#jackson arvad
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Anyway I love @ibbywondrous ‘s Speeder Parker AU so uh. Time to bugify my favorite Spider-Man antagonist.
I was really stuck on what sort of bug to make Will o’ the Wisp because with the glowing a fire fly seems obvious, but Electro already has that covered. Then I thought about going with more of the ghost/fairy angle and remembered my beloved woolly aphids.
Power wise I’m not sure whether to keep his whole “control his own molecules and is therefore entirely out of Spider-Man’s weight class” angle or focus on the fact woolly aphids spread a number of fungi, most notably blackening leaves with sooty mold, and have his bizarre appearance be due to him being something of a hazard to breathe next to. Being covered in mind controlling fungi would be as good an explanation as any for how he can already do that in the comics.
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cinder-no · 2 years
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Will o’ the Wisp - Pony Town
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hollowsart · 2 months
I was looking at the abilities/powers of Jackson Arvad/Will O'Wisp and like.. bruh.. that's so confusing, what the heck is any of that trying to say?? I can understand flight and being able to create light.. but the molecule vibrations and density and whatever is so convoluted.. what the heck
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ibbywondrous · 9 months
Ah so Will o’ the Wisp is a really interesting antagonist because he has basically no appearances… because he’s got one very good self contained arc so there’s no reason to really touch him.
Basically, Jackson Arvad was the head of Brand corporation’s electromagnetic division. His boss wanted results now, so he pushed Jackson to take more and more overtime under the threat of being fired. One day this got so bad that he collapsed, and similarly overworked his machine started to fail. He tried to fix it but instead had the bonds between all his atoms destroyed. Brand decided to recoup their investment by stabilizing him just long enough to question him on the incident’s implications and then left him to die when his atoms drifted too far apart and killed him. But instead of just dying, he managed to weasel himself through the atoms of the tube they were keeping him in.
Somehow, he winds up going to a Dr Harrow to fix this. Harrow was pitched as the guy villains that aren’t geniuses or with corporations get their tech from. Anyway, Harrow says he’ll help and implants a chip in the back of Arvad’s neck. It’s unclear if this helps with the falling apart of it all, but it does mean that if Arvad doesn’t do what Harrow wants he presses a button and the chip painfully rips him apart.
So Wisp robs people as nicely as he can under the circumstances until Spidey shows up and he’s ordered to kill him. Wisp tries to fight Spidey but… he’d rather die a human that live as a monster. So he gets exploded.
Turns out though, there’s no level of separation of Wisp’s molecules that will kill him. So over 4 years of publication, Wisp pulls himself together. Once he’s got enough of a blob to try and contact Spidey he tries to do that, but Spidey doesn’t recognize him until it’s too late and shoos him off. So instead, he takes over the battle suit of the villain Killer Shrike to puppet him around to kidnap the scientist who was hired to replace him, Dr Marla Madison.
Dr Madison is extremely cool as it turns out, because by the time Spidey catches up to free her, she’s just annoyed at him because Wisp does genuinely need her help. So Spidey does his best to help because even though he doesn’t know Wisp’s history before Dr Harrow at this point, Wisp is still pretty clearly a nice, if very desperate, guy.
However, now that Wisp has a body again and doesn’t have his imminent death over his head, he decides that the only solution is to destroy Brand corporation so they can never do this to anyone ever again. Exploding their buildings is working out swimmingly until he accidentally interrupts Brand’s attempt to give the villain Tarantula Spidey’s powers, turning the Tarantula into a giant spider instead. After a quick fight with Spidey him and the Tarantula go tumbling into Jamaica Bay and when they don’t come up, their presumed dead.
This notion is dissuaded when he and the Tarantula show up at the house of the boss that did this to both of them and after a really good monologue Wisp goes to kill him. Spidey of course saves the day, and after a long fight convinces Wisp that it’d be better to get legal justice for what happened and turn his boss over to the police.
After a brief misunderstanding brings a bunch of Spidey’s reformed foes together to beat the apparent law breaking out of him, said former foes form the superhero team the Outlaws. Unfortunately, because Wisp’s whole ghost thing freaks out most of the team and he’s not great at following orders when he thinks they're unjust he only ends up going on one adventure with them.
Then he shows up for one last storyline where Harrow has reactivated the chip still in his neck and the current Spider-Man at the time, Ben Riley, has to rip it out. Wisp leaves on good terms….
…and then after that none of the writer’s who used him researched who he was so he just became the butt of jokes about c-list Spider-Man villains and occasionally cannon faughter.
Sorry can you tell this guy is a special interest? Anyway, I unfortunately have ideas about how to adapt him to your AU but because it is Your AU I will leave it at this thank you for reading this horribly long thing.
Not gonna lie I wasn't expecting you to post basically a wiki article, and it did take me a hot minute to actually read all of it. At someone here is passionate about c-list spiderman villains.
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measuringbliss · 2 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 073 Brand Corporation and Tarantula (ASM 233-237)
My husband the Tarantula is back, yay!
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Uncensored, you say? :D
So Nose Norton has disappeared, which is a problem for Jameson and his investigation about the Brand Corporation. Everyone -Peter included, of course- starts searching for him. Meanwhile, Lance's girlfriend, Amy, gets the idea to seduce Peter to make Lance jealous... If this leads to hot, steamy hanky-panky between Peter and Lance, I'm all in!
At Miami Beach, the artstyle has washed-out colors, it's very charming. The Tarantula gets hired to kill Nose! I like that story, it's funny to see everyone search for that guy.
Nose is on Staten Island, and not only does the Tarantula get the tip, but Ben Urich, followed by Spider-Man, also gets it!
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That left panel is gorgeous, you know me.
On the boat to Staten Island, Peter very bisexually surprises Ben, who's quite baffled. The duo finds Nose first!
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First off: no more spurs on the Tarantula's boots :( I'm sad, it was a fun detail. Secondly: Peter keeps being very touchy-feely with other men and I like it.
Spidey and the Tarantula quickly come to hands and be reassured, the spurs are still there, yay! He even has new blades on his fingers, this is great. He's a big cat <3
Suddenly, private investigators hired by the Brand corporation shoot Nose and pretend he shot first. Ben thinks it's a little too convenient. We see blood under Nose's barely alive body (edgy!)
When Peter Parker comes back to where Ben is, the latter asks him if he has a picture of who shot first...
In the reader's letters, people have apparently loved ASM 228, "Killed by a Spider". You don't remember that one? Me neither. It was a mystery that wasn't actually a mystery. It was bad. People also rightfully complain about Debra Whitman's treatment. Poor girl.
In ASM 234, Will'O The Wisps is at the Brand Corporation and destroys the Boston factory.
At the Bugle, Peter and Ben Urich are now besties, but Peter doesn't have a picture of the shootout. Ned's work about the Brand corporation leaves Betty unsatisfied, and Amy's back to get her hands on Peter.
He escapes her and goes back home, where he meets his gay bear neighbour, Pincus.
Actually, we already saw Pincus! He's the guy who kept singing and waking up Peter, who got his day in the limelight in a recent and lovely issue. I didn't recognize him, only understood checking the comments. Hell yeah.
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Meanwhile, the Tarantula angsts about his broken ribs, but a doctor says he can turn him in Spider-Man, whatever that means.
At ESU, Peter learns that Brand offers an internship and goes there.
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Hey that's really slick. It almost feels modern.
The Tarantula arrives in the secret room Spidey finds, and he intervenes, saying that "one Spider-Man in this world is enough". See you in a decade. Or a few more. This is cute.
Will'O The Wisps also arrives on the scene... but it's too late.
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...Thaaaat's what I was expecting. Not the Tarantula I know and love.
In ASM 235, the Tarantula keeps being absolutely nightmarish, but at least he keeps his personality. Small comfort.
The fight eventually breaks out and everyone flees the destroyed building.
At the Bugle, a man from the government informs Jameson and us that that Brand/Roxxon plot has been involved in a lot of Marvel magazines. Then it turns out the department of justice wants Jameson to stop this investigation until they find actual proof of Brand's wrongdoings.
Following that, Spidey investigates, and Will'O the Wisps scares one of the Brand men, reminding him of who he was before getting his powers--Jackson Arvad, a scientist at Brand!
Then the Tarantula arrives.
Welcome to 1983! In #236, John T. Gamelin, Roxxon's president, witnesses the Tarantula killing Melvin through high-tech video feeds. Ha! Would you believe it?
Turns out Melvin isn't dead, and Will O' actually controls the Tarantula now. Nice.
When Spidey escapes with Melvin while the Tarantula escapes Will O's control, Gamelin gets a bit worried and he contacts Mr. D'Angelo.
After dropping Melvin somewhere safe, Spidey taunts Will O'.
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"Nyah nyah" lmao ok catboy
Spidey gets Will O' to calm down, but the Tarantula has found Melvin.
At this point, my eyes have been glazing over this whole thing because there's far too many fighting and it's extremely repetitive. Not a fan of how this arc is going. There's also the issue of the plot never being really personal. Hey, remember when the Jackal clones Peter's dead girlfriend and himself (and also Peter) and taunted Peter in 1975? That was personal. Ned almost died, and Peter's secret was threatened in Len's run that followed.
There's none of this. Sure, Ned is investigating Roxxon, but he's not in any danger. There's no actual stake that I'm interested in. It all feels very flat.
Anyway, Spidey's fight with the Tarantula is broadcasted, Melvin is recognized, then the broadcast is stopped because Gamelin owns the TV network.
Melvin has become a liability.
Meanwhile, the Tarantula kept evolving, until...
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UGH. What have you done to one of my favorite villains?! Noooooo!!!
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Hey, this is dark.
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What the fuck. The blood splatter. Not sure I'm liking this new direction. Really not sure. Are Stern's fans also fans of Frank Miller? *le sigh*
Melvin confesses to the cops.
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I like the checked pattern on the floor, feels very American. Was that an 80s thing?
So the arc "ends" and I wasn't really fond of it. There is some thematic resonance (monsters, big corporations owning TV stations...) but I didn't like how much fighting there was. And seriously, the dialogue and everything were EXTREMELY repetitive.
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EXACTLY. I FEEL LESS ALONE. Other Tarantula fans!!!!
So about this last issue...
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Oooh what a great cover.
We get yet another villain who has a past with several Marvel characters and recounts them, a practice I find uninteresting because it's always some variation of "everyone beat me up but I will win for sure this time!". Bring back Big Wheel at this point. Rocket Racer! They were fun at least.
So this villain only ever beat Spidey, and wants to be happy so he sets out to do that again.
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We'll see that later, honey. Papa is busy reading ASM and brainstorming Peter/Norman filthy smut with a dash of Parksborn.
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Peter's face is golden.
Later, in the subway, Peter's Spider-Sense gets aroused by a rando (who's this issue's bad guy) and wants to put a tracer on him, but he gets felt up and is not happy to discover that a thief took interest in him not for his perfect butt, but for his money.
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He catches the thief, Wilbut Whatever gets his new super suit at a Stark factory, and then Peter goes to May's new home for old people to get free food.
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Getting tired of the mortage and taxes being mentioned every damn issue for the past 25 years of publication.
In the end, Spidey and Wilbur fight it out, Spidey saves Wilbur and Wilbur decides to save Spidey in return. That's actually a nice ending for an alright issue.
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I'll assume they mean Black Cat. Also, our next ASM post will have the famous Hobgoblin! Can't wait to meet him.
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the-ventriloquizt · 3 years
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Anonymous Asked: If request are open, how about Will o the Wisp? He’s an old Spiderman villain but he’s pretty neat (when writers remember who he is)
[ image: A doodle of Will-o-The-Wisp, AKA Jackson Arvad. He is standing with his arms crossed, little flumes of light glowing around him. He looks annoyed about something. ]
Another victim of the Marvel scientist-to-supervillain pipeline...
He is really neat! I love how big his hair is.
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why-i-love-comics · 5 years
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Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #2 (2019)
written by Frank Tieri art by Marcelo Ferreira, Roberto Poggi, Andy Owens, & Rachelle Rosenberg
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comicwaren · 5 years
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From Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #002
Art by Marcelo Ferreira, Roberto Poggi, Andy Owens and Rachelle Rosenberg
Written by Frank Tieri
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In the end, instead of joining the Avengers, Sandman throws in with Sable’s crew, which is a MUCH better fit for him.
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October 2, 2020 Inktober day 2 (Wisp) #Fragtober #DrawingwithFragaBoom Will o' the Wisp (Dr. Jackson Arvad) is a fictional character, a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is a physicist who gained control over the electromagnetic attraction between his body's molecules, allowing him to adjust his density (like the Vision). He is most often a foe of Spider-Man. The character first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #167 (Apr 1977). #Inktober #Inktober2020 #ink #art #artwork #artist #artistforhire #artistofinstagram #custom #drawing #drawingaday #draweveryday #illustration #pencil #sketch #Disney #MarvelComics #WillOWisp https://www.instagram.com/p/CF3Gy_2BDQK/?igshid=1m0mjdnwnmo5p
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On earth-616, The Outlaws are a short lived team of reformed Spider-man villains (Prowler, Puma, Silver Sable, Rocket Racer, and Will o’ the Wisp or Sandman) trying their best to clean up their acts and be heroes.
…But what does that make them on an earth with no Spider-Man?
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cinder-no · 8 months
Cinder's Favorite Character Master List
Animal Crossing
Amelia Bianca Blanca Bob Bow Cephalobot Chai Coco Étoile Flick Master Frillard Gyroids Hopkins Jack Kabuki Kapp'n Katrina Kicks Lucky Mathilda Meow Merengue Niko Pavé Petri Pierre Pietro Raymond Rhonda Rolf Ruby Serena Tia Zipper T. Bunny
Apex Legends
Caustic (Dr. Alexander Nox) Fuse (Walter Fitzroy Jr.) Mad Maggie (Margaret Kōhere) Mirage (Elliott Witt)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Adam Clem Doc Dracula Jenny Calendar Moloch the Corruptor Rack Rupert Giles Spike (William Pratt) Zachary Kralik
Cartoon Network (connected universe)
Ace D. Copular Baboon Kaboom HIM Killa Drilla Snake Valhallen
Eyeless Jack Laughing Jack
Doctor Psycho (Edgar Cizko) Extraño (Gregorio de la Vega) Lobo Man-Bat (Dr. Kirk Langstrom) Mister Freeze (Victor Fries) Number One The Riddler (Edward Nygma) Savant (Brian Durlin) Snowflame (Stefan); read-through complete.
Dead by Daylight
Asakawa Yoichi The Baba Yaga The Birch The Cannibal (Bubba Sawyer) The Cenobite (Elliot Spencer) The Chatterer David King The Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn) The Doctor (Herman Carter) The Draugr Dwight Fairfield The Executioner (Pyramid Head) The Ferryman The Grid Xenomorph The Hillbilly (Max Thompson Jr.) HUNK The Huntress (Anna) The Jabberwock Jake Park James Sunderland Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen The Knight (Tarhos Kovács) The Krampus Leon Scott Kennedy The Krampus The Nemesis (Nemesis-T Type) The Oni (Yamaoka Kazan) The Onryō (Yamamura Sadako) Robbie Rabbit The Shape (Michael Myers) Vittorio Toscano William Berkin The Wraith (Phillip Ojomo) The Xenomorph The Xenomorph Clone The Xenomorph Queen
The Doom Slayer The Intern
Dungeons and Dragons (Baldur's Gate 3 and Magic the Gathering)
Abdirak Astarion Ancunin Auntie Ethel Avatar of Me (card) Gromph Baenre Kar'niss Lorin True Soul Nere
The Elder Scrolls
Arnbjorn Cicero Durnehviir Knight Paladin Gelebor Moira Nazir
Joshua Graham Lily Bowen Nick Valentine (synth) Tabitha Victor (PDQ-88b RobCo security model 2060-B Securitron)
Fire and Ice
Lord Nekron; watch complete.
FromSoft (Bloodborne/Dark Souls/Elden Ring)
Father Gascoigne Godrick the Grafted Grave Warden Agdayne Manscorpion Tark Sorcerer Rogier Starscourge Radahn Vengarl of Forossa
Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware
Benrey Dr. Bubby Dr. Coomer (Dr. Harold Pontiff Coomer) Darnold Pepper Gordon Martinis Freeman Tommy Coolatta
Not Important
Abe Sapien Hellboy
The Kurgan (Victor Kruger)
Judge Dredd
The Clan Techie (Bill Huxley); read-through and watch complete.
The Last Unicorn
Amalthea Celaeno King Haggard Mabruk The Red Bull Schmendrick
Lazy Town
Glanni Glæpur (pre-show Robbie Rotten; treated separate in fanon) Íþróttaálfurinn (pre-show Sportacus; treated separate in fanon) Robbie Rotten Sportacus
Left 4 Dead
Ellis The Hunter Nick The Screamer The Smoker The Witch
Arcade Batroc the Leaper (Georges Batroc); read-through in progress. Blackout, of the Lilin; read-through and watch complete. Crazy Eight (Earth-982) Daimon Hellstrom Digger (Roderick Krupp); read-through in progress. Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) Doctor Rot (Bentley Newton) Electro (Maxwell Dillon) Frog-Man (Eugene Patilio) Gorgeous George (George Blair); read-through in progress. Graviton (Dr. Franklin Hall); read-through complete. The Human Fly (Richard Deacon) Jakita Wegener; read-through complete. Morbius (Dr. Michael Morbius); read-through in progress. Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) Nitro (Robert Hunter); read-through complete. The Owl (Leland Owsley) Riptide (Janos Quested) Ruckus (Clement Wilson); read-through in progress. Speedfreek (Joss Shappe) Stunner (Angelina Brancale); read-through in progress. Toad (Mortimer Toynbee) Tombstone (Alonzo Lincoln) Tower (Edward Pasternak) Will-o-the-Wisp (Jackson Arvad)
Max Headroom
Max Headroom
Dick Knubbler (Richard Knubbler) Nathan Explosion
The Moomins
The Muppets
Beaker Uncle Deadly
My Hero Academia
All Might (Yagi Toshinori) Eraserhead (Aizawa Shōta)
Devil Lude Peloquin Shuna Sassi
One Piece
Buggy the Clown Caesar Clown Pedro Vinsmoke Sanji
Cassidy (Cole Cassidy) Hanzo Shimada Junker Queen (Odessa Stone) Junkrat (Jamison Fawkes) Roadhog (Mako Rutledge) Sigma (Siebren de Kuiper)
The Owl House
Alador Blight Emperor Belos (Phillip Wittebane) Principal Hieronymus Bump
Absol Absol (mega) Aerodactyl (mega) Deep King Agnol Alakazam (mega) Annihilape Arbok AZ Banette Banette (mega) Beedrill Beedrill (mega) Biker (trainer class) Blaziken Blaziken (mega) Bouffalant Brambleghast Gym Leader Brassius Breloom Brute Bonnet Carbink Carnivine Centiskorch Charizard (mega X) Clown (trainer class) Corviknight Cubone Delphox Diancie Diancie (mega) Dhelmise Dragalge Dragapult Drampa Druddigon Dubwool Eelektross Espurr Firebreather (trainer class) Florges Flygon Furfrou Galvantula Gengar (mega) Gliscore Gogoat Goodra Golisopod Grafaiai Grimmsnarl Gumshoos Team Skull Leader Guzma Guzzlord Haunter Hex Maniac (trainer class) Hex Maniac (ghost) Hoopa (unbound) Houndoom Houndoom (mega) Hydrapple Hydreigon Incineroar Inteleon Kangaskhan Kingambit Kommo-o Gym Leader Larry Lopunny Lurantis Lycanroc (midnight form) Kahuna Nanu Majin Malamar Mandibuzz Mareanie Marrowak Marowak (ghost) Maushold Mawile Mawile (mega) Mightyena Miltank Mimikyu MissingNo. Naganadel Cipher Nascour Ninetales (Alolan form) Noivern Obstagoon Gym Leader Opal Team Yell Leader Piers Team Skull Admin Plumeria Pyroar Pyukumuku Rapidash (Galarian form) Rayquaza Rayquaza (mega) Sableye Sableye (mega) Salazzle Scolipede Seviper Shedinja Shiinotic Spectrier Spiritomb Tauros Team Skull Grunt (trainer class) Thievul Tinkaton Toxtricity Trevenant Vespiqueen Wooloo Xurkitree Zangoose Zoroark (Hisuian form)
Postal Dude
Sasha Nein
The Red Eclipse!
Miss Conduct
Resident Evil
The Duke HUNK Karl Heisenberg Leon Scott Kennedy Mr. X (T-00) Nemesis (Nemesis-T Type) Salvatore Moreau
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head Robbie Rabbit
Space Ghost
Brak Moltar Sisto Zorak
Stardew Valley
The Dwarf Elliott Shane Willy The Wizard
Star Trek
Lietenant Commander Data Soong Constable Odo Ital
Star Wars
General Grievous General Armitage Hux Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) Darth Maul Captain Phasma Grand Admiral Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
Studio Ghibli
The Mandrake No-Face
The Time Machine
The Über-Morlock
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
The Venture Bros.
The Action Man (Rodney) Master Billy Quizboy (William Whalen) Brock Samson Dragoon (Jiles Perry Richardson, Jr.) Henchman 21 (Gary) Iggy Pop (James Newell Osterberg, Jr.) The Monarch (Malcolm Fitzcarraldo) Dr. Mrs. the Monarch (Sheila) Dr. Orpheus (Dr. Byron Orpheus) Pete White Red Mantle (Charles Hardin Holley) Sergeant Hatred (Courtney Robert) Vendata (Don Fitzcarraldo)
Warhammer 40k
Corvus Corax Leman Russ Magnus the Red The Night Haunter (Konrad Curze)
The Warlock
Weird Science
Metal Face
What We Do in the Shadows
Laszlo Cravensworth Nandor the Relentless
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hollowsart · 2 years
Because it’s like, legally my job to promote my favorite unknown Spidey villain- Jackson Arvad aka Will-o’-the-Wisp?
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Our eyes can't exactly distinguish colors in low light, so are Will-O-The-Wisp green or blue?
Eerie little wisps of light, almost like a flame, but cold. A haunting pale glow.
....I googled the character and saw the color palette and design from older comics and like.. I love a good chartreuse. A good yellow-green. But Yikes, my dude. Yikes on trikes. (No offense)
Browsed a bit with a 'redesign' in the search and came across a few takes that make him more blue and honestly it looks better? Also found a video about the character, listened to it. Guy in the video mentioned how they'd love to see a more spectral take and that kinda inspired me with this design.
I just kinda let my finger glide on screen freely to make the pose, shape, and swirls without too much thought.
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docgold13 · 5 years
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365 Marvel Villain paper cut-outs - one villain, every day, all year.
November 24th - Will O’ The Wisp
Dr. Jackson Arvad had been a physicist working for a subsidiary of Roxxon Oil on a project looking to expand upon the properties of electromagnetism. He was involved in a laboratory accident where his body was bombarded by unstable electromagnetic particles that disrupted the physical integrity of his form. His employers chose not to try to save his life, opting instead to try to learn what they could from the mishap. Arvad apparently perished, his body dissolving into nothing; and yet Arvad was able to save himself when he learned he was able to control the level of attraction between his body’s molecules. This provided him with the powers of density control, intangibility, flight, superhuman strength, speed, and durability as well as the capacity to hypnotize individuals with a glare. Now calling himself The Will O’ The Wisp, he sought out to gain revenge on his former employers for failing to attempt to save him. This ultimately brought him into conflict with Spider-Man. Spidey stopped him and the villain would have subsequent battles against the web-slinger as well as The Punisher. Some time later, he became something of a hero, participating in the Avengers 50-State Initiative. The Will O’ The Wisp first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #167.
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I’m a very serious artist.
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Will o’ the Wisp mood board because Pinterest won’t let me organize his board.
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