#woot structure!
Charles Leclerc x Male reader
"I love you"
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Just a quick sad fic, cause jesus christ, what the hell was the previous one I wrote. Atleast I tried to make it sad. So eh, I put effort you lot better appreciate it 😒😒
"Charles, please, I don't know how to swim. If you throw me in the water I'll drown." Y/n said as he slowly back away from the water and deeper inside the yacht.
"Come on amor, I'll be holding you the whole time. I'll teach how to swim, just hold on to me." Charles said as he chased after y/n with a smile on his face, and laughing gently.
"N-no, I don't trust you." Y/n said as he was backed into a corner.
"After what, like a year of dating, you still don't trust me? I'm hurt, mon prince." Charles said as he grabbed a hold of y/n's wrist as he struggled to release Charles' grip from his wrist.
"It's only been 7 months. I'm leaving you if you throw me in the water." Y/n said with a nervousness on his face.
"Sure you will, hold your breathe for me, amor." Charles said as he carried y/n bridal style and jump into the water, holding y/n close and not letting go no matter how erratic he moved and almost drowning them both.
"Calm down, calm down, I'm here amour." Charles said gently to y/n ear and he slowly calmed down and gripped onto Charles tighter and burrying his face in Charles' neck.
"I hate you." Y/n said trying to sound angry and intimidating.
"Sure you do, sure you do." Charles said as he laughed and slowly swam towards the yacht to get on it.
"Hold on to me, we're going back to the boat." Charles said as he wrapped an arm around y/n and him doing the same to Charles. Deathly afraid of drowning.
As they got on the boat, y/n immidiately looked for a towel to dry off.
"Where's my towel?" Charles asked confused.
"Get it yourself." Y/n said with a huff and walking away.
"Fine, just try not to slip into the water." Charles said with a laugh. As he got up to grab a towel.
"I'll miss this." Charles said looking at y/n with loving eyes.
"Of course you would, you won't be able to throw me into the ocean during race weeks." Y/n said with a laugh also looking at Charles with loving eyes.
"No, it's just the time you won't beat me in anything, especially races. You've been dominating this whole season." Charles said with a huff and feigning annoyance as he looked away with a frown like a child.
"I love you." Y/n said with a huge smile.
"Sure you do." I said with a dismissive laugh.
"It's too early to say that y/n."
"But it's true, believe it or not."
"Charles, Charles wake up, mate." I opened my eyes slowly as I looked around. I fell asleep cuddling his race suit. It still smells like him after all this time.
"You okay, mate? You were crying in your sleep" My eyes adjusted to the light and I see who was calling me. It was Lando and pierre both with a sympathetic look on their faces.
"No,no." I said with a defeated sigh.
"I still dream about him, how I would always mess around with him." I said letting out a small cry and sniffling.
"It's been a year Charles, forget about it. You need to move on." Pierre said concerned.
"W-what if I don't want to move on? I am perfectly happy where I am." I said a bit offended he wanted me to forget about him.
"You know, I still hear him sometimes, I still hear his voice during the incident." I said smiling sadly.
'Engine failure, Y/n, box.' One of the engineers said.
'Come on guys, I don't thing I can, my tire popped off somewhere if you haven't noticed. And I can't really stop being in first.' Y/n said with a worried tone.
'Just tell Charles I love him, I'm not gonna make it.' Y/n said sadly as he lost control of the car and it steered into the wall, after a few minutes the engine catches fire and y/n is unconcious.
The race finished early with Charles earning a P1.
'Not how I wanted to win, but it's better than nothing.' Charles said to an unconscious y/n laying on the hospital bed. As Charles held y/n hands, he carresed it, feeling the bony structure, feeling the veins. He suddenly heard the heart monitor flat line, a few moments later nurses came in and ushered him out.
'W-what happened?' Charles asked as a nurse came out 30 minutes later.
The nurse shook her head. And then left, leaving him to have his moment.
That was enough for Charles to break down crying, he leaned his back against the hospital wall as he slowly fell and sat down, hugging his knees close to his chest. The pained cries of Charles could be heard throughout the whole floor.
'You never even, heard me say it back.'
"I'm scared, I feel alone without him, the bed feels empty without him, the whole apartment feels empty without him. I feel empty without him." I said as I cried, tears streaming down my face and falling onto my pantsm
"I-i know, Charles. I'm sorry for even suggesting you forget him. But please, he wouldn't want to see you like this." Pierre said with a heavy smile.
"No matter how much you cry it won't bring him back, Charles." Lando said afterwards eyes becoming glossy.
"I don't know what he like or not like. But one thing is for certain." I said wiping my tears.
"He would've liked to hear me say it back." I said looking distant. Remembering his laugh, remembering his smile, remembering all the times he said it.
"Hear you say what, Charles?"
"I love you."
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some1s-sista · 9 months
Attic Clean Out
I sold a couch last night! Need some cash to keep paying my medical bills til we open the Airbnb AND need to clean out the attic. So started posting on FB Marketplace with an antique medallion couch and sold it within a couple hours. Woot! Sure you gotta put up with Russian trolls messaging you with “I would like to purchase your item. Where are you located?” Ummm, look at the damn ad, you bot.
Next up, a small antique sideboard. Or a crib. Baby shit does go fast.
Now I gotta go oil the woodframe and vacuum it up for the lady. She’s so excited and I’m glad it’s going to a good home.
I also found my vintage Calvin Klein jeans and a box of small summer clothes. Ought to be interesting. All that stuffs from the 90s. I’ll be a walking talking time warp this summer.
Soooo many toys up there too. Little people sets, easy bake ovens, Barbie’s, dollhouses … hopefully all will be sold.
And my kids’ clothes? Why was I saving that? I understand saving the baby stuff (for if and when they have babies) but I literally have boxes of clothing in all sizes 2T to Tween sizes! I’ll probably donate that stuff. It doesn’t sell well unless it’s something special.
James thinks we should just try another yard sale when it warms up this Spring, but I need cash now!
(And no, I don’t have a structured settlement)
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starburstfloat · 8 months
Opening Sequence Lyrics Analysis
I recently spiraled anew revisiting TXT's discography like an analytical madman (a real treat!), and wanted to spew my thoughts on minisode 2: Thursday's child into the void of tumblr because nothing brings me greater joy than deconstructing naive self-destructive protagonists who place themselves into a pit of despair. If that sounds like something you want to indulge in too then hey hey welcome for the ride!
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When revisiting minisode 2, it was impossible to ignore the genius that is the first track, Opening Sequence, and so I'm dedicating an entire analysis post to just this song.
One of the reasons that Opening Sequence is phenomenal is because it establishes the tone for the rest of the album and sets the stage for the following songs (you could think of it, like I do, as a powerful opening chapter for a book).
The main reason why I am so impressed with this track is that we get to witness our narrator shift from a point of mere sorrow and despair to full on disillusionment and resentment. Classic unreliable narrator and a chef's kiss to deconstruct.
I've already talked extensively about unreliable narrators in past analysis posts but if you don't know, unreliable narrators provide a perspective to the story that isn't wholly accurate. This isn't necessarily an advertent choice. Perhaps the narrator does indeed think that they are telling a story truthfully, but often their anger, sorrow, or heightened emotional state reveals cracks in the narrative. Something is missing, and it's usually honesty.
What's really creative with Opening Sequence is the narrative structure of the song that highlights just how disillusioned our protagonist grows to become (txt villain era woot woot).
Let's break it down!
At the beginning, Soobin talks about a breakup and how he is caught up in that painful moment. He is looping this moment in his head like a never-ending sequence:
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These opening lines are critical in establishing our protagonist's mindset. We see someone who is grappling with change, and with a heavy heart at that.
A scene like this typically evokes empathy, and indeed on first and second listen you do genuinely feel sad about his pain.
The narrator goes from cycling through the pain of his breakup to then entering the first chorus with a repetitive cry begging for a second chance:
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It is here that the audience recognizes the first signs that this narrator may not be a reliable lens to see the story because he's a little unstable.
How can we tell? The repetition here is the giveaway.
Repetition is a rhetorical technique that acts as a hyperbolic device to accentuate feelings. He could have just said all of that one time, but saying painfully and stay for me several times adds an emphasis and undeniably centers the audience on the emotions captured in each line. In this case, we recognize a pleading tone - a boy facing rejection and attempting to negotiate.
It's hard to trust characters whose account of events are so intricately tied to their self esteem and self worth. Does he really want a second chance? Or is this now something personal that he needs to vent to an audience, unaware of how self pitying he actually looks?
As the song continues, we witness the narrator slowly losing his composure. Soobin's line in the chorus hints at this tonal shift:
You in the faded film, your gaze that erased me
Here he frames the ex-lover as the reason for his plight: you are the one who erased me . Moments before he was begging for another chance. It's classic manipulative ex material: projecting sadness and weakness into bitterness and resentment - anywhere to place the blame than acknowledging the reality and finality of the breakup.
The second half of the song carries over with the tonal shift when Beomgyu asks:
Why'd you laugh?
His voice is more assertive now, hurt and scathing. It's also at this point that we notice our protagonist is becoming more scattered and less focused. He mentions a calendar that's taking a step backwards and that it's "driving me crazy". Even our narrator recognizes he's sort of spiraling and yet he feels he cannot stop it. If this wasn't enough, we see Soobin contriving a narrative that his ex deceived him:
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He's trying to make sense of his pain but in doing so he's simply creating a story that alludes to his ex-lover being at blame.
The song reaches an absolute highlight during Taehyun's bridge:
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The transformation from hurt to disillusioned is complete here. Taehyun goes from being in pain to fully evolving that pain into anger and resentment and reaching an epiphany: fine, if you want me to be the bad guy in this situation, I'll be your bad guy. If it weren't clear enough just from the vocals, he emphasizes this point even more by repetitively saying blame on me.
We know he doesn't actually think he's done anything wrong. It's all rather caustic and bitter.
And the chef's kiss? The choreography here. Right as Taehyun starts to break out of his despair, the members collapse on the floor around him, scattering lifeless before curling in on themselves, seemingly in pain.
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As Taehyun finishes his part, they lift themselves up like from the grave, reborn into a new persona. Might I add that even Yeonjun's closing "oh yeah" has a devious ring to it.
Our narrator has accepted his fate, that he cannot get his ex lover back, but he can destroy the previous version of himself to escape from reality a little longer. Sound familiar? Oh yeah, guess what the next track on the album is: Good Boy Gone Bad.
Do y'all see how insanely clever this narrative setup is? It flows with such ease throughout the album. And that was literally just me rambling about ONE SONG!! THERE'S SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT HERE IT DRIVES ME CRAZY anyway I hope any of this made sense and I'd appreciate any insights you all have from this album or this song!
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sea-dwelling-wizard · 5 months
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bacchicly · 7 months
I am feeling really chatty and anti-social at the same time!
I am having dinner alone. Delish! But need to restrain myself from telling my life story to the staff.
I came up with a brilliant plan today for my team and it is making my brain do popcorn fireworks.
See...I have been moving our language into one of product design instead of project management...which I must admit I really like.
You see now we can see ourselves as creators/designers of products and a service provider for service teams that are decentralised and the subject matter experts who serve them.
And my plan is to make our mini structure be a microcosm of the larger word (which tbh most larger teams with defined roles are).
Anyways I am all excited about how to explain this to my guys so that it is empowering for them! Woot!
I love my team 😭🩷
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sisitrip · 10 months
NanoWriMo - 2023
Word Count Check In: Day 27
Traditional Route: 1667
Sisi’s Route: 620 (Goal) - Written (937) (+317) [[50,506 Total]]
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Woot damn it lol!
Okay, so yeah. It's done. I didn't dismantle (well, not a lot) and I didn't run from it (I skipped away, thank you very much, then brought my happy ass right back) and all that is more of a win for me. The work is tied for first and now I know I can structure a story outline and scene cards better than I did last year. Smell her lol.
Sending out good luck wishes to everyone trudging to the end of @nanowrimo 2023. If I can messily get to the 50k, y'all got this in the bag lol.
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totally-not-danis · 2 years
Woot woot me and my bestie just went to an amazing place where there was lazertag and vr and a play structure and I was SUPPPPPPER SICK I won lazer tag obvi lmao, we had to play with a family of 5 (they were really nice) it was fun😌
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guiltyidealist · 2 years
I researched Alan Turing last spring and it made me so fucking emotional. Like this feeling of... rich metaphysical kinship. Connection across time and space. Comradery transcending the tangible. 
Alan Turing (1912-1954) invented the computer as we know it -- binary code -- and saved countless lives on the Allied powers during WWII. It got out that he was a homosexual sometime after and he spent the rest of his life chemically castrated and under close surveillance by the UK government. His death was ruled a suicide, but his mother & family members protested this due to some plausible deniability. 
You know that story. But that’s not the part of the story that made me emotional. Not in the way I’m talking about. 
Alan Turing loved Snow White. The Disney movie came out during his lifetime and he was fucking infatuated with it, sparking a fondness for animation. He was endlessly captivated by the poison apple and its symbolism.
Did you know that? Do you love Snow White? Alan Turing, the gay man we have to thank for every core structure of most modern societies, loved Snow White. You two loved Snow White. He loved Snow White and you loved Snow White. Y’all loved Snow White. Have you ever pondered the symbolism behind the Snow White poison apple? Turing would go on if you got him talking about the fucking poison apple from Snow White, nerding out over its purpose representing the duality of life and death, fixated on the scene where Snow White bites into it. 
Alan Turing was considered a genius and attended many pristine schools. His schoolteachers were often irked by his “careless” tendencies, wearing loose-fitting casual wear rather than his uniforms and skipping assignments. 
Do you have ADHD and/or autism? Because if you do, I’d wager you’re familiar with skipping school work and wearing loose sweatpants and sweatshirts on a day-to-day basis. Alan Turing did that. You and Alan Turing skipped assignments and were told you could be more if you only worked harder (gifted kids can I get a woot woot...). You and Alan Turing wore the comfort clothes that you fucking wanted, damned be all. Y’all were neurodivergent in the school system.  
Alan Turing had never cared for studying the classics and philosophy, which was an expected standard in British culture at the time, and was instead enamored with the sciences and mathematics. He neglected the former and didn’t pay attention during the lessons. He was ridiculed, scolded, and looked down upon for this. He had a stern talking to every now and then from various teachers to not waste his time with his interests, which were regarded as less respectable at the time, nowhere near the height at which Western culture holds them today. 
Do you love mathematics or the sciences? More so than the classics like Aristotle perhaps? Alan Turing did. Philosophy bored him to death. Ever spaced out during lessons that didn’t interest you? Have people who are supposed to help you grow ever stifled your unpopular interests? Alan Turing underwent that. You two loved maths or sciences, you two know what it’s like to love a shunned subject and be discouraged from it by others at every turn, you two know what’s like to be unable to get your brain engaged with a subject you couldn’t care less for. You and Alan Turing. 
But apple boy learned to be better about tending to the classics in school through his teenage friend and first love, Christopher Morcom. The two were brilliant students who bonded over their affinity for maths and sciences, feelings of alienation from peers, and blazing spirits of rebellion. They became inseparable and got into Teen Boy Hijinks But Nerdy & Autistic in school, like class fucking clowns but neurodivergent and highly intelligent. 
Were you a class clown? Had yourself a childhood crushie, perhaps on a class clown? Neurodivergent? Ever feel alienated from other people because of how different you are from them? Have a rebellious streak? Ever just have an intimately close best friend? Gay awakening? Turing did. You and Turing were class clowns or had crushies or friends or were neurodivergent or felt alienated or were punks. Both of you. Turing and [your name].
Christopher died at 18 or 19 due to complications from a childhood case of tuberculosis. Alan Turing was crushed. He mourned this relationship for the rest of his life, writing of Christopher with tender words and remaining in contact with his mother for the rest of his life. He wrote of Christopher: 
“I am sure I could not have found anywhere another companion so brilliant and yet so charming and unconceited. I regarded my interest in my work, and in such things as astronomy (to which he introduced me) as something to be shared with him and I think he felt a little the same about me…”
... which is so fucking sof holy shit. Have you ever lost somebody you loved? Somebody you were in love with? Somebody you never had the chance to confess to? Somebody so closely entwined with your person that their family became your family? Alan Turing lost somebody he loved, never had the chance to confess with, whose person was such a part of him that he carried the memories through the rest of his life. He pushed to live on and breathe each breath Christopher would never take.
Alan Turing was also a communist, even joining a commie club in college! He watched the rise of fascist dictators across the world following WWI -- in real time as he grew up in the 1910s and 1920s -- and he aligned himself politically with the Soviet Union. Other students knew him as a socially inept loner, but a fucking genius. 
You a commie? Alan Turing was. He fucking knew what’s good. You resent fascism and the incentivized abuses of capitalism? He too saw right through their evils. Got no social skills? Introverted? Known for intelligence among peers? Familiar with gifted kid syndrome maybe? Apple boy lived an existence we nowadays associate with autism and ADHD, all his skill points dumped into intelligence rather than social skills. You and him, he and you. You and him and me. Me and you and him. Us. 
Listen. I feel so much fucking affinity for and kinship with this queer man I did not overlap with in existence, who I have to thank for even making this post on this website on this computer about him. Some guy (gender-neutral) like the rest of us, like me and you, just an identifiably critical one. Like, listen to me: a person that made -- I’m gonna argue it -- the single largest and most important contribution to humanity’s progression that ever came out of any 1 person, across all of human history. And he fucked men. 
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jkastudio · 2 years
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this is a play in the part theatre and im gonna be making sets!!! WOOT WOOT!b
It’s so crazy cause it’s like guys really planned this
I miss the calling for the NJ pack even though the leader of self reached out to me I wasn’t able to give her my résumé on time and I kind of miss that calling
And now this is where it landed me like literally in the park that I go to every single day during the summer just chilling here do you know I’m actually here right now and I get to work here and do it I love paint like that’s
And I met the guy he was super nice like super fun he’s chill he seems hip and young so I’m very excited to work with him and he’s a great artist. I can already tell he seems like he would be a cool boss so I’m excited to work with him and he showed me the stuff and like actual like theater production and sucking real life wooden figures that we get to paint and I’m gonna be learning a lot of new strategies and techniques and things like that I’m just gonna be having fun working on it and really really excited
So thank you Lord for this opportunity and I’m really glad that I got here and it’s near me and seemed fine for real so I’m very very happy about that
And the thing is I’ve been going big to. I want to learn carpentry and do structural things and that’s what I’m going to be learning about in this job. I’m so freaking excited. I can’t wait.
Somethings so unreal how God just put things in my life like literally the right people the right connections and I just I’m just there it’s always so unreal to me because life could be this good you know I mean like how the fuck am I painting for a living how the fuck did I do that Miral with the artist that I was admiring even before I met him with the people that I just saw amazing the night is this is another opportunity who is even like closer to home and it’s just so unreal sometimes so thank you Lord.
And I think this is a great summer job before I go to grad school
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pidgecv · 10 months
i love spamming my tumblr sm bc i am insane i am so sleep deprived I might go to bed actually but i do not want to my hand hurts sb im going crazy i love them they are the reason I am able to keep going because when things get hard i get to think abt them and I feel less lonely i adore
mental stability who is she i only know minecraft (actually played earlier w my sister and cousin it was very funny)
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(Bad financial decisions is a pair of mending shears our librarians r broken and won’t restock trades i might cheat to get a new one lol cheating to keep the game from becoming a drag is valid stfu) but we don’t spawn in things like weapons we just make it less frustrating to get them. For example, i spawned in a single netherite upgrade template, then burned a few diamonds that I would have used to make it. Then used that one to make copies legit. We (me) also legit built a mob spawner but it sucked and instead of spending two hours fixing it i fucking cheated to get it working it is so scuffed. The mob spawner is like free game. We kill each other so much over there the mob spawner is just BM simulator. We have keep inventory on so we don’t get frustrated since we play casually and just like to fuck around which means we can just kill one another for fun. CASUAL PLAYING BABY MY SISTER GOES INTO SPECTATOR (i gave her admin lol) TO LOOK FOR NETHER STRUCTURES BUT WE DONT USE IT TO CHEAT FOR NETHERITE WE R JUST LIKE THAT WE ALSO ARE ON PEACEFUL 80% OF THE TIME LIKE WE PLAY ON PEACEFUL UNLESS WE R EXP GRINDING I LOVE CHEATING WOOT
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I found the above book after forgetting I wrote in it and I laughed so hard im such a dickhead (pepper is my sister lol)
also when my cousin was in the sheep skin and I started hitting him w the shears he started spewing wool at me LMFAO
he kept pulling his iron sword on me when I was tryna get the shears kill for the death message and the meme I have a netherite sword
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We have a waterfront where we have stalls and I made a McDonald’s with leftover blocks we had laying around
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I didnt put that window there but it looked so funny from the outside
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Bubble elevator (i am a dickhead)
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fyi this sugarcane farm is even bigger now
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What. (That potato farm is gone now. Used to be a primary food source but we have sm steak and even more carrots that we were gonna use for trading so I made a scuffed as fuck farm)
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House. (Where I’m standing in that photo is now the sheep pit (i need beds))
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I am a dickhead
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My sister was building a barn (why we had the concrete for the McDonald’s from earlier) but she hated it (it was ugly) so we blew it up with tnt (we made an event out of it). It looked like an among us. Also one time i accidentally shot and killed her cat (i was trying ti kill her) (it didn’t even have a name she had to make one up on the spot to put on the tombstone) but it had brought her a gift right before I shot it so it was kinda sad. I made fireworks and a lovely gravesite to make up for it (the berries i placed r annoying but too funny for me to get rid of honestly) but the barn looked like an among us so I had to make fun of her for it.
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Pretty early on in the server’s lifespan. The dog hole is still there we have so many dogs. They are horribly neglected. Honestly I just have so many mc stories on this server especially. And in general too. I love mc i love mc i love playing w my sister and cousins. We vibe. We have fun. The world builds sm character. We’ve played on this server quite a bit too so there r so many fun landmarks and stories. i never get to talk abt this stuff but I can be cringe and annoying on tumblr without directly bothering any of my friends so WOOHOO
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I am a dickhead.
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This is an old world. I believe this is the one where we had “the beach house” (my sister was convinced that the beach house was pretty far away but turns out after I did some mass deforestation as i love doing it was literally in eyeshot of our main base LMAO” we also had a church. The world we currently play on the most is the longest we’ve really played on a server, which is super cool. It’s like the third multiplayer server we’ve all done and it’s cool to see how much we do things now compared to when we were younger. Our first world (i would love to see it again but it’s on my old kindle tablet at my grandmas house and idk if it even works anymore) i lived in a hole in the wall (it was epic) and we made a church of egg. We liked to bully my cousin by removing his perms and making it so he couldn’t open doors and I removed the pressure plate in his house trapping him inside. There was a trial for me and I dug out of the courtroom. Our second world I took up mass deforestation. I made a huge sheep farm and made so many beds for no reason. We weren’t even blast mining at all. I just felt like it. I built an among us on my other cousins house and dug a tunnel so I should steal her shit. I dug a huge hole with only stone tools. We had the beach house and another church (which looked really cool I did some texturing on it) and a dock and several farms. We played on that one longer than the first, far longer. However we never really progressed past stone and occasionally iron tools.
This current world we’ve progressed so much more. Partially because I got off my high-horse when it comes to keep inventory. We all play on fucking mobile so like we were casuals anyways. We have enchants, a multi-level house, several builds (complete and forever incomplete we don’t talk abt that one), the mob farm, good stuff. We’ve played for far longer and have gotten into numerous shenanigans. We have villagers and the house and builds look better than our old ones (i don’t build i build like the “when you let the miner build” meme my sister builds things pretty I just get stuff). There’s more history. So much that I don’t even want to try and get into it all.
wait I had screenshots of me spawn killing my other cousin
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i meant it when I said the mob spawner is literally just BM simulator bro
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angstymarshmallow · 8 years
Fanfiction Masterlist!
“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” - Benjamin Franklin
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A list of fics with the click of a button. If anyone’s ever interested or ever bored - this is my sort of contribution to the fandom with sporadic updates and ideas. Thanks for taking a look and more importantly - thanks for reading!
Writing Tips?  Bloodbound 
Adrian Raines x MC
Less Netflix Next Time (NSFW)
Jax Matsuo x MC
A Moment’s Rest Wilted and Burdened  (Fic Request) Fed (NSFW)
Kamilah Sayeed x MC
Happy Birthday
Saving Thanksgiving Part 1
Follow Me (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 19) I’ll Sink. I’ll Drown. Where we Are  (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 14)
Eva x MC
You’re Different (Fic Request)
Kenji Katsaros x MC
Game Over (Fic Request) Partner (Fic Request) (Drabble)
It Lives Beneath
Tomoichi Sato x MC
Maybe Someday
It Lives in The Woods
MC’s Private Thoughts
Connor  Green x MC
Endless Summer
Jake McKenzie x MC
Falling Maybe Goodbyes Are Always Hard [Tagged Game] You Jump, I Jump (Fic Request)
Most Wanted
A Son’s Burden (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 9)  Covert Action Covert Action Part 2 (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 27) Cover Action Part 3 
Cal x MC
The Wolf’s Heart Series: part 1 (nsfw), part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 (nsfw), part 9
A World Away 
Sealed With A Kiss
Open Heart
Bryce Lahela x MC 
Game Night - Part 1 Sick Day Unattached Strings
Perfect Match
Damien Nazario x MC 
A Not Date A Piece of You Fumes of Her (NSFW) (Fic Request)
Hayden x MC
In Her Eyes
Red Carpet Diaries
Matt x MC
Same World
Seth x MC
Coded Warmth Confide and Comfort Hearts on Sleeves Maximum Comfort Unboxing Downpour of Doubt
Thomas Hunt x MC
A Family Affair Clarity (NSFW) Fresh Start Hollywood’s Loss Muse Lots of Firsts Opia Perhaps You Should Stay Simply Between Us Series: Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 (NSFW) The Same Direction
Rules of Engagement
Blake Yasuda x Party Twin
Worth The Risk
The Bartender/Dean  x MC
 Another Man
The Crown and the Flame
Kenna Rys x Dominic Hunter
Race You (Submission for @ChoicesCreates Round 17)
Kenna Rys x Annelyse Adair
OTP Asks
The Elementalists
Beckett Harrington x MC
Contrast Glimpse
Griffin Langley x MC
Pillow Talk Practice Runs Take a Break
The Freshman/The Sophomore/The Junior/The Senior
MC’s Most Private Thoughts
Dear Mom Dear Mom ii. Dear Mom iii Dear Mom iv Pieces (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 5) Our Rooftop. (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 8)
Final Project Passion Led Us - Tyler  (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 6)
Christopher Powell x MC
A Summer of Powell [ 0.1, Caught in the Moment (NSFW) (Fic Request)] A Surprise Visit (Fic Request) Atonic Impact (Fic Request) Break Between Sessions (NSFW) Ceasefire (Fic Request) Deftly Intertwined (NSFW) Fell in Your Opinion Good Luck Charm (NSFW)(Fic Request) Hey, You (AJ’s Perspective) I’ve Got You OTP Asks Pull (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 10) Pillow Talk (NSFW) Save Me (NSFW) (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 4) Through Everything When Everything is Still
James Ashton x MC
Coming Home Could We Survive This? Our Last Goodbye In Circles OTP Asks
Zigmund Ortega x MC
All in (NSFW) (Fic Request) A Midnight Calling (Halloween AU) A New Years Countdown (Fic Request) A Plus for Effort (Drabble Request) Autumn Leaves (Fic Request) Being Together is Enough Part 1 Being Together is Enough Part 2 (NSFW) Being Together is Enough Part 3 Can’t Let Go (Fic Request) Coming To Terms Date Night (Fic Request) (NSFW) Demons Early Thoughts of You Etched in Skin Fair Game Fifty-fifty Fissure (NSFW) Goodies Here [Part 1, Thanksgiving Fic], Abysmal [Part 2, Thanksgiving Fic] Her Voice His Voice If She’s Anything Like You Just Five More Minutes Like Magic Loving You Hurts (Fic Request) Of Kisses and Lessons OTP Asks part 1 OTP Asks part 2 Retrouvailles [Part 1 (NSFW) (Fic Request), Part 2, Part 3] Valentine’s Day Collab Special When You Became Mine Part 1. With @choicesmyway for part 2  and @hollyashton for part 3. Second Time’s a Charm (Drabble Request) Serendipity: Part 1 Six am (Fic Request)  Smooth as Silk (NSFW) Sniffles and Breakfast in Bed (Drabble Request) Stay With Me (Drabble Request) Sunshine Mixed With Hurricane (NSFW)  Text Dump Post 1.0 The Letters You’ll Never See The Open Road (NSFW) The Only Love That Counted Three Days for Us (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 21)  We Meet
Kaitlyn Liao x MC
Cookie Cutter (Fic Request) Kindled Flame My Little Trailblazer (Part 2 of Kindled Flame) Movie Night (Fic Request) OTP Asks Sparks  You’re Lucky I Love You (Drabble Request) 600 Miles Until You’re Mine (Drabble Request)
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir Masterlist
Veil of Secrets
Grant Emerson x MC
Mystery Worth Solving
We’re All Different (Submission for#ChoicesCreates Round 3)
Mark Collins x MC
Patterns (Submission for #ChoicesCreates Round 1) Serendipity OTP Asks OTP Asks part 2
Disclaimer: These are all works of fan fiction with the use of characters from the choices universe; owned by Pixelberry. I do not own nor claim any ownership of the characters above. These are stories just for fun, with no real purpose other than story-telling from a purely subjective standpoint and do not reflect choices own timeline. No copyright infringement is intended. 
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atmymercy · 5 months
hiiiii! how’ve you been? :)
i’d love to participate in the oracle giveaway!!
my question is: what do my guides want me to know regarding this week?
and for what I think about oracle cards: i think they can be less restrictive (idk if that’s the right word tbh😅)! i don’t have like extensive knowledge on them (lol), but I think they can be more free-flowing compared to tarot cards, since they don’t have a specific structure to them. maybe they’d be easier to use/understand if someone is just starting out..
(oh! btw i got my book!! the illustrations are so cute! i’m so excited ahhhh)
hello golden! i'm good! just getting comfy and set up to start these readings! which ps thank you for getting in here and starting us off! woot! i'm excited because these are new oracle cards so let's see how they go! lol omg! isn't it the cutest illustrations??? like i was tempted to do my reading last night!!! lol
interesting! less restrictive! i guess they can be? i don't find tarot to be restrictive so i'm not entirely sure but i think i have an idea of what you mean! like they're more open and flowy? like there's a lack of walls while tarot has more? lol explaining things through words is so much fun! lolol
for you, i got
oh my goodness! girl (gender is a construct), you are given full permission this week to be as fiery and aggressive as you want to be! this is not the time to be demure and hesitant! if anything, take your shot and take it quick and fast when you can! there's no reason to hold yourself back this week. if you ignore this advice, i feel you wandering a bit lost and uncertain, which we obviously do not want so try and stay on your fiery, passionate side! okay? because if you do end up in a maze, it's a lot faster if you just run it rather than walk this journey this week, okay? woot! you got this!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee/tip when you can! if you want to explore this further, please also consider a private read. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
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♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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anonymousbathtub · 7 years
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Mocks are over!! Only a couple months until GCSE’s though... so activity’s probably going to stay low over this period, sorry!
In the meantime, have a (now finished) chibi L ^^
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afirelullaby · 7 years
Double Helix
today, i watched as bright blue energy orb met dark red crazy ball and didn’t turn purple
instead red shot out tendrils of black blue released white steam black and white formed a double helix black for the strong, sturdy backbone white for the whisper-soft connections between them
and at its heart at its core two connections one red one blue
i swallowed it, that helix it lodged in my spine white mist flooded my nerves                                my neurons                                 my brain
i am brand new
tanya b. || afirelullaby
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albatrossisland · 5 years
So, Swedish is a Germanic language, as is English. Different branches and all that, but damn, no wonder this feels so much easier than French or Spanish.
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