#wooh this took so long I’m so glad it’s done
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On earth-616, The Outlaws are a short lived team of reformed Spider-man villains (Prowler, Puma, Silver Sable, Rocket Racer, and Will o’ the Wisp or Sandman) trying their best to clean up their acts and be heroes.
…But what does that make them on an earth with no Spider-Man?
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abluescarfonwaston · 4 years
“Damnit Lambert!” He coughed violently. Rolling over to curl in on himself. “Why didn’t you warn me you had a bad batch of tawny owl?”
He wrapped the cut on his leg. Scrapping guts off his armor. “What are you on about. It was fine.” He wanted to roll up into a ball too but the cramping was only going to get worse and they still had to get a trophy off the damn thing.
“This,” Aiden groaned pathetically. “Is not fine.
“This is what fucking tawny owl does Aiden!” The pain making him snappish. “It helps and then it wears off and you want to claw out your guts. That’s how it fucking works cause this life is a goddamn nightmare!” He stabbed between the vertebrae hard and severed its head quickly.
“Fuck what?” Aiden rolled over. Sounding extra pathetic about it which just pissed him off more honestly. “Who taught you how to make potions Lambert? Cause I need to stab them.”
 He spun on him. Knife to his throat. “Don’t ever fucking threaten them Cat.”
Aiden watched him. His slow heart beating faster than Aiden’s. The stench of the corpse filling their noses. The potion curdling their guts. “Sorry.”
He hated that. How earnestly he apologized. He sat back against a rock. Stared at the things leathery skin. “Vesemir taught us.” Aiden waited. Or maybe he just couldn’t think of a response over the pain. “He was a fencing instructor. He taught us what he remembered but. It’d been a long time since he learned.”
“Lambert?” He groaned. “If this is what all your potions are like then destroying that bag would be an act of love for you and self-defense on my part.”
“They’re not. All this bad.” He defended but honestly some of them were far worse. “Swallow’s decent.”
“Lambert?” He grunted. “You’re a great fighter. But we are never using your potions again.”
He took a sip of the freshly made Petri’s Philter. To test it out. He’d made it like Aiden had shown him but it was the first time he’d done it himself.
“You cheater! Taking a potion before we spar!” Eskel cuffed him.
“I was checking if it came out right.” An idea popped into his head. “You can use one too. Petri’s Philter. See whose works better.”
“Not a fair comparison.” Geralt pointed out. “Eskels better at signs than the rest of us.”
“What are you scared?”
Eskel eyed him unimpressed but went to grab his. Took a swig. “How do we want to do this?”
“Who can toss Geralt the furthest?” He suggested ruefully.
Geralt’s protests when unheard as Eskel launched him into the base of a snowbank with Aard.
He glared at them. Covered in snow.
“Come on Geralt! It doesn’t count if we use a different person the second time.”
“I’m going to throw both you in the river.”
“Just the loser.” Eskel argued.
“Then I don’t get to throw you in.” He grumbled crossing the courtyard to them.
“Nah I’m willing to take that bet.” They both looked at him like he was being daft.
He adjusted his glove. Don’t fail me now Aiden. Launched Geralt into the air.
He landed with an oft and a puff of white snow. Halfway up the snowbank.
He grinned as they sputtered.
“Guess it works.”
“How’d you learn this Lambert?” Vesemir asked as he copied down the last recipe Aiden had had the chance to teach him.
“Found a cache with the information.” The cache was another witcher but he wasn’t going to tell them that.
“Right.” He felt Vesemir watching him. Not believing him.
He dug his heels in. He didn’t owe the old man answers. Didn’t breathe a word as a cold wind whipped through the giant hole in the wall. He wondered if the Cats had caused that one. He didn’t ask but he wondered.
“Aiden what did you use in this necrophage oil?” He sniffed the vial walking over to him.
He perked up from his disappointment over how many less necrophages he’d killed to tell him.
He laughed full bodied and loud. Aiden wasn’t smiling when he finally managed to stop, wiping a tear from his eye.
“I thought you were just shit at fighting but that’s garbage. What’s it supposed to do? Make them itchy? Impotent? Hurt their feelings?”
“Well how do you make them then?”
Next spring he wondered how many Cats were using Vesemir’s recipes.
“Damnit.” He cursed. Shoving the broken arm piece back together. Trying to sow the gash closed.
Aiden watched him from across the fire. Lazily rotating the fish they’d bombed from the water. “You really need to just replace that mutt.”
“Fuck off pussy I don’t have the diagrams on me and were nowhere near anyone who knows how to make it.”
“Well no one’s going to be able to figure out what it was supposed to look like from that.”
He stared at the mangled and ruined armor in his hands. His fingers dug in and the thread he’d used on it snapped. It fell back apart.
He tossed it away with a frustrated scream and ran. Ran until his lungs burned and his feet ached and the exhaustion finally over powered the anger.
Aiden was asleep in his bedroll. His fish still waiting for him- although they had long gone cold. He chewed the small bones not bothering to pick them out.
A small set of papers sat rolled next to it.
He unrolled it.
Kicked Aiden.
“I can’t fucking wear this!” He shoved the diagram back to him.
“It’d be just until you could get new armor. You can’t work in a shirt and pants.”
“Cause Cat armor is a huge step up from that!”
Aiden scowled at him. “Oh cause people thinking for half a second you might be a Cat is worth dying over. Just show off your medallion and bark at them. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.”
“You’re fucking right it is!” He grabbed his medallion and bared his teeth. “I’m not a Cat.”
They had murdered his school. Killed so many. Destroyed the closest thing he had to a home. It was a shitty home and he hated it. Some days he wished they’d finished the job. Some days he was glad he had a home at all.
Aiden face shuttered closed. “Well we can’t all be Wolves Lambert.”
In the morning he was long gone. The diagrams laying in the morning dew.
He picked them up.
However upset they’d be at him for wearing them wouldn’t match how upset they’d be if he didn’t come home. Probably.
He found a leatherworker and had a set made.
“What are you wearing?” Eskel blocked his entry. “I almost shot you Lambert.”
“Glad you didn’t.” He shoved him out of the way. “I’m tired. Piss off.”
He grabbed him. “If Vesemir sees you wearing that-“
“It was this or go without armor so Fuck Off Eskel.”
Eskel studied him. Let go. “Let me warn the others at least. You know that,” He motioned to the armor. “Is going to bring back bad memories.”
“Would you preferred I died out there?”
He raised his hands placating. “Didn’t say that. Happy you’re home.”
“Yeah well that makes one of us.”
No one asked about the armor. They left a set of wolf armor diagrams for him outside his door and he spent the winter in clothing and furs.
No one why he had cat armor. He didn’t offer to explain. He wouldn’t have answered if they did. Would have made it very clear it wasn’t a topic for discussion.
But no one asked.
He sat in his room and stared at it. It looked so similar to Aiden’s. Which of course it did.
We can’t all be wolves Lambert.
No. But why you have to be a cat? Anything else would have been fine.
He gasped short and quick and barely breathing at all. His eyes losing focus. Pinned to the tree by the dead monster’s antlers.
What a shitty way to go.
“Wooh. Glad I came. Thought I smelled wet dog.”
He raised his head. Vision spinning as he did.
A cat. His cat. Aiden.
The world went dark.
“Look who returns!” The fire popped as he opened his eyes. “Holding up alright?”
“Love questions like that.” He whispered as Aiden lifted his head and raised a potion to his lips. “Holding up? Holding up what? My dick?”
“Well you certainly are one so I wouldn’t put it past you.” The vial moved away. His head was lowered onto Aiden’s thigh.
“This is shit and you know it.”
“Yeah. It is.” Aiden craned his neck upward at the stars. “I was really looking forward to yelling at you.”
“Do it you pussy.”
“It’s no fun if your injured bitch.”
“What think I can’t take it?”
“Take what? My dick?” He chewed something loudly. “Come on. Even a lone hunter can use a helping hand some time.”
“Don’t quote Vesemir at me you prick.”
“Oh I’m a prick now? What an upgrade.” A different flask came back and he drank greedily. “And I wasn’t. Guxart said that.”
“Sounds like a dick.”
“No. I like dicks Lambert. He was pussy.”
He chuckled. Which hurt. It pulled at his wounds.
“Did you know it was me?”
“Knew it was a wolf.” He dropped some of the jerky on his chest. He nibbled on it. “Hoped it was you.”
“Would you have helped? If it wasn’t.”
He was quiet while he considered. If he weren’t so tired it would piss him off. “Yeah. I would have.” He believed him. Because it was Aiden. “Glad it was you though.”
“Cause I missed my mangy mutt. Who else is going to teach me how to fish with bombs?”
“I started building a boat. So I could do it on the lake.” He was starting to feel hazy. Aiden’s potions sometimes had painkillers going for them. Which was nice. “At Kaer Morhen.”
“Bet it’s going to leak like a drunkard.”
“Yeah. Bet it will.” He thought of the lake and keep. “I hate that place.”
“Can’t say I understand why you go back.”
“Why do you go back?”
“Go back where? At best the cats have a traveling caravan of misery these days. I don’t visit.”
“What? But winter sucks.”
“Not going to argue with that.”
He had a brilliant idea. “Come home with me. We can sink my boat together.”
Aiden looked down at him. So sadly. He reached up for him in confusion.
“They’re assholes but the keeps pretty big so we can just avoid them. We can sleep in my room. I’ve got a lot of nice furs. It’s pretty. Please?”
“Sure Lambert. Sure.” He cupped the hand that had found his cheek. Kissed it. “Don’t worry. I won’t hold that against you in the morning.”
“If you were there maybe I could breathe. Cause.” It was really hard to keep his eyes open. His hand was heavy in Aiden’s. “The one good thing this life gave me. Was there.”
“Love you Lambert. Love you too.”
“I asked you to come with me.” He said weeks later.
“I surprised you remember. You were pretty loopy at that point. Do you remember explaining why pigeons were the best bird too? Cause that was pretty funny.”
“You’re lying.”
“You wish I was.”
He scowled at him. “I don’t remember your answer.”
“I said I wouldn’t hold you to it in the morning obviously. I’m not stupid.”
“Oh.” The horses crunched gravel as they continued on. “I did mean it. I want you to come.”
Aiden kept his eyes ahead. “We both know that doesn’t matter.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” His horse picked up speed at his unintentional request. He tugged him in front of Aiden’s, halting him. “What I want doesn’t matter?”
“When has what we wanted ever mattered Lambert?” He flinched. Eyes stuck on Aiden’s reins.  “It was very sweet of you. But the other wolves would kill me for being in twenty miles of Kaer Morhen and we both know it.”
He couldn’t look away from his dark scarred hands. “Why’d you have to be a cat?”
“Why’d you have to be a wolf?” He moved his horse so they were side by side. Took his hand. “We get three out of four seasons together. That’s pretty damn good.”
“I want more. I want more than this life.”
“Hey. Maybe if you build good enough boats we can.” His hand squeezed. “We could be the first. Retire on some big lake and fish with bombs.”
“With a little house infested with mice because we can’t convince any cats to come within ten feet of us?” He into his golden eyes and for the first time could understand why people called them beautiful.
“With a tiny little house with a leaking roof that you always curse at.”
“We’re never going to get that are we?” He didn’t comment on the tears in Aidens eyes or the blur in his own.
“No.” Aiden squeezed his hand. “But it’s a nice dream isn’t it?”
“It’s awful. Why did you make the roof leak?”
“Why did you fill it with mice?”
“Cause I want it to be real.”
“So do I.”
They clicked their horses forward. Not letting go.
“So this house. Smells like rat shit huh?”
“Yeah. And our clothing gets all mildewy cause we just throw it in the lake to wash it and forget to hang it up.”
“Ugh. I hate that.”
“Yeah it’s awful.”
“But it’s ours?”
“It’s ours.”
“I had a friend. Aiden was his name.”
“Gonna retire to your vineyard wolf?”
“I might.”
“Good for you. Make sure Dandelion writes a song about your beer gut.”
“Pardon my interruption gentlemen.” Majordomo stepped into the room. “A gentleman just arrived looking for Master Lambert. It seems urgent.”
“Lambert?” Geralt shot him a confused look.
“Hey don’t look at me! I don’t know!”
“Let’s go met your guest.”
They pushed the door open and he looked to the left. Geralt to the right.
“Who are you?” Geralt asked. He turned to the newcomer.
He exhaled. “Aiden.” When he inhaled it was like coming up for air for the first time in months.
Scarred. Hair long. Covering one eye.
“Hey Lambert. Been a while.”
“You fucking heartless asshole!” He yelled as he lifted him off the ground in a crushing embrace. “How fucking dare you.”
“Missed you too bitch.” As he attempted to break his ribs with the force of his hug. “Nice place you got here.”
“It’s Geralt’s and it sucks.”
“Yeah.” He mumbled into his ear. Not letting go. “Our place is gonna be way nicer.”
“With rat shit and everything.”
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rigelmejo · 4 years
Reading Chinese is a bit of an odd up down roller coaster experience sometimes and I Know it’s because as a learner like. The process is like this: you don’t know things and are confused and feel completely drowning, you notice some things you didn’t understand and it feels like a slog but you have an idea of what to do, you are less confused and excited and it feels easier
Then it repeats. You realize there’s still stuff you don’t understand (now that the euphoria of recognizing the previous stuff has been worn down by this New Draining Confusion). You try to figure out what some of the things you don’t understand are - it feels like a slog as you realize HOW MUCH you didn’t know and need to figure out. You manage to figure some of it out - reading feels bizarrely easy again and a breeze compared to what you just went through now. The things you didn’t recognize/recognized/figured out are now almost intuitely easy to follow.
Then it happens AGAIN lol.
Obviously each new cycle of it is a good thing. Since it means you’ve learned new things. And even when you do hit the “draining confusion” it means at least you’re now understanding enough stuff “below that level” that you can even notice and focus on this new level of stuff being confusing to you. And the slog of learning after, is you able to work on learning stuff you couldn’t learn previously because you weren’t even noticing it before, etc. So it’s all a good thing.
But wow does it feel confusing from a learners perspective lol. You feel like you’ve reached some nice level of comprehension that feels good - then because you still have more to learn, you hit the next “never mind this is CONFUSING” stage and it feels like you’ve made NO gains. Even though you have.
Yes this is about 那些风化雪月 lol. So I started that novel, as you know, at the start of November. For whatever reason, each page was a slog and I struggled to get through the half I did finish - and I definitely only followed the gist and Some details fuzzily. Even though I was using a dictionary, it was still SO confusing and draining to me.
So. I stopped that novel for now. And I went back to 寒舍 the other day. Now, last time I read 寒舍 last month it was a slog but an enjoyable one because it was interesting. If I say 那些风化雪月 was an 8/10 (easy vocabulary but a decent amount to lookup, hard writing style for me to follow, hard for me to care about plot) for hard for me to push through, then 寒舍 is a 7/10 (harder vocabulary when I started and Tons of new words, but more interesting and easier writing style for me to read once I got used to its long sentences).
Which, as a comparison, Priest novels would be an 8-9/10 (enjoyable plot, writing style I can follow, but so drowning in vocab I cannot read unless I know a rough context of the plot already). And a Priest novel I have never read in a bit-modern setting would probably be a 9-10/10.
My point is, 寒舍 was quite hard for me to read last month. I just really enjoyed the plot, so I was able to stay motivated as I pushed through each chapter. As another comparison - when I started 寒舍, the novel 他们的故事 would be a 5/10 in difficulty (some unknown words, but with a dictionary completely readable quickly, engaging plot, easy writing style to follow). If I’d already read the chapter, then a 2/10 difficulty (just slightly harder than a graded reader).
Well I went back to 寒舍 the other day. It is now a 5/10 difficulty wise. Which I am blown away by. There are still new words, but at a pace now where theoretically I could guess from context and follow the plot without a dictionary (like 他们的故事). Previous chapters I’ve already read are now around a 4/10 difficulty (a lot of unknown words I’ve looked up before I still haven’t quite learned yet, but I picked up enough the chapters are now much easier to skim and follow for main plot without a dictionary). So 寒舍 is MUCH easier than the last time I read it! I am blown away frankly because now the chapters are taking probably 20 minutes now (they took 30-45 minutes to read before). I’m able to read a lot more without needing the dictionary.
So I suppose my point is... while I felt I was slogging unpleasantly through 那些风化雪月 and struggling to just follow the plot, maybe somehow it did help my reading skills improve still. Because going back to 寒舍 it is clear I’ve made some reading comprehension progress. This story is way easier than it was last time, noticeably. And not just because it “feels” easier in comparison to the slog I just went through. Even in comparison to last time I was reading 寒舍, I can now read through a few paragraphs at a time without looking up a word - whereas before it WAS at least one word a sentence if not more.
I went back to 他们的故事 last night just to see where that is at too - and it’s difficulty is now easily a 3-4/10 in difficulty. I see a few unknown words, but it’s only a bit harder then a graded reader, and I could likely follow most details and the full general plot without a dictionary. So like... I guess thank you 那些风化雪月??? I suffered through you but like?? Clearly me pushing through the confusion must’ve helped me pick up some kind of words or sentence parsing skills I needed...
Also, as a test, I tried to read the first chapter of a novel I was looking at reading eventually: 魔尊要抱抱. I figured this would be good because 1 I think it looks cool and 2 it has a manhua so if it’s too hard to read (like 破云 is) then I can go to the manhua to read and have more pictures for context.
Well I started chapter 1 of 魔尊要抱抱and knew almost every word. Around the level of a graded reader to 他们的故事 as far as how easy it was to read. I literally only looked up one word every several paragraphs, and I don’t think I saw any Hanzi I couldn’t at Least guess the pinyin correctly for. I was sort of floored it was that approachable as reading material. But I suppose... not too surprised? It gives me the feel of both svsss (which is a bit challenging for me to read vocab wise but doable) and ttwtadsl (which is pretty good level for me to read with a dictionary comfortably). So the fact it falls somewhere on the more comprehensible end for me isn’t too surprising. Anyway I am. Quite excited!! I didn’t expect it to be this managable to read!
I am currently in the “everything feels easier to read stage” of learning and wow is it a joy and refreshing and so comforting feeling. ToT also I am happy that. I guess whatever random stuff I’ve been doing these past months, I am noticeably managing to expand my vocab and Hanzi recognition. So I’m glad the random reading has been accomplishing that progress. (And I think the listening reading method variations I’ve done has been helping with upping my listening comprehension steadily, although slower). So wooh! For now I will just keep coasting by on reading stuff, and listening-reading, and see how far it gets me in a couple months.
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Theme Parks
Summary:  The gang takes a trip to the theme park. 
June 24th : Friendship, June 25th : Roceit, June 26th : Loceit, June 27th : DLAMP, June 28th : Patceit, June 29th : Anxceit, June 30th : FamILY
Pairings: Patceit, Logince, 
Word Count: 1,673
Warnings : Deceit’s name is Sinclair in this. Sympathetic Deceit. mentions of heights, fake tattoos, I think this all fluff honestly, mentions of epilepsy
Notes : Leave a like, a reblog, message, and reply! 
Sinclair hated theme parks, everyone in the car ride over had become painfully aware of that within the first two seconds. Between his groaned mumbling and longing stares out the back window, they were sure he was certainly going to ruin the whole day. Well, not really, because they’d been friends for so long they knew eventually he’d give up his brooding mood to actually have some fun. They just had bets on exactly how long that might take.
Roman’s was the most ridiculous, he said Sinclair wouldn’t make it through the front gates without a smile. Logan said he’d probably show signs of enjoyment around the first hour or two. Virgil, trusting his best friend’s resolve, bet 4 hours into the day before Sinclair even took the frown off his face. Somewhere in between Patton dozing off of one Sinclair’s shoulder, and the heterochromatic eyed teenager saying for the fifteenth time just how sticky children’s hands were at theme parks, they’d arrived.
And no one could believe Roman had won the bet.
To be fair it wasn’t the amusement park itself that had casted the tiny fond smile over Sinclair’s face, but rather Patton’s wide-eyed amazed look as he wrapped his fingers around Sinclair’s hand and pulled him toward the gates.
“Fork over the cash, ladies.” Roman smirked, holding out his hand as both boys handed him a five. “Gotta remember the crush.”
“Oh shut up.” Virgil rolled his eyes, running ahead to catch up with Sinclair and Patton. It would do any of them well for them to get lost in the crowd. Logan turned to Roman to shake his head playfully.
“Nice observation.” Logan said, holding his hand out and Roman smiled. He grabbed Logan’s hand and tugged him along to catch up with the others.
Thank God Patton had an epilepsy disorder and wasn’t allowed to ride a lot of coasters, Sinclair thought to himself watching as Virgil, Roman, and Logan got strapped into one of the ones that dropped you from a super high height. He didn’t know if he’d be able to brave it for Patton if he had to. Although  the fact that Logan, who had gotten on to prove a point to Roman, did look about two seconds from pissing himself made him feel a little better.
Patton liked to watch them though, and neither really felt like walking around any more than the group wanted to together, so they just leaned against the railing of the wait line and watched. Patton’s eyes followed their three friends up 10 feet, up 20, up 40, and then as they reached fifty, Sinclair made the mistake of drifting his gaze from the millions of freckles to up where their friends were waiting to drop. He swallowed, a big comedic one like you see and hear in the movies, and then reached over to grab something to ground him.
That happened to be Patton’s hand, which held Roman’s iPhone that he had been using to record the drop. Patton giggled, noticing how adorably frightened Sinclair looked, and reached over to the wiggle his fingers in between the spaces of Sinclair’s fingers. Interlocking them.
Sinclair’s eyes snapped up, blushed heavily, and then set his gaze towards the bottom of the ride, not moving his head though. Patton turned back to the ride just as the ride dropped, and he could hear Virgil’s and Logan’s screams.  Roman’s was more of a ‘wooh’ then anything and when it bounced at the bottom, Patton zoomed in on their faces. Logan looked about to puke.
When the three got off the ride Virgil mentioned wanting to get fake tattoos, and he and Roman ran over to slap the money on the table for five of them, while Logan hovered a little in front of Patton and Sinclair. Sinclair was painfully aware of the fact that Patton’s fingers were still interlocked, and he half remembers the warning in that one episode of Queer Eye.
“Cupping hands means platonic, interlocked is”-well, the language was quite colorful and Sinclair certainly didn’t want to think of that with Patton still holding his hand, so let’s just interlocked fingers is, not platonic. He tried to reach up and pull the yellow baseball around to hide the blush that was now even worse, but Patton tugged on his hand, to catch up with Logan.
“Are you okay?” Patton asked, catching Sinclair’s attention. Was something going on with Logan?
“Yeah.” Logan said, kinda breathless. Okay, something was going on with Logan because Sinclair knew a lie when he saw one. “Just tired.”
“Bullshit.” Sinclair whispered, and Patton must have been the only to hear it because Logan didn’t change at all, but Patton squeezed his hand tightly. At least he noticed it.
When Virgil and Roman called them over, the three stood patiently waiting for their turn to be tattooed. Sinclair stood next to Logan while Patton was being done, with his arms crossed trying not to think about how empty his hand felt, and completely enamored with the way Patton swung his feet like he was just buzzing with energy. Which he was, but it was still cute. When Patton was done he pushed Sinclair towards the chair. Sinclair sighed, lifting his shirt up to his shoulder to keep it out of the way while he tattooed his forearm, wincing as he heard Patton gasp.
The freckles littering his face was one thing, Sinclair figured a ton of people had freckles, but Sinclair liked to think he kept his vitiligo pretty hidden. It was light enough on his hands that not many people tended to notice, but his chest and shoulders were the worst, so he tended to never wear tanks or anything. Patton walked forward, tracing the edges of the small patches, the ones on his legs were bigger, but no one said was saying anything.
When Sinclair was done he hopped off, letting Logan take his place, and he was going to hang off a bit, but Patton grabbed his hand again and pulled him close enough to where their shoulders were touching. Roman and Virgil were chatting, Roman watching Logan intensely, and so none of them heard Patton whisper to Sinclair. “You’re beautiful.”
And the rest of the day went the same, Patton trying to find ways to make Sinclair blush like winning him the only Chimchar plushie in the whole park just because he mentioned it, or eating the opposite side of his cotton candy ball at the same time as him. It was driving him insane, no one should allow to be this cute. And yet here he was, swinging their connected arms as he now full on had his elbow in the bend of Sinclair’s, holding the teddy bear plushie Sinclair had paid almost fifteen dollars to try to win, and just kind of gazing all over the theme park.
“Alright, the park’s almost closing, should we head out?” Logan bent over slightly as the other three came off another ride. Roman came up behind him to gently ask him if he was okay, but Logan snapped upward, smiling again.
“Can we do the ferris wheel?” Patton asked, bouncing up and down as he pointed to the middle of theme park where the giant white wheel with rainbow lights decorating the sides sat.
“I’m down.” Sinclair said, already pulling Patton along by their collected limbs. Three other shrugs later and the five were in a circular cart. Virgil was leaning slightly over the side taking pictures, Sinclair and Patton were sat so close to each other barely a breath separated them, and Logan was stiff as a board next to Roman.
“Lo, are you okay?” Roman asked, shaking Logan’s arm a little and in turn shaking the cart just the tiniest bit but it was enough to make Logan flinch and death grip onto Roman’s hand on his arm.
“If-if-you-must know, I am t-t-erri-b-bly afraid of-of heights.” Logan stuttered out, closing his eyes and Patton frowned, squeezing Sinclair’s hand once.
“But you’ve been riding rides all day!” Roman protested, wrapping his arms around the nerd’s shoulders anyway, pulling him tightly against his chest.
“Because you asked me too.” Logan mumbled and Roman sighed, reaching down to play with Logan’s hair.
The ferris wheel ride was over soon enough, and Logan and Roman headed off pretty far ahead of them to the car, while Virgil went to the bathroom, Sinclair took the time to turn to Patton. Who had done the same thing, and now Sinclair was eye to eye with him and his big goofy smile that made him forget anything he was going to say. “Did you have fun today, Sinclair?”
“Yes.” He replied quickly, relaxing when Patton giggled.
“I’m glad.” Patton said, leaning forward just a tiny bit so their noses were touching. Sinclair was standing in the middle of the amusement park, his favorite place now, as Patton leaned down that tiniest bit to press his lips against Sinclair’s. It was soft, and sweet, just like Patton himself honestly. And just as Sinclair was about to press a little harder, something went off behind him and he squeaked, throwing himself at Patton. Literally.
“It’s just fireworks, love.” Patton laughed, patting Sinclair’s head as he glared, and Patton dragged them back to the car. Honestly, Sinclair would let him drag him anywhere as long as he got to see the small little smile he shot back at him when they climbed into the backseat.
Virgil had ran at the car when Roman playfully pretend to leave, letting the now sweaty emo climb in the backseat. He flipped them off, collapsed along the third seat, with Logan in the passenger’s seat. And Patton leaned his head on Sinclair’s shoulder, as they pulled away, and for almost a half hour Sinclair could see the ferris wheel without squinting.
Yeah, he thought as Patton’s soft little snores filled the car over the low sounds of Ariana Grande, maybe theme parks weren’t so bad.
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7
Baymax Returns Part 2
Hiro and Cora immediately ran out of the lab and into the night, and soon spotted the rouge skeleton out in the dark, which quickly ran out across the campus.*
Grandville: Mr. Hamada, Miss. Mizishio, What are you two doing here at this hour?
Hiro; We were..Studying! Yeah just..Came out for some fresh air! Wooh that's fresh!
Cora: *nodding vigorously* Uh huh! Gotta keep the oxygen flowing through our neural systems!
Hiro: Well, better go!
Grandville: Follow me you two.
* Hiro and Cora looked at each other, both worried what the Dean wanted with them.*
Hiro: Actually we-
* One glare from the Dean was enough to shut him up*
Hiro: -Have nowhere else we need to be! So we will follow you!
Cora: *Nodding*
* Both teens entered the building, looking back in the dark where the skeleton robot was missing in the dark, doing whatever they would think a rouge robot would do*
Grantville: When we first met, I was worried you two would become distracted by your own agendas...Or worse..
* She plopped down the teens' files...which, for Hiro, happened to be his police record*
Hiro: Oh... You know about the bot fighting?
Grantville: And I am also aware that you, Miss. Mizishio, while you have no record of your own, also participated in illegal bot fighting as well. But I have to admit, you both have shown discipline.
* While Grandville's slight praise about how the two teens had shown discipline over their previous illegal past time did ease their nerves only by a little bit, Hiro still noticed Cora looking rather uncomfortable as she was looking down at her lap while slightly gripping her skirt. Hiro was one of the very few people who knew the reason why Cora had taken up bot fighting in the first place, and the reason why she had no record was because he had always saved her from getting caught by the police every time. Hiro, being the good boyfriend he was when it came to Cora, felt he should say something to defend his girlfriend's past actions. Taking a deep breath to steel his nerves for what he was about to say to the Dean, Hiro spoke up*
Hiro: Uh...Professor Grandville? I have something to say about mine and Cora's past actions, i-if you'll allow me to explain that is.
Grandville: And what might that be Mr. Hamada?
Hiro: Well...While I don't have any good reasons for my taking up bot fighting, other than I was just bored and it was a lot of fun *laughing nervously*. B-but, that's not the point, the point is is that while I don't have a legitly good reason for bot fighting in the past, Cora however does.
Grandville: I see...And what exactly was this reason Miss. Mizishio?
* Cora, who had just been standing by listening as her boyfriend was trying to explain their, or rather her, past bot fighting activities, was at a sudden loss for words when Grandville asked her what her reason was. But Hiro, sensing her slight freeze up, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder while giving her a small reassuring and supportive smile. Trying to assure her that it was going to be okay telling Grandville the truth. Even though he was having a hard time believing that himself, remembering how she mentioned that she was tough but also fair, intermittently anyway, which didn't make either of their nerves any better, but there was no going back now that it was out in the open. So, Cora tried to take comfort from her boyfriend's reassurance and support while taking a deep breath herself and answered the Dean*
Cora: W-well, you see Professor, the reason I took up bot fighting was...Was because I-I was...*sigh* I was...T-trying to help out my father Mam'm...
* Grandville, while doing a great job not showing it, was actually surprised at the young blue-haired girl's answer. She had not been expecting that explanation as to why Cora had been bot fighting in the past. But knew there was more to the story*
Grandville: Explain.
Cora: W-well, you see Mam'm. For the longest time, my father had been unable to keep a job for very long due to his...Extensive height... So, I-I thought I could help him out by bringing in a new source of income all by myself in secret. Hence, bot fighting. I know it was illegal and wrong, but I felt like I didn't have much choice. Though admittedly...there was another option to make...But the other way to make money fast...is gross...and very dangerous...
Hiro: Cora?...
* Hiro and the Dean heard the slight hint of reluctance in Cora's voice as she turns quiet, to which they also noted that Cora was trying hard to compose herself from becoming upset. Whatever the second choice was, and Grandville, despite wanting to think otherwise, had a very disturbing idea as to what it was and what Cora was talking about, But wisely chose not to comment on it or make Cora say it. As she was obviously not ready to talk about it. So she decided to change the subject back to the matter at hand*
Grandville: I believe that will do for the moment Miss. Mizishio. Now back to the matter at hand, am I to understand that your father was not aware of your participation in bot fighting?
* Cora was grateful for the subject change but was still trying to keep herself calm after almost bringing up the mistake she almost made, and it didn't help that Hiro was now looking at her with a confused and concern look on his face. But at the moment all she wanted was to just finish explaining herself and get back to finding Baymax's skeleton with Hiro. And hope that Hiro wouldn't ask too many questions about her explanation, but even she knew that sooner or later, she'd have to come clean about what she had almost done. She was just mostly worried and afraid of how Hiro would react and how he would look at her when he found out*
Cora: N-no Mam'm...I was very careful to make sure my father had no idea what I was doing. He did finally find a job that would take him and after he had been hired and had a secure source of income, I knew he didn't need my help in secret anymore, so I quit bot fighting altogether. There was no need for me to do it anymore.
Grandville: Hmm, I see... Miss. Mizishio, while I don't condone anyone in partaking in illegal activities for whatever the reason may be, I can see from your explanation why you would take such steps in trying to help your family. I will however say this much though Miss. Mizishio, I do hope that in the future you will strongly consider making more wiser, productive and...safer choices when it comes to your endeavors. It would truly be a shame if someone of your intellect and potential were to lose her way by not fully...and carefully considering the consequences of her actions not just to herself, but to others as well.
Cora: Y-yes Professor Grandville. I will do my best...
Grantville: I am pleased that you have explained all of this to me though Miss. Mizishio. I understand that this must not have been easy for you to talk about though.
Cora: No Professor, it wasn't. But I am kinda glad I got it off my chest though, and even though this wasn't his intention, not all of it anyway, Hiro was just trying to defend my actions.
* Hiro, who's hand was still on Cora's shoulder, gave her a soft squeeze in an attempt to comfort her and as a way of giving her a small apology for unintentionally making her to talk about all of this*
* While the Dean was speaking however the rouge skeleton appeared behind the window*
Grantville: Well, despite all of that. You two are doing exceptionally well in your classes, you should both be very proud.
Hiro: No stop-
* Cora sweats nervously as Hiro stood up to address the skeleton..But stopped himself*
Hiro: No..Stop giving us compliments! Hehe! We don't want to get big heads!
Grantville: Then I'll just say this: Keep up the good work you two.
* Both Hiro and Cora stood up*
Hiro: We will!
Cora: Thank you Mam'm! We'll continue doing our best!
Hiro: Thanks, so..*fake yawn* tired. We better get home! Uh..Bye!
* The teens quickly left the room, sighing heavily from the long talk Cora went through and nearly being exposed for the skeletal rouge*
Hiro: Cora-
Cora: Look Hiro...*sighs* I know you probably want know what I...meant back there after I said I didn't have much choice... But right now, we've got a crazy rouge robot running around doing who knows what that we really need to get back before we get into more trouble than we already are. I'll tell you about it when I'm ready...Just...Give me some time and trust me on this please...
Hiro: *sighs* Alright. But we are going to talk about this eventually Cora. I don't like having secrets between us.
Cora: I know, I don't like having secrets between us either, and I'm really not trying to keep secrets from you Hiro, But I just...need you to be patient with me for now... I'm...not proud of what I almost considered doing before I chose bot fighting and I'm still kinda upset with myself for even considering it to begin with...And...I'm also scared of what you...or anyone else...will think of me if I tell you what I almost did...
* Cora started sniffling as tears started to well up in her eyes. And Hiro, starting to feel guilty for getting Cora all upset over what she had said in Grandville's office, immediately took her into his arms and pulled her into comforting hug while trying to calm her down*
Hiro: C-cora... I...I'm sorry Cora, I...didn't mean to make you so upset... *sighs*I may not know what you almost did that's got you so upset like this, and now, I'm kind of scared myself to even ask. But I want you to know something Cora, I would never think of you or love you any less just because of something you did, or almost did in this case, no matter how bad it may be. You're my girl and I'm crazy about you though and through and nothing is ever gonna change that. I might not like that your keeping secrets from me, and I might not be the most patient guy on the planet, but I'm willing to wait for you until your ready to talk about this. And if you're not willing to tell the others about it than I'm willing to keep it a secret too for you. The point is, no matter what, I'm here for you. Just like how you've been there for me. And I'll wait for as long as you need me to until you're ready to talk.
* If Cora hadn't already loved Hiro as much as she did, she most certainly would have now after hearing everything he said to her. While she was still afraid of how he would react if she told him the truth, she did start feeling reassured that Hiro wouldn't just up and dump her for what she almost did. There was still some doubt in the back of her mind that told her otherwise, but she would work through that later. Right now, they still had a rouge robot to catch and had already wasted enough time as it is. So Cora, pulling herself together and giving Hiro one last hug back in thanks before separating from him and wiping the tears stains off her face while giving him a grateful smile*
Cora: Thanks Hiro, I really needed that. And I really appreciate you being so patient and understanding with me about all this. I know it's not really fair to you for me to be keeping secrets, especially after everything we've been through together. But...there're still some personal things I need to work out first before I'm ready to open up about this.
Hiro: I understand, and if you need help in working out some of those 'personal things', as I said before, I'm right here for you.
Cora: Thank you Hiro * kisses him on the cheek* You really are the best. Now lets go find that robot and get Baymax back.
* With that, Cora takes hold of Hiro's hand as the two teens go off to look for the rouge robot*
* As of while, with the rest of the Nerd gang*
Fred: After unrelenting battering the team-!
* As it turns out all of the Nerd friends came out dresses in their super suites, with Fred proudly displaying himself under the red light*
Gogo: Caved...
Fred: Came together! *Puts on helmet* Now they have their first night patrol knowing that they are their city's last bastion of hope!
Wasabi: Could you please stop narrating Fred!
Honey Lemon: Yeah...Nothing's happening Freddy, I think it might be time to go home...
* Just as she finished her sentence, the screeching of a speeding car was heard and eventually seen.*
Fred: Did you see that? That my friends is obviously a car thief! It's last bastion time!
* And so Fred jumped forward, with the rest of the team joining him.*
Fred: Halt!
* The car continues to zoom*
Fred: Yeah...He's not halting.
Wasabi: No he's not!
* When the car wouldn't stop Honey, Gogo, and Fred were lucky to dodge out of the way, while Wasabi barely managed to climb to the hood of the car.*
Wasabi: Aah! He didn't stop!
* As the car zoomed away, Fred and the girls soon chased after him*
Fred: And we got a chase scene!
* Wasabi continued screaming as the car zoomed*
Gogo: Pull over now!
* As the car made a sharp turn Gogo was quick to hold onto the nearest pole and return to the road, with Honey Lemon holding onto Fred as he used his super jump to catch up with them*
Gogo: We're gonna need something to slow him down.
Honey Lemon: I have just the thing!
* Honey Lemon quickly got out three chem balls and she threw them down for them to turn into glue. While it only managed to slow them, the determination of the driver quickly freed the car and continued its course.*
Wasabi: Still not stopping!
* Fred soon jumped ahead in the pathway*
Fred: Oh yes he is!
* The car came to a screeching halt, which caused Wasabi to fly off and for Fred to catch him.*
Fred: Thanks to the lizard.
* Fred quickly opened the car door, ready to give his herioc warning*
Fred: Ah ha! Justice has been servvv... Oh wait a minute!*
* Instead of a car as they thought, it was panicking couple, more specifically an expecting mother whose water broke and the nervous soon to be father.*
Father to be: Are you people crazy?! My wife is about to have our baby!
Honey Lemon: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! * to expecting mother* You're doing great!
Wasabi: Boy or Girl? Wait don't tell me, I want to be surprised!
* The father quickly slammed the car door and quickly entered the hospital*
Fred: Congratulations on your bundle of joy!...So..not a car thief, but we still showed some real hustle out there guys.
Gogo: Fred, there's clearly nothing going on!
* While Gogo is chewing Fred out, the rouge skelemax walked past them. Honey, Wasabi, and Gogo walked away from the comic obsessed fan boy. As they were, Hiro and Cora came to view as they chased the skelemax.*
Fred: But guys! Night patrol...
Skelemax ran and ran, glitching and bumping into everything before making a turn to the left. Soon came a flash of electricity.*
Hiro: Uhh! That's not good!
* Hiro and Cora walked towards the way and to their shock the minions of Yama got the skelemax first, electrocuting the skeleton. Then came a very familiar chuckle behind them.*
Yama: Haven't seen you in any botfights in a while, little Zero!
* The teens turned around to see Yama behind them.*
Yama: That is until that one night where you got me locked up in jail!
Hiro: You're not still mad about that?* faking smile* Are you?
* The angry face of Yama answered his question*
Hiro: Ok! I'm sorry...If we could just get our robot back-
*Yama grabbed Hiro and Cora by the scruffs of their clothing*
Yama: Haha! You're not getting your robot back! Teach him a lesson!
* The next thing they knew, Cora was restrained by the minion as she watched Hiro being dangled over the roof by the other two minions.
Hiro: In case I wasn't clear before, I'm really sorry about the whole jail thing! Just let her go!
Cora: Don't you dare drop him you micro-brained pigs!
Yama: Haha! Your little girlfriend certainly has some spunk!
* Cora continued to squirm before aiming her foot to Yama's face, which he quickly caught.
Yama: I'll deal with you later, I heard girls your age make a large profit in Kabukicho.
Hiro: No!
* With Yama's nod, the minions started to lower him with Cora frantically squirming, with both of them revealling their SFIT school ID cards in full view, and Yama saw this*
Yama: Wait! You two are in that nerd school?!
Hiro: Uh...Yeah!
* the minion holding Cora removed the ID card from her and gave it to Yama.*
Hiro: But its not-
Yama: Pull him back!
* As the minions pulled back Yama faced Hiro*
Yama: You and I, we're gonna make a deal!
* As of while, at Fred's mansion was in the middle of a rainstorm*
Fred: Alone he stood, velveted by the rain, unwavering in his mission, and undaunted by the fact that his friends don't value super hero culture and all its awesomeness!
Heathcliff: Master Frederick.
* Below Fred is his trusted butler Heathcliff, holding an umbrella with a cup of hot cocoa in his hand.
Heathcliff: Hot Cocoa?
* Soon Hiro arrived at the mansion steps alone.*
Hiro: Heathcliff, where's Fred? I-I need his help!
* Heathcliff simply looked up to indicate Fred's location. Soon after they went to Tadashi's Lab to discuss*
Fred: Ok, so what wrong is Lady Justice calling us to right?
Hiro: Well, there's this metal thing- its kinda like a sculpture or paperweight or something-and it's on Grandville's desk and Ihavetobreakitinandtakeit.
Fred: Woahwoah woah, wait! That is what Lady Justice would call stealing!
Hiro: Stealing? No its uh its not stealing its like I don't think its really stealing- its more like uh- borrowing!
Baymax: Stealing. To take the property of another without permission or right.
Feed: Exactly, thank you Baymax...Wait! Baymax!
*Realizing that he heard Baymax's voice he turned around and saw the familiar face of the nurse bot on the computer screen.*
Fred: Woah! You live in a computer now?
Baymax: My body ran away.
Hiro: Fred look, Cora and I rebuilt Baymax's skeleton; it went crazy, got loose, and now Yama has it and is holding Cora hostage! The thing its-its dangerous without Tadashi's chip.
Baymax: Without the healthcare protocol, my robot capabilities could be catastrophically destructive.
Hiro: Yama said he'll give it back and free Cora in exchange for the paper weight thing.
Fred: which you intend to steal!
Hiro: As soon as Cora and the skeleton are free, I'll steal the thing back and return it to Professor Grandville before she even knows its gone.
Fred: So the second steal basically cancels out the first steal...Ok! I'm in!
Hiro: Yes! I just need to add her code to my ID and to do that I need to get really close to Professor Grandville.
Fred: How close? Are we talking in the same general vicinity or are we talking uncomfortably close?
Hiro: Uncomfortably close.
Fred via radio: Hiro, check, check. Can you hear me?
Hiro: Fred, just wait for the signal and hit the button.
*Fred had remained in the lab on hold to do simple computer work via Hiro's head piece.*
Fred: I've never been a hacker before, cause usually Cora does the hacking. This is exciting! Also, a lot of pressure...wonder if this is how she felt when she first did this?
Fred: Uh... Which button is it again?
* Hiro was sensible enough to place a sticky note on the keyboard of the computer to show Fred which button to push.*
Fred: I kid, I kid! Don't worry Hiro, I got this.
* When footsteps were heard Hiro turned his head to see Grantville using her ID.*
Hiro: Target spotted, I'm going in!
Fred: Roger that! Man I love saying that I'll do it again, Roger that. No No how about this, Roger that!
Baymax: Who is Roger?
Fred: You know, that's a good question.
Hiro: Guys, quiet.
Fred: Roger that!
* Hiro quickly made his made to Granville*
Hiro: Excuse me... Professor Grandville!
Grandville: Yes Mr. Hamada?
Hiro: Well, I was thinking about what you said...to both Cora and me...and..Its nice to have someone here who believes in us! So thank you!
* Hiro opens his arms for a hug, Grandville shows that she is not the type to give or receive hugs*
Grandville: Yes, well... Eh...
* Hiro tried to receive a hug for Grandville to quickly dodge away. But as this awkward scene happens, Honey, Wasabi, and Gogo notice what's happening.*
Gogo: What is he doing?
Grandville: Is that all?
Hiro: Um...Well...
Fred: Turn on the water works, trust me, it's the only way you're gonna get that hug!
* And so, Hiro set to work, as he quickly rubbed his eyes to bring on the tears.*
Grandville: Mr. Hamada are you alright?
Hiro: I'm...*turns around with tears*
Grandville: Is there something in your eye?
Hiro: Tears...just so much going on!
* this time Grandville did not dodge Hiro's hug, unable to process what was going on*
Hiro: *hushed voice* Now.
* Fred, who was eating cup ramen, was caught off guard on the signal *
Fred: I'm on it!* spills cup ramen* Aww, I spilled soup! Ow Ow OW!
Baymax: I cannot administrate care because I have no body. But I do have several tips for treating minor burns.
* The gang were just as confusetd on the whole ordeal.*
Grandville: Alright now, pull yourself together.
* The computer soon dinged a 100% on the scan*
Fred: I got the copy! I think!
* Hiro let go of Grandville as soon as Fred told him*
Hiro: Wow thanks! I feel better now!
Grandville: Thank goodness.
Hiro: Don't want to keep a professor waiting! She's intermediately fair and a good hugger! Can't wait to tell Cora!
* Later on at night at SFIT, Grandville had just left her office, walking out to head home. Once she's out of view, Hiro walked over and used his ID card with Grandville's code to go in. Once inside, he found what he was looking for. He looked at the object, curious on why Yama wanted it so badly. *
Fred: What's happening?
The sudden voice of Fred via headpiece spooked Hiro into nearly dropping it before catching it.*
Hiro: Whew...
Fred: Did you get it?
Hiro: Yeah, It's...Heavier than it looks! Why would Yama want this?
Fred: Oww! Hot soup spilled it again!
* As Fred tried cooled himself off, Hiro looked out the window and spoke to himself with a determined look*
Hiro: Don't worry Cora, we're on our way now.
Fred: Heck yeah! The classic trope of being a Super Hero! Rescuing the Damsel in Distress and getting the skeleton bot back!
* And so with the sculture obtained, Fred and Hiro walked down the alley to meet up with Yama.
Hiro: These are dangerous people Fred, let me do the talking.
Fred: You bet! I'll keep my eyes peeled and my lips sealed.
* Hiro and Fred soon arrived at the place, a tall man stood in front of the entrance with a black eye.*
Tall Minion: What do you want?
* Hiro was about to speak before Fred cut him to it*
Hiro: We're-
Fred: Fredrick Fredison the IV, this is Hiro, and we're very busy dangerous types and we don't like to be kept waiting!
* The tall Minion stared at the two men while Fred did his best to appear intimidating. And just as Hiro thought that Fred messed up, the Tall Minion opened the door to let them inside.*
Hiro: What happened to letting me do the talking?
Fred: Now you and I both know that was never gonna work.
* As of while, the man outside contacted Yama via radio.*
Tall Minion: Yama, the boy and his friend are here.
* Yama stood in his office, listening to the call*
Yama: Good, he has it then.
*He then turned to open the door, revealing Baymax's skeleton hanging up, while on the ground Cora was tied up and gagged and looking worse for wear. Cora glared at him before she spoke, though her words were muffled.*
Cora: Fu ga na pey foo dis! #You're gonna pay for this!#
Yama:* grinning intimidatingly* Don't worry little girl, your boyfriend is gonna join you soon enough.
* Back SFIT, the rest of the gang went to visit Hiro at Tadashi's lab*
Honey Lemon: Hiro, we're going to Noodle Burger, you wanna come?
* But instead of a working Hiro, they saw a broken window with furniture tossed around like a tornado came in*
Honey Lemon: What happened?
*The gang stepped in, trying to process why Tadashi's lab was in such horrible state. It was then that Baymax turned on.*
Baymax: My body ran away.
* The gang turned and saw Baymax's familiar face*
The gang: Baymax!
Wasabi: Your back! Wait, why are you in a computer, and where's Hiro and Cora? In fact, we hadn't seen Cora all day!
Baymax: *activating map search* Hiro and Cora can be found here.
* The map showed a glowing dot where Hiro and Cora currently are*
Wasabi: That's Good Luck Alley.
Honey Lemon: Why do they call it Good luck Alley?
Gogo: Good Luck getting out alive...
*The gang all knew then that Hiro and Cora were in serious danger.*
* Fred and Hiro soon entered the room, and as soon as they do the lights were turned on. Yama sat behind a desk as the minions stood by him. Hiro turned his sight to find Baymax's skeleton and a tied up Cora, who stood up when she saw him*
Hiro: Cora! What did you do to her?!
Yama: Nothing much, just roughed her up a bit. I will admit, she did put up a good fight against some of my men, even nearly escaped with the bot too... Until I tased her that is. Now...Where is it?
* Hiro glared hard at Yama as he pulled out the object from his hoodie pocket and held it out to him, Yama grabbed it and started inspecting it. Hiro then went to untie his girlfriend, Fred spotted the robotic skeleton that was the cause for this mess.*
Fred: That's Baymax's Skeleton? Its so...Naked. It's naked Baymax! * turning to Yama and offering a hand shake* And you must be Yama.
* Yama looked up at Fred's hand, clearly uninterested and snapped his fingers. Hiro was pulled away from Cora as the door slammed shut separating the couple, soon the rest of Yama's minions entered the room*
Hiro: We had a deal!
Yama: Oh Zero, did you really think I was going to give you back your girlfriend and robot?
Fred: That was my understanding. Did nobody else think that?
* Fred and Hiro are thrown into a cell and were quickly locked in*
Fred: Owww!
Hiro: Hey!
* Hiro banged the door before looking around.*
Hiro: Great. No windows, no airducts, and one locked door.
Fred: Looks like we need to break out of a super secure high-tech safe room!
* Hiro looked at the door lock and smiled*
Fred: Awesome! How do we do that? Oh! I got it, we could do what Dirt Dingly did when he was trapped in the dungeon of Doctor Slaughter! Get this! He factored a key out of a stale cracker and a single strand of his own hair!
* But while Fred was rattling on, Hiro simply pulled out the door's automatic lock panel and rerouted the wires to open the door with ease.*
Fred: Or we yeah, that'll work too- you could just, you know, unlock.
Hiro: Com'mon!
* And so Fred and Hiro walked around the halls to find Yama's office and get back Cora and the robot.*
Fred: So, after we get Naked Baymax and Cora back, what's our exit strategy? You thinking fists? You think something other than fists?
Hiro: I'm thinking we run.
Fred: So feet, we're gonna go with feet!
* But just as they made a turn, they were face to face with one of Yama's minions.*
Minion#1: Where do ya think you're going?
Fred: And you're sure not fists?
Hiro: Feet Fred! Fast!
* The duo ran off before they were blocked by another minion, the tall minion they saw before, soon they were captured again*
Minion #1: Hey, co'mon, lets take these two to Yama.
* The two were now standing in front of Yama, with Hiro trying desperately to make the situation fit their favor.*
Hiro: Well when you think about it, I did you a favor by testing your security!
Yama: Thank you...Get rid of them!
Fred: Quick question, when you say get rid of us, do you mean throw us out, or are you talking about you know...Permanent situation?
* Yama's smile had answered Fred's question.*
Fred: Permanent...Got it.
* Just as the minions were about to finish this once and for all they heard rumbling from the roof top, where soon a laser blade came cutting through the ceiling in a circle, falling down and revealing the suit clad gang, ready to attack and rescue their friends.*
Fred: Yeah! I knew you couldn't resist the call of Super Herodom!
* The side door opens to reveal more of Yama's henchmen, also ready to attack. Gogo quickly threw her disk and knock out one of the minions and dodging out of Minion #1's way. Honey Lemon soon encased him in her chem goo as Wasabi threw off one of the minions where Honey Lemon rushed off to help them, but not before trapping the minions to their feet.*
Wasabi: Yeah! That's right!
* However they were smart enough to simply removed their shoes and stand on them.*
Wasabi: Uh! That's wrong!
* Grabbing a nearby stool and snapping it to make make shift staffs, the minions begin to attack, Wasabi activated his laser blades and just flapped them back and forth hoping it does something, to which it did, cutting the staffs into pieces.*
Wasabi: Adrenaline's back!
* Wasabi did not hesitate to punch out the two minions. Yama quickly dodged disk and blocked the chem ball using one of his minions as a shield before throwing him off to the side near Hiro and Fred.*
Honey Lemon: Hiro, Fred, Cora. Are you guys ok?
Hiro: Much better now!
Cora: *shaking off gag* Doing fine now that you guys are here!
Fred: How did you know we were here- wait, were you guys out on night patrol without me?
Gogo: Fred, night patrol is not a thing.
Honey Lemon: It's really not.
* One tall minion came crashing into the room and took a swing at Fred's head as Hiro pulled Fred out of the way and dodged the minion's assault right before he became encased in Honey Lemon's chem goo.
Fred: That was close, did you see how close that was?
*Hiro turned to Cora and the skeleton out in the open.*
Hiro: Stay here!
Fred: Roger that!
*Hiro ran towards the door to rescue them, nearly dodging the debris and the knocked-out minions. Just as Hiro had finally freed Cora from her ropes and they were about unhook the Skeleton, Yama grabbed them.*
Yama: Nobody hustles Yama!
Hiro: And gets away with it?
* Honey Lemon threw her chem ball to freeze Yama on contact, encasing him and dropping Hiro and Cora.*
Hiro: Looks like I just did!
Cora: And you just got put on ice!
Fred: Ooh! That's cold! hehehe did uhh, everybody did you guys get that?
Cora: Yeah...I'm unhooking the skeleton, and then we're out of here!
* And so they did, as soon as they freed the robot, they hooked it up and all climbed up onto it and left as they had arrived, through the roof*
Gogo: Hang on!
Fred: *looking up* Hey! It's Heathcliff!
* Heathcliff simply gave them a thumbs up from the helicopter for a-job-well-done, and flew all of them back to SFIT*
Hiro: Are you ok Cora? Did Yama do anything to you?
Cora: I'm okay Hiro, really. I'm even more okay now that we're out of there and we got Baymax's Skeleton back. Just got a couple bruises here and there, but nothing some ointment and a few bandages won't fix and I'll be good as new in no time. But, there is one thing I've got to tell you though.
Hiro: What's that?
Cora: Well, when I tried to escape with Baymax's Skeleton before you and Fred came and Yama tased me, I did manage to give him a swift but severely hard kick in the nether regions he'll most likely be feeling for a good long while.
Hiro: *Chuckling* That's my girl. *Hugs her and kisses her head on the side of her head*
*Once they were back at SFIT and out of their super suites, and after taking care of Cora's injuries, the gang are quick to show that they are not pleased with Hiro and Cora's actions*
Hiro: So I'm sensing you're angry?
Baymax: Without my scanning capabilities, I am unable to detect non-verbal signs of anger. Are they glaring? Are their eyebrows down and together? Do you see narrowing of their lips?
Hiro: I got this Baymax... Guys, I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you what we were doing.
Honey Lemon: You could have gotten hurt, and Cora actually did get hurt!
* Hiro looked down in shameful guilt at Honey Lemon's scold for he knew she was right. It was his fault that this whole mess happened tonight. Cora, seeing her boyfriend's guilt and regret over all the trouble he had unintentionally caused and the danger he had also unintentionally put them all in tonight, placed a hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed it in reassurance while giving him a soft look to show him that she didn't blame him for her getting hurt. But Hiro, who placed his own hand on top of hers that was still on his shoulder and squeezed gently back in thanks for her reassurance and not blaming him for all she had gone though because of his impatience and recklessness, knew better. He knew that it was still his fault that she got hurt and it would most likely be a long while before he fully forgave himself for putting his girlfriend and his friends in danger like he had.*
Wasabi: And I can't believe you stole something from Professor Grandville's desk, * turning to Fred* and you helped him! And now Yama has it!
Cora: Don't be so sure Wasabi.
* Cora pulls out the object from her skirt pocket.*
Fred: Double Steal!
Hiro: As promised!
*Gogo walked over to Hiro and Cora*
Gogo: I'm impressed. * punches both Hiro and Cora's arms, though not as hard with Cora due to her injuries* But don't ever do that again.
Hiro: We won't but...There is still one problem.
* The gang turned to face the still broken window that naked Baymax escaped through*
Hiro: How am I going to explain that to Professor Grandville?
Honey Lemon: Don't worry, I'll take care of that*
* Honey lemons punches in the elements needed to fix the glass*
Honey Lemon: Just this once!
* And so Hiro quickly went back to Grandville's office, tiptoeing slowly to place the object back on its stand. Afterwards he returned and went to work on the diagnostic with Cora staying for the rest of the night. Hiro tapped his fingers nervously and impatiently as he watched the download bar turn to a 98%, Cora turned to Hiro and gave him a kiss on the cheek*
Cora: I'll go get us some snacks from the vending machine, gummy bears right?
Hiro: *Nodding distractedly while not taking his eyes off the screen* Uh huh.
Cora: *Chuckling under her breath* I'll be back soon!
* As Cora left the lab, Hiro slightly moved his eyes to the spot where Cora was standing just a moment ago with a still guilty look in them before going back to staring at the screen to continue watching the download bar, which then turned to a 99%*
Hiro: Co'mon, co'mon, co'mon!
* The diagnostic soon beeped that it was completed*
Hiro: Yes!
* As predicted, Grandville was unaware of the events that happened, though she did take note on the sculpture being crooked. But other than that it was fine. It was now early morning when the moment of truth finally arrived as the charger soon inflated the now huggable Baymax. Hiro placed Tadashi's chip inside Baymax and took a step back. He turned to Cora, nervous about this. She simple took hold of his hand and nodded reassuringly, making the go ahead gesture*
Hiro: Ow?
* The eye scanners were activated as the first thing it saw was Hiro and Cora.*
Baymax: I am Baymax, your personal Health care companion. Hello Hiro and Cora.
* Hiro quickly hugged Baymax, to which the robot happily returned. Baymax then turned to Cora.*
Baymax: Would you also like a hug?
* Cora nodded, tears in her eyes as she hugged both her boyfriend and friend, happy to be reunited once more*
* Back at Good Luck Alley*
Minion: He is not going to be happy that you didn't get it.
Yama: Don't worry, we got something much, much better.
* Behind him was an assembly line of robotic skeletons of Baymax. However, since they do not posses the health care chip, they are instead weapons for Yama to use as their eyes turned red.*
To Be Continued
To See Part one: https://insanely-creative-things.tumblr.com/post/182262361133/big-hero-7-the-series
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jessefandomunited · 7 years
Meeting Atlas (part 1)- if people like it i will make more
I have been helping out the horsemen with a lot of behind the scenes things. I was part of the eye but I apparently wasn’t important enough to get to do anything that was really cool. I would get to watch all the shows and arrange the cars to take them places, but that was pretty much the end of my duties. One day however I got a call from Thaddeus Bradley, my boss. “ Listen, something has happened and I need you to go see the horsemen and give them the assignment for the next show, and I want you to get to know them because they should really know more of the people they’re working with,” He announced. I was shaking out of excitement and hurried to steady my breath as I said, “ t..thankyou sir, thankyou so much.” “ No problem, you’ve been working with us for a long time and the eye appreciates your loyalty,” He informed. I smiled and said, “ I’m honored sir, thankyou again.” “ Yep, the car will pick you up at 10 tomorrow,” he said as he hung up. I put down my phone and flopped over onto my bed and squealed, I was going to meet the horsemen. I felt a tad weird though, i mean, I had been  watching these guys since the beginning , knowing pretty much everything that was going on in their lives. It was like watching a reality show where you were responsible in keeping them alive. Throughout my entire time of watching them however, I began to develop feelings for one of them. Daniel Atlas. Out of all of them, he caught my attention right off the bat. He seemed all high and mighty, then turned around and was actually very caring and devoted to his friends. I knew I was going to have to play it cool though because i really didn’t want to scare any of them off. Especially Atlas, and I knew he had a lot of trust issues and because of that, I was going to have to allow him to be cold and distant for a while till he really gets to know me. Ugg, this was going to be hard. I packed my suitcase to get my mind off things. I never knew how long they were going to send me someplace so I always had to pack like I was going to be gone for months, which in this case, i probably was. I had one big suitcase and i crammed as much stuff as I possibly could, which should be enough, I mean, I can clean stuff too. I laid on my bed and sighed, how on earth was I suppose to fall asleep tonight. I tossed and turned until I finally just said “ Screw it!” and watched youtube till i fell asleep.
I woke up to a pounding on the door of my apartment. I bolted up and checked the time , “10:20″ “ CRAP, SORRY GUYS GIVE ME A MINUET,” I yelled jumping out of bed and throwing on the first clothes I could find. and grabbing my suitcase. I flung open the door looking half asleep. Thaddeus was at the door, “ good morning, nice of you to join us.” I rubbed my head, “ i’m so friggin sorry.” I rolled my suitcase out towards the car and hoisted it in the back. “ It’s alright, I’m just glad you are okay,” he replied opening the door for me. I climbed in and asked, “ why wouldn’t i be?” He shrugged, “ You are always worried when working in our line of business.”   I nodded, “ true, so whats the plan this time?” He got out a folder and handed it over. “ Nathanial Cox , he’s a billionaire who has been creating a nuclear bomb of his own, we are unsure of what he is planning on doing with it, but it needs to be stopped. “ WOOOOOH WOOOH WOOH,” I said holding up my hands, “ I think this is more of a thing for the actual police to deal with, we are talking about millions upon millons of human lives at stake, why are you putting this all on the horsemen.” Thaddeus sighed, “ listen , the eye is saying they need a bigger challenge, if they keep doing small ones , they will start to get cocky and sloppy, and you know we have about twenty back up plans , but we are going to need to push them.” I nodded, “ wait so what exactly am I doing here?” He smiled, “ I see how much you love the horsemen, I asked the eye to allow you to be part of this mission so you would finally get to meet the people you’ve been helping all this time.” I smiled back and laughed, “ that is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, thankyou.” He held up his hand, “ stop, you really don’t need to keep thanking me, this is a thankyou, for all the hard work you do.” I nodded and starred out the window at the approaching observatory.
I almost passed out from excitement as i got up to the door. “ just relax, it’ll be fine,” Thaddeus reassured patting my sholder. I took a deep breath,” i know, i’m ready.” He chuckled and opened up the door, leading me down the corridors to a huge office which had a door, that led down stairs, which was where everyone was staying. The more layers of this house I discovered , the more nervous I got. A billion questions swam through my head and all of them about if they would like me. He opened a door to an office where Dylan was. I was a bit relieved, i have worked with Dylan before. “ Hello,” I said with a slight wave. “ Wow, hey Ferra, it’s great to see you again, it’s been a while,” Dylan walked over and gave me a firm handshake. I nodded ,” ya it has, how have things been going here.” He grinned, “ they’ve been getting a little antsy as usual but still fine.” “ sounds about right,” I sighed pulling out the notebook Thaddeus had given me in the car, “ here is the next mission, and I’m helping out on this one.” Dylans eyes widened, “ oh wow, really ?” He looked as if he wasn’t sure which hurt a bit. i had to jump through the same hoops to get here, just like everyone else. I might have just been in prep work, however they make it mandatory that everyone goes through this boot camp thing every couple months to keep everyone in shape and it is no walk in the park. The horsemen are the front so they’re less strenuous on them, and Dylan of all people should know all this. “ I’m up for it, you know who i work for, Just because i’m only 23 doesn’t mean I can’t fight, “ i interjected. Thaddeus nodded, “ she’s right, the eye has been watching her, she’s skilled at a lot of things, and she’s been incredibly loyal to the eye since she came here, she deserves this. And anyways, you are going to need the extra help because this one isn’t going to be as easy as the others were.” Dylan opened the folder and began skimming through the pages and gasped, “ Dang, do you think they can handle this?” Thaddeus nodded, “ of course, and with Ferra here, you’ll have more than enough help. We are going to need a lot of prep time, as usual. I’m guessing we can be ready within 6 months, you need them to be trained completely on the new show and tricks by then, got it?” Dylan looked at me apologetically and said, “ of course, sorry about what i said.” I shrugged, “ I mean i look like i’m 10 so I can see the problem, don’t worry about it too much.” He looked relieved, “ i’m glad, ready to meet the team.” My heart started pounding, “ absolutely.”
“ I told them to wait in the movie room, i hope they actually listened to me for once,” Dylan rambled as we walked towards the room. I wasn’t really paying attention, I was a little too preoccupied by the thought of meeting the horsemen and getting to hang out and get to know them on a more personal level for six months. “ Alright ,” Dylan said snapping me out of my trance, “ it’s time .” He opened the door and we stepped in. They were all sitting on the couch watching a movie but the sight of it was hilarious. Merritt was laughing at how stupid it was, Lula was talking to Jack about something that probably wasn’t remotely related to the movie and then there was Atlas who was actually trying to watch the movie. Dylan cleared his throat and said, “ hey guys.” They all stopped at the sight of an unfamiliar person standing in there house. “ Hi, i’m Ferra,” I introduced weakly, I felt like i was going to pass out again. “ This is the big surprise, another member,” Merritt said almost annoyed. “ No, Ferra has worked for the eye for a couple years now, started around the time when we assembled the horsemen, and she has been working behind the scenes to keep us all safe, and because of all this the eye decided to let her come along on this mission. Lula was the first to stand up and walk over to me, “ well  I for one am incredibly happy to have another girl in the group.” She held out her hand and I shook it, “ it’s great to meet you guys all, really.” Merritt looked a bit upset that he was so mean and said, “ please, thank you for keeping our butts safe.” I blushed, “ oh it’s not just me there is an entire team for safety and prep work.” Dylan nodded, “ yes but come on Ferra, you’ve done a lot.” I shrugged suddenly feeling a tad awkward, I wasn’t use to this much attention and it was a little overwhelming. I just nodded a bit and looked at the ground. Dylan sensed how I was feeling and said, “ anyways , I think you know these guy, I’m going to look over the plans you gave us and you guys just introduce yourselves and make her feel at home okay?” He gently pushed me over to the group and i looked up smiling lightly. Lula put her arm around my sholder and sat me down right next to her, “ Alright then, You know all of us but I think we should introduce ourselves anyways, I’m Lula.”  “ i’m Jack,” Jack said stretching back out onto the couch. “I’m Merritt,” Merritt said with a wink. Then my eyes fell over onto Atlas who I had been avoiding to look at, mainly because I thought it would be too obvious that I liked him. However as I looked over at him I was suprised to see he had been hard core staring at me the entire time. I jumped a bit, “woh, hey.” Merritt nudged Atlas who slowly said, “ ya i’m Atlas, but you already know that. How long exactly have you been working for the eye.”  “Come on Atlas, cool it with the third degree and save those questions for later,” Lula begged. I gently put my hand on her sholder, “ don’t worry it’s fine, I can completely understand his distrust, and I already know you guys so it’s fine. I’ve been working at the eye I believe about three or four years now. They brought me one specifically to deal with your affairs.” His eyes narrowed slightly, “ and how old are you exactly.” I knew this question was coming as well, I was prepared for it, but i didn’t expect it to be this hostile. He wasn’t yelling or anything but his eyes were so distrusting of me, it kind of hurt. “ Danny come on man will you cool it,”Jack said. “ No , I am not about to trust this girl that came in simply based on the fact that Dylan says he knows her from the eye,” Atlas insisted, “ now proceed.” I sighed and bit my lip, “ i’m 23, graduated top of my class, straight A’s. Got a degree in strategic analysis, and a minor in the study of magic. Which people were often shocked about, they couldn’t understand why I wanted to minor in something so stupid but it was because I loved it. I got a call shortly after I graduated from an odd voice that simply said an address and a time. That is where I met Thaddeus. he told me I could be apart of an organization that was very secretive and exclusive and I would get to utilize both of my degrees to the fullest potential. I was stunned at how he knew all this, but I took it. He informed me that I would be working along side a man who was not only under deep cover, but also had a vengeance against him and I was under no circumstances aloud to speak of either till the proper time. I know it was all kind of sudden and scary, but honestly I got this feeling that I was exactly where I needed to be, so I took it without question. I always think back on that and think about how dangerous that whole situation could have been, but I was very lost before then, for...unimportant reasons, I felt as if i had no other choice.” I stopped, I couldn’t believe I had just rambled on about pretty much everything It took to get me here. I shook my head, stupid, “ sorry about that, I don’t know why I just told you all that.” I looked up and saw them all very intensely listening to me, which made me instantly uncomfortable, I wonder if this is how they felt all the time. “ it’s fine, that was...that was a lot, i’m so sorry,” Lula said. I looked at Atlas who was talking to Merritt, I bet everything I had that he was asking if I was telling the truth. “ So whats the verdict Merritt, am I lying,” I asked watching them both turn to me with a vague look of surprise.  “ listen seriously, I know it’s going to take a lot for you guys to trust me. in this whole society, it’s built on secrets upon secrets, and I know it’s hard to know whos who, but seriously, I...I..care about you guys a lot,” I felt a stab of embarrassment even as I said this, I felt like I was completely transparent, “ I...I’ve been working with you guys ,undercover for four years now, and It’s always been a dream of mine to actually meet you. I mean after helping with your shows and keeping my eye on the hideout, I feel like i know you guys. And it’s so weird because you don’t know me at all and i’m nervous.” I stopped and closed my eyes. I am scaring them i just know it, I should just leave , this was a mistake. “ Excuse me,” I said quickly exiting the room. I did a power walk over to a little bench at the end of the hall. I felt so incredibly stupid how could I be that stupid. I covered my face with my hands and began crying. I don’t know why, this was so different then i expected and I felt like I was being too vulnerable after just meeting them, and I was too young, and not educated enough, and not good enough. I couldn’t bare to think of what would happen if they ended up hating me. I heard footsteps coming up and i knew they had to be Dylan or Thaddeus. “ I’m sorry,” I whispered, “ i was wrong, I can’t do this.” “ Hey, Ferra,” Lula said. I jumped, quickly wiping my eyes, “oh, hi...i didn’t think.” I looked over and all the horsemen were there. I felt stupid again, “ sorry, i’m sorry, this was a mistake i shouldn’t have come here.” I was going to keep rambling but Lula hugged me, “ just relax, we don’t hate you, relax it’s fine.” I hugged her back trying to steady my breath, “thankyou.” She helped me stand up. Everyone except Atlas smiled at me, typical. “ Come on Danny,” Lula said pushing me over, “ give Ferra a hug.” I felt my face turn red as she did so. “ Why me ,” He asked in his typical monotone voice.  “ Because you were the one who was grilling her,” she insisted. Atlas sighed and slowly hugged me. My heart beat quickened and I felt like everyone could hear it. He let go and I felt this wash of relief. “ Thankyou guy,” I said softly. I really hope things get better from here
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soulexplorer21 · 3 years
#Travel #ShortStory
"What screws up the most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be."
A young lady, who is in her mid-20s, is blankly stare to the unpainted white wall, hands carrying her heavy face and having a sigh when she repeatedly pronouced words in the sentence as if remembering it. As she about to complete reciting the whole sentence, an unintentional noise of the person's movement laying in bed made her back to her conscious self. She look at her and immediately go to where she is with tears in her eyes.
In a spacious room, unpainted walls and ceiling, white curtains parted into sides, clear windows widely welcome a sunray, the girl who was named Aeriel gently open her eyes after a week of sleep. The morning feels so good but definitely not to her. She got a tightly embrace from a teary-eyed Sunshine. No words leaves from their mouth. It looks like they missed each other so much.
"This isn't my room. . . I knew it! . . . Again?" A deep sigh came out from Aeriel and tears begin to fall. Her body doesn't coordinate on what her mind wants to do. She wants to be out in the bed but trying to make a single move, she can't.
As sunshine and the nurse enter the room, Aeriel immediately wipe her tears, and she asked them desperately: "Can I have a walk for awhile?"
Her nurse promised to grant her request after doing some examination to her condition.
Aeriel sitting on a wheelchair with Sunshine behind, roam around to a tiny peaceful hallway. She remembered the last person her eyes saw before a familiar incident happened again.
"Where is he?" her mind unconsciously speak it out loud.
"You mean, Light?" Sunshine asked her in return.
Aeriel got confused and embarrassed. She just nodded in response.
"Our mom forced him to take a rest. She forced him because he doesn't really want to be away by your side," Sunshine explained.
Filled with emotions inside, Aeriel remains silent.
Too many doors are close and occupied. Aeriel decided to move the wheels on her own when she saw Sunshine needs some rest, too.
Her sight was glued to a slightly open door; a familiar face caught her attention. The room looks the same with hers.
"Why he is here? . . . What he is thinking? . . . He seems at peace but I feel he isn't," she started questioning herself in silence; scared that he might hear her from a far.
Her heart pounded faster, and questioned herself:
"Is it just a dream? . . . Where am I?"
Two weeks ago, Aeriel San Buenaventura was invited by Vergara family in a short Christmas vacation to Ilocos Norte.
She was an introvert person who doesn't want to be in a crowd. Choosing between staying at home or hanging out with friends or family and relatives, she will definitely choose the first one. But, Vergara family is as special as her biological family. She can't resist to reject them. So, Aeriel having no plans in Christmas will be out on a vacation.
The famous Patapat Viaduct road in Ilocos Norte was the first one that carried them in owe because of its beauty. Vergara family used two vehicles for this vacation: one is the classy black car owned by the eldest daughter, Sunshine Vergara and the other one is a family car which is more capacious than Sunshine's. Light Vergara, who is the youngest in the family, and Aeriel are with Sunshine in her car.
The Vergara siblings, who are sitting in front, scream in excitement:
"This will be a fun ride!"
Aeriel on the backseat agreed on what she have heard.
Full of tourist people, riders and parked vehicles on the road, impressive gigantic mountain and falls, a clear blue water on the side are the mesmerizing view that anyone could enjoy while on the way to their destination. Aeriel and the whole family were jealous on what they are witnessing so they had a quick stay on the road.
Taking pictures are mostly what they did.
Sunshine being the photographer-slash-photo editor-slash-photo director of the family, took lots of photo of them, and she was absolutely joyous doing it.
Strictly following their family car, they had a stop-over to the historical church in Ilocos: The Paoay Church.
This is their first time in Ilocos yet this church isn't new to them, it was featured in some media platforms but when they stepped in in front of it:
"Wooh! . . . Amazing," Sunshine said.
"Marvelous!. . . No doubt, it carried a Philippine history," Light stated.
Aeriel giggled and said, "Agree. Plus its well known three-story bell tower!" she pointed out, "and it looks great in person."
Hours have passed, and the whole family decided to have another ride.
With Light's playful glance to her sister, he asked eagerly:
"Can I drive? Please. . ."
Although hesitant, Sunshine gave him the approval:
"Fine. But Light, . . . drive safely. I will seat here in the back. Ae, would you mind sitting beside Light for the meantime?" she asked Aeriel.
In an instant Ae replied: "Ohh. . . No problem sis."
Aeriel already hop in inside the car. A teasing glare on her side waited her round beautiful eyes to motion towards him.
"What?" she asked curiously.
His smile couldn't hide from forming a half round shape in his now rosy cheeks. As he started the engine, he whispered carefully: "I'll stay by your side even the ride wouldn't last long."
She was surprised by the sudden choice of words. She felt something serious yet disregarded it in her thought, and just give him a genuine smile.
The relaxing songs played inside the car are joining to the surrounding outside; they chose to just embrace the endless cold breeze of the season.
Light, being a curious adventurous young man, previously checked some places here in Ilocos.
"Hey. Hey! Where are we heading? I couldn't see our family car," Sunshine noticed.
Calmly Light explained: "Relax sis. "We will just try this food. I'm sure you guys will love it," he said confidently, "and don't worry I searched this place. I will contact Mom as we arrive there."
While a deep sigh was done at the back, on the opposite seat in front was a abruptly sound of the stomach.
Light glance at her then turned back his eyes on the road, he controlling his mischievous smile but Ae saw it and blurted out: "I am not hungry. My stomach is!"
This moment, Sunshine joins Light in laughter. Ae didn't argue anymore.
"We are here!" Light announced.
He brought the two into the place where the iconic delicious empanada is. Looking on his side by side, the girls are already ordering and finding vacant seats. He immediately run towards to their direction.
They ate the empanada in the way they're comfortable: putting only vinegar sauce, filling with ketchup sauce, and a combination of the two.
Vergara family discovered a newly open hotel that has a homey ambiance. It offered different accomodations. Sunshine and Aeriel will share to a room while Light will join the other boys in the family.
The next day the Christmas season vibes wakes up Aeriel from her dreamland, her eyes were landed on her plain journal that was mixed on her already ruined bag.
A note was written on it: "What screws up the most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be."
Unexpectedly, she felt eyes staring from behind. Sunshine already woke up, do a morning stretching, and inhale fresh air. "Good morning, Ae! What are you doing there?" she asked.
"Good morning, sis! I'm about to fix my things," she answered.
Aeriel didn't let the third knock in the door when she move the doorknob: "Hey!" she greeted.
Grinning he pushed the door slowly: "Ae, I want to come in," he stated. "Only if you don't mind," he added sarcastically.
She turned her back in an instant and chose to ignore him, she just said: "Whatever!"
While waiting for the girls to be prepared, Light made himself busy by eating snacks while watching in television. He was interrupted and surprised by the girl in front of the mirror.
He was caught staring to Aeriel so he got a playful smirk from his sister. "Enjoying the view, bro?" she asked mischievously.
"Yes. Happy?" he simply yet sarcastically stated.
Sunshine can't help but to smile endlessly.
"I'm done," Aeriel said.
The Vergara family decided to visit the Berglick Restaurant near in the hotel. It was known for its Filipino-German dishes. They occupied a long wooden table at the terrace. The dancing tall coconut trees joined the cooling freshness of the air that touches everyone's skin.
Mrs. Vergara informed Aeriel about her phone ringing repeatedly: "Ae, I think someone's calling you."
"Ohh. I didn't notice. Thank you, Tita!"
"It's Dad," she added.
"Go ahead! Answer it first."
Aeriel nodded in response.
"Aeriel!" A delightful voice was heard from the other line. "How are you, Ae?"
"So far, so good, Dad! Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'm with them.
"Okay, Ae. I'm at peace hearing your voice and knowing you're fine. Just take care of yourself."
Aeriel answered: "How about you, Dad? How's working there in Dubai? Rest if they'll give you time, okay? Don't be too workaholic."
"I'm having my free time today, Ae. I'll call you again."
Ae, Light and Sunshine were last to leave the restaurant. They went to Bangui Windmills Farm. A tall numerous Windmills are standing meters away from each other. Other tourists grab the chance to take pictures of them, so they also did.
Wandering on the seaside barefoot is what they did next. The tiny white sand on their foot felt as if massaging it. Having a thought that they might ruin this good moment of them enjoying the view and each other's company, no one talked for awhile.
After hours passed, one of Vergara siblings' cousins called Light because of an urgent phone call, Aeriel and Sunshine left on the other side of the beach.
Sunshine suddenly asked Ae: How are you, Ae? Are you having fun today?"
Ae smiles but didn't give a look at her. "I'm glad. . . knowing I have all of you in this vacation!" she sincerely let these words out.
"I'm glad to hear that, Ae." Sunshine holds her hand tightly.
Ae just give a glance to their hands yet satisfaction will witness in her eyes.
Aeriel didn't saw Light even until the night comes. When Sunshine finally went back to their room, Ae doesn't hesitate to asked her:
"Have you seen Light? Did he already went back after the phone call earlier?"
"I've been in their room, Ae. Everything's fine," she answered. "You take a rest, too," she suggested.
On the next day, Aeriel woke up late. She supposed to join on the family meal here in the hotel but unfortunately didn't happen. She was ready to go out of the bed when a sudden noise of the doorknob open that made her stop from moving, a dressed up young man entered the room.
Ae ran abruptly towards to Light and give him a hug; he jokingly act that he was choked. Ae blushed and playfully punch him instead.
"Where have you been?" she asked Light instantly.
"Do you missed me that much?" he asked her, too.
Ae nodded multiple times.
"Someone needs to talk to me yesterday. I didn't make to go here after because it was already late." Light explained.
"Will you join on a boat ride later?" he asked.
"Interesting! Where we will go?" Ae replied.
"It's a secret," he said.
Aeriel didn't know that they're just the two of them who will go to Makagutugut Rock.
"I'll tie your hair!" he doesn't asked, it just a plain statement. As Light finished making her hair looks nice, the old man was also done preparing the boat.
"Hop in," Light said.
While roaming around, an irresistibly attractive view on the sea made Light and Ae just appreciate it. A gigantic two formation of rocks are waiting for their boat to pass in between to go on the side of the place full of white small rocks instead of a sand.
The noise of the flashing small waves in the rocks made their inner spirit chill for awhile.
"Ae, I hope you're having fun," Light said it sincerely.
"I am!" she said assuring him through eye-contact.
"I am genuinely happy when you accept our invitation. How are you?"
"Before this vacation, we both knew what happened and might happen to me anytime. I thank you and the whole Vergara family for this getaway."
They talked while staring on the calm sea.
"Ae, I'm sorry for making you worry yesterday."
"Hmm, so this is your way of apologizing. Really?" she laughed.
He nodded. "How about your boutique, Ae?" he asked curiously.
"I don't have plans yet to open it," she simply said.
"What about Tito? Did he called you again?"
"Maybe tonight he will. . . I'm okay, Light." She glance at him and lean on his shoulder.
"Ae?. . . When was the last time you experience it?"
She's aware to the Vergara's reason why they invite her to this vacation; they understood and care for her.
She replied honestly: "The moment I closed my boutique. I was just tired back then. I am glad to have people supporting my business but when I have deadlines I couldn't meet. I doubt myself. I was suffocated."
"When things go wrong and you feel like giving up. Remember, you've got me." Light caress her hands and intertwined to his.
"Remember, you've got me, too!" said Ae in return. The atmosphere is not as heavy as their conversation is, the sailing was as smooth as the boat ride earlier.
Light prepared a picnic for them.
Minutes passed Light climb to the mountain of rocks and tries to do the cliff diving. Ae notice it late so that when Light is about to jump, she experienced that feeling again. She was scared, couldn't breathe properly, her chest was tight, her palms started sweating and her heart pounded faster. She found herself going to the water but ended up lying on the rocks because of the feeling of almost dying.
Light dive in into the water and immediately run towards her. Even he knows the things he must do, he can't control himself from worrying. He was composed when he gave air to Ae, he checked her pulse and doing the steps again. Light carried her and went back to the hotel.
A week after the incident happened, Aeriel found herself laying on the hospital bed waiting for Sunshine to return from calling her personal nurse.
After some examination to Aeriel's condition, her request to go out on her room was granted. Aeriel and Sunshine are silently roaming around on a tiny peaceful hallway. The last person she's with was her best friend, Light. Unfortunately, he wasn't there the moment Aeriel woke up from a week of sleep. Sunshine explained that Light was forced to take a rest, "But Ae, he really wants to be the first person you'll see after a week of sleep."
Ae was disappointed but chose to wait for his presence until he will visit her.
Aeriel had a me-time when she decided Sunshine to take some rest, too. "I will be okay," she said confidently.
She is recovering until she passed by a slightly open door. Aeriel saw that familiar face. A young man is looking outside, carrying his usual grin while humming endlessly, Light possesses a good aura as if there is nothing to be worried about.
She went back to her room crying.
Aeriel's dad visits her on the other day. They're having their brunch when Ae couldn't help but told him:
"Dad, I am sad. I don't know what is happening. I'm afraid of everything, to my anxiety that will be active anytime and to the fact that I saw Light here in the hospital," she bursts it all out to him. The vulnerability of Aeriel was shown to his father after a long time of not literally showing it.
Having her dad's presence and a tightly hug from him are all she needed right now.
She was suffering from anxiety in the form of Panic Attack. She has an agrophobia in which she was afraid that her feeling of almost dying might happen again, in her case, it will be inactive yet she felt it again in the season she just wanted o treasure every moment with the special people of her life.
She discovered that her long-time best friend, a genuine person, and a responsible son, lived his life possessing his name, be a light, to everyone that surrounds him and shared an everyday good vibes was diagnosed with brain tumor. Sadly, she never noticed any hint from him because of his bright personality whenever he's with her. She was devastated until Sunshine shared what Light wants her to do when she first woke up: it is to no longer dwell on sadness because of him or her anxiety.
She chose to be stronger and brave even in his last breath.
She questioned, "Where was I?"
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