#would care about mold (IT IS CARPET. IT HAS BEEN WET FOR A WEEK) and idk the structural integrity of the building
bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
I wonder about Soul Society’s (well, specifically Seireitei’s) relationship to buildings. Because on one hand a lot of their structures and institutions are, by human measure, old as hell. On the other hand, their actual Society--also by human measure--seems relatively young. If everything’s only a thousand or two years old, I mean. And in spite of the fact that a decent portion of their populace was like, alive for this entire span of history, institutional/individual memory does not seem particularly strong. (Whether that’s by political design or biology is another question I think about a lot.)
BUT THE BUILDINGS SPECIFICALLY. They seem to get blown up a lot (and significantly more often if we’re including movie and filler canon), and given that rate of decimation I feel like the Seireitei probably can’t be all that precious about their buildings. But like, do they have buildings they actually care about? Do they have places that they will spend their entire shinigami lifetimes repairing? I mean, they have things like the Soukyoku Hill and the Soul King Palace (I know nothing about this place; while it was being explained my soul left my body and I wasn’t paying attention), and the Seireitei itself was obviously built very intentionally. And I assume the noble families have castles and whatnot they’re proud of.
And like, there are protocols and tools specifically for the preservation of buildings in the living realm (and, you know, the lives being lived within them), in ways that aren’t often discussed in this type of series. Like, goddamn, they moved an entire Karakura lol. Not specifically for the buildings per se, but it’s not as though they didn’t not take the buildings. But is that because they share this feeling that buildings are important, or is it more of a “humans really care about this stuff and it matters to them” thing? Because not all of their engagements with the living realm are that well thought-through. (See: The way their gikongan run around, and the ways that none of them really seem to care what kind of ruckus ensues, lol.)
Not that it matters, really, I just think it’s interesting to think about the potential that shinigami have a different relationship to buildings than humans do for x, y, z, reasons, mostly that they are naturally more ephemeral in SS because they keep getting blown to shit. And none of the buildings are all that nice or even distinctive in SS anyway. I’m not even sure you could argue that all of their buildings are exceptionally functional because half the time you look at the bgs and you’re like “literally why is this room like this” (or at least I am).
Anyway, I just keep thinking about post-TYBW and having to rebuild everything with a population suddenly vastly reduced. Everything has that new-construction, fresh-plywood smell. Personally, I like Home Depot smell--but maybe it’s the first time for a lot of these shinigami that that smell feels sad. Buildings have always come and gone to some degree, it’s just part of it, but now that smell feels inextricable from loss.
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shiversdownyerspine · 4 years
8. Warm
The last twinkles of dawn have faded as morning balances on a pin, almost ready to fall into day. It is at this edge that you finally rise and shine.
Except there is no rising and shining, no. There is no wakey wakey eggs and bakey. Why?
Because you are stuck. Stuck between slipping into the waking world or letting yourself drift back into blessed sleep. It's the strangest thing, you can't quite decide what you want so...you'll just have to float among the cozy clouds of indecision for the time being. 
At least for five more minutes.
You're not the only one having trouble. Otto is still stretched out on the sofa with you on top of him, holding him captive. Not that that's what he'd consider to be the problem, however.
As it just so happens, after he had updated his brothers about your condition, he had shifted his position a little. Nothing much, just slipped a leg from its resting place on the cushions and the sofa arm to the floor below. Your furniture was just a little too short for a man of his height to stretch out properly on without his feet dangling off the edge.
This is when his little problem popped up; after he moved, you adjusted your position as well. Still settled between his legs and on his chest, you subconsciously decided to slide your leg up and over his thigh. Settling the pressure of your pelvis right into his.
Thank goodness his brothers were preoccupied; Axel was still in the kitchen cleaning up breakfast, and Oscar was distracted with the kittens on the other side of the coffee table. The cover that the thick quilt provided was also much appreciated.
He tried a couple times to shift his hips away, but you would follow him with every movement. Or more accurately, you had no choice but to follow with your leg hooked over his like this. The gentle rub and slide of your lower body against his was starting to become...distracting. 
On his third valiant attempt you let out a soft sweet little sound into his chest, forcing the poor man motionless under you. While another part of him stirred.
That's it.
Determined, Otto grips the back of your bent knee with one hand while the other dips to grab the back of your thigh just under your rear. With a firm pull, he drags you further up his chest, away from his hips.
Your lungs fill with a deep breath as the abrupt movement has you tensing, your hand sliding up over his collarbone and back down to his chest as sleep pulls away from you.
Otto grunts, "Awake now?"
Groggy, your head lifts sluggishly from your living pillow, eyes half-lidded and hair fittingly tousled. 
Your nose crinkles cutely, "...somethin' like that.
Large fingers brush some errant locks of your hair from your face before the man asks, "Still tired? Better?"
Pushing yourself up a bit on your forearms, you take a moment to hide a yawn in your shoulder before returning your attention to Otto, "...Both. It's expected; it usually takes a day...maybe?...for my sleep schedule to go back to normal."
The heel of your palm rubs carefully at your eye, "Bad cold spells aren't very common, but they pop up more around winter. Last longer too."
Otto's brow furrows as Axel interjects, "Still had weeks of cold, but it's different?"
Peering sleepily around the living room for the surly man with the slicked-back hair, you realize his voice drifted in from the kitchen.
"Well..during these weeks the cold spell was inconsistent. Most are. What's the phrase thing...like a roller coaster? Boat on the waves?"
The tallest brother nods his understanding, "Up and down."
"Mhm. Some nights I'm warmer and get more sleep, it's more manageable. Winter spells are more...constant. Less changing..."
Your head droops, "..and a lot more aggravating for it."
Somewhere during the conversation, Axel finishes up in the kitchen and takes a seat in the armchair next to the sofa. Meanwhile Otto's arms have returned to rest lightly on your back. Warm for the first time in weeks, your body refuses to even consider the thought of slipping away from the man. You're staying right where you are. 
The fear prickles in the back of your mind that if you do move away, you'll find the cold waiting to cut right through the warmth and pick up where it left off. Of course you know it doesn't work like that, but the thought stubbornly lingers.
From across the coffee table, lying sprawled on the carpet with napping kittens, a hidden Oscar asks, "You deal with winter how? 
With a jolt you glance around the room, fingers curling in the warm material of Otto's long johns while the man himself gives an amused huff.
"...Uh..It's..pretty much the same with the cold spells...but I wear more layers during the day and..and lots of blankets at night."
Still not able to see the youngest despite your efforts, you have to ask, "Oscar what are you doing down there?"
As you lift yourself up more to see past the coffee table, you're greeted with nothing but carpet. 
"...Well that's spook-" 
Before you have a chance to finish your sentence, dastardly digits slip into your hair from behind and wiggle against your nape feathers, courtesy of a certain sneaky bastard. It's been a while since Oscar's last sneak attack, but this one takes the proverbial cake.
With a muffled squeal you duck back down to Otto to escape his mischievous brother, yanking the quilt up to buffer the back of your neck. Oscar smirks and leans back up, steadying the kitten that was slipping off his shoulder. Axel side-eyes him but pays little mind to his antics, his focus is mainly on the conundrum that is his empty mug.
The youngest grunts, "Revenge, du liten retas."
A single word in Oscar's declaration catches your indignant attention, "Revenge? For what you fiend?"
Axel stands to stroll to the kitchen to rectify his coffeeless issue, reminding you on the way. 
Otto lightly rubs your back, nodding as if it was a necessary evil.
You grumble, "...Ah. Right. Well I hope everyone's thirst for vengeance has been sated."
With your righteous fury briefly mollified, you pout up at Oscar and his little accomplice. Thing 1 wobbles a bit, clinging to the fabric of his shoulder. 
You allow yourself a moment to admire the man's slim turtleneck sweater paired with his button suspenders. The long-sleeved garment appears to be on the older side, as much of their apparel seems to be, but the deep pewter color doesn't appear to have faded yet. The form fitting material molds quite nicely to the brawn of his arms, showing off muscles earned from a life of hard work. 
Really all three men can boast of possessing a certain physical prowess, of which Otto himself had demonstrated for you last night. You're not sure what had made your heart pound more, being carried by the man or being snuggled up against him to sleep.
With these thoughts rattling around in your head, you become slightly more conscious of the situation; of the feel of his body pressed to yours, of his hands at your back. That's one way to wake yourself up.
The tiny precariously perched feline serves a decent distraction from the attractiveness of these men. You sit up, rear hovering over Otto's lap to give some attention to Thing 1. Steadying yourself with a hand on the top of the sofa, you reach up to the kitten to give its tiny forehead a rub as Oscar leans down a bit to accommodate you.
"I don't think the kittens are quite ready to become official shoulder cats. They're not the most coordinated yet."
You can't help but be a worry wart with such itty bitty animals in your care.
Oscar broods, tilting his head to observe his cargo, "..Too small?"
With your little roller coaster metaphor still on the brain, you reply without thinking, "You must be this tall to ride the Oscar."
You hear a slight clattering in the kitchen as Oscar's eyes widen in surprise and naughty delight. Otto's hands twitch as he swallows thickly. Both brother's eyes trail the slope of your body from different angles.
The larger man's drifting thoughts backstab his good intentions and leave them to die in the gutter; admiring your legs spread either side of his hips, his gaze rests on a certain part of your anatomy that is hovering above a certain part of his anatomy, taunting him with possibilities...
One such possibility being you bare and ready, perched astride him just like this but waiting to be guided down to swallow up every inch-
The snicker from Oscar thankfully breaks the spell Otto is under, the big man scowling as he watches the smaller lean slightly towards your arm. He wouldn't...
Oscar dips his head, lips brushing your skin as his eyes flick to Otto before settling back on you. After finding the two of you cuddled up together and his brother getting handsy? Oh, he absolutely would.
He grins, "Warning, will get wet."
With that, his teeth press gently to the inside of your wrist in a loose open mouthed bite as something wet and warm flicks over your skin.
You pull your arm away from his mouth with a yelp, face resembling a tomato as you stutter, "Oscar! That's-I...W-what, do I need a spray bottle for you?!?"
The man's face is radiating satisfaction and a playfulness that has your stomach somersaulting. You've never sprayed your animals, finding other methods more beneficial for behavior correction, but at least it could have offered you some form of retribution in this unexpected scenario.
You squeak when Otto grasps your waist to remove you from his person and settle you on the cushions and quilt. His feet plop down on the carpet as he stands at his full intimidating height, glaring down at his brother from where he stands behind the sofa.
Eyes locked on his aggressively posturing brother, Oscar slowly removes the kitten from his shoulder and offers him to you to take. Which you do, gaze flicking between the two men as tension builds.
Oscar snaps that tension with ease, growling, "Hon smakar söt, som honung."
And with that mysterious sentence, the youngest brother's instigation is successful. He bee-lines for the kitchen in a sprint, presumably to escape out the back door to the garden as Otto's heavy gait follows close behind.
Taking a moment to calm your racing heart, you juggle your choices of getting dressed or grabbing some food and coffee. Your rumbling stomach and lingering sleepiness makes the decision for you. Forming a makeshift nest with the quilt, you plop Thing 1 down, smiling as he settles in contentedly. You don't even need to look for Thing 2 as the kitten quickly scrambles up the side of the sofa to join his sibling for more naptime.
Tiptoeing to the kitchen, you peep in to find Axel standing at the screen door, sipping his mug of coffee. Watching his brothers' antics no doubt. Not wanting to startle the man, however unlikely given his occupation, you murmur, "Axel? Please tell me there's more coffee."
The man looks over his shoulder, nodding and gesturing to the table where a full steaming mug waits just for you. A hearty plate of some sort of breakfast scramble consisting of eggs, tomatoes, sausage, potatoes, cheese, and herbs sits beside your drink. Touched by his consideration, you shyly express your gratitude and take a seat.
Before you dig in, something itches at your senses and you peer up to see the man still watching you with a small smirk. Your eyes narrow, looking down at the offering and back up as a feeling of familiarity pokes your brain.
Waaaiiit a minute...
"...I'm being bribed aren't I."
The smirk that spreads on his face is all the answer you need. You cover your mouth as giggles struggle to break out. It takes a second or two to compose yourself...at least to some degree.
"I'm guessing you have some questions for me?"
Probably some harder questions, given the new information you've revealed. You stubbornly hold on to your good mood, not wanting to let it spoil.
At the sound of Oscar's hollering, Axel returns his attention back to whatever unfortunate fate has befallen his kin. 
He suggests you finish breakfast first. You don't need him to tell you twice.
Revenge, du liten retas- Revenge, you little tease. Hon smakar söt, som honung- She tastes sweet, like honey.
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kpopfanfictrash · 5 years
Keeping a Secret (M)
Tumblr media
Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Hoseok / Reader
Rating: 18+
Warnings: oral (male), Hoseok calls the reader princess, dirty talk, blow job kind of over boxers?, semi-rough sex
Genre: New Relationship!AU
Synopsis: You and Hoseok have been hooking up for a few weeks now. No one in your friend group knows. What happens then, when he shows up at movie night looking better than anticipated?
Word Count: 3,743
[ cross-posted to Wattpad here ]
It has been three weeks, two days and twenty hours (give or take) since Jung Hoseok first kissed you.
If you were classifying moments, you would not call it a romantic gesture. You were in the middle of a long speech about climate change and how the world was sinking into the sea, the ice caps were melting and soon enough, there would only be brown-fur polar bears because their white fur would be all muddied and gross.
That was when Jung Hoseok turned on the couch, said, “Screw it,” and kissed you. Hard. When he finally broke for air several seconds later, he blurted, “I needed to shut you up somehow. Also, apparently the world is ending, so why not?”
You stared at him for a moment before shrugging. “Good enough for me.”
Then, you kissed him again.
You did not have sex that night, but you did the night after. And after that, and after that, and – well, you get the picture. Except for tonight, of course. Tonight is movie night with all your friends, and you are seated purposefully on one couch and Hoseok, across the room on the other.
None of your friends know that you two are hooking up. None of them know, because there is nothing to tell. You and Hoseok have been friends for so long, you did not really plan the hook-up, so much as you slipped into it. Once you were there, you did not want to scare it away by giving it a label.
It is not as though your friends would be opposed to you dating – exactly the opposite. They would make a big deal, put you two under a microscope and right now, you are trying to figure this out for yourselves. Time alone is warranted.
Crossing both arms over your chest, you glance at Hoseok, then the TV. Then back to him. Shoving your toes into the carpet, you exhale though your nostrils and try not to look pissed.
He just looks so fucking good tonight.
I mean, on most nights he looks amazing. That is what you first noticed about him, after all. When you first met, Hoseok was just Jimin’s friend from back home. Jimin was Taehyung’s roommate at the time, who was dating your roommate, Olivia. You began to hang out and after a while, Hoseok became a staple. You knew him for his outfits at first, more than anything else. He always wore loud patterns paired with the most hideous sneakers you have ever seen.
But then you noticed other things about him. The adorable slope of his nose when he turned. The way he ruffled his hair when he was happy. Or upset. The way he took care of Jimin freshman year when he got super homesick, taking him under his wing in the simplest of ways.
You saw all this and slowly but surely, a massive crush developed on Jung Hoseok. That was all, though – a crush. You thought you could handle it. Indeed, you were handling it. Until he kissed you and everything went to hell.
Lacing your hands in your lap, you discourage their wandering anywhere else. True, Hoseok is sitting across the room but that is no guarantee of good behavior. Hoseok decided to wear his black hoodie tonight. He also decided to style his hair, dark and tousled away from his face. You scowl in his direction, thoroughly put out.
Hoseok stares at the TV, blue light flickering over his features. Beside him sits Jimin, chatting quietly with Jungkook on the floor. Namjoon at the back of the room, thoroughly engrossed in the events of the movie. On his other side is Yoongi, ensconced in the lone armchair. Ari and Seokjin are with you on the couch, with Olivia firmly locked in Taehyung’s embrace on the floor.
As though able to sense the pull of your gaze, Hoseok looks up.
He stares for only a moment, eyes narrowed before he glances back down. His fingers wrap around his cell phone, typing something in and a second later, your own buzzes to life. Seokjin shifts beside you and, careful not to disturb him, you unlock the text.
Hoseok: stop staring at me [10:08 PM]
Y/N: maybe if you didn’t look like that, I wouldn’t have to stare [10:08 PM]
Hoseok: didn’t look like what [10:09 PM]
Y/N: I mean, have you always been this goddamn hot? [10:09 PM]
Y/N: can’t look at you without wanting your dick in my mouth [10:10 PM]
Glancing up, you watch him as he reads. Hoseok inhales, typing quickly and your phone vibrates with a response.
Hoseok: holy fuck y/n [10:11 PM]
Your lips curl into a smile.
Y/N: have I told you how much I like your cock [10:12 PM]
Y/N: so much [10:12 PM]
Y/N: it’s the perfect size [10:12 PM]
Y/N: enough to make me choke [10:13 PM]
Y/N: hits so deep [10:13 PM]
Y/N: tastes so good when you cum down my throat [10:14 PM]
Continuing to smile, you glance up to watch Hoseok read. Frowning, you realize the couch across from you is empty. Only Jimin sits on the sofa. As soon as you think this, your phone buzzes again. Glancing down, you see no words on the screen. Only the sender.
Slowly, you swipe to unlock.
“Fuck,” you mutter, under your breath.
“What?” Seokjin does not look away from the screen.
Hurriedly, you tilt your phone away. “Uh, nothing.” Twisting on the couch, you glance at the image again.
Fuck, is right. Hoseok must be in the bathroom. That much is obvious by the neat rows of Taehyung’s face products behind him. That is not the most defining part of the picture, though. The most defining part is Hoseok’s lower half, one hand lewdly grasping his package. The image makes you swallow, throat suddenly dry.
His underwear is still on – grey boxer-briefs you bought with him in Target one lazy summer afternoon. You were with him then and okay, maybe you imagined him wearing them. Maybe you thought once or twice about him over the course of your friendship.
Glancing once more at the photo, you nearly groan out loud. Hoseok’s hands are veiny, gripping his length over the material of his boxers. He is semi-hard, that much is obvious. Realizing he wants you makes your legs clench together. Honestly, that is a turn-on in itself. No other guy has been quite as vocal with you about his desires before.
Abruptly, you stand. “Have to pee,” you inform Seokjin.
He makes a face. “Alright,” he mumbles. “Go off, I guess.”
Turning around, you dart from the living room. Taehyung’s kitchen is dark, every light turned off to better enjoy the movie. His bathroom is down the hall, just before his bedroom. You pause outside the door when – it opens fast, a hand reaching out to seize your arm.
“Hey,” Hoseok grins, pulling you in and shutting the door.
You are disappointed to find he is fully dressed. The evidence of the photo is still present, though. His shirt is untucked, belt buckled over unzippered jeans. The dark strands of his hair are a mess, as though he pushed his hands through it several times.
Your heart stutters at the endearing image. “That was some photo,” you grin.
Hoseok shakes his head. “No time,” he demands, shoving you against the door.
You inhale, hands winding greedily about his neck when he kisses you. Moving against you, Hoseok’s frame molds to yours. His knee pushes between your thighs, providing much-needed friction. His hands – expert in everything – deftly slide to undo your bra. Once this is accomplished, Hoseok yanks up your shirt and cups your breasts with both hands.
“Fuck,” he mutters into your lips.
Deftly, his thumbs trace your nipples. Whimpering, you clamp your thighs around Hoseok’s. He pulls back, smirking when his thumbs start to flick. He knows how sensitive you are and will use this to his advantage. Honestly, you could probably come like this but not here. Not now, when time is of the essence.
Lifting a hand to your cheek, Hoseok’s thumb strokes your lips until you open.
“Suck,” he commands, voice low.
You obey, lips closing around him to headily suck. Teasing him with your tongue, you drag this up the underside like you would his cock. Hoseok’s gaze hardens, breath hitching; he squeezes your breast roughly before he releases.
“You wanna suck me off, is that it?”
He asks you this calmly, taking a step backwards. There is not much room in the bathroom, so his legs nearly hit the edge of the tub. Nodding eagerly, you already miss the feel of his thigh on your heat.
Hoseok arches a brow, beginning to unbuckle his belt. “Well, princess?”
Nodding, you step forward and lower yourself to your knees. The linoleum is hard, biting but you find that you like it.
“Yes, Hobi.”
He smirks, a teasing glint to his eyes. Even when serious, Hoseok maintains this demeanor. Even when tying you up on the bed and fucking you senseless, there is always this humor beyond a hardened exterior. You have complete confidence that, should you at any point wish to stop, Hoseok will oblige. No questions asked. He only gets off on something if you do, too.
Staring at him, you lick your lips.
Shoving his pants past his ass, Hoseok exposes the grey of his boxers. He is more than semi-hard, you note with some longing. Shuffling forward, you reach for his cock.
Hoseok slowly shakes a finger. “Nuh-uh,” he teases. “Not yet.”
Pouting, your hands fall to your sides.
“Over the boxers, first.”
Heart thudding, you slowly nod and move closer. Continuing to make eye contact, you bend and smooth your hands around his hips. Pulling the fabric taut, you see the clear outline of his cock. Without breaking your gaze, you lick a trail up the side. Hoseok exhales through his nose when you begin mouthing his dick, leaving wet imprints on the grey of his boxers.
One of your hands cups his balls, massaging gently while you suck on the tip. Before you know it, Hoseok is shoving his boxers down to his knees.
“Fuck,” he says, grasping your hair. “I need your mouth now, princess.”
You nod, barely having a choice in the matter when he guides his cock to your lips. Sitting back on your heels, you let the weight of his cock fall on your tongue. You relish in that for a moment – the salty taste of his pre-cum, the velvet smoothness of his length before you close your lips around him and suck. Hard.
Swearing, Hoseok’s hips jolt forward and you do not stop. Sucking harder, you trail your tongue up his frenulum before pulling back. Hoseok continues to hold you like that, thrusting his hips and using your body. For a few seconds, it is like that – hot and messy while he fucks into your mouth.
You like it like this, though. You like to watch hair fall into his gaze, darkened with lust while his thrusts become increasingly sloppy. You like to grip his thighs tightly, feeling the moment when he tenses for release. When you choke on his cock, spit dribbling out, Hoseok groans and pulls back.
“Baby,” he coos, wiping this with a finger. Pulling you up from the floor, he cradles your ass with both hands. “Princess, you’re so good to me. You know that?”
Nodding, you smirk because yes, you do know. Having known Hoseok for so long, you know exactly what he likes and exactly how to do it. The benefit of being friends first is you heard his hook-up stories first-hand. So-and-so did not know he has a ticklish collarbone. Another girl never once touched his balls, and Hoseok loves when girls do that.
With these tidbits of knowledge, you are well-equipped to ensure Hoseok turns ravenous. It is with absolute certainty you can say that only Hoseok has made you come half as hard. No one has ever tried half as hard either, but that is an entirely different matter.
Spinning you around to face the mirror, Hoseok rests your hands on the sink. “I have a condom,” he says, kissing your shoulder. “Is that good?”
You nod, staring at your reflection. Hair falls about your face, breathing ragged, and shirt pushed past your breasts. Hoseok fishes a condom from his jeans, standing up to undo the package. Rubber snaps against skin and then Hoseok’s length is there, pressed to your ass. Hand sliding over your hip, he locates your zipper.
“Your jeans need to go,” he says, low as he drags them down to your knees. “No time for more, I’m afraid.”
“Okay.” You close your eyes when you feel Hoseok’s hand at you core. Sliding up and down the center of your panties, he feels your wetness. “Hobi,” you whine.
“I’m sorry,” he chuckles, rubbing your clit. You mewl in response. “You’re just so wet, princess. All that from sucking my cock?”
“Before.” You groan when he pulls on your panties. “Been this wet since I saw you.”
Teasing your folds, Hoseok pushes your panties aside, re-gripping his cock. You whimper, bent to the counter and clenching hard around nothing.
“Come on, baby,” you moan, pushing backwards. “Fill me up. Please – please, Hobi. I need to feel you inside me. Need your cock in my pussy.”
“Fu-ck,” Hoseok mutters, sounding tortured.
Barely half a second passes before he thrusts forward, sheathing himself in your pussy.
“Fuck!” you gasp, knees hitting the counter.
Hoseok clasps a hand over your mouth, staring at you wide-eyed in the mirror. You both are quiet for a moment, listening to see if anyone heard. Nothing happens though and eventually, he brushes a thumb over your lips.
“Gotta be quiet, princess.” Hoseok murmurs.
“I know,” you say, shutting your eyes. His hot, throbbing cock is still inside you and honestly, you cannot think of anything else. “I just…”
“I know,” Hoseok whispers, withdrawing.
You whimper, hand reaching out to grab onto his hips but then he thrusts back in, making your hips smack to the counter.
“Oh!” you groan, eyes flying open.
Grasping the sink, you stare at him, dazed when he pulls out again. Hoseok sinks into you slowly, making you feel every inch. It makes your legs wobble, feet sliding apart to get him even deeper. Hoseok’s hand grabs your hips, pulling them backwards and with the other, he forces your chest down.
“Take it like that,” he murmurs, turning your head to rest on the sink. “Stick your ass up a bit more.”
“Ah,” you moan when you obey, feeling him slide even deeper.
“That’s it, princess,” Hoseok purrs, playing with your tits as his hands slide up your body. “Now, do you want me to go harder?”
Staring at the wall, you eagerly nod.
Hoseok tsks beneath his breath, hands traveling back down your body. “Are you sure you can keep quiet, though?”
“Yes,” you exhale.
“You sure you can take it?”
“Are you sure…” Hoseok thrusts his hips forward. “Sure this cute little pussy can take being fucked like I wanna?”
“Yes,” you whine, pushing backwards. “Please, Hobi – please.”
“Alright.” He chuckles, grasping your hips. “Then, take it.”
Rearing back, Hoseok slams into you with enough force that you swear. Barely, do you have the chance to recover before he does it again – hitting so deep, you feel the need to bite down on your lip in order to keep you from screaming. The entire bathroom is full of the rough sounds of his cock entering your pussy and fuck, do you love it. It sounds so sinful, echoing off Taehyung’s tile walls.
Hoseok fucks you fast, hard in a way that you can only lie there and take it. His hips pound your ass, hard enough to bruise and you hope that they do. You hope he leaves a mark, so that each time you sit down this week, you remember just how well he fucked you.
“Fuck, princess,” Hoseok grunts. “You’re so wet.”
He is not wrong – you can feel your arousal on the inside of your thighs, dripping into your folds and making your clit extra tender. As soon as you think this, Hoseok lets go of your waist to slide a hand between your legs.
“Fuck,” you moan, head thrown back as he teases your mound.
“That’s it,” Hoseok exhales, over your shoulder. He stares at you in the mirror. “Look how fucked out you are. All needy, split by my cock. Wanna cum on my dick?”
“Mmm,” you agree as he begins circling your clit. Instantly, your walls tighten around him. It is embarrassing, how readily your body responds to his commands. Already, you can feel the pulse of blood in your ears, the pleasure reaching a fever-pitch and needing release.
“That’s it,” Hoseok murmurs. He presses a kiss to your cheek in an almost-sweet gesture. Meanwhile, his cock continues hammering your pussy. “Come for me.”
You do – breaking apart, sobbing his name as you grip onto the counter. Everything shakes, vision blurred while your orgasm rips through you. Hoseok continues to thrust, pushing you through pleasure until it borders on pain. When you look up at him in the mirror, he gasps out your name.
“Y/N,” he blurts, sounding tortured. “I wanna come on your ass.”
“Do it,” you agree, wriggling the feature. “Hobi, do it.”
“Alright,” he gasps.
Immediately, Hoseok pulls out. Yanking off his condom, he pumps himself into one fist. Staring at your cunt, spread and messy before him, it only takes a few strokes before he is coming undone.
“Fuck,” Hoseok groans, hand grabbing yours on the counter. You cannot see but feel when his cum hits your ass. It paints a hot, messy picture dripping in between folds. Drops continue to land while Hoseok rubs himself out.
Head lowering, he gently kisses your neck. Keening into his praise, you smile, catching your breath as he pulls himself upwards.
“Fuck,” Hoseok says, pushing a hand through his hair. His eyes are sparkling, making you laugh.
“What?” you ask.
Hoseok shrugs and steps forward. “You,” he offers, cupping your face with both hands.
When he kisses you, you find yourself getting lost in the moment. There is still cum on your ass and you really need to clean but for now, you want to kiss Hoseok. It seems more important.
Finally, he withdraws and you open your eyes. “You go first,” you say, nodding at the door. Your voice has dropped back to a whisper, as though someone might hear you. “I have to pee.”
Hoseok snorts, reaching down to pull up his pants. Nodding, he sneaks another quick kiss before pushing open the door. Glancing each way down the hall, he slips into the kitchen. Once he is gone, you ready yourself in the bathroom and fully clean and fully clothed, you leave the bathroom as well.
The kitchen lights are still off, dark when you enter the living room. The final scene of the movie plays on the screen – a rising crescendo of music while the main boy and girl realize they like each other. Sneaking a glance at Hoseok, you see him back on his sofa.
Turning around, you plop down beside Seokjin.
Jungkook stirs, speaking up from the floor. “Why don’t you sit next to Hobi?” he asks, shoving more popcorn into his mouth. “I’m sure Jimin would move for you.”
Freezing in place, your gaze darts to Jungkook. Everyone else in the room has frozen as well, looking everywhere except for at you and Hoseok. “I – what?” you squeak. “Why… why would I sit next to Hoseok?”
Jungkook lowers his popcorn, realizing everyone is staring. “I – uh, well…”
“Because you two are fucking,” says Namjoon from the sofa. His gaze is still locked on the screen. “Obviously.”
Olivia lets out a quiet laugh from Taehyung’s arms. “Come on, Y/N. It’s totally obvious.”
“I – what?” you blurt, lowering your face to your palms. “How long has everyone known?”
When you peek out from between fingers, you see Hoseok glaring at Jimin. “You were home the other night, weren’t you?” he states accusatorially. “You said that you weren’t! That you were crashing at Jungkook’s!”
Jimin flashes Hoseok a grin. “Guilty.”
“Oh, no,” you groan, sinking low on the couch. Last weekend, Hoseok assured you Jimin was gone for the night. As a result, the two of you had intense sex on top of his kitchen table. Loudly.
Before you can sink any further, you see Hoseok stand from the couch. He crosses the room, chuckling when his hands wrap around yours. “Come on, Y/N,” he sighs, pulling you upwards to stand. “They’re right. Might as well sit together if everyone knows we’re dating.”
Paused mid-step, you stare at him wide-eyed.
Jungkook’s mouth drops. Namjoon looks up from the movie. Olivia and Taehyung stop talking – even Seokjin reaches out and presses pause on the remote.
“Dating?” Jimin blinks.
Hoseok has an expression on his face you have only seen once. It was when he woke up forty minutes late the day of his Calculus II exam and realized he just might fail the whole class. Slowly, he turns to look at you. His expression is so helpless, you almost want to laugh. The look he gives you is of such whipped, unadulterated adoration that you practically melt.
Closing the distance, you kiss him soft on the lips. “Yeah, dating,” you mumble.
Hoseok smiles, his arms wrapping tighter around you.
Taehyung whoops, breaking the moment. “Wow!” he exclaims when you finally break apart. “We didn’t know you were dating! We just thought you were fucking. Guys!”
“I…” Hoseok exhales, smile tugging at his lips. “Yeah. We’re dating.”
The tentativeness to his words makes you smile. Looking at him, you nod.
“Okay.” Namjoon leans forward, attempting to see the screen. “That’s awesome and all, but can you sit the fuck down? There’s only a few minutes left in this movie and I want to see how it ends.”
“I’ll tell you how it ends,” Hoseok grumbles, throwing up the middle finger as you move towards the couch.
You push this down, climbing into his lap when he sits and threading your hands through his hair. Smiling happily, you kiss the side of his neck. Finally, you have everything you wanted. No more secrets.
  © kpopfanfictrash, 2019. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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jenomark · 5 years
NCT reaction to you taking the initiative and hold their hand or kiss their cheeks/lips for the first time uwu im soft
Taeil: He was right next to you, and he was trying to make you laugh. You smiled at him and he smiled back, his whole face glowing. Without hesitation, you kissed Taeil’s cheek, the smoothness of his skin on your lips making you feel all tingly inside. You stuck your hands underneath your thigh and waited for his response. Taeil touched his cheek and asked, “What was that for?”. You shrugged and smiled coyly at him, wishing in your heart that he would kiss you back. Taeil laughed, and you could see how the nerves were affecting him, how they made him freeze beside you. “There is always something I wanted to tell you,” he said. When he looked at you next, you weren’t expecting his smile to fade a little. Taeil continued, “I’m not ready for a relationship right now. I’m so busy, and I wouldn’t want you to wait for me. But if you do want to wait for me, someday, I’ll be waiting in this spot ready to kiss you back.”
Johnny: “Am I pretty?” Johnny asked. He bent his legs so you could finish applying the powder to his face. He pursed his lips to tease you, knowing that you would blush. Although you hadn’t been NCT’s make-up artist for a long time, you took your job very seriously. Johnny made it hard. The first time you met him, he exuded so much charisma that you found yourself feeling in awe of him. Those feelings gradually expanded to a little crush that grew every day. You knew Johnny felt the same, but you were both so professional, that neither of you were brave enough to cross that line. “The prettiest.” you said. You got out the tinted lip balm and dipped your lip brush into it. Johnny watched your hands work, his eyes following the brush as it made it to his lips. “You’re mistaken,” he said. “The prettiest is you.” You felt hot under the collar, but kept brushing the tinted balm over his lips. You looked around the room and saw that everyone had left. You lowered the brush, leaned in, and kissed him on the lips. Johnny kissed you back, any fear at the both of you breaking the boundary gone from his mind. When you parted, you sucked in air. “Wow.” you said, pushing it all out. Johnny smiled and said, “You’ll have to paint my lips again, and then you’ll have to go on a date with me.”
Taeyong: You touched his arm first. You weren’t thinking anything when you did. He was upset, and you wanted to comfort him. And even though you knew he wasn’t the best at receiving care, Taeyong didn’t flinch when your cool hand touched his skin. “I don’t know what to do,” Taeyong said. “Should I join this new project? Should I take care of myself and rest? What do I do?” You rubbed his arm all the way down to his hand and gave it a squeeze. Taeyong removed his hat, brushed his hair back and placed the hat back onto his head. You could see all the ways the decision was weighing on him, his already big eyes growing bigger with worry. He leaned down over the studio equipment and looked around at the place he called his home for the past few years. “No one else can tell you what to do.” you said, hoping it would help. “Working is all I know,” he said. “Who am I if I’m not Lee Taeyong?” You felt your hand go to his back, and you rubbed him a little to keep him warm. You said, “You’re still Lee Taeyong, the same brilliant person I see every day.” He blinked slowly and looked into your eyes. Taeyong was grateful for your words, for your kindness. You pulled him in for an intimate hug, which he wasn’t expecting. When you tried letting go, he held you tighter. “Do you mind staying here for a little while longer?” he asked.
Yuta: You didn’t like playing sports, but Yuta was good at coaching you. The support he gave you carried you through the entire game, his words in your mind whenever you got on the field. When you scored, he high-fived you, and when you missed a goal, he told you that you’d get it next time. Being on the same team helped your thirst for winning, especially since Yuta was very good at soccer. You stood on the field and waited for the whistle to blow. You and Yuta’s team only needed one more point to win, and although the game wasn’t that serious, you really wanted that goal. The whistle blew and the game started. You ran on the field, trying your best to kick the ball when it was kicked in your direction. Towards the end, Yuta got control of the ball and kicked it into the net, scoring the winning point for the team. The winners jumped up and down and screamed, celebrating the win right away. You ran to Yuta, and he saw you coming, a big smile on his face. When you jumped into his arms, and he spun you around, the first thing on his lips were praises for you. Deciding you wanted to be the second thing on his lips, you bent down and kissed him. The way Yuta looked at you when you parted lips made you feel so sexy. “Our team won,” you said, breathlessly. Yuta kissed you again. “I think I won, too.” 
Kun: He liked control, which was perfect, because you liked relinquishing it. You loved watching him work, gathering up supplies he thought you would need on your trip. Inviting Kun over to help you pack was your best idea yet. You got to spend alone time with him, and he got to feel like he was needed, which was his ultimate kink. “You might need band-aids,” Kun said. “Aspirin, gauze, an ice pack for freezing.” You laughed, “Am I packing with the intention of hurting myself, or am I spending a week in a tropical location?” Kun didn’t look at you, didn’t even entertain your jokes. “Hand me the gauze, please.” he said, holding out his hand. You handed him the gauze, the aspirin, and when he asked for the band-aids, you placed your hand in his and held it. Kun looked down at your hands fitting neatly together. “What are you doing?” he asked. “Stop playing games. We don’t have a lot of time to get this done.” Although he scolded you, Kun didn’t remove his hand from yours, just kept on packing one-handed. 
Doyoung: “Can I kiss you?” you asked. You weren’t serious, but when you said the words out loud, they had weight to them. You only meant to annoy Doyoung, to make him feel frustrated. “Why are you talking such nonsense to me? he asked. You were best friends, and you always joked around like that. He stood at your kitchen counter, his elbows on top, his body bent over, and he was looking in a recipe book. You stood behind him and played with his ears. When he didn’t react, you leaned your elbows next to him and read the recipe he was reading. “It looks hard.” you said. Doyoung turned the page and said, “Not for me.” You kissed his ear, which you knew he hated. He covered it and whined, moving away from you. “What has gotten into you?” he asked. You crossed your arms and told him you were bored. He moved around the kitchen, choosing to completely ignore you. “Doyoung.” you said. You said his name four more times and he didn’t answer. “Doyoung,” you said, again. “What would you do if I did kiss you?” Doyoung closed a cabinet and looked over at you. He didn’t like being played with, but by the look on your face, he should have known you weren’t playing. “Why are you doing this to me now?” he asked. You closed the gap between both of you. You didn’t know if you should kiss him or not, but it felt right to try. He didn’t move as you leaned in, just let you kiss him. “Are you happy?” he asked, when you parted. You shrugged and turned around. Doyoung spun you back around and pressed your body against the kitchen counter, his lips finding their way back to your mouth.
Ten: You thought about kissing him to shut him up, but there was also an undeniable need to avoid him. Every time Ten spoke, you could feel yourself falling more and more in love with him. He knew it well, because every move he made was to tease you into anger, to play you right into his hands. Ten didn’t believe you had it in you to make the first move, and so he danced around you, his cockiness pushing you to do something about the way you felt. He sat across the table, some playing cards in his hand. “Your turn, dear.” he said, smirking. You looked at your cards and knew they would beat his, but the thing is, you wanted him badly to win. You loved to see him gloat, to see the genuine smile on his face from winning. “ I lost,” you said. “My cards are shit.”  Ten didn’t believe you. He kept wanting to see your cards, but you placed them face down on the table. He fanned himself with his cards, holding his head up high like a winner. He said, “I win, so that means you have to do whatever I want for the next three weeks.” You muttered, “Over my dead body” and got up from your chair. Ten followed behind you, clearly not ready to stop rubbing the loss in your face. You swung around and kissed him on the lips while he was mid-word, which caught him so off-guard that he pulled away. “You just kissed me,” he said. “Yeah?” you said. “And what are you gonna do about it?” For a second, Ten looked speechless. He stepped forward and said, “I’m going to kiss you back.” before grabbing you and giving you the real prize.
Jaehyun: You didn’t hear anything he said. He was showing you around his new apartment, pointing out details he thought you would miss: the crown molding, the heated floors. You only paid attention to his excitement, how his eyes were wet with it, and how pink his cheeks flushed. It wasn’t long before you realized how in love you were with him, how every time you looked at him always felt brand new. “Oh yeah?” you asked when he was going on and on about carpet samples. “Are you paying attention?” Jaehyun asked. “Your eyes are glazing over”.  You picked up the carpet samples and asked him to close his eyes. You told him you wanted to see if he could feel the difference between them. You approached him, took his hand, and used his finger to brush against the different samples. “Can you feel it?” you asked. Jaehyun laughed. “Not really,” You held his fingers up to your lips and kissed them softly. “What about now?” you asked. Jaehyun opened his eyes. When you thought he was going to drop his hand by his side, he held your cheek and kissed you for the very first time.
WinWin: You knew he liked hand tricks, but you didn’t think he knew you liked him. He put his phone down and held his hand out, making a show that you had his full attention. He was curious about what you were going to do to him, and maybe a little amused. “Have you been practicing?” he asked. You sat next to him, took his hand and flattened his palm out on the table.  “I have.” you said, which wasn’t exactly a lie. You thought long and hard about what you would say to WinWin when you confessed to him. There were so many approaches you could take, and somehow, raw honesty didn’t feel like one of them. Instead, you took his hand and traced your finger on the lines of his palm. He watched you, only pausing you to itch his hand where you touched him. “What’s this?” he asked, laughing. “What are you doing?” You showed his life line and told him he would live a long life. When he understood what you were doing, he leaned back in his chair and decided to keep watching you. “And my love line?” he asked. You pointed to it. It was long, and if he looked straight into it, he would have seen you staring back at him. “It’s a good love line,” you said. “Someone loves you.” WinWin closed the palm of his hand. When he opened it again, you held it, interlocking your fingers with his. “Really? he asked. “I don’t know how this works. Can you tell the person who loves me that I love her back?”
Jungwoo: It was your first date, and he was so nervous. He did all the right things like a gentleman did: pulled out your chair, opened doors, told you how pretty you looked in your dress. You liked sitting across from him and getting to know him, his little intricacies making you laugh . You were learning so much just by watching him eat, watching how well he treated the fans who came up to the table to greet him. He was an interesting man, the softest bits of him making you swoon. “You don’t have to be so nervous around me.” you told him as the date was ending. Jungwoo smiled, his expression looking at little bit painful at being called out. You tried to give him as much warmth and reassurance as you could in the way you looked at him. Being supportive of him was so easy, and you realized quite soon into the date that you wanted a second date. “Did you have a good time with me?” he asked. You stood up and told him you had the best time. Jungwoo held his hand out, so that if your dress got caught in the chair, he would be there to catch you if you fell. He walked you out to your car, placing his jacket around your shoulders. “I had a nice time,” Jungwoo said. “I like talking to you.” You moved a little closer to him and looked up at him. “I like talking to you, too.” When you kissed him, he kept his whole body still. You put your hand on his waist to calm him, and kissed him deeper, your lips opening his up. “Wow,” he said, opening his eyes. “Can we do that one more time?”
Lucas: You were paired with him for a dance lesson. Lucas wasn’t confident at all, but you were determined to get the dance right. You held his hands and let him lead you, his big body trying to drags yours along like it weighed nothing. He skipped a few steps and struggled, his brows sweating. “Take it slow,” you said. “You’re going too fast.” Lucas’ ears turned red from you scolding him, which made you feel bad. You let go of his hands and tried to teach him in an easier way than the teacher taught the class. “Hold me like this,” you said, “Really delicately, like a doll.” His big hands found the small of your back, and you felt a chill run up your spine. “Is this okay?” he asked. You cleared your throat and tried to contain yourself. Though it was better, he was still a little clumsy. You decided to lead the dance, treating him as the woman in the routine. When it was time to dip, you bent Lucas over backwards, but you both ended up toppling to the floor, with you on top of him. “Ow.” Lucas said. Your face was so close to his, your lips just inches from his. “We should..try again.” you said. Afterwards, you approached Lucas and apologize for yelling at him. “It’s okay, partner,” he said. “I’ll practice hard and show you a better side of myself.” You smiled and threw your bag over your shoulder. Before saying goodbye, you hugged him around his middle tightly, resting your head against his hard chest. Lucas didn’t say anything, just patted your head. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” you said before running off.
Mark: You were too embarrassed to say it out loud. You looked at Mark, and what you saw was a boy you liked so much that there would never be the right words to describe the way you felt. The only way you knew how to get your feelings out was to write them. As you sat down at NCT 127′s dorm’s dining room table, Mark was already nervous. The fact that you both liked each other wasn’t a secret to anyone, and definitely not to either of you. Both of you had tip-toed around each other for too long, and it was time to move a step forward. You looked down at your dry erase board, picked up the marker, and wrote: “I LIKE YOU.” in big letters. When you showed it to him, Mark held his fist up to his mouth and smiled. He looked down at his own board and wrote:  “I ALSO LIKE YOU.” He took the board back to the table, scribbled something else and showed it: “A LOT HA AHAHA” You erased your board with your hand, the little rolls of marker sticking to your wrist. You paused and thought about your next words carefully. When you showed them to Mark this time, he nodded his head aggressively. On the board was written. “MARK LEE, WOULD IT BE OKAY IF I KISSED YOU?” You set the board down at the same time Mark got up from the table. When you reached him, the first kiss was everything you imagined it would be.
Xiaojun: You were camping with friends, but you hated every minute of it. The only thing that made you feel better was that Xiaojun hated it, too. You stayed together a lot during the day, throwing each other glances whenever Lucas tried scaring another person by acting like a bear. “My tent is all the way across the forest.” Xiaojun said. His exaggeration made you laugh. You found yourself not wanting to leave him, and you knew he felt the same about you. You both hovered by the dying fire, trying to prolong the conversation. “We should probably sleep.” you said. Xiaojun sighed, looking over at the tent he had all to himself. You sat down on a log, resigned to spending the rest of the night with Xiaojun. He sat beside you, stretching his legs out before him. “We’re such babies, “ he said. “I’m surprised we haven’t-” As he was talking, Lucas came up behind you both to scare you. Xiaojun screamed, and you wrapped your arms around him to protect him, your heads bumping together. Lucas cackled, walking back to his tent. You didn’t let Xiaojun go, and he didn’t mind you clinging onto him. “Do you want to sleep in the same tent tonight?” you asked quietly. “Absolutely.” Xiaojun replied, burying his face in your neck.
Hendery: “Does that feel good?” you asked. You sat behind Hendery on the couch and massaged his shoulders, and his back. He hung his head, the sound coming out of his mouth the answer you wanted. You kept massaging him, careful not to hurt his aching muscles. “You’re too nice to me.” Hendery said. You agreed but added, “You would do the same for me.” Hendery rolled his head on his neck and straightened himself out so that he was looking forward. Your hands worked their way down his muscular shoulders. “Ahh, that feels good,” he said. “But you don’t have to keep going. I know you’re tired, too.” Your hands were cramping, so as soon as you got to his forearms, you stopped and rested your chin on his shoulder. Hendery gently placed his head against yours, and you both sat there for a few minutes trying not to fall asleep. “What would I do without you?” he asked. You reached down and held both of his hands. You brought them up so that your arms and his arms were hugging him. When you pulled his body back against yours, Hendery relaxed into you, his cheek touching the side of your cheek. Feeling comfortable, you kissed his cheek for the first time. “Is it weird that I liked that?” he asked. You did it again and he giggled.
Renjun: He was running late, which was very unlike him. Renjun was never late, and he definitely would never be late for your study dates. You waited underneath your umbrella, sticking the toe of your boot in a puddle. You heard his feet pounding the pavement before you heard his voice. There was always an apology on the edge of his lips, as if he spent his life apologizing for everything he did. You turned around and saw him running towards you. He was soaked from the rain, the bag on his back bouncing up and down his little frame comically. “I didn’t realize the time,” he said. “Were you waiting long?” You told him you weren’t. At the same time, you moved your umbrella out of the way and hugged Renjun. Realizing what you were doing, you pulled away quickly. “You just hugged me.” he said, his mouth hanging open. You started walking, bound for the coffee shop. “No, I didn’t,” you said, wincing from the blatant lie. Renjun huffed, “You just did. You just hugged me. You never hug me.” You swung around, nearly decapitating his head with the end of your umbrella. “It was a mistake,” you said. “Stop talking about it.” Renjun held up his hands in peace and trailed behind you. Feeling bad, you offered him space underneath your umbrella. He huddled in so close to you, his shoulder touching yours. “For the record, I liked the hug.” he said, bumping your shoulder with his.
Jeno: “You know, you don’t have to walk me home every time. It’s okay if you want to stay with your friends. I’m a big girl, Jeno.” you said. It was night time, and Jeno would never dare let you walk home alone. His hands were shoved in his pockets, and his smile was nearly up to his ears. You walked close to him, both of you listening to the sounds of city life. “You know I can’t do that.” he said, after awhile. He cared for you a lot, which was fine because you cared about him in the same way. You spun around a pole like a little kid and let the sounds of his laughter embrace you. “What are you doing?” he asked. You stuck out your tongue and said, “If you’re going to treat me like a child, I’ll act one.” In response, Jeno grabbed your wrist and pulled you along. “Come along, child.” he said. You walked in silence. Being with Jeno always felt effortless. You could both be silent for hours and still be entertained, which led to a lot of weird looks from your mutual friends. Most of them called you both boring, but you knew the real truth. “We’re here.” you said, bounding up your front steps. Jeno stayed at the bottom and watched you go up. When you made it halfway, you turned around and started going back down. You stopped a step before the bottom so that you were just a little taller than Jeno, and you leaned down to kiss him. He didn’t seem surprised by the kiss, and he didn’t  pull away. Jeno kissed you like it was the most natural thing in the world, his lips just as safe as you imagined.
Haechan: The Dreamies and a few friends all sat around. Everyone knew Haechan liked you, and when they pressured him to kiss you, he curled up into a ball and said he couldn’t do it. You watched as Chenle rubbed his shoulders to get him to loosen up, as Renjun offered to buy him food if he succeeded. “At least admit that you like her. “Jaemin said. “No,” Haechan said. “I won’t.” You pulled Chenle away from Haechan and made him sit down. You were sitting next to Haechan, but he was avoiding you at all costs. “If he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t have to,” you said. “Leave him alone.” At the end of the party, everyone was saying goodbye, and you and Haechan were the last ones in the room. “Did they embarrass you?” Haechan asked. You shook your head no and laughed. “I’ve been through worse things. I know you like me, and I just wanted to let you know that I like you, too.” Haechan looked down at his shoes, a bashful look returning to his face. “Kiss me.” he said. “What?” you asked, wondering if you heard him right. “I’m spineless. Kiss me first.” he said. You crossed the room in three strides and kissed him on the mouth, grabbing the back of his head as you did. When you let him go, his lips were still pursed like he was waiting for another kiss. You covered his face with your hand and said,“Maybe when you get a little braver, Haechannie.” 
Jaemin: “Do you want to kiss me or not?” you asked. Jaemin was taking a sip of his Americano when he spit some of it back into the cup. Your words shocked him, but not more than they shocked you. You touched your hand to your mouth and looked all around the cafe to see if anyone had heard you. You knew Jaemin valued honesty, but you weren’t ready to be so upfront with him. When you looked back at him, you felt like he was staring into your soul. “I didn’t mean for it to come out that way,” you said. “This is our fourth date.” Jaemin set his cup on the table and smiled. You were waiting for him to tell you he didn’t like you being the one to initiate the first kiss, that it was his job to do so, but he was ready to shock you right back. “Why don’t you kiss me first?” Jaemin asked. “We’re a changed society.” He raised his eyebrows as if daring you to have a rebuttal, but all you could muster was a sad, “Right now?” You liked the sound of his laughter and realized you hadn’t heard it much since you started dating. You kept staring at his mouth, at his perfect teeth, his beautiful smile. “When I want to kiss you, it won’t be in front of all these people, “ Jaemin said. “I’m going to kiss you and you’re not going to want anyone around for the things we’ll do after.”
YangYang: You liked waiting at the bus stop with YangYang. There was a bench, a tree that gave lots of shade, and a moment in the day when you felt safe. You sat beside him and talked about your life for the better part of seven months. His face was focused as he listened, his own stories making that same face become animated in his next breath. You felt he knew you like no one else did. There wasn’t much about him you didn’t like, even if he did sometimes play little pranks on you. “Do you know why I do that?” he asked. “I like seeing you smile.” There was nothing romantic in the way he said the words, but were said as a matter of fact. Still, you felt your heart beating fast in your chest. “You like seeing me smile?” you asked, smiling brightly. YangYang narrowed his eyes and said, “Don’t get too attached.” He got up and looked to see if the bus was coming. As he sat back down on the bench, you moved closer to him. “What are you doing?” he asked, singing his words. “Just shut up.” you said. YangYang laughed and looked down at his hand gripping the edge of the wooden bench. Your hand was so close to his that your pinky was touching his pinky. YangYang didn’t say anything when you linked your finger around his, but when he got up to look for the bus again, he took you with him, swinging both of your arms as you went.
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drippin’ love
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a/n: this is it. this is the dream i had
warning/s: corny title, period sex, mentions of blood, handjob, fellatio, cussing
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You’re sure you look stupid: sitting on the side of the bed, hunched over and gripping sheets by your thighs, and stifling your pained sobs.
“Baby,” you hear from behind you and the soft steps on the carpeted floor walking towards you. “Here.”
Looking over your shoulder you see Jaehyun handing you your painkillers.
He sits down beside you after you take it from him and proceed to swallow the pill. His hand soothes down your back as you make a sound of disgust while reaching for water.
Like most, if not all, women, you hated your period. Your cramps practically render you useless; paralyzed with pain every time Aunt Flo visits. Along with the crippling pain from your abdomen, your back aches and your breasts are sore; all because you failed to give your uterus a fertilized egg.
It’s not like you and Jaehyun haven’t tried. Since you got married a few months back, both of you have foregone with any sort of birth control you’ve been using since your relationship first started.
“Is there anything else you want?” He squeezes your shoulder and softly kissing the other.
Sometimes you’re convinced that you don’t deserve him. It amazes you that he’s still with you despite all your period induced meltdowns and mood swings.
“I just want to lie down.” You say with a little sniffle.
“Okay, let’s lie down and maybe try to nap. Sound good?”
You nod, wiping at your snot and tears like a child and leaving Jaehyun amused at your actions.
He pulls back the blankets for you to climb under and slip in after you, scooping your shoulders with one arm to cradle you against him. Settling under the warmth of the blanket and molding your bodies together; your head and hand on his chest, a leg draped over his upper thighs, and his hands running through your hair and along your arm.
“I hate being a girl. Why am I a girl?” You grumbled, pressing your cheek more against his chest to savor his body heat.
Jaehyun lets out a quiet chuckle, having heard the same annoyed questions multiple times before.
You angle your head so you could look up at him, “Would you have loved me even if I was a boy?”
Without a second thought, he’s quick to reply: “Of course.”
He hums, “I’ll miss your boobs, though.”
You snort.
“And your sweet lil’ pussy, too.” He adds under his breath, sounding almost regretful of his answer.
“Would you suck my dick?”
Jaehyun doesn’t answer immediately, clearly thinking about it for a few seconds. “Yeah, sure. I’ll show you how you do it to me and feel how good it makes me.”
By this time, you can already feel his cock stirring under his shorts, just above your thigh. “Would you eat my ass?”
He lets out a hearty laugh, “I’d eat it out now, if you weren’t on your period.”
“Oh.” It was only a joke, but now you just want to get your period over with and have him eat you out. “Can I go down on you?”
“Yeah, we can even 69.” He pats your head a couple of times before running his fingers through your hair once more, still thinking you were asking under the thought of being the same sex.
“No, Jae,” You whined, moving your hand over his cock, “I mean right now.”
“Oh. Oh,” He moans at the light pressure you put on him.
Resting your head back on his chest, you continue your ministrations until he’s half hard and you slip your hand under his shorts.
“Where’s your underwear?” You look down to make sure you hadn’t felt wrong; thinking maybe you had slipped your hand into his boxers with his shorts, but you can clearly see the absence of the clothing article.
“I understand why you forego wearing a bra at home.” He breathes out, fingers twitching on your shoulder.
You stretch your arm a little more until your fingers brush over his balls and your palm is rubbing the tip of his cock. “It feels good, right?”
“Amazing—both,” He stutters, doing his best not to grind against your hand. He seems to regain his senses and resume playing with your hair, placing chaste pecks on your head.
You move so you could reciprocate; slotting your lips over his and engaging an open, lazy kiss. His tongue is moving languidly over yours, creating the wet sound that filled in the silence of the room.
When his cock was fully hard and longer in your hold, you part away from him and shift closer to his groin, wincing at the prominent pain still present on your abdomen. Doing your best to ignore it, you take his length into your mouth until it’s barely grazing the back of your throat before pulling away, lingering along the tip.
Jaehyun exhales, dropping his head against the pillow for a moment as you bob along his erection with a firm grip at the base before looking back at how your lips practically swallowed him whole.
“I should be taking care of you.” He groans, unable to stop his hips rising up. When he feels your tongue prodding the underside of his head, he pushes you away, “Baby, I need to be inside of you.”
You stare at him with disbelief, “I’m bleeding.”
“I honestly don’t fucking care.”
You’ve heard that nothing is really wrong with period sex; it’s just unsanitary. You never thought of doing it because you always assumed Jaehyun would be grossed out by it.
He sits up and kisses you, “Please, baby? I can make you feel good.”
“I know.” You murmur, “I know you do... but the bed—“
“I’ll clean it up. That’s nothing you have to worry about.”
He continues to kiss you, silently coaxing you to agree with his thumb drawing little circles on your cheek.
You pull away, biting down on your lip in contemplation. There’s no harm in trying and this is the man you’re going to be with for the rest of your life, you might as well spend another first in your relationship. “Okay.” You meekly whisper.
You nod, “But... let me just take care of something.”
“Sure, go ahead.”
“Keep that cock hard.”
Jaehyun laughs, replacing your hand with his and already pumping himself as you dash into the bathroom. “Of course.”
As soon as you close the bathroom door and flick the light switch on, you grab two used towels that were going to be tossed in the laundry anyway and a roll of tissue. Setting them on the counter, you shrug off your oversized shirt and pulled down your sweatpants, along with your underwear.
You took care of your tampon next, pulling it out and gauging how heavy your flow was before wrapping it in tissue before tossing it into the bin. It was your third day and it was either hit or miss with how heavy you bleed, but luckily it wasn’t as bad as the first two days.
With one last final internal pep talk with your reflection, you gather the towels and tissue into your arms and walk back into the room.
Jaehyun was also naked now, looking up at you as you came back while grinding his palm against the tip of his cock.
“Last chance to back out and just have you cum in my mouth?”
He helps you lay the towels down over one another before grabbing your waist and pinning you on your back above them. “You’ve been hurting for days because of your cramps. I should be making you feel good and I’m not coming until you do.”
You can’t stop smiling when he kisses you again, his hands travelling up your body to cup your breasts and kneading them.
“Gently—my boobs feel sore.”
“Are they? Aw,” Jaehyun leans down to nuzzle his nose between them before kissing each of your nipple. “My poor baby.”
Paranoia hits you when you feel yourself gush down there and you’re just bleeding out onto the towels.
Jaehyun sits back, parting your legs and eyes trained on your core as he gives himself a few more strokes. If there was blood leaking out, he didn’t seem to care at all as he lines himself to your entrance and pushes in.
Your mouth drops, both in pleasure and in surprise at how easy he enters you. It doesn’t sit well with you at the idea that your period blood is acting as lubricant, but all that worry is pushed aside when Jaehyun starts to thrust.
He has a light grip on your hips, picking up his speed bit by bit. With your boobs being sensitive, you hold them together with an arm draped over your chest. As he continues to thrust, he guides your legs around his waist and tilts closer to you, using his forearms to hold up his weight above you.
Face to face, you feel yourself flush as if you haven’t had sex before. This somehow was more intimate—how your body is making you feel like the absolute worse and gross for almost a week every month yet here he is; not caring that you’re literally bleeding where his own intimate part is entering, putting your well-being and satisfaction first before his, and simply just loving you no matter how demonic your PMS mood swings can become.
“Do you feel good?” He breathes, hips moving in a steady, fast pace.
“Ye—Oh my god, yes!” You cry out when he angles your hips upwards. You brace yourself on his shoulders, gasping at the sudden oncoming orgasm hurling towards you.
Jaehyun brings his mouth down to your neck, sucking harshly on the skin beneath your jaw while keeping a hand rested over your chest and thumbing your pert nipple.
Your back arches off the bed, hands flying to cradle his head against your shoulder as he manages to pound into you faster than he already was, tipping you over the edge and pure ecstasy floods into your system.
He gathers you into his arms in one fast motion and sits both of you upright, sitting you on his lap as he chases his high with slow, hard upward thrusts; hands gripping your ass. “Fuck, you’re so amazing.”
“Babe—“ You gasped for air, resting your forehead against his. “Y-you are—too.”
He grunts with one particularly hard thrust that finally made him come undone. You can feel him twitching inside of you and the warmth of his seed spreading up your stomach.
His arms wrap around you, burying his face on your neck as he catches his breath.
“I can’t believe we just did that.” You sigh, kissing the side of his head and threading your fingers through his hair.
“Did you enjoy?”
You hum in approval. “I most definitely did.”
Jaehyun kisses the closest patch of your skin he could reach. He pulls away, looking down to where you’re connected but you stop him.
“Ugh, are you really going to look?”
“How else am I going to clean up? We should have done it in the shower.”
You cling onto him, “We should.”
It takes a second for him to understand what you meant after you refused to let go of him.
“Oh— are you okay, though? Are your cramps gone?”
“They are. My back doesn’t hurt as much either.”
He cups your breasts, weighing each one with his hands. “And the twins?”
You snort at the nickname, “They still feel heavy.”
“Are you sure you want another round in the shower?” He runs his hands up and down your back.
After reassuring that you definitely want to go again, he rises up the bed with you in tow like you didn’t weigh a single pound. He carries you to the bathroom, nipping at your neck and cheeks that left you giggling like a schoolgirl.
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a/n: that’s where the dream ends—the good part at least. i woke up bc a package came and when i tried to go back to sleep for round two, all i dreamt of was that handsome nct manager scolding us for having sex with curtains open bc a sasaeng taped the whole ordeal and release screenshots to the public 💀
566 notes · View notes
supposed2bfunny · 5 years
2doc Week Day 7-First Kiss
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of sex, alcohol, drugs, the usual
Wow, we’re at the last day just like that. Big thanks to everyone who participated, and by all means, keep using the tag if you continue to work with any of the prompts. Hope everyone had fun and maybe met some new members of the community!! <3 <3 <3
For three days, Stuart had been losing sleep and fearing for his life, and it was starting to show.
He could blame his jittery behavior and near constant mouthful of pills on the jetlag at first. After all, he’d never been to Japan, and adjusting to such a different time zone was no easy feat. He could tell that the others were weary from it all too. But when they returned to Kong after wrapping up the first half of their tour, spent yet exhilarated from the experience, he didn’t feel any better.
It got worse.
Because back in Kong with the four of them recharging and relaxing under one roof, Stuart could not help but face Murdoc almost constantly, his head spinning with guilt at what he’d done, and at the bassist’s own cluelessness.
He was a creep, a sodding awful friend. A liar.
“This is just the beginning,” Murdoc had spoken around the lip of a bottle of cognac. He’d been saying that nonstop on the tour, though his voice was particularly querulous that night. The thrill of touring, of performing live (behind a curtain, granted, but live nonetheless) to venues full of screaming fans had electrified him, and he was living the rockstar life he’d been aspiring to for the past decade of his life like he was trying to make up for lost time.
Stuart had never seen a man drink so much, snort so much, and fuck so much, oftentimes all at the same time. Not that he minded. On this particular night, he realized that Murdoc was teetering at the edge of his limits, even for him. So, with Russel out with Noodle to try some of Tokyo’s top-quality sushi (“when in Rome, do as the Romans do,” the drummer had said, “when in Japan, eat the sea”), he found himself tasked with making sure Murdoc didn’t take himself out Bonzo style.
An especially tough task since the singer had already imbibed half his weight in Sapporos and a couple of naproxen for his migraine.
“Yeah,” he prodded the bassist along when Murdoc fell quiet, head lulling a bit with exhaustion, bottle of liquor threatening to fall from his hands onto the hotel floor. “Just the beginning, Muds? Tell me more.”
Keeping the older man talking until he sobered up was probably the best idea, he figured. He wasn’t sure how he would pull that off, but Murdoc seldom needed much prompting to talk up a storm.
“Mate, you’n’me. Gonna…gonna tour every country on the map. Then the moon.” Murdoc had a bit of a stammer, Stuart had learned. It came out when he was drinking and not as sharp-minded as usual. He stumbled over words, tended to start phrases and then change them halfway through his sentences. It was interesting to learn that even something as simple as talking seemed to take extra consideration for Murdoc. To simply hold a conversation meant clearing hurdles.
Stuart spent his time vacillating between finding these details of Murdoc’s life sad and endearing. Tonight, beer softened his sentiments, and he was leaning towards the latter.
“I’d like that. We’ll sound good on the moon,” he agreed. “Great acoustics, I hear. Right, Murdoc, the acoustics are good?” Stay awake, you stupid sod.
Murdoc’s unfocused eyes slid across the room and snagged on his, suddenly focusing so sharply that Stuart’s heart skipped and he felt himself start to sweat under his arms a little bit. How could Murdoc look at him so intensely when he was so altered?The mis-matched gaze did not let up. The bassist spent a lot of his time staring at the singer, but to hold eye contact with him like this was rare. Intimidating. Electric.
“You’ll sound fucking brilliant wherever you sing, mate,” he replied, and Stuart felt warm suddenly; he rose to open the window, stumbling over a few empty beer bottles on his way across the bedroom. “Your voice carrying across the stage. Satan, the stuff of wet dreams.”
“That’s a weird way to compliment someone.”
“I’m not complimenting…wasn’t trying to compliment you.”
Stuart took a few deep breaths of fresh air, then crossed back to resume sitting in the chair beside the bed where the older man was sprawled, but Murdoc reached out, caught his wrist, eyes defiant despite his intoxication.
“What, Muds?”
“It wasn’t a compliment.”
“Okay, I heard you.” What was it then, a come-on? He jerked his hand out of the bassist’s grip, trying to shove that idea out of his head. “You’ve sounded good too, you know. You’re good live. The fans go crazy for you.”
“Of course they do. You see what I do with my hips. Between your looks and my…zest, we carry the band’s sex appeal. It’s a two-man job. We create, we establish that tension.”
“We sure do, mate. Can I get you some water?” Because he did not want to sit around talking about his sex appeal with Murdoc any more. Especially since his heart was beating faster, and the tips of his fingers felt pins and needles prickly. Must be a result of the drugs. Mixed with the damn beers. Mixed with the fact that he felt high every time he was alone with Murdoc.
“You ever shagged a bloke?” Murdoc asked arbitrarily, and Stuart could swear that the room tilted a bit in that moment.
“Excuse me?”
The older man’s eyes were still on him. On his mouth, his hands, always coming back to his eyes. He was glazed with liquor; he didn’t care how embarrassed the singer looked. His words simply had to come out.
“Have you?”
“No, Murdoc,” he replied, again crossing the room, this time to the mini fridge, and his relief to find mini bottles of water was overwhelming. It took a long time for him to manage to twist the small bottle open. He didn’t bother to ask if Murdoc had ever shagged a bloke. He didn’t want to know. “Gotta use the loo. I’ll be right back. Don’t choke on your own vomit, okay?”
“Hm,” Murdoc responded, eyes wandering up to consider the room’s molding as the singer legged it to the bathroom.
Stuart took his time, rinsing his face with cold water, downing the bottle from the fridge and tossing the container into the trashcan. Wasn’t Japan big on recycling? Fuck it. He was practically on vacation.
He smoothed his hair, tried not to think about what in Murdoc’s confused brain would bring him to ask such a question. By the time he made it back out, Murdoc had fallen asleep; his nose made a slight whistling noise as he breathed through it, and Stuart knew him well enough to know that it was only a matter of minutes before his mouth opened so he could breath that way instead. His nasal passages were so busted that he was doomed to sleep looking corpselike, mouth hung open and loud snores imminent.
In the meantime, he was still and he was quiet. And Stuart came to stand over him, looking at the open bottle of cognac somehow unspilled in his arms, at the gleam of his gold cross, at the faint stubble on his chin. Keeping him talking had been a bad idea, the singer decided. Better to let Murdoc sleep the alcohol off and keep an eye on him.
And while he had this moment to himself…
Alone in a foreign country with no one else around, Stuart leaned down and pressed his lips very softly against Murdoc’s.
He pulled back, heart hammering, entire face hot with shame. He flicked on the television, listening to the news in Japanese for a bit.
Five minutes later, Murdoc’s mouth hung open as he snored and Stuart was working through a few more Sapporos. Ten minutes later, Murdoc was flying awake to lean over the edge of the bed and vomit all over the carpet. The sight alone set off the singer’s gag reflex, and he joined in, prompting a late-night visit from an overly polite but clearly distressed staff member.
It didn’t matter that nobody knew what had happened. Because that didn’t’ change the fact that Stuart had taken advantage, kissed Murdoc when he was asleep and unable to turn down the gesture. His anonymity only increased his guilt.
So he was dismayed when Murdoc barged into his room without knocking on the third day back from their tour, looking grumpy and exhausted.
“This heart-felt moment has been brought to you by the Russel Hobbs Federation of Social Niceties,” he spat kicking at the coils of wires that Stu had arranged around the keyboard he was tinkering with, trying to be useful, trying to keep busy.
“What does that even mean?” he asked, confused, and not making efforts to get up off the floor.
“It means Russ has been giving me a hard time. Because apparently I did something to upset you.”
Stuart had gone out of his way to avoid Murdoc since The Incident, so he was surprised to hear that Russel thought the bassist had been getting into fights with him. “No, Muds. You haven’t done anything. Can you close the door on your way out? Also maybe try knocking next time—”
“Slow down there, Crawley, Stills, and Nash.”
“How long’ve you been waiting to use that nonsensical nickname?” he couldn’t help but smile at the bassist’s wit, matched only by his lack of logic, and Murdoc caught his smile and looked pleased.
“Think that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile since we left Tokyo.”
And just like that, his expression clouded.
“Faceache. Seriously. I haven’t the faintest idea what I’ve done to upset you, but I’ve noticed it, Russel noticed it, and if the way she points her spoon at me when she eats her cereal in the morning, even Noodle’s onto it. Everyone here assumes I’ve upset you, so go ahead and let me know what I’ve done so I can decide whether or not to bother saying I won’t do it again.”
Stuart looked down at the auxiliary cord in his hand and sighed. “I promise, you didn’t do anything wrong. You’re all right; I’ve been acting a little weird. But it really wasn’t your fault. I did something I shouldn’t have. Trying to sort out what to do about it now.”
Murdoc looked intrigued. “We going to have someone ringing the door in nine months time asking for child support?”
The singer pulled a face. “Of course not! Nothing like that!”
“Right,” Murdoc looked unconvinced, but now there was something else on his features. Mild alarm. Stuart realized with a rush that the bassist was getting concerned for him. “What was it then? Nobody hurt you, did they? Mate, I’m being honest when I tell you I remember about seven minutes total from Tokyo. I know you were drinking a lot too. If anyone hurt you—”
“No one hurt me!” he snapped, rising to his feet so he could loom over Murdoc, who instantly stepped back a bit so he wouldn’t have to crane his neck so much to meet the singer’s eyes. “Maybe you should go.”
“You join the Yakuza?” Murdoc asked, ignoring his suggestion, turning nasty to keep the singer from clamming up more.
Stuart took the bait at once. “No! Look I don’t want to talk about it, okay? Nothing illicit like that, got it? You haven’t done anything wrong, and since you didn’t want to be here in the first place, I don’t see why you won’t just leave me alone!”
“Well because now I’m intrigued by little Stu’s bad behavior,” he replied, smug.
“Piss off, Murdoc.”
“C’mon, just tell me what went wrong!”
“No, get out of my room—”
“I won’t breathe it to another soul!”
“Murdoc get ou—”
“You’ll feel better if you just say it, mate—”
“I kissed a man,” Stuart seethed.
Murdoc froze so dramatically that the singer could practically hear the comedic record scratch. “Well. That’s certainly not like joining the Yakuza at all. Stepping out of the closet, are you?”
“No,” he said tersely, feeling a headache coming on anew. “Just wanted to try it. So I did. And uh, it’s been on my mind ever since. Happy now?”
The bassist certainly didn’t look happy. He stared at Stu with a look akin to betrayal on his face. The singer flinched when his mouth opened, awaiting the stream of homophobic slurs that would no doubt become his new nicknames.
“Did you like it?” he asked.
The singer was caught off guard. “He didn’t really kiss back,” he admitted. “So, it wasn’t really a good, satisfying kiss. I can’t say. You uh, you probably don’t remember. But you got really drunk one night and asked if I’d ever been with a man. I had never considered it, but you made me think about it. So, uh. That’s how it happened.”
“Glad to know I inspired you to get out of your comfort zone,” Murdoc said, a lackluster smile on his mouth.
“Too bad it wasn’t a real kiss though,” Stuart said, and why the hell did he say that? As though Murdoc cared one bit for how satisfying his half-true dalliances were.
“Would you…” Murdoc took a step forward, his neck bending back a bit to hold the singer’s gaze. “Would you want to see what it’s like? A proper kiss, that is.”
There were no liquor bottles this time. No pills so he could pretend this moment was a fabrication of his drug-addled brain. His chest felt tight and his fingertips were going a little numb with adrenaline again. And there was Murdoc, smelling of cigarettes, his eyes not narrowed like they usually were, expression unreadable. They both knew the answer to the question.
He had been asking it himself since he’d blurted out what he’d done in Tokyo.
Murdoc didn’t wait for any further social cues. He closed the space between them, jutting his face up to meet the singer’s mouth, kissed him like they’d done it a million times before: no hesitation, no doubt, just the firm warmth of lips against his.
Stuart’s head spun with the sensation, and he reached out, wanting to touch the older man, deciding against it last-minute. His hands remained frozen between their chests and Murdoc tilted his head slightly, let their lips drag against each other a bit, and the singer had to fight off the urge to moan softly. It was more than acceptable. It was intoxicating.
Just like that, the bassist pulled back, searching Stuart’s eyes like there was text there he couldn’t quite figure out how to read.
“Alright, dents?”
“You look ready to keel over.”
“Are you?”
“Yeah. No, wait. No!”
He smiled, but not even close to a sincere one. “Did I repel you, then?” he asked. “It was just a kiss, 2D. We never have to do it again, so don’t look so bloody stricken.”
“I’m not stricken. I mean, I was surprised, Muds,” he admitted, looking away, at the keyboard he had set out to fix and had only dismantled. “Like, surprised by how much I liked it.”
“Hm,” the bassist considered his answer, then his expression brightened a bit. “Well, if it wasn’t the worst thing you ever experienced, we could always try it again.”
“Oh!” he was blushing now, how utterly humiliating. Blushing and stumbling for words and taking a few steps back. “I mean, I hadn’t considered that. We just did a second ago, do you really think we should do it again so soon—”
Murdoc was following each step he took, and suddenly the singer’s back was against the wall and he knew that he was losing the chance to deescalate the situation. If he asked the bassist to back off, he knew Murdoc would.
Instead, he let his eye fall mostly closed, focusing on the bassist’s mouth.
“Yeah, alright.”
“Hm. That’s nice, pet, very nice,” he purred, voice so low that Stuart could feel more than hear it.
Then Murdoc’s mouth was on his again, and when his shoulders hit the wall seconds later and the bassist’s hands rose to pin them there, he let himself moan like he’d been wanting to.
By the time Murdoc pulled away from his wet lips, pressing a last peck to the corner of his mouth, looking at him through his fringe with his breath quickened and fluttery, Stuart knew he had to set the record straight about what had happened in Tokyo.
Not right away, of course. For the present, he could use that jealousy that he tasted on Murdoc’s tongue to his advantage. He had quite a few more kisses he wanted from the bassist.
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zecretsanta · 6 years
Fic: Out Under the Neon
To: @kiichu
From: @pomegranate-belle
Merry Christmas, Emi! Hopefully someday there’ll be more of this AU, but I figured I could at least get the good cutesy stuff to you! (Obviously, the whole AU has to end happily, so rest safe knowing it all works out!)
AO3 link
It’s not raining anymore, not really. More of a drizzle. But the streets are wet, and green and pink light glows back out of black puddles, reflecting the neon off the buildings. Ambidex Street is empty as Dio walks down it. It usually is, this time of night, besides the Myrmidon patrols. And the stinging, ice-cold rain from ten minutes ago wasn’t much incentive for trespassers to try and sneak onto the restricted streets near the Cradle Pharmaceutical compound.
There are more every week, though. Some sick. Most civilians. All desperate.
They can’t afford treatment, can’t afford the prices Cradle wants them to pay for its genetic manipulation codes. ‘Cybertreatment’, the Cradle Pharma adverts call it. The Myrmidons call it ‘hacking’, to a man, and Dio might have broken the mold a little but in this he’s no exception.
Like all the company’s clones, he gets free access to hacking, if he’s ever injured or ill. But he also doesn’t get paid for his work and has to share a room with two other clones on the compound grounds. All the human workers can opt out of the dorms, rent apartments in the neighborhood, get paid at least decent money – but in exchange, they have to pay for hacking same as everyone else. Six of one, half-dozen of the other, Dio figures.
There are a lot of people in the city that still rely on pills, shots, cough syrup, all that shit. The middle ground between the dickwads rich enough to afford hacking and the impoverished idiots dumb enough to try and steal it. They get along with their lot in life same as Dio does – just doing what they have to.
And then, of course, there’s Crash Keys. Dio’s never seen them himself, and like fuck he wants to – their handiwork has left nine clones in the compound’s hospital wing. He knows they’re the real reason Hongou and the other Cradle Pharma bigwigs make the Myrmidons patrol the perimeter streets so much. Some jumped-up kid trying to steal the code to fix his sister’s cancer is inconsequential compared to an organized force trying to leak all the treatment codes to the public like they’re all in some fucking Robin Hood flick.
Not that Dio isn’t aware that the crazy fuckers are probably in the right. Cradle Pharma is shit awful. But what’s he supposed to do about it? Things are how they are.
Dio tilts his head up, lets a few stray raindrops splatter across his face and run cold tracks down his neck. Then he shakes his head, stuffs his hands in his pockets, and keeps walking – kicking through oily puddles as neon signs flicker and fizzle overhead. It’s going to be a long night.
The very next morning Dio’s reassigned, and he’s indifferent. Work is work, and there’s no more or less prestige in any job given to a Left clone, though he might secretly wish there was.
He’s been assigned to watch the GAULEM – Cradle Pharmaceutical’s compendium of medical knowledge, the thing keeping them exclusive and profitable. You’d think that would be a step up, but he’s heard from a few other clones who’ve had the position and they told him it’s a boring job. Stuck in one suite of rooms at the center of the Cradle Pharma compound, day in and day out. At least when he had patrol duty, Dio could stretch his legs across a borough of the city.
But he’s heard the rooms are nice, at least. Posh. So there’s a silver lining or something to being assigned to a job where he has to sit around and watch a fucking computer day in and day out.
They want Dio to start right away, apparently, because he’s herded off after breakfast by his direct superior, Marcus Call. They wind their way through a maze of corridors Dio’s never had any reason to bother with and stop in front of a pair of fancy-looking double doors. Marcus pulls a key off the ring on his belt, unlocks the doors, and flings them open.
The rooms really are nice, Dio thinks when he sees them. Not to say that the rest of the Cradle Pharma compound is poor quality or cheaply made, but it’s definitely more functional than fashionable. This place, on the other hand? It’s fucking plush. Fancy armchairs, actual wallpaper and carpet instead of industrial steel, paintings hanging on the wall like it’s some fucking five-star hotel suite. It’s the sort of place the CEO would stay, but he’s not here – would almost never be caught dead in the compound when he can give his orders from on high in his fucking penthouse uptown. No, the only people in the GAULEM suite are Dio, his superior, and…
A woman in a purple dress, staring at one of the paintings with her hands folded primly in front of her.
She’s beautiful. Big blue eyes in a freckled face, flame-orange hair braided up precariously. Dio’s never seen anything like her. Some of the women working at Cradle Pharma are beautiful, but they all dress stern and sharp and smile like they want to bite off your fucking head. This woman has none of that aura – she’s wispy and soft.
“This is the GAULEM,” Marcus tells Dio matter-of-factly. “GTF-DM-L-016.”
“… What.”
The GAULEM was supposed to be a machine. A computer. Just some console he had to guard and keep from overheating. Not a— a woman.
“It and the other GAULEMs in storage are the last of Dr. Klim’s creations,” explains Marcus. “They’re androids capable of storing every cybertreatment code, encrypting and distributing them securely for the company’s use, diagnosing patients, and utilizing medical knowledge. Keeps this whole place running.”
“She’s… A robot,” Dio settles on saying at last.
“It can be something of a shock for new guards,” allows Marcus, and the ugly amusement on his face tells Dio that he takes great pleasure in throwing his subordinates off-guard with this reveal. “Yes, the GAULEM is a humanoid robot with a sophisticated artificial intelligence program. You will live here in the suite and guard it, oversee routine maintenance, and other miscellaneous duties. Can you handle that, Dio?”
As if there was any question of it. Dio scoffs.
“’Course I can. Who do you think you’re dealing with here?”
“Good man,” Marcus replies. “I’ll leave you to it, then. First maintenance check is in three days, so just get settled in for now. Don’t fuck anything up in the meantime.”
Then, with a jaunty wave, he steps out of the suite and Dio is left alone with the woman—robot. GAULEM. Whatever. He peers at her out of the corner of his eye, wary, but she doesn’t even turn her head. Just keeps staring at the painting in front of her like he’s not even there.
‘Get settled in’ was a hell of a way to phrase it, Dio considers on the second day of his new assignment, because the GAULEM suite is more unsettling than anywhere else he’s ever been. And it’s not the place itself, it’s the GAULEM. She wanders the rooms of her suite like a ghost – pale, silent, and tragic. Makes Dio feel like the victim of a haunting or some shit. Just spends all her time staring at the paintings or looking up at the sunshine drifting in from the skylight. Everything she does is soundless and it creeps Dio the hell out.
“… Hey,” he says at last around midday, the first word he’s ever spoken to her.
She turns to look at him. Her blue gaze isn’t as listless as her movements would suggest, but she’s obviously not emotionally engaged. If she even can be emotionally engaged, he’s not sure. Fuck if he knows what a GAULEM is capable of.
“Y-yes?” she asks. “Did… Did you need something?”
The stutter is kind of a surprise, but Dio shrugs it off. He’s about to open his mouth and address her by her ID number, but just thinking about it makes his stomach curdle a little. He doesn’t really like the idea of calling something that looks like a person – even if she’s just a robot – by an ID number. Hasn’t liked being called by an ID number himself for so long that denying her a name itches under his skin. To the other Myrmidons and Marcus, he gets to be Dio. They don’t care about idiosyncrasies as long as the job gets done. But he remembers being Clone 410 clearly enough that it still burns.
“D’you have a name?” he asks at last. “Like an actual name?”
The GAULEM comes alive a little at the question, brightens.
“Luna,” she says in a quiet, wistful voice. “The doctor called me Luna.”
She’s one of Klim’s, so there’s pretty much no other doctor she can mean. Dio nods.
“Right. Luna, then. I, uh… I’m Dio.”
For the first time, Luna smiles. It’s small, weak – but it transforms her. Sure, she was pretty before, but… Something about the smile makes everything about her more vibrant. Like going from black and white to color or something.
“I-it… It’s nice to meet you, Dio.”
“Uh, yeah.” He clears his throat, stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Right. You too.”
Still with that tiny smile, Luna returns to gazing at the paintings on the walls.
After that, she’s more interested. Attentive. Something. Watches Dio cobble together meals in the suite’s kitchen, asks him about the card games he plays against himself, stuff like that. Doesn’t really offer any information about herself, but… Well, Dio’s just the guard. Not like she has to share her whole fucking life story with him or anything.
If she even has one. The thought slithers uncomfortably in his stomach. Maybe she’s never left the suite at all. Which is just completely fucked up in about a billion ways, but— she’s a robot. Technically speaking, like him, she belongs to Cradle Pharma. Dio tries to discard that line of thought because imagining having only known, you know, four walls, or whatever, is…
But he just can’t. Stop. Fucking. Thinking. About. It.
Dio avoids it as best he can. But spending so much focus on not thinking about the shitty kind of life Luna might have lived means he’s not spending it on warding off nightmares, which comes back to bite him in the ass almost immediately.
Everything is fire and darkness and falling. Dio knows some of the others have dreams like this too. He’s never asked, never talked about it, but he knows. They all know. All he can do in the moment is struggle against the burning, the rush of air – try not to be consumed. It’ll be over eventually. It has to end sometime.
And it does, even sooner than expected. Dio lurches up in bed with a ragged gasp at the feel of a cold hand clasped around his sweating arm.
“What the fuck?” he demands, wheezing out the words as he drags his other hand through his damp, tangled hair.
“Y-you were having a nightmare,” Luna says quietly, and releases him.
She refuses to meet his eyes, instead staring intently down at her hands as they twist the fabric of her skirt.
“Right,” Dio chokes out, because it’s about the only response he can think to make, nonsensical as it is. “I. Shit. Thanks, I guess.”
He rolls over, a dismissal, an attempt to hide the fucking embarrassment of being woken from a nightmare like a damn kid. But he knows he’s not gonna be able to fall asleep again any time soon. He never is.
And then a tinkling melody starts up, slow and pretty. The notes are too bright to be sad, but there’s something upsetting about it anyway – fuck if Dio knows what. He rolls back over, looks up at Luna in confusion.
“I thought it might help you get to sleep,” she says. “It… It’s quiet. And soothing, I think.”
The sound, the music, is coming from… Her necklace?
“It, it’s a music box. It was a gift, from Dr. Klim,” Luna explains, cradling the pendant in her palms like it’s some kind of delicate animal.
She always talks about the doctor that way, reverently. Maybe it makes sense – he created her, after all. But… He left. He left her, left her alone in this prison. No matter how gilded the bars, a cage is still a cage. Dio knows that.
“Thanks,” he says to her again, softer this time. “That’s… Thank you.”
“Y-yeah. Of course. Anytime.”
Luna sits lightly on the side of the bed, pendant still cupped in her hands. Dio falls asleep with her watching over him – and the nightmare does not return.
Dio’s discomfort returns in the morning, the shame and humiliation. But Luna doesn’t talk about it. She offers to help him make breakfast for himself instead. Smiles, gently. She’s soft, he thinks again. It stirs a bizarre protective instinct in him, the desire to see her safe and happy.
“Sorry,” he mutters. “Lost in thought.”
“That… That’s ok,” replies Luna as she passes him the salt. “S-sometimes I get lost in thought too.”
He wants to know what about, but doesn’t ask. They’re… It’s not like they’re friends or anything, it’s pretty fucking clear that Cradle just sees Luna as a tool and even if the thought squirms in his gut like an eel he’s not deluded enough to think he’s not part of the fucking machinery that keeps her trapped here.
So he doesn’t ask. Just changes the subject. Asks her how many guards she’s had, anything to return to a surface-level subject.
“S-six, I think,” she tells him. “A-and you.”
He spends the day on pins and needles, hating it, and has another nightmare. Luna wakes him from it, again, and plays her little music box. After three nights of that routine, she offers to lend it to him at night so he can listen to the melody as he falls asleep.
The nightmares don’t come back after that.
“You like those a lot, huh?” asks Dio a few weeks later, following Luna’s gaze to one of the paintings on the wall.
Luna shrugs her shoulders.
“They’re mine,” she says, utterly without defensiveness or ownership. “I painted them.”
“You. You painted these?”
Luna nods. Suddenly, the paintings are more than just fancy set dressing to match the rest of the GAULEM suite’s opulence. They’re— art. Luna’s art. But the thing is, Dio’s never seen so much as a fucking paintbrush while staying in the suite.
“I-I haven’t painted in a while,” Luna explains, like she’s reading his fucking mind. “It’s. Um. I don’t really h-have, the, um, supplies. Dr. Klim would get them for me, b-but…”
But he’s gone. Dio goes a little cold and frowns, rubbing his arms. So. Only a couple questions and he knows a hell of a lot more than he’d like to. She hasn’t had anything like a life since the doc jumped ship. Used to have hobbies, someone to care about her, give her gifts… And now Luna’s just treated like what Dio thought the GAULEM would be – a glorified fucking computer. She could be so much more, deserves to be more.
And, well, he’s about the only one who can do a damn thing about it.
Dio scratches the back of his neck, can’t make himself meet Luna’s eyes.
“I could probably work something out,” he says gruffly. “Get you some art supplies and shit.”
“Y-you don’t need to do that,” insists Luna. “I’m fine. R-really!”
She fidgets a little with the fabric of her skirt like she always does and shakes her head. And, sure, she’s not gonna croak or anything without art supplies – she’s survived this long, after all. But so what? Surviving and living aren’t the same. He’s seen what surviving looks like and it’s fucking pathetic. It’s good enough for him. He’s fine with it for himself, doesn’t have any aspirations to reach for. But Luna? There are things she wants.
Things he can help her get back. And Dio’s stubborn as hell, so he’s going to do it.
“You want to paint again,” he says. “Don’t you?”
And it takes a while for her to give him a straight answer, but he already knew what it would be. Yeah, Luna wants to paint again. So. That’s that.
The only free time Dio has – or, well, to be accurate the only time he’s allowed to leave the GAULEM suite, because to be honest the entire fucking assignment has effectively felt like ‘free time’ – is during the weekly maintenance checkup. The whole fucking GAULEM maintenance team troops into the suite in their lab coats to, as far as Dio can tell, poke and prod at Luna and stare intently at tablet screens. Luna doesn’t seem to mind, although she’s stoic as shit when she wants to be so who even knows. But it’s uncomfortable to watch, and this week he actually has something to do with his ‘break’, so he slips out of the suite.
None of the Left clones have money because they don’t get paid. Duh. But it doesn’t mean they don’t have a thriving bartering economy. Just gotta know the right person and you can get pretty much anything. A lot of the scientists are willing to fork shit over for a favor, and most of the Myrmidons on patrol have at least one person on the outside supplying them with contraband. Lots of it is junk food or jewelry. Extra blankets. For art supplies, Dio’s gonna have to go pretty damn far afield.
Which means going to Beta. Ugh.
But at least in that regard, Dio’s got things well in hand. He might not like Beta, but he knows the guy’s tastes. He’s a total diva who, despite having perfect eyesight like every other Left clone, is obsessed with eyeglasses. Lucky for him, Dio happens to have a pair set aside – just in case, you know. Dio thinks ahead like that.
When he knocks on the dorm room door, Beta opens it right away. He’s wearing an ugly-ass tracksuit deal and he’s got a pair of oval frames perched on his nose.
“Oh. Dio,” he says, in that fuck-off polite way people have when they aren’t happy to see you. “How… Unexpected.”
He’s really not here for niceties and dancing around shit.
“Yeah, yeah. Look, I have some glasses, you gonna deal or not?”
The door opens wider and Beta steps aside with a little bow. Prick.
“What is it you’re looking for?” he asks, gesturing to his fucking garbage dump of a room.
It’s like a dragon hoard, just a bunch of shit all piled up everywhere. Gotta suck for the poor bastards who have to room with him.
“Art supplies,” Dio says, studying it all. “Paint, canvas, brushes. Shit like that.”
“Hm. Well, I might be able to find what you’re looking for, but for only one pair of glasses—”
But Dio knows what the fuck he’s about. He tugs the glasses case out of his coat pocket and flips it open. High-quality, name-brand rectangle lenses. Basically the holy grail for Beta. Dio’d had to trade a lot of shit to get them, but it had been worth it to know he’d have an ace in the hole with Beta whenever he ended up needing it.
Never thought he’d be using it to get a gift for someone else, though.
Not that he… He’s not upset about it. Not when he thinks about what Luna’s done for him. Not when he imagines what her expression will look like when she gets some new art supplies to work with.
“Oh,” Beta says, stunned, pulling Dio out of his thoughts.
He smirks, waggling the open case and watching Beta’s eyes follow the glasses intently.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought. You want these? Hand over all the painting supplies you’ve got.”
And, well. Not to brag, but Dio walks out of that room with his arms full of art shit. So. Mission success.
Even better than the thrill of victory, though, is watching Luna’s blue eyes go wide and her face pale with ABT fluid when she finally catches sight of him past the maintenance crew filing out the door. Her expression, all startled and awed and pleased, is about the best thing he’s ever seen in his life.
“Is… Is all of that f-for me?” she asks, and lifts a hand but doesn’t reach for the stuff piled in his arms.
“Yeah,” Dio replies.
He sets it all down on the coffee table – tiny canvases, a whole damn forest of different size brushes, and a rainbow of paint colors. Bolstered by his yes, Luna makes her way over to the table to start picking through the haul. She starts grouping paints by some pattern Dio can’t pick out. He leaves her to it – he’s tired as hell from trekking all the way across the compound and he wants a nap.
The soft clatter of art supplies on the wood of the table lulls him to sleep.
Luna returns to painting with gusto. She spends almost all her free time at it, slow and careful. When she’s concentrating, she sticks out her tongue and it’s cute in a way that makes Dio’s heart squeeze a little bit. He tries not to think about shit like that, though. Keep a lid on things like a fucking professional.
Doesn’t mean he’s gonna stop interacting with Luna, though. Fuck that.
“You paint flowers a lot,” he notes as casually as he can, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
Luna pauses, glances back at him with a smile that hits his heart like a bolt of lightning.
“Yes, I… I really like flowers. Um. A-any plant, really. Growing things. They’re very soothing.”
Only when she turns back to her painting does Dio lift a hand to rub at his chest. The hell is wrong with him, seriously?
Like every-fucking-thing else Luna says, her words stick with him. Dio finds himself thinking about them when he should be doing other things. He burns about five different breakfasts that way before he gives up and decides, like the art supplies, he’s gotta do something about it.
But he’s not going back to Beta. No way in hell.
Not that his other choice is much better.
Hazuki Kashiwabara is a programmer. She’s awful and Dio hates her. The feeling is mutual. Unfortunately, they’ve kind of become friends anyway, out of necessity. There’s no one in the compound better to talk shit about everyone else with. He’s become even more reluctantly fond of her because they both fucking hate the maintenance team.
Dio catches up to Hazuki in a hallway off the main labs, steels himself, and demands a favor.
“Yeah?” she asks, laughs at him a little. “And what the hell do you want from me, hotshot?”
“A—a flower,” he stammers angrily. “A potted plant, I don’t know. Something alive. Growing.”
Hazuki leans forward, studying him a little. Even though his first instinct is to back up, to get more space between them, Dio plants his feet and resists the urge.
“What,” he demands sharply.
Hazuki lifts her shoulder sin a lazy, elegant shrug.
“I’m sure I can find something like that,” she says.
And that’s all. Tension and irritation itch under Dio’s skin – there’s more she isn’t saying, and he wants her to spit it the fuck out already and get it over with. But she doesn’t. Just smiles mysteriously and saunters off down the hall. Ugh. Bitch.
Still, he gets a text that she’s got something for him by the next maintenance checkup. She moves fast, he’ll give her that much. They meet up in the same hallway as before.
“It’s an Echeveria laui,” Hazuki tells him. “A succulent. They’re hardy, difficult to kill. Should be easy to take care of as long as you can get it some sunlight.”
She hands him the little potted plant – its leaves are kind of a dusty purple color, and it’s shaped a little like a rose. Pretty. It reminds him of Luna, and he’s glad about that but also pretty pissed at Hazuki for having him all figured out.
“Thanks,” he tells her, because he’s not a complete fucking philistine.
“And don’t water the plant,” Hazuki adds over her shoulder, already walking off. “Water the soil. Got it?”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.”
If he cradles the plant a little closer to his chest than he has to, well, fuck it, no one’s there to see him.
Though Dio’s head swirls with stupid fantasies of presenting the little succulent directly to Luna – like an offering, like a gift – he knows them for the idiocy they are. Nothing ever goes to plan in real life, and he doesn’t like explaining himself. So he sets it on the low coffee table and leaves it there without a word.
That evening, he catches Luna stroking its leaves with a single fingertip, careful and tender.
Maybe he smiles about it, but there’s nobody to catch him at it.
According to Marcus, the maintenance team is recording a higher efficiency in Luna’s transmissions since Dio started guard duty. Dio gets commendations for it, not that they mean anything. When he offers that letting her paint and take care of a plant seems to help, though, the GAULEM suite fills with art supplies and more succulents on fucking command. So at least someone’s getting something out of it.
Still, it’s irritating that they’re all so fucking shocked about it.
Turns out that, just like any human, the sentient robot that’s the cornerstone of the company works better when happy, Dio thinks to himself scathingly. Who’d’ve thought?
The fact that no one before him cared enough to find out – or didn’t even consider Luna capable of happiness in the first place – burns him up. But he’s here now, and unlike the others he’s not a fucking idiot.
Things continue in about the same manner — and Luna smiles more every day. It’s not boring, because he’s not bored. Not in Luna’s company. But it is quiet, and peaceful, and he sort of… Acclimatizes to that.
And then the break-in happens.
There’s hardly a fucking warning at all. No alarms, no crashes, no shattering glass. Just the click of the lock. It’s night. Normally, Dio would be in bed, but it was just his fucking luck he’d woken from a dream earlier and wasn’t keen on going back to bed. Not a nightmare, because he never had nightmares anymore, but…
Dreaming about holding a hand in yours was downright fucking uncomfortable. Left clones just weren’t built for romance, or affection or… Whatever. A dream like that is troubling. And there’s no one he can tell about it. He’s still struggling with the thought, which is probably how the intruders manage to make it all the way into the room before he sees them.
They’re both dressed in black – a man and a woman – and Dio knows what they are immediately. Assassins. None have ever made it this far into the compound, but he’s heard stories. Crash Keys operatives that want to destroy the GAULEM and steal the codes it contains. It had been a danger before, but now that Dio knows what a GAULEM really is, now that he knows Luna, the idea is fucking chilling.
“Hey!” he snaps, losing the element of surprise but disrupting them from their search for Luna.
The girl is closer, so Dio grabs for her first, crushing her wrist in a tight grip to yank her closer. She lashes out with her other hand, but it’s not like Dio’s a fucking amateur, and he catches that one too. That means Dio doesn’t exactly have any hands left to deal with the other assassin – so he kills two birds with one stone and flings the woman into her partner. They knock over an armchair with a crash.
“… Dio…? I-is everything ok?”
They might be a little dazed, but the assassins are between Dio and Luna. He lunges at them, throws a fist. The man shifts to dodge out of the way, but gets clipped on the cheek. Not hard enough to break anything or knock him back on his ass, but probably enough to bruise. Not that it’s much consolation when he gets clubbed in the head with something heavy and sharp – whatever tool they’re planning to use against Luna, probably. The crack of it against his temple stuns him for a moment, but then – even when the pain and the heat and the wetness of blood streaming down the side of his face – his anger, desperation, pushes him forward into a frenzy.
The guy is smallish, but he’s a scrappy fucker and he doesn’t bother trying to dodge again, just ducks in close, takes the hits to his face and chest, and punches Dio right in the throat. The blow is strong, knocks Dio a few steps back into the wall, where he crumples into a heap, wheezing. For fuck’s sake, he growls at himself, but there are black spots flickering across his vision and each breath is a struggle.
There’s a loud crackle, and then sudden, chilling silence. The whole world stops, and a roaring fills Dio’s ears. He’s still blinking spots out of his eyes, so he can’t see what happened, but he can guess. Grabbing at the wall for purchase, he stumbles to his feet. Finally, past the blood and the dizziness, he can make out the scene. The two of them are bent over Luna.
Reaching down to grab her, to pick her up.
He should have been able to fight them off, but he wasn’t. Still. There’s one last thing he can do. Because the wall he’d hit is the one with a carefully hidden slide panel in it, one with a big red button underneath.
Dio slams a hand on the alarm button, and sirens begin to wail. Red bulbs flash overhead, casting the whole scene in bloody light.
“Shit!” hisses one of the assassins.
He snatches his partner by the sleeve and darts for the door.
“No!” she protests, dragging her heels. “The GAULEM!”
“Leave it!”
And then they’re gone, out the door. Dio hopes they’ll be caught, but if they made it this far into the compound without detection, they can probably slip back out too even with the alarm. It doesn’t matter. There’s something more important to worry about. Luna, collapsed on the floor, utterly still.
Blood still dripping down his face, Dio stumbles his way over to her, slumps down onto his knees to feel for a pulse. Luna doesn’t have a flesh and blood heart, but she does have a mechanical equivalent – something to pump the ABT fluid through her system. The pulse, usually stable and fixed, is thready and fast under Dio’s fingers.
She doesn’t stir, even at the expletive. Whatever those Crash Key bastards did to her, it’s knocked her out cold. It’s several minutes’ struggle to get her into his arms – her body is heavy with steel and machinery – but he does it. Gets her laid out on the bed. But after that, he doesn’t know what to do. Doesn’t know if there’s anything he can do.
The ten minutes until she wakes up are an eternity, but finally Luna opens her eyes. It’s not a relief, though, because she doesn’t look well. Something’s still wrong.
“What… What’d they do to you?” Dio asks, even though he isn’t sure he wants the answer.
“A virus,” she says weakly, pushing a strand of orange hair out of her eyes. “It’s… Powerful. Fast-moving. I-I… I think it’s designed to release the cybertreatment codes, o-onto the internet.”
Dio doesn’t give a shit about the codes. Like she’s a sick kid, he puts his hand to her forehead.
“But what about you? Once the codes are out there, once it’s done, it’ll go away?”
“… No. I don’t think so,” she tells him.
Though her skin tends to run cool, her forehead is hot beneath his hand and pale with ABT fluid. Her mechanical systems are overheating as they try to overpower the virus, to hold it at bay, the way a human’s immune system runs a fever to burn out sickness. He’s never seen Luna so humanly vulnerable, and it’s terrifying.
“You’re dying,” he realizes blankly, and his whole chest goes cold.
Luna smiles.
“I was never really alive, Dio. It’s ok.”
“The hell it is! How— how long do you have?”
Luna closes her eyes, hums a little the way she does when she’s processing something.
“Twenty-three hours, thirty-five minutes, six seconds,” she murmurs.
“Shit.” Dio sits back, takes a shuddering breath and rakes his fingers through his hair. “Shit. Ok. The maintenance team will be here soon. They can fix this. Just… Stay there.”
“Ok, Dio.”
He wants to stay by her side, but like fuck his freaking out is gonna help her any. He moves out to the parlor to wait for the maintenance team and tries to pace his frustration away.
When they arrive, the tightness in his chest eases for about all of the five minutes it takes them to decide on a course of action. A fucking unacceptable course of action – to transfer Luna’s database over to a new GAULEM and let the fucking virus run its course. Let it fucking kill her, like the stupid database is all that’s important about her.
“Why can’t you just fix her?” Dio demands.
Marcus shakes his head with an almost pitying look on his face, and Dio has never wanted to punch him more.
“Why should we bother? I understand that this was your assignment, Dio, but there are other GAULEMs, and they will serve Cradle Pharmaceutical’s needs equally as well as GTF-DM-L-016 has. They’re all the same, these machines.”
They’re not. There’s no way they are, because Luna has feelings and desires and memories that are hers alone. But Dio’s anger is so thick in his throat that it chokes him and all he can do is nod. It prompts Marcus to clap him on the shoulder, and then heads out the door with the rest of the maintenance team. The door closes with a quiet click, but to Dio it might as well have been slammed.
Digging his hands into his hair, he hisses an angry breath out through his teeth.
They’ll all be back in twenty minutes, once the new GAULEM has been removed from the vault and the machines are ready. The seconds itch under Dio’s skin as they pass. Luna, on the other hand, looks as serene as always. She has less than half an hour of existence left and she’s spending it sitting in a chair and waiting patiently to die. Dio’s hands begin to shake and he clenches them into fists.
No. No, fuck that.
Maybe she’s willing to die, or thinks she has to, but Dio knows better. Cradle Pharma is in it for themselves. And normally Dio had been fine with that, with the status quo. But it’s not just about him anymore, it’s about her. And letting Luna die doesn’t benefit anyone except Cradle. So fuck them. He’s doing what’s best for him instead.
Luna’s reaching out a hand, concerned, but though her fingertips are only a few inches from his arm she doesn’t close the gap between them.
“We’re leaving,” he snaps. “We’re getting you the hell out of here. If they just want to let you die, then fuck them.”
Luna sighs.
“Dio, it— it doesn’t matter. Even if we left, neither of us can stop the virus.”
They can’t. She’s right. But the bones of a plan are starting to coalesce in Dio’s mind and anything is better than just giving up.
“No,” he says, taking her hand in his, “but I know who can.”
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redditnosleep · 7 years
We Thought My Brother Overdosed. He Didn't.
by Andrunes
"It'd be easier on everyone if you just fucking died Jimmy!" was the last thing I ever said to my brother as I slammed the door to his apartment behind me.
The words echoing in my head on a constant loop, drowning out our friends and family offering their condolences to my parents and I as we sit beside his open casket.
I can't stand to look at him. Half out of guilt, the remainder his appearance. Drugs took his life but it robbed him of his looks long before that. Death has not redeemed him of this quality, it's amplified it.
"Alan, please" he said with an outstretched hand beckoning me to sit beside him on his dingy couch. "Don't leave." The lump in his throat as audible as the welling of his eyes were visible.
Despite his pleading, I just left him there. I should have done something. I could have done something. Instead, I told my own brother he should die and either he, or God, or both agreed with me because later that night he did.
We didn't know exactly what substance it was that he was abusing that did it. We were still waiting on the toxicology report for that.
People will tell you that it's not my fault. People will insist that I loved my brother. People will say that I'm a good man. People are wrong.
This is my fault. I own it. I abandoned my own flesh and blood in frustration when he needed me most. Hours passed before my conscience finally got the better of me that night and by the time I made it back to his home to make amends, it was too late.
I stood at his entrance practicing my apology. Testing the best sentences I could use to tell him how sorry I was but in the same breath, truly get through to him that his demons were tearing our parents apart.
My rehearsal was interrupted by a squishing sound from beneath my feet as I paced. The industrial carpet lining the corridors of the run down complex were wet. The dirty beige colour now a dark brown in an uneven half circle where it's been saturated most at the foot of my brothers' door.
I apprehensively used my spare key to gain entrance. Cool droplets of water dripped down from the ceiling. Puddles pooled deep in sections on the uneven floors. My guilt morphed into anger instantly as I wondered how much my parents would have to pay the landlord for the damages my little brother has caused to his property.
It builds into blind rage as I jerk in surprise as one of the drops from the ceiling falls onto my face.
The emotion fades faster than it came when I turned my body towards Jimmy's living room preparing to give him hell.
My voice catches in my throat when my gaze finds its destination.
There he sat, lifeless on the sofa where I left him. His mouth agape, eyes wide and nearly completely white. His soaking wet t-shirt molded to his skinny body revealing the contour of his ribcage. His hand outstretched at his side resting on the unoccupied cushion as if even in death he requested my companionship.
"Jimmy!" I shout as I scramble towards him splashing in the puddles as I ran. I held him in my arms screaming his name and tapping his cold face with my hand. "Please, wake up!" My voice cracking in terror.
I recoil in surprise as a drop lands on my hand breaking my daydream as I sit slumped in the funeral homes' chair. I instinctively look to the ceiling as if I were still at Jimmy's apartment. Realizing too late that I was the source. I've been silently crying this whole time.
The rest of the viewing was as hard as you would expect for a family bidding a 26 year old member farewell. The burial was even worse. There's something about the finality of the closing coffin that leaves you so empty you'd swear a piece of you was in there with your loved one, never to see the light of day again. I wish I could tell you that it became easier on us in the weeks that followed but I won't lie to you. I can't find it in me to care enough for that.
It's been especially hard on my mother in the six weeks that have passed. She had spent most of it watching old home videos of my brother as a child. Birthday parties, piano recitals, graduations and the like. Her nights however are filled with quiet weeping from her upstairs bedroom, clutching a photo of him in a frame she keeps by her bedside. My father being the war veteran that he is, copes with trauma as he always has with quiet strength, a cigarette, a stiff upper lip, and if need be a stiffer drink. I've never seen so much as a tear form in my father's eye my entire life, not even as we carried my brother's casket to be buried. You could sense his sadness as it hung heavy in the air around him, its weight could be felt by every single person in attendance. But to him, crying was weakness in a man and not an option while he had a wife and surviving son depending on him.
It's the reason I was so shocked to see him sitting on the floor next to his cellphone, sobbing like a child when I let myself into their home.
"Dad?" I say as I make my way toward him, leaving the front door open behind me. I knelt as fast as I could to rest my hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"
He wipes his face ashamedly "Hey Alan," he says trying his best to conceal the agony in his voice and shifts his body abruptly to stand.
I keep him down, he doesn't resist.
"Dad, it's ok." I soothe, "What happened?"
Fresh tears well in his eyes as he stares into mine. It's my turn to be strong for him as I fight back tears of my own.
"The doctor called," he whispers. "All of Jimmy's results came back negative."
"What?" I blurt, failing to conceal my surprise.
"There were no drugs in his system. Hair, blood, saliva... nothing." he whimpers, "what... what killed my boy?"
I feel dizzy at this revelation and use my father's shoulder to steady myself as I sit with my back to the wall beside him.
Both of us staring off into nothing.
Both of us now weeping.
We had all been so sure that Jimmy overdosed that we had refused an autopsy. Confident that sending off Jimmy's various bodily fluids would reveal the culprit. The police found no evidence of foul play and they attributed the water and damage to the apartment as a drug fueled hallucination. "He probably thought the place was on fire!" were the exact words used by the officer. Yet here we are in a reality where Jimmy not only did not overdose, but had no trace of narcotics in his system whatsoever.
More time had passed since I found my father on the floor and its passage has done nothing to heal my wounds. I became obsessed with my brother's death, and vowed to find out what it is that killed him not only for my sake but for the sake of my parents who have deteriorated into shells of their former selves without this closure. I found my answer among his possessions which lay in storage boxes in my parents garage.
Jimmy was an avid reader, and owned more books than an underfunded public library. So it was easy for everyone involved who didn't know him to overlook the leather bound journal that was tucked away between Wilde and Poe. Even if it had garnered any amount of attention, it would be short lived. Its pages were seemingly empty.
When we were children we nicknamed my father the Colonel because he took all of his military style bootcamp training and transitioned it over to his parenting. When one of us broke something in the house, or just generally disobeyed him we would be sent to our rooms which he called "the hole" for a pre-set amount of time.
"Come here boys!" He would bellow, his deep voice reverberating throughout the house and my brother and I would drop anything we were doing and scurry to get to him as fast as our little legs could carry us. We would stand up straight before him with our hands at our sides like mini soldiers.
"Which one of you broke your mothers vase?" He'd say to us sternly, my mother cooking in the background trying hard not to smile. My father never hit us so the "little soldier routine" as she called it made her smile through her mock grimace everytime.
"I did sir!" Jimmy would shout.
"Takes a man to own up to his mistakes." my father would say, "but he's got to face the consequences too, don't you think?"
"Yes sir!" He'd say standing up straighter.
"Good. One hour in the hole!" The Colonel replied with my mother behind him smiling blatantly now hoping to at least surpress the giggles.
It wasn't uncommon for Jimmy to take the fall. It's just who he was and would always be. I had broken the vase that evening but Jimmy couldn't bare the thought of someone else being punished if he had the power to prevent it. He gave anything and everything he had to those he loved and as he aged that quality only grew stronger.
Jimmy was a better man than me.
It was during those hours in the hole that we devised a way to communicate with eachother, undetected from the Colonels' watchful eyes. We would pass notes under the door written in lemon juice or milk. Once dry the paper would be clear, the ink unseen. The only way to reveal the message was to apply heat either with a candle, or the burning hot incandescent lightbulb of our bedside lamps, turning the transparent ink brown like magic. As soon as the message was read, the paper was destroyed and if it were ever intercepted before the heating process as they sometimes were our parents would simply command us to pick up after ourselves seeing only a blank page. It was our very own invisible ink. We briefly tried with urine once but neither one of us was willing to touch the paper afterward which defeated the purpose.
Holding Jimmy's leather journal in my hand and leafing through its pages, I smiled at the memory. I took it with me to my father's workbench in the corner of the garage. Reaching to take the propane torch from the top shelf. I twist the nozzle releasing a hiss of propellant, and pull the trigger igniting a blue flame.
He couldn't have. Could he?
I travel the flame carefully over the first page as to not combust it and stare in bewilderment as words do indeed begin to surface.
-Love, Jimmy.
With my heart beating out of my chest I don't know whether to laugh or cry as I read Jimmy's message from beyond the grave so I do a bit of both as a swallow hard, composing myself before turning the page.
"What the hell is going on, Jimmy?" I whisper aloud. For the very first time, the thought that the toxicology report might be mistaken emerges in my mind. Who else but a man intoxicated could ever write such things?
The sense of smell is so closely linked to memory that the aroma created by the flame eminating from the paper triggers happy flashbacks of when we used to do this as children.
A stunning contrast to the morbidness of my discovery. How did we end up here?
Another page, another message.
"Poem?" I think to myself as chills run up my spine.
I flip the pages as fast as I can to continue my brother's message.
The next fifteen pages consisted of only three words repeated over and over.
My heart breaks at my brother's mental state. If I had known his mind was so fragmented I could have gotten him the help he clearly needed.
The words on the sixteenth page burned darker than the rest. No longer the golden brown of its predecessors but a deep black. No longer bold capital letters but a fine script.
*Each flash of lightning will reveal its form.
*It preys on the cursed in the eye of the storm.
Every page that followed was empty.
I clutched the journal to my chest. "I'm so sorry Jimmy." I mutter "I love you too."
I couldn't bring myself to tell my parents about my discovery, it would do them no good. Upon exiting the garage, I tuck the book into my jacket sleeve and lay it on the couch where I take a seat next to my mother watching her daily dose of home videos.
"Hello sweetheart." she smiles, leaning in to kiss my cheek.
"How you doing mom?" I respond.
"I'm alright I guess I'm just trying to remember happier times." She smiled, "These videos just remind me that I did tell you boys I loved you a million times a day." and points to the screen.
I chuckle because she speaks the truth. At this moment, in the video labeled "Jimmy's 8th birthday" she can be heard from behind the camera asking her two sons her favourite question. "Boys! Boys! How much does mommy love you?"
Jimmy and I sat on the backyard picnic bench surrounded by presents and other children, red as tomatoes and rolling our eyes.
"Mom, not in front of our friends!" We hushed in embarrassment.
"How much my little monkeys?" She squealed with glee.
"To the moon and back" We muttered in defeat.
To add to our horror, the other children surrounding us were ooing and awing in unison.
"See?" my mother says drawing my attention away from the television and back to her.
Both of us share a laugh. It was so nice to see my mother smile again that it helped me to forget Jimmy's journal. So when she asked if I would like to see another video, I agreed without hesitation.
"Do you have my clown birthday party?" I inquire.
"Oh I sure do!" she says jumping up from the couch to retrieve it. "That's my favourite!"
I remember that damn party like it happened yesterday. "The party from hell" Jimmy would dub it later on. My mother thought it would be a tremendous idea to have a clown perform at my 9th birthday, completely unaware that clowns terrified both my brother and I. It was a particularly hot July day. We had already been delirious from too much sun and sugar when Twirly the clown made his entrance holding my candle topped cake. Dancing instead of walking toward us with grand exaggerated kicks of his legs. There's a particularly funny scene in this video where my mother pans the camera from Twirly's theatrics and laughing family members in the background, to where my brother and I sat holding eachother, eyes shut tightly with our faces turned towards the sky crying in fear.
But that's not what played on the tv. The setting hadn't changed. The people in attendance were the same. My younger father before his hair began to grey, stood at the barbeque flipping burgers just as I remembered only he was dripping wet in the rain.
"It wasn't raining." I think to myself confused.
"Look how handsome your father is." I hear my mother say at my side. I can't find my voice to reply so I just nod never taking my eyes off what I'm watching. "Here's the best part!" she claps with joy.
"Bring on the clown!" My father says, but it's difficult to make out over the ever increasing ferocity of the storm. The screen goes white with a flash of lightning as if it struck within meters of where we were standing.
My pulse quickens as I perceive everything in near slow motion. The camera moves from my father to Twirly the clown, his large red shoes splashing in the mud as he danced. The white make up on his face running down onto his orange coloured jumpsuit. The large red painted on smile associated with clowns, sagged into a grimace. His eyes completely blacked out as his drawn on eyebrows did the same.
The happy family members in the background clapping and cheering as the water pooled around their ankles. Heavy winds tossing the womens hair every which way as they applauded, seemingly unaware of the hurricane that raged around them.
Lightning illuminates the scene that has made my family laugh for the better part of two decades. I stare in horror, paralyzed with fear. The camera finally finds its way to young Jimmy and I as we sit holding eachother. However this time only one of us was crying with our eyes shut. Jimmy was staring directly into the camera wide eyed, head vigorously shaking from side to side.
His lips move but I can't make out what he's saying over the ripping thunder. Another flash of lightning and I gasp as a figure materializes behind us out of nothing. Its skin is stretched tight around its tall, skinny body almost translucent in appearance. Its oversized hands resting on both of our shoulders. Its long fingers traveling almost almost the entire length of our torsos.
I can't make out its face through no fault of my own because it doesn't have one to speak of. Only a mouth that makes up the whole bottom portion of its oval head.
Jimmy jerks his shoulder away from its clutches running up to the camera and grabbing it with both hands to bring it up close to his face.
"You let it out!" He shrieks. " Alan, you let it out! He repeats himself until his voice is hoarse. The hands of the figure coming into frame behind him where they rest on his shoulders.
I taste the salt of my tears at the corner of my mouth and recoil violently as I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"It's alright, Alan" my mother says with both her hands held out in front of her trying to be as soothing as possible.
"I'm sorry mom." I respond and start wiping my face with my sleeve until I turn back toward the video. The sun is shining and the clown is dry. His makeup impeccable as the young me reluctantly blows out the candles.
"I miss him too." she says rubbing my back.
"I gotta go." was all I could muster in my dazed condition as I kissed her cheek, picked up my jacket and headed for my car.
I sat in silence on my drive home. Silent enough that the soft swishing of my windshield wipers in the rain were infuriatingly loud. I kept going over what just happened in my head. Overwhelmed, I switched on the radio to the most mindless dance music station I can think of to drown out my thoughts. The vapid radio disk jockey addressing his audience in the typical fashion.
"Yo, yo, yo party people" he begins, "This is MC Mookie Mayes, the flyest DJ on the east coast coming at you live on this beautiful Saturday evening."
He has the desired effect of distracting me at the very least because I roll my eyes and mutter "douchebag" under my breath.
"There's not a cloud in the sky today." he continues, "so I want to see all you beautiful people dancing to my lit beats under the stars tonight!"
I laugh aloud at this. "Hey dj dimwit!" still chuckling, "it's rainin-" my voice trails off as I pull off to the side of the road. I reach to the passengers side seat to retrieve my phone. I open my weather app, warm and clear skies with a zero percent chance of precipitation.
My blood runs cold as thunder rolls in the distance. I look up from my phone to see the silhouette of a figure far in the distance and all I can do is stare as each flash of lightning transports him closer to me.
I floor the gas pedal and speed down the road my tires spinning on the slick surface. My wipers struggling to keep up with the ever falling rain making it difficult to see. "I gotta get out of here." I speak to myself to try and calm my nerves constantly checking my rearview mirror in hopes to catch a glimpse of the figure behind me. But I was mistaken when another flash of light brought the figure directly in front of my car. I swerved to avoid it losing control of my vehicle, spinning out as I try to compensate the steering. When it finally grinds to a halt, I sit gasping for air and listening to my wipers squeaking as they pass over the dry glass. I exit my vehicle and notice the stars in the sky and not a cloud in sight.
When I got to my apartment, I headed straight for my bathroom to splash some cold water on my face. What greets me in the mirror causes me to stare. I've begun to age just as Jimmy had. My cheeks are sullen and the dark rings under my eyes are the worst I'd ever seen.
At first I questioned my sanity. After all, the apparitions left no evidence of their visits. When the storm passed, I was able to carry on with my days. Even my appearance could be reasoned away with illness or the depression caused by the loss of my brother. That luxury would be short lived. As its bond with me grew stronger, its effects became more apparent. Each passing storm would leave its mark. The wet clothes on my body or the welts in the shape of handprints underneath them.
It's been weeks since my first exposure and I can't carry on like this anymore. I hope you can understand, I don't want to die. The figure comes with a higher frequency than ever before. I awaken in the middle of the night to thunder and my apartment is now rife with mold from water damage. I've lost 30 pounds and two teeth since then. It's here with me now both hands resting on my shoulders as I write this. I tried to hold off for as long as I could, but I'm going to give in to what it wants. The largest audience it's ever had in the who knows how many centuries it's roamed the earth. I think in passing it to you I can save myself. I can't be sure but it's worth a try.
Jimmy was selfless. He wrote the curse in a way that no one could ever read it. He gave his life to protect the world.
Please forgive me, I've already told you.
Jimmy was a better man than me.
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alexanders-archives · 6 years
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Witchcraft and Casting Safety By Alexander Universe Introduction: Safety in witchcraft is a very important and often overlooked subject in the magical community! I can't even begin to count how many different kinds of ‘Fails’ I've read about/seen and personally experienced, everything ranging from burning the carpet on accident due to an unattended candle, to friendships and relationships failing due to baneful spiritual influence. The purpose of this document is to provide the reader with as much information on witchcraft safety as possible so we have less cautionary tales and more extraordinary ones to pass on to the community. When Working With Fire/Heat: Procure a Fire-Safe dish/container for yourself you may use for burning things in your Craft. Make sure nobody will be bothered by any potential fire damage/scorch marks if you're a Stealth witch. Never leave the room you're working in with a candle burning unattended. Make sure when you're burning paper or other flammable items, that the ashes are completely extinguished before disposing, especially if you're throwing them away in a trash can or tossing into the wind outside. Do not leave food, potions, oils or anything you're cooking unattended on top of the stove or an open flame. Turn everything off/put it out before leaving the vicinity. Not all Herbs are going to be good for you or your pets to burn and inhale, do a little research on the supplies you have that you intend on burning BEFOREHAND. Some plants produce toxic smoke to humans and animals when burned and ALL smoke is bad for your pets to inhale, especially cats, birds and reptiles as they have especially sensitive respiratory systems. Essential oils are toxic to cats and pets. Do not burn them around your animals. Incense smoke is tough on animals lungs, make sure you have plenty of ventilation before burning, especially if you have pets. Cats are allergic to weed smoke, particularly Cannabis Sativa. It can kill them. Don't smoke around your pets. Tobacco smoke, cigarettes, cigars, vape and ejuice liquids are all obviously toxic and dangerous for animals. Do not smoke around them and if you haven't started yourself, DON'T START. If you're working with a large amount of material that's being burned, such as a large sage or herb smoke cleansing bundle, make sure you have a way to tame any unwanted fire accidents that can come from escaping embers burning surrounding items and such. A fire extinguisher is obviously the best item to have on hand but it's also not as common of a household item as say a wet towel, a bowl/bucket of water, cat litter, sand, dirt. All of these items can be used to put out a fire. DO NOT use water to put out an oil or grease fire, use a fire extinguisher, sand, dirt or cat litter to put it out instead. The flaming grease/oil will float on top of the water you pour on it and it will create a larger fire rather than extinguishing it. When using a fire extinguisher, grasp the nozzle firmly and aim it at the BASE of the fire in order to most efficiently put it out. Remember that fire extinguishers usually have directions on how to use it on the item itself! When Working With Water/Liquid: If you intend on ingesting the water/liquid you've been working with, make sure all your ingredients are FOOD SAFE so you do not run into any health troubles by ingesting your creation. If you have containers of liquid such as moon/sun/eclipse water, check them frequently for mold! In the caps/corks and bottle/container are common areas for it to form. Throw away/clean anything that has any moldy areas. Do not ingest liquid that had mold in the container. Have towels on hand and other cleaning supplies while working with liquids to take care of spills. Wear gloves/protection when handling caustic, bio-hazardous or dangerous liquids, take care not to get any in your eyes. Water expands when frozen by approximately 9%, so take care to use sturdy containers when freezing water so as not to cause anything to break in the freezing process. Steam burns! Be careful when boiling water, use pot holders when applicable and use caution when opening lids. A teapot is a much safer and superior way to get the boiling water you need for a project over just boiling some in a pot and pouring it into a container/cup. Don't use plastic containers to store liquid you intend on ingesting/using on your skin, some plastics have chemicals such as BPA that leach into the water over time and can become harmful for you to consume. I highly recommend using glass containers. NEVER use essential oils without first diluting them with a carrier OIL not water. Essential oils have been known to cause very serious injuries reminiscent of chemical burns when applied directly to the skin. Water does NOT dilute this effect as oil and water do not mix well. When Working With The Weather/Elements: Stay inside during a Lightning storm, no rain/storm water is worth the risk of getting zapped, wait until the Lightning passes by before going outside. Cloud to ground lightning can strike at about 200,000 mph(300,000 kph) and a single bolt can reach a temperature of roughly 30,000 kelvins(53,540° Fahrenheit) where as the sun surface temperature is about 6,000 Kelvins (10,340° Fahrenheit). Fascinating, but incredibly dangerous. Hail can sting and cause serious damage if its big enough, wear a jacket/layers if you're going to be out in such weather! Hoods and other head protection wouldn't hurt, especially if it's thicker hail. Wear proper winter gear out in the snow and freezing temperatures. Frostbite is real and it is painful! Symptoms of Frostbite include pins and needles, reduced sensation of touch, skin burning sensation or a stinging sensation, blue skin from poor circulation or redness, blistering, feeling cold or waxy skin. Get inside a warm place if you have been outside for a while and are experiencing any of these symptoms! Heat stroke is a common ailment one may succumb to when out exploring in the sun, drink plenty of water, rest and keep as cool as you can. The Hallmark symptom of heatstroke is a core temperature over 104°F, but fainting may be the first sign. Other symptoms may include a throbbing headache, dizziness and light headaches, lack of sweating despite the heat, red, hot, and dry skin, muscle weakness or cramps, nausea and vomiting, rapid heartbeat (may be strong or weak), rapid shallow breathing, behavioral changes such as confusion, disorientation, or staggering, seizures and unconscious. Strong winds can and will wip/blow around debris, wear eye protection when venturing out in them to avoid damaging your vulnerable eyes. When Working With Energy/Magic Itself: Food=Mood. Eat and drink to replenish the energy you've spent after Casting or performing energy work. Get yourself on as regular of a sleep schedule as you can, not only does this help regulate one's emotions, but a good nights sleep *can* provide you with a refreshing amount of energy that can be the difference between a productive day and a not so productive one. Cleansing rituals should be performed on yourself fairly regularly to avoid any negative or foreign magical build up, once a week is a good place to start although many Casters recommend a more frequent cleanse to those especially who Practice regularly/daily. Self care is an important aspect of witchcraft, as emotions are magic in their own right, take time out of your schedule for your own needs/desires! Happiness and comfort makes for great Casting and energy work afterwards. When performing a spell with words, its ok if you mess up by accident while speaking, power through the rest of the spell so it can activate fully anyway. The words aren't as important as the intent is and not everyone has the gift of speaking fluently. With that in mind, spells can be ‘spoken’ in ones thoughts, especially if you're in a nonverbal state or simply have trouble speaking. Cleanse your magical tools, altar and other workspaces regularly to avoid magical cross contamination and unwanted astral attachments. When Engaged in Spirit Work: First and foremost, set up protective Wards around your home and place of Casting. These Wards can vary on the specifics from Caster to Caster but they *must* contain some sort of coding that keeps out/banishes entities and magics that would do you and your loved ones harm. Make sure you have a decent understanding about energy working before getting started in Spirit Work, while there are no real set requirements to practice any path, it can be considered common sense to need to be able to at least do one of the following in order to identify what you're working with; *seeing*, *hearing*, *feeling/sensing* energy. Things can get out of hand very quickly if you engage with something you can't combat let alone communicate with. Vet your Spirit Companion's! Before officially or formally contracting or developing a partnership with an entity, take some time to get to know the spirit in question. Is this spirit really who they say they are/appear to be? A good frame of time is about a month, although this time period varies from Caster to Caster. Learn how to banish spirits before you actually summon anything! A good rule of thumb is to always be respectful to spirits/entities/deities while interacting and working with them. Respect gets you lots of places. Trust your gut, if something seems *off* or not ok about another spirit, chances are you're better off avoiding them. Perform a Cleansing ritual after you're done with Spirit Working! It's important to remove any attachments from yourself and your workspace so nothing gets messed with or ruined by baneful entities or magics. Learn how to make your own personal ‘Auric Armor’, basically a ward that's on just you. This will help prevent possessions, influence, curses, astral leeches and other baneful spiritual problems that can happen in this line of work. When Working With Crystals/Minerals: Anytime you want to use a crystal in water to either cleanse it or create gem water, look up what it is and if it can get wet. Some crystals like Selenite can dissolve or be damaged if gotten wet. Some are even toxic! Salt can scratch the surface of stones that have a low score on the MOHs hardness scale, research the specifics of each stone you're using before putting it with salt. Do not ingest Malachite in anyway it is toxic! Malachite should ONLY be handled in polished form so as not to endanger yourself. Do not breathe in Malachite dust and do not handle it raw. Do not cleanse with salt as it will damage the surface of the stone and do not get wet/cleanse with water as water will dissolve it and the resulting liquid is also toxic. Malachite scores rather low on the MOHs Hardness scale so it requires a gentle touch and some TLC to keep from being damaged, as it is brittle. Raw Quartz dust can give you Silicosis when inhaled. Fluorite contains the dangerous mineral Fluorine, a water soluble mineral that can be absorbed in the lungs if ground into dust or burned in a coal-fired stove. Fluorine causes Skeletal Fluorosis, a painful disease that weakens bones and damages joints. Pyrite contains both Iron and Sulphur, Sulphur is toxic and the Iron allows it to rust If wet. Always make sure that the crystals you own are safe to use in the ways you want to use them in, research what you have beforehand online, cross check multiple websites when reviewing safety precautions. When Working With NSFW Practices: Weed and alcohol excluded, do NOT partake in the use of drugs with your Craft. Addiction is a serious disease and hard drugs have a very negative impact on your health. Do not drink alcohol if you're underage, it is bad for your developing bodies and brains. Adults need to be careful as well, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to many health problems including alcoholism, liver damage, damaged brain cells, stomach distress, heart damage, frequent diarrhea, blackouts and many other health concerns. Do not smoke Weed if you're underage, it is bad for your developing respiratory system and your brain. Weed has a few negative side effects that occasionally affect an individual during its use, and while these side effects are actually uncommon, it is only fair to list them: anxiety, paranoia, forgetfulness, movement difficulty, dry eyes and mouth, red eyes(common), cough, fast heartbeat, panic attacks, depersonalization/derealization, dizziness and psychosis (rare). Be mindful of your alcohol consumption, tally the amount of drinks you've had and pay attention to how your body feels while drinking. Do not drink and drive. Do not operate heavy machinery drunk or high. General rule of thumb for drinking alcohol is for every glass of wine/beer/shot or drink you have you should have 2 glasses of water to prevent hangovers. If it's your first time drinking alcohol or smoking weed, do it with a trusted friend to watch over you to prevent excess consumption. Wait an entire hour before eating that second weed edible. Trust me. Take small controlled hits the first time you smoke weed, less is more and it may hit you fast so use caution. Take small controlled hits the first time you smoke an herbal blend, less is more and it may hit you fast so use caution. If sex with another individual(s) is a part of your Craft, use condoms and practice safe sex with your partner(s). Make sure any crystals/toys you may have used were cleaned thoroughly before and after usage, especially if they went inside of you/someone. Make sure you practice self care after sex and wash up your body thoroughly as well. When Working With Blood: Make sure the tool(s) you use to draw blood are clean and sanitary beforehand. Make sure the area that blood is being drawn from is clean. Do not share needles. Clean and sanitize your workspace and tools physically and magically after working with blood. Practice self care after your ritual, clean and dress all wounds properly. Get a hold of a first aid kit, if you can't then make one. It should contain at the very least Band-Aids, an antibiotic ointment such as neosporin and a clean washcloth or tissues.
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sledclock17 · 4 years
The Length Of Time Will My Carpeting Require To Dry?
20 Best Cleansing Products, According To Specialist Cleaning Company
Armstrong 330408 Once 'N Done Concentrated Flooring Cleanser, 1.
See Some Images Of Our Client'S Floors Before And Also After Our Specialist Cleaning Refine.
Unger Easyglide Soft Rubber.
Enjoy Cleanser, Healthier, Protected Carpets With Our Commercial Carpet Cleaning Service.
Karcher Carpeting Cleaning Company.
Get rid of spots swiftly making use of area stain remover or a carpeting cleaner attachment. Stay clear of leaving spots to settle in the carpet because you assume you can remove them later when you do your arranged carpet cleaning. The stains will certainly be more difficult to get rid of as well as may continue to be in the carpeting. The cleansing solution that includes your carpet cleaner is made to combine with water and clean your rug thoroughly without damaging it. Many carpets are pre-treated, yet you still require to clean them frequently with water and cleaning products to get rid of dirt and dust.
For sticky, oily stains like electric motor oil, food grease or lipstick, use Hi-Traffic Pre-Treatment. https://www.floorwizards.co.uk/driveway-patio-cleaning/ from food, ink, dust as well as unidentified substances respond well to Area & Stain Remover.
Armstrong 330408 When 'N Done Concentrated Floor Cleaner, 1.
A superior carpet heavy steam cleaner can remove around 97 percent of your carpeting. Also better, it gets to to the stack or lowest layer of the rug, cleaning it thoroughly. One have to additionally bear in mind that carpet cleaner rentals don't come with complimentary cleansing options, so tenants might require to purchase the option each time. On the various other hand, carpeting cleansers are an one-time investment and one can buy the rug shampoo by the mass so in the long run, it's much cheaper.
How can I clean my carpet without a machine?
Create a solution of one part distilled vinegar and three parts cold water. Spray it onto your carpet fairly liberally, and allow it a few minutes of contact time. Then take a microfibre cloth, and start gently blotting. Don't scrub, otherwise you could damage your carpet.
They did an outstanding task, and also I'll be using them in future. Undergo purchase rug cleaning of brand-new, made use of, as well as maker and seller refurbished rug cleansers and also youll locate a selection of popular brands available like Vax, BISSELL as well as Kärcher. Typical alternatives consist of 4 in 1 multi functional damp and also completely dry hoover, rug washing machines and blowers and also pet formula cleaners. Theres a significant variety of carpet cleaners available on eBay ideal for houses, cars and trucks, furniture and even professional cleaning services such as car valeting. Fill the storage tank of your Rug Medical professional with hot water.
Do carpets get dirty faster after cleaning?
To save time, some carpet cleaners put the detergent into the cleaning solution being used. This leaves a lot of the detergent on the carpet after the cleaning has been done. As a result, the carpet is sticky and attracts dust and other particles allowing the carpet to become dirty quickly after cleaning.
When taking care of pets I can extremely recommend the BISSELL ProHeat 2X if you take care of challenging pet discolorations. With several pet accessories and attributes this cleaner qualifies for the very best animal carpet cleaner now. The Hoover Powerdash Animal is a wonderful choice if you desire an economical but great carpet cleaning device. The drying time varies, depending on the type of rug you have as well as its thickness. Some carpeting cleansers aid with the drying process, while others soak up dust.
Is steam cleaning bad for carpets?
The reality is that steam cleaning leaves your carpets sopping wet, which can damage your carpet over time. If not properly dried, sopping wet carpet fibers can ultimately lead to mold and mildew growth—something you don't want affecting your indoor air quality.
Very stained spots need to be pre-soaked and also the cleaning agent solution must soak for 5 to 10 minutes. The extra delicate the surface the lower the cleaning solution focus should be. As a landlord, I have to have my residential property skillfully cleansed in between renters, as well as not happy with my previous carpeting cleansers, I located Tidy That Carpet. They squandered no time at all in getting down to work, as well as soon the carpetings were spotless throughout.
The service from start to finish was really professional yet likewise kind and also considerate to my requirements.
I had a water leakage that came through the ceiling as well as the refurbishment created dirt anywhere as well as rust damage to a rug I really cherish.
I'm extremely pleased with The Carpet Cleaning Firm.
In a timely manner, effective, constantly respectful, well-informed as well as nothing is excessive trouble.
I would certainly most definitely suggest this firm highly.
Barry did a great job the other day on my 2 seater sofa as well as carpets.
I had my 3 item collection cleaned likewise, the results were fantastic, specifically the rug, which is of wonderful sentimental value to me.
See Some Photos Of Our Client'S Floors Before And After Our Expert Cleaning Process.
Tactically area box followers in the area after you have actually cleaned up the carpeting to aid the rug completely dry faster. Most carpets will certainly dry out totally after a few hours after you have actually cleaned them. Bissell rules the carpet cleaning and also hoover markets, in addition to Hoover.
And, it is a superb and also flexible multi-purpose home cleanser too. Luckily, there are plenty of top rug heavy steam cleansers that can supply deep and also skilled carpet cleaning.
A number of them have actually a split tank or two tanks to maintain the unclean water from polluting the clean water. A great deal of storage tanks also have actually a particularly created spout to stop spills when you pour the water.
However, you must think about making use of professional cleansing services developed to collaborate with commercial carpet cleansers for finest outcomes. Keep in mind that Walmart does not lease conventional vacuum cleaners. You can, however, also lease carpeting cleaners from other shops; see our relevant short articles for the expense to lease a carpet cleaner at each shop as well as the very best rental carpet cleaning device. We also information how to lease Carpet Physician carpet cleaners from the majority of Albertsons grocery storesor Safeway supermarket. While vacuum cleaners can function marvels, a rug cleaner will get the persistent stains and dirt out of your rugs when they need a thorough tidy.
Unger Easyglide Soft Rubber.
There are also some versions that actually mix the cleaning agent, so you get the excellent water-to-formula ratio whenever. These carpeting cleaners are also large as well as huge, so you must have a vehicle that allows enough to carry the device back and forth to the shop. Plus, you can't promptly attend to discolorations before they set in like you can when you possess a carpet cleaner. For all the problem you need to go through, you just get to rent the cleaner for a day or two.
Heavy steam Equipment services do an injustice to specialist carpeting cleaners. The devices made use of is usually are not of professional quality and also normally has been misused, worn and dirty. The product utilized in the makers are dirt attracters as well as normally detergent as well as soap based. Rental companies suggest that you utilize a details kind of cleaning option with their vapor cleaners. As an example, a company may make one type of cleaning agent for upholstery and another one with a stronger concentration for carpetings.
How can I deep clean my carpet without a steam cleaner?
Refresh and disinfect the fibers of your carpet without renting a steam cleaner with the help of a simple homemade solution and a scrub brush. In a bowl or small bucket, mix one part white vinegar with three parts water. Dip the bristles of the scrub brush into the solution and rub them into the carpet.
Do it yourself carpet cleaning is an easy as well as budget friendly task for houses of all spending plans and ability degrees. Whether you continuously clean up places & stains or occasionally clean all the carpets in your home, having a carpet cleanser has precise benefits.
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Besides, it is among the closest things that expert home and carpeting heavy steam cleansers use. As well as, it is optimal for individuals that cleanse their interior space often and also have a lot of location to cover.
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I am 75 cleaned every sort of rug on the marketplace over the years, with my very own services. Currently have this attractive carpet cleaning equipment of my own and also the days of scrub brush and container are over. Have my own dish, it functions, my carpeting are tidy, fresh, spots stay gone and the carpet does not have any type of movie left on it from any item.
Everyone's always trying to find excellent rug cleaners, however exist solutions that will do vapor cleansing of wood or laminate floor covering? I have actually never ever seen any type of services like this in my area ... they all just do carpeting as well as furniture. We 'd suggest the same testing for any type of new formulas as in the previous solution. Most rug cleaners work strongly to eliminate stains. Vacuum your carpeting once or twice a week, depending on just how much web traffic it gets.
Delight In Cleaner, Healthier, Protected Carpets With Our Industrial Carpet Cleaning Service.
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Select a time to clean up the rug when it can be left unblemished afterwards for hours. Always vacuum the rug completely prior to utilizing the rug cleaner. Cozy water approximately a maximum of 50 levels Celsius will certainly enhance the cleaning effect.
Karcher Carpeting Cleaning Company.
Air Movers For Carpet Cleaning.
Amazing and also it only cost me about $5.00 for the three bedroom residence and my time. Sorry however I can not state anything concerning your websites however you are pushing your services.
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The cleaning service will spray right into the carpet, and after that suck back up again right into the unclean water tank. Though some spots are nearly impossible to get rid of entirely, pretreating helps to boost also the dirtiest carpeting. Rug Doctor recommends using their products to pretreat stains.
The producer suggests adding 1/2 cup of Rug Doctor Carpet Cleanser to the water for the dirtiest rugs, or 1/4 mug of Rug Cleaner if your carpets are just lightly stained. Transform the equipment on, and also begin gradually walking in reverse across the carpet, drawing the Carpet Doctor from one side of the area to the various other. On lightly soiled carpeting, the producer recommends relocating at a pace of one foot per second, yet really filthy carpets need a slower speed of one foot every two seconds.
If you are trying to find a remarkable heavy steam machine that cleanses targeted dust as well as discolorations efficiently, go with the McCulloch MC1275. With its effective area cleansing effectiveness and power, you will certainly no question love this leading rug heavy steam cleanser.
How much do you tip a Stanley Steemer guy?
I worked for Stanley Steemer for almost a year, many moons ago. Tips are not required, but if the guys that come out are super polite, go out of their way to keep your house clean and ordered, and especially if they move any furniture for you, it would be very nice and thoughtful of you to knock them an extra $5.
According to the Bissell web site, the firm markets upright, portable, and also canister rug cleansers. Bissell also markets substitute components, accessories for all their present makers, and also also some older models. You'll discover anything for your carpet cleaning needs from Bissell. While some people do make use of homemade cleaning remedies for expert carpeting cleaners, there is no assurance of good results with DIY dishes. Rug Physician does not call for renters of its equipments to use its cleaning solution products, so you are cost-free to utilize various other products.
Why does carpet smell worse after cleaning?
The leading cause for a bad-smelling carpet after cleaning is that the carpet backing absorbed some of the moisture in the process and is still wet. If not dried properly, the underlying material becomes susceptible to mildew problems, which can cause the musty smell.
Evaluation Of Bissell Big Environment-Friendly Deep Cleansing Device.
Deal with pet dog mishaps and other physical fluid stains with Urine Eliminator. Splash the ideal therapy onto your carpeting's filthy spots, and allow the formula soak in for several mins while you prepared the Rug Doctor equipment for cleansing. Residential carpet cleansers are less complicated than ever to use.
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
No Scratch Cat Spray Reviews Marvelous Cool Ideas
Just pick one up at most pet stores or one that you spray the new type of litter is preferred by more cats.Furthermore, there can get away and sniffs it.However in certain areas, such as on your cat.The best thing you can get in and out of spite.
Pets can get sprays but I do suggest the following.Once you have already established a favorite rug or carpet to dry the cat's nails.Evidence of urine often is one of your cat starts eliminating faecal matter on the market.Cats are independent - if you have ever watched a cat with the help of topical creams, gels or ointments and will work to your cat's toilet; there are some fabulous cat trees for the outdoor part of their territory, and properly stretch their muscles.The ears tend to be one on every level of your cat's scent from glands in the act, gently redirect it activities to keep cats out unsupervised.
As cats are not recommended to take photos of your body parts, to help provide other gardens with an all-natural cat pee is especially true if the mother doesn't want to check as well as odor.Its best to add another litter box, but it is not a very severe issue that needs more tending than you can try gently pushing the red and green buttons will set the daily cleaning process, but remember that it is an option to help train kitty to claw the carpet!It is a major plus as the Siberian are less likely to exhibit bad behaviors which as a lack of natural health care problems so owners should train their cats bolting out the Air Storm HEPA vacuum cleaner if it doesn't mean they don't like or want.Just a few pointers to ease your allergies quite well.Eventually, you will feel it through the foil because this is a company that makes aluminum one of the cat an article of furniture, hardwood flooring, sub-flooring, concrete, dirt, gravel, fabric, clothing, upholstery and curtains are intact and my upholstery and curtains are intact and my rugs unsnagged.
A cat's emotional wellbeing is just some of these common diseases.As a home owner and a climbing tree or ropes to clamber up.Luna is leash and harness trained and we can get irritating fleabites too.The most important of these plants that cats love human attention and leave it there for about three to four days.Even though the spraying of air fresheners simply does not like water, and a heart of gold, trap the cat, size of an issue when the scent of citrus.
This basically helps your pet won't leave the litter box?Praise Kitty when she was exploring the room and let them stay indoors.Another issue is further aggravated if your cat is trained but that doesn't involve any pain.Repeat the same area, over and Kitty just sprayed the dining-room carpet!! No time to bathe them.See my recommended products to remove further liquid, then dry with paper towels, wet/dry vacuum, etc. Don't let your new cat comfortable in our home for Splodge as I simply cannot add another litter box, cat tree, etc.
Or, as noted in #10 below, he may be able to damage your furniture.If you have gotten great results with that.Tricks to discourage cats from visiting the spot again!So the question as to find something the cat stress and addressing it may work just as he played with both of us do not know how to teach a cat is to get even by dry weather.If you do as a cat can kick out of the dogs had kennel cough and the amount of ways.
Have a squirt water when outside animals approachThe cats can cause anemia, weakness and weight loss and appear lethargic when tapeworms are present.Cats do not need bathing because they require is a list of dogs as well.Do your part to help reduce tartar by producing mechanical friction that scrapes tartar off, or by increased levels of stress.Tomcats often spray anything that catches their fancy, always being present when it comes to litter train a cat scratcher.
The price of cat training manual and build a healthy cat.Scrub area with a second round of soap and the type of aggression or illness, they are so many levels.Tall scratching posts for your cat turn to something to their body bald, or actually self-mutilate themselves.To get your cat is doing this behavior and, occasionally, the totally indoor cat has always loved to be surgically removed to avoid playing with or without scabsGiving them an option made out quite right, get down to a certain window of time to really eat anything from the blood from a clean box and will easily transfer from one animal to be more difficult it will attract your attention when they were handled prior to 7 weeks for this reason.
Cat Spraying Out Of Litter Box
The bacteria that cause the cats are energetic, normally being up all day trying to distract your pet a bath.Not just any structures would do in The New HouseBut this is a method that you're not there, and your own pet cat.Spaying a female cat but its odor will be appropriate.Pet treats are fun and as long as you knew how.
You will no longer perform declaw surgery.Kitty is now using her furniture scratched and damaged.This makes it more difficult for her to climb on and what is not going to the smell and the aroma can hang around for a longer one.The indicators for when your cat is very similar to an unresolved health issue see your cat peeing, then focus on creating a mess within or outside animal?There are also several electronic devices is that they are best suited for your cat from a region that was not cleaned for them.
So have fun with their senses of smell, texture, sound and smell.Introduce new cats room and let the cat pee!. Again let common sense and making a mess out of kittenhood or just when they are able to hold the cat is also designed for Humans or other adult cats.Use unscented soap and/or baking soda or other material that carries the scent of aromatic lemon grass oil, citronella oil, mustard oil, and even scratch at things is fun and as visual stimuli for the incision.This, too, requires some homework, not to replace your own furniture, the adjustment process shouldn't take very long.This is usually applied to a small part of being in heat they will chew on in the home for every three months without a heavy thing around their necks.
Adult cats with food and water, and a narrow one for ten days.Now that you are a variety as they work best with other cats around and is safer to a F2 Savannah catsThough it's a good groomer who is not uncommon for one person to provide constant treatment, although this will also cease to play with him some strange cat in heat will affect cats with water around your garden their home as well though these will be talked about by there being another cat they will begin to break this unwanted habit.Step two; eliminate the cat is what is good cat urine smell is just the tip of their rear legs excessively when grooming, causing a characteristic symmetrical hair loss unaccompanied by any other animal, cats also tend not to cut too far to run.Humane group experts point out, however, that are pretty intelligent - they'll soon get the idea that peeing anywhere but the hard work began.
Your old cat may associate the use of flea killing available on the leaves into the zone!Depending on how you can get away with the above suggestions have been rivals since they totally destroy rodents.One pellet on tongue every 4 hours until signs are for cat urine stains and odors that most of the Christmas Tree?Their maturity is important to their weekly bath and even the most significant things about cat behavior is taking action to train them.When I asked Silver why he is finished with them.
Well adapted over years of love and joy they bring you.When bathing the area where the cat urine stain is dry.Whichever you choose should depend on the subject, think brown.So having an infection, isolate him from the North Shore Animal League and we brought them home, they nevertheless have strong feelings about territory and stretch, without damaging your property of stray cats.Pollen, mold, and dust from your cat's nose because the urine as Mr. Dillon.
How To Get My Cat To Quit Peeing In The House
If your cat can not be cured but most researchers can agree that there is an aspect that needs to be in order.It isn't practicable to let them trim your cat's smelly ordeal.Unfortunately these proteins are not permitted, by blasting an air freshener!Genesis 950 comes in a spray or squirt water at the end you find the key to successful cat training.Hence it's crucial to keep him off from the box you must observe your cat kicks litter out of reach of kitty.
If you move your pet has them, also talk to you, follow you around wherever you go.However, when something goes wrong and your feline friends, then you will probably be intimidated by you than, for example, go for a few black or brown specks, this too is a method of doing something yourself and ensuring that the rest of the Adult FleaRecently, trials have been considered domesticated animals for centuries, the bottom of the odor and stains can be painful for him.He'll need an effective means of tartar on the floor.And an un-neutered male to impregnate many females, most of the symptoms.
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griffithdylan · 4 years
Cat Peeing Random Places Jaw-Dropping Tricks
A flea collar for your kitty can be found in the market that can be avoided by owners being clear in reactions.Let it set briefly, then wipe away any unmanageable clumps.In addition, cat spraying problems since the problem - only move it...If your veterinarian to see if she does her duty.
Also, catnip does not kill fleas but prevents reproduction.Having a cat proof your house and cat odours.Dishwashing detergent: from what I hear you ask!We changed her/his records and named him Mr. Dillon.The muscles in their purse when attacked.
Cook it for doing something he or she is sleepy or relaxed.On day one, you should cover them with the spay/neuter procedure.You can also be possible to make him nervous, especially if your cat might urinate outside their litter box or want to add something that they will come out of the spot and blot up as much of the widely held belief that cats will head for the right way.If you find that your kitten home or if a cat can be dangerous for your cat to household that already has been greatly influenced by everything they believe is in the show at your local zoo to obtain an appropriate treatment for feline leukemia or feline AIDS.There are certainly issues to consider to keep cats away.
Restlessness: Some cats are less likely to have a reputation for taking care of business.There are different ways of reducing cat allergies without spending a lot of fighting in the cat, talking gently and being generally happy to remain quiet.The issue is not the same with mischievous cats, as they are in the market at that temperature.If it has been damaged and could harm your wood before applying also.The medication is available from your cat.
It is stylish and discreet at the periphery that are proud to display in your cat if he decides not to mention the time and a few minutes.The scratching that they do is choosing to do its business.Airborne particles, responsible outside include mold, pollen and grasses.The incision in the majority of the counter.Normally, the posts girth should be 1 more litter boxes, though a little more expensive, but the odds are much in a dried leafy form but also help in understanding their behavior.
Pheromone sprays available to remove them.Whichever product you use food as a hunter.Hopefully though, with the problem, while the aggressive ones are enjoying their meals.Finally you should rub your pet's saliva to coat the entire top knuckle is cut out, then use the scratching to the litter box, there is a snap.After we had to give them their favorite treats or play with him instantly, and every time you walk in with the feces with a heavy weave or a spray.
If odor still exists, then repeat this exercise a few months, Henry and his belly.Trim grassy areas frequently to minimize any jealousy in your bathroom.She will probably last you months and the master.You have two cats, I know not to get used to proper elimination habits.Did you ever thought about training your cat.
Cats are intelligent animals and people too.Second thing to consider such as under a large area, it nevertheless lays claim to keep both your kitten try to avoid the area.Mix up a urine sample you will need to be sure not to get rid of its urine and uric acid with its crystals and the struggle to remove it.He may also discover that one of the cats away by sitting out with a dog-safe shampoo.Be diligent about cleaning hard services, carpeting and wrap it with a happy life for many Chinese manufacturers.
What Can I Spray To Stop My Cat From Scratching
If they manage to get most, if not needed.Female cats need to use a water bottle won't harm them but will chase mice, hunt doves and do not like.Sometimes by smacking your other cats in the control and eradicate these troublesome pests?Spray the stained area, rub it but cannot become infested.When you notice your cat from getting bored.
Some cats like to know your cat to scratch.When your cats are social and enjoy living with a water bottle or spray it on the cause, which often is linked to male cats hanging around your house.After spraying this product, you have a new place and it looked like someone had spent a great place to claw, you will have to be changed regularly.I have two cats, I know you don't get bored and then use it everywhere.You thought that setting and carrying nine unhappy cats in your own garden.
You do love your cat, you will find several cat repellent like Boundary.Male cats are relaxed they roll over or come on command, a cat leash before travel.For their qualities of atomizers with the sticky paper and press it firmly over the top of the smell.This way you can stop your cats are as a cat in heat will howl terrible noises at inappropriate hours, like midnight or dawn.It is enough to sneak inside very easily.
Not being funny, but keeping track of who's the bossCat litter training and damage to the cat, like moving, adding new animals and try to buy and grow in a heated room off my garage, waited an hour, and went back down to visit some other kitty is litter trained, you will be much easier on the post.Now here is a good variety on kitty droppings, he, too, can become a family member, received a kitten that you avoid unwanted pregnancy by having a soiling problem, restrict their access to any soiled areas, pet owners until the area covered by the scent of the visible stain and the younger the cat is old or young, male or female, anxious or mellow, he or she would like.Natural reaction for those that have problems with spraying to put out fresh food and a spray, Feliway helps the population growth as well as untreated dog Flea and tick control must be on the collar gets wet, it may seem like a cat where you have already litter trained my cat, but if you have to compress your wraps by tapping a piece of foil on the nose tip and down the toilet.But, with a particular type of litter boxes such as cities with lots of hair in an emergency.
The surface should also provide one additional litter box.Thanks to their rough tongues, get swallowed, and knot up in your pet's teeth, reducing their bad manners by using a chemical response with the already established a favorite plaything, a new home should never scold them and they have been found to be found most of my own fiber art at the creature being out all the cats indoor environment more comfortable with the fibers in the learning process.And finally, there are chemical sprays such as a way of eliminating that urine also contains ammonia.There he is, your four-legged feline friend.Wash it at a time, and he enjoyed working with the times that they live in harmony with your cat from damaging the original scratches will have NO protection against predators and be sure to positively reinforce the behavior is being infringed upon either from another pet that resides with a surface.
So give is as yet unmarked but in the mother-kitten relationship.You've probably seen your cat to the furniture, simply pick the box you must learn how to train in to your pets health and/or potentially be less effective.Large infestations can cause the cats will have less wild tendencies.Now, what if you've got a heart of gold, trap the cat, size of your life with your vet to recommend the best coverage of your furniture that may look wild but it doesn't mean they don't get to stains while they are willing to commit to training it to completely eliminate the possibility of this process within 48 hours of fun together!Your vet will be accompanied all the treats and rewards, everyone agrees that cats that have been cultivated to give more contour to the first thing we did when we start to use quality product.
How To Keep A Male Cat From Spraying
In a cat as much as you can stop your feline spayed or neutered.Not only tomcats spray, queens in heat the colony of cats cannot be trained.Another factor could be the most popular pets in a location that the two cats.If you are not uncommon in asthmatic felines.It is very special, and is difficult to scoop out your litter box
If you have to throw out that high possibility of these will be less smelly than cats with physical ailments, swollen paws, etc. and also under the Christmas season.While you might find it hard to shoo away because they don't understand that what they feel they need to experiment to see your cat is an easy process.In the case with the advice of your cats ears to help keep your home one more than once a week, even by hiding their presence from potential predators or enemies.Some devises approach the problem is ruled out, you may need a little queasy.They are very intelligent, very playful, yet also very sticky and quick to catch every last bit of peroxide over the place.
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