#wordpress subdomain
stick-named-figure · 1 year
tumblrs like actively making this site bad. like this has been a thing for a while but like. the truncating of reblog chains (can no longer go to a previous reblog for some reason) and also now they're selling domains? i thought this before they started selling domains but i wouldnt be surprised if tumblr got rid of subdomains bc like. they seem to be trying to curtail on it (blogs not having subdomains by default, manually having to set a blog to "custom url" or whatever)
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[solved] I wanted to create a project where user just fill the form and from that form detail subdomain automatically creates with premade WordPress site data
[solved] I wanted to create a project where user just fill the form and from that form detail subdomain automatically creates with premade WordPress site data
Creating a project where users can fill out a form and have a subdomain automatically created with a pre-made WordPress site can be a great way to streamline processes and make it easier for users to create their own websites without having to worry about all the technical details. The following steps outline what needs to be done to execute this project successfully: 1. Choose a web hosting…
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joshuapaulbarnard · 10 months
Wordpress's Free .Blog Subdomain Names
Have you ever been making a free site with wordpress, and wondered just how many .blog subdomain names there are in total? After all, they will only show you one at a time, and it is the one that they think is related to your URL name. Well I was wondering this myself while making a new blog, and I was shocked at just how difficult it was to find a list of every .blog subdomain offered by…
Tumblr media
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kradeelav · 4 months
Hey Krad, do you have any advice for starting a website like yours? I love the idea of starting a website to host my fandom and personal portfolio, and maybe get back a piece of the old internet. How did you put yours together?
hey there! great question, and the good news is there's a lot of ways to go about it.
the bad news is, there's a lot of ways to go about it.
to simplify things, there's kind of ... three "tiers" to the back-end of how to create a website. let's break it down below.
high ease, low customization. (wix, weebly, squarespace, etc. you pay a company + they give you a bunch of themes and pre-made pages for you to drop images in.) can have one of these online in 2-3 hours, but it often "feels" templated and sterile.
medium ease, medium customization. (making a theme from scrach with tumblr's custom code editor, hybrid sites with some pages in pure code, some with wordpress grafted onto some subdomains). this is what i'd classify my site as, as I use wordpress for my logs for brainless updating. while i'm confident coding single/static pages, i just don't have the time or brainwidth right now to make a complex archiving system.
low ease, high customization. (neocities, pure html/css/coding). the downsides to this is oftentimes these sites are not phone-friendly, and there's a steep learning curve. but for the quintessential "old internet" experience, by far the best route to take. there's also something really empowering about learning why things work the way they do.)
some of this can be super intimidating if you're starting from 0 coding knowledge; there's no shame in switching to a templating software. hell i started with weebly and dicking around in tumblr's custom code template for a solid 5 years before making my current site, and that was with a previous 5 years of sketchy html experience) you're not gonna learn everything overnight.
but! as long as you keep a curious and inquisitive mind, you can't go wrong.
one last encouragement: there's kind of a mini renaissance with custom sites right now, especially in neocities circles, so you're kinda in luck in that there's more resources than ever. i love scumsuck's guides, and fancoders (the community) is also all over this too.
good luck!
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kiriska · 4 months
Follow-up question about your site, sorry! I was wondering how you got the read time for your posts and how you set your store's URL to "store.kiriska.com"? Are they plugins? I'd love to have an easy URL for my store like that when I open it. Sorry for bugging you!
Read time is a plugin.
The store is on a subdomain, which points to a different WordPress installation (and uses WooCommerce). Depending on your domain situation, you should be able to set up any number of subdomains and point them to whatever you want (as long as the destination allows for it). So if you wanted to have your store at Shopify or Storenvy or whatever, you should be able to point it there.
No worries at all about website questions! I'm all for people exploring making their own sites!
I wrote a blog post about some website basics a while back, though I suppose I'll need to edit it to no longer really rec Tumblr as a "web host."
I've been sitting on a WordPress-specific post for literally years, but have mixed feelings about it I guess. I don't think WP is as beginner-friendly as it'd like to pretend to be, and while technically open-source, Automattic does still have a strong hand in its ongoing development, and I haven't liked its development direction in a while, personally.
That said, there are absolutely no shortage of WP resources out there, which makes it more accessible than some alternatives, imo.
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subdee · 4 months
Tumblr's "get a domain" update (GREAT idea btw) got me to thinking, as I do every five years or so, that I should finally update/patch/replace/whatever my wordpress install on my subdomain (sd.magatsu.net, magatsu.net is my friend Stephanie's domain that she's let me squat on since like 2005).
SO I fired up Filezilla, because I haven't touched this stuff since like 2020probably, and I don't know if there are any newer or better FTP clients. Of course, the password doesn't work. I probably changed it when my wordpress got taken over by malwarebots in the 2010s.
So now I'm off to Dreamhost, the hosting company for this ancient website I share with Stephanie, to see if I can change the FTP password. Also because I think I probably have to use the Dreamhost webhost panel to update the wordpress, maybe? I know you can do that, my memory on how all this works is hazy.
In Dreamhost, my account is still pending, and needs to be approved by a human moderator. NOW I remember why I let everything lapse in the first place! The account has probably been pending for ten years.
So now I am sending in a ticket on this ancient, untouched account, and also emailing Stephanie to see if there's anything she can do on her end...
Anyway all of this is to say that I really probably should go for the tumblr domains thing. I bet the interface would be much easier than everything I've just described above. It'd be cool if a bunch of people moved their blogging off tumblr to "their own" domains, and also if tumblr let you follow RSS feeds (you can, actually, but I mean in a more automatic way) so we could keep following those blogs. Because there hasn't really been an RSS reader I've liked and used regularly since Google axed Google Reader...
Anyway all of this is to say, going into domain management is a great move, hope it helps to keep the lights on at Tumblr.
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gaysheep · 7 months
its so crazy that automattic who fucking owns wordpress has botched this so badly
like, tumblr occupies a very similar niche to wordpress, a CMS which can be used for anything but is especially good for blogs and personal webpages. wordpress is open source and can be installed on any web server, but automattic runs a service allowing people to publish their own web pages under automattic's wordpress subdomain with a small amount of hosting space for free, and a premium option for more. this is the same thing tumblr does, with the exception that tumblr being designed as social media means monetizing storage is a bad move
automattic has its hands all over the open source web landscape it should fucking know that tumblr's biggest point of sale is its customizability and versatility while maintaining social features like sharing and the dashboard view. its biggest issue other than mismanagement is its relative isolation; despite being a better platform for artists in a myriad of ways from twitter and instagram it's an unappealing place to migrate because its small userbase limits your visibility.
integrating it with activitypub protocols was a good move because it increases tumblr's interconnectivity with other platforms, boosting its visibility; they should have been going in on promoting it to mastodon and misskey and shit, maybe even gunned for integration tools for proprietary platforms so they could guarantee your tumblr posts wouldn't become completely invisible to the entire twitter world. there is a very dedicated supporter base for the free web you could have been tapping into and the things that distinguish tumblr are the very things that were drawing in the people disgruntled by the mismanagement of twitter and reddit. people migrated to tumblr specifically because of its lack of change in its core design.
tumblr is a lot like 4chan. i mean this in a very general sense; it's a living fossil of the 2000s in the landscape of social media with a long-time userbase who are notoriously hostile to change and resistant to typical monetization schemes. the changes you have been making are equivalent to removing the ability to post on anon. unlike 4chan, tumblr has intrinsic merits that make it appealing to the "content creators" you're looking to attract. you had a very clear path to facilitating growth on the platform without pissing off and alienating its existing userbase; it's astonishing that you squandered it so badly
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jumpstartfactoftheday · 2 months
Tumblr media
Following the closure of the JumpStart company on July 1, 2023, various official websites were shut down, including jumpstart.com, knowledgeadventure.com, and mathblaster.com. One official site that survived the purge was the JumpStart Blog, which still remains live at the time of making this post. The blog was originally hosted on a subdomain of the JumpStart website (blog.jumpstart.com), but was relocated to Wordpress (jumpstarttimes.wordpress.com) in late 2016. Since subdomains of the JumpStart website were wiped along with the main site, this move allowed the blog to persist beyond 2023.
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jcmarchi · 4 months
10+ Excellent Web Design Tools & Resources to Use in 2024 - Web Design Ledger
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/10-excellent-web-design-tools-resources-to-use-in-2024-web-design-ledger/
10+ Excellent Web Design Tools & Resources to Use in 2024 - Web Design Ledger
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It’s a New Year, but one thing hasn’t changed. The number of web design resources and tools just keeps on increasing. That’s a good thing. But it does make it that much more difficult to find a theme, plugin, or resource you really have a need for if you are to stay abreast of or leapfrog the competition.
We are in a position to make your search easier. Much easier in fact. We reviewed and tested web design tools & resources we believe many users, designers, and developers have a genuine need for. The types we believe to be essential, and that you will see in our final list of 15 are:
website builders for building landing pages and multiple-page websites quickly, easily, and without any need for coding.
WordPress plugins that can incorporate potentially game-changing functionalities, that are challenging to design, into websites.
WordPress themes for building complex and high-conversion rate websites and online stores.
Vector illustrations that can give a website a whimsical or entertaining aspect.
font identifiers to identify and provide access information to a “must have” font or fonts.
A majority of the web design resources and tools in the following list have a free or trial version:
What are a few of the important attributes these Excellent Web Design Tools & Resources for Designers and Agencies share?
They look premium. There is something about a top tool or resource that makes you wish you had acquired it a long time ago, e.g., how enjoyable it is to use.
They are intuitive. From signing up, to downloading, using, cancelling, and anything in between, everything needed is placed precisely where it should be.
They add real value. They facilitate getting more and higher paid assignments by helping you deliver web design projects faster, making your final deliverables more attractive, or both.
15 best web design Tools & Resources for Designers and Agencies
To help you in your research, we’ve included top features, customer average grade on non-biased platforms such as Trustpilot, Capterra or WordPress.org, and client feedback.
Ready? Then let’s get started. 
1. Brizy Builder™
Brizy is the best website builder for Agencies, Designers, and anyone else in need of a White Label solution.
Brizy’s top feature is without a doubt its 100% customizable White Label solution that allows its users to add their own branding, including the builder name, builder logo, domain URL, support link, about link, and project subdomain.
Brizy Builder’s library of demo/template/prebuilt websites is also highly popular with its users. Soulful and Cuisine is one of the 5 most downloaded pre-built websites. It is attractive and inspirational, and while it provides an ideal foundation for a restaurant or bistro, the layout can be used for other service-oriented website types as well.
There’s more to like as well. New users quickly become aware of Brizy’s intuitiveness, and their ability to edit any type of content in place. Many competing builders force their users to create their content in a disjointed sidebar. That’s not the case with Brizy.
Customer Average Grade: 4.6/5 on Trustpilot
Client Feedback: “I am amazed by my experience with Brizy. The tool is easy to use, and the support is one of the best I have ever experienced. Fast replies and my contact really went the extra mile in helping me solve my problem. I can only recommend Brizy to everyone who’s looking to build their own website”!
Instant Support Materials:  Documentation, Brizy Academy, Useful Blog Posts and YouTube videos
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2. Trafft – Booking Software
 The Best Free Scheduling Online Software Solution for Business Owners.
Flexibility is always important when selecting a theme or plugin. The top feature of this software solution is the ability to operate in a wide range of languages because of its powerful Multilingual Notifications System.
This user favorite:
facilitates the effective management of appointments and events using email, SMS and/or WhatsApp messages.
keeps users informed about the status of appointments or events.
offers custom notifications that enable users to tailor alerts for specific services or events.
The library of prebuilt websites also plays a significant role in making working with Trafft a pleasant experience. The Career Mastery Coaching prebuilt website illustrates what an effective event booking system might look like.
Key features users notice once they start using Trafft include easy backend and frontend interface navigation and the power the customization options bring to the table.
Web developers and digital design agencies can be expected to be more than pleased to discover that Trafft offers a White Label option.
Customer Average Grade: 5 stars on Capterra
Client Feedback:  “ I love that Trafft has so much included – and that you can customize literally everything, including the email & SMS notification wording (which is a big deal for me since I like communications to be in my brand voice).”
Support Materials:  Trafft’s ticketing system. Support manual, YouTube videos, social media, and email.
View the Booking Solution
3. wpDataTables -The Best Tables & Charts WordPress Table Plugin
 wpDataTables offers an ideal solution for businesses and individuals who need to create tables and charts.
The wpDataTable plugin’s top feature, its Multiple Database Connections capability, represents a data management breakthrough by empowering every table to become a data hub that can pull information from different databases or servers.
By simplifying data management tasks, wpDataTables allows its users to create custom, responsive, easily editable tables and charts with ease.  A bookseller could probably put this Responsive Catalog Table with Books to good use.
Features new wpDataTables users will discover include:
an abundance of useful functionality wrapped in an intuitive package.
the ability to adroitly manage complicated data structures.
wpDataTables also supports separate connections for working with specialized database systems and features chart engines for displaying data for marketing, financial, and environmental uses.
Customer Average Grade: 4.5/5 pm WprdPress.org
Client Feedback: “WpDataTables is an excellent WordPress Plugin. What you are able to accomplish with this plugin is nothing short of amazing. Their support is even better! Highly, highly recommend using this product and supporting this company.
I have tried different utilities for creating charts out of a series of CSV files I use for weather data, but it has been a hassle until I discovered wpDataTables which does exactly what I need. Very user friendly and versatile. And it also understands that there are other standards for date, decimal, and time apart from the Americas.”
Instant Support Materials:  Support manual, the Facebook community, and YouTube videos
View wpDataTables
4. Uncode – Creative & WooCommerce WordPress Theme
Uncode is the #1 WordPress and WooCommerce theme for creatives, professional designers, and agencies looking for an ideal solution for any project.
While Uncode’s ensemble of website building tools and options would seem to more than justify its popularity, most of its users say the demo library is its #1 feature. The demos not only exhibit exceptional attention to detail but have proven to be excellent sources of inspiration as well.
Uncode’s classic Web Experiences is one of the 5 most downloaded  demos. Just imagine what you could do with it.
New users are impressed with the value inherent in Uncode’s demos and wireframes, the level of customization, and the top-notch customer support.
Uncode’s principal users are:
Agencies and Freelancers, because of the multitude of options that cover the needs of every customer or client.
Shop creators, who can easily make effective use of Uncode’s advanced WooCommerce features.
Customer Average Grade: 4.89/5
Client Feedback: “I have used Uncode on 6+ websites now, and it’s absolutely my go-to theme! The features, quality, and customer support are outstanding. The developers do an incredible job of keeping the theme up to date and stable, constantly implementing new features and optimizing the theme. A solid product with great documentation and responsive support team. Kudos!”
Instant Support Materials:  Support manual, Facebook groups, YouTube videos
Purchase the Theme
5. LayerSlider – Best WordPress Slider Builder Plugin
 LayerSlider, the top-rated WordPress slider plugin, empowers web designers to effortlessly enhance websites and make them truly shine.
LayerSlider’s scroll effect has emerged as its top feature. You can find it prominently displayed in the recent batch of full-size hero scene and whole website templates. Scroll through the Flavor Factory pre-built web page and see how easy it can be to use LayerSlider to help capture and engage visitors.
LayerSlider easily accommodates a range of uses, from creating simple sliders or slideshows to sprucing up your site with captivating animated content.
Newer users appreciate:
LayerSlider’s customizable interface that suggests the plugin was created specifically for their use only.
easy access to millions of stock photos and videos plus other integrated online services.
the Project Editor that ensures that what you need is right where you need it.
LayerSlider also really shines when there is a need to create content for marketing purposes. Marketers are impressed with the mind-blowing effects that can be incorporated into their popups and banners.
Client Feedback: “A fantastic slider plugin with regular updates to make sure compatibility is never a problem. Keep up the amazing work!”
Support Materials:  Product manual, In-editor help, support tickets, and email.
Preview LayerSlider
6. Amelia – WordPress Booking Plugin for Appointments and Events
 Amelia is the best WordPress plugin for Agencies and Businesses in need of a streamlined booking solution.
The automated notifications system is Amelia’s top feature. Users could tell you how easy it was to categorize and position appointments as pending, approved, cancelled, rejected, or rescheduled. Special notices such as upcoming events or birthday congratulations can also be forwarded via the notifications system to assist clients and enhance their loyalty.
Amelia offers a number of templates that can be customized to help businesses grow. Yoga Studio is a notable example of how a template can be put to use to advertise a business.
Those new to Amelia could tell you about:
the ease of navigation they discovered, the innovativeness exhibited in the backend and frontend interfaces, and its functionality and user-friendly design.
the value its transparent pricing policy offers.
the extent of the customization options.
The Amelia plugin offers an ideal booking solution for service-oriented businesses including those specializing in ticket sales and/or events. Programming agencies and developers could also profit from having Amelia in their design toolkits.
Customer Average Grade: 4.8 on Capterra
Client Feedback: “Great plugin, I have tested similar, but Amelia seems to be the best for my site, I have many customers through the site, and everybody is satisfied with this appointment system. Sometimes there are a few bugs but quickly corrected through regular updates. Globally very good notation.”
Instant Support Materials:  YouTube videos, Discord Group, and Support Manual
View Amelia
7. WhatFontIs
The most powerful and  accurate free font identifier.
This tool’s top feature is its accuracy. WhatFontis users have a 90%+ chance of finding whatever free or licensed font they want identified.
No other system can claim that accuracy, and most of them charge a fee for whatever service they provide. It is worth noting that the ability of WhatFontis to identify a given font correctly can be compromised if the quality of the submitted image is subpar, and that is what accounts for some of the roughly 10% of missed identifications.
WhatFontis can do what it does best in part because of its database of 990K+ free and commercial fonts. This is nearly 5 times as many fonts as that attributed to the nearest competitor.
Whether the goal is to identify a specific font sent by a client, or simply because it is attractive, a customer wants to know what it is and where to find it. A search can be conducted for a font regardless of its publisher, producer, or foundry.
The process is as easy as can be.
Upload a clean font image.
In response, an AI-powered search engine identifies the font and as many as 60 close neighbors.
Links are provided that show where a free font can be downloaded or where a commercial font can be purchased.
Note: Cursive font letters must be separated before being submitted.
Client Feedback: “I came across this website courtesy Google search, used their services successfully; and today I find out it’s on product hunt! If you are ‘driven’ by the need to discover what font ‘that person/ company’ uses, then this should be your go-to solution site. For most of us it would be a once in a blue moon need, except for the professionals.”
Types of Instant Support Materials: User Forum
View WhatFontis
8. Slider Revolution – More than just a WordPress Slider
 Slider Revolution is the best WordPress plugin for Designers, Web Developers and anyone seeking a way to create jaw-dropping animated sliders.
This plugin’s top feature is the ability it gives to its users to visually create stunning animated effects for WordPress.
The Slider Revolution plugin is not limited to creating sliders. It can be used to:
create stunning home pages that immediately engage its visitors.
create portfolios that will be viewed a second, or third, time because of the method of presentation.
design eye-catching sections anywhere on a website.
A stroll through Slider Revolution’s library of 250+ templates may be all that’s necessary if you need a little inspiration to get started. These templates have been 100% optimized for different screen configurations and feature special effects you won’t see on most websites. The Woodworking Website template for example, makes clever use of the hover effect to highlight both text and images. The layout itself can be used for a wide variety of website types or niches.
The Slider Revolution plugin is tailor made for individual web designers and developers, web shops, and small agencies.
Customer Average Grade: 4.6/5 on Trustpilot
Client Feedback: “I absolutely love the Slider Revolution. It does wonders for my projects. I am super excited about all of the templates that are ready for use. Their support has been incredible”.
Instant Support Materials:  Support Manual, YouTube videos
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9. Getillustrations – Creative Stock Illustrations Library
The best resource for designers who are looking for top quality illustrations with terrific attention to detail.
Getillustrations’ top feature is three things in one; 21,500+ vector illustrations, free updates for one year, and new illustrations added every week. In other words, once you get started, good things keep coming your way!
You will have 40+ nicely arranged categories to select from. Most categories have several hundred illustrations, a few have more than 1,000.
These illustrations appeal to clients ranging from students and businesses to designers and developers. You’ll find pencil and basic ink illustrations, several 3D illustration categories, and fitness, logistics, and ecology illustrations to name but a few, and since they are exclusive to Getillustrations you will have an edge over those using other stock illustration resources.
You can purchase illustrations by the pack if you choose to. The Motion Illustrations pack is one of the larger ones with 1,090 vector web illustrations at latest count .These Motion illustrations feature a diverse range of themes, each of which makes a statement.
Client Feedback: “I really like the different styles available in this library. I used it to illustrate some of my blog posts. Since you get vector files, you can also recolor them to have them match your brand and product identity!”
Support Materials:  Vector stock illustrations in .Ai .Figma .PNG and .SVG
View Getillustrations Offerings
10. Mobirise AI Website Builder
The best tool for creating and downloading full page websites using prompt commands only.
The Mobirise AI website builder is a revolutionary tool that uses intelligent algorithms to generate beautiful websites. Its top feature enables its user to generate a website using a single prompt.
The super-intuitive single prompt interface makes Mobirise AI an ideal choice for anyone looking for a simplistic yet efficient design approach.
Describe in detail what your site is all about, and this AI website builder will take your data and through the use of intelligent algorithms auto-generate a basic layout.
Once that is accomplished you can use prompts to customize style, colors, fonts, etc., and edit pre-generated content to suit your needs.
When you have the beautiful, optimized for Google and mobile devices website you want you can launch it with a single prompt.
Note: Even though Mobirise AI does much of the work, you retain full ownership of your website.
Client Feedback: “The AI website builder was astonishingly intuitive. What I appreciated the most was the seamless drag-and-drop interface which allowed me to position elements anywhere on my site. The AI’s design recommendations saved me hours of second-guessing my layout choices. Not to mention, the automatic SEO feature was a godsend–it optimized my site without me having to learn the complex ins and outs.”
Instant Support Materials:  Support Manual, User Forum, YouTube Videos
View the AI Website Builder
11. XStore – Best WooCommerce WordPress Theme
XStore is the best WooCommerce theme for anyone looking to quickly build a high-converting online store.
XStore is obviously tailored for use by shop owners and prospective shop owners who seek an online presence. While the selection of ready-made stores (pre-built websites) has always been highly popular, the recently introduced selection of Sales Booster features has emerged as the top favorite.
New users soon come to appreciate the Builders Panel and the intuitive XStore Control Panel, both of which give them the store-building and customization flexibility needed to create the custom store they envision.
They also like the solid start XStore’s pre-built websites make possible. The layout of the Marseille prebuilt website is an excellent example of why it’s possible for a novice to get a store up in running in a few hours.
XStore doesn’t stop there. Its users have instant access to the powerful family of Single Product, Checkout, Cart, Archive Products, and 404 Page Builders; all favorites of shop owners.
Customer Average Grade: 4.87/5
Client Feedback: “I love this theme! There’s a wider learning curve to go through before getting a hang of the features, but the overall versatility and aesthetic factor is excellent.”
Instant Support Materials:  Support Manual, YouTube videos
Buy the Theme
12. Blocksy – Premium WooCommerce WordPress theme
Blocksy is the best free WordPress theme for building attractive, lightweight websites in 2024.
There doesn’t appear to be much about Blocksy that its users don’t love. Consequently, when it comes to identifying this premium WooCommerce WordPress theme’s top feature, there’ s a 4-way tie.
Blocksy’s footer and header builders are super-user friendly.
Gutenberg support ensures top performance.
Developers love the advanced hooks and display conditions.
Everyone appreciates seamless WooCommerce integration together with its associated features.
And on top of it all, Blocksy is free!
Several of the things new users quickly recognize is that Blocksy:
uses the latest web technologies.
provides exceptional performance.
integrates easily with the most popular plugins.
Cosmetic is a beautiful, meticulously crafted starter site with a pleasant design that lets products take center stage. While centered on beauty products, its layout can be used for a wide variety of website niches. Cosmetic is one of the 5 most commonly used starter sites.
Customer Average Grade: 5/5 on WordPress.org
Client Feedback: “Blocksy is fast and light, responsive and beautiful. Blocksy has nothing superfluous and has everything you need. I love Blocksy, and Blocksy loves me.”
Instant Support Materials:  A readily accessible Documentation Section, Support Manual, YouTube videos. Facebook Group
View Blocksy 
13. Total WordPress Theme
 Total is the best WordPress theme for web designers and developers seeking the flexibility required to design from-scratch.
Total’s top feature is its seemingly unlimited flexibility. Its assortment of design tools and options makes it a Swiss Army knife of website design and is one reason its name is so appropriate. A well-deserved reputation for amazing support also tends to set Total apart.
Not long after becoming acquainted with Total, its users could tell you about a number of things they discovered and like including the fact that:
Total has settings for everything, tons of page building options, a font manager, custom post types, and more.
Total is speed optimized.
Total provides dynamic templates for posts and archives.
Total’s pre-built website collection is another favorite. Synergy’s minimalistic design lends itself to a wide range of uses and is one of the 5 most widely used pre-built websites.
Total is tailored for beginners, developers, and DIYers. Advanced designers like Total as well, and for all intents and purposes, anyone else will too.
Customer Average Grade: 4.86/5
Client Feedback: “I have been using Total for several years now for several (10+) websites. Out of the box it’s already a great theme and very well documented. Some websites required specific functionality and so far, there was nothing I couldn’t provide. If I can’t figure it out myself, support is always willing to help. I don’t need another theme anymore.”
Instant Support Materials: Support Manual
View the Theme
14. Essential Grid – WordPress Gallery Plugin
Essential Grid is the best WordPress Gallery Plugin for businesses who want to capture visitors’ attention with breathtaking galleries.
Essential Grid is the best WordPress Gallery Plugin for anyone who wants to create a unique, attention-getting gallery.
Essential Grid’s library of 50+ unique grid skins is its top feature and is what this WordPress gallery plugin is all about. Why these skins are such a favorite is easy to see. Most web designers and developers would not want to have to take the time to create a gallery from scratch and the grid skins offer an excellent alternative approach.
In addition to making it easier to create a gallery layout you want, it’s also possible you’ll come across a grid skin layout you haven’t even thought possible and can’t wait to put into use.  The YouTube Playlist layout for example shows how the hover effect can transform a seemingly run-of-the-mill gallery into a real attention getter.
Essential Grid’s users will tell you how much of a time saver this plugin can be, and how effective it is at helping them organize their content streams.
Customer Average Grade: 4.7/5 on Trustpilot
Client Feedback: “I have to say that the level of support I received is definitely one of the best I have ever experienced. Big thumbs up!”
Instant Support Materials:   Support manual and YouTube videos
View Essential Grid 
15. WoodMart – WordPress WooCommerce Theme
WoodMart is the best WooCommerce theme for niche ecommerce design.
Just a glance at the WoodMart website is enough to grab your attention. Woodmart’s top feature, super-realism, pops right out at you. The custom layouts for shop, cart, and checkout pages are so well done that it’s easy to forget where you are and start window shopping.
There is plenty more to about WoodMart too, for example:
A multiplicity of available design options.
Easy customization to fit the brand.
The time-saving Theme Settings Search and Theme Settings Performance Optimization features.
Widely used “Frequently Bought Together”, “Dynamic Discounts”, and social integrations options.
WoodMart also has a White Label option.
Finding the most popular demos isn’t easy since most of them enjoy lots of usage.  WoodMart Organic Baby Clothes is one of the 5 most downloaded demos.
Customer Average Grade: 4.93/5
Client Feedback: “This theme is perfect. It has all the options you can imagine and tooltips to help you understand what you are about to change. It’s fast out of the box and makes a great use of Elementor. Great responsive design.”
Instant Support Materials:  Support Manual and YouTube Videos
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Do you see one or more web design resources and tools you would like to add to your toolkit? It would certainly be easier than having to sift through hundreds on your own. That is why we did the vetting process for you. You still will want to preview those that interest you and try them out if possible. The free ones are of course for the taking.
What will you be looking for? These 15 excellent web design tools & resources have several characteristics in common. Characteristics that are necessary to be considered as “best-in-class”. Those characteristics are as follows.
Plugins, themes, and resources are easy to install or set up and are user friendly.
They give your website an edge in terms of design, functionality, or visitor appeal; or all three.
Customer support is friendly, fast, and competent.
They allow you to test the product for free. Or give you enough information to ensure that won’t end up feeling like the product you purchased is markedly different from the one you saw advertised.
Check out any or all of the 15 best web design tools and resources you believe you could put to good use.  Test them out if you can and either add them to your toolkit or write them off.
Are you done? Not really. Since there are many new web design tools & resources coming into the marketplace every day, some of which might offer greater opportunities, your search will never really end.
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aaronmstephens · 1 year
Domains, Servers & WordPress Plugins
Domains If you own your own website then you own your domain, or the website url. As long as you are in control of the DNS server settings, usually found in GoDaddy, or wherever you registered your domain then you are in control. I like to think of this as the same as the copyright to a book. As a webmaster I have dozens of domains and subdomains that I oversee on a regular basis. If you haven’t…
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sevrai · 1 year
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Hello everyone! Today's a big day! It's WOE's 15th anniversary!
Me and Hayley have spent a bunch of time working on a little site for WOE after the comic has been floating around in nothing but Twitter and Tumblr posts for the past few years. Today I'm finally ready to reveal the new site where peeps can read the comic!
It's a bit of a messy site but it gets the job done. I'll post some more info after the break here:
ethereaverse.com currently redirects to the woe subdomain, but if I finally get around to making more comics in the future they'll all branch off of that central site. That's the plan, anyway.
It's built around WordPress and some modified themes. I'm not even remotely good at web dev stuff, so the vast majority of the work was done by Hayley and based on her Celestial Mirror theme. WP is what she's most familiar with so it's what WOE will use unless I plan any big overhauls/migrations in the future.
The comment system is pretty basic, no account needed, just a name and email field, which I didn't want to force people to use but it's the best way to avoid spambot comments.
You can navigate with the arrows above and below pages, the arrow keys on your keyboard, or by clicking the page itself to go to the next page. The latter two options will load the next page in view instead of loading from the top of the site.
I'm sure we'll keep tweaking it here and there but as long as there aren't any debilitating bugs I won't sweat it too much if I can help it, lol. Hope everyone enjoys the new WOE!
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bdprice123 · 4 days
To create a free WordPress website, follow these simple steps:
Sign Up for a WordPress.com Account: Visit the WordPress.com website and sign up for an account. You'll need to provide an email address, username, and password to create your account.
Choose a Website Address (Domain): After signing up, you'll be prompted to choose a website address (domain). WordPress.com offers free subdomains (e.g., yoursite.wordpress.com), or you can purchase a custom domain if you prefer.
Select a Website Plan: WordPress.com offers several plans, including a free plan and premium plans with additional features. Choose the free plan to create your website without any cost.
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kradeelav · 3 months
Your website is so cool! Did you build it from scratch, or is it hosted somewhere like Neocities?
why thank you!
not completely from scratch but close; it's a bit of a frankenstein's monster, much like its creator, somewhat intentionally so. :) the home page and the "static" pages (such as the zihark fanshrine) are all custom built, the gallery is lightly modified off of scumsuck's code with attribution, and the SFW/NSFW log subdomains are wordpress (not as a host; as a CMS). neat thing about websites is that as long as each visible page has a consistent layout, the back-end can be quite different according to function.
I'll probably move from the current host to nfs.net in the next year; it'll be a good chance to learn how to manually set up databases on a server, and i've been itching to update the site a bit. new home page graphic, adding a gunter fanshrine, possibly making the transition from wordpress to a static site generator for greater security, etc.
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hacktube5 · 8 days
How I Discovered and Reported Two Subdomain Takeovers
I am constantly searching for potential vulnerabilities because I am an avid security enthusiast and bug bounty hunter. I recently discovered two subdomain takeovers thanks to a private invitation I received on HackerOne. This is a detailed explanation of how I found and reported these vulnerabilities. I got a private invitation to take part in a security program on HackerOne. The invitation…
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Online Kooperationen-
Social Media Marketing
Domain Authority (DA)
Was ist Off-Page SEO?
Nur unique Content, also einzigartiger Inhalt, wird als relevant angesehen und erhält entsprechende Rankings, das gilt für Texte, aber auch für Bilder und Videos. Also beinhalten die Kategorieseiten die wichtigsten Keywords, für die JEDER Online-Händler an erster Stelle ranken möchte. Darüber hinaus sind lokale Backlinks ein wichtiger Rankingfaktor, der massgeblich dazu beiträgt, wie Suchmaschinen die Relevanz und Autorität deiner Webseite in Bezug auf lokale Suchanfragen bewerten. Die Onpage Tools RYTE Free und Seobility bieten ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Möglichkeiten an. Mit den beiden Tools lassen sich bereits umfangreiche Analysen für kleinere Webseiten (bis 100 Seiten)  durchführen. Mit den dort gewonnen Informationen kann man sich ein Bild über die Seite machen, im weiteren Verlauf lassen sich bestehende Probleme beheben und vorhandenes Potenzial weiter ausbauen.
Social Media Marketing
Sollten Sie Gutenberg deaktiviert haben und auf den klassischen Editor zurückgreifen, können Sie unter „Bearbeiten“ den Permalink individuell eingeben.
Mit dem Breadcrumbs erleichtern Sie den Suchmaschinen die Arbeit, denn durch Aktivierung können sie die Struktur der Webseite leichter erkennen.
Natürlich ist die Auswahl an Plattformen in der Schweiz nicht so gross wie in Deutschland oder gar in den USA.
Daher sollte man weitere Methoden zum Aufbau von Links in Betracht ziehen.
Du solltest daher nicht nach einem Tag nachhaken, wann Du eine Antwort erwarten kannst.
Grundsätzlich können Sie die HTML-Überschrift auf Ihrer Webseite genauso verwenden wie in dem Textverarbeitungsprogramm Word. Die Datei des Bildes sollte eine kurze prägnante Beschreibung enthalten mit den wichtigsten Schlagwörtern. Hier sollte das Fokus-Keyword im Dateinamen enthalten sein, während die Wörter mit einem Bindestrich zu trennen sind. Die weiteren Merkmale der WordPress SEO Optimierung für Bilder stellt das Title – Attribute sowie die Bildunterschrift. Hier sollte das erste Bild ebenfalls das Fokus-Keyword enthalten, die Formulierung beziehungsweise Beschreibung sollte als Satz erfolgen.
Domain Authority (DA)
Schlechte oder Spam-Backlinks können zu Strafen von Suchmaschinen führen. Backlinks von hochwertigen und vertrauenswürdigen Quellen können die Autorität und Glaubwürdigkeit deiner Website in den Augen von Suchmaschinen erhöhen. Zudem sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass keine Verlinkungen von Spam-Seiten, Seiten mit sehr niedrigem Domain Rating oder mit keiner thematischen Relevanz verlinkt werden. Danach klickst du weiter unten neben dem Reiter "Filter" auf "Unverlinkte hervorheben" und fügst die Zieldomain (in unserem Fall beyondweb.ch) ein.
Was ist Off-Page SEO?
Denn mit Anweisungen kostenlose backlinks aufbauen wie „follow“ oder „nofollow“ haben Sie einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Indexierung der Seiten. Google wertet jede Seite als eigenständige Webseite, daher raten wir Ihnen, für das WordPress SEO Verzeichnisse anzulegen. Sollten Sie sich für eine Subdomain entscheiden, sei vorhergesagt, dass dies einen erhebliche Mehraufwand an Optimierung benötigt. Unter anderen stehen Sie vor der Entscheidung, ob Sie eine wählen oder darauf verzichten.
Niemand möchte Textblöcke sehen, selbst wenn einem das Thema im Detail interessiert, ist ein mit Medien angereicherter Content viel leichter zu lesen. Auf den Dienstleistungsseiten sollte man den effektiven Service, Referenzprojekte, die USPs sowie die Preisstruktur hervorheben. Die dort platzierten Webseiten werden gleich mit einer Verlinkung zu Google Maps noch vor den organischen Treffern angezeigt und bieten so eine größere Chance, von den Nutzern wahrgenommen zu werden. Haben Sie gerade eine neue Domain veröffentlicht, sollte konkurrenzfähiger und hochwertiger Backlinkaufbau Ihr  Ziel sein. Haben Sie für Ihre Webseite bereits die Google Search Console eingerichtet, können Sie sich auch den Bericht zur Nutzererfahrung auf Mobilgeräten ansehen.
Bei einer neuen Website oder wenn Keywords und Positionen in einer Branche hart umkämpft sind. In solchen Projekten gilt es, den Linkaufbau mit der nötigen Professionalität und Sorgfalt voranzutreiben. Dazu gibt es nebst den oben beschriebenen Grundprinzipien zahlreiche weitere Faktoren, welche beim Linkaufbau berücksichtigt werden müssen. Die IP-Adressen und IP-Class-C-Netze sowie die Themenrelevanz, der Pagerank, der Serverstandort und die Anzahl ein- und ausgehender Links auf der verlinkenden Seite und der zeitliche Verlauf des Linkzuwachses. Das E-E-A-T Prinzip von Google ist ein Schlüsselaspekt, wenn es um die Bewertung der Qualität von Webseiten geht.
Zu den Faktoren der Domainautorität zählen unter anderem Domain- und Linkpopularität.Insgesamt ist der Score eine Information, welche die Stärke im Ranking wiedergibt. Genau ist diese Aussage aber trotzdem nicht, da nicht bekannt ist, wie Google eine Domain tatsächlich bewertet. Es könnte nur „annähernd“ der Realität entsprechen.SEO-Tools führen die Domain Authority mit unterschiedlichen Begriffen.
In diesem Ratgeber wirst Du darüber informiert, wie nachhaltiger Linkaufbau umgesetzt wird, welche Regeln zu beachten sind und welche Strategien zielführend sind. Die Interaktion der Nutzer mit einer Webseite und die Dauer ihres Besuchs sind wichtige Signale für Suchmaschinen, um die Relevanz und Qualität der Inhalte zu bewerten. Webseiten, die interaktive Elemente wie Kommentarbereiche, Foren oder interaktive Tutorials anbieten, fördern nicht nur die Nutzerbindung, sondern signalisieren auch Google, dass die Inhalte wertvoll sind. Die Integration von sekundären Keywords wie „Nutzererfahrung optimieren“ und „Google Ranking verbessern“ in solche interaktiven Elemente kann die thematische Relevanz weiter stärken. Der Autor Claas Schaefer zeigt Dir in seinem Buch “Linkbuilding in der Praxis” wie sich kostenlose Backlinks für die eigenen Webseiten und Projekte finden und aufbauen lassen.
Somit haben Sie volle Transparenz und wissen genau, wo Ihre Webseite vertreten ist. Deutsche Backlinks sind im Durchschnitt teurer, was auch an der Kaufkraft in Deutschland liegt. Das ist aber nicht besonders vorteilhaft, wenn die Unternehmensseite diese Sprachen nicht anbietet, dann werden diese Links als Spam erkannt. Entsprechend gilt Unternehmen mit Sitz in Deutschland sollten auch deutsche Backlinks kaufen. Diese Links sind leicht zu erhalten, da viele Websites auch externe Links zulassen, wie es bei Blogkommentaren der Fall wäre. Es gibt auch wertvolle NoFollow-Links, dies ist bei trafficstarken Seiten der Fall, da Traffic wiederum zu Umsatz führt.
In Sachen Linkstruktur und Linkaufbau gibt es jedoch einiges zu beachten, damit die Webseite tatsächlich besser rankt und nicht gar in den SERPs untergeht. Denn es geht nicht darum, nur möglichst viele Backlinks zu generieren. Vielmehr ist es wichtig, themenrelevante Webseiten zu finden und dort u. Backlinks für die Schweiz zu kaufen oder selber zu erstellen ist problemlos möglich. Natürlich ist die Auswahl an Plattformen in der Schweiz nicht so gross wie in Deutschland oder gar in den USA. Das ist unserer Erfahrung nach aber kein grosses Problem, betrachtet Google doch den deutschsprachigen Raum als ein grosses Gebiet.
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rwahowa · 14 days
How to use DigitalOcean DNS [Video]
The video above demonstrates how to set up and manage DNS records using DigitalOcean. I begin by adding my domain to Digitalocean domains and then updating name server records on the registars platform. The video guides you through adding DNS records, such as A records and CNAME records, for the main domain and subdomains. Additionally, it covers adding TXT records such as DKIM, DMARC, and SPF,…
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