#and Gideon just stands there ‘…. I tried to tell you man. my wife doesn’t eat shit’
harrowedsoup · 1 year
I love the Chef Gideon AU though.
Like…Love is stored in the basic bread and simple meals that Gideon carefully makes Harrow everyday. It’s the fact that Gideon spends just as long getting unseasoned foods just right as she does complex recipes, despite Harrow not truly enjoying food either way.
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meteora-writes · 4 years
We Could Be Perfect One Last Night ch.8
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Fandom: Hannibal Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham Warnings: Angst, Revenge Plotting, Discussion of Cannibalism Chapter: 8. This Riddle Of Revenge Description: Jack receives a call from Alana. Will and Hannibal discuss what they intend to do with Bedelia and Jack when they get their hands on them. Authors Notes: So this took me way longer than I’d like to finish. The muses buggered off on me for a bit. But I’m back in time to get this posted before my birthday =D Yay!  Read on AO3
~~~~~ Read Ch.1.Ch.2.Ch.3.Ch.4.Ch.5.Ch.6 Ch.7~~~~~ 
Eight Days Post Fall
“Did you get the video?”
“Yes, Jack, I got the video,” Alana confirms with a sigh over the phone. She watched it three times before calling.
“And?” Jack asks expectantly.
“You want my professional opinion?” she asks, a hint of annoyance creeping into her voice. She only reached out to Jack via email earlier in the day to see if he had any information not shared in the news regarding Will and Hannibal being declared dead. She figured he would email her back with something other than a video of Will and Hannibal killing Francis Dolarhyde then falling off a cliff.
“That’s exactly what I want. I want to know what you think happened. You know Will better than I do. Do you think it’s possible he pushed them over the edge, or do you think that they fell? And do you think it’s possible they’re still alive.” It’s all he’s been able to think about for the last week. Did Will push them, or did he fall with Hannibal in some sort of staged plan to escape? Whatever the answer he won’t be satisfied until he has some kind of solid evidence. Which he, unfortunately, found none of while searching the area around the bluffs.
Half of the homeowners in the area refused to allow their vacation homes to be searched. Some stated that they had already been down to check the homes themselves and found nothing out of place. Others just ignored them or said they could search them if Jack got a warrant. With no evidence leading anyone to believe Will and Hannibal made it out of the ocean, no judge would issue one.
“I think that given the frame of mind Will had been in while helping you track down Francis Dolarhyde, he probably came to some kind of truce with Hannibal despite his feelings towards him to take the psychopath down. As for how things went with Hannibal in the end, Will knows how ruthless Hannibal can be, he probably saw no other way of dealing with him and pushed him over the edge the only way he could. The way they turned before falling would seem to support that.” Alana manages to sound professional as she gives Jack her assessment of things. Honestly, she has some very small doubts. But she isn’t going to voice them. Jack is wound tight enough as it is, she doesn’t want to agitate him when it’s likely pointless.
“I was afraid you were going to say that,” Jack confesses with a sigh. He remembers the three of them deciding they needed to kill Hannibal after Hannibal helps him kill Dolarhyde, but he never meant for it to go down like this. “Molly Graham is speaking at my suspension hearing next week. She wouldn’t return any of my calls after we initially spoke the day Will disappeared. I don’t think I’ll have my job for much longer…”
“Well, you did want to retire soon,” Alana notes, trying to lighten the mood of the call even just a little. She hasn’t met Molly, but knowing the kind of people Will is attracted to, she can imagine what she must be like.
“I had been hoping it would be at least a few more years away. When I was completely grey and too tired to hold a gun,” Jack says woefully. “Is everything alright with you? How are Margot and Morgan holding up?”
“We’re all just fine, Jack. Margot is busy teaching Morgan how to swim right now. I tried to tell her he’s a little young for that, but they’re having a good time so I won’t spoil their fun,” Alana tells him with a small smile to herself. She can see her wife and son out swimming through the window of her office. The estate they’re staying on is big. Not as big as the one in Virginia. But it’s substantial. And it has a pool. Which works in their favor since it’s summer in the southern hemisphere. 
“Must be nice. It’s still cold here,” Jack tells her with a chuckle. It’s warmed up a little since the storm that made the search for Will and Hannibal difficult, but it’s still only in the forties out most days.
“It is… Listen, Jack, I don’t honestly know if Will and Hannibal could have survived that fall or not. But I think if they had we would have had some sort of sign by now. Will would reach out to Molly or you if he could. Hannibal can bide his time when he wants something, but if he’s got Will with him I’m not so sure he would hold back for long.”
“It’s a waiting game. One that might never end…” Jack says as he turns in his chair to look out his office window. It’s a nice enough day out. Warming up enough to allow more snow to melt. 
“I need to go. I promised Margot I wouldn’t be too long. Email if you need to get in contact with me again. You’ll forgive me for not giving you another way to contact me, but we can’t be too careful,” Alana says, feeling just a little bad. She knows she can trust Jack. But wants to protect her family, and that means not trusting anyone despite what her gut tells her.
“I will. Thank you, Alana. Take care.”
“Take care, Jack.”
Twelve Days Post Fall
“You’re certain you’re ready to move forward with things?” Will asks as he removes the last stitch from the healed gunshot wound in Hannibal’s back. Hannibal removed the ones in the front on his own, but he needed Will’s help with the ones in his back just as he had in getting the wound stitches properly closed a day after receiving it. 
“Absolutely,” Hannibal answers with a glance over his shoulder at Will. He’s seated in one of the wooden chairs at the table, Will kneeling behind him. He would have liked to take the stitches out a little sooner, but Will had taken one look at them after nine days and said he needed more time to heal. He finds that hard to believe, but he went with Will’s judgment in this case. He suspects it was something more along the lines of Will not feeling ready to remove them for him as he still felt off-kilter from dealing with his own.
“Then we should go for Bedelia first. She more than likely went off on her own again rather than going into FBI protective custody. And even if she had that would have ended shortly after we were declared dead,” Will notes as he moves to help Hannibal put his shirt back on. Not that he needs the help, he just doesn’t know what to do with himself anymore. He feels cooped up. And he misses his dogs.
“Tracking her down won’t be difficult. She let slip one night that she used to summer in Connecticut. I believe her family still owns a home there that we can locate easily enough.” She had made the comment at a party they attended when first arriving in Italy. She didn’t think he was within earshot at the time, or she never would have said it. Everything she told the people they met was either a half-truth or some other variation thereof. He could always tell when she was lying. And she knew it. So, she didn’t bother lying beyond the deception of their true identities. “Tell me, do you intend to help me deal with her, or do you simply wish to watch?”
Will steps around the chair Hannibal sits in to stand in front of him, watching as he carefully buttons his shirt while he thinks on his answer. A small part of him almost likes Bedelia. But knowing she got away with the lengths she went to lie and cover her own skin after willingly leaving the country with Hannibal bothers him on some level. She was honest with Will in private. He can appreciate that. But she’s used her experience with Hannibal to make a name for herself and gain a level of professional esteem that she never would have achieved otherwise. It’s almost as irritating as what Chilton did with his damn book.
“What exactly is it that you plan on doing with her?” Will asks leu of answering right away. He knows Hannibal intends to eat her. The question is, does he plan to kill her and then eat her, or keep her alive like he did with Miriam Lass so he can toy with her first?
“I was thinking I might like to give her a similar treatment to that of the one I gave Dr. Gideon,” Hannibal explains as he finishes buttoning his shirt and moves to stand so that he and Will are eye to eye.
“The forensic report said his limbs had been amputated,” Will recalls with a tilt of his head. He didn’t ever get a look at the body in person, just read the paperwork and look at photos later on. “Taken one by one over the course of roughly two weeks. His stomach had his own partially digested remains inside.”
The smile on Hannibal’s face is one of his rare genuine ones. “He made for a most fascinating dinner guest. It was almost a shame to kill him. He ate everything I prepared and served him. Even when he was down to a single arm and had very little appetite left,” Hannibal recalls. The man was absolutely insufferable on some levels, but he took his fate in stride and could keep up a conversation. He can respect that at least.
“I don’t know if I’m more impressed or disturbed by that,” Will says with a shake of his head. He’s joking, just a little.
“I seriously doubt that you find anything I’m capable of to be truly disturbing at this point,” Hannibal speculates. “If the idea of my keeping Bedelia alive bothers you, you don’t have to participate. I’m more than capable of taking care of her on my own.”
Will considers the offer. Thinks about what it would be like to sit at the table with her and Hannibal as he serves up some piece of her like a fine holiday meal. See the look of defeat in her eyes as she accepts her plate. A small, fading part of him still screams somewhere deep down that it’s wrong. But he doesn’t honestly feel bothered by the idea. Especially given the fact that he knows he’s eaten people before… Unwittingly as it was at the time. “It doesn’t bother me,”  he finally admits as he turns away to look out the window.
“You’re certain?” Hannibal questions carefully. They’ve not really talked about this yet. Killing Jack together was a given. But Bedelia is Hannibal’s own personal vendetta. He knows Will accepts that Hannibal intends to eat them both. But he hasn’t said if he intends to join him or not. Which Hannibal won’t push. He won’t force him to do something he isn’t interested to in this case.
“I don’t feel any desire to eat her, but I would like to see the look on Bedelia’s face when you serve up a piece of her up for dinner,” Will admits as he glances back to Hannibal. He doesn’t miss the way his words affect the other man. Something in his eyes becoming almost primal. It sends a shiver down his spine as it reminds him of the look in Hannibal’s eyes when he ripped out Francis Dolarhyde’s throat with his teeth. “Do you intend to do the same to Jack when we go after him?”
“The thought had crossed my mind, but I leave that decision up to you. After all, you are the one who was most wronged by him. He treated you like an animal, Will. And an ill cared for one, at that. I think it’s only fair you should be the one to decide what’s to be done with him in the end,” Hannibal says as he turns to grab his notebook from where he left it beside the bed. He doesn’t doubt that whatever Will decides upon will be in some way satisfying for him also. He remembers quite well how vivid the other incredibly man’s imagination is. “You should take your time deciding. Nothing has to be settled upon until after we’ve finished with Bedelia.”
“I already know what I want to do with Jack,” Will says plainly as he watches Hannibal walk over to take his usual seat on the far end of the couch. He always lets Will take the side closest to the window so that he can sit and look outside if he likes. It also means he’s facing Hannibal if he does so. And he’s not blind to the fact that he’s been the subject of more than one of Hannibal’s sketches in that situations.
“Oh?” Hannibal doesn’t look up, just turns the pages of the notebook until he finds the latest sketch he’d been working on.
“I was thinking about how he and I first met,” Will begins as he takes his seat opposite Hannibal on the couch, body turned towards him with one leg pulled up onto the space between them at an angle. His posture is wide open. One arm resting on the back of the couch while the other rests so his hand is in his lap.
That gets a curious look from Hannibal, who pauses in the shading he’d begun to work on. “The museum opening?”
Nodding, Will scratches at his jaw and looks out the window once again. There are still patches of snow on the ground. Early March weather changing the landscape to a muddy semi-frozen mess. “I have some ideas on how we might contribute our own exhibit to it.” 
The smile that creeps on to Will’s face is enough to give Hannibal an idea of what the other man is thinking, and it sends a thrill through him at the thought of Will having thought this through already in detail. “He did seem quite invested the one time we spoke of the museum.”
Will huffs a laugh, because that is a serious understatement. “Jack was intimately involved in creating and establishing that museum. He helped track down half of the items on display personally. He was like a proud parent come to watch their child graduate when it finally opened.” He remembers their argument over the name that night well. And he remembers thinking Jack was a fool that would probably end up part of a display in his own creation someday. It only seems fitting that he and Hannibal be the ones to put him there. “He was almost as invested in the forming of that museum as he was in finding the Chesapeake Ripper,” he notes. “How do you feel about making him into an exhibit in his own museum? I was thinking something along the lines of the Chesapeake Ripper’s greatest hits?”
“A mosaic forged from the elements of my previous kills?” Hannibal finds himself imagining Jack strung up like a mannequin, body cut open, various pieces missing or artistically arranged along with him. Posed in a way that lets everyone who lays their eyes upon him see the scope of their work at a glimpse. It gives him an idea of what to do with the rest of Bedelia when he’s finished with her as well. “Beautiful.”
“I thought you might like that idea,” Will says almost fondly with a shake of his head before looking outside once again. The sunlight makes his eyes sparkle with an almost ethereal glow. 
It makes Hannibal want to flip the page and draw him yet again… “What about your own contribution? This would be your work of art as well as my own,” Hannibal reminds him. He honestly loves Will’s idea, but he wants him to contribute his own elements to this creation.
“I have my own twist to put on things,” Will says vaguely as he turns his head and glances towards the tacklebox where it rests by the table. “Don’t worry, Hannibal, I intend to leave my mark alongside yours when the time comes.”
“I look forward to it,” Hannibal confesses with a small smile. He’s watched Will for almost two weeks now. Making his fishing lures and daydreaming. He wishes he could see the things that come to that fascinating mind when it drifts. He knows Will likes to go to his stream when he has nothing else to do, but he also lets himself wander to darker places from time to time now that he only dared go when Hannibal asked. Because of that, it’s easy to spot when he does. His eyes take on a more feral sharpness that isn’t there other than when he’s ready to kill. It never fails to bring a similar desire out in Hannibal when he sees it.
“When do you want to leave?” Will asks with a tilt of his head after a moment silence passes between them. His gaze has drifted to the sketch in Hannibal’s hands. It’s of his old office. The furniture and fireplace are what give it away at a glance. Will still sees the room in his mind regularly enough to recognize the half-drawn shapes.
“I’ll give Chiyoh a call tomorrow and ask her to bring us to my house in New York. She can get us a temporary vehicle and more supplies while we get the house ready for guests.” He hasn’t been there in over four years. Having last gone some time before ever meeting Will. He’ll need to get new medical supplies and restock the pantry before they make their move to retrieve Bedelia.
“How far away is this place, anyway?”
Humming, Hannibal thinks a moment. “About four hours or so. It’s in the lower mountains, close to a town called Rhinebeck.”
“Great,” Will mutters with a slight look of discomfort flashing across his face. He doesn’t know how to feel about being in a car with Chiyoh for that long. He’s still a little bitter about their last interaction on the train. Her visit to bring them supplies was awkward enough for him as it was. He can only imagine what a road trip with her would be like. Especially with Hannibal and his ability to read people most of the time.
“You worry too much, Will. Chiyoh holds no feelings of ill will towards you. She is aware of how important you are to me. That makes you important to her as well. You’re family, and she would never do anything to hurt family,” Hannibal does his best to assure. He had spoken with her in private outside before she left the other day. She could tell from one look at the two of them together that something had shifted in their dynamic. He didn’t need to explain and she didn’t ask. Only promised to help the two of them finish what they needed here so they could find a quiet life together when all is said and done.
Will shifts almost uncomfortably in his seat, hand going to that torn bit of leather on the couch back to fidget with. “Did she tell you that or are you just making assumptions based on interactions?”
“She gave me her word,” Hannibal says in way of clarification. “She promised me to assist us in getting our affairs in order so that we may leave together after things have been taken care of.”
Will raises his eyes from Hannibal’s drawing and once again meets Hannibal’s gaze, uncertain blue meeting confident whiskey-brown. He relaxes after a beat and nods. “Alright,” is all he says before averting his gaze again and letting his thoughts drift. It’s good to know she’s willing to help them in some way. That she made that promise to Hannibal. 
His thoughts find their way to images of them confronting Jack. Going through various scenarios of how they might surprise him to get the upper hand in a fight against the well-trained agent. What things they might do with his body after to leave their farewell masterpiece. 
The only thing that draws his mind away is the realization that Hannibal is watching him from mere feet away with a smile on his face. It makes him look younger. And draws Will’s gaze to his lips more than once. He tries to hold back the thoughts that come with looking at them. He’s not quite ready for them. At least not yet.
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askkrenko · 8 years
Magic Story Abridged: Limited Time Offer
(Episode 7; Battle for Zendikar Episode 1; Original Stories HERE and HERE )
When Gideon Jura wields his swift sural All those who chose to oppose his sural fall When there’s crime to thwart or a war to fight You can count on the man who is mono-white When Gideon Jura wields his swift sural.
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Art by Dan Scott
(We open on Kytheon Iora, now a man, fighting a number of Eldrazi spawn. In the background, a group of Kor, Humans, Elves, and Goblins watch patiently.)
Munda, a large, muscular Kor: (Quietly, to the others in his group) ...Here we see a wild Gideon Jura, latin name Kytheon Iora, taking down its prey. Though the beasts are larger and more powerful than he, his glowing golden aura protects him from all known forms of attack. His Sural, also known as an Urumi or Whip-Blade, can cut through the flesh of even the toughest of Eldrazi, though it may take many such blows to cause one to fall. Though Eldrazi meat is inedible, this kill with give the Gideon great renown. If the hunt is successful, he will not have difficulty finding a mate this season.
Kytheon, now going by Gideon full time: (Calling over) I know you’re there, Munda! Are you going to lend a hand or not?
Munda: You’re doing fine, bro! They can’t even scratch you!
Gideon: I’d still like to finish up sometime today!
Munda: Fine, fine! Everyone, attack!
(Munda and his party help Gideon dispatch the Eldrazi.)
Gideon: Really wished you’d shown up earlier. I’ve been fighting those things for hours. Literally hours.
Munda: Sorry, bro, but we just came from our own fights. Bala Ged’s overrun. Gone the way of Sejiri. Everyone’s running to Sea Gate, but who knows if we can hold that.
Gideon: Sea Gate… Right… I’ll meet you there. Right now I need to… go place.
Munda: You need to sleep. Maybe have something to eat. You look exhausted.
Gideon: Can’t. Gotta be at work in an hour.
Munda: What work? We’re in an apocalyptic situation and all society in that general direction has collapsed.
Gideon: Well, the thing about that is THERE’S A BALOTH BEHIND YOU!
Munda: Wha-
(Gideon planeswalks away.)
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Art by Richard Wright
(Gideon bursts into the Millennial, one of the finest, most expensive restaurants in the entire city-plane of Ravnica. He’s still covered in dirt and Eldrazi ichor.)
Maitre’d: Sir, you can’t just-
Gideon: (Flashes a badge) Official Boros business, stand aside, civilian.
(Gideon marches up to a table full of finely dressed goblins)
Krenko, the devilishly handsome goblin leader in a homemade crown: Can I help you, officer?
Gideon: You’re under arrest for arson and six counts of murder… And that’s just today.
Krenko: Sorry, officer, but this crown means I don’t have to listen to you.
Gideon: And why is that?
Krenko: Because it’s made of knives.
Gideon: (Sigh)
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Art by Richard Wright
Dars, a real, actual Boros Soldier: Great work as always, Jura!
Gideon: (heavy breathing) Thanks. I try.
Krenko, in cuffs, covered in blood: Seemed a bit unprofessional if you ask me.
Dars: We don’t. You’re going straight into lockup… After medical care, of course.
Gideon: He’s fine… The blood’s mine.
Dars: Aren’t you invincible?
Gideon: I’d thought so...
Dars: Then how…
Gideon: Krenko must’ve been tougher than the other criminals I’ve fought… and the Eldrazi… and that vampire… and the pyromancer… and the titan… and Erebos, God of the Dead.
Dars: He must be as powerful as he is handsome.
Gideon: He is very handsome.
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Real, actual photograph by Empire State Photography Also Karl Kopinski  and Winona Nelson
Dars: IT’S A BOMB!
Gideon: It’s a letter.
Dars: A letter bomb?
Gideon: It’s from Rikkig and Gardagig, two of the Shattergang goblins. They want us to hand over Krenko for murdering their brother, or… then the bomb.
Dars: Why do these goblins insist on killing each other?
Krenko: Well, when we kill non-goblins, your pink asses call us racist.
Gideon: ...I’ll go deal with them. As soon as I run some errands first.
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Art by Vincent Proce
(Gideon fights some Eldrazi on Zendikar. Munda’s there, too. And a random sorceress who shoots lightning bolts.)
Munda: Hey, Gideon, buddy, pal, bro… Remember when I said everyone was running to Sea Gate?
Gideon: Yes…
Munda: Turns out that includes the Eldrazi.
Gideon: Well, slith. On my way. After goblins.
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Art by Michael Komarck
(Gideon busts down the door to a warehouse)
Gideon: It’s over, Rikkig! I already captured your brother offscreen!
Rikkig’s voice, from somewhere inside the building: Didn’t bring Krenko, huh? And here I was going to exchange my hostages for yours.
(Light goes on in back, revealing a group of old women, children, and kittens tied up.)
Gideon: I can’t just hand over a prisoner! He’s been lawfully arrested, just like you’ll be!
(Rikkig steps out, wearing twelve layers of padding, a helmet, and goggles)
Rikkig: Well, if you don’t have a Krenko for me, I still have something for you.
(Rikkig throws a bomb)
(Things explode)
(Rikkig is padded. Gideon is indestructible. The hostages scream. The building begins burning and collapsing.)
Gideon: Damn damn damn!
(Gideon rushes to save the hostages. There’s a lot of them. He can only carry a few at a time. The building continues to burn.)
(Boros rush the building, rescue hostages, put out the fire. Rikkig escapes.)
Gideon: How did you get here so fast?
Dars: Followed you. You seemed like you were biting off a bit more than you can chew.
Gideon: I can handle it myself:
Dars: No. No, you can’t. We’re a Legion. We use tactics and teamwork so screw ups like this don’t happen. We’re going to go send a bunch of guys to catch that one goblin, and you’re going to sleep.
Gideon: But if I do that, who’s going to fight the giant monsters?
Dars: What?
Gideon: Bye.  (Gideon planeswalks away.)
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Art by Nic Klein
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Art by Igor Kieryluk
(ALL THE ELDRAZI ATTACK THE CITY! Hundreds of Eldrazi. Thousands of Eldrazi. Millions and billions and… okay, maybe not that many.  In the center: Gideon, indestructible and kicking ass.)
Gideon: I don’t care how many of you I have to kill! I can do this all day! I haven’t slept in a week and I’m not about to start now!
Jori En, a mermaid who is evenly distributed human and fish: HELP! HELP!
(Gideon bursts into a burning building, scoops up the mermaid, and runs off as it collapses behind them)
Gideon: Why didn’t you evacuate with the others?
Jori En: My friend Kendrin and I were checking for records about the Hedrons! She almost figured out what they do and how they’re supposed to stop the Eldrazi!
Gideon: That’s wonderful! Where is she?
Jori En: Uhh… In that building.
Gideon: Oh.
Jori En: Yeah…
Gideon: So…
Jori En: But I have all her notes! Unfortunately, she was a complete nerd and I don’t understand any of them.
Gideon: …. Go. Run. Get to safety. I’ll catch up with you as soon as I can.
Jori En: You have a plan?
Gideon: I have a nerd.
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Art by Adam Paquette
(We cut to Jace Beleren, a blue cloak with a wizard inside it. With him is Lavinia, his assistant and bodyguard.)
Lavinia: That was your last meeting for today. Time to have a healthy dinner, and then get to bed early.
Jace Beleren: Or I’ll fill myself with coffee and stay up until three in the morning solving Sudoku. Sudokus? Sudoki.
Lavinia: You’re going to be grouchy all day tomorrow if you do that.
Jace: You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my mom. I think. I honestly don’t remember.
Lavinia: I distinctly remember not being your mother.
Jace: Then I’ll see you at work first thing in the morning!
Lavinia: ...Of course. Goodnight, Jace. (Lavinia heads off)
(Jace starts to fetch his coffee when… there’s a knock on the bookshelf)
Jace: WHO IS- … wait. Who even knows about my secret passage? (Jace magically opens the bookshelf from a distance, preparing for trouble)
Liliana Vess, hasn’t aged a day in years: Jace! Snookums! (Walks right in.)
Jace: No.
Liliana: How are you, dear! I’ve missed you! You never showed for our last date!
Jace: That’s probably because you tried to kill me.
Liliana: Oh, pish posh. That was on Nicol Bolas’ orders. I’m freelance now.
Jace: You killed my best friend.
Liliana: And I killed my brother. This isn’t a competition, you know.
Jace: What do you want?
Liliana: I missed you! Can’t a girl visit her lover without getting the third degree?
Jace: (incredulous) You came all the way to Ravnica, presumably went to a lot of effort to find my secret passage, and showed up here unannounced because you missed me?
Liliana: I thought we could catch up. Spend some time together. Talk about our feelings.
Jace: You’re a murderer and a liar, and that’s not even bringing up that you managed to turn Garruk into some sort of superpowered psychopath hunting ‘the most dangerous game’ from plane to plane.
Liliana: Yeah, that was fun.
Jace: Go away.
Liliana: Take me to dinner.
Jace: ...You’re not leaving if I don’t play along, are you?
Liliana: I am not.
Jace: Fine.
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Art by Dave Kendall
(Jace and Liliana start walking down the street)
Little Old Lady: Sir! Buy a flower for your girlfriend?
Jace: She’s not my girlfriend! She’s some sort of insufferable hell-witch who refuses to leave me alone for arcane purposes she won’t tell me about.
Little Old Lady: Oh, of course! Buy a flower for your wife?
Jace: Grrrrrrrrrr…..
Maitre’d: Please forgive the mess, Sir Guildpact. We had an incident the other day… Of course, we’ll make sure it doesn’t inconvenience you.  (He shows Jace and Liliana to a table)
Jace: It’s fine, it’s fine. Just… It’s fine.
Liliana: That Guildpact title is useful. How is it being grand high king of Ravnica?
Jace: I’m not the King. I’m just a grand high Judge. I uphold the law. I don’t create it.
Liliana: Well, that sounds positively boring. You should become king. I’m sure you could pull it off.
Jace: I really don’t want to be king… And speaking of what I want, what do you want?
Liliana: The lobster looks positively-
Jace: I meant with me. Why are you making me take you out to dinner?
Liliana: Because I wanted to see you. Why would you think there was anything else? Do you think I can’t handle my demons on my own?
Jace: They are four particularly large-
Liliana: Two. I already killed Kothophed and Griselbrand. With the Chain Veil. It’s a wonderful artifact that grants ultimate power that is working out great for everybody involved.
Jace: Uh...huh.
Liliana: It certainly doesn’t have some sort of magical hooks in me that I need help understanding.
Jace: Of course not.
Liliana: And I’ll be perfectly fine studying it on my own.
Jace: Great.
Liliana: I can handle this.
Jace: Good to know. So you just want to sit with me and eat dinner?
Liliana: Yes.
Jace: And nothing else?
Liliana: Why? What are you implying.
Maitre’d: (at the entrance) SIR! NO! NOT AGAIN!
Jace: Hmm?
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Art by David Rapoza
Gideon Jura, covered in Eldrazi goop: Need to see the Guildpact.
Maitre’d: Sir, you are covered in I don’t know what! We can’t afford another-
Gideon: Zendikar! It’s about Zendikar!
Jace: (softly) Damn it. (loudly) Send him in!
Maitre’d: Oh, all right…
Gideon: (staggers in) Beleren. Zendikar.
Jace: I’m sort of in the middle of something right now. What do you want?
Liliana: Right, he’s on a date! Go away!
Gideon: (Deep breath) Zendikar is being overrun by the Eldrazi, and we have notes on how the Hedrons might be able to stop them, but I need help from someone with skills I don’t have. Will you please help me?
Jace: … Say that last part again?
Gideon: ...Will you please help me?
Jace: You know what? Sure!
Gideon: Great, we can leave right-
Jace: In the morning. I need to have a healthy dinner and get to bed on time or I’ll be grouchy all day, and you need to get to a healer and rest as well. That’s the offer, take it or leave it.
Gideon: I… alright. Thank you.
Liliana: What the falkenrath, Jace? Here I come, all the way from Innistrad, with my magical artifact and two demons left to kill, and you’re willing to just run off with this oversized slab of beef with barely any explanation?
Jace: Is that a problem?
Liliana: Of course it’s a problem! You were supposed to come and help me!
Jace: Really? Huh. You should’ve said something.
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Art by Jaime Jones
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jeichanhaka · 6 years
If Any Would Avenge: Seven
Chapter 01|| Chapter 02|| Chapter 03|| Chapter 04|| Chaper 05|| Chapter 06|| Chapter 07|| Chapter 08|| Chapter 09|| Chapter 10|| Chapters 11+||
Chapter Seven: Past And Future Echoes
“Really? That’s great news!” Henry grinned widely and sighed, the tenseness that’d been building inside him dissipating. Sitting on a motel room bed, cell phone to his ear, he listened to Emma, relieved as much as she about news that his baby sister was well. “I can’t wait to meet her. What’s her name? Or have you and Killian not decided yet?”
-“We’re still deciding. But we’ve narrowed it down to a handful of names.” Emma replied, her smile audible in her voice. “Regina said you were on your way back home. So, what time do you think you’ll reach Storybrooke? I can’t wait to see you.”-
Henry chewed on his lip, and lied down on the bed, his gaze lingering on the furniture and decorations in the motel room. “I should be there sometime in the morning.”
-“What? Didn’t you tell Regina you weren’t that far away?”-
“I was. But….something came up.” His expression shifted as he thought about the car from the rest stop gas station. Something about its scraped side and bumper chilled him, though it may have been because he’d just heard about Killian’s accident before seeing it. “Any way, I thought it’d be better to make sure I didn’t drive while tired. I didn’t want to...well, you know.”
-Emma swallowed, a frightened frown on her face. The idea of Henry getting into an accident enough to let her forego asking her son to explain further. “All right. Stay safe, and if you need someone to pick you up or whatever, call me. Okay?”-
“I will. I love you, mom.”
-“I love you too, Henry.-
With that Henry hung up the phone and put it away, his gaze shifting towards the motel room window. Three spaces past his bike was the car he’d noticed at the gas station, its owner having taken a room at the same motel just a few minutes after Henry. His brow furrowed as he stared at it, but his concentration was toppled by drowsiness spreading through him.
The young woman regarded the two before her, an aggrieved gleam in her bluish eyes. Her long ebony locks of hair swayed in a slight breeze, and her pearl skin almost glowed beneath the twilight. The crystalize heart in her hand contrasted brilliantly with her skin and the night surrounding them.
“That bloody crocodile’s corrupted you. This isn’t you.”
“Don’t do this, please.”
The young woman ignored their pleads and squeezed, the heart in her hand becoming dust.
Inhaling sharply, Gold’s brown eyes shot open and he placed a hand on the spinning wheel absentmindedly, the vision fading. It was identical to the one he’d had in the hospital, just outside the neonatal ICU. Three people standing in a clearing, surrounded by towering trees and heavy foliage. Two of them he’d recognized - their faces bore signs of aging about two extra decades worth, but they were without a doubt Emma and Hook. The younger woman, with the deep black hair and pearl skin, he didn’t recognize.
He knew though, based on how Emma and the pirate acted, and the fact he’d received the vision while trying to discern their child’s future, that that woman was their baby. That young woman squeezing someone’s heart to dust was Emma and Hook’s daughter. Gold’s lips twitched in delight, especially considering the pirate’s words in the vision.
‘I doubt a more delicious revenge exists, corrupting his daughter and darkening her heart.’ He coldly chuckled, spinning the wheel as he thought. Unlike a mere scheme for revenge, this particular vision wouldn’t fail. Its clarity and staticity was evidence of that fact. Everything up to it may be mutable, but that outcome was not. ‘I’ll get my revenge. It’ll take years, but I’ll see that pirate suffer. I’ll corrupt his daughter, turn her heart dark.’ He chuckled again, eyes lit with dark enthusiasm. ‘And if anyone tries to banish me to prevent that...I’ll get my revenge much sooner.’
The sudden tapping of knuckles on the basement door broke the quiet, pulling Gold from his dark musing. His eyes narrowed, glaring at the door, and his scowl deepened when his interloper spoke.
“Gold?” Maurice spoke, his voice loud enough to carry through the heavy door. “It’s morning. I...I’m going to make breakfast and try to get Belle to eat. Would you like….”
“I’m fine.” Gold replied gruffly, irritated by the man’s presence in his home, but accepting of it. After returning home last night and finding Belle like he had, Gold didn’t want to leave his wife alone for a second. But he also didn’t trust himself around her - not with the urge building in him to holler at her for nearly leaving him in a way he could not follow. His stomach twisted thinking what would’ve happened if he hadn’t returned home when he did.
If Belle died the same day as Gideon, and in such a way as suicide, Gold would give up even trying to resist the darkness. What would be the point? Belle and Gideon were the only reason he fought against the temptations of the Dark One dagger and the power it granted. For two years he’d resisted it - much longer than he’d ever had - because he loved his family and didn’t want to risk losing them.
‘That ship’s already sailed, has it not? Thanks to that pirate.’
Gold bristled, listening to the Dark One inside him; its manifestation standing behind him in the form of his scaly imp self. The childish pitch to its voice irritating, it’s words cruel and tempting.
‘It’s all fine and good, saving Hook’s daughter just to use her for revenge in the future.’ The Dark One manifestation crooned, an undercurrent of dark amusement in its voice. ‘But waiting years for revenge….that’s a bit lackluster and unfair. He’ll get nearly two decades with his daughter, while you only got two years with Gideon. Not to mention Bae….’
“Don’t…!” Gold spat at the manifestation, hand raised instinctively to magically choke it despite knowing that it was just a projection of his Dark One subconscious. He glowered, remembering his first son Baelfire and how he died a hero, but also remembering how hollow that’d felt.
‘That pirate will get more years with his daughter than you got with either of your sons.’ The manifestation sneered. ‘Considering that, corrupting his daughter just doesn’t have a big enough payoff, now does it, dearie?’
“....” Gold glowered, the apparition’s words aggravating in their truth. Clenching his teeth, he fought against the manifestation’s lulling words. He thought about Belle, about what she would say - she had stopped him at the hospital. Despite losing Gideon same as him, she hadn’t succumbed to darkness.
‘Sure, she stopped you killing Hook’s family, like heroes do. But that ‘good heart’ of hers didn’t prevent her from trying to off herself.’ The apparition taunted and tittered, acting like his annoying imp self complete with gestures. ‘She would leave you, at this most trying time and in such a fatal way. Yet you know she would still beseech you to do the right thing.’ The imp paused for dramatic effect, allowing its words to sink in. ‘You have to admit, she’s asking a bit too much of you, dearie. It’s a bit too much to ask of anyone, let alone someone you profess to love.’
“Enough!” Gold growled at the apparition, angry and hurt and filled with loathing. The urge to strangle his Dark One manifestation, with its barbed taunts designed to tempt him back into the darkness, as overwhelming as it was impossible. “....Belle just had a moment of weakness….I shouldn’t have left her alone. I should’ve stayed….”
‘Really? A guilt-trip?’ His scaly imp apparition asked, incredulous and derisive in its tone and gesture. ‘When did you become a masochist? You’re grieving Gideon same as Belle, and yet she gets to do whatever she wants in her grief, but you do not. Nevermind that you left her to avert another tragedy - to fix a rash decision on your part before another innocent child died.’ The imp narrowed its eyes, a half-smirk on its face. ‘Belle would’ve wanted you to do that, had there been time to explain. Yet….’
“Shut up.” Gold grumbled and closed his eyes, a heavy frown on his face. His heart felt gnawed upon, a numbness spreading out from it. Reaching out to touch the spinning wheel, his fingers trembled and he took in a deep breath. There was nothing he wished for more than to hold his wife and to grieve with her. Yet each second he saw her, he could feel her unresponsive body in his arms and seeing her nearly dead cut keenly into his chest. Part of him wanted to keep close to her even more, never letting her out of his sight; yet remembering that vial in her hand and knowing what she’d done, he felt betrayed. And unbearably numb.
-Enchanted Forest: Before the Curse-
“You’ve cost us, your majesty.” A darkly clad messenger crooned, bowing mockingly at the last part, his tone equally as derisive. He leered at Sir Maurice, the knight-lord who dressed like a king and performed the duties of one, but had the misfortune of ruling too small a land to be titled a king. The crimson gleam in the other’s eyes belied the almost jovial nature of the jeer - it sent shivers through him. “Three of our best, in fact. Not to mention the other lesser ranked members we sent first.”
“That is my fault?!” Maurice glowered at the messenger, raising his voice in frustration and annoyance. What fear he felt from the other’s glowing eyes was eclipsed by a greater fear - a paternal one. “Your organization guarantees success of all the...jobs...it takes. You failed.”
A dry, cold laugh spewed from the darkly clothed man, his fiery eyes darkened by his eyelids and hood. “Because you left out a key detail about the target when you hired us. Now, why you’d would want to assassinate the Dark One, I don’t care. A job’s a job. However, hiring an assassins group from a distant realm with no prior dealings with any Dark One, and not informing them of the potential difficulty and danger of the job, that is something I and my fellow assassins, do care about. It means you either wanted to pay less for the job or couldn’t find any local mercenaries who’d take the job. Or both.”
“That’s….” Maurice swallowed, noticing the curved crimson tanto the messenger had unsheathed. His stomach twisted as he considered the group’s reputation: deadly assassins who never failed.
“Considering what you paid, and the um, lack of wealth your kingdom seems to possess, I’m going with the former reason. Which is most unfortunate for you.” The darkly clad man moved closer, clenching the blood-red blade tightly.
“Wait! Wait! I’ll pay you. Whatever the price should’ve been, I’ll pay it. And you don’t even have to complete the job.” Maurice stammered, his heart racing at the thought of death. Especially one that neither served nor protected his kingdom or his family.
“Heh. Heh.” The assassin coldly chuckled, brandishing his tanto but not continuing his approach. “You’re offering to pay us what should’ve been paid originally, but without needing to complete the job? How amusing.” He leered at the lord, his crimson eyes glowing fiercely. “That would’ve worked, had we not already lost three of our most talented members going after the Dark One.” There was a pause while he thought, his eyes boring into Maurice’s terrified ones. With a laugh, he slid his tanto back into its sheath. “A blood price needs to be paid.”
“A...bl...blood price?”
“We lost members of our...family. It’s only fair you lose some of yours.”
The whistling of the kettle brought Maurice’s attention back to the present, chasing away the memory. At least temporarily. Clearing his throat which felt ready to close up at any moment, he left his chair at the large dining table to fix some tea now that the water was boiling.
“What am I going to do?” He muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose to brace against the throbbing of his head and the tears building at the corners of his eyes. As the whistling of the kettle died down and the quiet descended once more, with not even the soft tap of a footstep carrying down from the floor above nor the basement, Maurice hung his head.
He stared into the teacup, thinking about his daughter. When he made it back last night, after foregoing his original plan to accost Killian, he’d discovered Belle deep asleep in bed. Upon first glance, he’d thought she had been asleep since he first left - but then he saw the mess on the bathroom floor and then the toddler book on the table that had held the crushed vase. It wasn’t proof that Belle had been awake, but he doubt that the mess in the bathroom was made by his son-in-law. Maurice suspected Gold was the type of man who would be destructive in grief, not the kind who got sick from it.
“Colette, what do I do?” Maurice muttered, praying to his deceased wife, his voice heavy. He brought the teacup to his lip and sipped some of the amber liquid, his hand shaking. “Our daughter’s hurting, and it’s my….” His throat tightened, the voice from his memory and from the message last night filling his thoughts. If that message meant what he believed it did, that that Nemesis assassin had had a hand in Gideon’s death, then not only was it not an accident but was also his fault. He’d incurred the ire of that assassin and the rest of that ‘family.’ ‘How can I ever tell Belle?’
Maurice inhaled a shaky breath and bit his inside cheek, willing his thoughts onto something else. His eyes narrowed, focusing on his daughter’s husband. Gold claimed to love Belle, and Maurice had expected the older man to be grieving together with her and offering some bit of comfort. Instead Maurice had discovered Gold in the basement last night, spinning and grieving alone. Understanding the depths of grief and the different ways people dealt with it, Maurice had given his son-in-law son leeway, but it was now after daybreak and Gold had yet to leave the basement.
“How can I trust Gold with Belle if he won’t even leave the basement…?” Maurice grimaced, shaking his head and sighing. “There’s so much to see to arranging...the funeral and….” He covered his lower face with his hands, his eyes red-rimmed. “....I don’t know if I can handle this.” Closing his eyes, he allowed himself a few moments of grief before taking a deep breath, holding it a bit, and then releasing it slowly. “I must though. I must.”
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imgilmoregirl · 7 years
A Thing Between Light And Darkness (Chapter 10)
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When mother and son entered the house again, Gold was already waiting for them, standing at the hallway, glancing nervously at his own hands as he tapped his fingers together. In the last couple of days since Rum discovered that Gideon was his son, he had been imagining how it would be when he was finally able to reveal the truth to the boy, however out of every scenario he had pictured, Gold didn't expect this one. He wished he and Belle had the chance of telling him themselves and he still had no idea how Gideon found it out, but he was willing to take an answer from Alice later.
As Regina passed by his side, walking directly to the kitchen, Rumford fixed his eyes on the door, waiting until the moment they finally showed up, side by side and some relief filled his chest, knowing that the boy hadn't simply gone away.
"Belle. Gideon."
"Regina said the dinner is ready," Isabelle said, rubbing at Gideon's arm and paying careful attention to his distressed expression.
She knew it would take time for him to understand everything and accept the fact that most of his life was a lie, but she also knew that Gideon was a good boy and he would eventually cope with all of this. But the last thing he seemed to need right now was a conversation with Rum; it probably would be too much to take, however the Incubus didn't appear to think that way as he immediately started to speak in his nervous-exasperated tone.
"Aye, it is, but the whole family is here and I wanted us to talk before we entered there," he started pointing at the dining room. "I know you didn't expect this, my boy, but I'm very proud of you. You are good Gideon, and I'm so sorry we only got to know each other now."
"Yeah, me too," Gideon grumbled. "Now, excuse me, I'm hungry."
In a matter of seconds, he had disappeared in the corridor that led to the place where the whole Gold family was gathered and both Belle and Rum sighed.
"He hates me," Rumford whispered, defeated.
"No, he doesn't, if our son hates someone today then this person is me," Belle assured him, placing a kiss on his lips. "Just give him some time."
He nodded, holding her as close as possible, feeling the warm heat of her body enveloping his and giving him the right confidence to face his whole family, knowing that now they were all aware of Gideon's existence, it wouldn't be long before his father got this acknowledgment too.
"Will you eat with us then?" Rum asked his love.
"Of course," she smiled pulling away and taking his hand to allow him to lead her through the house to the dining room.
A banquet was served in a large table filled with already known faces to her. It had been years since Isabelle last saw then but they weren't any less friendly than before. Maybe of course, with the exception of two people there: Rumford's stepmom and stepsister.
"Belle! Oh, my dear, I've missed you," Fiona, a Caster gifted with seer powers, exclaimed pulling her into a tight hug. She smiled fondly at Belle, touching her face, before scanning the room to find Gideon and Alice coming in. "And this should be my grandson."
"Oh, hi," Gideon murmured when he was hugged just like his mom, by the same woman with brown eyes and dark hair.
He thought it was odd that his grandmother was so conserved - apparently even more conserved in all the age she should have, than Rumford - but he remembered something Alice said a while ago, about her uncle getting weaker because he was fighting his nature darkness.
"I'm Fiona," she presented herself. "Let me introduce you to everyone. These are Regina, Robin, their son, Henry and his wife Jacinda, then there is little Lucy, their daughter. And of course, Cora and her daughter Zelena."
"Hello," he tried to smile, but all he appeared to be was extremely uncomfortable standing there.
Alice took his hand, dragging him towards the table and taking an empty seat.
"Come sit with me, Gideon," she almost ordered, tapping the chair by her side.
Slowly he slid to the seat, swallowing hard as he faced all those expecting faces which seemed to analyse him carefully. It was a certain relief when his mother sat right in front of him, sharing her reassuring smile as Gold settled himself by her left, interlacing his fingers with hers above the table.
Why are these people here? He asked Alice.
Sorry I forgot to say today is a family holiday, she answered, glancing at him with the corner of her eyes.
"So, our dear brother knows how to keep a good secret..." A redhead woman started at the other corner of the table. "I never thought he could get himself in trouble after all this time."
Fiona, the grandmother cleaned her throat, sending a lethal glare into the redhead's direction.
"We have a lot to talk about later, Belle," she changed the subject, touching his mother's shoulder, "I hope you have some baby pictures of Gideon."
"I might have some," Isabelle smiled.
They started to serve themselves, passing bowls and pans through the table. Gideon placed some salad on his plate, silently and poked Alice's arm with his elbow.
So, do I get an explanation about this crazy family tree? He asked.
Fiona is your grandmother, uncle Rum and aunt Regina are her children alongside with uncle Archie and he went mad, turned to the dark side, Alice sighed. Same old story.
Of course.
Because, sure, all the families in the world seemed to have a problem between light and darkness. Just maybe not so literally.
Cora is my grandmother, Alice continued. She had two daughters: Zelena and my mom, Eloise.
So, Regina is... He started not sure if there was a womanly version for an Incubus. Gideon didn't even know those creatures existed before Alice first talked about them.
A Succubus, she replied, dryly.
"Do you want some pasta?" The man beside him asked, offering him a big bowl.
"Sure, thank you."
Gideon served himself and then passed the pasta to Alice that did the same. However, he was yet quite satisfied with the answers he had, because just like his mother, Gideon always needed to understand everything.
Incubus? He queried, pointing at the man by his side with a swift movement of his head.
Caster, Alice corrected. This is uncle Robin. And Henry is just like me if you're asking yourself, he didn't take from his mother.
Alright, Gideon contemplated. Complicate.
I can hear the two of you, a new voice said inside his head and he looked up to see that his father was staring at him. Just so you know.
I thought...
You need to share a strong connection with someone for this person to be able to talk this way with you, Alice explained. It seems your father and son bond is already showing.
A lazy smile stretched in Rumford's lips as he rubbed circles in Belle's hand not quite eating anything that was placed in his plate. She lifted her glance to him, furrowing at the wonder expression on his face.
"Are you alright?"
"Just fine," Rum guaranteed her. "How is dinner?"
"Delicious. My compliments to whoever cooked it."
"I thank you," Regina said, smiling at her.
Belle started to cut a piece of her lasagna, mouth watering at the prospect of feeling that incredible taste again, but before she could lead the fork to her mouth, Cora was speaking, which got the blood freezing in her chest.
"You look pale, Belle," the older woman pointed out. "Some activities can dry you quickly. Take care of yourself."
She swallowed the harsh answer that threatened to leave her mouth and went for a polite one.
"I am."
"Are you really sure the boy is your son, Rum?" Zelena asked, eyes fixed in Belle. "I'm not sure if I can really see you in him."
"Don't be silly," Fiona intervened. "Look at those beautiful pixie ears and those deep brown eyes."
"But I don't really feel any magic coming from him," the redhead shrugged.
Gideon looked straight at Alice with wide eyes, trying to understand what was happening and why those two women were taunting his parents like they were a bunch of school teens.
Are they going to analyse me now? He asked his friend, who he now knew, was also his cousin.
Probably, just don't mind it, Alice advised, aunt Zelena is mean.
"I can guarantee you that Gideon has strong powers," the boy heard Gold saying and when he looked up at him, he could see that Rumford was trying to contain himself, "he just doesn’t know how to use them yet."
Zelena slowly stood up walking around the dining room like she owned the whole Manor. Her green and black dress gave her a true witch vibe and Gideon froze in place, seeing his father's eyes narrow as they followed Zelena's each step.
"Mm... He could start trying."
He hadn't realised how close she was. In a quick second Zelena grabbed his arm between his and Alice's seat and he felt a strong wind enter the room as his eyes got blurry and the magic tickling in his skin got stronger.
"Zelena," Regina yelled.
"Gideon," Belle and Gold screamed.
"Oh my..." Alice whispered.
The whole room seemed to start spinning, but Gideon wasn't really sure of what was happening. Glass was being broken, lights turned on and off and things flying around as if they were in the middle of a hurricane.
"Zelena stop this right now," Fiona commanded.
"Rumford do something," Isabelle begged in despair.
A wicked laugh left Zelena's lips as she magically lifted the boy's body from the chair. He choked feeling like it was too much for him to take.
"Show me your power," the evil aunt chuckled, "Gideon Gold."
"Stop now," Alice said, trying to use her own powers to take Zelena away.
That was when everything became a true chaos. It started to rain inside the dining room and Alice sobbed as she felt her own powers get out of control. It took Rumford a moment to overcome his shock but as soon as he understood that he should be moving, he jumped over the table and took Zelena down, pressing both hands to her throat and making her gasp for air. Gideon collapsed on the floor, taken by unconsciousness.
"Don't you ever touch my son again," Rum snarled at his sister.
Gideon woke up in place he didn’t recognise. The walls were painted in some soft shade of red, the furniture was all black and a fuzzy golden blanket was pulled above him. Blinking repeatedly, the boy took a deep breath, feeling as if his lungs had been useless while he was asleep and only now got back to work; his mouth was dry and there was a buzzing on his ears. He tried to fix his eyes on something and that was when he saw Belle and Gold standing near the door, talking to each other very closely, his fingers tracing circles on her arms as she shed some tears.
Belle turned around, mouth slightly opened in surprise. She made her way towards the boy and sat by his side at the edge of the bed, brushing his hair out of his face.
"Hey sweetheart," she whispered in her kindest tone of voice. "Do you want some water?"
Nodding, Gideon accepted, sitting on the bed with some difficulty as his mother filled a cup from a silver jar that was placed in the nightstand near them. Rumford watched them with preoccupied eyes, without ever glancing away as Gideon thirstily drank all the water his mother served him.
"What happened?" The boy finally questioned.
"Zelena made your powers burst," Belle told him, tapping her nervous fingers at his knee. "But don't worry, now you're fine."
"Yes,” Gold agreed, sliding to seat by his other side, “and I must teach you how to control yourself, so that won't happen again."
"No, don't get any near to me," Gideon warned shrinking, which made a look of pain pass through Rumford’s face. "I was supposed to be normal, but I'm not. Because of you!"
Shooking her head, Belle gave him her best angry-mama glance.
"Gideon, please, don't."
"He is right,” Gold intervened, stopping her next words, “if I wasn't a monster, he wouldn't be going through any of this and I could have been a father to him right from the start."
There was a lump on Belle’s throat. It was killing her to see the two people she most loved in the world so hurt and broken by the lie she had kept all these years, somehow, she felt like it all was her fault, even though she hadn’t much choice by the time she decide to marry Gaston to hide Gideon’s origins.
"You're both wrong," she said in a shake-teary voice. "If you can't stand looking at each other how do you think we are going to defeat Malcolm?"
Gideon released a sharp breath, hating to see the despair in her eyes. He nodded, but not because he was suddenly fine will all of this, but because it was what his mother needed right now.
"Do you forgive me, son?" Rumford asked, reaching for his hand.
This time, he didn’t pull away, but Gideon also didn’t dare looking into his father’s eyes.
"I - " he sighed. "I think it is going to take long for me to do it, but just let's start with not fighting."
"Alright,” Rum tried to smile, “I think it will do it."
"Care to explain me, where were you?" Mrs. Potts yelled by the moment Gideon opened the front door of their house, about midnight.
That was a totally expected reaction and he thought he didn’t have strength enough – nor courage – to argue with her just now. Rumford Gold had insisted for them to stay at his house now that his stepmother and sister were gone, but Belle quickly refused, saying that if they wanted to keep this secret for the longer they could, then they should keep on with their lives as if nothing had happened.
She promised she would see him in the tunnels – which Gideon still needed an explanation about – in the next night, so they parted with a last goodbye kiss and the Keeper brought her son home.
"He was with me, at the Gold Manor," she told Mrs. Potts, appearing at the doorway.
"What? Are you mad, Isabelle?"
His mother opened her mouth and was about to say something, when they saw the shadow of Roderick’s silhouette behind her. He was full of uncertainty and Gideon cursed himself for leaving the poor boy behind the way he did, but at that moment, in front of the Gold Manor, he wasn’t exactly thinking straight.
"I'll be back in a minute," he promised Belle and led Roderick outside. "Hey, I'm sorry for what happened earlier."
"I'm still trying to get what happened."
Gideon wasn’t sure if he should do this. Actually, he was pretty sure he shouldn’t, but Roderick was his friend ever since preschool, they knew everything about each other and it seemed unfair to keep him in the dark, thinking only that he was as mad as people thought Alice to be.
"It is a long story, Rod, but let's start with this," Gideon snapped his fingers, just like Gold had showed him how to five seconds before they left the manor and the lights in the balcony were turned off.
"My father taught me," he explained to a marvelled Roderick. "Mr. Rumford Gold."
"So, all those crazy things you and Alice were talking about..."
"It can be resumed in one word: magic," Gideon agreed. "But you can't tell anyone."
A giant smile appeared in Roderick’s lips as he laughed out loud, delighted with this new revelation.
"You know me better than that, Gid, your secret is safe with me."
And in fact, he knew Roderick wouldn't tell anyone about his recently discovered powers, but Gideon wondered how long it would be for other people to find it out by themselves.
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