#with friendly interactions
bonkykog · 3 months
Got a problem? Donkey Kong's got a solution!
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shrek2fan1 · 3 months
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i think its sweet that he lovesd her even when she looked like this. not something a lot of men
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gunk----pumper · 1 month
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coinswallower39 · 2 months
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garfieldmoviequotes · 3 months
"Spaghetti can be eaten most successfully if you inhale it like a vacuum cleaner." - Sophia Loren
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terfviolence · 2 months
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crying------baby · 3 months
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feluka · 6 months
Please support Yassin (@/yassindraws on twitter) if you have an account there. He's an Egyptian artist who is a victim of the regime's crackdown on protestors. He posts a lot of beautiful paintings.
Here's a some of them documenting his trauma from his time in prison.
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[ID: Responding to a tweet by @/MustafaHosny that reads: "ايه الدعاء اللي نفسك يتحقق في ليلة القدر؟", a quote retweet by @/yassindraws that reads: "خروج كل المحبوسين ظلم و يعيشوا حياتهم و ينسوا كل الأيام الحزينة و يكون عندهم ذكريات سعيدة زي ما بقى عندي دلوقتي".
Attached is a traditional painting, depicting a man peering through a tiny window in his jail cell door. He is wearing a white T-shirt that says "تحقيق" and is turned away from the viewer. While his torso is distinct, his bottom half melds into the background, which is a vague pattern of teal and brown hues, meant to represent the wall, but also overcomes parts of the prisoners himself and the cell door, and bleeds into their outlines.]
[Translation: Responding a tweet that reads "What prayer do you wish will come true on the night of destiny?", he tweets "The emancipation of all the unjustly imprisoned, and that they will be able to live fulfilling lives and forget these miserable days, and be able to make beautiful memories like I have now."
The word on his shirt in the painting is an Arabic word that could be translated to either "interrogation" or "realisation".
The night of destiny is the night where the full moon appears during the month of Ramadan.]
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[ID: A tweet by @/yassindraws captioned "Memory". Attached is a traditional painting, depicting a dozen prisoners dressed all in blue, facing against the wall with their heads bowed. All of their hands are cuffed together behind their backs, save for the prisoner nearest to the viewer, whose hands are in front of him, exposing his back to a warden who is drawing back a whip. Another warden is pointing to the prisoner. All figures are abstracted and vaguely outlined, but especially the prisoners', whose faces are not outlined at all, and instead blend with the sepia-toned walls they are facing.]
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[ID: A tweet by @/yassindraws that reads: في سجن وادي النطرون صياد عجوز من سيناء مسجون من اربع سنوات كل يوم وقت التهوية "التريض" قاعد في الطرقة قدام الزنازين بيصنع شبكة علشان عنده أمل انه يخرج و يصطاد سمك بيها. لوحة رسمتها في سجن وادي النطرون ١ سنة ٢٠١٨ في شهر رمضان".
Attached is a traditional painting depicting a man in his jail cell wearing a white tank top weaving a net in red, green, and blue stripes. Where his neck and head would be, instead spouts a collection of lilac, lavender, and pink colored flowers from his tank top. At his side is a water bottle, and above it, pinned to the wall is a paper that says "هذا الوقت سيمر."]
[Translation: The tweet says "In Wadi-Al-Natroun prison, an elderly fisherman from Sinai, every day during "excercise" time he would weave a net because he has hope he will get out and catch fish with it. I painted this in Wadi-Al-Natroun prison in 2018 during the month of Ramadan."
The paper on the wall in the painting says "This time will pass.]
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[ID: A tweet by @/yassindraws that reads: مسجون كان معايا في سجن استقبال طرة زنزانة 1-4 كان محبوس لمدة 4 سنين في سجن العقرب و كان بيقول دايما انه لما جالنا بقى حاسس انه خرج من السجن من شدة قسوة ظروف السجن الاول".
Attached is a traditional painting of a man slumped over a folding chair, his arms folded around his chest. Where his head would be, a single rose sprouts from the neck of his blue sweater. It appears to be wilting.]
[Translation: The tweet says "He was imprisoned with me in Tora prison cell 4-1. He spent 4 years in Al-Aqrab prison prior, and always used to say that when he transferred to join us, he felt like he was emancipated because of how brutal his previous prison experience was.]
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[ID: A tweet by @/yassindraws that reads: "رسمت اللوحة دي في زنزانة رقم ١٤ انفرادي في سجن استقبال طرة 2017 كنت عايش في زنزانة لوحدي طول الوقت مبتكلمش مع حد مفيش غير حيطان مبتشوفش شمس لان الزنزانة جوة عنبر معزول".
Attached is a monochromatic traditional painting depicting a prison cell from the point of view of its sole occupant. There is a pair of slippers on the floor, and a couple of bags hanging from the ceiling. The word "الله" is written on the cell door. The painting is done almost entirely in blue, except for small specks of magenta and yellow arranged close to the center.]
[Translation: The tweet says "I painted this in cell number 14 in solitary in Tora prison. I lived in this cell all by myself with nobody to speak to but walls that never see sunlight because the cell was inside an isolated ward."
Written on the door is the word "God".]
The 2011 Revolution:
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[ID: A tweet by @/yassindraws posted on the 25th of January, 2024. It says: "لما كنا بنحب بعض"
Attached is a traditional painting depicting the events in Tahrir square in Cairo, Egypt, during the protests of January 25th, 2011. The median of the square is occupied with white and cyan tents set up by the protestors. The surrounding streets are flooded with masses of people, holding up signs. Some signs are abstracted, but some of them are legible, and they read: "حرية"، "سلمية"، and "الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام".
The masses of people are depicted abstractly by alternating patterns of black and white, but some of the heads in the crowd are splotched with streaks of bright red. Some red appears to be bleeding through some of the tents as well.
In tbe very center, among the tents, is a single yellow flower, painted at a scale larger than that of any item in the painting.]
[Translation: The tweet reads "When we loved each other". The signs read "Freedom", "Nonviolence", and "The people want to dismantle the regime".]
Mosque in Alexandria:
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[ID: A tweet by @/yassindraws that says "صلاة التهجد النهاردة من مسجد القائد إبراهيم- الاسكندرية".
Attached is a dichromatic traditional painting depicting a mosque in Alexandria, Egypt. The painting is done with distinct vertical strokes representing the walls of the mosque, and horizontal strokes to represent the stairs. The figures of people praying and a tree by the stairs stand out as the most cohesive elements, represented by dark silhouettes. The painting is done with cyan as a base color, dark teal for the shadows, and bright yellow for the highlights.]
[Translation: The tweet says "Tahajjud prayers today at Al-Qaaed Ibrahim Mosque- Alexandria].
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[ID: A traditional painting of a man sitting down on a step in a dimly lit room, sketching on a paper on his lap.]
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[ID: A tweet by @/yassindraws that reads "و انا صغير كنت بستنى اخر شهر رمضان محلات البقالة لما تبدء تبيع العاب و بلالين اللي ينحط فيها حبوب ارز و تشخلل و نعمل ازعاج للناس و كورة و مسدسات بلاستيك و كانت طموحاتنا نخرج في العيد بعيد عن اهالينا و الناس اللي تعرفنا و ننبسط".
Attached is a traditional painting of a typical Egyptian street. The road is unpaved and lined with trees. Children are marching along away from the viewer. Closest to the viewer is a figure sitting down on a stool next to a tree.]
[Translation: The tweet says "When I was a child, I would always wait for the end of the month of Ramadan so that the grocers start selling toys and balloons that we would fill up with grains of rice that we would rattle to make noise and annoy people and balls and plastic guns and our ambitions were to go out on Eid and go far away from our families and everybody who knew us and be happy".]
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[ID: A tweet by @/yassindraws that reads "I'm an Egyptian artist and I made this 🌻" (It ends with a sunflower emoji.)
Attached is a video of a young man with short cropped black hair and brown skin, dressed in light beige shorts that reveal a flower tattoo on his calf, and a navy blue short-sleeved t-shirt with a pattern of green and rose leaves. He is turned away from the viewer, holding a canvas that is slightly taller than him and approximately twice as wide as him.
He slowly turns around, smiling, revealing the painting on the canvas: a realistic sunflower on a sky-blue background.]
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terffacts · 7 days
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tizeline · 8 months
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So I've already established that AU Leo has a tendency to abuse his portaling abilities to just go and explore a bunch of places, including New York, which leads to him stumbling across Run Of The Mill several years before he does in canon. And of course he loves the place, the food's great, the Maze of Death is good for training and he gets to hang out with Hueso! Hueso does not enjoy Leo constantly showing up to bother him when he's trying to work, but it's not like he can just kick him out. This is one of THE Baron Draxum's sons, Hueso is already in trouble with yokai law-enforcement and the last thing he needs is more enemies. (And no, he does not have a soft spot for Leo, what are you talking about)
Anway that's all fine and dandy, until two particular individuals happen to stumble across the restaurant....
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Similar to in the show, some time after Donnie's first encounter with the Draxum family, him and April find Hueso's restaurant as well and starts to frequent the place. And considering Leo's a regular, well, it's not long until they happen to visit at the same time and uh-
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This happens pretty soon after Donnie first reunites with his brothers, but they've encounteredeach other a couple of times in between then and now, which means that the Drax Trio have had time to come to terms with the fact that Donnie is not planning on joining their team any time soon. And while they want to change that, they realize that for the time being he is currently an enemy. Mikey and Raph are still pretty hesitant to fight him, but Leo and Donnie pretty early on established a "fight each other on sight" dynamic, because of course they did.
All of this is to say, as soon as they lay eyes on each other in the restaurant, they immidietly start duking it out! Hueso understandibly does not appreciate such a ruckus in his fine establishment, so out of respect for Hueso the twins agree to avoid any fighting in the restaurant specifically.
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Now, you would think that at least one of them would have the common sense to just avoid the place, but they're both stubborn and petty AF and so Leo and Donnie keep running into each other there! And they do respect the no-fight-rule.... to a certain extent. The rule was specifically for physical fights and says nothing about verbal ones! So every time Leo and Donnie run into each other they keep insulting each other to provoke the other into attacking them, which would lead to that twin getting kicked out and hopefully banned for life!
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museumofferedophelia · 8 months
Women are instilled from an early age with a deep shame regarding our female anatomy.
We're told our genitals smell like fish, that "roast beef curtains," are hilarious and a sign that a woman is a sl*t, that our natural pubic hair is offensive. That periods are disgusting and shameful, and should be kept secret. We aren't even properly taught about our own anatomy- a lot of women don't know until later in life that the vulva and vagina are separate, and that the urethra is not the same opening as the vaginal opening.
There's hardly any research into female-specific medical conditions. Nearly 10% (1 in 10) women are afflicted with endometriosis, yet there's literally no research on what causes it. PCOS is also under-researched. It's all shoved under the rug, too stigmatised to be discussed.
While boys can talk freely about their dick and balls, the words "vagina" or "vulva," are still treated like a humiliating joke at best, and a vulgar obscenity at worst.
Men talk with pride about their genitals. To "grow a set" = to start acting tough and assertive. To "have big balls" = to be brave. "Big dick energy" = to be a charismatic "alpha" that commands attention.
Meanwhile, there are no positive cultural connotations regarding the vulva/vagina. Even "serving cunt" is used as a tongue-in-cheek memetic joke.
I think it's very predatory that shame, disgust and aversion about having a vagina/vulva is marketed as a sign that a girl/woman is dysphoric. That it should just be censored and called a "front hole" or a "bonus hole," to avoid the stigma. It's a cultural by-product of the crushing misogyny imbedded into society.
MOST women grow up feeling shame about having a vulva/vagina, and have to put conscious effort into unlearning that shame.
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shrek2fan1 · 23 days
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im building my shrek deck my shrek dick my
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femrodeeeeo · 3 months
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coinswallower39 · 1 month
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garfieldmoviequotes · 3 months
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ringmaster49 · 3 months
As Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo mourned the loss of their beloved "Fart Champion" shirt, a glimmer of hope emerged on the horizon—the Dragon Balls. With the power to grant any wish, no matter how grand or impossible, the Dragon Balls offered a slim chance of restoring their prized possession.
With determination burning in their hearts, Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo set out on a quest to gather the seven Dragon Balls, scouring the far reaches of the Earth in search of the mystical orbs. After weeks of relentless searching and countless battles against formidable foes, they finally succeeded in collecting all seven Dragon Balls, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they summoned Shenron, the eternal dragon.
As Shenron emerged from the Dragon Balls in a flash of light, Goku stepped forward, his voice ringing out with determination. "Shenron, we wish to bring back our beloved 'Fart Champion' shirt," he declared, his eyes shining with hope.
But before Shenron could grant their wish, a voice cut through the air like a thunderclap, freezing Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo in their tracks. It was Bulma, Goku's longtime friend and ally, her hands planted firmly on her hips as she glared at them with a mixture of disbelief and exasperation.
"What in the world do you think you're doing?" Bulma exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration. "You're using the Dragon Balls to wish back a stupid shirt?"
Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo exchanged sheepish looks, their cheeks flushing with embarrassment as they realized the folly of their actions. Bulma's words hit home, reminding them of the true purpose of the Dragon Balls—to protect the Earth and its inhabitants from genuine threats and dangers, not to fulfill frivolous desires.
With a collective sigh, Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthened by Bulma's admonishment. "You're right, Bulma," Goku said earnestly, his voice filled with sincerity. "We got carried away. We should use the Dragon Balls for something more important."
And with that, Goku made a new wish—to use the power of the Dragon Balls to safeguard the Earth and ensure the safety and prosperity of its people. As Shenron granted their wish and vanished once more, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Bulma shared a knowing smile, united in their commitment to protect the world they held dear. And though the "Fart Champion" shirt remained lost to them, they knew that true friendship and solidarity were far more valuable than any material possession.
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