#with people he loves dying. i love it when a ship has abandonment issues personally
kanade-rindo · 1 month
some more twewy memes now that i'm nearly finished neo!
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+ a bonus fret drawing!
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saintsenara · 2 months
What do you think about Tom Riddle Sr?And your thoughts on Tom Riddle Sr/Merope Gaunt as a ship? I read some of your answers on Merope Gaunt and I just adore your fic 'Enchanter's Nightshade'. I was curious as to what your thoughts are on his canon character, the way that he is treated in fanon and if you have any headcanons on his character
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thank you very much for the asks, pal - and i'm sorry that i'd entirely forgotten that i had an answer for the first sitting in my drafts until the second arrived in my inbox...
[thank you also for the very kind shoutout to enchanter's nightshade!]
and i find tom sr. extremely interesting as a character, and he's someone i think quite a lot of compelling stuff can be done with in fanfiction - particularly in how fic writers can take a sledgehammer to how he's treated by the canon narrative...
which - of course - means that there is a trigger warning for a discussion of rape in what follows, which is under the cut.
tom and merope
it's worth starting by emphasising that the series never thinks of tom sr. as a victim. it treats love potions as benign and broadly amusing [the only time we ever see someone under the influence of one - ron in half-blood prince - it's played for laughs], describes merope's drugging of tom sr. as something she would consider "romantic", and never acknowledges that she was his rapist.
[although it is important to point out that the fanon that voldemort's issues with love come from the circumstances of his conception is something jkr never said. and i also think that it's important, when thinking about tom and merope's relationship, to recognise that all the evidence of canon is that she is subjected to incestuous sexual violence at the hands of her brother and/or father - she is an abused teenager with no meaningful understanding of consent or bodily autonomy, and she evidently views her "relationship", as she sees it, with tom as a means of escaping a life which is undeniable, unrelenting misery.]
[which is to say - i find tom and merope interesting as a pairing because of this inherent nuance, tragedy and violence.]
the series also criticises tom sr. for leaving the relationship - in line both with its broader disdain for absent fathers and idealisation of devoted mothers, and with its prioritisation of love-as-suffering and love-as-sacrifice over forms of love which are more self-indulgent. its view is evidently that tom sr. should have gritted his teeth and remained in merope's life in some way or another [maybe not as her husband, but also not as her survivor] in order to have been involved in his son's life.
indeed, it always stands out to me that - when he discussing tom sr. fleeing his abusive relationship - dumbledore refers to merope as "merope riddle". emphasising that the two were married underscores the fact that the text views tom sr. as straightforwardly unadmirable - a husband and father who abandoned his family.
[and he gets his comeuppance. i think it's worth noting that the narrative isn't sympathetic at all about his death - the opening chapter of goblet of fire, where voldemort's murder of the riddles is described, states plainly that nobody likes them - and he finds himself unable to outrun the son he left behind when that son uses his bones in his resurrection ritual... the subtext is clear: abandoning your son was the wrong move, and since good people - like james and lily - don't abandon their son even after their deaths, tom sr. is therefore a bad person.]
that both dumbledore and harry see him like this makes sense within their watsonian characterisations. harry has - as he says when lupin tries to walk out on the pregnant tonks - the view that parents should never abandon their children unless they have literally no choice, which is a perfectly understandable opinion for an orphan who lost their parents in such traumatic circumstances to hold [he also takes a very dim view on merope for dying]. dumbledore, who recognises the dangerous paths overwhelming desire can lead one down, sees himself in merope, and is therefore less willing to examine the cruelty of her actions.
voldemort also thinks of him in this vein - his view of his father, expressed during his resurrection scene in goblet of fire, is that he abandoned merope [with whom he had a consensual relationship] in a fit of pique when she confessed to him that she was a witch. voldemort thinks of his father as a deadbeat who left him to rot - and the series never takes issue with him holding this view, even as it works to prove many of the other things he believes about himself, magic, and power wrong.
tom and voldemort
the role tom sr. plays in voldemort's narrative arc, then, is pretty much unconnected to his experiences at merope's hands - he is not considered by the text to be a warning about the corrosive, oppressive, violent potential of using magic against muggles which voldemort follows his mother in doing, for example.
his role in his son's arc across the seven-book canon is to underscore that voldemort will never successfully outrun his muggle heritage - the fact that his son has his face and his name [and the fact that dumbledore, and then harry, insist on using this name for him after voldemort sheds it, which is - and we should call it what it is, especially given jkr's stance on such things - deadnaming] serves as a way for the text to criticise and humiliate voldemort, undermining his belief that he's something pure and special [and undermining his pride in his descent from slytherin] by making clear that, when all is said and done, he's just an ordinary man with a muggle father.
and so his death occurs purely to enable this narrative treatment of voldemort. he has to kill his dad - because he's trying to eradicate anything muggle from himself - and so the action becomes all about him. tom is basically just there.
but this is something i really like playing with in my own work. i always end up writing tom sr. as not only physically resembling his son - except for the fact, and i'll die on the hill that this is the canon text's intention, that voldemort has his mother's eyes - but as being the source of his mannerisms and many of his non-childhood-trauma-induced personality traits.
partially this is because i think we might as well take the series' belief that voldemort can't escape the riddle genes and go the whole hog with it.
but it's also because i think it's worth skewering the series' view of voldemort's slytherin heritage as - essentially - dooming him to be incapable of change in either positive or negative directions. the way the gaunts are described in canon - violent, unstable, grandiose etc. - is set up to suggest that voldemort gets these aspects of his personality from them, that - like the parseltongue - being a terrorist with delusions of grandeur is just something the heirs of slytherin are bound to inherit.
but i like idea of these traits coming from the less mystical branch of voldemort's lineage - and his decision to indulge them being nothing more than deliberate choice.
tom riddle sr. character notes and headcanons
which leads us to the question of what tom sr. is like as a character separate from merope and voldemort.
we only see him once in canon - where he's talking in a carrying voice to cecilia about how much land his dad owns and correctly identifying morfin as a danger to society - and he's only mentioned a handful more times: his whirlwind marriage; his return home a few months later, which he explains as him having realised he'd been "hoodwinked"; the fact that he's considered even worse than his "rich, snobbish, and rude" parents by the villagers of little hangleton in the period immediately before his death; and that he dies in his evening clothes with a look of pure terror on his face.
his gravestone in the goblet of fire film has him born in 1905, and i like this [although i push his date of birth back a couple of years in order for him to have finished university when he's attacked by merope] because it enables him to be a stereotypical "bright young thing" - the sort of dissolute aristocrat, untroubled both by his father's victorian morals and by the devastating impact of the first world war on men a decade or so older than him, whose exploits dominate our image of the roaring twenties [or - at least - the roaring twenties in britain]. at the start of 1925, before his life all goes wrong, i like him as idle, profligate, bohemian, constantly partying, a keen user of cocaine, promiscuous, vain, and incredibly rude to his servants, tradesmen, and policemen and so on - spending his days in a whirlwind of hangovers, tennis, elaborate fancy-dress balls, modern novels, dining at his club, and piles of liberated flappers, vile bodies [and jeeves and wooster...] style.
and i do think the idea of him as lazy, convinced of his own brilliance, and complacent [personality traits not helped by an education at eton and oxford - he takes a fourth, the lowest-possible passing classification, on a degree in greats - which he has neither the intellect nor the work ethic to succeed at without the power of daddy's money] offers a really interesting side to him being preyed on by merope.
i like him as someone who thinks of himself as rational, cheerfully irreligious, and far too modern and well-bred to waste his time on the silly superstitions of the boring, ordinary people in the village. him mentioning to cecilia about the stories the villagers tell about morfin can be read as him being condescendingly amused by local folklore surrounding the gaunts - a sort of "would you believe it, one of our gardeners is convinced they're wizards! too, too funny!" vibe - and i really like writing him as someone whose total rejection of the possibility of magic and conviction that the gaunts are just pitiable and disgusting, rather than dangerous [the view of the rest of the village], means that when merope offers him a glass of shimmering water he thinks "why, what a lark!" instead of running.
when he returns home, however, i imagine him as profoundly changed - paranoid, beset by nightmares, increasingly superstitious [voldemort's own rather... catholic leanings being mirrored in his father going full sebastian flyte is delicious to me], unwilling to eat or drink anything he hasn't seen prepared [one of the reasons, perhaps, why the servants at the riddle house dislike him so much], unable to go anywhere near the stables and see the horse he was riding when evil befell him, unwilling to talk to anyone or receive visitors [hence his reputation for being snobbish and rude - the villagers interpret this as him thinking them beneath him], unwilling to spend money or give gifts because he's afraid of unwittingly finding himself ensnared again [giving him a reputation for being rather miserly], and so on.
i like the idea of him becoming incredibly reclusive, losing his interest in the social life he once enjoyed overnight, and spending his days sleeping poorly and staying inside. i imagine his parents being supportive to the best of their ability, but that tom's inability to speak openly what happened to him [he, like his son, doesn't like doctors because he fears they will accuse him of being mad] means they can only do so much. their understanding of tom's marriage is the same as the rest of the village's - that tom consensually slept with merope, she told him she was pregnant, he "did the right thing" and married her, and he then discovered she was lying.
[he knows - of course - that she was pregnant, and he is convinced in his bones that the child will one day find and destroy him...]
tom's obvious post-traumatic stress disorder would undoubtedly have been enough to exempt him from conscription when the second world war broke out - although, of course, his medical unfitness wouldn't have been described in these terms.
and i think it's really interesting to consider how this would be received in the village - especially since the riddles would have gone out of their way to conceal his mental state from the public [hence their performance of the rituals of aristocratic life - including taking their dinner in full evening dress - even after he comes home a changed man]. i really like the idea of the general view being that - unlike the ordinary, hard-working men of little hangleton - tom managed to buy his way out of service [not only in the army but also on the home front], and that, to be quite honest, it was no wonder wounded war-hero frank bryce snapped and killed him.
which is a nice segue into the fact that frank bryce/tom riddle sr. is a concept i've recently become completely convinced by. frank staying in the riddle house after he's eliminated as a suspect in the riddles' deaths is something i find really quite moving - not only because of what it says about the disconnect between the historical memory many brits have of the war and the war's reality that a disabled veteran would find himself with nowhere else to go, but because it must indicate a genuine affection for the riddles which nobody else shared. the garden bringing some comfort to tom sr. on his worst days triggering a solemn, steadfast love for him in frank [requited or not] which endured past his death really compels me.
[and i also think that frank having some deeper connection with tom sr. - rather than just being his gardener - provides a more satisfactory explanation for why voldemort uses him as a horcrux murder than we get in canon. voldemort seeing - in his father's mind or frank's - that the two were entangled in some way would only increase his fury that tom sr. abandoned him and his mother...]
i'm also hugely convinced by the potential of shipping tom sr. with dumbledore. i don't particularly like stories in which voldemort is collected from the orphanage and raised by his father - firstly, because most of the things i find interesting about him are so heavily rooted in his orphanhood, and secondly, because i think that tom sr.'s move would be to place his son as the ward of someone he felt certain he could pay to keep quiet rather than bringing him up himself. but i can see dumbledore becoming aware of a magical child lurking in a london orphanage years earlier than in canon, having some sort of misguided belief that he should track down said child's family, turning up on the doorstep of the riddle house with a sinister toddler glowering in his arms, and insinuating himself into tom sr.'s life in a way which is either very funny or very dark.
cecilia is also an incidental character i'm unjustifiably obsessed with. i like her as tom's casual girlfriend in 1925 - with neither of them imagining for a second that the relationship will ever be serious - who then turns into the only friend from his glamorous set who remains in contact with him when he comes home.
and - i'm afraid to say - the plot-bunny of cecilia deciding to try and unravel the mystery of what's made tom so ill and scouring london orphanages until she discovers tom jr. has now bounced into my head... joining the other tom sr. fic i would pay cash to see, a rebecca-style caper where the second mrs riddle is haunted everywhere she goes by the spectre of merope...
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Kimi no Koe (Manga)
Created by: Miku Morinaga
Genre: Historical/Romance
This is one of those ones where I read it before I knew there was a yandere in it and then Cherry comes to boop me over the head to tell me there is one. The story itself is very cute on its on and the yandere is the second male lead, though I wouldn't read it specifically for the yandere in this case, however, it is interesting to see how the story will go. Currently, there are 16 chapters out.
The story starts in the Taisho Era, with the main character Kyogoku Kazunari working for a trading company. He's incredibly good at selling because of his ability to read people's minds. He is accepted to marrying into the Suwabe family to a lady who can't speak, and wants to use this position to steal the family's assets, believing that he can rely on his ability to read minds to be able to woo her over. However, upon meeting her, he realizes that he's unable to read her mind. As the story goes on, we see that the Nana is treated horribly in her household, even finding she was never taught how to read and that her name literally means "no name". Feeling pity for her, he promises to each her how to read and slowly goes closer to her. Nana is also, as we find out, a mind reader, however, because she doesn't know how to read, she doesn't find any of the words to have any meaning. We also find out the cause of her muteness is because of trauma that her father gave her, telling her not to speak, because she had the same ability that her mother had. As the story goes on the two get closer and closer together, though because of Kyogoku's distrust of people (thanks to experiences in his past), he decides that if he can't hear her true thoughts after he's properly wed, he will leave her for good. Kyoguku's past is rather quite troubling too, as his mind reading powers were initially used to make his mother happy, turning the entire town first into worshippers of him, only to turn on him later, making him out to be the devil. His mother abandons him soon after, as her only reason for having him was to get her husband back. As a result, Kyoguku develops trust issues and becomes the more selfish person he is today.
While these two are cutely falling in love, in the background of the Suwabe family, more sinister things are going on. The family ends up selling Nana to a rich man named Claude, who seems to be overseeing what is going on with Nana and Kyoguku, and wishes to watch the family fall into ruins. He meets Nana once before while two are engaged, though she doesn't seem to remember him. He finally does force Nana to get married to him while Kyoguku is gone, attempting to sail off on a ship. He has a rather tragic backstory as well, with his mother remarrying, dying and his stepfather selling him off. He's ended up sold as a servant and runs away trying to survive, with everyone around him simply using him because he's a foreigner. While he doesn't understand what they're saying, he has a similar ability to Nana and Kyoguku where he can understand people's auras/intentions very well. Claude eventually meets Nana, and Nana gives him a small act of kindness before seeing her abused and promising to save her. He is found by his stepdad again and raised as a nobleman, using whatever method he can to gain power and to finally save her. The last chapters currently has Claude threatening to hurt Nana if Kyoguku (who runs out to find her) gets too close.
Like I said, I didn't initially read this one expecting a yandere in it, but it is a surprise indeed. The story itself mostly focuses on the growing relationship with Nana and Kyoguku, with Kyoguku being a bit more tsundere with his actions while caring about Nana. It's heartbreaking at some points as Nana continues to learn how to read and by proximity learn to read minds, she's able to read Kyoguku's thoughts. When Kyoguku decides that he will leave Nana, Nana is only able to read her name, causing her happiness as she knows that Kyoguku is thinking about her, but not what he's about to do. Historical Japanese stories for yanderes seem to be more rare as well, overshadowed by isekais which are closer to Eurpean based history, so it is nice to be able to read something that is different.
However, I will say that this is probably not one you would read for the yandere since Claude isn't really in there. Since the story focuses more on the relationship with Kyoguku and Nana, Claude is in the background, pulling the strings with the Suwabe famaily, but doesn't really show up all that much in the manga itself until he eventually kidnaps Nana as an intent to wed. He seems to be a purity yandere, since he saw Nana as pure and is marrying her to take her away from her abusive family to somewhere she belongs. He goes out of his way to do whatever he needs to do to be able to be with her, including essentially destroying the family that hurt her in the first place. Nana seems pretty reluctant to be with him, and doesn't seem to remember him when they meet as adults. Still, as a villain he seems to be used as a way to show that Nana has more agency than other people seem to let on, and that the time with Kyoguku and Nana is stronger than what he and Nana have with each other. Still, while Claude will likely lose, it is still a good story, though I wish he were in it a bit more.
Overall, I would recommend reading this if you enjoy cute romance stories. I like how the main couple are able to build up their relationship together and adding a yandere in there is also a very nice touch. Thanks to Cherry for recommending it to me again!
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jess-the-vampire · 1 year
I hate how people defend Star without thinking much, just because she’s the main protagonist doesn’t mean she’s flawless and innocent.
listen, i love star vs, but it's a hot mess, i'm critical about it so much because i know it had the potential to be REALLY good and the crew fell off the wagon HARD.
it should say a lot that me, a fan, doesn't want a continuation of the show in the future, the ending is just THAT bad to me. It's so bad i feel there's nothing much to look forward to in a future spinoff continuing this canon.
and i want desperately to say this show was fantastic all the way through, but it's not a show you can rewatch because of what you know is going to happen to the plot points, characters, ect ect
i stick to aus for a reason.
and look, toh isn't perfect either, i have pointed out some aspects in it that feel contradictory or not as explained or not handled as great as it could of been.
But toh, even tho it's not flawless and has these issues, is still watchable and still mostly enjoyable all the way through. I feel i can at least trust the crew of toh, to have some idea what they're doing as far as arcs and story, even if it's not perfect 100%.
It's not like with star where you'll have an episode about how "Oh, marco and kelly are thinking about being a thing and marco wants to move on from star cause he actually likes kelly and he feels he needs to move on".
And then like several eps later they break up offscreen, between episodes, for no real reason and it never gets acknowledged again as marco goes back to liking star and that possible character development goes out the window.
Star vs had so many issues it renders the show impossible to rewatch, that's how much of these problems caused it to collapse on itself.
people really REALLY push to defend the finale, but if you have to ignore established canon and/or defend genocide of beings in an anti genocide show to tell me why this is all ok, i think you're already on a bad foot.
and i could go on and on about everything wrong with this but let's keep this simple when it comes to Star herself. Star is a flawed character, which is fine, she should be, but it got to a point where her flaws stopped becoming things she needs to overcome and just aspects the team either didn't see as problems, or just ignored.
and this is the team who brought us Tom and Eclipsa, two flawed characters who make mistakes, but apologize, are sympathetic, are beloved for a reason.
Star, and marco for that matter, stop being likable people because their flaws are never properly fixed by the end.
One of the main flaws being they constantly put each other over everyone else, to a point it comes off unhealthy and makes them seem unlikable and selfish.
marco and star abandoning everyone by jumping back in the well? Never thinking about the weight of destroying magic to the multiverse outside of their own selfish desires? Star's entire treatment of her own boyfriend? Going off to have a love confession as people are dying in a war outside? and so, so much more,
It really feels looking back, starco made them worse as people, not better.
And i think the crew wanted us to come out thinking the complete opposite without realizing or ignoring the fact that the ship was bringing out some of their worst traits and by not acknowledging it, it made things worse.
Because acknowledging it makes the ship look bad, and the team doesn't like doing that. Star might of been the main character of the show, but she came out of it being very hard to like, all because the team wanted to push their own biases and ideas without considering other aspects of the series and how bad it made star look as a person.
it's sad man, there was so much potential for her to have a good arc here.
When you want to write a main lead and you take inspiration from this show, have a character more like Tom and Eclipsa, not like Star.
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allsebaciel · 9 days
it’s also the norm irl. Buffy and Game of Thrones both feature incredibly problematic relationships (200+ year age gap w/ a high schooler and incest). I can’t speak on how it’s handled in GOT, but in Buffy, the romance, although acknowledged to not be the healthiest situation, is treated as tragic, and the 200 yo isnt villainized and even goes on to have his own spin off show as the protagonist. Joker and Harley, an incredibly toxic couple, have a LOT of people dress up in couples costumes of them for Halloween. IASIP is a show where the main characters are awful people who commit a shitton of crimes. People still love the characters and show. Most people love villains in shows. fuckinf REYLO I was like 8 when the movie where the kissed came out (I forgor which one) and my mom was like “I guess he improved as a person and proved he cared in the end by saving her life” or something like that I don’t remember. So many Anits are like “anti? You mean normal person” as if normal people don’t enjoy fiction with things they know are wrong irl. And it’s one thing for the more relatively chill antis to say that but antis will say that or reblog something saying that and then post something telling someone to kill themselves or even doxxing someone over shipping discourse. Like if you were hanging out in public and someone said “I watched Buffy and I rlly liked Buffy and angels relationship” the chances of anyone caring are minimum. But if you were then to go up to that person and tell them to kill themselves people would. At the very least judge and proceed to avoid you. Because you told someone to kill themselves.
Thank you for your ask, I agree with you.
To be fully honest, I hate the whole "anti vs proship" thing for so many reasons, but most importantly because it kills the notion of nuance. I still label myself as "proship" on this blog for the sake of categorizing myself for clarity, but I don't really care in real life. I don't consider proshippers some sort of a discriminated minority in need of protection, because the antis are the ones barking from the tiny, tight crate.
As for "problematic" fandoms? I'm into plenty of them, or used to be into some. GOT, which became one of "the TV shows". IWTV - very damn popular as of now.
Remember how popular vampire media were in early 2010s? Most of them featuring "problematic" age gaps? How the world was taken up by storm called Vampire Fucking Diaries which, with all of its issues, has become a sensation of the generation despite featuring underage romance? No one was going to call you a creep for liking it, everyone either liked it or hated it - but for unrelated reasons, usually because it was YA and cringe.
I have read a lot of and watched all of GOT and I'd say that plenty of "problematic" relationships are treated in a way that an anti would call romanticized. My favorite is Jaime and Cersei in the show (as I believe the books still didn't get to them dying); Jaime - at least in the show - abandons his redemption arc to return to his lover-sister and be buried with her under the rubble as Daenerys burns down the city. It's romantic. It's incestuous. They are soulmates and I will die on that hill.
Antis would lose their mind in the GOT fandom because canonically Daenerys is very much a child married off to an adult man and passed around ever since. I don't like how the show handled her past season 3 but her relationships in the aged-up-but-still-uneven power and control dynamic show are ones of the most interesting. No one really thinks that you're obsessed with watching underage girls get raped if you like Daenerys Targaryen's storyline. You don't need to spit and shake your head every time one of her many lovers appears on screen.
Plenty of the fandom ship siblings, distant relatives, abusive relationships; the books contain a lot of them as canon ties. Maybe 90% of fandom ships are in some way fucked up. If you dig deeply enough, you could find more fucked up shit in GOT fandom base than just incest and still, no one cares. I'm not sure if it's because the majority of the fandom are adults and new fans are also majorly adults, but it might be the case.
Like I said in the post you linked, I full on believe it's the mentality of people who built their personalities online. They're not familiar with nuance that comes with enjoying things while having a healthy, lively offline circle of friends/companions/what have you. In a normal and healthy community, it's normal to have diverse interests and not quadruple check everything you enjoy for any hint of problematicism. You should be able to define how much you enjoy themes of certain shows without someone telling you what to blocklist. I have my own set of shows I'm uncomfortable with but, unless they genuinely come from bigoted creators (i.e. JKR's HP-sponsored bigotry, SNK's creator's weird nationalism pandering), I don't care to actually build my opinions on the fans who enjoy them. It's none of my fucking business.
Antis are not "the normal people". Normal people judge others by their behavior towards other people and not by their - sometimes passing - interest in a piece of fucking media.
Thank you for the ask again!
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livlepretre · 4 months
Hey what was Klaus mindset when he learned that Elena might be in danger from his father after he had abandoned her for three years. I mean I know what he did but what was he thinking what he felt. Could u give us some insight.
Also fe 64 stelena damaged me to the point that I went straight to youtube for stelena edits just so I could fall in love with them again. Not kidding, they broke me. You know this is the only fanfic that is able to put me through these strong emotions.
I thought that Beklena would be over by now but maybe the tipping point would be when Rebekah actually turns Elena into a vampire. But won't she develop a sire bond. Maybe it could be Kol. I doubt you would have Elena have a sire bond with Klaus because so much of this fic had been her journey towards finding her own agency. I mean Elena seems much more accepting of 'dying" and being reborn as a vampire in this chapter.
Thanks for sharing this masterpiece with us 💜
Thank you!!!
I think he was like a force of nature. Literally nothing was going to stop him from going to her, and saving her from Mikael. I think that learning that Elena was in danger from Mikael temporarily erased all of the unresolved feelings and issues he had with her and instead threw him back into this primal mindset of needing to go to her. Immediately.
That was probably the only time we've seen Klaus in any sort of honest state since the reunion.
Elena was unconscious for a while after that, though, so he had time to reel it all back in and put his mask firmly in place before she woke up.
And 💙💙💙💙💙 it is an honor to break you
Not going to lie, I take special pride in being able to do this with stelena-- which, I personally love, but I know there are as many haters as they are lovers, and I think a lot of people have turned around on stelena, at least in this fic. It's my ultimate angst ship. I really do think they were soulmates in every way that mattered, and it just still didn't work because what are soulmates when compared to destiny?
To be honest, I do think some of the writing in these latest chapters has taken me longer to accomplish certain goals than I would have liked; in an ideal world, I would have been able to write this arc straight through, and probably condensed things by a few chapters. Like, I always intended Rebekah and Elena to still be together at this point in the narrative, but it is taking me a while to get to where I need to go. A lot of that is just that I had so little time to write these past few years-- my momentum ended with the chapter after Elijah showed up in fall 2020, and after that, I updated only once in 2021, once in 2022, and twice in 2023, so basically, we have been in this little section of story for like 3.5 years. I think that also makes it feel like the relationship is lasting forever, when really it's only been a thing for like 10 chapters/4-5 months. But. I think, even for my klena shippers out there, this relationship is necessary for Elena, and even necessary for Klaus. You'll see.
I think Elena is sort of glumly coming to terms with becoming a vampire because she wants to keep Rebekah at almost any cost. (Almost. The almost is so key.) But the compulsion to live would probably in practice get in the way-- she'd have to be turned against her will/knowledge because she definitely does not consider becoming a vampire to be "living."
But you'll have to read and find out to see how the Elena-vampire question turns out >:)
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boomblebee-420 · 1 year
Sk8 Headcanons
Random Sk8 headcanons because I can. If you don't agree with them, please just keep scrolling
There is some shipping between characters. Some of this is me projecting onto characters because I kin them lol
Fluff, Angst, Crack
Warnings: Mentions of self-worth issues, self-harm, suicide attempts, homophobia, anxiety, meltdowns, death, intrusive thoughts, and panic attacks
-definitely chews on his pencils
-has wanted a dog for years but he’s allergic
-transmasc demiboy 
-biromantic and demisexual
-uses he/they pronouns
-they’re a hopeless romantic
-his binder is orange 
-started a fund for top surgery
-gives Langa wheels that they make as birthday/holiday gifts, or just whenever
-spins/jumps in a circle to stim
-also repeats memes, vines, sounds, pretty much anything he finds funny or interesting
-he doesn’t look like it, but he reads a LOT 
-they don’t like reading for school because the books suck
-bouncy leg bouncy leg bouncy leg
-separation anxiety with Langa
-used to cut, but stopped since meeting Langa and the gang. Relapsed when he and Langa were fighting
-depression and anxiety
-knows how to drum (self taught on buckets and empty bins. He’s actually really good)
-inferiority complex
-incredibly impulsive but also very cautious
-constantly tapping fingers on everything
-autism, inattentive adhd, ocd
-cat person
-uses he/they/ice 
-talks to his dad a lot (even though he’s gone, it makes ice feel like he’s still with them)
-non-verbal sometimes
-donates some of his paycheck to Reki’s top surgery fund every month
-has no regard for his safety
-my guy can’t take a hint to save their life
-plays a lot of video games
-hyperfixated on omori and undertale 
-clicks ices tongue a lot
-has made an attempt on their life before. Ice is better since meeting Reki and the gang
-doesn’t really like books, more of a movie person but he usually doesn’t finish them in one sitting
-really bad intrusive thoughts. Ice will often shut himself up in their room for days because of them
-gets Reki flowers all the time
-Everytime ice meets a new skater, he demands a beef
-Can play the piano
-Monster Energy addict
-Used to be extremely emo (style-wise)
-Listens to midwest emo, regular emo, shoegaze, indie, some pop 
-Likes to stick to a schedule and has meltdowns if it’s disrupted
-genderfluid as fuck
-hates polka dots (STRIPE SUPREMACY)
-loves all fluffy animals
-loves going to the zoo and making fun of random people there
-royalty of embarrassing his friends
-huge abandonment issues
-tends to stay up till three am eating fruit snacks and playing video games
-she and the gang have mario kart contests every saturday night
-has hidden in Langa and Reki’s houses before and scared the shit out of them
-listens to fleetwood mac but will never admit it
-learned german just to fuck with people
-photobombs everyone (even people they don’t know)
-Wilbur Soot and Lovejoy fan. He and Langa listen to them together while playing video games
-Has G.A.D and depression, finds it hard to do simple tasks a lot of the time
-Gets panic attacks sometimes
-Watches MCYT
-Bisexual disaster
-Knows spanish and uses it to his advantage
-my guy got mad rizz, as we all know
-Used to be in a band with Cherry. They were called Skate Bomb. It didn’t last long
-Plays bass and guitar
-Sings, but not very well
-dude’s been cooking since before he could walk
-dominates mario kart almost every single time
-listens to everything under the sun (mostly surf rock), and sings country songs to annoy the gang
-has memorized all the vines. Good luck finding one he doesn’t know
-sucks at dying his hair so he forces Cherry and Shadow to help him
-Was a theater kid
-Favorite animal is a penguin. Thinks they’re the funniest things to walk this earth
-Self-harmed as a teenager
-Has anxiety, and tries his best to help the gang when their not feeling the best
-Horrible eyesight, he wears contacts
-Gay as fuck
-had horrible handwriting and Joe kept making fun of him for it, so she got really good and opened his calligraphy business out of spite
-secretly loves musicals, and knows every word to Hamliton. Like, she memorized the entire script
-Fluent in english and french
-plays a shit ton of instruments and really good at all of them
-major perfectionist
-extremely tech savvy
-believes that Carla is his soulmate
-sings like a fucking angel
-can’t cook for shit, but has really high standards for food
-has horrible self-worth problems and only Joe knows 
-Parents were incredibly homophobic and strict, so she’s really sneaky
-Acts like he hates being touched but is secretly touch-starved and craves attention
-Grew up rich 
-Donates a shit ton of money to charity. Also donates to Reki’s fund when she finds out about it from Langa
-Doesn’t really like animals
-Been gardening since he was small
-Trans FTM
-Really good at makeup, and occasionally will get into drag just for fun
-Amazing fashion sense
-Loves his grandma and brings her flowers all the time
-Been in love with his manager for years
-Has O.S.D.D, and O.C.D
-Horrible relationship with his parents. They cut off all communication with them as soon as he turned 18
-Sucks ass at mario kart
-Has a god complex and inferiority complex 
-Gets intrusive thoughts a lot
-Saved a shit ton of money and managed to get top surgery at 22
-Listens to goth and punk music and hates country (except Dolly Parton, he loves her but will never admit it)
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tigressaofkanjis · 2 years
Transformers Earthspark Review: Ep 2 (Part 2) - 10
I'm going start off by saying not a bad run. I got a little disappointed how Elita kind of was shrugged off after her debut to make random appearances more so than actually being among the team like promised but it's not bad. For a children's show, spectacular! For a fan show, it's got its funny moments like Optimus and Megatron texting in a group chat. That's hilarious.
My favorite thing about the series so far is Arcee being a chaotic element and Soundwave and his Minicons being the dream team. Frenzy's change of gender was kind of unexpected but whatever, it works. We can roll with that no problem. Wheeljack has grandpa vibes too.
(And to answer one post I had whether or not I would ship Megatron and Arcee in this, now that I know what we're dealing with...I say it's possible though it would be more in reverse than normally how the ship would work which I'm not going to complain about one bit.)
I noticed some things that become the harsh reality of the show are very stressed but abandoned quickly by each episode's end to make the series seem happy-ever-after ala MLP style. It's a bit annoying how they flip-flop through it too. A few things that stood out are that Bumblebee doesn't seem to want to be with the Terrans (humans he has no problem with) but he is forced to seem happy with his students when I can tell he doesn't like them. Animating a smile on his face doesn't give me the impression he actually appears happy from his posture, animators. Megatron pointing out Optimus' hypocrisy imprisoning Decepticons and then suddenly apologizing for it which he shouldn't have because he was right and none of the issues with said hypocrisy actually get fixed aside from releasing a few Minicons they just captured. Congrats, you did nothing to help the problem; you're stuck at point one again. They basically made Megatron get over it in one episode which makes no sense.
Another thing is Thrash who has the personality of a Decepticon yet no one really questions it. They assume he just doesn't like rules because he says so like RID15 Sideswipe, but his mannerisms tell me if he was created before or during the war, he would have been a Decepticon and he would have killed people. His personality is so egotistical but its hidden behind, of course, a childish demeanor because you can't have the main characters openly showing what can be perceived as a dark intent. Twitch is no innocent here either.
Skywarp though still is not my favorite because although I don't have a problem with her gender change, I always loved the bash brothers mentality between them, Starscream, and Thundercracker. It's sad that they have separated the trio the past few decades which I always though they missed out expanding on in the cartoons. It was another complaint I had against Cyberverse introducing the character but then not doing anything with her with her two peers.
Now, what I kind of like now is the Terrans (not counting the newer three)...but not as you think. As mentioned above, I find the hidden quirks of Twitch and Thrash's personalities, which make them seem a bit more dangerous than they are supposed to, to be actually cool. A shame they have to play the good guys because they would make better Decepticons. And the whole water thing, boy, that is a terrible weakness that they just go rampant without water before dying/going into stasis lock. Now, it could be actually a good thing because, for those of you who don't know, Quintus is the mastermind behind the Quintesson race who took over Aquatron and/or other water-carrying planets. He learned his lesson by making those of his design easier to defeat in case...anyone decides to turn bad again. That's smart.
Dr. Mandroid is basically Silas, just a different motive up until now, and now he's more or less a carbon copy. It's like they combined Silas with the making of the Quintessons but gave up halfway what they wanted to achieve and it's not even close to mid-season. I don't get it. If you're going to half-ass a serious villain, get rid of him before the end of the season or something.
I'm not going to say anything about the rest of the humans. We're pretty decent in that regard.
All in all, while I do like (and other people, of course, pinpoint this as well) the changes to Megatron and Optimus' interactions with each other and among the humans which leads to many funny moments, this series has some problems in pacing. Not going to sugar coat that. Too many conflictions on what they started off doing and what they were trying to achieve plot-wise. I praised the plot once before but now I'm not so certain. The little moments between all that, especially with Megatron and Optimus, make the show but everything else isn't really working well.
Then again, kids show so can't expect myself to like every Transformers cartoon ever made. But maybe it's the time. I ended up liking a lot more of RID15 after rewatching it a year after it ended. Maybe just watching this as a new series isn't sitting right. I don't know.
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Ah! I'm so happy that someone is not a fan with Dialuc ship. I thought I'm the only one or in the unpopular side of this argument.
I get why people ship these two. But to me their dynamic doesn't sit well to me. So as He and Barbatos.
It's hard to ship Diavolo with anyone because what his character does to others. The only ship I can see that could work is Him and Solomon, but that is a crack ship (Also I don't ship characters to other characters without them actually having romantic chemistry or the canon pair plus who scary people tend with shipping in general)
I wish the Dev's isn't afraid of making an arc for Diavolo where they acknowledge of his controlling nature, even though his this prince placing people in situation where they can't say no isn't how to making friends or make deep connection to others.
Sorry for this rant, I just want to chat with this topic.
I definitely agree!
It isn’t just Lucifer people take issue with, it’s literally anyone he has power over. He used his dying sister to make him his servant. Messed up. Then there was that whole thing was Barbatos and threatening to abandon the thrown if he didn’t stay with him. Although the way Diavolo talks about it, I got the impression he was much younger. Lucifer and Barbatos seem to hold Diavolo in high regard but the nature of their relationship makes me feel icky for shipping them. And to be fair to the DiaLuc shippers out there I don’t think they deny these issues.
The devs were pretty close in acknowledging his controlling nature in S3 with Belphie but they were too afraid to call him out. They ended up making Belphie just get over it.
“You saved my life guess I gotta do what you say!”
In these type of discussions, Belphie is usually left out but I know the ship has a niche following. Given everything that’s happened in entirety of their relationship, the refusal to compromise, lack of understanding and especially the inability to accept no means no. Diavolo was really gonna force Belphie to wear a hat, because he wanted him to. Then he guilts MC into trying to get Belphie to wear the stupid hat! Mc could’ve easily said no themselves, but Belphie already did!
The healthiest relationship he has atm is with Levi but with his complete disrespect for boundaries and Levi’s social anxiety, I’m a bit worried. I hope this is the relationship they address his control issues. It would be good for both of them! Levi gaining self respect and boundaries and Diavolo learning to respect said boundaries!
And this always goes without saying, but ship them if you want! If you ship Lucifer and Diavolo, great! If you ship Lucifer, Barbatos and Diavolo as a poly couple, more power to ya! It doesn’t make you an awful person, you just interpret their relationship differently then I do. Which is completely valid!
I love talking about ObeyMe! Nowadays it seems all I do is rant about it, but rants are cathartic! So I was really happy when I saw your ask!
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hamliet · 4 years
What Does It Mean to Save?
I keep seeing it said that Deku, Ochaco, and Shouto will “save” Shigaraki, Himiko, and Dabi, but that there will be no redemption and/or no survival for them. I’m truly not trying to vague these posts and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but literary criticism is fundamentally responsive so I’m writing this anyways.
I personally think that’s not BNHA’s definition of saving nor of redemption. So here, have a deep dive into literary tropes related to redemption, genre, and character arcs as they pertain to BNHA and the question of: what does it mean to save Shigaraki, Touya, and Himiko?
Before we begin, let me say that while we might be personally uncomfortable with redemption (there’s a redemption arc in BNHA I am personally quite uncomfortable with), that doesn’t inherently mean the narrative won’t go there. The key principle I’m operating on here is BNHA’s message that heroes save people. It’s held up as the highest ideal. 
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So let’s talk redemption in BNHA-verse. With this guy, whose redemption arc I dislike in principle but accept as part of the story so don’t come for me stans and/or antis. I’m analyzing because it shows us what redemption means in BNHA-verse, whether or not that is satisfying to you personally as it fits/does not fit with your own morality/philosophy.
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If Endeavor can be redeemed and live, and he’s Bakugou’s negative foil, I highly doubt Shigaraki and Deku as well as Touya and Shouto and Ochaco and Himiko will be any different. Why? Because Enji is an adult character. The others--well, Himiko’s age we don’t know, but we do know that Shigaraki and Dabi are technically adults. But does the story consider them adults?
(It doesn’t.)
Child-coded characters are generally more likely to survive a redemption, which I’ll explain more later. First I have to define what I mean by child-coding, because I DO NOT mean this in the way it’s often (mis)used in fandom wank. Child-coding is a real thing, but it is not done to infantilize and it has nothing to do with shipping.
Child coding frames the character as a child for a few narrative purposes to convey a story’s theme or purpose. For example, if it’s a coming of age story coding a character as a child even if they legally are not emphasizes their journey to an understanding of self-actualization, or a true understanding of self with self-awareness and an understanding of self-value. An example of an adult coded as a child is The Kite Runner, wherein Amir is a legal adult for half the story, even married for fifteen years so we’re talking 30s-40s, but he does not truly become an adult until he returns to his homeland and takes responsibility for a childhood sin. In Attack on Titan, the main characters are now nineteen, but are still struggling to take responsibility as adults and have only started doing so now that their mentors/parental figures have started dying.
Along those lines, in any kind of story, you can code a character as a child of someone, regardless of biological relationship, to convey the type of relationship they have (usually a mentor one). For an example of this, see Bungo Stray Dogs’ Dazai and Akutagawa. Despite their two year age difference, Dazai recruited him to the mafia, abandoned him, and Akutagawa desperately seeks his approval. Usually in these stories a character will “overcome” their parental figure. This can be done through overcoming their need for the parental figure’s approval in stories where the parental figure is kindly (such as in Harry Potter, when in the final book Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave the Weasleys to find the Horcruxes despite Mrs. Weasley’s please) or through like, killing/stopping/leaving the parental figure when they are abusive (see fairy tales like Rapunzel and Cinderella). The parental link to self-actualization is because it is childlike (and a part of actual psychology that is reflected in literature) to see yourself as a part of your parent; self-actualized person would see yourself as a distinct person from your parent, but also acknowledge the ways in which they’ve shaped you.
So, how do you code a character as a child? BNHA isn’t subtle about it, because Horikoshi seldom is subtle about anything. The villain trio are all coded as children.
Shigaraki Tomura:
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Who cannot achieve self-actualization so long as AFO has access to his body, as he’s literally trying to possess him. He’s trying, but it’s not gonna work because Shigaraki can’t keep AFO and become an adult at the same time. It’s a choice the narrative is setting up: your dream of destroying, or your freedom? (To get the latter, he’ll probably have to destroy AFO).
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Todoroki Touya, who is repeatedly emphasized as a small child when compared to his siblings, and yes, I know he’s now tall. Specifically he’s spotlighted as the child of Endeavor:
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And he’s the least self-actualized one in a lot of ways, contradicting himself constantly. I’m not Endeavor, DUH! But these are Endeavor’s flames! He’s gonna have to choose one or the other, because the tragic irony is that the more he takes out his rage on those around him, the more like Endeavor he becomes.
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And Toga Himiko (who might well literally be a legal child), who is actually the most self-actualized one thus far, because she rejects Curious’s child insistence (Curious holds her in a Pieta pose, based on Michelangelo’s statue wherein Mary holds a deceased Christ):
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She’s still got, like, a way to go though:
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Because Himiko also wants to be like the people she loves to the point where she loses her own identity in them, which is er, not self-actualization. So she’ll have to choose whether or not she really wants to be like the people she loves or whether she wants to live her own way, which she herself tells us how that would end (death):
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Deku said it himself: it’s good to focus on what someone is doing now. And look, I have issues with this statement and how it’s framed. I’ve talked about it at length and it was doomed to fail because Shouto himself told us long ago that it was annoying to hear a righteous speech by a stranger when you hadn’t gone through the same, plus Endeavor kinda failed by choosing being a hero over a dad here. But, the principle is that if the past doesn’t preclude Endeavor from seeking a better self, why would it preclude three characters coded as children, one of whom is literally somewhat the product of Endeavor’s sins? BNHA doesn’t think the past keeps someone from a better future. 
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So what about Dabi’s counterpoint, which is indeed valid? Well, redemption doesn’t mean the past forgets, either. It’s complicated and nuanced, and we can debate how well Horikoshi strikes this nuance (it’s got its flaws), and admittedly I don’t know how this will go down in the future. But it is asking Endeavor: how do you redeem yourself to the people you’ve hurt? And we have Endeavor asking this question to Touya’s shrine. I mean, the foreshadowing is obvious. Endeavor has to redeem himself by trying to save Touya. However, it will still probably come down to Shouto to save Touya.
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For our three villains, it’s a little harder to predict... well, sort of. For Shigaraki it’s extremely obvious: he has to help take down AFO. Dabi probably has to do something to help his family (siblings probably), but it’s vague. Toga needs help and not condemnation, but presumably she’ll help Ochaco with something.
So, is this redemption? I’d define it as redemption in the eyes of the narrative. To address what makes a redemption is another essay unto itself, but if we bring in the oft-compared Star Wars example: did Darth Vader get a redemption? Did Ben Solo? Everyone says yes to both. However, only Luke witnesses Vader’s redemption, and only Rey Ben Solo’s. So the rest of the galaxy? Doesn’t think so. When I say they’ll be redeemed, I’m defining it as their role in the eyes of the narrative, not whether or not society will accept them or even whether their victims will forgive them (of note, in canonical novels, Leia never forgave Darth Vader despite learning he was her father and obviously knowing Luke’s account of his redemption was true).
So, redemption in a narrative doesn’t mean all of society has to forgive and accept them. Dabi has still like, murdered 30 people--many of whom were thugs, but he himself acknowledges they didn’t deserve to die. Additionally, he himself also acknowledges that the families left behind--their feelings matter:
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But why does that mean they have to die? Why even does it mean they have to languish in prison forever? (If there’s even a safe prison at the end of BNHA which I kinda have doubts about.) Heroes have also killed: see Hawks as Exhibit A. In fact, some people want revenge on the heroes precisely because they arrested or killed their loved ones (jail isn’t held up as a rehabilitative place in BNHA’s world. In most countries it isn’t in real life, either, but again that’s for another essay). So why don’t the League’s feelings on Twice’s death matter just as much as the feelings of unnamed and unseen (and thereby less important narratively) characters?
Additionally, regarding death... the villains routinely get called on their death wishes. Himiko’s determination to decide how/when she dies is called out because this is right  before Twice overcomes his trauma to save her, and the next arc they appear in is when Twice dies trying to save her again. Dabi’s suicide wish keeps him from getting close to others, and it keeps getting thwarted. Shigaraki’s obsession with destruction and death is clearly not a good thing, and his rejection of his family’s desire for them to join him in death this past arc is growth.
In other words: what Dabi said and what Snatch said about families and how they feel matter for the villains too. The villains are their own weird found family (Dabi as the deadbeat prodigal brother of both his families). Their deaths--Magne’s and Twice’s thus far, and I’m not ruling out further deaths in the future--affect the others. People’s feelings on losing loved ones matter. The villains are people, as Himiko said herself this arc:
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Their feelings about each other matter:
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How would Touya dying affect the Todorokis? At least they saved him spiritually, I guess, but that’s absolutely lame narratively, and if you have Enji eventually do a sacrifice to save Dabi (pretty likely, even if I personally think Enji will survive said sacrifice) then what’s the point of Dabi dying? How would Himiko dying affect society? As a martyr like Curious wanted her to be, even a redeemed one? A tragic warning story? What even is the point of Ochaco saving her if that’s the case? If Shigaraki dies, well, who would mourn besides Deku? How would Shigaraki dying affect the surviving members of the league? He just couldn’t be saved physically? 
It’s not impossible some of this happens, but it doesn’t seem like great writing, especially with panels like, oh, these that show us BNHA’s perspective on death:
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Sacrificing something is a type of death that occurs in stories; this should happen in a redemption arc, which is why I’ve been saying Enji needs to sacrifice his hero reputation to help save Touya and even then it’ll still be Shouto imo who does the saving. But physical death?
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If you want further analysis of the latter two panels and how they relate to the ending, see here.
We already have another villain who will definitely die redemptively (Kurogiri--an adult coded character--because he’s already, like, dead), and Spinner and Mr. Compress aren’t coded as kids so I hold them with anxiety towards the end. But again, this isn’t me being ageist or saying this is the way things ought to be in fiction or real life: it’s me looking at writing tropes and saying that child-coded characters tend to survive their redemptions. See: Zuko. Why? Because the death of children or child-coded characters is a tragedy. When a child-coded character dies redemptively it doesn’t feel like a happy ending and if framed as such, it’s often criticized for bad writing (see: Ben Solo). Curious even called this out in her fight with Himiko. I would hope Horikoshi doesn’t end the story being like yeah Curious was right that’s the best use of Himiko’s/Dabi’s/Shigaraki’s arcs:
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Additionally, as for the believability of a character getting a new chance after so much destruction and murder... well, it’s kinda a thing in shonen and even in seinen? For better or for worse, it’s a thing. We have Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z and Kaneki Ken in Tokyo Ghoul (Kaneki, by the way, is absolutely an inspiration for Shigaraki). We can debate how well-written these redemptions are (I personally have been quite critical of Kaneki’s despite wanting it to happen narratively), but it can be done. BNHA’s Japan especially isn’t as harsh a world as Tokyo Ghoul’s Japan, so it would make even more sense for something like Kaneki’s ending.
The reality is that the cycle of revenge via hurting people and then leaving hurting families and loved ones has to stop somewhere. Someone has to be the bigger person and step up and be like “naw.” That’s heroic. That’s brave. That’s sacrificial itself. Justice itself doesn’t really exist in its purest form without mercy.
There’s another genre-reason I don’t see death or jail as likely (I could see, like, maybe a mental health ward like Rei’s? But it’s too soon to speculate).
If saving is considered a good thing for the story, if it’s truly the highest ideal, then saving someone should be rewarded by the narrative. The characters who save should have a positive result to show us this a good thing.
This is why it doesn’t work for the heroes’ end journey to be accepting that some people cannot be saved. The notion of just accepting that you cannot do something, you cannot save everyone, you cannot, cannot, cannot, is called out as a flaw of society. Determination, on the other hand, is rewarded.
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We see it with Deku as well as with Mirio.
So, what if they save them and the redeemed characters then go on to sacrifice themselves in their redemption and die (come to the same end)? If saving changes absolutely nothing for the saved person, if it’s too late for the saved from themselves to change and/or do anything that matters besides die, then the narrative theme of saving as important is left unemphasized at best and undermined at worst. Simple intrinsic knowledge that the kids “did the right thing” doesn’t cut it for a story with so much focus on physical saving when the kids are already doing the right thing; moral struggles about whether to choose to be good aren’t really Deku, Ochaco, or Shouto’s arcs. It works for Aizawa’s arc with Kurogiri, but not for the kiddos. If BNHA was more of a philosophical/spiritual text, that would indeed make sense, but it is not. Genre-wise, BNHA is a fantastical superhero optimistic story, not a gritty real-world set drama.
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sarcasmandships · 3 years
honey and glass part 2 ~ spencer reid
i move to new york but i can’t seem to escape spencer reid 
spencer reid x reader angst + hurt/comfort (sorta, it’s all in first person but with no names/no specific descrptions)
word count: 15.4k (got a bit carried away lol)
read part 1 here!
disclaimer: i do not ship jeid or think they had any chemistry but it’s a good opportunity for angst x
it’s snowing in new york.
i groan internally, resting my head in my hand as i stare out the window.
it’s half past six and most of my co-workers have already left for the night, but i’m still trying to mentally prepare myself to venture out in the cold.
“hey!” agent cole greets me as he flops into his chair at the desk next to mine, a mountain of papers in his arms.
“hey,” i mumble in response, “you’ve got a small rainforest there,” i motion with my head to the folders he has now spread across his desk.
“yeah, the bishop is laying it on me thick this week. you make one mistake in this place and its paperwork, paperwork, paperwork for a month. i need to get through this by lunchtime tomorrow.”
i pause and glance out the window again. i really hate the cold.
“i can give you a hand if you want-”
i’m about to suggest that he hand me over half of his files, but before i know it agent cole is leaping to his feet and flinging on his coat, “you are a lifesaver let me tell you that, god bless fitz for bringing you over from quantico!”
he’s scooping up the folders in his arms and dumping them onto my desk.
“oh! i meant that-”
“thanks again, really appreciate it!” agent cole cheers and before i can protest he’s already past the double glass doors and clambering into the elevator, he gives me a wave as the doors slide closed in front of him.
“no problem…” i say to myself.
i shuffle into the breakroom and put on a fresh pot of coffee, i’m going to need it. i fill up a mug and envelop my hands around it as i sit back down at my desk, the heat from the coffee warms my numb fingers enough to hold a pen between them. i make a start on agent cole’s paperwork.
it’s a few hours and many cups of bitter coffee later when agent fitz appears from his office, he’s wrapping a thick, wool, scarf around his neck when he passes my desk and pauses.
“you’re still here?”
“yeah…paperwork,” i say, pointing to the pile of folders i don’t even seem to have made a dent in.
he raises an eyebrow, “your file said you were efficient, but i didn’t think that even you had the ability to fill out paperwork on cases we haven’t even worked yet.”
i laugh nervously, “what do you mean, sir?”
“well, my role as assistant unit chief to agent bishop involves ensuring that all agents are up to date with their paperwork, so i know that all of your cases have been written up, reviewed and filed. so you either have some kind of psychic ability that allows you to predict your future cases and do their paperwork, or this isn’t yours.”
i can’t tell from his tone whether he is annoyed or amused.
“right,” i nod slowly, “see the thing is sir, agent cole had all of this paperwork to do and i offered to help him, only he thought i was offering to-”
“to take it all?”
“yes, exactly. agent fitz, sir.”
he takes a sharp intake of breath in through his nose, “i think that agent cole knew fine well what you meant.”
“what? then why would he-”
“can i give you some advice?”
“y-yes. of course, agent fitz. go ahead.”
“you’re a very nice person, but you’ve been here six months now so you don’t need to worry about making a good first impression anymore-”
“i’m not,” i say defensively, “i just wanted to help out a fellow agent, we used to do it at the bau all the time-”
he gives me a look.
“sorry for interrupting agent fitz, sir.”
“you’re not in quantico anymore honey, this is new york. so my advice to you is to stop being so nice, because i hate to be the one to break it to you but agent cole has taken advantage of your niceness big time here.”
“so your advice to me is to be mean because right now i’m too nice?”
“not mean, just firm. agent cole was given the extra paperwork as a consequence of his own actions, and because you’re too nice, you’re still at the office filling out reports while he’s relaxing at home.”
“be less nice, got it,” i nod and stare down at my hands, unable to believe that i fell for that, i’m supposed to be a profiler, “thank you, agent fitz,” i smile at him.
“just call me fitz, everyone does,” he says as he begins to unwind his scarf.
“what are you doing? you’ll freeze out there without that-”
“we’ll get through this in half the time if we split it,” he shrugs, “i’m gonna grab a coffee, do you want one?”
i jump to my feet, “it’s okay, i can get the coffee-”
“have you forgotten my advice already?”
i can feel the heat flooding to my face, “don’t be too nice, got it,” i sit back down again and twirl my pen.
“see, you’re learning,” he lifts my mug from my desk, “any cream or sugar?”
i shake my head.
he nods and moves into the breakroom.
i let out the breath i didn’t know i was holding. i’d been here sixth months, i thought i was finally fitting in. everything was different in new york, the way of working, the people, the humour. something that would’ve sent spencer into a fit of giggles back in virginia would only earn you a concerned stare here.
or maybe that was just spencer and i’s sense of humour, we got looks back in quantico too. but it was okay because i was with him. it had been six months and the promises of texts, phone calls, emails and letters had withered away.
jj was the only one i still regularly heard from, we called every week.
there was the occasional text from morgan, and garcia.
emails from hotch and rossi.
but from spencer, it was radio silence. i told myself it was because he was a technophobe, and he hated texting on that tiny little phone of his.
“the buttons are too small,” he’d complain.
yet my suggestion of him updating to a modern model was ‘out of the question’, i understood he didn’t like it, but i didn’t understand why he wouldn’t make the effort.
maybe i would’ve confronted him about it if i’d had the nerve, if i wasn’t too nice.
“there we are,” fitz says, placing a mug of steaming coffee in front of me.
“thank you, agen-,” i pause, “thank you fitz.”
he smiles and takes a pile of papers from my desk as he sits in agent cole’s seat.
too nice, the words echo in my head.
if i hadn’t been so intent on being the nice, sweet, helpful new girl i could be at home by now. granted my tiny apartment wasn’t much to go back to, but it was something. i had a chance for a fresh start here and i wanted to be the girl that people liked and respected. i wanted things to be different but i’m just as spineless as i’d been in qunatico.
all honey, no glass.
“you’re leaving?”
“two weeks.”
spencer gets up from the couch and storms away from me, he stares out the window, “so you’re leaving your job in the bau - one of the most sought-after jobs in the bureau - to work for the counter terrorism division in new york?”
he almost sneers ‘counter terrorism division’ at me and i’m taken aback. the spencer in front of me isn’t the spencer that i love, i close my eyes and tell myself that he’s just being defensive. i’ve known him long enough to recognise his abandonment issues.
“why are you saying counter terrorism like that? like it’s a step down for me? because it’s not. it’s better hours, better pay-”
“cost of living is higher in new york city!”
“and my new salary will be more than enough to cover it! they’re also helping me with moving expenses, helping me find an apartment – they really want me over there, spencer,” i run a hand through my hair, “do you know what that’s like for me? to have someone want me so much that they’d pay me 20% above the standard salary-”
“so this is about money for you then?” he says bitterly.
“no! it’s about someone valuing me and what i can do. it’s about someone thinking that i’m good enough and giving me the chance to prove that to myself.”
 “and what, you think that we don’t value you?”
 “i didn’t say that spencer, i’m just saying that i have a chance to excel over there and be a better agent. i’m a good profiler, but i’m not a great one, even you can see that. i’ll be happier when i’m finally in an environment where i don’t need to put myself down and compare myself to everyone around me.”
 “please stay,” he pleads, “can’t you stay for me? everyone is leaving or dying. please, you can’t leave me too.”
 spencer reid is standing in front of me with tears in his eyes begging me not to go, and i want nothing more than to rush to him and promise that i will never abandon him. if i hadn’t already signed a binding contract, i would probably be in his arms now.
 i shake my head, “i’m sorry spencer, it’s already been decided. i’m only staying these extra two weeks to give hotch a chance to find someone else, i didn’t want you to be down two agents.”
 spencer clenches his fist, “i can’t believe this is really happening. jj left, and now you’re leaving too. emily hasn’t even been dead a month and-”
 “you think i don’t know that? you think i just forgot that emily died? you aren’t the only one suffering here spencer! agent fitz brought up transferring to me over a year ago, i called him up about it before jj left for the state department and i was meant to go to new york weeks ago!”
 i close my eyes and take a shaky breath before i can bring myself to continue.
 “and then emily died. and i stayed because we were all grieving and i wanted to be close to you guys, but i can’t put my life on hold forever, i can’t expect agent bishop and agent fitz to keep the job open for me forever, it’s time for me to go.”
 “why didn’t you tell me any of this sooner?”
 “because emily’s death hit you really hard and i-”
 “no, before that. you said that you were planning this before jj left, why did you wait so long?”
 “because after i called agent fitz i needed to do interviews and go through another round of interviews and interrogations, they’re really strict on security over there. it took weeks for me to even find out if they would grant me the security clearance required for the job, i wanted to be sure i was going before i said anything. and then jj left, and i was getting ready to go when emily needed help with doyle, and i told myself i would stay for once more case and then-”
 i have to stop because there’s a lump in my throat and my body is trembling. the memories of emily’s death are still so fresh in my mind, i want to curl up under a blanket and never come out when i think about her corpse, rotting away under the ground.
 “please don’t go, i need you,” he says, not even trying to disguise the way his voice cracks.
 i shake my head, “no you don’t.”
 he doesn’t. he has morgan, and hotch, and garcia, and rossi. and most importantly jj. i know that when he’s not crying in my arms, he’s crying in hers. i know the only nights he chooses me over her are the nights when she’s busy with will, or henry or something classified at the all-mighty state department.
 “yes, i do! you’re the only one who’s there for me 100% of the time, you’re the only person i can talk to about jj-”
 the only person i can talk to about jj. there we go, that’s the reason he wants me to stay. i don’t know why i’m so surprised, or why it hurts so much to hear. i should be used to it by now.
 “i can’t just hang around because you need a shoulder to cry on.”
 i must’ve let more venom slip into my voice than i intended because spencer’s face drops immediately.
 “i-i didn’t mean that, i just meant that you’re my best friend and i don’t know what i’ll do without you.”
 best friend. i can’t bring myself to respond.
 “is that what it is? are you leaving because of me? do you think that i don’t appreciate you, that i just think of you as a shoulder to cry on? because i don’t think that at all-”
 “spencer, you haven’t done anything wrong, i’m not leaving because of you, okay?”
 that’s a lie. and i hate lying to him, but he’s so busy pacing and running his hands through his hair that he doesn’t detect the guilt plastered across my face. spencer is the primary reason for my leaving, but not in the way that he thinks.
 “are you sure?” he asks frantically, “have i done something to upset you? don’t you want to be my friend anymore-”
 it’s ironic how spot on he is, whilst still being utterly oblivious to my feelings for him. i’m leaving because he unknowingly devastates me every day, i’m leaving because i don’t want to be just his friend, i want to be more but that can never happen.
 because he still loves jj. and i know that i can never be happy sitting on the sidelines of his tortured longing. i’m only trying to do what’s best for myself, but when i look at the pained expression on his face i can’t help but feel like a selfish bitch, i’m abandoning him when he needs me most.  
 “look, spencer i’m moving to new york, not australia, it’s not even that far. And we can text, and call each other and email, we can even send good old-fashioned letters if you’d prefer. this isn’t the end of the world.”
 “i think i could manage a text.”
 “yeah, i won’t like it. but i’d do it for you, like i said, you’re my best friend.”
 “are you okay? you look kind of zoned out” fitz asks.
 i place my phone down on my desk, “yeah i’m fine. it’s just…nevermind.”
 “hey, come on. you can tell me.”
 “i just got a call from my friend spencer, we worked together back in quantico but he wasn’t thrilled when i moved here and we never really kept up with texting or emails. i haven’t heard his voice since i left…i was just thinking about the day i told him i was leaving,” i drum my nails against my desk, “it was so long ago now, but it hurts like it was yesterday.”
 “sounds like you guys were close,” he comments carefully.
 “yeah, we were.”
 “so what did he want?”
 “um…him and my other old colleagues, they’re planning a surprise wedding for jj. she’s my best friend, she works with them too.”
 “are you gonna go?” he pauses, trying to gauge my response, “i mean you haven’t been back to virginia since you took the job.”
 i nod, “i know, i didn’t even go to see emily when she came back to life,” i say, my voice mixed with bitterness and guilt.
 fitz reaches over and takes my hand, “and we prevented a potential biochemical attack that week, and a bomb in the subway the week after, and a potential hijacking the week after-”
 i roll my eyes lightly, “i get the point, fitz. we’re always busy saving lives, but i don’t know if that’s a good enough excuse for being such a shitty friend.”
 “they work even crazier hours than us, i think they’ll understand,” he pauses, “i also think that you’re making excuses, and there’s a different reason that you don’t want to go.”
 “i thought i told you not to profile me.”
 “it doesn’t take a profiler to figure out there’s something going on, i’m willing to bet it’s the same reason you wanted to leave in the first place.”
 i smile sadly at him, “you got me there, fitz. i’m in love with my best friend, but he’s in love with the bride, who happens to be my other best friend. only he isn’t the groom.”
 i feel sick at the thought of watching spencer watch jj get married. he is exceptionally good at pretending to be happy, and i’m sure he’ll have the others fooled. but none of them know that he’s in love with her, they don’t know that his feelings evolved to anything beyond a silly, little crush.
 i feel sick at the thought of watching him slap a smile on his face, and shake will’s hand, and make a toast. i don’t doubt that there will be a part of him that is happy for her; the thing about loving someone the way i love him and he loves her is that is that seeing them happy gives you this sickly, jittery, joy.
 it makes your heart race and your hands tremble, and it feels almost like happiness. but its sticky and catches in your throat like honey so you can barely choke out the words to convey how fucking happy you are for them. even honey attracts flies.
 “shit,” fitz says.
 “yeah, shit.”
 all honey, no glass.
 it’s jj’s wedding.
i wanted fitz to come with me but he couldn’t get out of work, we were swamped at the moment, but he’s still insisted that i go. he drove me to the airport and practically forced me through security, and now i was standing in the kitchen of rossi’s mansion as emily refilled my wine.
i took a sip of it and smiled at her. she was the one good thing that had come out of this trip so far, i hadn’t seen her since she came back from the dead and i had been so worried she would resent me for not coming to see her sooner.
but instead she offered to pick me up from the airport and let me stay with her for the weekend, she really was a good friend. i missed my old friends, and it was nice to see everyone again. but i was already exhausted from avoiding spencer and jj hadn’t even arrived yet.
i was drinking my wine far too fast, relishing in the warm euphoria it granted me. it allows me to float through the rest of the evening, i help jj pin up her hair when her mom brings her own wedding dress for her to change into. i wipe her tears when she stares at herself in the mirror. i tell her she looks beautiful, and she really does.
i don’t speak to spencer until the ceremony is about to begin, i squeeze in next to him and mumble my hellos. he doesn’t respond and i know it’s because he’s focusing all of his energy on keeping himself together, i wrap my hand around his and squeeze it gently.
he has tears in his eyes when will and jj kiss, and so do i because i am watching him watch her and i can see his heart breaking with every micro expression. my heart aches for him because his world is falling apart in front of his eyes and he has to pretend to be happy about it.
when jj turns her head i see how widely she is grinning as she clings on to her new husband. spencer sees it too because something in him shifts and i see that sticky, artificial happiness bubble to the surface and before i know it he has dropped my hand and rushes to congratulate the happy couple.
i hang around emily and morgan for most of the night, she keeps my glass full and he doesn’t tease me about my defecting to another division. i know they know something is going on, but they don’t question me about it and i am so grateful for it.
i excuse myself from their company when i see spencer sitting slumped on the patio alone. he’s half hidden behind a pillar but i can see his feet sticking out so i shuffle over to him, my mind dizzy with wine as i take a seat beside him.
“are you alright?” i ask.
he nods stiffly, “fine, just tired – it’s been a busy week. how are things in new york?”
i sip my wine, “yeah not bad, just busy…” i say, my voice trails off and i mentally kick myself for failing to think of a better word, “spencer, can i ask you something?”
“yeah,” he says flatly, “why not.”
“okay…” his dulcet exterior makes me hesitate but i force myself to continue, because fitz told me to grow a backbone and i don’t know when i’ll get that chance again, “i was just wondering why you never called me, or texted, or emailed. we were best friends before i left and now you feel like a stranger to me.”
he shrugs and takes a swig of beer.
“is that all i’m gonna get? a shrug,” i scoff.
i know that he’s upset about jj, my heart is bleeding for him and i understand better than anyone how he is feeling. but even i can see that i deserve more than a shrug from him after a year of no communication.
“spencer, i know how you’re feeling but-”
“no you don’t,” he snaps.
i bite my tongue.
“i want to be here for you spencer, but i can’t do that if you’re going to be a mood-”
he titled his head to look at me, his eyes are dark and empty, “if you wanted to help me so badly then why did you leave?”
i open my mouth to speak but he raises a hand to silence me.
“you want to know why i didn’t call you?” he slurs, “because i was pissed at you, everyone was leaving and dying, and you left too. and then emily came back and everyone was acting like i was crazy for being so angry about it, and you weren’t here,” his voice splits, “i know it’s not an excuse and i’m sorry if i upset you but not having you here just hurt so bad and somehow texting and phone calls made it hurt more.”
i pause, “are you trying to say you missed me so much that you couldn’t call me?”
“like i said, its not an excuse but-”
“no, it isn’t” i spit.
i’ve never been angry at him before because any of the hurt and heartbreak he inflicted on me was unintentional. but now something is burning in the pit of my stomach because he ghosted me for the best part of the year and the best excuse, he can come up with is that it hurt him too bad.
“how do you think i felt spencer?” i hiss, “when i was all alone in another state and my best friend wouldn’t return my calls? i spent so long feeling guilty for leaving you but you weren’t alone. you still had everyone else, i was the one who was alone. you had jj and-”
his grip on his bottle tightened, “i didn’t have her, she was lying to me about emily and then even when we made up from that things were never the same…” he holds his head in his hands, “i’m trying to be happy for her but it just hurts so much…”
he wipes his eyes, “i’m sorry, i should be asking you about new york, not making you listen to the same pathetic sob story that you’ve heard a hundred time before.”
i wrap an arm around him, “spencer, trust me i know how much it hurts but…it’ll get better, okay? one day you’ll get over her, and you find some genius, scientist girlfriend who loves you back and then you won’t hurt anymore.”
“how do you know?” he croaks.
i sigh, “because you might love jj but she just isn’t right for you, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find someone who-”
he shakes his head, “not that, you keep saying you understand, and you know hoe much it hurts – but how do you know?”
his eyes are wide and teary, and he hiccups as he stares at me. i have to look away because the blood is pounding in my ears, i feel dizzy but its not just from the wine. we’re outside in the cool air but i feel like i’m burning up and i recoil away from him.
“spencer, that’s not important-”
“yes, it is. i wanna know. i wanna know how you think you know how i feel to the extent you can give me advice-”
he’s drunk.
“and tell me its all going to be okay, but you don’t know that! because how could you know what i’m feeling-”
he’s raising his voice now.
“spencer, you need to be quiet. someone will hear you-”
“i need to know what gives you the right to tell me that i’ll find love when you don’t even know what-”
“i know what it feels like because i am in love with you!” i finally snap, the words slip out before i can stop them and i slap my hands over my mouth, “oh god…i didn’t mean to say that….”
spencer is staring at me blankly, but slowly his stoic expression begins to melt into one of pity and sympathy. i can see his brain working overtime behind his beautiful honey and glass eyes, thinking of all the different ways he can let me down easy.
he opens his mouth.
“you don’t have to say anything,” i squeak, “i didn’t mean to say that…so stupid…can we please just forget about it?” i plead.
“d-did you mean it? you love me?”
his pitiful stare burns through me and i can’t stand it. i would rather have him glare at me with pure hatred in his eyes than this agonizing brand of sympathy, it makes me feel sick. my legs are shaking, my hands are shaking, my whole body is shaking and i realise it’s because my chest is racked with sobs.
i nod, “i-i mean it,” is all i manage to choke out.
his arms are wrapped around me, and in any other circumstance i would sink into them but now my body is rigid, and his embrace is suffocating. i can’t breathe.
i can’t breathe.
i can’t breathe under the crushing impact of knowing that i’ve fucked up a decade of friendship in less than five seconds because i couldn’t keep my emotions under control.
“i’m so sorry, you know that i care so much about you,” he says softly, “but i just don’t see you in that way-”
“it’s fine spencer,” i sniffle, “you don’t need to tell me that, i’m already well aware of that fact,” my voice is laced with far more venom than i tend but in this moment i can’t bring myself to care.
“how long?”
i’m laughing through the tears, i don’t know why because its not funny.
“ten years, give or take.”
oh. that’s all i get.
they say that when a burn is bad enough it incinerates the nerve endings, so you don’t feel any pain. a burst of excruciating agony and then nothingness. that’s how i feel, i’ve spent years wallowing in my own heartbreak and now that i’ve told him the truth, i just feel numb.
my sticky, sweet exterior is melting away with every passing second and pitiful glance and i don’t think i want to see what’s underneath. i push spencer’s arms off my body, and he doesn’t protest.
i sneak through the double glass doors and into the kitchen, that’s where the wine is. it warms my throat and my stomach, proving some solace from the deep-seated chill i feel in my bones.
the lights of the kitchen reflect off the glass so much that i can’t see past the glare to tell if spencer is still there. i shuffle towards the doors and press my forehead against the cool glass. spencer is gone but i like the way the window feels against my skin.
its smooth, and hard, and cold.
when your world has fallen apart, anything can be a source of comfort. and i don’t have anything left to give, so i close my eyes and rest against the chilled surface.
no honey, all glass.
the office is swarming with new recruits, they’ve descended on us like plagues of locusts and i am not in the mood for it. they’re eager and naïve as they attentively takes note of agent bishop’s words.
“…now I don’t want you to think that counter terrorism is all like what you see in the movies,” he drawls, “its not all action and defusing bombs, its patience and paperwork, careful observation and analysis – it takes more discipline to work in this division than any other in the bureau. its hard work, but it’s worth it as agents tell you,” he says, indicating towards fitz and myself.
he gives them a determined nod, i muster up a half-hearted shrug from my position leaning against the filing cabinet in the corner. i’m really not in the mood.
bishop’s phone chimes and his brow furrows ash his eyes scan the screen, “it is also unpredictable at times, so you’ll have to excuse me. but i leave you in the capable hands of my two right hand agents, they’ll be more than happy to lead the rest of the seminar,” he gives us both a quick nod before he darts out of the room.
fitz moves to the center of the room, “well, agent bishop had pretty much covered the lecture section of the session. next we are going to move onto some basic training scenarios, i will outline a situation and if you think have a strategy just shout it out, how does that sound?”
he is talking to the trainees but looking at me, he fidgets with his collar. he’s nervous, and he’s waiting for me to give him some reassurance. i force the corners of my lips to curl upwards, and it seems to give him enough confidence to continue.
he uses the remote to change the slides on the projector screen behind him and begins to list scenarios. the newbies are falling over themselves to catch his attention long enough for him to call on them. their enthusiasm and passion should inspire me, but it makes something in my stomach twist and there’s sharp anger burning through my body.
they’re all so fucking happy. so eager to see what their years at the bureau will bring them. all i got was heartbreak and rejection, but i don’t think agent bishop would appreciate me saying that so i keep my lips tightly pressed together.
“…and then i would diffuse the bomb and-”
“you would what?” i say.
the recruit shrinks back slightly when he feels my unwavering gaze shift to him.
“the scenario agent fitz gave us involved an explosive device, so my strategy would be to diffuse the-”
“that’s what the bomb squad is for, your job is to prevent the threat before it can occur, not to play around snipping wires!”
“i worked explosive ordinance disposal in the army, i would know what i was doing-”
“you aren’t in the army anymore,” i snap, “you’re in the fbi now, and we don’t have our agents running around like headless chickens during an active terrorist threat because we have rules and when you don’t follow the, people get hurt!”
“but what if the bomb squad can’t get there? surely if he has experience-” the girl next to him tries to defend him but i hold up a hand to silence her.
i laugh sarcastically, “okay. let me tell you what, next time we have a terrorism threat involving explosives i’ll tell the bomb squad that we don’t need them because i have two rookie agents who want to do things their own way. anything you’d like me to tell your families after you blow yourselves up, likely taking dozens of civilians with you?”
when they don’t answer me i give a smug smirk, “that’s what i thought,” i look over to fitz and nod, “you’ll have to excuse me, they’ve rotted my brain enough for one day,” i say before sweeping out of the room.
“why is she so mean?” the female recruit asks when she thinks i’m out of earshot.
i can feel agent fitz hesitate and i don’t blame him. i wouldn’t know how to explain to a group of trainees that i’ve been a complete bitch today because i’m bitter and heartbroken.
“she isn’t mean,” he says slowly, “she’s hard on you because she wants you to learn; its life and death out in the field and you need to be ready for anything. there’s no time for niceness and if you’re expecting that, then you’re probably in the wrong job.”
i appreciate his lie.
he makes me sound noble.
the trainees nod at his words, their eyes wide as they feed into the seamless bullshit. the stoic and honorable agent makes a better story than the resentful shrew.
i don’t want to be this way. but spencer’s words echo in my head and the breath is knocked out of me every time i picture his face, i feel like i’m drowning. it’s a dull, crushing ache across my body, weighing my limbs down like there’s lead in my veins.
i want to be honey; golden and sweet but i’m all angles and sharp edges. i’ve broken like glass and it’s only a matter of time before i draw blood. it’s easy to push people away when they’re scared of getting cut.
“are you okay?”
i jump as agent fitz creeps up behind me.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to startle you. but you haven’t been yourself and i just wanted to check-”
“are you scared of blood?” i ask.
“blood. does it freak you out? make you feel faint?”
“no, i’m not scared of blood,” he says hesitantly.
i smile and for the first time in forever it doesn’t feel forced, “good.”
no honey, all glass.
it’s agent bishop’s retirement party.
i stand next to fitz, we’re in a circle with some of the other agents. i glug my wine as they converse, its dark and bitter and red.
“so, agent, you used to be a profiler down in quantico, didn’t you?” someone asks.
i swallow my wine, “yes, i was. that was a while ago now though.”
“do you miss it?”
i smile fondly, “every day.”
“isn’t profiling just pseudoscience?” someone snorts.
before i can even open my mouth to respond, fitz interjects, “actually the bau is one of the most successful departments in the bureau, they are responsible for saving hundreds of lives and allowing families to seek the justice they deserve.”
i nod appreciatively at him, “behavioural science isn’t empirical but more often than not we are right, like agent fitz said, we -they- are one of the most successful departments in the bureau,” i say, trying to fight the smirk creeping across my face.
“how does profiling work, can you really catch someone based on the method of killing they chose?” someone gushes.
“yes, we can tell a lot from victimology, signatures, cause of death – it’s usually symbolic in some way of their motivation for killing, or metaphorical for a message that they want to send, you’d be surprised how much we can learn from details like that.”
“oh, that’s cool.”
“i didn’t know you guys did stuff like that, i might need to put in for a transfer!”
everyone laughs.
i give a half-hearted chuckle. all of my stories and experiences at the bau are tainted by him, i can’t even make light conversation at a party without my body turning numb. every memory chips away at my heart, and it’s growing more and more hollow with every beat.
“i think you need another drink,” fitz whispers in my ear.
i allow him to take my hand and lead me into the kitchen, he tops up my wine, filling it more than he probably should. but i appreciate him for it, i think he can tell i need it.
“are you okay? you clammed up right after you finished talking about your time at the bau.”
“i’ve told you before, don’t profile me,” i say, my voice sharper than i intend it to be.
“i’m not. i’ve just noticed than whenever you talk about your old job you get this look in your eyes, and you go all quiet and snap at everyone for the rest of the day.”
i drink a quarter of my wine in one gulp.
“this is still about him isn’t it?”
i shrug, “i thought i’d be over him by now but…” my eyes start to prickle and i have to console myself with another mouthful of wine.
“but?” he prompts.
“you know how jj and i call each other every week.”
“well this week she told me that the rest of the team are starting to suspect spencer is…seeing someone. i don’t know the whole story, jj didn’t either. but apparently he’s been acting weird and making all these phone calls and i-”
i have to stop. i bite the inside of my cheek. he got over jj and i didn’t even know. i wasn’t even there, maybe if i hadn’t left…it hurt too much to consider the possibilities. and now there’s another woman that i don’t know anything about, at least when he was in love with jj i knew what aspects of myself to compare to her. now i’m jealous of a woman i’ve never even met.
“do you want to talk about it?” he offers kindly.
i shake my head.
“…can i ask you something else?”
he looks over his shoulder and i can see his jugular vein pulse in his neck, he’s nervous.
“earlier, when you were talking about how killers leave symbolic or metaphorical clues that helps you figure out their motivation….”
i motion for him to continue.
“is that true for normal people too?”
“what do you mean?”
he runs a hand through his hair, “say you have a friend, and they as you a weird question, but it’s so out of the blue you it can’t be literal, that there has to be a deeper meaning behind it. if their question is symbolic for something else, could that indicate what their intentions are?”
he avoids eye contact with me.
“what’s this about?”
“n-nothing, nevermind. it was a stupid question anyways…” he mumbles, grabbing his beer and shuffling past me.
“fitz, come back!” i call after him, “fitz!”
he’s already gone. and i don’t have the energy to go after him. i huff and lean back against the counter, swirling around the wine in my glass before i raise it to my lips.
my hand slips, and the wine glass tumbles to the ground before shattering against the white kitchen tiles.
i rake around a couple of drawers, searching for a dish towel to mop up the mess. eventually i find one and bend down to clean up the wine; the red is stark, splattered against the shiny white background.
it looks like...
“are you scared of blood?”
the words of my own cryptic question echo in my head and something clicks.
i use a towel to scoop up the shards of glass and absorb the wine, i toss it in the sink and dash out of the kitchen in search of fitz. i spot the back of his head through a window and follow him out to the balcony, its lit by twinkly fairy lights.
“why are you out here? it’s cold,” i say, my teeth chattering slightly as i fold my arms across my chest.
i linger by the door, hoping to cling onto some of the warmth radiating outwards. but when fitz doesn’t answer, or even look up i huff and close the door behind me, shuffling over to him.
“were you asking me that stuff about metaphors and symbolism because of what i said to you about blood?”
he looks up at me but still doesn’t speak.
“fitz that was months ago, and i didn’t even mean anything by it so i don’t know why you’re reading so far into it,” i shiver, “can you just tell me what’s going on with you so we can go back inside?”
“what’s wrong with me,” he snorts.
“yes, because you’re acting really weird-”
“i’m not the one who is acting weird, ever since you came back from your friend’s wedding you’ve been like a totally different person, and then you ask me if i’m scared of blood out of fucking nowhere. what am i supposed to make of that?”
i’m taken aback from his sudden outburst, fitz is usually calm and good natured, “why are you yelling?” i snap.
“because i don’t know what else to do, i’ve tried to be a supportive friend but you’re acting totally out of character, the new recruits call you medusa because you’re so harsh on them. if this has something to do with spen-”
“i said i don’t want to talk about him!”
“well i’m not giving you the choice anymore, i’m sorry if you’re heartbroken over him, but you’re killing yourself trying to love him. do you think i don’t notice how exhausted you are? you’re working at least 30 extra hours a week and i can only assume that’s some kind of coping mechanism, and now i’m worried you’re hurting yourself-”
i squint at him, “you think that’s what i meant when i asked you about the blood?”
he nods, “well, yeah. i didn’t think you were killing people but you’re obviously angry and sad and i figured you might have needed an outlet for that-”
“yeah, i do, it’s called kickboxing fitz! i beat the shit out of a punchbag three times a week, the blood thing was…” i groan and sit down on the bench, “you’re right, i did change after jj’s wedding because i was scared of feeling hurt like that again so i thought if i toughened up and stopped being so nice and sweet then people wouldn’t be able to hurt me anymore, but…”
“but then i realised that by being so sharp and harsh all the time then people wouldn’t want to be around me and i would be hurt all over again, and i just thought that if i made sure you would always stand by me then i’d be okay.”
he looks up, his eyebrows slightly less furrowed than before, “so, the blood thing was a metaphor for me always being on your side? cos’ if it is you don’t even have to worry about that, of course i’ll-”
i throw my arms around him and he squeezes me tightly in return, burying my face in his chest i blink back tears because the reassurance from my new best friend lifts a weight from my shoulders. but it’s a bittersweet feeling because i know he accepts it, but he doesn’t understand it; with spencer i never would’ve had to explain my enigmatic words.
with spencer i never even would’ve had to say them because he would just know. fitz is great and we make such an efficient team because we move in tandem like magnets; i move, he moves, but we’re always one behind the other. with spencer we were in sync like planets circling the sun, pulled together by an intangible force strong enough to construct a universe. at least that’s how it felt.
with spencer, we were in sync until we weren’t.
no honey, all glass.
i know that spencer and i are out of sync because when he comes to the city to deliver a guest lecture at nyu, he doesn’t even tell me.
fitz does.
he brings it up to me hesitantly after a meeting one day. since agent bishop retired, he is the new head of the counter terrorism division, and i’ve been promoted to his old job. we have tactical meetings every week with the heads of the three field offices in the state of new york to discuss any potential threat.
this week’s meeting was particularly taxing so when everyone leaves the conference room i just want to go for my lunch break, but fitz stops me to ask if i was aware spencer was in the city.
“no,” i say through gritted teeth, “i wasn’t, how do you know?”
he busies himself with some files, “i’ve been monitoring the movements of all agents coing in and out of the city-”
“why? do you think somethings wrong?”
he hesitates and loosens his tie, “i don’t know yet…i’m working on it, but i noticed that dr reid had a scheduled visit.”
“oh,” i say and try to force myself to wait an acceptable amount of time before questioning, “what’s he here for?”
my voice comes out dry and croaky despite my best efforts to appear unbothered, fitz ignores it and carries on as though nothing had happened.
“he’s giving a guest lecture to a criminology class at nyu, something about profiling…i don’t know,” he looks at his watch, “if you left now you could make it in time, professor van der woodson is a friend of mine, show her your creds and she’d let you sit in.”
i’m pulling on my coat before fitz has finished speaking, “wait…we have that meeting with that financial analyst today, he said he’d found a suspicious pattern of payments that could indicate a-”
fitz waves me off, “i got it, you go.”
i smile at him appreciatively before grabbing my bag and dashing out the door. it’s pouring with rain and it takes me forever to hail a cab, i sit in the back seat wringing out my hair with my scarf as we wait behind an immovable wall of traffic.
the cab crawls along the grid locked streets as i check my watch every two seconds, time is moving at half speed. by the time the driver pulls up outside  by by the time the driver pulls ups at nyu i’m sure spencer’s lecture will already be over.  i huff and trudge inside the building anyway, i’m chilled to the bone as i a buy myself a coffee from the cafe and find an empty seat to perch on.
i drum my fingers against the table as i sip the scorching hot coffee, i don’t really know what i’m expecting to happen. i haven’t seen or spoken to spencer since jj’s wedding, and at whisper of him being in the city i’ve spent the best part of an hour in the back of a taxi to see him. now that i’m here, i’m not sure that i want to see him.
classes are beginning to finish and the entrance hall floods with students, the volume level increases tenfold and i don’t want to be here anymore. i grab my coffee in my hand and make my way back to the front entrance when i hear a familiar voice call my name. i turn my head and i see him, he raises an eyebrow at me and begins fighting his way through the sea of students.
i freeze.
he’s getting closer with every second.
i don’t want to be here.
i don’t want to do this.
i don’t want to see him.
i turn on my heel and i powerwalk, the front door his jammed with students and if i take that route i’ll get suck and he’ll catch up to me. i spy a doorway to my left and dart towards it, breathing in a sigh of relief when i push through it and find an abandoned corridor.  
spencer is still in pursuit. i groan but pause in my tracks as i turn around to face him.
“are you running away from me?”
i fold my arms over my chest, “no.”
“really? because that’s what it looked like.”
“i’ve told you before to wear your glasses, if you don’t then-”
“i’m wearing contacts,” he says softly as he takes a step towards me, “i can see perfectly clearly and you’re running away.”
he reaches out an arm to touch my shoulder but i flinch away, he look of hurt that spreads across his face would be enough to break my heart if he hadn’t already shattered it.
he swallows and pulls on the cuffs of his blazer, i can tell that i’ve upset him but i don’t have the words to console him. this had been a horrible mistake. i’d dreamt of seeing him again every night since the wedding, i ran over and over again in my head what i would say and do. i never imagined that i’d be soaked to the skin and standing in front of him in a corridor lit by flickering, fluorescent lights.
“okay, so i ran away, so what?”
spencer shakes his head, “do i really make you that uncomfortable? your body language is closed off, you keep looking at the door and tapping your foot…you really don’t want to see me…so why are you here?”
i have to look away from him, “i made a mistake coming here, i don’t want to see you.”
“is this about what happened at jj’s wed-”
i hold up a hand to cut him off, “please don’t,” i screw my eyes shut, “i’ve had to relive that moment enough in my nightmares, i don’t want to do it again for real.”
“i’m sorry, i never wanted go hurt you. i just don’t fee-”
“you don’t feel that way, i get it spencer. its fine,” i look at my watch, “there’s a meeting that i really should be at…i’m sorry spencer this was a mistake, please can we just forget about this-”
“do you still love me?” he asks quietly.
i laugh.
“what’s so funny?”
“well, it isn’t funny i suppose,” i say bitterly, “it just makes me laugh that you think i could ever stop.”
“so…that’s a yes?”
“of course it’s a yes!” i look at my feet as i speak because i don’t want to see whatever pitiful look he’s giving me, “you’re my first love spencer reid, i’m always going to love you.”
i take a shaky breath and look up to the ceiling, trying to hold back my tears.
he stares at me sadly, and i know i’ve really fucked things up between us when even dr spencer reid can’t think of something to say. there’s a stagnant awkwardness and i want nothing more than to be hiding under my duvet, but this might be my only chance to get everything off my chest.
“i will always love you spencer, but i’m not in love with you anymore.”
“there’s a difference?” he says with a hint of ice in his voice that makes me flinch.
“of course there is, i love you but it’s not the same suffocating and overwhelming love i felt for you years ago. i love you but i don’t want to burst into tears whenever i see you glance at jj. i love you but i’m free from hating myself and wondering why i could never be good enough for you,” i don’t even try to hide the tears now, “spencer i used to love you so much that i couldn’t breathe, but now i can breathe on my own.”
“i’m sorry,” his voice cracks, “i didn’t know…i didn’t know i made you feel that way, if i had then i’d have-”
“you wouldn’t have done anything spencer because you didn’t feel the same, and that’s okay. you would’ve just avoided me and given me the same pitiful look you’re giving me right now which i can’t fucking stand.”
i sniffle and run a hand through my hair, “i wanted to be there for you spencer, i thought you deserved someone that loves you like you love jj, and you still do. but i can’t be that person anymore, i love you spencer but you aren’t healthy for me.”
“i never asked you to do that for me.”
“not in so many words, but when you would show up at my apartment crying over jj or emily or tobias hankel or your mother…it didn’t take a profiler to figure out that you needed someone, and i loved you so much i was willing to put your needs above my own.”
he looks at his feet.
“i don’t blame you for that spencer, i didn’t value myself very much back then and i thought that loving you was the most important job in the world,” i tug at the sleeves of my sweater, “but now i know that loving myself is the only thing that matters.”
he doesn’t say anything, he just shuffles towards and me envelops my body in a gentle embrace. i’m crying into his chest and judging by his sniffles and shaky breaths, he’s crying too. he holds me tentatively like he he’s scared i’ll shatter in his arms if he squeezes too tight.
i realise he still sees me as fragile and brittle.
no honey, all glass.
i’m finally beginning to feel like my life is coming together.
today felt like a good day.
i woke up before my alarm, had time to make myself a decent breakfast, and didn’t have to sprint to catch the subway. i got to work early and the coffee machine i had ordered had arrived, i made myself a cup of steaming coffee as i relaxed behind my desk and checked my emails. i had a light day ahead of me and thankfully no meetings.
today felt like a good day until fitz burst into my office as half past eight and slammed the door behind him.
i leapt to my feet, immediately expecting the worst, “what’s going on? is there a bomb? hijacking? what is it?”
he waves me off, “no, nothing like that,” his eyes dart between me and windows that look out over the rest of the office, he pulls down the blinds and shuffles over to my desk, “do you remember a few months ago i said that i had been monitoring the movements of agents in and out of the city?”
“how could i forget?” i say bitterly as i am reminded of the painful encounter i had with spencer, “what does that have to do with anything?”
he swallows and sits down in the chair across from my desk, “i noticed that a few of our confidential code names for active and inactive investigations were cropping up in a few of the internet servers that we monitor, so-”
“so, you were tracking the movement of agents because you suspect a mole,” i finish for him.
he nods, “at first they were names of investigations that were well known within the bureau or easy to access with a low security clearance, so it could’ve been anyone, but i’ve been supplying different code names for made up investigations to different divisions across the bureau….”
“and you’ve seen those names continuing to appear in the servers,” i run my hand through my hair, “fuck, this is bad. does internal affairs know?”
he rests his head in his hands, “it’s worse than bad, because i kept a record of which names i gave to which departments because they were all unique, and the names that came up in the servers were only given to our division.”
my heart skips a beat. he was right, this was worse than just bad. this could be catastrophic, other departments in the bureau could gain access to some of our more low-level investigations. but only members of the counter terrorist division had access to the most potent and prolific threats, if we had a mole in our department then we could be looking at disaster of epic proportions.
i collapse into my own chair, “d-do you have any idea who it is?”
he shakes his head, “no, i’ve been nagging the director about it for months but i never got a proper response until this morning, he’s sending a team to conduct an internal investigation…” he looks up at me, his eyes filled with worry and pity.
i realise what he is too afraid to say.
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“i’m sorry, i thought they would just send someone from internal affairs, but the director feels that for someone to infiltrate our department then they must be highly trained and-”
“its fine, i get it, catching the mole is the most important thing right now,” i drum my nails against my desk, “that doesn’t mean i’m overjoyed at the thought of my old team crawling about the place and questioning our every decision.”
fitz reaches across my desk and squeezes my hand, “it’ll be okay, they’ll clear you right away and then you can get on with work, you don’t have to spend anymore time with them than necessary.”
“you mean anymore time with him than necessary,” i gulp my coffee and i don’t even flinch when it burns my throat, “when are they arriving?”
“an hour or so, they’re already on their way here and it’s a short flight,” he sighs, “it will just depend on how much traffic they hit on their way over, but we’re-”
“close to the airport, i know,” i bite my lip, “what do we tell everyone, they’re gonna start arriving soon,” i say, pulling up my sleeve to look at my watch.
its nearer nine now, and the office will start filling up soon with agents ready to start their day. there’s over a hundred agents in the counter terrorism division alone, and one of the is a traitor.
“director says we have to continue as normal until the bau team get here and they’ll decide the best course of action to take-”
i grip the edge of my desk, “so we just let them waltz in here and take over? those are our people down there, they don’t know them-”
“hey, its gonna be okay. you trust these guys, don’t you?”
i nod.
“so they’re going to find out who the mole is, and they’re not going to arrest anyone who isn’t guilty, they’re good at what they do.”
i let out a deep breath, “i know, i know. its just…i’ve been apart of these interrogations before, they ask you about everything and anything and analyze your every movement and micro expression, they’re going to question every decision we have ever made, professionally and personally. this is going to be an exhausting day,” i groan.
today felt like such a good day when i woke up, and now i was facing a waking nightmare.
fitz had gone back to his own office, like he said we needed to act like it was business as usual until the bau arrived. i had rolled my blinds back up and kept an anxious eye on the double glass doors that served as a main entrance to the bullpen.
i’d had an hour to try and prepare myself, to slow my heart rate and pull myself together enough to deal with my team of ex coworkers flying in to pick apart my department.
despite the hour i had to prepare myself, my legs turn to jelly when i see the elevator doors glide open and agent hotchner step out. fitz taps on my window as he passes my office on his way to greet them and i begrudgingly follow him out.
“agent hotchner,” he says, reaching out his hand, “thank you very much for coming on such short notice.”
hotch is stony faced as ever and gives him a brisk nod, “of course, have you told any of your agents about the situation?”
“just me,” i say, “no one else knows, but your presence here won’t go unnoticed for long,” i motion back through the double glass doors where some of the agents are already beginning to strain their necks to see who fitz and i are talking to.
“we brought our technical analyst, penelope garcia along, we might need access to computers and phones. do you have somewhere she can set up?”
fitz nods, “the conference room is just next to my office, you’ll have plenty of space and privacy in there for you all, i’ll show you the uo now if you’d like to follow me,” he says, motioning towards the door.
hotch nods, he and the rest of the team follow fitz through the bullpen and into the conference room. they mumble their hellos to me as they pass me but i know they can tell from my tightly folded arms and clenched jaw that i don’t want them here.
i tag along after them, behind a woman with dark hair that i don’t recognize, after i introduce myself she identifies herself as a dr alex blake.
“so you used to work with the bau?” she asks as we make our way up to the conference room, “hotch said you were a good agent, it’s nice to get the chance to meet you.”
i nod, “yeah, i transferred here a few years ago, it’s nice…to see everyone again,” i force a smile as i hold the door open for her.
“oh, thank you.”
i glance out the bullpen and see dozens of confused faces staring back at me. i close the door. the team have already settled themselves around the table, hotch, rossi, morgan, garcia, jj, blake and finally spencer. i avoid eye contact with him.
“so what are you going to tell people?” fitz asks, “surely if you announce that you think there’s a mole then whoever it is will just run?”
morgan nods gravely, “that is a concern, can you account that all of your agents arrived this morning?”
“lopez and mccall are out on assignment,” i say, “everyone else is here, either at their desks or somewhere on the floor.”
“any concerns about lopez and mccall?” hotch asks, “reprimands, hr complaints-”
“i know what to look for,” i say icily, “and no. they’re both stand up agents, they’ve saved both of our lives countless times,” i motion between fitz and i.
he nods, “she’s right. i’ve suspected a mole for months, so i’ve only been putting the agents i’d trust with my life out on assignment.”
hotch nods and makes some notes on the papers he is holding, “okay that’s good enough for me, like you said it is a concern that revealing our true purpose here could cause our mole to panic and we don’t want him to hurt himself or any of your agents.”
right, because a shoot out would just be the cherry on top of my day.
“our plan is to say that we have evidence to suggest the mole is in a different department, but the interviews we are carrying out here are just formality, we’ll ask inconspicuous questions and rely on behavioural cues,” morgan explains.
i raise an eyebrow, “and you really think that’ll work?”
“it has to,” jj whispers.
“okay,” i say, “i assume you’re going to want to interrogate fitz and i as well?”
“interview, not interrogate,” rossi says, “i will talk with agent fitz and dr blake will interview you…we felt that would be best since you never met during your time with us, that way there will be no bias or-”
“okay, i get the point. my office is next door, dr blake is welcome in there whenever she is ready to conduct our interview.”
before anyone can object i’ve already swept out of the room, into my office and slammed my door behind me. i’m sure they can hear it bang in the conference room. i know they’re just trying to do their job, and i feel pretty sure that they don’t suspect me. but i’m not in the mood to have my life picked apart by a profiler, especially one i don’t know.
it’s a few hours later when dr blake knocks on my door, when she comes in i motion for her to take a seat across from me. i offer her a cup of coffee but she politely refuses.
“no thank you, i don’t think this will take very long and i have quite a few interviews left after you….”
“of course,” i say, “i’m ready whenever you are.”
blake nods and presses the audio record button on her phone, “i already have the basics, your name, age et cetera confirmed by agent hotchner and fitz, so i just have a couple of quick questions. when did you transfer to the counter terrorism division?”
“three years ago.”
“and how long have you been in your role as assistant unit chief to agent fitz?”
“about a year and a half, he took over as unit chief when agent bishop retired and i was promoted to his previous role.”
blake nods, “okay, excellent. why did you choose to transfer from the bau to the counter terrorism division?”
i don’t think there are enough hours in the day to explain that properly, is what i want to say to dr blake. i left because of a bitter concoction of unrequited love and self-hatred, is what i want to say to dr blake. but instead i force a smile.
“i had been with the bau for a very long time and i felt it was time for a change of pace, i-”
the door swings open, cutting me off mid-sentence. i’m ready snap at whichever one of my agents is stupid enough to interrupt, but when i look up all i see are the cold and hard eyes of spencer reid staring back at me.
“reid, is there a problem?” blake asks.
“no, i was just hoping to sit in on this interview,” he says, never breaking eye contact with me.
“oh, spencer i don’t think that’s appropriate, you two were friends-”
“it’s fine he can stay. pull up a chair, reid.”
“i’ll stand.”
i’m grateful when dr blake doesn’t comment on the obvious tension between us. spencer sulks over to my desk, he stands slightly behind blake and leans against the wall. his arms are folded tight across his body, his jaw is clenches, his brows are furrowed; it’s like looking at myself in the mirror.
spencer reid doesn’t want to be here either.
“right,” blake says slowly, “you were just telling me why you transferred to the counter terrorism division, please continue.”
i tear my gaze away from spencer, “yes, of course. like i was saying i felt i had been with the bau so long and i just wanted a change of scenery, when agent fitz offered me the job i thought it would be a perfect opportunity to go somewhere i could really thrive and make a difference.”
spencer makes a face and i ignore him.
blake smiles and nods, “well it sounds like you’ve done just that, agent fitz speaks very highly of you.”
“what’s your relationship with agent fitz?” spencer interjects.
“dr reid, i think it would be best if i ask the-”
“he’s my boss, and he’s my friend. probably my closest friend here.”
spencer shrugs, “some of the other agents i’ve interviewed reported that you two have a very close relationship, and he offered you this job before he was unit chief. hiring agents wasn’t part of his job description.”
“this supposed to be an interview, none of those were questions.”
“i guess i’m just wondering why he offered you this job in the first place, and why he chose to promote you to assistant unit chief when there are dozens of other agents in this office who have been here longer than you.”
“maybe you should be asking agent fitz those questions, not me.”
“oh i intent to.”
“do you really think i’m the mole?” i spit.
“i don’t know, but jj says you’ve been dodging her calls, not answering her texts…and i know from experience how much you hate that. not to mention you just lied straight to dr blake’s face, so i’d say you’re not looking as innocent as hotch and fitz think you are.”
“what is he talking about?”
the anger is burning through my bloodstream. the bitter and cold spencer reid standing in front of me is not the man i left in virgina all those years ago. he’s not even the same man i met at nyu even a few months ago, something about him is different.
“i think he’s referring to when i told you that i transferred because i wanted a change of scene, spencer has always believed there is a bigger conspiracy behind why i left.”
he snorts.
“something funny?”
“well it’s only a conspiracy if it’s not true.”
“that is the truth,” i say though gritted teeth, my nails dig into the palms of my hands as i clench my fists.
“part of it maybe, why don’t you tell dr blake why you really left?”
“spencer, i think that’s enough. i knew this wouldn’t be appropriate-”
“what happened to you spencer? you’re acting like a totally different person, refusing to sit down, snapping at me, speaking to me like i’m an unsub – you’ve changed.”
“maybe i’m taking after you,” he shrugs, “jj says that you’re different too now, she says you’re irritable and-”
i laugh, “she said that? do you two have little catch-ups where you can discuss how rude and bitchy i am now?”
“i’m sure they don’t-” dr blake begins.
“no, we do. jj doesn’t like it when you don’t call her back, she was upset-”
“right, because everything comes back to jj with you doesn’t it.”
he pauses and i see a hint of emotion flash through his eyes, i’ve touched a nerve there.
“not anymore,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper.
“right, you’re not in love with her anymore, she mentioned you had a new girlfriend.”
blake’s eyes flicker between reid and i, “we really should get back on track-”
“yeah, not anymore with that either.”
i roll my eyes, “spencer, i don’t care about your relationship status anymore. i know you remember what i said to you at nyu, so i know that you know i don’t feel that way about you anymore,” i don’t even care the blake is in the room with us anymore, “i’m not in love with you, so if you’re trying to make me jealous with your little girlfriend in the hopes that i’ll get upset and reveal something then you’re barking up the wrong tree, i’m not the mole. i don’t have anything to hide.”
“i’m not trying to make you jealous,” he croaks, “even if i wanted to i couldn’t, because she’s dead.”
oh. so that’s why he was acting so out of character.
“what happened?”
“stalker, shot herself and maeve right in front of me.”
maeve. what a pretty name, the mystery woman i’d been so desperate to know about when jj first mentioned her on the phone. that was so long ago now, i hadn’t felt jealous of her in a long time. i was grateful for that, i didn’t want to be jealous of a dead woman.
i hadn’t lied to spencer when i said i wasn’t in love with him anymore. i would always have a soft spot for him in my heart, but i wasn’t in love with him. i’d been slowly piecing myself back together for the past year and a half, as my feelings for spencer faded i felt better, and stronger.
i felt more confident than i had in a long time, because i wasn’t constantly competing for his attention or comparing myself to the women he preferred. i once felt like spencer and i were tied together like planets orbiting the sun, but that was never a true representation of our relationship because he was my sun, the light and center of my life.
and to him i was just one of many trapped in his orbit. i let my love for him burn and keep me warm for years, but you can have too much of a good thing i was blinded by that love. eventually, you have to learn to keep yourself warm. eventually the eclipse will pass.
“a couple of months ago.”
i sigh and lean back in my chair, “why are you telling me this spencer?”
spencer isn’t look at me anymore and for once i don’t mind.
“alex, could you give us a minute?” he asks, she hesitates for a moment, “please.”
eventually she nods, gets up and leaves. spencer takes her seat.
i pick at my nails, “so now you want to sit down, huh?”
“don’t be like that.”
“oh i’m sorry, have i been rude to you?” i scoff, “are you not the one who has been unprofessional and-”
“i shouldn’t need to be professional with my friends!”
“are we even friends anymore, spencer?”
he shrugs and looks down at his lap. i see the dark circles rimming his eyes, the hollowness in his face, the tangles in his hair. he looks rough. his chapped lips, his pale skin, his bruised knuckles, he looks ill.
“why did you barge into my interview? blake wasn’t going to ask me anything you didn’t already know the answer to.”
“i wanted to see if you’d about your transfer, and you did-”
“spencer, i don’t know why you have this fixation on why i left, but if you want me to say it so badly then fine. i left because of you, is that what you wanted to hear? are you happy now?”
i wait for the tears to well up in my eyes but they don’t come. i can’t tell if that’s a good thing or not.
“do you think i would be happy about you leaving because of me?” his voice cracks, “i learned recently what rejection can do to a person, i guess i wanted to see if-”
“if what? your rejection drove me to become a terrorist?” i snort, “jesus fucking christ spencer, i’d have hoped you had more faith in me than that.”
my heart begins to soften when i see the tears in his eyes. that fucking soft spot.
“with maeve…” tears begin to stream down his face and it’s several minutes before he can bring himself to speak, “maeve rejected a phd student’s thesis, and it drove her crazy. she stalked, kidnapped and eventually killed them both, and that was just a thesis rejection.”
he holds his head and his hands and cries, i stand up from my chair and shuffle round the desk, bending down i wrap my arms around him.
“i’m not a profiler anymore, but you’re upset and i think you’re projecting your feelings about maeve’s death onto me.”
he shakes his head, “she was the love of my life, i wanted to spend forever with her and she’s gone. i’m not upset, i’m devastated,” i wipe the tears streaming down his skeletal cheeks, “and i am projecting my feelings, but not about this.”
“spencer, i-”
“no, let me finish, please,” he whimpers, “i’ve been thinking about you, even before maeve died, since that day at nyu and i don’t think i’ve been a good friend to you, i should’ve noticed your feelings sooner. and i shouldn’t have made you listen to my feelings about jj all those years, it wasn’t fair-”
“you don’t need to apologise, you didn’t know-”
“but i should’ve! you were right in front of my nose and i never noticed,” he looks up at me with his tear-filled eyes, “i think i could’ve learned to love you, if i’d had the chance.”
my blood runs cold and i drop my arms from their embrace around him, slowly backing away, “learned to love me?” i repeat, “i don’t want you to have to have force yourself to love me, who would want that?”
“wait, no i’m sorry. i just meant that-”
“i’m finally over you spencer,” i cry, “i spent years putting back together what you broke, and now you come to my job and tell me that you could’ve learned to love me? no. that’s not fair spencer, i deserve someone who loves me without having to try, i don’t need your pity or your fake love.”
i turn on my heel and storm towards the door, spencer leaps to his feet and follows me, crying out his apologies the whole way. i ignore him, because what else does he expect me to say?
i’ve worked so hard to put my life back together, and now he wants to shatter me like glass over again? he wants to sit in front of me, in my fucking office, and tell me that if he’d profiled me a little bit harder then we could be together right now?
i think i could’ve learned to love you.  
somehow the words hurt more than his rejection.
i swing open my door, hotch is standing in the doorway.
“we got the mole.”
“who was it?” spencer asks, evidently having pulled himself together long enough respond to hotch.
“an agent jermey cole,” hotch says hesitantly, his eyes flickering between us, “were you two close?”
“not anymore,” i say, mocking spencer’s earlier words as i shoot a glare back at him, “we only dated for a few months, i broke up with him when he started acting strange...”
“strange how?” hotch questions.
“weird phone calls in the middle of the night, hiding his texts from me, coming home late…god i was so stupid. i thought he was cheating on me.”
 hotch places a reassuring hand on my shoulder, “it’s not your fault, that was a far more reasonable assumption than guessing he was part of a terrorist cell. but we caught him before he could do any real damage, i have to go and call the director. i was just coming to tell reid we’re heading back to the jet now.”
hotch nods at spencer and walks away, pulling his phone from his pocket as he enters fitz’s office.
“i didn’t know you were dating anyone,” spencer whispered.
“yeah,” i spit, “guess you could say i was learning to love him.”
i leave spencer standing in the doorway to my office.
i think i could’ve learned to love you.
his words sting, and they definitely make me angry. but there’s a satisfaction in knowing that they don’t make me fall apart. i love spencer, but i’m not in love with him, and this erases any doubts i had about that fact. had he said those words to me a year ago, i’d have been crumbling to pieces in his arms.
but now i feel like honey and glass.
it’s been two years since i saw spencer.
it’s been two years since i saw anyone on the team, jj sends me pictures of the boys sometimes, but even we aren’t the same as we used to be. and i think i’m okay with that.
fitz and i make a good team, we run the counter terrorism division like well oiled machine and people don’t die. he’s my best friend now, and i don’t need anyone else.
not in my personal life at least. but professionally, we’re at a dead end on this case and if we don’t act now then people will die. fitz and i only work so well as a team because we know when to make the hard calls.
for me, the hardest call was when i had to pick up my phone and ask agent hotchner for his help tracking down a serial bomber who was targeting busy tourist spots around the city.
it’s been two, peaceful years since i saw anyone from the bau, and now they’re standing next to me, clad in bullet proof vests and surrounded by s.w.a.t agents as we approach grand central station, one of the most frequented areas in the city.
this was his endgame.
the n.y.p.d are working on evacuating the station, and all incoming trains have been rerouted. the bomb squad are getting anxious, they don’t like waiting around like this, but there isn’t much they can do when the unsub has the bomb strapped to his chest.
fitz is trying to talk him down, but i can see the unsub getting angrier and angrier with every second, he’s going to blow us all up.
“we need to do something,” i hiss to hotch.
we’re standing at the very edge of the station by the entrances, ready to sprint out if he decides to detonate. only i can’t leave fitz, i didn’t want to let him to go and talk to the bomber and i tried to fight my way towards them but hotch told me i could either stay with him and follow his orders or i could go back to headquarters. i begrudgingly chose the former.
“well we can’t shoot him, he has a manual and biomechanical trigger – if the heart rate monitor detects that his has heart stops beating the bomb will arm automatically, our only chance is if fitz can talk him down.”
i tap my foot, “he shouldn’t even be the one negotiating, he has a wife now and a kid on the way, if he dies that baby is gonna grow up without a dad,” I clench my fists so hard my nails dig into my palms and draw blood, “if i die, the only person i’m going to hurt is myself, but i’ll be dead so it won’t matter.”
“i can’t let you go over there-” hotch begins.
i look over at fitz, standing several feet away from the bomber with his hands in the air. i imagine telling his wife that her husband has been blown to pieces, i imagine her going through labour alone, i imagine his kid growing up and asking why everyone has a daddy apart from them.
“no you can’t, but you also can’t stop me,” i say, shoving my gun back into its holster and taking my first few steps towards the unsub.
hotch is hissing something at me but i don’t hear him because everything happens so fast after that. something in the unsubs body language shifts, and before i know it i’m being blown backwards by a searing hot force.
every window in the building shatters, and i land in a pile of glass, the shards tearing at my skin as a try and push myself to my feet. my head is aching, and everything blurs in front of me, but i can tell from the acrid smell and orange glow that half the building is on fire. i pat myself down, searching for any pieces of shrapnel or glass embedded in my body, i don’t feel penetrating wounds but when i hold my hands up above my face my fingers are slick with blood.
my vision is so blurry, and i can’t hear a thing over the ringing in my ears. spencer’s face appears in front of my eyes, his lips are moving but i still can’t hear a word. the ringing is overwhelming and black spots are beginning to appear across my vision.
i want to go to sleep.
my eyes flutter shut.
i think someone is shaking me.
the ringing is too much.
when i begin to float back to consciousness, the ringing is gone and is replaced with a consistent beeping. my body is aching, and i groan as i try and sit myself up because my arms don’t want to cooperate with me. when i look down i see they’re wrapped up tightly in bandages.
“hey, don’t try and move yet,” a voice says, “you have a concussion, the doctor says you’ll be okay but groggy for a while.”
the voice shifts into view, its spencer. his face is twisted with worry and he’s biting at his nail, “how do you feel?”
“like i was hit by a train,” i cough, “what happened?”
his face drops, “you don’t remember?”
i try to shake my head but it hurts to try and move, “bits and pieces, did n.y.p.d get everyone out?”
he nods, “yeah, your team did a good job,” he shifts towards me and takes a seat on the bed next to me, “but there’s something else-”
“god, my head really hurts, can they give me any pain meds?”
“yeah, i’m sure they can, i’ll ask a nurse in a minute,” he says softly, “but i have some bad news…it’s agent fitz-”
“no. no, no, no,” the tears start to burn in my eyes and my vision is blurrier than it was immediately after the explosion, “don’t say it, please don’t say it,” i plead.
he takes my hand, “okay, i won’t.”
the tears are streaming down my face i can’t bring myself to wipe them away, my body aches as it’s racked with sobs. spencer doesn’t say anything, he just squeezes my hand and takes out a handkerchief to dry away my tears.
“d-does his wife know?” i finally manage to choke out.
“yeah, hotch spoke to her.”
gemma was a lovely woman, i don’t know how i can face her again when the guilt flooding my body tells me that this is my fault. fitz is dead, and it should’ve been me.
“this isn’t fair,” i croak.
“i know, it’s never fair. but he saved so many people-”
“no. i mean it’s not fucking fair because he never should’ve been in that position in the first place, if i’d just gotten there sooner then he never would’ve tried to negotiate, it should’ve been me.”
through my own tears i think i see spencer’s eyes turn red and glassy, he shakes his head and grips onto my hand so tightly it hurts, if i had the energy i’d tell him to loosen his grip but i can’t make myself speak.
“i know what its like to have someone you love die right in front of you,” he says, and from the pain in his voice i know he isn’t lying and i know he’s talking about maeve, “i know what its like to feel that guilt and wish it was you instead but-”
“do you think we’re cursed spencer?”
“what do you mean?”
i close my eyes, “bad things seem to happen to us more than anyone else i know, we’ve both been kidnapped, drugged, tortured, known the agony of unrequited love, had someone we love killed in front of our eyes…how am i supposed to have any faith in life when we’re just bombarded with trauma and pain every single day?”
spencer opens his mouth to speak but he falters, i can only recall one other occasion where i’ve seen spencer speechless. it’s not a sight that i ever want to see again, he looks so lost as he stares down at me and i know that he doesn’t know what to say.
morgan pops his head around the door, “glad to see you’re awake,” he says.
i smile weakly at him before tilting my head away, i don’t need anyone else seeing me cry.
“sorry kid, but hotch wants wheels up in thirty, we need to get a move on.”
“yeah, i’ll be two minutes.”
my heart sinks in my chest because i realise that spencer’s hand is still intertwined with mine and i know that my heart will break when he pulls his away. i shakily raise my hand to dry my eyes, spencer has to go now, and i need to dry my own eyes from now on.
“i’m sorry,” he whispers, “i don’t want to leave you but-”
“it’s okay, spencer,” i say, shifting my head back so i can see his face again.
his honey and glass eyes are boring into mine, and in that moment, we are connected by our mutual pain, and maybe something deeper that i can’t quite discern.
“you could come back with me,” he says hopefully.
i shake my head, “you know i can’t spencer,” i squeeze his hand lightly, “you go, i’ll be okay.”
i can’t go with him because i think i know what his eyes are asking me and i can’t open myself up to something like that right now. i can’t disregard the last five years that i have spent re-building myself just for something that i may be reading too much into.
he lets go of my hand and an involuntary shiver runs through my body, i had grown so accustomed to our brief skin to skin contact and now that it’s gone i feel like i’m missing a part of myself.
“i’m so sorry, about everything-”
“it’s okay spencer, i’m starting to think that we aren’t meant to have a happily ever after.”
he doesn’t say anything else; he just presses a gentle kiss against my forehead before he skirts of the room.
i lie motionless in my hospital bed, the nurse comes in to administer some pain meds and i almost wished she hadn’t because at least the pounding in my head and stinging from my cuts meant i could feel something.
without spencer, the room is colder. i thought that having my own, personal sun was a bad thing because i thought that being strong and independent meant never relying on anyone for anything. i realise now that being strong means knowing when to when to depend on others.
i wish fitz were here, he would know exactly what to say.
i feel like rotten honey and shattered glass.
i’m not surprised by the look of shock that spreads across his face when he swings open the door to see me standing in the hallway. i open my mouth to speak but i realise i never figured out what to say. i had two cab journeys, a flight, a decade of loving him and i still don’t know what to say.
he must see something on my face because his own stony expression softens, and he reaches out a hand.
“what made you change your mind?”
it’s warm against my own, still freezing from the bitter, winter wind.
“i realised i was wrong, i thought if i ran straight back into your arms it would ruin all the years i spent sticking myself back together. before you were oxygen to me, and i couldn’t live without you. now i know that i can, i just don’t want to.”
he squeezes my hand, pulling me towards him. i’m in his apartment.
“you told me once that you still love me, but you aren’t in love with me. is that still true?”
i nod, “yes, but i don’t think that you’re in love with me either. yet,” i wink at him and he grins, “i don’t need to learn how to love you, i already know how to do that. i just need to be persuaded to fall in love with you again.”
he takes a step closer to me, “persuaded how?”
i snake my arms around his neck and his lips brush against mine, “like this.”
i press my lips against his and i don’t feel fireworks or butterflies or a gravitational pull, i just feel at home. i don’t need a happily ever after beacuse he is enough.
he tastes like coffee and i feel like honey and glass.
as usual i have finished this super late at night and havent proof read at all so pls ignore any grammar/spelling mistakes - also aware that the timeline in this probably doesn't align with canon cos i have no clue how far apart certain events happened so ive made some educated guesses. 
i never planned for honey and glass to have a part 2 but i wrote one due to all the requests i got so i’m sorry if the plot isnt the best because i didnt really know where to take it. i’m definitely not as happy with this as i was with part one but i still hope you enjoy it!
@mggswhorificlover @doctorthreephds @minami97 @bisexualwomanofcolour @ashwarren32 @bangisbae @haylaansmi @heyy-itsharley03 @starjane312 @awesometheydontknowiamhere @radtwinkie @allexthakatt @spencereidshoe @mgglover @spideyr3id
@cloudyskylines @pastelvixenbeauty @hatemyselfbutitsokay @writingwithnotime @awkwxrdmarauders
ive tagged anyone who commented on part 1 or liked my posts about a part 2 so im sorry if you didnt want to be tagged, if ur name is scored through then i tried to tag you but it wouldnt let me x
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Companions and their mental health statuses?
(Wrote this while listening to a Spotify playlist named "going absolutely fucking apeshit" anyway- I'm gonna split this up by what I think character wise...and then my experiences with these seggsy bitches in game bc boy, it's been wild)
•Sufferer of severe trauma throughout her life.
•Shit just gets worse
•Fights for her life and has a strong love for psycho before a special someone convinced her she is worthy of being loved
•Trust issues out the wazoo..for sadly, good reasons.
•Maybe not the worst on the list, but definitely up there.
In game experience...
•GOD DAMN FALLOUT VERSION OF LYDIA- like seriously? Gtfo the doorway! I'm getting blown up!
•Hates everyone and everything except sole and breaking the law.
•Actually not all that bad...except for secret abandonment issues.
•Usually masks it by burying herself in research.
•As far as these poor bastards go, she's probably one of the most mentally stable- which is scary.
In game experience.....
•Sweet Frenchie with asshole pets.
(I don't travel with her often 🥲)
Pre-Blind Betrayal-
•Confirmed sufferer of PTSD
•Blames himself for the death of several team members.
•Evidence points towards un-talked about alcoholism.
•Seems to be attracted to power armour..
•Not very good but not the worst on this list..
Post-Blind Betrayal-
•Same as above but add on identity crisis times a thousand and two.
•Will literally kill himself (or let you kill him) if you don’t convince him otherwise.
In game experience....
•Fucking goes apeshit, pre or post BB
•Completely unaware of his surroundings unless it has to do with vertibirds flying over head, then it's time for guerrilla warfare. "Fate has decreed that you must die!"- he speaks, drawing a laser rifle.
•Has been caught on multiple instances doing drugs out of the drug vending machine in Nuka World despite clearly being against them.
•Probably one of the more mentally fucked.
•Lost his wife in front of his own eyes in a notably terrible way.
•Escapes his deep seeded pain through his elaborate schemes, justifying it by telling himself it helps his organization.
•Still feels like shit every waking minute.
•Cant really allow himself to get close to anyone because of his experiences.
In game experiences...
•Jumpscare king, mainly because I didn't know he changed outfits THAT often.
•Doesn't like physical affection???  Shit that actually makes sense..
•He's pretty "meh" on the sanity scale. He's ruthless, but he's entirely stable besides his attachment issues.
•Trusts too easy and hates himself for it...also tries to make himself not be that way and for the most part, it works!
•Problematic raider.
In game experience...
•Makes stupid comments at inappropriate times as though he wishes for the enemies to murder us
•Thinks that walking through walls is entirely possible and gets stuck every time I run with him
•The actual worst on this fine list of mentally messed up individuals.
•Self worth is just nonexistent despite being a pretty all around decent guy
•Uses drugs to cover up terrible trauma to the point of putting himself in the greatest danger just short of dying
•Oh yeah, doesn't mind death actually.
•Doesn't feel worthy of anything deep down.
in game experience...
•Shoots sole for stealing shit in the third rail
•Sits for hours
•Lost his wife in a horrific way
•Only has his son, who he is convinced is going to die sooner than later because of something he can't control
•Willing to do everything if it means caps to send to his sick child
•Doesn't really have a place to call his "home"
•Reckless and unforgiving
In game experience...
•Being nice? How dare you speak such ill language.
•Does as good as a boy his age with all of the responsibility possibly could.
•Just imagine- your dad died when you were super young. Your mother shipped your ass away. The people you loved like family died all around you. Now you're stuck in foreign land and have no fucking idea where to begin, only that you have to mobilize these fuckers you're in charge of and remain a good leader...
•Still not good enough? Okay, pile on insomnia, alcoholism, and the thought that you have no one alive that truly loves you as more than just the "elder". Oh, but you eventually got to spit out some kids somehow because you're the last of the great "Maxson" line...
•Also not exactly on the "stable" side..
In game experience...
•Stares intently down the Prydwen command deck with his hands behind his back..for hours.
•Never wants to chat :(
•Long winded and short sighted, bad combo..
•Has to deal with not only demons that technically aren't even his, but after "reunions"- Kellogg's fucked up self haunts him. He keeps it to himself and suffers silently.
•Deals with the pain of knowing there will never be a place where is truly just himself. He's a man trapped inside of a metal cage..and yet he's not even really "that" man, is he?
•One could easily understand how he has some issues too.
In game experience...
•Cigarettes? Yes.
•Oh, Youre in a fight? Seems like a good time to tighten the bolts in my hand right about now...
•Wields a flamer like a champ.
•Surprisingly..has the most sound mental state out of all.
•Is a little obsessive tho
•Has had to adapt to the role of sibling and parent to her younger sister, which isn't easy for anyone.
•Often delves into her work, sort of like curie, to avoid dealing with the pain of her parents no longer being there for her or nat.
In game experience..
•Hey kid, want some Nuka-Cola?
•Mayor McDonough shall die, even if it means execution by the hands of everyone else in Diamond City.
•Has canonically admitted to considering suicide.
•Is holding onto the last threads of hope he has with a fucking death grip.
•Definitely not of the best mental state
In game experience...
•Doesn't know how to properly use furniture.
•Can hear sole coming from a mile away and is already getting the map out for the next settlement
•Emotions? Is that a snack?
•Seriously though, he has been "reset" so many times that sometimes-he doesn't even realize it- he doesn't even know what "he" is. Every aspect of who he is..it should be gone, he's a machine and he knows it...why does he still feel like a person?
•Short story, he hates life. He hates being held captive and being used like a damn hound to hunt down those who were smart enough to run- those of which he envied and didn't even realize he did. Hey, he's just a machine though- it's his job and he knows better than to revolt.
•Violence is the freedom he feel he has. He can kill and track in any way he wants, so long as it is successful and what the Institute deem appropriate. It's horrible, but he doesn't realize it- and at this point he doesn't care. The death of another and the way they die by his hand is just his way of expressing who he is deep down.
In game experience...
•Oi, you don't like the institue? FUCK YOU
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deaneverafter · 2 years
Just came across a post saying that any other ending would've been ooc, one of the reasons being it would be impossible to have anything else in that limited time, and I-
I'm not saying a lot of "issues" that have been raised since the finale aren't baseless. Lack of any number of random supporting characters, or ships, did not make the finale bad. The deliberately cruel and unworthy ending dabb's revenge fanfic gave Dean made it bad. Saying that Dean wouldn't want some safety and agency and that's why it had to be like this is ignorant at best, malicious at worst, because we've seen him fighting for something better. For years and years, we've seen that. And we've seen him having a normal life and being happy, and we've seen him do it without abandoning his brother. So saying that he couldn't get to some sort of situation where he is happy and safe and has a long life, that's just not true. Saying that he wouldn't want to get out of hunting (which is just not true, when he's spoken of retiring, even in the finale itself, he has a plan) and so it had to be this way, is also silly, because even IF that were true, there's a million other endings other than him retiring and the fever dream that we got. So, so damn many.
So, saying that Dean didn't want to be happy, or that there couldn't be happiness in the span of one episode, that's just not true. Especially when 15x19 exists right there. I mean, sure, there was room for improvement in the first sections, the first of which would be the Winchesters having some actual agency and part in defeating the villains. But the ending? Them driving off into the sunset? I mean, are there endings out there that I think would be even better? Sure. But, with a writers' room full of people who hate Dean, I would've settled for this ending happily. It really is the best we could've had, in a way that I find it hard to fathom that the one after was filmed despite that.
Them in their car, driving off? The people who wanted them to keep hunting, well, they can rest assured that they're hunting. The people who wanted them to get out of hunting together, that's what happened (I personally thought that's what that scene signified at first watch). People who wanted them to be driving to yet another big battle and dying in a blaze of glory, or some random hunt? There you go. People who wanted them to get out, and then settle down and have their own lives, each with their own blurry wives? Perfect, that's what happened. One of them keeps hunting and the other gets out? That is absolutely possible.
Everyone who actually cared about the story and the characters could've been happy. Instead we got the one where Dean is thrown out like he's nothing and Sam reaches his full selfish asshole potential, and one side is crying that the random people who the story wasn't about to begin with weren't there, and the other side praising the ending that treated Dean like nothing, where Sam abandons him for no reason whatsoever (brotherly love, where?), and then they both get trapped in the heaven ruled by the very entities these people wanted them away from.
So saying there was any reason, other than dabb's hatred and spite for Dean, that that finale had to happen when 15x19 is right there is absurd. Usually, I just do my best to ignore that that fever dream even took place (doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, because it does, so damn much. Still. I'm not interested in letting anything take Dean away from me, and certainly not one trashy fic, riddled with nonsense, potholes and full of disrespect for Dean, his life and his story, written by Dean's #1 hater). But when I see claims and "justifications" like this, well, I just can't stay quiet.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
About crosshair. Again lol
Regardless of his scar not lining up with chip scar or the headaches or “soldiers follow orders” again. Or him without a chip being a liability to the empire. I just don’t buy his personality change in the end. I’m the pilot episode they hammered it over our heads it’s very unlike him to follow orders. He said himself “empire or republic, what’s the difference?” But now in the end he cares about the empire protecting the galaxy? Responds to hunter his choice is “soldiers follow orders”? Wtf, really? So he genuinely believes his only personality is being a soldier now? when it’s been established in both in cw and tbb that cf99, including crosshair only cared about completing the mission. I get that people change but not that abruptly especially if we are to believe techs “unyielding” description of him to be true. Echo is the one true soldier of the group. He keeps repeating to hunter “we are soldiers not smugglers”, “there is no other way than being soldiers” etc. but he is clearly loyal to the republic. And I never saw echo and crosshair to be similar in that
So yeah , I think it’s very out of character for crosshair to just see himself as soldier and being content with following order or being a pawn(which he must realize he is cause he’s not dumb) especially with his mega inflated sense of self importance. Just my two cents
Crosshair is a complicated character! There's a lot to discuss :D
That's a good point though. And yeah, as acknowledged the quick personality change could be chalked up to chip influence if it's still having some kind of impact... but if it's not, then what do we make of that?
Putting aside the "It's just bad writing" possibility, I think there's a key difference between not following orders and not being loyal to the organization giving those orders. They're not necessarily the same thing, though it's easy to lump the two together. Yeah, we see early on that the Bad Batch isn't known for doing things the "right" way. Rex and Jesse are pretty unsure about their methods when the Batch first shows up in TCW. In the pilot Tech has a line about how "We're more deviant than defective" emphasizing that they tend to do things differently. Crosshair's sudden willingness to follow orders to the letter, not just in spirit, is questioned during their time in the cell, etc. So yeah, they don't obey the rules, but I don't think that's because they're not loyal. They're not refusing orders because pff, screw the Republic/Empire, who cares about those guys. They're refusing orders because they recognize that their way of doing things—the unconventional methods that deviate from the standard clone playbook—is more likely to net them, and the Republic, a success. They seem to be against the Republic's rules because they want the Republic to succeed, recognizing that their way is the best way to get that. Wrecker takes great pride in their successful missions, keeping tally marks on their room's wall. Crosshair is constantly pointing out how the higher ups called them in because the Regs couldn't complete a mission, likewise emphasizing his pride in being needed. When Rex and Hunter finally start bonding, it's through Rex's decision to charge the droids head on, precisely like the Batch would, rather than following the "correct" strategy of carefully picking them off from the tree line. They bond over the understanding of, "Yes. This is the best way the Republic wins." Perhaps most significantly, the Batch was still willing to complete missions for the Empire up until they were ordered to kill civilians. Killing Jedi resulted in an acknowledgement of how messed up that was... but no solid intent to leave.
All of the above is important because it establishes the Batch's need to be loyal to something other than themselves. The kind of loyalty that is shown through intense, life-threatening acts of service. Hunter's line about them being loyal to each other rather than some Empire, while true, is a simplification. Their loyalty to the Republic and their loyalty to one another overlap in many, many significant ways, simply because the Batch was created for the Republic. They have literally spent their entire lives living, breathing, fighting, and almost dying for the Republic. Their core identities stem from the Republic's desires: skills they want them to cultivate and even personalities they want to foster, if Tech's theories are to be believed (that conversation with Wrecker in the mess hall). The loyalty the Batch feels, those bonds they formed over the years, stem entirely from completing missions for the Republic. Their love for one another is, at least at the start, a product of the Republic's desire for Good Soldiers. And yeah, they sometimes did things the Republic technically didn't like, but it was always in service of achieving the Republic's end goal, whatever that may have been. They were very good soldiers, just soldiers that understood the value of creative thinking. "You want me to reach this location? Of course! I'll reach it by cutting across the grass, despite you asking me to follow the path already laid out. But our goal and the Regs' goal is exactly the same: fulfill your mission. That's our purpose in this life."
And then the Republic became the Empire.
Every one of these characters has a need to serve some higher purpose, to complete missions for the benefit of another. Overlooking the very literal ways in which they may have been genetically predisposed towards this (like the chip), and the cultural brainwashing that went on the second they were born (this is your duty, this is your purpose, this is all you exist for), this is, simply put, all they've ever known. Though it's possible to walk away from that need, it's by no means easy. So what saves the majority of the Batch from falling into that "Republic, Empire, what's the difference?" thinking out of a need to serve someone?
I think it's crucial that the second they abandon one mission—killing civilians for the Empire—there's already new mission waiting for them to focus on instead—rescue and protect Omega, indefinitely. That's Hunter's thinking. We're not going to do A, we're going do B instead. All they did was put that single-minded focus onto a new target, but the focus—the need—still exists. And we see that throughout the first season, where everything the Batch does is in service to Omega. Their life decisions revolve entirely around her, from very small things (here's your own room on the ship) to the much larger (we need to stay on the move to help you avoid bounty hunters, even if we may want to find someplace to stay). The purpose of a soldier has been mapped onto the purpose of a parent, with the new, ongoing goal being "Raise Child" as opposed to "Win War." Putting aside for the moment the fact that this is an action-adventure show and thus exciting plot has to happen, I think it's notable that no one suggests non-soldier-y things to help them make money. Tech isn't offering his intellect as an easy way to make credits, nor Wrecker his strength. No one is seriously thinking of a planet they could hide out on, even from bounty hunters, so as to raise Omega in peace. They are still, fundamentally, the people they were during the time of the Republic, people who need to fight for something. Literally fight. It's just now they're chaotically fulfilling missions for Cid so they can give Omega a halfway decent life, rather than chaotically fulfilling missions for a general so they can give the Republic a chance at winning the war.
Omega is the new focus, the new Republic stand-in, but what happens if she's not an option? (Would have been really interesting to see what the Batch did if she'd actually left with Cut.) Without the chip affecting his thoughts, I fully believe Crosshair would have left with the others. Why wouldn't he? That's his family and, per Hunter's orders, Omega is the new mission. But the chip ensured he missed that chance and by the time he came out of it (if he came out of it), it was too late. His squad was gone, they never came back, and Crosshair needs to find a new place in this galaxy, just like they did. Except his options are far more limited and suck a whole lot more. I can't recall anything that implies Crosshair thinks the Empire will save the galaxy, but he does think it's going to control it and he's looking for his own purpose in this new life. Why not find purpose in the winning side? He can serve the Empire just like they served the Republic. He can serve the Empire just like his squad now serves Omega. The need to belong somewhere, to have that larger goal, outweighs those pesky ethical issues, at least for now. Though to me the "Good soldiers follow orders" really, really still sounds like chip influence, it can also be read as a broader acknowledgment that yes, they are fundamentally soldiers and yes, they do need orders of one kind or another. They need that mission. That goal. That purpose. Someone who helps to guide them in this new, crazy galaxy. Yeah, they've always bent and gotten creative with the orders, but until 4/5ths of them left the Empire, they'd never ignored the orders as a whole. None of the Bad Batch went, "I'm not taking this mission because the Admiral was an asshole to us about it and I don't feel like it :/" They suck up all the hard parts—the awful treatment, the danger, the general difficulty—because they have a goal to fulfill. They live for having a goal, literally in the sense that this is what they were made for. The Bad Batch is still doing that with Cid, putting up with bad treatment, dangerous situations, and general difficulty because they have that larger goal of taking care of Omega. Crosshair missed out on that, so he latched onto the Empire instead. Which circles right back around to previous points that if the Batch had tried to rescue him and/or been more welcoming when offering his return, Crosshair likely would have joined in on the Omega mission too. It's the best new purpose for all of them.
Crosshair sees himself as a soldier because, right now, being a soldier of the Empire is the only way he can find the purpose and belonging that the rest of the Batch maintained with each other and Omega, back when he was left behind. No, he's not dumb, but the logistics of the situation outweigh his knowledge that things are far from perfect. Do we think the Batch doesn't also realize that Cid is continually taking advantage of them with 70/30 splits? Of course not. But they need a way to survive and, right now, this is it. Crosshair likewise recognizes that the Empire is treating him as a pawn—I think he was in denial prior to the bombing, but now he definitely knows—but what other option is there? Not his squad. As discussed, he feels strongly that he's no longer welcome with them, with good reason. The only other option is to go off on his own, something that's incredibly foreign to clones who were bred to serve that higher purpose alongside many, many brothers. Yes, we've seen one or two who manage that—like Cut—but they're the outliers. Rex found his new purpose fighting the Empire with Ahsoka. The Batch found their new purpose taking care of Omega with each other. Crosshair's new purpose is... nothing. Not unless he swallows down his misgivings (and his ego) and keeps serving the Empire until a better purpose comes along.
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Thoughts on, Invader Zim Quarterly: Holiday Special
Ahhhhh It’s out! I’m so excited!
But I always get excited when it has my man Membrane and my man Eric Trueheart involved with the comics. 
Also santa..   Tbh, I was excited and nervous about this quarterly. 
Excited because it has Membrane santa backstory...
But I was nervous because that it means they might bring back the santa-blob monster from the Holiday special on the TV... and The Christmas special is one of my least favorite IZ episodes...   I mean... I rewatch it occasionally, and it’s fun, but I’m just kinda used to IZ having more BITE in it’s satire if you know what I mean? The Christmas Special in the IZ universe doesn’t really say anything about the capitalism of Christmas... it’s not like IZ hasn’t made fun of capitalism before. (that’s the whole show)  The Christmas Special in the show just kinda fell flat of my expectations of what an Invader Zim episode should be....
The only thing I respect the Holiday Special for, is that it goes down the “Santa isn’t real” route in a kid’s show and sticks to it. (there’s no “real santa” that shows up and “solves everything”) All of the “Santa’s Helpers” confused the Santa mythos with the Christianity Jesus mythos. (”waiting one day for his return”) Which makes sense, since IZ is like dystopian future Suburbia Hell. I just kinda like that there’s no “real santa” that interfered to “fix everything” and that Zim himself ended up CREATING Santa when he didn’t exist previously. Like I find that kinda cool...
Other then that, I just kinda wanted something else from the Hoilday special then what I got. (It taking priority over scrapped episodes like “the trail” and “Ten minutes to doom” and “mopiness of doom” does not help it’s case in being one of my C-tier episodes...) 
So maybe this quarterly will fill the void of what I wanted out of a Holiday special? Well, let’s see. 
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Ways to get Dana off-board immediately: Monster Santa is canon. 
I always never liked to view the special as canon for ways that it fell flat before.
And I had the excuse of saying that the snowman was an unreliable narrator and I could adapt it down the line in my fic as a different story. 
I just didn’t like the idea of Monster-horror-blob santa...  Like... Cool design... but he just kinda represents everything I disliked about the special...  (including the major inconsistency of when Tak’s ship got fixed...)
But then again.. I need to remember IZ’s lore isn’t as consistent as I think it is sometimes... 
Okay, fine. Monster blob santa real... what else you got for me, Holiday special?
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Okay, kinda into it because this means that ZIM CREATED SANTA in this mythos... I am dying.... wait.. this takes place in the future then...soo...?
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It was all a dream?!  
my heart couldn’t take it if horror-santa was real... 
Also... that nightcap and bed... Does this mean we’re going to have an Invader Zim Christmas Carol?!?!?! I know that’s been adapted a schmillion times but I would be so into that.... 
Also... Flying... hamm...
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Good ol’ Zim... Repressing those memories...  
Also this being the THIRD ETF reference in a quarterly, It can be very safe to say the Quarterly issues take place after the events of ETF.
Clembrane exists in the Quarterly, Membrane has robot arms, Zim remembers this (kinda)  Yeah this is definately ETF verse and it’s here to stay. 
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Christmas Carol?! I’m down for this... and I can’t help but notice their claws look familiar
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Why are you here tho?
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I’m a bit lost on why these guys wanta take over the earth, but they’re hilarious so I’m just glad they’re here.
Also...   The Christmas Special is Schrodinger's Christmas... did it happen, or was it a dream, or the tales of a lunatic snowman... I guess I’ll never know. 
The issue goes on for an IZ Christmas Carol parody (heck yea) and the visions are all hilarious and I’m not gonna spoil them here... but...
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Eric.... this is terrifying..........thanks I hate it. 
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“Though I am Dib and sickly father”
I’m dying XDDDDD
Also... What the fuck is Zim’s reaction here... 
I find it funny that Zim has put Dib into simulated realities before... (in the show and comics) and in the show, Dib is all powerful and in the comics, Dib is just himself and Zim is his brother..
But seeing a simulated Dib all weak and pathetic and chronically ill BOTHERS ZIM?!?!
That’s... well that’s interesting. 
Thought he’d laugh at this honestly, but he seems greatly annoyed... 
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(those who know me know why I’m dying over this)
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(which confirms like a lot of my hcs and adds spicy kindling to my au much mad respect) 
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This I find interesting...  Zim complepative over his lonely/abandoned grave. It’s like he really doesn’t know how to feel. It’s more of a numbness then a sadness. Or he noticed how empty his life is... 
He feels lonely and empty about it...  which tracks considering how Zim’s greatest fear in the Trial was to be deleted and never be remembered by anyone. 
I don’t know... This panel makes me feel things...
Johnen: Haha. Zim’s not that deep a character.
Eric: Hey for the Christmas special, let’s have Zim parody a Christmas carol and feel lonely staring at his own empty grave when he realizes no one cares about him or misses him.
Johnen: Cool. Do it. 
What are you two assholes doing to me, man?! I have feelings! 
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Zim hates pity and people feeling bad and sorry for him. 
Man this makes me so sad...  And it really feels like this issue looked into my brain again, cause I have some plans relating to Zim not wanting sympathy or pity from anyone later down the line (okay I’ll shut up about my au. We’re talking Zim here)
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And of course, Zim breaks everything like he usually does. (this time on purpose)
Also nice callback that Zim remembered that Dib said he liked his boots one time in the Poop-wizard issue. 
Also, it ends? I guess this quarterly has a few shorter stories this time... which I’m fine with. 
Also, Zim should consider Green and Blue like D-list friends at this point and just invite them in for some fundip or something (come on, Zim, it’s Christmas.....) 
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Wait... so his Parents are scientists too? Is that why he always wanted to be a scientist?
But then wait.... If Membrane inherited Membrane Labs from his parents... Why is HIS FACE the brand of the Company?..... There’s so much Membrane-face brand merch in the show. (it decorates his home..) 
Like even if they were dead, if his parents founded Membrane labs, I feel they’d still be the face. of the company... (that’s how a lot of corporate faces are these days... they show some old dead guy who made the company as opposed to the son who inherited the Company.... Like everyone knows who Walt Disney/Mickey Mouse is, but unless you pay close attention to that kinda thing, not everyone knows who the current chairman or CEO is in the modern age....)
I just find that a bit odd. 
Anyways... I feel people can still do what they want with Membrane’s parents and get away with it. I’m not changing my “his parents were farmers” headcanon. Sorry comic..
I love how Membrane looks a lot like his mother, and his father is just BUFF GAZ with a pipe.... Truely legends. 
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The Membrane Men when they don’t shower or bathe in months.....
Someone help these two.
(thank god Membrane got better at personal hygiene.) 
Also Teenbrane STILL has his human arms and not his robo-arms.
This means he loses his arms later in life...  YUSH HORRAY FOR HEADCANNONS BEING VALIDATED!
He didn’t lose his arms in a shark accident when he was a KID! It happened WAY LATER!
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He is just... all sweat and hiding his work but also very passionate and spiteful. 
Like you can see who he grew up to become, and you can also see how a kid like Dib came out of a man like him...
But I love social anxiety awkward early twenties/late teens Membrane... He is a baby! 
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Basically, Membrane knows that Santa isn’t real, but he doesn’t want to be mad at his parents so he harbors a grudge on Santa instead... THAT’S SO SWEET I’M CRYING  TTmTT
(also I love how me and Ceph understand Membrane’s character too well that the gesture he does in the 2nd panel here are reminisant of our fic so many times... Like we have his mannerisms down and I love when the mask slips from Membrane and we get to see a real person... augh soo good) 
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Also probably guessing the parents are dead...   I’m just laughing at their designs... 
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Yes you are, Professor Membrane... Don’t let anyone tell you different. (actually, please do) Well, I mean,  At least you’re trying and get progressively better.
(also... this probably means everytime Dib has asked his Dad for a dangerous weapon to fight Zim with, Membrane just gives it to him no questions asked and I’m doing a MAJOR concern about this man’s parenting skills... get help please good sir!) 
Also, Dib really saved the day again here (like he did in Dib’s big day)
Dib called about destroying santa when Membrane was in one of his lowest points...  He hides it really well...   Especially from his children..
Ah..  I loved that one.
But I’m a huge Membrane Simp though.
I did find the stuff about Membrane’s parents a little weird... like I said regarding how Membrane’s face is the brand of Membrane labs...
Could be true that they were other scientists and that Membrane founded Membrane labs later... but that seems highly unlikely... 
Also... Why does the house look that hug when in the christmas special, it looked kinda like...well... just not that, and kinda more humble from the interior and not some big rocket lab...
So yeah... AMAZING character building for Membrane (which I eat up)
Hilarious Grandparent Designs. But I still prefer @esthyradler​ ‘s Grandparents. The superior Grandparents.
Anyways... The Quarterly was GREAT! 
I kinda find it funny the Zim story is the weaker one of the two again... But I honestly blame the Christmas Horror blob connection and the Christmas Carol parody. 
Or maybe my Membrane Bias is clouding my mind here.  I do have Zim bias but sometimes Zim can frustrate me. There’s just so many times Zim can do and say the same things you know? Zim is my baby, but sometimes his denial and annoyance with everyone can be very predictable at points. Zim was just way more fun in the last quarterly than this one. 
With Membrane it’s more of a blank slate what to do with him cause he ony started really mattering as a character since ETF. Yes, I do love show Membrane, but I admit he wasn’t exactly a character then. More of a presence and excuse for why Dib had access to lab equipment. With Dib’s Dilemma and this Hoilday special, the Quarterly folks seem determined to turn him into a fully realized character with the rest of the cast and I’m extremely excited to hear that!
(Computer issue/backstory WHEN?!) 
I don’t really have ratings or systems for these but hope you liked my thoughts.
Merry Christmas everyone.
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lassieposting · 3 years
Bit late and random but it's the anon you leave food out for here to give away I am also bi and I think exactly the same as you about bi val pretty much, every time Derek offers me representation my reaction is to slowly, hesitantly take it and say "thaaaaaaaaanks..." while rolling my eyes, in much the same way one accepts their least favourite flavour of sweet from an annoyingly enthusiastic uncle-type-individual. Ironically I feel I had more in common with her before the bi shit started up.
What I find really amusing is that Landy actually did reasonably well at representation when (and only when) he wasn’t trying. 
Oh god, this got long, anon, my ass rambled.
tldr; I'm glad actual bi people dislike bi val (or how Laundry handled bi val) as much as me, this will probably offend at least one person but i don't really care, Dirty Laundry wrote better rep when he didn't mean to write rep at all, and if he ever starts trying to "represent" groups I'm part of I'll take him out back like a dying horse and shoot him.
Like, yes. He had stupid and potentially offensive shit - I say potentially because what offends one member of a group won’t necessarily offend all of them. His attitude to mentally ill people is, frankly, disgusting. We’ve had “Skulduggery can’t be abused, he doesn’t have feelings”. We’ve had “eVeRyOnE iS bI eVeNtUaLlY”. We had Ping, who seemed to be pretty much universally offensive. And that's what's always going to happen when a straight, cis, white, wealthy, male author tries to write marginalised groups he doesn't know shit about, because inevitably he's going to fall back on stereotypes.
But we also had:
SEXUALITY REP: Phase One's nonstraight characters were treated like the straight ones, and like, isn't that the whole point? There was no need for a massive Coming Out Story TM to grab for those sweet sweet Woke Points, because sexuality isn't supposed to be important to mages. I never understood why Val needed that whole Coming Out Panic storyline. Like...Des and Melissa are ridiculously supportive, encouraging, loving parents. They accepted you dating a ~19 year old when you were ~16. They accepted you revealing you could do fucking magic and that you'd been lying to them for like seven years. They took your undead buddy in stride and the most pressing question your dad had was whether magic toilets exist. There is zero reason to think that "I'm bisexual" is gonna be the thing that makes them flip and throw you into the streets in disgrace, Valkyrie. Come on.
Tanith had girlfriends and it was just mentioned casually, because it's normal.
China had massive UST with Eliza. That was an opportunity right there to not only include a f/f relationship, but also to bring back one of the few precious surviving characters from Phase One, using characters and a relationship that already had several books' worth of setup and tension and interest from fans.
The Monster Hunters have a casual conversation about which one of the Dead Men they'd date.
Ghastly has a conversation with Fletcher about the pain he's been through being in love. He never uses any pronouns.
It was confirmed at one point re: the Dead Men that at this point, after 300-odd years, everyone's been with everyone else at some point.
Thrasher is gay, and while Scapegrace's...everything...is treated as a joke/comedic relief, Thrasher's love for him isn't. He's completely devoted to Scapegrace, and that in itself is not played for laughs, even though the rest of the scene usually is. Thrasher's description of their first meeting is essentially a love-at-first-sight situation for him.
"ABNORMAL" RELATIONSHIP REP: Age gap relationships are normal for mages. Off the top of my head, using only canon, canon-implied or almost-canon ships:
Ghastly/Tanith (~350 year age difference)
Tanith/Sanguine (~250+ year age difference)
Tanith/Saracen (~350 year age difference)
Caisson/Solace (~250 year age difference)
China/Gordon (~400 year age difference)
Kierre/Temper (~500+ year age difference)
If you include fan ships, there's also things like Mevolent/Serpine or my Mevolent/Vile, which are both ~600 year minimum age gaps based on the timeline, or Valdug (and its variations) which is ~400 years.
Now, whether you consider this kind of rep positive or negative is up to you, but it’s there.
MENTAL ILLNESS REP: more like "Which characters in this series don't have a mental illness or a personality disorder?" I have some of these issues, but not all of them, so this is just how I read it, but:
ADHD: Skulduggery
Dissociative Identity Disorder: Skulduggery & Vile
Dissociation: Skulduggery again, most notably in DD and DB
Schizophrenia (or similar): Valkyrie & Darquesse, Valkyrie "seeing" Darquesse's ghost thing in Phase Two
Impostor Syndrome: Reflectionie
Autism: Clarabelle
Trauma/PTSD/CPTSD: Skulduggery, Valkyrie, China, Ghastly, Erskine...pretty much everyone has a believable, understandable, morally grey trauma response in this series. People struggling with trauma are spoilt for choice of characters to see themselves in.
TRAUMA REP: This series is a trauma conga line, but everyone has a believable, understandable, morally grey trauma response in this series. I see little bits of myself in more than one Phase One character.
Childhood Abuse (of varying degrees & types): Skulduggery, Carol & Crystal, Omen, Fletcher, Ghastly, China, Bliss, Sanguine...
Estranged Family: Skulduggery abandoning his crest, Fergus & Gordon, China & Bliss
Bad Romantic Relationship: Skulduggery is also very clearly an abuse victim. He’s got a solid history of romantic attachments to women who manipulate, use and gaslight him for their own agendas.  There's a whole paragraph in SPX about how Abyssinia broke him down, isolated him from his friends and preyed on his desperate need to be loved, all classic abuse tactics.
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And I’m personally a huge fan of this backstory for two reasons:
1) Society likes a plucky victim in media. The "My suffering made me stronger" type of victim. And it's not always like that in real life. Not all survivors come out of their abuse stronger or kinder or more understanding. Some of us come out cold and fucked up. Some of us end up as emotionally stunted, bloodied-nails-and-bared-teeth survivors, broken in ways that can't be fixed and sustained by enough rage to power a small sun. But society doesn't like to tell the story of that kind of survivor, because we're not usually a likeable protagonist. When we're shown in media, we're usually the sympathetic villain, or maybe the antihero. But Skug is someone who's done awful things and lost pretty much all his faith in humanity and been burned more times than he can count, and he still makes the conscious choice to try and be the good guy when he could so easily go Evil Supervillain on the world, and I don't know about any of y'all, but I've modelled myself on him in that. I've made the choice to do something good when all I really want to do is just become a horrible, shrivelled ball of nastiness and revenge. And that's because I saw him do it and realised that I could do that too.
Skug is an incredibly capable, strong, masculine Man's Man. He gets in fights all the time, and he usually wins. He's military, an industry that's Really Bad for stigmatizing weakness and mental illness, and he's right up at the top of the hierarchy. Almost everyone is afraid of him. He's a straight up cold-blooded killer. Skulduggery Pleasant is precisely the type of person who's not normally portrayed as a victim of anything. Nothing about him screams "victim" at all. But his abuse history is insidious. He's so conditioned to respond in a certain way to abuse from the women in his life, probably from a very young age, that despite all that strength and capability and stubbornness and ego, he just goes along with it. And it's an established pattern going back hundreds of years. He keeps going back to China, even though he knows she's bad for him and his friends keep telling him to stay away from her. Abyssinia latched onto him when he was traumatized and vulnerable and weaponized it against him to make him easier to control - and when she reappears, hundreds of years later, she jumps straight back into using, tmanipulating and gaslighting him and not only does he let her, he doesn't even seem to realise that behaviour is abusive. He thinks it's normal! That's how he's always been treated by his long-term girlfriends, with the notable exception of Wifey. Even when Val is being fucking nasty to him in the first couple books of Phase Two, sniping and lying and blaming him for everything under the sun, he just takes it. There's no attempt to tell her she's being unreasonable, no telling her to fuck right off and give her head a wobble, no defending himself even when she's bitching over something that isn't even his doing. And this is a man who has an absolutely gleaming steel spine the rest of the time; Skug has no problem saying no to anybody else, but he can't get past the way he's been taught to treat the important ladies in his life. Skug is a walking reminder that anyone can be a victim of abuse, even the ones who seem least likely to be susceptible.
GENDER REP: This one is the most iffy out of the bunch and definitely was not done very well in the eyes of the people who matter most, but I'll include it anyway because it mattered to some.
So there's Nye, who's...agender? Genderless? And uses "it" pronouns? Nye was generally considered horrible rep because it's also a war criminal and experiments on people and I've seen people say "Well I don't want to be seen like that" but? It's still possible to be a war criminal and also genderless. I never saw the two things as being related or relevant to each other.
There's also Mantis, who's in exactly the same gender/pronouns boat as Nye and always seems to be forgotten about, which sucks because Mantis is a war hero. It fought for the Sanctuary during the War and they never lost a battle when it was in command. It's called out of retirement to fight for the Supreme Council in LSODM, ends up fighting alongside Skulduggery during the Battle of Roarhaven, and ultimately dies attempting a very brave, very risky strategy. Mantis is, unreservedly, one of the good guys. It was also my introduction to sentient beings using "it" pronouns, and did it in a way that felt natural, so when I met my first person online who used "it" pronouns and hated to be referred to as he/she, it was...weird, but not as weird as it would otherwise have been, because I was like, "Oh yeah, like the Crenga. Okay."
And then there's the Scapegrace sex change plotline, which...I might have an unpopular opinion on this one. From what I’ve seen, trans people don’t seem to think was handled well or with any sensitivity at all. I’m not trans, so if the trans community says he was being offensive to them, I’m not going to claim otherwise. But...I first read the Scapegrace plotline as a young teenager in a tiny rural school with zero diversity, going through a period of being deeply confused about my own gender identity. He was more or less my first introduction to the idea that genitals =/= gender. I was relieved, at that point in my life, to read someone having a lot of the same thoughts I was having about being in the wrong body. So while it may have been badly done and yeah, the series would probably have been better without it, it did make at least one kid suspecting she might not be cis go “Huh! So there are other people who feel like this.”
Thrasher is also implied to be legitimately trans/gender-questioning, and that's not played for laughs either.
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So? Phase One, while it absolutely had faults and issues and things that were just "Oh god why", was actually full of rep, at least compared to the other series that I read as a child/teen. But? As soon as Dirty Laundry started trying to be woke? He fucking sucks ass at it. Aside from confirming Phase One's hints that Skug has a background of abusive relationships, every single attempt at shoehorning rep into Phase Two is Bad.
The painfully OOC, forced, badly-written awkwardness of Val suddenly being rabidly horny for women out of fucking nowhere. The stilted, forced cringiness between her and any of the women she's flirted with - contrast that with Sorrowscorn's interactions, full of natural chemistry that had us all like 👀 I mean, I never shipped Val/Melancholia, but I could always see why people did - they had miles more chemistry than Val/anyone in Phase Two.
The fucking mess that is v*litsa, because if someone says "I'm really not interested in friendships/relationships right now", clearly the route to true love is to bulldoze their boundaries and forcibly insert yourself into their life and proceed to treat them like a delicate soft uwu flower, completely ignoring the horrible things they've done, while gleefully damning their best friend as an irredeemable monster for the exact same things, which is. You know. Gonna affect your so-called love's self-confidence and self-esteem because she knows she's no different to him. Y'all know I love an angsty ship, an unhealthy ship, a ship with fucked power dynamics, but I literally cannot roll my eyes any further back in my head at this shit. I never read Demon Road, but from what I've heard from friends who did, it does seem like every time Laundry tries to write an f/f ship, he comes up with a cringey abusive/manipulative caricature and tries to call it rep, and he needs to Stop.
Val's Mental IllnessTM arc. It's funny how he wrote Skulduggery as a wonderfully complex character with deep-rooted psychological damage and long-lasting trauma, but believes he wrote a character with "no feelings" - but when he tries to delve into the damage the world of magic has done to Val, he turned her into a weak, whiny drug addict who treats everyone around her like garbage and is so selfish and dislikeable that I? Honestly can't even reconcile Phase Two val with Phase One val. They're two completely different people. He's shown on Twitter that he doesn't have any respect for mentally ill people, and it shows. Other mentally ill people might see it differently, but the whole thing just makes me go "yikes".
Never, who has no personality outside of being genderfluid, and whose pronouns make no sense. I'm sorry, I have never met an nb person who insists that you change from male to female pronouns multiple times in a sentence, every time you refer to them. It's confusing as fuck. Now I have been told that Never has apparently received some character development in the last couple books, and if so, fair play, but I quit reading after Midnight, and Never and the rest of the personality-less new characters introduced in Phase Two who just seemed to be 2D Stereotypes to snag Woke Points were a big part of why, so. Development too late, I'm afraid.
(Now, if anyone is looking for a well-written genderfluid character, I recommend the Tawny Man trilogy by Robin Hobb. I have a lot of issues with her as a writer, and unfortunately I hate her POV character which puts me off the series as a whole, but she wrote the Fool/Amber/Lord Golden and their gender identity/approach to sexuality with so much more respect and realism. That is the kind of rep nb people should be getting: 3D, complex, realistic characters whose gender is only a tiny fragment of their personality, not the be-all-and-end-all of their existence. You know. Like cis people get. Nobody wants to be represented by a 2D cardboard cutout stereotype.)
Anyway idk how much sense this makes it just really amuses me that Laundry would include all this rep completely unintentionally and then go on Twitter and remind us all that actually he's a massive asshole via insensitive/offensive tweets about the groups he'd actually done a fair job of including (i.e. Skulduggery has no feelings, mentally ill people should find another series to read, the bullshit about Val being "heteromantic bisexual" on Twitter and then spouting all the "the woman she loved uwu" shit in the books (proving he has no idea what he's talking about), eVeRyOnE iS bI eVeNtUaLlY. He can only write half-decent rep when he's not trying and he inevitably outs himself as having a really shitty attitude towards those people anyway, proving that ultimately it's all either unintentional rep or performative wokeness.
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