#with the exception that its not actually sewn together yet just pinned
heartyearning · 1 year
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Now, at last, bear witness to this costume as it should be worn
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 3 years
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↝ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ: y/n pinning them against a wall - prompt inspired by this twitter post
↝ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: kuroo x f!reader + sakusa x f!reader 
↝ ᴡᴄ: kuroo - 1000+ sakusa - 900+ 
↝ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: swearing, aggressive behaviour-ish. 
↝ ᴀ/ɴ: I’ll be doing this prompt for Osamu, Akaashi and Yaku too soon ~ I just like it a bit too much haha. also I edited this 3 times so if there are still errors, I am sorry pls ignore. lmao. 
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Kuroo Tetsurou
A low rhythmic hum vibrated inside of your throat, to accompany the track playing from your phone. Those who were fortunate enough to catch the melody trailing along with you, would often find a smile on their face. Between the tranquility of the sound and the bliss warping into your aura – your presence accidentally had an impact on many. Those in your university only knew you as the kind singer who would offer sincere smiles, free of cost. It was a reputation you did not mind adhering to – maybe it was better that they did not see the darker shades that coloured your soul. So, generally, a smile would remain sewn into your visage – unwavering until you were within the safety of your home. Where you could release the other parts of you that were deemed “not school friendly.”
Though, today your calculated barrier between the two worlds would disintegrate, due to the careless words of your best friend, Kuroo Tetsurou.
Upon reaching the corner that would connect you to the hallway where your class room was situated, you plucked out an earbud and placed it back into its case. Since this was a course you shared with Kuroo, the two of you held an uncommunicated agreement to wait for the other before entering the room. The thought of your close friend twisted a knot inside of your chest with threads of adoration, excitement and hope. It was quite clear that your relationship was not merely platonic. The issue was that neither of you had initiated the first step to test the boundaries.
But you would try today. You would try after class.
“So, what’s going on between you and l/n?”
Hearing your last name, you paused before switching hallways. How many other l/n’s were at the university? It was certainly a conversation about you. 
So the question was, who was the one posing the question, and who was the one about to answer it?  
“We’re just friends.”
Okay. Easy. That was Kuroo. 
The nonchalance laced into his answer fueled the flame igniting in the pit of your stomach, yet you continued to conceal your presence from the pair. 
“So you don’t mind if I ask her out?”
“It’s not my place to say anything.” Even without a visual, you knew your best friend would have added a shrug to accompany the statement. Somehow, that irritated you more. 
Rolling your eyes, you stepped past the corner for your grand reveal. “Hi there, boys. You wouldn’t mind if I borrowed Tetsurou for a second, would you?” 
Your sudden emergence had startled Kuroo, but what had his chest constricting was your use of his first name and the hallow laugh that was spilling from your lips. 
“Uh, sure…”
It took you a second to realize who the other male was – he was an acquittance of yours, one you shared two classes with. One who was mostly forgettable not due to a lack of charm, but solely because he wasn’t Kuroo.
“Perfect. Thank you.” Curling your fingers around your best friend’s wrist, you dragged him down the hallway, not caring for the confused glances thrown into your direction by those around you. When you reached the area between the staircase and corridor, you gently pushed him against the wall before placing both of your palms on either side of him. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but you were quick to drown out his voice with your own.
“No. You don’t get to do that. Just friends? That’s bullshit.” The concoction of emotions weaving into your bloodstream had given you a headrush. But at the center of the varying feelings was fear. Because you wanted more than a friendship, and you were about to risk your entire relationship for that desire. You tried to suppress it, but over time it became overwhelming. And now – his words had awoken something inside of you. Something you could not contain.
The black-haired male blinked down at you, his irises moving from your arms walling him in, to the death glare your eyes were partaking in. “Isn’t that what we are, y/n? Friends?”
Out of the options available to him, Kuroo had selected the one for a coward. Or perhaps, he was testing you. Either way, your irritation with him had increased tenfold.
“Fuck you.” Lowering your hands on either side, you stepped away from him before turning back into the direction of your class.
“I wasn’t done yet.” A sigh left his mouth as he caught your wrist with his hand, tugging you towards him. Once your back aligned with his chest, he repositioned his arms to curl around your stomach. Heat spread throughout your entire body, and you were unsure whether it was from your anger or due to his close proximity. “We are friends, y/n. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to be more. You’re right, it is bullshit. But I can’t exactly go around telling everyone in the school that I’m in love with you, now can I?” Feeling you become incredibly still in his arms, he chuckled softly, pressing a kiss against your head. “But if I had known you would get that pissed off so easily, I would have said something stupid earlier. Because pinning me against the wall – that was hot.”
“Shut up.” Breaking away from his hold, you spun around to face him. A half smirk was tugging at his lips, one that communicated how much he enjoyed the situation. “You are horrible. What would you have done if that guy asked me out and I said yes? Hm?”
“I’d probably cry and then say on to the next one!” To further instigate you, he dipped an eyelid into a wink.
“Really. Horrible.” With your passion deflating, exhaustion crept into your muscles, bringing a groan to sound. “Let’s just get to class.”
“Nuh huh. We can ditch one class. Plus, you still haven’t said it back.” Tilting his head, he proceeded a step forward to close the distance once more. He then tapped on your chin, allowing your gazes to connect. 
Inhaling a deep breath, a faint smile was presented towards him.
“I love you too, idi-.”
The remaining half of the insult did not leave your mouth, rather it was replaced with a muffled protest as Kuroo gently caught your lips with his. As you tried to break the exchange, he tangled his fingers in your hair, keeping you secure against him, before mumbling. 
“That’s boyfriend to you.”
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Sakusa Kiyoomi 
The repetitive interaction between the laminated flooring and the leather training balls had resulted in a dull ache in your temples. As the manager of a professional volleyball team, you were well accustomed to the noise but today, your patience was running thin. Practice had officially ended two hours ago, and yet your boyfriend, Sakusa Kiyoomi continued fine-tuning his serves. Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, you scanned the male for any indication of exhaustion – something you would have capitalized on, in order to reason with him. Except the outside hitter’s reserve of energy was far from being depleted. It often surprised you how resilient he was, he certainly did not have Bokuto or Hinata’s stamina, but that did not keep him from pursuing his goals. Whenever he would discover a new technique or target, he would work on it relentlessly. It was an admirable trait, one that made him one of the best players you had ever seen.
And let it be known, supporting him was always your intention. But at the moment, you were passing your own limits and remaining calm and composed was not an option. Between the throbbing on either side of your head and the acids chewing away at your stomach lining from hunger, you were seconds from raiding Bokuto’s secret snack stash.
“Omi, you’re done. Go take a shower.” After swapping your clipboard for a towel, you proceeded across the court, before offering it out to him.
The outside hitter stared at you in response, indicating that he heard your commands but was electing to ignore them. Returning his attention to the volleyball within his grasp, he began prepping for another serve. A sigh mixed with a growl rattled inside of your throat as you twisted the towel in frustration. When the ball landed on the opposite side of the court, an eerie grin stretched onto your mouth.
“Omi. You little shit.”
With each step you took forward, Sakusa intuitively took one step back until his back was met with the padding attached to the wall. You were quite aware of your height difference, although that did not matter. You planted your hands on either side of him, purposefully caging him in. Knitting his brows together, confusion swam in his dark irises.
“What are you doing?”
“What are you doing? I’m not asking you to finish up. I’m telling you. We finished practice two hours ago, and I am starving. If you do not go into there and take a shower this instant, I will not be responsible for what happens to you. You know what they say – you’re not yourself when you’re hungry.” After gesturing to the locker room with your head, you squinted at him, attempting to seem menacing. However, you were only met with amusement.
“Are you saying you will eat me?” The question had Sakusa battling a smile. Was he really supposed to find that scary?
“We both know someone like you would taste delicious, so I’m not saying that isn’t a possibility.” Maintaining a deadpan expression while spouting nonsense was not a task for the weak – but after having countless conversations with actual idiots, you had mastered it. You would not provide your boyfriend any satisfaction.
“Okay. I’ll go.” His admittance of defeat was joined with the raise of his eyebrow, communicating that he expected you to “release him” now. You were about to comply with the silent request when he dipped down and placed a fleeting kiss onto your mouth. The sudden display of affection had erupted a volcano of butteries inside your stomach.
“What the …”
Leaving you there baffled, the MSBY player slipped past your defenses, smiling to himself. 
Two could play at this game.
Later that night:
After gifting you an apology meal at your favourite fast-food joint, you both elected to walk home rather than taking a taxi. His fingers were intertwined with yours loosely, and since the streets were mostly abandoned, he had removed his mask, permitting his lungs unrestricted access to the fresh air. Now that your mood had elevated significantly after satisfying your human needs, you were ready to question your boyfriend on what occurred earlier inside of the arena.
“So, why���d you kiss me?” Kissing was generally an activity he preferred to engage in after showering. And therefore, you were puzzled by his recent actions.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Shifting his gaze to the row of streetlamps that framed the sidewalk, he lifted his shoulders into a shrug.
“You liked that I threatened you, didn’t you?” A gentle laugh danced past your lips as you shook your head. That seemed to be the only explanation you could think of in the moment.
“No. You looked cute trying to seem scary.” He joined his retort with a scoff, although it was evident, he was suppressing any physical indication of joy.
“I am scary!” Resisting your urge to pout, you squished his hand to reinforce your statement.
“Yeah, sure you are.” Refusing to bestow upon you his full attention, his eyes travelled to the sky above. While he would not vocalize it, he found most of your antics to be ridiculously adorable. It was what he loved about you. And there was no denying that you could certainly scare others when deprived of food – but not him.
“I will eat you. Don’t tempt me.” A small pout forced its way to your lips to display your mild annoyance. Though, the emotion was easily defeated when Sakusa in a quick swoop, stole another kiss. This time, however, he lingered, enjoying the taste of your lips. 
It turned out that maybe his rules around kissing required some amending. Because he wanted to kiss you, whether or not some of his pre-conditions were met. Guess that was a consequence of being in love.
Once he pulled away, he exhaled a chortle.
“Yeah? I’m looking forward to it.”
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General taglist: @haikyuufairy​ @newfriendjen​ @lvoejimin​ @moonlightaangel​ @gyozaaaaa​ @byun-nies​ @thevillagehiddenintheinternet​ @amberalisa​ @graykageyama​ @yourstarvic​ @chaichai-the-weeb​ @chibishae34​ @haikyuusimp91​ @volleybloop​  @rajablast​ @idiot-juice-enthusiast​ @melonmayhere​ @cuddlesslut​  @athenarosaline​ @memes-and-money​ @coconut-dreamz​   @elianetsantana​ @tsumume​ @tsukkismamagucci​ @the-golden-jhope​ @camcam1617​  @elephantloser​ @dreamstormings​ @anejuuuuoy​  @fantasycantasy​ @aquariarose​ @bloody-bella​​ 
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westallenfun · 5 years
Before the Hood - 1/6
For @jade4813 from @backtothestart02​ -I’m not going to lie. This gets pretty angsty pretty quickly and ends on a bittersweet note. But it’s meant to be the prequel to my Robin Hood westallen AU that I plan to write eventually (yes, this is a Robin Hood AU, you got me), and that fic will end very happily, so if you’d like, you can consider that your fic too. I hope you’re able to enjoy this fic though!
I so appreciate you as a person and a shipper and a writer. I am always so inspired by you and your talent and appreciate so much how kind you are. So I was unbelievably excited when I received your name as my giftee (you write such incredible AUs!). Hopefully you will enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it and be hopeful about what comes after instead of in a puddle of tears. I hope I can do your masterpieces some justice and that you have an amazing Christmas and holiday season!!
Merry Christmas!
(All of these chapters have been lightly proofread, so feel free to do a re-read once I post them to AO3 & FFnet, b/c I’m sure they’ll be in much better condition then.)
Fun Fact: I did some medieval research for this story that I did try to incorporate. (1) People were not meant to be educated unless they were upperclass/royalty/clergymen. (2) Women were rarely educated period, unless upperclass and then very little. They were expected to marry and raise children. (3) The Crusades and everything according to the Robin Hood legend that I googled I tried to incorporate to some degree, since I did keep the story set in the Middle Ages. (There’s prob more, but I can’t think of what at the moment.)
Chapter 1 -
Collin Woods.
A place thick with trees, alive with wildlife, and far from any central city on the map, two hundred miles away from the literal Central City. Within the woods contained the small town of the same name, the only structure cresting above the trees being the stone castle of the royals. Previously residing there was King Richard – a loyal, good king who took care of his people and flourished the town with bountiful riches and a thriving population. But within the past several months he had left the town and its people to embark on the noble quest of fighting in the Crusades. In his place, he left his younger brother, Prince John, a selfish, spoiled, adolescent fool who little by little drained the small town of its resources until the only thing rich and satisfying to the eye could be found within the castle grounds.
Many of the young men of the town had gone off to fight in the Crusades with their King. Not all could go, because work needed to be done that could not only be sustained by older men, women, and children. But some left not only for the cause itself but to escape the death trap that had become their once thriving homeland. War with all its drudgery, pain, and rate of death on the battlefield was still a welcome reprieve. To those that survived, they only hoped their king would return with them and so sustain the lands they used to call home and create a small paradise once again for themselves and those they loved.
Beside Prince John was his wise and yet often taken for granted advisor, Sir Hiss – not his actual name of course, but his natural born lisp that often affected his speech had granted him the title. The superficial prince did nothing to correct it. Since he relished as well as mocked his only true friend – if he could be called that – the name suited him in the latter case. Trained guards were at Prince John’s disposal, as well as the particularly greedy Sheriff of Collin Woods, Clifford Devoe.
Amongst the townspeople was the West family, but with the father, Joseph, and the son, Wallace, off to fight in the Crusades, and the mother, Francine, passed many years ago, the daughter, Maid Iris, was ordered by Prince John to live under the care of Sheriff DeVoe and his wife, Marlise. Iris was rarely seen after that, except for at festivals hosted by Prince John. And by one other, who she risked everything to see night after night by moonlight, hidden amongst the trees lining Silver Lake.
Barry Allen.
Bartholomew was his given name, but hardly rolling off the tongue, his best friend, Cisco – who’d also shortened his name – decided on a nick name for the young Allen. To those around him, it had stuck.
Barry was the only child of Henry and Nora Allen. The former was the only doctor in the town. He had taken a young pupil under his wing, a girl – which was most unheard of, Caitlin Snow. He’d tried to lure his son into the teachings of medicine. There were few things greater than the ability to heal, he would say. But young Barry would have none of it. And being a friend of Caitlin himself, Barry encouraged the union. There should be more than two doctors in one town, should one fall ill, heaven forbid. But it wasn’t going to be him. Most of the time when he wasn’t home, he traveled into town to offer his skills – that of repairing homes and entertaining children – as proof of his servitude. His mother, Nora, who was a seamstress to nearly everyone found this to be a great addition to the work force. And since she needed to do little to win over her husband, most of the time he relented.
But Barry didn’t spend all of his time tending to the needs of the townsfolk. His favorite pastimes were narrowed down to three: fishing with his best friend, Cisco, practicing archery from his handmade bow and arrows, and visiting Maid Iris by moonlight.
One late afternoon in June, finished with his tasks for today, Barry idly leaned against a tree and carved himself some new arrows, preparing to get some practice in. For the Crusades he would tell his father if the subject ever arose. But it hadn’t yet. Only his friends knew of his hobby, and it was kept amongst them. It was no secret Barry didn’t want to go to war.
The disgruntled voice pulled Barry out of his reverie, and he saw an unamused Cisco standing inches beneath where his arrow had landed, a hole piercing his new hat as it stay pinned against the tree behind him.
Barry had the decency to blush.
“Sorry, Cisco.”
Cisco carefully pulled the arrow free and his hat with it and placed it back on his head.
“Watch it. My mother made that.”
Cisco’s mother was not the greatest seamstress – as was evidenced by the seams falling apart of the hats she made for her son, even without arrows being shot through them. But his parents looked down upon the Allen’s for Henry’s audacity to train a young girl in medicine, to educate a peasant girl whose duty it was to marry and raise children, not attempt to heal people. And also, because Barry’s parents were not stricter with him. As a result, they forbid their son from being friends with Barry – an order he ignored fervently.
“My mother could make you a new one,” Barry offered, not for the first time, as he turned his full attention to his friend.
Cisco snorted. “My mother would know. She knows she can’t sew. It has never been her talent. And if she saw how neatly the seams were sewn, she’d know where I had been.”
Barry nodded. He knew. He just couldn’t help but offer.
“Did you see Caitlin today?” Cisco asked casually, leaning against the tree beside Barry.
Barry shook his head. “I left early this morning. Ralph was off with Sue again, so he wasn’t around to watch his younger brothers and sisters. I offered my services.”
Cisco’s lips turned up in a smirk. “Of course you did.”
“It is my contribution,” Barry said, picking up another arrow and shaving down the sides so it would fly more smoothly.
“You don’t sound happy about it.”
He shrugged.
“Maybe you’re just jealous Ralph can spend time with Sue in broad daylight when you have to sneak around with Iris by moonlight.”
Barry froze, his eyes wide as he turned to look at his friend.
“What? You thought I didn’t know?”
Barry turned his body fully.
“I’m your best friend,” Cisco said, offended.
“You’re not- You didn’t- Does anyone else-”
He rolled his eyes. “Of course no one else knows. At least not because of me. I won’t tell a soul.” He paused. “At least not until you do.”
Barry snorted and returned to his arrows.
“I’ll never be able to do that,” he muttered under his breath.
“You never know,” Cisco said, softening.
Barry picked up his bow and arrow and aimed for a farther tree.
“As long as King Richard is fighting in the Crusades and Iris is cooped up with that awful Sheriff DeVoe, there’s no way we can be together openly. She’ll probably marry that awful knight Julian,” Barry said, scowling.
“I thought he’s planning to leave for the Crusades,” Cisco said, his brows fusing together.
“Not before obtaining a marriage proposal, I bet.”
“And why would the Sheriff say yes to him? He gains too much by keeping Iris locked up. He feeds off her inheritance.”
Barry lowered his bow. “Because Julian is a knight, and his father is in Prince John’s royal guard. He probably thinks Julian won’t return from the Crusades and he won’t have to worry about it.”
“But if he does return…”
“He’ll have to own up to the promise. And Maid Iris will have no choice in the matter.”
Cisco shoulders slumped, and then he gathered himself together, determined to let them not both be burdened down by this possibility.
“It might not happen,” he offered. “Julian’s thirst for war might overcome his desire for Iris.”
Barry looked at him. “It does.”
Cisco’s brows furrowed again.
“Julian wants her because I have her. It’s his petty jealousy for everything I have that is greater than his thirst for war. All the medals and glory in the world would mean nothing to him if they didn’t also crush me into the ground in the process.”
He shot off another arrow, this one recklessly into the air at a distance. Someone could trace it, find him, discover his hobby and somehow use it against him. But he didn’t care. Few things stifled his hatred for Julian Albert, son of the guard, knight in training, who gloated about all that he would receive on his return from the Crusades. More than once Barry had wanted to retort bitterly, ‘If you return.’ But he’d held his breath. He wouldn’t sink to his level.
“And what do you have that he doesn’t?” Cisco asked, though he knew at least some of what his answer would be.
“Both parents, friends, the right to choose what I want to do, and a father who is willing to bend the rules for the sake of the people.”
“And the love of Iris,” Cisco added, which made Barry’s anger finally fizzle out.
“Yes. And that.”
In the quiet cottage just off the edge of town, Nora Allen sat in her rocking chair and picking up a new color of yarn to add to her nearest quilt. She hummed quietly to herself, a melody to harmonize with the blue birds chirping outside the window. The sun shone through it, warming her face, and with the scent of biscuits wafting out of the oven, she knew dinner would soon be at hand. The chicken was ready, and the corn. With the prepared food would come her husband, her son, and the young girl Henry had taken under his wing, Caitlin Snow.
Caitlin was a quiet one. With long brown locks and the same purple, cotton dress she wore day after day, only changing the ribbons in her hair on occasion, Nora had taken to mothering her. She’d never had a daughter, and there was much about Caitlin that appealed to her. From her determination to chase after her dreams to her polite refusal of anything that might inconvenience anyone, Nora welcomed having her in their home and at their table. A few times she had studied her son’s interactions with her to see if there was any spark. She certainly wouldn’t mind having Caitlin officially part of their family.
But Caitlin, it seemed, was in love with a slightly older boy, Ronnie Raymond, who had gone off to fight in the Crusades. And Nora’s boy, Barry, she had begun to suspect, still fancied Maid Iris.
It was a star-crossed romance she’d hoped her son could avoid. Not because she held anything against Iris or her family, but because it would be nearly impossible for them to find happiness together in a practical sense with Iris being elevated in her father’s and brother’s absence. In addition, she knew the feelings had not been one-sided before Joseph and Wallace had left for Crusades. That made the young romance even more devastating.
But Iris lived with Sheriff DeVoe now, who was snide and arrogant and in line with that terrible Prince John who was constantly raising the taxes. She hoped Marlise DeVoe, who while loyal to her husband, didn’t appreciate his tactics, had taken Iris under her wing and protected her. Heaven only knows what kind of atmosphere existed in that house if she hadn’t.
With Prince John’s almost constant raising of taxes – and demand in paying them being more frequent – Nora worried that soon Henry would allow appointments without pay. He tried to be firm and decisive on the outside, but on the inside his love for her and his son and the townspeople had turned him to mush. After all, once Barry had made it clear he would not be following in his footsteps, Henry had sought out a pupil and had no qualms whatsoever about taking on Caitlin Snow.
The sound of the heavy wooden door being opened interrupted her thoughts, and the sound of her husband’s warm voice made the sadness of her thoughts all but disappear.
“Something smells good,” Henry said, walking through the door. “You smell that, Caitlin?” The young girl nodded beside him. “It smells wonderful.”
Nora smiled to herself, set aside her tools and yarn and walked into the entryway adjoining the kitchen.
“You’re home,” she said, to which her husband crossed the distance between them and placed a kiss on her cheek. “It smells so good.” He pulled back. “Is it biscuits?”
She nodded. “Yes. And chicken and potatoes.”
Caitlin’s eyes lit up. “You have potatoes?”
“Yes. And I’m going to mash them. Would you like to help?”
Caitlin nearly bounced up on her toes. It never ceased to amazing Nora how this girl could go from being shy to eager and excited when new opportunities presented themselves. She wondered what that meant about her home life but decided not to think on it.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” she chuckled. “Come on.” She nodded her head towards the hot pot over the fire and grabbed some pot warmers so as not to burn herself. “Grab a bowl from the bottom shelf. We’ll put them in there first.”
Caitlin did as she was told and used the large spoon to transfer the vegetable. Nora looked over her shoulder at her husband as she did so.
“Have you seen Barry today?”
“Not this morning,” he said on a sigh. “But the Dibny’s informed me he spent all morning with their rambunctious children, so he must’ve done some good today.”
“Henry.” Her voice lowered, and he reined himself in.
“I’m sorry. I know it’s a good thing what he’s doing. It’s better than just lying around this place all day. I’m glad he’s getting work in and that he’ll help out with the harvest in the fall.”
“Oh!” Caitlin interjected, spying the individual in question walking passed the distant window. “I think I see him.”
Moments later, the door opened and Barry walked in, a basket of freshly pulled carrots in his arms.
“Carrots,” Caitlin said, awe-struck by yet another delicious food being added to the menu.
“What a brilliant idea, Barry. Thank you for thinking of it,” his mother said.
He forced a smile that matched his father’s until Henry felt the glare his wife was delivering to the back of his head.
“I thought it might…add something,” Barry added lamely, avoiding his father’s gaze.
“I talked to the Dibny’s earlier today,” Henry said, pushing bitter feelings behind him for the sake of the meal and the company. “It sounds like you were very helpful to them this morning.”
Barry looked at him, then glanced at his mother and Caitlin and knew he had to do something to release the tension.
“Well, someone had to be, what with Ralph running off with Sue just as his brothers and sisters were waking up.”
Henry softened, a proud smile gracing his features.
“I’m glad you stepped up, son.” He gripped his shoulder. “It’s good to know what’s important in life and not go running after a lass before you’ve found your place.”
He glanced over at Caitlin.
“Nothing against you, of course, Caitlin.”
She grinned sardonically.
“Of course not. I’m special.”
Barry shook his head at the comment, but it had the whole family laughing, and so the tension was broken.
Night descended over Collin Woods about an hour after dinner. Caitlin had returned home, promising to meet Henry at his clinic the next day as early as she could. He promised to bring food with him and Nora insisted she come home with Henry for dinner again. Caitlin was reluctant to make that promise, so she just smiled as a goodbye and waved her hand on the way out. Barry watched her from the front window and thought about the impact she made on their home. He was glad to have her in his life, and glad even more so that she’d provided an escape for him from his father’s profession. But he worried some about her home life. Whenever he saw her about in town, there was no light in her eyes. She looked sullen, almost like a young child. And he saw the tight grip her mother always had on her even though she was three years into adulthood at age fifteen. It just made him more aware of the destruction Prince John had brought upon their little town.
Barry lay in bed until he could hear his parents’ snores drifting down the hall. Deeming it safe to slip out, he pushed open his window and carefully climbed over the ledge to the other side. He closed it after he’d landed in the grass, keeping it open a crack so he wouldn’t have difficulty going in, and then slinked away from his home, taking off as fast as one of his arrows as soon as he’d reached the cluster of trees thickening like a swarm of flies on the way to Central Pond.
He got to the edge of the water, looked up and saw some hazy clouds crossing over the moon. He worried for a moment that she wouldn’t come. They had always said that if it was a cloudy night, maybe it was a sign they shouldn’t meet up that night, that there was somehow a better likelihood of them being caught, even if logically that didn’t make sense. They should be harder to see with no grand moonlight making figures known amongst the trees.
But he didn’t have to worry long. Because mere moments later, a tap came on his shoulder, and he nearly fell into the water because of it.
“Barry!” she quietly shrieked, pulling him back by the fabric of his shirt, and then dissolving into a fit of giggles when she did. Putting a hand over her mouth, she tried to compose herself. “I’m sorry.”
He was flushed, breathing heavily for a few moments, but then a silly grin stretched across his face.
“No apology needed,” he said, then took her hand and led her away from the water into the woods. “I was afraid you wouldn’t come.”
“So was I,” she said. “The clouds were so much thicker from my bedroom window.” She came to a stop and held both of her hands in his, swinging a little on the balls of her feet. “But I thought I’d make a try for it. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you.”
In truth it had been two days, and the only reason they hadn’t met up was because of storms, rain that poured hard and for hours. But it still felt like an eternity. Every moment apart felt like a lifetime.
“I know,” he said, intertwining their fingers together. “It’s been forever.”
He couldn’t wait any longer. He pulled on her hands with his own, instantly bringing her closer, and met her lips with a sudden kiss. She melted into it, and so did he. His arms moved to settle on her waist as hers wrapped around his neck. And for a while they stood there in the filtered moonlight, just ignoring the world around them.
“Oh, Barry,” she murmured, eventually pulling back enough to lay her head on his chest. He swayed them gently. “I wish it could be like this forever.”
He rested his cheek on the top of her head and shut his eyes, listening to the sway of her long dress in the night breeze.
“So do I.”
“I dream at night about us, you know.”
He smiled to himself. “You do?”
“Well, don’t you?” She lifted her head to look up at him.
“Of course, Iris. I dream about you even when I’m not sleeping. I almost shot Cisco with an arrow today because I was so distracted dreaming of you.”
Her eyes sparkled. “You wouldn’t have hit him.”
“I don’t know…I was pretty distracted.”
“You never miss,” she said. “Not even when you’re distracted.”
“I might’ve made an exception for Julian,” he joked lightly.
She smirked. “I might’ve let you.”
He didn’t know if her not liking Julian any more than he did made their situation even more tragic, but he decided he liked it. Better the knight not be his competition when it came to Iris’ heart. In any other way, he could deal, even if he didn’t want to, but if he was unsure about where her heart lie, he was sure he would die.
“Come on,” he said, stepping back enough to just hold her hand. “I want to show you something.”
Iris bit her bottom lip and ran with him through the woods until they came to a large tree. She stopped before he did and looked up at the spectacle before them.
“It’s amazing,” she said, awestruck.
“It’s old,” he responded. “And probably shouldn’t be climbed on.” He bent down to pick something off the grass just around the old oak. “But it’s unlike any other tree in the whole forest, and I think we should make it our own.”
He came back to her and handed her a rock, sharp and narrow at the end. She looked at it strangely and met his eyes with a quizzical expression.
“What are you thinking, Barry?”
He grinned and pulled her to the large, oak tree. Then she watched as he used his own rock to painstakingly carve his initials into the wood. He made a small cross beneath it and stepped back. He glanced at her when she didn’t move.
“Your turn,” he said.
Excitedly, though she tried to contain herself, Iris stepped forward and carved her own initials in. Then, without any prodding, she drew a large heart around their letters and stepped back, looking at their masterpiece proudly.
“I love you, Iris,” he said, softly, and she turned to find him staring at her, so much love in his eyes. She didn’t doubt his declaration for a second.
“I love you, too, Barry,” she returned, taking both his hands in hers as they’d been before.
“I don’t know how long we can be like this,” he admitted. “But I’m going to treasure every moment.” He brought their clasped hands to his heart and held them there. “You’re my home, Iris. And that’s one thing that will never change.”
Her heart aflutter, and all words fallen away from her memory, she smiled softly in response. Then she tilted her face up, closed her eyes, and waited for him to kiss her.
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naughty-teddy-innit · 7 years
Emily & Ed: Part 1                   Forever and Ever…A Love Story.
Title:       Ed and Emily - A Love Story Author: @naughty-teddy-innit Rating:  PG- No smuts, brief sexy texts, making out
Enjoy, and comments, Asks, Feedback and Reblogs are LOVE! Xoxoxoxo
There are certain moments in my life that I will hold tight and keep just for me, memories that are indelibly inked on my heart.   These memories, the building blocks of my soul, could never be adequately captured in a photograph or described in a journal, they exist only in me. They sneak up and trigger that waterfall of emotion that remind me why life is worth living.  The first time those beautiful, soft, perfectly pink lips found mine.  The first time his soft accented voice murmured the word “Forever”, and every single time after, because “I love you” was never enough.  The day I had to say goodbye to my grandmother, when my heart was broken and the arms I needed around me, to keep me strong, were halfway across the world and when I thought I couldn’t feel more pain, he was there, his arms around me, holding me up.  Christmas morning.  Walking into the living room to the glow of the lights from the tree lighting his face like an angel, and the sight of him down on his knee, pure love in his eyes, and my grandmother’s ring in his hand.  The smile on his face when I managed a “Yes!” through the tears. These moments are the ones that will stay with me, seared into my heart and spirit for as long as I live.  Today, the one instance that tops them all, the one that will stay with me until my life leaves me, is the look in his eyes as I walked towards him, down that aisle, to become his wife.  
From the moment we became engaged, we knew we wanted a wedding just for us, simple, with just our family and loved ones.  The people we cherished the most.  Ed’s heart lay in his hometown, it always had, and I knew when it came time for us to make those promises, that’s where we would do it.  We chose the church where he first sang in the choir as a child for our ceremony, knowing that going back to where it all started was the perfect way to symbolize our new beginning.  We debated where to have our celebration after the ceremony, a local B&B or maybe a hotel, but none felt right.  One night, laying in the hammock overlooking his gorgeous property in Suffolk, with our cold beers in hand and a blanket wrapped around us, we realized what we’d been missing the whole time.  We didn’t need a fancy hotel, we could bring our celebration to us, in the place where our new life was about to begin.  From that moment on, every bit of our planning led to home.
All these months later, I couldn’t believe The Day was finally drawing so near.  All week we’ve witnessed the transformation of this simple, yet stunning piece of land as it turned into our dream come true.  A huge, beautiful marquee would be set up, in beautiful blues and silvers, with what would seem like thousands of wildflowers hung everywhere. Candles and lanterns would line the walkways and delicate fairy lights would line the roof of the tent and the trees that dotted the property.   We didn’t want our guests to be separated, so we planned for only two single long tables set up on either side of the tent, with candles and creamy roses scattered throughout the table settings.  Our sweetheart table was simple, festooned with daisies and tiny candles, and framed by the glow from the fairy lights. A classic, simple dance floor would be set up at the far end, with a small stage for the band, and in the opposite corner would be a full bar, a requirement for my hubby to be.  It was going to be our dream English Garden celebration, and I couldn’t wait to see it all come together.
I opened my eyes this morning to the sound of rain, but I couldn’t have cared less.  I rolled over in my bed, a smile plastered on my face as I caught sight of my dress hanging from the window, and the small velvet box on the dresser containing Ed’s ring.  Today, he would officially, and legally, be forever mine, and I would be his.  We would make our vows and exchange our rings, and our new life would start.  I could not wait. I hopped out of my bed, thinking that it possibly was the first and only morning of my life that I wouldn’t need coffee!  My family, of course, had flown in for the wedding, and we were staying at the hotel where Ed actually had his first job.  Under any other circumstances I would have simply stayed with Ed in our flat in the city, but being the traditionalist I was, I had decided we would not stay together the week leading up to the wedding.  Even worse for the poor boy, I had made the decision that sex was off the table for the month leading up to the wedding, wanting our wedding night to be memorable and special.  Ed had NOT particularly been a fan of this turn of events, but despite many, MANY temptations, we’d managed to abstain.  Barely.  Just barely.
I had also insisted on maintaining the age old tradition of the groom not seeing the bride before the ceremony.  Ed had always been one to treasure of every single moment; one of the things I loved most about him was how he always wore his heart on his sleeve.  He’d talked many times about waiting for this moment his whole life long, and I was so ready to BE that moment.  I wanted to see the emotion in his eyes, the expression on his face, as he saw me for the first time at the back of the church.  He wasn’t the only one who’d been waiting his whole life, and I wanted to soak every bit of it in.
The hours leading up to the ceremony were a blur of waffles and mimosas, hair rollers and hairspray, and best of all, giggles and time with the ladies I loved the most.  My younger sister was my maid of honour, and my childhood best friend, along with my 2 best girlfriends from college, were my bridesmaids.  My hair was simple, I wore it half up, flowers pinned behind my ear, soft waves on my shoulder.  I kept my makeup soft and natural, Ed had always said less was more, and had never been a fan of any kind of makeup at all.  I had never much cared either way, so I went for the natural look, hoping it was enough to look pretty in our pictures.   Hair done and face all pretty, it was time.  I had been ready to step into my dress for weeks; I think I was in love with it as I was with Ed.  From the moment we began planning the wedding I knew how I wanted to look walking down that aisle.  Simple, traditional, classic, beautiful.  I had tried on only 4 dresses, and from the second that first one slid up my body, I knew it was the one.  Fitted to my body perfectly with a slight flair and with delicate, tiny, beaded cap sleeves, it was made of the most beautiful, intricate lace I had ever seen. The embellishment of the tiny cap sleeves was accented by the simple elegance of the illusion neckline, accented with the same lace that flowed over my dress.  It fastened with tiny pearl buttons up the back, flowed into a sweep train, and in my eyes, defined simplicity and beauty.  Initially, I had fought against a veil, thinking it would be far too much, and really, I wasn’t a bells and whistles sort of girl anyway. That all changed when my mother had managed to unearth the stunning, hand-sewn lace veil my grandmother had worn when she married my granddad.  It was light and airy and edged in gorgeous antique lace with tiny pearl accents, and flowed to the perfect length to frame my dress.  My mother had gently placed the veil on my head during my last fitting, adjusting the comb so that its cathedral length flowed around my body, and in that moment, I could feel my grandmother’s presence all around me. I knew she would be with me as I walked down that aisle, and there was nothing I wanted more.
I was as desperate for our wedding night as Ed was, a month is a LONG time, and so I had wickedly chosen my undergarments knowing they’d drive him wild once he got to them.   I chose a simple lace bustier, sheer with lacy patterning on the boning, with embroidered cups, laced with silky ribbon in the back.  To say it enhanced my cleavage would be an understatement, but thankfully the lacy illusion neckline of my dress kept that secret hidden, a little something just for Ed.  The matching lacy panties were high cut and butt-cheek baring, with tiny bows at the hips. I wore thigh-highs, specifically for the purpose of tantalizing and teasing Ed later on, and the little straps at the bottom of the bustier clipped to the tops of those.  I caught a glance of myself in the mirror, and biting my lip with a wicked smirk, thought maybe I’d share a taste of the view.  Grabbing my phone off the bathroom counter, I angled it low and snapped a quick shot.  The angle of it showed the lace edging at the bottom of the bustier, the bow at the curve of my hip, and the beginning of the strap that reached down to where it clipped to my hose.  I flicked open my messaging app and attaching the pic, sent a quick message to my soon-to-be hubby.
 Me: 2 hours to go and you’re all mine…thought maybe you’d like a little taste of what’s waiting for you later…xoxoxox…
Ed: Can’t wait till you’re MY WIFE.  Also can’t wait get those fucking sexy panties OFF my wife…Fucking HELL.
Me:  You’ll have to unbutton and unlace me first…
Ed:   Jesus. Em, you’re the ONLY wedding gift I plan to unwrap tonight….
Me:  It’ll be worth the wait.  I promise….  See you at the altar, Teddy  <3 xoxoxoxox
Ed:   I’ll be the one in the monkey suit…probably trying not to cry.  Forever and ever Love…
I let eyes my shut for a moment and let the enormous smile inside of me spread across my face.  I loved this man so much.  I wanted to call him husband and wear that ring and be his wife, I was READY.  Well, except for the half naked part, though I’m sure Ed wouldn’t have minded. Time to put on the dress and become a wife!  I wrapped a silky robe around me and hurried out of the bathroom, ready to step into my gown and get this show on the road. Our talented photographer arrived just in time to capture the getting-ready moments that I knew would be so lovely to look back on; the smiles and giggles, last minute jewelry and makeup touch-ups, and group hugs with the women I loved the most.  I stepped into my dress, carefully sliding it up my body and guiding the tiny sleeves over my shoulders.  My sister and mother fastened each button, while my best girlfriends helped secure my tiny teardrop earrings and pearl bracelet.  My dress in place, I slid my feet into my comfy, specially bedazzled flats while my bridesmaids held my skirt.   Heels and I did not have a good relationship, so this was my special treat on my special day, and I LOVED them.  The veil would be placed in my hair once we arrived at church, simply because of its length and my not wanting to ruin it in the car.  I swallowed, and with the help of my entourage, turned to face the mirror, ready to see myself as a bride.  The reflection that stared back at me was everything I hoped to be on my wedding day.  The dress clung to me perfectly and made me feel the most beautiful I’d ever felt.  I didn’t feel overdone and gaudy, but rather natural and soft and stunning.  I couldn’t wait for Ed to see me.  The tear on my mother’s cheek and the looks on the faces that surrounded me…they spoke volumes.  I was ready.
We took many photos, I wanted to capture every moment I could.  We posed on the bed, by the window, all together and one-on-one.  As we finished with photos, and began to gather our handbags and emergency supplies, we were interrupted by a knock at the door.  My sister waved me aside as she ran to check who it was, not wanting anyone to see me who shouldn’t.  The visitor turned out to be Ed’s older brother, and best man, Matthew.  He had the sweetest smile on his face when he saw me, and in his soft voice commented on how Ed was the luckiest man in England today.  That brought a blush to my cheeks and a smile to my face, and so I gently hugged him and thanked him.  He was carrying a medium-sized, flat box, simply wrapped, with an envelope tucked under the silver ribbon.  I felt a hand guide me to the chair by the breakfast table, and someone helped hold my skirt while I sat down.  Matthew placed the package on the table beside me, and said simply “He wanted you to have this.”  As he stepped back, I carefully untied the silver ribbon, and slipped the card from its envelope, steeling myself for what was written inside.  I knew my fiancé better than anyone, and I was betting it was a good thing I was wearing waterproof mascara.  I wasn’t wrong.
 Em, My Love,
Everything I’ve done in my life has led to this day, and I can’t wait to share it, and every day after, with you.  Every moment with you has been the best of my life, and I know it’s only going to get better with you by my side.  I can’t wait to be your husband for all of our days.  
Hurry up Wife, I’m waiting….
Forever and Ever Xo
That man had the power to undo me in a heartbeat, and reading those words, had my heart nearly bursting.  I looked to the ceiling, trying to hold back the tears that had sprung to my eyes.  
I could barely comprehend how one man could complete me the way he did.  I felt tissues being pressed into my hands, and heard the sound of my sister gasping that I’d smear my makeup, but in that moment I could have walked that aisle with raccoon eyes, and not cared a bit.  I dabbed my eyes, and took a slow, shaky breath, replacing the card on the table. I reached for the package, carefully unwrapping the paper and seeing a simple white gift box.   My fingers fumbled with the lid, eagerly trying to remove it so I could see inside, but in my eagerness it didn’t want to cooperate. My mom quickly helped lift the other end of the lid, allowing me to yank the whole thing off, and I tossed it to the side, dying to see what was underneath.  My breath slowed and my eyes widened as my fingers found the soft leather cover of the photo album inside.  I pushed the tissue paper aside and lifted it carefully from the box, setting it on the table.  I could feel my eyes water as I took in the intricate detail embossed on the cover, and the gorgeous smell of the leather.  I gently flipped it open, and the only words I could force from my mouth were Oh Teddy, as my eyes welled up. The first page contained the very first photo ever taken of us, a selfie of all things at mutual friend’s holiday party, ugly Christmas sweaters and all.  He’d collected photos from our friends and family, combed through our personal collection; even printing snapshots from our phones.  I even recognized a couple of photos as shots taken from various Instagram’s.   My eyes couldn’t take them all in fast enough; as I continued to flip through the pages, the memories and feelings that came with each one almost overpowered me.   Rosy cheeks on a ski vacation when I’d managed to wreck my ankle the second day. Our first New Year’s Eve together as a couple, silly hats on our heads, noisemakers in our mouths.  Arms wrapped around each other, goofy grins on our faces at my college graduation.  A sneaky shot of us fast sleep on an airplane, my head tucked in his neck, his face buried in my hair.  My first (and only!) tattoo experience, the cookie monster on my foot, my hands clutching Ed’s as he tried not to laugh.  An intimate selfie of us cuddled up in bed, me in my glasses and makeup free, both of us content and cuddled up in blankets.  The two of us entwined under the Christmas tree, the lights reflecting in our eyes as I showed off my ring the morning we got engaged, my face wreathed in the biggest smile I’d ever seen.  I noticed looking at it now, how Ed had eyes only for me, there was such love and tenderness on his face; it was like he didn’t even realize the camera was there.   The gorgeous engagement photos we had taken on his property in the spring, the sun on our cheeks and the beautiful trees he’d planted in the background.  So many precious moments captured, and he’d put them all together in this gorgeous book, and even dated and handwritten a caption under every single one.  Our whole life together so far, my whole heart, wrapped up in a box.  It was so beautiful, so thoughtful, so overwhelming that he’d put so much time and effort into this perfect gift.  I couldn’t have been more in love with him than I was at that moment. 
I gently closed the book, smoothing a hand over the cover before placing it back in the box.  I looked at Matthew, and still trying to hold back tears, gave him a message for Ed. “It’s perfect.  Utterly, completely perfect.  I love it.  Tell him I’m ready, and he better be waiting!”  Matthew grinned, promising to pass on my message, and then politely showed himself out. I stood up from my chair and determinedly declared it was time to go, I was ready to marry my man.  “I’m leaving with or without you”, I told them with a grin, and with a chorus of “Yes ma’am’s!” we gathered our bags and belongings and headed out.  
I was extremely close with my mom, she was my best friend and most loyal supporter, and I was so thrilled to have had her by my side during this whole wedding planning process, but since the day I was born, I was, and always would be, a Daddy’s girl.  He had insisted that he not be told a single detail about my dress, that he didn’t want to see a thing until I was ready to walk the down the aisle, and so he had stayed in the dark, until now.  I knew he’d be waiting for me at the bottom of the gorgeous staircase that led down to the lobby of the hotel, and I couldn’t wait for his reaction.  My bridesmaids went ahead of me, followed by my mother, and when I could see them along with my dad in position at the bottom, I began my descent.  I hadn’t gone down 3 steps when I eyes locked with my daddy’s, and that was it.  The pride and emotion was literally beaming from his eyes, and his mouth was open as if in awe.  As I reached the bottom, he stepped forward and proffered his hand, assisting me down the last step, with the biggest smile I’d ever seen dancing on his face.  He kissed my cheeks and twirled me around, his eyes crinkling as he took me in.  He opened his mouth, trying to find the right words, and when nothing came out, that’s when I noticed his eyes were damp and he was struggling to keep it together.  Oh my sweet Daddy.  I kissed his bearded cheek and told him how debonair and handsome he looked, and that he’d better keep it together or we’d never make it down the aisle.  He just grinned and shook his head, telling me I’d always been his voice of reason.  He took my hand and we headed for the doors, ready to go to the church. Thankfully, any rain that had fallen that morning had disappeared, and the skies were now clearest blue. The sun was brilliant, its warmth enveloping me as we walked through the door, and I couldn’t help but bask in it, just for the briefest of moments.  I hadn’t any idea how we were getting to the church, only that my dad had promised he’d get us there in style.  He had refused to reveal anything more than that, so I was more than curious to see what awaited us outside.  I gasped when I walked through the doors, seeing the sleek, snow white, vintage Bentley that was awaiting us at the curb.  I could picture Princess Diana or Duchess Kate making their grand entrances from this gorgeous car.  All I could do was clap my hands and let out a squeal when I saw it, it was just incredible.  My mother and my dad helped me climb into the plush backseat, and arranged my skirt just so. I noticed a second, more modern Bentley pull up behind us, ready to chauffeur my mother, sister and best friends to the ceremony, right along with us.  After he ensured that they were safely tucked away in their ride, my dad climbed into the backseat right beside me, motioning to the driver that we were ready to go.  It was only a short drive, but that few minutes was enough for the butterflies to set in.  Unconsciously, I began twisting my fingers together, tracing my manicured nails over and over, and tapping my foot.   My gentle daddy, he clasped my hands in his, gently stroking my knuckles, and smiled that reassuring smile that had brought me through many difficult times.  “He’s the luckiest man this side of the pond, you know.” He whispered softly. “He’s so good for you, and you bring out the best in him.  I wouldn’t walk you down that aisle to just anyone. You know that.”
I swallowed back the tears that threatened, my father’s strength was my strength, and it had carried me through so much.  I could only imagine how difficult the prospect of “giving his daughter away” must have been for him.
“There won’t ever be anyone else, he’s the only one for me.” I took a deep breath, and gazed at him, the first man that ever loved me.  “I love you so much, Daddy. I’m so glad you’re here with me today.  I doubt I’d make it down that aisle without you holding me up!”  I let my fingers brush the softness of his beard as I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him as tightly as I could.  Before he could utter another word, the car came to a stop, and there was the church, right in front of me.  Gallant gentleman that he was, he stepped down from the car first.  I had warned Ed the night before that he was to stay in his designated space inside the church once he got there, no sneaking any peeks, and he’d promised to behave.  Two strong hands suddenly grasped mine and helped me step out of the car and onto the walkway.  The second car pulled up behind ours and my mother, sister, and bridesmaids were suddenly all around me, escorting me into the church.  The bridal room was ready for us, and the flowers had been delivered, much to my relief.  We had chosen simple garlands and bunches of wildflowers and daisies for most of our décor, accented by clusters of soft pink roses, to go with the English countryside/garden motif, and I’d wanted to keep the bouquets to the same theme.  My lovely girls carried small, simple bouquets of gorgeous, brightly hued wildflowers, and I had chosen a simple bouquet of creamy roses, accented by wildflowers in softer, pastel hues.  Boutonnieres had already been distributed, and I watched as my father pinned the corsage he’d chosen onto my mother’s dress, and then kissed her cheek.  They loved each other so much, I hoped one day Ed and I would still be that in love when our children were grown.  
We touched up our makeup, checked our earrings, and brushed our teeth within an inch of our lives.  A visit to the ladies room also became a necessity, and all I can say is thank heavens for helpful bridesmaids!  A knock on the door suddenly caught all of our attention, and a smiling, eye-twinkling face poked through.  I grinned, seeing Murray, Ed’s cousin, so full of happiness and energy, but then he always was.  “I’m told to tell you he’s ready and waiting, love!  Church is full and he wants to get married!”
I smiled at him and said “We’ve just got to pin the veil on and we’re ready! Less than 10 minutes, I promise!”  I went to shoo him from the room, and a thought suddenly occurs that made me pause and call him back.  “Murray, WAIT.  You or John or Matt or SOMEONE, make sure he’s done his tie straight! He can’t get it right to save his life!”
“On it!” he says authoritatively, dashing from the room in his usual comic way, causing everyone, including me, to fall to pieces laughing.   I shook my head and took a deep breath, all of a sudden feeling the rollercoaster sensation in my stomach again.  He was waiting for me, and all I had to do was make it down that aisle.  
“Alright girls, veil me!” I commanded with a smile, wanting to get to those doors and see those clear blue eyes gaze back at me.  The veil itself had been very carefully cleaned and steamed so that there was not a wrinkle in sight, and it was hanging in a clear garment bag, ready to be placed on my head.  I watched my mom unzip the bag and gently pull it from the hanger, laying it over her arm so that it wouldn’t catch or wrinkle.  I faced the door so that I wouldn’t have to turn around too much once it was in place.  I felt my mom’s gentle hand smooth my hair and position my head, and then I closed my eyes and she slid the comb into the hair that was teased at the top of my head. My sister and my 3 bridesmaids gently fluffed the long length of tulle, arranging the material so that it flowed smoothly over my shoulders, cascading down to my train.  I could feel the gossamer light material brush against my bare arms, and my fingers found the lace edging, tracing the lines of the scalloping and the tiny pearl accents that dotted the lacy pattern. Having this piece of my grandmother literally surround me on my wedding day…it was everything to me. I turned to the side, loving the feeling of the veil flowing down my body. Catching sight of my reflection in the mirror, I abruptly froze in place, taking in the sight of myself as a bride.  I could barely believe it was me…my dress fit me beautifully, my hair was sleek and beautiful, my face flawless.  My jewellery caught the light, and my grandmother’s stunning veil….it took my breath away.  I just hoped Ed would feel the same way.  
“If he doesn’t cry…I sure as hell will.” I heard my father’s gruff voice in my ear as he took his place beside me, his eyes staring at the same reflection mine were.  “You ready to get married, sweetheart?”  I squared my shoulders and exhaled, as a grin spread across my face.  “Let’s do it, Daddy” I said, the butterflies gone and my heart ready. I squeezed his hand and nodded at him.   My three sweet bridesmaids left the room first, followed my mother and best friend.  It was just my daddy and I, and he gently scooped up my veil and helped me carefully walk down the hallway to the vestibule around the corner from the big doors that led into the church. The pastor who would be performing our ceremony, a sweet older gentleman whom we affectionately called Father Patrick, was waiting for us.  He offered kind words of encouragement and instructed us to wait for the cues in the music before we began our walk down the aisle.  With a final smile and a wink, he headed through the doors to take his place at the front of the church, his bible tucked into the crook of his arm. Matthew would be waiting at the front of the church with Ed, as his best man, but Stuart, Murray, and Jovel would walk down the aisle, accompanying my girls.  
I heard the soft strains of the piano and violin begin to play, and steeled myself, trying to keep my composure. Matthew had already escorted my mother to her seat before the music began, so it was just us, and it was time. The moment was finally here.  He was waiting for me.  Stu, Jovel, and Murray all kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand with encouraging smiles before offering my ladies their elbows, and lining up in the proper order. Ed’s little goddaughter was our flower girl and my little nephew was our ring bearer, and we’d see if they made it down the aisle together.  They looked completely adorable in their matching white dress and cream suit.   The doors were pulled open, and one by one, my girls made their way down the aisle with their dashing escorts, to take their places at the front, followed by the little ones, who were so excited they fairly tore down that aisle, forgetting even to spread the flower petals from the basket.  They were so sweet, I truly didn’t even care. Then, it was time.  The music faded out for a moment, and that was our cue.  I felt such affection as I watched my father fluff and straighten my veil, and brush a strand of hair from my eyes.  He kissed my forehead and lifted his arm up, tucking my arm through his, holding me tightly.  
I hadn’t allowed myself to look to the front of the church, I didn’t trust myself to keep it together, but I couldn’t wait any longer.  I had to and he was there, my beautiful Teddy.  He wasn’t facing me, not yet. He’d wait for the cue from the pastor to turn around, but oh….the way the lights caught the fire of his hair, the soft curls like spun gold.  The lines of his broad shoulders, and the way his tux jacket hugged him, oh my…. I could see his foot jiggling nervously, and then his hand reached out to touch Matthew’s shoulder as they exchanged a grin.  His head lifted suddenly, looking up to the ceiling and I could see him taking a deep breath, trying to prepare himself.  I could feel that strong, familiar hand holding me steady, and squeezing my hand, as the notes of Pachelbel’s Canon (Didn’t I say I was a traditionalist?) filled the church.  I lifted my head, smiled at my Daddy, and took the first step.
I held it together until I looked in his eyes.  I could see Father Patrick with a broad smile on his face, gesture to Ed that it was time. That I was ready.   His shoulders lifted, and with knowing smiles from him groomsmen, he turned around.  It was as if everyone else disappeared, the music faded, time slowed and my heart felt as though it was going to thrum right out of my chest.  His eyes widened, his mouth parted, and the wonder and joy in his eyes…it would stay with me every day for the rest of my life. His hands were clasped in front of him, and it looked as though he’d forgotten how to breathe, but he never took his eyes off me.  My eyes found his, those clear blue eyes that could see into my soul, and the love that fairly shone out of them, I couldn’t get to him fast enough.  The grin that spread across his face, it spoke of pride and love and pure joy, and it was like pure sunlight shining over me.  I took slow, shaky breaths, reminding myself to breath as I slowly made my way down that aisle.  I couldn’t see a single face in that church, besides Ed’s, and I could feel the tears as they spilled down my cheeks. He was everything.  After what seemed like an eternity, we reached the front, and Ed stepped forward.  I looked in to my father’s eyes, and lifted my face for a kiss.  His fingers brushed my face, wiping the tears away before he kissed my cheek one last time.  Ed reached his hand out to grasp my dad’s, and in return, my dad raised his eyebrow in jest, and wrapped his arms around him in a big hug.  A smile lit both their faces, and it meant the world to me to see the love and affection between the two most important men in my life.  My dad stepped back, and we all faced the pastor, waiting for the words that would finally allow me to join my soon-to-be hubby. He asked the traditional question, who gives this woman to this man, and when my father responded: Her mother and I do, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Ed. He was standing proudly, his chest puffed out with his hands at his sides, but they were restless, like he just couldn’t wait any longer.  My dad lifted my hand and with a twinkle in his eye, finally, placed my hand in Ed’s.
His hands, they were so soft, so warm, and so strong. They cradled my fingers, while the pad of his thumb skimmed gently over my knuckles, in such a gentle, tender way. I squeezed his hands, and we both just gazed at each other, our eyes locked, and the most ridiculous of smiles on our faces.  There was such joy coursing through me, I could barely contain it. I squeezed his hands and bit my lip, ready to marry this man.  He shook his head slightly, almost as if in disbelief, and when he mouthed “So beautiful…” the look in his eyes was almost reverent.  Our ceremony was to be traditional and spiritual, and so we bowed our heads and spoke our prayers, and both of our mothers read beautiful passages from the bible. We sang a beautiful hymn in honour of my grandmother, and Ed’s Granddad, who were no longer with us, and knelt down to be blessed. The pastor invited everyone to sit, and motioned for us to stand and face each other.  His hands found mine, and my fingers slid around his, holding on as tightly as I could. We’d contemplated writing our own vows, but ultimately had decided those sentiments would be ours to keep private, and to stick with the traditional vows in church.  The only thing we both agreed we didn’t care for was the “till death do us part”, and so we chose to change it to “for the rest of our lives”. I spoke my vows first, my heart beating out of my chest, repeating the age-old words that Father Patrick murmured to help us along:
 I, Emily Grace, take you, Edward Christopher, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for the rest of our lives, according to God’s holy law. This is my solemn vow.  
 As I finished speaking, I saw Ed swallow hard, the emotion on his face threatening to spill over.  I couldn’t help myself as I gently reached up with my hand to caress his face, mouthing the words “Forever…” so only he could see.  His face split into that brilliant smile, and his lips formed the words that always followed, “…and ever…”  He adjusted his stance as if to steady himself and gripped my hands tight as began his vows.  “I, Edward Christopher, take you, Emily Grace…”
Every word he spoke was fervent, passionate, and clear as a bell, there was not a shake or stammer to voice, not one trace of nerves. We never broke eye contact, his clear sea-blue eyes fixed on mine with such devotion my tummy danced.  I could lose myself in those eyes every time I looked in them.  When the last word left his mouth, he exhaled, and lifted my hand to his mouth, brushing his lips across my knuckles, his eyes crinkling as the biggest smile spread across his face.  I tried so hard to pay attention to the pastor’s words, but looking into Ed’s eyes, holding his hands, the smell of his cologne wafting over me, I was just lost in him.  Father Patrick began to read the passage that would have us exchange our rings, and suddenly, I saw Ed’s little goddaughter running up to us, waving the ring pillow frantically with a grin on her face.  My heart just melted as Ed knelt down to meet her, kissing her cheek as he palmed our rings.  She threw her arms around his neck with a squeal and he squeezed her right back, a gigantic grin on his face as he lifted her right up into the air in a bear hug before he put her back down.  She skipped off to find her mum, and the chorus of Awwww’s that echoed through the church definitely included every of us standing at the altar.  Her dad, Jovel, was beaming and trying not to fall to pieces laughing, and even Stu had a grin on his face.  It was a perfect moment.  Oh my Teddy, he was going to be the most amazing Daddy one day.      
His hands found mine again, and we bowed our heads as a prayer was spoken over the rings.  Father Patrick placed Ed’s ring in my hand, and asked me to repeat after him:
 Edward, I give you this ring
as a symbol of my vow. With all that I am and all that I have
I honour you, in the name of God.
 I let my fingers quickly brush across his knuckles as I repeated these words, and I couldn’t help but bounce lightly on my toes and lift my shoulders in excitement as I slid that simple gold band onto his finger.  I looked up at him, and grinned, and the look on his face as gazed down at his finger. It was just so adorable, like he couldn’t quite believe it to be true.  Ed was handed my ring, and he gently slid his hand underneath mine and lifted my hand to his lips, kissing it softly before repeating those same traditional words to me; “Emily, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow…”   I’d chosen a simple, delicate gold band that matched Ed’s, and we both let out deep, shaky breaths as he finally slid it onto my finger; It sparkled in the light, and I loved how it nestled perfectly against my grandmother’s ring.  Neither of us could control the smiles on our faces as we clasped our newly ringed hands, and it took every ounce of control I had not to grab his face and kiss him right then and there.  The pastor lifted his hands and recited a beautiful blessing over us and our marriage, and then together with our family and friends, we spoke The Lord’s Prayer.  His face beaming, Father Patrick had us join our right hands, and then raised his hands, uttering the words we’d been waiting over a year to finally hear.
Edward and Emily have joined themselves to each other by solemn vows, 
signified by the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of a ring.
I declare, in the name of God, that they are husband and wife.
Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder.
I thought Ed’s face would split in half his smile was so big, his eyes were dancing, and he literally was bouncing on his feet waiting for the signal that he could finally, finally kiss me. I kept pressing my lips together while I squeezed his hands so tightly, wanting to wrap my arms around him and never, ever let him go.  I was trembling and giddy and impatient, and I truly thought I might actually burst if I couldn’t kiss my husband right that very minute.  I fully expected the traditional words from the church ceremony when Father Patrick opened his mouth, but his eyes had an extra twinkle when he turned to Ed and proclaimed “Lad, what are you waiting for??”  
Before I could even breathe, his lips were on mine, a kiss so full of love and promise and adoration, and he was everything and that kiss was the only thing in my world.  I cupped his cheeks with my hands, kissing him back with more fervour and promise than I could ever have thought possible, loving how his lips were just made for mine.  I could feel his arms lift me up under bum, and I squealed and locked my arms around his neck as he spun me around and kissed me again, like he just couldn’t get enough.  My eyes filled with happy tears at his jubilant expression.  I suddenly was aware of everyone in the church clapping and cheering and hollering for us, and I couldn’t stop laughing as Ed set me back on my feet, and grabbed my hand, lifting it in the air with what I can only describe as a triumphant expression on his face.  He was my husband, I was his WIFE, I couldn’t believe it, and we were married.  He was irrevocably mine and I was NEVER going to let him go, ever.  He laced his fingers through mine and led me up to the altar, followed by my sister and Matthew, where we officially signed our wedding register, and posed for some photos. The exuberance that was positively radiating from his face was incredible, it lit his face up like an angel, and I couldn’t stop looking at him.  As Matthew finished signing his name on the register, I felt a soft, fuzzy cheek press against mine, and his warm breath tickle my ear as I heard him whisper softly so no one else could hear.  “Love you forever and ever, Wife…” He pulled my hand to his mouth and kissed my fingertips softly, without taking his eyes off me.  We finished with the signing, and Ed helped lead back to the steps at the altar, where we faced towards our friends and family, hands and hearts intertwined, ready to be introduced as a married couple.  Father Patrick ended our ceremony with a beautiful blessing and the sign of the cross, before he raised his arms once more and announced with great enthusiasm and gusto;
“I’m proud and pleased to introduce to you to the new Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sheeran!”  
Cheers, applause and roars of excitement filled the church as everyone jumped to their feet, and I took that perfect opportunity to sneak one more kiss with my new husband before we headed back down that aisle.  It was a sweet, perfect kiss, and I loved that even with my eyes closed I could tell he was grinning as big as I was.  The processional music swelled, and I pulled back, ready to walk down the steps and back up the aisle, this time as husband and wife.  I noticed the look on Ed’s face before I even had a chance to move, and before I could guess what he was up to (I KNEW that face!), he’d swept me up in his arms and was down those steps!  I threw my head back and wrapped one arm around his neck, while I lifted my bouquet in the air with the other, waving it in celebration!  I kicked my legs up, waving to everyone while I shook with giggles. What better way to start our journey, then in the strong, sexy arms of my husband?
Once we made it to the back of church, we were supposed to head outside to greet our guests and take pictures, but all I wanted was just 5 minutes alone with my new husband.  I looked down the hall, and looked at Ed with a grin, pointing to the door of the bridal suite I’d left behind not so long ago. “Just for a minute…” I whispered in his ear, biting my lip. “I want my Teddy all for myself, just for a moment…” He dropped a kiss on my lips and nodded enthusiastically. “Hell yes!” He murmured with a grin, setting me down on my feet, and then gripping my hand and fairly yanking me down the hall into that room, slamming the door behind us.  It just the two of us, no one else, and I wanted to just absorb every bit of my handsome, sexy, adorable new husband before I had to share him with the world.  
“Jesus…” he murmured, wrapping his arms around my waist.  “Em, you’re so goddamn beautiful.  And you are ALL mine forever. And ever. And…”  His words faded out as his hands found my hair and his lips caught mine, softly at first as we savoured our first embrace alone as husband and wife.  I locked my arms around his neck, pulling him close and loving the sensation of the tickly hairs of his beard against my jaw.  He tasted so good and his lips were so soft, and the kiss deepened as I tried, somehow, to absorb every bit him.  His hands traced their way up my body, his fingertips leaving fiery tingles in their wake, from my hips to my waist to the curve of my jaw, as his hands finally found my face.  His kisses, lingering, deep kisses so full of passion and promise, they stole my breath and lit me on fire.  My hands wound their way into his hair, those silky soft curls at his neck begging to be tugged.  His tongue begged access to my mouth and oh, God, any self-control I had was slipping at the fervour and intensity of his lips, his tongue tasting every bit of me and me trying to taste every bit of him.  I felt his hands leave my face and his fingers trail back down my body, down my arm, along the curve of my hip and then his hands were gently cupping my ass as he pulled the length of my body as tightly against his as possible, leaving not the smallest space between our bodies. It was the sudden feeling of his hardening length against my leg that suddenly jolted me back to reality, reminding me that as badly as my body wanted me to hike my skirt up and consummate our marriage right then and there, we couldn’t, not in church, not with our families and friends waiting outside the door.  Tonight would be the one of most incredible nights of our lives, I could wait for just a bit longer.
“Teddy…” I gasped, breaking away from his kiss with a giggle. I dropped a kiss on his nose.  “”We have to behave. There’s about 100 people waiting on us out there and I don’t think a catholic church is the place for us to be….well…”  
Ed’s face was flushed, but he was giggling too as he straightened up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “Just got a bit carried away with my wife, didn’t I?” he said with a grin on his face.  “Guess I can behave for a while longer if I have to…”  I bit my lip and tried not to giggle as I noticed him adjusting his pants while he took a deep breath, trying to, um, calm himself down before we faced the masses.   I smoothed out my dress, checked my hair and touched up my lipstick, making sure that I did not, in fact, look like I just came out of heated make out session.  
“Shall we go, Husband?” I said teasingly, lacing my fingers through his as I pulled him through the door. “I am ready to be adored, worshipped and praised by the crowds!”  As we set off down the hall, I felt his soft breath in my ear, and it sent prickles of electricity through my body as his lips caught the soft skin under my jaw.
His voice was low, teasing, as he murmured softly so only I could hear, “Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you’re wearing under that dress, Love.  You will be worshipped and adored. All. Night. Long….”
To Be Continued.... Xox
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anavoliselenu · 7 years
Confessed man chapter 1
My nerves are shot to bits. I don’t know why. I know I’m doing the right thing, but damn I’m a stupid mass of nerves. I’m alone, my first few, silent, reflective moments of the day so far and probably the last. I’ve been waiting for this tiny snippet of time, begging for it among the chaos surrounding me. I need this moment, just me to myself, absorbing the massive leap that I’m taking trying to gather myself together. I know these moments will likely be precious from this day forward.
It’s my wedding day.
It’s the day I promise myself to this man for the rest of my life—not that I need a piece of paper or a metal band on my finger to do that. But he does. That’s why only two weeks after he fell to his knee on the terrace of Lusso, I’m marrying this man. And why I’m now sitting in my robe on a chaise lounge in one of the private suites of The Manor—the suite where Justin cornered me all those weeks ago—trying to gather myself.
I’m getting married at The Manor.
The biggest day of my life is taking place at the plush sex haven of my Lord. My nerves aren’t only a result of me being the bride. My parents, brother, and family members are all roaming around the grounds of Justin’s supposed country retreat. They’re all poking around the building and gushing at the opulent splendour. That’s why I have a five kilo padlock on the double doors to the communal room. I’ve checked it a million times, and I’ve double checked that all wooden, cross-like wall hangings and suspended, gold grid frames have been removed from all of the private suites. I’ve also grilled the staff of The Manor repeatedly. Justin’s poor army of employees have all endured my constant whittling and persistent reminders that my family are oblivious. They humour me, just rolling their eyes and giving me a reassuring shoulder rub or a sympathetic look, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I’m not so worried about the male members of my family, they’ll all just prop themselves up at the bar and only move on demand. But my mum and aunt are a different story entirely. My mother, with her love of all things luxurious, is gushing over the place and has suddenly taken the role of tour guide, keen to demonstrate just how magnificent Justin’s county estate is. I wish she wouldn’t. I wish she’d join my dad at the bar. I wish I could cement her backside to a stool and feed her Mario’s Most Marvellous all day and night. Marrying at The Manor is an added stress that I really don’t need on my wedding day, but when my challenging, neurotic birthday boy had me surrounded by his hard, warm strength and sprawled across the terrace, I agreed—no sense f**k required.
I know he’s taken care of everything. The Manor really does look just like an exclusive resort, but I know what’s on the next floor, and all of those beds are currently dancing on the ceiling above me, like they’re lonely. They probably are. The Manor has been closed to members for two days so preparations could be made, and that alone has cost Justin a small fortune in reimbursed membership fees. I might be just as unpopular with the male members as I am with the female members now. They must all hate me—the women for snatching their Lord from under their noses, and now the men for putting a halt on their preferred sexual adventures.
I look up to the ceiling and roll my shoulders in an attempt to dispel some of the growing tension. It’s not working. I’m too bloody nervous. Pulling myself up from my reclined position, I walk over to the mirror and gaze at my reflection. Despite my unease, I look fresh. I’m glowing and my make-up is light and natural. Phillipe has done an incredible job of glossing my dark hair to within an inch of its life, the long, heavy waves flouncing freely and loosely pinned on one side with an intricately jewelled hair comb. Justin loves my hair down. He also loves me in lace.
I turn towards the door where my dress is hanging and drink in the vast expanse of lace—lots of lace, with explosions of tiny pearls sewn here and there. I smile. He’ll stop breathing. This simple gown, with delicate shoulder straps, plunging back and nipped-in waist will have my Lord on his knees.
Understated elegance.
The ivory lace sweeps over my bum, hugs my thighs, and puddles on the floor a metre in every direction. Zoe of Harrods came up trumps with this dress. She’s figured me out, even down to the simple, ivory heels. No fuss, just a classic Christian Louboutin stiletto.
I scoop my phone up from the nightstand. It’s midday. In just an hour, I’ll be meeting Justin in the summer room and taking my vows. My stomach does a swift three sixty degree turn… again.
Slipping off my robe, I put my knickers on before taking my ivory lace, strapless corset and stepping in, pulling it up over my stomach and arranging my small cl**vage in the cups. Only just, but it does conceal the perfectly round bruise on my breast. My mark.
There’s a quiet knock at the door. My silent, reflective time is up. ‘Yes?’ I call, slipping my robe over my underwear and making my way across the suite.
‘Selena, darling, are you decent?’ It’s my mum.
I open the door. ‘I’m decent, and I need your help.’
She pushes her way in, shutting the door behind her. She looks stunning, steering away from the traditional mother-of-the-bride matching dress, jacket and hat, and instead adorning her tidy figure with a lovely oyster coloured, satin shift dress. Her short, sweeping hairstyle is arranged with a feather and pearl hairpiece.
‘Sorry, darling. I was showing Aunty Angela the spa facilities. I think she’ll be asking Justin about joining up. She was most impressed. Do you need membership for the spa and gym, or is it just for guests?’
I cringe on the spot. ‘Just for guests, mum.’
‘Oh, well, I’m sure he’ll make an exception for family. Your grandparents would’ve thought they were in Buckingham Palace, God rest their souls.’ She faffs with my hair, and I bat her fussing hands away. ‘Have you wiggled your way into your underwear yet?’ She runs her chocolate eyes up and down my robe covered body. ‘It’s nearly time.’
I slip my robe off again and drape it on the bed. ‘Yes, I need you to fasten it.’ I turn my back to her and pull my hair over my shoulder. Two weeks of Justin’s hands working cream into my back has cleared all evidence of my thrashing. The physical marks are gone, but that day will be forever etched on my brain.
‘Ah, okay.’ She commences securing all of the hook and eyes. ‘Selena, you should see the summer room. It looks absolutely beautiful. You’re so lucky to have such a wonderful place to get married. Women re-mortgage to afford venues like this.’
I’m glad she can’t see my face because she would see a painfully uncomfortable expression. ‘I know.’ I’ve seen the room and it does look beautiful—Tessa, our wedding planner, made sure of it. But then, every part of The Manor oozes splendour, anyway, wedding or not. I’ve done very little in the preparations of my own wedding. Justin presented me with Tessa the day after I agreed to marry him, a small indication that my challenging man had already sourced her to take on the role of organising our wedding—the wedding we were supposed to discuss together like adults. And, quite conveniently, The Manor also holds a wedding licence. I didn’t even ask how he achieved that. All I’ve done for my wedding is visit Zoe to find my dress. I’ve had no planning stress, just location stress.
‘There.’ Mum turns me around and sweeps my hair back over my shoulder. She’s looking at me thoughtfully, and I know what’s coming. ‘Darling, can your mother offer you some advice?’
‘No.’ I answer quickly on a small smile.
She returns my smile and sits me on the end of the bed. ‘When you become a wife, you become the core of your husband.’ She smiles fondly. ‘Let him think he’s in charge, let him think you can’t live without him, but never let him take your independence or identity, darling. They need their ego’s stroked, these men.’ She laughs a little. ‘They like to think they’re wearing the trousers, and you have to let them believe it.’
I shake my head a little. ‘Mum, this isn’t necessary.’
‘Yes, it is.’ she insists. ‘Men are complicated creatures.’
I scoff. She has no idea how complicated my creature is. ‘I know.’
‘And whilst they maintain a strong, manly façade, they are weak without us!’ She pulls my blushing face to hers. ‘Selena, I can see that Justin loves you, and I admire his frankness when it comes to how he feels about you, but remember who you are. Never let him change you, darling.’
‘He won’t change me, mum.’ I’m not at all comfortable with this conversation. Mum and dad stayed with us for two days after Justin proposed, and have been back in London since Wednesday, so they have had the full-on experience of Justin’s way with me, minus the countdowns and various degrees of f**kings. They have witnessed the smothering, the constant touching and affection, and their quiet observations haven’t gone unnoticed. Not on my part, anyway. Justin is oblivious. No, not oblivious, he just doesn’t care, and I’m not about to stop him. I crave the constant contact, just as much as he does.
Mum smiles at me. ‘He wants to look after you, and he’s made it quite clear you’re precious to him. It makes me and your father so happy to know that you’ve found a man who adores you, a man who’ll walk through fire for you.’
‘I adore him, too.’ I say quietly. The sincerity of my mum’s words is tugging at my vocal cords, making my voice a little quivery. ‘Please don’t make me cry. My make-up will be ruined.’
She clasps my cheeks in her palms and plants a kiss on my lips. ‘Yes, let’s stop with the emotional stuff. Just don’t ever do anything that you don’t want to. I can also see he could be quite persuasive.’ I actually laugh, and mum laughs with me. Persuasive? ‘It’s such a shame his family couldn’t be here.’ she muses.
I wince a little. ‘I’ve told you, they live abroad. They’re not very close.’ I’ve only vaguely outlined the reason for Justin’s lack of family. Very vaguely. The story that Justin spun me when we first met sufficed. It’s perfectly plausible.
‘Money,’ she sighs. ‘It causes more family rifts than anything else.’
‘It does,’ I agree. So do sex houses and playboy uncles.
We’re interrupted by another knock at the door and Mum leaves me on the bed to answer it. ‘Oh, that’ll be Kate.’ she sings.
‘I have drinks! Wow, Elizabeth, you look incredible!’ Kate’s excited voice creeps into the room before she barrels past my mother and hits me with delighted blue eyes. ‘Aren’t you dressed yet?’ she asks, setting a tray on the wooden chest. She looks fabulous in a simple, ivory satin dress, her long curls a mass of red flames surrounding her pale face—my only bridesmaid, but with the enthusiasm of ten.
‘Just about to.’ I stand myself up and adjust my boobs in my cups again.
‘Here, have one of these.’ She thrusts a glass of pink liquid at me.
‘Oh, yes, you must!’ Mum chants, closing the door and hastily making her way over to scoop one up for herself. She takes a long sip and gasps. ‘Oh, that little Italian knows how to keep a lady happy.’
I shake my head at the glass that’s floating in front of me. ‘No, I’m fine.’ I don’t want alcohol breath under Justin’s nose.
‘It’ll sort your nerves.’ Kate insists, taking my hand and placing the glass in it. ‘Drink.’
She knows the cause of my nerves. I’ve made Kate check the padlock and private suites a million times, too. She nods at the glass with raised eyebrows and I relent, taking a generous swig of Mario’s Most Marvellous. It tastes as marvellous as ever, but no amount of alcohol is going to cure me.
‘Where’s Justin?’ I ask, setting my glass down. I’ve not seen him since last night. Knowing my mum’s traditional views, I insisted we sleep separately on the night before our wedding. He refused to leave my room until one minute to midnight, and then he did so in a mighty huff when my mum was banging on the door. I could see he was dying to trample all over her, but, surprisingly, he conceded without too much fuss, just a ferocious scowl at my mum as she guided him from the room.
‘I think he’s getting ready.’ Kate downs a Most Marvellous.
‘Katie Matthews, take it easy!’ Mum scorns, taking the glass from her. ‘You’ve got all day to go.’
‘Sorry.’ Kate flicks me a cheeky grin. I know why she’s hitting the drink so early: theDan and Sam combination.
‘What about my dad and brother?’
‘At the bar, Selena. All of the men are at the bar.’ Kate emphasises all.
‘All of the men?’ I ask. ‘Like all of the men, including Sam?’
Kate nods in agreement to my obvious thoughts. ‘Yes, all of the men, except Justin and including Sam… and Dan.’
I wince. Today is going to be tough for Kate. Dan delayed his return to Australia so he could be here for my wedding, but he hasn’t said much, neither on the night of the proposal or since. He doesn’t need to. It’s obvious that he’s struggling with both the direction of my life and being near Kate, especially with an oblivious Sam on the scene. Kate’s struggling too, although trying to appear unaffected.
‘Come on, then.’ Kate claps her hands. ‘Are you getting dressed or walking down the aisle in that? I’m sure he won��t mind.’
I smile at my fiery friend. She knows Justin’s compulsion for lace, but my mum doesn’t. ‘I’m getting dressed.’ I unpack my heels from the tissue paper and slip them on, raising me by four inches. ‘Right,’ I take a deep breath and make my way over to the door, where my dress is waiting for me.
‘Perhaps you should use the toilet before we get you into it.’ Mum suggests, joining me by the dress. ‘Oh, Selena. I’ve never seen anything like it.’
I hum my agreement, my eyes drifting up and down the full length. ‘I know. And yes, I need a wee.’ I leave my mum admiring my dress and head for the bathroom, catching Kate having another quick glug while my mum’s back is turned. If I wasn’t so concerned about my wedding venue, I might be concerned about spending the day with Dan and Kate within spitting distance of each other.
I shut the door quietly before using the toilet and relishing in another private moment. Then I hear a loud knock on the suite door, followed by the unmistakably panicked voice of my mother. Wondering what’s going on, I make quick work of sorting myself out and washing my hands before exiting the bathroom.
‘Justin,’ My mum is clearly exasperated. ‘You and I are going to fall out if you don’t do as you’re told.’
I look over at Kate, who is drinking more Most Marvellous while my mum is distracted. She grins at me on a shrug. ‘What’s going on?’ I ask.
‘Justin wants to see you, but Elizabeth is having none of it.’
I roll my eyes, turning my attention to the door, where my mum is blocking the small gap between the door and the frame. Then I hear him.
‘We won’t fall out, mum, if you let me in.’ I know he’s grinning at my mother, but his playfulness isn’t fooling me. I can detect the threat in his tone. He’s coming in this room, and not even mum will stop him.
‘Justin Ward, you do not get to call me mum when I’m only nine years older than you.’ she spits. ‘Now go, you’ll be seeing her in half an hour.’
‘Selena!’ he yells past my mum.
I throw my eyes back to Kate, and she nods her head, instantly catching my drift. We both run towards the door, Kate unhooking my dress from the top and me gathering the bottom in my arms before we take it into the bathroom and rehang it on the back of the door.
Kate laughs. ‘Will your mum learn or will she continue to try and tame him?’
‘I don’t know.’ I smooth the front of my dress down and follow Kate back out, shutting the door behind me. Mum is still guarding the door, her foot wedged at the bottom. That won’t stop him.
‘Justin, no!’ She’s pushing against him now. ‘Oh no! It’s bad luck. Have you no respect for tradition, you stubborn man?’
‘Let me in, Elizabeth.’ He’s clenching his teeth, I know he is.
I glace at Kate and shake my head. He’s trampling my mother, just like he promised to do if she ever got in his way, and she is most certainly in his way.
Kate takes another drink from the tray and walks casually over to the door. ‘Elizabeth, just let him in, you’ll never stop him. The man’s a rhinoceros.’
‘No!’ Mum is really digging her heels in, not that it’ll work. She should know this by now, even after the limited time she’s spent with him. ‘He is not… oh!… Justin Ward!’
I smile to myself as I watch my determined mother shoved back slightly before being lifted from her feet and placed neatly to the side, giving Justin access to me. She rearranges her dress and straightens her hairpiece, all the while spitting nails at my challenging man. Then I cast my eyes back to the open doorway. His eyes are green pools of desire and they’re studying me closely; his face expressionless, his jaw stubbled. My greedy eyes trail slowly down his half nakedness as he stands before me in just his loose shorts, his solid chest damp and his hair dark with sweat. He’s been running again.
‘Well!’ Mum huffs. ‘Selena, tell him to leave!’ She’s not happy.
I find his eyes again. ‘It’s fine, mum. Just give us five minutes.’
His eyes sparkle in approval as he stands patiently waiting for my mum to relent and leave us. Mum won’t appreciate it, but even this small gesture is uncharacteristically respectful. He’ll ravish me wherever and whenever he pleases, so the fact that he hasn’t physically removed my mum from the room is quite a surprise. He’s trampling all right, but he could trample harder.
I see Kate in my peripheral vision approach my mum and take her arm. ‘Come on, Elizabeth. Just a few minutes won’t hurt.’
‘It’s tradition!’ she argues, but still lets Kate lead her out. I smile a little. There is nothing traditional about my relationship with Justin.. ‘What’s that bruise on his chest?’ I hear my mother ask as she’s pushed from the room.
The door closes, and we maintain our deep eye connection, neither one of us saying anything for the longest time. I just drink him in, every finely tuned muscle, every perfect inch of pure beauty.
He finally speaks. ‘I don’t want to take my eyes away from your face.’
He shakes his head mildly. ‘They’ll be lace if I do, won’t there?’
I nod.
‘White lace?’
His chest expands slightly. ‘And you’re taller, so you’ve got heels on.’
I nod again. This could be dangerous for my hair, make-up and underwear if those eyes stray from my face. It could also be dangerous for our strict time schedule. I’m expecting Tessa up here at any moment to check that I’m ready before she hits me with how many steps it is to the summer room and how long it should take me to get there.
He blinks a few times, and I know he’ll never resist a peek; he’d just better control himself when he gets the full impact, and I’d better control myself, too. It’s hard. Sweat beads are trailing down his temple, across his neck and onto his solid chest, before shimmering as they travel the waves of his stomach and disperse in the waistband of his shorts. I shift as his eyes break from mine and lazily drag down my body, his chest heaving more severely as his gaze makes its journey. I’m tingling all over, wanting to control my body’s reaction to his perfection, but at the same time wanting him to take me here and now.
‘You’ve just trampled my mother.’ I try to hide the lust in my voice, but, as always, I fail miserably. This man is impossible to resist, especially when he’s looking at me like this—when his eyes are pouring with appreciation.
I make my move before he does. I walk slowly across the room to him and stop close to his sweat coated body, then flick my gaze up to his lush lips. His breathing escalates.
‘She was in my way.’ he says quietly, breathing down on me.
‘This is bad luck. You’re not supposed to see me before our wedding.’
‘Stop me.’ His head dips so his lips brush over mine gently, but he doesn’t touch my body. ‘I’ve missed you.’
‘It’s been twelve hours.’ My voice is husky and inviting, even though I know I shouldn’t be encouraging contact when he’s a mass of hard, muscled sweatiness, and I’m standing in ivory lace, hair and make-up all perfect.
‘Too long.’ He runs his tongue slowly across my bottom lip, enticing a quiet moan from my mouth. I’m instantly fighting the natural instinct to grab his big shoulders. ‘You’ve had a drink.’ he accuses softly.
‘Just a sip.’ He’s like a bloodhound. ‘We shouldn’t be doing this.’
‘You can’t look like this and say things like that, Selena.’ His lips push to mine, his tongue seeking entry, encouraging my lips to part and accept him into my mouth. The hot warmness of him dispels my nervousness;, everything is forgotten as he claims me, but still keeps his hands to himself. Our sweeping tongues are the only contact between us, but it’s as consuming as ever. My senses are saturated, my mind scrambled, and my body begging for him. But he just maintains the slow, fluid movements of his tongue, withdrawing occasionally to tease my lips, before plunging back into my mouth. I hum at his exquisite pace, the inevitable bang dropping between my thighs as he worships me delicately.
‘Justin, we’re going to be late for our wedding.’ I need to halt this before one of us takes it to the next level. It might be me.
‘Don’t tell me to stop kissing you, Selena.’ He bites my bottom lip and drags it slowly through his teeth. ‘Never tell me to stop kissing you.’ He lowers himself to his knees and takes my hands, pulling me down. I kick my shoes off and join him. He watches his thumbs circling over the tops of my hands for a while before lifting his glorious green eyes to find mine. ‘Are you ready to do this?’ he asks quietly.
I frown. ‘Are you asking me if I still want to marry you?’
His lips tip a little. ‘No, you don’t get a choice. I’m just asking if you’re ready.’
I struggle to stop my own small smile at his candidness. ‘And what if I say no?’
‘You won’t.’
‘Then why ask?’
His lips turn into a shy smile, and he shrugs. ‘You’re nervous. I don’t want you to be nervous.’
‘Justin, I’m nervous because of where I’m getting married.’
His smile falls away. ‘Selena, everything has been taken care of. I said not to worry so you shouldn’t.’
‘I can’t believe you convinced me to do this.’ I drop my head, feeling a little guilty for doubting he’d keep his word. I know exactly why we’re marrying at The Manor. It’s because there’s no waiting list or other bookings to work around. It’s where he could get me down the aisle without delay.
‘Hey.’ He tips my chin back up, making me look at his achingly handsome face. ‘Stop it now.’
‘I’m sorry.’ I grumble.
‘Selena, baby, I want you to cherish today, not get your knickers in a twist over something that’s never going to happen. It’s never going to happen. They’ll never know, I promise.’
I shake myself out of my uneasiness and smile, feeling better for hearing his reassuring words. I believe him. ‘Okay.’
I watch as he stands and strolls over to a big chest, pulling something from the drawer and returning a few moments later with a bath sheet. My brow furrows as he drops back to his knees and wipes his face, then ruffles his damp hair before laying it across his front.
He opens his arms. ‘Come here.’ he demands quietly, and I waste no time crawling onto his lap and letting him surround me in his arms, my cheek resting on his chest through the towel.
‘Better?’ he asks, pulling me in closer.
‘Much better.’ I mumble into the towel. ‘I love you, My Lord.’ I grin.
I feel him jerk a little under me, a silent hint of his quiet laugh. ‘I thought I was your God.’
‘You’re that, too.’
‘And you are my temptress. Or you could be my Lady of The Manor.’
I jump out of his chest and find him grinning at me. ‘I am not being the Lady of the Sex Manor!’
He laughs and yanks me back down, making a meal of stroking my glossy hair and inhaling deeply on a satisfied pull of breath. ‘Whatever you want, lady.’
‘Just lady will do.’ I’m aware of my hands sliding all over his damp back, but I really don’t care. ‘I’m so in love with you.’
‘I know you are, Selena.’
‘I need to get ready. I’m getting married, you know.’
‘You are? Who’s the lucky bastard?’
I smile and pull myself away from his body again. I need to see him. ‘He’s a challenging, neurotic control freak.’ I reach up and cup his rough cheek. ‘He’s so handsome.’ I whisper, searching his eyes, which are watching me so closely. ‘This man stops me breathing when he touches me and f**ks me until I’m delirious.’ I wait for his scorn, but his lips just press into a straight line, so I lean up and kiss his chin, working my way to his lips. ‘I can’t wait to marry him. You should probably go so I’m not keeping him waiting.’
‘What would this man say if he caught you kissing another man?’ he asks around my mouth.
I grin. ‘Oh, he’d probably castrate him.’
His eyes widen. ‘He sounds possessive. I don’t think I want to take him on.’
‘You really don’t. He’ll trample all over you.’ I shrug, and he laughs. It’s that eye sparkling laugh, the one that has light creases fanning his beautiful greens. ‘Happy?’ I ask.
‘No, I’m shitting myself.’ He falls back, taking me with him. ‘But I’m feeling brave. Kiss me.’
I dive right in, smothering his face with my lips and humming in sweet contentment, but I don’t get long to indulge myself.
The door swings open. ‘Justin Ward! Get your sweat covered body off my daughter!’ Mum’s shocked cry pierces the privacy of our moment.
I start laughing, my mum’s scorn not stopping me from getting my fix of Justin. And he lets me.
‘Selena! You’ll smell. Get up!’ Her angry heels start thumping towards us. ‘Tessa, help me out here, will you?’
I suddenly feel a mass of hands grasping at different parts of my body, trying to pull me from Justin. ‘Mum! Stop it!’ I laugh, gripping Justin harder. ‘I’ll get up!’
‘Get up then! You’re getting married in half an hour, your hair is a mess and you’ve broken an ancient tradition, rolling around on the floor with your husband-to-be.’ She huffs and puffs a bit more. ‘Tessa, tell her!’
‘Yes, come on, Selena.’ Tessa’s harsh husk stabs at my skin. She’s nice enough, but the woman is frighteningly fierce with organisation.
‘Okay, okay.’ I grumble, dragging myself from Justin’s body.
‘Oh, look at you.’ Mum moans, trying to smooth my wild mane. I struggle to keep a straight face as I watch Justin make no attempt to leave, but rather brace his arms under his head so he can watch as my mum pulls and pokes at me. ‘You’re a pair of children.’ she continues, turning angry, chocolate eyes onto my challenging man. ‘Out!’
‘All right.’ He rises from the floor in one fluid effort, his delicious muscles bunching and rippling as he does. Tessa’s staring doesn’t escape my notice, but she soon snaps out of her dumbstruck state when she catches me watching her with raised eyebrows.
‘I’ll take care of the groom!’ she declares, diverting her eyes. ‘Justin, come on.’
‘Wait.’ He looks at my chest. ‘Where’s your diamond?’
‘Shit!’ My hand instantly flies up to my breastbone, my eyes darting around on the floor. ‘Shit, shit, shit! Mum!’
‘Selena!’ Justin yells, ‘Please! Watch your mouth!’
‘Don’t panic!’ Mum drops to her knees and starts looking under the bed, while I scan every inch of the plush carpet.
‘Here it is!’ Tessa sweeps it up from the floor, and Justin abruptly snatches it from her hand before making his way over to me.
‘Turn around.’ he huffs, and I comply immediately, my heart hammering in my chest. That damn f**king diamond will be the death of me. ‘There.’ His lips fall onto my shoulder, his h*ps pushing into my bum.
‘That’ll teach you for frolicking on the floor.’ Mum huffs. ‘Now, out!’ She starts tugging at Justin’s arm, but he doesn’t brush her off.
I turn and wave at him, then curtsy, prompting another huff from my mother and a cheeky grin from Justin, before he lets Tessa usher him out of the suite.
‘Right. In that dress, Selena O’Shea. Where is it?’
I point to the bathroom and sit myself on the end of the bed. ‘Bathroom. And you won’t be able to call me that soon.’ I say haughtily.
She stomps across the room. ‘You will always be Selena O’Shea to me.’ she grumbles. ‘Up. Your Father will be here in a minute to escort you downstairs.’
I stand and re-arrange my underwear. ‘Is he okay?’
‘Your dad?’ she asks. ‘Nervous, but it’s nothing a few whiskeys won’t cure. He hates being in the limelight.’
He does. He’ll be keen to hand me over to Justin so he can escape the attention and blend back into the crowd. We had a brief conversation about speeches, and I could see the fear in his face. I told him he didn’t have to, but he insisted and so did my mum.
My dress is removed from the hanger and held in front of me. I rest my hand on mum’s shoulder and step into it, letting her pull it up my front so I can slip my arms through the delicate straps before she turns me around and fastens the dozens of tiny pearl buttons running down my lower spine. Her hands move to my shoulders to straighten the straps. She’s quiet, and she’s stopped moving. I know what I’m going to see if I turn around, and I’m not sure I can cope with it. Then I hear a small sniff.
‘Mum, please don’t.’
Her hands kick back into action. ‘What?’
I turn around, and my suspicions are confirmed. Her eyes are clouded and she lets out a small sob. ‘Mum.’ I warn softly.
‘Oh, Selena.’ She runs to the bathroom, and I hear the frantic yanking of toilet paper from the roll, and then the blowing of a nose. I knew she would do this. She appears in the doorway, dabbing under her eyes with some tissue. ‘I’m sorry. I was doing so well.’
‘You were.’ I confirm. ‘Hey, help me out here.’ Distraction, that’s what she needs.
‘Yes, yes. What should I do?’
‘Shoes.’ I point to my shoes where I kicked them off, and she scoops them up, placing them at my feet.
‘Thank you.’ I lift my pooling dress and slip my feet back into my Louboutins. ‘How’s my face?’ I ask.
She laughs. ‘You mean after you’ve just rubbed every inch of it all over Justin’s?’
‘Yes.’ I answer, walking across to the bathroom to inspect it myself.
‘You could probably do with an extra brush of powder.’ she calls.
She’s right, I could. I look a little flushed. I grab my make-up brush and sweep it across my cheeks before refreshing my nude lips and applying a little extra mascara. My hair isn’t as silky smooth after my little roll around on the floor, but the comb is still securely in place. I feel better. He does that to me. He draws all of the anxiety right out of me with his presence, and now I can’t wait to get my lace clad arse downstairs to meet him.
I pull up the hem of my dress and walk out of the bathroom, flicking my hair over my shoulder and blowing out a calming breath. ‘I’m ready.’ I declare, coming to an abrupt halt when I see that my mum is no longer alone.
‘Oh, Joseph, look at her!’ Mum cries, turning into my dad’s shoulder and blubbering all over his charcoal three piece suit. Kate reaches up and strokes mum’s back on a small eye roll, and dad tenderly wraps his arm around her waist. This is rare. He’s not a touchy-feely man at all.
I smile at him, and he returns my beam. ‘Don’t you start,’ I warn him.
‘I’m saying nothing.’ He laughs. ‘Except, of course, how beautiful you look. Really beautiful, Selena.’
‘Really?’ I ask, shocked by his open display of affection, even if it is just words.
‘Yes, really.’ He nods sharply. ‘Now, are you ready?’ He shifts my mum away from his body and brushes his suit down, pretending he hasn’t just said some loving words to his daughter.
‘Yes, I’m more than ready. Dad, take me to Justin.’ I demand, and that has the desired effect, everyone laughing at my order. Much better. I can’t cope with all of this intensity. Justin provides me with enough of that.
Tessa barges in. ‘Come on, then. What’s the hold up?’ she asks, scanning the bodies that are all staring at me. ‘Elizabeth, Kate, downstairs, please.’ She escorts them from the room. ‘Selena, I’ll meet you at the summer room in three minutes.’
She leaves me and my dad alone. ‘You know, dad, you have to link arms with me now.’ I tease.
His face screws up. ‘For how long?’
‘Well, for however long it takes you to walk me downstairs.’ I pick up my calla lily—just one calla lily.
‘Let’s get our arses in gear, then.’ He cocks his arm to the side, and I link it with mine. ‘Ready?’
I nod and let my dad lead me down to the summer room, where my Lord of the Sex Manor is waiting for me.
Chapter 2
Kate and Tessa are waiting for us outside the doors to the summer room, my wedding planner looking pleased, Kate looking tipsy. I maintain my steady breathing, feeling my dad getting all tense next to me. I flick a glance up to him, but he keeps his attention directed firmly forward.
‘Ready?’ Kate asks, bending down to spread my dress neatly. ‘I can’t believe you’re not wearing a veil.’
‘Oh no,’ Tessa pipes up. ‘This dress doesn’t need a veil.’ She starts flicking my hair and brushing at my cheeks.
‘He wants to see my face.’ I say quietly, clenching my eyes shut. The enormity of what I’m about to do is suddenly overwhelming me. This is it. I can feel my chest expanding, and I’m beginning to shake. I’ve known this man for only two months, and now I’m walking down the aisle to him. How did this happen?
The doors to the summer room open, music immediately drifting to my ears. Only now when I’m hearing Etta James’ At Last does it occur to me I didn’t even pick the music for my wedding. I’ve done absolutely nothing. I have no idea what’s happening or when. My eyes are flying all over the floor at my feet and I’m feeling tearful all of a sudden.
I feel my dad nudge me with his elbow, and I glance up at him, finding soft, reassuring eyes. He cocks his head to the side on a small smile, and I follow his indication to look, clenching my lips together and slowly turning my eyes. Damn, I’ve done so well. I know all heads are turned in my direction, but it’s the green eyed man at the end of the aisle who holds my attention. His hands are joined and draped loosely in front of his silver-grey, three piece suit, his body turned fully towards me. His lips part and he shakes his head a little, never taking his eyes from mine. Dad nudges me again, and I let out the breath I’ve been holding. I see Kate walking in front of us, but I can’t make my legs work. I snap out of my trance, forcing my feet to lift and carry me onwards, but I only make it two steps before he starts towards me. I hear my mum’s shocked gasp, no doubt reeling at Justin’s lack of respect for tradition, and I stop, halting my dad’s progression to wait for him. His face is completely straight, and when he makes it to me, he blisters my skin with his scorching gaze, his eyes running over every part of my face before settling on my lips. Slowly lifting his arm, his hand cups my cheek and his thumb runs over my flesh. I nuzzle into it; I can’t help it. All anxiety is drawn from me by his touch, my heart steadying and my body starting to relax again.
He bends down and puts his lips to my ear. ‘Give me your hand.’ he whispers.
I hold out my hand to him, and he pulls away from me, taking my offering gently and placing his lips on the back of it. Then he snaps a pair of handcuffs over my wrist.
My eyes shoot to his, finding a small smile tickling the edges of his beautiful lips, but he doesn’t look at me. He keeps his eyes down and makes quick work of securing the spare metal loop over his own wrist. What the hell is he doing? I glance up at my dad, but he just shakes his head, and then I look across to my mother, finding her with her head in her hands, obviously despairing. I’m released from my dad’s hold before he makes his way to the front to join Elizabeth, her shocked whisper attacking him as he arrives by her side. My eyes drift over the congregation, noting all of the people who know Justin are smiling, the ones who don’t displaying wide eyes and gaping mouths. Kate and Sam are chuckling, John’s flashing his gold tooth, and then there’s my brother. He’s not impressed.
I’m absolutely stunned. I don’t know why, he behaves however he likes. But on our wedding day? In front of my family? My mum’s going to have a hernia. Nothing so far has has reflected the dream wedding that she undoubtedly had planned for me since I was a little girl.
I find my senses then find his eyes. ‘What are you doing?’ I ask quietly.
He leans in and kisses me gently on the lips, then moves across my cheek to my ear. ‘You look so f**kable.’
I gasp a little, my face flashing red. ‘Justin, people are waiting.’
‘Then they’ll wait.’ He trails his way back to my lips. ‘I really, really, really like this dress.’
Of course he does; it’s pure lace. I flick my eyes to my mother, seeing her looking at the registrar all apologetic, and a small smile breaks the corners of my lips. I reach up to thread my fingers through his dark, dirty blonde hair and tug. I should be used to this by now. ‘Mr Ward, you’re keeping me waiting.’
I feel him grin against my ear. ‘Are you ready to love, honour and obey me?’
‘Yes. Marry me now.’
He pulls back and hits me with his smile, reserved only for me. ‘Let’s get married, my beautiful girl.’ He joins our handcuffed hands and starts leading me down the aisle.
* * *
‘Here.’ He hands me a half-full flute of champagne. ‘Take it easy, Mrs Ward.’ I take the glass with my free hand before he can withdraw his offer. He’s been even more unreasonable about me drinking lately, and I know exactly why. ‘Are you going to remove the cuffs now?’ I ask.
‘No.’ he answers swiftly. ‘You’re not leaving my side all day long.’ He signals for a bottle of water from Mario, and I’m suddenly reminded that I’ll never enjoy a drink with Justin, not even on our wedding day.
I glance around the bar, seeing everyone chatting, nibbling on canapés and drinking champagne. It’s relaxed and calm, just how I feel myself. After Justin insulted all things traditional, we made our vows and he took it upon himself to drown me in his mouth—prior to getting the go ahead from the registrar. Then he picked me up and strode out of the summer room, leaving my poor mother chasing behind, demanding he wait for the music. Not a chance. I was placed neatly on my stool at the bar and smothered with his lips while the congregation made their way in behind us.
Dan catches my attention across the room. He’s being so quiet, and his attention is constantly pointed in Kate’s direction, which means it’s also pointed in Sam’s.
‘What are you thinking about?’
I pull my attention back to Justin and smile. ‘Nothing.’
He rests his palm on the back of my neck and massages me. ‘Are you happy?’
‘Yes.’ I answer quickly. I’m delirious. He knows I am.
‘Good, then my work here is done. Kiss me, wife.’ He leans down, offering his lips to me.
‘You’ve upset my mother,’ I accuse lightly.
‘She’ll get over it. I said kiss me.’
‘I don’t think she will. You’ve ruined her big day.’ I’m grinning.
‘Don’t make me ask you again, Selena.’ he warns, and I reach up and pull him down to me, giving him exactly what he wants.
‘Enough!’ Mums shrill voice stabs at my ear drums. ‘Get those handcuffs off my daughter!’ She starts fiddling with my wrist. ‘Justin Ward, you would try the patience of a Saint! Where’s the key?’
He pulls back and narrows his eyes on my mum. ‘Somewhere you’ll never want to venture, Elizabeth.’
She gasps and throws irritated eyes at me. ‘Your husband is a menace.’
‘I love him.’ I declare, and she fights a fond smile from her cherry red lips. She’s desperate to maintain her grievance, but I know she loves him, too. I know she loves how much he loves me, and while he infuriates her, he also charms her, a he does all women. Just because Elizabeth happens to be my mother, doesn’t make her immune to his potency.
‘I know you do, darling.’ She clucks my cheek and turns her attention to the bar, calling Mario for some of his Most Marvellous.
‘Right!’ Tessa dives over to us and takes my glass from my hand. ‘The photographer is ready. I thought we’d get the family shots out of the way first, then have you two alone for a few. You’ll need to remove those cuffs.’
I watch as my glass is placed on the bar before she makes a grab for Justin’s water, but he swipes it away, leaving Tessa grabbing at thin air. ‘We’re not in the photos, I told you.’ Justin says.
‘We’re not?’ I blurt, completely shocked. He’s trampling that tradition, too?
‘You must be in the photos.’ Tessa insists. ‘What memories will you have?’ She looks horrified. I bet she’s wishing she’d never taken us on. Or taken Justin on; I’ve had nothing to do with this day.
‘Tessa, take the family outside for photos,’ Justin orders. It’s that voice. ‘I don’t need pictures for memories.’
I look at him in horror. ‘We’re not in the family shots?’ Oh God, another reason for my mum to despair.
‘No.’ he answers decisively.
‘You can’t begrudge her a photo with her daughter!’ He doesn’t answer, he just shrugs nonchalantly. I roll my eyes. ‘You do it to her on purpose.’ I grumble. ‘We’re having photos.’
‘No, we’re not.’ he retorts shortly.
I glare at my delicious husband with narrowed, determined eyes. He is not trampling this. ‘We are having photographs. This is my wedding, too, Ward.’
His mouth drops open, his bottle pausing halfway to his lips. ‘But I want some quiet time. Just me and you.’
‘We’re having photos.’ I say, full of authority. I feel a sulk coming on, but I’m not letting him win this one.
He scowls slightly, but he doesn’t argue with me. Instead, he signals for Tessa to gather our guests and take them into the rear grounds of The Manor. I watch as she flies into commander role, shouting for everyone to leave the bar and head to the gardens.
‘Come on, then.’ he grumbles, lifting me from the stool and placing me neatly on my feet. I mentally cheer to myself. He’s learning, or perhaps it’s me who’s learning—learning how to deal with him. I’m not sure, but we’re making immense progress. He knows when to relent, as do I.
He leads me out into the sunshine and over to the gathering of guests. Tessa is directing people into various positions, but my mother is quickly repositioning bodies as we approach. I look across and see Kate being ravished by Sam, my eyes instantly darting towards Dan and finding what I knew I would. A filthy look. Is she doing this on purpose?
I look up at Justin. ‘Please, just do what you’re told.’ The more he plays up, the longer this will take and the more stressed my mum will get.
‘If you promise me quiet time after.’
‘I promise you quiet time.’ I say on a laugh.
‘Good. I hate sharing you.’ he grumbles, and I smile. I know he does.
Justin spends the next hour cooperating completely. He moves when asked, smiles when requested, and even releases me from the cuffs without complaint when I have some shots on my own. On the final click, I’m swiftly scooped up and carried back to The Manor.
It’s not long before we’re alone in one of The Manor’s suites—the suite where he cornered me and tried to seduce me, and the suite where I got myself ready for our wedding. The door closes softly behind us, and I’m led to the grand, satin-adorned bed. He lifts me and crawls up the bed, settling me beneath him. Now I’ve got a set of lustful greens gazing down at me. ‘Quiet time.’ he whispers, dropping a soft kiss on my lips before his face buries straight into my neck.
‘You want to snuggle?’ I ask, a little surprised.
‘I do.’ He nuzzles further. ‘I want to snuggle with my wife. Are you going to deny me?’
‘Good. Our marriage is getting off to the best start, then.’ he says, completely serious.
So I let him snuggle. I absorb his weight, his smell and his heart beating against my chest. I like quiet time, but as I gaze up at the high ceiling, my mind naturally wanders to the thoughts that have been lingering for weeks—the thoughts that I have tried my hardest to bat away. Impossible. The perfection of this moment, of our love for each other, is clouded by the reality of the challenges ahead.
There has been no contact from Mikael, so I assume he is still in Denmark. I’ve been spared that challenge for now, although he’s bound to return soon and I highly expect him to enforce our meeting when he does. There has been no sight of Coral, either, and Sarah has been kicked out on her arse after admitting to everything that I absolutely knew she did. I’ve not heard from Matt, so he’s definitely got the message, but I’m still far too curious about his knowledge of Justin’s drinking issue. And then there’s my period, which is due on Monday. I’ve never wished so hard for something. A baby? I can’t even think about that, and I’m not ignorant to the fact that I’ve buried my head well and truly in the sand. Way, way down.
Justin hasn’t mentioned it again, but I know he wants me pregnant. He would love to have me nailed to his side, he’s made that clear, and perhaps he thinks a baby would achieve this. He would see it as the perfect excuse for me to give up work, something else he would like to happen. But I love my job. I love spending my days designing and interacting with clients. I’ll battle with him on this. I’ll fight him really hard… if I’m not pregnant. I’ve no idea what I’ll do if I am. I know he’ll be looking for signs of my period, and I can’t hide that from him. I’ve been making him wear condoms for two weeks, and he’s clearly demonstrated his disgust, but if I’m not pregnant, then I want it to stay that way.
‘Will you do something for me?’ I ask quietly.
‘Anything.’ His hot breath on my neck has my head turning into him, encouraging him to look at me. His head lifts from its hiding place, his hair now a dishevelled mess, his greens finding my eyes. ‘What do you want, baby?’
‘Can you please resist talking to Patrick about Mikael?’ I brace myself for his scoff. I’ve managed to keep him from my boss, but with Patrick and Irene arriving later for the evening reception, I’m not sure Justin can hold himself back. Things have been quiet on the Mikael front, and I’ve been allowed to work, even if he does call constantly. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Justin knows that my Danish client is out of the country.
‘I agreed not to visit Patrick if you spoke with him. And I don’t believe you have.’ He raises expectant eyebrows at me.
No, I haven’t, because I have no idea how to approach this. He was shocked enough to hear that I was marrying one of my clients just a short time after taking on the contract. I could hardly hit him with the shock that I’m about to jump ship on Rococo Union’s most important client, the client who guarantees Patrick’s retirement—the retirement that he won’t need if I tell him the news because he’ll most certainly keel over and die of shock.
‘Give me until Monday.’ I plead. ‘I’ll talk to him on Monday.’
‘Monday.’ he affirms, his eyes slightly narrowed. ‘I mean it, Selena. You’ve got till Monday, and then I’m stepping in.’
He grunts a little, and then buries himself back in my neck. ‘Monday.’ he mumbles again. ‘And when do I get to take you away?’
‘I did warn you if you wanted to marry me so quickly, there would be no honeymoon for a while. You accepted that, remember?’
He lifts his head and points a scowl at me. ‘So when am I going to get my wife all to myself? When am I going to be able to love her?’
‘You always love me. When I’m not working, I’m with you. And you text and call me often enough, so I’m technically connected to you all day, anyway.’ I need to approach this issue, too. He’s relentless.
‘I want you to give up working.’ he’s pouting, and I’m shaking my head, just like I have every time he’s suggested this. He’s not demanding yet, but that’s coming, most likely when Mikael rears his ugly head. ‘Be a lady of leisure.’ he presses.
‘How would I be a lady of leisure if I’m permanently nailed to you?’
His h*ps push forward into my groin, enticing a sharp intake of breath from me. ‘Okay. Be a lady of pleasure, then.’ He’s grinning at me, the crafty arse, and I suspect a sense f**k is on the horizon. I’d love him to take me hard. It would make a nice change after the last few weeks of gentle Justin.
‘Ward, you are not taking me now. Anyway, we should get downstairs before my mum comes in search of us.’
He rolls his eyes and sighs. ‘You’re mother is a pain in the f**king arse.’
‘Don’t wind her up, then.’ I laugh.
He shifts off me and pulls me to the edge of the bed. ‘She needs to accept who has the power.’ he says candidly, starting to re-cuff me.
My amusement increases. ‘You’re touching me. Of course you have the power.’ I attempt to pull my hand free from his grip, but the clanging of metal soon tells me he’s already managed to secure me. I look up at him. He grinning that roguish grin.
‘I’m sorry.’ He shakes our wrists, instigating another clanking of the handcuffs. ‘Who has the power?’
I scowl at him. ‘You can have the power for today.’ I brush my hair over my shoulder and rearrange my diamond.
‘You’re being very reasonable.’ he says quietly, swooping down and tackling my mouth. I grip his shoulder and soak up his attentive tongue and the warmth of his big palm secured at the base of my back. ‘Hmmm.’ he hums. ‘You taste delicious, Mrs Ward. Ready?’
I shake myself back to life. ‘Yes.’ I’m all breathy and hot.
His eyes drift down to my stomach, and his hand slowly lifts. I flinch when his hand connects, and he freezes, his fingers resting lightly on my belly. I don’t know why that happened. He doesn’t look up, he just waits a few silent moments before spreading his fingers, and then circling big, soft, rings on my stomach. I wish he would stop doing this. Neither one of us has spoken about it, but it can’t be avoided for much longer. He must sense my lack of enthusiasm. This little situation is my biggest burden of all. I don’t want a baby.
I pull back and his hand drops. ‘Come on, then.’ I can’t look at him. I start towards the door, but I’m soon halted when Justin doesn’t follow, the metal of the cuffs cutting into my flesh. I wince a little.
‘Are we going to talk about this, Selena?’ he asks shortly.
‘Talk about what?’ I can’t do this, not now—not on my wedding day. We’ve had weeks of skirting around this, and for once it’s me who’s evading all talk. I’m in complete denial, I realise that, but it’s hitting me harder each day. I could be pregnant.
‘You know what.’
I keep my eyes down, not knowing what else to say. Time seems to slow, enhancing the awkward silence between us, and as I hear him draw breath to speak when I’m clearly not going to, the door crashes open and my mum charges in. I’ve never been so pleased to see her.
‘Can I ask,’ she starts, all stern, ‘why you two didn’t just run off somewhere to get married? You have guests downstairs, dinner is being served and I’m thoroughly fed up of running around trying to control you.’
‘We’re coming.’ I pull at the cuffs, but he doesn’t budge.
‘We’ll be a few minutes, Elizabeth.’ Justin counters shortly.
‘No, we’re coming.’ I argue, silently begging him to leave this exactly where it is. I give him pleading eyes, and he shakes his head on a sigh. ‘Please.’ I say quietly.
His hand delves into his hair in frustration and his jaw tightens severely. He’s not happy, but he relents and lets me pull him from the room. I can’t believe he has chosen today of all days to push for a talk on this. It’s my wedding day.
We make our way downstairs, the silence between us remaining uncomfortable, but my mum is oblivious. I’m feeling mad. Why today?
Chapter 3
The summer room looks incredible. Hints of green foliage peek out from among the masses of calla lilies adorning every spare space. The chairs are draped in white organza with big green bows fastened to the back, and the tables are scattered with fern leaves. Tall glass vases, full of crystal clear water and tall calla lilies dominate the tables.
Simple, understated elegance.
I’ve picked my way through a three course meal with no wine, played with my napkin and indulged anyone who’s approached in conversation. I’ve done anything to avoid looking at Justin. John has given a short, sweet speech as Justin’s best man. There was no talk of their history as friends, no mention of Uncle Carmichael or the early days. John doesn’t do humour, although he seems to find Justin’s way with me quite amusing.
And my Dad. I’m close to tears as I watch him battle his way through his post-it notes, reminiscing on my youth, advising every one of my feisty streak, and then proceeding to tell them about the time I got caught shoplifting a penny sweet and ate the evidence.
He raises his glass and turns towards us. ‘Justin, good luck.’ he says seriously, prompting a chorus of laughter from all of our guests and a huge smile from Justin, who raises his glass, too, then stands himself, keeping his arm down so he doesn’t yank at my wrist. My dad is applauded as he sits and downs a straight whiskey, my mum rubbing his shoulder on a smile.
Justin places his water on the table and turns towards me, dropping to his knees and taking my hands in his. My back straightens, and my eyes make a quick scan of the room, noting all attention is pointed right at us. Why can’t he play by the rules?
His thumbs are working fast circles on the backs of my hands, and then he plays with my rings, turning them on my finger before straightening them up. He lifts his glorious greens, and I’m blasted by twinkling pools of pure happiness. I make him happy, even when I’m avoiding something we really do need to talk about. After my continuous battle to get this man talking, it’s now me who’s skirting around things. It’s me running away from it, even if I am running away from a problem he’s created.
‘Selena,’ he says quietly, but I’ve no doubt the whole room can hear him. The silence is screaming. ‘My beautiful girl.’ He smiles mildly. ‘All mine.’ Leaning up, he kisses me sweetly. ‘I don’t need to stand up and declare to everyone here how much I love you. I’m not interested in satisfying anyone of that. Except you.’
A lump is forming in my throat, and he’s only just started.
He sighs. ‘You’ve taken me completely, baby. You’ve swallowed me up and drowned me in your beauty and spirit. You know I can’t function without you. You’ve made my life as beautiful as you are. You’ve made me want to live a worthy existence—a life with you. All I need is you—to look at you; to listen to you; to feel you.’ He drops my hands and smoothes his palms over my thighs. ‘To love you.’
I’m ruined. My mum’s ruined. Everyone in the room is ruined. My teeth are clamped on my bottom lip to prevent a sob escaping, I’m choking on the lump in my throat and my eyes are welling with tears as I look down at Justin’s handsome face.
‘I need you to let me do all of those things, Selena. I need you to let me look after you forever.’
I hear my mum’s quiet sob, and I can’t help mine. Not now. He used to cripple me with just his touch. Now he cripples me with his touch and his words. I’m destined for a life of devastating pleasure, melting tenderness, and heart stopping emotion. He’s going to incapacitate me at every turn.
‘I know.’ I whisper.
He nods and exhales a long lungful of air before standing and pulling me up to his body. My face falls straight into his neck, and I breathe him into me, his fresh, minty scent prompting me to close my eyes on a contented sigh.
The room is no longer silent. When I pull out of Justin’s hold, I see people standing everywhere, a steady, respectful clapping of hands resonating through the room. I should feel embarrassed, but I don’t. He’s just spoken to me like we were alone, proving that he really doesn’t care where he is and who’s there—wherever and whenever, as it always has been and as it always will be.
I watch as my mum approaches and throws her arms around Justin. ‘Justin Ward, I love you,’ she says in his ear, as he holds her with one arm, ‘but please remove those handcuffs from my daughter.’
‘Not going to happen, Elizabeth.’
She releases him and slaps his shoulder, and then Kate dives on him. ‘Oh my God. I wanna kiss your feet.’
I roll my eyes, getting my arm yanked all over the place while people congratulate my neurotic ex-playboy on his little speech. It’s our wedding day, and I don’t want to be here. All of these people, including Kate and my mother, are getting in my way. I want him all to myself, but evening guests are arriving so we’re not going anywhere.
After I’ve been kissed on the cheek a million times, and Justin has shaken hands with everyone, he starts leading me from the summer room.
I turn, finding my brother close behind us. I almost wish he wasn’t here. He’s struggling, and it’s incredibly painful to see. Looking down at my wrist, I start wondering how I can convince Justin to release me. He wouldn’t for my mum, and I haven’t much faith that he will for my brother. I know Dan’s wary of him, and I also know that Justin is aware of this. I turn my eyes up to Justin and find him watching me. He knows what I’m thinking, and I know he’s not happy about it, but he still reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small key.
Without a word, he releases me from the cuffs and leaves them dangling from his wrist. ‘Go.’ he says quietly, flicking threatening eyes at Dan.
Dan gives as good as he gets, flashing an equally warning glare. I don’t need this, not with two of the most important men in my life. I know why Dan is cautious, even if he doesn’t know the whole story, and I know damn well why Justin is. Dan’s a threat. He’s my brother, but he’s still a threat. In Justin’s eyes, anyway.
I lean up to kiss Justin’s cheek and feel his hand glide around my hips, smoothing over my bum before he rips his eyes away from Dan and turns his face into my lips. ‘Don’t be long.’ he says, releasing me and striding off towards the bar.
‘Come on.’ I hold my hand out to Dan, and he takes it, letting me lead him out to the gardens.
We’re silent for a short while as we wander down the gravel path, past the tennis courts, finding ourselves in the woodlands. The low evening sun is fighting through the canopy of trees and scattering dashes of sparkling light across the ground before us. I focus my attention on tracking the puddles of light as they dance across the forest floor at my feet. There has never been discomfort between us, but the tension now feels really uncomfortable.
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naughty-teddy-innit · 7 years
Ed and Emily Part 1- Forever and Ever. *REPOST* An Ed Sheeran Fanfic!
Authors Note: It’s been ages since I posted these, and I thought I’d do a little Self-Promotion while I work on Part 3, especially with many new lovely followers since I originally posted! :-)  Any and ALL feedback, comments and reblogs would be WONDERFUL!  Encourage me to write more! Hope you enjoy and I’ll Repost pt. 2 in the next couple of days!  Love you guys!  Xoxoxoxoxo
There are certain moments in my life that I will hold tight and keep just for me, memories that are indelibly inked on my heart.   These memories, the building blocks of my soul, could never be adequately captured in a photograph or described in a journal, they exist only in me. They sneak up and trigger that waterfall of emotion that remind me why life is worth living.  The first time those beautiful, soft, perfectly pink lips found mine.  The first time his soft accented voice murmured the word “Forever”, and every single time after, because “I love you” was never enough.  The day I had to say goodbye to my grandmother, when my heart was broken and the arms I needed around me, to keep me strong, were halfway across the world and when I thought I couldn’t feel more pain, he was there, his arms around me, holding me up.  Christmas morning.  Walking into the living room to the glow of the lights from the tree lighting his face like an angel, and the sight of him down on his knee, pure love in his eyes, and my grandmother’s ring in his hand.  The smile on his face when I managed a “Yes!” through the tears. These moments are the ones that will stay with me, seared into my heart and spirit for as long as I live.  Today, the one instance that tops them all, the one that will stay with me until my life leaves me, is the look in his eyes as I walked towards him, down that aisle, to become his wife.
From the moment we became engaged, we knew we wanted a wedding just for us, simple, with just our family and loved ones.  The people we cherished the most.  Ed’s heart lay in his hometown, it always had, and I knew when it came time for us to make those promises, that’s where we would do it.  We chose the church where he first sang in the choir as a child for our ceremony, knowing that going back to where it all started was the perfect way to symbolize our new beginning.  We debated where to have our celebration after the ceremony, a local B&B or maybe a hotel, but none felt right.  One night, laying in the hammock overlooking his gorgeous property in Suffolk, with our cold beers in hand and a blanket wrapped around us, we realized what we’d been missing the whole time.  We didn’t need a fancy hotel, we could bring our celebration to us, in the place where our new life was about to begin.  From that moment on, every bit of our planning led to home.
All these months later, I couldn’t believe The Day was finally drawing so near. All week we’ve witnessed the transformation of this simple, yet stunning piece of land as it turned into our dream come true.  A huge, beautiful marquee would be set up, in beautiful blues and silvers, with what would seem like thousands of wildflowers hung everywhere. Candles and lanterns would line the walkways and delicate fairy lights would line the roof of the tent and the trees that dotted the property.   We didn’t want our guests to be separated, so we planned for only two single long tables set up on either side of the tent, with candles and creamy roses scattered throughout the table settings.  Our sweetheart table was simple, festooned with daisies and tiny candles, and framed by the glow from the fairy lights. A classic, simple dance floor would be set up at the far end, with a small stage for the band, and in the opposite corner would be a full bar, a requirement for my hubby to be.  It was going to be our dream English Garden celebration, and I couldn’t wait to see it all come together.
I opened my eyes this morning to the sound of rain, but I couldn’t have cared less.  I rolled over in my bed, a smile plastered on my face as I caught sight of my dress hanging from the window, and the small velvet box on the dresser containing Ed’s ring.  Today, he would officially, and legally, be forever mine, and I would be his.  We would make our vows and exchange our rings, and our new life would start.  I could not wait. I hopped out of my bed, thinking that it possibly was the first and only morning of my life that I wouldn’t need coffee!  My family, of course, had flown in for the wedding, and we were staying at the hotel where Ed actually had his first job.  Under any other circumstances I would have simply stayed with Ed in our flat in the city, but being the traditionalist I was, I had decided we would not stay together the week leading up to the wedding.  Even worse for the poor boy, I had made the decision that sex was off the table for the month leading up to the wedding, wanting our wedding night to be memorable and special.  Ed had NOT particularly been a fan of this turn of events, but despite many, MANY temptations, we’d managed to abstain. Barely. Just barely.
I had also insisted on maintaining the age old tradition of the groom not seeing the bride before the ceremony.  Ed had always been one to treasure of every single moment; one of the things I loved most about him was how he always wore his heart on his sleeve.  He’d talked many times about waiting for this moment his whole life long, and I was so ready to BE that moment.  I wanted to see the emotion in his eyes, the expression on his face, as he saw me for the first time at the back of the church.  He wasn’t the only one who’d been waiting his whole life, and I wanted to soak every bit of it in.
The hours leading up to the ceremony were a blur of waffles and mimosas, hair rollers and hairspray, and best of all, giggles and time with the ladies I loved the most.  My younger sister was my maid of honour, and my childhood best friend, along with my 2 best girlfriends from college, were my bridesmaids.  My hair was simple, I wore it half up, flowers pinned behind my ear, soft waves on my shoulder.  I kept my makeup soft and natural, Ed had always said less was more, and had never been a fan of any kind of makeup at all.  I had never much cared either way, so I went for the natural look, hoping it was enough to look pretty in our pictures.   Hair done and face all pretty, it was time.  I had been ready to step into my dress for weeks; I think I was in love with it as I was with Ed.  From the moment we began planning the wedding I knew how I wanted to look walking down that aisle.  Simple, traditional, classic, beautiful.  I had tried on only 4 dresses, and from the second that first one slid up my body, I knew it was the one.  Fitted to my body perfectly with a slight flair and with delicate, tiny, beaded cap sleeves, it was made of the most beautiful, intricate lace I had ever seen. The embellishment of the tiny cap sleeves was accented by the simple elegance of the illusion neckline, accented with the same lace that flowed over my dress.  It fastened with tiny pearl buttons up the back, flowed into a sweep train, and in my eyes, defined simplicity and beauty.  Initially, I had fought against a veil, thinking it would be far too much, and really, I wasn’t a bells and whistles sort of girl anyway. That all changed when my mother had managed to unearth the stunning, hand-sewn lace veil my grandmother had worn when she married my granddad.  It was light and airy and edged in gorgeous antique lace with tiny pearl accents, and flowed to the perfect length to frame my dress.  My mother had gently placed the veil on my head during my last fitting, adjusting the comb so that its cathedral length flowed around my body, and in that moment, I could feel my grandmother’s presence all around me. I knew she would be with me as I walked down that aisle, and there was nothing I wanted more.
I was as desperate for our wedding night as Ed was, a month is a LONG time, and so I had wickedly chosen my undergarments knowing they’d drive him wild once he got to them.   I chose a simple lace bustier, sheer with lacy patterning on the boning, with embroidered cups, laced with silky ribbon in the back.  To say it enhanced my cleavage would be an understatement, but thankfully the lacy illusion neckline of my dress kept that secret hidden, a little something just for Ed.  The matching lacy panties were high cut and butt-cheek baring, with tiny bows at the hips. I wore thigh-highs, specifically for the purpose of tantalizing and teasing Ed later on, and the little straps at the bottom of the bustier clipped to the tops of those.  I caught a glance of myself in the mirror, and biting my lip with a wicked smirk, thought maybe I’d share a taste of the view.  Grabbing my phone off the bathroom counter, I angled it low and snapped a quick shot.  The angle of it showed the lace edging at the bottom of the bustier, the bow at the curve of my hip, and the beginning of the strap that reached down to where it clipped to my hose.  I flicked open my messaging app and attaching the pic, sent a quick message to my soon-to-be hubby:   Me: 2 hours to go and you’re all mine…thought maybe you’d like a little taste of what’s waiting for you later…xoxoxox… Ed: Can’t wait till you’re MY WIFE.  Also can’t wait get those fucking sexy panties OFF my wife…Fucking HELL. Me:  You’ll have to unbutton and unlace me first… Ed:   Jesus. Em, you’re the ONLY wedding gift I plan to unwrap tonight…. Me:  It’ll be worth the wait.  I promise….  See you at the altar, Teddy  <3 xoxoxoxox Ed:   I’ll be the one in the monkey suit…probably trying not to cry.  Forever and ever Babe…
I let eyes my shut for a moment and let the enormous smile inside of me spread across my face.  I loved this man so much.  I wanted to call him husband and wear that ring and be his wife, I was READY.  Well, except for the half naked part, though I’m sure Ed wouldn’t have minded. Time to put on the dress and become a wife!  I wrapped a silky robe around me and hurried out of the bathroom, ready to step into my gown and get this show on the road. Our talented photographer arrived just in time to capture the getting-ready moments that I knew would be so lovely to look back on; the smiles and giggles, last minute jewelry and makeup touch-ups, and group hugs with the women I loved the most.  I stepped into my dress, carefully sliding it up my body and guiding the tiny sleeves over my shoulders.  My sister and mother fastened each button, while my best girlfriends helped secure my tiny teardrop earrings and pearl bracelet.  My dress in place, I slid my feet into my comfy, specially bedazzled flats while my bridesmaids held my skirt.   Heels and I did not have a good relationship, so this was my special treat on my special day, and I LOVED them. The veil would be placed in my hair once we arrived at church, simply because of its length and my not wanting to ruin it in the car.  I swallowed, and with the help of my entourage, turned to face the mirror, ready to see myself as a bride. The reflection that stared back at me was everything I hoped to be on my wedding day.  The dress clung to me perfectly and made me feel the most beautiful I’d ever felt.  I didn’t feel overdone and gaudy, but rather natural and soft and stunning.  I couldn’t wait for Ed to see me.  The tear on my mother’s cheek and the looks on the faces that surrounded me…they spoke volumes.  I was ready.
We took many photos, I wanted to capture every moment I could.  We posed on the bed, by the window, all together and one-on-one.  As we finished with photos, and began to gather our handbags and emergency supplies, we were interrupted by a knock at the door.  My sister waved me aside as she ran to check who it was, not wanting anyone to see me who shouldn’t.  The visitor turned out to be Ed’s older brother, and best man, Matthew.  He had the sweetest smile on his face when he saw me, and in his soft voice commented on how Ed was the luckiest man in England today.  That brought a blush to my cheeks and a smile to my face, and so I gently hugged him and thanked him.  He was carrying a medium-sized, flat box, simply wrapped, with an envelope tucked under the silver ribbon.  I felt a hand guide me to the chair by the breakfast table, and someone helped hold my skirt while I sat down.  Matthew placed the package on the table beside me, and said simply “He wanted you to have this.”  As he stepped back, I carefully untied the silver ribbon, and slipped the card from its envelope, steeling myself for what was written inside.  I knew my fiancé better than anyone, and I was betting it was a good thing I was wearing waterproof mascara.  I wasn’t wrong.   Em, My Love, Everything I’ve done in my life has led to this day, and I can’t wait to share it, and every day after, with you.  Every moment with you has been the best of my life, and I know it’s only going to get better with you by my side.  I can’t wait to be your husband for all of our days.   Hurry up Wife, I’m waiting…. Forever and Ever Xo                                                                                                                    Teddy
That man had the power to undo me in a heartbeat, and reading those words, had my heart nearly bursting.  I looked to the ceiling, trying to hold back the tears that had sprung to my eyes.  
I could barely comprehend how one man could complete me the way he did.  I felt tissues being pressed into my hands, and heard the sound of my sister gasping that I’d smear my makeup, but in that moment I could have walked that aisle with raccoon eyes, and not cared a bit.  I dabbed my eyes, and took a slow, shaky breath, replacing the card on the table. I reached for the package, carefully unwrapping the paper and seeing a simple white gift box.   My fingers fumbled with the lid, eagerly trying to remove it so I could see inside, but in my eagerness it didn’t want to cooperate. My mom quickly helped lift the other end of the lid, allowing me to yank the whole thing off, and I tossed it to the side, dying to see what was underneath.  My breath slowed and my eyes widened as my fingers found the soft leather cover of the photo album inside.  I pushed the tissue paper aside and lifted it carefully from the box, setting it on the table.  I could feel my eyes water as I took in the intricate detail embossed on the cover, and the gorgeous smell of the leather.  I gently flipped it open, and the only words I could force from my mouth were Oh Teddy, as my eyes welled up. The first page contained the very first photo ever taken of us, a selfie of all things at mutual friend’s holiday party, ugly Christmas sweaters and all.  He’d collected photos from our friends and family, combed through our personal collection; even printing snapshots from our phones.  I even recognized a couple of photos as shots taken from various Instagram’s.   My eyes couldn’t take them all in fast enough; as I continued to flip through the pages, the memories and feelings that came with each one almost overpowered me.   Rosy cheeks on a ski vacation when I’d managed to wreck my ankle the second day. Our first New Year’s Eve together as a couple, silly hats on our heads, noisemakers in our mouths.  Arms wrapped around each other, goofy grins on our faces at my college graduation.  A sneaky shot of us fast sleep on an airplane, my head tucked in his neck, his face buried in my hair.  My first (and only!) tattoo experience, the cookie monster on my foot, my hands clutching Ed’s as he tried not to laugh.  An intimate selfie of us cuddled up in bed, me in my glasses and makeup free, both of us content and cuddled up in blankets.  The two of us entwined under the Christmas tree, the lights reflecting in our eyes as I showed off my ring the morning we got engaged, my face wreathed in the biggest smile I’d ever seen.  I noticed looking at it now, how Ed had eyes only for me, there was such love and tenderness on his face; it was like he didn’t even realize the camera was there.   The gorgeous engagement photos we had taken on his property in the spring, the sun on our cheeks and the beautiful trees he’d planted in the background.  So many precious moments captured, and he’d put them all together in this gorgeous book, and even dated and handwritten a caption under every single one.  Our whole life together so far, my whole heart, wrapped up in a box.  It was so beautiful, so thoughtful, so overwhelming that he’d put so much time and effort into this perfect gift.  I couldn’t have been more in love with him than I was at that moment. 
I gently closed the book, smoothing a hand over the cover before placing it back in the box.  I looked at Matthew, and still trying to hold back tears, gave him a message for Ed. “It’s perfect.  Utterly, completely perfect.  I love it.  Tell him I’m ready, and he better be waiting!”  Matthew grinned, promising to pass on my message, and then politely showed himself out. I stood up from my chair and determinedly declared it was time to go, I was ready to marry my man.  “I’m leaving with or without you”, I told them with a grin, and with a chorus of “Yes ma’am’s!” we gathered our bags and belongings and headed out.  
I was extremely close with my mom, she was my best friend and most loyal supporter, and I was so thrilled to have had her by my side during this whole wedding planning process, but since the day I was born, I was, and always would be, a Daddy’s girl.  He had insisted that he not be told a single detail about my dress, that he didn’t want to see a thing until I was ready to walk the down the aisle, and so he had stayed in the dark, until now.  I knew he’d be waiting for me at the bottom of the gorgeous staircase that led down to the lobby of the hotel, and I couldn’t wait for his reaction.  My bridesmaids went ahead of me, followed by my mother, and when I could see them along with my dad in position at the bottom, I began my descent.  I hadn’t gone down 3 steps when I eyes locked with my daddy’s, and that was it.  The pride and emotion was literally beaming from his eyes, and his mouth was open as if in awe.  As I reached the bottom, he stepped forward and proffered his hand, assisting me down the last step, with the biggest smile I’d ever seen dancing on his face.  He kissed my cheeks and twirled me around, his eyes crinkling as he took me in.  He opened his mouth, trying to find the right words, and when nothing came out, that’s when I noticed his eyes were damp and he was struggling to keep it together.  Oh my sweet Daddy.  I kissed his bearded cheek and told him how debonair and handsome he looked, and that he’d better keep it together or we’d never make it down the aisle.  He just grinned and shook his head, telling me I’d always been his voice of reason.  He took my hand and we headed for the doors, ready to go to the church. Thankfully, any rain that had fallen that morning had disappeared, and the skies were now clearest blue. The sun was brilliant, its warmth enveloping me as we walked through the door, and I couldn’t help but bask in it, just for the briefest of moments.  I hadn’t any idea how we were getting to the church, only that my dad had promised he’d get us there in style.  He had refused to reveal anything more than that, so I was more than curious to see what awaited us outside.  I gasped when I walked through the doors, seeing the sleek, snow white, vintage Bentley that was awaiting us at the curb.  I could picture Princess Diana or Duchess Kate making their grand entrances from this gorgeous car.  All I could do was clap my hands and let out a squeal when I saw it, it was just incredible.  My mother and my dad helped me climb into the plush backseat, and arranged my skirt just so. I noticed a second, more modern Bentley pull up behind us, ready to chauffeur my mother, sister and best friends to the ceremony, right along with us.  After he ensured that they were safely tucked away in their ride, my dad climbed into the backseat right beside me, motioning to the driver that we were ready to go.  It was only a short drive, but that few minutes was enough for the butterflies to set in. 
Unconsciously, I began twisting my fingers together, tracing my manicured nails over and over, and tapping my foot.   My gentle daddy, he clasped my hands in his, gently stroking my knuckles, and smiled that reassuring smile that had brought me through many difficult times.  “He’s the luckiest man this side of the pond, you know.” He whispered softly. “He’s so good for you, and you bring out the best in him.  I wouldn’t walk you down that aisle to just anyone. You know that.” I swallowed back the tears that threatened, my father’s strength was my strength, and it had carried me through so much.  I could only imagine how difficult the prospect of “giving his daughter away” must have been for him. “There won’t ever be anyone else, he’s the only one for me.” I took a deep breath, and gazed at him, the first man that ever loved me.  “I love you so much, Daddy. I’m so glad you’re here with me today.  I doubt I’d make it down that aisle without you holding me up!”  I let my fingers brush the softness of his beard as I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him as tightly as I could. 
Before he could utter another word, the car came to a stop, and there was the church, right in front of me.  Gallant gentleman that he was, he stepped down from the car first.  I had warned Ed the night before that he was to stay in his designated space inside the church once he got there, no sneaking any peeks, and he’d promised to behave.  Two strong hands suddenly grasped mine and helped me step out of the car and onto the walkway.  The second car pulled up behind ours and my mother, sister, and bridesmaids were suddenly all around me, escorting me into the church.  The bridal room was ready for us, and the flowers had been delivered, much to my relief.  We had chosen simple garlands and bunches of wildflowers and daisies for most of our décor, accented by clusters of soft pink roses, to go with the English countryside/garden motif, and I’d wanted to keep the bouquets to the same theme.  My lovely girls carried small, simple bouquets of gorgeous, brightly hued wildflowers, and I had chosen a simple bouquet of creamy roses, accented by wildflowers in softer, pastel hues.  Boutonnieres had already been distributed, and I watched as my father pinned the corsage he’d chosen onto my mother’s dress, and then kissed her cheek.  They loved each other so much, I hoped one day Ed and I would still be that in love when our children were grown.  
We touched up our makeup, checked our earrings, and brushed our teeth within an inch of our lives.  A visit to the ladies room also became a necessity, and all I can say is thank heavens for helpful bridesmaids!  A knock on the door suddenly caught all of our attention, and a smiling, eye-twinkling face poked through.  I grinned, seeing Murray, Ed’s cousin, so full of happiness and energy, but then he always was.  “I’m told to tell you he’s ready and waiting, love!  Church is full and he wants to get married!” I smiled at him and said “We’ve just got to pin the veil on and we’re ready! Less than 10 minutes, I promise!”  I went to shoo him from the room, and a thought suddenly occurs that made me pause and call him back.  “Murray, WAIT.  You or John or Matt or SOMEONE, make sure he’s done his tie straight! He can’t get it right to save his life!” “On it!” he says authoritatively, dashing from the room in his usual comic way, causing everyone, including me, to fall to pieces laughing.   I shook my head and took a deep breath, all of a sudden feeling the rollercoaster sensation in my stomach again.  He was waiting for me, and all I had to do was make it down that aisle.  
“Alright girls, veil me!” I commanded with a smile, wanting to get to those doors and see those clear blue eyes gaze back at me.  The veil itself had been very carefully cleaned and steamed so that there was not a wrinkle in sight, and it was hanging in a clear garment bag, ready to be placed on my head.  I watched my mom unzip the bag and gently pull it from the hanger, laying it over her arm so that it wouldn’t catch or wrinkle.  I faced the door so that I wouldn’t have to turn around too much once it was in place.  I felt my mom’s gentle hand smooth my hair and position my head, and then I closed my eyes and she slid the comb into the hair that was teased at the top of my head. My sister and my 3 bridesmaids gently fluffed the long length of tulle, arranging the material so that it flowed smoothly over my shoulders, cascading down to my train.  I could feel the gossamer light material brush against my bare arms, and my fingers found the lace edging, tracing the lines of the scalloping and the tiny pearl accents that dotted the lacy pattern. Having this piece of my grandmother literally surround me on my wedding day…it was everything to me. I turned to the side, loving the feeling of the veil flowing down my body. Catching sight of my reflection in the mirror, I abruptly froze in place, taking in the sight of myself as a bride.  I could barely believe it was me…my dress fit me beautifully, my hair was sleek and beautiful, my face flawless.  My jewellery caught the light, and my grandmother’s stunning veil….it took my breath away.  I just hoped Ed would feel the same way.  
“If he doesn’t cry…I sure as hell will.” I heard my father’s gruff voice in my ear as he took his place beside me, his eyes staring at the same reflection mine were.  “You ready to get married, sweetheart?”  I squared my shoulders and exhaled, as a grin spread across my face.  “Let’s do it, Daddy” I said, the butterflies gone and my heart ready. I squeezed his hand and nodded at him.   My three sweet bridesmaids left the room first, followed my mother and best friend.  It was just my daddy and I, and he gently scooped up my veil and helped me carefully walk down the hallway to the vestibule around the corner from the big doors that led into the church. The pastor who would be performing our ceremony, a sweet older gentleman whom we affectionately called Father Patrick, was waiting for us.  He offered kind words of encouragement and instructed us to wait for the cues in the music before we began our walk down the aisle.  With a final smile and a wink, he headed through the doors to take his place at the front of the church, his bible tucked into the crook of his arm. Matthew would be waiting at the front of the church with Ed, as his best man, but Stuart, Murray, and Jovel would walk down the aisle, accompanying my girls.  
I heard the soft strains of the piano and violin begin to play, and steeled myself, trying to keep my composure. Matthew had already escorted my mother to her seat before the music began, so it was just us, and it was time. The moment was finally here.  He was waiting for me.  Stu, Jovel, and Murray all kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand with encouraging smiles before offering my ladies their elbows, and lining up in the proper order. Ed’s little goddaughter was our flower girl and my little nephew was our ring bearer, and we’d see if they made it down the aisle together.  They looked completely adorable in their matching white dress and cream suit.   The doors were pulled open, and one by one, my girls made their way down the aisle with their dashing escorts, to take their places at the front, followed by the little ones, who were so excited they fairly tore down that aisle, forgetting even to spread the flower petals from the basket.  They were so sweet, I truly didn’t even care. Then, it was time.  The music faded out for a moment, and that was our cue.  I felt such affection as I watched my father fluff and straighten my veil, and brush a strand of hair from my eyes.  He kissed my forehead and lifted his arm up, tucking my arm through his, holding me tightly.   I hadn’t allowed myself to look to the front of the church, I didn’t trust myself to keep it together, but I couldn’t wait any longer.  I had to and he was there, my beautiful Teddy.  He wasn’t facing me, not yet. He’d wait for the cue from the pastor to turn around, but oh….the way the lights caught the fire of his hair, the soft curls like spun gold.  The lines of his broad shoulders, and the way his tux jacket hugged him, oh my…. I could see his foot jiggling nervously, and then his hand reached out to touch Matthew’s shoulder as they exchanged a grin.  His head lifted suddenly, looking up to the ceiling and I could see him taking a deep breath, trying to prepare himself.  I could feel that strong, familiar hand holding me steady, and squeezing my hand, as the notes of Pachelbel’s Canon (Didn’t I say I was a traditionalist?) filled the church.  I lifted my head, smiled at my Daddy, and took the first step.
I held it together until I looked in his eyes.  I could see Father Patrick with a broad smile on his face, gesture to Ed that it was time. That I was ready.   His shoulders lifted, and with knowing smiles from him groomsmen, he turned around.  It was as if everyone else disappeared, the music faded, time slowed and my heart felt as though it was going to thrum right out of my chest.  His eyes widened, his mouth parted, and the wonder and joy in his eyes…it would stay with me every day for the rest of my life. His hands were clasped in front of him, and it looked as though he’d forgotten how to breathe, but he never took his eyes off me.  My eyes found his, those clear blue eyes that could see into my soul, and the love that fairly shone out of them, I couldn’t get to him fast enough.  The grin that spread across his face, it spoke of pride and love and pure joy, and it was like pure sunlight shining over me.  I took slow, shaky breaths, reminding myself to breath as I slowly made my way down that aisle.  I couldn’t see a single face in that church, besides Ed’s, and I could feel the tears as they spilled down my cheeks. He was everything.  After what seemed like an eternity, we reached the front, and Ed stepped forward.  I looked in to my father’s eyes, and lifted my face for a kiss.  His fingers brushed my face, wiping the tears away before he kissed my cheek one last time.  Ed reached his hand out to grasp my dad’s, and in return, my dad raised his eyebrow in jest, and wrapped his arms around him in a big hug.  A smile lit both their faces, and it meant the world to me to see the love and affection between the two most important men in my life.  My dad stepped back, and we all faced the pastor, waiting for the words that would finally allow me to join my soon-to-be hubby. He asked the traditional question, who gives this woman to this man, and when my father responded: Her mother and I do, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Ed. He was standing proudly, his chest puffed out with his hands at his sides, but they were restless, like he just couldn’t wait any longer.  My dad lifted my hand and with a twinkle in his eye, finally, placed my hand in Ed’s.
His hands, they were so soft, so warm, and so strong. They cradled my fingers, while the pad of his thumb skimmed gently over my knuckles, in such a gentle, tender way. I squeezed his hands, and we both just gazed at each other, our eyes locked, and the most ridiculous of smiles on our faces.  There was such joy coursing through me, I could barely contain it. I squeezed his hands and bit my lip, ready to marry this man.  He shook his head slightly, almost as if in disbelief, and when he mouthed “So beautiful…” the look in his eyes was almost reverent.  Our ceremony was to be traditional and spiritual, and so we bowed our heads and spoke our prayers, and both of our mothers read beautiful passages from the bible. We sang a beautiful hymn in honour of my grandmother, and Ed’s Granddad, who were no longer with us, and knelt down to be blessed. The pastor invited everyone to sit, and motioned for us to stand and face each other.  His hands found mine, and my fingers slid around his, holding on as tightly as I could. We’d contemplated writing our own vows, but ultimately had decided those sentiments would be ours to keep private, and to stick with the traditional vows in church.  The only thing we both agreed we didn’t care for was the “till death do us part”, and so we chose to change it to “for the rest of our lives”. I spoke my vows first, my heart beating out of my chest, repeating the age-old words that Father Patrick murmured to help us along:
I, Emily Grace, take you, Edward Christopher, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for the rest of our lives, according to God’s holy law. This is my solemn vow.  
As I finished speaking, I saw Ed swallow hard, the emotion on his face threatening to spill over.  I couldn’t help myself as I gently reached up with my hand to caress his face, mouthing the words “Forever…” so only he could see. His face split into that brilliant smile, and his lips formed the words that always followed, “…and ever…”  He adjusted his stance as if to steady himself and gripped my hands tight as began his vows.  “I, Edward Christopher, take you, Emily Grace…”
Every word he spoke was fervent, passionate, and clear as a bell, there was not a shake or stammer to voice, not one trace of nerves. We never broke eye contact, his clear sea-blue eyes fixed on mine with such devotion my tummy danced.  I could lose myself in those eyes every time I looked in them.  When the last word left his mouth, he exhaled, and lifted my hand to his mouth, brushing his lips across my knuckles, his eyes crinkling as the biggest smile spread across his face.  I tried so hard to pay attention to the pastor’s words, but looking into Ed’s eyes, holding his hands, the smell of his cologne wafting over me, I was just lost in him.  Father Patrick began to read the passage that would have us exchange our rings, and suddenly, I saw Ed’s little goddaughter running up to us, waving the ring pillow frantically with a grin on her face.  My heart just melted as Ed knelt down to meet her, kissing her cheek as he palmed our rings.  She threw her arms around his neck with a squeal and he squeezed her right back, a gigantic grin on his face as he lifted her right up into the air in a bear hug before he put her back down.  She skipped off to find her mum, and the chorus of Awwww’s that echoed through the church definitely included every of us standing at the altar.  Her dad, Jovel, was beaming and trying not to fall to pieces laughing, and even Stu had a grin on his face.  It was a perfect moment.  Oh my Teddy, he was going to be the most amazing Daddy one day.       His hands found mine again, and we bowed our heads as a prayer was spoken over the rings.  Father Patrick placed Ed’s ring in my hand, and asked me to repeat after him:
Edward, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow. With all that I am and all that I have I honour you, in the name of God.
 I let my fingers quickly brush across his knuckles as I repeated these words, and I couldn’t help but bounce lightly on my toes and lift my shoulders in excitement as I slid that simple gold band onto his finger.  I looked up at him, and grinned, and the look on his face as gazed down at his finger. It was just so adorable, like he couldn’t quite believe it to be true.  Ed was handed my ring, and he gently slid his hand underneath mine and lifted my hand to his lips, kissing it softly before repeating those same traditional words to me; “Emily, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow…”   I’d chosen a simple, delicate gold band that matched Ed’s, and we both let out deep, shaky breaths as he finally slid it onto my finger; It sparkled in the light, and I loved how it nestled perfectly against my grandmother’s ring.  Neither of us could control the smiles on our faces as we clasped our newly ringed hands, and it took every ounce of control I had not to grab his face and kiss him right then and there.  The pastor lifted his hands and recited a beautiful blessing over us and our marriage, and then together with our family and friends, we spoke The Lord’s Prayer.  His face beaming, Father Patrick had us join our right hands, and then raised his hands, uttering the words we’d been waiting over a year to finally hear.  
Edward and Emily have joined themselves to each other by solemn vows, signified by the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of a ring. I declare, in the name of God, that they are husband and wife. Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder.
I thought Ed’s face would split in half his smile was so big, his eyes were dancing, and he literally was bouncing on his feet waiting for the signal that he could finally, finally kiss me. I kept pressing my lips together while I squeezed his hands so tightly, wanting to wrap my arms around him and never, ever let him go.  I was trembling and giddy and impatient, and I truly thought I might actually burst if I couldn’t kiss my husband right that very minute.  I fully expected the traditional words from the church ceremony when Father Patrick opened his mouth, but his eyes had an extra twinkle when he turned to Ed and proclaimed 
“Lad, what are you waiting for??”  
Before I could even breathe, his lips were on mine, a kiss so full of love and promise and adoration, and he was everything and that kiss was the only thing in my world.  I cupped his cheeks with my hands, kissing him back with more fervour and promise than I could ever have thought possible, loving how his lips were just made for mine.  I could feel his arms lift me up under bum, and I squealed and locked my arms around his neck as he spun me around and kissed me again, like he just couldn’t get enough.  My eyes filled with happy tears at his jubilant expression.  I suddenly was aware of everyone in the church clapping and cheering and hollering for us, and I couldn’t stop laughing as Ed set me back on my feet, and grabbed my hand, lifting it in the air with what I can only describe as a triumphant expression on his face.  He was my husband, I was his WIFE, I couldn’t believe it, and we were married.  He was irrevocably mine and I was NEVER going to let him go, ever.  He laced his fingers through mine and led me up to the altar, followed by my sister and Matthew, where we officially signed our wedding register, and posed for some photos. The exuberance that was positively radiating from his face was incredible, it lit his face up like an angel, and I couldn’t stop looking at him.  As Matthew finished signing his name on the register, I felt a soft, fuzzy cheek press against mine, and his warm breath tickle my ear as I heard him whisper softly so no one else could hear.  “Love you forever and ever, Wife…” He pulled my hand to his mouth and kissed my fingertips softly, without taking his eyes off me.  We finished with the signing, and Ed helped lead back to the steps at the altar, where we faced towards our friends and family, hands and hearts intertwined, ready to be introduced as a married couple.  Father Patrick ended our ceremony with a beautiful blessing and the sign of the cross, before he raised his arms once more and announced with great enthusiasm and gusto;
“I’m proud and pleased to introduce to you to the new Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sheeran!”  
Cheers, applause and roars of excitement filled the church as everyone jumped to their feet, and I took that perfect opportunity to sneak one more kiss with my new husband before we headed back down that aisle.  It was a sweet, perfect kiss, and I loved that even with my eyes closed I could tell he was grinning as big as I was.  The processional music swelled, and I pulled back, ready to walk down the steps and back up the aisle, this time as husband and wife.  I noticed the look on Ed’s face before I even had a chance to move, and before I could guess what he was up to (I KNEW that face!), he’d swept me up in his arms and was down those steps!  I threw my head back and wrapped one arm around his neck, while I lifted my bouquet in the air with the other, waving it in celebration!  I kicked my legs up, waving to everyone while I shook with giggles. What better way to start our journey, then in the strong, sexy arms of my husband?
Once we made it to the back of church, we were supposed to head outside to greet our guests and take pictures, but all I wanted was just 5 minutes alone with my new husband.  I looked down the hall, and looked at Ed with a grin, pointing to the door of the bridal suite I’d left behind not so long ago. “Just for a minute…” I whispered in his ear, biting my lip. “I want my Teddy all for myself, just for a moment…” He dropped a kiss on my lips and nodded enthusiastically. “Hell yes!” He murmured with a grin, setting me down on my feet, and then gripping my hand and fairly yanking me down the hall into that room, slamming the door behind us.  It just the two of us, no one else, and I wanted to just absorb every bit of my handsome, sexy, adorable new husband before I had to share him with the world.  
“Jesus…” he murmured, wrapping his arms around my waist.  “Em, you’re so goddamn beautiful.  And you are ALL mine forever. And ever. And…”  His words faded out as his hands found my hair and his lips caught mine, softly at first as we savoured our first embrace alone as husband and wife.  I locked my arms around his neck, pulling him close and loving the sensation of the tickly hairs of his beard against my jaw.  He tasted so good and his lips were so soft, and the kiss deepened as I tried, somehow, to absorb every bit him.  His hands traced their way up my body, his fingertips leaving fiery tingles in their wake, from my hips to my waist to the curve of my jaw, as his hands finally found my face.  His kisses, lingering, deep kisses so full of passion and promise, they stole my breath and lit me on fire.  My hands wound their way into his hair, those silky soft curls at his neck begging to be tugged.  His tongue begged access to my mouth and oh, God, any self-control I had was slipping at the fervour and intensity of his lips, his tongue tasting every bit of me and me trying to taste every bit of him.  I felt his hands leave my face and his fingers trail back down my body, down my arm, along the curve of my hip and then his hands were gently cupping my ass as he pulled the length of my body as tightly against his as possible, leaving not the smallest space between our bodies. It was the sudden feeling of his hardening length against my leg that suddenly jolted me back to reality, reminding me that as badly as my body wanted me to hike my skirt up and consummate our marriage right then and there, we couldn’t, not in church, not with our families and friends waiting outside the door.  Tonight would be the one of most incredible nights of our lives, I could wait for just a bit longer. “Teddy…” I gasped, breaking away from his kiss with a giggle. I dropped a kiss on his nose.  “”We have to behave. There’s about 100 people waiting on us out there and I don’t think a catholic church is the place for us to be….well…”   Ed’s face was flushed, but he was giggling too as he straightened up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “Just got a bit carried away with my wife, didn’t I?” he said with a grin on his face.  “Guess I can behave for a while longer if I have to…”  I bit my lip and tried not to giggle as I noticed him adjusting his pants while he took a deep breath, trying to, um, calm himself down before we faced the masses.   I smoothed out my dress, checked my hair and touched up my lipstick, making sure that I did not, in fact, look like I just came out of heated make out session.  
“Shall we go, Husband?” I said teasingly, lacing my fingers through his as I pulled him through the door. “I am ready to be adored, worshipped and praised by the crowds!”  As we set off down the hall, I felt his soft breath in my ear, and it sent prickles of electricity through my body as his lips caught the soft skin under my jaw. His voice was low, teasing, as he murmured softly so only I could hear. 
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you’re wearing under that dress, Love.  You will be worshipped and adored. All. Night. Long….”
PT. 2 Coming Soon!! 
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