#wondrous physick
sunlight-maggot · 2 years
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Elden Droogs at Korova MilkBar
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taxi-davis · 9 months
18 Carat Affair - Date Night (Mindset IV)
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witchblade · 1 year
*takes swig of ibuprofen bottle and starts glowing*
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sadlazzle · 7 months
reached malenia. u guys rlly didn’t gas her up for nothin huh. this bitch really hasn’t known defeat
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Ah, the Third Church of Marika. Thank you very much for my jungle juice bottle I missed it dearly. The sacred tear and Meli Meli exposition is also welcome.
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Resurrection from extended periods of death dulls the senses immensely. This is how the player character in all the games can receive harrowing wounds, then simply stand back up and keep fighting. This also explains how they can stomach eating boluses/moss clumps, estus/crimson/cerulean flasks/wondrous physicks and all manner of putrescent items without vomiting as undeath also dulls the sense of taste.
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girlballs · 9 months
turns out you can put whatever in the wondrous physick as long as it has an associated SpEffect and a goodsType of 10. unfortunately i can't get the flask to actually consume its ingredients which is a bit of a bummer.
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miserycorde · 3 months
Minor spoilers for an item in SotE //
I'm sorry but the oil-soaked crystal tear is one of the funniest things in this game now I think
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Potion of makes you gross. potion of turns you greasy. transforms your wondrous physick into a flask of refreshing g-fuel for your sweaty gamer tarnished
Nepenthe doesn't even need to drink it frankly I think she just does that by herself
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emilythewolfie · 7 months
What was in that Wondrous Physick, man?
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computertranny · 26 days
last night we let th flask of wondrous physick talk ,,,
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blaiddfailcam · 10 months
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Anyway here's my shitty loadout for my Blaidd cosplay "build" (stats mean nothing at so high a level).
I swear there's a method to my madness. It largely involves trading hits and being so so fast despite the modest armor and weapon. And magic attack boosting. So much magic attack..
EDIT: Wondrous Physick mixes Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear and Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear (boosts magic attack for ~90sec / negates nonphys damage for ~10sec)
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tarnishedinquirer · 6 months
Case: Third Church of Marika
I'd picked up a tip from Kalé earlier about something called the "Flask of Wondrous Physick," at the Third Church of Marika. After escaping from the teddy bear picnic, seemed like a good time to check it out.
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I was a little surprised when Melina showed up. Sure, I know she's always there. I can feel her when I use the runes to make myself stronger. But it's still easy to forget she's a real, actual person riding along with me on this journey. Or a ghost, I guess.
She offered to repeat the words of Queen Marika, who once spoke here. Well, how can I turn that down?
"My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace. With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between. Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will live, and die."
My memories of the time before I came here are still a mess, but this resonated with me. It felt true, in a way some other memories didn't. My family placed a great burden on me to carry on this fallen legacy. A burden that'd been placed on every generation before, each one falling farther and farther from grace, each one struggling and fighting more.
I wanted to live up to that legacy. So I sought out something...but what? I see a whirlpool....no, a portal. Is that a real memory or a false one taken from the fog?
I shook it off and thanked Melina. Then she vanished just as mysteriously as she appeared.
I sat for a while and pondered this. It's important. The first big clue to the grand mystery that is Marika. She divested her warriors of their Grace and banished them from the Lands Between. Why? Why call them back now?
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Nearby I found an offering bowl and in it, the Flask I was looking for. It had an interesting double-bottle design. You put the little crystal beads in the center flask, and the outer flask fills with something like crimson/cerulean tears. I wonder if this is a more primitive version? Maybe more versatile, but I don't see a whole lot in there. The voice called it a relic of priests called "Physick Chemists." Seems they aren't around anymore.
Why did Marika banish the Tarnished?
Why did she call them back?
Why did she do it here?
Who were the Physick Chemists, and what happened to them?
What is Melina's connection to Marika?
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fishermcn · 5 months
sam, seeing a tarnished with a flask of wondrous physick chug it as if it's a cheap pint of ale only to die immediately afterwards:
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thebrightestlodge · 1 year
@horriblin THANK YOU FOR THE TAGS ON THE RANNI POST. I wanted her spirit face to be her pre-Destined Death. Something about a calm reserved doll face vs a condescending knowing smirk really is the balance a lot of Ranni stuff needs. Doll who drinks all your Wondrous Physick and calls you a barbarous knave
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lumenemporium · 7 months
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"A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground.
Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction restores half of one's maximum HP."
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Melina and Ranni terribly miss the sensation of eating after losing their physical body. As spirits, they cannot feel hunger, but always get irrationally jealous when they see Blaidd or the Tarnished nibble on Exalted Flesh or drink a Wondrous Physick.
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