#without feeling sleepy nor that i could literally take a nap during the day and still feel exhausted at 9pm
rosekasa · 9 months
does your body ever do a series of concerning things and you're just like interesting. im gonna pretend that didnt just happen
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demonsandco · 3 years
Can we talk about how much more wholesome and sweet Lucifer’s birthday event would’ve been if the others had just... told him and MC about the dream plan? I would’ve loved to see Belphie and Satan try to explain their idea without outright admitting that they care. Beel could’ve still butted in like “we noticed you’ve always wanted to visit a human beach, but you’re always busy, so we made you a dream :))” and made them all embarrassed.
That way, the whole dream thing works and Luci and MC both would have to consent to experiencing it by literally going to sleep at the same time in the middle of the day. Barbatos could still have participated by offering to make some tea for them. This time without any side affects, just something herbal and relaxing. Imagine MC and Luci sitting together, drinking tea and having a little heart to heart. He’d bring up how surprised he is that his brothers noticed his wish to see the ocean and realizing how much he loves them and that they love him back, even if all 7 of them are horrible at showing it. MC could choose to keep their distance or snuggle up to him as they both start feeling sleepy and eventually fall asleep together. Or!!! With how over worked and exhausted Luci is, he ends up falling asleep during the conversation and MC has a little moment where they watch over him and notice how peaceful he looks while sleeping, before joining him in the dream world.
Hell, MC wouldn’t even need to go to sleep themselves, honestly. Luci could take a nap because he’s tired and deserves it and MC could join his dream using magic.
Did I take this weird part of the event and make it completely self indulgent? Maybe. I just want to see more of the brothers being nice and mending their relationships y’know. Not... whatever happened in this part of the story. 
I don’t mind the dark bits when they have purpose for plot or characterization (ei. MC getting essentially kidnapped and dragged to hell, the brother behavior in the first chapters, Belphie, Beel eating a Lil D that one time, etc.), but this really had no reason to be in the event. It didn’t save anyone any time or effort, and it’s not like Luci would’ve refused the gift if he were told before hand. Plus it wasn’t done maliciously (which would’ve offered insight into the perpetrators character while also being a clearly negative action), nor did Luci or MC react negatively in any way (offering insight into their relationships, while once again making it clear that this is a bad thing that happened and not a cool fun thing to do to your family.) This really just felt like a bullshit way to forward the plot instead of finding another way to get the the dream bit.
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tastyykpop · 4 years
𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛-ρ† 3
Pairings: enemy, barista, student!jaemin x student, barista!reader. 
<previous next>
Warnings: fluff, angst if you squint real hard
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Anger and frustration was the only way to describe it. Plus the lingering feeling of humiliation when jaemin didn't give a direct answer. Students eyed the two of you, mostly you for your braveness to even confront the boy which was shocking from their point of view, knowing all too well of your history with each other.
For once though, you've seen jaemin hesitate and stutter with an answer. It was quite something really, and you couldn't believe it.
And it wasnt like it was a yes or no answer, he only blurted out, "W-we have tu-tutor sessions...later...." and walked away after a few seconds of looking at you. God, and everyone was whispering among themselves and friends like it was the hottest topic, which in a strange sense it kind of was.
You dragged yourself back to the table where yeri sat and put your head in your arms.
You felt stupid. This wasn't how you thought your day would go, nor did you think jaemin would say something like that. Instead, you thought jaemin would for sure say yes. The things he said, the way he acted, jaemin couldve passed as your boyfriend and you thought maybe now it was possible.
"Y/n are you okay?" Yeri put a hand on your arm and you shook your head, still buried in your arms.
"I hate him." Your voice came out muffled.
Yeri let out a long sigh, "Its going to be okay. There’s plenty of other guys you'll meet who'll be worth your time." She stopped when you lifted your head. The look on your face was melancholy and red, but she didn't know what she could do about it. "What about that taemin guy? He's pretty cute. And from what you told me, he's super nice." Yeri wiggled her eyebrow suggestively making you groan.
"I don’t want to hurt him." You frowned, not being able to imagine using him as a rebound, "I realized I don’t like him like I thought I did."
"I get it. But don't pain yourself over a boy." She shook her head and let out a quiet chuckle, "especially jaemin."
"But jaemins literally what I want. How am I supposed to ignore that?"
Yeri stuck her bottom lip out in a pout, "Its almost impossible to ignore feelings..." There was a short pause until she started again, "So maybe just...ignore him? I don’t know man, I’m not good at this stuff."
"Yeah no shit," You snorted, "but ignoring him is an option. He gets mad when I do things like that, and ignoring him would get his attention, which means," you took a deep breath and grinned, "I’d get my ass destroyed by him whenever he breaks!"
"That’s literally not at all what I meant by ignoring him."
You sat back in your seat, smiling like a maniac to yourself at the devilish plan that would possibly not end well for you.
"But it could work." You pointed out.
"Could doesn't mean would. You know what, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall." As yeri stood up and gathered her trash, you threw your pile along with hers just to annoy her. "This is why I'm your only friend."
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"I thought you were going over jaemins for tutoring?" Jimin asked with a raised brow at your sudden intrusion into the apartment giving him no time to put a shirt on.
"I decided not to go." You shrugged, setting your bag on the floor. In reality, it was just the start of your plan of ignoring jaemin, but you weren't going to tell jimin that.
"Huh?? But you said he was good at trig and you would fail without him." As he tilted his head in confusion, you tried to come up with an excuse.
And not even a second later, an idea popped into your head, "I’m starting to understand it better." It wasn’t far from the truth to be honest, jaemin was doing a very good job at explaining, but in reality, you weren't perfect at all.
"Liar! You suck at trig!"
Your eye twitched, "I understand it slightly better."
"I still don't believe you." Jimin shrugged, "its only been like 2 days."
"I’m a fast learner." You huffed. Sadly your roommate knew you too well for you to lie. It wasn’t surprising anymore that he could point out just one flaw.
"Another lie. Now run along, I’m watching tv." Jimin shoo'ed you away with a hand motion. It took almost all your patience not to say anything in return, but it was pointless now.
Once in your room, you threw yourself onto the bed, not caring enough to close the door as you started changing from school clothes to regular shorts and a tank top.
Now once looking back at it, today was just a weird day. It was quiet in all the classes like someone just flipped a switch and one thing that threw you off the most was that jaemin didn’t ignore you completely like you thought he would, but instead he still helped with the work you were struggling with. Other than that he never talked to you. And it wasn’t like you wanted him to, you actually didn't want him to because of your little plan.
To be expected, you got multiple texts from him wondering where you were and why you weren't at his house and each text got more and more threatening so you just put your phone on silent and decided to take a nap until work. If this is how jaemin acts when you ignore him for barely a day then it should be easier to break him then you thought.
Rolling over in your bed, you closed your eyes, ignoring the aching feeling of anxiousness in your gut and tried to get some sleep. But sleeping was almost impossible. No matter how sleepy you were, or how heavy your eyes were, sleeping just didn't want to come. And you really didn't want to go on your phone because jaemin was calling you and in a matter of time you would probably answer it because you were just a little afraid of him.
Moving out of the bed and getting ready for work was your last option. Though the amount of black pants and white shirts that were lost from your closet made you realize how much you actually worked. The last time you had a day off was during summer vacation with jimin and a few of his friends plus yeri. Its been a while, and you kind of missed the break but you can't complain too much since you're making such good money.
After throwing on the clothes and lacing up your shoes, you left after saying good bye to jimin. Its still early, but you couldn't bring yourself to pass time until work and going there wasn’t as bad as one may think.
After you got in the car, you left the apartment, driving off to the cafe. You blasted some of your music on the way, singing the lyrics loudly since no one was in the car. You gotta say, driving alone is sometimes more fun since you can do stuff like this without people judging you.
Finally at the cafe, Irene happily greeted you, not giving you time to say hi back and started jumping up and down talking about her promotion to manager. She literally looked like she'd explode any minute from too much happiness.
"I get to boss you around even more than I did before." She grinned and you playfully shoved her to get to your station.
"If that’s possible." A little fist punched your shoulder as you laughed, "I’m kidding, I’m kidding."
"Hey, I'm not that bad! But I could be worse if you’d like." You covered your mouth to stifle the laugh that would come out when she sent you a wink.
There were many orders coming up, food, smoothies, coffee, anything. It kept you, irene, and your coworkers in the back completely occupied and busy. Youd even catch yourself drifting off into space because you were working too fast, almost messing some orders up too.
"I can bring this to the customer, go work on the other orders please." Irene rushed away after you smiled and did what she wanted.
Moments passed and after a few more drinks you saw the familiar black haired man walking into the back where you stood making a drink.
Jaemin didn't look all too happy when he saw you, so you tried your best to ignore him, but its not easy to ignore someone who’s been on your mind the whole day and somehow you're just figuring that out now.
He looked nice too, well he always does, but his black hair looked particularly very good. The way it was parted yet still fell over his face on some ends, and the way some parts stuck out just looked pretty on him.
"You’re here early...again." jaemin spoke while looking up at the orders, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"I was kind of bored at home." You muttered, moving as jaemin reached over you for a cup.
"Should’ve came to my house to study, maybe you wouldn't have been so bored." He lifted an eyebrow in your direction almost tauntingly and expecting a snap back but you stayed quiet, keeping it silent for a bit.
Jaemin was doing his order, and you did yours, though it did feel like time was just dragging you slowly through the day because you were so anxious near him. You felt as if he would break if you stepped out of place even just a bit. But wasn’t that your plan in the first place? 
"Why didn't you answer my texts?" Jaemin began and you looked up from the last drink you put in the tray. He had anticipated your answer as you suspired.
"I was sleeping.."It was obvious that you didn’t want to talk as you tried to walk away with the tray in hand followed by jaemin grabbing your shirt and pulling you back, the tray tipping slightly.
"Sleeping? How could you be sleeping when you read my texts? Now why are you lying to me?" Question after question, you tried wiggling out of his strong grasp and rolled your eyes to show you didn’t care. With only so much patience left, jaemin grabbed your hair, bringing your face closer to his. "I asked you a question so i suggest you answer before I spank your ass in front of everyone."
You stopped and nervously looked around the cafe to see if anyone heard him, but luckily for you everyone was minding their own business or not paying attention but still you couldn’t mask your shyness, "Y-you wouldn't do that. You're bluffing." You huffed.
Though you're not much shorter than jaemin, you felt small under his strong gaze, almost weaker near him too.
"Wanna bet?" He questioned and his sincerity was almost scary. You could feel his hand snake a bit too far down your backside and you pushed him off. "Answer me; why are you lying?"
"I don’t know." He slowly let go of your hair and ran his fingers through it. Nervousness fell over you, thinking he'd grab it again.
"You don’t know, huh." Jaemin said softly. You shook your head hoping he'd believe it.
"I-i don’t.."
Jaemin rolled his eyes, "Don’t lie or ignore me again."
"Yeah yeah whatever-" You cried when he grabbed and tugged on your hair again, making your face contort in pain, "Okay! Fine! I wont do any of that again!"
That being said, jaemin let go after giving you that natural look telling you not to push him today, or any day for that matter. "Little bitch." You mumbled.
"Call me that again, I dare you."
It took almost all of your self control to not flip him off.
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Lee jeno, the infamous frat boy and fuck boy on campus, was jaemins closest friend. He was gorgeous, kind, and smart, but one thing that set you off about him was he could be quite rude. Just one flaw, and it happened to only be towards you. So you wondered; 'why the hell am I asking lee jeno for help when there's a hundred more men in this school?' Because jeno was jaemins closest friend. Plain and simple. The only thing is, your brilliant plan could fail. Either way it was a fifty-fifty chance.
"Lee jeno!" You called and ran up to the boy, confused as to why you looked happy to see him when you and him don't really like each other. "I have a question."
"I might have an answer." Jeno surprisingly smiled, now you see why people were whipped.
"I want to make jaemin jealous."
He stopped in his tracks and nervously laughed, "Why would you want to do that? Of all things?"
You smiled up at him, "I wanna be a pain in his ass so I have an idea and I need your help." Jeno scratched the back of his head, still not sure where you were headed with this conversation.
"Uhh...okay what is it then?" You happily jumped when jeno gave you the go to ask.
"Can you be my fake boyfriend?"
"You’re who-what!?" Jeno choked trying to find a hint that you were joking and just testing him or something, but you were dead serious and that's what made him scared. "So you’re plan to make jaemin jealous is to date me? Damn that’s kinda smart and bit bitchy."
You frowned, "I just like making him regret certain things and testing his patience is all."
"So a bitch," he shrugged, " but how the hell would this whole thing work? You and I don’t have a really good record with each other and hes well aware of that. Jaemins not dumb." Jeno pointed out as you tilted your head in almost a ‘you’re so stupid’ manner.
“Didn’t you take acting lessons?” There was a slight delay but he nodded nonetheless, “Then just act the part, lee. Its not that hard.” you rolled your eyes with a scoff, jeno playfully slapped your shoulder.
“Its not that simple! Its you for gods sake! How am i supposed to pretend to like you?”
“I dont know, you just do it.” Shrugging off the almost annoyed yet smiling boy, you noticed someone out the corner of your eye; the devil himself. Just staring at the two of you. Surprisingly, jeno took notice of that and grabbed your hand while walking close to you, never letting his smile fall, and walked around the school building to a bench.
"That was smooth." You mumbled earning a laugh from jeno. "See, was that so hard?”
The boy rubbed the back of his neck nervously with an eye smile, “I guess not, but do you really think he’ll fall for it?”
That was a good question and if you sat and thought about it more, you probably would’ve said no, but for some reason you pushed out a yes. Jaemins a jealous and possessive boy, there’s no way this shouldn’t work.
“Hell yeah. Have I ever steered you wrong?”
“Don’t answer that.”
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Currently, you and jeno were awkwardly flirting with each other in front of jaemin at the cafe. Light touches and small smiles and giggles was kind of annoying in jaemins eyes. But this was the best plan yet.
After not going to jaemins third tutor session and ignoring multiple other calls because he didn’t bother texting anymore, you were at the cafe on your day off just to piss him off. And for some reason, this was probably the most fun, yet awkward moment in your life.
"Is he still watching?" Jeno whispered as he smiled to make it seem as if he was flirting.
You quickly glanced up and jaemin was indeed still watching, actually glaring, but you couldn't even tell if it was at you or jeno, maybe even both.
"Hes still watching." You turned and grinned at him. "He looks very mad."
"I know something to get him more mad."
"And what would that be?" Raising an eyebrow at him, jeno suddenly grabbed you by your face and kissed your cheek.
"Now look back and tell me if hes still there."
You were shocked but did as he said and sure enough, jaemin was no where to be seen, "Hes gonna kill us..."
"No just you, I’ll be gone by then." He laughed when you sent him a glare. "This was your plan not mine."
"And this will for sure end my life later on," You faced jeno, "When was the last time he was really mad?"
Jeno sat back to think about it and let go of your hand that you forgot he was holding, "He got into a fight with one of our friends just a few months ago. You know donghyuck, right?"
You nodded your head. Of course you knew donghyuck, he was the biggest brat of them all and out of every one of jaemins friends, you got along with him pretty well, turning out to be very good friends. You haven't talked to him in few weeks though, college kind of messed some things up for you guys but you still try to keep in contact as much as possible.
"Well a few months ago jaemin and hyuck got into this huge fight."
"Was it as bad as that time mark and hyuck fought?" You asked and jeno shook his head.
"No it was probably worse. Jaemin was almost in a fist fight with him--actually no I think they did end up physically fighting." Jeno sighed, "Anyways jaemin was super cold to everyone and got into a lot of fights with some other people like me," he giggled at the thought, "It was also around the time he dumped coffee on your head."
Only jeno could bring back that stupid coffee incident and make you remember when you wanted to commit a murder.
"That was one of the worst things hes done to me don’t make me think of that." You whined, throwing your head back, "And hes done a lot of bad things."
Jeno grinned, he was standing next to jaemin at the time laughing at you. In his perspective it was funny, but for you, it was not.
"Not gonna lie it was kind of funny, but I did feel a bit bad."
"Woah. You felt bad for me!? Who the hell are you?" You said dramatically making jeno throw his head back in laughter.
"Someone who actually has remorse," He looked you up and down before starting again, "for some people."
You huffed, "And to think you were becoming nice." Jeno giggled one last time but it quickly faded away when a hand slammed on the table.
Both of you looked up at the boy with jet black hair, he was none too happy with all your laughing and 'flirting', and wanted to interrupt it the best he could.
"Hey jeno," jaemin nodded his head in his friends direction, somehow managing to make his anger dissolve into a real smile.
"Whats up?" Jeno smiled.
You sat back staring at the two, jaemins eyes were locked onto jenos and his hand was still sitting there. They were like statues.
"Oh you know...working and watching you dumbasses flirt." Jaemin painfully grit his teeth, still holding a smile and you tried not to laugh.
Out of all things you found cute, it was jaemins poor attempt at trying not to be angry or jealous. It was like watching a rom-com but in real life.
"Its disgusting." Jaemin mumbled.
He turned towards you, but with no smile like you didn’t deserve one which in this case you was probably true since this was your idea in the first place.
"I've never seen you come here on your day off. Isn't that a bit strange?"
"Jeno wanted something sweet," you lied, "and we have the best sweets. What, can I not come here on my day off?” Man did jaemin find you annoying right now. It was getting to the point that talking to you was becoming a chore. Either he couldn’t talk to you because you ignored him or you started speaking in ways that made his eye twitch.
"You're gonna be in so much trouble later." Jaemin muttered low enough for you to hear. Jeno smirked at jaemins words too, knowing this was working way too well for you. "I should get back to work before irene gets mad and you guys should get going too."
You raised a brow, "And why is that?"
"Jeno always brings his dates home to fuck."
"If you're jealous then just say it." You growled.
Jaemin looked between you and a red faced jeno and snickered, "Im not jealous, I already had my turn." He winked and walked away leaving you and jeno staring at each other with wide eyes.
"I...feel like this didn’t go as we intended.." jeno laughed but with no emotion, almost in a sadistic way.
You puffed out your cheeks, not sure what to do now that jaemin was playing like this too.
"I should bring you back home." He started standing but you grabbed his hand to stop him.
"No wait.” He looked down at you, “Isn't there a party later?"
"Yeah?" jeno tilted his head, wondering why you’re asking this question when you never go to any of the frat party’s.
"Lucas is throwing it right?" Jeno nodded his head and you perked up, "Can we go?"
It was a strange request, you never wanted to go to any parties because you worked and studied whenever you felt the need to, so parties were never on your mind. But right now, you felt that a party is what you need. You've never been but it can't be that bad if you're with someone. And you even know the host so there should be other people you know too. It would be fun anyway.
"If you really want to, but you might lose me at some point."
"That’s okay," your face said otherwise, "I’ll try to find someone I know." It wasn’t likely that you would, but you knew that the main people who were going to go was hyuck and lucas. There was also jaehyun and johnny, the only thing was you didn’t know them as well as hyuck or lucas and ever talked to them a few times. They were nice, but you probably wouldn't go up to them and strike up a conversation.
"Alright then let's go, the party’s gonna start in like two hours. And seeing how long it took you just to get ready for this stupid date, you’re probably gonna need it." Jeno pulled you up by the hand that stopped him before, and you both walked out of the cafe.
You got into jenos car and put on your seat belt waiting patiently for him to drive off. The only problem was that he was busy on his phone, trying to find music to play.
"Don’t look at me like that." Jeno did a double take at your unamused face that clearly stated you wanted to leave so you can get ready for the party.
"Then pick a damn song and let's go." You smacked his thigh repeatedly causing him to groan and put his playlist on shuffle, driving off after hitting play. "See, that wasn’t so hard now was it?"
"Your’e annoying. I cant believe i even said yes to this fake dating thing. Now I see why jaemin didn’t respond."
"Hey that's not very nice," you pouted, "and don't make me think of that for God sake, its depressing."
"Good now shut up and let me drive." And so you did, letting just the music and jenos quiet singing be the only thing playing in your ears.
It was a quick ride anyway from your job to the apartment, jimin was doing his normal thing which was sitting on the couch shirtless and watching dramas. The little up and down he gave jeno wasn't unseen by you either, but you never commented as you walked by with a smirk.
Jeno was close behind you too almost like a lost puppy. He even sat on your bed and watched you apply a bit of make up for the party and lazily lounged about as you picked an outfit, not sure whether to go with an innocent pink flowy skirt, or black ripped jeans.
"I like the skirt better," jeno hoisted himself on the bed, "it gives me better access-"
"Don’t even think about it!" You whipped a pillow straight to his head, he wasn’t quick to dodge as it hit him perfectly where you wanted it to, "I’m about to choose the jeans."
The boy tilted his head as he pouted at the two choices in your hand, Jeno preferred the innocent look on women but this wasn’t for him--in fact it wasn’t for anyone except yourself, but he couldn’t stop from staring at the pretty baby pink skirt.
"How about you try them on and pick which one you think looks better on you." He smiled that eye smile of his after having a little war with himself.
You nodded your head and rushed to the bathroom to throw on one of the bottoms first.
Once you came back, you stood in front of jeno with the jeans on and checked yourself out in the mirror. It hugged your waist sweetly and complimented your legs well, but you didn’t think this was going to be the winner out of the two.
"Okay maybe a skirt would look better." You whispered loud enough for jeno to hear.
"Told you! Skirts suit you better anyways." Jeno sat against the headboard in victory as you went back to change into a skirt. The only thing left was a top, but jeno seemed to already have that covered when he threw a white laced bralette at your face. "This is cute." He made heart eyes at the bralette you held up.
"It is but don't you think it would show too much?" You questioned, though you couldn’t lie that you were a bit tempted to wear it though it did cut a bit low.
"Dude its fine, a lot of other girls wear way worse stuff than what I just gave you."
You decided to trust jenos words, and left to put on the shirt. Unsurprisingly it looked amazing with the skirt and your beautiful skin. So maybe jeno was good at picking clothes out, but you wouldn't tell him that.
After doing any last few touches you had, you and jeno left after saying goodbye to jimin, who was still checking jeno out, and left for the party.
"You’re not gonna change?" You wondered as you sat in the car.
Jeno shrugged and smiled, "I’m a guy so I don't care what I wear."
"Thats cap."
Jeno rolled his eyes and began driving to the destination. Sometime during the ride you snatched his phone to find a good song to play, ignoring the boy who whined as you took it from him.
After finding a song and placing the phone back down, you carelessly started belching the lyrics out to purposely irritate jeno who was struggling to not pull the car over and leave.
"Y/n, who sings this song?"
"Michael Jackson, why?"
"Please keep it that way."
"And we are here!!" Jeno slammed on his breaks and peacefully left the car as if he didn’t just insult your singing. You got out, a bit intimidated by the crowd of people standing outside dancing with drinks in hand while others smoked. Girls all in tight shirts that hugged them perfectly or the shorts that made their ass pop almost literally. Boys being boys by taking shots or chugging their beer in competitions. This was all new to you and somehow you found yourself clinging onto jenos arm like a little girl.
"Is it always this crowded?" You looked up waiting for his answer.
"Yeah but that's because it's lucas' party. He always knows how to bring people in," he looked around at some of the unfamiliar faces that were chilling by the entrance, "c’mon let's go inside."
Jeno dragged you in like you were the lightest thing and passed you a cup once at a table filled with drinks.
"Want something. Maybe a shot?" Jeno winked as you scoffed.
You looked between the variety of drinks, they were all too strong or too bitter for your liking because of your lack of drinking so it only made your face scrunch, "These are all disgusting."
"Oh come on! Don't tell me you're a light weight!" Jeno complained but needless to say he still grabbed your cup, barely filling it with some alcohol and handed it back.
You looked at the somewhat dark liquid and sniffed it. Not the sweetest scent, but it is what it is. Tilting your head back, you drank the small amount that jeno gave you and he watched with wide eyes as you coughed at the intense flavor. Something like a mix of cinnamon.
"...you just drank fireball.." jeno mumbled but you were still focused on the burning sensation in the back of your throat. It definitely isn’t a smooth drink and its fairly strong, something you can't take, but you shook the cup in his face for more, "Are you trying to get wasted?"
"Well we are at a party-"
"Y/NNN!!!!" A voice interrupted the conversation and you both turned to see none other than lucas himself running towards you with wide arms, two cups in hand, and a huge smile on his face. "I haven't seen you in so long!!" Lucas engulfed you in a bear crushing hug making jeno laugh behind you.
"You saw me last week." You said in his chest, still being crushed by the giant.
"That’s a long time for some people, be considerate man." Lucas let go, drinking out of the cup in his right hand. "So what brought you here? You never come to parties."
"I asked jeno-"
Lucas spat out his drink, "Jeno!?" He looked behind you to jeno smiling and waving at him. "I think i drank too much cuz im seeing shit." He stared into his drink.
Jeno chuckled and took the other drink out of lucas' hand, "You aren't seeing things." He started drinking from the cup and Lucas frowned watching the younger. "She just wanted to come with me for some reason."
Lucas looked at you and you nodded back, "Then now that you're here, get drunk so we can play games."
"More fireball?" Jeno lifted the bottle up and Lucas nodded.
"More fireball."
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You shouldn't have taken more than 2 shots of fireball. It was impossible for you to think straight, in fact, you found yourself sitting on jenos lap with him being equally as drunk, well, maybe not as bad but still pretty hammered. 
There were even times where you both would start flirting with no context. From someone else's point of view, it was probably funny, but to you and him, it was like you wanted to get into each others pants.
"Look," jeno lazily pointed over to the entrance where seulgi walked in with jaemin close behind. "I have a plan if you wanna do it."
"Hmm," you frowned at the two, jaemin was smiling at seulgi who was talking his ear off and giving him subtle flirtatious hints while she walked to the drink table, "Sure what is it?"
Smirking, jeno moved his hand lower on your waist, "Promise you won't kill me after this?"
"Depends on what you're gonna do."
Jeno reached to take a sip of beer, knowing that after this night he'd be throwing up from all the drinking, "Ill do it when he looks over."
A drunken pout sat on your face as you were so curious to know what he had in mind, but jeno still grinned at your behavior, rubbing up and down on your waist.
What shocked you the most was when jeno suddenly put his lips on yours. You've figured out by now that this was his plan so you didn't push him off.
Though you couldn't see it, jenos was staring into jaemins eyes as he smirked against your lips. It was like he beat jaemin at something and came up to the top for once. But you were too focused in making out with jeno to even notice the burning eyes in your back, watching as jeno gripped your hips and kissed you back hungrily like a devil. He tasted like alcohol and you couldn't say you were any sweeter, but maybe it was the intoxication that made you start to enjoy this moment a little more than you should’ve.
"W-what the hell...?" Jeno pulled back hesitantly looking behind you. Trying to look back, jeno took you by the face making you look at him, "Please only look at me."
"Whyyyy?" You leaned into his hand and jeno almost softened up but clenched his jaw in return.
"Drink some water." He changed the subject, handing you his bottle of water that he kept with him the entire time for whenever any of you needed it, and right now seemed like the time.
You swatted his hand away, almost spilling the water and started, "But I wanna look."
"Unless you want to see jaemin shoving his tongue down seulgis throat, I suggest you don’t."
"Hes what!??"
Jeno giggled like a little school girl probably from your furious face, "Its what you get, so don't even get mad when you do the same thing."
"But you’re the one who kissed me first, I only went along with it." Your growled and took a heavy chug from the water you pushed away. "I’m mad at you."
"Should’ve pushed me off."
"I figured you did it for a reason."
"Then don’t get mad."
"I- you- I'm gonna be mad!!"
Jeno rubbed his temples like you were the most infuriating thing known to man. He doesn't know how jaemin could put up with you and hes amazed how far he got with your antics. It was ticking him off but he didn't want to just drop you now, it was still somewhat fun.
"We should go dance." You looked towards the many groups of sweaty people grinding on each other, having a good time enjoying the party. You sighed, it would be fun you thought. 
Jeno perked up at your sudden mood change noticing how you weren't in the slightest mad anymore, now registering that you have mood swings when you're drunk or tipsy.
"I don’t dance."
"Don’t lie! You're literally a dancer, c’mon!" You got up off his lap and hoisted him up, bringing him to the dance floor. He placed his hands on your hips as you moved against him, just letting the music flow through you and let your body move on its own.
You didn’t actually care if jaemin saw you grinding on his best friend because right now, you were actually having fun. Maybe it was because you were wasted or maybe it was because of the excitement and happiness here that made you love it so much. Either way, you found joy just dancing with jeno.
"Isn't this fun?" You moved your head to smirk at him, but jeno seemed a bit uncomfortable.
"Maybe if you weren't grinding on me, I'd say yes, but right now it's a hard no."
You knew what he meant and that’s why you pushed back a bit. Stopping when he gripped your hips in a way that hurt a bit.
"Stop it y/n." He whispered in your ear.
You whined and said, "Make me." Jeno stood back, not sure what to do right now. He may be a fuck boy but he has boundaries. Plus you’re drunk and don’t know what you’re saying.
"We should go home."
"But I wanna dance and have fun with you!!" You voice came out slurred and jeno automatically took another step back.
"Not gonna happen, you’re wasted." Grabbing your hand, he walked towards the front door so he could bring you home, but of course this would be the perfect time for jaemin to stop him.
"Whats wrong with her?" His voice was laced with concern seeing your current state; droopy eyes, and a way too happy smile.
"Shes drunk so I’m taking her back home." Jeno tried walking passed but jaemin stopped him again. If jeno wasn’t as drunk or tispy, jaemin probably would’ve let him bring you back, but jaemin couldn’t be so sure and wanted you safe. Plus, he may or may not be a bit mad at jeno.
"No stay, I can bring her back." Jaemin pushed, not because he wanted to show you discipline for the last few days, but because he was genuinely worried for your current state.
"What about seulgi?"
Jaemin looked back at the girl who was now talking with some of her friends, clearly not paying attention or taking notice of his disappearance. "She'll be fine." He brushed it off, "Lemme take y/n."
It took a few seconds for jeno to let go of your hand and stand back for jaemin to take you before you fell over. But he was so gentle with you, and because of that jeno was sure jaemin wouldn’t do anything bad to you.
"Be careful." Jeno said, jaemin nodded back and walked away with you slightly stumbling down the stairs just after he said that.
You started giggling at yourself while jaemin was actually struggling to keep you up. Somehow though, he made it to the car before you tripped and out your seat belt on before climbing in the drivers seat.
"Nana, where are we going?" You slurred.
Jaemin smiled at the little nickname you never used, "To my house if that’s fine with you."
"Your house is nice." Leaning against the window, you rested your head as you started zoning out.
Jaemin didn't mind though, he wanted you to get some rest, at least before he got to his house so he could put you to bed. But it wasn't like you'd sleep for long because the drive was only 5 minutes. 
When jaemin started carrying you out, that was when you started putting up a fight. Not only was jaemin try his best to not get angry, but he also tried to reason with himself when you started whining and pushing him away. Either sweet talk or show who's in charge.
"Y/n please cut it out, I’m just bringing you to my room." Jaemin groaned, struggling to keep you still in his arms.
"But I wanna walk."
"You can barely walk right now."
You didn’t care and continued moving around and kicking his arms away trying to get him to put you down, but just like you--he was stubborn and he carried you the whole way to his bed.
Softly putting you down, he went to grab some clothes for you. When he came back you already discarded your skirt and were about to take your bralette off until jaemin stopped you.
"What are you doing?" He pulled your hand away from the strap.
"I wanna play with you."
Jaemin shook his head at your sad face and pulled your body closer to his so he could start getting you changed, "Its almost 3am and you're drunk." but you whined once he rejected you.
“So what? Im still giving you my consent anyway.” You said, smiling at him as he took your top off, quickly putting a shirt on to cover you up. He wondered how you could wear such a tight top without feeling uncomfortable.
“You're not giving me full consent, y/n. I’m not gonna take advantage of you.” He stepped away after dressing you. Jaemin had only put a shirt on you and just left you in your underwear since it seemed the most comfortable. 
Jaemin changed too, only wearing sweatpants and no shirt because he was most comfortable that way himself, and crawled into bed with you. Somehow you found yourself already snuggled into his chest, breathing in his delicious cologne.
“Goodnight nana.” you mumbled into his chest.
“Goodnight princess,” jaemin hesitated for a second before speaking again, “nana loves you.”
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You woke up to a painful headache and an empty bed. You knew where you were at least, but didn’t know how you got here. The last think you remembered was sitting with lucas, jeno and some other people playing a game of beer pong. That was probably when you got hammered, but why where you at jaemins house?
As much as you wanted to sit up and go find jaemin, your headache is what kept you in bed.
“Jaemin!!” You screamed, the sound of feet came running up the stairs.
“What is it? Are you okay? Do you need water? Medicine?” Question after question and jaemin seemed worried at your distressed state.
“Medicine and water would be nice actually.” You murmured and jaemin was already on his way to get what you needed.
Jaemin handed you two pills and a glass of ice water. You thanked him and took them, swallowing both the pills and the water at the same time.
“Do you need anything else?” His face still held concern and you almost wondered why he wasn’t mad at you like he had been for the past few days. Though you easily brushed it off as a sign that maybe he let you off the hook.
“No I’m good now.” You shook your head causing jaemin to sigh in relief and fall on the bed next to you. He gave you space, letting you cuddle and wrap yourself up in his blankets assuming that you were trying to find ways to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. And as much as he wanted to hold you, he was almost too scared to. It was funny really. Jaemin; the most out-going yet introverted person ever, was too scared to touch you right now.
Maybe it was his feelings getting the best of him or maybe he was too scared to finally fall in love with someone hes afraid of hurting in the end.
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Hey! I love your posts!! It's my birthday, so could I get something about Bruno, Illuso, Melone, and Risotto on their s/o's birthday? SFW or NSFW or both! Whatever works!!! ❤💜
Hello there, darling!! Even if I’m late *deep breath* HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY!! ❤️❤️❤️
Bruno Bucciarati, Illuso, Melone and Risotto Nero on their s/o’s birthday
Bruno Bucciarati
For his s/o’s birthday, Bruno will take a free day: the city will surely survive if, for one day, he doesn’t patrol it. His goal is to spend really quality time with his s/o, since he works almost all day six days out seven. At least on their birthday he wants to just stay with them.
He even unplugs his phone, in order to not be bothered. The day is dedicated to spoil his s/o in all and for all, from the moment they open their eyes to the instant they close them.
In the morning, he stays in bed to cuddle them for long time. Usually he gets up early, after a tender kiss on their lips, but now he can wake them up properly with kisses, cuddles and soft words. After they both are satisfied and full of cuddles, they get up and Bruno, for lunch, takes them to a relaxing and familiar place, where they can enjoy the meal with ease, chit-chatting and softly holding and caressing their hands, lost in each other’s eyes.
In the afternoon, Bruno will do everything they want to, from just a simple walk to visit a museum or to go to the sea. it’s their day, he’s up to please them as best as he can.
In the evening, then, he leads them to a little restaurant by the sea, the one where they went to on their first date. Here, after another delicious meal, he gives them his gift, hidden in one of his zippers: something that they desired for long time and that he had all the intentions to give them.
For the day he does his best to be free from every kind of mission. Even if he’s really discrete in showing his love -he’s not a cuddler like Melone nor a gremlin like Ghiaccio- he’d get out of his way to be more affectionate than usual.
They wake up with the delicious aroma of coffee in their nostrils and, knowing that he’s indeed at home, they smile, getting up and reaching him. Illuso welcomes them with a warm hug and a kiss, murmuring a “happy birthday” on their lips.
Illuso is up to do everything they’d like to, even if he’d prefer something discrete; he doesn’t like crowd and exposed places -even more if there aren’t reflective surfaces around-; his s/o knows it, so they propose something that both could enjoy.
They end up doing a pic-nic in one of Naples’ many parks, where there are less people, enjoying the warm sun and the nature quietness. He’d let them nap on his lap, softly brushing their hair and forehead, allowing himself to let down the guard for a second, watching them with soft eyes full of affection.
Once back home, they prepare dinner together, chit-chatting and joking, in a relaxed atmosphere. Finally, when they’re both chilling on the balcony, he gives them a little hand mirror and from it Man in the Mirror pops up, offering them the gift that Illuso had bought for them, making them chuckle at this original way to give them it.
Everybody knows that it’s his s/o’s birthday at least since a couple of weeks. Melone is so excited to celebrate it! He knows that, due to his work, he has to stay away even for many days, leaving them alone, and he wants to make up for this at least a little, spoiling them for all the day.
In the morning, he wakes them up with breakfast in bed. He smiles devotedly at their adorable sleepy smile and murmured a soft “Buongiorno, tesoro”. He can’t restrain himself from hugging them with enthusiasm, making them laugh, and cuddling them while they eat, feeding each other with biscuits and fruit and exchanging smooches and lovely whispers.
When they’re done, Melone dedicates the rest of the day to spoil them: he goes out with them and if -and when- they see something they really like, from a rare book to a dress to a tech, he buys it for them, smiling at their smooch on his cheek.
When they’re tired and back home, Melone dedicates the remaining time to relax them, gently and expertly massaging them. The delicate scent of massage oil, the light breeze that enters from the opened window and the warmth of his strong hands that gently work on every sore spot make them relax to the point that they almost fall asleep. When he’s done, they’re way more relaxed and full of energy!
Risotto Nero
As leader of an élite squad and one of top assassins of all Italy, Risotto is often out due to work. Depending by the target, it could require just few hours or more days. Then, he has papers and bureaucratic shit that oblige him to stay hours at his desk, even to late night; he’s grateful for his understanding s/o, but he feels a sting of guilt every time he thinks about his s/o alone at home.
So, when they ask him, as birthday gift, just to stay with them for the day, he immediately organizes everything with Prosciutto, in order to leave the team, for a day, on his hands with the certainty that, the day after, he’ll find them all alive.
He’s the first to wake up. His s/o is tightly wrapped around him, ,their breath soft and warm on his collarbone. He closes his eyes again, allowing himself too to relax a bit and relish in his s/o’s warmth like he rarely can do. When they wake up the first thing they feel are Risotto’s soft caresses on their hair and back and, smiling, they hug him tighter, happy beyond imagination to have him with them. As long as they want to stay in bed, he stays with them, showing a softer and more tender side, gently kissing them and allowing them to pet his hair and caress his face, while softly talking. He loves as much as them these moments of peace, a break from his dark world.
The day is mostly spent in each other’s arms. They cook lunch and dinner together, in a peaceful silence, and they spend the left time listening to music, reading, enjoying every single moment together. Knowing that they will not have much time like this, they try to savour it as much as they can.
When darkness finally falls, they go out to take a walk. Darkness is his element and he feels safer when it envelopes him and his s/o. They can, so, take a peaceful walk without being bothered by anyone, enjoying the quietness and the unique beauty of the city during nighttime. Once back home, Risotto gives them his gift: something meaningful and well-pondered, discrete like him, that would always remind them of him.
(Under the cut for the NSFW part!)
Bruno Bucciarati
The night is dedicated to his s/o’s pleasure. Bruno takes his time, slowly undressing them and tracing a path of kisses on every inch of exposed skin, sending shivers down their spine and murmuring praises over praises, making their heart flutter with love and lust.
The foreplay would be longer than usual. He has a skillful tongue and he would put it at good use, teasing, making them a hot trembling mess. Just now he gives in, finally allowing them to reach the climax, the first of many.
He makes love with them slowly and languidly, allowing both of them to savour each thrust. He wants to make it even more special, since it’s their birthday, and be sure that they are not going to forget this night soon.
Aftercare would be affectionate beyond imagination. After having cleaned up, the couple lays under the blankets, nestled on each other’s arms, cuddling and exchanging lovely kisses for good part of the night, not willing to call it a day and go back to normality.
Illuso is more than ready to make this night unforgettable. They actually start to make out right after dinner; Illuso catches them, when they jump in his arms, lowly chuckling at their impatience, and he sits them on the table, spreading their legs to better press his body on theirs.
He slowly makes his way down their torso, kissing and biting, while caressing and squeezing their thighs, calling them with pet-names like tesoro, amore, beautiful, my light, cuore mio, making them shiver and their heart beat faster both due to lust and sheer love. He puts his mouth at their service, not stopping until they’re literally screaming his name and bucketing their hips on his grinning face.
Just then he quickly undresses, picking their trembling and whimpering body up and carrying them to their bedroom as fast as he can, to make love on a comfortable surface. He doesn’t want them to wake up with an aching back!
Melone’s overwhelming care and affection will be present also in bedroom. Or, better, bathroom: after dinner he prepares for them a good hot bath full of wonderfully scented bubbles, the type of bath that makes his s/o squeal of happiness. And so does his s/o, undressing in record time and sliding in the tub, with a blissful sigh, making him chuckle.
He immediately follows them, sliding behind them and bringing them close to his chest, relishing in their bare skin under his hands and their touches. Touches leads to kisses and kisses to more touches and in a blur of bubbles his s/o finds themselves with their back on his chest, his hands between their legs and his mouth on their neck, sucking and biting their tender flesh, smirking at their more and more intense moans.
After a while, however, his s/o gets control, turning around and climbing on his lap, smashing their lips on his, roughly riding him, helped by his enthusiastic hands. They reach soon their climax, arching against each other, their lips still sealed to muffle each other’s moans. His hands don’t leave their hips or ass, which he has almost bruised.
They stay a bit more in the tub, catching their breath and relaxing in the bubbles after the bliss, finally satisfied. If they’re not tired, once out of the tub, Melone would hug them from behind, carrying them to another spicy session, this time on bed.
Risotto Nero
It all starts after he gives them their present. They almost launch themselves to kiss him, sliding their hands under his hat to sink their fingers in his soft locks, while he smirks a little on their lips, pulling them fully on his lap and letting his hands roam on their back and and navel, hungry for more.
He carries them to their bedroom, losing at every step a garment, leaving more space for their hungry hands to explore. Once finally in bed, he immediately lets his lips go down on their throat, where he starts to mark them, as he wished to do since long, lavishing every inch of their body with his attentive and affectionate lips. In the end, they’re a whimpering, trembling mess who’s searching for relief.
And so, they “forcefully” roll him on his back, while he huffs, amused, and climb on his lap, sighing when they finally find their relief. Risotto usually is the dominant one, but, since it’s a special day, he lets them take the lead, admiring with half-lidded eyes their movements on top of him, guiding them with his hands on their hips.
When they finally reach their climax, he hugs them tightly to his chest, catching his breath with them and relishing in their sweet warmth, softly brushing their marked skin with his fingers. If they aren’t too tired, Risotto is absolutely up for more rounds, desiring with all his might to make that night unforgettable and to make them feel loved and satiated.
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fatenista · 4 years
Welcome to the World my dearest son. Nadashi Siripatana, was born on Saturday February, 1st, 2020 Sydney, Australia. 
Let’s throwback a bit before it all began. I remember by the time we got here in early of May 2019, we were getting settled, adjusting new daily routines and managing our lives in all perspectives. From getting a cozy home to choosing the good-enough private health insurance. After we got all these and felt quite settled with our (financial) situation, I realize I was late. Before we did the test, we were pretty okay and not panicked if we were to expect another child. We were mentally ready and I was physically ready to deal with pregnancy again. Except, $$$ that we were quite worried. But Alhumdullilah, it was manageable. Of course, unlike in Saudi, we were insured. But here, a day after we got insurance, we knew we were expecting. I called my insurance company and unfortunately, they only cover birth & pregnancy after 12-month of waiting period. In Saudi we had BUPA insurance, in here they also got BUPA but the coverage is not the same as in Saudi. In Saudi, I got there less than 3 months and pregnancy & birth was fully covered. (How we missed Middle East lol) After that, I couldn’t wait to find out. So off we went to Royal Hospital for Women (10 mins walk from our house) and set appointment to meet with the midwife in my 14th week. If you have a normal pregnancy here, you will not meet your midwife and your GP (from any clinic of your choice). The OB-GYN doctors are for high risk pregnancy only, it makes sense. My whole pregnancy check-up, I managed to meet GP twice and 5 times with my midwife. 
After we been living here for almost a year, Australia work and life balance is at its best. Most people I know or talked to, works 3 days a week at office and the rest work from home or not working at all. This way, both parents got to spend time with kids not only on weekend but also on weekdays. No wonder when I first came here and brought Insha to the park, there are some dads who brought kids to playground and do all mom’s jobs. It’s a new normal for us. I was also surprised knowing that the nurses at the hospital works 3 days a week only and with total of 36 hours a week. Isn’t that great? 
Nadashi at 20th week ultrasound
With this pregnancy, I was craving for all the sweets and chocolate mousse in the first half of my human-incubation period. Until I had my sugar tested and surprise surprise! I had pregger diabetes (GDM;Gestational Diabetes Mellitus) and I had to stop all sweets, no white rice nor white bread, control my diet and lots of walk and prenatal yoga. My midwife appointed me to meet with the group for women with GDM and really, Australia has a very impressive health care system. You will feel that they really care about you. They don’t want you risking by having a too-large baby and ended up with C-section. Ahh, I don’t want it too. So I was extra careful with my diet though it was such a torture to not eat what I craved for when pregnant. 
12-hour before getting into labour!
Birth time! Insha was born right on her due date at 40 weeks, so I didn’t expect Nadashi to want to come out earlier than week 39th. A day before I was in labour, we went downtown Sydney and I was walking like I’m still far from baring child. But walking a lot also naturally induce the labour. 
At 6am in the morning next day (Feb, 1st), I was lying in bed after a constant trips to the toilet. I felt my water broke and then contraction started literally 3-5 minutes apart (already? I thought it’d start at every 20 minutes or 10 at first but 3-5 mins right away). I kid myself that ‘Nuhh, not yet. I’m too sleepy to be in labour now” I was sure that it wasn’t Braxton hicks because it was repeated and also hurt like hell. I decided to wait to see another 30 minutes and it was the same. Oh man! he’s coming, he’s really coming!
Then I called “Delivery Suit” at hospital and explained my situation. They asked me to take hot shower and have breakfast and then come to the hospital. So I did, but I couldn’t eat because the contraction got stronger and more painful that it hurts like my pelvis being crushed by a tractor. I woke Adil and Insha, “We need to go to hospital now. Nadashi is coming” .. my last-day-only-child then said “It’s February already?” Haha, yep, she knew Nadashi will come in February. We walked to hospital. It was 8am. when we were walking I had like 5-6 contractions along the way. Ain’t I crazy. 
Delivery Suit
Delivery Suit
At hospital (8am), Delivery Suit. One of the on-duty midwife (Kim) welcomed me right at the door. Everything felt so calm and quiet. Kim brought me straight to our delivery room. A spacious purple room, big windows that we could see UNSW, bathroom attached, birthing ball and fully quipped suit for delivery. I wasn’t ready to be honest with all the birth thing (again) but at the same time, I also couldn’t wait to meet my new lover.
    I had Kim and Nicole assisted me at the first stage of getting into labour. That time I was wondering how far along was my dilation because I needed the most magical thing in my life, Epidural. I asked Kim that I need an epidural and she checked I was 3cm. dilated. With Insha, I had epi at 5cm. which is good timing not too early and not too late. But with the 2nd birth, I figured it dilated quicker so I decided to have it asap. Of course, there’s lot of consent to be made due to the possible (1 in 10) side effects. I consent, I consent, I consent. I couldn’t stand any more pain from this. It crushed me. I thought I could do better this time round, but no, it’s such a trauma to feel it again. I cried few times to be honest. How can women, other women, handle this pain without any drugs? You really are super super human. 
 Delivery SuitI had Kim and Nicole assisted me at the first stage of getting into labour. That time I was wondering how far along was my dilation because I needed the most magical thing in my life, Epidural. I asked Kim that I need an epidural and she checked I was 3cm. dilated. With Insha, I had epi at 5cm. which is good timing not too early and not too late. But with the 2nd birth, I figured it dilated quicker so I decided to have it asap. Of course, there’s lot of consent to be made due to the possible (1 in 10) side effects. I consent, I consent, I consent. I couldn’t stand any more pain from this. It crushed me. I thought I could do better this time round, but no, it’s such a trauma to feel it again. I cried few times to be honest. How can women, other women, handle this pain without any drugs? You really are super super human. 
Finally! Epidural time
At around 10am, the anesthesiologist came. She brought papers with her and explained everything to me (exactly like in Saudi) and I consent to every words said. Only this time round, the procedure is quite different. And I must say, it is better than the Saudi one. The one I had in Saudi was all at once injection. The needle was 4 inches long and really thick one stuck into my spine. My lower body felt all numb after that in less than 2 minutes and I couldn’t even lift my legs. It was amazing to not feel any labour pain at all but I think it’s better to at least feel something without any pain.
Here, they connected the epidural tube on the built-in wall and attached some needle to my back. I don’t remember where exactly but there was something like a locket hanging on my shoulder which passed epidural into me every 20-40 minutes. Every time it kicked in, it felt chilly a bit. At first, I felt no contraction pain but a bit of pressure at my bottom (bearable) and then the other was feeling a bit like small menstrual cramp. Anyway, epidural delayed delivery time. So from 10am, I was scrolling my phone, chatting, netflixing, and was napping till around 3pm. then Kim came in and said that looking from heart rate and other things (from machine) I was almost 10cm dilated. We should get ready to have little bub come out around 3.45pm or so. How exciting! Adil and Insha went out to the playground and came back once I told them we’re so ready for Nadashi! 
“Okayy, you’re contracting now, PUSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Kim asked me to have our first push. I did feel small cramp which without epidural, I would feeling being struck by a train and cut myself in 2, literally dying. We tried several times and I took so many deep breathes but Nadashi and my body did not cooperate well. We tried for like 20 mins or so and unsuccessful but baby was still happy not in distress. Then, we needed doctor to come and see the situation. He said that the baby’s head is down and he was curling to the side. His spine was on the side when it supposed to be against your tummy. So, he re-positioned the baby. (Imagine, putting all hand inside the move him from the inside. Oh lord. I felt nothing only pressure without pain while he changed his position. I was exhausted from all the pushing (many times) almost an hour later, doc said, okay, if it’s not coming out this time, we might need to cut lil’bit. I was thinking .. no way. okay, i’ll be pushing all my energy out now so I don’t need that cut just to let him out, nooooo!” This time, I did pushed really hard and I could feel the ball shape was coming out then deep breathe and that long push from the body and then deep breathe that last push till all body parts are out! Like I mentioned, my lower part wasn’t all numb it just no pain from contraction, so I could feel the baby human was coming out. It’s still a trauma. really big trauma. I can’t . I don’t want to do it anymore but maybe one more .. after I saw him for the first time and fell in love all over again. Alhumdullilah for everything. At 4.42pm. healthy baby boy, weight 3.2kg, 52cm in length. was finally out into the world. 
In Australia, normally if you have normal child delivery and there’s no complication, you can leave hospital after 6 hours of delivery. I had to stay at least 48 hours because during pregnancy I had GDM so they had to monitor baby’s sugar level. Me and Nadashi spent one night in the hospital and I asked the nurse if we could go home next day because after 24 hours checking his blood pricking test, it was all fine and if I have to,I can prick him at home. I also told the nurse frankly that we’re not covered by insurance so within the deposit limit, I’d prefer to stay one night only. Then she said, the Pediatrician will come check Nadashi and she’ll see if we could go home. Alhumdulillah, all is well so we all went home on the 2nd evening. 
   Alhumdulillah, all is well and it’s time to go home!
   Not only great service from Royal Hospital for Women, we also got NSW Baby Bundle full of baby essentials! (worth of $300); Baby playmat, first aid, room temperature indicator, baby Australian books, nappy cream, hand sanitizer, changing mat, baby swaddle, baby sleeping bag, baby milestones card, breast-pad, diaper bag.
Once we’re home, my personal midwife who I’ve visited during prenatal check-up come visit us at home. One day after deliver and the other 2 days during first week post-delivery. Overall, to check my health and baby’s. Checking baby’s weight, baby jaundice, checking on how he latch, checking my recovery etc.
   After few days home, hospital also contacted us to have a heading test for Nadashi. 
    I’m not sure if Nadashi is a good baby or it’s just my biological clock that got used to the wake up in middle of night. But he could sleep longer than Insha as far as I remember. Insha was every 2 hours and Nadashi sleeps 3-5 hours. I even had few dreams before I woke up and realized that I’m a newborn mom, I have to wake him up to feed now. He’s just a deep sleeper! 
   Thanks for reading about my first week of life. I hope you all have a blessing days ahead.
How much it cost for out-patient delivery cost (For temporary research activity visa 408); 
Midwife consulting A$147 (6 visits) 
GP visit A$90 and A$60 (twice) 
Ultrasound at week 20th A$270 
Blood test and glucose testing was covered by our private insurance 
Delivery package (A night stay) A$1,383 
GDM consult A$77
*The hospital required us to pay deposit of $6,000 2-month before month of admission. 
 You Are My Sonshine, Nadashi Welcome to the World my dearest son. Nadashi Siripatana, was born on Saturday February, 1st, 2020 Sydney, Australia. 
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joyandeggs · 5 years
For the headcanon ask (I'm sorry I'm so annoying): Shoot, Killua, Kite, Flash, and Metal Bat!
Oh my gosh, Meve! You are not annoying at all. You encourage me to do these everytime! ❤ Also, I did not realize how difficult these questions were going to be, even if I know the characters well. The music one really got me stuck since I kept thinking of my favorite songs for them. There are probably way better answers others can come up with, but I had fun writing all of these! A little too much fun, actually. 💌
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: I did not realize how difficult this question was going to be for me. I always think about music that reminds me of him, and songs I associate with him through music I love, but what he would listen to... Hm. I honestly feel like he would love a variety of music, especially 80s rock and pop. Both Japanese and English! Hotel California Okay that one is a joke. Songs like Always Something There To Remind Me by Naked Eyes, and Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears, he would enjoy songs with a good beat to bob your head to, or softer songs that are perfect for relaxing. And love songs! This is just me being self-indulgent, but I think Shoot would really like love songs. Songs like I Love You So by Junko Ohashi, especially. A lot of those old 80s and 90s Japanese songs I think he and Knuckle both would like a lot.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: This question makes me think of drunk Shoot. Whenever he goes drinking with Morel and Knuckle, he tends to get very sluggish and sleepy, so he'll fall asleep if he's not careful. But he will pass out on the floor, on the couch, anywhere he can lie down when they get home. I can imagine Knuckle gets up in the morning still half asleep, and he just trips on Shoot's dead body to land face first on the floor with him. Knuckle tries to make sure he's at least in a bed or on a couch before he leaves him be after that.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Hm... I feel like with any sport, specifically volleyball and baseball, he would be incredible at. Shoot has those hands though, so he's a bit of a cheater. 😛 But he is really good at physical sports. Volleyball, baseball, and even tennis he would be great at. Even when he doesn't use the extra hands he has.
The emoticon they'd use most often: Would Shoot use emojis? Hm... I think he would rarely. Maybe if he couldn't send a full text to Knuckle or whoever, he would do a thumbs up. He would send a simple smiley face every now and then, or some silly ones if he were feeling playful. He just wouldn't use them all the time.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: Shoot can be a bit annoyed, but really he is just out of it. Compared to Knuckle, he wouldn't be as irritable. Trying to wake up, he'll just be a bit sluggish and sleepy. He's probably use to it though since for work who knows how much time he has to spend awake and doing something.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Green tea, or a nice coffee! I've always had this idea in my head that he enjoys matcha, I don't know why. But Shoot would always be down for coffee. Always down for a cup of coffee. ☕❤
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: I can honestly see Shoot just...sitting on the couch under a giant blanket reading a book or watching tv. Maybe even taking a nap. If he's in a slump and doesn't want to go anywhere nor do anything, he'll just want to stay home. Doing chores and cleaning also helps. There are times he'll just jump up and get out of the house to clear his head. Go for a quiet walk for some fresh air. And he would definitely not mind at all if a good friend or a significant other wanted to try and cheer him up, or just keep him company when he's not feeling his best. Shoot may come off as cold when he's not in the best mood, but he is nothing but thankful. Honestly, he enjoys that more than just being down in the dumps alone. There's no reason to be that way.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: I always think about possible backstories for both Knuckle and Shoot, and why they wanted to become hunters. I kind of have an idea in mind for Knuckle, but what about Shoot? I think...whenever he was young, he wanted to be stronger. So in order to become stronger, along with trying to have a better life, he decided on becoming a hunter. Really, he was curious on exploring and traveling the world. He didn't know about becoming a hunter until he was older, like how I imagine Knuckle went about it.
Their favorite kind of weather: Shoot seems to enjoy both the cold and the hot weather. I feel like he would enjoy the cooler weather, especially when it's fall, when he doesn't have to worry about getting too hot in his clothing and pouring sweat while out and about. Wants to be comfortable bundling up a bit for the cold rather than barely wearing a thing if it's hot. He would definitely enjoy the lovely sunny days during the summer though! He likes the fresh air and sunshine. I could also see him love the cold and soft rainy days though, without a doubt. It is incredibly relaxing.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): Y'all have literally no idea how much I think about Shoot singing. 💞 So...I listen to Yuuji Ueda all the time, and of course my mind always wonders back to Shoot. Shoot's voice is naturally deep, so I imagine that he sings lowly, but he can get his voice higher if he wanted. I can't imagine Shoot singing out loud or in front of others, he seems too shy for the idea. But one song I definitely hear Shoot's voice in is Lost. Ueda's voice in that is so...lovely. It sounds so romantic. And this is so silly, but I do think of Shoot in songs that Ueda sings higher in, like ヒヤシンス (Hyacinth) or...Next Door. Ahhh, don't even get me started on the Tokimemo games he's been in. I still lose my mind over how he sang songs and voiced characters in those games. There's also Daydream, which is a softer song. It's so...lovely. It sounds romantic. This is one of the first songs I ever listened to when I discovered that he was a singer. I still love it to this day a year later. 💓
(I apologize for rambling an answer out for this. If I have any chance to take time and gush about Yuuji Ueda, I absolutely will. I love him so much. I still can't believe he voices Shoot, like what a dream. I'm happy I got the perfect opportunity to gush about him. ❤)
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Whenever I first read this question while writing, I imagined Shoot doodling flowers. Oh, maybe stars! When he's working on the computer and having to write, he'll just doodle some stars in the margins of his paper while he works. Now all I can see is him drawing hands. Could you imagine?
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: I think Killua would enjoy rock music a lot! As for specific songs though... Hm. I'll have to look some up. He seems very 2000s alternative or rock to me, like Basket Case by Green Day, or The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls. Songs with that particular sound. The Blue Hearts by Hito ni Yasashiku is his style of music. Just the way that it sounds, and the best that it has.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: Killua could sleep in a desk chair at home, or sleep on a bench somewhere in the park. He could literally fall asleep anywhere if he were tired enough.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Oh, Smash Bros.! He would definitely love playing a fighting game like Smash, even though Gon would definitely destroy him at it.
The emoticon they'd use most often: The two emotions that remind me of him are 😈 and 😸. The cat emojis definitely. I can see him using a lot of the cat emojis if he were texting Gon or Alluka.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: For Killua, he would be just plain grumpy. Just grumpy, grumbling about how tired he was, and wishing that he was in a bed instead of awake.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Honestly, a mug of hot chocolate would be perfect for him on a cooler day. Coffee is too bitter, so of course he would love a hot chocolate.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: When he isn't feeling the best, he escapes from everything to walk somewhere secluded and quiet to clear his head. Training, or even fighting/sparring would help him as well to get his mind off of his bad mood.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: This is difficult for me to answer. Growing up in the family he was in, and even when he took the exam in the beginning of Hunter x Hunter, I'm pretty sure he really wanted to be something other than an assassin. So in order to kind of sway away from the family business, he decided on completeling the hunter exam, and he figured he would go from there to figure out what he really wanted to be in life. He's still young. He has plenty of time to figure out everything.
Their favorite kind of weather: He enjoys the summer and spring! He doesn't mind the cooler seasons, but when he can be out and about in the fresh air of summer or spring is his favorite time of the year.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): I actually looked up his character song to listen to it, and I love it. Killua has a nice singing voice! If I had to be specific, he is very inbetween high and low. His voice doesn't go too high nor too low.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: I can imagine his doodling lightening bolts, different shapes and squiggles, little things like that.
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: Even though he is acquainted with a little technology, this man doesn't have a music player of any kind. But he would love quite a lot of music. Classical, jazz, instrumental tracks are his favorites since they're so soothing.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: In trees! Even on random tree logs around, or just in a patch of grass. He could fall asleep in a patch of flowers. Sad to say that he has fallen asleep in many different places he really shouldn't have, but that's what happens when you're constantly traveling and on the move.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Hm... I was trying to think of a video game, but do you think this man has ever played a game in his life? I could see him being good at different card games, if he played with playing cards. Or playing something like chess or shogi. If he tried to learn it all, I bet he would enjoy it.
The emoticon they'd use most often: I'm not sure if Kite would use emoticons of any kind. I could see him as one of those people who doesn't use smiley faces or text launguage at all, even though he'll do the occasional ":)". It would be very rare.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: Kite is just quieter than usual, trying to get himself to not be so sleepy. If someone tries to poke fun or talk his ear off or anything, then he will get a bit snippy. He's an old man, he needs his sleep.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Coffee. He really enjoys a good cup of black coffee, maybe with a bit of milk. He would enjoy a hot cup of black or oolong tea though, too.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: A really long, warm soak in the bath or in a natural hot spring. Something about a bath really makes your troubles melt away.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: I think Kite really wanted to become a hunter growing up. Since he never really had a solid home to go to, along with always running around with nowhere to really be, he was meant to explore. He was meant to become a hunter and keep going. His curiosity of the world helped in that.
Their favorite kind of weather: I feel like he's easily cold, since he's always wearing a hat, a long sleeved top, and sometimes the occasional cover up. He likes the summer, especially on warm and breezy days. Absolutely would love the summer just because of how lovely the early sunrises are. Not too cold, not too hot.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): The heartbreaking thing about this question is that Shuichi Ikeda has never sang any songs before. 💔 Which is a real shame because his voice is really nice. However, going on how nice Kite's voice sounds, he would have a lovely singing voice. He may be off key or not get certain notes right at first, he has fun singing or humming to himself. No one else has heard him sing.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Kite is an artist through photography, not as much as drawing or doodling. I could see him trying to sketch out various animals and creatures he comes across during work after snapping some photos. Even doodles of some bugs, despite not being a big fan of them. The bugs, mostly.
Flashy Flash
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: Flashy Flash is probably into a lot of classical music as well as traditional Japanese music. I honestly don't know of any specific songs he would have on his phone or anything.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: I could see him accidentally dozing off during an HA meeting, if it was particularly boring. Other than that, he would fall asleep in a really high up branch of a shady tree.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Fencing! Oh could you imagine him in a round of fencing? I think he would be pretty good at it. He is a very talented swordsman.
The emoticon they'd use most often: He definitely reminds mr of the sparkle emoji. He might use that one from time to time, dare I say if he was feeling flashy. ✨
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: Flash can be very stoic and groggy. He may be use to working and training for long periods of time, but his mind will feel blank and his body will feel heavy. If you try speaking to him when he's this way, he may or may not hear you right away.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: He enjoys a cup of tea with honey. No matter what tea, he will drink it.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: I could see him meditating to ease himself and calm his thoughts. Maybe underneath a waterfall, or in a secluded forest away from civilization.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: From what I know about Flashy Flash, he seems like he wanted to become a hero in order to get away from the village he grew up in. He just wanted to live better.
Their favorite kind of weather: I can see him really liking the spring and summer seasons. When it's starting to get warm and sunny, with some nice rainy days, he enjoys the beauty of it.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): I'm actually going to look up his voice actor really quick, I don't remember who voices him. Oh Kousuke Toriumi is a singer! Oh my gosh, his singing voice is super smooth and nice, I like it a lot. Flashy Flash would definitely have a smooth singing voice. He never sings out loud, but if he's listening to any music, he will hum and sing notes to himself with it.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: He doesn't seem like the type of person to doodle to me. I'm honestly not sure if he would.
Metal Bat
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: I feel like Metal Bat is just a younger version of Knuckle honestly, so he would definitely love listening to a lot of different music. All of it is upbeat, most of it being love songs and 80s or 90s music. I feel like he would be a huge sucker for love songs. I'm actually going to put I Give You My... and 明日の篝火 by Wataru Hatano. I honestly see Metal Bat's style in the way that he does his music, and I love it way too much. ❤ Other songs... I definitely see him listening to songs like Hard To Say No and Sexy Socialite by Chromeo. They are absolutely his style, one hundred percent. 💓
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: He has probably fallen asleep during an HA meeting if it were just that boring enough. Has also fallen asleep during his classes. He doesn't mean to though. How is he suppose to get decent sleep if he keeps getting calls in the middle of the night?
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Baseball! Of course he would be perfect at it. And he would be great at video games, too! Smash Bros., Mario Kart, the SNK series, all of those multiplayer games. Even something like Pokemon. I think he would appreciate video games when he had the free time. He rarely gets to play them. Even Zenko will play games with him.
The emoticon they'd use most often: I think he would enjoy using a lot of them, especially when he texts Zenko. He send her little hearts, and smiley faces. Him and her would send some back and forth by themselves, too.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: This makes me think of the OVA! Aw, he would be just a little sleepy and grumpy. More than he usually is since he would be a little out of it. He just doesn't like mornings!
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Give this sweet boy a hot chocolate. I think he would enjoy coffee and tea both, but his coffee has to be with sugar and cream.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: He seems like the type of guy to want to go out and practice batting to clear his head. If at the house, he'll just sit around and relax or something. Maybe take a hot bath, or cook if he's hungry. Little things.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: I think he really wanted to be a hero growing up, even though he never thought about it until he did get older. He had a rough time growing up and having to care for his sister as well as stay in school, he needed to support her and himself. Maybe he went through the same things as Saitama? He couldn't find a job, so maybe he took a chance and was like "Hey, this isn't so bad!" And he pretty much was experienced in fighting and everything since he's a delinquent. This all sounds like a mess, but really, all he wants to do is be tough and take down people for justice.
Their favorite kind of weather: I think Metal Bat enjoys cooler weather. He's always wearing his turtleneck, and that's better to wear in the fall and winter anyway. He seems like someone who really doesn't enjoy sweating all too much. He would love the change of the colors on the trees, the coolness of the air around him, and being able to bundle up instead of struggling with less clothes.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): So...I have always thought that Metal Bat would have a lovely and sweet singing voice. I listen to Wataru Hatano's music all the time, and I never not think about him when I hear him. The first song I discovered of his was King & Queen, and...Metal Bat would sing just like that. He would sing just like every song he does.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Would he doodle? Hm. Oh, like sitting in class or trying to occupy himself, he would doodle little hearts or cats. I'm literally just guessing because I have no idea honestly. If he had a crush, he would absolutely write their name and doodle hearts because of them.
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my-world-in-silence · 7 years
Breaking my weekend routine.
Days pass by unnoticed. They’re like scenes in my dreams from which I was awoken. Twas just a week ago when I was babbling about how I was requesting God to let summer pass without it needing to be felt. I wish! Like how the first two months gave a drive-by-hi.
Secondth day of the first summer month today. Last weekend was still fresh. Twas a time I made a decision to engage with mother nature after a long while of staying in. I wasn’t expecting I’d have fun because I wasn’t up for it. Truth is, twas a last minute decision, literally. Past midnight when I was convinced to join and assembly time was 2am. Considering how slowly I move and I was totally not prepared. No stuff was packed. All I had to do in less than one and a half hours. Then, the rest of the happenings during the first hours were giving me more reasons to be disinterested.
But the greens and the mountains...the animals in the fields...they have their way of bringing a smile to my face and adding joy to my heart. The Sierra Madre was like within reach. Inviting me to run to it and climb. The trees were captivating to the eyes I longed to be sitting under them. Seeing things not common in the city added amusement. Like this thing they call, “Cooliglig.”
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Photo credit to Watcher. Read their post about this interesting vehicle.
Our early morning trip hyped me, instead of my expected automatic response to traveling -- nausea. Singing along with the car stereo kept me from complaining about getting stuck inside a metal object run by an engine fueled by gas. I knew twas God granting my prayer to make the trip worthwhile, though my heart’s against it. So I commanded my body to enjoy the moment and totally leave my life in my cave for a day.
We reached the city, Alaminos, just a few minutes before noon. And boy the sun was furious! I was determined to stay anywhere possible just not to do the island hop. To my disappointment, there is nothing to do in the area and there is nowhere to stay either. No choice for me. But, I didn’t feel any protest in me. I went along empty of any emotion, which helped a lot as I was able to just experience each moment. Just dealt with whatever’s handed to me at a given time.
First was the walking on the floating bridge to get to the boat. There’s really nothing so awesome with being on it, but I did had fun! *big smile* My whole body going along as the float sways while my eyes are on the clear waters that surround us.
Second was the getting on the boat. I didn’t bring any clothes for getting wet. I was wearing a sun dress and my fave pair of wedge sandals. And there I was required to stretch one leg on to the boat and pushing the rest of my weight on to the boat next! Little adventures excite me.
Third was the ride... the tour around the islands. The islands didn’t fascinate me as much, though. It did make me wonder if they’re inhabitable. Am convinced I’d love to stay in any of those islands if given the chance. Oh, and it crossed my mind the question if all islands have names. The tourist guide-slash-boat driver said they’re all with names. Thought we could pick any island of our choice and name it MiX’Ns island. Heh The sight before us was simply a visual feast! God’s creation is simply wondrous.
Fourth was the stops at the islands. I think that was just two stops before the last, the Quezon Island, where we stayed the rest of the aftie and had our late lunch. Governor’s Island was the first stop. We were all challenged by the steep climb to the top. I was surprised I did it without much difficulty except that I had to catch my breath. *big smile* We only stayed there for maybe a total of 15 minutes. And then I remember we went inside a small cave. I’ve seen a cave for real! Not the one I refer to as my elevated cave back in the metro. hehe There we purchased pricey popsicles worth 25 Philippine Pesos. When in the city (Metro Manila), they’re the cheaper ones at only 5-10 Pesos. Great business to sell items there!
Fifth was our late lunch. Nothing so grand with the food on the table, it’s more of the sharing them with people who have become so dear to you that makes it truly special. Twas still really sunny that time. Am thankful to God for the shawl I brought which protected me throughout the sunny Saturday island hopping. I didn’t even had migraine attacks! God’s favor, I must say. But, I stayed in the gazebo. I’d no plans of getting a tan and I didn’t have a lotta spare clothes so...I just enjoyed the view from the top and took the chance to have a short nap. I haven’t had sleep the night before as I prepared the group’s sandwiches and beef steak.
I was still pumped up even in our ride back to the main tourist center. Enjoyed the strong swaying of the boat as the waves gone higher and stronger. Saying my last greetings to the islands I might not see for a long time again...or maybe not anymore. It’s my first, but if God willing, hope will not be the last. It’s great to think there might be a chance to start a biz there so I’ll be required to frequent the place, but that’s all dependent on whether God will approve of it or He might have something better to give. What’s important is, I’ve once seen and stepped foot on the well celebrated Hundred Islands.
Another long drive back to Dagupan to the hometown of our good friend, Dareel, who accommodated us for the night. Pa Primo, his dad, even prepared us delectable late dinner! There’s grilled Bangus, which I really love, and the Bulalo. They’re my personal faves since I don’t eat veggies. heh But, am sure everyone enjoyed everything served.  We all had a fill. So, though I was really sleepy, I stayed up for a lil more til I can’t hold my eyes up anymore. Twas a nice, clean bed prepared for us. I can’t stop being thankful.
Sunday morning waking up to a totally different environment is another awesome experience. It’s the corn field that greeted me first. The water was not cold nor warm. It’s just perfect for a morning shower. I was ready by 7am. We had our fellowship before the most awaited breakfast. Strengthened each other for we are going back to reality in the next hours. Breakfast menu include: fried fish, longanisa, sunny side up, and steamed eggplants.
Then, we went our way back to Manila as I had to make it to our Leaders Group meeting at 1:30pm. I think that’s the only time I felt the physical tiredness. Most of the trip I was just snoozing. Twas a seriously long drive and we had to make a stop over at Jollibee. We’ve been loyal to Jollibee during our weekend trip, in fact. While Sundays, it’s McDonald’s that became our hang out place.
Somehow I regret I didn’t take snaps of the whole trip. My phones batts’ easily drain so I chose not to. I only have three! But, I wish I took snaps of the trees, the hammock, the sand, the cooliglig, the islands from some distance while on the boat...But, it’s fine. It’s the feeling I carry from the trip that matters more. I can see all them clearly in my mind, anyway.
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