#with after waking up yesterday so I'm kinda glad I didn't have this to add onto that shit
silverduckie · 2 years
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I don’t want to talk right now, I just want your arms wrapped around me in this moment before it runs out.
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nakimesbiwa · 10 months
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(I wanted to add a twist lmao i thought that the og i had in mind was boring)
Everyone keeps teasing you about it. Shinobu did it the most. "I bet you wanted to do "It" With him~," Shinobu said teasingly. "Shut up!" "Just saying!~" How is Obanai just not saying anything…You thought. "Hey! Y/n do you need a wedding for you and Obanai?" Mitsuri said happily but sounded like she was teasing you. "OMG STOP" "Y/n and Obanai sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g fi-" "STOP SHINOBU" "Whatt~?" You stand up and walk out, going to Obanai's estate. You knock on the door. "Hello?" No answer. Knocking again You hear footsteps getting closer and closer. He opened the door ''What?'' Obanai said "We need to talk" ''About what?'' "You know." ''I don't…?''YES YOU DO !" ''WHAT ARE YOU SCREAMING AT ME FOR JUST COME IN.'' You walk into his house and go to the living room. You both sit down. ''What do you want?'' "Yes or no. Do you know?" ''Erm..No?'' "Okay.. They are teasing about what happened yesterday! And when you walk out of this house you're going to get teased! You're the one who made this happen! You put me off Mitsuri.!" ''Oh..I don't care'' "Why are you so putty for no reason?" ''Just because.'' "No wonder." You said teasingly. ''No wonder what?'' "hmm~" ''NO WONDER WHAT?'' "Nevermind!`' You get up and walk to the front door unlocking and getting out. "Heheheh." After 30 minutes you get back to your house. "Ah…Finally! Sweet home…But only 1 day left until the break is over.." You said with a happy tone ending with a sad one. Walking upstairs changing and getting out of the bathroom you hear something. "Huh, what's…What?" You said quietly. It's not even night yet. You thought to yourself. You didn't care and just went to bed. You felt someone look up at you when you slept but again you thought nothing of it. Waking up you felt kinda of weird. You went to the bathroom to see that it was… You were shocked. "WHAT?! HUH?!" You saw on your neck bite marks look at your body if you could see more on your thigh too. What was going on? you thought. You were a little scared. putting on your corps uniform and walking to the headquarters. "Hey y/n!" Mitsuri said happily. "Oh hello y/n dear!" Shinobu said. "Hi." "?" (…) "Y/n is there something wrong?" Shinobu said. "Uhm y/n what's that on your neck?" Mitsuri said curiously "Oh I didn't know that you were freaky y/n!" Shinobu said teasing. "That's why I came here can we go somewhere private?" Both of them said okay you went somewhere far and sat down in the grass. "What is it y/n? You seem off today?" "Well yeah. Last night I felt someone watching over me. And in the morning I had bite marks on my neck and thigh.." They look at you shocked. "WHAT'S WEIRD…" "Mitsuri is right you may have a stalker on your hands…" Shinobu said looking like she trying to think what was going on. "H-how did they on in did you hear anything?" "Well, I think…It was either the window or the door…Or i heard someone trying to unlock it." "Well…This is disturbing…" You heard something. "Did anyone hear that or is it just me?.. You said trying to be quiet. Shinobu got close to your ear and whispered. "I heard it too. He was listening to our conversation. He's up or down. Listen y/n he knows. Come with me I'm going to take you to the butterfly mansion I need for you to get a check-up." " O-okay.." Shinobu whispered to Mitsuri. "Sure!" Standing up going to the butterfly mansion. Shinobu was looking around everywhere.
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"You can lay do here y/n" "Okay.." Looking at Mitsuri. "I'm glad Shinobu went some private so "he" wouldn't see us." Saying quietly. "Yea…" Shinobu came back. "Y/n do you mind if I check your neck and thigh?" "No, I don't." "Okay then let's start." A little bit after checking. Shinobu looking at the paper looks a little terrified trying to stay calm. "What is it Shinobu are you okay too?" Mitsuri said with a sad look. "Is everything okay?" "Uhm..Y/n your thing has snake bit marks do you think how it could be?.." Mitsuri was very shocked not thinking it was him. I just was sad. "Y/n can I ask you a question? Shinobu said. "Y-yea" Sitting up. "Has this been happening every day? There were more bite marks you didn't know of… I don't know if counting the bite marks helped. But there were 26 of them." WHAT? I thought to myself… "Y/n you need to stay somewhere…That's not your house. You're in danger. Mitsuri said trying not to cry. She cared for you and she didn't want you to get hurt or…killed. "Can I?" "Yes, you can y/n." "At least this is great.." Shinobu said worriedly. With all the teasing out of the way. Shinobu deeply cares for you and your mental health she knew it wasn't good and tried her best to make you better. Getting out of the butterfly mansion both of you felt so uneasy. Both of you felt followed everywhere. "Hey? Y/n..Do you think it's really…Obanai?" Mitsuri said "Maybe..But I can't believe that he did it.." "Yeah me too.." Stalker? You thought. Did it pair with Obanai? Not it can't be… Mitsuri stopped."Y/n do you hear that.." "Hear what?" Mitsuri put her hand over her mouth her pulp with smaller each second. You were 7 inches from her. You just walked slowly. "Y/NNN RUN TRUST ME!" The second you heard her the second you ran. You tried the hardest you could. trying to her mitsuri hand you failed. As someone else got you and ran fast. It took 30 seconds for Mitsuri to find out that you were gone trying to follow you deep into the forest.
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Yes, I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger.
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
I.S.B.T.P.K.F.T.S moments (chapter 2)
fic link written by @tavtarnish.
I want to add something from chapter 1: where soap says he'll give ghost, quote "the military's wet dream of a sergeant"
~ he's gonna do it our of spite. not for himself, but rather for /himself/. he's gonna do it to spite the terribleness that is himself. like 'im a terrible person but maybe its a little less bad bc i maybe did some good'
chapter 1 chapter 2
waking up on the floor
~ honestly... yeah. happens more often than i'd like to admit
him missing some part of his old self, but also not, but also sometimes he does
~ that might not have made sense, but in my head that ^^^ statement is perfectly clear. like I wish I was like my younger self, but at the same time I worked so hard to be at this point so I don't really miss the old me. tho it would be nice not to have the back problems.
him waking up late
~ it's such a normal thing to happen, but at the same time i feel like every time every time I have a bad night, it's just setup for the next day. it happens every time without fail, maybe there is a reason behind that, but im not gonna think too hard about it. anyway from his standpoint the day is going great /sar. like so far he's (1) woken up on the floor, meaning his night was definitely terrible (2) it ruined his neck... so that's fun (3) woken up late. even if it's not too late it messes everything up. I won't be counting anymore of his morning mishaps , I only did this time because these three (3) things most definitely happened withing 1-2 minutes of waking up
automatically foregoing the hair for his teeth (or doing any of his morning routine in general)
~ first thing's first, the way he skips his hair (which is obviously an important part of his character) so he could brush his teeth. he only realizes that it'll be a problem when it's too late. second thing, honestly, as embaressing as it is for me to admit... if this happened to me i'd 100% just going 'woe is me' and end up doing nothing until I absolutely had to get up. so I admire that about him.
the way it's Gaz behind him instead of Ghost's usual presence, and the way he's glad about it
~ it'd be hard to Face ghost so soon after yesterday's interaction, not to mention that night. plus he did commit to making big changes, so why not one more. I mean his routine is already fucked, and he's resolved to be a better Sergent, so why not one more big change. as a person who automatically tries their best to avoid their problems, well honestly it'd be relieving to think that I don't immediately have to face my problem.
Ghost shows up, and gaz and ghost on the topic of his hair
~ of course ghost is here, when one goes the other follows. it's ghost AND soap not OR. anyway, them talking about his hair. probably his most distinguishing feature, that he most definitely takes much pride in. Gaz's statement didn't hurt, it was teasing and friendly but ghost's? yeah that one stung. for one it was /Ghost/ that said it, his best friend, his favorite person, his- his- well it didn't matter who he was to him other than his lieutenant. not only that but literally less than 6 hours ago he decided he'd be a better Sergent, and now Ghost his lieutenant is telling him that he's already failing at that. why can't he get anything right? why is he so bad at what he's supposed to be good at? it's not even that difficult to take care or, it would take two seconds. why couldn't he have just done it?
the general topic of his hair in this chapter
~ I feel like it's kinda a small detail, it's only mentioned a handful of times, and all in passing moments. maybe i'm reading too much into this, but it just feels so important and personal... or maybe it's giving a little insight on how he's feeling, messy, unkept, perhaps a little disastrous.
/that/ feeling coming back because ghost is here, and him refusing to acknowledge it
~ again he doesn't even know why he's feeling it so why bother acknowledging
him refusing to banter with ghost, or to make jokes with him
~ i guess the first step to this whole changing thing was to be on time and look professional (or at least presentable) which he's already messed up. but second would probably be to act professional, especially around your superior. this only works if you don't mess up... so don't mess up. this goes for jokes to deflect as well, so go ahead and scrap those. denying himself something that he wants and enjoys doing... ouch
ghost's confusion at soap's change of character and soap's refusal to see it
~ "what's wrong with soap? why isn't he talking? is he sick? is it the wound? did somebody say something? maybe it's just a bad morning, I mean he /did/ neglect to take care of his hair this morning." why would ghost be confused about me not speaking? if anything he's probably happy i'm not running my mouth. for once im acting my rank. this chapter is HEAVY on those self-esteem issues
gaz being the one to relieve the tension
~ wait- hang on that- that's not right. right? it's soap's job to do that it /was/ soap's job to do that... not anymore. oh... I guess that /is/ Gaz's job now...
soap's desperation to just /tell/ someone about it. all of it. and yet still he hides it.
~ of course he wants to tell someone because who is he if not a nuisance. Wanting to push his problems onto someone else, Wanting to bother other people. And he refuses to tell anyone because, again, that's not what his personality is supposed to be. That's not who /he's/ supposed to be. that want to just spill, to have somebody hear you so it's not just in your head
the way he cannot stand to be around anybody, but swallows his discomfort
~ it's all just too much, too much, too much. he wants to leave, he needs to get out of here. he can't breath. he's gonna be sick. but he can't. it's not what johnny would have done, johnny would be ecstatic to be around gaz and ghost. soap maybe would have, if he was nothing but a name, no personality, where disapproval didn't matter to him; but he isn't soap, nor can he be. Sergent Mactavish can't leave either, not if he is to be the disciplined little soldier he needs to be. right now he's none of these people, right now he's john; the overwhelmed teenager. and john is trying to fit into an outfit that doesn't fit, the sleeves are too long, the shoulders too tight, the legs too short. but at least he doesn't have to choose which one to force on. johnny has no energy to come out, and soap is buried; lost in the mess that is his mind, that leaves Sergent Mactavish. scraping the bottom of the barrel he finds the will to muster up a hopefully convincing smile. this moment is so very real to me, it's something i've done way too many times before. and refusing to voice his discomfort? not only because it ruins the mood, and perhaps because he almost feels like he deserves that discomfort.
his excuse
~ really? his alarm? /that/ was the best he could come up with? he knows it's a bullshit excuse. that's the equivalent of "just tired", tho unlike me, Ghost knows that it's a BS response. he knows ghost knows. of course the man does, just like soap knows ghost's tells, ghost knows soap's tells.
"be a good soldier"
~ gah-damn! that's EXACTLY how I talk to myself when im in this type of headspace
~ yes im freaking about the hair again. I DON'T KNOW WHY. his hair is long, he's neglected it a bit... just like he's neglecting himself?
soap being overly formal
~ it causing the silence between them into something uncomfortable as if something has changed. because something /has/ changed... ghost clearly doesn't like the change in his Sergent.
his nervous tics
~ the way he has to focus so hard on not doing them, and how he almost defaults back to bootcamp posture.
the tension between them
~ only being broken by price, but it still not rubber-banding back to their former status
him changing his showing personality with price's arrival
~ I do the same thing. in every situation, good or bad, differing friend groups, ect. the way he even 'blends' personalities in a way. he's only doing so to avoid questioning.
him being formal with ghost, him throwing himself entirely into his work
~ the way he automatically switches to formal setting with ghost. I am now seeing that this is the RSD coming into play, where he's seeking ghost's approval or at least not attracting his ire. and him completely focusing on his task so he doesn't get to think too much about how ghost is watching him. I find that if you look busy people generally won't bother or disturb you.
look I probably missed a ton seeing as how my prime writing hors is between midnight and 3am, and it is very much not that time right now... and I also had people trying to peep my writing which is awkward lol
anyway if you see typos... no you don't. if i find more stuff from this chapter I'll add it to the beginning of the next part
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meanmistress · 3 months
Hi Mistress! How are you? I wasn't able to get on yesterday to report my daily task, but, I was able to do it. You also told me to tell you when I feel needy, and, when I woke up yesterday, I started thinking about everything from the day before. I thought about your rules, the punishment, and how you said you'd make me regret taunting your cruelty... I thought about what you said to me, what you called me, how I noticed you referring to me as an "it", and, just... I... I was SO fucking horny! I wanted to touch so badly, but, just couldn't bring myself to do it, because of your orders, which turned me on even more, to the point I ended up audibly whimpering, and having to roll onto my side, so I didn't end up humping my blanket >.<
I later ended up putting my laptop on the floor, and knelt down in front of it. I put my knees together, and placed my hands on them. Having to publicly link the porn that I watched for it is so embarrassing, and I really don't want to... But...
This is the video I watched. It's kinda one of my favourites tbh >.<
While I was completing the task, something... odd, happened, though. I was about halfway through the video. I promise that I hadn't touched at all. I tried to keep as still as possible in general, really, I didn't even twitch. But, while watching I... I came, but, I didn't have an orgasm? Like, I felt the release, but, not the pleasure that came with it. I could feel myself... you know... cumming... all over my leg... But, I didn't feel any pleasure from it. I've had ruins, before, and, even then I get SOMETHING out of it, no matter how miniscule. I've never experienced anything like this before, though. I was also still really horny after it! It wasn't satisfying at all.
I... I want to ask if you consider that to be an orgasm, Mistress. I didn't try to get it, I didn't touch, and, I didn't get any pleasure from it, but, I know it's not my decision to make.
I hope you don't mind me saying that I'm wishing you decide it's not, though, just because I want to be able to stay denied as long as you say. I want to prove that I can obey, and refrain from giving myself pleasure. I wasn't allowed to enjoy it, so, I'm glad I didn't, you know? >.<
I'm also still REALLY horny, Mistress...
~ 🐱
If you're ever unable to do your tasks, I want you to let me know before, not after.
As for your ruin, I won't count it as an orgasm but I'm not happy about you not letting me know what happened yesterday which is why you're going to add an extra step to today's tasks. I want you to shove two fingers in your mouth as far as they'll go and gag yourself with them while watching/reading your porn. I want you gagging on your fingers for the full fifteen minutes, I want you drooling and spilling saliva all over yourself like a whore. In fact, I want you to up today's time to twenty minutes instead of fifteen.
I'm assuming you haven't started your tasks yet so when I wake up, I want the two separate asks saying when you began and finished like I asked for.
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frogsandfries · 4 years
It's been kinda a sleepy day
I'm absolutely dripping sweat right now. We got up super early--personally, I crashed early after yesterday. I'm not entirely opposed to re-learning to wake up super early.
We got a call at like three, half past, or so, saying, hook up your utilities and we'll give your keys, so we had like ninety minutes to do that, so I spent like forty minutes scrambling to throw the entire kitchen into what I thought would be bags but turned out to be one large box. I got the largest part of the perishables into our insulated bag, and the rest wrapped up into two shopping bags.
I'm really glad I wrapped up the most part of the packing last night, to keep myself from going to bed too early. I thought I'd have tomorrow to at least throw part of the upstairs laundry into the wash, and maybe even do the rest of the vacuuming.
I'm also incredibly grateful for our low move-in cost. That gives us some wiggle room to get some of the things we'll need, like tissues.......... and dammit......I left our dish soap. It also leaves room for bus passes and laundry.
I guess I'll call my former workplace tomorrow and give them a forwarding address and let them know I won't be able to get that in person.
I'm a little nervous about the job, but I think I will be even for the first couple weeks. I'm just so excited to have our own space. I opted for a six-month lease, just in case of anything. I'm nervous about keeping this job. I almost always intend to keep my job, but it's incredibly hard to stay motivated when I don't feel like my time is being respected. I hope this pay, and the determination to make things work, will add up. Plus, I keep looking for a job to settle down with. I'm about as tired of the process of looking for and obtaining work, as I am tired of constantly moving.
I didn't choose six months because I want to anticipate wanting to move that quickly; I chose six months because I want to figure out if I can make it work. This is a really nice apartment complex. It's in a nice neighborhood. The job is really nice. This is what every millennial hopes against hope for: To move up in life. I'll be crushed if the job falls through. We'll have nothing if the job falls through, so I'm so worried that I haven't heard anything today or yesterday. I know I have around two weeks before the training even begins; I don't know if I'll need the computer by then, or not till later. I'm entering a field that is completely unfamiliar to me. I don't have the same certainty about the job process that I have about manufacturing or retail.
This is going to work.
I'm just going to need a lot of caffeine. That's how I got through my asscrack-of-dawn job in Tucson.
A thought has just occurred to me.
We can have celebratory sushi sooner than planned. Or pay movers. Or my phone bill. I dunno, we can't get too carried away until we pay next month's rent on the first.
Realistically, I've done nothing to jinx the job. Except maybe not message her when I finished the second task she had assigned for me. I think I did acceptably on the tipping assessment, my background is good, and my drug test shouldn't have anything in it. It's been almost a year since I regularly consumed marijuana. Damn, when I get a car though. You can't smell my preferred method of consumption, so there's no reason to test me on that basis. I'm not stupid or inexperienced enough to consume enough to green out for so long, I couldn't be fully recovered in time to get to work. No red eyes and everybody is thirsty in the desert.
Actually on that thread of thought, I'll probably have more than enough money by the time I should be getting on the floor at work, I should be able to afford a massive drinking container--and of course some stickers to go with it!
As I write this, my partner went up the corner to get an acceptable form of payment. It feels like he's taking foooooorrrrreeeeeeevvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrrr and my phone is currently down, so I can't even text him, let alone my friend, who has disappeared from Facebook
We got moved in. The guy whose house we've been occupying had to be muscle man and move a whole box by himself. Maybe I've just gotten soft, but I think those boxes were rather fucking heavy.
We're getting dinner and I'll probably do some unpacking tomorrow. We'll see.
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