#woahhhh silly man
ratb4stard3 · 2 months
Infected!Sam for the masses
What is this Blue Shit..
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irk3np4wz · 6 months
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thelostboys87 · 4 months
hugh grant characters in the hugh grant romcoms i watched during the peak of my sickness this week ranked by how much i want to have sex with him (least to most)
sad mid divorce lawyer stuck in rural wyoming hugh grant (did you hear about the morgans) — there is nothing interesting about this hugh grant and in fact the fullness of his character is so bad it actually takes away from his attractiveness. i have no desire to have sex with this man
obscenely rich and therefore evil but also incredibly stupid and incapable of functioning alone hugh grant (two weeks notice) — it would go against my morals but idk if i had the opportunity for that level of access i think i would have to take it because maybe i can get some money out of it and use said money for good to counteract his actions. more than anything i want to manipulate him into falling in love with me to see how stupid he’ll turn about it and maybe that would in turn cause him to neglect his business and ruin his evil financial empire from the inside. also he’s hot
art auctioneer accidentally joins the mafia hugh grant (mickey blue eyes) — genuinely what was the characterisation for this hugh grant besides his reactions to the mafia because i do not remember a thing?? ultimate “they just put hugh grant in situations” movie of all time but whatever. HE IS HOT
non committal and glasses wearing being the star of the show at every wedding he attends hugh grant (four weddings and a funeral) — so called “free thinkers” when hugh grant is single and fluffy haired and wearing glasses and also single at the wedding reception 🙄🙄 yeah like im a lion and im meant to just be chill when you dangle a beautiful succulent chunk of meat over my cage like that
washed up 80s has been who is mostly forgotten by the world because the other guy from his star studded young boy pop act is the more famous one hugh grant (music and lyrics) — okay technically if we are going purely physical looks and objectification, non committal and glasses wearing being the star of the show at every wedding he attends hugh grant is my first place, but i had to give this one the win on the fact that I know if i had been a young adult in the 1980s i would have wanted and needed silly little guy of wham! andrew ridgeley so bad and it would have been so serious. it would have been like a sickness even when he had that fuck ass mullet i would have been swooning not thinking straight. and that primal hunger would have carried into my forties through my unsatisfying marriage all the way to my 2007 high school reunion where andrew is left to fend for himself and perform solo because george is too busy being famous i guess idk that’s what happened in music and lyrics’ overly exaggerated take of the whamstory!. anyway i too like the sister would have not known how to act and some long dormant but still powerful horny beast would have also awoken inside me driving me to claw my way to the front of the stage where upon looking into my eyes (easy to do as barely anyone is there), he’d point the mic at me and we would have the moment that had been building within the fabric of the universe for the last twenty years, before he pulls a muscle tying to shake his hips or whatever hugh grant was doing in music and lyrics. i felt spiritually represented by this scene and it clouds my judgment of this hugh grant sex ranking as unfortunately the sickness is no joke and every time i look at my wham! shrine im like woahhhh i SOOO BADLY need the other guy…..wait who said all of that….ummmm i mean who DIDN’T love Pop! Goes My Heart? 😹
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wayfayrr · 2 months
>:3c thought everything was a bit overdue for change - I hope the lighter colours look alright!!
Many many thanks to @sketchyspook for letting me use their beautiful rendition of tears too, I am simply struck silly for this man sfgbhgfb
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lobotomy-man · 3 months
this is all ooc (out of character) btw and also probably isn’t going to look very pretty!!!!!
Haiiii! This is an rp account for a little silly character I have on a little silly Minecraft sever called the SSMP (Star SMP)!!!!!! He is based off of the Mexican content creator Roier (mostly skin - mc skin - and his actual name - his actual name being Roier -!)
He is practically an oc at this point as he strays very far from Roier! This account was made for fun and to draw and shit like that! I would like to say, I most likely won’t get to do questions that often (if I even get sent many!) because I have school!
Anyway! If you want to find me and more content on him I have a Yt!
(yes, I’m a gacha kid. I don’t get why ppl hate honesty… I mean.. I get it a little…)
No nsfw questions! I’m a minor and would not like to see questions like that!
Feel free to ask questions to me! I will gladly answer them!
Don’t ask to be added to the sever (I know it will probably not be asked, but I don’t wanna bother with it!)
You can ask questions about people in his life! Brother, Business parter, etc.
That’s it I think! If you want to know more about LM (Lobotomy Man), ask in the questions, in or out of character is fine!
Here are the tags I’ll be using!
#lmpast - probably won’t use this one a lot
ok now I think that’s it! Bye bye!
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becauseimswagman1 · 11 months
What Are We? pt. 3
A/N: Let's get into it!
Thank every single higher power that you didn’t let anything ruin your night. The conversation never stopped even after the food came, and neither did the glasses of wine.
Both of you were full of food and warm with alcohol. Michael got you two an Uber and went back to your place.
You had the giggles, something that was common when you drank. Michael always thought it was cute. He thought you were even cuter when you changed into your Pikachu onesie and still had a full face of makeup on. He changed into his Squirtle onesie to match you and got to work on making his self-proclaimed famous margaritas.
You were sat at the island in your kitchen watching the dreamiest man dump frozen fruits and way too much tequila into your blender. He looked so… domestic.
“Are you ready for the best margaritas ever?” he said as he poured two full glasses and put straws in them when he was done, “Here, have a taste.”
He slid you a glass and watched you take a long sip. Your face lit up, “Woahhhh! This is good!”
You watched Michael wipe off his shoulders in a bragging way, “Hold on, now, I ain’t say they were the best I’ve ever had or anything like that.”
He could only laugh, “You don’t have to lie to me. I know the drink is good. I mean, I made it.”
You eyed him as you drank more. It was really good.
The blender was empty. You had definitely drunk more than him, but he was still just as messed up as you were. By now, you two were cuddled up in your bed, watching your favorite show, accompanied by more wine.
You were laughing at something funny your favorite character did and accidentally spilled wine on Michael’s onesie.
“Shit!” you laughed at how Squirtle’s blue was darker due to the wine, “I totally don’t mean to laugh, but it’s so funny.”
He laughed with you, “It’s no worries, really. It’ll wash out… I think.”
He stood up and took off his onesie, leaving him in no shirt and boxers.
“You don’t mind that I’m in my boxers, do you? Cause I can go put on some shorts real easy.” “No! Um… no, you’re alright like that.” Damn, you answered that quickly.
The universe was really testing you on this night. Drunk or not, you know when an opportunity is striking. Hopefully, you don’t fall asleep before you can spring your spur-of-the-moment plan into action.
When he climbed back into bed to cuddle you, the warmth radiating off his body felt like nothing you’d ever felt before. Was it the alcohol, or was it his natural body heat?
You decided to make your move, and if it didn’t work, you could blame it on being drunk and laugh off the embarrassment in the morning. So, you sat down your glass on your table and rolled over to face his chest, and you snuggled him.
Michael looked down at you, “Hey, you sleepy?” You looked back up at him and shook your head no.
“So what is it, you silly goose.”
Then, you did it. You leaned up and kissed him. For a moment, he kissed you back, then pulled away. You thought there would be regret coming from him, so you quickly got up, totally ready to run away.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. If you wanna stop being my friend now, I completely understand.”
He called your name and pleaded with you to stay, “Come here,” and pulled you back down on the bed, “I wanna be more than your friend.”
Then, he did it. He kissed you, and you kissed him back. There you were, living out your wildest dream. Leaning against the man you’ve had a crush on forever.
Quickly, the kiss got heated, and he got on top of you. He pressed himself against you, groaning because this is something he’s been longing to do.
You pulled away, “I should probably take this onesie off, huh?”
He smiled and laughed a little, putting his forehead on yours, “Most definitely take it off.”
Taglst: Lemme know if you wanna be added or removed from the taglist! @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @thatone-girly @blackerthings @roguekiki @enigmadivine @novaniskye @ziayamikaelson
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goleb · 2 years
Woahhhh who's peacock Roy? Sounds cool
Great question! Thank you for asking 🥺 One I'm not sure I'm properly equipped to answer, because truly, who IS peacock Roy? A man of mystery, very handsome, very... feathery. 
Imagine if you will a sliding scale of bird to person. A whole bird, no person, followed by - well, presumably anyway - a siren (the mythological bird-woman sort, not, y'know, mermaids) at mostly bird, slightly person, then perhaps a harpy at half bird, half person, then... well, I don't know. An angel of the humanoid sort? Slightly bird, mostly person? And, well, finally there'd be just a whole person, no bird. Roy at his most regular is, of course, at the whole person side of that scale. Well, peacock Roy isn't, because peacocks are, as you know, inherently birds. So let's take a quick slide down this scale, shall we? 
At whole bird, no person, peacock Roy is exactly that, a peacock with Royish traits. He originates from a drawing my bes friend V drew once, and it hasn't left my mind since. His feathers resembled a cloud of eyes - very stylish, deeply intimidating. 
You'd think the next step would be the siren - a bird with a human head, as it were, but no. That'd just be silly. Instead, we move straight to the half/half and the slightly/mostly - which are strikingly similar (the difference is in the legs). So in this case peacock Roy is regular Roy with a handful of peacocky features. Wings, most notably, in shades of blue, teal, green... Tail feathers. Perhaps talons, if we're speaking harpy. A thousand eyes you swear follow your every move. Human, yet very much not. 
And why? Simple, really. It's rule of cool all the way down. Peacocks are most aesthetically pleasing birds. Roy is a most aesthetically pleasing man. It only makes sense to combine the two. 
And for the trouble of wait, I drew this! 
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fluttershiesworld · 2 years
AWWW ok this book is rlly cute i like it
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lorewytch · 5 years
Clashing Destiny?!
As per @akozuheiwa​ and @holydramon​  Here it is! (Dies) the scene that somehow became much more than I thought it would be. I was sure I would do a page and half of stuff and it ended up being like 5 pages of one freaking scene...(flails!) Oh and for those interested, yes those OCs I made up on the fly sooo they aren’t canon at all XD I thought of how many name puns or jokes I could come up with bird and or dragon names. Isla and Leith are supposedly Scottish names I found. Please tell me what you think. Also this was lightly edited by myself so I may go back and fix a few things before posting the official story XD I hope you enjoy.
ANYWAYS: Here is one random scene from the coming up fanfic that may end up being titled “Clashing Destiny”
Scrooge took one step within the dark and dank room. He swallowed hard, the air was thick and musty and cold. He could see his breath as he slowly approached something within the middle of the room. Bringing his flashlight up, he glided it towards the middle of the room and the light illuminated a table made of stone. It was fragmented and covered in moss. It seemed as if everything in the room was decaying.
The only thing that looked pristine was what lay on the ancient table.
A book.
Curious, Scrooge raised an eyebrow and approached it hesitantly. Upon closer inspection the old tome had five jewels encrusted on the worn, black leather cover. Each jewel had a different color, black, white, blue, red and green.
“What in blazes…” Scrooge muttered.
A wind erupted within the room, slamming the cover of the book open. The sound of paper fluttering and flipping was the only thing he could hear as he covered his eyes with his arm.
Finally, the fluttering stopped and slowly Scrooge lowered his arm. He walked closer to the book and flashing the light upon the page, he read the words that would change everything.
“The Curse of Clan McDuck…”
 The teens were sneaking within the dusty and old halls of Castle McDuck. At this time the boys were taking turns telling Webby about the last time they came here and found secret passageways. Webby of course squealed like a fan girl and was all over the place. Going from one painting to the next, she took pictures and documented everything she saw. Dewey had to pull her away and keep her on track. They weren’t just there to sightsee. But to get into some serious mischief.
With Huey and Louie leading the way. The green clad duck holding the flashlight and Huey holding a map of the old building, they continued onward. Ever guarding suits of armor, old clan flags; torn and weathered paintings of relatives long since passed, artifacts galore lined the walls as they continued their adventure into the heart of the castle. The deepest, darkest places that they weren’t even sure the owners ever lingered.
It was down some rusting, iron circular stairway and past the servant’s kitchen, down the hallway that didn’t seem to be cleaned in at least 100 years that they found a strange looking door. It was layered with cobwebs and dust. While the others were made of wood with more or less modern door knobs there was a strange door at the end of the hallway. Painted all in black and was made on pure hand welded iron. Rivets dotted it along with a door handle that might break if touched. All four kids glanced at each other with nervous grins.
“So, are we all in agreement we want to find out what is behind door number one?” Dewey grinned with a dramatic flair of his arms.
“There could be gold..” Louie was already rubbing his hands together.
“Or it could be an ancient library!” Huey’s and Webby’s eyes shone at this.
“Or adventureeeee!” Dewey grabbed the handle forcefully and pulled.
The door slid open an inch.
A pause.
“I see someones been working out.” Louie replied snidely.
Narrowing his eyes at his brother, Dewey pulled harder, sweat pouring down his face as he strained and moved in another few inches.
Sighing, Huey grabbed an edge of the door. “Were gonna be here all day, everyone help pull.”
With all four pushing and pulling they managed to open it enough to slip inside. The room lit up as they walked inside and instantly all four beaks dropped.
“Woahhhh” All four said in unison.
“TREASURE!” Louie whooped and jumped into a pile of golden artifacts nearby.
Huey was instantly by a bookshelf of ancient looking books. He touched them all, eyes shining with glee.
Dewey ran over to an old fashioned guillotine.
“Oooo Fancy.” He commented and looked for things to chop up. Taking selfies and posing with the deadly device, he suddenly spotted something else. Swords.
Picking up one with an especially jewel encrusted hilt, he held up with a grin. “Hey Webs! We should totally-“ he blinked as he saw Webby was no longer in sight.
Running over to his brothers he glanced around. “Guys have you seen Webby?”
Huey glanced around. “She was just here a second ago..”
Louie popped up. “I think I saw her go near that ladder to the second floor..” Sure enough, above them was a balcony encircling the walls made of wooden banisters. From his view, Dewey could see bookcases.
He saw a flash of pink and purple.
Momentarily forgetting their loot, the brothers climbed up the ladder to the slightly rotten second floor of the room.
The vaulted ceiling made it easier to walk around since they wouldn’t need to crouch. Scanning the upper floor, he saw Webby at the opposite end, her back to them.
Dewey grinned, relieved that she seemed okay. Leading his brothers along the one person pathway against the right wall he ran towards her. Once they reached her though, they knew something was off.
Webby hadn’t even noticed them. Instead she seemed transfixed with something before her.
“Webby?” Dewey’s voice sounded worried.
“Webs what are you looking at?” Louie glanced around her shoulder.
Before them within a glass case was a rusting necklace. It looked as if it was made of pewter and hand crafted. The amulet had a crudely made star and within the middle was an opal. The dark color of the opal gave Louie a bad feeling, yet flashes of bright orange, reds and greens made him curious.
Within the glass case was also a torn piece of parchment with fancy handwritten letters written upon it. However, he couldn’t read it.
“What is that?”
Huey studied it a bit. “…Sumerian? Or Gaelic I’m honestly not sure.” He confessed. “Whatever it is, I can’t read it.”
“Who can?” Dewey asked. Huey and Louie’s eyes drifted to Webby who was slowly reaching a hand out towards the pendant.
When her fingers brushed the glass casing, it shattered.
Scrooge studied the words upon the book carefully. “I fear I have no time left. I must write these heartbreaking words to let the future generations of the McDuck clans know the terrifying truth of what my brother has done. I fear he has done something that canna be undone and aye only hope those in the future can somehow dispel this curse upon our clan. Leith McDuck and I, Isla McDuck were only simple farmers. We had a falling out with the rest of clan McDuck and were more or less outcasts from the family because of conflicting opinions. I couldn’t stand Leith living out there alone, so I came with him.
Little did I know that what his true purpose was.”
“Leith! Leith!” A red haired girl, clad in several layers of skirts stumbled after her brother.
Leith’s own red locks were tied back neatly and as he glanced back at his sister, he let out a sigh.
“Isla..can you at least act more lady-like while running? You will never attract a man that way.”
Isla raised an eyebrow at her brother. Hands on her hips, she almost dared him to continue that sentence.
He swallowed a lump in his throat and turned back, continuing to walk. She followed after him.
“Where are you going? It’s going to get dark soon. You shouldn’t be out.”
“Who are you? Mom?” Leith snapped.
“No, but I am your sister.” Isla rebutted. Grabbing his ponytail, she started to drag him back. Quacking and flailing his limbs, Leith tried to escape his sassy sisters hold but knew it was futile.
Groaning, he decided he didn’t have a choice. “Fine! I’m going on a lead to find us some money!”
Isla stopped. “Money?”
Leith pouted, crossing his arms. “You ruined the surprise..”
“And how perchance are we going to acquire this money?” Isla inquired.
“Have you been reading books again?” Leith eyed her.
“Please don’t tell me you are doing something shady again.” Isla prayed. “After that debacle with the fake bouncing potion..”
“It was real I tell you! Those confound it bears were too fast for me to steal it!” Leith pouted again while Isla looked at her brother with a seriously worried expression.
“Just…don’t tell me its something like that..” Isla finished.
Leith sighed. “On my word dear sister, it is not like that.” He stared into her eyes.
Staring back, she looked for any shred of falsehood. But could find none.
Releasing her brother’s hair she sighed and crossed her arms. “So..what kind of deal is this?” She inquired.
“You know Rory?”
“Rory Bitterness?” Isla raised an eyebrow.
“Aye, he has gotten in contact with an Alchemist..” Leith’s eyes sparkled.
Isla groaned. “Leith….no…I said no more of that magic stuff!”
“This isn’t magic Isla!” Leith’s arms opened wide. “He assured me, this is pure science.”
“Science…” Isla repeated, not convinced.
“Aye! This is it, a spell to turn things to gold!” He took her hand in his and smiled brightly. “We can finally live the way we want!” he laughed and picked her up by the waist and spun her around. “Imagine it Isla! Father and Mother will have to believe in me and my dreams!”
Finding herself laughing a bit at her brothers antics, it was hard not to go with the flow with his rather silly dreaming. “Oh Leith.” She smiled slightly.
“Please Isla, let me do this…this won’t only just help me. Do you want father to come back and take you away to marry some old fat nobleman in his 50s?”
Isla glanced away, closing her eyes. Sighing, she managed a smile. “Okay, go. I’ll be here. Maybe I can go visit Skye Crane while you are gone.”
Leith rolled his eyes a bit. “You and that crazy lady. I swear she’s the definition of a witch. And you say I’m conniving with demons.”
She gave her brother a wicked grin. “You have your sins, and I have mine..”
“As it turned out, letting my brother go that was the biggest mistake of my life.” Scrooge read, within his mind he was trying to recall the names of Isla and Leith. But his mind was blank.
“When he returned, he spoke of talking with a dragon alchemist. He was so excited and brandished a strange looking golden object. It was a mirror and he stated anything reflected within it could be turned to gold.” Scrooge gave a “pah” at this.
“This Leith sounds like a mighty gullible fellow.” He muttered.
“Of course, it was too good to be true. We tried many times to make it work. It was useless and while Leith gave into his anger, I offered to see if someone wished to buy it.”
“Who would buy this useless piece of junk?!” Leith growled and smashed the mirror into the floor.
“And that’s when it all began.”
Webby’s eyes began to glow a bright white and she spoke in a weird tongue none of the triplets recognized. The boys were yelping and trying to avoid the flying glass, Dewey having a tight hold on her arm. “Webby!” He shouted over the loud noise that was engulfing the room.
“What is she saying?!” Louie shouted to Huey who simply shrugged his shoulders.
“Webby stop!” Dewey tried to pull her away.
Her arm was outstretched, reaching for the pendant which seemed to be glowing with energy. Her fingers were nearly brushing the metal, when the boys seemed to realize that maybe this was a really bad idea.
All three grabbed their sister and tried to yank her away from the pendant. But a strange burst of wind knocked them off their feet and the trio tumbled in a heap behind her.
Mindlessly, fourteen year old Webbigail Vanderquack reached out. Her hands grasping around the pendant.
The opal shattered.
“At first, we noticed strange things here or there missing.” Scrooge read, completely absorbed within the tome.
“Then we realized something was very wrong when we both had similar dreams. A strange being was always there. He had the face of deer skull, deep red eyes and had a black mass that he could change at will for a body. He called himself Antaurus, he called himself a god but we knew better.
Skye confirmed our worse fears, she had ‘the sight’. She saw nothing but danger and death if we continued to deal with Antaurus. At first, we all thought we could defeat him on our own. We got together with Rory and the Alchemist, Slysten Dragster was his name. He gave us several magical items to dispel this monster, this demon.
But everything failed, and the demon grew more powerful. Feeding off our negativity and fear, he soon materialized in flesh and blood.
And that was when everything went to heck..literally.”
 Leith, Isla, Rory and Skye stood before the home. Floating above them, laughing maniacally was Antaurus. The demonic figure swept up to Skye.
“I see that you have something very fascinating for your eyes. I might just take them for my own!” With a swipe of his hand across her eyes, Skye’s vision went black.
“NO!” She screamed, falling to her knees and clutching at her now sightless eyes.
“Skye!” Isla ran to her friend, kneeling next to her and holding her.
Rory growled and swung an axe at the demon. It simply passed through the astral being and grabbing Rory’s red mop of a head, the beast raised him to eye level. Cursing at the demon with every foul word he could muster, Rory was swinging and fighting with everything he had.
Leith took this chance and grasped onto a magical whip and flung it towards the demon. It wrapped around Antaurus’ arm. But the demon merely smirked.
“I see this one has quite the Mouth on him.” Swiping his hand across the others mouth, Rory went to yell at the monster again, only silence answered his plea.
Giving a horrified expression, Leith yanked the whip with everything he had and the demon released Rory. Wrapping his arm around the whip, the demon yanked back, sending an unprepared Leith to the ground. Glaring up harshly, he quickly got to his feet and tried to kick and punch the monster that he had unleashed upon them all. None of his hits connected obviously, but he couldn’t risk this monster going after Isla next. Grasping Leith by the neck, Antaurus smirked and spoke with Rory’s voice.
“And you are too energetic for your own good dear Leith.” He chuckled. “I would very much like that Body of yours.” Antaurus raised his arm.
“NO!” Isla yelled and got up, running as fast as her skirts could allow her and knocked into her brother, sending them both of the demons grasp and tumbling to the earth. She grasped onto her brothers arm and dragged him. They were running now. Running for their lives.
Hand in hand, the brother and sister ran. Leith chanced a look behind him and paled. The demon was approaching them rapidly from behind. Knowing they couldn’t outrun him, Leith knocked Isla to the ground as Antaurus swept over them, floating down just inches from their heads.
Before Leith could get up, he was yanked up and a hand quickly swept over his legs. Shocked, Leith could only fall to the ground as he was released. And before his eyes the demon grew legs with webbed feet.
“Leith!” Isla cried out and grasped her brother, he could no longer feel his legs and lay there pathetically.
“Isla! Get away!” Leith positioned himself in front of his sister. Even if he could no longer fight, no longer run he could buy her some time. He knew the monster would come for her next.
“Ah yes, the little sister.” He reached out for her, Isla closing her eyes and cringing in fear.
But as his fingers brushed her hair, a spark of light made him yank his hand back at an alarming rate. “Magic?!” He growled. “But how?”
Confused, Isla opened her eyes and glanced at what she was clutching in her hand. Her mother’s pendant.
A pendant of a star, for her to always remember that her mother was gazing down at her from the starry sky. The white opal within the center seemed to sparkle.
“Isla!” Skye’s voice called from behind her and she spotted Rory helping Skye to where Isla is.
The demon growled and approached the siblings with ill intent. “I should smother out this light as soon as possible.”
“Not today!” Skye whispered some ancient incantations which threw the demon back. Holding up a hand, Skye formed a ball of pure blue energy within her grasp.
Thrusting it out, the ball exploded into some kind of sticky sap which temporarily stuck the demon to the tree.
Taking this time, Rory led her to Isla who was looking frazzled and worried about everyone around her.
“Skye are you okay?!” She whispered frantically to her friend, her heart hurting because of her current state.
“You ARE a witch?” was Leith’s dumfounded question.
Rory rolled his eyes.
Skye smiled a bit. “I’ll be fine, and sorry I didn’t tell you guys.” She weakly chuckled. “It’s not something that should be known in the open.” A growl alerted her attention at Antaurus who was quickly pulling himself free.
“Listen, Isla, you have to listen to me.” She looked deep within her best friends eyes with her unseeing ones. “I wasn’t kidding when I said you were special. You have light within you.”
“Light?” Isla whispered.
Nodding, Skye turned to where she thought she heard Antaurus.”Which means, we can win.” She handed her friend a piece of paper. “Repeat that spell.” Slowly she began to stand up, forming more magic within her hands. “It’s the only way to stop this demon.”
Antaurus finally burst free from his confines and came at them full force.
Even blind, Skye thrust out magical blasts like they were nothing. Quite a few didn’t hit, but it was enough to slow him down. “Now Isla!!!”
Fumbling with the piece of paper, Isla glared at Antaurus. “Forge the light within my soul alone, Steal his senses and lock him away in stone!” She repeated this as he growled, knocking Skye away into Rory.
Continuing to repeat, she soon lost sight of everything around her as she began to glow. Leith was still lying before her, holding himself up with his arms and half protecting, half gazing up in awe as his sister literally levitated in the air!
“Forge the light within my soul!” Isla’s voice rang firm, the crystal around her neck pulsing with light and blasted at the demon.
“Steal his senses!” She growled, Antaurus let out a wail as his voice as well as Rory’s were taken, as well as Skyes and his sight and Leith’s legs.
The being before them writhed in agony at having his senses stolen, forming into five crystals that spun around Isla.
“And lock him away in stone!” Her voice echoed. A bright light exploded from the opal on her necklace.
All of them watched in awe as Antaurus was swept up in a in a black orb and absorbed within the opal.
Gasping, the glow in Isla’s eyes faded and she fell to the ground, Rory just managing to catch her before she hurt herself.
“We did it!” was Skye’s laughing yell.
Rory went to say something, but nothing came out.
Leith tried to stand.
Skye opened her eyes.
They hadn’t gotten their senses back.
“While we may had won the war, the damage had been done.” Scrooge closed his eyes painfully.  “When Skye studied the stone she had some ominous news. Antaurus was not defeated. In fact, in a dream he had given her a prophecy that chilled us all to the bone. The Prophecy goes as thus:
In a mere five one thousands I will return
When the moon is black and burnt.
I will seek revenge against McDuck the clan
And steal what is mine as according to plan
Four from the clan will stand in my way
But I will destroy them within a day
The one with the book will lose their sight
The one with the inner strength will lose their body
The one with the skills will lose their voice.”
The last sentence made Scrooge’s heart stop.
“The one to inherit the light will be consumed by shadows.”
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woahhaleigh · 5 years
Heathers UK Cast Recording Review (From A Retired Veronica Sawyer’s Perspective)
If you are new to my blog, hi! I’m Haleigh and I am an actress local to Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas. I had the utmost pleasure of playing Veronica Sawyer last summer in Plano, Texas. Veronica was an absolute dream role of mine. I feel so honored every day that I was chosen to tell that story. The show holds an extra special place in my heart because a little bit after the show closed, I started to date the wonderfully talented man who played my JD. So, Heathers holds a dear place in both of our hearts. We have spent a few evenings listening to the UK Cast Recording and gathering our thoughts on it.
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I need to preface a few things. 1. I am a huge Carrie Hope Fletcher fan. So I am absolutely biased. Not sorry. 2. As a whole, I think my experience as Veronica would have been immensely easier if this album had been out for me to study and work with. The only Veronica when my show went up was the lovely Barrett Wilbert Weed. Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of playing this iconic role knows that it is insanely difficult to live up to such talent as hers. Carrie made the role seem a bit more human and her vocals, while still insanely difficult, were much more achievable. 3. I go on a few tangents about my experience as Veronica. We just celebrated the year anniversary since the first rehearsal. Your girl got a bit nostalgic. 4. Thank you for coming to my little corner of the internet. Let’s listen to the Heathers UK Album!
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Beautiful: I can hear the accents. I can hear them holy moly. It’s okay, Haleigh. Phew. I will say I could hear a distinct difference in the orchestration? It doesn’t feel quite so cutthroat and edgy as the Off-Broadway album. It really does sound more musical theatre. Which I truly enjoy. I like that it sounds like a completely different show. I’m not one for a carbon copy of something else. 
Candy Store: Okay, Jodie Steele is everything I never knew I needed?? This rendition is wonderful.
Fight For Me: Woah, this key change is everything! This song was really daunting to learn. And I seriously adore the changes in this album. This song was my favorite to sing. I hope they release the updated score for us on other sides of the globe to use for our books!
Freeze Your Brain: So I can hear Jamie Muscato’s every single syllable. Which is great for the pronunciation of his American accent. However, it was a bit jolting the first time through the cast album. Now that I’ve gone through a few times, I don’t notice it quite as much. Perhaps it’s just the recording and not him live. Such a gorgeoussss voice, nevertheless. 
Big Fun: The lyric changes were jolting at first, as well. Still takes a lot of time to get used to. Also, they took out the verse about “let’s use their showers. That sounds like big fun”. Don’t expect to be able to sing along with this one first time around. I do love that Heather Macnamara gets the line about “First it’s salt and then lime and thennnn shot!” like it was in the script when I did the show! 
Dead Girl Walking: Such a win, guys. The amount of fever dreams I had about this song is damn near embarrassing. I will say it again, if this album had been out when I did this role, it wouldn’t have been nearly as terrifying. Carrie’s belts were absolutely gorgeous!
Me Inside Of Me: Ugh, my least favorite song in the show. I will say, Jodie Steele, sounds absolutely stunning, though. Even more so than Candy Store. I can hear her bitchiness just in the audio. I wonder how chilling her performance was in person!
You’re Welcome: Unpopular opinion time; I dislike everything about this song. I’ve listened to it once and skip it every time I listen through the album. While Blue from the Off-Broadway album (if done wrong) can be just as predatory as this song, I’ve mainly seen it done silly and more comedic. You're Welcome is just plain scary, in my humble opinion. The vocals are undeniably stunning. Kurt and Ram are immensely talented. However, I just don’t feel like this was a good replacement for Blue. I feel this song is just scary and triggering. Especially for someone who has been in Veronica’s shoes before. While I respect that the writers prefer this song to Blue, I strongly stand behind my opinion on this song. 
Never Shut Up Again: I feel like this song is along the same lines as Dead Gay Son. It has a beautiful upbeat vibe to it. I’ve heard a lot of people say that it doesn’t sound like it belongs or flows. I completely disagree. Heather Duke deserved a solo. And T-Shan Williams absolutely slays this song. I also appreciate that they did a little nod to the Blue Reprise in here. This song will be a fan favorite if it gets released with the rights worldwide. 
Our Love Is God: Ah one of my most favorite songs to perform when I did this show. This song lives up to the outrageously high expectations I had for it. Brought massive tears to my eyes as I listened and replayed performing this scene in my head. I can only imagine how wonderful the performances were in person. 
Dead Gay Son: A song that is usually a skip for me. The vocals were lovely but this song is just better when you see the show live, in my opinion. 
Seventeen: Another song that had really high expectations. The vocals, the tone, the everything was truly wonderful. You could hear the love and the urgency behind both Carrie and Jamie’s voices. I was pleased when this song was released early. It was a great little taste to what a joy this cast album would be. 
Shine A Light: Less church-y than the Off-Broadway and more rock, I will say. Love Rebecca Lock’s choices with Fleming. She sounds so unapologetically her and it is truly a hilarious experience to listen to. (Funny story, James actually tripped and fell off a platform during our production of Heathers during this song. Just thought I’d share that with the world.)
Lifeboat: Sophie Issacs sure knows how to pull at your heartstrings with this one. It feels like there was a key change in this song too, I could be wrong, though. It also feels faster? I will say while her vocals are lovely since it does feel faster, the song doesn’t pack as much of a punch as it could have. 
Shine A Light Reprise: T’Shan is seriously terrifying. I loved the lyric and note changes for this one. Like man, that belt is too die for. 
I Say No: Added to my book and have already started to rehearse this so I can sing it at my first given opportunity. The lyrics to this song are really awesome. In the Off-Broadway show, I always was peeved that the musical took out my favorite quote from the movie “You know what I want? Cool guys like you out of my life.” And they included a bit of that in this song. As someone who is a huge fan of this movie, I was stoked when that was added in. From my understanding, this song happens after JD shoots the TV right after Veronica breaks up with him. (Correct me if my assumption is wrong!) James and I had discussed in the past how a song would have been awesome there. So, if that is where this song is, it just makes me that much happier. 
Kindergarten Boyfriend: Woah. I mean woahhhh. Those vocals are flawless. This is the only scene in the show where Veronica gets more than 30 seconds to be off stage. I always spent it listening to our Martha that evening sing her heart out. It is what got me into the mindset to cry during Meant To Be Yours. This rendition is so lovely and truly makes me cry every time I’ve listened to the album all the way through.
Yo Girl: So eerie and so haunting. I do prefer the Off-Broadway for this one. It felt more gut-wrenching. The lyrics changes, though, hit you right where it hurts. “what’s that brimstoney smell?” Ouch, guys. 
Meant To Be Yours: The differences are subtle between this and the Off-Broadway. I love Jamie’s performance. He truly sounds like he has lost his damn mind. And Ryan McCartan's JD sometime’s was really cartoony. (Still, absolutely adore him!!) My favorite performance from Jamie from this entire album. One character choice I really liked was the whisper of “No thanks”. So chilling. Okay, I’m crying while I’m listening to this. I gotta move to the next song. 
Dead Girl Walking Reprise: Carrie’s version is not quite as belt-y as Barrett’s. I always had to sing this after balling my eyes out and had to sniffle and belt this. I love that there is just as much power behind this version but not all the way sang up to the gods. It’s a much more achievable rendition for the average singer in a community theatre where this will get done more often. Again, Jamie for real sounds manic and I love every second of it. And I also looove that there’s an added “Don’t talk about my mom” and a “stop” lines in there. Every night when James and I sang this, he shot me a look like those were his thoughts, but I can’t say anything because she is singing and it’s not in the script. It’s really lovely to have that added bonus in here. 
I Am Damaged: These are the only lyrics changes I don’t agree with. I like how it was originally portrayed that JD may or may not be changing in this song. But either way, wow my heart hurts. That was so beautiful. Every night when I played Veronica, my interpretation of this song was probably quite different than most. I’d love to share that to someone other than James and a few members of the cast. When Veronica says “Say hi to God”, I always portrayed it as Veronica, despite all of the harm JD caused, truly believed he would still go to heaven. And it always got me to the depths of my core. 
Seventeen Reprise: The vocals and talent of this cast, my god. Just as beautiful as the Off-Broadway. Ugh, this is making me cry my eyes out, guys. 
There you have it guys. What did you think of this cast recording? If you haven’t listened to the album yet, you really should! Listen here. 
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daysswithyou · 6 years
My Gift (Christmas Special!)
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Characters: DAY6 Young K x OC
Genre: romance, fluff
Words: 1.7k
Description: doctor!au x christmas themed
Authors’s note: I know I am absolutely late to the party but here is one last addition to the festive season!
You knew you should have said no. Since the morning on the way here, your gut feeling had already told you that you shouldn't have been a smart aleck and agreed to help Wonpil with the Chirstmas decoration.
Now as you sat on his porch in the biting cold cradling your foot, you cursed and swore at yourself.
"What happened?"
"I slipped on some snow and fell. I think I might have twisted something."
Wonpil sat beside you to inspect your ankle and it was swelling by the minute.
"What do we do..."
"I guess I'll just put some ice on this and visit the doctor tomorrow. No one's going to open on Christmas."
Wonpil furrowed his eyebrows in deep thought before lighting up into a grin.
"Ah I know someone!"
Before you could ask who, Wonpil had already whisked you into the passenget seat of his car.
"Ah Wonpilie! What brings you here?"
The moment you saw who his friend was, your brain went: Oh shit
Standing right in front of you was Brian Kang and you fought the urge to slap Wonpil right there and then. Of all people, he had to bring you to Brain Kang. 
Curse your damn luck.
For the longest time now, you've had a crush on Brian. How it all came to be seems stupid in your head but it was the truth. Brian was the resident genius of Wonpil’s group of friends – having been the only one to enter medical school. Between juggling medicine, he still found the time to play bass for the group and when he had time, he’ll play for the school basketball team. Being Wonpil’s friend, you had the privilege of getting to know him on a more personal level and seeing the way he interacts with the boys and the sweet smile meant only for private settings pulled you deeper in than you thought it would.
Also, did you mention that his ridiculously good looks are a bonus?
Basically, Brain Kang was a full package and you had to have a lot of willpower to not fall for that guy. You initially brushed it off as an infatuation but as time went on the feelings didn’t fade – and you eventually resigned yourself to a silent, one-sided love.
Until you got drunk one day and you accidentally revealed your love for him.
You didn’t even know you did it until Brian stared at you with a glint in his eye the next day and Wonpil revealed the whole episode to you. Apparently, you had picked Brian as the guy you would kiss and you even made kissey faces at him. Since then, you had actively avoided Brian at all costs and it didn’t help that he was constantly trying to know you better. You knew he meant no harm but the embarrassment from that incident made you turn tails and run whenever you saw him. Even when Wonpil revealed later on that Brian felt the same way, you still brushed off his comments as ‘silly’ and continued to avoid Brian at all costs.
Until now – where you were in no position to run away.
Brian gave you a knowing glance before directing his attention back to Wonpil. 
"You know Y/N right? She twisted her ankle."
"Of course I do. Bring her in." He opened his door a little wider and you hopped in on one foot, all the while cringing a little inside.
Someone save me now.
"Wonpil-ah bring her to the study room."
When Wonpil placed you down on his study chair, that’s when you decided to punch the poor boy on the shoulder.
With a hushed tone, you hissed at Wonpil.
“Why did you have to bring me here! You know I have history with that guy!”
“God you’re still thinking about that? Come on! I’m sure he’s already forgotten about it and besides, he’s the only doctor I know that will help you on Christmas Day. Cheer up Y/N!”
“When my leg heals you are getting one big whooping kick from me.” As you said that, you watched as the colour drained from Wonpil’s face but thankfully, he was saved by the entrance of Brian.
“Hyung! The Christmas decorations aren’t done yet so I’ll head back home first. Bring Y/N over later ok?”
When Brian turned his back on the door, you drew a slashing line against your neck at Wonpil, who simply smiled sheepishly and darted from the room.
“Let’s take a look at that leg shall we?”
When Brian flashed you a smile as warm as the hearth on Christmas night, it melted the ice around your heart and you braced yourself for the onslaught of sweetness as you warned your brain to not do anything stupid.
Here we go…
“So how did you land in this state?”
“I slipped on some ice.”
“And how does Wonpil come into the picture?”
“I was helping him with the Christmas decorations for the party today.”
“Ah… perhaps I should thank the snow and Wonpil.”
“Well, because of them I get to spend time with you like this even though you injuring yourself pains my heart.” And of course, the next most Brian thing to do is throw in a flirty wink; you had to grip the armrest of the chair to make sure you didn’t fall off the chair.
“Brain, stop it.”
“Stop what?” He feigned innocence and gave you one of those sweet smiles that reached his eyes.
“Don’t act dumb. You know what I’m talking about.”
“I’m sorry, what? I can’t hear you.”
It happened so quickly you didn’t even notice until his face was right in front of yours. You could see your shocked face reflected in his bright feline eyes and you could feel his breath fanning over your lips. His hands were clasped over yours, trapping you between him and his chair. Very slowly, his eyes dropped from yours to your lips and slowly he leaned in...
Until he pulled back in one swift movement and watched in amusement as you opened your eyes.
Damn you Brian Kang.
You watched him chuckle at his little trick on you – knowing that he still has your wrapped around his finger.
“You’re good to go.” Patting your ankle lightly, he stood to leave with his supplies in hand and the moment the door closed shut, you ran your hands through your hair as you let a strangled cry escape your throat.
You thought the suffering would end once you were at Wonpil’s house with the rest of the boys around but Brian was still being as obvious as ever. Having a twisted ankle suddenly meant that you’re out of commission and Brian took it upon himself to help you throughout the evening – although you knew that he didn’t do it with pure intentions in mind.
You don’t miss his sideway glances or the way his gaze lingers on you a little longer whenever he walks by you. Plates of food and beverages are passed with fingers brushing afterwards. When he sits beside you, he makes sure to maintain some sort of contact with you – knees are touching or his arm is on the sofa behind you. The constant contact made you squirm a little inside and it wasn’t like you hated it – your heart still was aware of its affection for the man but your mind was screaming otherwise.
“Hyung move! I want to sit beside Y/N!”
“Ok Wonpil, she’s all yours.” Brain then moved to the seat in front of you as Wonpil filled his space and you were glad for the little break your heart was getting.
“Gentlemen and 1 lady, welcome to 2017’s gift exchange segment!” Jae then spread his arms out wide and everyone clapped before Jae turned rabid at the lack of response.
“We shall go in no particular order starting with me.” Jae then bent down to pick the biggest one under the tree, certain that it would the best one around. The boys took turns and finally, we were down to Brian Kang.
“Brian, take the last one.” He then stood and bent down but decided there and then that he wanted something else.
Or rather, someone else.
In two big steps, he stood in front of you before picking up bridal style, announcing something along the lines of “I choose you.”
He then went back to his seat whilst settling you comfortably on his lap as the boys let out a chorus of WOAHHHH
“Brian Kang, just what exactly do you think you are doing?”
“I choose you as my Christmas gift.”
“Excuse you, I’m pretty sure I’m not part of the gift exchange.” You raised an eyebrow at him, and he raised another back at you daringly.
“Well, the rules were pick a gift but they didn’t specify which one.” Another wink came flying your way and this time round, you rolled your eyes without hesitation. Amidst your bickering, both of you were too engrossed in winning the argument to see Jae’s sneaky move.
“Both of you look up.”
Right on top of your hands, in all its glory, was the mistletoe.
And this means…
“We kiss now Y/N.”
And gosh, who could say no when a handsome, sweet man was staring at you like you were the most loving gaze in the world?
“You won’t play me like you did just now, right?”
“I promise I’ll do it for real now.”
As he leaned in closer, you squeezed your eyes shut – waiting for the impact of his lips upon yours.
But none came.
Instead, you felt something soft press against your forehead as the boys jeered in the background, unsatisfied with his forehead kiss. As the boys lost interest and got down to ripping the packaging off the presents, Brian tightened his hold around your waist as he whispered into your ear.
“Are we a couple now?”
“I guess…”
“Great – now you can’t avoid me anymore.”
Jae then let out a squeal of excitement as he held a new Macbook in his hand, courtesy of Wonpil, and that’s when Brian stole another kiss from your cheeks.
“Can’t help it – also, I’m saving the best for the last. Merry Christmas babe, am I your best gift this year?”
And instead of replying with words, you answered him by kissing him on the lips, beating him as his own game.
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