#wof culture
wof-culture · 5 months
Here’s a coming of age thing I came up with for RainWings! When a RainWing has finished training in all of the basics (treegliding, venom, camouflage techniques, etc.) their “family” will get together to make a personalized blowgun for them. The blowgun will be decorated with feathers in their favorite color, painted in the same pattern as their scales, anything that’s important to them, etc. The blowgun will be presented to them during or after suntime, along with their favorite foods. The RainWing receiving the blowgun will also be given a simpler one for daily use. The fancy one is most often used and/or worn around their neck during ceremonial events, such as Royal challenges or weddings. Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense, I tried my best to put it into text :P
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dazzlerdrawer · 11 months
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🔥🔥Thinking Bunches on Dragon Tribe Culture🔥🔥
Sandwings-- like the middle east! and North Africa Skywings-- like the medieval times or European stuff
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cinnamon-flame · 9 months
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Starting off the new year with I think the most background heavy piece I've ever made! I think Rainwings and Nightwings would celebrate their traditional holidays together after the events of The brightest night. So this drawing is meant to show their cultures kind of blending together during a very joyful time. I remember talking about this concept with someone on tumblr a year ago but when I went back through my posts I couldn't for the life of me find it - so if your reading this, I remember you and this drawing stems from that conversation so thank you!
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quotidianish · 10 months
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Jade Winglet (minus Umber and Carnelian 😢) designs and another Winter/Turtle doodle
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theriancultureis · 6 months
rainwing kin culture is imagining how nice it would be to have sun time in that one tree in your backyard
(omg fellow wof therian hihihi)
-Forrest (gonna start adding my mod sign off when actually replying)
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wof-reworked · 9 months
I have the worlds smallest little headcanon that Seawings are, on average, more likely to be deaf/hoh since they rely the least on it for hunting and survival + Aquatic means it’s much easier for a deaf Seawing to be fully absorbed in Seawing society
Second highest is (modern) Nightwings because naturally sensitive hearing + constant exposure to a loud volcano = lots of dragons with progressive hearing loss. Im not sure how much Nightwings have a sign language (time at volcano vs how terrible nightwing society is, fight!) but I do think the most recent generation of Nightwings would probably have their own dialect/baby language since they’re the most likely to be effected by it with the increase in volcanic activity and the way Nightwing dragonets are raised together in dormitories
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icecreamsodaaaaa · 2 years
Thoughts on different dragons having cultures and different languages?
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whimsiboy · 1 year
edit: this post is almost 7 months old and it gets the occasional interaction, so i am very very very sorry but for anyone who stumbles across this and wants to be moots, i am no longer looking for moots. i al so sorry 😭
looking for moots :3 fandoms: - gravity falls - fnaf - twomp - purrgatory - sweet tooth - beastars - furry fandom - ddlc - helltaker - bna - wof - warrior cats - twf - tua - any and all horror movies
hobbies: - drawing - poetry - story writing - gaming - sewing aesthetics: - original indie (not indie kid) - coffinwood - cryptidcore - vulture culture - goblincore - crowcore - rotcore - horrorcore
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pls keep in mind: - i'm autistic woahh
pls dni: - racists - homophobes - transphobes - sexists and/or misogynists i'm not looking for this bad energy >:[
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rainwing SEC is getting to lay outside for suntime!! yay!!
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Gonna come out the gate swinging and say that the revelation of Clay being a bigwings works for what it is, and those who criticize only this part of the book need to read it again.
Clay's arc in this book is realizing that he isn't the monster he was raised to be, which he fulfills before this point. He didn't bring himself to kill Fjord because even when faced with the possibility of getting killed, he won't go against his morals. When fighting Peril he very clearly said that he doesn't think the world needs to work this way. That he doesn't feel a killer inside of him, and that's not who he is.
Clay has already confronted this supposed monster inside of him by deciding to find a different way to fulfill the things he needs to do as a dragonet of destiny. At this point he doesn't have doubts about who he is, because he knows what his true values are now, and that he can still hold onto those in the face of adversity.
Kestrel's last words before she takes off are, "Listen, MudWing. For all your noble talk, you're not going to be any use to the others if you can't fight and kill to defend them. Just think about that." This is only part until the reveal of Clay being a bigwings where this conflict is brought up again, because Clay knows now that he doesn't need to kill to defend those he cares about. Earlier in the book, Clay constantly thought about whether or not he'd have to kill, if he'd succumb to this monster inside of him. But now, after being put in a death arena (the perfect outer conflict to go against this inner conflict I might add) and finding a way around having to do so, he knows this isn't true.
"But that's not realistic!" I hear you cry. I think that's what Tsunami and Glory are supposed to represent in this book. Tsunami has to kill Gill in self defense, and Glory kills Fjord to save Clay. These scenes existing beside Clay's arc show that yes, sometimes killing may be necessary in a life or death scenario, but it's possible to find a less violent way out if you want to try and look for it.
That's supposed to be the thought process behind this whole arc, things are resolved not by following the Talons plan, not by choosing one of the SandWing sisters, and not by conforming to what the world perceives them as. They find their own way to stop the war.
And while the idea of never having to commit an act of violence to protect those you love in a world that's been wrecked by war is very idealistic I admit, remember that this ultimately is a book series aimed at kids. I'm not saying that in a, "It's not that serious, it's just a kids book," kinda way (that'd be very hypocritical of me after analyzing these dragons to hell and back), I'm saying it in a, "Remember what the target audience is," kinda way.
Tui's message to kids is one of being hopeful in the world, even when it's hard to see the good. Wings of Fire for being a very violent book series has always had a really hopeful message about not conforming to what society wants of you, and finding your own way to live the life you want to live.
Clay's arc in this book is exactly this. He's been raised by the Talons since birth to be a soldier for their cause, but he doesn't want to do it their way. So he decides he's not going to.
Clay's not a monster, and has never been. He's a bigwings. A big brother, a good friend, someone who will do anything for his family.
"Kestrel was wrong, all wrong about him, and she always had been. His strength wasn't for killing and violence; it was for protecting his brothers and sisters. He wasn't destined to be a monster. He wasn't a killer deep inside somewhere.
He was a bigwings."
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wof-culture · 2 years
What do you think the populations of each tribe are? Like when everyone gathers at the sandwing stronghold and sunny says that 'half of all the dragons in pyrrhia must be here' even if it's an exaggeration it really doesn't seem like that many at all?? Plus, pyrrhia itself is of indeterminate size, so how many dragons could even sustain themselves on a continent that only takes 3-4 days to cross??
It sucks cause I want a BIG continent with LOTS of dragons but because of all the travelling the dragonets do and limitations for the gns I guess that wasn't really feasible :( Anyway what do you think?
In my little brain world, I would think there are anywhere between 600,000 and 1,000,000 dragons on the continent alone, making each tribe roughly ~130,000 dragons. That is a lot, but when you think about it not much for an entire continent. The way the books frame it, there's like 300 dragons per tribe. I like to think bigger.
This doesn't take into account how much larger each kingdom is. The sky and sand kingdoms are enormous compared to the night or mud kingdoms.
Hope that answers your question. Pyrrhia is big and beautiful and it takes DAYS for a dragon to fly over it. There's certainly enough space for a lot of dragons.
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drizzle-the-mudwing · 4 months
i just learned about medieval divorce duels and according to historians they probably weren’t actually a thing but. that is the most skywing ahh thing ive heard. here goes the headcanon machine
- of course in skywing culture you’d have to have one last spar with your spouse before you separate.
- used to be mandatory and presided over by one to five witnesses only but over time it’s become optional and attendance is usually open to anyone. it’s pretty much entertainment now, similar to scarlet’s arena but at a waaaayyy lesser scale
- a divorce duel is usually a sign of either an amicable divorce, or a very publicly bad one because they’ll usually be attended by whole neighborhoods/towns and extended family will fly in to watch
- it would probably be mostly a middle/high class thing since it takes a good amount of free time to set up a duel. working class tends to just separate privately
- more fancy duels might function almost like a classic wedding reception would, with catering, music, party attire, and a prize for the winner of the duel
- some dragons get married with the intent to duel just because they find it fun
yeah that’s all i got for now. woohoo skywings
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otiksimr · 2 years
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A nightwing born under a bloodmoon
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drinkinggblood · 2 years
I think it'd be cool if Nightwings and Seawings had more of a connection seeing as the moons quite literally control the seas... itd be cool if they had more of a cultural connection tbh
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panthera-dei · 10 months
IceWing Armor Protection Spell
This spell is inspired by the IceWing dragons from the series Wings of Fire. As such, I used dragon imagery and referenced the series when creating and casting this spell. However, it can be adapted to fit other influences.
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(image credit Wings of Fire wiki)
Casting the Spell
First, create some kind of drawing or other object to represent your scale mail armor. I chose to draw a page of scales in a very small pocket notepad with my special glitter gel pen. You can use anything you like, as long as it is meaningful to you.
Breathe in and blow out, deeply, and long, like the whistling of wind through the mountains at night. Do this 3 times. Focus on raising the energy of Ice and winter as you do.
Place your armor object on your altar or enchanting board or wherever you do your magic work. Place your hand over your armor object.
Say words like this (it's your choice what/whom to invoke, so long as they're meaningful to *you.* I chose 9 as a meaningful number as well):
By the Great Ice Dragon’s teeth, I enchant this armor.
By the snow and ice of Jotunheim and Niflheim, I enchant this armor.
By the whistling of the cold North Wind, I enchant this armor.
By the glaciers of the Arctic, I enchant this armor.
By the ice caves of Antarctica, I enchant this armor.
By the frozen land of the tundra, I enchant this armor.
By the diamonds glittering in the earth, I enchant this armor.
By the cold and stone upon the mountains, I enchant this armor.
By the might of dragons, I enchant this armor.
Say words like this that clearly channel the energy into your intention: “I enchant this armor to defend me and shield me at will. I have sacrificed time, energy, and [materials you used to create the object]. So too will the armor defend me. The armor will be hard and tough as diamonds and dragon scales, and will defend me from all harm. The cold and ice will repel any intruders who would wish to do me harm. From head to toe, I will be kept safe and warm inside the scales.”
Push all of the energy you've raised into the armor object.
Try to summon your new armor and see if it works! You should be able to summon it and release it on command.
Notes: So far, the spell seems to work in my limited tests. If I were going to do it again, I would invoke Prince Arctic or Whiteout (or maybe even Darkstalker himself) during the incantation.
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Please tell me more about the teto in ur wof au ik they’re a villain but PLEASE teto is by far my favorite utau/vsyth and they surpass all the vocaloids in my favoritism please just show me what they look like or SOMETHING (also I may do some more art of your Wof character designs because they are SO COOL)
Oh yeah sure
So Teto, or in this au Queen Chimera, is to be simple the Scarlet of the au. I wanted vbs to be in the Arena and since I don't want wof characters in the au I made Teto Scarlet.
Chimera separates herself from Scarlet by being the mother of Inferno and Smoke, that she wasn't from the royal bloodline, but took over the kingdom when the war began and that she's a pseudo firescale.
Chimera is a chimera (hence the name (also because Teto is a chimera but hdbsk)), she absorbed her twin in the egg and therefore has more fire than the usual skywing. But since her twin was barely developed it's not to the degree of a true firescale.
Besides that? Mostly speculation
I can think of some interesting political issues she would bring in. Being a nonroyal queen she probably used one of the allying Queens to take over the kingdom (likely Rin or Venom in this au) hence their involvement in the war. With that the arena could technically be more of a measure to appease the masses ala panem et circenses. So theoretically I could characterize Chimera differently from Scarlet, by her still being power-hungry but not in a narcissistic way :Vc
I could also think about her position towards Skywing traditions. Skywing culture revolves around proof of strength, so Chimera becoming queen by being cunning has some conflicts I need to explore. Not to mention Smoke and Inferno hatching before her rule causes several issues...oh jeez
There's a lot of spaghetti and sauce when it comes to wof au politics. I wish I could bring up a detailed timeline like the nerd I am but atm it's speculation glued to the wof canon
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But here's at least how her design would be. I'm not yet fully a fan of how it looks, but we'll survive
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