#with both us n vx
Actually told Mr. V we're probably gonna talk about some of. His issues. In therapy, sometime soon-ish
He took it surprisingly well? Kinda just tried to laugh it off, like he always does when he's uncomfortable but doesn't want me to think it's a big deal
#doll#never realized how confused he gets when i ask before doin somethin. i was kinda doin it just to. sorta normalize it for us but.#how'd i never notice that before? did he just hide it better til now?#i thought the whole not rly understanding how actual legit consent works thing was just an excuse for when he didn't#listen when i'd ask him to stop#but.....i guess it really does go both ways? it's like he doesn't remember he doesn't always havta go with it either?#n someone sayin no playin hard to get or whatever is just a normal part of it for him.#especially cause angel's used him as. a means of self harm basically. so i guess maybe he just figured that's how we wanna do it#i really thought he was bein obtuse on purpose n i guess partially it was that. not wantin to question the things he's done before#but also he really seems to have trouble understandin it. like whatever yaoi brainrot d*bcon crap just is normal to him#not the first fucked up media influence i've noticed him havin taken as a core part of himself but. it explains a lot.#i just hope he sticks with this. tryin to learn how these things work in healthy relationships instead of the toxic crap he's used to#with both us n vx#so far it seems good but. he's backtracked before. plus i'm probably not always the best influence cause sometimes i'm startin things#i don't even rly wanna do but do em anyway. it's compulsive. n a bad combination with someone that can't tell where the line goes either#cause then afterwards i feel like shit n it's probably not helpin the way he sees himself either. it's not even his fault#it's one thing if he doesn't listen or take what i say seriously but sometimes i think it's fine til we're finished n the anxiety hits#why does everythin havta be so goddamn complicated#spdrvent
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hot-astrology · 4 months
hi again, i sent an ask about “vx conj jupiter” etc. thank you for taking ur time replying to my ask earlier 💗
uhm yeah, we’re kind of on a acquaintance basis lol. i just have a one sided crush on them atm sigh. i kinda felt this instant attraction the moment i saw them ajsjshdh so i was looking up our synastry and saw those vertex aspects- someone said vx conj jupiter is fated and mutual crushing so got me hopeful 😆 um can i ask for your opinion on our vx aspects ? ah and would u say those aspects kinda explain why i feel such attraction towards them ? do u think its mutual by any chancee 😔😆 i apologise if im coming off a bit too pushy its just theyre making me kinda down bad n i dont wanna stay delusional if theres no hope lol
ill mention our vx aspects again for convenience: N’s vx conjunct my ascendant, N’s vx conjunct my jupiter, my vx conj N’ pluto. ( just tmi- their nn is opp my venus ) though i think it might just b me ? i saw my juno is conjuncted by their moon and venus so since their core planets r activating my juno- maybe thast why im here ? 😭 it got me acting up ig lol idk
Overstood! well im going keep it short and brief, this is not a paid reading, which we could further support your numerous questions. this is an ask so basically one question.
Lets start by you were able to get their b day , time etc. that is personal so thats a connection already shows trust. Another thing is we know its a fated meeting, especially when the angles or the 1st house in play ( physical body ). nothing is a coincidence, you an this person were pointed in the same direction for a reason and its a strong connection as well. More than the body or appearance, you have the north node in play as well as jupiter, so this is showing a huge transformational change within both yal, could be some past life karmic ties. you both are on a quest for growth and change, the north node person will feel the venus and north node opp more intense. You both need to support each others journey and transformation. Since you are reserching this and trying to decide what to do in this situation, anyway its going play out sooner or later. if your heart tells you to approach this person do that. You need to see what houses are opps, and what sign they are in. Another thing you need to use atrology as a tool to guide you, but at the end your heart makes the final say so. And these aspects are making you excited and yearning for this relationship or connection, you both will connect, look at your pogress chart as well transit, energy is always moving and changing, dont stress over it, just go how you feel, everything will play out faster and smoother when you understand that your intentions and desires will connect the dots. You must have some or alot of virgo placements or 8th house energy jumping, or progressed or transit.
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themissingmarvel · 4 years
Kind Regards, Detective [Part 4]
(A prelude of sorts. It’s another long one because it’s 1:38 in the morning and sleep eludes me the way it eludes the reader. Life imitates art. Anyway, things are moving and I do promise the next chapter is going to be kind of a big deal. Also I created an image I’ll be using for the series that I can’t introduce yet but it’ll also be tomorrow ((sunday??? idk)) so we shall see. Anyway, thanks for reading if you do, and ask to be tagged if you want. And if I forgot to tag you, yell at me.
Pairing: Detective Loki x fbi!Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Descriptions of violence, swearing, awkward flirtations
Catch up: [Part 1] // [Part 2] // [drabble] // [Part 3] 
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Once the phone was plugged in to her laptop at the station, the encryption starting, Agent Cairns let her know it would be a few hours to get it all sorted into something they could use. He’d be encrypting the data and replicating the phone digitally to the laptop so they could use it as such without triggering the GPS. Hours, he said. Hours.
There was a feeling of anguish now in her body and she didn’t like it. David had become exceptionally quiet as he sat across the table this time, not next to her, going through the evidence that had been cataloged and documented. His face was fixed and she knew he was gone. She supposed it was fitting.
Taking the phone that was too large to fit in the pocket of her jeans, but that was on the table, and pressing a few numbers on the touch screen, she held it to her ears. It rang once.
“I thought you might have been ghosting me. You know, this is exactly why I disabled my Tinder account.”
The voice was smooth, though not as smooth as he wanted it to be. She imagined Adrian was like eating a Snickers when you wanted the chocolate mousse. Satisfying, tasty, but not really what you should be going for. 
She sighed, “You disable it three times a year, Adrian. Four, last year,” she shook her head, realizing she was falling into that same damn trap, “Listen, I got an email that the toxicology reports was taking a while. Is there a reason or is the agency backed up?” She wasn’t being smart with him, but serious. Focused. Enough so to miss the blue eyes looking up carefully and studying her. Watching her. Seeing her fidget as she shifted her weight from one foot to another as she stood instead of sat.
A brief pause played out and Y/N didn’t like it, “They found something. It’s not something we usually find, ladybug. Weird timing, though. The results came through about twenty minutes ago.”
Her heart stopped.
“So what did they find?” She knew there would be a run-of-the-mill sedative, aware the autopsies being done would find puncture marks on the bodies. Aware that this would be basic. God, it had to be.
“I honestly didn’t believe it, but they found a nerve agent in the bodies. I mean, it was still fresh so it was used recently, but it’s fucking VX, Y/N. Who the hell manages to get their hands on a nerve agent like that, let alone enough to kill twelve adults, and no one notices?” It was hard to rattle a man like Adrian. He was a few years older, but his cases had been gruesome. Not on purpose. He was given the affectionate nickname of the Grim Reaper, that Y/N never used, whenever he was on a case. This was not going to help his stats.
Pressing her hand against her forehead she winced and closed her eyes, “Do I actually need to ask you to find out if any labs or agencies reported anything missing?”
He sighed, “We both know that any companies that have something like this aren’t going to report it going missing. That kind of legwork takes weeks. It’ll be defense companies and agencies and that shit takes time. I’m sorry, ladybug. I am.” He was genuine this time. He was an asshole, but he felt bad. He knew a missing nerve agent wasn’t something anyone announced when they could cover it up.
Without a word she pulled the phone from her ear and ended the call, no goodbye, not to Adrian. Not today. Instead, she stared at the screen and spoke softly, “He took their breath away.”
By now David’s eyes were tearing into her, feeling the concern, the worry, the panic and able to piece together enough to know that it wasn’t good, “Who did?”
Y/N looked over at David, her eyes suddenly tired, “They were doused with a nerve agent, called VX. It literally shuts down your respiratory system and you die gasping for breath. It’s military grade, David. It’s considered a WMD by the United States and it was used to kill twelve random fucking people staged in a church.” 
The room was eerily silent as the two stared at one another. David was trying to understand what she had just said. Well, he understood it logically, but on the level of how someone commits murder, it was beyond comprehension, “How- I mean, it’s- but-” not even David could verbalize it.
Raising an eyebrow she kept her body lax, “How does someone get their hands on it? Honestly, what I’d like to know. But… this isn’t just some psychopath, David. This man isn’t a criminal as we understand him. And it almost doesn’t matter if we can even find someone willing to admit the chemical went missing, since the decay rate takes forever. He could have had this in his closet for years. And now he’s disabling phones?” 
Fear was a hard one for Y/N. Not because it was a difficult emotion to consider, but because it meant she was vulnerable. Being scared was one thing, but fear was permeating. She had seen so much and read so many different files. She wished, suddenly, the place had been a massacre. She wanted to be able to look at blood splatter marks and stab wounds. Signs of a struggle. But no. What they had was a fucking stack of romcom blu-rays, perfectly preserved bodies, a chemical agent banned by the United States Government, and missing phones. This wasn’t just ‘some guy’ anymore. It never had been. And maybe she always knew that. Maybe she knew when she had read the flowers were bred to be black, naturally, or that the letters were signed with perfect penmanship to each individual agent. But now it was real.
A ding came through, a text from Adrian that told her they were sending in a dozen 2-PAMs in epi-pen form. A dozen. Fuck. She wanted to thank him for even getting his hands on any, given the state of the world, though she supposed the FBI would also be sending over a nice little note forbidding them from disclosing the information with anyone on the case, other than the two of them. If word got out someone had this in their closet? No.
It had never been in David’s nature to be the caretaking type, but something roused him. Maybe it was the look in her eyes, the way her body had stopped fidgeting entirely and had become rubber. Perhaps even he had seen her hand shake. 
Pushing his chair back, David stood, “I’m hungry. And so are you, hamburger alarm be damned. Let’s get Chinese.” 
She had been quiet on the drive over to the restaurant David liked to go to when no one was around, and it was mid-afternoon by now. A few people were in the place, but nothing dramatic. A small table by the back was where the two had been seated, Y/N fidgeting nervously as she was clearly trying to process what was going on.
He didn’t like seeing her this way. 
“The usual to start?” A young woman approached, perhaps early twenties, David smiling appreciatively at her as Y/N looked away.
He nodded, “Two. And some tea,” he smiled, a smile that was genuine but nothing dramatic, a smile that meant he was actually smiling. Soft. Small.
It seemed to perk Y/N’s attention, “You really don’t strike me as the tea type. And why did you order my food?” Her face contorted as she felt herself pulled back to reality.
David grinned, “You weren’t answering so I got you egg drop soup. Relax. And tea is good for you. I think,” he smirked.
Y/N couldn’t help but scoff with a smile, shaking her head as she looked at him, “You’re so strange, Detective.”
He grinned, “I’m not the one who wanted a fairy tattooed on my ribcage.”
Her face was bright as her eyes widened, “Absolutely no, Mr. Neck Tattoo!” Her voice raised, though jovial. Bright. Warm. He liked it. It felt like how he expected tea was supposed to taste. Good for you. 
Smiling still, he thanked the waitress as she brought over two small cups of soup, the tea coming shortly thereafter. David poured the hot liquid into the small, white ceramic cups, one for each, “Fair. You’re a little weird too, though. It’s nice,” he lifted the cup and took a sip, glancing at her over it. For a second, the briefest moment, he could have sworn he saw her blush.
Picking up the spoon she had some of the soup, rather taken at how good it was. In her time traveling, she found that wasn’t uncommon for small, unassuming spots to have some of the best food around. Nothing you’d find on the Food Network, but delicious none the less. Good because it wasn’t trying to be. Because it just was.
“Your work with Dover and Birch was good shit, David. Little messy, but good,” she raised an eyebrow at him.
He leaned back and smirked. She liked that smirk. It told her he liked what she was saying, that he was listening. That he agreed with her and that he was present. It was a smirk that reminded her of the lingering smoke from a dying cigarette, brief, soft, but strong if you stood close enough. It would bring back memories and haunt you if you weren’t careful, “Hardest case I ever had, next to this. Parents sure as shit didn’t help.”
A soft chuckle left her lips as she nodded, “Family never does. Well intentioned, always. But you know what they say about the road to hell,” she held a hand up, “paved with good intentions.” 
They talked, after. For longer than either intended. It had been so long since anyone touched him the way she did. He didn’t think of the random women he had met in bars miles outside of Conyers where no one knew who he was. In this moment, of a strange kind of tragedy and trauma, he found himself bonding with a woman he had wanted to hate the moment he read her name on a piece of paper. 
And in truth, she felt similarly. She had been so unsure of what lay ahead in Conyers, beyond knowing she was unwelcome. But this didn’t feel like unwelcome. Detective Loki felt like strong arms she had once felt keeping her close, though this time she felt safe. She knew in this moment, the man across from her could protect her from more than just the bad guy around the corner. Shared trauma did that. Bonded you. She understood that a man like Detective Loki wasn’t a common occurance in the world and he was the thing you wished for when you finally caught the clock at “11:11”. 
The drive back had kept them both in a better space. Not to say either were ‘ok’ by any means, but they were better. An emotional connection, on a level one could never really quantify. It was one forged on battlefields, they both knew. A connection in the midst of war was one never forgotten or loosely held together. It was iron. It was solid.
Back at the precinct time moved fast. It was bearable only because they had each other, now. Focused on a sheet of paper, David would be briefly interrupted by Y/N shoving another one in front of him wordlessly, telling him without say so he needed to read it. He did. And he did the same to her. He had told himself that sitting next to her as they worked was so he could stay focused, but somehow he knew it was more than that. No bullets were flying at her head but he wanted to keep her safe just the same. He couldn’t hold her. He wouldn’t. 
Again the precinct had died and again the two had been left alone, waiting for that damn phone to be done processing and encrypting. 
And it was.
A soft ‘beep’ alerted Y/N the laptop had finished and the phone was ready for review. Popping her head up, her neck aching and her back sore, she felt her stomach suddenly rumble. Looking at the time, she saw the clock read ‘9:26pm’ on it. Concern washed on her features as David pulled his chair so close he was touching her, the woman reaching at her phone first and glancing. Her alarm had never gone off. Squinting, she shook her head, “Fucking technology… all right.” 
Putting the phone down, she opened up the application that looked almost identical to any cellphone interface. Shaking her head she sighed, “Technology is so weird… OK. So. If you were hiding something, where would you put it?” She spoke aloud, though not necessarily to David. She knew he was close, his leg against hers, shoulder-to-shoulder as they read the screen together.
“No chance we’ll find an app or some- oh, nevermind…” David trailed off, almost about to joke that people weren’t really stupid enough to put a dating app or a hookup app on their phone that blatant. But they were. And they did. 
Y/N glanced at him, “People are always that stupid, David. But the question is why a married woman has Tinder on her phone,” she double-clicked the app, bringing it up. No login required, IT had made sure of that, but she was curious what was on there. Deaths hadn’t been made public, save for a family’s choice, so the chance of someone ‘unmatching’ due to it was low. Both were rather surprised at the number of matches, however. Conversations littered the page and the pictures used were ones that you could perhaps make out who it was if you knew. And they did. But the profile requested someone for something ‘discreet’. 
Scrolling was unpleasant, at best, and Y/N rolled her eyes. Men desperate for hookups, many unanswered messages. Some answered. Some even with meetups planned. And of course the profiles messaging her were inoccuous. Other people looking for hookups. David documented any dates he saw, making sure to follow up with the individuals. No last names and private profiles made it hard, but they had something to go off of.
Beyond that, there was nothing, “If someone did meet her on this… he’s unmatched her. And if he’s good, he’s wiped himself. We’ll need to ask specialists in DC to get a release from the company to get records. See what we can scrounge. I’ll get that going, you keep browsing the phone. You’re a smart guy, you’ll know it when you see it,” she smirked briefly at him, David hiding his grin as she stood, the detective pulling the laptop to where he was.
Getting up, Y/N pulled out her phone, typing up a few quick emails on their encrypted and authorized server, the one that didn’t use Conyers’ piss-poor security. A few quick clicks and she sent out the requested information, reading a few others regarding 2-PAM being sent to the station for the morning. 
Fuck, that was fast.
“Ladybug, you OK? Hung up on me. Worried about you.”
Frowning at her phone she felt that tug again at Adrian. That desire to be close. Knowing he’d always just flirt. Like her sister told her once, Sometimes the asshole falls in love with you and sometimes you fall in love with the asshole. So eloquent.
“Fine. And don’t call me ladybug on here. You know this gets monitored.”
“Should I text it to your cell then? Finally gonna give me that number?”
Shaking her head she clicked off the phone. That had been a point of contention with Adrian. He had her work phone, but her private one was her own. The flirtation was done in the office and she knew, knew that if he had her private line she would fall. Fall for a man who was emotionally incapable of being connected to her. She didn’t want to fall for a Snickers bar.
It was another hour of phone scanning and scrolling through emails she had been sent, knowing the autopsies would take longer to get back. Twelve bodies was a lot, and while patterns emerged, it took time. And families were involved… it was never easy. The job never was.
Her stomach roared, suddenly, wincing as she felt the ache of not having eaten. Even the detective looked up, raising an eyebrow, “Need to get some food?” 
Holding back another wince of pain that came from neglecting herself this long she nodded, “Probably. I should… I should head back anyway. You’re welcome to see if you find anything on the laptop but the app itself is pretty telling. See if we can deep scrub and get more data from it. Sort of ideal.” She sighed, pushing back her hair as she felt the need for sleep but the vague understanding it wouldn’t come. A fickle mistress.
Was it disappointment? David frowned a bit as he watched her, “I mean… I can drive you back. If you want, of course. We’ve got a three-star Taco Bell nearby,” he forced a smile. 
But Y/N felt herself tighten, her body, her thoughts, her emotions. He was pulling at a piece of her she didn’t like to think about. The piece all those boys in bars and officers in other districts never understood. He was fighting to fit in her life and she was finding that in only a few days he was doing a great damn job at it. She needed distance. Space. Safety. But he was safety, wasn’t he? God, this was complicated.
A thin smile painted itself onto her lips, “Raincheck. I’ll grab some takeout nearby. Hell, even some Ramen from the gas station sounds good. But I’ll meet you back here early. Get some rest, David.”
With that, she collected her things, not watching as the man who fought to keep the world out was fighting to keep it from overwhelming him now. There was chaos, and fear. Of course. But there was trauma. And there was a woman he felt so compelled to keep safe that it was unclear why, exactly. She didn’t remind him of some kid he knew growing up, or even one of those stupid ulterior motives. He felt a part of her that was good, and of all people he knew keeping the good stuff good was important. That was his work. She was an agent, though. Nothing stays pure forever.
As she packed her files into the rental that felt familiar and foreign, she didn’t think about what tomorrow might bring, or what the world held. She was distracted again. Words spoken to her in passing, a man getting to know her. A man with eyes that glowed when he was focused and who blinked more than most, tight blinks, when he was upset. Nervous. Scared. Angry. He had his tells. 
And as she drove back to her hotel with an acute awareness she wasn’t sleeping tonight, she ignored the tug at her gut that told her something was wrong. The calm before the storm. The flickering lights before the power goes out.
Sometimes you fall in love with the asshole.
But sometimes the asshole falls in love with you.
( @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @is-it-madness @oscarflysaac @detecellie @peccobagnaia​ @fgtakbrjbdl​ )
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diaxfeliz · 4 years
» Star Wars / Kylo Ren … Y/N, the Knights of Ren’s psychiatrist and med doctor, has a brief chat with Ren before he leaves for Remnicore.
Set in the Duel of the Fates Universe.
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A/N: Hello I love jealous Ren yes that’s all.
Status : Colleagues Relationship : Professional, Platonic, Crushing
Unsaid feelings of love being found out before the final goodbye.
“You’re always so dramatic when it comes to love, Ren.” you said as Ren entered the empty foyer. He jumped at the sound of your voice. He didn’t notice your presence, but he wasn’t surprised that you were waiting for him. It was something you often did.
You chuckled as you stopped leaning on the wall and faced him. “It’s almost as amusing.”
Your laugh and smile had always enchanted him and never failed to make his heart flutter, but he had always pushed these thoughts away.
He clenched his fast beating heart, making sure you weren’t suspicious, and turned away. “Almost amusing?”
“Just almost.” You shrugged, fiddling with the lapel of your lab coat. “You tend to have those dark parts.”
A familiar drone raced out of the hallway and flew directly towards you. You smiled as the drone circled you, speaking in its droid language. You understood the droid well as it excitedly beeped, explaining to you what it and Ren were up to. Overall, you knew VX-20 was happy to see you.
“Hi, Vex.” You chuckled as you had it perch on your hand. “It’s good to see you too.”
Ren sighed at your nonchalant behavior and couldn’t resist a facepalm. Your ambushes had been something he had gotten used to a long time ago, but recently, your eavesdropping had become something. Though he had nothing to hide from you anyway, it made him uncomfortable knowing someone listens to him while he monologues in his chambers.
“How many times have I told you not to eavesdrop, doctor?” he said, resisting the urge to unprofessionally groan.
“I’ve lost count, but it’s the only way I can monitor you, Ren.” you said. You understood Ren’s main concern, but you were doing this for him. “I barely get to interact with you and it’s been like this ever since I became the doctor for you Knights.”
“Their doctor,” he firmly corrected you. “not mine.”
You rolled your eyes. Sometimes you forget how dramatic he can be. “I just tend to look after Hattaska, Ott, Lorl, and Jaedec more. It’s not my fault you tend to train separately from them. I’m your doctor all the same, both psychiatric and medical, Ren.” You smiled. “I’m here for you.”
Ren clenched his jaw at your reassurance. He wanted you to hold his hand and tell him again, this time without his mask, but he had already made a promise to himself not to repeat his grandfather’s mistakes.
“Why is it that I’m the only one you call Ren?” he said in replacement to his sentiment. “You call the other knights by their first name.”
“Well,” You shrugged while your lips were in a tight forced smile. “I’d gotten used to calling you Ren all the time as commander that it just stuck, especially now that you’ve taken up a much higher position.”
“If you’re calling the others by their first name, you might as well call me by mine. It helps with the consistency.”
You smirked and raised an eyebrow. “What would the others think about me calling the Supreme Leader by his first name?”
“This isn’t because you’re my subordinate, it’s because you’re…” He silently gulped. You stared at him in anticipation with your smirk only getting wider. “my doctor… both psychiatric and medical.”
“Alright, Kylo.” You stressed his name to make a point, sensing a bit of unease in him. “If you perceive me to be your doctor, do you mind telling me what’s on your mind for once? You never like it when I psychoanalyze you.”
He clenched his fists and looked down. “Me talking about my duties as Supreme Leader would only bore you. I wouldn’t want to waste your time—”
“That comes second on your list of things you want to talk about.” You cutting him off genuinely surprised him even if he didn’t show it to you. “What’s first?”
“How could you tell that there’s something that comes prior?”
“I wasn’t appointed as your doctor for nothing, Kylo.”
You watched as he turned his back to you and stay idle for a few moments. You waited patiently for him to speak. He was thinking on whether to ask you despite it being something to be considered as trivial, but he was leaving anyway and he felt that it would be good to finally get some closure.
“You have a thing for Hattaska, don’t you?” he said, his deep robotic voice echoing in the high-ceilinged room.
You didn’t feel the seriousness un his question and just laughed. “A ‘thing’? Does being Supreme Leader really degrade your vocabulary by that much?”
He turned to face you and threw his cape behind him. “I’m serious, Y/N.”
You stopped laughing. Ren had never called you by your first name. It would just usually be ‘doctor’ or ‘L/N’. Him calling you by your given name genuinely caught you off guard other than the serious aura he began to exude.
“Well… yes, I do, in a sense.” You smiled thinking about Hattaska. You did see Ren’s fists clench and shake, but you just presumed it was because him and Hattaska weren’t on the best of terms. “You may not have been on board with the other three appointing him as their new leader after you became Supreme Leader considering him being less hellacious than Ott, Lorl, and Jaedec, but it’s for the best.”
You thought back of all the key moments Hattaska had proved his reliability to you. You understood well why the other three made him the new leader without question. He was a remarkable man and you would’ve been surprised if he wasn’t the Knights of Ren’s leader after Kylo Ren.
“He is an exceptional leader, Kylo,” Your face lit up with an even brighter smile — a smile Ren was envious of. “and his compassion is what I admire about him the most—”
Ren threw his arm across the room and a marble vase from the left side of the foyer followed his arm’s movement, breaking when it came into contact with the other side of the room. You were startled by the sound, but most especially by how aggressive and fast it flew. You turned to Ren who still had his shaking arm up, but lowered it after he saw you staring.
He spun back around and stood his ground. “That was… impulsive.”
You hummed, unconvinced. “I say otherwise, but it’s clear that you’re…” Ren suddenly snapped his head towards you which made him the slightest bit easier to read. It took a while, but eventually you came to a solid conclusion and even you blushed realizing what your conclusion was. “You’re envious of Hattaska.”
“I am not envious of Hattaska.” He stressed ‘not’ to make a point. He was. He really was, but he didn’t want to admit it. It would go against everything he’s worked for.
You, however, knew when he’d be lying and this was one of them. To be honest, it didn’t take much to tell that he was lying. His reaction gave away too much and outright betrayed him.
“Sure,” You smiled, your heart fluttering at his subtle confession. “you wouldn’t let love ‘cloud your vision’ after all.” you said, quoting his monologue from earlier.
He waited for a confession from you and stared you deep in the eye for it. He even tried probing your thoughts for it, but a confession wasn’t anywhere in your mind. His heart ached when he could only find Hattaska in your head.
“Anyway,” you began, not wanting to give him a chance to say anything further. “I hope you return safely from Remnicore, I believe VX-20 told me?” You smiled as the drone’s lights blinked as an affirmation. “I’m always worried about you the most since you’re always running off to unknown places because of your ‘destiny’. Make sure to check in with me when you come back—”
“Goodbye, Dr. L/N.” Ren firmly said before he began walking out, VX-20 following behind him.
You smiled and shook your head. Your presence messed with his thoughts that he felt the need to leave. You could sense though the hesitation in the goodbye. It was just a suspicion, but it might have been the very last goodbye you’d get from him.
“Bye, Kylo.” you called out just before he wouldn’t be able to hear you anymore.
That might’ve been your final goodbye, but at least he got the closure he needed. You liked Hattaska and not him.
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one Offical and Fancy™ price guide n all for my commissions!
Check out more of my work and examples at AllSketchesNoNonsense, my Art Only blog
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All Specifics, clarifications, ect. are under the cut. Please read all of it before asking about a commission.
-Uncolored/1 color sketches: $10
-Coloring: $15
-shading (Cel or Soft) : $20
-Simple BG (more than just a v basic pattern n color): $5
-Fancy BG (a detailed enviornment of some sort): $10 uncolored/shaded, $15 w/ coloring/shading
-Character Design: ranges from $10-$20
-Full color Ref Sheet: $20-$40
-Pixel art: $5-$20 
-Animated gifs: case by case basis. add up what getting one frame of the animation done would cost as just a normal commission, and that’s the lowest I’ll go for that particular animation.
What I will draw:
Just about anything as long as it isn’t hurting anyone.
What I will not draw
*hyper complicated and angular robots/mechas
*Super explicit porn or really weird fetishes (sorry I just can’t)
anything illegal and wrong
Things to keep in mind when commissioning me
-If you want me to draw specifically in a more cartoony or more realistic style, make sure you specify. otherwise I’ll simply draw whichever I feel suits the character best based on the reference material I’m given. If you see a particular piece of art I’ve done in the past and very specifically want that style to be emulated, provide that reference with the reference material of the character.
-Lineless art style is available though it may make the comission take longer and will add $5 to the price.
-I can make an RPGMaker VX Ace character sprite set and/or talk sprites for you, just need to ask and negotiate a price and all.
-You pay after the art is done, but before I give you the finished piece. this is mostly insurance on my part that if something happens that makes it so I am unable to finish it or anything, you don’t lose any money. and I don’t give you the finished piece until I’m paid to ensure you don’t run off without paying. nothing personal, just keeping the both of us safe.
-I only take payment via Paypal. Only in special cases will I take other forms of payment.
-if you’re REALLY desperate to get weird porn from me, you can pay a “I can never post this or look my family in the eye again” fee. Once again a case by case basis but prices would start around $10. Me going far out of my comfort zone ain’t cheap.
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leirathemartian · 3 years
On the one hand, I kind of get why people get so fascinated with hypercubes + higher dimensional cubes, but on the other hand, they're pretty much impossible for us to visualize because our visual brains work in 3 spatial dimensions. I don't really see how trying to flatten an n-dimensional cube into 3 (but actually 2!! because they're usually 2D images on a screen!) is all that helpful to understanding it. But higher dimensional geometry is pretty complicated, so I don't know.
I guess I do pretty routinely work in 6 dimensional space, but it's because it's velocity phase space (so there are 3 spatial dimensions, xyz, and then there are 3 *velocity* dimensions, vx vy vz), and it does break my brain a little if I try to visualize them both coexisting (although I'm sort of used to it, it's not too weird), and velocity phase space is waaaaaaaay easier than just 6 spatial dimensions. But mathematically it's (relatively) easy, because it's just an equation with an extra three variables.
I know, I know. People don't like equations. And they do make cool patterns.
/weird random useless pondering look dimensions are just so much easier to idk think about as equations ok
Also I'm definitely a physicist not a mathematician so this is probably where this all stems from 😂 Higher order dimensions that have little to do with geometry are pretty common in physics, and a lot to do with linear algebra or differential equations.
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abbkine · 4 years
New Post has been published on Abbkine - Antibodies, proteins, biochemicals, assay kits for life science research
Hard work, Do not forget your initiative mind- Abbkine Added 210 Citations in April
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In April 2020, Abbkine collected 210 English articles published using Abbkine products, and some of them sent us good news on their own initiative. The joy was beyond words. In this collection of articles, the highest impact factor (IF) is 13.05, with articles with IF>7 accounting for 10.4% and articles with IF>4 accounting for 43%.
In the current evaluation of scientific research, scientific research papers, as the systematic summary and theoretical crystallization of scientific research carried out by scientific researchers, are still the main objects for measuring innovative activities, especially basic research activities. Science, Nature and Cell are internationally recognized journals with the highest academic reputation. According to the statistical results of Chinese scientific papers in 2018, the number of Chinese papers published in the above three journals in 2017 was 309, an increase of 11 articles over the previous year, ranking fourth in the world. China's scientific research strength should not be underestimated!
Let's take a look at some of the research workers in China who are studying some topics.
Title: MST4 kinase suppresses gastric tumorigenesis by limiting YAP activation via a non-canonical pathway
Magazine: Journal of Experimental Medicine
Impact factor: 9.83
University: Tongji University
Abstract: Hyperactivation of YAP has been commonly associated with tumorigenesis, and emerging evidence hints at multilayered Hippo-independent regulations of YAP. In this study, we identified a new MST4–YAP axis, which acts as a noncanonical Hippo signaling pathway that limits stress-induced YAP activation. MST4 kinase directly phosphorylated YAP at Thr83 to block its binding with importin α, therefore leading to YAP cytoplasmic retention and inactivation. Due to a consequential interplay between MST4-mediated YAP phospho-Thr83 signaling and the classical YAP phospho-Ser127 signaling, the phosphorylation level of YAP at Thr83 was correlated to that at Ser127. Mutation of T83E mimicking MST4-mediated alternative signaling restrained the activity of both wild-type YAP and its S127A mutant mimicking loss of classical Hippo signal. Depletion of MST4 in mice promoted gastric tumorigenesis with diminished Thr83 phosphorylation and hyperactivation of YAP. Moreover, loss of MST4–YAP signaling was associated with poor prognosis of human gastric cancer. Collectively, our study uncovered a noncanonical MST4–YAP signaling axis essential for suppressing gastric tumorigenesis.
Article link: https://rupress.org/jem/article/217/6/e20191817/151647
Products using from Abbkine:
 IPKine™ HRP, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG LCS (CAT#A25012)
IPKine™ HRP, Mouse Anti-Rabbit IgG LCS (CAT#A25022)
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Title: TRIM32/USP11 Balances ARID1A Stability and the Oncogenic/Tumor-Suppressive Status of Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Magazine: Cell Reports
Impact factor: 8.04
University: Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College
Abstract: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is an aggressive epithelial malignancy, yet the molecular mechanisms underlying SCC development are elusive. ARID1A is frequently mutated in various cancer types, but both mutation rates and expression levels of ARID1A are ubiquitously low in SCCs. Here, we reveal that excessive protein degradation mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) contributes to the loss of ARID1A expression in SCC. We identify that the E3 ligase TRIM32 and the deubiquitinase USP11 play key roles in controlling ARID1A stability. TRIM32 depletion inhibits SCC cell proliferation, metastasis, and chemoresistance by stabilizing ARID1A, while USP11 depletion promotes SCC development by promoting ARID1A degradation. We show that syndecan-2 (SDC2) is the downstream target of both ARID1A and USP11 and that SDC2 depletion abolishes the oncogenic function of ARID1A loss. In summary, our data reveal UPS-mediated protein degradation as a mechanism underlying ARID1A loss and propose an important role for the TRIM32/USP11-ARID1A-SDC2 axis in SCC.
Article link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211124719316675
Products using from Abbkine:
ExKineTM Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Kit (CAT#KTP3001)
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Title: Microneedle drug eluting balloon for enhanced drug delivery to vascular tissue
Magazine: Journal of Controlled Release
Impact factor: 7.82
University: Yonsei University, Seoul
Abstract: High rates of restenosis and neointimal formation have driven increasing interest in the application of drug eluting balloons (DEB) as counteractive measures for intraluminal drug delivery. The use of DEBs eliminates the need for stents so that serious side effects including in-stent restenosis and stent thrombosis can be avoided and long-term medication of antiplatelet agent is not needed. Despite their benefits, DEBs have poor drug delivery efficiency due to short balloon inflation times (30~60 seconds) that limit the passive drug diffusion from the balloon surface to the luminal lesion. To increase drug delivery efficiency, a microneedle DEB (MNDEB) was developed by a conformal transfer molding process using a thin polydimethylsiloxane mold bearing a negative array of MNs of 200 μm in height. A MN array composed of UV curable resin was formed onto the surface of DEB, and drugs were coated onto the structure. The mechanical properties of the MN array were investigated and MN
penetration into luminal vasculature was confirmed in vivo. An increase in drug delivery efficiency compared to a standard DEB was demonstrated in an in vivo test in a rabbit aorta. Finally, the superior therapeutic efficacy of MNDEBs was evaluated using an atherosclerosis rabbit model.
Article link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168365920300894
Products using from Abbkine:
EliKine™ Mouse IL-1β ELISA Kit (CAT#KET7005)
EliKine™ Mouse TNF-α ELISA Kit (CAT#KET7015)
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Title: Polyphyllin VI Induces Caspase-1-Mediated Pyroptosis via the Induction of ROS/NF-κB/NLRP3/GSDMD Signal Axis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Magazine: Cancers
Impact factor: 5.87
University: Southwest Medical University
Abstract: Trillium tschonoskii Maxim (TTM), a traditional Chinese medicine, has been demonstrated to have a potent anti-tumor effect. Recently, polyphyllin VI (PPVI), a main saponin isolated from TTM, was reported by us to significantly suppress the proliferation of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) via the induction of apoptosis and autophagy in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we further found that the NLRP3 inflammasome was activated in PPVI administrated A549-bearing athymic nude mice. As is known to us, pyroptosis is an inflammatory form of caspase-1-dependent programmed cell death that plays an important role in cancer. By using A549 and H1299 cells, the in vitro effect and action mechanism by which PPVI induces activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome in NSCLC were investigated. The anti-proliferative effect of PPVI in A549 and H1299 cells was firstly measured and validated by MTT assay. The activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome was detected by using Hoechst33324/PI staining, flow cytometry analysis and real-time live cell imaging methods. We found that PPVI significantly increased the percentage of cells with PI signal in A549 and H1299, and the dynamic change in cell morphology and the process of cell death of A549 cells indicated that PPVI induced an apoptosis-to-pyroptosis switch, and, ultimately, lytic cell death. In addition, belnacasan (VX-765), an inhibitor of caspase-1, could remarkably decrease the pyroptotic cell death of PPVI-treated A549 and H1299 cells. Moreover, by detecting the expression of NLRP3, ASC, caspase-1, IL-1β, IL-18 and GSDMD in A549 and h1299 cells using Western blotting, immunofluorescence imaging and flow cytometric analysis, measuring the caspase-1 activity using colorimetric assay, and quantifying the cytokines level of IL-1β and IL-18 using ELISA, the NLRP3 inflammasome was found to be activated in a dose manner, while VX-765 and necrosulfonamide (NSA), an inhibitor of GSDMD, could inhibit PPVI-induced activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Furthermore, the mechanism study found that PPVI could activate the NF-κB signaling pathway via increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in A549 and H1299 cells, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), a scavenger of ROS, remarkably inhibited the cell death, and the activation of NF-κB and the NLRP3 inflammasome in PPVI-treated A549 and H1299 cells. Taken together, these data suggested that PPVI-induced, caspase-1-mediated pyroptosis via the induction of the ROS/NF-κB/NLRP3/GSDMD signal axis in NSCLC, which further clarified the mechanism of PPVI in the inhibition of NSCLC, and thereby provided a possibility for PPVI to serve as a novel therapeutic agent for NSCLC in the future
Article link: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6694/12/1/193
Products using from Abbkine:
Caspase-1 Assay Kit (Colorimetric) (CAT#KTA3020)
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Title: Integrin β3 promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation and attenuates hypoxia-induced apoptosis via regulating the PTEN/Akt/mTOR and ERK1/2 pathways
Magazine: International Journal of Biological Sciences
Impact factor: 4.04
University: Shanghai Jiaotong University
Article link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6990915/
Abstract: Integrin β3 is one of the main integrin heterodimer receptors on the surface of cardiac myocytes. Our previous studies showed that hypoxia induces apoptosis and increases integrin β3 expression in cardiomyocytes. However, the exact mechanism by which integrin β3 protects against apoptosis remains unclear. Hence, the present investigation aimed to explore the mechanism of integrin β3 in cardiomyocyte proliferation and hypoxia-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis.
Products using from Abbkine:
Annexin V-AbFluor™ 555 Apoptosis Detection kit (CAT#KTA0003)
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itshaejinju · 7 years
Ignis trying to teach his s/o how to either sew or cook?
The Girlfriend vx The Omelet  | Domestic Fluff | Blind!Ignis x Reader |
(Good luck on the interview tomorrow!! Perhaps this will bring you some good luck!) Word Count: 1207
Tagging: @blindbae @stunninglyignis @stephicness @laili2104 @lupanaoflaminar @rubyphilomela @miss-scientia @nifwrites @mandakatt @hypaalicious @cupnoodle-queen @misssarahdoll @mistressoli
Y/N really didn’t think making omelets was going to be a challenge to make up last week when she had tried to cook breakfast for her boyfriend. The Royal Adviser was without a technical job right now, as Prince Noctis was melded with the Crystal leaving the lands in darkness. 
He wasn’t feeling good and had slept in which was rare for Ignis he always woke at the same time each day. Y/N decided to go and make him breakfast in bed but failed so horribly. The kitchen was a disaster. A complete and utter disaster. She had planned a chickatrice omelet with some fresh veggies, toast, sausage and a fresh pot of Ebony coffee. The only thing that didn’t turn out a mess was the coffee. The whole kitchen looked like a bomb went off, somehow there was veggies on the floor in which you had to force your dog not to eat. The toast was burnt on one side, perfect on the other, “HOW!?” You had screamed at the top of your lungs. The sausage wasn’t cooked all the way through and the omelet looked more like scrambled eggs with burnt pieces. 
Ignis had rushed down the steps making it to the kitchen with surprising ease for being a blind man. He had everything in the apartment completely set up for him and his disability. You were okay with it in the end it made a lot of sense to be set up that way. Without saying a word Ignis cleaned up the mess as you picked up what was on the floor. It wasn’t until it was clean did he ask his voice was stern and crisp as he asked, you were silent as tears streaked down your face and what clued him was when he heard you hiccup. Apologizing for the mess and the horror show that you wanted to make breakfast for him since he obviously wasn’t feeling well. 
The next weekend is when you were suppose to make up for the disaster. Ignis had woken you up earlier than normal you were pretty sure it was just to be annoying as there was a small smirk on his lips as he told you to get dressed. In the kitchen you saw him putting on a apron and handing one to you. 
“So today we are going to learn how to make omelets.” 
“So we are really doing this, huh?”
“Yes we are my dear kitten.” Ignis quipped as he gave you a large smile. 
“I was such a mess beforehand!” You cried as he pulled out the pans for you, how he did this being totally blind you didn’t know or understand what magic he possessed to do so. 
“I understand but I came to realize that you had no prior opportunities to cook my love so I am correcting that, there will be days when I don’t feel well and cannot cook. I do not want you go without food because of me.” 
“I understand Ignis…I can just order out you know. Sure there is no sun but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t delivery.”
“I will not allow my girlfriend to be eating delivery, what are you dating Gladiolus now?” Ignis scoff, a smug smirk on his face. “Get the eggs, please, Y/N.” 
“Alright.” You said happily as he reached out a hand it brushing against your arm, sending pleasurable tingles down your body.
You loved this man so much, everything and anything about him you simply adored. You met him once the darkness had came and he had been blind for a while now. Ignis did everything with ease as if he was always blind or if hadn’t been blind at all. 
“Now listen up very closely and I will reward you.” 
Duringthe whole time you were just captivated by Ignis and his abilities inthe kitchen, he was truly a master in this domain. He stood behindyou the whole time his arm around you his chest pressed against yourback as he guided your delicate hands across the pans. His smoothvoice in your ear as he instructed you when to flip the omelet.
“Iggyhow do you know when it’s right? I mean you can’t see the bubblesforming.” It was a legitimate question, when they had extraingredients in it they took a different amount of time to be ready tobe flipped.
Hereached a hand up covering your eyes so you were folded into completedarkness.
“Smellthat?” Ignis asked after a few seconds of a pause.
“Itmeans it is ready. I go by sound and smell for a lot of things love.”He answered releasing his hand from your eyes placing a affectionatekiss to your cheek.
“Nowwe flip it right?”
Ignishelped you flip the omelet expertly, the extra ingredients did notspill out and it did not crumble into a Astrals aweful mess. As youfinished the omelet you worked on the sausage this time Ignis stoodbeside you, drinking some Ebony as he instructed you that way nowthat you were more confident with the cooking.
“Youknow this is quite hard doing this all and timing them right so whenthey come out they are all hot still. You doing this while beingblind…it’s just amazing you know that Ignis?” You asked notable to hide the awe in your voice as you turned to him.
“Ihad to learn these skills for my job and I needed to uphold my familytraditions in being good at them, that is all. I am glad that I canuse those skills to help you out though.”
“OhIgnis…” You blushed as you slide the sausage patties onto theplates. “There all done, toast, coffee, sausage and a omelet.”
“Andno burnt down house or nasty mess to clean up.” Ignis quipped,reaching out for a plate.
“I’mpretty sure that you mentioned something about a reward, Mr.Scientia.” You teased, placing a hand on his hip letting him knowyou were so close to him angling for a kiss, which you really hopedwas your reward.
“OhI did say something about a reward. I assume you want it now?” Heteased, milky green eye staring down at your general direction.
“Yes,I would like it.”
Leaningdown a little to match your height Ignis gave a coffee tasting kiss,his free hand snaking around your waist as he pulled you closer tohim. Nipping a little on the scar on his lip he let out a moan it hadbecome rather sensitive part for him and always gave a good reactionto it being bitten. Slipping in your tongue in his mouth you massagedyour with his, placing a hand on his chest giving more to the kiss.
“Ilove you Y/N.” Ignis said as you both finally broke from the kiss.
“Ilove you more Scientia~.” You teased as you picked up your plateheading to the dining room to eat.
(Liked this? Why not donate me a cup of coffee!) |Requests are open for FF15, FF7, Dragon Age, SCM and Mystic Messenger! Until 6/25 | Match ups for same fandoms until 6/25 | 
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rpgmgames · 8 years
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January's Featured Game: Wishbone
DEVELOPER(S): Skitty, Kwillow, Ellie, Natasha ENGINE: RPGMaker VX Ace   GENRE: Western, Drama, Farming Simulation WARNINGS:  N/A SUMMARY: Wishbone is a character drama-slash-farming sim game that takes place in a wild west-inspired setting. The player takes the role of a farmer, fresh off the wagon in a new town and tasked with building a successful ranch. Wishbone might seem sleepy and mundane at first, but there’s trouble brewing on the horizon: a fierce, prolonged standoff between the lawmen and the outlaws that will decide the fate of the town itself.
Our Interview With The Dev Team Below The Cut!
Introduce yourself!  *Skitty: Hello! I'm Skitty, a scruffy weirdo whose hobbies include drawing, programming, and cooking. I also happen to be the coder, project manager, and one of the main artists. In 2014, I released my first game, Theo's Big Adventure, but actually haven't really been involved in the community... I'm a bit of a hermit.
*Katie: Hi! I’m Wishbone’s portrait artist, and I also do some other less easily categorizable stuff, like writing, spriting, concept work and research! This is the first game I’ve ever been a part of the team on, if you don’t count an unfinished choose-your-own-adventure game I made in Flash when I was 13.
What is your project about? What inspired you to create your game initially? *Skitty: It's kind of a funny story. Several years ago, I used to be part of the Fallout: New Vegas roleplay community on tumblr. Just for fun, a few of my friends and I came up with an alternate universe where instead of living in the post-apocalyptic desert, all the characters lived in the wild west instead. We ended up having a lot of fun with the idea! My friend, Ellie (who is also working on this project as a writer), suggested the idea of an Animal Crossing-esque game based on that setting... and I, having coding knowledge and having made a game before, volunteered to make it. The struggle between the four central characters remains the same as the initial concept, but the project and the people of the town have evolved a lot since then.
How long have you been working on your project? *Skitty: I started it around April 2015, so it's a few months short of two years old. Progress has been slow because I'm also juggling a job and other obligations, but even during busy times, I typically manage to work on Wishbone every week. Every couple weeks, new features get done and updates are posted to the dev blog.
Did any other games or media influence aspects of your project? *Skitty: The three biggest ones are Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, and Red Dead Redemption. From Animal Crossing, we have have befriending townspeople and decorating your house. From Harvest Moon, we have the farming mechanics and romance. From Red Dead Redemption, we have hunting, foraging, and outlaw bounties. And I suppose Fallout: New Vegas deserves a shoutout for kicking the whole project off, albeit indirectly.
*Katie: I’ve liked Wild West settings for a while, but this project has made me go big on trying to absorb as much information from both the actual time period and from media as I can. Lately I’ve been trying to cram as many old Westerns into my eyeballs as I can so I get a good picture of the (romanticized) aesthetic and shorthands that have been used for this genre in the past.
Have you come across any challenges during development? How have you overcome or worked around them?   *Skitty: Honestly, we’ve been fighting against RPG Maker’s limitations since the beginning, since the game we’re making is quite unlike a top-down RPG.
I would say that the biggest difficulty so far has been the patch of code that manages animals aging, getting sick, eating, giving birth, etc when the day rolls over. Originally, each animal event had an autorun page that would process that information when the player entered the barn map, but that would get very messy if the player didn’t enter that map all day. It got even messier if the player sent the animals in the barn out to pasture! To solve this, I first had to learn the order in which autorun events are evaluated (tip: it’s determined by the event ID number!). But that wasn’t enough… as more features were implemented, it became obvious that that approach just didn’t work. There were too many conflicts, and every time I’d fix something, I’d have to go through 20+ animal events, each with 40 pages, and change something over, and over and over… it was incredibly inefficient, typo-prone, and hard on the wrist.
Eventually, I got sick of it and recoded the whole animal system to use “generic” Common Events for interaction (basically I copy the animal’s specific stat variables to “generic” variables used by the function, then call it), with the aging/giving birth/eating/etc handled by a single event that was called once when the player slept. In hindsight, it seems so obvious… but my previous project didn’t use Common Events at all, so the first year of Wishbone’s development was largely dedicated to learning how to use them effectively.
*Katie: My biggest obstacle has been myself. I’m both a procrastinator and a perfectionist, which is just a horrible combo for ever getting anything done. Thankfully Skitty keeps me as on task as she can, but I still get mired in fixing-loops, and you would not believe the amount of times I’ve sent her revised images just because I moved a nostril two pixels to the left because it had been bothering me so badly.
Have any aspects of your project changed over time? How does your current project differ from your initial concept? *Skitty: It actually hasn’t changed a whole lot. In the beginning, we had this core concept, basically just Animal Crossing plus Harvest Moon. But even back then we knew we wanted a big plot and minigames and sidequests and stuff… it was just a matter of figuring out if those were feasible to program.
I’d say it actually has more features now than it did in the original concept, too. I think in the beginning we had maybe five minigames, now it’s more like 8-10ish (depending on what you consider a minigame).
*Katie: It’s far larger than we had intended, that’s for sure! The art style has also shifted quite a bit, from the switch to wholly original graphics from borrowed sprites to subtle alterations in the sprite and portrait style. I think the biggest, most significant change, aside from making all-new sprites, is the inclusion of the sky in most of the game’s maps.
What was your team like at the beginning? How did people join the team? *Skitty: It’s pretty much the same as it always was–me as the programmer/project manager/spriter, Katie as the portrait artist and other spriter, Ellie, Dax, Jester, and Reuben as character/plot contributors. Oh! I guess the big difference now is that we are in the process of hiring a composer?
What was the best part of developing the game? *Skitty: Seeing it all come together into something finished and cool. Sometimes I like to just lovingly look at the maps and videos and such I’m proudest of and think “wow, I did that! And it turned out almost exactly how I’d imagined!”
*Katie: Agreed! The little bits and pieces don’t seem like much, but when they’re part of a whole it’s like they’re completely transformed. I’m also happy to be working in a group - it makes me so proud to be part of this effort!
Looking back now, is there anything that regret/wish you had done differently? *Skitty: Man, I’d definitely be craftier about how I handled the code for the animals. I didn’t know a lot about scripting at first, MONTHS worth of headache could have been avoided if I’d known how to use script calls.
*Katie: I don’t want to say ‘I wish I could change everything!’ because that’s not true, but it’s hard to keep myself from feeling I can always improve the parts I’ve contributed to the game. I’m doing a lot of learning on the job, and when I look back on things I’ve done before - even just a couple of portraits or sprites ago - it feels like I need to do everything over and make it better!
Once you finish your project, do you plan to explore game's universe and characters further in subsequent projects, or leave it as-is? *Skitty: We definitely have plans to use the characters again, but when they’re revisited, it’s going to be in different contexts. You won’t see the desert of Wishbone again, but the characters will absolutely be popping up in future projects.
*Katie: Yeah, these characters are sort of like… actors, in a way. Type-cast actors. We like to put them in different scenarios and see how they adapt.
What do you look most forward to upon/after release? *Skitty: Gosh, it would be amazing if people liked the game enough to call themselves a fan! I’m definitely looking forward to people’s reactions to discovering plot twists and easter eggs and such. I hope people like the characters, too.
*Katie: Having something like this done would feel amazing. I’ve never been part of something this big before, and it’s a lot to be proud of. After that - if even a handful of people like the game, I’d be elated!
Is there something you're afraid of concerning the development or the release of your game?  *Skitty: I hope there aren’t too many bugs in it when I release it! I mean, I’m testing it as I go, but it’s a really big and complex game… there are going to be things I don’t catch. I’d be really disappointed if I released it with a glitch that broke people’s save files.
Also, I really do hope people actually like the characters… I’d be sad if they didn’t.
*Katie: I hope the art does justice to the game… I’d hate for it to be distracting or off, it’s something I worry about frequently. And boy I hope the story and characters come off okay!
Question from last month's featured dev: What's the biggest turn off you can get on an RPG maker game? *Skitty: Hmm… honestly, using the default sprites tends to be a pretty big turnoff. As an artist, it is very important to me that the game have an “aesthetic”, a sense of atmosphere, that the characters feel like individuals… that’s what really catches my eye and makes me want to learn more. I know not everybody is an artist, but like, a simple 8-bit sort of style, or even a “shitpunk” style like Space Funeral is more eye-catching than the default tiles.
Also, I find games made with the default tiles tend to be very easy to get lost in due to the generic nature of said tiles… if you gotta use those, at least make sure your maps are tightly-built and easy to navigate. I’ve played several RPG Maker games where the player spent a lot of time in huge, empty green fields with little or no landmarks. Add some stuff to make the area memorable… players will thank you for it!
Do you have any advice for upcoming devs? *Skitty: Try to set realistic goals for your first (or second, or third…) project. It’s so tempting to want to tell your magnum opus immediately, but that’s usually a recipe for ending up frustrated, disappointed, and quitting. My first project, Theo’s Big Adventure, was fairly short, used mostly ripped sprites from Mother 3 and ripped music from other video games, and still took a year and three months to complete.
Also, try to make working on your project a habit. I find that the hardest part is often just getting started… but once I get in the zone, I can work for hours. Set goals for yourself (whether it’s as big as “I’ll finish Chapter 5 by April” or as small as “I’m going to work on my project for at least 30 minutes today”) and reward yourself if you complete them. If you don’t complete them, don’t beat yourself up… just set the goal again (adjusting it to be more reasonable if needed) and give it another shot.
Oh, and one more thing… it’s alright for something to not be perfect. One of the biggest killers of a long-term project (aside from overambition and having it not be a habit) is perfectionism. Don’t get caught up in the cycle of continually revamping the same pieces over and over again–just let it be imperfect and move on. Nobody’s first project is perfect, but future-you needs the experience and confidence you’ll gain from finishing it to pull off the project of your dreams in a few years.
*Katie: All of the above, but from someone who’s less disciplined, to people who perhaps have similar issues: get somebody who’ll keep your nose to the grindstone and get you working and finishing things when all you want to do is either chase butterflies or toggle an eyeball back and forth to make it “perfect”. You would not believe how much it helps.
We mods would like to thank Skitty and Katie for agreeing to our interview! We believe that featuring the developer and their creative process is just as important as featuring the final product. Hopefully this Q&A segment has been an entertaining and insightful experience for everyone involved! 
Remember to check out Wishbone if you haven’t already! See you next month! 
- Mods Gold & Platinum 
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coalcreekarmoryz · 5 years
7 Best Scopes for Deer Hunting – Reviews & Buyer’s Guide
7 Top Picks For Deer Hunters In 2019
Deer hunting is a pastime that Americans have enjoyed for generations. Deer hunting is also an activity that many Pygmies and Native Americans rely on to supply food for themselves and their families. In America, the most popular deer to hunt is the Whitetail Deer. America’s deer population is thriving, and deer can be found in abundance all over the country.
The population once suffered due to over-hunting. But now, the amount of deer is higher than ever due to the conservation efforts of many hunters. Deer hunting isn’t just enjoyable. It has proven to be a viable way of regulating the overpopulation of deer. This is necessary because an overpopulation of deer can affect the ecological makeup of the areas they inhabit. 
However, to effectively hunt deer, you must be equipped with the right equipment. One of the most essential pieces of equipment to consider if you plan on hunting deer is your scope.  Scopes come in a range of magnifications and lens types, offering varying levels of durability and eye comfort.
Finding the right scope for your gun and your caliber rounds can be daunting because of the many options on the market. In this buyer’s guide, we’ll show you some of the best scopes for deer hunting and help you narrow your search based on a variety of factors including price. Here are some of the best scopes for deer hunting.
 1- Simmons Rifle Scope 8-Point 3-9x50mm with Truplex Reticle
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This 8-point rifle scope by Simmons is not only affordable, but it offers several features unlike others in its class. This model boasts a fully-coated optic lens, which makes for a crisp, high-contrast image. 
The ¼-MOA SureGrip audible-click windage and elevation adjustments allow you to customize the scope according to your preferences. These adjustments will stay locked in regardless of the environmental conditions. With the Simmons QTA eyepiece, you can easily hone in on your target.
Another stand-out feature of this model is the 50-millimeter objective lens with 3-9x magnification. With this scope, you get a field of view of 31.4-feet at 100 yards and 10.5-foot field of view at 100 yards. To keep your eyes from getting tired, this scope also has a 3.7-inch eye-relief. It is both fog-proof and recoil-proof.
Purchasers of this scope say that the zero on this scope holds up between uses, which is a fundamental characteristic of a high-quality scope. Some people say that there is a slight blur around the edges, but nothing that will affect your sight. 
This scope by Simmons is a durable and lightweight scope for deer hunting. Considering the low price tag, you’re getting a lot of value for your money.
    Coated optics for high-contrast imagine
    Waterproof, recoil-proof, and fog-proof
    QTA eyepiece for easy target acquisition
    Weight: 13.2 oz
Sharp image
Easy adjustments
Consistent zero
Affordable price
 2- Ledsniper Riflescope Adjustable Intensified Rifle Scope
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This scope has many features you’d find in a more expensive scope but at an affordable price-point. The model is extremely durable and will hold up well even after hundreds of rounds. The lighted reticle on this model works well for low-light situations.
A lot of more affordable scopes will weaken after extended wear or lose their zero, which can be frustrating since it affects your accuracy. Some users do say that the glass quality of this scope is not up to par with other models, but it is still good considering the low price-point. Overall, this scope is a solid option for people who want a high-quality scope that lasts a long time but don’t want to spend an absurd amount of money.
    Red and green mil-dot reticle with illumination and 3 in sunshade
    Fog-proof, shockproof, and waterproof
    40mm tube for a prime light gathering of up to 5 levels
    Adjustable reticle brightness for each color
    6-24x magnification
    Objective diameter: 32mm
    Tube diameter: 25.4mm
    Field of view: 16.1-4 ft at 100 yds
    Eye relief: 2.5-4.25 in
    Exit pupil: 8.3-2.1mm
    Click value: ¼ ft at 100 yds
    Rangefinder reticle
    Weight: 23 oz
    Length: 15.8 in
    Included accessories: 1x protective cap, 2x scope rings for weaver/ Picatinny rail
Lighted reticle
Holds up well after extended use
  Glass quality can’t compete with higher-end models
3- Leupold Rifle Scope VX-2 3-9x40mm, Duplex Reticle 110797, Matte Black
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 This scope by Leupold has an aluminum body for maximum durability. The matte black finish on this scope makes it a classic and sleek choice that will mesh well with most gun types. Its resilient structure keeps the scope stable and recoil proof.
With this scope, you’ll also find that there’s minimal glare, making it ideal for tactical shooting. The diamond coating on the lens makes it scratch-resistant. You can also choose from 7 different reticles.
Leupold’s quantum optical system makes for a sharper image and better light transmission. It has a magnification range of 3-16x, making it perfect for long-distance shooting. The non-critical eye relief feature is handy for users who suffer from eye fatigue and strain.
This scope for deer hunting offers something a lot of other models don’t. The Leupold Lifetime guarantee. Leupold stands by their products. With this guarantee, you can be confident in your purchase.
    Fog-proof and waterproof
    Versatile 3:1 zoom ratio erector system
    DiamondCoat lens coating protects your lens from scratches or abrasions
    Index Matches Lens System for optimal brightness and resolution
Aluminum body provides max durability
Minimal glare
Sharp image
Lifetime guarantee
4- Bushnell AR Optics 3-9x/40mm BDC Reticle Riflescope, Drop Zone with Side Parallax and Target Turrets, Matte Black
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Good accuracy in any tactical scenario stems from a durable and reliable scope. This Bushnell scope is not only precise but performs well in all settings. It maintains peak performance even after extended use.
The target turrets in this scope enable exact adjustments for optimum accuracy. This model zeros at 100 yards and with aiming points out to 500 yards. The multi-coated optics provide high brightness, and the fast focus eyepiece makes it simple to locate your target quickly. 
This scope is nitrogen purged to block out internal moisture. An O-ring seal ensures no dirt or debris enters. The body is made of aluminum alloy with an anodized finish. The rust-proof and scratch-proof body is beautifully finished to complement all rifles nicely. Some users do complain that the scope is a bit heavy, but most people quickly adjust to it after using it repeatedly. Bushnell does mention that the erector cap assembly may not allow for the use of extra-low or low scope rings.
Riflescope of 3-9x40mm
Multi-coated optics
Compatible with many different hunting rifles
Drop Zone-223 BDC Ballistic Reticle with 55-62 grain calibration
500-yard aiming points with 223 REM/5.556 loads with
Side focus parallax adjustment for optimum accuracy
Fast-focus eyepiece
Target turrets (1/4 MOA click value) for precise adjustments
Target turrets help with accuracy
High brightness
Stays clean because of nitrogen purging
  5- Zeiss Conquest V4 3-12x56mm Riflescope, Capped Turret, Z-Plex Reticle, Black
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This high-quality scope by Zeiss utilizes all of the brand’s popular optics technology. With a 4x zoom and carefully crafted mechanics, this scope out-performs many other scopes in its class. The craftsmanship on this scope is excellent. The sleek design is as beautiful as it’s tactful, and Zeiss does a good job of minimizing weight without sacrificing any important features.
The 3-12×56 scope makes this a prime choice for both day and night hunting. A large-diameter lens coupled with an illuminated reticle make for ultra-accurate shots regardless of lighting.
Something unique about this model is the parallax compensation. High magnifications sometimes can skew the field of view. This scope combats that with the parallax compensation feature, so you never have to worry about losing accuracy.
Zeiss designs all their products with the average hunter in mind. Bulky products can significantly impact your hunt, so this scope is lightweight and easy to maneuver.
One downfall of this product is the high price point. While it certainly isn’t as expensive as some other models, it still may be inaccessible for your average hunter. However, some argue that while it is expensive, it’s worth investing in a quality riflescope that will last you a long time.
    4x zoom
    90% light transmission
    Full target acquisition
    Second focal plane reticle changes
    Highly repeatable turret
    Ballistic stop
    Large adjustment range
Ideal for daytime and nighttime use
Parallax compensation
Large-diameter lens
High price
6- Vortex Optics Viper HS Second Focal Plane Riflescopes
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The advanced optical system and 4x zoom range of this scope equip you with a versatility necessary for hunting at varying ranges. The 30mm one-piece machined aircraft-grade aluminum tube is hard-wearing and designed to last.
This model offers a dual-use system, so you can switch between tactical shooting and hunting. The dead-hold BDC MOA reticle with a customized hashmark design can help you avoid errors when making holdover and windage corrections.
As a reference point for magnification setting, this scope comes with a MAG-View Fiber Optic. The fast-focus eyepiece is perfect for convenient and easy reticle focusing. To ensure ease of adjustment, this scope also uses a precision-glide erector system.
The rugged construction of this scope helps withstand recoil and reduce impact. Capped quick-reset turrets allow you to re-index your zero quickly and efficiently. Users of this scope attest to its powerful color rendition and unobtrusive tactical reticle. What this model does well is simplicity. Many hunters have a hard time adjusting to scopes with features that are too complicated or even unnecessary.
The price point of this model is high but nowhere near the price point of some higher-end models. For hunters who want something practical and reliable, this model is a powerful option.
    XD glass for sharper image
    XR multi-coated lens for prime light-capturing
    30mm main tube for increased elevation and windage travel
    Scratch-resistant Armortek coating on exterior lenses
    Argon purging for fog-proofing and waterproofing
    Sleek hard-anodized matte black finish
Dual-use system (easy to switch between tactical and hunting)
Custom hashmark design
Easy reticle focusing
Good color rendition
  High price
7- Nikon Buckmasters II Matte Riflescope 3-9x40mm BDC 1in, Waterproof
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This model by Nikon is one of the most trusted rifle scopes among deer hunters. The clarity and brightness of this scope are unmatched, and users are always impressed by the generous eye relief. 
Some other useful features of this model include the 100-yard parallax setting and the fully multi-coated lens for which Nikon is famous. These features provide superior accuracy compared to models that use lower-quality materials. 
Nikon’s dead-hold BDC reticle makes it easy to stay focused while shooting. The see-through ballistic circles are ideal for long-range hunting because they don’t skew your sight at all, no matter the distance. Anti-reflective compounds on the glass surface keep the image clear, vibrant, and well-lit.
Positive-click reticle adjustments zero in quick and stay that way, even if you are experiencing a lot of recoil. Like all of Nikon’s scopes, you get a lifetime warranty that protects against any manufacturer defects.
For hunters who want something lightweight, accurate, and thoughtfully designed, this model checks all the boxes. At its affordable price point, there’s no reason not to give it a try. 
Optimum brightness and image sharpness
Fully multi-coated lenses
Nikon’s patented BDC reticle
Fog-proof, waterproof, and shockproof
Clarity and brightness
100-yard parallax setting
Dead-hold BDC reticle
How much magnification is needed for long-range shooting?
It can be challenging to decide on the proper magnification for long-range shooting because you must consider many factors like scope/glass quality and shooting conditions. Also, it is possible to have too much magnification and to skew your field of view. That said, a 3-18x is a solid option for most distances. 
Does magnification change MOA?
Scopes that operate in the first focal plane don’t affect your MOA no matter what magnification you use. Usually, your MOA is correct at your optic’s highest magnification setting. Once you’re in the second focal plane, magnification does start affecting your MOA, and you must learn how to compensate. Let’s say you’re using an optic with a 10-power magnification. With your magnification set at 10x, you have a 1 MOA at 100 yards.
What is the best scope power for deer hunting?
You don’t need a scope with absurdly high power for deer hunting. Anything over 10x will likely just add bulk to your rifle and cost you more money than necessary. When shopping for a scope, choose a scope with a high sharpness so you’re able to make out a deer against backgrounds of a similar color. Also, make sure your scope is durable and doesn’t break its zero. This will throw off your accuracy, sometimes dramatically.
What is the best scope magnification for deer hunting?
Don’t opt for anything with a magnification of less than 8x. This is because deer tend to be jumpy and will easily be scared off if you get too close. Something else that will help you at long distances is a parallax adjuster that will remove the parallax, which tends to appear at long distances.
What is the best rifle scope under $500?
Scopes can be an expensive piece of equipment, sometimes costing thousands of dollars. Luckily for hunters, many affordable options come with a lot of the features that higher-end models boast. While it sits right at the $500 mark, we do think that the Vortex Optics Viper HS Second Focal Plane Rifle scope is the best value scope because of its durable design, sharp image, and accuracy.
What’s the best scope for a 6.5 Creedmoor?
The best scope for a 6.5 Creedmoor is the Zeiss Conquest V4 3-12x56mm Riflescope, Capped Turret, Z-Plex Reticle, Black. Although the price is a bit high, it’s an investment you won’t be sorry you made. This scope has full target acquisition, 90% light transmission, and is ideal for both nighttime and daytime shooting.
Finding a quality scope that works well for your lifestyle is important, so we hope that this guide aided you in your search. When looking for the best scope for deer hunting, remember to find something with a high magnification range, a sharp lens for easy discernibility, and a lightweight build.
Deer are fast and intelligent creatures. A scope that is accurate and easy to adjust is essential if you want to do well during a hunt. Don’t feel like you need to spend an absurd amount of money on a scope. There are plenty of accessible options that have features comparable to higher end models. 
Ultimately, it’s about deciding on your priorities and finding a model that suits your hunting style. For more content about hunting and to read some of our other buyers guides, click here.
  The post 7 Best Scopes for Deer Hunting – Reviews & Buyer’s Guide appeared first on Coal Creek Amory.
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shynudecollector · 7 years
SOURCE: rightwingtribune.com As nuclear tensions escalate on the Korean peninsula Pyongyang’s mobile chemical weapons would likely factor into any confrontation with America. U.S. and Asian intelligence officials, said Pyongyang is moving forward to access machinery to use in the program and “factories that can produce microbes by the ton.” It would not be difficult for US fighters to hit the bases on North Korea’s northeastern coast, from where missiles have been launched in recent provocative test fires, or even to demolish some of its known nuclear facilities at Yongbyon north of the capital Pyongyang or the Punggye-Ri testing site situated in the country’s northeast. But unlike nuclear reactors and missile launching grounds which can be easily detected by satellites, North Korea’s chemical and biological weapons facilities are known to be hidden underground. What is known is that North Korea has for years produced chemical and biological weapons at factories in Kanggye in Chagang province near the Chinese border in the country’s north and at Sakchu in North Pyongan province. Both facilities are known to operate underground. Some chemical weapons have in the past been field tested on islands in the Yellow Sea, off the coast of northwestern North Korea. Causeways link some of those islands with the mainland but no buildings can be seen on them from the air as the facilities are hidden under the earth’s surface, Fox News reports. “That the North Koreans have [biological] agents is known, by various means,” one senior U.S. official told the Post. North Korea is also believed to have significant stockpiles of different kinds of chemical and biological warfare agents, all produced in its underground installations and then stored at Maram-dong near Pyongyang and at Anbyon in the southern border province of Kangwon. Both facilities consist of mazes of tunnels dug into mountains and cannot be detected from the air. “North Korea’s resources include a biotechnical infrastructure that could support the production of various biological warfare agents. DIA believes North Korea has a longstanding chemical weapons stockpile of nerve, blister, blood, and choking agents.” The nerve agent VX, or “venomous agent X”, is a tasteless and odorless liquid that was first developed in Britain in the 1950s. The US began producing it in 1961 at Newport Chemical Depot in the state of Indiana. The UN classifies VX as a weapon of mass destruction. It has been banned by international conventions and cannot be used for anything except in chemical warfare. The US cancelled its chemical weapons program in 1969 and began destroying its stockpiles, first on Johnston Atoll in the South Pacific and later on the US mainland. The last of its chemical weapon stockpile was destroyed in December 2008. What we do know is that the situation in North Korea is becoming untenable. That was the conclusion of Jeffrey Feltman, the U.N. under-secretary-general for political affairs, who just completed the first official U.N. visit to North Korea i n six years. Feltman said that upon meeting Ri Yong-ho, the North Korean minister for foreign affairs, they “agreed that the current situation was the most tense and dangerous peace and security issue in the world today.” Feltman said there’s still time for a diplomatic solution, but is worried that a miscalculation could lead to conflict. “Time is of the essence,” he said. Huny Badger is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic. TOGETHER WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Videos at SACC can use copyrighted content based on fair use fair use laws (https://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright / ...) and (http://ift.tt/UGhVpp) Any violation of policy, community guidelines, copyright law or business cooperation please comment on the video, send us a message, or contact directly by mail: [email protected] Support us by SUBSCRIBE here: https://goo.gl/9Coqny by SACC - BREAKING NEWS TODAY
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Video shows North Korean official meeting with murder suspects after Kim Jong Nam's death
The women suspected of murdering Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of Kim Jong Un, North Korea's leader, have been seen on video meeting with a North Korean official after the killing. The official worked at North Korea's embassy and Air Koryo, North Korea's national airline. North Korea denies a role in the killing, and the women maintain they were duped into pulling off what they thought was a prank for a reality TV show. KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - An North Korean embassy official and a manager of Air Koryo, the national airline, met suspects wanted for the killing of Kim Jong Nam shortly after the murder, according to video recordings shown at the trial in Kuala Lumpur on Monday.
Two women, Indonesian Siti Aisyah and Doan Thi Huong from Vietnam, and four men who are still at large, have been charged in the murder of the half-brother of the country's leader, using banned chemical weapon VX at Kuala Lumpur airport on Feb. 13.
Defense lawyers have said Siti Aisyah and Huong were duped into thinking they were playing a prank for a reality TV show.
The four suspects, who were caught on airport camera talking to the women before they attacked Kim Jong Nam, were identified as North Koreans for the first time on Monday, a month since the trial began.
Three of them were seen meeting a North Korean embassy official and the Air Koryo official, both unidentified, at the main airport terminal within an hour of the attack, lead police investigator Wan Azirul Nizam Che Wan Aziz told the court.
North Korea has vehemently denied accusations by South Korean and U.S. officials that Kim Jong Un's regime was behind the killing.
Kim Jong Nam, who was living in exile in Macau, had criticized his family's dynastic rule of NorthKorea and his brother had issued a standing order for his execution, some South Korean lawmakers have said.
Footage played in the courtroom showed the Air Koryo official helping the three suspects at an airport check-in counter. He was later seen arranging a flight ticket for the fourth suspect too, Wan Azirul said.
Wan Azirul identified the men as North Koreans Hong Song Hac, Ri Ji Hyon, Ri Jae Nam and O Jong Gil, citing intelligence findings by the special branch of the Malaysian police.
Wan Azirul said he investigated and took statements from both the embassy and the Air Koryo official.
"They explained that the reason they were there was to assist every North Korean individual or citizen who boarded a flight to leave the country," he told the court.
AP Photo/JoongAng Sunday via JoongAng Ilbo, Shin In-seop
The North Korean embassy in Kuala Lumpur did not respond to Reuters' telephone calls and emails to seek comment.
The sensational murder unraveled once-close ties between Malaysia and North Korea.
Malaysia was forced to return Kim Jong Nam's body and allow the return home of three North Korean men wanted for questioning and hiding in the Kuala Lumpur embassy, in exchange for the release of nine Malaysians stuck in Pyongyang.
Wan Azirul said police intelligence also provided information on a fifth suspect identified as Ri Ji U, who was also "suspected to have the real name James", based on images and photographs taken from Siti Aisyah's phone.
NOW WATCH: This US plane doubles as Mission Control during nuclear war— take a look inside
from Feedburner http://ift.tt/2zjJx0R
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gbenro · 7 years
Press and Public Affairs Officer #Vacancy
Press and Public Affairs Officer (15/17 LOS)The British Government is an inclusive and diversity-friendly employer.  We value difference, promote equality and challenge discrimination, enhancing our organisational capability. We welcome and encourage applications from people of all backgrounds. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, colour, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, veteran status or other category protected by law. We promote family-friendly flexible working opportunities, where operational and security needs allow.Job Category  Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Policy & Political roles)Job Subcategory  Communications, Press and MediaJob Description (Roles and Responsibilities)  
Main purpose of job:
This is an exciting role in a part of Africa that has received renewed UK and Ministerial attention since the election in 2015 of President Buhari.  The role is based in Lagos, contributing to the larger communications team based in Abuja.
Reporting to the Head of Communications in Abuja, the successful candidate will work within the Communications Team as the Lagos based Press and Public Affairs Officer.  The main objectives are  to deliver and implement a range of communications tasks to support and project the objectives of HMG in Nigeria. Duties will include, but will not be limited to, designing text and audio-visual material for use on the BHC media channels, and working with a broad range of media stakeholders to deliver HMG messages.  The successful candidate will also provide tailored communications planning support to HMG departments working on the BHC platform.
Roles and responsibilities / what will the jobholder be expected to achieve?:
Work with Lagos based HMG departments, including British Council, DFID, DIT UKVI to establish and implement appropriate campaign plans ensuring cross HMG communication is coordinated both within Lagos and across the network
Monitor digital, print and broadcast media for issues of interest to the UK mission in Nigeria
Effectively manage media relationships acting as the first point of contact for interviews and media requests including drafting news releases and press lines
Provide media support to the Deputy British High Commissioner and British High Commissioner on visits to Lagos and the South West.
Create graphics to communicate messages that inspire, inform and engage audiences on the BHC digital channels.
Photograph and record  BDHC and other HMG departments’ activities as required
Essential qualifications and experience  
Thorough knowledge of social media, including the ability design strategy and analyse usage in order to shape BHC engagement and to focus campaigns
Appropriate work experience in a media, marketing, advertising or public relations role
Excellent analytical, writing, communication and presentation skills
3 to 5 years experience work experience in a media, advertising, marketing or public relations role
Familiarity with messaging for digital diplomacy
Strong collaborative skills including professional and confident communication with external stakeholders and team members
Ability to maintain strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders
Desirable qualifications and experience  
Evidence of maintaining effective professional networks of contacts
Evidence of designing and delivering communications plans
The ability to work as part of a busy, creative team, as well as willingness to provide support to team members when needs be
Familiarity with messaging for digital diplomacy
Resilience, flexibility and ability to deliver quality under pressure and strict timelines
Project or event management/experience
Required competencies  Making Effective Decisions, Leading and Communicating, Collaborating and Partnering, Managing a Quality ServiceApplication deadline  2 October 2017Grade  B3 (L)Type of Position  Fixed TermDuration of Post  24 monthsRegion  AfricaCountry/Territory  NigeriaLocation (City)  LagosType of Post  British Deputy High CommissionStarting monthly salary ()  N 521, 826Start Date  1 October 2017Additional information  
Employees recruited locally by the British Deputy High Commission in Lagos are subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service according to local employment law in Nigeria.
All applicants must be legally able to work in the country of application with the correct visa/status or work permit.
Employees who are not eligible to pay local income tax: e.g. certain third-country nationals and spouses/partners of UK diplomats will have their salaries abated by an equivalent amount.
Reference and security clearances checks will be conducted.
Any questions you may have about this position will be answered during the interview, should you be invited.
Information about the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Competency Framework can be found on this link:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/civil-service-competency-framework
Successful candidates not resident in Country will be personally liable for costs and arrangements to relocate, including accommodation and work permits.  
Complete the application form in full as the information provided will be used for screening purposes.
Check your application and attachments before you submit your application, as you will not be able to make any changes once submitted.
The British Deputy High Commissionill never ask you to pay a fee or money to apply for a position.
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tutorsof · 7 years
BU330 Accounting for Managers Set-2
The cost of downtime caused by quality problems with the raw materials would be classified as what type of cost?
A. Prevention cost
B. Appraisal cost
C. External failure cost
D. Internal failure cost
Which of the following is a result of cost distortion?
A. Over costing of all products
B. Under costing of all products
C. Accurate costing of all products
D. Over costing of some products and under costing of other products
Which term listed below describes a system where companies purchase raw materials when needed in production and complete finished goods when needed by customers?
A. Internal failure costs
B. Backflush costing
C. Just-in-time
D. External failure costs
Which of the following is a lean strategy?
A. Group like machines together.
B. Produce in smaller batches than a traditional system.
C. Maintain a higher level of inventory than a traditional system.
D. Lengthen setup times relative to a traditional system.
The entry to record the purchase of raw materials on account using a job costing system would include a:
A. credit to work-in-process inventory.
B. debit to accounts payable.
C. debit to work-in-process inventory.
D. debit to raw materials inventory.
Kramer Company manufactures coffee tables and uses an activity-based costing system to allocate all manufacturing conversion costs. Each coffee table consists of 20 separate parts totaling $240 in direct materials, and each requires 5 hours of machine time to produce. Additional information follows.
Allocation Base
Cost Allocation Rate
Materials handling
Number of parts
$2.00 per part
Machine hours
$2.75 per machine hour
Number of parts
$1.00 per part
Number of finished units
$3.00 per finished unit
What is the cost of machining per coffee table?
A. $15
B. $21
C. $13.75
D. $55
The predetermined indirect cost allocation rate is computed as:
A. total estimated indirect costs / total estimated amount of the allocation base.
B. total amount of the allocation base / total estimated indirect costs.
C. total estimated indirect costs + total estimated amount of the allocation base.
D. total amount of the allocation base - total estimated indirect costs
Watson's Computer Company uses ABC to account for its manufacturing process.
Indirect activity budget
Allocation base (cost driver)
Materials handling
Based on number of parts
Machine setup
Based on number of setups
Based on number of parts
Based on number of finished units
Watson's Computer Company expects to produce 2,250 computers. Watson's Computer Company also expects to use 13,000 parts and have 20 setups. The allocation rate for materials handling will be:
A. $4.
B. $6.80.
C. $23.11.
D. $7.01.
In job costing, the journal entry to record the use of direct materials on jobs is to debit work-in-process inventory and credit:
A. raw materials inventory.
B. finished goods inventory.
C. manufacturing overhead.
D. wages payable.
Venus Crates manufactures custom crates for a variety of uses. The following data have been recorded for Job 551, which was recently completed. Direct materials used cost $7,200. There were 82 machine hours used on this job. The predetermined overhead rate is $30 per machine hour used. There were 175 direct labor hours worked on this job at a direct labor wage rate of $24 per hour. What is the total manufacturing cost of Job 551?
A. $13,860
B. $4,200
C. $2,460
D. $7,457
A system that focuses on activities as the fundamental cost object and uses the costs for these activities to compile indirect costs of goods and services is:
A. appraisal costs.
B. value engineering.
C. activity-based costing.
D. prevention costs.
If jobs have been under costed due to under allocation of manufacturing overhead, then cost of goods sold (COGS) is too low and which of the following corrections must be made?
A. Decrease COGS for the amount of the under allocation
B. Increase COGS for double the amount of the under allocation
C. Decrease COGS for double the amount of the under allocation
D. Increase COGS for the amount of the under allocation
The first step in developing an ABC system is:
A. calculate an activity cost allocation rate for each activity.
B. allocate the costs to the cost object using the activity cost allocation rates.
C. select an allocation base for each activity.
D. identify the primary activities and estimate a total cost pool for each.
Service firms develop a predetermined rate for some costs. This rate is called the:
A. labor rate.
B. direct cost rate.
C. indirect cost allocation rate.
D. hourly cost rate.
Here are selected data for Sunny Sky Corporation.  
Beginning raw materials inventory
Beginning work-in-process inventory
Beginning finished goods inventory
Cost of materials purchased
Cost of direct materials requisitioned
Direct labor incurred
Actual manufacturing overhead
Cost of goods manufactured
Cost of goods sold
Manufacturing overhead rate (% of direct labor)
  What is the ending work-in-process inventory balance?
A. $161,500
B. $170,250
C. $211,200
D. $229,950
Showboat Corporation had actual manufacturing overhead costs for the most recent year of $29,500. Manufacturing overhead is allocated using a predetermined manufacturing overhead rate of $1.50 per direct labor hour. Direct labor cost is $19 per hour. At the end of the year, Cabaret Corporation found it had over allocated manufacturing overhead by $1,250. How much manufacturing overhead was allocated in total during the year?
A. $28,250
B. $29,500
C. $30,750
D. $1,250
Which term listed below describes costs incurred when the company fails to detect poor quality goods or services before delivery to the customer?
A. Internal failure costs
B. Value-added activity
C. External failure costs
D. Just-in-time production
Which of these documents informs the storeroom to send specific materials to the factory floor?
A. Receiving report
B. Bill of materials
C. Purchase order
D. Materials requisition
The benefits of using the ABC costing system are higher if the company:
A. has high indirect costs.
B. produces many different products that use differing amounts of resources.
C. has high indirect costs and produces many different products that use differing amounts of resources.
D. produces only one product.
A(n) ________ is an estimated manufacturing overhead rate computed before the year begins.
A. cost allocation
B. cost driver
C. predetermined manufacturing overhead rate
D. actual manufacturing overhead rate
The representation for fixed cost per unit of activity is:
A. vx divided by v.
B. vx divided by y.
C. y divided by x.
D. f divided by x.
When units are moved from one processing department to the next, the cost associated with those units must also be moved from one WIP account to the next. What are these costs called?
A. Transported costs
B. Transmitted costs
C. Transferred costs
D. Conveyed costs
Which of the following is unique to a process costing system?
A. Work is not started on a product until an order is received.
B. Direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead are assigned to the first department only.
C. Costs for each process stay with that process until the goods are moved to finished goods.
D. Each process has its own WIP account.
When absorption costing is used and management bonuses are related to operating income, managers are more likely to:
A. decrease inventory levels.
B. increase inventory levels.
C. keep inventory levels consistent.
D. steal from the company.
The Jones Corporation uses a process system. During the current period, 2,500 units were started and 1,100 units were completed and transferred out. Ending units were 60% complete for materials and 45% complete for conversion costs. Direct materials costs added were $35,405 and conversion costs added were $32,870. There was no beginning WIP inventory and conversion costs are added evenly throughout the process. At the end of the period, what are the total equivalent units for conversion costs?
A. 1,940
B. 1,400
C. 1,100
D. 1,730
The use of either absorption or variable costing will make little difference in companies:
A. using just-in-time inventory methods.
B. with large inventories.
C. with high fixed costs.
D. with high variable costs.
Total fixed costs for Purple Figs Company are $52,000. Total costs, both fixed and variable, are $160,000 if 80,000 units are produced. The fixed cost per unit at 80,000 units would be:
A. $1.35/unit.
B. $0.65/unit.
C. $2.00/unit.
D. $2.65/unit.
The contribution margin is equal to:
A. sales minus cost of goods sold.
B. sales minus operating expenses.
C. sales minus fixed expenses.
D. sales minus variable expenses.
A company manufactures mirrors. Last month's costs were as follows.
Direct materials
Direct labor
Manufacturing overhead
What were the conversion costs for the month?
A. $302,000
B. $392,000
C. $234,000
D. $90,000
Which of the following does NOT appear on an income statement prepared using variable costing?
A. Fixed production costs
B. Contribution margin
C. Gross margin
D. Variable production costs
In process costing, ________ is/are found by taking the number of partially completed physical units and multiplying it by the percentage of the process completed.
A. cost of goods sold
B. equivalent units
C. fixed manufacturing overhead costs
D. conversion costs
Sugartown Corporation has total sales revenues of $930,000. If its total fixed costs are $182,000 and its total variable costs are $267,000, then the total contribution margin is:
A. total revenue minus total fixed costs.
B. total revenue minus total variable costs.
C. total variable costs minus total fixed costs.
D. equal to operating income.
At Hodgson Corporation, direct materials are added at the beginning of the process, and conversion costs are uniformly applied. Other details include the following.
Beginning WIP direct materials
Beginning WIP conversion costs
Costs of materials added
Costs of conversion added
WIP beginning (50% for conversion)
19,200 units
Units started
119,500 units
Units completed and transferred out
115,700 units
WIP ending (60% for conversion)
23,000 units
What are the total equivalent units for conversion costs?
A. 127,200
B. 125,300
C. 129,500
D. 138,700
Fixed costs that are the result of previous management decisions that current managers have no control over in the short run are called ________ fixed costs.
A. discretionary
B. committed
C. standard
D. past
When predicting costs at other volumes using a cost equation derived from either the high-low method or regression analysis, managers should consider:
A. outliers.
B. general inflation.
C. seasonality.
D. All of the above
The first step of the 5-step process costing procedure is.
A. compute output in terms of equivalent units.
B. summarize total costs to account for.
C. compute the cost per equivalent unit.
D. summarize the flow of physical units.
The following information is provided by Adametz Company.
WIP inventory, January 1
0 units
Units started
Units completed and transferred out
WIP inventory, December 31
Direct materials
Direct labor
Manufacturing overhead
The units in ending WIP inventory were 90% complete for materials and 50% complete for conversion costs. At the end of the year, what are the equivalent units for conversion costs?
A. 3,750
B. 3,300
C. 5,400
D. 2,100
Fun Stuff Manufacturing produces Frisbees using a three-step process that includes molding, coloring, and finishing. Which of the following accounts is debited for conversion costs?
A. WIP inventory-finishing
B. Finished goods inventory
C. Raw materials inventory
D. Cost of goods sold
Fun Stuff Manufacturing produces ping pong balls using a three-step sequential process that includes molding, coloring, and finishing. When the balls and associated costs are transferred from the coloring process to the finishing process, which account is credited?
A. WIP inventory-coloring
B. WIP inventory-molding
C. Raw materials inventory
D. WIP inventory-finishing
On a traditional income statement, sales revenue less cost of goods sold equals:
A. gross profit.
B. contribution margin.
C. operating income.
D. operating expenses
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North Korea, Syria and decades of chemical weapons
North Korea and Syria have a long history when it comes to the issue of chemical weapons. Pyongyang helped Syria build chemical weapons factories in the ‘90s, and they’ve been caught multiple times sending Syria items including protective coats and gas masks – the kinds of things that keep people safe when handling chemical agents.
Now, with North Korea responding to what it calls the "reckless" U.S. airstrikes in Syria by vowing to bolster its defenses "in every way," there is a renewed interest in the seemingly cozy relationship between the two rogue nations. In a recent piece for FoxNews.com, Fox News Contributor Judith Miller and Charles Duelfer, a former deputy chairman of the U.N. weapons inspection agency, suggested that President Trump's decision to launch dozens of Tomahawk cruise missiles into Syria "sends a strong message not only to Syria but to several other states and groups with a stake in the outcome of that country’s brutal civil war. "To North Korea, the strike is a warning," they wrote, a warning that suggests "the U.S. will not permit Pyongyang to threaten American security by marrying its small nuclear arsenal with intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching our shores." The pair added that "North Korea is also believed to possess chemical weapons" that could be used against American forces and their allies in South Korea. And some believe that North Korea could use more than a warning when it comes to the issue. In a tweet last week, Joshua Stanton, a Washington-based attorney who has advised the House Foreign Affairs Committee on legislation related to North Korea, suggested that if the U.S. wants to "send a message to N. Korea via Syria, hit the N. Koreans in Syria who help Assad use chemical weapons." Stanton was referring to the long and documented history of North Korea working with Syria to produce both chemical and nuclear weapons. And he isn’t the only one who has been sounding the alarm for years. Former CIA director James Woolsey, who also served on President Trump's transition team, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee in 2013 that the relationship between the two nations goes back decades. "Aside from Russia, the principal strategic partner of the Iranian and Syrian regimes has been North Korea," Woolsey claimed. The former CIA chief testified that "in the early 1990’s, the North Koreans helped the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) construct missile complexes." The New York Times has described the SSRC as "the country’s main research center for work on biological and chemical weapons." One of those facilities, Woolsey added, was "used for fitting chemical warheads on Scud missiles." Woolsey says an explosion at the facility in July 2007 revealed that North Korean engineers were actually working on the ground with their Syrian -- and Iranian -- partners. A few months later, North Korean engineers also reportedly were found among the victims after another explosion at a facility in Syria. This time, the blast occurred at a secret nuclear compound that was modeled after one of Pyongyang's own reactors. As confirmed in a report from the U.N. Security Council, several shipments of clothing designed to protect people from chemical agents were seized on their way from North Korea to Syria in 2009. The materials included upwards of 13,000 protective coats, gas masks and more. In 2013, authorities in Turkey discovered more gas masks, along with some 1,400 rifles and thousands of bullets, in a vessel that was on its way to Syria from North Korea. According to data from the non-profit Nuclear Threat Initiative, North Korea is also said to have a specific focus on the production of the nerve agents sarin and VX. Early assessments of last week’s attack in Syria, an attack in which more than 80 people were killed, suggest sarin was most likely one of the compounds that was used. VX is believed to be the chemical agent that was used in the murder of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s estranged half-brother earlier this year. Just days after last week's deadly attack in Syria, Kim was sending Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a congratulatory message on a seemingly unrelated topic, according to an article from South Korea's Yonhap news agency. The message was said to mark the 70th anniversary of Assad's political party, and the North Korean leader added that the “two countries' friendly relations will be strengthened and developed, given their fight against imperialism." After last week's airstrike in Syria, a North Korean official warned that Pyongyang's "tremendous military muscle with a nuclear force as its pivot" would foil any possible future aggression by the U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggested over the weekend that "there's a shared view [among President Trump and some foreign leaders]… as to how dangerous the [North Korea] situation has become." On Saturday, the Pentagon announced that a Navy carrier strike group was on its way to the Korean peninsula "to maintain readiness and [a U.S.] presence" in the region. President Trump also spoke with his South Korean counterpart over the weekend, with the pair agreeing to stay in close contact about North Korea and other issues.
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