with water.
When you first add water, the grounds will release carbon dioxide and puff up. Counteract this process by punching grounds down with a spoon and then stir.
Allow jar to sit at room temperature for 18 to 24 hours. (Placing in the refrigerator slows down the brewing process.) Note: Brewing time depends upon the roast of the bean. The time recommended above is for a medium plus espresso blend. If you have a dark roast, you won’t want to brew longer than 12 hours or the resulting coffee will be bitter. For a lighter roast, you’ll want to brew for longer, but never more than 24 hours.
After your brewing time is up, pour the coffee first through a sieve or fine colander to capture the largest grounds and then strain through two layers of cheesecloth.
Store in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Give drinking it black a shot. Whether you choose to cut your cold brew with water is up to you. “In our stores, we just fill a cup with ice and pour coffee over it. As the ice melts, it tends to dilute it a bit,” Adams says. He also recommends that you try cold-brewed coffee without sweetener or milk. Because of the brewing process, you may find that this preparation lacks the bitterness you’ve come to associate with coffee, and that is has an added natural sweetness. However, you can certainly add milk or an alternative. For sweeteners, he says it’s best to opt for simple syrup, brown sugar, or maple syrup, as these will dissolve better in cold coffee. “But we don’t ever judge,” Adams notes. “Add sweetened condensed milk a la Vietnamese coffee, or try oat milk and a simple syrup with lemon and rosemary. Experiment with different flavors to find your perfect cup.”
TSG Tip 272 from Jonathan Adams of Philadelphia’s Rival Brothers Coffee Roasters. Rival Brothers Coffee Roasters is featured in the The Scout Guide Philadelphia.
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BY SARAH DAWSON August 05, 2018
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Iced coffee is the caffeinated beverage of choice for many during the summer months. But preparing a good cup takes a little more effort than pouring your leftover morning brew over ice. As many coffee connoisseurs know, the method that produces the best flavor and perfect balance of caffeine is cold brewing. We caught up with Jonathan Adams, co-founder of Philadelphia’s cult-favorite Rival Brothers Coffee Roasters, for the lowdown on perfecting your cold-brewed cup at home.
Consider the science behind cold-brewed coffee. In traditional hot coffee, hot water is introduced briefly to coffee grounds. This process is perfect for a hot cup, but not ideal for iced coffee. In order to extract the optimum amount of flavor, the water and grounds need to commingle a while—something you would never do with hot water, because the coffee would end up terribly bitter. “The result is a smoother, rounder coffee with less tannins and a lower pH,” Adams says.
Know that cold brew is high octane. Heat kills caffeine, Adams explains, so the resulting cold brew has a higher level of caffeine, which is why some choose to dilute it with water or milk. Also of note, the lower pH in cold brew makes it less acidic and easier to digest, so those who suffer from digestive issues may choose to add hot water to a cold-brew concentrate for a more traditional cup of coffee.
Remember that the beans matter. “At Rival Bros., we use a proprietary, espresso blend that tends to be a little bolder and darker and has a nutty, chocolate flavor,” Adams shares. When sourcing coffee, look for a medium plus espresso blend made from beans that have a matte finish with a little bit of sheen on them. Adams advises that you keep two things in mind when shopping: first, oily beans are the result of a dark roast, and these tend to lose their sweetness—which is not optimal in a cold brew; second, lighter roasted beans will result in a brew that is sour and opaque and not at all desirable.
Go for a coarse grind. Because the grounds and coffee are going to mingle for a spell, it’s best to opt for a coarse grind, which will minimize the likelihood that you’ll end up with tiny particles floating around in your glass. “Cold-brew coffee is made by a process called immersion brewing, like in a French Press preparation,” Adams explains. “In order to easily extract the grounds, they can’t be too fine.”
Follow a set of guidelines for your perfect cup.  “I don’t recommend a specific recipe, but brewing parameters,” Adams notes. “Personal taste varies, so it’s really best to observe a rule of thumb and tweak to what you prefer.” He also says that you don’t need a fancy vessel; a large Mason jar works perfectly. Here is Adams’s cold-brew framework:
Brew ½ pound of coarsely ground coffee to ½ gallon of filtered water.
Add coarse grounds to your container and fill with water.
When you first add water, the grounds will release carbon dioxide and puff up. Counteract this process by punching grounds down with a spoon and then stir.
Allow jar to sit at room temperature for 18 to 24 hours. (Placing in the refrigerator slows down the brewing process.) Note: Brewing time depends upon the roast of the bean. The time recommended above is for a medium plus espresso blend. If you have a dark roast, you won’t want to brew longer than 12 hours or the resulting coffee will be bitter. For a lighter roast, you’ll want to brew for longer, but never more than 24 hours.
After your brewing time is up, pour the coffee first through a sieve or fine colander to capture the largest grounds and then strain through two layers of cheesecloth.
Store in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Give drinking it black a shot. Whether you choose to cut your cold brew with water is up to you. “In our stores, we just fill a cup with ice and pour coffee over it. As the ice melts, it tends to dilute it a bit,” Adams says. He also recommends that you try cold-brewed coffee without sweetener or milk. Because of the brewing process, you may find that this preparation lacks the bitterness you’ve come to associate with coffee, and that is has an added natural sweetness. However, you can certainly add milk or an alternative. For sweeteners, he says it’s best to opt for simple syrup, brown sugar, or maple syrup, as these will dissolve better in cold coffee. “But we don’t ever judge,” Adams notes. “Add sweetened condensed milk a la Vietnamese coffee, or try oat milk and a simple syrup with lemon and rosemary. Experiment with different flavors to find your perfect cup.”
TSG Tip 272 from Jonathan Adams of Philadelphia’s Rival Brothers Coffee Roasters. Rival Brothers Coffee Roasters is featured in the The Scout Guide Philadelphia.
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johnboothus · 4 years
VinePair Happy Hour: What Original Cocktail Have You Crafted Recently?
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So far in 2021, our social lives have looked a lot like they did in 2020, and that means many of us are channeling our pent-up creative energies into hobbies like home bartending. Though the VinePair team loves making our tried-and-true favorites such as Negronis and Margaritas, we’ve recently been taking breaks after our end of day Zoom meeting to craft our own unique cocktail recipes (some more successful than others).
Looking to mix up something a little different from your usual vodka-plus-anything-in-the-fridge? Read on for a list of the drinks that VinePair’s thirsty staff members are conjuring up at home this year — including a failed Old Fashioned riff, and a throwback to everyone’s favorite (forgotten) garnisher, Salt Bae.
“Lately, I’ve been riffing on the Hot Toddy by spiking my last cup of Sleepytime tea. Anything with skullcap works, but I’ve found Triple Leaf Relaxing Tea plays especially well with Kasama Rum. Otherwise, if I’m day drinking, it’s ginger beer with a splash of vodka and fresh cucumber for me.” —Emma Cranson, assistant editor
“I’ve been really embracing Sumo orange season this year — meaning that I’m not only eating them as a snack, but also using them as a cocktail ingredient. My go-to cocktail lately has been a combination of Sumo orange juice (you can use regular oranges, too), the juice of half a lemon and lime, and a shot of tequila, topped with sparkling water. It’s refreshing and super easy to make.” —Katie Brown, associate editor
“I’ve been really into lychees lately and created a cocktail with lychee juice, mango puree, sake and shochu. I had something similar at an Asian fusion restaurant a few months ago and wanted to recreate it. I’m excited for the warmer weather because I think it’s the perfect drink to sip by the pool or on a rooftop with friends.” —Danielle Grinberg, art director
“I recently mixed up a version of a rum maple Old Fashioned, only with lemon bitters and a lemon twist (because we didn’t have an orange). It took a few tries to get the proportions right and ended up being just… fine. Definitely wouldn’t ‘craft’ this one again.” —Joanna Sciarrino, executive editor
“I felt this was the perfect platform to finally share ‘The McKirdy’ with the world. Beloved by a literal handful of individuals, the drink sees a shot glass filled with equal parts Fernet Branca and Campari, then seasoned with a generous pinch of fancy flaked sea salt. Some reading this may be thinking this is just a ripoff of the Ferrari, a popular industry shot or ‘bartender’s handshake.’ You are quite mistaken. While the inclusion of salt is not entirely unique, it is the manner in which that seasoning is applied that renders a genuine McKirdy shot. Don your whitest T-shirt, slick back your hair, and put on your darkest pair of shades. Grab a large pinch of the bougiest salt you can find and proceed to sprinkle (from height) down an extended forearm and into the awaiting shot glasses — otherwise known as the Classic Salt Bae technique. Given that we’re all still drinking at home, alone, only your dog will judge you.” —Tim McKirdy, staff writer
“Prior to the pandemic, one of my favorite bars was The Rockwell Place, owned by Toby Cecchini. I live in Fort Greene, so am pretty close, and it was a place I frequented often as I think the cocktails are some of the best in New York City. One such cocktail was the bar’s Rare Citrus Margarita, a drink so delicious I found myself craving it. Sadly, unlike Cecchini’s other bar, The Long Island Bar, Rockwell Place did not open for outdoor-only seating at any time during the past year, so I took matters into my own hands and tried to recreate the drink. I am sure this is not the recipe Cecchini uses — his is definitely better — but I have found my version delicious enough to tide me over until The Rockwell Place reopens: 3 ounces blanco tequila, 1 ounce fresh cara cara orange juice, .25 ounce fresh lime juice, .25 ounce fresh lemon juice, .75 ounce agave nectar. Combine all ingredients in a shaker, add ice, and shake until the outside of the shaker starts to frost. Double strain, and serve up in a chilled coupe glass garnished with an orange peel.” —Adam Teeter, CEO and co-founder
���I’m a major frozen drink fan no matter the temperature outside, so I wanted to craft my own frozen Margs at home. I used ice (lots of it), frozen strawberries, tequila, Triple Sec, and lime juice. Blended it up in my Magic Bullet, and garnished with a lime in a Margarita glass.” —Ally Burton, brand partnerships intern
“Between sipping wine all day and typing up reviews, the only mixed drink I’ve been messing with is a latte. Maybe next time I’ll make it an Americano and dollop a swig of whiskey in there.” —Keith Beavers, tastings director
“I love lemonade — and for the record, boozy lemonade was cool in my house before the largest alcohol producers on the planet were making hard seltzer with it — so, anyway, I’ve been testing out shandy cocktail recipes. Here is the recipe I’ve landed on so far: Combine equal parts Aperol and OJ. Shake with ice and strain into an ice-filled tulip glass. Add Angostura bitters (I pop out that rubber thingy and pour a bit directly from the bottleneck, because who has time for dashes?), give it a stir, and top with a lemon shandy. I’ve been experimenting with samples of Goose Island’s 312 Lemonade Shandy, filling the glass about 3/4 of the way to leave room for foam. Pause to admire the fluffy pink cloud atop that summer sunset-colored drink in your glass, and sip away.” —Cat Wolinski, senior editor
“I created a riff on the cocktail ‘Seoulful Sour’ — inspired by Korean cuisines, this cocktail uses sesame oil! This is my re-creation, using some of my pantry staples and a great gin: Coat the cocktail glass rim with a chili lime salt/seasoning blend; then in a shaker, pour in gin, a dash of pineapple juice, a bit of honey, 3 drops of toasted sesame oil, and a squeeze of freeze lemon juice; shake and serve ice cold!” —Jenny Riddell, director of brand partnerships & events
“I’ve been throwing together a drink my friend turned me on to: Hendrick’s gin, a bit of elderflower tonic water, some freshly squeezed Meyer lemon juice, and a tiny splash of vanilla extract. She garnishes it with rose petals!” —Kelly Tesoriero, editorial intern
The article VinePair Happy Hour: What Original Cocktail Have You Crafted Recently? appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/home-craft-cocktail-recipes/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/vinepair-happy-hour-what-original-cocktail-have-you-crafted-recently
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wineanddinosaur · 4 years
VinePair Happy Hour: What Original Cocktail Have You Crafted Recently?
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So far in 2021, our social lives have looked a lot like they did in 2020, and that means many of us are channeling our pent-up creative energies into hobbies like home bartending. Though the VinePair team loves making our tried-and-true favorites such as Negronis and Margaritas, we’ve recently been taking breaks after our end of day Zoom meeting to craft our own unique cocktail recipes (some more successful than others).
Looking to mix up something a little different from your usual vodka-plus-anything-in-the-fridge? Read on for a list of the drinks that VinePair’s thirsty staff members are conjuring up at home this year — including a failed Old Fashioned riff, and a throwback to everyone’s favorite (forgotten) garnisher, Salt Bae.
“Lately, I’ve been riffing on the Hot Toddy by spiking my last cup of Sleepytime tea. Anything with skullcap works, but I’ve found Triple Leaf Relaxing Tea plays especially well with Kasama Rum. Otherwise, if I’m day drinking, it’s ginger beer with a splash of vodka and fresh cucumber for me.” —Emma Cranson, assistant editor
“I’ve been really embracing Sumo orange season this year — meaning that I’m not only eating them as a snack, but also using them as a cocktail ingredient. My go-to cocktail lately has been a combination of Sumo orange juice (you can use regular oranges, too), the juice of half a lemon and lime, and a shot of tequila, topped with sparkling water. It’s refreshing and super easy to make.” —Katie Brown, associate editor
“I’ve been really into lychees lately and created a cocktail with lychee juice, mango puree, sake and shochu. I had something similar at an Asian fusion restaurant a few months ago and wanted to recreate it. I’m excited for the warmer weather because I think it’s the perfect drink to sip by the pool or on a rooftop with friends.” —Danielle Grinberg, art director
“I recently mixed up a version of a rum maple Old Fashioned, only with lemon bitters and a lemon twist (because we didn’t have an orange). It took a few tries to get the proportions right and ended up being just… fine. Definitely wouldn’t ‘craft’ this one again.” —Joanna Sciarrino, executive editor
“I felt this was the perfect platform to finally share ‘The McKirdy’ with the world. Beloved by a literal handful of individuals, the drink sees a shot glass filled with equal parts Fernet Branca and Campari, then seasoned with a generous pinch of fancy flaked sea salt. Some reading this may be thinking this is just a ripoff of the Ferrari, a popular industry shot or ‘bartender’s handshake.’ You are quite mistaken. While the inclusion of salt is not entirely unique, it is the manner in which that seasoning is applied that renders a genuine McKirdy shot. Don your whitest T-shirt, slick back your hair, and put on your darkest pair of shades. Grab a large pinch of the bougiest salt you can find and proceed to sprinkle (from height) down an extended forearm and into the awaiting shot glasses — otherwise known as the Classic Salt Bae technique. Given that we’re all still drinking at home, alone, only your dog will judge you.” —Tim McKirdy, staff writer
“Prior to the pandemic, one of my favorite bars was The Rockwell Place, owned by Toby Cecchini. I live in Fort Greene, so am pretty close, and it was a place I frequented often as I think the cocktails are some of the best in New York City. One such cocktail was the bar’s Rare Citrus Margarita, a drink so delicious I found myself craving it. Sadly, unlike Cecchini’s other bar, The Long Island Bar, Rockwell Place did not open for outdoor-only seating at any time during the past year, so I took matters into my own hands and tried to recreate the drink. I am sure this is not the recipe Cecchini uses — his is definitely better — but I have found my version delicious enough to tide me over until The Rockwell Place reopens: 3 ounces blanco tequila, 1 ounce fresh cara cara orange juice, .25 ounce fresh lime juice, .25 ounce fresh lemon juice, .75 ounce agave nectar. Combine all ingredients in a shaker, add ice, and shake until the outside of the shaker starts to frost. Double strain, and serve up in a chilled coupe glass garnished with an orange peel.” —Adam Teeter, CEO and co-founder
“I’m a major frozen drink fan no matter the temperature outside, so I wanted to craft my own frozen Margs at home. I used ice (lots of it), frozen strawberries, tequila, Triple Sec, and lime juice. Blended it up in my Magic Bullet, and garnished with a lime in a Margarita glass.” —Ally Burton, brand partnerships intern
“Between sipping wine all day and typing up reviews, the only mixed drink I’ve been messing with is a latte. Maybe next time I’ll make it an Americano and dollop a swig of whiskey in there.” —Keith Beavers, tastings director
“I love lemonade — and for the record, boozy lemonade was cool in my house before the largest alcohol producers on the planet were making hard seltzer with it — so, anyway, I’ve been testing out shandy cocktail recipes. Here is the recipe I’ve landed on so far: Combine equal parts Aperol and OJ. Shake with ice and strain into an ice-filled tulip glass. Add Angostura bitters (I pop out that rubber thingy and pour a bit directly from the bottleneck, because who has time for dashes?), give it a stir, and top with a lemon shandy. I’ve been experimenting with samples of Goose Island’s 312 Lemonade Shandy, filling the glass about 3/4 of the way to leave room for foam. Pause to admire the fluffy pink cloud atop that summer sunset-colored drink in your glass, and sip away.” —Cat Wolinski, senior editor
“I created a riff on the cocktail ‘Seoulful Sour’ — inspired by Korean cuisines, this cocktail uses sesame oil! This is my re-creation, using some of my pantry staples and a great gin: Coat the cocktail glass rim with a chili lime salt/seasoning blend; then in a shaker, pour in gin, a dash of pineapple juice, a bit of honey, 3 drops of toasted sesame oil, and a squeeze of freeze lemon juice; shake and serve ice cold!” —Jenny Riddell, director of brand partnerships & events
“I’ve been throwing together a drink my friend turned me on to: Hendrick’s gin, a bit of elderflower tonic water, some freshly squeezed Meyer lemon juice, and a tiny splash of vanilla extract. She garnishes it with rose petals!” —Kelly Tesoriero, editorial intern
The article VinePair Happy Hour: What Original Cocktail Have You Crafted Recently? appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/home-craft-cocktail-recipes/
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flour2door · 4 years
Discover the Tricks of Standard Venetian Cookies with Organic Food Baking Recipes
From the captivating Venetian lagoon on the Adriatic sea in Italy, when Venice was the center of commerce with Asia from the 13th to the 19th centuries, organic baking traditions were born that are still exercised today by homemakers and bread chefs. Travelers as well as sailors carried foods on board the merchant and also battle galleons that would make it through the lengthy trips in the dangerous seas. Amongst these were pleasant treats, basic to make, that in name and preference, reflected their Venetian origins. As well as that in those days, the only existing farming created organic food; no chemicals or ingredients were made use of in foods, other than those from mother earth herself.
  The Queen of these, and also one of the most popular, is the natural cookie called "Biscotti Baicoli". Created in the 1700's, words "baicoli" is Venetian dialect for sea bass. Actually, their lengthy, oval, slim shape is extremely comparable to the little sea bass which inhabit the lagoon. Back then, bakers provided them to coffee bar, or they were served to house guests in addition to zabaglione cream, warm chocolate or tea. Still others offered them with a pleasant Doge's desert white wine, the Venetian Moscato dei Doge.
Organic Self Raising Flour
Today they are considered a delicate, light, yet delicious natural cookie to be taken pleasure in by everybody. In fact, almost every child in Venice today understands the rhyme in Venetian language which boasts of the goodness of the Baicoli and its Venetian beginnings.
  In the lagoon rests Burano, the angler's island, renowned for it's rows of brilliantly colored homes. From this extremely tiny island comes the natural cookie "Bussola Buranello", which translated, indicates the compass of Burano. Below as well, the marine practices go back centuries. Cooked in a form describing a circle, or a backwards "s", this cookie was a common Easter treat, kneaded at home by the females of Burano, and afterwards gave the baker's for cooking. On feast days, it was dipped in holy wine "vin santo", or in regional whites. Packaged, they were put in the center of clothing drawers in order to scent them with the scrumptious aroma feature of this cookie.
  Still today, thought about a real and dietary organic cookie, it is enjoyed in the same manner, or served to youngsters.
  Both natural cookies are simple to prepare, with basic health food ingredients. The recipes comply with:
  Biscotti Baicoli
  Health Food Contents: 1 3/4 mugs flour, 1/4 cup melted butter (unsalted), 1/4 mug sugar, 1 little glass of milk, one half ounce of yeast
Organic Wholemeal Bread Flour
Liquify the yeast in a percentage of lukewarm milk in a glass, and afterwards blend it along with 1/4 cup of flour. Form a ball and also leave it to relax, covered by a fabric, in a warm area till it increases in volume (approx 30 min).
  Mix together the continuing to be ingredients, starting with the flour and also sugar, then the thawed butter, and finally the lukewarm milk. (You may also include a little bit of freshy squeezed orange juice for even more flavor) Add the leavened dough as well as knead all together.
  Leave the dough in the mixing bowl and area the bowl in a bigger dish of boiling warm water in the stove (turned off), for at the very least one hr.
  Separate the dough in roughly 6 long, oval shapes, each roughly 3 inches in width. Cook in the oven for approx 10 mins at 300 °, and then boost the temperature to 430 ° until completely prepared (approx 1 hr). Get rid of from the oven as well as allow great completely. After that very finely slice the 6 oblong forms into organic cookies, and also placed them back in the oven to "salute" for approx 20 min at 120 ° - 175 °
. Dip in warm tea, coffee, or hot delicious chocolate. Or serve with zabaglione cream or a sweet desert red wine.
  Bussola Buranello
  Organic Food Ingredients: 6 egg yolks, 1 cup butter softened at room temperature level, 1 mug sugar, 2 cups flour, a dash of remove (choosed between, vanilla, lemon or anise, the island tradition), a dashboard of salt.
  On a cooking area work area, develop a volcano form with the flour, as well as between develop a crater where you add the softened butter (not melted).
  In a dish, lightly defeat the eggs with the sugar. Then include this to the flour/ butter mixture, as well as rapidly knead/ blend with your hands.
  Take the dough as well as develop the desired cookie forms (synopsis of a circle or backwards "s") and also cook in the oven at 350 ° till done.
  Modern versions add dark delicious chocolate chips, raisins, or substitute a bit of the white flour with coconut flour.
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A Look Into The Future: What Will The Art Deco Glass Furniture Industry Look Like In 10 Years?
15 Style Features Of A Dream Cooking area
All developers and also homeowners have their suggestions concerning what makes a fantastic kitchen, however throughout my years in the layout world, I've pertained to rely upon several best approaches for creating an effective, useful, lovely space. The addition of any kind of one of these products would significantly boost the appeal of an area. Integrate them all, as well as you would certainly have one stunning desire kitchen area.
1. Ample lighting. Incorporating different sorts of lighting in any area is fundamental, however it's particularly valuable in the kitchen area. An abundance of natural light is superb, however cooking areas additionally require practical resources of artificial light: ambient lights to develop an overall radiance, task lighting to illuminate workspaces and also accent illumination to highlight attributes in the room.
Brightening on a budget: Not prepared for a lights overhaul? Start by replacing your old light bulbs with LEDs-- they last longer, are extra energy effective as well as are available in amazing, cozy and neutral colour temperatures. Undermounted LED rope lighting, or puck lights are also budget friendly choices for lighting locations where cupboards cast darkness.
2. Abundant seats. Among the biggest demands I listen to as an interior developer is a requirement for even more visitor seats. People often tend to congregate in kitchens, so make certain there is sufficient room for pals to collect in locations that won't hinder the performance of your prep area.
Round tables are a wonderful method to provide simpler traffic flow and also can typically seat 4 to six people. Drop-leaf or extendable tables provide you flexibility. They can be pressed against the wall surface off the beaten track when not in use or gotten used to develop added seats for entertaining guests. This is a good service for a home that lacks an official dining-room.
3. Surface. A big island with great deals of counter room and also seating offers room for cooperation. Regular jobs such as paying expenses, sorting through mail, doing research or whipping up dinner can be implemented without first needing to move points around to make area. Having this clear surface area additionally has an emotional result that makes the residence seem clean also if other locations of the home are haphazard or covered with heaps of items.
No area for an island? Here are a couple of space-saving tips:
When every square inch counts, do not give up surface location for the tiny things. Mount your paper towel holder to obtain it up and out of the method. Rather than making use of a knife block, shop flatware on the wall using a magnetic strip. Locate a reducing board that fits over your sink or cooktop to ensure that beneficial counter space doesn't go to waste.
Fold-down workstation surfaces are the Murphy bed of the kitchen. They give you additional space when you require it as well as run out the means when you do not. They're likewise rather low-cost and also very easy to set up.
Or aim to our following must-have kitchen accessory: the movable workstation.
4. Movable workstation. An island on wheels, and even a bar cart, is terrific for cooking and enjoyable. It supplies more storage space and a versatile surface for prepping as well as serving.
What to look for: Stainless steel is great due to the fact that it's sturdy as well as simple to tidy, or decide for the extra budget friendly option, butcher block, for a different looks. When it involves dimension, make certain you have concerning 36 inches between the edge of the island and also bordering counter tops so as not to impede website traffic flow. Depending on your choice, you can select counter height or bar elevation. Make note of what's most comfortable prior to you go out shopping.
5. Ordered drawers. Split and dominate! Save your time and also peace of mind by keeping things cool and very easy to locate. Inserts as well as divider panels include framework to cabinets where loosened products often tend to accumulate. Having marked areas for all probabilities and ends will certainly assist you avoid overflow.
When searching for organisers, bear in mind first to gauge your cabinets. Prevent affordable plastic alternatives that warp gradually, as well as instead, search for something simply as sturdy as the cabinetry.
Tool storage space is essential. It's better (and cleaner) to nicely conceal devices than to have a bouquet of spatulas remaining on the counter.
Shallow spice storage permits you to swiftly see what you have instead of screwing up through a crowded cluster of containers. Incentive points if you relocate your spices from their initial packaging right into matching containers.
Stack cooking sheets and also cutting boards up and down in deep cabinets (if you have them) or narrow closets for less complicated accessibility. Dividers will maintain them upright. Do not forget to specify different cutting boards for produce, meats and bread.
Organisation for food storage space containers always appears to be a second thought (and also among the messiest components of the majority of kitchens). The amount of times have you reached for a piece of Tupperware only to locate its corresponding cover has disappeared? Cabinets consume loose covers, so keep them with each other. We favor glass storage for food as it is microwaveable and also remains in good condition much longer.
6. Pot as well as pan (and also lid) organisation. If you can get hold of a pot or pan and its cover without evasion the remainder of your cookware around, you're golden. Hanging them from hooks is a wonderful method to achieve this feat as well as make reliable use of upright room.
7. Pullout corner storage space. Smart closet organisers supply simpler access and assistance increase the otherwise dead area where your Tupperware lids are possibly concealing.
You can locate a multitude of products such as this online or via your neighborhood cabinets firm, and also the majority of corner features can be retrofitted to your existing kitchen cabinetry.
8. Committed appliance storage. Surprise storage space for tiny home appliances liberates counter space for a lot more useful usages.
When creating your kitchen or renovation cupboards, think about adding an appliance garage to keep your tools concealed. Homeowners also can convert an existing office by installing pullout shelves that supply quick and simple access to home appliances when you require them. Whatever you do, assign an assigned area for each and every gizmo, so they do not wind up awkwardly stacked on top of the refrigerator or out on the counter.
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9. Tough hardware. Protect your cupboards with equipment. In time, oil from hands can use down the coating and unclean up or scratch the paint. Prevent unnecessary damage with sleek pulls or handles that will extend the life of your cabinetry. Search for a strong metal or something durable with significant weight. It will certainly benefit you-- as well as your cabinets-- in the lengthy run.
10. Citrus. When life offers you lemons, placed them to function. Whether you're including a little enthusiasm to your dish, spritzing up a rejuvenating beverage, loading up on vitamin C or just tidying up the cooking area, citrus is a valuable product to have on hand (plus, it presents well as a great splash of colour).
Lemons as well as limes are fantastic for organic rubbish disposal cleanup. Running the peels through water aids to clean the blades, and also the oils refurbish the fragrance. You can additionally prepare your organic cleaning service with lemon, baking soda as well as vinegar-- guide clear of marble countertops. The acid can trigger discoloration and also etching.
11. Hand Towels. Use decorative linen towels to minimize waste by utilizing less paper towels. Not just are towel towels much more environment-friendly, yet they additionally conserve you loan and include a little charm to the kitchen area.
In addition to your attractive tea towels and towel napkins, you'll desire to maintain a stack of cleaning towels or microfiber towels handy, so they're ready to order when you require them. It will certainly be much less unpleasant to pass up the benefit of paper towels if you're well-stocked for the next mess.
12. A clear catch-all space. Every day life makes it difficult to have an arranged house 24/7. Documents, tricks, shoes, water containers, bags and also other numerous products tend to stack up promptly in specific locations. Avoid surface area clutter by giving each of your points a designated home. Keys, mail, phone battery chargers as well as pens ought to all have a specialized landing spot, whether it's a full-fledged, built-in command centre, the back of a cabinet or ordered area inside a wardrobe.
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13. Confined garbage as well as recycling. Garbage can occupy floor space, can scent bad and also provide mayhem for family pets. Covert storage is optimum, however if you do not have that alternative, at least ensure your containers have lids. Maintaining bins and also bags with each other makes it very easy to separate waste as well as recyclables.
Cabinets can be retrofitted to house custom-made pullout containers, however if you're seeking a simple remedy, look into preferred sellers like The Container Store or Ikea for a range of containers that will work to fit your existing room.
14. Coffee station. Life is just a little bit less complicated when you have everything you need in one area. If you can discover a means to construct it in or enclose it, also better. While a full-on coffee bar isn't constantly practical, having all your cafe accoutrements-- coffee maker, mill, beans or grounds, filters, mugs, sweeteners-- in one committed area will streamline your morning regimen.
15. Personality. Whether it's enjoyable, colourful devices or a sensational item of art work, a kitchen area needs to have an inviting atmosphere that permits for convenience, leisure and great times.
Accentuate your residence's fascinating architectural details. If you have beautiful old glass-front cupboards, flaunt some vibrant bowls or perhaps some classic glass wares. Delight in little accents, such as wacky doorknobs or vintage curtain tiebacks. These small information include fun, unanticipated style and personality.
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