#wolf spoilers
ssaalexblake · 11 months
real talk the concept for sacha's character in Wolf (spoilers) is the Funniest thing ever like this man can't make it in acting (despite, frankly, being a fabulous actor In the show. The industry's fucked up in fiction too) and is moonlighting as a criminal who does actual horrific things to make a fast buck (it's implied he does this a lot, unless he actually went on real marketing trips, which i doubt lol).
Like, there is clearly something wrong with this man. He did not Have to do any of that more fucked up stuff. Was it necessary to take a knife to the man's stitches?? was it?? Really wasn't. Didn't care either. Duuuude why are you okay with torture for hire???
And he thinks once he's done doing this, which is super messed up with his whole ass naked face visible to the world, he can like??? Go do a tv advert??? without it being an issue???
my mans u have issues and i'm not even getting Into the fact that somehow at some point you managed to be half of a weirdly homoerotic friendship with a serial killer. That's a whole other problem. Like dude.
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ovenproofowl · 10 months
I love the plot twists in this show but I gotta admit, I had 'Molina' pegged as the real killer the second we found out Honey was just an actor. I'm sorry, but you just can't hire Iwan Rheon and not use him to his full ability at playing an unhinged psychopath . it just wouldn't have been fair to him
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how-masterful · 11 months
Wolf has absolutely destroyed me in every possible way and I NEED to scream about it!!!!
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killjoygem · 9 months
Spoilers for BBC Wolf ...
THEY KILLED MY BOY NOOOOO. I know I shouldn't blame Tilly but omg I can't help but be frustrated. They couldve all escaped!! But she was so sure he was "the bad one" 😭 he literally told her they were going to escape and that didn't make her doubt herself at all?? Anyway I just loved sacha's character, he was terrible but I wish he'd got to live
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Me being happy that one of the firefighters on the firefighter show is finally canonically Bi despite never watching a single episode:
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polarsirens · 1 year
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This is death itself. This is the biggest and baddest thing in all of fairy tale, and you want to set it free.
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verflares · 3 months
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(click for higher quality!) draconified link concept ive been chipping away at this past week ..... here's my funny little compendium concept for him:
"A heroic spirit has taken the form of this bestial dragon. Unlike it's kin, this creature exhibits an extremely aggressive disposition. It appears highly territorial, and will relentlessly chase down those who disturb its skywide patrols - of which it seems to be endlessly searching for either a long-time vassal or foe. Unfortunately, it seems the spirit within has long since forgotten exactly who it was looking for…"
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totk spoilers
hi i didnt look up what amiibo do in the new zelda before trying it. spent about 3 seconds thinking they put that dog through a meat grinder. artists rendition:
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lucdoodle · 1 year
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This scene is so iconic, I had to make a fanart of it
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jamandstuff · 11 months
It’s really tough to resist the urge to make a Wolf gifset that tricks people into thinking it’s a cute gay romcom.
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ssaalexblake · 10 months
casually just watching wolf (so spoilers) as it airs (mostly though lack of anything better to do, i binge watched it) and in terms of the big 'how did fake Molina and fake Honey meet and get to be friends' question, well, I don't know how they met but I think the friend thing is probably because Honey, being a walking red flag for 8 reasons, did not notice that Molina was a walking red flag for 18 reasons, because when the other person displays the same disturbing behaviour as you and you're Not a serial killer you probably don't immediately jump to assuming anybody else doing this stuff is one. But your average person who Doesn't torture people for side gigs (and put more effort in than necessary) probably would have picked up on the danger signs far more easily.
I actually do think fake Molina liked him, it's just he'd devoid of, you know, the things in life that Stop you from planning to murder your friends for convenience and/or money.
But also Honey is still super funny bc he'll like, happily torture people to send videos of it to some faceless boss for a payday (and also, not even while he was filming. dude just felt like it a few times) but he Draws The Line at murder. He will take knives to people when they're Alive but saws when dead is a no.
Chooses the worst possible moment to grow a conscience when he Should have done a runner, picked up the gf and owned up to his shit to the police so he could get Molina arrested or at the very least the gf in some kind of protective custody situation. That is the way it would have ended best for him. He'd still end up in jail, but he'd be alive, his gf would be alive. This is not particularly great in moral terms bc it involves leaving a family to be disembowelled but he's not a good person, is he?
His character is wild. He's awful, but in the kind of way where you feel sorry for him. But also hilarious bc he's being this extra and awful bc he's a failed actor. Which is what makes him makes sense, really. Actors really be like that.
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poofmalyakaet · 5 months
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death note except Light and Sayu act like real siblings
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ruubesz-draws · 11 months
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Monty would be the feral uncle
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spoopy-arcade · 11 months
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Roxy was always in a happy mood when Cassie visits her..
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mushramoo · 11 months
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literally all I could think about when they interacted like 2 times
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vilegato · 11 months
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isn't she the cutest
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