#wo w wow omg
patchdotexe · 1 year
doip. / 5.24.23: the woodland manse
TIME FOR DOIP! it's been a few months so: welcome to dragon of icespire peak, the d&d campaign jorb is running with me, nyx v4shthestampede, and green bahamutgreen! starring the bullheaded dragonborn fighter Alidaar, the nameless halfling druid that's usually a binturong, and the new arrival (and walking disaster of a lizardfolk) hoping for treasure, Kepesk! together we're gonna fight a really angry dragon, but first there's a lot of problems in the world we need to tackle before we have any hope or surviving.
leo: [joins call] good news, i found my dice! jorb: [plays the anime "WOW!" sound on the soundboard]
Redesign Your Alidaar, We Know What We're Doing
LAST TIME, ON DRAGON OF ICESPIRE PEAK: Our heroes, having said goodbye to their friend Tobias, made their way to the Dragon Barrow. There, they met a new but unexpected ally: a lizardfolk by the name of Kepesk. The three braved the barrow together, and after some close calls, claimed the Dragonslayer sword within. Outside, they met a hobgoblin named Toblin Bloodsword, leading them through Neverwinter wood. oh fuck ive lost behind. WILL OUR HEROES BE ABLE TO CLEAR THE MANCE AND CLAIM THEIR REWARD? OR WILL THE CACOLYTES TAKE THEM BY STORM? FIND OUT………. TODAY!
i'm really good at what i do.
kepesk: wow it feels like we slept a month or two or something alidaar: more like four!
nyx: didn't we gaslight toblerone? […] leo: what's his actual name again, jorb: targor! leo, sobbing: WHY DID I THINK HIS NAME WAS TOBLIN?!
alidaar: i cartwheel over. nyx: what?? alidaar: i cartwheel over! nyx: well i was gonna ride on your shoulder or something, but i guess you're cartwheeling?? jorb: you heard the man! green: kepesk follows tripping over everything jorb: targor walks over doing a handstand or something. i dunno
good morning, falcon is here! also breakfast is here! let's goooo alidaar: good morning, motherfuckers! ..i dont say that part. OH NAMELESS HAS A NEW TOKEN, CUTE
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……..huh. nameless sure is red suddenly. And This Sure Is An Overnight Change, Huh
falcon: would you mind terribly if corwin and pell dined with us this morning? alidaar: sure, why not? kepesk: [NOISE]
I FORGOT WE DUPED THE SHIT OUT OF TARGOR. targor is now aware that nameless just Does That (become a man)
jorb: [describing dinner] there's a couple of fish as well. nyx: alive. jorb: NOT ALIVE
falcon gives us a map! nyx: i am looking, i m looking with my eyes, i put my eyes on it, leo: nameless puts his face on the map. jorb, concerned: ..make a perception check? nyx: i swear im normal. [rolls a 17] jorb: this is a nice parchment!
nameless throws the map to kepesk. kepesk uses it as a napkin and then realizes its a map. falcon: i suspect i'm going to have new stories to tell after this. alidaar: you don't know the half of it. kepesk: about who :D?
nyx: i desperately want to talk to targor and tell him we're not usually like this leo: but that would be a lie :D nyx: that would be a lie.
jorb: [attempting to figure out why we can't see zodiark's name] leo: i can edit the horse. nyx: you can edit the horse???
falcon: try not to die. alidaar: it'll be hard as hell to kill us, don't you worry. :D jorb: and with that, you guys head off! nyx: ……..where am i going? jorb: YOU GUYS HAVE A MAP.
oh it's spelled manse. woodland manse. nyx: [rolls a 22 on survival] jorb: [..] you make some updates to the map as you go. leo: your map sucks ass, we improved it nyx: i'm grimacing as i hold it because it's still a bit greasy
OH SHIT THE SENDING STONE IS GLOWING OMG TOBIAS !! RAT BOYYYYY awww he misses us ;w; (and is craving cheese.) jorb: do you want to respond? you have 25 words. nyx and leo: OH GOD WHY ARE YOU MAKING US DO MATH his message is 25 words exactly. this guy. nyx: my response is two words: stay safe. kepesk: why are you guys talking to a rock? alidaar: [deadpan] sometimes rocks are magic. kepesk:
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jorb: [..] you come across a clearing. nyx: why is there a boar in the bushes? green: is that a world of warcraft boar? jorb: yeah
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jorb: so, what will you do? nyx: does targor have anything to say about this? jorb: oh. right. targor should say things.
jorb: do you have the ability to move targor, by the way? leo: no. i was gonna send him to the moon to test nyx: send variable to the moon. jorb: okay, try it now leo: [launches targor across the map] YEET nyx: OH GOD
jorb: there is not another identical mansion. nyx: sad. jorb: sad! leo: sad! nyx: sad! jorb: sad!
leo: are the boars doing anything? jorb: uh, no, they're just grazing in the pumpkin patch. nyx: are they eating the actual pumpkins, or the leaves, or..? jorb: do they eat pumpkins? probably the leaves. leo: [googling] do boars eat pumpkins..
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kepesk is leaving zodiark outside to graze on the pumpkins.
green: i can't believe i'm only asking this now and it's not my notes.. WHY did we come here??? (it's ok green i also didn't put that in my notes. anyway we're here to wipe out followers of talos and maybe get cool boots)
jorb: [describing a room] alidaar: i wanna get a look at those figures on the fireplace. jorb: it's weird- one of them looks like a binturong. one of them looks like YOU. and.. one of them looks like tobias. leo: WHAT? UM. OK . CREEPY MANSION HAS WEIRD WOODEN FIGURES OF THE ORIGINAL PARTY????? HOLY SHIT???
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leo: oh my god the tokens,,, jorb: yeah i tried to get an ai to make [the tokens] into wood, it.. leo: it looks like it melted alidaar. jorb: ..had mixed results EVERYONE IS FIALING SO BAD AT INVESTIGATING THE REST OF THE ROOM BECAUSE THEY'RE DISTRACTED BY THE WEIRD CARVINGS
kepesk: i don't care about art.
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jorb: -oh hey this is pretty neat actually
targor: what are you guys looking at? alidaar: hey targor, have you ever heard of wood? targor: targor: i'm.. familiar.
green: i feel like ive been so aggressive to him, i have no beef with targor. jorb: with TOBLIN, on the other hand,
leo: kepesk wants a carving of himself SO BAD jorb: they're not carvings, they're like.. 3d figures made of sticks. green: ohhh! that's even creepier. nyx: it's like that one movie. [pause] jorb: henry stickmin.
nyx: it looks like a pantry gone wrong. kepesk: is there ANYTHING of value in this place?! jorb: do you want to make an investigation check? leo: --all of my player instincts are yelling at me to start setting fire to this place. KEPESK NO DON'T EAT THE TOXIC SLUTCH leo: do we have cure poison on deck?? kepesk: do you guys want some? alidaar: [full-body recoils] nameless: [walks away] kepesk: ..i was just joking! :D ;;
courtyard has weird vines growing out of the well! thats probably an issue kepesk: i wonder if these vines would go well with food-sludge. nameless pokes the vines and they move. Hm! Bad! Time To Be Elsewhere
jorb: ..and you hear muffled talking. [dramatic music sting] leo: whoa, music change! jorb: the music didn't change, it just did that.
UH OH nyx alerted the guys on the floor above us! Problems!
jorb: if everybody could roll initiative for me! nyx: are we jumping through the hole in the ceiling?? leo: you bet your ass! targor rolled a 15 on his initiative! green: whoa! go off king! jorb: he's full of blood! leo: i think most people are.
jorb: [editing turn order so we can't see our opponents' rolls] you saw nothing. leo: i saw nothing but a 5 jorb: 5! green: 5! jorb: 4. green: 3. jorb: 2-- leo: [plays "E" with reverb on the soundboard] leo: did you know E is the 5th letter of the alphabet? :D
SOMEBODY THREW A DFUCKING JAVELIN AT US???? jorb: what would you like targor to do? green: targor! kill!
up against a human, an orc, and a half-orc! jorb: [stage whisper] they were all orcs in the original module, but i added some divesrsty hires! update: jorb misread the encounter so the javelin has been un-thrown and nameless has been un-mutilated
KEPESK IS NOW RAGING OH SHIT KEPESK'S NEW RAGE IS COOL AS HELL he's got a cool stormcloud mask thing !! yoooo kepesk is WRECKING shit this RULES I AM ALSO NOW WRECKING SHIT. alidaar can now attack twice with his main weapon and once with his offhand! so he just. absolutely slaughters the ones kepesk didn't. also i have two breath weapons now! I CAN FUS RO DAH PEOPLE i should probably not fus ro dah people oh my god targor has a fucking. magic bloodsword. that's why they call him targor bloodsword ig hmm. nameless keeps using radiant damage now. i don't think that's what they usually do but i could be wrong. but also there has been no thorn whip silliness so far
jorb: i'm not even gonna make you roll, because he has 1 hp. [..] how do you want to do this? green: there's nothing that can go wrong with straight up cutting a guy in half anime style jorb: he goes "huh, that didn't do anything--" leo: he explodes. jorb: [explosion soundboard]
so anyway we just completely demolished that encounter in, like, one and a half rounds. goodbye fuckers
after a bathroom break: jorb: there, can you see it now?
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leo: [SOUND] green: final boss: the go piss girl.
jorb: it is dark in here - do you have darkvision? green: i have swimming! [..] leo: do you want me to come over here? i have darkvision jorb: i retconned- i kept waffling on if you have darkvision or not.. leo: [checks character sheet] ah! i no longer have darkvision. (jorb gave alidaar nightvision before but the dragonborn update happened so now some of the variants have darkvision and alidaar's variant Does Not. ah well)
HOO BOY the dark room contains A Guy doing a. weird ritual? surrounded by weird twig creatures! that look kinda like the weird ones on the mantle! jorb: kepesk, you know what these are. [..] these are twigblights! green: YOO, ITS HENRY STICKMIN! leo: YOOOO green: YOOOO ITS HENRY STICKMIN LEADER OF THE TOPPAT CLAN leo: there's one for each route! :D
kepesk: hey do you think itd be funny if i went up and bit him? OH MY GOD SHE ROLLED A 20 STEALTH . OH MY GOD THATS A 27??? THAT'S A NAT 19 TO HIT. JESUS CHRIST kepesk: haha! you don't taste very good! [<- green described as "in his shittiest sonic voice"]
green: okay maybe i should roll for initiative
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horc enemy is SHOOTING LIGHTNING AT US???? WUH OH . OH GOD I HAVE BEEN KNOCKED DOWN TO 15 HP. AAUGH fun thing about the dragonborn rework: i can now replace one of my attacks with my breath weapon! i also now have Two Breath Weapons! and Two Attacks! and also an offhand attack! anyway i just Obliterated the stickmen except for one, then used my brand new fus ro dah repulsion breath to send the big bad flying into the wall and knock him prone. and then ran up and used my offhand to smack the final stickman into the ceiling. GET FUCKED LOL
nyx: im gonna walk up to alidaar and use.. uh… fuckin.. bitches! (nameless used cure wounds)
kepesk saunters up to The Guy and just. OH MY GOD GREEN ROLLED A CRIT? green: he's on the floor and i'm just [smacking noises] jorb: stabbity stab! leo: [plays "punch" sound effect A Lot]
HM. the guy backed up into a different corner and casted.. some sort of spell that didn't have a visible effect? time for nameless to roll arcana! jorb: in the words of himiko from danganronpa 3… "~it's magic~!" :D
alidaar: okay, im gonna just run straight at him and start going ham jorb: I NEVER ROLLED INITIATIVE FOR TARGOR!!!!! anyway alidaar just obliterated that guy with a dragonslayer crit. unfortunately it sounds like he was trying to do an evil last words monologue before getting beheaded. oops!
targor: sorry i'm la GREEN GOT DMCA'D ON TWITTER????? FOR VENOM GANGNAM STYLE??????????? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT???????????????????????????
uh. targor: ..why are there a bunch of frozen sticks on the ground? alidaar, covered in blood: oh y'know. occupational hazard.
WOAGH ok now that we're out of battle, nameless has rolled again for arcana and got a nat20! HM. THE GUY APPEARS TO HAVE CAST SENDING. green: i guess we shouldn't… stick around! :D
alidaar found some dust of disappearance :o and now we're going upstairs! leo: where's.. i nearly called him torbjorn. We Keep Forgetting Targor
jorb: you find a hidden door! [zelda jingle] alidaar: wow! just like in the murder of sonic the hedgehog! green: YEAAA i hope there's a milf at the end of this! (jorb: falcon could be a milf.)
time to do another round of investigating/perceiving! leo: i'm going to perceive it. jorb: [some joke abt apollo justice's bracelet i forgot] green: YEA!! leo: [rolls a 8] jorb: you don't have a bracelet, so it doesn't work leo: i start crying. [..] green: perception! just like my hero apollo justice! [rolls a 16] IMFINE! jorb: you are So fine that you find [..] a wooden staff!
Time For Nameless To Want Shiny Item jorb: they way their pupils are dilating.. you don't think they're gonna give it back. kepesk: are you gonna eat it????? [..] nameless: i give alidaar puppydog eyes. leo: what do i roll to defend against puppydog eyes? jorb: make a wisdom saving throw. leo: 10! nyx: [rolls a nat20 persuasion] leo: AH NO jorb: you can't say no to the puppydog eyes!
leo: i should start throwing targor around like a sack of potatoes like i did to tobias, that'd be funny
A BUNCH OF LITTLE NASTY BOYS ARE HERE nyx rolled a crit initiative what the FUCK my man i rolled 13.12 on my initiative! acab The Groupchat Gets Distracted Talking About Subspace Emissary nyx is going ham with the staff while i google what subspace enemy jorb and green were comparing the nasty boys to (it was an armight) nyx is Struggling to roll a d8
alidaar stuck his head through the door and used his breath weapon to Obliterate the encounter! and also freeze nameless a little bit. sorry </3 leo: how confident are you in your ability to roll above a 13 [for dexterity] nyx: i have a +1 to dexterity but do what you will leo: are you prepared to face the consequences of my actions?
kepesk has found a bathroom green: sounds boring. jorb: you dont wanna take a bath? stinky! stinkyyyy! green: --just gotta go stinky mode. jorb: smely!!!
OH GODDAMNIT MY MIC STOPPED PICKING ME UP AT SOME POINT. BIG EFF minor pause to reread my notes from Two Years Ago from when we checked the loggers camp! my notes for that session were terrible leo: [reading out notes] "hm. wonder how donjon's doing." jorb: [laughing] BAD.
Delicious Sludge! (kepesk keeps trying to eat weird things. like soot.) leo: alidaar starts jogging around. like a white dad jorb: there is a wardrobe here. leo: [squeaky] JUST LIKE THE MURDER OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! CLOAK OF BILLOWIIIIIIIIING kepesk is All Over this locked chest awww yeah. AH FUCK HE GAVE HIS THIEVES TOOLS TO CARROWAY IN HIS BACKSTORY CAMPAIGN its ok nameless has a crowbar nameless rolled a nat1. kepesk Also struggles with the crowbar. alidaar walks in and starts fucking Wailing on it with his morningstar green: if this thing's a mimic this would be so messed up NAMELESS KICKED IT AND GOT A CRIT jorb: how does one get a crit on an unarmed strike?? the answer is "not very well". nameless then stubbed their toe YAHOO KEPESK CAME IN SWINGING WITH A 2HANDED WARHAMMER AND SMASHED THE CHEST god this was a mess jorb: it's a flat iron rod with a button on one end. leo: it's a Gun. OH MY GOD IT'S AN IMMOVABLE ROD you push the button and it just Freezes in place and cannot be moved! kepesk tries to put it in his pocket and forgot to unpress the button. i love kepesk green: imagine if you put it in your pocket and you buttpress the button
YEAAA ALIDAAR GETS THE CLOAK OF BILLOWING time to go back downstairs! alidaar steps on a staircase and it immediately collapses. whoops alidaar takes one last look at the weird figurines and considers taking his, but decides against it and walks out. also we may have started boar religion or something? meanwhile nameless grabs the tobias one and OOPS! COMBAT! THEYRE ALIVE! nyx: i use sacred flame. jorb: on which one? nyx: the.. binturong one. leo: nameless said no doubles.
alidaar is Really Sad about having to fight the twigblight of himself :( nyx wants to save the tobias one :( :( TWIGBIAS twigbias does 5 damage to nyx's discord and makes it so he can't hear anything kepesk sees what's happening and decides to stay out of it. targor: what's going on in there? [extended silence] AW NOOOO nameless tried to dispel magic but it didnt work.. WHY DOES NAMELESS HAVE A 25 POUND CHEST????? alidaar tries to shove twigbias in the chest. he drops the chest on his foot (nat1). good lord jorb: targor walks in and says "give me that" and grabs the chest off alidaar's toe.. [rolls a 3] ..and he drops it on HIS toe EVERYTHING HAS GONE SO FAR OFF THE RAILS Alidaar And Nameless Try To Shove Twigbias Into A Chest kepesk walks up. grabs twigbias. shoves him in. WE DID IT
OH MY GOD ONE OF THE BOARS IS A DUDE OH MY GOD. MORE INITIATIVE. WHAT IS HAPPENING. THE BOARS ARE MEN kepesk: you guys were eating with my horse this whole time?? okay so. earlier the boar religion comment was because when i was looking at the twigblight party jorb mentioned how we encountered a boar Ages ago and tobias used speak with animals to tell it to go away? and now we walk out of the manse and one of the boars goes YOU SHALL NOT PASS and turns into a dude. and now there are more dudes. and basically i think we have caused problems alidaar: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? [awkward silence] nyx: is he not gonna say anything? jorb: well, its not his turn, alidaar promptly charges at the pumpkin boar and slaps it clean in half okay cool the guy is a talos fanatic and is not gonna listen to me anyway. ah well it was worth a shot
one of the nettleblights(?) - oh yeah those guys are here too. big versions of the thornblights. one of them attacked zodiark so nameless blew it up talos, lord of boars, i walked away to get cake and when i came back it still wasnt my turn yet jorb: 30 to 40 feral hogs green: i thought [zodiark] would be really strong because he's a skeleton, but i was using mario logic, nameless: im gonna use sacred flame on.. the bitch! that is up my ass.
leo: hi im back whats up jorb: you're about to get owned! leo: oh. okay [thunderwave cave from pmd playing as alidaar gets electrocuted] LETS GIVE IT UP FOR ROUND 3 alidaar is covered in blood and he loves it. he's a fightboy! jorb: he was a gladiator! not willingly, but, leo: eh you have fun with it alidaar smacks a guy with a sword and then sticks his tongue out at him. >:P
alidaar is getting electrocuted again! leo: HOOH sorry there was a bug on my screen [right next to alidaar] jorb: you take 8 thunder damage irl [..] jorb: aw, i was trying to make it so he'd push you through the window leo: can i go through the window anyway? jorb: i mean, on your turn, if you want to,
GIANT'S MIIIIIGHT [super mushroom noise] alidaar supersizes, charges head-on at the final enemy (which is the one that tried to push me through a window), and uses his battleax to slap him straight into the sky and obliterate him on impact. alidaar: FUCK YOUUUUU leo: --and then he goes back to normal because combat ended. [checks skills] wait no this last one minute. and that was six seconds. um. jorb: you're large now! leo: alidaar stands there and goes "huh. i'm large now."
back to falcon's house! nameless brought back one of the boars for dinner :D nameless is having a normal experience with reality. what the fuck is happening. Kepesk And Alidaar Get One Boot Each targor is leaving! kepesk: aw, targor, but you're so based! nyx: don't speak those witch's words at him. I FORGOT KEPESK'S PRE-CAMPAIGN GROUP - IM GOING TO KILL JORB .RIGHT NOW kepesk's previous group was expies of the chaotix. targor was planned from the getgo to be mighty the armadillo. WAIT THE WILDERS ARE THE ONES THAT KILLED HIS PEOPLE. WE HAVE GASLIT HIM UNTIL THE VERY END green: i feel so bad, but yknow.. extenuating circumstances.. jorb: why does it keep spawning more namelesses? nyx: i shape back into binturong form. which hopefully there is only one of. AN INVISIBLE NAMELESS
jorb: do you guys wanna chat or are you just going to sleep? kepesk: so that was pretty fucked up, right? alidaar: yeah! kepesk: (at nameless) does it hurt when you go binturong mode, or? nameless: [shakes head] alidaar: sometimes they're a dog! --WAIT YOU WERE THERE FOR DOG WITH A SWORD kepesk: I WAS! :D
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...and that's the end of the session! CLIFF HANGERRRRRRR
we still have twigbias btw.
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smoosnoom · 2 years
i am sos Sorry moon i forgot to send u compliments begging on my knees take me back </3 :[
daily compliment idk what so im just gonna say that : do u have 11 protons? because ur sodium cuteee (KIDDING I'LL GIVE U AN ACTUAL COMPLIMENT)
love is stored in the way u type actually. i love u using emoticons and when u use :] or :D my heart grows three sizes !!!! the way u use sosososos mamy commas and ellipses like...........wow,,,,,,,, and also a little Space before your full stop like . u r The Cutest ilysm 💖💖
NOOO sara omg its ok ! i wasnt even sure if u got my last ones so i was like I Guess This is My Fault .
HEELEPPPP wo w . i am so charmed thank u so much . actually i hated chemistry so ur rly giving me flahsbacks rn, but honors chem doesn't compare to the chemistry we have going on :) . that wasnt any better im so sorry
IM SO ????? HELLO oh my god . the way i cried a little because oh my god i did not know anyone noticed bc i loveee emoticons and ithink it is important to know How I Am Saying things . and also i always think a full stop is so like . intimidating . and i like using a space to make it Nicer . does thi s make sense do i sound insane . anyway ilysm
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cheolism · 1 year
also WHILE IM HERE (same anon who just ranted about how amazing you are) YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE WITH LAUNDRY AND JIU JITSU LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? A RELATIONSHIP BUILD WHERE THEY COMMUNICATE ABOUT WHAT BOTHERS THEM?? THATS SO SICKENINGLY SWEET WHEN IS IT MY TURN TO BE HAPPY i just HOW DO YOU DO IT HOW DO YOU ALWAYS NAIL YOUR WRITING I JUST MWAHHHHH i wanna give you a big fat forehead kiss bc you’re just (im repeating myself here) wow so cool wow i love you te amo i wish i knew more languages just so i could tell you how amazing you are but i can’t which is so upsetttujgngngnggggg
sld;kfjsdiofasdfjoi sdjoijfosdfj OMG i feel like that's one of my fics tht goes relatively unnoticed compared to some of my others, so im happy?? to hear?? someone mentioning it!!!! i adore u sm and thank u sm <33 like relationships are filled w little disagreements and communications!!!! and communication is just as important as sex in a relationship, and i love writing it???? thank u for ur asks and i love you te quiero saranghae aishitemasu wo ai ni ( i don't have the language characters on my laptop keyboard <33)
0 notes
bluexiao · 2 years
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Here's screenshots of my library right now:D I still have around 4 screenshots but tumblr has a q0 pic limit <\3
Istg this is why i am envious of android phones…. Cant be me who has to manually enter stuff on gsheets…
Thanks sm for this!! And omg u should continue Remarried Empress! I’m updated w the novel and it’s *chef’s kiss
Also, hbu? which are ur faves tho?? Like the ones that you are updated with?
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natsutakashi · 4 years
✨ + /creations (hi namie!! im working on yours asap....)
hiiii angel omg the queen of gifsets (and now graphics!) this is difficult but oh gosh was it a pleasure to look at your works, they’re amazing!
1.  dazai graphic. LOOK AT THIS??? LOOOOOKKKK ITS SO BEAUTIFUL IM LEGIT STARING AT IT FOR MINUTES NOW! i love how you work with graphic, not too much not too little information, the colors and the lineart + gifs here look extra nice, wow.
2. chrollo gifset. FJSAKJFSA ??? this is one of the nicest gifsets i’ve seen, i love the slight mix with graphics, it made the composition *chef kiss* plus the gifs are so smooth, and the colors aaa i love b&w gifsets!
3. goro graphic.   I just LOVE how stylish this is, the typography specially is super pretty and fancy, and ofc your colors are always on point, damn.
4. persona5 gifset. this is perfect, stunning, amazing,  i can’t stop looking, THE /COLORS/ wow! im mesmerized! 
5. namae wo yobu yo gifset. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE QUEEN I LOVE THIS. you chose the best moments and cuts for this gifset and i will never shut up on your colors! 
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2ugars · 5 years
ੈ♡˳ high school senior!hyuck + soccer player!hyuck all in one!!!!
ps - the high school that i’m basing off their high school is mine, which is an international american curriculum high school that has like . a very small hs population.
a lovable and troublemaker senior who interacts quite a lot w his underclassmen — a bit too much than what’s probably considered necessary
he’s always been loud n friendly even before senior year but for some reason it? sky-rocketed?
u would expect seniors to stop tryin to make friends n stuff because they’ll have to leave for college at the end of the year nyways……
but NOPE
donghyuck’s a whole other species so he. .
makes friends .
A Lot of them
some of them r accidental on the other person’s part
there was this one time where hyuck forgot his pencil case and he was asking around
and some guy in junior year was like Here u go!!!!give it back to me after school or smth :)
as promised,, donghyuck Forgot to give it to him after school but he DID give it back the morning after w a bunch of teabags
donghyuck: some tea 2 relieve ur stress! also !!!!!!!      U r invited to my bday party :)
donghyuck: and my future wedding
donghyuck :D
junior: Whjat
hyuck’s that one senior who somehow knows everyone’s names?
he’s crazy
the type to say people’s names whenever he converses w them
he does it to seem closer nd to put them at ease? in a way?
has a unique handshake w 75% of the high school population
how does he remember all of that
muscle memory???????? who knows at this point
someone raised their hand during class and he flinched in his seat because he Really Wanted To Do The Handshake w them
he wouldn’t call it popularity, how a lot of people know him
“they’re just . familiar w me,” he would tell jeno
“that’s called popularity u idiot”
“n .   No”
it takes him a while to let it sink in that he IS popular but he still doesnt like to call himself that since he thinks it’s awkward nd a lil off-puttinng
so he just calls himself annoying in the end lmao
“i realized,” he rells renjun one day, “that i’m most likely the most annoying senior ever. more than mark was, even, and that’s saying a lot!”
renjun hums to show that he’s listening when, really, he’s not
“it’s the perfect plan,” donghyuck continues. “i get all of them to love me this year, and when i leave, the entire secondary school will have no choice but to mourn my absence—“
“was that your plan all along?” jaemin interjects with a laugh
“of course not. the kids love me without me having to try much. but it’s a pretty good plan! i could pass it down to chenle, or something.”
renjun later tells chenle to continue to never listen to hyuck
chenle, although puzzled, agrees
hyuck’s in varsity boys’ soccer as midfield
what u would call a hidden leader
was originally appointed captain by the coach but turned it down almost immediately
Hates disappointing people
especially people who are depending and relying on him
he isn’t sure he’s ready for that much weight, being an official leader
however when the ream found out he turned down the position of captain, they made him vice-captain next to sunwoo
donghyuck: “i won but at what cost”
mood maker of the team
screams a lot on the bench in the times when he’s pulled from the field to take a break
“LOOK AT MY BOYS GO!?!??!?!?!”
“JEEOOONNGGGIIIIINNNN that’s my little boy. Wow. i think im tearing up”
does this not only in games but in practices !
hes quite a chatterbox
please shut him up
i’m kidding please don’t
“look alive guys!!!!!! last one to run ladders buys sushi!!!!!!”
usually ends upbeing the last one
he says he does it on purpose
he’s lying he hates running ladders
he joked that if it weren’t for soccer, he’d be on the cheer squad
won mvp in junior year and the sportsmanship award for three years running
HHE ALSO WO N!!!!!!!!the hearts of the middle school boys’ soccer team
it’s because he’s the coach assistant during the ms soccer season
he started coaching in his freshman year
surprisingly gets shy when the boys, in all their wide-eyed awe n wonder, call him Coach Donghyuck
“nnnnnnnNNNNNOOOO O OO O  Dont say that call me hyuck instead omg plwase.  NO SIAN DONT CALL ME COACJ NO”
to hyuck’s confusion and jaemin’s pure delight, hyuck’s managed to steal the hearts of the middle school girls’ soccer team as well??
he took some chopsticks from the school cafeteria because he forgot his own at home
when he finished eating lunch, he didn’t want to go all the way to the tray drop-off since it was so far from where he and the dreamies sat
and renjun’s being more annoying than usual that day and is purposely making hyuck to hurry the HECK up so that they could do some modern language homework
of course, hyuck is lazy and doesn’t want to walk that far, renjun, gosh dan g it
so he goes to a middle school girl he’s had a few random, short convos with in his bus and... .. .
“hi louise! is it okay if i place my chopsticks here for you to take it to the tray drop-off?”
the young girl startles but at the sight of donghyuck, she smiles brightly. “oh, hi, coach!”
her greeting sparks up excited hi’s and hello’s from the other girls that donghyuck acknowledges with a smile of his own
(he doesn’t bother correcting them about the title)
(he knows that no matter how many times he’ll gently scold them into not calling him coach, they’ll still persist without fail)
(so he takes it in, albeit reluctantly and with his ears turning red every time)
“that’s totally fine!” louise says.
“thaaank you!” he sings, placing it neatly beside her plate. “you’re the best. see you in practice!”
and honestly
the reason why the middle school girls love him is because he stayed after school to study one day
and when he was done, he watched one of their games that was on the home field
he was on the sidelines shouting encouragements and generally just . Screaming his lungs out
you could probably imagine how the opponent team wa s thoroughly confused as to who the boy was and why exactly he was shrieking bloody murder
after the team won, he walked over to their team huddle and, after asking permission of their coach, gave them high fives and praised them and gave them light-hearted pointers before giving them a huge HUGE smile
apparently that’s enough to have a whole armada of boys and girls willingly take your chopsticks to the tray drop-off after lunch
he likes to brag about it every once in a while
anyways hyuck is just
a really good and nice senior
who the underclassmen respect and appreciate lots
when the seniors graduate, hyuck hides his tears by laughing so much
like it’s kind of concerning how much he’s laughing renjun thinks the boy’s going to choke on his spit at this point hyuck please sto p laughign
like hyuck started laughing when the closing speech of the graduation ceremony begun
the boys thought it was because he probably farted or heard someone else fart since he was trying so hard not to make a sound
liek all you could hear coming from hyuck was wheezing and little hiccups
and jaemin, who was sitting next to him, had to pinch hyuck’s thigh constantly with how violently he’s shaking with silent laughter
hyuck was covering his face the entire time and jaemin, widely grinning, finally pried his hands away
only his grin slowly wavered when he saw the other boy’s face
jaemin: “oh”
renjun: “what do you mean oh? the teachers are looking at us, we might not even be able to graduate if he keeps laughing, shut him u—”
there wwere tears staining hyuck’s cheeks and snot was basically running down his nose and he was laughing like a maniac and oh no, he’s losing it, renjun get tissues, what the actual HEK
the closing speech ended with a new tissue box emptied and a tissue rolled up into hyuck’s left nostril
the others were crying, too, but they were smiling
jisung approached them with wet eyes and the same awkward stance where he keeps his hands clasped in front of him and hyuck tearfully joked that he looked like That Meme and made jisung cry instead of laugh and chenle started laughing because of it but ended up crying too
HAHAHAH THE SE BBOYS BEIN CRYBABIES (imcrygin too at the thought of this i love ht em. s o mmmcuhhchl)
hyuck couldn’t help but pull the dreamies into a hug before he gets swallowed by their arms, affections, and surprisingly, their smooches
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panda-noosh · 5 years
Chen is......... 10/10 himself like what a superb creation for the Lord our GOD what a TIME TO BE alive at the same time as Kim Jongdae the Vocalist of a GENERATION!!!! But his album was so amazing I must've repeated like 30 times yesterday and shed tears
Ya The SuperM thing came outta nowhere I agree hahahahaha but I am Def intrigued to the sound but the first single is called... jopping..... And.... Idk what that MeaNs ?????? But KARD........... Wow honestly dumb litty was amazing BM should Def take the lead on writing and producing more stuff for them instead of waiting for songwriters cos his shits FIYAH
Also idk if you Stan the rose but omg their latest comeback "RED" had me hooked for literal Weeks??? Woosungs voice??? Wo W I loved them a lot already but that comeback was so damn good..... Also he just came for me with that orange hair outta fucking NOWHERE SAMMY PLS LET ME LIVE
   DID BM PRODUCE THAT SONG? wow legends only.
   i’m not even gonna lie to you, chief, my only knowledge of the rose comes from a 20 minute vlog i watched of Coco where she was hanging around with one of the members. . . i know. . . shame on me. but i’m always looking for new music, so i’ll definitely keep them in mind once LIT has been taken off repeat and i can finally listen to other songs lmao 
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machinavillage · 6 years
“omg on behalf of cishet men i am so sorry :\”
“wow i know im straight but ... wo w the straights are at it again” 
“omg i feel so bad for being white”
can you. shut up and do something productive? if you feel so bad then go fucking do something besides posting change.org petitions you dumb fuck. 
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awstark · 6 years
💗 i love u sm
i love you more babe omg
okay you are one of the reasons why i decided that okay, yeah, coming back to tumblr was a great idea because wo w
you’re such a wonderful and giving person jordan and i just, i love you so so much. you work so hard on all your content and you make sure to be so kind and wow, also, you’re funny as all fuck
i value your friendship so so much and i firmly believe that betty barnes is legit one of the best ideas out there ngl
love you and you deserve the fucking universe okay??
funny, super fucking gorgeous, got a smile that could light an entire planet, goddess and i feel blessed to know you
Send me a 💗 and I’ll give you a compliment!
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jasntodds · 6 years
K A Y L E E,,,,,,, ok 3 things: 1) with every chapter this just gets better and better wo w i can't even believe i'm blessed enough to read your writing, 2) I'M IN SUCH SUSPENSE ABOUT HER SECRET OMg sjdhgkadslfl, and 3) the space analogies???? i'm the biggest space geek and wow i Loved that
1. THANK YOU 2. 2 OR 3 CHAPTERS AND YOU’LL FIND OUT (give or take because lord knows i don’t stay on track lmao) 3. omg thank you! Space analogies are hard for me so I’m happy you enjoyed them!!
Forever Chapter 14
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prkerpeter · 6 years
hi miranda, the 💖 is my absolute favorite heart emoji (also ps ily, please be my friend) :')
omg ilyt you seem so cool can we please be friends
url: okay / good / great / excellent / wow!!!!!
icon: okay / good / great / excellent / wow!!!!!
theme: okay / good / great / excellent / wow!!!!!
mobile: okay / good / great / excellent / wow!!!!!
posts: okay / good / great / excellent / wow!!!!!
overall: okay / good / great / excellent / wow!!!!!
following: no but ily! / f+ / yes ofc!
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jetsetwife · 7 years
Wo w I’m gay there’s this girl who just came from Spain and she joined my track club and wow she’s so fuckign pretty and I almost cried and she’s just so adorable I just wow
thats so pure and gay omg 
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stonedzier · 7 years
omg hello honey pls.... what goddess there are no goddesses here...
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pwjins · 7 years
omg hi!! i saw this on other blogs but who would you associate your mutuals as wanna one? like __ is jihoon or something you feel? I thought it would be cute to ask!
Jisung - @danielsoftgf @ongjins
dian is like the SWEETEST MOM/DAD on this site i swear omfg she’s so freaking adorable and always checks up on her kids AND UGHH SHE JUST MAKES ME SO SOFT SOMETIMES
Sungwoon - @alliwannado-w1
idk she gives off this cute and adorable, but deadly vibe?? NOT LIKE SHE’S GONNA MURDER ANYONE BUT I MEAN LIKE she’s super SUPER talented at everything and is SOSOSOSO KIND but could be really scary if she’s mad idk HAHAH
Minhyun - @seunghyuks
she’s beauty, she’s grace, but she can also punch u in the face :^) when i first started talking to her she was super super nice n polite like minhyun and i was like she’s so precious??? but that was before i found out she can also throw a mean roast sometimes :(( but i lov her sm
Seongwoo - @laisgrl
I BARELY STARTED TALKING TO HER BUT JANA ALWAYS MAKES ME LAUGH OFMGOFMG her sense of humor has seongwoo shaking rn like all she has to do is just breathe and i’ll be on the floor possibly in a coma
Jaehwan - @kimjaehwanswife
ogmofmidf lucy reminds me of jaehwan so much just because of all her random but funny as hell shitposts all the time like i luv how she can just keep talking and talking and it’s just like a nice refresher on my dash nd i feel like she could probably outscream jaehwan if she wanted to u know
Daniel - @perkwoojin
she’s so?? well rounded?? good at everything?? OK LITERALLY JAS CAN WRITE, SHE CAN EDIT, SHE CAN GIF, AND SHE’S FUNNY ON TOP OF THAT LIKE WTF SHE’S THE FULL PACKAGE which i kinda relate to daniel bc he’s well rounded too AND I ALWAYS SAY THAT I HATE HIM BC HE’S MY BIAS WRECKER but i mean it w love which is why i’m always mean to jas a lot too luv u 🅱️ish this is the only time i’m saying it 
Jihoon - @porkjeojang
BC SHE’S SUPER FLOWERY AND ADORABLE I JUST LOVE HER she’s also really really freaking pretty like wtf she could probably kill a man if she did aegyo she just really brightens my day and my dash with her personality and WOW i love her so much 
Woojin - @pinksausageduo
AGAIN i used to think she was like an awkward person to talk to BUT LIKE AFTER 0.5 SECONDS SHE JUST BECAME RLY OPEN AND CHATTY LIKE WOW DID NOT EXPECT THAT and her dance moves are absolutely FIRE just like woojins :’) 
Jinyoung - @wannasseu
she used to seem like really quiet ish to me which kinda reminds me of baejin during the first few eps of pd101 when he was unconfident but as i talked to her more, she turned out to be SUPER FLUFFY AND HELLA RELATABLE A LOT LIKE TALKING TO HER IS SO MUCH FUN AND IT’S ADORABLE WHEN I COMPLIMENT HER WRITING WITH MEMES AND SHE GETS SUPER SHY ABOUT IT 
Daehwi - @laignlin
ok i used to think she was all sweet and adorable and stuff on the outside but NO this girl loves to roast me and CAN BE REALLY SASSY A LOT BUT she also makes my day 1000% better w/ how energetic she is or how passionate she is about her hatred for school JUST SO RELATABLE GUGHHG 😩😩😩 and her snapchats keep me alive in the morning i luv u :(((
Guanlin - @woo-jin-young
i mean she likes memes, she dabs, and she’s hot so what more do u need to see her similarities with guanlin (also her sense of humor makes me choke sometimes i’m so in fucking love)
ok looking at this now this is probably not accurate at all but idk i guess its also like a mutual call out post bc i luv u !!! im so sorry this was so bad LMAO
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
aye jade i saw someone else do this so now you must also suffer :) ship your mutuals with an idol and ship them ;) - jhoe anon
i love this ask so much tysm jhoe anon ily alkhwlahf this is so cute?? still don’t talk to many people so i’ll just stick with the same people from last time lol (with one added because i just had to)
this got really long lol (probably because i wasn’t rushed this time)
firstly i’d ship bà nội – @hellohaechan – with ten from NCT U! alright so they’d be so cute together i can’t even properly express that in words afhlakf they’d have the best friend kind of relationship because the both of them have these personalities that just go so well together like it’d be the typical falling in love with your best friend sorta thing. the type of couple that turns heads!! they’d have either ‘outgoing’ dates or lazy dates honestly there’s no in between. (i,e amusement park dates or netflix (IN AN INNOCENT WAY YA NASTIES)) + very photogenic couple selfies [like all of ten’s predebut ones and the ones you’ve sent me lol]
thennn i’d ship @ugyeoms with yugyeom from got7 (ofc lol) hm i wonder why lol anywayyy– i don’t even know what you look like but you and gyeom would be straight up couple goals!! like you’re so nice??? and soft??? n yugyeom is also v nice and soft (at times lmao) bUT you both can also get v. extra and it’s cute!! i feel like pda wouldn’t be much of thing bc he’d get shy (dunno about you lol maybe you’re outgoing like that) but cUDDLES the two of you would have scheduled hours/days for cuddling times fite me on this k. misc dates!! he’d take you out for ice cream and be all cute n stuff with you akfwakhf i’m weak
okay!! @trashforyugyeom my child (even tho you’re older than me iDC) YOU AND DOYOUNG (NCT U/127) OKAY, MY LIL BUNNY CHILDREN i feel like doyoung would be the type of bf to tease you a lot but you’d be over here throwing them comebacks right back at him afhkwa the savage™ couple okok alrighty so you two would be so soft??? no one expects it but under the teasing you guys gEt So FluStErEd around each other like you’ll jokingly wink at the other n then they’d think about it forever! dates with kdy would be really simple normally, but on days like anniversaries expect dobunny over here to be really extra with dates,,, like he’d be the type to get a freaking limo for your 5th ann. tbh
i’m smiling a lot this is cute :)) next up @chenlays with mark… … jkjk obviously she’d be with chenle (nct dream) it’s confirmed!! they’d be such an adorable couple like imagine two floofs in a relationship that’d be them, that’s a fact okay. cutest couple ever (i’m definitely going to say that a lot here lol) like they’d be so many cliches at once but they’d still keep it all real (does that even make sense kafhka) dates would be all over the place!! they’re both young so they’d be experimenting to see what they liked [amusement parks, walks, lazy days, coffee dates, etc.] the type of couple that happily single people (and people in relationships lol) would be jealous of
next!! @101mess would be with woojin (wanna one)!! honestly you’re both adorable like?? wow my heart is just– anywho, you’d be like the couple, y’know. everyone ships you [i’d imagine the rest of the wanna dorks making a group chat to gossip abt you two lol] you’re also that really extra couple,, like showing your love for each other in very extra ways (woojin lowkey making a new little dance with you like the pink sausage duo one) dates!! with!! woojin!! i feel like he’d like to teach you how to dance to wanna one’s songs and other ones and then you’d go out to some little coffee shop after afkwahkfha if not you’d take a lot of slow walks together :)
my heart is actually just– @wannabl!! forgive me for not choosing your bias buT I’D SHIP YOU WITH GUANLIN (wanna one) okay okay hear me out tho– guanlin is v extra, seemingly effortlessly. you are also v extra. the official extra couple. probably sending each other memes at 4am tbh (cOnSIDERING YOU’RE NOT SLEEPING SAKFHKJ go to beD) he’d like to challenge you to the occasional bball game, and if you’re not good he may or may not miss on purpose and then hype you tf up when you get a basket. your dates wouldn’t be too much, like they’d be the simple dates that you go on at the beginning of a relationship, but he’s really, really, really sweet to you!!
i don’t think you guys realize how cute writing this is wowow
next in line; @pinksausageduo with woojin (wanna one) i know!! i’ve done woojin already but iDc oops– dancing couple!! both of you can dance really well (btw tell me when you post the freestyle for 777 i’m hyped) so you’d dance to a lot of couple duets in your spare time. woojin can get a bit shy but around you?? confident af because you make him like that!! you’d have a generally v sweet relationship but at the same time there’d be these playful teasing jokes that make other people think ‘wtf’ alRIGHT your dates with woojin would be so fluffy oml as an idol he probably gets really busy n tired so half of your dates would be cuddle dates!! the other half are late night walks and coffee shop visits at midnight :)
alrightyyy i was originally going to ship @little-sundays with jonghyun (nu’est, stan em’) but then i saw your moodboard with jae again!! honestly your caption for the moodboard was so cute >
@binggeulbinggeul-round!! she’s so sweet omg stan her guys– anyway i’d ship you with johnny (NCT 127)!! i feel like you’d just compliment each other! you’re both very, very nice people but you’re also both kind of just chill (in a good way ofc) so you’d be a more laid-back kind of couple! your dates would probably be tumblr post worthy because johnny would love to be romantic with you when he could! you’d go on a plethora of dates– stargazing, midnight coffee runs, cuddle dates in your pyjamas, etc. i feel like he’d lowkey bring food into every date, but would you be complaining lol. i also feel like he’d be the type to buy you these small gifts every now n then but then tell you it’s not necessary to buy him gifts (johhny’s a sweetheart who deserves to be ‘spoiled’ sometimes)
@officialbabyanon,,, i couldn’t forget my own little snake could i :) i’d ship you with a snake. because you are one. jkjk you’ve mentioned being a soft sanha (astro) stan before and ilysm for it like you’re so cute when you aren’t exposing me to the world anYwho y'all can be savage af when you want to be which is kind of the reason why i chose this tol bb but you’d be so cute together!! giggly af couple, the boys would always hear your laughter whenever you come to the dorms PLUS you’re!! always!! exposing!! them!! together!! dates with sanha would either be lowkey or extra honestly like he love love loves staying in with you and just being chill but he also loves going out to places like karaoke rooms and jumping around while screaming at the top of your lungs
and finally
i wasn’t going to do this originally (i thought about it for a while tho honestly) but then we started talking and i sW e AR you are so soft??? and cute??? omg
okay so i’d definitely ship @pcypaige with donghyuck because duh– the softest couple don’t fight me on this bc it’s true!! donghyuck’s a jokester, we all know that, and that would change with you but his teasing would be a lot more affectionate somehow?? like imagine how he is with mark and multiply that by about twenty mkay you two would hype the heck out of each other afalkf like if either one of you felt even the slightest bit down the other would go out of their way to make you feel better!! also each other’s #1 hype(wo)men! just a generally very positive, soft, n cute relationship that includes the softest dates!! imagine building a fort at two in the morning with him in nct’s living room oml
p.s baby anon, redirect your attention to @pcypaige she is so soft for donghyuck it’s adorable!!
if you can’t tell i am v enthuastic about my mutuals
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
finally [michael m. x canigula!reader]
( I just had the most embarrassing experience... So I thought it would be perfect if I requested it as a Michael x reader. So the reader has a crush on Michael and gives him hints. When they are alone. The reader tries to kisses his cheek and does it wrong and is completely embarrassed. Michael then tries to help her by kissing her on the lips. So just make it awkward at the failed kissing the cheek part and then super fluffy at the end. Sorry I just... I need to relive this in my musical world... )
(honestly still big mood like i feel u nonny)
also combined with:
( Oooooo what abt Christine and Reader are siblings and Christine tries to set up Michael and reader??? O: )
also whats this?? tris actually posts a thing??? it’s more likely than u think
warnings: none except its not the best but its not the worst thing i’ve ever written
      Christine wasn’t one to meddle in your business - especially when said business was your love life. It wasn’t her place to sit around and talk about cute people that she could secretly set you up with or anything of the sort. But when it became devastatingly obvious neither you or a certain headphones-wearing boy weren’t going to make the first move despite the obvious feelings that were fluttering between you, she decided to take matters into her own hands only slightly.
      And by slightly, she meant she was going to push you two together the best she could and pray that maybe one of you would actually realize there’s something there.
      So when the opportunity arose of you needing someone to tutor you in math, Christine told you she had just the person since she was too busy with rehearsal for the school’s musical. You were glad - you really needed a tutor and you really did trust Christine if she had someone immediately come to mind. After all, she had plenty of friends there would definitely be a couple who were good at precalculus-
      And Michael Mell was standing at your front door. When Christine said she had a friend, you didn’t expect it to be Michael of all people.
      He smiled at you and you swore you felt your cheeks become warm - he’s so cute, this isn’t fair. “Hey, [y/n]! Christine said you needed help with precal?”
      You nodded slowly, before mutely stepping out of the doorway for him to come in. He brushed past you as he did and you swore your heart skipped a beat. You shut the door before turning to Michael,  “I just... it’s kind of dumb and I don’t wanna fail the next test but I just... can’t wrap my head around any of this.”
     “No problem,” Michael said, sliding his backpack off of his shoulder, “Jeremy’s terrible at math, so I’m kinda used to tutoring him.”
      You smiled a little. “We can work in the dining room,” you said, motioning to the open doorway, “just lemme grab my notes ‘n stuff.”
      He didn’t have a chance to respond because you were upstairs and texting Christine the moment you were sure you were out of sight.
      [y/n]: when u said u had a tutor for me
      [y/n]: i didnt know u meant michael 
      christine: ? 
      [y/n]: omg christine please
      [y/n]: CHRISTINE PLEAS E
      christine: Can’t talk, at play rehearsal
      [y/n]: gdi
      You frowned as you swung into your room, grabbing your bag from the floor and tossing it onto your bed. You unzipped your bag quickly, searching for the blue binder that held all of your precal notes and worksheets - some of which you might have left undone - before returning downstairs to where Michael was now sitting, back facing you. Alright. You would be fine. It’s just Michael. Just Michael. Michael who you’ve had a crush on since freshman year and Michael who would smile at you in the hallway and told you that you looked cute and probably wasn’t even into you because he probably liked someone else who wasn’t awkward or-
      You pressed your lips together. Precal. Math. Grades. Right.
      Michael came by the next day. And the day after that. And the day after that - partially because you were caught up in the fact that he’d chew at the end of his pen when he was concentrating sometimes and you’d kind of start staring at his lips because wow he has pretty lips and he’s just really pretty, is that weird? Are boys allowed to be pretty - what kind of a question even is that? Definitely. Michael was fucking gorgeous. 
      And then he’d ask you a question. And you had to look down at the paper and admit you didn’t know or just kind of acknowledge that he asked something and one time he asked if you understood everything and you only said sure before he smiled and packed up his stuff and left and you didn’t know shit. So Christine would come into your room and ask how studying with Michael went with this little tone of voice as if maybe you two had been up to something else instead of studying - which, was silly because that’d never happen because Michael’s not into you - and then she saw you were stressed and confused over math. Fuck math. Math is terrible sometimes.
      So then the doorbell rang and you’d be there and you knew it was Michael because he had this habit of knocking anyway, steady in a one-two beat. He’d walk in, you’d offer him something - a snack, maybe a can of whatever soda you had tucked away in some corner of the fridge - and then the two of you would sit and work on math until one or both of you got tired. It was usually laid-back and the two of you would crack jokes and sometimes his hand would brush against your own and it was small but it still grabbed your attention. 
      Then you had a precal test on Wednesday. Your nerves were bundled and you shoved your feelings aside the next time you saw Michael. You tried to ignore the little glances he kept giving you, until finally his hand was on yours. You looked away from your notes, meeting his eyes for the first time that evening.
     “You alright?”
      You nodded. “Just... nervous. About the test.”
     “Don’t be. You’re smart,” he smiled a little.
     “I just... I don’t want to fail. Not after all this studying.”
     “You won’t.”
      You frowned, before speaking again, “I just... I dunno. I don’t wanna disappoint anybody.”
      Michael didn’t speak at first, only staring at you. He ran his thumb over the back of your hand, “well... you’d try, right?” You nodded slowly. “So... you wouldn’t disappoint me.” He quickly followed up his statement, “-or Christine, or Jeremy or anyone. We’d be proud.”
      You smiled at him. “Thanks, Michael. You’re sweet.”
      Your test went about as well as you’d expect it. You finished and immediately regretting it and already started to make up plans for how you’d live your life after becoming a failure. The usual with tests, even if you knew everything on it because that felt too easy? It couldn’t have been that easy, right?
      But you saw Michael in the hallway and he broke away from Jeremy and Christine to greet you.
      “How’d you do?”
      You shrugged. “I don’t wanna jinx it.”
      He smiled. “Alright. Hey, uh,” he glanced back to Christine and Jeremy, “you wanna grab lunch with us? Take your mind off the test.”
      You nodded. What a sweetheart.
      A sweet friend.
      That’s what you meant.
      Michael is your friend because Michael doesn’t have feelings for you even though you would definitely be fine if he had feelings for you but he doesn’t because he’s Michael.
      No matter what Christine implies.
      “Did you enjoy lunch with Michael?”
      You looked over to Christine, who had her eyes pinned to the road, and a smile peeking through the little mask she put on whenever she talked about Michael. “You say that like you and Jeremy weren’t there.”
      “We-ll...” She drew out the word.
      “You two talked a lot.”
      “I mean, Jeremy and I kiinda sat there.”
      “Michael doesn’t like me like that.”
      Christine only smiled. “Everyone’s coming over for movie night on Friday.”
      You looked out at the passing houses, leaning against the door. “Your turn?”
      “Alright. I’ll lock myself in my room or something.”
      “You could join us, if you want,” she said, drumming her fingers against the steering wheel, “no one would mind.”
      “They’re your friends,” you shrugged.
      “Michael’s your friend. And Jeremy.”
      You only shrugged again. “Maybe.”
      The sound of a paper being slapped onto your desk brought you out of a daydream you managed to escape to. You looked up, your teacher already desks away as you looked down to the sheet, slowly turning it over.
      An eighty-seven. You made an eighty-seven, holy fuck that was better than what you expected. You’d thank Michael. You had to thank him, especially considering he was sweet and reminded you that you did your best.
      So when you saw him after school, you took off running toward him, calling out his name as you approached him. You threw your arms around him, not giving him a chance to process what was happening as you roughly pressed your lips again his cheek - a little too hard and a little too fast and -fuck he probably hated you but you brushed it off as you bounced back.
      “Eighty-seven!” You cheered, grinning from ear to ear. he stared at you, before smiling and realizing just what you’d been talking about before he pulled you back into his arms.
      “Dude! That’s amazing!”
      You drew away after a few moments. “Sorry.” He stared at you. “The uh... cheek. Sorry, that probably hurt you or something, fuck, I just- I’m not really good at kissing boys - or people in general or-”
      He was laughing. It was small and short and soft but it was still a laugh
      “I’d like to see you do better, Michael,” you frowned, looking away.
      He chuckled this time. “I... could help you.”
      You looked up and you were positive your face was burning. “What?”
      His lips were quick and soft against your own, and before you knew it he was already steps away and apologizing because wow he kinda had been wanting to do that for a while-
      “It’s fine,” you said softly, “I... kinda wanted that, honestly-" You decided to go for it. Now or never. “I’ve... kinda liked you for a while.”
      “Really?” he said, voice breaking a little as he smiled, “I, uh... think you’re cute.”
      You only smiled in return, unsure of what to say other than
      "Finally. Thought you two would never admit it to each other.”
      “Jeremy? You knew?” Michael said, as his friend approached.
      “It was pretty obvious.”
      “... We all kind of knew?”
      “Oh my god.”
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