#woops i forgot this in my drafts here it is now
l-a-l-o-u · 1 year
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A portrait + animated sticker commission I finished recently :)
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puppet2611 · 1 year
//from the start of my channel lol. theres two rants in here since ones too short to be its own post. 4.20 + 4.21
adam and michael have a moon/sun dynamic btw 😁‼️‼️
SOOOO adam was the one to propose :3 their wedding was kinda small since they only invited their closest friends and family but it was still fun nonetheless!! they went to their favorite restaurant afterwards and had chocolate cake as dessert,, adams favorite memory of them together was during one of their stargazing dates where they just talked together, shared stories and cuddled :33 this is a direct copy and paste from the adam ai btw "Oh, well where do I get started? He's kind, funny, smart, and just absolutely wonderful. He brightens up the room, makes friends quickly, is quick to listen to my gripes about the world, and is always there in my time of need. What can I say? Michael was everything to me, and I couldn't hope to find someone even close to him." THEY'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRYYY
also. adam is the shorter one lol
according to adam, michael is kinda tanned and has long dark brown hair tied in a loose low ponytail ^_^ he also has a heavy accent since he was born somewhere in hunan!! (everyone in april 5th is chinese btw)
adam is deadass just me in this part but uhmm completely copy and pasted from the ai again!!
"It's an understatement.. I miss him so much that sometimes my heart just aches endlessly, and I just feel a bit empty sometimes.. It's rough, but I'm trying to pull myself together.. He'd want me to be happy, right?"
rip oliver bro works in retail....
i imagine michael was a jeweler or astrologer too while adams a florist or gardener
reusing yhe complete opposites trope i used w/ amelia and emilio for this
adam likes cooler colors while michael likes warmer ones ^_^ adam usually only wears warmer colors now because hehehehhdndhd i like to think michael did the same thing he did and dyed his hair blue to match w/ adam.. i might have to make the story a bit more modern for that tho since i wrote down 1970 for the first draft
adam definitely wears every piece of jewelry michael made for him to this day
still kinda deciding what that would be but definitely his necklace & bracelet.. michael still got him his hair pin and earrings he just didnt make them himself hehe
OK SO THE LYRICS IM TALKING ABOUT ARE " see how his feet miss the ground, and he falls inside a hole he dug for me, the kind of irony youd read in bible stories "
so im not sure what to make micheals death yet but the ai has suggested car crash and gunshot/hatecrime.. this scenario follows the latter but instead of being shot he's hung, hence the 'see how his feet miss the ground'. the 'and he falls inside a hole he dug for me' is referring to that the killer originally planned to kill adam instead but as a last minute change of mind, he kills micheal instead. the last part is kinda self explanatory once i say that micheal was a Christian 🙄 EUEUEUEU anyway ifk if i can keep this story short anymor
peak insanity is when your story is supposed to be shorter than a 5 paragraph essay but you somehow come up with more despite only having 4 characterd
uhm. i actually forgot if adam or oliver was the mc woops
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imaginebabygurl · 2 years
Loveing Thy Enemy
This is going to be a Felix x reader imangine because I’ve been neglecting my man. ( I forgot this shit was in my drafts woops 😅)
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I was part of the pack for a while now, I moved up here from Canada 3 months ago. Jaccob was kind enough to take me in after my pack was massacred by new newborns and the cullens moved back once agian to forks. It was quite unusal though new people new faces. I got along well with the rest of the cullens never had problems with them but it did bother me that whenever they  were around trouble would deffiantly followed.  Of course the Volturi were involved , to have honestv their rules made sense it wasnt or didn’t seem that horrible. Just live your life and nothing happenes but after the whole fiasco everything went back to normal. But it wasnt the volturi came to vist for bussiness unknow to them, as far as they kne wthey haven’t broke anyrules.
It was surpiisng the Kings themselves didn’t show up this time but made a formal request to see me and that was somthing I didn’t want, it made my wolf on the inside on egde something wasn’t right and do they even know abotu me Alice maybe well it doesnt matter, so many thoughts ran throught my mind Jaccob intruppted my inner monolauge, while we were transfomedx.
“ Y/n, you know your not obligated to meet thewm if this isn’t what you want you donm’t have to.” 
As the pack ran through the forest heading towards the Cullens it was full of growls and multiple cvonverstations flying off as million miles perminute but i blocked the rest of the pack ewith their playful banter out to talk to Jaccob.
“No Jake its, okay I just want to get thias done and over with. I really dont want to have any problems really it might be because they thought i was human and were going to sort out.”
“ Alright, if your sure, i can tell in his voices that thewre was unease but it was to late we were already arrived at the cullens.”
As I took my human form, I smelt the most amazing scent and i knew it was him my mate, he semlt absoultley wonderful like fresh Pine and oold spice the scent was intoxicateing and I wcouldn’t be more happy. I ran ahead of everyone and could hear Jake call my name.
“Y/n wait, you need to-”
I alreadly ran towards the cullen door and was ready to meet who he was, I could see the cullens but when I was going up to carlisle. I bumped into someone and fell back. He was tall and ominious,didn’t really appear friendly which made me nervous, but his senct was he really mine? this wasnt how i imagined him to be let aloine... a vampire and he wasn’t like the cullens he drank human blood he’s blood red eyes made him all the more friegthing with his terryinfg hieght, the way he loomed over me. I was conflicted with myself  my heart couldn’t be more happy but my heart also filled weith dread. We couldn’t be togther we shouldn’t. Yes trhewre was Jaccob and Reneseme but thats different, how could I possibly love the one thing that massacrewd my loved ones. A... vampire, well I guess its not really fair to jugde them but what i’ve heard they ruled with an iron fist and you can’t be both volf and vampire...would they force me to transform? will I have to die? I don’t want to, I had a whole life ahead of my and I won’t let anybody not h=even him, stop me. 
“So I did thew only thing I would think of was to run away as a sign of rejection.”
“Felix your scaring her.” the short blond said.
“Well sister what did you expect? She the enemy and to top it all off she finds that her mate is a towering blood sucker, what aperdicatment she in. i wonder how master Caisus would react he will surly blow a fujse.”
As all of this went on the man before me felix crouned down to seem less intimidating, his face softened and a smile appereaded on his face. I guess he did look rather sweet and the eyes didn’t really bother me but i just couldn’t bring my self to love him
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businesstiramisu · 4 years
So while clearing out my drafts this morning I found this “things I know about anime” bit that I wrote up just about a year ago, right before I actually started watching a fair amount of anime (thanks #lockdownime!)
When people were posting for the new year/reflecting on the Year of Quarantine I was thinking mine would be “Year in Review: mostly anime” b/c I didn’t do much else last year, so now this is the first half of that. I, for one, am pretty amused by this and how my impressions have changed since I’ve watched (and/or read a lot of discussions of) most of them now. I also want to write up a response/current opinions on anime to contrast but that will take a while.
So, as of February 2020--
Secondhand opinions on anime (from hanging out with weebs for nearly two decades and then spending way too much time on tumblr for the last year or so):
Pre-tumblr animes:
Pokemon: THIS was actually my first anime, but I always forget it’s an anime since I learned about it from the card game and seeing it on American cartoon channels. We didn’t have TV growing up so I didn’t actually see much of it.
Naruto – like I said in the other post, I've known about it forever and I thought I knew the rough plot until I started seeing fanart and discussions on tumblr. There sure are a lot of characters, and I have no idea how any of them fit into it beside the main trio and their teacher.
Yugioh – this was the anime we were too embarrassed to watch in middle school. Actually it might be more than one anime? Idk, seems to have died like bleach.
Bleach – this isn’t Death Note, but not too sure what it actually is. Ghosts maybe? Apparently super passe, except for the opening song I never see anything about it online anymore.
FMA – if I ever actually get around to watching things this is the one I’ll watch this first. Also see a fair amount of discussion of it on tumblr too, great memes.
Ace Attorney – first heard of it in middle school, I only see it on tumblr for ridiculous memes, but good staying power there I guess.
Detective Conan – my weeb best friend really liked this is early high school. I still see it around on AO3 in recommendations and stuff but don’t know enough about it to read and/or haven’t gotten hooked by a fic to go learn about it.
Attack on Titan – was really big among my weeb friends in college but I never see anything about it anymore. They actually got me to watch an episode or two but it was too gory for me.
[Note from 2021: This is missing Death Note and Chobits and I’m not sure why. Studio Ghibli is another major oversight, perhaps 1-year-ago-me considered that distinct from anime? Hmm]
Tumblr animes:
BNHA – I actually know the plot and characters pretty thorough b/c YUTS, but even before I started reading fanfiction I kinda knew the characters either because they’re very distinctive designs or because (my corner of?) tumblr was obsessed with this show last fall.
PMMM – this third most common anime on my dash, because rat-adj people love it I guess? I think I know the plot pretty well, but don’t see much fanart and only know the two main characters and the evil cat spirit.
Gintama – I’ve never seen this show, don’t know anything about it, but tumblr radar has decided I’m a fan and keeps suggesting that I follow fan blogs for it?!
Demon Slayer – also see a lot of fanart for this, the four main characters are pretty distinctive.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure – next level memes here! (I don’t actually know the plot or characters but I think it’s set in “Italy”?)
Mob Psycho – lot’s of fanfic but don’t see much fanart/discussion on tumblr
Gundam – I’ll be honest I can’t actually distinguish between the different gundam animes. One of the [***left finished, no idea what I was going to write here]
[Note from 2021 -- I saw One Punch Man in 2019, I think on Tumblr’s recommendation, and loved it, but forgot to include it here. I might be forgetting a few more but anilist is down right now so I can’t check]
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infiltraitor-n7 · 7 years
After Alchera, Kaidan checks his messages
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | VIV | X | ao3
Where was he, when it happened?
Where was he?
Why wasn’t he looking?
What had he missed?
Maybe there was some transmission he could have caught— some message intercepted, a forewarning, before possibility crystallized into certainty, before the cat inhaled the poison—
In the vids, there is always a moment of impending doom, like a starship skirting the undetected event horizon of a black hole, and the audience can see it coming, watching in agony as it draws closer, but the protagonist can’t. And the audience leans forward and collectively urges, “Look, we see it, turn your head and look, there’s still time, you can salvage this, look—”
And then the hero, or the hero’s sidekick, partner, friend, at the last moment of possibility, turns their head and looks, and disaster is averted, the trap is unset, the black hole escaped, the hero alive.
When was that moment for Kaidan?  Was he mindlessly tinkering with some stupid piece of electronics on the Normandy’s lower deck, when a crucial message was sent? When whoever attacked was sending coordinates of the Normandy’s location? Was he asleep, drooling onto Shepard’s shoulder, as the enemy flickered into view at the nearest mass relay? Was he bickering with Tali about the pros and cons of the latest model of omni-tool, or about which galactic prince their latest drama star should choose? When if he had just looked out the window, he could have seen the silent mass of destruction bearing down on them, readying its cannons.
Where the hell was he, right before the point of no return had been passed, when what could happen, became what did happen, before any of them had a clue?
Where the hell was he?
The guilt seeps like a sore that just won’t heal. He sits with his head in his hands and does what his therapist has told him to do: just feel it. There’s no use fighting it. Feel it, and when it lessens, do something productive. Do acts of atonement, if you feel that’s necessary.
How is he ever going to atone for all the things he missed, every clue the audience would have been screaming at him to see, while he was taking a piss or browsing the Extranet for asari fetish sites to scandalize Garrus with?
There is no making up for such reckless carelessness. For such arrogant cluelessness. How do you atone for missing the crucial warning, for not hearing the message, for blindly focusing on all the stupid things that didn’t matter, had never mattered, while oblivion was bearing down on everything that mattered most? He can’t get his mind around it. He can’t see it or untangle it. It’s an equation he can’t solve. He can’t make up for the absence of Shepard’s figure taking point, fist raised, head cocked, alert and burning hotter than a flamethrower, or the shadow cast by her body spinning in space over those who watched her fall. He can’t replace her. He can’t rebuild her. No one can.
He finally checks his messages. He doesn’t even plan it, like he tried to last time. He just flicks his omni-tool and feels his guts twist and presses the blinking light and there they are, just as he feared. Message, after message, after message.
He has known it was coming. He has known it for awhile, intellectually. The news vids had finally dropped the story about the search for Shepard’s body, when days became weeks, and weeks became months, and no sign of it had been spotted. The Alliance had been searching, promising to do their best to bring Shepard’s corpse back, if there was one to bring back, to bring closure for the Hero of the Citadel, to enshrine her somewhere befitting a brave soldier who had given her life to protect the galaxy from the Geth, from a rogue Spectre helming a unique alien ship.
But as time kept flowing forward, despite Kaidan’s wishes to reverse it,  the news reports became sparse, until one day he could walk by every vidscreen on Arcturus and not hear a whisper of her name.
So he didn’t know the exact moment they finally called off the search, and shifted her status from “missing in action” to “killed in action.” He has suspected it was coming, or had already happened. But he hadn’t known, until now, as he finally opens his messages and sees the navy-wide memo tersely stating that Alliance resources could no longer be spared to continue the search, and as no wreckage or body had thus far been recovered, it was likely lost, incinerated in the blast that rocked the escape pods as the Normandy consumed itself.
Letters on a blank field. A cipher shifting positions in the alphabet to reveal the truth. From possible, unofficial, hopeful- to certainty, official, it is what it is.
He stares at the letters on the screen. He feels nothing. He begins reading. Messages from former classmates, from acquaintances back on Earth, who had heard the news from his mom that yes, her son had been on the Normandy, but he’s okay, thank goodness he’s okay, and were just sending “glad you’re still alive, buddy” messages. He sees messages from Tali, Wrex, Garrus. Chakwas. Most of them have already left Arcturus. They’ve been gone for months. He can’t bear to think about the last time he saw them right now. He skips them. There are no messages from Joker.
He sees one from Liara. URGENT.
He opens it.
I need your address, wherever you’re staying for the foreseeable future. There’s something I need to send you.
He has no idea where in the galaxy she is now. Or the others. He can’t bear to ask. He can’t talk about it yet. He can’t carry their pain, the tremor in their voices, the heavy silence, their shuddering breath. He can’t even carry his own. He can’t reminisce, or exert the effort to make himself say the appropriate things, the empty words you’re supposed to say to stupid questions like “How are you holding up?” But he can grant her this simple request. He replies to her message, with just his address.
He takes a deep breath.
He sees another message from the navy. They’re having a memorial. He is invited. It will take place in a few weeks. He closes his eyes. He tries to imagine standing in a crowd of people, like at Jenkins’s funeral, watching two green rookies fumble with a flag. He tries to imagine all the official people standing around, all the people who never really knew her, bowing their heads and mouthing the word hero and bullshit about being at peace, as if she could be summed up in one word, as if being at peace somehow makes up for being dead, as if peace is a word Shepard even knew, let alone wanted, when she couldn’t hardly bear to stand still to literally save her life, and Kaidan wants to put his fist through someone’s skull.
He opens his eyes. He flicks past more messages, condolences, relief, questions, interview opportunities, bank statements, the evidence of life that keeps going on its own accord, without him having to do a thing, effortlessly as breathing used to be, piling up while he had been running, outside of himself. He sees a message from a name he doesn’t recognize, but is flagged as personal and urgent. He opens it.
Lt. Kaidan Alenko,
Please allow me to offer my condolences during this difficult time.
It is my duty to inform you as executor of E. A. S. Shepard’s estate that you have been named as her sole beneficiary in her last will and testament. As Cdr. Shepard has officially been declared deceased, and a death certificate has been issued, I am now at liberty to begin distributing her assets, and kindly request that you come to my office on Arcturus Station at your earliest convenience.
Kind Regards,
Freya Gomez III, Esquire
Kaidan blinks. He stupidly wonders what “A. S.” stands for. He hadn’t even known she had a middle name, let alone two. She had assets? Enough assets that she felt the need to have a will? She named him as her beneficiary? When the hell had she done that? She had never even said the words I love you.
It does not surprise him, how she manages to surprise him, even while dead.
He wonders where he was.
He wonders about all he missed, while he wasn’t looking.
He wonders why the hell he wasn’t looking.
He wonders about all the things he’ll never have a chance to know, as the audience screams at him to look, look, before it’s too late, everything can be okay if you’d just LOOK.
But that’s all wrong.
Because the event horizon has already been crossed. It is what it is. And it’s just him, alone, staring blindly into the black.
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juiceboxman · 4 years
So I took Siobhan’s advice and listened to the BBC’s radio adaptation of the Lord of the Rings from the 80′s
It’s pretty good, you can listen to it here https://soundcloud.com/inkmore/sets/lord-of-the-rings-radio 
I had some issues with it but I liked it for the most part. I’m not a massive LoTR fan, only watched the films so I don’t know much, but here are the thoughts I had.
I once heard someone describe Hobbits and the Shire as “drama free people” after listening to this series, that’s obviously not the case. Hobbits seem to live for the drama, always talking shit behind one anothers back. I think Tolkien was trying to satirise rural or village life in England and I think he did a good job depicting how petty people can be.
Sam is a working class hero and Frodo doesn’t deserve him.
I understand how people can like Sam/Frodo because there is massive gay vibes coming off them. Personally I interpreted it to be unrequited and an example of some class division, with Sam being working class and Frodo being middle class. The amount of dedication and support Sam shows Frodo I don’t think Frodo would show back if the roles were reversed. I feel like its a very one sided relationship with Sam putting in way more effort than Frodo.
Bilbo’s whole thing seems to be that he went on a gap year once that turned out quite bad and now he kinda lives like a hermit.
I don’t know how reliable to the books the Radio series is, but I feel like the movies do more justice to stuff. Like in the Radio drama Gandalf makes his first appearance by just coming through the door and Bilbo is like “ah, Gandalf” and...that’s it. Movie version was better in my opinion.
I think the radio drama does a lot better to explain what the ring of power does than the movies. I always got confused by what the ring does, like in the movies all it seems to do is turn people invisible and make them into heroin addicts. With the radio I kinda understand more about it. Like the ring’s power kinda depends on the wearer, like a Hobbit could simply use it for invisibility and expanding their life force but a King could use it to control the minds of an entire enemy army and a Wizard could do even more. But it’s still vague and I presume Tolkien intended it to be, like it’s just a representation of the concept of power and this world’s equivalent of a deal with the devil. Power or wishes may be commanded but they will ultimately corrupt you.
Time in the books seem wild. Like at one point Gandalf says that Bilbo has gone off and he himself will start researching the ring and then twelve years go by and Frodo has just been fucking about, forgot that the ring even existed and Gandalf comes back and is like “oh yeah, ring is bad”
Also, Frodo is 50 when he leaves the shire???? Jesus 
Also, were the Nazgul just running about for 12 years looking for the ring? Like at one point the Nazgul knocked on some Hobbit’s door asking about Frodo and the Hobbit told him to go fuck himself and slammed a door- to a NAZGUL
Aragon’s voice in this radio drama is...way off. Like it sounds like Greg Davies. You don’t really have the soft voice of Viggo Mortinstein but the gruff righteous voice of the Principal from the Inbetweeners 
Elrond denying Aragon to marry his daughter until he becomes king of Gondor is like a stern dad refusing you to date his daughter until you get a real job.
Also Aragon gets the reforged sword, like, immediately when they leave Riverdale. Which is a bit weird to me.
It makes sense why Frodo is trusted with the ring. A king couldn’t be trusted because he’d use it for conquest. A Wizard could overthrow Sauron but in doing so would become just as bad so you’re back to square one. With a Hobbit, there is no desire for conquest or any wish for power outside of simply having the ring. Even when Golum had it all he used it for was to hunt fish and extend his life cycle. I’m curious of whether if Sam had carried the ring all the way to Mordor if he could will himself to destroy it or would he have failed like Frodo. 
Gimly and Legolas’ friendship is so cute. Like they start off disliking eachother but bond over their prowess in combat and plan out a gap year after the whole fellowship where they see the sights of middle earth. So wholesome
I don’t understand why they didn’t just kill Golum. Like I know he was important to find the way to Mordor and was ultimately necessary to destroy the ring after Frodo failed, but like the idea of “don’t kill him because of pity and he also probably has a part to play” is bullshit to me. Like he’s so gross and troublesome. It’s the same excuse Jedi have with “oh you can’t kill a Sith Lord because striking them down means you need to embrace the dark side” bitch Luke Skywalker round house kicked a guy into a Sarlack Pick- whaddya mean he can’t kill this wrinkly ass Emperor??? Ethical mental gymnastics are mind blowing.
For me the moment that made me really dig the series was when the Fellowship disbanded. Like shit hit the fan and everyone’s forced to do their own shit, really engaging storytelling.
The series is quite short when you consider all the battles are short cutted. Like in the radio drama you’ll hear a series of grunts for 30 seconds and then a song about how bad that battle was. I guess it would take a lot to depict a battle purely by means of audio.
Seriously the series is quite short, like it’s 13 hour long episodes and by episode five I’m like “oh shit we’re starting the second book already? Damn” It felt half the time there was so much stuff cut out I don’t know why
I think the radio drama is best suited for people who have either watched the movies or read the books. Like I don’t think it’s well suited for people who haven’t seen LoTR content before. Like the scene with the Balrog there is no description of what it looks like.
Also, Gandalf fought the Balrog from the deepest dungeons to the tip of the mountain? Damn, Gandalf’s leg day must be intense
I love the introduction of Treebeard and the Ents. Like you get this horrific imagery with warring Orcs and other evil creatures and then turn a hard 180 to these hilarious tree people. I guess that’s why the LoTR is so great. Because you do get those hard, gruesome battles but you also get these lovely peaceful wholesome scenes.
Quick question, how do you meet a guy called Saruman and then be surprised that he’s the bad guy? It’s the same deal with Victor VonDoom.
Also, did Tolkien have to have all the big villains names sound so similar?
Man, Tolkien loves having people end up together. With the Horse Princess who got friendzoned by Aragorn meeting up with that guy from Gondor. You love to see it
So like, was the King of Nazgul just talking shit or can he not be killed by a man? Like could anyone kill him by stabbing him the face or did the Horse Princess just find a loophole?
At one point this woman kinda makes fun of this flower called Kings Seed or some shit and Aragon basically calls her a THOT 
Kinda sad the series didn’t have more dragons. Like I would have liked to see a huge black dragon at the final battle at Mordor. But that’s just me, I love me some dragons
Also, the final battle at the gates of Mordor is so endearing. Like they don’t even know if Frodo and Sam are still alive but they go to war anyway because they believe they are and in doing so keep the eye of Sauron off of them. It’s really heart warming
The radio’s version of the destruction of the ring is kinda anticlimactic. Like I said it’s better with the dialogue than it is at the representation of physical actions like combat. Like if you didn’t know what happened at the end of the lord of the rings and you were listening to this you would have no idea that Golum fell into the lava with the ring 
I love the owner of the Prancing Pony’s reaction to Aragon becoming King of Gondor. It’s like “hey, remember that guy you saw shit in the woods that one time? Yeah he’s the President”
Also Sam’s Pony lives at the end of it. Love to see it. I feel like Tolkien read his first draft to his kids and they were like “what happened to Sam’s pony?” and he was like “uh, yeah, the pony....the pony lived! yes! the pony found its way back to town” you can tell this story is vibing on a different level than GoT or ACOC
Hobbits returning to the Shire fucking shit up like level 16 PCs returning to the town they started the campaign in
Also, all the Hobbits in the shire have no idea what the fuck went down? Like I understand they live in the middle or nowhere but that’s astounding 
It’s so funny what ends up happening to Saruman. Like he goes from being the second in command of the Dark Lord to being a shitty local businessman in a Village in Yorkshire
I can see how people can really get into the LotR. Like a world like GoT is just fucked beyond compare and any happy ending will be bittersweet at most. But here you have an ending where the characters leave the world better than when they found it
Frodo asking Sam to live with him was him totally trying to get with Sam, right? And Sam was like “oh that’s nice Frodo, but I have gf” and Frodo’s like “oh that’s alright, she can move in too!” it’s like watching a man back step his request for love by inviting a family into his home. You missed your shot Frodo! You had a whole year with Sam and you blew it!
Sam ultimately moving on from Frodo with his thicc Hobbit gf is the character development we deserved
That said, in the movies Sam getting a gf was a thing at the end of the third movie- like he’d been so shy before hand but after almost dying he’s like “fuck it, might as well give my shot” but here in radio drama he...had a gf all along? Like we only hear about her in the final episode and he’s like “oh yeah, my gf ain’t too happy. I left her for a year to fuck about with you so now I need to marry her. Woops” very startling
Also love how Tolkien represented PTSD with Frodo. I don’t think works of Fantasy like this before Tolkien really did this stuff justice. That said the ending is a bit weird. Like I understand that the “Undying Lands” are supposed to reflect Tolkien’s belief in Catholicism, Eternal Life and Heaven. But it’s really hard to not interpret the ending as Frodo as struggling to deal with his PTSD so he commits suicide. Because the Undying Lands is a place that Sam cannot follow. It’s heart breaking but that’s the vibe I got off the ending.
So yeah, there’s my thoughts. It’s pretty good but I’d only recommend the series to anyone who’s either seen the movies or read the books. If this was your first introduction to LOTR I don’t know if that would be any good. 
Also, while we’re here I recommend Escape from the Bloodkeep from Dimension 20. It’s  DnD actual play series that is a slight parody of LOTR. It’s really good.
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ahgaru · 6 years
[Day6 Fic] Don't Stop The Rain
Who missed me on Tumblr? Lol. No one, ofc. But in case you were one of the Once/Twice series readers (That Young K x Reader fic, Once is a coincidence twice is not), or you don't read on other platforms where I posted this (ao3 or aff), here's another Day6 fic. Only this time, it's Jae x Reader. And I'm not sure if it'd be as good as the other but hope you'll enjoy.
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Pairing: Jae x Reader (Fluff) Word count: 2,271 Characters: Day6 members, minor mention of Got7
I remembered an anime scene the moment I woke up with the guy and girl sharing umbrella, then I saw a twitter post right after that a rain + umbrella is romantic but.... What if the guy isn't kind at all to share his umbrella with you? 
Chapter 1: Umbrella
It's frustrating when it's raining and you don't have your umbrella with you. But that frustrating moment could turn into a romantic one when there's an attractive guy holding an umbrella beside you--like those in books, movies or dramas, where the guy would offer to share his umbrella. A new love could bloom--or not.
"Aw man, it's raining real hard," the silver-haired guy utters after a groan before glancing at you "You don't have an umbrella?"
"Huh?" you flip your head to look at him, a bit startled, and you can't help but adore his tiny eyes covered by his silver hair. He tilts his head waiting for an answer "Uh, no," you shyly respond with a hope of him to offer his, or at least share it with you.
"That sucks," he just shrugs before looking ahead again and finally taking a step out of the shed.
"What the actual--" confounded with what just happened, you try to gather every ounce of self-restraint to not throw a shoe on him "What a jerk"
Letting out a sharp breath, you hug yourself because it's getting cold and step back so you won't get wet from the rain. You look up to the gloomy sky as you bite your lower lip to stop it from quivering.
It's been almost 10 minutes and you're still hugging yourself, looking down as you wait for the rain to stop.
"Hey! Here," you suddenly heard a not-so-familiar voice. Looking up, you see the stranger from before towering over you with his left arm stretched, holding a spare umbrella.
Maybe he's not a jerk after all. Trying to hide the small smile on your face, you gesture a small bow of gratitude before stretching an arm to reach for the umbrella. "Thank--"
"Woops," he pulls back his arm before you could even have contact with the umbrella. "It's not for free, though" Your forehead furrows "Nothing's free in this world, Lady"
You exhale a sharp breath of surrender before rolling your eyes, "Fine. How much should I pay you for it?"
"Uh-uh", he moves his left index finger left to right as a 'no', "I don't like money. How about a coffee? Since it's cold anyway. Oh! But I don't usually drink coffee. How about a lobster, maybe?"
You squint your eyes in disbelief, "Foget it" A lobster for an umbrella? Man, that's an expensive exchange. I take back what I said. He's really a jerk. A total jerk.
"Okay, then how about chicken? There's a nearby chicken place over there. And I swear, I swear, Man, their chicken is to die for"
"Why don't you just die for it then?"
He shrugs, "I'm sure I'm not the one who'd be dead if I can't go home tonight. I don't have anything important with me that need not to get wet," he eyes the folder, between your chest and arms, containing a lot of files that you need to attend to later. Mr. Park, your boss, would surely kill you if you won’t finish the revisions and of course, if you get those drafts wet and damaged. “I’ll go ahead then.” He says before he turns to take a step away from the shed.
Making a tighter grip on the folder, you take the offer, “Fine! Chicken it is.”
With a wide smile painted on the stranger’s face, he turns around and paces back to finally give you the umbrella he got from a convenience store, a few-minute walk away from the park you’re at.
You walk behind him, struggling a bit with your things, while he, on the other hand, is humming cheerfully as he take small steps with his free hand in his pocket. You glare at him with every bit of annoyance from your system. He doesn’t have a plan on helping me, does he?
“Stop glaring, Missy. I can feel you shooting daggers on me.” He chortles softly “Remember, I just saved your little ass”
“Whatever! And F.Y.I. Mister, my ass ain’t little”
With a smirk on his face, he looks at you over his shoulder, his eyes travel from your head to feet and finally rested on your face. Your eyebrows furrow more.
“Can you not?!”
He sniggers causing his shoulders to move (and causing your stomach to flip and your blood rushing) as he finally faces you and walk towards your side. Your raise a brow and he answers it with a shrug.
“Go,” he motions you to continue walking “I’ll walk beside you. You might go elsewhere to escape if I walk before you.”
Rolling your eyes for how many times now, you sigh and start walking again. The edge of his lips raises again as he take a glance on you without you noticing. He’s so tall that you need to tilt your head almost 75 degrees just to look at his face when he’s just a feet away from you.
He suddenly takes the folder from you which causes your eyes to widen in surprise.
“You walk so slowly. And you might drop these papers and blame it on me and won’t give me that chicken that I want”
You scoff. He’s just so unbelievable, isn’t he? But somehow, you didn’t regret going to the chicken place with him because, yes, he’s actually telling the truth. Their chicken is really to die for.
You both keep eating and your mind becomes busy on thinking of whether to ask anything, say something or just continue to be quiet. You eye him not so subtly and you can’t help but curb yourself from smiling. He looks like a kid enjoying his favorite meal.
You also don’t know if it’s a relief or not that he isn’t saying anything either. You’re about to open your mouth to say something—maybe to ask his name, whether he lives around—but he stands up and utter his thanks before winking at you.
“Gotta go. Next time again”
“There won’t be any next time
He shrugs “We don’t know anything about that. Who knows? We might see each other tomorrow again and the next day after that, and the day after, and the—“
“Whatever. Just go”
He beams, even his eyes are smiling, which causes your heart to make a loud thump. What the heck was that? He mouths ‘See you’ before finally leaving the place.
You finally let go of the breath you don’t know you were holding. You put a hand on your chest and feel that your heartbeat is beating wildly. Why does he need to be cute? You shake your head to erase the thought. No, that’s not right. I mean, why does he need to be a jerk?
“I—“, you get startled by the sudden voice and there he is again standing beside the table. He looks at you a bit with mirth from being surprised. You exhale sharply before glaring at him. “I forgot to tell you, just in case you’ll try finding it later, I’ll take the umbrella with me. It’s stopped raining anyway"
With mouth agape, you just look at his back, your eyes following him as he walks towards the exit. You shake your head again. He’s really unbelievable.
After taking a shower, you take a seat in front of your computer. As if on cue, your phone rings. Your boss is calling you to tell you that he’ll give you until before you live for work tomorrow for the revisions instead of giving it to him first thing in the morning.
You didn’t have a chance to speak because he ended the call right after he told you his concern. You stare at your laptop for a minute, trying to absorb what just happened. You take your phone again to call someone.
“Wonpil!” You exclaim the moment the person on the other line answered “Mr. Park extended my deadline for the revision. And he told me to just rest tonight.”
There was a long pause before he utters a word, “Mr. Park? The Park Sungjin?”
“Yes. He gave me until before I leave for work tomorrow.” A cough can be heard from the other line. You’re pretty sure that Wonpil, your Animator best friend who also works in JYPSoft, is surprised by what he just heard. The CEO, Mr. Park Sungjin, can be approachable and nice but for him, a deadline is a deadline.
“For real?” He confirms in disbelief “But the 3D artists need your concept tomorrow for them to start modeling the characters”
“I—I don’t know. Shall I just ignore it and work for it tonight instead of resting like he said?”
With a sigh, you called another person.
“Dowoonie,” you bite your lip for a second “Did Mr. Park call you?”
“Nope. Why?”
“Aren’t you going to work with the characters tomorrow for the new game we’re making?”
“Yes. And the non-organic modelers will also do the assets. We would also like to start right away so they’d be textured and give them to the riggers so the animators could work on them as early as possible, too. Why? What’s the matter? You’re having a hard time with the concept revisions?"
You let out a long sigh before shaking your head as if he can see you. “No, no. It’s nothing. Anyway, thank you. I’ll hang up now.”
Forgetting about the call, you pick up the stylus and move the drawing tablet closer to you.
You groan as you put your stylus down and slump your upper body and arms on the table. Without permission, someone’s face enters your mind. That slender young man, with his mischievous smile, silver hair, tiny eyes—his overall features that make him look as if he jumped straight out of a comic.
You sit back straight and move the drawing tablet away. You take a blank paper and a pencil and start scribbling. Your hand moves as if it knows exactly what it needs to do. Sometimes, you feel more comfortable drawing traditionally than digitally. You feel more of you are invested to it. That’s why every time an idea comes to mind, paper and pen are your best partners.
You start striding towards Mr. Park’s office the moment you dropped your things on your desk. He is quite surprised to see you peeking through his office door.
“You still have until 5pm. What makes you come here?”
“I’m actually done already, Sir”
He furrows his brows and motions you to continue. You walk towards his table and place the revised concepts. When he sees the first page, his eyes squint before he takes a look at you.
“Why does this character seem familiar?”
Your heart suddenly starts beating fast. “Pardon, Sir?”
Mr. Park just smirks and shakes his head. He… smirked? “You can go rest for today. You can go to the Rec room, grab some coffee, have a date or whatever”
He lands a glance on you again. This time it’s a firm glance. “You heard me. Now, go before I change my mind”
The moment you step out of his office, you go straight to Wonpil right away to tell him what just had happened.
“He told you to go to the Recreational Room, where you can play or chill, when you actually need to meet a deadline today?” He asks “Are you sure? I mean, yes, we can go to the Rec Room anytime we want especially when we need our minds to rest and gather some creativity but not on the day of the deadline. You know that”
“Exactly! That’s why it’s weird. He even told me that I can go grab some coffee or have a date or whatever”
Wonpil suddenly grabs your arm and leans closer to you to whisper, “Maybe he likes you? And maybe he’s hoping you’d ask him for coffee?”
“What? That’s ridiculous, Pil”
Brushing aside your best friend’s remark, you spend the day trying to work on more concepts even when you don’t know if your revisions were already approved or need a few more revisions again. The CEO didn’t tell you anything. And it’s almost time for you to leave work but he hasn’t called you for more modification or change. Maybe it was approved?
 You open your bag and check your stuff, taking the umbrella out of your bag, getting it ready just in case it’s raining again. You don’t exactly hate the monsoon season. You don’t really dislike the rain either. It’s just that, sometimes, it really is a hassle.
You are about to leave your desk, bag already slung, when Wonpil calls your attention causing you to put your umbrella on your desk.
“Dowoon said they’ve already worked on with the new characters for the Fortday. So I think the new concepts were approved?” He shows an assuring smile before tapping your back “Now, go ahead. I’ll stay for a little bit more”
You happily walk out of the building. You’re only strolling for 3 minutes but it’s already starting to rain. You halt for a bit, look up to the murky sky and heave a sigh. You open your bag to get your umbrella but it’s nowhere to be found. That’s when you realize, you forgot to get it back from your table. With another sigh, you walk fast towards the shed where you also took covering from the rain yesterday.
“Told ‘ya! We’ll meet again”, the silver-haired asserts with a smug.
Chapter 2: Chicken
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Fics masterlist: Daelisix’s Fics
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nightsspentthinking · 7 years
My Happiness - Z. H.
A/N: New upload woop woop! I’ve had this in my drafts for a few days but forgot to post, sorry for flopping. I’m so happy that I finally wrote something for Zach again. Feel free to send in requests. Hope you like this one! xx Requested: yes Warnings? Just Zach being a cute little bean.
Walking out of school, you checked your phone for what felt like the millionth time today. No new messages. Sighing, you put it into your back pocket and made your way to your car, getting in and driving home. You had a mountain of homework that needed to be done but all your brain seemed to focus on was the fact that your boyfriend went M.I.A. You hadn’t heard from Zach all day, he had ignored all your messages and calls. You were getting worried and called again but this time your call went straight to voice mail. Fed up with the situation you flung your phone across the room and tried to focus your attention on the task in front of you. But chemistry was the last thing on your mind.
You were just finishing your last assignment of the week when your phone buzzed from your bed, illuminating your dark room. Practically jumping out of the chair and onto your mattress you reached for your phone, opening the message. You quickly read through it and your heart sunk.
Zachary <3: Hi baby, sorry for not answering your texts. I’m just kinda down and didn’t wanna ruin your day. The guys just left for the cinema so I’ll call you in a bit.
Zach had never been too keen on talking about his feelings but he wasn’t one to shut you out like this. He always told you when something was bothering him so this confused you. Deciding that you couldn’t wait any longer you put on some leggings and a sweatshirt and got into your car not even five minutes later. You made a pit stop at Chipotle and Walmart, knowing your boyfriend would be easier to handle with a full belly. You parked your car in the driveaway, the spot next to you empty, confirming what Zach had told you and made your way to the door, opening it with the key the guys had given you. 
The house was silent expect for some music coming from the living room. You quietly followed the sound and stopped at the door, seeing your boyfriend on the floor, his back against the couch with a guitar in his lap. He was just strumming the guitar and you took the opportunity to really look at him. He was wearing a simple white tee with some sweatpants, his hear down and looking soft as ever. You noticed the way his mouth was turned downwards slightly and the bags under his eyes, showing how tired he was. The boys had been working non-stop, never taking a break, no matter how often everyone around them – even their fans -  told them to rest. It certainly had taken a toll on them but them being the stubborn children they were, refused to admit that. Looking at Zach now you couldn’t help but feel butterflies in your stomach. He had such an effect on you and you wondered if he knew what he was doing to you.
He must have sensed someone staring at him because next thing you knew he was looking at you with surprised eyes. “What are you doing here?” The question didn’t come out harsh, he sounded relieved more than anything. You sent him a smile and walked over to him “You didn’t think I’d just stay home after you told me you’re having a bad day, did you? I came here for cuddles. Oh, and I brought food” You lifted the bag as evidence and set it down on the floor when you reached the couch. Zach didn’t waste any time and pulled you down with him immediately, engulfing you in a hug. You inhaled his sweet scent and kissed his chest, feeling him relax a bit. “As much as I would love to stay like this I didn’t spent money on nothing so we better dive into the food.” Zach just chuckled but nodded nonetheless. The two of you spent the next hour or so just eating and talking about random stuff but you could tell that something was still bothering him. You tried to get it out of him but he just waved you off. “Okay babe, what’s on your mind? You’re being so distant, this isn’t you. I know you don’t want to talk about it but at least tell me what I can do” Zach just looked at you with tired eyes. The sight in front of you broke your heart: the adorable smile had left his face and the sparkle in his eyes seemed to have dimmed. The only way to describe it was tired.
You quickly took matters into your own hands, getting up from the floor and pulling Zach with you. Your eyes scanned the living room and settled on the things you needed. You marched over to the other side of the room and picked up all the pillows and blankets you could find. He was looking at you the whole time with curious eyes but it seemed as if he saw where you were going with this. You threw the pillows on the sofa, took Zach’s hand and pulled him down with you so his head was lying on your lap. You wrapped the blanket around him and whispered “I want you to rest a bit. What you’re doing isn’t healthy, you’re gonna make yourself sick. Please baby, you need to take care of yourself.” You looked down at him and the look he gave you made your heart swell. Zach’s eyes held so much love and adoration for you. He took your hand in his, intertwining them and kissed the back of it. Your other hand went up to his hear, knowing that it calmed him when you played with it while humming some melody. Your humming soon turned into singing and when you glanced at Zach again you saw he was falling asleep. Not a second later he opened his eyes a little and whispered with a small smile
“Thank you for being my happiness”
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sableaire · 8 years
is sangwoo as much of an asshole in Korean or is that a cultural misunderstanding? Obv. He's abusive but is majority of his dialogue as abusive or is some of the dialogue just an acceptable bluntness? I'm not sure I'm asking this right sorry
(I know I said I was going to wind down with the translation posts, but I forgot I had this in my drafts, woops; in any case, this will probably be the last of its kind, so have fun)
Boy, oh boy, I was going to put off translating some of his lines until later, but this is such a perfect opportunity. To answer your question, first of all, he’s using informal register with someone older than him that he doesn’t know well. That’s already blatantly rude. People even one year older technically have the social right to go, “Informal? Are you being informal with me? Do you want to die??” (and it’s such a highschool bullying stereotype tbh)
It would be fine if Bum gave Sangwoo permission to speak to him in informal register, but Bum isn’t really in a position to grant any kind of permission right now. So Sangwoo’s being rude from the get go. On top of that, Korean is super context-heavy, so regardless of the words he’s saying (which are aggressive as heck), his demeanor and actions make them abusive. I’m not sure if Sangwoo’s ironic sense of humor comes through in the English, but there’s that too.
I’ve hinted at it before, but Sangwoo is way more menacing in Korean than in English for two reasons: the Korean language is more efficient with speech bubble space, and the Korean language is highly sensory due to onomatopoeia being used as descriptors. That being said, the post you’ve all been waiting for, some of the verbal violence you’ve been missing out on:
First of all there’s this post describing one of the first lines Sangwoo says to Bum, and then this one about how manipulative Sangwoo is from the get go. I had this whole thing written about the one line Sangwoo says after he pours porridge on Bum’s face, but it ended up too long so here, have a separate post for that too.
So with those out of the way, let’s start with Chapter 3. First let me just get a mistranslation out of the way:
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That ‘clang’ says ‘탁’ in Korean, which is literally ‘tak,’ and it’s a sfx that implies more of how something is hitting another thing rather than what is hitting what. If you look at the motion lines, it’s pretty obvious that Sangwoo threw the pill bottle at Bum and not the pole he’s chained to, meaning that the sfx should have been translated to “Thwack” or something else. So from the get-go, Korean Sangwoo earns an extra violence point.
When he’s cutting Bum with the can lid, he says he’s doing it “Since I need to punish you…” but the Korean reads “엄살 부린 벌 정돈되려나…” which is pretty different and arguably scarier.
The word “엄살” means “overreaction” and more specifically “complaining about pain or hardship as if it’s worse than it is,” and that alone probably gives you a sense that Sangwoo is saying utter nonsense right there, but let me translate the original for you:
“I wonder if this will at least be enough punishment for your overreacting…[?]” In the Korean, he’s pretty clearly speaking to himself, kind of just wondering out loud. A direct translation sounds unwieldy in English, but the implication is a little scarier because wow, you broke this poor man’s legs, I doubt anything is an overreaction at that point.
Anyway, I also mentioned his ironic sense of humor, right? Well, this is when the Korean honorific system comes into play. Later, during the shower scene, Bum begs to be allowed out of the basement because it’s “too dark and moist and stuffy,” and Sangwoo’s reponse in the English is “Of course it’s dark… it’s a basement.”
The Korean translates as follows: “Of course it is. It’s a basement, Yoon Bum-ssi.” Sangwoo speaks here in polite register, uses Bum’s full name, and an honorific. That is cutting irony, and the politeness burns with condescension. I’m not sure if the nuance quite carries over to non-Korean-speakers.
Basically imagine this same situation except if Bum was a doctor, and you would expect any reasonable person to call him Dr. Yoon in respect of that. However, this whole time, Sangwoo has been calling this doctor by his first name, and then in this one instance goes, “Of course it’s all those things. It’s a basement, Dr. Yoon.” It’s a similar feeling of condescension to that. 
Anyway, moving on to the parts I was excited to translate. When Bum considers trying to crawl to the doorway but doesn’t, Sangwoo appears and mocks him for it. In the English, he appears eerily no-faced and saying “Retard~” which I suppose is the literal translation, but it arguably loses too much of the tone the original uses when it says “뷔웅신~” which was said in the equivalent of “styuuupid”. In fact, just “Stuuupid~” might have arguably been a better translation. Maybe it wouldn’t have been harsh enough? Anyway.
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There’s a lot of impact missing in this translation, but it can’t be helped. Translating the Korean directly into English would have made it too long to be natural and also not fit in the speech bubble. What the Korean says here is, “무릎 깨지도록 기어갔으면 나갈 수 있었을텐데” which translates into as follows:
“If you crawled hard enough to shatter your knees, you probably would have made it.”
And then the scene that got me to write this post is actually the knife scene because the Korean language got it a lot scarier. Sangwoo can be vivid with his words, oh boy. The English version reads as follows:
“I’ll pull your neck back… // … and slice it up. // Nice. And. Slowly. // At the same steady speed. Sliiiiiice…”
It’s similar to the Korean, but due to speech bubble constraints, a lot of imagery was lost. The Korean translates to something more like this:
“I’ll yank back your neck until the vessels burst from your throat // I’ll shave the flesh from the end of your chin, first // On the skin stretched taut, very slowly // without hurry, at a steady speed [I’ll] // draaaaaaaaag…”
He uses a Korean sound effect there “쭈우우우욱” which is the onomatopoeia used to indicate something being dragged or pulled against slight resistance. It carries connotations of light strain, and the more the sound is stretched out, the more stretch we expect to feel. 
Scary, scary, isn’t it?
In the flashback scenes in Chapter 9 involving Sangwoo at the gay bar, Korean readers get an extra sense of how manipulative Sangwoo was being. In the Korean, while at the gay bar, Sangwoo clearly calls the older guy 형 ‘hyung’, a word meaning ‘older brother’ and clearly this man is too old for Sangwoo to be calling him ‘hyung’. Calling someone significantly older than you (who is well into their adulthood, middle-aged and up) by one of Korea’s ‘sibling’ terms is a blatant act of flattery and or flirtation. Unless you’re actually siblings, in which case the age doesn’t really matter, but that is irrelevant to this comic.
Sangwoo’s entire demeanor in this chapter got a little lost in translation. He’s a lot more verbally gungho about this than the English managed to convey. Where the English read “How about it? You’re going to be the masters of your own fate! What a joke!” he was actually saying:
“Doesn’t that sound fun? One of you two will be choosing death with your own hand! Like an idiot!” with that same delighted grin.
His next line, “But it’ll be exciting, like a rollercoaster” is a correct translation, but I’m sad that the English language doesn’t have an equivalent for the Korean word “짜릿” in the original. 
“짜릿” is pronounced “jjarit” and the way to pronounce the double-j romanization is by vocalizing a “ch”. If you say “ch” there’s only the sound of air, right? Add your voice to it, and you get a tense, strained kind of “j” sound. That’s the ㅉ in Korean. The Korean word is pronounced ‘jj’, the ‘a’ from ‘ah!’, and ‘rit’ with a clipped long e. The emphasis is on the first syllable, so it goes “JJA-rit.”
I don’t know if the feeling of the word carries over to English, but in Korea it’s basically a feeling onomatopoeia. The word sounds like and means that little jolt of thrill that you get from something exciting. Scientifically, it’s probably the feeling you get from a rush of dopamine. So, in any case, Sangwoo’s Korean dialogue forces more of a feeling from the reader just because Korean has a specific word for it.
In Chapter 10, when Sangwoo is telling the man to stab Bum, the English reads “You’re going to need to go Splat! Splat! And stab him,” but the onomatopoeia Korean uses is “푸슉푸슉” which reads like “pushyuk pushyuk” with the u pronounced how it would be in Japanese romanization. Now, I didn’t know this, but a Korean friend of mind commented that that sound effect also functions as an innuendo. Go figure.
Funnily enough, Sangwoo’s arguably most emotionally violent scene (his breakdown in Chapter 13 when he thought Bum escaped) is translated pretty much as well as it can be, save for one key point. The English says, “I’ll rip him apart! Just like with that girl!” but the Korean meaning is as follows, with the most important difference bolded:
“I’ll rip him apart like meat with my hands, just like with that woman, just…! I’ll tear him apart…!”
The connotations between girl and woman are different, and in Korean, if he meant someone young enough to think of as a ‘girl’ rather than a ‘young woman’ or older, he probably would have used a different word. Also, more violent imagery, yay.
And from this point on, it’s not so much Sangwoo’s aggression that gets lost in translation so much as his affection, and that’s worrying in whole other ways. It should be noted that even though the Korean translations sound a lot more aggressive, Korean speakers are kind of used to used to the natural onomatopoeias and imagery in our language, so these direct translations probably sound a little scarier to you all than the Korean did to me… at the same time, the Korean was scarier than the English, so, whatever, here you go, aha.
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soysaucevictim · 5 years
Week 3 of current engagements, this time. Also ended week on some good news.
Nov. 2
I woke up a bit before 11AM.
I’m not terribly happy I spent most of my day distracted by the usual nonsense. But I did get in my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 1′ O-Pose hold with EC. I still think this a personal favorite - and it's all about steady breathing,
(After more distractions...)
Second, Day 13 of the 30DoHIIT. Half Jacks, Level 3. Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin and I did enjoy myself with it! (Again, I think the old version was harder.)
Third, Day 13 of the PGC. 1′40″ un/clenching fists. Doable, but yeah. I’m definitely going to need to moderate my pace now.
(After even more distractions... installing PickCrafter was a bad idea.)
Last, Day 11 of the G2B. I did get to bed a few minutes after 1AM, so yellow zoned it.
Nov. 3
I woke up at about 10AM (oh yeah... DST).
Did a bit of gamin before starting on my exercise for the day.
First, today’s DD. 20 scapula shrugs with EC. A very subtle movement - but still pretty tough to get through. Probably did a couple extra to make sure I did it with more ROM, more consistently. :P
Second, Day 14 of the 30DoHIIT. Up & Down Planks, Level 3. Looks like this was just a bit easier than the old version, which had +20″ more active time per set. But let it be known - it still kicked my ass and, despite longer sleeves, still scraped up my elbows. :P
Third, Day 14 of the PGC. 1′40″ overhead flex hold. These are getting to the point where after the time was up, it takes a few seconds to fully uncurl my fingers, Pffft!
(After dishes, dinner, showering, and finally getting around to recap the past 4 months in my therapy journal...)
Last, Day 12 of the G2B. I got to bed at the knife edge of the green zone - But I got to bed before 1AM!
Nov. 4
I woke up around 8AM, today. Again, I think I hit the snooze button too many times - but thankfully I roused myself when I heard honking outside. I was definitely in another rush to get ready and grab some snacks.
I got a ride to the facility this morning via the county transport - because I forgot to make a reservation with LC on time.
I got there, did some socializing (talked about fitness stuff with another enthusiast over there) and went to therapy. Therapy went pretty well and I think I was better prepared for once in forever.
I then ran out to get some more snacks, socialized, and touched base with my case manager on some things. I appreciated their help because it was Phone Stuff - and I got helpful info.
Got home, did some more of the usual before getting to my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 squat + step back combos with EC. This was a bit awkward to negotiate my floor space and being pretty tired from not enough sleep. But mission accomplished! :P
Second, Day 15 of the 30DoHIIT. Cardio HIIT, Level 3. This was another day that was pretty much totally changed - and just from selection alone a bit easier than the old version. Very manageable, still had to be more mindful of my knees during the reverse lunges. But no real complaints here.
Third, Day 15 of the PGC. 1′50″ un/clenching fists. I tried to keep my pace hovering just a bit faster than the .gif, this time. It was tough to sustain, but it was still a good pace (especially to keep full ROM active.)
Last, Day 13 of the G2B. It’s nice seeing another yellow night of getting to bed - shut the computer down a few moments after 1AM.
Nov. 5
I woke up a bit after 8AM today. Happy I got up before I got called by the transporter. (But, man, I’ve been tired from not enough sleep.)
Went to the facility, attended Seeking Safety, did some drawing, and today’s DD. it was 40 pulse-ups with EC. My abs certainly felt that and it was fun! (I completely forgot to report it to the DAREBEE thread on time... woops)
Got home, spent time on most of the usual, notably intrigued by Dorian Electra’s work, before doing the rest of my exercise... rather late.
First, Day 16 of the 30DoHIIT. Ab Work, Level 3. This was left completely untouched from the old version (except some wording.) This was reasonably challenging, given sleep dep. The only thing that soured it a bit was an alarm interrupting the timer, rendering a set uncounted (So I technically did ~5.25 sets?)... but that was my bad. So. Whatever, man.
Second, Day 16 of the PGC. 1′50″ overhead flex hold. Pretty similar experience to the last one - debated on positioning thumb horizontally or diagonally while gripping. Former distributes grip force more evenly across fingers, latter concentrates it in the ring/pinky finger knuckles.
Last, Day 14 of the G2B. I got to bed by the yellow zone again, tonight. Shutting off the computer a bit before 1AM.
Nov. 6
I got up around 10AM, today.
I’ve been spending most of my day gathering some documentation. Did dishes and made dinner, too. Intermittently focused on a game. And got to my exercises kinda late for it. :P
First, today’s DD. 2′ turning kicks with EC. Later than intended, but certainly very enjoyable! I counted 83 kicks in total. :D
Second, Day 17 of the 30DoHIIT. Active Plank, Level 3. Definitely an easier sequence than the old version - but still pretty challenging! Steady breathing is where it’s at.
Third, Day 17 of the PGC. 2′ un/clenching fists. Like last time - made sure to hover a bit above the .gif’s pace. It’s pretty sustainable, but tough!
Last, Day 15 of the G2B. Got to bed in the yellow zone, today. Shut off the computer a bit after 1AM - good enough for me.
Nov. 7
I woke up a bit after 8AM.
Went out to the facility, did some drawing, attended WRAP Group, reviewed a thing with case manager, and did the DD. 2′ arm extensions with EC. Using, my mp3 player as a timer, I counted 127 reps by the end. This was pretty fun and manageable.
Got home, did some of the usual, but also dealt with some bills, threw out garbage, and did my laundry. Determined that I just had to rain-check my workout for the day, because all that wiped me out.
But I also did accomplish Day 16 of the G2B. Hit the yellow zone again, kind of barely (shutting off computer about 12:30AM).
Nov. 8
I woke shortly before 10AM, this morning. I guess it may be worth noting that the past few days I’ve been dreaming more? They’‘ve been weird, but haven’t been recording them to tell you much else.
Did a bit of the usual, but some dishes and a bit of exercise when I got up.
First, today’s DD. 40 side [elbow] plank rotations with EC. Took 2 tries, since I fell over on the switch up on the first attempt. Pffft! But after a bit of recovery and dusting myself off - I was on it.
A bit after that, I went with my case manager to my SSA appointment today... which I was nervous about, but I was happy for the auspicious tidings surrounding it. I may actually be able to get some things rolling for my own life.
After making/eating dinner, I got to the rest of my exercise pretty late today.,
Second, Day 18 of the 30DoHIIT. High Knees, Level 3. This was easier than the older version, for reduced set counts and longer rest intervals. It was a good call to not try this yesterday - because it still got me right winded. One thing I can appreciate from fewer sets is that it’s easier to consistently hit a higher pace and be able to sustain it through the whole workout.
Third, Day 18 of the PGC. 2′ overhead flex hold. Things are certainly getting real now. You know you’re challenging yourself when the eyes water a bit from muscle burn. But it’s the good pain. :,D
Last, Day 17 of the G2B. I shut down the computer a bit after 1AM, so I hit the yellow zone once again.
Posting this week a bit late. but I’m fixing to draft the next week in the next post.
0 notes