#with the recent addition of gotham war its like even worse?
hriobzagelthewanderer · 9 months
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[So far, I have touched upon how I have structured my blog's 'primary' AU's (not counting ships as most of them are sub-verses in each setup), and how they are based on Tarot cards thus far:
The Fool, for Hriob at his 'baseline' on his own, as well as covering the majority of his ship-verses as per multi-shipping standards.
The Emperor, for Hriob as the head of his own Fae Court, and unwittingly setting himself up to realize sudden realizations about himself with the aid of those he enlists. [Essentially a Political Fantasy AU revolving around alliances, intrigue, and preparations for a potential apocalypse, but its also the only verse to eschew multi-shipping rules as a potential polycule situation for reasons of drama and hilarity.]
The Hanged Man, for Hriob as a humble high-school teacher by day, and a masked Fae vigilante by night in a setting that ditches his ancestral home to join one city or another [Possible options include Gotham and Japan, but will be sub-divided by additional tags accordingly].
The Tower, a.k.a. the 'Sinister AU', for Hriob in a 'Bad End' where his mother died, and he took it rather hard... to the point of shunning the outside world entirely and taking a near-flagellant approach to his own life in the ruins that he calls home. [Heavily involving the absence of @melodiadraconis's Lyth and incarceration of one of @shatteredwastes's many AUs of the Jumper, aka Gaolbird].
[Other Cards may be planned already in varying stages of preparation, However, I am considering taking advantage of one aspect of Tarot-reading to help inspire/open up even more AU's - the aspect of an 'Inverted' card, where the meaning of the card is reversed or turned on its head... though it is easy to assume this means 'worse', it not usually a case of 'normal means good and reversed is bad'. However, what that means for Hriob and the blog is interesting:
The Fool - Reversed, Unplanned, but likely a verse where Hriob as-we-know-him never came to be, and Krakonos still continues on as the Mountain King without incident.
The Emperor - Reversed, for Hriob as a member of Gaki's Court in a timeline where they never broke up [reference to @nomercyleft and one of their AU's - and ironically part of another polycule].
The Hanged Man - Reversed, Unplanned, but likely for Hriob in an Urban setting not as a teacher or vigilante, but more of a pure Celebrity, likely an actor and investor of some kind [Again unplanned but likely using the same city-setting-specific tag system].
The Tower - Reversed, for Hriob starting in the parameters of the 'Sinister AU', but leading to a confrontation with a certain grieving empress that leads to a renewal of his former relationship with her [once again heavily involving yet another AU with @nomercyleft].
[Again, the second set is mainly under-construction still, but have a lot of groundwork settled for at least a handful to get the ball rolling. I fully intend to extend things further across the Arcana. Some plans are as follows:
The Devil, A verse where Hriob loses and Owen wins in their little tug-of-war for the fate of the world, resulting in him being reincarnated into the new world with... more baggage than anyone involved would have asked for. [Technically another nomercyleft verse but actually focusing on characters in @thelittlestdemon's blog].
The Star, for a verse in the future involving the version of Amelia known as The Seeker, aka Lillium... and the newest reincarnation of Hriob's spiritual lineage, a young boy named Casimir, in her care [yet another collaborative verse with the many versions of the star of @shatteredwastes].
[I admit that some of these have been in the works for over a year without much opportunity to focus on them, and others are rather fresh ideas from recent plotting sessions with my many friends and compatriots over on Discord, but all the same I hope this little sneak peek gets me more of a foundation to get my Writing New-Year's-Resolution started, and get more of you on-board with planning and starting a lot of these verses soon!]
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afni-fics · 4 years
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn - Chapter 17: Dragon Rising (part 1)
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn - Chapter 17: Dragon Rising (part 1) by C_R_Scott Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Red Robin (Comics), DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Tim Drake, Lucien Flavius Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Skyrim/DCU crossover, Reluctant Dovahkiin | Dragonborn, Not Beta Read, Alternate Universe - Skyrim Fusion, Modded Skyrim, Skyrim Spoilers, Tim Drake is Dragonborn | Dovahkiin, Batfamily-centric (DCU), Tim Drake-centric
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Tim and Lucien make it back to Dragonsreach with the intention of dropping off the Dragonstone and then going to the Temple of Kynareth for some well deserved and long overdue rest and recovery... But then again what is it that they say about the best laid plans of mice and men...?
"I'm sorry. What did you say?"
At the annoyed look Jarl gave him, Tim realized his "Timothy Wayne" mask must have slipped a bit. He slipped his "mask" back on and gave the Jarl an apologetic look. "Forgive me, Jarl Balgruuf," he said, speaking up a little louder than before and motioning vaguely toward the right side of his head. "I took pretty nasty blow back at the Barrow and I'm still can't hear well out of this ear. Can you repeat what you said?"
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Balgruuf sighed. He looked at Tim and repeated his last statement, a little louder this time so Tim could "hear". "I want you to go with Irileth and help her fight this dragon!"
At first, everything went along as both Tim and Lucien had expected once they left the camp they'd rested in after leaving Bleak Falls Barrow. They spent nearly the entire day walking back to Whiterun, with a brief stop by Riverwood to drop off the Golden Dragon Claw with its original owner. Of course it was well past sunset by the time they entered Dragonsreach, but not so late that the people they needed to speak to were asleep. 
Once inside Dragonsreach, they immediately delivered the Dragonstone to a very pleased court wizard Farengar, who had been speaking with a strange hooded woman before their arrival.
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Tim only halfway paid attention to Farengar and his guest. He barely stifled a yawn as he felt a touch on his good arm.
"Finally," Lucien whispered behind Tim with what sounded like a great amount of relief as Farengar was distracted speaking with the woman. "I know it's late, but let's get out of here and to the Temple. If we're lucky, a priest or priestess will still be awake and can take a look at your injuries."
Tim nodded wearily. This most recent journey to Whiterun felt longer and more taxing than his previous travels to and from the city. He knew his body was close to his limit, and he could feel the fever from the night before creeping up again.
Unfortunately, Tim had no luck to speak of that evening as Jarl Balgruuf's guard Irileth stormed into the wizard's room, announcing that a dragon had been sighted nearby.
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Tim bowed his head to the Jarl, shaking his head slightly. He didn't even bother masking the apologetic disbelief in his tone. "I... I would love to help. I really would. But--"
Jarl pointed at Tim. "You survived Helgen, so you have more experience with dragons than anyone else here."
"More experience? Is that what we're calling it now?" Tim echoed under his breath as he found himself unwillingly reliving memories of the disaster at Helgen and his first-hand trauma due to the flames of that black dragon. He wanted to snap at the Jarl, to tell him that he was an idiot and he was not going to go anywhere near any more dragons. He wanted to storm out of Dragonsreach and put as much distance between himself and this castle as he could. 
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"I... I'll do what I can, Jarl Balgruuf," Tim muttered in a defeated, obedient tone with his gaze lowered before turning on his heel and walking down the stairs as quickly and politely as he could towards the doors that would take him back into the city of Whiterun proper. 
"Timothy! Wait! Tim! Stop!" 
Once outside Dragonsreach, Tim didn't stop walking until finally, at the base of the large tree in the courtyard of the upper district of Whiterun. Lucien caught up with him and forced himself directly between Tim and the path leading down another flight of stairs to the marketplace. Lucien seemed a bit winded, as he'd had to dash to catch up to the young man before he got completely out of reach. 
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"What do you think you're doing?!" Lucien demanded after he caught his breath enough to speak. 
"Please Lucien... Just get out of the way. I have to catch up with Irileth."
"Why?! You are in no condition to face down a rabid skeever, let alone a full blow fire-breathing dragon!"
"The Jarl asked--"
"The Jarl is an idiot!" 
Tim looked at Lucien with a startled expression. 
Lucien appeared absolutely beside himself with frustration as he continued on his rant. "Just because you survived the dragon at Helgen doesn't mean you have anything significant to contribute to a fight against it now that's reared its ugly face again. Clearly you are not fire-proof, and you are in no way armed or armored enough to face down a monster of that magnitude, ESPECIALLY after everything you went through in Helgen and in the Barrow and after an entire day's travel on foot from the wilds of the hold all the way to the city! 
"Besides, anyone with eyes can see you're not well! Even Irileth gave you a look before she went out to gather the rest of her soldiers after the Jarl made his ludicrous demand!" Lucien took a moment to pause and catch his breath again. When he spoke, it was with a more even tone. "If the Jarl wants extra bodies and blades to throw against that beast, he's got a whole boatload of Companions waiting right there who would be more than happy to add dragon-slaying to their list of accomplishments." Lucien threw an arm at the nearby mead hall of the Companions' guild made from what looked like an overturned viking longboat. "All he has to do is walk down the damned hill or send a messenger if he's too lazy for even that."
Lucien gave him a pleading look. "Timothy... You're not even a citizen of his Hold. You're just... passing through... and you owe Balgruuf no allegience."
Tim wavered. If he was healthy, if he wasn't sick, if he had his Red Robin gear, he knew he could help the soldiers of Whiterun fight this dragon and win. It was what he did as a Titan. It was how he was raised as a Bat. But he was sick and injured and if he tried to fight in this state, he could very well find himself dead, or responsible for the death of others.
Lucien could see the conflict warring on Tim's face. It confused him. Why would anyone suffering as much as he was right now with illness and injury want to continue fighting when the should be resting and healing? 
"You don't have to follow the Jarl's orders," Lucien said gently. "It's not like you're a soldier and he's your comman--"
The scholar's eyes widened as he had a flash of insight. He immediately thought of Tim's skillful fighting style both with his quarterstaff and bare hands as they went through the Barrow. He remembered the young man's strategizing as they came upon bandits and traps and draugr. He recalled in his mind's eye not just the burns on his arm and back, but also an odd collection of other far older battle scars peppered across his torso and limbs. He gazed at Tim as if seeing another part of him for the first time. 
"Wait. You ARE a soldier... of some sort... aren't you?"
Tim nodded reluctantly. "In my homeland, I-- well my entire adopted family really-- we're..." He trailed off a bit as he tried to figure out the best words to give to Lucien. "... peacekeepers for our city. For Gotham." He raked his hand through his hair. "It was our mission to protect the citizens from threats both inside the city and beyond. The mission... always comes first."
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Lucien sighed. "Well that explains a bit," he murmured with a small groan. "The way I see it, Timothy, you have two choices before you right now. One... You can disregard the Jarl's order entirely. You're not his citizen or his soldier. You've gone above and beyond already getting that Dragonstone for him. He technically owes you a favor, not the other way around. We can either go right now to the Temple over there so you can start the healing process, or we can just leave Whiterun altogether. I'll pay the carriage driver whatever he wants to leave tonight for Solitude. It may take a couple of days, but at least this way there's no risk of being dragged into any more of the Jarl's nonsense. We'll either find another priest in another town along the way, or we can go straight to the Temple of the Divines in Solitude once we get there."
"And the other choice?"
"The other choice is..." And Lucien returned his pleading look to Tim as he continued reluctantly "... you continue after Irileth and complete the Jarl's ridiculous unreasonable request. You do your best to assist against the dragon, but knowing you're likely to get yourself hurt even worse or killed in the process."
Tim stood for a long moment in silence. He looked to the doors of the Temple of Kynareth with a longing expression, and for a moment Lucien was hopeful that the young man would choose the path of self-preservation. 
Then Tim bowed his head solemnly.
"I'm sorry, Lucien," he whispered as he turned away from the Temple and walked around the scholar to go down the stairs leading toward the marketplace and the path leading out of Whiterun. "If there's some way for me to help Irileth and the soldiers, I have to at least try. If I don't at least try, I don't think I could live with myself." 
He did pause and looked up at Lucien from the bottom of the stairs with sad, apologetic smile that frankly broke the poor scholar's heart. "Thank you for worrying about me, though, and taking care of me the past couple of days.  I... really appreciate all you've done. You're a good man, Lucien Flavius. I'm lucky to have met you." Then Tim gave him a half-hearted farewell wave and continued on the path to catch up with Irileth and her soldiers, leaving Lucien behind.
Warning: This is being pantsed more than plotted, and this is not beta read. We'll see where this journey takes us. Mostly I'm just doing this for my own amusement.
Note1: If you have any questions about the playthrough and Tim's feelings/experiences that aren't described in the chapters, please ask me in the comments. I'll do my best to answer your questions as best I can.
And so we start the "Dragon Rising" questline of the main story arc of Skyrim. Lucien gets more insight into Tim's character as a person as his disdain for the Jarl of Whiterun grows.
Honestly, even in previous playthroughs of Skyrim, it always struck me as kinda stupid that the Jarl would ask our Dragonborn to go help Irileth fight the dragon at the watchtower before even considering reaching out to the Companions that are right down the street from him. Balgruuf, as a character, never struck me as especially bright either in matters of politics, war, or governing. Clearly the ones managing to hold Whiterun Hold together are Irileth and Proventus.
#elder scrolls dc#fanfiction#tim drake#skyrim fanfiction#batfam fanfic#red robin#batfam#crossover#lucien flavius#wip#afewnovelideas
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