#wondering what kind of flowers they are? idk ask emma
seagullcharmer · 5 months
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the lovers
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.60--Episodes 10-13
I have watched through S6E13; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
I had the chance to watch two extra episodes today (even though there were real-life things I probably *should’ve* been doing). It was a pretty good day.
—David and Snow look so stately as monarchs. I love how elaborate their clothes are. And all the jewelry.
—Once again, I’ve been made sad about what the Charmings could’ve had. Their life where they got to raise Emma would’ve been really good for them. But—you know, curse aside—the life they got turned out pretty great.
—I love that Pinocchio is where Emma got her last name from. I honestly never wondered where she got her name, although I probably should have, but this is the coolest possible option.
—Princess Emma was a huge wuss. I can hardly believe there was a version of her that wasn’t tough. But I also kind of enjoyed that in the alternate reality, she was more reliant on her parents. Them having a closer relationship was probably the best part of that entire mess.
—I love that when she was out picking flowers, Emma was singing the song from the original Snow White animated movie.
—Actually, wuss though she may have been, Princess Emma was adorable. I’m in love.
—Actually, Episode 10 reminded me that if I didn’t love Hook to the moon and back, I would totally chill with Emma x Regina. They have the reluctant co-parents to friends thing, and their personalities are a pretty decent match. Also the aesthetic is impeccable.
—I really like what’s happening with Rumple and Belle recently. They’ve gone from fighting and constantly misunderstanding each other and both taking things too far, to being two very broken people who are trying to do the best they can for their wayward son. I think that dynamic works for them now, because they’ve had a lot of marital issues and while Rumple is incredibly troubled, Belle also has some *stuff* and actually showing their brokenness is exactly what they and their relationship need. You know me, I’m a sucker for the raw stuff.
—So lemme get this straight. Gideon lived through twenty-eight years of being raised by the Black Fairy and not didn’t choose to be evil, but now that he’s out of her realm he wants to kill the savior? His logic is absolute bogus, man.
—It’s cool that Pinocchio and Emma were friends in the alternate reality. They’re kinda my BROTP for the show. I want Pinocchio to be like the cool, sage older brother she never had. I also want them to get into trouble together, like racing his motorcycle vs her yellow bug down the main road of town.
—Regina’s feathery red cape was cool.
—I feel bad for Regina. I bet it was hard for her to go back to acting like the Evil Queen after she tried so hard to put all of that behind her.
—Once again, I’m loving the fact that people are going to see Archie. They all need some therapy, tbh, and having the heroes go talk to someone about their problems is the best.
—Rumple (secretly) giving David’s father help finding James without asking him to pay was cool. That’s the kind of extra dimension he suits best.
—Actually, I think Episode 11 was brilliant. The stuff with David’s father I wasn’t a huge fan of only because the Pleasure Island freaks me out, but the emotional connection between David and Hook was beautiful. And seeing David first become seriously unhinged and then come back from the brink was amazing. (Although, I kind of wish he had killed King George, because that guy was a right arse and he would’ve deserve death. As you can see, I would be more of a Rumple than a Hook in the OUAT world.) I think Episode 11 is one of my favorite episodes in a while.
—Lol speaking of Pleasure Island, my mom asked if that was from the original Pinocchio story, and my answer was ‘Idk, but they did this in Kingdom Hearts, so probably.’ If it’s not in the original fairytale, then for sure it must’ve been in the animated Disney version?
—What Rumple did for his sons was such a twisted kind of sacrifice. I really love the trope where the person who’s already gone dark does the dark thing the clean soul needs done to protect them. I explained it terribly just there, but it’s stunning. Of course, it doesn’t work so well when either the two people aren’t connected enough for it to matter, or if the soul we’re supposed to believe is clean has disproven that theory by their past actions (looking at Snape and Draco over here) but for Rumple and his sons? HELL. YES. He’s lived the darkness—heck, with Bae he’d barely even touched it and he already knew he wanted better for his kid. Also, the way Belle responded was perfect. She didn’t get mad about the fact that Rumple had drained the Blue Fairy, or that he had helped Gideon get closer to his goals. She understood why, and she also grasped the peculiar nobility of it.
—Gideon looks like a big ol doofus walking around Storybrooke in that robe.
—How big a deal is this whole ‘Hook-killed-David’s-dad’ thing gonna be? Because now that he and Emma are engaged, I really don’t want anything to derail their happiness.
—Leave it to a pirate to pick out a gorgeous ring.
—I can’t decide whether bad Robin and the Evil Queen getting together is better or worse than what I expected to happen—Zelena and bad Robin getting together. Either way it’s not good.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
So I had to write about Emma shipping Bucky and that headcanon would not stop bugging me until I wrote it. It’s kind of from Alex’s POV? And I tried to write the dialogue as accurately as realistic but idk. And I forgot what age Emma is supposed to be so I just made it kind of generic elementary school ish? I hope this is okay??? Ahh I’m so nervous for you to read it but I hope you like it:) I love your writing so I hope I did it justice. Also tumblr isn’t showing the italics and I feel like they make the fic better so if you want I can always screenshot or do a post with how it’s supposed to look but that’s neither here nor there.
This turned into more of a mini fic that anything and I’ve never written fantasy but the urge to write this gripped me and would not let go:
Alex was tired- it’d been a long day and the kids were driving him up the wall. Show and tell was supposed to be fun but he’d already had to confiscate 7 ipads, 2 phones, an earthworm, 2 frogs, a pen knife, and he’d call no less than 3 parents regarding their children’s use of the words ‘fart face’.
Yeah... it’d been a long day. On the bright side, there were only 17 minutes left in the day before he could hand the little gremlins off to their unfortunate parents.
Deep breath. He could do this.
The excited giggles and loud chatter of the kids quieted down.
“Okay, does anyone have anythi- Zoe stop squeezing Peanut Butter- anything else they wa- Jamie that pen is not a toy- what was I saying? Oh! Does anyone else have anyt- Isaac and Jimmy if I have to tell you to stop playing with Isaac’s truck one more time I’m going to take it- anything to share?”
He’s met with more giggles and the sound of Isaac’s truck’s wheels rolling on the floor.
Finally, in the back an arm shoots up and begins to wave.
“Yes Emma?”
At least Emma is well behaved; her sister had raised her well.
“I have an announcement.”
“Okay everyone we’re going to quiet down and listen to what Emma has to say. Emma, go ahead.”
“My sister has a boyfriend and he’s really cool.”
“Oh... I uh... I don’t... that’s wonderful Emma,” internally he’s cringing at the obvious lie.
“His name is Bucky and he took me to a toy museum and we got to be there all alone.”
“Ooh I’ve been there! They have lotsa dolls,” Zoe chimes in.
Meanwhile Alex is conflicted. He shouldn’t do this. Technically it’s none of his business what peaches gets up to.
But bucky? Bucky Barnes? His jaw clenches at the thought.
Unaware of his reaction, Emma rambles on.
“He’s got a really shiny car, and we went to get ice cream and he said I could get whatever I wanted and I got TWO scoops of mint chip with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles. And then we went to the toy store and we got the WHOLE store to ourselves and...”
Honestly Alex can’t get himself to listen. He knows he should- it’s important to listen to kids when they share things with him- but the thought of Peaches dating someone like Bucky was... unpleasant to say the least.
“... and then we saw the new princess movie-“
“What?! Lucky!!” The indignant voice of a jealous classmate cried out.
“Is he going to marry Ms. Y/N? My mommy says that when a boy and girl go out together it means they’re going to get married,” Evie asked.
“Yeah and Bucky said they’re going to have a big wedding and I’ll be the flower girl and-“
The bell rings. Thank god.
“Okay Emma, thank you for sharing. Class, grab your bags and line up. Where my line leader? Don’t forget to ask your parents for a paper bag for tomorrow’s craft!” Alex leads the class outside- basically on auto pilot at this point.
He has to admit that he’s a bit distracted as he watches the parents lead the very excitable kids to their cars.
“Y/N!! Y/N!!” He hears Emma calling out. Well this is going to be awkward...
“Hey Emma! How was school today? Did you have fun?”
“Ohmygosh it was so cool! Lacey has a hamster named Mr. Peanut Butter and he’s soooooo fluffy! And then Isaac had this HUGE truck and-“ Emma continues to ramble on, oblivious to the reaction of everyone else.
“So uh Emma said that you and Bucky are dating?” Alex cringes, hating how awkward he sounds.
“Oh my gosh what? I don’t even- where did she even- I don’t mean that-“ peaches stammers. She takes a deep breath.
“No, Bucky and I are not dating. I have no idea where she got that idea from.”
“Oh sorry... she just was talking about a wedding and-“
“Wait what?”
“Yeah she said she was going to be the flower girl?”
“I’m so sorry seriously I have no idea what she’s talking about.”
“Oh? I don’t know, just because she was talking about bucky getting her toys and ice cream and-“
“Emma! When did Bucky get you ice cream?”
“On Friday we didn’t have school so bucky said we could go get ice cream and Y/N I got two scoops! And he said I could get sprinkles and fudge!” Emma was so excited she couldn’t stand still.
“I thought dad said you were at your friends’ house?”
“I was. Did you know that bucky has a pool? And Natasha taught me how to play poker! Do you know what a bluff is? A bluff is when-“
“Whoa no you should not be gambling. Sorry Alex, Emma, Bucky, and I need to have a talk. I’m so sorry about this- we are not dating.”
“Yes you are! Bucky said you were!” Emma practically screamed, causing several other parents to look over at them.
“No we’re not Emma!”
“Yes you are! Bucky even said he ‘took care of that guy for you’!”
“What?! He told you about that?!”
“Yeah he said a boy was being a meanie so he made the bad guy go away.”
“Oh my god- is that code for” Alex made a slashing motion over his throat with wide eyes.
“No! He just... hurt him. But like a little! He’s not like... he didn’t... I mean that guy did threaten me but I...” Peaches was scrambling. How does she explain that Bucky happened to beat up a guy just because she was uncomfortable?
“Alex I’m so sorry but I think it’s time for Emma and I to go- my cousin is running the bakery right now and honesty he shouldn’t be left alone and I probably have to clear things up with Bucky and Emma.”
“Oh no yeah! For sure, uh take care!” Alex blushed. He knew the other parents were watching and wondering what was going on.
Darling! Oh my God you're so talented and I'm dying!? Like-
This is PERFECT! 😱❤😍 I can't thank you enough for this and I can almost see it and like, all of them are so good, like Emma? The rest of the class? Alex?
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Huldra Henry taking Emma on walks in the forest, trying not to chuckle when she trips over roots and such and has to grab on to him for support.
Emma getting back at him by taking him ice skating, which as we all know from videos of deer on ice, doesn't go well.
Emma and Henry teasing and gently bullying each other in that way only close people do, smiling and nuzzling each other. The girls being kind and strong like their mother, and eccentric and intelligent like their father, and yet Henry and Emma still get woken up to the sound of "SHE TIED OUR TAILS TOGETHER AGAAAIIIN" coming from down the hall.
I don't know the properties of a Huldra's hollow back, but Henry sneaking the girls in to mad science plays when they're little by having them stow away in the hollow. Emma catches him storing a poem from her in the hollow and, after much persuading, discovers that he keeps all the small gifts she gave him throughout their courting inside it. That night is spent with a lot of flustered grumbling and teasing laughter as they cuddle up by the fire place.
F-... Forest dates my beloved... Emma being a bit hesitant because she is a city gal but still wanting to make her lover happy so he takes her out to the forest and guides her through it because he knows it like his own pocket, although he still teases her a bit when she accidentally trips or rips the bottom of her dress on roots but it's just banter, and they have a nice little picnic in a meadow and Henry shows her all the wonders with nature... Them dumping their girls at the Carews' so they can have some alone time.... Them having a favorite spot by a lake that the skate on during winter and while Henry is not really affected by the cold he cannot stand on ice for the LIFE OF HIM. No matter if he gets actual human feet or if it's just a disguise, he cannot stand on ice and good god hooves in skates are not a good idea. Emma being a very good skater and having to guide Henry who clings to him... Them taking their girls out skating as well... A lot of laughs as all of them trip and Emma has to help them up again... <3
Im imagining that they only got caught because Emma heard giggling from Henry's back and just.... <3
ALSO gosh. Imagine Emma and Henry getting ready for the night and changing into their night clothes, Henry has his back turned to Emma because he doesn't think much of it and Emma can't help but sneak a glance of him, only to see a bit of paper sticking out from the hollow. Either she tries to grab it or she asks Henry if he has noticed that he has paper stuck in the hollow and Henry immediately flushes and gets embarrassed and tries to keep Emma from getting it. Emma getting curious and coaxing him to tell her what it is about and he admits that it's one of her poems that she gave him, Emma being so flattered and happy about it and Henry shows her what else he keeps there; all her letters she has given him and all her gifts, as well as a bunch of her favorite flowers (i.e, the flowers they named their kids after). Ends up with the two of them going through everything in front of the fireplace when the kids are asleep and their servants find them cuddled up on the couch together the next day <3
Ok now at the mention of servants-- imagine them all either suspecting or knowing that Henry is a huldra even before he courted Emma, but maybe Henry didn't know. Sometimes they hear cloves on the hardwood in Henry's lab or in his bedroom upstairs, sometimes they swear they see a tail disappearing behind the corner but when they follow all they find is Dr. Jekyll. Poole one day walking in on Henry changing because he was going to uhmm idk fold laundry and Henry forgot to lock the door but Henry doesn't notice him, however, Poole sees the hollow back and the tails and parts of the cloved feet. I love the thought of Poole playing a bit detective and research creatures to match what Dr. Jekyll is until he finds out that he is a huldra, but Poole is also loyal to Henry and doesn't snitch or think less of him... HDhdh <3
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chromecutie · 5 years
Cable x Reader - burlesque fluff!
A/N - unedited because I got sleepy but I still wanted y'all to be able to enjoy it for Saturday Night!
Tag: @starman-thorsus-canos-jock @emma-frxst (idk who else would want to be on a Cable taglist if I had one, but here y'all go!)
It was a Saturday night, and the team managed to not have a mission. Colossus tried to suggest a board game from the fancy high-strategy collection, but was quickly shot down by Wade (“What, so Domino can ruin us all again? I don’t think so!”). Wade tried to suggest a movie, but Cable cut him off before he could finish his suggestion (“I cannot watch the porno version of Predator again.”).
Domino hoped you might make a suggestion everyone could agree to, and finally asked, “Where the hell is Y/N?”
Wade howled at the top of his lungs, “YYYYY/NNNNN???”
“SHE’S NOT HERE,” Cable practically roared to make himself heard.
Colossus couldn’t help glancing around. He hadn’t noticed when you left, and felt a little embarrassed like he’d made a rookie mistake. “Do you know where she went?”
Cable fixed his gaze back on the gun he was cleaning. It was already clean; at this point he was fidgeting. “If she wanted us to know,” he hedged, “she would’ve said something before she left.”
“Ohhhh my god,” Wade gasped, “You do know!” He clapped his hands, excited to play a guessing game. “What’s she up to? Underground boxing? Secret meth habit? Robbing a bank?”
“High stakes poker? Cock fighting?”
They all said some variation of, “Then what??” in unison.
Cable sighed. He couldn’t deny that he wanted to see you, but he was pretty sure you wouldn’t want the whole gang showing up. Surely, if you had, you would have dropped some kind of hint. “We gotta dress up,” he said finally. “Black tie. And we gotta pick up flowers on the way.”
The gang had done their best on short notice. Domino wore a short, black cocktail dress cut so tight it was a wonder it didn’t split when she got in and out of the car. Colossus still wore his cargo pants and work boots, but classed up with a dress shirt, black suit jacket, and a tie. Wade, to no one’s surprise but everyone’s quiet exasperation, was in full Deadpool gear with a bow tie. Cable had managed to find a full three-piece suit, and though it wasn’t a perfect fit, he made it work. In his metal hand he held a bouquet of roses. They weren’t the freshest flowers, but they were the best that the store had.
They stood in the parking lot of a shabby strip mall and Domino said, “Looks like a nice neighborhood to sell your kidney.”
“This way,” Cable led them to the back door of one of the suites. He knocked and was quickly greeted by a drag queen in green glitter eyeshadow and three-inch long lashes.
“Hi honey,” the queen made a kissy noise and asked, “Who y’all with tonight?”
“Liz Lugosi,” Cable said as if he had been here several times.
The queen lit up with glee and put a long-fingered hand on Cable’s shoulder. “Ohhh! Lizzie didn’t mention anyone coming tonight!”
Cable gestured vaguely to the roses. “She’s not expecting us.”
The queen made a purse-lipped smile and shimmied her shoulders, hardly able to wait until she could spill this tea later. The team paid for their tickets and were ushered inside to pick a table.
The floor was full of glammed up people milling about, sipping cocktails and snacking on Chex Mix. The tables all faced a makeshift stage with a curtain made of cheap velvet. “What is this place?” Colossus folded himself into a chair that was too small for him, but he wouldn’t complain.
“It’s a kids’ ballet studio during the day,” Cable replied. “This is probably how they pay rent, though.”
Domino caught on and grinned, “It’s a speakeasy burlesque show.”
Wade cracked up laughing in earnest. Pretending to wipe away tears from his mask, he said, “What’s her act? Kicking off her boots and sexily peeling off a spandex onesie?”
“You’ll see,” Cable said impatiently. “Shit like this is probably why Y/N - Liz - never mentioned it, you assclown.”
The show started soon enough. Three performers in sparkly costumes made a show of sneaking out from behind the curtain. Each held a microphone. “Good eeeevening, daaaarlings!” the one in purple sequins drawled. The crowd applauded, some hooted.
The second performer wore something like a green velvet bikini with a lot of feathers. She tossed her blonde curls and said, “Who here has been to our show before? Come on, make some noise!” Almost everyone gave a shout except Cable, Wade, Domino, and Colossus.
“I don’t know that we should have come here,” Colossus whispered. Domino hushed him quickly.
The third performer wore a long, black satin robe, trimmed in purple rhinestones that glittered in the stage lights. She wore a wig of bright pink waves and cocked a hip as she turned toward their table. “I understand we’ve got some new blood in the house tonight.” The pink-haired performer sauntered between tables as she continued in a sultry purr, “So let’s go over the ground rules. If you’ve been here before, say them with me! Rule One!”
The audience responded, slightly drunk and mostly in unison, “No photos or video! We do this show live and only live!”
“That’s right,” she let out an easy giggle. “Rule Two?”
“No touching the performers unless you are specifically asked!” One young woman added in a buzzed, but enthusiastic slur, “Consent fucking matters!”
“YES, HONEY!” the blonde in the green bikini agreed.
The pink-wigged woman beamed. “Wonderful. You know, just to make a point,” she went over to the buzzed woman’s table. “Why don’t you give me a good slap on the ass, huh? Not too high on the cheek now, nice and low.” She leaned over, sticking out her round butt. When the patron gave a smack loud enough for every table to hear, the performer snapped straight again with a surprised hoot. “That’s how I like it! Haha, and Rule Three, let’s go!” She gestured grandly, long sleeves swaying.
The veteran audience chorused, “If you see something you like, make some noise!”
The three performers gathered in front of the curtain again and struck a sexy pose that showed off cleavage, thighs, and arched spines. The crowd made a good ruckus of whistling and applause, the X-Force gang included.
The show continued - there was an opening group number, the drag queen from the entrance sang a parody cover of a popular love song, there were a few aerial silks numbers, and of course classic burlesque striptease. Domino and Wade had gotten comfortable quickly, cheering and applauding each performer like they were the sexiest they had ever seen. Colossus took a while to loosen up, but even he enjoyed the athletic fluidity of the silks performers. Strength, flexibility, and making it all look beautiful with a big showgirl smile? Gold star in Colossus’s book. Each performer had gotten a funny and colorful introduction by the drag queen, who was emceeing most of the show.
“Our last lady of the night,” the queen teased, “has a slither that’ll make you shiver and she has NOOO idea how to just SIT in a chair!” The crowd chuckled. The drag queen bobbed her head and gave a wide flourish, “Just make sure you check for fangs before you kiss her - it’s Liiiiz Lugosiiii!!!!” The crowd hollered and clapped as the curtain drew back, revealing the pink wigged woman with the black satin robe.
Something steamy and full of saxophone blared over the sound system as Y/N, aka Liz Lugosi, swirled her robe - and disappeared. She reappeared a few feet away in a puff of smoke, similar to Colossus’s friend Kurt. As Liz Lugosi swirled, floated, and poofed around the stage, Colossus couldn’t help but note that where Kurt’s ability was abrupt like popping a balloon full of smoke, Y/N was smooth and soft, like drips of ink in water. A simple folding chair was on the stage, and in another few beats, Liz let her robe slide from her shoulders, down her back, and onto the floor. Domino glanced over at Cable and saw his face was relaxed in a gentle smile, eyes shining in the light.
Liz Lugosi turned to the front - and revealed that she appeared to be wearing nothing but black and purple rhinestones. Of course, her thong and pasties were there, but they matched her skin tone and the stones and beads had been carefully stitched and glued to cover them. The crowd screeched their appreciation. Wade yelled, “Holy shit!” but Cable barely even registered it.
“How did you find out about this?” Colossus asked him.
Cable answered without taking his eyes off Y/N, “I followed her to rehearsal once, to see where she goes.”
The stage floor filled with rolling fog as Liz Lugosi tossed her pink waves and slid over the chair so her chest was on the seat and her legs arched over her head. The rest of her routine was a series of acrobatic rolls and stands on and around the chair. Just when it looked like she would sit normally, she would turn and suddenly she was upside down, nearly sitting her butt on her head, with her legs in a deep split.
“Is that a mutation?” Domino asked, astounded.
“No,” Cable beamed, absolutely smitten, “she can just do that.”
Wade clapped for a particularly unexpected roll off of the chair. “I can’t believe she’s been holding out on us!”
Colossus agreed, smiling despite the awkwardness of seeing a coworker mostly naked for the first time, “You can tell how much she’s enjoying herself.”
As her number ended, Liz Lugosi bowed, dramatically tossing her pink waves. The team cheered louder than any other table and drew her attention. If she was caught by surprise, she didn’t let it show, maintaining her stage persona. She swayed her wide hips over to their table, and made the rounds expressing her thanks. She kissed Colossus on the cheek and left a red print on his chrome skin, though he froze when her boobs touched his arm. Domino soaked it up when she got a kiss on the cheek too. Wade didn’t get a kiss until he laid his palms on the table, and he all but squealed with delight. Cable, subdued and a little sheepish, offered the roses when she got to him. Instead of kissing his cheek, she pressed her lips to his and made it steamy enough that the crowd hooted and whistled louder than ever.
Y/N pulled away and teased in Cable’s ear, “Do I need to learn to cover my tracks better?”
“Aw, I hope you never do,” he was still grinning like a fool, “I’ve been wanting to bring you flowers for a while.”
She pulled away and she was Liz Lugosi again. Bouquet cradled against her heart, she winked and sashayed back to the stage to pick up her robe. The curtain closed, and Cable didn’t even try to hide how light and pleased he felt after getting to kiss the woman he’d been quietly pining after for months.
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thewritingstar · 5 years
98 that’s a lot of questions I wonder if you could answer them all 🤔🙃
don’t come for me like this anon.....here ya go. 
i answered all of these and it took forever so yall better read this shit
enjoy bitch
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
-both im a sugar addict
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
-prob either really quiet or really loud
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
-I hate soda
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
-I really like pastel and goth styles
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
-Flag Football (stealing the flags) and badminton
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
-dont really eat in the mornings but prob granola bar or left overs
12. name of your favorite playlist?
-Shower lol
13. lanyard or key ring?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
-Sour gummi worms..that shit is CRACK
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
-Great Gatsby
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
-apple sauce or on one leg
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
-all black converse
18. ideal weather?
-warm and sunny
19. sleeping position?
-stomach, side, in a ball
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
-Laptop or phone
21. obsession from childhood?
-My little pony, littlest pet shop, Disney, elephants, Chinese food
22. role model?
-Tara Strong, Walt Disney, Francis Dominic 
23. strange habits?
-tugging my hair, biting my nails, wiggling on my heels like a penguin and going up stairs on all fours (when im home)
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
-American idiot- Green Day
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
-idk Cartoon theme songs lol
29. best way to bond with you?
-make me laugh or talk about disney
30. places that you find sacred?
-Flower gardens
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
-anything with my high heel boots
32. top five favorite vines?
-Road Work Ahead, Oh my god he on X Game mode, What the Fuck Richard, This house is fucking nightmare!, Happy one year babe! Im 27. 
33. most used phrase in your phone?
-YEET, Yall and bitch
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
-Stanley Steamer, The First5California.com song 
35. average time you fall asleep?
-now its 12 am -1 am... use to be like 10pm
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
-oh god that was so long ago i dont even know but it was one of the first ones like pepe or some some
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
-raspberry ice tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
-dont like lemon in my desserts 
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
-A condom was thrown on my desk in french class (it was unopened thank god)
41. last person you texted?
-my mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
-Jacket pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
-Vanilla or tropical
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
-Big shirt and no shorts (underwear obvi)
47. favorite type of cheese?
-I fucking hate cheese
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
-Strawberry or Lemon
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
-Its always fun to do the impossible- Walt Disney
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
-For my birthday my friend got my a “Sorry for your loss” card and i cried for 30 mins
51. current stresses?
-um everything..college and being the only snacc in my household
52. favorite font?
-comic sans
53. what is the current state of your hands?
-Still have both of them
54. what did you learn from your first job?
-That people are assholes 
55. favorite fairy tale?
-Disneys Rapunzel 
56. favorite tradition?
- My grandma got all the grandkids pjs on Christmas eve every year and we would wear them to sleep 
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
-Anxiety, Depression (sorta), Dropping my churro on the ground at Disneyland
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
-Quick Wit, Art abilities?, Standing on my head and making weird ass noises
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
-Already answered
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
-A really cool and cute magical one!!
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
-From Once Upon A Time, honestly they ave the best quotes. “So when I win your heart, Emma- and i will win it-it will not be because of any trickery, but because you want me”- Killian orrrrrrr He smells like forest”- Regina
62. seven characters you relate to?
-Juvia (FairyTail), Star (SVTFOE), Mabel (Gravity Falls), Maybec (Kingdom Keepers, sassy and artistic), Bubbles and Blossom (PPG) and Belle (beauty and the beast)
63. five songs that would play in your club?
-Boyfriend: BTR, Dancings not a crime: Panic!, Bang bang: Jessie, Ari and Nicki, Read you, wrote you: Drag race lol and Busted from Phineas and Ferb because I can
64. favorite website from your childhood?
-Webkinz, PetPetPark (STILL SALTY ABOUT IT) Club Penguin, Build a bear, Poptropica, i played every game yall
65. any permanent scars?
-only emotionally 
66. favorite flower(s)?
-Roses and water lilies..and every flower cause they pretty.. oh Dahlias too
67. good luck charms?
-petting my dogs. 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
-Mango anything or Cherry. I hate cherry flavoring. 
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
-I have a great memory so i usually remember how i learned it, but.. Did you know that the water on the Jungle Cruise in Disneyland is 3 feet deep and dyed brown? Plus the water in all the parks is a special mix that doesn't contain chlorine because alot of people are allergic so its safe to touch? (learn from a disney doc)
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
-those ugly ones on leggings.
72. worst subject?
-Math or english (haha and i like to write)
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
-Grapes and teriyaki sauce. if they on the plate. ill just dip them in. I have an addiction to teriyaki sauce. 
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
-I dont take any unless I have my period and my cramps are usually at a 10 so i try and take it when they at a 5
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
-when i was young 
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
-I LOVE potatos: Fries and mash are best plus baked. I HATE chips thou
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
-Any bright flower or ivy
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
-coffee, dont like sushi
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
-AHHHH my license is soooooo bad. I had strips of red in my hair (got it when i was 15-16) and i didnt know they took your pic at your permit test. Its awful. School is def better and my senior photo pops. 
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
-Fireflys (arent they the same?)
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
-Both but im better at writing
84. podcasts or talk radio?
-Podcasts but I dont listen to alot. 
84. barbie or polly pocket?
-I played more with Littlest Pet Shop and My Little Pony lol (i have 400) prob Barbie thou
85. fairy tales or mythology?
-oooooooofffff cant decide
86. cookies or cupcakes?
-oooooff i love both but cupcakes
87. your greatest fear?
-wasting my life away.....or heights...certain bugs
88. your greatest wish?
-to be happy and have all my dreams (life, job, romance,etc) happen. Plus going to every Disney Park in the world.
89. who would you put before everyone else?
-Depends on the situation but sometimes you need to take care of yourself before others. If you arent doing good, how the hell you suppose to take care of others. 
90. luckiest mistake?
-hmmm idk being born
91. boxes or bags?
-depends on what im carrying but prob bags
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
-I love fairy lights
93. nicknames?
-any mispronunciation of my name, Dean, Big D (yes people call me this), Star, Sassafras and some more that yall dont get to know :) You can give me a nickname if ya want
94. favorite season?
-Spring and Summer
95. favorite app on your phone?
-Tumblr, Snapchat, Tsum Tsum 
96. desktop background?
- Its items from super mario and mario kart
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
- Eight
98. favorite historical era?
-oof im a history buff but I do love Greek and Roman because I love mythology...Maybe even 1800s.
hi if you got to the end of this then I love you and for proof leave me a 🐰
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killingkueen · 6 years
something old, something new
A RCIJ fic for @thatravenclawbitch
Prompt: lovers who can’t move on
Summary: she returned as a favor to Jefferson, that was all. she hadn’t meant to open old wounds
Rating: idk. M-ish? There’s much talk of detailed sexy times, but not much happening otherwise.
It started with milk.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Jefferson.”
“Don’t want—” he sputtered. “Belle, you go out for a quick grocery run and you return hours later, sans any actual groceries, might I add—”
Her purse thumped loudly as she dropped it to the table, knocking the mail to the floor. She opted to ignore it.
“Leave it alone.” She had barely managed to come away with her dignity, and he was concerned about groceries.
“—with more spots on your neck than a leopard, hair a mess—”
While she kept herself from tugging on her collar, Belle couldn’t help but run another hand through said hair, conscious of the fact that it was very much no longer in the neat style it was when she had left. Her wrists hurt too, from where they’d been squeezed, and she was pretty sure there was a mark on her back from how hard she’d hit the edge of the sink.
“Jeff, please.”
Milk, of all fucking things.
“Darling, you have been ravaged and I want the details. Did it happen in the parking lot? Did some Fabio sweep you off your feet so suddenly you just had to have him in your car? Or—” he lowered his voice, eyes gleaming. “Was shopping all a ruse and you snuck out to meet with a Tindr date?”
Belle rolled her eyes so hard she almost felt them rattle (though she could admit that she had missed his dramatic tendencies). “Are you so shocked?”
“Hardly. I’m jealous. You’re here to help me get laid.”
Her lip twitched, then bloomed into a full smile despite herself. “As if you need my help.”
“I do just exude sex appeal, don’t I?” He shot her his best smoulder, pouting his lips, his hands up to frame him face.
“And have a jawline that could cut glass.” Belle leaned back against the counter, relieved he was letting her change the subject. “Chicks dig that, you know.”
“I admit I was hoping for the more masculine crowd, but I’ll be sure to show off my good side all the same.”
He wandered over to the (empty) fridge, pulling down the take-out menus that were pinned to it. “Speaking of, the beautiful bride-to-be wants me there extra early for the rehearsal. You okay coming with me? She could use the manpower.”
Belle absently ran her fingers over her neck, ignoring the pleasant soreness. “That’s fine, I guess. Is there a lot left to do, then?”
“I’m the maid of honor, Blue Belle. My sacred duties are never complete.” He flashed another smile at her before shuffling the menus about in his hands. “But, her future father-in-law is apparently a bit much, so I think she just wants someone on her side to run interference in case he gets nosy.”
“What, too overbearing? Judgmental?”
“More ‘surly asshole.’” He eyed the marks along her neck, only getting deeper in color. “Actually, you might want to do something about those. Then again, if you wear that nice green dress, you know, the one with the low scoop neck? He might be so scandalized he’ll forget about Emma completely.”
“I'm not some sacrificial lamb,” Belle laughed, tugging again at her collar.
“Anything for the cause, darling. Now then,” he held the menus out like a spread deck of cards. “Do you want Chinese, Korean, or pizza?”
Shifting on her feet, she looked at the options without much enthusiasm. It was after all the same spread they had been enjoying all week, since Belle arrived; lunch, dinner, and leftovers for breakfast if they could stomach it.
“And to think I promised you an actual home-cooked meal tonight.”
“You’re the one who decided getting your rocks off was more important than groceries. Be grateful I’m letting you choose at all.”
She pursed her lips. She did feel a little bad about that, actually.
She had been in the dairy isle. Her phone in one hand, typing out a message to August about her latest article, the other hand pulling out a half gallon of milk. She had glanced down to check the expiration date, had looked to her phone when it tried to autocorrect ‘blunder,’ the door to the fridge closed with a cool gush of air, and when she looked up, there, behind her, reflected in the glass—
“If you feel that strongly about it, how about you decide then?”
She turned away, resisting the urge to sweep her purse to the floor (it’d be a mess to clean up, and not the satisfying kind). She reached for the cupboard nearest her, hoping for a glass. No luck; only plates awaited her.
“Try the one to the left,” Jeff said, realizing her intention.
She heard the faint swish of paper as he fiddled with the menus.
“I know you said you didn’t want to talk about it,” he said as she filled a glass from the faucet. “But bottling things up has never worked for you.”
Belle took a sip of water. She would kill for a window she could look through, right now. A spice rack, even. Anything but the sad, peeling yellow wallpaper of Jefferson’s apartment.  
“I looked up, and there he was,” she said finally. “He…had cut his hair.”
“You knew him, then?”
“I did, yeah.” Her gaze shift from the sad wallpaper to the sink; clean, shining. A true contradiction to Jefferson’s sporadic, messy nature. “From before.”
He hummed behind her. She could practically feel his frown.
“He kept it long, you know? Used to, rather. I could see his ears. Never seen them before.” They were pointed, slightly curved inward, like a pixie’s, but that wasn’t what had stood out to her, when his face had appeared over her shoulder. His eyes had been dark; two storm clouds ready to split, or swallow her whole. The sharp angles of his face were nearly jagged in the glass, especially without the soft frame of his hair. His face was pale, his lips pinched at the corners. She wanted to run her fingers along the line of his brow, but he looked too sharp to touch, like if she tried, she’d bleed.
“And that got you hot and bothered?”
Belle rolled her eyes at the wall, not giving that the benefit of a response. “I dropped the milk.”
“The milk?”
“He was just suddenly there, and he surprised me, and I dropped the milk, okay?” She turned to face Jefferson, who had his hands up in a placating gesture. She sighed. Lowered her voice. “At least it was only a half gallon.”
“The jug broke, and it was all over the aisle, and I had milk running down my leg, and he was just...looking at me.” His suit was unfamiliar, his shirt a light purple she hadn’t seen him wear before. He was altogether brand new and just the same as he’d been the last day she saw him; he even still had a pocket square. A fucking pocket square, placed expertly in his meticulous three piece suit, that he was wearing in early summer, in Boston.
Of course she’d embarrass herself. Of course not a drop of milk landed on him; it wouldn't dare.
“I left the basket right there in the aisle. Ran to the bathroom.” She needed to be somewhere else, where he wasn’t looking at her. Where he wouldn’t open his mouth and—
“The bathroom?”
“He, uhm, followed, which I wasn’t expecting. There was a knock, and there he was, again, with my purse and cell phone, and…”
“How courteous.”
“I pulled him in, locked the door, and before I knew it, my back was against the sink, my skirt was hiked up to my waist, and my panties were...” she shrugged. “Elsewhere.”
Jefferson gave her a searching look, from the top of her head to the love bites on her neck, to the pale expanse of her legs. She shifted uncomfortably; Jeff was perceptive at the worst of times.
“He kept them, didn’t he? Your panties.”
“He did, the bastard. I liked that pair.”
Jefferson snorted. “I didn’t know you had it in you.” He dropped the menus on the counter, his movement careless. “You got off, at least?” he asked.
Belle huffed, annoyed at his casual tone.
“Look, Belle, if you’re going to fuck your ex-boyfriend in a grocery store bathroom, you might as well get off.”
“Yes, God. He got me off.”
Admitting that much was a mistake. His eyebrow waggled. “Oh, he did, did he?”
“That’s all you’re getting out of me, you pervert. I’ve said quite enough already.” Belle took another sip of water. She paused, eyes narrowing. “I never said he was my ex.”
“Didn’t you?”Jeff knelt down to pick up the mail she had spilled, setting it back on the table without looking at it. “You can pick the take-out, but I’ll choose what we watch, yeah?”
That meant she was at the mercy of VH1. She looked to the menus abandoned on the counter, sore and empty, and wondered how much more of America’s Next Top Model she could take.
She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt Jeff’s arms go around her shoulders, crushing her to him, her arms pressed to his chest, water spilling between them. He ignored how it soaked into his shirt.
“Boston is a big place, honey bird,” he said. “You’re not here much longer—chances are you won’t see him again.”
She sighed, breathing in the familiar scent of pine and wild flowers (he smelled nothing like cedar. Nothing like woodsmoke and whiskey).
“Yeah,” she said, her voice tight and small. “You’re probably right.”
Belle cursed under her breath as she turned into the parking lot of Behind the Glass Sports Bar and Grill, the venue of the wedding. She pulled into the first empty space she could find, between a blue minivan and a yellow bug. After a quick scan, she found Jefferson’s car near the back of the lot, and gave a sigh of relief. She might be late, but at least she was in the right place.
Stupid dreams, keeping her awake last night. Stupid Jefferson, letting her sleep in and not waking her on time. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
At least her dress made it look like she put effort into her appearance, and that she had the foresight last night to rub vinegar against the bites on her neck. They had faded to a light enough blemish that she was able to conceal them with her make up before she had made a mad dash from the apartment.
Belle looked at her face critically in the visor mirror. Digging through her purse, she pulled out her soft pink lipstick, putting on a quick coat before stepping out of her car. There. She was as ready as she’d ever be. She didn’t have mascara, and only her concealer, but a good shade of lipstick worked wonders in a pinch.
When she stepped through the door to the bar, she was met with a large room; sports decal and neon signs lining the walls, large TVs set up high so a screen or three could be viewed from any vantage point. Despite it being nearly noon, the place was empty. Well. Nearly.
“Belle!” Jeff said extravagantly. “Welcome to our base camp!” He was beside her almost instantly, as if he were waiting by the door like a puppy. “So glad to see you made it.”
His hands gripped her shoulders, and he peered into her face critically, his eyes making a path down to her neck.
“Feeling better?”
“I got a lot of sleep. I needed it, apparently.”
Jefferson nodded, his arm sliding around her waist as he turned, his hand pressing lightly at the small of her back so he could lead her into the building.
“It’s important to feel refreshed. This is your vacation, mind, no matter how you might be put to work. Now,” he said, pushing open a door that was next to what Belle presumed to be the kitchen. “How about I introduce you officially to the bride and groom.”
The room Belle had been led to was private, a place set aside for large parties away from the other guests. Most of the tables were pushed against the far wall, the chairs stacked next to them. At the only table in the center was a blonde woman, arms crossed and leaning back in her seat. She had turned to watch them when they entered. The man to her right was still bent over whatever it was they had spread out before them on the table.
“You must be Belle,” the woman said, standing.
“And you’re Emma.” Belle smiled warmly, holding out her hand. “Jefferson has told me so much about you.”
Emma grunted. “I can only imagine. I assure you he’s told me far too much about you.”
The words were standoffish, but the tone was warm, even despite the not quite smile on her face. Belle couldn’t help a laugh. “Yes, he does have far more enthusiasm then sense, doesn’t he?” she said, voice bright.
“You guys are both so mean to me. It’s a wonder I put up with it at all.” Jeff said.
By now the groom had stood also.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she said, holding out her hand. “I’m Belle. It’s nice to meet you, finally.”
The groom was tall, with slightly curly hair and a good amount of stubble. His eyes crinkled, friendly and open when he smiled at her, his hand large and warm as they shook.
“I’m Neal. And please don’t worry about it. I understand how Jefferson can keep you up at night.”
He grunted as Emma jammed her elbow into his side.
“Don’t be gross,” she said.
“Not what I meant,” he laughed, dodging another jab. He kissed her cheek, before he slid back out of her reach.
“No, I know what you mean. He doesn’t turn off,” Belle said with a pointed look in his direction.
“I let you sleep in, didn’t I?”
“I was told I’d be put to work,” Belle said, watching as Neal sat back down. “I’m good at organizing, if you need it.” She looked back at the tables and chairs that were pushed against the wall. “How many are you expecting?”
“There’s you and me,” Jefferson said. “We make up the wedding party on Emma’s side. The best man is Neal’s best friend from college.”
“Mulan’s great,” Neal said, “Real life of the party.”
Emma snorted. “Her girlfriend somehow convinced us to let her be the flower girl and ring-bearer.”
“Apparently it was her dream as a kid to be a flower girl, but she grew up with a distinct lack of weddings, so she never got the chance.” Neal said. “So out of the goodness of our hearts, we’re letting her live her dream.”
“And to top it off,” Jefferson said, “Philip will be officiating.”
“And Phillip is…?” Belle asked.
“Their boyfriend,” Emma said, voice flat.
She looked to the blonde, wondering if it was a joke. From the look on her face, it was not. Belle nodded. “This wedding is going to be amazing.”
“They’ll be here tomorrow, for the actual ceremony,” Neal said.
It was a little odd that three key players in the wedding wouldn’t be attending the researshal, but Belle didn’t comment. She was getting the feeling they were going for a small affair; as long as everyone knew their lines, she was sure it would be fine. “How many other guests?” she asked, thinking of how to set up the tables and chairs.
“My father will also be here,” Neal said. “He’s the reason we don’t just go the courthouse, honestly.” Neal scratched the back of his head, frowning. “Lot less trouble if we do it that way, but he was insistent.”
Belle turned back to the couple when no one continued.
“Wait, so, your father, your party of three, me and Jeff,” Belle listed. “That’s all? For this entire place?”
“We wouldn’t let him pay for the honeymoon, so he’s paying for the party,” Emma said. She crossed her arms, leaning back against the table. “He demanded a venue, so I gave him one. Sue me.”
“If it seems like this has all been put together very quickly and last minute, it’s because it was,” Neal said, smiling.
“Hardly something to be proud of,” a new voice interjected. A very familiar voice, that was accompanied with the very familiar tap of a gold-handled cane. “If you’d both just give me a little more time, I could get a wonderful ceremony set up for you.”
Once, when Belle was a kid, her babysitter had taken her to a park. Near the edge had been a tire swing, four holes drilled into the flat side of the rubber and hoisted up with glinting metal chains, hung about three feet from the ground. She had begged and pleaded to be allowed a turn, and her babysitter had finally given in.
An older boy had offered to swing it for her. When the kid pulled on one of the chains she spun around and around, the world becoming blurry and fluid.
“Again! Again!” she yelled when she slowed.
The boy pulled harder. Belle, somehow, let go.
She never forgot the feeling of being suddenly airborne, of landing hard on her back, the wind whooshing from her chest.
Hearing the tap of a cane, the soft brogue of his voice, she felt just as small and vulnerable as she had been as a child, stunned and wheezing, staring up into the sky not knowing what had happened.
Jefferson raised his eyebrow at what had to be the shock on her face. He stepped closer, arm once again winding around her waist.
Belle tried to breathe, to calm her fluttering heartbeat.
“Hey, Pops,” Neal said, standing again. He crossed the room and clasped his father on the shoulder. “Wed don’t want a grand affair. What we have now is more than perfect,” he said with the air of someone who’s repeated the line many times before. “We were just about to make a game plan for the day. Have you met Emma’s friends yet?”
His brown eyes (soft when looking at his son, sweet like molasses) flickered to Jefferson and Belle, who stood like pillars. She watched his eyes harden, the sweetness evaporating right before her eyes.
He looked to her, then to Jeff, beside her.
With a final press of his hand on her back, Jeff stepped forward, bowing grandly. “Jefferson Louis Masters, at your service. And my lovely date, Miss Belle Marie French.”
She fought the urge to curtesy. “My middle name isn’t Marie, you loon.”
“No?” Jeff straightened. “It should be.” He turned back to his audience, lip twitching when he was met with a steely glare.
“Miss French, how lovely to see you again.” The words sounded as if they were forced past his tongue, grimacing as if each were a tooth pulled.
“Mr. Gold,” she said quietly. “It’s been too long.”
“Has it?” His hand gripped the handle of his cane, his knuckles turning white.
His hand had been at her throat, yesterday; not squeezing, not applying any pressure, just holding. His other, on her hip, pressing her into the sink as he moved inside her.
She had traced the bruise he left last night, had remembered the delightful feel of it forming against the material of her skirt.
“I didn’t know you had a son,” Belle said. Her hand, unseen by the others in the room, clenched into the material of Jefferson’s waistcoat at his back.
Gold’s tongue flickered, wetting his lips. “And why would you?”
He hadn’t said anything, when his body was pressed to hers. She’d heard only his stuttered breath on her face, on her neck, his tongue tracing her collarbone. He gasped when he came inside her, the sound pulled from him.
Jefferson squeezed her shoulder. She tore her face away from Gold in time to see Jeff look away from her. She watched as his eyes narrowed, sizing Gold up. “You have very cute ears,” he said before Belle could think of anything to say.
Gold pursed his lips, unamused.
Belle wanted to sink into the floor. “Jeff,” she groaned. Far too perceptive.
“Right,” Neal said loudly. She had almost forgotten there were other people in the room. “Game plan. Flowers and cake.” Neal looked from Belle to his dad, then to Emma. She shrugged, as clueless as he was.
“We thought everyone would like to get on with their Saturdays, so we decided to divide and conquer,” Neal continued. “Emma can pick out her bouquet and some arrangements for the room, and me and Papa will pick out a cake. Belle, I thought maybe you could come with me and my old m—”
“My expertise is in flowers, actually. Jeff, you can vouch for that,” she said, quickly. “How about I go with Emma, instead? Besides, it’ll be fun, just us girls.”
“What—” Jeff said. “Wait a—”
“I know how much you love sweets,” she said, voice too loud, too cheerful. She was careful to keep her eyes on Jefferson, which was hard to do considering the betrayal that was present in his face.
Emma and Neal shared a look.
“Sounds good to me,” Emma said, pulling on a red leather jacket. “We’ll see you gents later, yeah?”
“Belle,” Jeff said, but she was already headed out the door.
“Save your receipts, Miss Swan,” she heard, but she did not look back.
The door closed behind her as she stepped back into the empty bar. It looked large and open with the sunlight streaming through the windows, when it was empty of patrons. It was friendly, though, and very warm. It wasn’t hard to imagine it full of people, there to watch the big game and drink with friends.
“You wanna drive?” Emma asked from behind her, drawing Belle away from the room.
“Ah, yes, that would be fine. You can tell me where we’re going.”
They stepped out into the sunshine together, Belle unlocking her car.
“You tell me. You’re the flower expert.”
“Oh,” Belle laughed, the sound a little forced. She quickly picked up her loose books and magazines from the passenger side and placed them in the seat behind her. “That was—I meant—”
Belle took a deep breath. She clutched the steering wheel like a lifeline. “I was referring to my father, mostly. He owned a flower shop, and I spent some time there when I was a kid. A lot of time, actually. So.”
Emma grunted. She shifted in her seat so she could reach her phone in her back pocket. “So you don’t know any good places around here.”
“Exactly. You navigate.” Belle started her car, looking behind her to pull out. “Look up the best five flower shops; we can look around, see what’s available. Since you need everything by tomorrow, we might have to go to several places.” Belle could faintly remember the days of going to work with her father. They got a lot of walk-ins, but most wedding bouquets were special orders, and she wasn’t sure what would be available so last minute.
“We’re not doing anything fancy,” Emma said, rolling her eyes, and typing something into her phone. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
Right. Emma had probably been strong-armed into having a bouquet in the first place—though the thought of anyone trying to force Emma to do anything was laughable. Belle wondered if she had bothered to get a wedding dress.
Belle drove straight for another block before Emma said, “Hey, there’s a place close. Take a left up here.”
She flipped her blinker down, pulling into the turning lane.
“So,” Emma extended the word on her exhale. “You know Gold, huh?”
We were...ah…” Belle counted cars as they passed, waiting for a break so she could go. “Briefly acquainted, yes.”
Emma nodded slowly, her face carefully neutral.
“How long is ‘briefly’?”
“About 15 months,” Belle said after a long pause. She swallowed, throat tight.
“You owe him money or something? Take a right after the  next light.”
Belle gave Emma a startled look.
She shrugged. “I keep telling Neal that Gold is a borderline loan shark. It’s going to come back to bite him one of these days.”
“N-no. I don’t owe him money.”
Emma hummed. “Grab the next parking space you find. We can walk from here.”
It was another block before Belle was able to pull to the side of the street and park. They both got out of the car, Belle locking it behind them. She grabbed for her wallet so she could pay for the meter, but Emma was faster, already feeding coins into its hungry mouth.
Emma turned to her, sighed. She put her hands into her jacket pockets. “I don’t know what all Jeff has told you about the wedding, but if you don’t want to be here, you can absolutely bail.”
There was a small part of Belle (and she wouldn’t admit to herself just how large it really was) that wanted to take Emma up on her offer. She could climb back into her car and leave, just as she had before.
She was still that little girl, hanging onto the chain links of a tire swing, watching the world blur past her, pretending she wasn’t a part of it.
Belle had hit the ground once, and she’d gotten back up. Surely she could do it now.
“I get it,” Emma said. “Gold can be a bit much.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Emma. But, look on the bright side,” she said, trying to sound more cheerful than she felt. “You have the perfect distraction. Gold will spend all his time this weekend hating me that he’ll forget about you completely.”
Emma snorted. “He’ll remember me soon enough.” Her eyes searched Belle’s face, but looking for what, Belle couldn’t say.
She shrugged, eyes sliding away. “Come on then.”
“It was excruciating.”
“It can’t have been that bad,” Belle lied, pretending to peruse Jeff’s bookshelves.
Jefferson glared at her. She could feel the sting of it at the back of her head. “Belle.” He waited until she turned to look at him. “I just spent three hours with a man who was radiating pure fury and hatred, the pure definition and embodiment of a lover scorned.”
“Of a lover scorned, Belle.” He snapped. “He thinks you’re my girlfriend.”
That made her pause. It wasn’t an unnatural conclusion to come to, really. Not with how affectionate her and Jefferson were, and wasn’t that Jeff’s own fault? He had introduced her as his date.
“If that bothers you—”
“It’s not that it bothers me. You’re a catch, Belle, but that’s not the problem.”
“I don’t—”
“Three hours, Belle. Three hours with a man who thinks he had sex with my girlfriend in a supermarket bathroom, and that I don’t know about it.” He flung himself on the couch, massaging his temples.
“Yeah, that would be awkward.”
“Awkward,” he scoffed. “I went along with it, by the way, if I haven’t made that clear.”
Belle sat down next to him. He put his head on her shoulder.
“It seemed the reasonable thing to do, since. You know,” he sighed.
Since I’m too ashamed to be in the same room as him? Since I’m too much of a coward to face him?
“Thanks for taking that bullet, I guess.”
Jeff groaned.  “The thing is, Belle, the thing is—” He waved his hand in the air. “He looked for you. When we got back, cakes in hand—he insisted on three, for some reason, so chances are we’ll be stuck with leftovers—he looked for you. He thought he was being subtle, and I don’t know what he thought he was going to say. When he saw Emma was the only one at the bar, he just. Deflated. Didn’t look surprised, just disappointed. Bid us good day, and left, shoulders hunched like he was going out into a storm.”
Belle didn’t say anything. She didn’t trust her voice.
“Maybe I’m just projecting,” he said into the silence of the apartment. “I half expected you to be gone myself, when I returned ho—”
“Want to get irresponsibly drunk tonight?” Belle asked, before he could finish.
Jefferson sat up, his face so close to hers she could see the darker shade of blue around his irises. His gaze was intense, piercing.
Belle looked away. She had been examined enough for one day.
“Fuck it. Let’s do it.”
Belle was on her third glass of wine, leftover Chinese food left abandoned on the floor beside them. They had ended up on the floor, rather than on the couch or in the kitchen, but Belle couldn’t bring herself to care just then.
“The sex was always good, Jeff. right from the beginning, that man could do stuff to me that I didn’t even think was possible. No, I mean it,” she said when he snorted into his own wine glass; only his second, and he wa nursing it. “He knew exactly how to play me.”
She leaned back, her head resting on the couch cushion. “I trusted him completely. I’ve never been more content with a partner.  I mean it. I trusted him so much, if—if he had so much as hinted that he wanted anal, I would have said ‘absolutely, let’s do this. I’ll grab the lube and condoms’.”
Jeff laughed outright at that. The sound gave her a warm feeling in her stomach that the wine couldn’t reach. “Have you ever tried anal?” he asked.
“Once. It was easily the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been in my life. But he’d have made it good for me. It was always good, with him. Gold took such good care of me.”
He was shaking with suppressed laughter. She wasn’t sure what was so funny, but she didn’t mind.
“Best sex I ever had was with older men, too, now that I think about it,” he admitted. “Mostly.”
“Yeah. Mostly.” Belle took another sip of wine. “What?” she asked, seeing that Jeff was looking at her, his eyes half-lidded with a mischievous glint.
“Was it always good with Gold? Even the first time?”
“Yeah, of course,” she said quickly. Too quickly, she could see.
“Tell me,” he said.
Belle never needed much convincing when she drank wine.
“It took a month into having sex before I gave him a blow job,” she admitted. “He never asked me to. I almost thought maybe he just didn’t like them. Whenever I tried to—” she waved her hand at her lap— “go down, he’d pull me back up and I’d get distracted, you know? And, like, I never really cared that much. God knows blowjobs are overrated.”
Jeff snorted. “Says you.”
She elbowed him. “I asked him about it once. He was sitting at his work bench, explaining to me how this antique—fuck, was it a hearing aid?—in front of him worked, and I had a sudden thought of how nice it would be, if my head were in between his thighs.”
“God, you focus on the weirdest things. His ears. A hearing aid. Oh my god, that’s it, isn’t it? You have a secret—”
She elbowed him again, harder this time, wine sloshing dangerously in her glass. If Jeff wasn’t careful she was going to stain his carpet. “He spent plenty of time between mine, you know, and I just—I just wanted to reciprocate for once.”
“How much convincing did it take?”
“Well, I said, ‘Gold, I want to suck you off. Now. Can I?’ And he just looked at me, surprised. That was it, really. He offered to move to the cot, to make it more comfortable for me, but I wanted him on that bench. So I crawled under the table, and, uhm, took him out.”
Jeff watched her as she talked, a filthy smirk on his face. “I bet he loved that, hm? Was he just like velvet on your tongue, hmmm?”
She snorted, her wine going up her nose when she tried to take another drink. “God—Jefferson!”
“I don’t know why you’d be so scandalized by that. It’s not like you don’t know I’ve given blow jobs before.”
She was laughing, her hands nearly shaking too hard to keep her glass steady. “Why am I even telling you this?”
“No, no please continue. I want to hear what happened.”
She licked at her hand where her wine splashed, the salt of her skin mixing with the sweet twinge of black cherry.
“I forgot where I was.”
“You were giving that man the best head of his life.” He frowned. “No, wait. You’re telling a story about bad sex. Belle,” he gasped, as if realizing her deepest secret. “Are you bad at blowjobs?”
She wondered if throwing something at him would be more effective. “That’s not—God, let me finish.” She leaned against the couch, remembering that day. The feel of his on her tongue, indeed like velvet: soft and hard all at once. His hands clawed into the table because he was worried about pulling too hard on her hair.
She remembered especially looking up into his face, his eyes wild and pupils blown wide, staring at her with such a look of what could only be called rapture. He watched her every movement so carefully, as if it was the last time she was ever going to touch him like that. It felt good, to be the one to make him look like that.
She had just wanted him to feel good. Wanted. Loved.
“When he, uh, was close, I pulled off and asked if he wanted to come in my mouth.” She paused, frowning down at her glass.
“Did he give you the wrong answer?”
Belle snickered. “Nope.” Before Jeff could ask what she meant, she said, “He shot off, right then and there.”
“He came on your face,” Jefferson gasped.
“He did!” she squealed, laughing. “It was partly my fault. The way I was holding him. If I had aimed for, God I don’t know, his stomach it wouldn’t have been so bad, but nope.”
Jefferson was wheezing, laughing with such glee she almost couldn’t make out his next sentence. “I can just imagine the look on your face.”
“He was the one horrified. He was sure I was about to storm out and not come back. He couldn’t enjoy the orgasm he was so worried.”
“Like you’d leave with come on your face,” he snickered.
“Right.” Belle leaned back against the couch again. She stared up at the ceiling as their laughter died down.
“Belle,” Jeff said into the quiet. The refrigerator hummed from the kitchen. “What happened?”
Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was Jeff’s voice. Maybe it was two years of silence, too heavy to carry any further.
“I just had to leave.”
“But why?” he insisted, sitting up. “You disappeared for months, with absolutely no word to anyone, and then when you finally get back in contact, you’re on the west coast? I thought maybe you had gone home to Australia, or fuck, been murdered or kidnapped into some cult, but no, you’re in fucking Oregon like some fucking hipster—” he cut himself off. When he spoke next, his voice was back to a low, even timber. “You were just gone, Belle.”
Her mouth was too dry to speak. She swirled what was left of the wine in her glass, watching the legs as they trailed down the sides like tears.
“Please. What happened?”
What did we do to drive you away?
“I don’t know,” she lied.
Jeff leaned down, sprawling on the floor. His arms knocked into the take-out containers, but he didn’t seem to care. Belle wasn’t sure where he had put his wine.
“Look, I can’t make you talk to me. I’m glad you’re here, Belle, but I don’t like the feeling of not knowing if you’re going to answer my phone calls, or if you’re still going to be here when I come home.”
Belle closed her eyes. It’s not that she didn’t want to talk, exactly; it was just that she wasn’t sure where to start. How did she open up those old wounds and face the disappointment she had caused?
“Disappointment?” Jeff asked, looking at her. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud. “That’s what you’re afraid of?”
When she left, she didn’t have to think about how much she had hurt him, them, everyone, or how much she had lost when she ran away when she did. So, yeah. Disappointment.
“I’m disappointed, Belle. You broke my heart, too, you know.” He leaned over, kissed her forehead. “But people get over disappointment.”
“Yeah.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her in. “You need to talk to us, Belle.”
“I just left,” she said quietly. “I just left him. I…” she sighed, wishing she hadn’t poured that third glass. “He didn’t even tell me he had a son.”
“Is that why, then? Because he wasn’t opening up?”
“No,” she admitted. “We talked a lot, about other things. About…” She waved a hand. “Other things. I kept telling myself, though, that it was only sex. That is was convenient and neither one of us felt any more.” She bit her lip. “I left, Jeff, and he never called. I guess I just convinced myself he had to think the same.”
“I see.” He sat up on his elbows. “You know something? Once you get past the asshole outer layer, the guy’s hilarious. I want him to be my new best friend.”
That surprised a laugh out of her.
“I’m serious. That man knows how to roast someone and I need him on my side. If you can’t fix this and heal for yourself, do it for me, Belle. If you don’t want this man in your life, I will happily take your place.”
“From what you’ve said about today, he’d more likely to push you into traffic.”
“I would take that chance. We’d be happy together.”
She rolled over so her head was on his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him. “You’d make anyone happy.”
He kissed her temple. “If you won’t talk to me, Belle, at least talk to him. He’s been waiting for you a lot longer than I have.”
She tugged at his vest, straightening it. “Why can’t we just run away together.” She breathed in his cologne. He smelled nothing like Gold, but it was still comforting.
“Because we both deserve better.”
“What if he doesn’t want me anymore?”
His arms wound around her shoulders, squeezing once, then letting go. “Talk to him, Belle.”
“Yeah,” she said, closing her eyes. “You’re right.”
Short and simple, Emma had said.
Belle stood in the middle of the party room at Behind the Glass Bar and Grill, a table at her back decorated with a pristine tablecloth, three simple single sheet cakes (one chocolate, one vanilla, one pumpkin spice with cream cheese frosting), and a vase full of bright wildflowers.
She watched as Emma swept into the room, all eyes on her, on her slim white dress that hugged her hips, on her bouquet of vibrant sunflowers, hibiscus and orchids. Jefferson was beaming, hands clasped in front of him, standing as still as Belle had ever seen him. Across from him was Neal, unshaven but otherwise looking crisp in his tux. Beside him was Mulan and Aurora, holding hands as they all watched Emma come down their makeshift aisle.
Even Gold was smiling, happy to share the day with his son. She watched his smile deepen when Neal held his hand out to Emma.
Phillip nodded to both of them. “Welcome to the ceremony,” he said to the small group gathered. “Everyone knows why we’re here, and I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we all couldn’t be more thrilled to witness this blessed union.”
Belle couldn’t help the smirk when she saw Emma roll her eyes.
Emma and Neal said their vows. Aurora gave them their rings; they kissed. As everyone clapped, Belle looked over at Gold. She was surprised to see that he was already watching her.
He didn’t look away.
The soft light fell against the stone walls of the bar. Belle had been right; the bar was friendly and welcoming when it was filled with people. They had all moved out onto the main floor, everyone uncaring about their fancy attire.
Sunday wasn’t a huge pull for people, but there was enough noise and camaraderie, especially when patrons discovered Gold was picking up their checks in celebration of Emma’s and Neal’s nuptials. They were even offered a piece of cake, for as long as it lasted.
Belle sipped her water, watching Gold as he fiddled with his ring at his end of the bar. He was stiff, nursing a glass of whiskey, but had a handshake and a ready smile for anyone who came up to thank him for the free food and drinks.
She slowly made her way towards him, moving down a chair every so often. They both pretended that he wasn’t watching her get closer and closer.
Finally, all too soon, she was sitting next to him, staring into her drink. He watched the hockey game that was playing on the TV overhead, but she would bet the running tab he had that he wasn’t absorbing a bit of it.
“Did Emma choose this place just to annoy you?” she asked.
He looked at her in surprise, but Belle just shrugged. “You can’t tell me you’re comfortable.”
“This is where they met,” he said, after a moment. “They really didn’t care where it happened. I more or less called her bluff, I think.”
They watched as a player took a shot. He missed.
“Jefferson and I aren’t together,” Belle said. “Never have been. We’re just friends.”
She felt him turn his gaze to her, but she kept her eyes on the screen. “We didn’t mean to mislead you. I’m sorry that happened.”
He looked down into his whiskey glass. “I see.”
She wondered if he missed his long hair; there wasn’t anything for him to hide behind anymore.
“I’m sorry I left,” she blurted.
His eyes flickered to hers, and she saw his lip twitch. He was desperately trying to keep his poker face.
“Are you?”
“My father died.” She gripped her water glass, the cold condensation wetting her skin. “There was a car accident, and he was just gone once day, and. It was too small, suddenly. Boston, my apartment. I felt claustrophobic and small, and I just...needed to leave, and…”
“So you did,” he finished quietly.
“So I did.” She swallowed back the tears threatening. “My lease was up, the semester had just ended at the college, so the library had cut my hours. The only thing really keeping me here was you. I kept telling myself that it was only sex, that it didn’t matter if I left. And then you didn’t even call, and I managed to convince myself that’s what you thought too. That I was right.”
“I’m sorry about your father.”
“Yeah,” she sucked in a breath. She let go of her glass, wiping her wet hand on her dress. “I…yeah. That’s no excuse though. I’m sorry I did that.”
He looked at her, eyes golden brown in the light of the bar. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and not let go this time.
“How long are you in town?”
“I don’t know.”
He grimaced. Gold opened his mouth to say something when he was interrupted by loud cheers from the other end of the bar. Neal had just dipped Emma, kissing her soundly as their audience clapped.
Belle felt her color rise. This was an inappropriate time to try to have this conversation. “I should let you enjoy the rest of the wedding,” she said. “It was a beautiful ceremony.”
Just as Belle was slipping away, his hand caught her wrist, pulling her back.
“Come to my shop tomorrow,” he said. “We can… we’ll talk there.”
Belle kissed him, just on the corner of his mouth. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she promised.
The shop hadn’t changed. There was the sign that hung above the door, large and old. Almost outdated, if it didn’t compliment the rustic brick building, and every other building on the block.
Belle stood on the sidewalk, counting the items she recognized in the display cases (she kept telling him to rotate stock out, but he never did. Maybe they could do it together. It was a good thought, she decided).
It was early, but the sun was bright. She tugged awkwardly on her sundress, wondering if he’d be in, or if she’d have to come back. She didn’t want to put this off longer than she already had, nor give him the impression she had disappeared again.
If this was going to work, she couldn’t shut him out. They’d move forward, together.
She took a deep breath. Belle pushed the door open, relieved that it was unlocked. With the bell twinkling above her, she stepped inside.
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apirateandaprincess · 7 years
So im gonna give scene analysis a go because i havent loved an episode this much all season.
So here it goes.
Killian quite literally running down hill. Such a good representation of his arc. We got so much angst and this episode is going to be the come down to all of it. The settling. 
And just like his past created the the beginning of the climb to this story/arc, it’s interesting that in the scene where he is going downhill it is literally because he’s being chased by what could be seen as symbols of his past. Who he was in the past. (Referring to the lost boys).
Lol I love the whole buried Rum line. Very Captain Jack Sparrow-esque
I got someone waiting for me at home. The show IS NOT ACCIDENTALLY THROWING OUT THIS TERM A LOT. It’s done with absolute intention. 
I don’t know if we will ever get real backstory on Killian and Tiger Lily but his little smirk he has upon saying her name and the era of confidence has me thinking it isn’t anywhere near as bad as everyone speculated.
Ah and there’s Captain Floor again. I gotta say they really do love messing with this man’s neck.
Nice reference to the fact that Hook is family.
I also dig Charming saying that this is REGINA’S curse. He didn’t differentiate in this moment.
Ugh the Snowing theme song always chokes me up. I love that there Love is enough to snap her out of this. Always a sucker for TL moments.
IT still makes me so giddy that these are real life husband and wife being all romantic on my screen.
Okay BF is stunning. Like damn.
I laugh at the idea that had Charming not said Emma’s name Rumple could still be living mindlessly in the 21st century Storybrooke Regina made. 
Ahh Charms saying “I know Hook is out there doing the same for you,” is so important because she needed to hear it and I think Charms knew that. You can see the instant relief in her face as she embraces him. I think it both calmed her and it also solidified that he wasn’t as mad anymore as maybe she was worried he was.
“Skull Rock” nice throw back to the animated version!
Killian’s anger and desperate need at having to get back to Emma, the woman he loves, will always get me in the feels.
I love that fate comes into play when it means creating the chance to save someone you love. There is so many great moments around this idea, this episode. We have Snowing later sacrificing themselves so Emma can get Killian. Which by fates hands will connect her with the weapon she needs to stop the BF. We also see this same fate come into play when Killian ends up in Neverland with the woman (tiger lily) who has the needed weapon. It’s all connected my friends. 
20:1, “well I feel sorry for those lads, they don’t stand a chance.” Ah that pirate swag. 
I love that the FB all share some significance to season 1. I mean the scene where Regina sends Archie and Pongo to the mines is very reminiscent of season 1. It makes you wonder how much of these moments influenced those moments.
The field of flowers. Hmm well if Regina’s curse and season 1 evilness = 1 found pink flower. And now we’re seeing hundreds. She must really be a big big bad huh?
“NO mother should have to watch their child die,” hmm me thinks someone with a mom on the show might experience just that. SPOILER: my thoughts are Emma but I think she’ll be brought back. 
Killian Jones the host of all current hope speeches.
And there he goes again, risking himself to ensure his TL get’s what she needs to live. 
A single flower. A symbol that there is always hope. There is always something there that will get you through.
Okay so the scene with Snowing and young emma is really heart breaking. To me it’s not just a conversation of right vs. wrong. But a moment of just decision making. A hard one. And that’s why it was so important to have both sides of it. One side represented by Charms the other by Snow. It was the same conversation the audience would be having. So it fit well. But this scene was also meant to contrast what is coming next. It was also really nice to see that second chances run in romances. Ayyyee. That rhymed. But seriously Snowing and Captain Swan really do parallel the crap out of each other. The second good byes, the second reunions. Sometimes things happen more than once before they stick. 
And his fricken shadow caressed her face and im dead on the floor. I love that it kind of parallels the scene where Charms touched Snows hand and it was enough to just catapult a shift in emotion. 
And here we have the scene the FB’s were built for. One of them at least. Snow giving Emma the potion to bring back her love. TO have that happiness. To not have to wait. To do something for herself. EVERYTHING in contrast to what was done when they saw her through that door earlier, comes down to this moment. Snow is making the other choice. And it will pay off.
My understanding of that potion by the way, is that the one seeking their true love has to use it. So Im under the impression that everyone who will be mad at Emma for using it cant really be mad anyways? Because Snow has already passed out before she has a chance to use it. 
Also can we talk about how Snow knows that to win this battle. To fight this big fight, Killian has to be there. He’s part of what matters most to her and without that she wont be at her strongest. In a way Snow is once again doing what’s right by the people. She’s not only giving her daughter a chance but by letting her get Killian back and allowing her to have that person by her side for that fight, she is also potentially saving the town. 
Everything was just so perfect in that second that he saw her face. He was both scared and surprised and relieved at the same time that he saw her. And then not a second later he is warning Tiger Lily to run and again thinking about those other than himself. Here comes the full circle arc guys. I can feel it. 
Tiger Lily’s little happy smirk makes me happy. 
ALSO can we talk about how the last time they were in Neverland together everything was different. He felt like an orphan and had no family. Emma felt like an orphan. She was running away from him. He was declaring that he would one day win her heart because she’d WANT HIM. And now we have them both, with their families and each other, no where near alone and he has won her heart and she is running towards him and not only does she WANT HIM SHE AGREES TO SPEND ETERNITY WITH HIM BECAUSE SHE NEEDS HIM. THEY NEED EACH OTHER!! *loud screaching*
.2 seconds. Count with me. .2 seconds until Killian apologizes and gets right back to where he left off. This is so vital. So important. He’s tired of waiting. He wants to be different and he knows he is. He doesn’t want to waste time thinking about himself. He wants to get that truth of his and that apology out there because that’s what he’s been dying to say to her this entire time. Redemption arc! Redemption arc! You can even see Emma in my mind, taken a bit by surprise. He’s hurting and he doesn’t care. He needs to talk to her and clear the air. This is a clear showcasing of what he’s learned and what he finds important and Emma sees that.
He also owns up to the fact that he considered running away. He owns it. He didn’t have to but he did.
 The change off is so so good here. Emma’s line of “lets go get you cleaned off” showing where her concern in this moment lies. On his wellbeing. On his feeling whole. And his reluctance because he needs her to know that he loves her. That he wants to marry her. That she will never ever ever be alone and need to worry about him leaving ever again because he will always be with her by her side. (His concerns lying on her wellbeing, and her feeling whole).
Second proposal. SECOND FRICKING PROPOSAL. AND IM UGLY CRYING. DEAD AND ALIVE AT THE SAME TIME. My god. The single tear. The fact that they both had a chance to now ask each other. 
They’re both so vulnerable and delicate and AWARE of the stakes of life here. And it just guts me in the best kind of way. 
And again .2 seconds later he wants to know where her parents are because homeboy is not playing. He’s not messing things up this time. He knows who is important to him and how keeping them means being honest with them and he needs to talk to his bro before anything else. And make sure that the full truth is out there and that he is 100 percent the man he needs and wants and knows he can be and REDEMPTION ARC! REDEMPTION ARC!
Ah holding hands while walking to Emma’s parents. 
.2 seconds my friends. This is what i’m talking about the closing of a redemption arc. He is wasting no time owning up to everything, making amends for everything. Not only is Killian a vital part in breaking the curse. But he is the first step in making it happen. He is using his ACTIONS in CURRENT TIME to make amends for his ACTIONS of the PAST. All this is on purpose and it’s what makes this such a good redemption arc. I mean seriously who does a redemption arc better than Killian mother f’n Jones. 
I loved Killian and Emma’s little smile at Leroy. Especially sense they have a spotted past with him haha.
Idk why that little look on Emma and Killian’s face gets me. The one right after Granny takes a sip. It’s like Emma is seeing what he waiting until she was 28 to find her parents really did. It brought these people together. It made this group. These friendships. It was worth something. And Killian is just looking like he is desperately waiting for his bro to resurface. He needs the chance to Look David in the face and own what he did and make sure he knows that he is sorry. 
^^ Point: Colin and Jen are fantastic fricken actors. I will follow their careers until i’m probs dead.
I love the whole Season 1 feeling of Snow waking up, only now they are next to each other. Im a sucka for some parallels. 
And here’s another contrast point to the FB. This moment. Where they wake up and see what everyone has done for them is to show Snowing and the audience that when you help others they will return the favor. It won’t go unnoticed. 
Emma and Killian look so regal laying there haha.
Also David rushing to his daughter has my eyes rushing with tears ya feel.
Anyone else get a little father daughter feeling when Emma woke up at Charms touch. I could imagine him waking her up for school in the morning as a little girl when I watched this.
And CHARMS HAND REACHES TO HELP KILLIAN UP AND IM DEAD. IM ABSOLUTELY DEAD. Like the symbolism. Killian is still down because Charming needs to know how he feels. How he’s sorry. And now Charming is lifting him up and they are eye to eye and here it comes. The man who he inadvertently hurt is the man helping him to his feet. Coming to his hand and his rescue. And Killian is given the chance to finally say what needs to be said and HE TAKES IT. OF COURSE HE DOES. 
Can I also holla at the parallel shot (like literally parallel) of Emma and Snow looking at each other right next to Killian and David looking at each other. The newly engaged and the parents. In an actual parallel. I mean can you scream symbolism because I can “SYMBOLISMMM!”
Can I also point out that Killian is still scared. It’s not going to hinder him from being the good man we know he is. But he is scared. He tells David that he guesses “Emma didn’t tell [him his] secret.” And this line doesn’t have anything to do with Emma it has to do with Killian thinking there is no way Charms would help him to his feet and ensure his safety if he knew. Because how could he be forgiven so fast. How could something he was so ashamed of and so terrified of acknowledging and scared of knowing yet alone saying be forgiven. This is the bow on the top of a very important package. 
I love everything about this scene. Charming saying that Hook is a changed man. Ensuring not only him but the audience. Charming had a lesson this episode about the past. He knows that once was is far away from what now is. And the way he looks at Emma as he says Hook has changed. Ensuring his daughter that all is well. That he is still supporting their marriage and love and happiness and Emma’s knowing look. That look that says “these are my parents and I love them. I love who they are.” Is the best. And i’m in tears again.
“No matter what she does you will not face her alone.” This is so important. Because let’s be honest. Of course Emma is scared of the battle. But what has always scared her more than some big bad has been who will be there by her side when this darkness comes (Whether its the darkness of being an orphan or a literal dark one). Emma has her family. She has come full circle too. She isn’t alone and never will be again. 
AH Gideon kept a flower alive. You go my dude.
Can we also talk about the contrast in family dynamics. Rumples whole family is a mixture of people chosing to love each other and being forced to obey each other in some weird representation of false love. Meanwhile the charms-mills-swan-jones/town is having one big huge family moment. In which people are actively choosing, with their hearts, to be a part of this family that was built out of love and respect and forgiveness and sacrifice. They contrasts are on purpose. And it’s glorious.
Honestly this episode was so good. This is long because I had many feelings. Sorry not sorry. haha. 
Im ded.
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