#world of tomorrow 2099
machineheraldandy · 9 months
RETROFANG: talking about the ship
Xina Kwan x Miguel o’hara
For the 1992-1995 spiderman 2099 comics, and the world of tomorrow 2099 comics that followed.
Welcome back to me rambling in a way that probably doesn’t make sense
Miguel x Xina is one of my comfort ships, something I love, it’s flawed, but beautiful, it tells a story that the writers no longer want to show which is upsetting, it’s flawed loved of two people who care for each other deeply but cannot bring themself to be together, one is self destructive, while one seeks for ways to help. A relationship to its core doomed to fail.
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The first time we ever see Xina is when she is that of what we can assume to be around 12-13, both her and Miguel were young students attending school together, two people that would later stick together and not befriend anyone else that we can see, and from the very starts it’s love at first sight for Miguel, you can see with the way it’s drawn to the plot that falls that Miguel falls instantly In love, and it can be argued that Xina also fell in love, or at least let Miguel flirt without being uncomfortable. He gives her a glance, and turns his head to follow her as she does the same before they officially talk.
Later on it’s straight away to flirting, asking to go to the pool, a possible sign of trying to get what a child may consider a date in a way. They spend the rest of their school years friends, and helping each other, it appears that even if both In love, they decided to take it slow, become friends, then best friends, then lovers, a way to build up a healthy and trusting relationship, a relationship that shows Miguel waited years to be with Xina, waited years for her.
This is what I consider deep love, a love that movie, craved but also feared, a love he had to destroy in order to destroy himself
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The next time we see Miguel with Xina is when he is moving into his alchemax apartment (it appears), which due to the way we assume Xina is, and how she is in general, even if she went to an Alchemax school, she doesn’t really like Alchemax, yet would do things in support of Miguel working there, she saw flaws in his design and yet hang on, because she loved him, it’s then hinted that they of course did it, but it also shows one of Miguel’s biggest flaws when it comes to Xina, he loves her, but waits too long to learn about her. In later times he learns what she likes, what she does, but here it’s shown that he didn’t even known his best friend had gotten a tattoo of her favourite real life person, something he would have known because they are seen to be best friends that stick together.
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Which brings up the issue and possibly why their relationship ended so soon, yes Miguel definitely found Dana attractive, and was emotionally cheating in front of Xina, but at his core he wasn’t ready to be a good partner, he wasn’t ready for a healthy commitment, he couldn’t even properly care for what Xina loved, even after knowing her since they were basically pre-teens. Miguel was not a good man at this time, he’s he waited for Xina for years, but he was too much of a bad person to hold onto her after finally getting her,
You also take into consideration that he is self destructive, he loves Xina more than anything and therefore he had to destroy it fast, he had to find another fast to destroy what he had, he had waited years for a woman, he has her, now he has to get rid of her in a way she will never want him back, how does he do that? Cheating. Emotionally first, and then physically.
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When we end up seeing them again it’s because LYLA is broken, LYLA who resembled Xina in the way of it being based off of her tattoo, Miguel doesn’t care for Marilyn Monroe herself, he cares for the fact she is xinas tattoo, hence him only now caring for xina’s interests, caring too late. He becomes desperate to fix her because she is in his way a way to be close to Xina without havent to be near her, he loves Xina, but he can’t return, he messed it up too much on purpose. Though that ends fast as he soon learns that the best person to go to, to fix LYLA is Xina, which could possibly also be seen as an excuse to see Xina again. Once let in the first thing he does is go to her bedroom, to remember the old times, to live in the past, the past he craves but can’t get anymore.
You also see that Xina who is still single and assumed to have stayed single after Miguel, still loves and misses him, her bedside photo is them together. She loves him, she wants him, but she hates him as of now.
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Within this time we also see Jack, Xinas Android, Miguel mistakes him for a partner, and seems to be almost jealous, upset. More signs he still loves her even if engaged to Dana, you also see Xina making it clear she doesn’t want him there and hates him, but she doesn’t kick him out, and it’s clear as much as she was uncomfortable, she cared enough to listen, cared enough to help, and of course we know this was going to happen, as even if she claims she just wanted to see him “crawling back” as a joke, it’s clear from the photo in her room, that she wanted him back deeply.
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When she talks to Miguel many things are clear, one she is lying about things and two she is desperate to be the one he needs the most, even if she doesn’t want to make that clear.
She lies when talking about why they dated she claims it’s because she felt sorry for Miguel, but once again her photo in her room proves that wrong, along side the fact that she caught Miguel cheating as she came home early to be with him and to make him happy, she deeply cared for him, it was never about his dad, it was always about their love.
You also see how she is almost trying to push him away and is mocking his fiancé, Miguel doesn’t stop her, almost as if he wants her to insult Dana, because truthfully he doesn’t care for Dana the way he should, he cares for her as he loves her as she is what he considered dumb, someone that can’t question him, someone that blindly follows. Yet he sees Xina as smart, independent, and important to him, he loves that about her, yet is also scared about that. Because it means she can help him see his errors, and he doesn’t want to be shown, he wants to remain blind
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Next one I want to talk about is this comic panel, you see that Miguel is finally caring for her interests, he is taking the time to get her real old things such as a gumball machine, because he knows she loves it, he is caring enough finally, he knows what she likes, what she want, why she wants it, he cared for her deeply and after years is finally showing it. Only now
next bit in this panel Miguel mentions the fact he was going to end it, he directly tells Xina he is planning to end it in a way, and Xina instead of making a joke, instead of being her nasty self she has been a few times, instead asks him to join her on a trip. Alone. She cares for him enough that she is literally wanting to spend time alone with him as a way to possibly keep him alive but to also reconnect, something that shows her deep love for him, and deep need for him, and also just the fact she is a great friend. These are two people stuck in a bad world they suffer in that still care for each other deeply.
(NO image as I don’t feel comfortable with that)
SA mention
I am bringing up a scene we end up seeing soon into their trip together, a flashback to Kron attempting to harm Xina, this is poorly written and used as a way to show Miguel and Leon’s hate for each other, they directly use Xina getting SA’ED as a way to push two boys fighting. This is no doubt disgusting writing.
But in the sight of this being about Miguel and Xina it has to be bought up in the way that Xina would put himself in danger, and put his family at risk, risk being abused by George, risk loosing everything, risk possibly even being killed by George, to keep Xina safe, he before now refused to fight back, refused to lay a finger on Kron as he was scared for himself and his family. He was frightened, yet he risked it all for Xina. He did at a point nearly bail on Xina, he was scared the worse would happen to him, but in the end he Kepler her. He kept her safe, even if it was poorly written and should have been shown in a different way that didn’t make a man the savour of a woman facing SA
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Nor that’s over we get into the venom arc, the arc where Kron as venom attacks Xina and Dana to get to Miguel, something that reveals Miguel’s even deeper connection to Xina, he out of impulse screams for Xina, he is more worried for her, though he is still very worried for Dana, in this he has to save both, he only successfully saves Xina, and Dana passes away, this isn’t used for shipping Xina and Miguel, in fact Xina ends up leaving. This is shown as a way to show their friendship only, they don’t get together, as they both mentally can’t, Miguel lost his fiancé even if he wasn’t the best partner, and Xina had survivors guilt, she hates herself for hating the woman that slept with her boyfriend, a woman who hates her interests (shown by how she hates Gabriel’s retro interests) she so ends up leaving, I can argue that this was the best ending for the comic, until Miguel and Xina returned later. They both weren’t mentally stable, they both yes loved each other, but they would have ruined each other if they tried again.
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The next time we see Xina is when she is happy to see Miguel, even slightly seeming to mess around, she cares for Miguel still, and Miguel still cares for her, but she has seemed to move on, she doesn’t care for a relationship, she has a job to do, people to help, and tech to work on, but yet she is still close to Miguel, she still holds onto Miguel, she still in a way loves him, even if as of now that love is platonic, and the same can be said for Miguel, he is trying to find Gabriel, he doesn’t have time for trying to get with Xina,on top of that but they only see each other for what can be assumed to be less than 24/7’S, they aren’t ready to try again, it’s too quick, and the story handles that well, it doesn’t make them a couple, it makes them friends, who still may have feelings for each other.
In the end they end up leaving, Xina just had her best friend did, and Miguel still needs to find Gabriel, they never end up together, from there on Xina stops showing up, she doesn’t appear in canon at all, she is gone from Miguel’s life, if we don’t count time storm a non canon story; it has been nearly I believe 27 years since she was last since.
It is a bitter sweet ending to her story, and she doesn’t get seen again, but it’s also a bittersweet ending to Miguel’s orginal love life for 2099, after that they force him into Peter Parker’s love interests within stories, or he gets tempest from the past, not his time, which I still love, she just isn’t from comics I read. For the year 2099, for the future Miguel has no life without Xina, he is stuck literally and metaphorically in the past.
I would love to Xina come back, she is considered Miguel’s MJ, the endgame, the person he loves more than anything, and really when you see the writing, when you see what was done, that is completely true, it was written that they were doomed lovers, but they could easily become good partners with time and effort, and if Miguel stops being self destructive
In the end they didn’t work due to Miguel’s self harm, and due to the fact Xina wouldn’t deal with what which is good for her. But if Miguel gets therapy…maybe. They could work.
Over all good doomed lover plot, painful for everyone that wanted them together forever such as myself
But in a non canon comic when Miguel is mentally more stable, him and her are married, and ended up growing old together :)
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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closing thoughts on this lil crossover issue r just that it REALLY highlights 2 me how much ATSV-newcomers don't seem to really Realize that there Very Much is an established precedent for Cool Teenagers knocking miguel completely flat on his ass dbdbdbdb,.,, like. miles is nowhere NEAR the First he is just the most recent in a long line lmao
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bluebeetle · 1 year
def feel like i missed something explained in another book but i do kinda like the polar ice caps melted and the whole world has flooded so everyone has to come together to sort shit out plot, even if i have no idea what is going on half the time. why is father jennifer on mars where is gabriel. who knows.
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2099fan · 4 months
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2099: World of Tomorrow does have a really fun migs design. Even if I'm not really vibing with the plot yet (potential ending for 2099, the world is flooded), the art is good and it's not too complicated to follow along. That or I've gotten desensitized to comic nonsense.
But look at that first panel and see how happy he is to not have to deal with corporate ceo bullshit anymore. He's free (and also the world is ending so it doesn't matter.)
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the-shinysnorlax · 2 months
Miguel O’Hara: A comprehensive reading guide
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I honestly don’t know if this has been done yet, and considering that there are multiple different main canons for Miguel, it’s even more confusing on where to start.
To clarify, there is 3 different “Mainstream” universes for Miguel. Earth 928 (The main universe for most Miguel media), Earth-2099, and Earth-6375 (The universe where he’s part of the exiles)
I’m gonna be starting with
(Note: I’ll try to put these in order as much as possible, but due to retcons and other things like Spiderverse it may not be 100% accurate)
Important reads are in bold
-Amazing Spider-Man #365 (Not really important, it’s just a preview of the first issue, but it’s counted as Miguel’s very first appearance so.)
-Spiderman 2099 vol 1 #1-10 (VERY important reads, they set up the universe and Miguel’s origin story)
-2099 unlimited #1-3 (Not really important to the lore, but they’re silly little stories that I have to mention them)
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #11-15
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #16, Ravage 2099 #15, X-men 2099 #5, Doom 2099 #14, Punisher 2099 #13 (VERY important reads, highlights the fall of the hammer arc and shows Miguel’s relationships with other 2099 characters, especially Jake Gallows. Read in the exact order listed)
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #17-22
-2099 unlimited #8
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #23-34
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 annual
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #35-38 (Venom 2099 arc, important read as it introduces Kron Stone properly)
-Spider-Man 2099 special
-Spider-Man 2099 meets Spider-Man (First introduction of Miguel to Peter)
-2099 unlimited 9-10
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #39-43
-Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #1-5
The following issues have been mostly retconned and are no longer canon. I’m listing them still for sake of continuity (Plus they’re interesting) but they are NOT canon to E-928
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #44-46
-2099: World of tomorrow #1-8
-2099: Manifest Destiny
End of retconned comics
-Captain Marvel vol 4 #27-30
-Superior Spider-Man #17-19
-Amazing Spider-Man vol 3 #1
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 2 #1-12
Note during this time is the Spiderverse event and Miguel is featured in multiple comics that tie into it. I will not be listing them all due to time, plus he was mostly featured in his own comic for it anyways
-Secret wars 2099 #1-5
-Amazing Spider-Man vol 4 #1
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 3 #1-10
-Spiderman 2099 vol 3 #11-16 (I list them separately because this takes place during Civil War 2 and that also has a lot of tie in comics that I will not be listing due to time. But yeah. That’s a thing)
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 3 #17-25
-Amazing Spider-Man vol 5 #32-36
Earth 2099
-2099 Alpha
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 4
-2099 Omega (This and vol 4 are E-2099 Miguel’s origin story. I’m not personally a fan of the writing but it is essential to read if you want to understand the universe)
-Spider-Man 2099 Exodus Alpha, #1-5, and Omega
-Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #1-5
-Miguel O’Hara, Spider-Man 2099 #1-5 (The best series we’ve gotten so far of this earth, not really important to the Miguel lore. I just like it lol)
Note that this is optional to read and I’ve heard some very mixed opinions about how Miguel is written here. If you want to read it, be my guest.
-Exiles #72
-Exiles #75-99
-Exiles annual 1
Honorable mention: Timesplitters 2009-2099 #1-4, Spider-Man, and X Men.
These technically take place in a separate continuity to all 3, but they are important enough that I listed them anyways.
Honorable mention 2: Edge of Spiderverse vol 2
Idk what continuity it takes place in. it is currently ongoing.
Other non comic media
The following is a list of media that Miguel is featured in extensively (Not counting all the mobile games because I mean those are just gacha games and aren’t important to the Miguel lore)
-Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse and Spider-Man across the Spiderverse
-Ultimate Spider-Man S3EP9 and 12
-Spider-Man Edge of time (Personal favorite adaptation of Miguel in media)
-Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions
-Araña and Spiderman 2099: Dark Tomorrow (Not confirmed but likely takes place in E-928 5 years after series ends)
And that’s about it! If there’s any appearances I missed, please don’t hesitate to say something and I’ll fix it as soon as possible.
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baselicoc · 1 year
A small spider-man 2099 reading guide
Just watched atsv and wondering where to start getting into Miguel O’Hara? Hate trying to figure out comic timelines? Well hopefully this guide can help a little bit. Please note its far from a definitive guide and could probably use some work but I'm hoping it helps someone out! Also not including spider-verse appearances or those in most other comics, because we could be here forever listing every comic appearance and this is meant to be a quick guide Miguel's original appearance was in Amazing Spider-Man #365, but that was more of a preview than anything else. I've split it pre-2000's and post-2000's, but listen to me if you have to pick one comic to read out of all of this make it the original 1992 run. You basically cannot go wrong with just reading 1992. A few have been marked with asterisks because you really don't have to read them but it felt wrong to not include them on the list.
Pre 2000's
Spider-man 2099 (1992): Literally Required Reading. Keep in mind that the last two issues had different writers and are kinda disregarded by just about everyone. Issue #16 starts the crossover event Fall of The Hammer, a mini-guide to which I've included below. The Special and Annual take place in between issues but it's easiest to just read them last.
Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man (1995): It's short, it's sweet, give it a read.
*2099: World of Tomorrow (1996): At the time this was meant to close off all the 2099 plots, theres lots of other 2099 characters in here but a fair bit of Mig.
*2099: Manifest Destiny (1998): Further closure to the 2099 world, again lots of other characters but still a solid read. Basically waves away the last two issues of sm2099 (1992) in a slightly hilarious way and worth reading just for that.
Fall of the Hammer crossover mini-guide:
Spider-man 2099 (1992) #16
Ravage 2099 #15
X-men 2099 #5
Doom 2099 (1993) #14
Punisher 2099 (1993) #13
Post 2000's
*Superior Spider-man (2013) issues #16-19: Largely set up but its cool too
Spider-man 2099 (2014): You can read this without the Superior Spider-man setup but depending on your prior comic reading experience you may be a bit confused. If you're a seasoned reader and used to taking weird comic shifts in stride due to missing some random issues of a completely different comic you'll be fine
Spider-man 2099 (2015): Solid run, I don't have much to say about it honestly
Marvel's 2099 (2019 event): you are better off looking up a separate guide for this one it is not my ballpark
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jooheons · 1 year
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spider-man 2099 / miguel o’hara reading guide 
miguel o’hara was a young genetics genius employed at mega corporation alchemax, in the future city of nueva york of the year 2099 (a future universe where all superheroes got wiped out). he became spider-man when one of his experiments to replicate the powers of spider-man is used against him, his dna is rewritten and became fifty percent spider. 
essential reading:
spider-man 2099 (1992), #1-10
spider-man 2099, #11-14
spider-man 2099 annual, #1
2099 unlimited #1-3 *
spider-man 2099, #15
ravage 2099, #15 *
x-men 2099, #5 *
doom 2099 (1993), #14 *
punisher 2099 (1993), #13 *
spider-man 2099, #16-22
spider-man 2099, #23-33
2099 unlimited #8 *
ghost rider 2099 #7 *
spider-man 2099, #34-38
spider-man 2099 special #1
spider-man 2099 meets spider-man #1
2099 unlimited #9-10 *
spider-man 2099, #39-46 *
2099: world of tomorrow (1996), #1-8 *
2099: manifest destiny *
* in early 1996, editor joey cavalieri was fired. it led to the cancellation of the 2099 titles. for spider-man 2099′s case, peter david (creator and writer) chose to resign in solidarity with his editor, finishing his run with issue #44. the last two issues of spider-man 2099 were done without his input and the series ended with issue #46.
* cross-overs are optional reading, they’re grouped together with the original spider-man 2099 issues because it’s part of their collection. 
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non-essential reading (crossovers):
fantastic four 2099 (1996), #4, #6, #8
captain marvel (2000) #27-30
exiles (2001-2008), #72 *
exiles #75-99 
exiles annual #1
timestorm 2009-2099 (2009),  #1–4 *
* exiles!miguel is a variant (not the same from his 1992 run), he’s from earth-6375 here. 
* timestorm!miguel is a variant, he’s from earth-96099 here.
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semi-essential reading (main marvel universe):
superior spider-man (2013),  #17-21
superior spider-man #22-26
superior spider-man annual #1
superior spider-man #27-31
superior spider-man annual #2 
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essential reading (spider-verse event):
spider-man 2099 (2014) #1-5
amazing spider-man (2014) #1
amazing spider-man (2014) #9-15
spider-man 2099 (2014), #6-12
spider-man 2099 (2015), #1-5
spider-man 2099 (2015), #6-10
spider-man 2099 (2015), #11-16
spider-man 2099 (2015), #17-21
spider-man 2099 (2015), #22-25
spider-man 2099 meets spider-man (1995)
amazing spider-man (2018), #32-36
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semi-essential reading (back to 2099):
spider-man 2099 (2019)
spider-man 2099: exodus alpha (2022)
spider-man 2099: exodus #1-5
spider-man 2099: exodus omega
spider-man 2099: dark genesis #1-5
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other media:
spider-man: shattered dimensions (2010, video game)
spider-man: edge of time (2011, video game)
ultimate spider-man, the spider-verse: part 1 (2015, animated series)
spider-man: into the spider-verse (2018, film)
spider-man: across the spider-verse (2023, film)
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this reading guide will be updated should any upcoming projects arise! 
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olwolo · 1 year
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2099: World of Tomorrow (1996-1997)
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catmansquad · 11 months
In the aftermath of watching ATSV together, Miguel has a few thoughts on his mind he needs to vent...
Miguel X M!Reader
The popcorn bowl on the table with little more left than crumbs and kernels, the two empty glasses, and the scroll of credits across the television screen. Slowly you tore your gaze from the screen and looked to the man beside you; the large man with his long legs stretched out, who took up half the sofa and dipped the weight enough that you were left up against his bulky body. Miguel looked thoughtful, almost conflicted. You took in the sight of him; this wonderful, strange, and powerful man from another world. He had done so much good in your life...
'Hm... This.... This is it?' He gestured one hand towards the screen, maroon eyes narrowed slightly. You cleared your throat softly and made a move to push yourself up from him.
'Until the next one, yeah. Why? Not a fan of how they portrayed you, Mig?'
You had to admit, that Oscar Isaac had done a frighteningly accurate performance, the man had been a mimic for his voice and cadence. Miguel's eyes narrowed again and his gaze flicked to you before he pushed himself up to sit up straight.
'Not particularly. I would understand creative liberty if this were based on me, but I'm left with the feeling that reality is out to mock me. Ahh... Where do I begin?'
He closed his eyes, briefly pinching the bridge of his nose in thought before finding the words.
'Right. So, this version of me, who claims that... Entities foreign to their native realities could cause a disruption and collapse of that reality.... Has filled an entire building with- I assume- thousands of entities foreign to his reality? A-am I the only one seeing the hypocrisy here?'
He snorted a soft laugh, a smile breaking across his features, you watched him raise one of his massive hands, one finger raised in a count, then the second.
'Secondly, on the nature of reality; this idea behind, uh.... Supposed cellular degeneration- or as they call it "Glitching".... Well, look at me, cariño. It doesn't happen. Heh.'
True to his words, Miguel had been in and out of your world and his repeatedly, and then he had spent one night in your bed, that turned into two nights, then a week... Not once had the man suffered like a computer program on the fritz. Now he sat beside you with a grin of smug triumph, convinced in his superiority over his fictional self.
'Did you want to include "Canon" in that too, Miguel?'
You watched the larger man chuckle again, shaking his head.
'I'm not even going to start on that rigid thought experiment of how the multiverse works. He's dashingly handsome and has a great sense of style, but that fictional me is an unfortunate idiot. I take it you also saw their version of Nueva York?'
You nodded slowly, his third finger only partially uncurled. You had indeed seen the Nueva York of the movie, but had yet to see the one of your boyfriend's own world.
'Heh. I will admit, the architecture is beautiful, I would be happy to live in such a world. On that I was willing to give them a pass...'
He paused, licking his tongue down one of those sharp, frightening fangs he had to live with every day of his life. That had been quite a revelation as to why the man you dated had always been mumbling and hiding his smiles and laughter.
'But, we need to discuss the space elevator to the moon...'
Your mind clicked into gear, you had caught sight of Miguel out of the corner of your eye, watching his fictional self chasing down Morales with a single-minded fury; sat beside you, your boyfriend looked.. terrified. Haunted. Like a bad memory come to the surface. The third finger uncurled.
'Supposedly, this is 2099, yes? Not 5099, World of Tomorrow... In my world, it is 2102, we do not have anything close to that. I-I don't- the tidal forces and the rotation of the earth combined with the lunar orbit- it just wouldn't work, alright?'
You smiled, loving to see Miguel stop himself short of flying into another of his "nerd rages". Eventually he huffed a long sigh and slouched back into the sofa with arms folded like he was sulking. Adorable. You shuffled closer against him, resting your head on his broad shoulder and trying to draw his gaze to you with a look alone.
'It's just a film, Miguel... Entertainment, a work of fiction.'
He unfolded his arms, lifting one of them to wrap around you and pull you closer to him. He was always so warm and solid.
'I used to be just a work of fiction in your world, mi corazon... Some people here still seem to think I'm a free-running vigilante in a funny suit...'
He blinked, his intense eyes softened, the tiniest smile curled onto his lips.
'Hey... How about you stay with me tonight, at my place? I'll show you what Nueva York really looks like. You won't even need to wear a gizmo. You just have to promise to not stand around gawking... I'm still keeping this multiversal travel stuff hush-hush.'
He winked and you couldn't fight back the broad grin that grew across your features, excitement thundering in your heart. Another world. Your boyfriend's world.
'Is Lyla as irritating to you as the one in the movie is to him?'
You watched his eyes close, his head bowed. Finally, his confession came forth.
'No. She's even worse... Thank you, Xina...'
'Can we go now, Miguel? Can we go right now?!'
'Shh, shh... Calm yourself. Heh. We'll go once we've cleaned up here and you've packed your overnight bag...'
Just before he rose from the sofa, you caught a meaningful glimpse of something in his eyes.
'.... Although, I don't think you'll be getting much sleep in my bed. Heh.'
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sukioyakio · 1 year
MORE OF clueless!reader x blackcat!miguel O’Hara 
Blackcat!miguel x clueless/sunshine!reader (energy,and Miguel O’Hara has he hair down,and reader is an idiot,or dork for him,she an clumsy)
*credit to my friend,that gave me this idea and made my sister read this as well👹😈😼* 
 Prompt: where reader is trying to get Miguel to smile,at first it was just an question that her friend said,”have you ever wondered if miguel smiled,like smiles”So reader thinks to herself,maybe she could be the first one to make him smile,and make it an challenge to complete
It was an Monday morning when reader was all ready,as she ate her breakfast and she remembered to get some food for her and for an little someone else,she had to make sure that she was early so she could chat to Miguel,as she starts to head out to the college campground,as she put on her earbuds and listen to her music,she walked the way to college with an warm smile,as the sun shined through the day,
When she arrived she had an beaming smile,as she wave hello to her friends and classmates,saying hello to them,as she dashed to an place where she know that Miguel would be,as she scoffed at her friends saying that it would be impossible to see him smile,as she rolls her eyes saying in her mind “pfft,it won’t be hard to make that grumpy cat smile,I’ll just got to crack his shield” she says with an playful smile,
as she dodge people in the hallway as she head to the library,when she got there,she looked around In the room like an lost kid looking for their mother,when she spotted him,she quietly walked towards him,as he was sitting down an table,with some books on the table and some sort of journal,with his eyes on an open book page reading whatever on the page,with his headphones on,he was wearing his ionic jacket,it had an skeleton spider design in the back of it and in the font of his jacket it has the word 2099,it was always cool looking to see,god the amount of time she would stare at it,it crazy 😜 
As she got close to him,as she smile warmly,as she waved her hand infront of his eyes so she could get his attention,”earth to Miguel,earth to Miguel”she says in an teasing voice as Miguel looked at her with an stern expression,and scoffed at her for bothering his quiet time,as he rolled his eyes and turned off his headphones,and slid them down to his neck,now giving his attention to her,as reader eyes would look at him like he was the most precious thing in the world,something about that made his cold locked away heart beat again,as she smile at him,as she sits next to him “gooood morning mr Miguel how is your day going so far?!” She say with an excitement like an kid who had just gotten an ice cream in an quiet voice,as tilt her head waiting for his respond,as she stare into his eyes,”something about his eyes” she says in a dumb dorky way to herself in her mind.
“What do you want,reader”Miguel says in an cold yet harsh tone,as he looked at her with an stern look,as he crosses his large arms across his board chest,as his cold eyes were staring into her happy eyes, “nothing,I just thought that I could bring some company to you,since i always see you alone,hehehe” she says with an gentle voice,as she gave him an warm smile that turn to in an nervous laugh,that made her look like dorky,as she scratch the back of her neck,as she looks away from his glaze,
In which Miguel definitely can tell that she had something to tell him from her body language, as he just hummed as an answer to her,as she took out her bookbag,and pull out the lunch box/bento box,as she looked at him with an nervous smile ”well I just say it,i wanted to give you something,so I thought about it and decided to make you some food for lunch,since I really don’t see you eat anything in lunch,soooooo yeaaaa,but I made it awkward it ok that you don’t want it,I could just give you something else tomorrow” she says with an eager nerdy voice,and her playful smile on her lips and an some laugh,as she side the bento box to him,as she look at him with such patience look,
As Miguel had his unreadable face,but his eyebrows narrowed down,but look at the bright colored bento box,as reader thought that he would smile when he saw the bento box but he didn’t smile at all,so she sigh quietly,as he looked at it,then made an sigh,that came with an scoff and reader perks at his actions,as he looked up at reader face and rolled his eyes,as he grab the bento box and put in the his bookbag,
”I don’t want to hear anything about this,from your mouth,and For the thought of you thinking that I don’t eat,I’m more capable to take care of myself”he said in an harsh voice,as he got his things and started to walk away,as he thought about her word “Qué quiere decir ella,by I don’t eat,I do eat” that he mumbled that reader couldnt hear what he said but when Miguel said that to reader,she wasn’t angry or sad in fact she was happy that he excepted it,as she rushed her way out so he could walk next to him,it was process of her plan to make him smile
As reader caught up with him,as she nudged his shoulder,well try to do that,but with the same height as his boob,that what she call them,when she nudged his shoulders she got an glare from him,as she chuckles “Ohhh come on,lighten up miguellll,Being such an grumpy guy isn’t going to do anything ohhh yea did you know that there an new store that is selling some foreign food,We should go there right Miguel” she says in an cheerful voice and she had her cheeky smile,as she looks at his face,some people would called her crazy for even trying to be friends with Miguel,the rumors about him,made her laugh at there stupidity,she doesn’t care about the rumor,she just wanted to be friends with him,even if he was harsh and rude to her,
Something about him being so like the darkness made the little beaming light wanting to be with him,to talk to such to the dark,it made her want to know why she is so interested in him,open up the mysteries of the darkness,and maybe she would let him do the same thing,maybe it the glow of her arua the darkness says
(basically I wanted to have reader be his light,while he was her darkness,but with both of them having such an effect on each other,like string of light for Miguel,and an string of darkness for reader,but they don’t know what this feeling in their hearts yet and just often dismiss it)
“How about an…. No” he said in an sarcastic stern voice to reader,as they continued to walked down the hallway as reader was talking about her interest in foreign foods,and what she would loved to go as an vacation,in which Miguel grunted at her babbles,and having to deal with her in all her periods/classes,as they got to their destination,”Oh yea Wouldn’t you want to go to Japan if you had an opportunity to,I mean I would,oh darn you wouldn’t let me sit next to you” she says with an pout,but she says bye to Miguel with an small smile,as Miguel rolled his eyes,”of course not,your hella annoying niña pequeña” he says under his breath with his mixed spanish accent,as he see reader sit next to her friends,as he sat in the back in his little corner.
Small time later as the class was taking notes,she was done with taking notes,as she was bored,to the point that she was playing around with her pencil,or making an jingle with her pencil but failing multiple times,as she gave up and looked around and saw Miguel just reading some book again,as an light bug pop in her mind,as she write something on the piece paper saying “I’m boredddd,and what are youu reading about” after she crumbled the paper,and then write on the outer part to open it,then throw it to him,but it hit his face,as Miguel looked around to see who the hell throw the paper as he see reader with an awkward smile,as he just gave her an glare and continued to read his book,
as reader just sighed at his seriousness,and just quietly slammed her head against the desk,while he looked at her again to see her face against the desk,as he rolled his eyes and bite his lips as he looked at the crumbled paper and seeing the words “open it”,as he eyebrows narrowed down,and scoffed at that,like he needed an remainder of how to read an note he isn’t slow,as he grabbed the piece of paper and opened it,reading it,he wrote something back inside the paper,and then throwing it back to her and hitting her head,as he quickly went back to reading his book,as reader perk up,thinking it was the teacher to scold her for having her head on the desk instead of writing notes,as she didn’t see the teacher,in which she look to whatever had hit her head,as she looked around she saw the same piece of paper she threw at him,and she had an very warm smile,she looked him with it,as he acted like he didn’t see that smile,”.such an stupid idiot,how could she just smile at everything little thing,it stuipd” he says in his thoughts
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It was lunch time or some call it recess (idk😓🤷‍♀️)
After finishing picking up her stuff and almost tripping on an pencil,as she looked around and hoped that no one saw her stuipd ass almost tripped,as she walked out the classroom,as she walking through the hallway to see Miguel putting away from books in the lockers,as she quickly did the same so she could talked to him,and try to make him smile,as she walks to him as she poked at his cheek,and it instantly got his attention,making his head turn to her eyes giving her an cold glare,as reader made an nervous chuckle
“What” Miguel sounded so harshly and cold to reader,as reader looked at him as she waved him an hello “hehe..well you certainly don’t like physical affection,…umm..weeelll since it lunch,I thought that you would like to have lunch with me,just us,you know  an friend and freind time” she says with an playful voice,as she made an attempt to make the mood lighten,”Well if you that slow then yes no me gusta mucho que me toques and No,you already annoyed me enough for the day” Miguel says with an annoyed stern expression,as he slammed the locker door,making people around them look at them,but quickly went back to doing their thing not wanting to get in Miguel way or annoyed him and he walked off,as reader is stubborn and walked off with him,as she talked about whatever went drama happened in the college,Miguel was about to lose it with her mouth,as he turn his head and looked at her,and then place one of his finger,making reader freeze by his actions,as he lean toward her height,”Shut the  fuck up,antes de cerrarlo” as he took off his finger off her lips and walked off to where he would usually sit”that got her to stop talking, maybe I should do that more frequently”he says in his mind as he continues walking to his favorite spot in peace,as reader had to take deep breath,”wait that no FAR!!” As she runs towards his way,as Miguel scoffed,and made an little chuckle,at her frozen expression,she look like an bunny who got caught by a wolf,as he rolled his eyes as he heard her voice,”why do you even bother trying..?” Miguel said under his breath-
An:as I wrote this,I felt like my hand were going to fall off,cuz I was writing this on my phone,😭😭JEZZ that took forever to think about the idea,but I DID CUZ I HAVE MY BABY SOPTIFY ✊✊🫨🫨😔,I just got to play music while I’m writing,BUT I hope you enjoyed this,I just love me and sunshine x grumpy tropes 😫😫😭✊
The quote of the day : by my friend 
“Once gay,always gay” 😌😔
Tag list: @everlastlady @cherryberry-sugarandspice @tarjapearce @cherryredstars @coffeeandbookskeepmealive @lacedinweb22, @spiderwriter2099 @miguelsslvt @nymphomatique @miguel-ohara-lover @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @yawnderu @kairiscorner
Edit:I fixed alll the grammar ERRORS,AND PUT COLOR 🌈🌈 cuz like I posted this when I was about to go to sleep,so yea SORRY about the grammar mistakes 😰😭but if you guys want to be in my tag list just ask 🤗
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
I was thinking in the next part of teenagers after the reader tells Miguel that she got hold of her superspeed and Miguel and hobie help her travel through time?
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬... 𝐏𝐭 𝟐𝟎
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Miguel O’Hara and Hobie Brown working together, who would’ve thought?
“Okay, so I don’t know exactly how people do this shit, but I guess we’re gonna figure it out?” Miguel said.
“I guess so. How does one travel in time? Maybe I should like search it up or something.”
“I dunno, from every movie I’ve seen all they gotta do is focus.” Hobie shrugged, leaning back on the concrete wall of the alley.
“This would be so much easier if I knew someone who could travel through time or something.”
“I would say Dr. weird guy but… don’t know where he’s at, and he seems annoying, so no.”
“But there’s gotta be like… multiple variations of him, no?”
“It’s possible.. I guess. But I would know where to find them.”
“Lyla, search the database for a dr. Strange on our world.” You said, and she quickly appeared next to Miguel.
Miguel rolled his eyes. “I coulda thought of that.”
“Got it. Strange 2099, she’s currently housed in-“
That’s how you guys were now in Jeannie’s house, Miguel ranting on about how he knew she existed but didn’t wanna come here.
“O’Hara.” A voice said from the stairs, he winced and sighed heavily.
“See you’ve brought some people.”
“Damn.” You said out loud.
“What?” Miguel said, annoyed already.
“You’re very.. tall.” She was probably about 6 feet.
She chuckled and floated down, and looked at Hobie who was just eating.
Then you and Miguel and looked him, he looked up and furrowed his eyebrows.
“What?” He said, mouthful of food.
“Hobart Brown, close your mouth when you eat.”
“Sorry.” He said, and waved for them to continue what they were talking about.
“Anyways, you. I see that you hold great power, beyond the ones you already know.” She came up to you, and grabbed your jaw.
“But your being held back. Another strong magic is blocking you from doing such things. And that’s why you came to me.”
You nodded, jaw still in her hands. Hobie looked in confusion and watched carefully, he didn’t have a very good feeling about this lady.
She let go of your jaw, and stepped back a bit.
“You got your speed powers back, but that is it.”
You nodded again. “Yes ma’am. I was hoping that you could help me.. you know?”
"I can..”
“Sure. It’s not a big deal. And you possess a great potential.”
You smiled at her and then Hobie just nodded along.
“Right, well, uh, this ain’t gonna be like an ‘I own you now’ type thing, no? Cause I’ve had my fair share of those and-“
Miguel gave him a glare for him to shut up.
“Jus’ saying it only worked out for ariel in the end, but that’s cause she’s a mermaid, and she’s fictional-“
“You’re nervous. Why?” She asked.
You turned to him now and he sighed.
“Cause, I jus’ don’t want anything bad to happen.”
“I can protect myself, Hobie.”
“I trust you. I know. It’s you I don’t trust.” He looked at Jeannie.
“Promise, nothing’ll happen to her as long as she’s under my wing.”
“Swear?” Miguel said now.
“Swear. It’s cute how your both so concerned though.” She laughed, and looked back at you.
“Whatever. Thanks Jeannie, we’ll see you.. when?” Miguel asked, and put his hand on your back when you turned around.
“Tomorrow night.”
Miguel nodded. You waved bye to her with a smile and Hobie just followed behind you both.
“So, we going home?” You asked.
“Yeah. Come on.” Miguel mumbled, and looked at you both in the back of the seats.
He hoped nothing would change, but he understood what you wanted to do, and respected it.
When he got to the apartment, you all got out and went inside.
“Movie night?” You said, you and Hobie sitting on the couch. You held up the remote. Miguel was cleaning up in the kitchen.
He looked back, and he dried his hands.
“Sure." He mumbled, and smiled slightly as you laughed loudly when Hobie started to tickle you, throwing the popcorn bowl above your head.
Tag list:
@enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorrxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
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@chaoticevilbakugo @hobiebrainrot @anonima-2 @alastorhazbin @imthatone-annoyingfriend @pascaliscult @sh-tposter2021 @f1shb0nez @mammonispunk
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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once more i am thinking abt this miguel from 2099: world of tomorrow... bode
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mochalottie · 1 year
I wanted to make a larger post about ATSV because I've been listening to the soundtrack on loop for the past week, I'm going to see it again tomorrow, and I just made a very astute observation about the film and its music (and no, this is not a chance to show off my music film degree shut up--)
So, in the previous Spiderverse-film there was a lot of focus placed on the Original Soundtrack. I mean the songs used in the film (diegetically) and which were inspired by Miles' story. It included stuff like Sunflower and What's up Danger.
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It meant that there was less emphasis on the film score, written by Daniel Pemberton. Apart from only Miles' theme throughout his journey, and his fight theme in the collidor 'Miles Morales Returns' there isn't much of a focus on the score itself. It falls to the wayside unless people actively go to listen to it. I mean, the cover art for it was actually really simple until recently. The big 'Spider-man' graphic wasn't there a few weeks ago.
Now, there's nothing bad about this at all, and in fact I haven't come here to criticise this, only to observe and possibly gush about how it's changed. Because it has changed; this time in ATSV there's less of a focus on the OST and more on the score. It's far more prevailent, to the point where each Spider person is getting their own theme.
That includes Gwen, Miguel, Miles, Pav, and Hobie. And each actually sounds really well characterised.
Gwen's, which is heard really prevalently during the battle with Vulture at the beginning is very drum heavy (obviously), but the main melody rises in quick succession in what could be a slide, but nearly couldn't because you hear each individual note. We know for a fact that Gwen is the only Spider person in her Earth, so it could almost be a nod to her rising to the challenge. Learning to defend her city whilst also always getting back up. Someone also pointed out that the drum solo heard at the beginning is used at the end, and is part of her theme. It also makes sense why she would form the Spider band, because the drums form the foundation so that the other instruments can build upon it.
Miguel's is first heard when he steps through the portal, and obviously it sounds ominous and menacing. But, I don't believe he's a bad guy. Someone said here that there's a difference between an antagonist and a villain. Miguel is the antagonist, which is reflected in his theme, because he is far different to the other Spiders. He's a vampire, for one, his world is set in 2099, and he was the first to figure out the canon events. The setting is why, I think, his theme is so techno in style. It also has the same rise and fall motif that is similar to Gwen's, a bit of word painting in a sense.
We then come to the main character Miles, who's theme we did experience before in the first film, but it's far more developed in this one. For one thing, it's longer in time, second, it's set during the chase scene with the Spot. We know from the last film that Pemberton is a master at meshing the diegetic music into his score (for example adding in some of Miles' theme into What's up Danger) and it's no different here. At one point, he changes the record scratches (which are literally him scratching the vinyl recording of the score) to the screeches the goose makes whilst Spot and Miles are duking it out in Foam Party. And obviously more rising scales, and epic orchestration but meshed with the record scratches and errant cowbells.
I think Pav and Hobie are my favourite new characters. Like Pav 'Just coconut oil, prayer, good genetics' 'chai tea? chai is tea! Do you want some coffee coffee with a side of cream cream?'. He makes me laugh every time and he's such a sunshine boy I wanna squish--
ahem. anyway.
Obviously, Pav's theme is very culturally accurate, but he hasn't been able to get away from the traditional record scratches and hints of techno like the other Spiders. It doesn't have the rise and fall motif (yet) but that could be because he hasn't been Spider-Man all that long (six months and he still got a badge) and he hasn't experienced any of the major sacrifices Spider-Man usually does. And we hope that he doesn't anyway, cause they need a bright and smiley Spidey that's not weighed down by the weight of his fecking responsibility.
What can I say about Hobie's theme. What can't I say about Hobie's theme. It is downright headbanging screaming at authority fuck the monarchy english punk!! I love it to bits, the way it reminds me of so many other great bands whilst also being really bloody original. Good drum runs like holy shit, good guitar riffs (you can bet their fingers might be bleeding by the end of it) and it just gives the vibes of late 70s. It just fits so so well.
All of it does, the whole score is amazing and I would absolutely adore to pick Daniel Pembertons' brain in finding out how he decided each Spider would sound. Like, the tiny details every creator put into this film is insane.
Each Spider even has their own unique thwipping sound how specific can you get!!!
Anyway, I'm done. For those of you who read through this, know I did it during half of my lunchbreak because this film is giving me brainrot.
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2099 Reading Order: The Original World of Tomorrow (1992-1997) is up now!
For the full chronological reading order, fall out and covers head to Omniverse Comics Guide!
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donnersurpriseparty · 4 months
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it's been a year since across the spider-verse came out and i have not gotten back to being normal about miguel so! here's a passion project i've been working on.
right now it's only volume 1, which includes the entirety of the 1992 run + 2099 unlimited + the end of 2099 (FF2099, world of tomorrow, manifest destiny) + some other stuff.
here's chapter one to part one. thank you for humoring me and i hope someone benefits from this because i am not beating the spider-man autism allegations LOL
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spiderman616 · 6 days
hello i need a spidermanism to riff off of for brainstorming purposes what’s a good reason for him to be in a new city. that’s kind of in california . alternately does he deal with much time travel or robots or time traveling robots
this is a super genre convention thing but almost every time he is in a different city there are like 3 ways to go about it. 1 he begged and pleaded jameson to pay for his plane ticket because there was some newsworthy event going on and he needed to fly there and photograph it. web of spiderman does this a lot with peter and joy mercado going to different locations in the world to report on dangerous events and spiderman also happens to fight a supervillain there too. 2 he just uses up all his rent money on a flight/asks someone richer like the avengers or f4 to borrow a jet to fly there himself. this is if he already has some motivation though, like when he flied to latveria to find the truth about his parents or was getting anonymous tips about acts of supervillainry across the globe addressed specifically to him. 3 hes just working with another hero for a teamup and they have access to some sort of transportation. happens a lot with the silver sable issues where he has to hang around in symkaria or whatnot for a while. he has gone to san francisco once back when daredevil and the black widow were situated there for a teamup but i dont quite remember why. perhaps to just hang out? there was also a bit in amazing spiderman where he was going on tour across the country to promote his book of spiderman photos, which is a specific case but they did milk it to have spiderman show up in different locations (which was explained by spiderman being a publicity stunt for the book. awesome).
now spiderman dealing with time travel and robots and such in his OWN series isnt very common. you wont see a spiderman movie or cartoon that isnt mcu or whatnot dealing with that much. but since he has so many crossovers with other heroes and gets trapped in big events he has a ton of experience with time travel and cosmic space and basically any other scifi/mystical setting. he gets around. in terms of time travel though the "tomorrow war" arc from marvel teamup comes to mind, and his crossovers with spiderman 2099 and the one time he met spidergirl also involve it somehow. tldr it doesnt happen a whole lot but if you need it to happen it isnt too hard. new york canonically has a lot more experimental time machines than youd expect, and even without those the fantastic four and dr doom have like 10 between them anyways.
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