#words cannot describe how much I love this guy
twelvelevens Β· 2 days
thoughts on first 3 episodes of the boys season 4 so far (spoilers under cut)
i heard from the reviews by people that already watched the whole thing that the first 3 episodes are boring as usual and then it gets better
personally i don't really see how they would be boring, because there are SO many things happening?? not just action-wise, but lore-wise as well? not one character left behind, everyone gets their screen time and its just so nice
the way they intoduced Sister Sage and Firecracker is so smooth and doesn't feel forced at all, they fit so well, it's like they were supposed to be there the whole time, their motivations clear and very understandable
i really liked how they positioned and developed Ryan this season as well, can't really say i cared about him before outside of Becca/Butcher plotline, but now i very much do care about him as a separate character, he's his own guy now
this season (for now) is the pure essence of what i and, i think, most people love about the boys, its like screenwriters got it together and made a huge leap after the third season (that imho wasn't that good) SPOILERS:
the fact that Annie bullied Firecracker as a kid made her character SO MUCH MORE DEEP (pun not intended), it fits so well for her past as a star of these weird kid shows, wanting to make her mother proud so bad she went as far as bullying the other final contestant, not even thinking much of it, because children can't really understand just how bad words can hurt (especially malicious rumors like these) when the only thing her mother actually cared about was winning, which makes her character significantly more evil as well
i liked how Sage says everything i wanted to say to Homelander RIGHT IN HIS FACE ohhh how i needed it to happen, i like that she's there
the way they show how Homelander really tries to bond with Ryan in his own way, how he loves him, but still isn't able to let him outshine him (even tho Ryan doesn't even want this at all) how HL physically cannot comprehend why would Ryan be upset by killing a person, the way he took it out on Ryan because he really tries so hard to make his childhood as happy as he can, but his son only needs... love? and Homelander is not capable of it really
and don't get me started on Butcher/Becca plotline, it will never cease to make me cry
tbh when i watched the first episode i thought that Butcher was somehow involved in the fact that Hugh sr. got a stroke and i was so depressed i literally cannot describe it, it felt like the character died while being alive which was so much worse than if he physically died (i talked about it with my friend afterwards and turned out it's most likely not what happened at all, i just like to overthink lol)
but the moment when Ryan and Butcher talk and Butcher throws poisoned cookies in the trash... guys im not gonna lie i cried my eyes out VIOLENTLY, i was crying LOUD and with my VOICE and couldn't stop
i love Butcher more than anything and i really hope he doesn't turn evil, this is all i'm hoping for
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seahydra Β· 1 day
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Part 2 featuring My Real Self?! Okay now this is where I get cringe. Sorry. I'm so sorry.
So, like... I never really know how to begin talking about her because whenever I even start thinking feel like I immediately dissolve into πŸ’•πŸ’˜πŸ’•β€πŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’˜πŸ’“πŸ’˜πŸ’›β€πŸ’™πŸ’˜πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’“πŸ’žπŸ’™πŸ’žπŸ’“πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’“πŸ’™β€β€πŸ’™β€πŸ’œπŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’“πŸ’˜πŸ’“πŸ’˜πŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’˜πŸ’“πŸ’˜πŸ’™πŸ’ŒπŸ’™πŸ’˜πŸ’•πŸ’ŒπŸ’›πŸ’ŒπŸ’› mode right away so putting things into words is hard. That and I'm not much of a words guy overall, so. (<- this statement is gonna look really funny if this post ends up being long)
Anyway, four years ago today I started playing this game. I started playing specifically for Leviathan actually because one of my friends on Discord back then recommended the game to me and kept showing me him because they were convinced he'd be my fave.
If you're still out there somewhere you have no idea how right you were I'm literally tormented every day.
Also, fun fact... when you start up the (OG) game, one of the characters appears on your screen at random, right? When I opened the game for the very first time, guess who mine was. Yeah. Lmfao
Anyway their description of him interested me and even though I'm not one for dating sims usually I picked it up - honestly expecting to drop it after maybe a week or so - and then was met with what was probably the most unwell character introduction I'd ever seen I mean like come on
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These 4 screenshots aren't even all of it by the way. She had SO MUCH to say in that one first meeting I was immediately enthralled. For a couple of different reasons, I guess. Number one is obviously "good god I love that kind of passion" number two is that I felt like I GOT her right off the bat. As someone who also kinda doesn't know when to shut up when he starts talking about something she likes. Not often I see a 'nerd' kind of character that actually feels like... so similarly to myself I suppose.........?
What I mean to say more like is that he resonated with me right away because he felt the most 'real' to me, or like, someone I could see myself befriending and bonding with In Real Life. The in-game texts and stuff almost felt like I was texting with someone I've known for a while (apart from being forced into bland answer choices I'LL GET YOU) even though that feels embarrassing to admit and I was even kinda mad about it back then because why are this dating sim's evil tactics actually working on me.
Didn't stop me from continuing to play it though. I dunno. I started really really falling in love with him too. Aside from the initial failgirl cringe that lured me in she's genuinely very sweet sometimes....... in her own way and I'm fond of that.... She gets flustered easily and maybe isn't outright flirty or romantic and charming the way some of the other characters in this game are but I like her just fine the way she is.
Actually I wouldn't want her to be perfect and smooth all the time I want my loser wife who stutters for 15 minutes before presenting me with a very heartfelt gift and then explains every last bit about both the process of choosing it and the details of the gift itself. I love her.
I'm kind of losing my ability to structure this properly already aren't I AUGHHHH... POINT BEING. I FELL IN LOVE WITH HER AT FIRST SIGHT AND IT'S ONLY CONTINUED TO GET WORSE. I love her not in spite of her cringe but BECAUSE of it. She's everything to me. She's gotten me through a lot actually. Even though I've had periods of time where I think about this game less I always come back to him anyway... at this point to me she IS my real partner www I only need my wife and nothing else <333333
Happy anniversary sweetheart... words honestly cannot describe how much I love love love you so much but at least I tried, right?
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lovejectum Β· 2 months
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wendys1sclosed Β· 17 days
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MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE THESE TWO CHARACTERS SO MUCH finally doing little sketches of them but sooner or later they will consume my art and be the only things i draw
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uncanny-tranny Β· 6 months
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Brought to you because of my searing hatred for the DEA πŸ’›
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beepsquirrel Β· 2 months
I got murder drones shimeji on my phone and I love them so much
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scalpelsister Β· 9 days
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thank you SO MUCH @jamessunderlandgf & @red-nightskies (<the artist of this beautiful piece!) for gifting me this art of Feilan and Shadowheart ❀️ I love you guys saure much + this truly means the world to me. thank you for listening to my many insane ramblings about guidance being a touch spell AND getting me art about it 😭❀️
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danny-fenton-is-trans Β· 2 months
Okay now that the Dannypocalypse has passed, it's time to make way for the most important day of the year;
Happy Birthday Maddie!
The world's most unphotogenic cat. My precious elderly baby. I love her so much please behold my most favorite creature in every universe (seriously, these are the best pics I got).
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The most majestic beast πŸ’œ I love my cat so fucking much guys look at her
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She went blind a couple weeks ago and keeps walking into things and needs help finding the treats right in front of her nose. I got her a valerian scented pillow and she's just chilling on it, absolutely vibing. Love is real and it has four little paws with soft little beans and yowls all night long.
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passports-pls Β· 11 days
daigo for the bingo?
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whumpy-wyrms Β· 1 month
my mind is consumed by Malevolent (the podcast) right now like i’m writing the alien parasite au and i keep reading Anton’s dialogue in Arthur’s voice
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itscooltoskate Β· 3 months
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this guy is going through it
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bluebudgie Β· 4 months
listened to the dkctf soundtrack for the first half of the day and now I'm back in HoT OST hell
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handfulofmuses Β· 4 months
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In any other show we would have gotten some cliche friendship speech and a possible battle between an all powerful villain but Molly just straight up killed a guy without any regrets because their friendship was forbidden and she refuses to accept no for an answer, nor should Scratch be punished just because they are friends. It's his choice to make, not some ghost in a cloak.
You wanna go between her and the bestie? Okay then your funeral.
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wisterioak Β· 7 months
every day I am closer to reverting back to 2017/2018 bts fandom purely to feel joy again
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anx-box Β· 11 months
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Δ°m childe-posting today.... specialist boy...
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riversideeeblr Β· 9 months
finished binging fosters home for imaginary friends today...... awawawawawa
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