#women yearn to be in a rpg
bogcreacher · 30 days
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final girl!
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kenobster · 8 months
@lifeinwisco tagged me to list my top seven comfort movies, thank you! :) I'm leaving Star Wars stuff off this list because we all know what we're about here lol.
Note that (1) I took the term "comfort movies" seriously lol... my list of favorite movies would be different; (2) my "comfort movies" are not your "comfort movies" aka viewer beware because I am very strange.
Interstellar in which wormholes, space travel, and climate change are depicted through the most brilliant emotions, soundtrack, and visuals, the latter of which via consultation from actual RL physicists--but also in which rational science is stumped by the human being's unquantifiable capacity for love, a variable transcending the laws of space & time
What About Bob in which one absolutely deranged patient and one absolutely deranged psychiatrist are set upon two absolutely deranged, diametrically opposed, and escalating paths. This will infuriate the patient, this will infuriate the psychiatrist, this will infuriate you, this will infuriate me—but somehow you and I will still be laughing into the stratosphere for ages.
World War Z in which Brad Pitt decides to plagiarize and displace the words of a popular epistolary novel investigates a zombie apocalypse ex-Navy-Seal style (and FYI, in this one, those bitches RUN)
Bad Times at the El Royale in which I go in for shirtless Chris Hemsworth portraying a cult leader, realize halfway through that I'm actually here for Cynthia Erivo's singing (and briefly yearn to punch Chris Hemsworth in the fucking face for his unnervingly convincing performance as a villain), find myself uncomfortably aroused in a very crowded theater what with all that unexpected fictional dubcon, and leave sobbing harder than I ever have in my life because an old man pretended to be a priest one last time (and believe it or not, yes, this is a better description of the movie than any plot synopsis you'll ever read)
Poseidon (any version of this movie works for me, but this is the one I own) in which the tabletop-RPG-esque characters find themselves in an escape room with only a certain amount of time to get out. Except it's not an escape room. It's a ship. And the ship is upside down. In the ocean. And their starting location is the ship's top floor.
Legally Blonde (or John Tucker Must Die which ties with Legally Blonde for this genre of comfort movie) in which there is a ex-boyfriend douchebag, a pretty blonde student who is misunderstood (but not dumb), some misunderstandings and/or poor decisions that almost ruin everything, and some awesome women who fucking slay.
Emma, a movie with the typical Jane Eyre lighthearted intrigue/gossip, societal drama, and the actual embodiment of the Mr. Darcy you all seem to have in your heads.
Honorary Mentions: I watched both of these movies for the first time pretty recently, so I couldn't put them on the list... but I think in the future #6 will be replaced with Jennifer's Body (which is like Black Swan but done Mean Girls style and with a healthy dose of feminism)... and American Heist (in which Hayden Christensen's character gets trapped in a prison pipeline story), which might get on there too because it's exactly the kind of movie I'd want to cry about on a bad day.
Tagging @kcrabb88 @librarianladyx @coruscantrhapsody @ooboowoonkoonooboo @tired-bshocked @foreverchangingfandomsao3 @palfriendpatine66 @battlekilt @underacalicosky @that-gay-jedi @ihathbenobiwankenobied but only if you want. No pressure.
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duskfellhq-arch · 3 years
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the golden apple: city of opportunities; kairos looks down upon the city with more love than any other, with everything to show about it. it might be the flourishing and divergent neighborhoods in the residential area that gets you, or is it the high rises in downtown manhattan, the ones that kiss the skyline with their neon lights, the CEOs and CFOs argue numbers with whatever men and women in button ups and ties they bought for too much money, or maybe it’s the small sandwich shop in brooklyn that’ll get you, the one that knows you by your first name, making every sandwich for lunch from the day you started kindergarten.
you would never be able to tell that this city was a BATTLE GROUND of species, one that left some to be wanting more, yearning for revenge against the one’s who wronged them all those years ago. there’s turf wars, of course, between species; because what city doesn’t have them ?
BUT anyone who knows anything, knows the real opportunities lie beyond the daytime life of new york, through the passing glances those families who live in the hills or in the high rises that you so desperately want to be in, of those who hold their head high — or maybe hang it in shame — through crimson drenched souls, stinking of death and iron, or those who sharpen their weapons just to feel the blade in their hands, or the ones whose tarot cards are a little too accurate, or maybe it’s just that one person you can’t put your finger down on what exactly the hell is wrong with them.
duskfellhq. is an appless, plotless, original character supernatural based rpg in new york city that focuses on character development and small plot drops & events to move the story forward.
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chronicparagon · 3 years
Onmyoji AU: The Phoenix from the West, Blessed and Cursed
Disclaimer: This verse is based on the Onmyoji rpg and information I found about North America during the suggested time period and from other AUs. This includes the early encounters with European settlers and the damage of colonialism. Although  I could not find records of Native Americans being in Japan around the earlier eras, other ethnicities have been there.This includes Yasuke, a samurai of African descent from the 16th century. This also touches on Eastern mythology of the phoenix. I thought this would be symbolism of Harmony’s journey of rising from tragedies, if that makes sense. I did my best to combine Eastern and Western Indigenous perspectives and this I will continue to work on it. 
This could be subject to change when more information can be found and this AU is open to suggestions for improvement. Triggers are tagged.
TLDR: A cleric who would not let bad things that happened keep her down. She travels as a healer with the capabilities to bless and invoke divine intervention, which can affect weaker spirits and demons.
It is hard to say where she came from. Most people did not know the past behind the quiet young woman who holds a gift that is both a blessing and a curse. 
Her journey began as an infant brought to the Land of the Rising Sun. 
She was seen as a commodity like her people including her mother. She was born to an Indigenous woman held captive by travelers who bore the skin that was as white as snow and hearts as cold as the bitter winters.  Horrible barbarians indeed with greed driving their twisted scheme. Search for gold and precious resources ravaged the land the native people held sacred. They retaliated against the invaders, but these strangers always seem to come back in greater numbers. They attacked the villages, slaughtered the bravest of warriors including the woman’s husband and the father of her child who came to the world in the darkest hours of the night, just before the dawn. Her name was Mato Ciqana (Little Bear), after her father, Mato.  Though her mother used to call her Ciqana for short. She was not quite like most babies. A quiet infant who was never fussy or rambunctious and many found endearing for this and for her eyes. 
The child’s eyes were not the beautiful dark hues seen by her people, but bright silver, much like the moon. There is a reason to this, but the truth would not be known until later in the child’s life.  It was an early sign of what she would become.
Though originally intended to be a slave, a man took pity on the young mother and her baby and took them in. He later married the mother and took Ciqana as his own child. He gave her the name Harmony. 
The girl lived her early childhood in Europe and she was more rebellious. Most children made fun of her for her darker complexion, which often led the girl to get into fights. She was scolded for this, but that did little to stop her when she or others were targets of harassment. She lived up to her name, as fierce as the grizzly bear when the time came.
It was often discouraged, but Harmony’s mother secretly taught her about her roots. She was taught her tribe’s language including prayers. Though she was deemed lucky to a protected life from what would have been a grim fate, this would not last. Her father served as a protector of missionaries who would travel to Japan. Harmony and her mother went along with them. This is where blood drenched Harmony’s story.  The attack came in the dark of the night when missionaries arrived to Japan. Sinister beings that are not from the mortal realm found fun in reaping the foreign souls. 
Almost everyone perished, almost. 
When the time came to kill the child, Harmony’s ability came to her aid. She came from a line of  wičháša wakȟáŋ and wičháša winyan, holy men and women who healed the people and served the spirits. Though the holy people and healers were chosen by the spirits through dreams and rituals, her first calling came in a dire moment. One of the two demons cast hellish fire on the girl, just to watch her writhe and cry for mercy. Harmony does not remember how it happened. She tearfully said a prayer in her native language, her heart pleading for salvation. Eyes shut tight, she heard the anguished cries of her devilish assailants before they perished by a holy light. They were weaker demons who would fall to holy powers. Harmony remembered the screams, the painful burns of cursed fire searing into her skin, and the tears she shed for her mother. 
It was then that darkness swallowed the world around her. Surely, this would have been the end had it not been the child’s will to live and divine intervention that she invoked. 
As always, light followed darkness. Harmony woke up to the golden morning light, no longer out in the lone road but in the home of a kind old man. He was a doctor who came across the massacre with the girl being the only survivor. Knowing she is alone, he adopted the child despite not knowing where she came from. From there, he gave her a name to help her blend into Japan’s society. 
He called her Mizuki after her gray eyes that shine as bright as the moon. Though she preferred the name Harmony or her birth name, she had no choice but to accept the new name. Though her heart could never be healed after losing her family, she slowly adapted to her new home. Unfortunately, she was badly burned, leaving scars carved into her skin. Ridicule from the village children for her appearance and not having a family incited her old habit of defending herself with violence. 
Harmony had to learn the hard way that she should not resort to fighting as she grew older. The fighting stopped as she grew older, but while she became a gentle young woman, she would not tolerate injustice. She became more withdrawn from other people, often seeking refuge in the forest embracing the village where she practiced the old prayers and honed her skill in healing on animals, granting every one of them a new chance at life.  While she was taught to be a proper lady, Harmony was not denied learning the ways of medicine as she had an interest in it. Her guardian taught her what he knew, and she incorporated it into her healing capabilities as well as holistic healing that her mother taught her.  Harmony would never forget these teachings as it is her way of honoring her people and the spirits who protected her when near the clutches of death. 
The old doctor has plans for Harmony who he insisted to call Mizuki as she neared marrying age. There were several suitors as they heard about the girl with skin kissed by the sun and silver eyes that resemble the moon. She held the reputation of being quiet with a kind heart as an adult, nothing like the wild child who acted out. Though her scars turned most of them away, which made courting difficult. She did not mind being single. No, she was not against marriage and wished to have that someday, but believed she was not ready for it. She took her time, though the rejections for her imperfections often hurt her. It didn’t help when rumors about her being inhuman for her healing which was not deemed as normal for humans. 
The woman’s life would take another turn as tragedy struck once again. Demons attacked the little village. Harmony did what she could to protect her home and guardian. She did not abandon it, just as her ancestors from the west who stood their ground when invaders attacked. 
But there were too many to fend off herself and she fell, seen as dead, but her body was not touched as she laid unconscious in the blood of her fellow villagers. This was due to outside forces intervening in her favor. This was yet another pivotal moment as she would find herself in another world. It was filled with warmth and light. She remembered seeing a proud bird flying above her before it perched before her. It was then that she found that the bird was a phoenix. A powerful voice came from the bird. 
“Fear not, child. I have not come to harm you.” He begins, “I come with a message.  You have seen what you can do. You can heal the wounds of the body. Your heart is strong and yearns heal broken spirits and spare the innocent souls. This all part of your destiny. You are called to become a holy woman, one who holds the gift of healing the body, mind, and spirit. You hold the gift to protect the weak from darkness and cast away evil.” Harmony remembered these words as though it was yesterday. 
“You must go forth and use your skills to heal the sick, protect the weak, and bring light to this dark world. This is the path you will tread. You are like myself. You fell in darkness and cursed flame, but you have risedn again. Just as you will rise again from the ashes where you lay. Go forth and be the light.” 
Go forth and be the light...
 The dream faded with the spirit’s last words. That was when she woke in the ruins of her home. That is when she noticed a new mark on her body. It’s a mark of a bird with wings outstretched on her back. It was the mark of the spirit.   Forced to relive the darkest moment of her life. Alone and surrounded by people who perished in brutal ways.
 To this day, Harmony would not forgive herself for being so weak as she wanted to protect others. How she wept for the people around her. Despite their distrust in her and how they made fun of her as children, her heart remained pure and full of love for others. Harmony did what she could for them, giving the villagers their last rites from what was taught to her on this land and from her mother. She gave her goodbyes to the doctor who raised her, no matter how her heart ached, she knew it must be done, using her knowledge and skills to bless the bloodstained earth and free the souls.  
That was what she did before leaving with what she could salvage. 
From there, the young woman moves on with the spirit’s words on her mind and a new mission: Tend to others in need, embrace healing, and use her abilities to banish evil with the same methods as her ancestors held close to them.  She is blessed to be a holy agent and healer, cursed to live on land that is not her own, which affects the strength of her gift and cursed to have little acceptance for she carries marks of hellish fire. But despite these misfortunes, they did not keep her down. She still lives with kindness and bring healing energy. 
She rose from the ashes of devastation and heartbreak, just like a phoenix.
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juniper-tree · 4 years
Because my rpg characters are almost invariably women, my romantic fanfic often casts a woman as the wandering adventurer, stopping off for some love and rest, but always with one foot out the door because of Unfinished Business
and her male partner is left at home, pining and yearning and wondering when their love will return from the war
and honestly that’s really sexy
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rpgmgames · 5 years
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Happy New Year from RPGMGames! Let's take a moment to reflect on 2018 and look back at all of the incredible projects and developers that were featured last year.
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January’s Featured Game: HELLO CHARLOTTE
GENRE: Surreal, Horror, Dark Comedy WARNINGS: Gore, Body Horror, Graphic Content SUMMARY: Meet Charlotte - a puppet you will control. Meet her alien friends, maggot cat and a certain Observer. Dive deep into horrors of junk food, TV world, religion and romance novels for middle-age women. Keep your puppet safe at all times. Or don’t. Have fun dying! Check it out here: EP1 | EP2 | EP3 | DELIRIUM
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February’s Featured Game: LONE STAR
GENRE: Western, Action, Adventure SUMMARY: Lone Star takes place in the far-flung, sunbaked desert country of Diamondback, where sheriffs struggle to maintain civil order and protect the public from the deserts’ many vicious outlaws. The demand for someone to enforce the law led to independently operated training programs for citizens who want to help keep the peace. Elmer is a student of one such program held in the little mining locale of Bulk Rock City, who ventures into the chaotic wasteland alone in an effort to do his part as a sheriff-in-training. Check out the developer's blog here!
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March’s Featured Game: CERESS AND OREA
GENRE: Puzzle, Adventure SUMMARY: Ceress is sentenced to death, because she’s in love with the ‘wrong’ person. But stubborn as she is, she calls out to an old deity, demanding a chance to change this unrighteousness. Can Ceress overcome death to be reunited with the woman she loves, Orea? Play the game here!
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April’s Featured Game: FOLKLORIA
GENRE: Adventure, RPG SUMMARY: Folkloria is a lighthearthed turn-based RPG set on a floating island inhabited by mythological creatures. You play as Weaver, a young and unassuming griffin determined to rescue his family from the clutches of Dr. Zeralidius, a shady businessperson from the world below the clouds who plans to modernize the peaceful island. Check out the developer's blog here!
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May’s Featured Game: MARE
GENRE: Horror, Adventure, Fantasy, RPG WARNINGS: Listed here SUMMARY: The game follows Naomi, who awakens to find that they cannot remember their name, memories, and where they are. All they know is they can hear a lone voice calling to them, “Naomi, come find me.” Play the demo here!
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GENRE: Adventure SUMMARY: Queen Mary’s Script is a tale of a young girl who finds a happy escape in her own dreams. She lives in a shell closed off from the world and only in her own room can she express her feelings. That is, until she happens upon the doll Clause and all at once, the magic she yearned for in her life is thrust upon her. However, she soon finds that magic isn’t always what it looks like in books and dolls are just as selfish as humans. Play the demo here!
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July’s Featured Game: BLACK CRYSTALS
GENRE: Fantasy, RPG WARNINGS: Alcohol Reference, Drug Reference, Use of Alcohol, Use of Drugs, Use of Tobacco, Mild Blood, Fantasy Violence, Sexual Themes SUMMARY: Starsio, a street performer, finds himself in the stickiest of situations. Starsio was kidnapped off the streets of his home town and brought to the brothel Paprika where he is forced to become a performer. One rainy night, Starsio gathers his courage and wits and plans an escape. He convinces Arthur, an apprehensive and fidgety new found friend, to accompany him. Starsio sets his escape plan in motion with one last song… Check out the developer's blog here!
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August’s Featured Game: SHROOM SOUP
GENRE: Adventure, RPG, Psychological Horror WARNINGS: Listed here (may contain spoilers) SUMMARY: You play as Arnika, a gloomy teenage girl. Perpetually tired, you live off excessive sleep, lime juice, and instant soup. You look into the vortex forming in your cup of said soup, this time mushroom flavour. Next thing you know, you are in an entirely different world where everything, from buildings to people, is being devoured by fungi. It seems like you have no choice but to walk on… Your journey involves exploration, puzzle-solving and battles. Play the demo here!
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September’s Featured Game: GHOST HOSPITAL
GENRE: Adventure, RPG WARNINGS: Anxiety, Body horror, Implied child harm SUMMARY: Ghost Hospital is a game about anxiety, depression, despair, mental rock bottoms, and, of course, ghosts. You play as Robin, a twelve-year-old girl who has an anxiety disorder and is very much alive in this hospital meant for beings that are not alive. Frankly, her anxiety was already bad enough before she landed in a hospital full of dead people, the still-shambling shells of ancient ghosts who try to take her down for a sweet taste of life, and the hospital directors hellbent on keeping her contained, and more importantly, away from the reason she’s REALLY there. Thankfully, you have your new friends Jay and Sarcastic Ghost- Jay is a ghost about your age, and still a very new arrival to the hospital, and Sarcastic Ghost…well, he’s an amorphous blob of a ghost, who talks a lot despite not having a mouth. Play the demo here!
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October’s Featured Game: OVERCAST
GENRE: Horror, Supernatural, Action, RPG WARNINGS: Graphic Violence, Body Horror, Drugs and Alcohol, Obscured Nudity, Mild Gore, Suicide Reference, Religous References SUMMARY: Overcast is an Action RPG with two separate protagonists. Violet; the modest yet strict Spirit of the Sun, and Nico; the relaxed yet distant Spirit of Rain. In a world where humans and spirits live alongside each other, Nico is a lonely spirit that resides on Aarat, an obscure city on an island in the middle of the sea shrouded by dark clouds. For some mysterious reason it rains at all times. After a catastrophe forced Nico into hiding; Violet emerges from her home in the heavens; Paradiso, to take the island by storm and bring an end to the rain. Check out the developer's blog here!
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November’s Featured Game: SHOOTY AND THE CATFISH
GENRE: Adventure, RPG WARNINGS: Course Language, Gore SUMMARY: Shooty and the Zaat are a dynamic duo solving monstrous mysteries! Play the demo here!
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December’s Featured Game: SOMA SPIRITS
GENRE: RPG SUMMARY: Soma Spirits is a choice-driven Role-Playing Game in which players will face heavy dilemmas with a colorful cast of characters. Unlike many games of choice, the decisions you will make in the world of Soma are not so black and white, and characters will undergo different changes depending on how you wish to proceed. The world of Soma is a land divided into two similar, but distinct versions of one another. At certain locations, you will be able to travel back and forth between the World of Joy and the World of Sorrow and find different inhabitants, monsters, and clues on how to proceed. How you decide to help the people you meet along your journey will determine which of the game’s five outcomes Heart and Soul will find themselves in. Play the game here! Check out the extended version here!
We look forward to many more exciting interviews and new projects in the year to come!
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Here we go, proper refs of my JoJo self insert and her Stand!! All the info is under the cut :D

Name: Electra Heart
Age: 18 (PB), 22 (SDC), 35 (VA), 45 (SO), 20 (SBR)

Height: 5′3″

Gender: Female, She/Her

Personality: A normally meek housemaid with a fiery temper and a bad habit of daydreaming during working hours. Diligent and hard working, taught herself to read and write using books from the manor’s library (PB).

A small librarian with big ambitions to travel the world. Excitable and prone to hyperfixation, she finds herself often getting lost in books and dreams of being swept off her feet by a gorgeous hero or heroine from a classic novel (SDC onward).

A nobleman’s daughter tired of being told what she can and cannot do. Yearns for control over her own life, finding an escape from her restrictive family in horeseback riding (SBR).

Stand: 2B (from the song Hard 2B Human by P!nk). The poison that drips from the mouth of this reptilian Stand is a potent hallucinogen. When it enters a targets body, the User can cause them to see, or not see, whatever she desires. However, if the target goes for ten minutes without the poison’s cure, which happens to be the User’s blood, they will suddenly drop dead feeling no more extreme pain than a light headache.

Backstory Stuff:

Phantom Blood: From the age of 10, Electra worked as a maid in the Joestar Manor to help support her family back in the slums of London. She became good friends with the young Jonathan Joestar who was excited to have someone of a similar age to play with, despite her being a maidservant. When their lives were turned upside down by Dio Brando, she did her best to defend Johnathan from his bullying when they were younger, but ultimately succumbed to his charms during their late teens and fell deeply in love with him, thinking him changed from his villainous ways. When Dio became a vampire, he attempted to seduce Electra to his side but failed as Electra was disgusted with the monster he had become and sided with Jonathan to help defeat him.

Stardust Crusaders: (Not the same Electra as PB!) Electra met Dio in the library where she worked in 1987. She was returning books to the shelves when she bumped into him, dropping everything in her arms. As she apologized over and over, Dio stood there, incredulous, for she was the very image of the woman he had loved and lost back in the 1800′s. Believing this to be a second chance gifted to him by fate, Dio whisked Electra away to Cairo with him, hoping to rekindle their lost love. But, despite the similarities, this Electra was quite different than the one he remembered. He eventually did come to terms with the fact that she was not the same person and began to find himself enjoying her company and falling in love with her for who she really is rather than who he wants her to be.

Vento Aureo/Stone Ocean: Electra and Dio are happily married and settled down in Italy. Electra is a loving mother to all of Dio’s sons after the couple adopted them out of their previous homes. They also have a young daughter, Dianne who they love very much as well!!

Steel Ball Run: Electra Heart wanted more than anything to be a jockey but, women were not permitted to pursue such things. She confided in Diego Brando, a friend she had made while learning to ride, but was met only with laughter and derision. This only lit a fire under her and, determined to prove herself, Electra signed up to the Steel Ball Run under the male pseudonym ‘Lambrini Diamandis’ when she heard that Diego would be leaving for America to do the same. She would make people take her seriously, no matter what it took, especially that cocky brat Diego Brando.

Eyes Of Heaven: This Electra is a little off the rails. She’s completely devoted to Heaven Dio at the expense of anything else, even her own life, and will do everything in her power to help him achieve his ultimate goal. She’s unfortunately quite brainwashed. This one’s the bad timeline but it isn’t canon so it didn’t really happen. Fun fact; I made this Electra first and this is how I draw her most often because I originally created her as a character for a JJBA Tabletop RPG before I turned her into my self insert instead! 
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nymandtyler1-blog · 5 years
Quantum Dot Vs OLED, Which Is actually The Better Present?
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adfindrps · 2 years
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the golden apple: city of opportunities; kairos looks down upon the city with more love than any other, with everything to show about it. it might be the flourishing and divergent neighborhoods in the residential area that gets you, or is it the high rises in downtown manhattan, the ones that kiss the skyline with their neon lights, the CEOs and CFOs argue numbers with whatever men and women in button ups and ties they bought for too much money, or maybe it’s the small sandwich shop in brooklyn that’ll get you, the one that knows you by your first name, making every sandwich for lunch from the day you started kindergarten.
you would never be able to tell that this city was a BATTLE GROUND of species, one that left some to be wanting more, yearning for revenge against the one’s who wronged them all those years ago. there’s turf wars, of course, between species; because what city doesn’t have them ?
BUT anyone who knows anything, knows the real opportunities lie beyond the daytime life of new york, through the passing glances those families who live in the hills or in the high rises that you so desperately want to be in, of those who hold their head high — or maybe hang it in shame — through crimson drenched souls, stinking of death and iron, or those who sharpen their weapons just to feel the blade in their hands, or the ones whose tarot cards are a little too accurate, or maybe it’s just that one person you can’t put your finger down on what exactly the hell is wrong with them.
duskfellhq. is an appless, plotless, original character supernatural based rpg in new york city that focuses on character development and small plot drops & events to move the story forward.
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duskfellspromos · 2 years
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the golden apple: city of opportunities; kairos looks down upon the city with more love than any other, with everything to show about it. it might be the flourishing and divergent neighborhoods in the residential area that gets you, or is it the high rises in downtown manhattan, the ones that kiss the skyline with their neon lights, the CEOs and CFOs argue numbers with whatever men and women in button ups and ties they bought for too much money, or maybe it’s the small sandwich shop in brooklyn that’ll get you, the one that knows you by your first name, making every sandwich for lunch from the day you started kindergarten.
you would never be able to tell that this city was a BATTLE GROUND of species, one that left some to be wanting more, yearning for revenge against the one’s who wronged them all those years ago. there’s turf wars, of course, between species; because what city doesn’t have them?
BUT anyone who knows anything, knows the real opportunities lie beyond the daytime life of new york, through the passing glances those families who live in the hills or in the high rises that you so desperately want to be in, of those who hold their head high — or maybe hang it in shame — through crimson drenched souls, stinking of death and iron, or those who sharpen their weapons just to feel the blade in their hands, or the ones whose tarot cards are a little too accurate, or maybe it’s just that one person you can’t put your finger down on what exactly the hell is wrong with them.
𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐊𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐇𝐐 is  an  𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍  𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓  /  𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍  rpg  set  in  a  modern  day  new  york  city  !  the  group  is  both  plot  and  character  based,  featuring  original  events,  tasks,  and  plot  drops  to  help  move  the  storyline  along  !  we’re  currently  in  the  midst  of  a  fun  &  exciting  plot  arc,  so  please  consider  joining  us  before  things  truly  heat  up  !  (  https://duskfellhq.tumblr.com/  )
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duskfellspromos · 2 years
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the golden apple: city of opportunities; kairos looks down upon the city with more love than any other, with everything to show about it. it might be the flourishing and divergent neighborhoods in the residential area that gets you, or is it the high rises in downtown manhattan, the ones that kiss the skyline with their neon lights, the CEOs and CFOs argue numbers with whatever men and women in button ups and ties they bought for too much money, or maybe it’s the small sandwich shop in brooklyn that’ll get you, the one that knows you by your first name, making every sandwich for lunch from the day you started kindergarten.
you would never be able to tell that this city was a BATTLE GROUND of species, one that left some to be wanting more, yearning for revenge against the one’s who wronged them all those years ago. there’s turf wars, of course, between species; because what city doesn’t have them?
BUT anyone who knows anything, knows the real opportunities lie beyond the daytime life of new york, through the passing glances those families who live in the hills or in the high rises that you so desperately want to be in, of those who hold their head high — or maybe hang it in shame — through crimson drenched souls, stinking of death and iron, or those who sharpen their weapons just to feel the blade in their hands, or the ones whose tarot cards are a little too accurate, or maybe it’s just that one person you can’t put your finger down on what exactly the hell is wrong with them.
𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐊𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐇𝐐  is  an  𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍  𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓  /  𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍  rpg  set  in  a  modern  day  new  york  city  !  the  group  is  both  plot  and  character  based,  featuring  original  events,  tasks,  and  plot  drops  to  help  move  the  storyline  along  !  we’re  currently  in  the  midst  of  a  fun  &  exciting  plot  arc,  so  please  consider  joining  us  before  things  truly  heat  up  !  (  https://duskfellhq.tumblr.com/  )
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