#wooo gay panic ftw
freehounyaoi · 7 months
HALF LIFE VRAI (+gorgeous & og gordon) HEADCANONS IF YOU EVEN CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
during. the end, he had 2 extra eyes, one above his left eye one below his right eye, now he has scars where they laid, they’re faint but he. is autistic im sorry he’s too me to not be he had a tail during the end too faint freckles ^_^ he REALLY likes red meat he likes blue flavor, not blueberries, not blue raspberry, blue stubble YAYY specifically in end, benreys feet to knees and hands to elbows fade into rlly dark blue/black looks like he’s dying of illness but like. has never been sick disassociates very often very touch very very touchy polyamorous, exes with forzen & is now crushing on both Tommy & gordon orphaned, kinda lived on his own since he isn’t human, picked his own name doesn’t actually have brothers, he’s a loser breaths through his mouth esp when he’s comfortable weird but like imagine he’s cuddled up to someone and he just yeah
fat, idc i’m right
gender-fluid, transmasc & gay ^_^ old man yaoi with bubby YAYYY
cool little funky punching enhancement thingies
big ol’ doe brown eyes
brunette hair before he started graying
after the resonance cascade he retired, they deserve it
has nightmares over clones. a lot, a big lot
autistic, everyone knows the science team kinda is autistic,
going off the autistic thing, one of his vocal stims is hello gordon
loves talking, loves it so much, he loves just talking to people she likes
has a high score on punch out & that one punching game where you punch the punching bag to get evaluated on
the reason is divorced because he realized he was gay
hawaiian shirts FTW!!
(most of these are somewhat canon, holly (his va) headcanons him as transmasc, short and stocky, and 5’4!)
Intersex & bisexual (idc if gir hcs him as straight it’s my world now/pf)
if he didn’t live with Coomer after the resonance cascade, he’d probably just be a basement dweller and just sit in the corner and cry
Bionic legs :3
canonically test tube baby, he’s probably really freaked the fuck out over it & has had genuine panic attacks over being artificially made, only in front of coomer
literally always has epi-pens for coomer
naturally(?) ginger idk what you wanna consider it, he’s canonically like 6 but in my head he’s like 67, he’s been locked in black mesa for 67 years
blue eyes
has a leather jacket with a tiger on it he will wear just to do so
has made the science team watch scrubs.. twice
picks at skin as a stress tick
has tourettes
near blind
when he got his bionic heart he died so he will sometimes just be like “hey guys i’ve died before”
being put back in the tube after betraying gordon was one of the worst things he’s been through, it was terrifying
also fat
joshua exists but he was an accidental pregnancy (gordon seahorse father yayy)
ftm based off last hc, that’s just canon cuz i said so
joshua is like, 9 in my head so gordon had him at like 18
has a crush on benrey (canon but yk)
mexican and african
curly ass hair, takes really good care of it, always smells nice
blind in left eye, 25% prescription in right eye
feels guilty as fuck even when everyone would joke about him being the cause of the RC
also autistic
wayne did not dk him justice when he lost his hand, he was screaming so gutturally loud it was painful, he strained his voice so bad, the pain was so excruciatingly terrible
tommy genuinely was the only one he could trust after benrey & bubby turned their backs on him, and that sucked because his feelings for benrey before that point were getting to him
only was adamant about not being friends with benrey at the end because of the betrayal, he wanted to hate benrey
tommy is like his. comfort friend, he doesn’t have to worry about him.. he does but he always feels comfy around him
Tommy cool man
Autistic, ADHD, PTSD and OCD
G man species, half human
strawberry enthusiasts:3 (me too)
every flavor tic tac enthusiast, always give the science team tic tacs like all the time
not very good at games enjoys playing them though
very touchy for multiple reasons
Sunkist service dog for multiple things as well, helps with panic attacks, PTSD symptoms, anxiety attacks etc
Tommy doesn’t know how Sunkist was trained to do all this, he made her sk he just kinda accepts it for how she is, and loves her
compression hugs, likes being laid on top of, it’s comforting
looks scrawny but can like. genuinely pick up all the science team & benrey with ease
started collecting propeller hats after the RC
the reason he can read sweet voice is cuz g-man species
thinking about getting a cat, maine coon or norwegian forest cat, he likes big ass animals
Sunkist is LARGE like large as fuck for a golden Tommy made sure she was huge
milk enjoyer :3 drinks it with most of his meals
wears readers
ANGEL KISSES!! (moles or beauty marks whatever you wanna call them)
tooth gap :3
walks on tiptoes
cuts his hair into a fringe, lets it grow out to shoulder length, then cuts it fringe, never ending cycle
beauty marks man
freckles too
nobody fucking knows his trauma
doesn’t understand why he can understand cicero?? he just.. can??
learned ASL as a kid
clearly has some form of mommy issues he will not touch on
wears solid colors, he doesn’t wear shirts with decals, or anything, a. he doesn’t like them. b. for ASL purpose, it’s recommended to wear light/dark clothes (light in his case) depending on your skin tone to MAKE it easier to read sign, usually in light pink
prefers skirts cuz.. they’re comfy, usually knee & ankle length.. sometimes he will wear mini skirts……. cuz he’s gross
actually hates head crabs.
would be a nudist if it was sociably acceptable
actually really enjoys video games! he doesn’t talk about it, he’s good at them too
he’s a dog person, he wants a saint bernard
freeman YAYY
beauty marks
patchy beard
dark hazel eyes
starting to grey, short pony tail
has scars from his HEV suit
actually lost his hearing DUE to the RC, his mother was deaf so that’s why he knows ASL, it completely shot out his hearing
has always dressed nice
cat person
Alyx is like his daughter to him
i can’t decide if he’s trans or not
same situation with gorgeous, he wears solid colors for ASL purpose
him and cicero have yet to find a way to communicate
when he found out alyx learned ASL for her boyfriend (this is canon, was planned for episode 3) he was over the moon
enjoys IASIP (it’s always sunny in philadelphia)
scary when he’s pissed off
G-Manual samual
major RBF
moles kuz hes kawaii
wears readers
hes autistic
going on with him being autistic, the fabric his suits are a comfort fabric to him
enjoys sitcoms
drinks his coffee straight black
he is trans masc to me
praises his employers like god tbh
if he were to drink, which he doesnt, his go to drink would be rum on ice
some form of alien, not from xen though, no one knows where hes from
some type of holy creature??? he cant die?? hes weird
you'll never see it but he doesnt bleed red, his blood is black
enjoys fishing
goes to bed at 11pm, wakes up at 4am hes weird
hes also the best father ever???
songs that remind me of science team members + benrey the 6th
Benrey the 6th
I Will - Mitski
Kiss Me, Son Of God - They Might Be Giants
I’m Gonna Win - Rob Cantor
Mad World - Tears for Fears
We Will Commit Wolf Murder - Of Montreal
Gallery Piece - Of Montreal
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
The Party's Crashing Us - Of Montreal
Tommy Coolman
Living Island - POGO
Fireflies - Owlcity
Teenage Dirtbag - Weetus
rises the moon - liana flores
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Head Over Heels - Tears for Fears
34 notes · View notes
thecandywrites · 3 years
Blood For Gold Part 10
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Woop woop lets see how much we can burn now that the fire is lit. And may I introduce you to Audra’s brothers. From bottom left to right. Axalarize, aka Axal, Azaxie aka Zax, and last but not least Ocearian, aka Ren. Now lets get this party started. Also many thanks to @kriskukko for sharing that orc regency art and to @punkhorse96 for all your amazing feedback. 
Blood For Gold 
Part 10
The next day, it was decided that you all should take a flight. Now because the Raymond’s were royalty and could afford it, they had griffins and pegasus’ but because all the Voyambi’s had ever ridden were horses, that left the pegasus’ to the Voyambis and Jane and the griffins for the mouras. The Voyambi women were especially excited because while on horses on the ground, society dictated that they had to ride sidesaddle. But anything with wings, meant you had to ride astride and be strapped into the saddle, or fall off and die and luckily Bennie and Calla had extra riding suits and so did you so that all the Voyambi women, and Jane could ride the pegasus and thankfully their brothers also had extra riding outfits for the Voyambi gentlemen. 
“Now remember, the higher up you go, the thinner the air is, when it gets hard to breathe, you pull the pegasus down so you can breathe easier and then once you catch your breath, you can pull up again, even if you’re by yourself, if you can’t breathe, pull down, I don’t want you passing out. We’re just flying around the palace. And remember these guys know where home is, even if you feel lost. They can fly home, I made sure to ask Mama Yalin to arrange for you to fly the safest pegasus she has.” You encouraged Jane as you helped her get into the saddle and tie her to it, making sure she felt safe and secure despite her nerves while her older, very tame pegasus was nearly half asleep simply standing there, even their wings were drooping.  
Meanwhile Demsey could not take his eyes off of your rear in tight leather pants because flying suits were full body leather suits, lined with fur because of the cold temperatures of higher altitudes with special heels for the stirrups and your leather suit, despite being lined with the most luxurious fur, was still hugging your body like a second skin and showed off every physical asset you had in the most flattering, if not alluring light possible. 
“If you stare at her arse any harder you’ll burn a hole through that leather.” Sierge warned Demsey from his spot on his own pegasus next to his brother since they had been strapped in as well, even though Sierge was guilty of the same thing with Bennie as he was tempted to just bite her plump and bountiful arse himself and had to actively keep swallowing his drool.  
“Wouldn’t that be nice.” Demsey sighed dreamily which made Sierge snicker a laugh before Demsey seemed to remember himself and clear his throat awkwardly before he watched you finish up with Jane and check in with Callie and Amara as Bennie was helping Kiera herself before you went over to the griffin that Ramsey had gotten for you. 
“This is Charlico, he’s a five year old stallion, one of the best in the barn besides Ma’ma’s Hecatarus.” Ramsey proudly announced as Charlico was decked out in a royal saddle with all kinds of accessories.
“Well hello there Charlico, aren’t you gorgeous.” You cooed to the massive griffin who was speckled and spackled with a calico’s colors, who lowered his head to get a good look at you before you reached out and let him sniff you before slowly petting up his beak then gently petting him over his head, bonding with him a little before the flight as he let you pet him. 
“Do we have any itchy spots? Show me the itchies.” You invited to him, your voice almost sounding babyish but Charlico seemed to revel in your attentions as you dipped your fingers past his outer feathers to his skin and instinctively seemed to find the right spots as Demsey and Ramsey both seemed to watch on adoringly as Charlico practically became a big puppy before you, letting you scratch and rub wherever you wanted, especially under his chin and around it’s skull as he moved his head around like a swivvel so you could scratch the really itchy spots as Charlico’s eyes fluttered shut in bliss before you went around the saddle to make sure Charlico was comfortable wearing it and making sure none of his feathers or fur was ruffled before you took off the extra safety straps from the saddle. 
“Why are you taking those off?” Ramsey asked nervously. Because his own Griffen was decked out in a matching saddle and straps and now he feared you wouldn't match, not unless your own flying skill exceeded his own.
“Because Charlico is uncomfortable with them. I ride with a illeaze saddle back home, so I don’t need these and I want Charlico’s first flight with me to be comfortable for him, well as comfortable as it can be for him anyway.” You answered as you went under Charlico only for him to peek down under himself to see what you were doing under him as you double checked the straps under him before giving him a good tummy rub while you were down there which Charlico really enjoyed before you went around his rear and started scratching around his tail which got him to start kicking his hind leg like a dog as you scratched even harder for a few moments before that particular itch had been sated before you pet down his tail and then back up his body as you kept cooing “good boy” to Charlico as you finished with him as Demsey noticed that Bennie and Calla were doing the same things to their griffins and mused it must have been a moura thing while Ramsey had never been more jealous of a griffin in his life because what he would give to be pet and scratched and cooed to and praised like that. He even paid his whores extra just for that but they didn’t do so genuinely so it wasn't satisfying.
“So what’s an illeaze saddle?” Demsey asked as he walked his pegasus, Alaphonse closer. 
“It’s basically a bareback pad but for griffins, only very advanced riders should ever attempt at riding in one, it takes a ton of body strength and endurance to hang on. Because with you, you’re strapped in seven ways from Sunday, with illeaze, there’s only about three to five straps, usually just one clip, most illeaze riders have a gliding suit so they can slip off the griffin mid flight and soar and glide on their own before reuniting with their griffin again in the air.” Ramsey answered proudly before you reached your arms behind you and pulled out your own hidden, folding gliding wings that were disguised as furls on your suit. 
“See?” You said as you twirled in place to show them off before you unhooked them and tucked them back behind you as Ramsey helped you get on Charlico and got a little too handsy when he was strapping you in which you barely tolerated as Demsey could clearly see you were not pleased that Ramsey was touching you and to him was more proof that you were not going to be willing in that match.
In fact it burned him up inside, he wanted to strip out of this suit and get off this pegasus and stomp over there and rip Ramsey’s arms off for touching you without your consent but he knew such a thing would be improper, not to mention uncivilized but that’s what his instincts were demanding of him anyway, and they were incredibly strong and almost overpowering his reason as his own pegasus seemed to snort and paw the ground, sensing Demsey’s quiet rage and only when Ramsey left to get on his own griffin did you finally unzip your coat to reveal your silk lined wool layer under the leather which was seductively low cut and the way it was cut and fit to you and with the moura bra and underwear undergarments you were wearing, gave you ample cleavage so as to give your sweating chest some air because you were burning up in this fur lined leather bodysuit in the late morning sun as the temperature slowly rose and Demsey almost fell off his pegasus watching you unzip your jacket and expose your glistening chest and it filled his mind with the most lurid thoughts of stripping you out of it and licking up that sweat with his tongue before his cock grew hard and snaked down his leg along the soft fur and hard leather of his flying suit and hard leather chapps and the leather brace to keep his pelvis practically glued to the saddle and thanks to the beginner saddle he was wearing, no one would know it but it still caused his cheeks to get almost impossibly dark green. 
“Are we all ready?” Yalin asked from atop Hecatarus, herself decked out in the royal riding attire in bright red and gold as everyone else confirmed that they were ready.
“Then let’s go, pegasus’ riders, follow Gregori, griffin riders, follow me to the launch pad.” She invited before she turned and all of you followed her single file before she broke out into a run, causing all the mouras to giggle gleefully and the others closely following her so as not to be left behind before she ran down a short runway to a large spring board and her griffin pounced onto the spring board and leapt into the air as Demsey and his siblings watched in awed wonder as all of you followed suit, laughing as you all took to their air and started to climb as the pegasus’ began to trot, canter and then run, flapping their mighty wings to gain lift from a tall ramp, jumping off the end and gliding into the air. Jane and Demsey’s sisters giving a little yelp as they instinctively were ready for a diving, falling feeling but instead felt the pegasus’ gain lift and opened their eyes before laughing in delight that they were flying, their nerves and anxiousness leaving them with every beat of their pegasus’ mighty wings as they watched as the griffin riders began to do acrobatics, loops, and corkscrews and dives as you happily let go of Charlico’s reins and let him do as he pleased as he began showing off his special tricks that he had been taught for you as you let your arms stretch out like wings too and simply laughed and praised Charlico for his skills and tricks and Demsey had never seen any woman look as beautiful, and free and absolutely perfect as you- riding on the back of a griffin, only holding onto him via your legs but otherwise you were as free as any bird as he resolved that you should forever know and have such freedom and pleasure as he soon took a liking to this and got the hang of it before he could see shadows of other great flying creatures flying in, one was clearly a dragon while the others were griffins. 
You looked up and nearly stopped breathing when you could have sworn you recognized Axal’s dragon Grevu. Grevu was a striking red and black dragon. 
“Charlico, come on, we need to fly closer to them.” You urged your griffen before he obeyed and flew you closer as the whole party started flying faster towards you and from this distance you could hear faint yelling, almost sounding like your name as you also flew faster towards them and the closer you got the more you could swear that these riders were your brothers but you didn’t want to hope to dare to believe it, it was too good to be true but within shouting distance, you heard it, your name, being shouted by your brothers whose voices you could recognize anywhere and sure enough, that was clearly Axal’s dragon Grevu and your brother Axal riding him and Azaxie, riding his griffin Moonclaw, and your brother Ocearian, riding Mistwing and your own griffin, Heavencrest carrying a pack load but clearly enough room for you to ride her on her saddle and your squeal of delight at recognizing them was clearly heard as the others had followed you. 
“Heavencrest, come here baby!” You called to her before your brother Axal let her lead go so she could fly to you as Charlico immediately seemed to like her as he started trying to show off to her, flying close to her and spinning in front of her, showing off his dexterity as you hung on and laughed. Every male griffin acted that way to Heavencrest because she was magnificent in color and build.
“Charlico, clasp paws with Heavencrest, I’m dismounting you and mounting her.” You told Charlico as you called Heavencrest to you and told her the same thing as the two then joined claws like eagles and began to dive, turning their wings into a light corkscrew as you eagerly untied and unhooked yourself from Charlico and climbed down his body and legs before climbing up Heavencrest’s legs to climb into her saddle while Demsey, who was honestly scared for you but still impressed by this daring do, dove beside you while Ramsey and Axal did the same. 
“Show off!” Axal teased you before you flipped him off which got Axal to laugh as you climbed into the saddle and pulled in her reins and lead and told them both to let go as they did, mere minutes away from the surface before both took flight again. Charlico continuing to fly with Heavencrest as Demsey, Ramsey, Axal, Azaxie and Ocearian flew around you, all your brothers taking turns flying upside down over you to greet you. 
“What are you doing here?!” You asked Axal as he was the first to do so. 
“We were invited to come by your hosts, we couldn’t stay away.” Axal informed you before he finished the loop and flew next to you. 
“Ah, I see,” you nodded. Under Ramsey’s order no doubt. He really was pulling out every stop for you, but you weren’t going to refuse such a precious gift, no matter who was giving it to you. 
However it was in the air that Axal and Ramsey first got to lay eyes on each other and both seemed to stare in wonder at each other. 
Axal was himself, rather ridiculously handsome and being pansexual, was attracted to most individuals, but Ramsey’s heart leapt for joy while his stomach lurched as they continued to stare at each other. Here he had avoided getting married because he had always wanted the happiness of his parents, but he could never find the perfect fit. Finally seeing you two years ago, he had felt an initial pull towards you and because of all the pressure his parents had put onto him to marry, he had excused himself from it saying that his perfect bride had already married another. When Edward had died not even a year later, his father had burst into his room and happily announced that in a year- you would be free to wed him and his perfect bride would be available yet again and the pressure was back on. 
But at the same time, he had never felt such panic, immediately trying to ease the sensation by throwing himself into his vices and when he saw you at the Savoy, he knew it was now or never, and everything was coming to a head because if he did not secure you, he was done for, you were it, you were the last hope he had of saving himself. But seeing Axal, Ramsey immediately knew that marrying you was going to be a mistake, because as perfect as you seemed to be, he was forcing a connection with you and he could feel your hesitance and reluctance and while he could understand and sympathize with you, he didn’t feel he had much of a choice, it was either marry you or lose everything. But just one look at Axal and it was like lightning struck but in the most blissful way, there, surrounded by the heavenly clouds and crisp clean air, there was the perfect being, his match, riding the most kick ass dragon he had ever seen in his life and he couldn't help himself, he swooned. He already knew just in that instance that his family would not look kindly to it, would not accept this twist of fate. 
Meanwhile Axal stared in awed wonder at Ramsey, feeling his heart and soul alight with joy. There on an amazing griffen, sat a handsome man, mature, striking, distinguished and best of all, royal. He could tell by his clothes and saddle, the classic red and gold while he was in the same exact shade of red and black himself, complimentary if he said so himself.
“Hi, what’s your name?” Axal asked as he flew next to Ramsey, upside down over him actually, a feat, especially while riding a dragon and a stunt for anyone. 
“I’m Dauphin Ramsey Raymond, and you?” Ramsey asked back. 
“Hi, what’s your name?” Ocearan asked Jane as he rode above her, also upside down, showing off his own skill as she gawked at him as she had never seen a man so handsome before.
“Axalarize Saharrazat, Divan of Kilan, Audravienne’s twin brother, but you can call me Axal, thank you so much for inviting us.” Axal answered. “Those are my brothers, Azaxie and Ocearan, Zax and Ren for short, the rest of my family is coming by train, we decided to come early by flight, obviously.” Axal pointed to his brothers who had somehow zeroed right in on Charlotte and Jane after saying hi to you then introducing themselves to Yalin and Gregori and saying hi to the others. 
“Hi, what’s your name?” Ocearan asked Jane as he rode above her, also upside down, showing off his own skill as she gawked at him as she had never seen a man so handsome before.
“Countess Jane Morrigan, and you?” She called back. 
“Ocearan Saharazat, Divan of Kilan, friends call me Ren, which you're welcome to too, it’s a pleasure to meet you- your grace.” He greeted before turning his griffen to ride side by side with her. 
He did not have the same gold eyes you did, but his eyes were the very color of the ocean, she mused it must have inspired his name. 
“How often do you fly?” He asked. 
“Never, this is my first time,” Jane confessed. 
“No! You’re a natural! You look like you were born to do it.” Ocearan insisted. 
“Thank you but I’m quite scared actually, I feel at any moment I might fall off.” Jane admitted even though her legs were squeezing her pegasus so tightly, she worried she might break it’s ribs. 
“Even if you did, I would catch you, you can count on that.” Ocearan insisted and Jane couldn’t help it, she giggled then laughed as her cheeks stained rose as she finally felt herself relax a little. 
You were so overjoyed to be reunited with Heavencrest though, you weren’t paying a lick of attention to anyone else as you had her flying in a loop, unhooking yourself at the apex of the top, flipping in the air and then landing in the saddle again at the bottom of the loop, giving your body the work out of its life but laughing your ass off doing so while Demsey noticed that Axal and Ramsey were in conversation and distracted and chose to stay as close to you as he could, just watching as you did feat after feat with your griffin, while Charlico was doing feats as well in unison with Heavencrest as you seemed to flip from one griffin to the other in the air. It was like watching a fearless acrobat and you never looked so happy or so at home, it was like watching a night blooming flower finally open up, it was incredible. 
But you looked over at Demsey and noticed he was gasping for breath before you latched onto Heavencrest. 
“Demsey! We need to dive!” You hollered at him as all the happiness and joy that had overwhelmed you one moment vanished and was replaced with worry when you noticed how hard Demsey was gasping for air. 
“What? Why?” Demsey asked, his voice failing as his eyes became a little bloodshot from the strain of his body for oxygen. 
“Because you’re not breathing right and you’re about to pass out, we gotta dive, come on, fly with me,” you invited him as made a trill call to Charlico who soon flew to Demsey’s other side as Heavencrest and Charlico helped lead Alphonse down lower as steep as you dared with Demsey and just as Demsey heard and barely got a chance to register what you said- everything faded to black and he passed out and went limp on the saddle, but thanks to the saddle he was in, only his arms laid limp at his sides as his head lolled back and forth as you just shook your head, reached over and took the reins and had Charlico guide you back to the barn and it wasn’t until you landed and you were leading the pegasus back to the barn when he awoke and jolted awake and yelled. 
“What the?!” He asked as he startled awake. 
“Hey, welcome back to the land of the living.” You greeted over your shoulder as you led Alaphonse, your jacket open and hanging off the back of you, revealing only your silk lined wool under garment, with the sleeves rolled up, revealing your forearms as you led the pegasus, while Charlico and Heavencrest practically frollicked together in the landing strip, playing like cubs despite their saddles and loads.  
“What...what happened?” Demsey asked. 
“You stayed too high for too long, there’s less oxygen the higher in the air you go and you didn’t dive fast enough to the richer air and passed out. So I had Alaphonse fly you back while Heavencrest and Charlico flew on either side to make sure you would be ok. Thank the gods you were wearing a full saddle and fully strapped in.” You answered as you patted his strapped- in and chapp covered leg. 
“I’m, I’m sorry.” He apologized running his hands down his face because as soon as you were done showing off your own skill, he was going to try to show off too but no, he passed out like a weakling, and cut the flight short for both of you. The opposite of his plans and intentions.
“For what? It happens all the time, I’m actually impressed you lasted that long in the first place, most only last a few minutes, you lasted almost an hour, that’s a very impressive feat, probably due to your orcish heritage, used to adapting to any and all climates.” You reassured him. 
“Yeah but you’re grounded with me, you were happy and free up there and the last thing I wanted to do was pull you away, you could still go back up, really, I'm fine and recovered and can take Alaphonse back.” Demsey confessed and if there weren’t servants quickly walking over to you, you would be jumping up into that saddle with him and kiss the sweet man. 
“Aww, thank you, I greatly appreciate the sentiment but do you have any idea how much energy and strength it takes to fly the way I do? A ton. And honestly, I’ve had my fill for today and I haven’t flown in about two years, it was the perfect reintroduction into it. And you gave me the perfect excuse to get away from Ramsey, thankfully he’s still distracted with Axal and actually I haven’t been able to spot them since Ramsey got off his own griffin and got on Grevu with Axal, they flew off to who knows where, Gregori and Yalin are at least flying with your parents, they’re over the trees on the other side of the palace.” You informed him before you looked over to see Heavencrest get mounted by Charlico. 
“Ugh, really?” You asked rhetorically as Charlico was very vigorous in his mounting, crooning loudly. 
“What are they…oh.” Demsey began to ask before he seemed to realize what was going on. 
“They’re making cubs, but the problem is I probably can’t afford that stud fee.” You muttered as you just shook your head and kept on walking. 
“You know you don’t have to keep walking me, I’m sure there’s more room on here, I could at least walk you over to Heavencrest so you can ride her back to the stables or just walk you back if you wish.” Demsey offered before you paused and gave him an appreciative glance over your shoulder. 
“Sure.” You readily agreed as you put the reins back into his hands and then took his outstretched hand and nearly squealed in delight when he easily pulled you up to ride behind him in the saddle before you sat behind him, pressing your front up to his back after untying all the straps in back that tied him to the back of of the saddle so that your front and his back could be flush together before he quickly turned the pegasus and clicked his teeth to get it into a canter and was so happy to feel you hold onto him as you easily moved with him in the saddle as he went across the field to where Heavencrest was now splayed out in the grass with Charlico in a state of bliss next to her, covering her with his wing so their bodies were next to each other. 
“Aww, I don’t have the heart to break that up. Heavy Baby,” you whistled before she lifted her head and looked over at you. 
“Shield.” You instructed in maranai just as the other servants were once again coming closer before she and Charlico got up and put their wings up to shield you and Demsey from view. 
“Go, run for the woods. Go, go, go!” You urged with a giggle before Demsey gladly kicked the pegasus into a run as it ran the two of you into the thick woods besides the landing strip and once you were well out of sight, Heavencrest and Charlico put their wings down and quickly ran away from the servants and took to the air before the servants could get a hold of them before the servants just gave up and returned to the stables as Alaphonse seemed to find and follow a little trail in the woods as your run soon slowed to a canter then a trot then a nice walk. 
“Thank you,” you thanked Demsey appreciatively from behind his shoulder. 
“For what?” Demsey asked turning his head to the side so he could try to see you over his shoulder. 
“For doing this. I wasn’t sure you’d go for it honestly.” You answered. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” Demsey found himself asking because he couldn’t fathom a reason why he wouldn’t want to do this with you. Honestly he was liable to agree to anything you suggested, also something about you just smelled heavenly, like soap, some kind of deodorant or perfume but your own personal scent was tantalizing in his nose and he was trying to turn his head off his shoulders trying to get a goof whiff of it. It was turning him on like nothing else had. It somehow smelled familiar and comforting yet thrilling and he couldn’t understand why. 
“Because you’re a proper gentleman, and isn’t part of the English culture that a gentleman never be alone with a lady?” You asked. 
“Well…yeah.” Demsey sighed tiredly as he seemed to remember that as he winced. 
“Then thankfully we are under Dorierra’s rules where such a thing is perfectly allowed and accepted. Besides, I have the strongest conviction that my honor is perfectly safe in your presence, even when alone.” You reassured him. 
“Good, because it is.” Demsey smiled proudly as he seemed to sit a little straighter and prouder and to feel you rest your head on his shoulder was just plain heavenly before they heard a bough breaking from a tree which made Alaphonse spook and bolt in one direction as the bough came crashing down right where you had been as you hung on to Demsey even tighter to stay on before Heavencrest and Charlico guiltily slinked down the trees, both of them making the ‘sorry’ noise that sounded like like husky whine. 
“Really? Both of you on one branch?” You asked them as you noticed the two sets of claw marks in the wood as you slipped off Alaphonse and went digging in the cargo strapped to Heavencrest because if you had to spend another minute in this suit, you were going to melt into a puddle of sweat. 
“What are you looking for?” Demsey asked as he began to get out of the riding jacket off at least, because even he was getting overheated. 
“A different outfit. because even though we’re in the forest, it is a very warm spring day, we are going into summer and the heat even here is getting oppressive while wearing fur lined leather suits.” You answered before you found what you were looking for.
“Shield.” You commanded again before Charlico and Heavencrest laid down but put their wings up to shield you again so you could change in privacy. 
“Oh my gods that feels so much better.” You crooned as you peeled off your leather suit and your wool underlayer and put on your brother’s pants and shirt before you slipped your boots back on.
“Shield down.” You told Heavencrest before she and Charlico both put their wings down just as you were stuffing your suit into where you had gotten your brother’s clothes after you got some other clothes from the same pack. 
“Want to change too or melt in that?” You offered as you held out the change of clothes towards him.
“Will they fit?” He asked. 
“You’re not that much bigger than my brothers, it’ll be fine.” You reassured him before he tried untying himself from the saddle before you put the clothes down and helped him untie himself as you got to all the ties he couldn’t reach on his legs and feet and even behind him, untying the thick waistband around his waist before he finally freed himself from the saddle and got off and took the chaps off his legs.
“What does that word “dire” mean?” He asked as walked over to where Heavencrest was laying on the ground before they put up their wings around him which made you laugh.  
“It means “shield” in marinai, I was asking them to shield us with their wings, obviously.” You answered from behind the wall of feathers before you sat on the other side of Heavencrest and continued to look through her packs curiously before you found a metal canteen, thinking it was water and helped yourself before you coughed and sputtered when you realized it definitely wasn’t water before you whooped happily.
“What?” Demsey stuck his face through the feathers to look around to see you on your knees with a canteen. 
“I thought this was full of water, it’s not, it’s liquor.” You answered as you held up the canteen.
“Want to try it? It’s good.” You offered it to him before he reached out a bare arm to take it from you and you could smell his body odor from his armpit and it both turned you on yet was a very comforting, if not familiar smell and you could not, in your head, understand why that was, but the gods be damned you were ready to pounce on him through Heavy’s wing as he took it and took a sip. 
“Whoo! Yeah, that’s pretty strong, but yeah, it’s good, it’s sweet.” He answered before he handed it back and retreated to finish getting dressed. 
“It’s spiced rum, flavored with liquors made with other tropical fruits.” You answered. “We call it rum punch, it’s very popular in Dorierra, it’s best when mixed with fresh juices from said tropical fruits,” you informed him.
“So what do I say when I want the shield to go down?” Demsey asked as he finished getting the clothes on, grateful that there seemed to be little ties to things so he could custom fit it how he wanted and needed it to. 
“Dire lisafil.” You informed him.
“Dire lisafil.” He tried to repeat before Heavencrest and Charlico obeyed and let their wings down and folded them up before he stepped out of the way so Charlico could lay beside Heavencrest again before you and Demsey decided to sit at the trunk of a tree while Alaphonse continued to munch on the nearby foliage. 
“So can I ask you a somewhat personal question if it means I have your confidence to keep your answer in my discretion?” You asked as you set the canteen down between you. 
“Sure, anything.” Demsey invited. 
“Why don’t you like Lady Whitesale?” You asked him. 
“Oh that’s a loaded question.” Demsey chuckled before he grabbed the canteen and took another swig because it was the tastiest alcohol he had ever drank. 
“Uh, well, for one, she’s disingenuous, she did her best to push a friendship my sisters but at the ball at Havenfield when we took up company with Calla and Bennie, she showed her true colors and snubbed us and alienated us from the other orc families in the court when we chose their company over hers. So she’s vindictive and spiteful whenever she’s not being two faced.” Demsey confessed as you nodded in agreement. 
“Yeah, good job dodging a bullet with that one.” You offered which got Demsey to laugh. 
“Thanks, I also agree with that sentiment and even if Bennie and Calla had not come I still would have never pursued her and she was only after me for my title anyway, she had nothing to her character that recommended her if I’m being honest and candid. Now can I ask you something kind of personal? But also know that I will keep your answer in confidence?” Demsey returned hopefully yet easily because talking to you was like talking with a dear friend and conversation came so naturally and flowed effortlessly.  
“Go for it.” You invited, delighted he used your wording. 
“Why don’t you like Ramsey?” He asked and you couldn’t help but laugh in turn. 
“Also a loaded question, but for starters, he is very desperate to have me as a wife as soon as possible and I don’t know why and the harder he pushes the deeper I dig my heels in because I can’t fathom why a Dauphin, which is basically a prince, his age, with his status wasn’t married at least a decade ago and have kids already. Yalin told me a while ago, that he’s been a rake for most if not all of his youth and adulthood and he has had his own… I think the English term is benchmark or standard- is too high, he wants perfection in a mate who is both perfectly English and perfectly moura which I am neither because the two couldn’t be more different, which you’ll see over the next two weeks or so and he can’t find this perfect mate because she doesn’t exist, at least to my knowledge and she warned me to steer clear of him once she learned what I wanted and even warned me not to go to the places he frequents on the days he does just so that he wouldn’t try to snatch me up on sight because he has not one, two or even three mistresses, but five, one at the all the high end whorehouses and spends quite a bit of money paying for his illegitimate heirs, all eight of them, some the oldest ones are actually Jane’s age because he started using the whorehouses young with his father which, ew.” You shuddered and pretended to gag at the idea of going to a whorehouse with one of your parents. 
“But somehow between her telling me that which was only a few weeks ago, because you remember that note you returned to me? I went to the Gold Finch and she was there and she was the most senior moura there and instantly she was like a mother hen and I flocked to her and we had a wonderful heart to heart and I told her about my situation and what I wanted, I wanted a marriage of the first order, a love match and she agreed and she even agreed to make me a list of suitors who would fit what I’m looking for because breed or station or title doesn’t matter to me, personality does, but she never did give me that list and now between then and the ball at Havenfield, something happened and she changed her tune and her attitude completely and now I don’t trust that what I’ve confided in her is no longer safe or strictly in her confidence. I don’t know if Ramsey somehow convinced her to change her mind or what but I can’t get her alone to talk about it with her. But now I trust her even less than I did. And now that my brothers are here, and Axal especially is here, tells me that either Bennie, or Calla but I’m betting Bennie because she was the second most valuable moura bride in the stables while I was there, because moura brides are given a particular number value, and then once I left, she’s been queen of the roost because now she’s the top bride so I’m guessing that it was her that told them to invite my family and for me, it’s not that hard to understand why they’re here.” You sighed tiredly as you took the canteen back and took another pull from it, welcoming the sweet burn that followed. 
“Ok, you’re gonna have to explain the why to me because I don’t follow.” Demsey petitioned. 
“Ok so, in Dorierra, every potential bride is given either the same or better education than any scholar or professor in the world. We are taught everything under the sun. And everything we are taught is put down into a document called a master resume, or simply master for short and the paper is a document that’s about this big.” You gestured with your hands to show how big the document would be and it would have been like a poster sized document. 
“On one side it’s everything I’ve ever learned, who taught it to me, what I excelled in, what I was proficient in, on the other side it’s my lineage, my family tree tracing back at least a millenia and can usually be traced back to the beginning of the stables. Well Ramsey got a copy of that document. He referenced it at the ball no less than a dozen times. It’s a very expensive document to even get a copy of, most suitors don’t even get to see the master because the matchmakers- will cherry pick, like pick and choose which talents and items to create a report, to show that potential suitor based on the suitor’s culture and customs of what will best appeal to them. But the master does not show what that particular moura bride actually likes and enjoys, it gives us a personality type but that’s it. I was taught and raised to be a queen, an empress, a sultana, but do I want to be any of those things? No. I have no desire for it, no ambition or hunger for a political life because I have had more than enough intrigue in my life at Broadcove to last me at least five lifetimes. But Ramsey took one look at my master and thinks that it still applies, like it’s the gospel truth about me and it’s not, he has not made an effort at all to actually get to know me for me and he projects onto me and he won’t give me a chance to tell him otherwise.” You explained.  
“He actually wants me to advise him on court life and how to gain more power and more standing in the house of lords and with the common man which I am very removed from both and the very mention of that left me running towards the bathroom to just escape him because my very soul revolted against such an idea and I can not begin to tell you how much I don’t want to do that for the rest of my life. Because as a queen and an empress, that’s a given, but as a sultana, no, if the sultan empires were still standing, I would be taken into a harem- which means a palace only for the women of the household, because once I would marry a sultan, I would then enter his harem full of women, his mother, his sisters, his brother’s mothers because sultans have a harem of wives and concubines and they have sex with all of them and have at least 50 to a hundred children if not more by at least two to six dozen wives and concubines. And once you enter that harem, the only way you leave it is by death. Now while harems are safe in that no other man except the Sultan and his family and eunuchs are allowed in the harem. It’s a fight for survival among the other women to gain the Sultan’s favor and keep it when you’re competing with all the other women and it’s all about alliances and once you have a son, getting your son on that throne and keep him alive long enough for that to happen because regicide and murder among brothers is very much a standard practice. And I can’t begin to tell you how much I would dislike even that life.” You explained as Demsey simply sat and listened attentively. 
“And the thing is, I’m a very jealous, possessive person- at least in a romantic sense, which is actually rather odd considering my moura heritage but I digress. If I’m going to marry someone, I want all of them the way they can expect to have all of me, all of my loyalty and fidelity and love and devotion. One of the biggest reasons I agreed to marry Edward was because he had never had any mistresses and he only married me after his wife died, who he had been faithfully married to for most of his life had and he just wanted a kind, pretty pet to keep him company in his last years which I was happy to do. But it was under the agreement and understanding that when I survived him, I would be free, I wouldn’t have to return to the stables to do it all over again, be sold as a pet for some other old, rich guy, over and over and over again, there are some brides who have been through the stables eight times, each time they go through them their price goes up because they’ve had more and more “experience” in different courts and allies in every single one, they’re the ones who have brought in millions of pounds for the country because the bride price, that’s how the family makes their money and income and it’s the bride price that keeps the country going and it’s ridiculous because we are both oh so precious and rare- but still, just...cattle to the stable masters, and that’s why the moura contract is so protective because we’re meant to be resold and repackaged over and over again. Isn’t that pathetic?” You asked rather rhetorically. 
“I finally have the freedom to marry who I want, who I find agreeable and attractive who might actually love me for me so I can do the same for them and I realize that I am not the same person I was when I left Dorierra two years ago. And I fear that now that Axal especially is here, that my brothers and family have been brought here to remind me of who I used to be and what I am, but at the same time- all of that isn’t enough for me anymore. “ You insisted. 
“There’s no real, lasting happiness in that life because what are gowns and jewels compared to loyalty and fidelity, trust, equality, respect and confidence? And while the Dauphin is the most eligible bachelor in England and I could live in a palace, it would only be until Ramsey’s eyes wandered to someone else, someone younger and prettier and more accomplished who actually lives up to their master, with his heart following closely behind and then I would be stuck in a cage, a large, gilded one with a measure of security and comfort but one without warmth or love or trust or respect, and he’s wealthy enough to file for a divorce, and if he divorced me I would be ruined and penniless and shattered, I can’t live like that, he’s already too old and set in his ways and I can already tell I’m not the one to change any of that. I can’t stand a power imbalance or hypocrisy, because while Ramsey probably never would give up his lovers, the heavens forbid me from enjoying the same. And men like Ramsey who are obsessive are dangerous anyway.” You snarled. 
“It starts as out innocently enough as not wanting me to dance with anyone but him, like at the ball, it was not lost on anyone because he didn’t even let me dance with you that night- that he wanted me and all of me all to himself and he even sent his sister to go with me to the bathroom, so that even there I couldn’t be free and I can almost guarantee you that if I were to marry him, I would almost immediately give up every male friend, I would have limited contact with my brothers and no contact with any male staff for fear that I would ever be led astray by another man. That’s how obsession turns into danger, because then that leads to me being secluded and alienated from anyone and everyone but him, making him my whole world which is again- very dangerous, especially emotionally. It’s the worst kind of trap.” You predicted as you tried not to cry as Demsey blinked in surprise as he suddenly realized that too.  
“Yeah, I mean, don’t get me wrong, they’re my family and I love them almost immeasurably, and I have missed them dearly and I’m looking forward to seeing them again, but I’m not going to allow myself to be pushed around. Not anymore.” You insisted as you shook your head no adamantly. 
“Men have freedom of movement in this society and you can wake up one day and decide to change your life and you can just do it, nothing but perhaps your own wealth would stop you. Women on the other hand, they’re treated like property, like chess pieces, it’s the same here as it is in Dorierra and while at least in Dorierra I would have a bit more control and a little more freedom, I would still be subject to a system, a cycle, that I can not change, the cycle’s goal is to groom young women into professional pawns for powerful men who care not if that pawn stands or falls with every move on the board and I know I deserve better than that but until I can find a match who agrees with that point point of view- I just get to suck it up and choose as carefully as I can and use all the wisdom and discernment at my disposal because I don’t...I don’t want Ramsey, I don’t like him, I’m not attracted to him, I gave him an inch by agreeing to be his friend and he’s taking a mile which I resent. If he would be honest with me as to why he’s so hell bent on taking me for a wife and treated me like an equal and an ally instead of a new broodmare he wants to buy to complete his stables, it might be different. And if he tries to use my own family against me to either guilt me or push me into marrying him I’m just gonna leave, sell everything I own or hell, pack it up and just go to the nearest moura mountain colony and live there, I now have Heavencrest, my beautiful means of escape if I want it and I have skill enough to keep a roof over my head if I need it. I know what it means to be alone and on my own, and I’m not afraid of it if it means my own freedom. But feeling so alone in a room full of people is one of the worst tortures. Everyone else be damned.” You insisted, so happy and relieved to get that off your chest.
“Oh,” Demsey murmured in realization as he couldn’t help but agree with every single point you made as he was half tempted to just get on Charlico and just fly you to the closest colony with you. He needed to rescue from Ramsey if it was the last thing he could do. He didn’t care if you didn’t chose him now, you just couldn’t be with Ramsey, that was like offering up a lamb to a wolf and you had been the sacrificial lamb to the Morrigans, never again. 
“Then count me as a friend who will not let that happen to you either.” Demsey insisted as he knew immediately that he would no longer ever see or use Miss Audra Draft and he was at peace with that. He would wait for your friendship to grow into something more only if you wanted it but he was content to wait however long he had to for you. You deserved all of himself. 
“I will if you will do me the same honor, I will also try to protect you from any other Lady Whitesales, no matter what other shapes or forms or names they may have.” You smiled as you shared a happy contented smile of understand and as much as you wanted to offer yourself up to him and crawl into that inviting lap but that was probably inappropriate as you simply found his hand with yours and held his hand comfortably and it was the most divine feeling, just sitting in the woods with someone who understood you and sympathized with you and who actually saw you for you and you felt seen and heard for the first time in your life, just then you heard Grevu give a sounding call before Heavencrest lifted her head off the ground and looked to you expectantly as you sighed in defeat, you had been found. 
“Yeah, go ahead, answer it.” You begrudgingly said to her before you reluctantly let go of Demsey and got up and dusted your butt off and walked over to the saddle to put the canteen away before you got into the saddle as Demsey seemed to pick up on your cue and got back onto Alaphonse before the dragon came in through the hole in the canopy that Charlico and Heavencrest had created and landed rather gently onto the ground where Ramsey quickly got off and came over to you.
“So this is where you’ve taken my dear Audra, I almost had to call in the calvary to find you.” Ramsey insisted as he looked you over and immediately noticed you had changed clothes and you could see the worry in his eyes and on his features before he turned an accusing eye towards Demsey before you grabbed his face and had him return his attention to you. 
“Actually I took him here to get us out of the sun and out of those fur lined leather suits, I was sweltering in the heat so I got into the packs that were on my griffin Heavencrest, and Heavy knows the shield command so the griffins made sure to shield both of us with their wings to give us privacy to change, so there was no breach in proprietary, I assure you. Besides, I would never dream to encroach or call into question the good duke’s honor, nor he mine.” You quickly and firmly insisted to Ramsey who seemed to accept that without any further compliment as relief washed over his features which made you smile in relief as well.
“And you would be right to do so, he’s one my most honest, trusted and honorable members of court.” Ramsey praised, since that obviously would please you. 
“Which is quite the achievement in itself.” You praised with a pleased grin, prouder and brighter because of Ramsey’s praise on Demsey’s behalf as Axal looked from you to Demsey and caught on that something had definitely transpired and could already instantly tell that Ramsey was fighting a losing battle because Demsey was- clearly- your type. 
“By the way I think I owe your family quite a bit of money. You see Charlico has already covered Heavencrest so I’ll need to pay his stud fee, however much that might be.” You informed Ramsey. 
“Oh no need for that at all my dear Audra, I mean look at them, they’re a pair, obviously, it’s natures way.” He insisted. 
“Are you sure?” You asked wearily and fearfully because if it wasn’t going to be a monetary fee, another fee would be expected and you were not willing to pay whatever that fee might be considering that fee might be your marraige hand. 
“Absolutely. I’ll even arrange for Heavencrest was it? For her to stay in a double stall with him. I mean look at the pair of them, they’ll make the most beautiful offspring.” Ramsey insisted, happy that at least he had an in with Charlico. Griffins mated for life, this was a sign that Audra was for him that her griffin would want to mate with his and that their riders should follow suit, no matter how much he had already, instantly clicked and befriended Axal even though his soul was wanting so much more than friendship in that respect. 
“Oh, um, ok.” You reluctantly agreed as you nodded but let your shoulders drop and simply went back to Heavy and got in her saddle again.  
“Audra, get off Heavy and get on Grevu with me, it’s been too long since you’ve ridden him.” Axal immediately piped up and took off his belt that was clipped in with Grevu’s saddle and scooted back into the long saddle to make room for you as you smiled in appreciation and climbed up Grevu. 
“Hi Grevu, I’ve missed you, you been a good boy? Huh?” You cooed as you pet his face as he moved his head closer to you before he put his nose behind your butt and nudged you up into the saddle as you giggled before Axal wrapped the belt around your waist before you clipped it in and turned Grevu around before he climbed up the trees and leapt up into the air. 
“Why are you upset that Ramsey now has Heavencrest in a stall with Charilco?” Axal asked. 
“Because now he has the power over my escape if I wish it. This was why I didn’t take Heavy with me to Broadcove because I knew Richard would do who knows what to her to keep me in line and keep me grounded. Now I fear Ramsey is going to do the same.” You answered back over your shoulder. 
“Does Ramsey really remind you that much of Richard?” Axal asked in alarm. 
“He’s been obsessive over me since he saw me in a restaurant only a few weeks ago. He refused to let me dance with any other man but him for the whole ball we attended just the other day and he even got a hold of my master and went behind my back to my dress shop and ordered dresses for me without my knowledge. He’s obsessive and controlling and dangerous.” You insisted to Axal as you flew Grevu around the palace as you watched Demsey and Ramsey fly out of the foliage and quickly fly over to the barn. 
“So you don’t like him or want him.” Axal realized. 
“Nope, but I can’t be rude, his parent’s are my hosts for me, Calla and Bennie for the next six weeks.” You answered. 
“I see, so if I was attracted to him, you’d be cool with me going after him.” Axal began. 
“If he’s your type, go for it, by all means, he’s all yours, please take him off my back and my hands, but if you could also find out why he’s so obsessed with me, that would be much appreciated.” You invited before you had Grevu land on the runway and trot over to the barn. 
“Considerate done, I’ll even try to get you Charlico.” Axal offered. 
“You can try all you want, I don’t think the Dauphin is the giving type.” You warned him evenly. 
“But what about that gorgeous green fellow you were with on the other hand?” Axal asked. 
“He’s a close friend and he’s a good man, if you try to tempt him away from me, I’ll slit your throat myself.” You warned which got Axal to laugh. 
“Still territorial I see.” Axal teased. 
“Yup, that will never change about me.” You confirmed proudly. 
“Good, I’m glad to hear it, stick to your guns.” He praised before he helped you off Grevu. 
“Make sure this one eats especially well.” You urged the servants who warily came and got the dragon and began to taking him over to a cart so that the things packed on him would be unloaded and brought into the palace as the dragon simply stood still and let them
“So you and Ramsey hit it off that quickly huh?” You asked Axal as you walked over to Heavy to reconnect with her while another double stall was made ready for her since her pack had already been undone and brought to the same cart of things as you checked her over, making sure she was still in pristine shape as you scratched all her favorite spots between her colorful plumage as she ruffled her feathers so you could get to everything. 
“What’s going on in here?” Yalin asked as she walked her own griffin back into the stables. 
“This is Heavencrest, she’s Audra’s griffin and Charlico matched with her and even covered her already, isn’t that wonderful mother?” Ramsey reported and even you could hear his nervousness. 
“If that isn’t acceptable, I can always try to pay for Charlico’s stud fee, or offer you a cub if she ends up taking it.” You offered. 
“No, no, not at all, it’s natures way! They were clearly meant for each other, that’s wonderful. Of course they should always be together from now on. Really if you wish to keep Heavencrest stabled here you’re more than welcome to or we can always loan Charlico out if you wish to keep her at the little stable that Mirador has until other arrangements can be made.” Yalin insisted with a proud and meaningful look to her son as you simply just shook your head and hugged Heavencrest who practically laid down and enveloped you and made a purring sound. 
“Why is it making that sound?” Demsey whispered to Axal as they both resigned themselves to lean against the wall and watch the scene unfold. 
“The same reason cat’s purr, to comfort.” Axal murmured back. 
“I’m Axalarize by the way, Audra’s twin brother.” Axal introduced himself. 
“Demsey Voyambi.” Demsey said as the two shook hands. 
“Stay with her will you,” Axal urged Demsey as he pushed off the wall and decided to “turn on” his charm to Yalin and Ramsey.  
“So again, a thousand thanks for extending the invitation to us your excellency.” Axal greeted with a flourishing bow. 
“Oh stop that, you can call me Mama Yalin, I understand you go by Axal? Like a cart axel?” She asked. 
“Axal is short for my full name Axalarize Dilathia Saharrazat Divan of Kilan of Dorierra. Which is a mouthful I understand, so simply Axal, those are again my brothers, Ocearian Amythius Saharrazat, and my other brother Azaxie Adosius Saharrazat. The rest of the family is coming by train and will be here the day after tomorrow. We decided to leave immediately after your conversation with us via messengerari yesterday morning, as soon as we could get packed actually.” Axal explained as you sat inside Heavy’s embrace and were ready to start a fight with Bennie for going behind your back because other than Calla, no one else would have your own parents exact messengerari number because their brothers were too absorbed with flirting with the Voyambi sisters and Calla you didn’t think would do such a thing as going behind your back without at least running it by you first. 
“So bring it in Mama Yalin.” He invited as he gave Yalin a great big hug, so show me all the wonderful things about your Palace of Windsor, because when you said a palace, you meant a palace!” He insisted as he put Ramsey under one arm and Yalin under the other and walked them out of the barn towards the house before Demsey dared to sit down on the floor next to Heavy and gently pet her and get as close to you as he could. 
“What’s wrong?” He murmured quietly. 
“You know how I was telling you about how obsession can lead to danger?” You said as you lifted your face out of Heavy’s colorful feathers and smoothed them and let your head rest over them you wiped away your tears. 
“If Heavy’s here with Charlico and if they’re going to be a mated pair and if they won’t let me pay for Charlico’s stud fee or agree to the other term which is offering one of the cubs. But since they won’t accept that, they’re going to probably use Heavy as leverage to really get what they want. I didn’t bring Heavy with me to Broadcove because I knew Richard would hurt her or abuse her the way he tried to with me when I wouldn’t cooperate with him and I would rather he be a thousand miles away but safe. And I don’t want to be rude but this whole situation just gives me anxiety. And leaving it open ended like “other arrangements” fries my nerves and what I don’t want anyone to think is just because Heavy and Charlie over there have immediately bonded that their chosen riders should too, I’ll load Heavy up right now and leave under the cover of night tonight if that is what they’re thinking.” You vowed. 
“Can I have your permission to help or try to intervene in any way?” Demsey asked hopefully. 
“Like if push comes to shove, I will happily help you load up everything and create a diversion if I have to, I would prefer you stay but if you feel that strongly, you should listen to your instincts.” Demsey advised before you reached down and grabbed his hand and brought it to your lips and kissed the back of his hand sweetly. 
“Thanks.” You thanked him. 
“I’m sure it’s just...I’m sure I’m just overreacting to the abuse I suffered at Broadcove, the Raymonds may be perfectly innocent and I may just be imputing bad motives. But I would rather not wait until it was too late to find out either way.” You admitted before Demsey got an idea. 
“How about this, when you get a chance to go back to your room tonight, pack up like you would be leaving for the closest colony tonight. Only put everything into like a trunk if you can. Then come and get me and I’ll get it and put it in my room and you just say the word, and I’ll help you escape and they will think nothing of me dragging a trunk down to the stables and getting Heavy ready for you and then just leave me a list of instructions or even leave a note that you want Amara or Callie or whichever of my sisters you prefer to get everything you have that way it can all be brought to Whydahh and I’ll ship it to wherever you end up. I’ll even personally bring it all to you if you’d let me.” Demsey offered sincerely. 
“I think you’re the first real friend I’ve made outside of Dorierra.” You confessed. 
“Deal.” You readily agreed before you finally couldn’t wait anymore and crawled into his lap and just hugged him tightly..
“Thank you Demsey.” You thanked him as he held you tightly, wishing he had the courage to just admit his feelings for you already and admit to everything. But you obviously needed time and a more gradual approach to romance. 
“The first of hopefully many many more to come.” Demsey reassured you. 
“It’ll be ok, someway, somehow, it’ll be ok.” Demsey assured you as he gently rubbed your back the way he would his little sisters while comforting them and even though he tried to make this as platonic as possible, his heart, mind and soul were begging and pleading for more while his own hope soard that he had a much bigger, fighting chance for your heart than ever before. This wasn’t a hopeless fight that he had no hope of winning. This was basically every knight in shining armor fighting the evil king for the princess locked in a high tower fantasy he had ever read as a child coming to fruition. He was going to prove to you through his actions that his feelings for you were genuine and even if you didn’t choose him, you would be free. And your freedom is all that mattered.
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