#quick dry carpet cleaning
joshmraymond · 5 months
Furnature cleaning: what you should know
When it comes to furniture cleaning, there are many factors to consider, such as different fabrics, patterns, colors, sizes, and more. This complexity makes furniture cleaning more challenging than carpet cleaning. Unfortunately, many carpet cleaners either don't offer furniture cleaning or only provide services for a limited range of fabrics. In some cases, inexperienced cleaners may even worsen the appearance of furniture. Fortunately, the problems caused by inexperienced cleaners can often be reversed by an expert.
I have invested time and effort in acquiring the necessary training and certifications through the Carpet Cleaning Association (CCA). This enables me to provide various methods of cleaning that are tailored to different fabrics and materials. In this article, I hope to share my expertise and help homeowners and carpet cleaners understand the risks involved in cleaning furniture without proper knowledge of fabrics.
The four most common cleaning codes found on fabric furniture are W, S, WS, and X. These codes represent Wet, Solvent, Wet/Solvent, or Dry Clean Only, respectively.
Wet (W) cleaning means that steam cleaning or hot water extraction can be used to clean the furniture. Water-based cleaning agents and a clean towel can also be used to dab out spots. When cleaning, it is best to use plain white towels to avoid transferring any color dye onto the furniture.
Solvent (S) cleaning indicates that the fabric is sensitive to water, and wetting it may lead to permanent water rings or shrinkage. In such cases, it is recommended to use solvent-based cleaners. Solvents help break down oily spots and subsequently dry the area. Vacuuming the fabric after applying solvents will remove the separated soil.
Driclean (X) is designated for furniture that should only be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning involves vacuuming and brushing to remove dry soils. If your furniture is marked as driclean, you may try cleaning a small, unexposed area to test the effect on the material. However, it should be noted that shrinking, staining, or distortion of the surface pile may occur. While the manufacturer may not recommend it, the decision proceed with dry cleaning is at your own risk Sometimes, the damage by the is less noticeable than stubborn stain.
Fabric labeled WetW) and SolventS) (WS requires the use of both methods on different spots For oily areas, use solvents, while water-based cleaners are suitable for water-based spots. The recommended procedure is to start with wet cleaning methods as they tend to be effective against most stains. If that fails, resort to solvents. Alternatively, if you find solvent cleaning easier, you can prioritize it. Having options is always beneficial.
Unmarked fabrics are also common. If your furniture lacks a cleaning code marking or information, always test cleaning agents before using them. If you can identify the manufacturer, reach out to them for proper cleaning procedures. Most likely, they will provide the necessary guidance.
In all cases, my team at Axiom Floor Care possesses the knowledge and equipment to clean furniture of all classifications. Whether the fabric is natural, synthetic, or contains down filling, we have the expertise to handle the job effectively and safely.
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darlingghoulette · 1 year
blame the “hitting on your mom as a punishment” tiktok i just saw that literally blew my brain up. established because they’re disgustingly in love and because i say so
Eddie would normally consider himself pretty immune to the roar of arguing teenagers. Chaos surrounds their little Party. They’re not a quiet bunch when all together. It’s all shoving and yelling, giggling and roughhousing. Carpet-burned battle scars from the floor of Steve’s living room.
Lord knows Eddie himself wasn’t an inside-voice kind of person. He was certainly wont to standing on coffee tables and screeching demands for the remote when it was unjustly stolen away by villainous hands.
Eddie loved these people to death, and they were a lot of fucking fun to hang out with, it’s just this...this was an unreal level of noise. A normal sleepover night turned a little too rowdy, the adolescents celebrating the start of Summer with a bang.
Steve had already asked them to keep it down four times this evening. Nothing seemed to calm them. Not requests. Not threats of being sent home. Usually their Dungeon Master threatening their characters’ souls did the trick, but no go. 
Getting teenagers to listen? A feat more impossible than defeating creatures from an alternate universe. 
Dustin and Erica were in a bitching match about the best D&D class. Lucas and Mike had been fighting over movie choices for the last half hour. Eddie’s money was on the VHS player breaking before that, the constant mishandling and shoving of tapes had the poor thing practically smoking.
Will, ever the diplomat, was trying to be an impartial party when asked his movie opinions. Which, of course, caused more yelling. 
Max and El had been the only ones being semi-quiet, but that quickly ended when they followed through on their surprise attack pillow fight, pummeling the boys senseless and causing the already unbearable volume to kick into overdrive. Eddie could practically feel Steve’s migraine building, even from where the dude had retreated to the kitchen. Dinner had been pizza. Quick. Easy. Clean. Or, it would have been if it hadn’t had been for the food fight. Steve was still in there scrubbing cheese out of his parents’ tiled backsplash. Dishes clattered in the distance when the cacophony hit its crescendo. 
It was the proverbial straw. 
“Alright, that’s it! Hey. Come on, guys. Knock it off,”
He maybe overdid it that time, but the absolute ear-splitting boom of a yell he let out stopped the ruckus dead. 
Silence rang for a beat.
Huh. Maybe Eddie should try out incorporating that into his music. He honestly hadn’t known he could get to that range. 
The teenagers in the room stared at him, not cowed in the slightest, but curious enough to know what the hell Eddie’s problem was. Max was the first one to quirk an eyebrow at him.  “Geez, need attention much?” 
Eddie folded his arms to show he meant business. “Steve has asked you guys to tone it down. You’re waking the fucking dead. Why don’t you guys, like, actually go be good human beings and help him clean up your mess you all made in the kitchen, huh?” 
Lucas snorted. “Yeah, okay, mom. Why don’t you go help him, you guys will probably just make out in there, anyway.” 
It was a teasing comment. Meant to jokingly rib before getting back to doing whatever the hell they wanted to do.
But, see. That just gave him an idea. 
Never let it be said Eddie couldn’t be creative with his punishments. He was a DM after all. 
“Alllllllright. New plan. Listen up or suffer, ankle biters,” 
He really didn’t appreciate the snickers that brought about when he was trying to be intimidating. Rude. 
“You going to send us to our room or something? I’m real scared,” Erica’s scathing, dry wit was unparalleled, truly. 
“Nope. Better. It’s a new rule: You little shitheads give me attitude and don’t listen, I hit on your babysitter.”
It was silent for a minute, brains audibly computing that statement and coming up ERROR. Will hesitantly spoke up. 
“Uh, Eddie, I really don’t think that’s--”
“Yeah, what the fuck?” Mike interrupted. “Why would you beating up Steve hurt us? I mean, like, I guess it would emotionally, but that’s fucked up, man.” 
Eddie rolled his eyes, still smirking wickedly as his plan solidified.  “Oh, I don’t mean that kind of hitting, young Wheeler. Though, it may yet get physical--Hey, Steve?” He called out. The sink in the kitchen shut off after a second.
“Can you come here?” 
The kids shuffled around on the floor warily as the other man walked into the living room. The energy had obviously shifted, it was probably an odd vibe to walk in to, but Eddie cut Steve off before he could ask any questions.
“You tired?”
“Uh, no. I’m fine--”
“It’s just you just keep on runnin’ through my mind constantly. I figured you’d be exhausted, sweetheart,” Eddie purred, the words cloyingly sweet and full of exaggerated charm. 
There was a countdown, three, two, one...
A collective groan let out. A few uncomfortable laughs.  “Dude, what the hell?” 
“You guys agreed not to be gross in front of us!”
“Oh, my god, can I actually get sick from how cheesy that was?” 
Eddie had to work at keeping in character when his very first line had pulled the intended reaction. He was already reaching forward to curl an arm around Steve, pulling him in in a slow, sultry attempt at being smooth. 
“What? Can’t I be sweet on my guy? You all will understand when you’re in love one day. Right, sugar?” 
Fake gags and retching sounds, too dramatic to be real protests, but still indignant and annoyed. Eddie was pretty sure Dustin slapped a hand over his eyes.
“Uh...yes?” Steve, who had previously looked like a car accident had happened directly in front of him, was catching on to the play. He eyed the disgruntled floor-children with a growing grin and let Eddie snuggle up to him.
God, his baby was so clever. He always knew what Eddie was thinking. 
Too busy having a non-verbal conversation with Steve on how to best annoy the kids, Eddie didn’t see Mike turning his attention back to the tv. He did, however, hear him telling the others to “Just ignore them, they’ll get all gushy and leave us alone.” 
Oh, Michael, Michael. Wrong move. 
“How you doing, babygirl?” Steve flushed, deep and red and--huh. Okay. Revisiting that one in the future. “You good? You need anything? Your head hurting, sweet thing? I can kiss it better,”  Eddie ducked forward to kiss Steve’s cheek. It was chaste, a sweet little thing...that Eddie made infinitely worse by the smacking, obnoxious kissy sounds he emulated there. The chorus of groans and protests started up again. He didn’t even pull his face away to call over to them. 
“I’m sorry, is that attitude? Am I hearing more attitude?”
“Dude, Eddie, noooo!” 
“Jesus, it’s like watching your parents make out, oh my god.” 
“You guys, let’s just go already,” 
“Yeah, I’ll take washing dishes over this,” 
The grossed out teenagers whooshed past them. Grumbling and glaring--except Eleven, who smiled up at them sweetly--leaving Steve and Eddie standing in the living room, still wrapped up together. 
It was too tempting then, with the kids safely out of range, for Eddie to resist the temptation to drop his kisses a little lower down Steve’s neck. To let them get a little less chaste. Just a little.
What can he say? He’s a weak man. 
“That was evil,” Steve hummed. His shoulders dropped, though, relaxing into Eddie’s hold, the closest thing they’ve had to quiet all night settling in. 
“Hey, I accomplished two things. Got them to chill out and I get the perk of feeling you up in the middle of sleepover night. It’s a win-win.” 
A crash and a muffled argument broke out in the kitchen before Steve could respond to that. 
The audible scuffling was cut off by Eddie calling out “Your ass looks great in these jeans tonight, Harrington!” 
The fierce whispers and shushing were enough to get both of the older boys cackling loudly. 
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blueboybot · 4 months
In Your Cold Dead Arms
I don't care! I need to show yall one of my weird pairs.
Twigs and dry leaves snapped under feet that were in a hurry, wind blowing violently enough to feel as though it was one more step from uprooting trees and flinging them carelessly about with its strong might. Rain droplets fell from the dark and cloudy sky, rapid rainfall increasing with every droplet that hit skin and cloth, each one harsher than the other.
Some might find struggle with this kind of weather condition but for him it was way nicer than dealing with someone who could manipulate the weather at will. Luckily for him it was simply an act of nature, no powerful foe was attacking him and he could appreciate that once he got out of said rain.
As he ran his eyes continued to look out for shelter, something he could only hope to find in an area like this. More trees and plants overtook his vision, his temper starting to flare as rain fell even harder, almost feeling as if it were lashing him. Thunder boomed from above and lightening soon followed after, clouds lit up and illuminated the area for a few seconds.
On que, lightening striked next to a tree he was close to making him instinctively dodge out of the way. The tree took major damage, its base split in two and some of its green leaves burnt black. Fire appeared for a quick second before immediately being quelched by the rain. However with the destruction of the tree he was able to see a path, and further in the distance some kind of structure.
With the discovery of shelter he headed straight for the building, his legs picking up speed with the promise of soon being out of rain. Getting closer he saw that the structure was a mansion, an abandoned mansion at that. Not one to be picky he pushed open the gates with overgrown vines, finding them unlocked and bolted straight towards the front door, ready to use his body to force it open only to find out it was also unlocked and opened when his hand pushed on it.
Entering the mansion his first red flag came when he laid his eyes on the interior of the place. It was much nicer on the inside than the outside, the floors were clean and shiny, a chandelier lit up with flames hung high from the ceiling, red carpet and wooden decorations greeted him from where he could see them. Overall, the mansion gave off the vibes that it was well kept and that meant he may have just broke into someone's home.
He expected someone to come rushing out of a door, cursing him or attacking him for entering their home as an unwated guest but he got nothing.
"Please tell me I didn't walk into some kind of haunted house." He mumbled.
Arsenal stood near the entrance door, wiping his boots on the mat and trying to dry himself with the warmth of a nearby candle. He tried to contact the team but something was blocking his signal, so for now he was stuck here until the rain stopped, but judging from the sounds outside that may take a while. He himself think back to how he got into this situation in the first place.
They were flying in the bioship when they got attacked, while trying to manuver through the air the ship got hit and plunged into the sea. He remembered exiting the bioship to look at the damage, only to be swept away by a current that appeared out of nowhere. He ended up on a beach and tried to contact the others but his communicator didn't work. Leaving the beach to explore the rest of the island storm coulds appeared, then it started raining so he ran to find shelter. Now, he was here in mansion that may or may not be haunted.
With a hesitant first step he continued to explore the mansion, going up the long steps that lead to the second floor. Turning left he was met with a hallway, dark brown with a few candles lighting up the way from which they were positioned from each door. Peaking inside, he saw a room with the same dark brown wood, but this time there were elegant designs carved into some of the walls, soft looking chairs and a rug lay in the center surrounded by bookshelves on the wall, a window showcasing the rainy outside world.
The sound of something falling against the floor in another room caught his attention. He whipped out his bow and readied an arrow, cautiously, he drew nearer toward the sound, stopping infront of the third room on the right that was slightly open. Slowly, he pushed open the door back, coming to halt when he saw nothing but furniture covered in white sheets.
He didn't lower his bow though, and his theory of something being in here was proven correct when movement came from a sheet close to the window. Arsenal stepped closer, arrow aimed directly at what he assumed was its head, whatever is under there could be dangerous for all he knows and he wasn't taking anymore chances. He wasn't about to lose another arm or any other limbs for that matter.
The rustling stopped and the sheet pulled back, revealing the face of someone that was definitely close in age to him. Hair so dark as if it was trying to mimic the void of space looked wet, strands clinging to their forehead. Freckles dusted over their cheeks and nose like they were carefully placed by the gentlest of hands. Blue eyes stared at the bow and then him, looking at him with a hint of curiousity only to turn to fear a second later at remembering that there was a weapon very close to their face.
Those blue eyes intrigued the red head. They were unlike any blue he had seen before, mesmerizing in a way, tempting him into their hypnotic trance. Looking away was becoming more of a challenge the longer he continued seeing into something so enchanting. They reminded him of the ice and a burning blue star. So out of this world that he swore his body was beginning to tingle as those eyes gaze back into him. He was locked in a view so breathtaking that the word did little justice to describe how he felt as he stared.
His trance was broken when the teen scrambled away from him, hitting hard against the underwall of the window, and likely hurting his back if the way he winced was anything to go by. The other boy quickly got up an moved to side, hitting his head into a piece of covered furniture that reverberated with a clang sound.
Aresenal winced, deciding he needed to step in and do something before the teen knocked himself out while trying and failing to get away from him.
"Easy easy!" He put away his bow and arrow, looking at the boy on the floor with his hands up to come across less dangerous "I'm not going to hurt you, I was just curious as to why I heard a noise coming from this room."
The teen looked at him with those blue eyes, accessing him to see if he was lying. He must of taken a gamble and decided to somewhat believe he meant no harm because the boy rose to his feet once again, looking at him with slight caution now.
"Do you live here?"
"No, I was trying to escape the rain and came across this abandoned mansion." He replied, looking away from Roy and opting to stare at the carpet.
"Got a shy one." Roy thought looking over the boy and his body language.
His clothes looked a little too big for him. A white t-shirt with short red sleeves and an oval pattern in the middle, black cargo pants, and red shoes with white lacing. There was also a metalic looking wristband the boy wore on his left hand. Overall, Arsenal took him for a pretty boy who wasn't used to these sorts of situations, one who doesn't do much except for sit in quiet with the popular kids and have everything handed to him without much of a resistance from other teachers or students.
"So do you have a name or do I just call you boy?" Roy asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"I'm not a child!"
Oh he was going to have fun with this one.
Roy's face split into a grin as he waited for the boy to reply. The other teen rolled his eyes at him.
"My name is Danny." Danny looked him up and down, "Did you just come from a cosplay party or something?"
He raised an eyebrow, "I'm Arsenal!"
This time Danny raised an eyebrow at him.
"Protégé of Green Arrow."
The boy's face remained the same as Roy's changed.
"Part of the Young Justice team."
Still no look of recognition.
"The Justice League."
"I literally don't have a clue on what any of those are, is it like some kind of sports team?"
"How do you not know the Justice League?"
"I'm from a small town, a lot of outside media doesn't get through to us." The boy mumbled something with a hint of annoyance at the end.
Roy groaned in frustration, putting his hands up to his masked face. He silently wondered if he was going to have to tell pretty boy here about the existance of aliens and meta-humans.
"Woah!" He heard the boy exclaim, feet that barely made a sound ran up to him. "Cool arm!" Roy spread his arms apart from his face to look at him, seeing that the boy's focus was entirely on his prosthetic.
"What kind of lights did you buy for this?"
" Lights? What no— This is how it is." He growled out the last part, remembering what Lex did still left a sour taste in his mouth.
"No. Way!" Danny's eyes seemed to sparkle with awe. "Can I touch it, please?"
Roy let the other teen poke at his arm, watching as fascination filled those blue eyes. The only other person that showed this much interest in his arm was Bart and the little menace would always ask to look at it or try to wrestle him, resulting in him always winning because there was no chance of him losing to someone with those kind of arms.
"This is amazing, can you wiggle your fingers for me?" Roy did just that and watched as a smile etched onto the boy's face.
"INCREDIBLE! The black metal, the desgin, everything was made to fit you. But, I bet I could do a way better job."
"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow.
"My parents are inventors and scientist, I obviously picked up a thing or two from being around their equipment for so long." Danny placed his two hands on the prosthetic, providing Roy with the knowledge that he was two inches taller than Danny.
The vigilante catalogued the information given to him for later. Even if Danny meant him no harm that didn't mean he trusted him right away, sue him, but the other's parents being scientist that built enough inventions for Danny to alledgedly make his own made him wary.
"You're not a bad cosplayer." Danny said, leaning his head against the metalic arm while looking at Roy.
Those too blue eyes pierced his soul. Danny had to be a meta or alien of some kind, there was no other explanation for his eyes.
"It's not a cos—"
An unholy noise screamed out, sounding like a high pitched call and simultaneously a warning from whatever creature it came from.
Roy quickly grabbed Danny by the waist and pushed the boy behind him, shielding him as he armed himself once again.
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moonjxsung · 1 year
When the Rain Stops
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Copyright Ⓒ 2023 by Moonjxsung
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner. Doing so will result in a legal takedown per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and is subject to legal action.
Read part 2 here.
Pairing: Lee Minho x fem reader
W/c: 9.8k
Warnings: mentions of drinking, mentions of smoking, mentions of cheating, brief comment about calories, use of pet names, sex in a public establishment (no one is around), oral sex (fem receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, squirting
Synopsis: A passing storm during a road trip forces you to seek shelter in a little dive bar on the outskirts of town, and you find yourself drawn to the bartender.
18+. Mdni!
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath, wringing out your stringy wet hair onto the black carpet below you. You know the weather forecast predicted rain- hell, your family even warned you about it when you left their place this morning. But true to your bad luck, you severely underestimated just how much of it. Now, you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere while you wait for the storm to pass.
Okay, maybe not technically the middle of nowhere. But a shitty dive bar surrounded by nothing for miles upon miles isn’t really something to write home about. You know it could be worse- at least here you have access to unlimited alcohol and mozzarella sticks. But a quick look around tells you that’s not enough to redeem it for you.
The place is undoubtedly small, pool tables and red leather booths housing most of the space. Where there’s vacancy at the tables, the servers haven’t bothered to clean up yet, passing by stacks of dirty plates and silverware to serve guests sitting at other tables. A group of men chatter amongst themselves at one of the pool tables, and a single man is sat at the open bar.
You settle on a spot at the open bar, sitting two barstools away from the man and drying your feet on the rug below you.
“What can I get you?” A voice overhead says dryly, and you respond without looking up.
“Just a Coke, maybe? Diet, please.”
You hear the man scoff a little as he retreats, and then you finally look up, slightly offended at his reaction.
He’s walking away from the bar when you see him, only the back of his head visible from behind the counter where you’re sat.
As he disappears into the back to grab a coke, you pull your cell phone out of your bag. You wipe raindrops off the screen with the sleeve of your sweater, pushing the lock button to catch up on unread texts. There are only two, both from your parents, warning you about the rain and requesting you turn back for the night.
You shoot them back a text, assuring them you’ve found someplace safe to stay, and that you won’t be driving in this rain until the storm blows over. But the truth is, you’re rather unsure of that yourself. Your phone currently reads at 26% battery, the storm is predicted to go on for several hours, and there are seemingly no hotels nearby to stay the night. Chances are, you’re going to be here for a good while.
A veiny hand places an iced glass of your Diet Coke in front of you as you finish sending the texts, and you look up to lock eyes with the bartender.
He’s rather tall, with light brown hair that falls just above his soft round eyes, totally contradicting the sharpness in his jawline and nose bridge. The man is dressed formally in a white button-up shirt and a black tie, rolled up halfway at the sleeves, the top two buttons undone to reveal just a glimpse of his broadened chest.
“Is that it?” He asks. His stare is cold and serious, and you find yourself a little intimidated in this proximity to him.
“Yes, thank you. Do you happen to have a phone charger?”
He scoffs again.
“This isn’t a convenience store.”
“I’m aware,” you reply with narrowed eyes. “I just need to make a few calls.”
“There’s a pay phone in the back.”
It’s your turn to scoff. He’s calculated with his words, like he’s trying his best to get you to leave the bar. But you’re as stubborn as they come, and it’ll take a lot more than rude customer service to make you leave in this storm.
“Look, I’m not using a pay phone unless you’re supplying quarters. You don’t have an iPhone charger?”
He rolls his eyes.
“No, I don’t have an iPhone charger. And I’m not supplying you with anything- this isn’t a convenience store. Unless you want a vodka sprite or some chicken wings, I think we’re all done here.”
Before you can reply, he turns on his heel, making his way back to the kitchen and disappearing behind the double doors once again.
The doors swing in and out a few times before coming to a halt, and you stare through the circular window as he resumes cooking something in the kitchen.
Unpleasant- the personalities of everyone in your parents’ neighboring town, miles away from your apartment in the city. It reminds you precisely why you seldom visit these parts.
“Don’t take it personal,” a voice from beside you says. He shifts to face you from his bar stool. “He’s always like that.”
The stranger is well-dressed in a coat and slacks, his black hair styled neatly out of his face.
“Surprised he keeps any business at all with an attitude like that.”
“The locals don’t get the worst of it,” he continues. “Mostly us city-dwellers he despises.”
A small smile forms on your face. “You’re from the city too?”
“Yeah!” he replies enthusiastically. “I’m just passing through for the weekend.”
“Me too! Though I got stuck on the way back home. Doesn’t seem like we’ll be able to leave for a few hours.”
“Oh yeah,” the man says. “It’s really bad out there.”
You shift your attention to the large window at the back of the bar- the rain is still coming down in sheets over the glistening black pavement, nothing visible beyond the blurry traffic lights as the trees melt into an abyss of darkness. The roads appear empty and the parking lot seems fuller than usual for a bar like this.
“I’m Jisung, by the way,” he says finally.
You turn back to him and nod once. “Y/n. It’s great to meet you.”
As Jisung indulges you in conversation about city life, you learn he’s a businessman who visits the area on Saturdays when he gathers in the town with old friends. He also lives alone in a high-rise apartment, he’s single, and he comes to this particular dive bar for the chicken wings. Ones he insists you have to try, so you waive over the bartender to place another order.
“Excuse me, could we get an order of chicken wings?”
The bartender scribbles something and walks away quickly, hardly acknowledging you the way he did earlier.
“You know,” Jisung says. “Maybe the rain isn’t such a bad thing.”
“Why’s that?”
“I’ve been talking to the prettiest girl in this bar for the last 30 minutes. Beats being stuck in traffic any day.”
You feel your whole face turn a bright shade of crimson as he grins flirtatiously. Of course, the other way around stands true, too; his features resemble that of a model’s, and you're pretty sure the other girls in the bar have been eyeing him since you walked in.
Before you can respond, the bartender returns, setting a plate down in front of you and some silverware.
“Enjoy,” he says plainly, and he blinks a few times before leaving again.
“Jeez, it’s like he doesn’t even want to work here,” you tell Jisung.
He says nothing in response- he simply slides the plate over to you, ushering for you to choose a piece.
And you do, carefully balancing the saucy cut between your forefinger and thumb as Jisung taps his against yours.
“Cheers,” he says happily. “To the rain.”
The chicken is the best you’ve had in a while- in fact, you can’t recall having better food at any bar before this.
“Wow, you were right, Jisung. this is phenomenal!”
“It’s Minho’s recipe,” he replies with a mouthful of food.
“Who’s Minho?”
Jisung nods in the direction of the bar, where the bartender is cleaning off a glass with a white towel. He raises his eyebrows once at you, as if to confirm he’s indeed the topic of conversation, and you turn back to Jisung.
“It’s really good,” you say loudly, with the intention of Minho hearing your compliment.
But Minho doesn’t respond, instead sauntering over and refilling your Diet Coke. His eyes visibly avoid yours, guarded, like you might instigate another quarreling match with him at any given second. But he also blinks rapidly as he pours your beverage, almost as if he’s trying not to say something himself. You analyze his mannerisms briefly, before brushing them off and enjoying your food again. He’s probably just still peeved from earlier.
“Do you want to play a round of pool?” Jisung interrupts your thoughts. “Not to scare you, but I’m kind of terrible at it.”
His eyes form little crescents as he laughs loudly, and the gloomy vibe in the bar seems to brighten from the sound alone.
“Yeah, I’d love that.”
Three rounds in, Jisung is practically sober again, reeling off the high from winning three times against you. He might be terrible, but you’re evidently far worse than he claims to be.
“If I win this match, you let me take you out on a date. How does that sound?” Jisung says through laughter, though he’s entirely serious about the proposal.
Your cue stick prods at his ribs as you smile back in agreement. “And if you lose?”
“I won’t lose,” Jisung retorts. “Might as well pick a restaurant now.”
It’s a failure already, Jisung having only two stripes left while you’re still stuck with all 8 solids. He takes his aim at the cue ball, halting his laughter briefly to position his cue stick, and then cheering loudly as the ball disappears into its nearest hole. You watch with bated breath as he repeats the process, only this time, he misses.
“Hey,” you whine. “You only brought up our proposal midway through this round. At least I deserve a chance card!”
He scoffs. “Pick a chance then. I doubt it’ll get you 7 balls closer to your competition.”
You scan the room in deep thought, one hand resting under your chin and atop the cue stick; and then, the idea hits you.
“He’ll play for me,” you announce, nodding toward the direction of where Minho is wiping down the counter with a rag. He looks up momentarily, furrowing his brows when he notices the shared looks of you and Jisung.
“Get over here!” Jisung shouts, and a few patrons of the tables nearby encourage the invitation, cheering and applauding.
“No,” Minho says as he shakes his head shyly. “I’m busy.”
“There’s literally no one around,” Jisung retorts. “Come on, I know you can try at least once.”
“He’s scared he’ll lose,” you chime in. “And then you’ll have to take me out on a date.”
You swear you see Minho’s eyes narrow, and then he dries his hands with the same rag before setting it down.
“One round only. If I win, you tip double.”
“Deal,” says Jisung, and you watch Minho strut over to the table.
He’s taller than you assumed, towering over you in a black pair of slacks that lengthen his muscular legs. In preparation, Minho cuffs up his sleeves a few more times, buttoning them at the forearm and loosening his collar. You try your hardest not to stare, but it’s a seemingly impossible task, you quickly realize, as he takes your cue stick and positions himself over the table. One loose strand of brown hair falls into his face, and you resist the urge to move it out of the way for him.
The tables nearby are quiet as Minho pulls back, and then aims, the first of your solids rolling into the hole with ease.
“Oh fuck you,” Jisung groans, and Minho positions himself over the next target. Aim, roll back, perfect shot.
Tables around you begin to gather around yours, watching silently as Minho repeats his method. Aim, roll, shoot. The heavy sound of a solid rolling down the velvety surface, and the satisfying plink as it finds its home inside the hole.
Only two solids remain, and Jisung rests his head on his cue stick as Minho takes aim again. “I can’t watch. Someone tell me if he gets it.”
Aim… roll… and double plink- both solids disappear into the hole beneath them, effectively ending the match between the two. The patrons clap and cheer loudly, and Jisung throws his hands in the air, groaning in annoyance. “Fuck, man! You didn’t say you knew how to play pool?”
Minho shrugs, not a hint of a smile on his face as he retrieves the balls and organizes them on the table again. Jisung slides him a twenty, and he shoots you a quick glance, nodding once as he leaves the table and disappears back into the kitchen. You wonder again what he’s thinking about, briefly worried you’ve annoyed him by pulling him away from his work.
“Hey,” Jisung says, snapping you out of your tranced state. “Did you want to… maybe… get out of here? I know a hotel just a few blocks from the bar. We can walk fast.”
You think it over momentarily, weighing your options. The rain has no intention of stopping anytime soon, and you’re dying for a shower at this point. You’re also persuaded by the idea of a warm bed- not to mention, a warm body, for the night.
“Sure! I’m just going to run to the bathroom, I’ll meet you outside.”
The reflection in the mirror looks rough, staring back at you like this, desperately fixing the smudged makeup to the best of your ability and spritzing perfume. It’s been a while since you hooked up with a random person- especially one from a dive bar like this, but somehow you trust him. He’s funny, sweet, and he’s undoubtedly attractive. Plus, maybe a hookup will distract you from the current state of things.
When you exit, you make your way past the barstools, thanking Minho briefly. His lips curl up into a hint of a smile, and you can’t help but feel bad for him- he’s stuck in this shitty bar regardless, dealing with obnoxious patrons seeking shelter from the storm and cleaning up after their drunken messes. He may be a little rude, but it’s deserved, you think, as he cleans off your dishes.
Finally exiting the bar, you look around for Jisung, shielding your eyes from sheets of rain and squinting against the dark sky. The only source of light is a hanging light beside the wooden bar sign, and it illuminates nothing past your immediate eyesight.
“Jisung?” You call, being met only with the sounds of heavy rainfall and swaying leaves.
The wind blows violently, and you wrap your arms around yourself, shivering against the brutal cold. A man enters the bar beside you, keeping the door open and ushering you inside. And you do enter again, marching straight to the bar to search for Jisung.
“Excuse me,” you say to Minho, who is busy preparing a beer on tap for another patron. “Did you see the man who was here earlier? Tall, black hair, suit?”
“You mean Jisung?” He says without looking at you, and you perk up at his name.
“Yes! Did you see where he went?”
“Yeah,” Minho replies dryly. “I told him you changed your mind about him.”
“You- what?”
Minho says nothing again, filling another mug of beer and sliding it across the counter to a patron.
“Why the fuck would you do that?”
“He’s bad news,” Minho shrugs.
The words circle in your head for a good minute while you make sense of them. Minho ruined your chances at going home with Jisung- because he’s “bad news”? What does he even know about him?
“Why do you say that?” The question escapes your lips before you can ponder a more insightful one.
“I know him,” he replies casually. “Like I said- bad news.”
Frustration builds up steadily inside of you, turning your ears a bright shade of crimson and knitting your brows together in pure confusion.
“Who are you to determine that? You’re just a bartender! It’s none of your damn business who I leave with!”
He slaps a palm on the counter, not particularly hard, but enough to startle you a little.
“Actually, it is. I have a legal obligation to ensure my patrons don’t leave here inebriated behind a vehicle, or with strange men. And I saved you from the latter. You should be thanking me.”
“Thanking you?” You scoff. “Since I walked in here you’ve been nothing but a complete douche! There’s nothing to thank you for.”
“Then don’t,” Minho says. “I did my part either way.”
You stutter momentarily, settling on silence as he exits back to the kitchen and leaves you standing at the counter. The current state of things feels much like they did when you first entered- drenched from the rain, frustrated, and annoyed with the bartender. Only now, you can add cockblocked to the list, all thanks to Minho.
Two hours past the incident, your phone is completely dead. It’s just past 11 when the rain stills just for a little bit, and hoards of patrons file out of the bar to complete their short trips home. You remain stuck however, knowing the rain will pick up again if you attempt the six hour drive back right now. The bar is nearly empty at this hour, only two people sat at a far table, and the quiet swing of jazz music is now audible from your little booth. The peeling leather of the red seats below you is rather itchy, and the dim lantern hanging over you gives an orange-ish glow to the wooden table beneath you. You scribble mindless doodles on a stack of napkins in front of you, trying your best to pass the agonizing time spent here.
As you finalize the petals of a messy flower drawn on the napkin, a plate is set down in front of you, along with a glass of what you presume is Diet Coke. The smell instantly makes your mouth water- a cheesy omelet coupled with a side of french fries, steam still wafting off the plate and up into the glow of the booth’s lighting. You look up to see none other than Minho, and before you can protest, he slides into the booth across from you, setting a fork down on your napkin.
“You should eat,” he says. “It’s been a while.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“It’s on me,” Minho emphasizes, and you finally look up from your drawing.
“Look,” he begins. “Jisung has been coming here for years. He’s a cool dude, I get it.”
“Yeah, well, it’s not exactly like I have a chance with him anymore,” you turn back to your drawing.
“He’s also married,” Minho finishes.
At that, your head snaps up at him, eyes widened in shock.
“What? But he said-”
“Yeah, that’s what he always says. It’s kind of his thing- picking up girls from the bar and taking them to that one hotel. I told you, he’s bad news.”
Silence washes over the booth as you swallow nervously. He shrugs apologetically, fiddling with his fingers as you begin to speak.
“Sorry. I didn’t know.”
“I know you didn’t. I just didn’t want you to come back here crying tomorrow morning like the last girl did.”
It hits you like a ton of bricks- Minho really was looking after you. You’d almost left this strange dive bar, in the middle of nowhere, to sleep with a married man in a sketchy hotel. In hindsight, it was stupid you ever agreed.
“At least eat some fries,” he says, and you remember the plate in front of you. You comply with his request, taking a bite of the still-warm fries which almost melt on your tongue.
“These are really good,” you tell him. “He was right about the food, at least.”
“I’m kind of a big deal here,” Minho says as he leans back. He smirks- the first time you’ve seen an expression on his face tonight.
“I’m sure. How did you get so good at pool, anyway?”
“I work at a dive bar,” Minho says. “Girls ask me to play with them all the time.”
“Do they now? Your reluctance earlier says otherwise.”
“Oh they do,” Minho says. “When they’re as shitty as you, I’m the chance card.”
“Hey!” You shout. Minho giggles, his head thrown back as his eyes form little crescents in amusement. His laugh makes you laugh, too, the musical sound of it making your heartbeat quicken a little. It’s melodic and lighthearted, and you almost forget you’re stuck with him in this hell of a bar. There’s a glow to him at this time of night.
“Run it back,” you say as his laughter dies down. “And I’ll show you I’m not entirely terrible.”
“Better hope you don’t lose,” he says. “You won’t have a chance card this time.”
You still suck at pool. Minho clears the table in two quick rounds, and you’ve barely had time to practice with your cue stick because it’s hardly ever your turn.
“Alright,” Minho says. “I’ll let you have this turn. It’s boring watching you stand there all night.”
You approach the table, positioning your cue stick and taking aim at your first solid of the match.
“Use your thumb on the front hand,” he chimes in.
“Like this?”
“No, it should be between your thumb and pointer finger.”
“Like I’m pinching it?” You ask confused, and Minho chuckles.
Before you can adjust your cue stick again, Minho is behind you, one hand finding yours at the front of the cue stick and positioning it between your thumb and pointer finger like he explained. His hands are cold to the touch, and you’re intimidated having him this close to you. The other hand gently grips your elbow, moving it back a little as he scans the current trajectory. His face is dangerously close to yours, hair falling beautifully into his eyes as he moves, lips parted in concentration and the gentle flutter of his eyelashes as he blinks.
“There. Try now.”
You do as he instructs, rolling back and taking aim at your solid. Aim, shoot… and the familiar roll of your ball across the table. Only this time, it’s followed by the satisfying sound of falling into its respective hole.
“Oh my gosh!” You exclaim. “That’s only the third one I’ve gotten tonight!”
Minho chuckles, amused with your ardent reaction. “Your aim isn’t bad at all. It’s just your positioning.”
He turns to smile at you, momentarily unaware of how close he is to you. He’s towering over you, lips pulled into a mischievous grin as your eyes glimmer, still reeling off the high of scoring. For a brief second, your eyes flicker down to his lips, maybe a little too obviously, and then back up at his eyes.
“I should probably get back to the kitchen,” Minho says nervously. “I think that table ordered drinks like one round ago.”
“Yeah,” you reply, a little hurt that he’s leaving again. “I’m pretty tired, anyway.”
“You want something else to eat?”
“I’m fine, thanks. Good luck with work, though!” You avert his gaze fully now, mentally tracing the pattern on the rug below you.
When Minho leaves, you can’t help but mentally scold yourself. He’s just a bartender- one whose job is to serve you drinks and keep you out of trouble here. Not some friend to stand around and play pool with, regardless of how good he is, or hypnotizing it feels when he touches you.
At 1am, the bar is officially empty. The last few patrons leave after a round of gin vodkas, somehow getting an Uber despite the storm and leaving home for the night. You debate getting a room at the nearby hotel, but there’s no way you’ll be able to reserve a room this late, and your phone is still dead. It would probably be smart to attempt some method of getting home, but a part of you strangely doesn’t want to leave the bar anymore. It feels like a vessel into another universe, like time doesn’t exist here, like the storm or the ride home aren’t important as long as you’re sat in this little booth. You’re well aware the bar closes in an hour, but you’d rather wait until the hour to decide what to do.
Of course, part of it could be the bartender. You don’t want to like Minho, but you can’t quite make sense of him, either. He’s attractive, but reserved. He’s outgoing, but he has his guard up. And his walls break down when he’s enjoying himself, but he builds them up quickly again, and you can’t understand what triggers it. He’s much like the bar is- safe and homely, yet mysterious and alluring.
As you take a sip of your Diet Coke, neck craned to watch the show playing on the tv above you, a familiar face scoots into the booth across from you.
“Subway,” he says.
“Jeopardy. Restaurants by slogan: Eat Fresh. It’s Subway.” He's referring to the episode of Jeopardy you’ve been watching for the past half hour.
“Everyone knows that,” you say with a smile.
You expect him to defend himself, but instead he laughs and shakes his head.
“Either our diet cokes are really good, or you’re not in any rush to get home.”
You sigh, swirling your straw around your third can of Coke and shrugging.
“I can’t make it home in this rain. The roads are closed going my direction, anyway.”
“Where’s home?”
“Far from here. In the city.”
Minho sits back comfortably now, arms crossed in front of him as he listens to you speak.
“City girl. I guessed it.”
“What gave me away?” You ask with a smile.
“iPhone charger request. And you drink Diet Coke exclusively.”
“I don’t like to waste my calories!” You argue.
“You’re in a dive bar.”
The two of you share laughter at your admission, and you can feel your cheeks heat up again. He sure knows how to make you laugh.
“I’ll probably get a motel room for tonight,” you say. “I think there’s one walking distance from here.”
“The nearest one is a shithole. I’m pretty sure someone died there, like, a few months ago.”
You exhale deeply, poking around at your drink with your straw.
“I have work on Monday. I have to get some shut-eye or I won’t be able to get home even if it does stop raining.”
Minho glances around the bar, observing the vacant tables and empty parking lot.
“Yah, Jeongin-ah!” He shouts suddenly, and a figure appears around the kitchen door, peering over at your table.
“Clock out,” Minho says. “We’re closing an hour early.”
“An hour? But what if-”
“No one else is coming in this rain. Just grab your stuff And get home safely. I’ll handle the rest of the tables.”
Jeongin’s gaze darts over at you quickly, and then back to Minho, as he nods without saying another word. He disappears into the kitchen once again, presumably to gather his belongings.
“You don’t have to close on account of me,” you say finally, a little unsure of his motives. “I can walk to the motel from here.”
He scoffs, sliding out from the booth and gathering a stack of dirty dishes from the table beside you. “I told you, it’s not safe. You can chill here for the next hour while I do closing procedures, and if it’s still raining, I can at least give you a ride there.”
“Why should I trust you?” You ask, hint of sarcasm present in your voice, but still cautious.
“Technically you shouldn’t,” he says with a smile. “But you’re free to call the cops on me whenever you want.”
“Nice try. My phone's dead.” You shoot him a smile, knowing he’s just messing with you, but wanting to entertain his little game nonetheless.
“Back room, third drawer in the file cabinet. There should be a phone charger there.”
You gasp and scoff. “I thought this wasn’t a convenience store!”
“It’s not,” Minho says, flashing you a toothy smile as he makes his way to the kitchen and calls out over his shoulder. “It’s a dive bar. My dive bar.”
Minho scrubs grease off the plates while you dry mugs on the counter adjacent to him and arrange them neatly in a row.
“So you haven’t left this town in years?” You ask Minho, continuing the conversation you’ve been having with him for the past 45 minutes.
“I drive to the city probably once a year,” he replies. “Hate it.”
“It’s too busy. I prefer simple. Simple people, simple places. A simple life.”
“How can you say that when you’ve never experienced it the other way around before?”
“Have you?”
“Have I what?”
“Experienced a simpler life. Outside of the city.”
“Well… kind of. I mean, I moved out the second I turned 18. Grew up in the suburbs, but I traveled to the city every chance I got. I always knew I wanted to be there.”
“So you’ve never lived without the notion of wanting to migrate as soon as possible?”
“I guess not.”
He wipes his forehead with the back of his arm.
“I grew up in the city.”
“You did?”
“Hated it,” Minho says.
“Why’s that?”
“I was… easily distracted. Got involved with a lot of bad crowds. Never knew what I wanted. Worked as a private chef for a while, actually.”
You stop drying the mug you’re working on and look at him in utter shock.
“Me,” he affirms with a chuckle. “I quit one random day five years ago and moved out here with every penny I saved. Obtained ownership of this bar and haven’t looked back since.”
You nod at his words, resuming your task as he shuts off the water.
“Takes some courage, I’ll give you that.”
Minho leans back against the counter and rests his hands on the table behind him. He smirks at you knowingly, and you can feel his eyes pierce through you out of your peripheral vision.
“What?” You say with a blushing grin.
“Nothing,” he replies. “You make a good employee here.”
“Yeah, right,” you say sarcastically, lining up the last mug on the counter and turning around to face him.
“I’d probably start a fire with running water or something crazy.”
He laughs again, shaking his head as you cross your arms.
“I need to close up the registers,” Minho says. “You want to hang out here until I’m done?”
“Sure,” you reply, and he bows slightly.
“I’ll try to be fast.”
Minho leaves to the back office as you wipe your hands with a dish rag, smiling in a daze.
While Minho counts change in the office, you explore the place a bit, making your way around the pool tables to the back of the bar. It’s then that you notice a tall staircase almost hidden away in a back corner. You slowly make your way up the stairs, tip-toeing so as not to startle Minho while he’s in the office closing up for the night. The creaky wooden stairs are muffled by the sound of the rain outside.
When you reach the top, you lean on the banister, looking down on the bar and taking in the view. It looks especially charming like this, illuminated only by the golden neon sign hung over the bar counter and reflecting off the big glass cabinets. Entrance through a small doorway leads to a single, dark room, and you turn on the dim light to explore the room.
There are only two things in the room- another pool table, visibly much older than the others downstairs, and an old arcade game. Upon closer inspection, you find that the game is a run-down version of Pac-Man, one of your favorite arcade games growing up. The giant yellow display is decorated with whimsical little drawings of Pac-Man and ghosts, and you can’t help but crack a smile at the sight, remembering the days you used to play as a kid.
You try the on switch, being met with a buzzing noise and the glow of red marquee lights, but nothing appears on the screen. Bummer, you think to yourself.
“It’s never turned on,” a voice says behind you, and you let out a shout, startled at the sudden noise.
When you turn around, Minho is standing with his hands in his pockets, a black blazer thrown over his button up shirt and a bag slung over his shoulder.
“Got it as a donation a few months ago and it’s lived up here ever since. I think it’d be a hit, if it actually worked.”
You turn back to the machine, observing the gentle hum from the static on the monitor display.
“It’s probably something with the PCB,” you reply, and Minho turns to look at you.
“The what?”
“The printed circuit board,” You repeat, setting your purse down on the floor beside you. “You have a screwdriver?”
Minho’s brows furrow together in confusion, but he nods slowly. “Yeah, sure.”
He leaves momentarily and returns with the requested tool, watching as you drop to your knees and unscrew the door to the cabinet.
“The lights turn on, which is a good thing,” you explain to him. “Means the monitor is still in good condition. So It’s probably just slowed down with general wear.”
When the cabinet door is off, Minho leans back against the pool table and observes as you pull out little parts from the myriad of pieces along the circuit.
“I figured,” You say, sitting back with a tissue in hand. “The EPROMs and ROMs are all warped.”
You pull a bobby pin out from your hair, gently wiggling the pins back in place before cleaning them off with a tissue.
Minho is lost as he watches you, mouth agape at the level of focus in your expression, tongue poking out between your lips as you move with purpose and determination. He realizes he may have undermined you this whole time, thinking secretly you’d crave a simpler life, when all along it was your intelligence and wit that drew you to the city. You’re as complex as the city, he thinks. You can’t be confined within the safety of these four walls like he can. And maybe he’s complex, too. But he’s not sure of himself the way you seem to be.
When you’re finished wiping down the acronyms of pieces, you fit them back in and screw back on the door. Minho watches curiously as you plug in the machine again, reaching around the frame for the switch and flipping it on.
The familiar hum of the screen starts up again, only this time it flashes a bright white color, and then displays PAC-MAN as soft music begins to play.
“Holy shit,” Minho says with a breathy chuckle. “That would've been thousands to get repaired.”
“Take it as a thank you,” you say. “For helping me out tonight.”
You hoist yourself up on the pool table and gesture to the display as he stares in awe. “Try it!”
Minho presses the red START button, chuckling when the familiar tune starts up and the game begins. He makes it through a few rows before getting eaten by a pixelated ghost, groaning when the game flashes GAME OVER and starts up another round.
But he doesn’t resume playing, instead turning around to face you with an unmoving expression.
“It’s drizzling,” he says, looking past you out the little window.
“Mhm,” you reply, though you’re not registering a word he's saying anymore. He’s dangerously close to you again, eye-level with you while you’re sat atop the pool table and not taking your gaze off him.
He seems to be trembling with anticipation, his gaze flickering down to your lips and back up to your eyes, hoping you’ll notice the motion and do something, anything with it.
“We should probably get going,” You say in a whisper.
He swallows cautiously. “Yeah.”
“Right now that the rain is a little lighter.”
“Yeah,” he says again, though neither of you make any move to leave.
“Thanks for tonight,” you reply, your eyes fully locked on his lips now.
Minho begins to say something, but his voice hitches in his throat, instead opting to swallow and and take a single step forward. And before you can say another word, his face tilts in front of you, gently pressing his lips to yours.
He kisses you gently, but he doesn’t waste any time, hands caressing your waist in his embrace and pressing up against you. He tastes like mint, his tongue mixing the flavor with the taste of Diet Coke still in your mouth. When he pulls away, he says nothing, searching your expression for a sign of how you’re feeling. You say nothing, too, eyes flickering over his serious gaze and waiting for him to break the silence.
When he still doesn’t talk, you reach out to grab his collar, pulling him toward you again. You kiss him first this time, slipping your tongue inside his parted lips to taste him fully, gripping his collar like you might lose him if you let go.
“Fuck,” Minho says, pulling away and breathing heavily. He squeezes his eyes shut, a nervous expression tugging at his lips.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t do this,” Minho replies. “With patrons. I just… I don’t know what got into me…”
His words trail off as you work little kisses down his jawline and neck, nibbling over his clavicle and humming greedily against him.
“What if I wanted you to?”
Minho stares at the ceiling as you work him, breath hitching in his throat as you trail even lower.
You pull away from him, tilting his gaze down to meet yours with a hand on his cheek.
“Say you don’t want to kiss me again,” you clarify. “Say it, and I’ll stop.”
His eyes narrow, piercing through yours as his hands rest gently on your upper thighs.
“I don’t want to kiss you,” Minho says seriously.
Your heart drops instantly, the anticipation that had built up pending his answer quickly fizzling as his words pierce through you. Your throat is dry, dozens of questions circling your mind, but nothing that comes to fruition amidst your disappointment. Guess it wasn’t the way you’d read into it all night.
“Okay.” Your voice is shaky, doing nothing to mask your disappointment.
“I don’t want to kiss you,” Minho says again quickly, his thumbs tracing circle patterns on your thighs. He leans in again, lips just barely grazing over yours as he speaks in a whisper. “I want you right here, on this table, right now. I want to do a lot more than just kiss you.”
Your heartbeat resumes, pulsing wildly as he scans your face for a reaction. You don’t grant him one through your facial expressions- rather, you pull him in by his collar once again, closing the gap between you and kissing him even harder this time. You can feel Minho smirking into the kiss, amused with how desperate you are at the simple admission.
His hands snake up your sweater, grabbing desperately at your lower back and pressing into you with his hips. Instinctively, your legs wrap around his waist, neck craned to the side for easy access while he begins to work kisses down your neck now.
“You really suck at pool,” Minho says as he smiles against your skin. His lips find yours again, giving you repeated chaste kisses as you tangle your hands in his hair. His lips feel familiar on yours- almost like you’ve done this a hundred times before. You can’t imagine a version of him you weren’t kissing like this.
“You’re calculated,” you say, smiling as you loosen the black tie around his neck.
“How so?”
“No phone charger, you only agree to play pool when a date with Jisung is on the line, and you’ve gotten me to stick around this long? You’re not as slick as you think you are.”
Minho throws his head back a little, his eyebrows arching as he laughs loudly.
“You might be a genius at fixing arcade games, but you don’t have everything figured out the way you think you do.”
“Oh yeah? And why’s that?”
He pulls away again, completing your task of loosening his tie, and then discarding it completely on the table beside you.
“It stopped raining 15 minutes ago,” he says slyly. “And suddenly you’re in no rush to go home anymore.”
His eyebrows are raised as his hands caress your thighs, moving higher until he’s grazing your hip bones with his fingertips. You don’t reply, suddenly hot at his words, and knowing he’s in fact entirely correct about it. It’s the opportunity you’ve been waiting around for all night- a break in the rainfall to get back to your car and make it to a hotel for the night. But paired against the other opportunity right in front of you- the one wearing nothing but a loosened white shirt and a devilish smirk on his face, you can’t do much but resort to the latter.
“You gonna spread for me?” Minho asks in a gentle teasing tone, his voice much quieter than before as your breath hitches in your throat. You nod, disregarding his first statement and doing as you’re told, slipping off your jeans and opening your legs just enough so that he can move his fingertips to graze your inner thighs. It feels dirty like this, so sinful for your skin to make contact with the velvety table below you. But you’re too dazed with lust, completely encapsulated by his movements to do anything except obey him.
“Good girl,” Minho replies, and your heartbeat quickens at the praise.
His hands dance in gentle back and forth motions along your thighs, gradually getting closer to your core, until his middle finger rests gently atop your clothed clit.
Your eyes dart down to his hand briefly, waiting desperately for him to touch you, to kiss you, anything.
“Look at me,” Minho says.
And you do, making eye contact again with his cold stare, piercing salaciously through your doe eyes.
Another smirk grows on his face as he crouches lower, and lower, dropping to his knees until he’s eye level with your aching pussy.
“Please…” you say, resting your weight back on your palms and spreading your legs further for him. Your breaths are labored, eyebrows arched up at just the thought of his tongue on you.
“Please what?”
“Please, would you… eat me out?” You request quietly, somehow internally panicked that he’ll decline.
But he doesn’t- instead he loops a finger through your underwear, pulling down in a sudden motion, eyes widened at the sight of you like this. You’re swollen with arousal, clit visibly quivering at the proximity of his breath against your folds. Your pussy is deliciously sopping for him, glazed juices painting your cunt all for him.
“God,” he breaks the silence. “You’re soaking. I could probably put it in now and you’d take it, wouldn’t you?”
You don’t answer him, tucking strands of hair behind your ears and looking down on him with anticipation.
“Okay,” Minho says with a slight chuckle. “Just relax for me.”
And without wasting another minute, his hands find purchase on your knees, scooting you closer to the edge of the table before finally burying his face in you. His tongue licks a long stripe along your pussy, smiling at the taste, before his lips latch themselves around your clit and suck harshly.
Your eyes roll back almost instantly, completely lost in the sensation of his tongue gliding back and forth over your folds like a starved animal. His plump lips remain latched to your clit, suckling with lewd wet noises and basking in the flavor of your arousal for him. As your legs tremble with pleasure, your hands quickly find themselves tangled in his hair, grinding him up against you and using his face to satisfy the delicious ache between your legs. Minho is well aware of your desperation, pulling away mere centimeters to grin at your reaction.
“Don’t stop,” you say, massaging his tresses in encouragement to keep going. Minho chuckles, this time latching on to your bundle of nerves with a gentle graze of his bunny teeth. He nibbles tenderly, eyes rolling up to watch your reaction as you sense the shift in his actions.
“Oh my god,” you breathe out frantically. “That feels so fucking good."
Minho smiles into your pussy, giving one small lick with his tongue before utilizing his velvety lips on your clit once again.
“Mmh…” he hums into your pussy, sending divine vibrations that tickle your arousal and instinctively make you moan for him.
“You taste so good,” Minho says between suckling. “I wanna make you cum for me.”
You nod down at him, rubbing little circles on his scalp and throwing your head back when he dips his tongue into your entrance.
“Oh god!”
At first he takes little kitten licks at your entrance, coming back up to kiss your clit repeatedly while you wait in anticipation. And then he brings a hand up to your entrance, sliding one finger in and working it around your pussy as he continues the unwavering attention on your bundle of nerves.
“Yeah, just like that,” you encourage him.
“You like it when I do both at once?” Minho inquires with a knowing smile.
“Yes, fuck” you can hardly answer him between the high-pitched moans that fill the dark room.
“Like when I fill you up?” A kiss on your clit. “Like when I taste you?” He laps at your folds. “Like when I fuck you like this?” Two fingers pump in and out of you now, smearing your arousal back on your clit which he wastes no time lapping up on his tongue.
“Yes, fuck Minho! Please, I’m gonna cum-”
“Cum, then. Want you to make a mess on my face.”
His fingers pump at an even faster pace while he sucks your clit between his teeth and emits a deep moan against your wetness. The vibration of his voice gives attention to the rest of your aching pussy, which finally contracts desperately around his fingers as you leak cum on his tongue. Minho licks you clean, chuckling against you when he takes your clit between his teeth again and hears you gasp in overstimulation.
Both of you say nothing as he stands back up, eye-level to you once again, his chin glazed in your juices. He rests his hands on your thighs as he did before, leaning in to press a sweet kiss on your lips and smile against you. Your hands toy with his belt buckle, tracing the pattern in your fingertips before slowly undoing the buckle and snaking the belt out from the loops on his trousers.
“Let me return the favor?” You ask against his lips, and he takes a sharp breath when you unzip his pants.
“Can I be honest?” Minho replies, and you pull away to look him in the eyes. His round eyes are dark, hooded with lust and curiously peering back at you.
He grins sheepishly, massaging your thighs with the palms of his hands as he speaks. “I think I’ve been hard for you the second you walked in here.”
The words make your heart flutter, suddenly much more aware of his contact against your skin, an insatiable desire to satisfy him and let him do whatever he may please.
Maybe you were the one mistaken all night- maybe Minho’s curt attitude and cold demeanor wasn’t in fact discourteousness at all. Perhaps he was just as drawn to you as you were to him. And now here you are, each drawn to the other like moths to a burning flame, eager to explore and make the fleeting moment last in any way you could.
You laugh at his admission, moving strands of hair out from his face and tucking your face in the crook of his neck, where he presses a chaste kiss to your temple through nervous laughter of his own.
“Yeah?” You say finally. “What are you going to do about it?”
Minho narrows his eyes with a challenging expression, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you off the table, where he now towers over you and intertwines his fingers with yours.
“Turn around,” he orders candidly. Your heart flutters again at the implication- him ordering you around like this when he’s already satisfied you once. But the tone he maintains is both sweet and inviting, and you know his intentions are the same as yours.
You follow his command, facing the pool table as he presses you against the edge, arms wrapping around your waist and peppering your shoulders in little kisses.
His hands snake up your sweater, where he now cups your breasts in his large palms and unclasps your bra. Once you’re bare, you hear him pull down his trousers, the muffled sound sending chills down your spine. If you weren’t dripping with anticipation before, you certainly are now. Minho latches his lips onto your throat, suckling just enough to mark purple bruises along your neck and collarbones. Part of you wants to deny him the little pleasure, reminding him that you have work on Monday and you can’t show up looking like you spent the weekend at a frat party. But the way his skewed front teeth nibble at your flesh stings delightfully, and you can’t bring yourself to protest it.
It’s then that you feel him behind you- his erection pressing into your upper thigh. He pushes into you with force, grinding softly on your skin and moaning against your neck when he feels you lean back into him.
One of your hands reaches out to palm him over the fabric of his boxers, and he lets out a soft whimper at the contact.
“Jesus,” he says “I can’t wait anymore. Prop your leg up for me, baby. On the- yeah, just like that.”
He guides you with one hand, moving your thigh up so that he has better access to your cunt as he palms himself more with his other hand.
“Is this okay?” Minho asks, now freeing his cock from his boxers and tapping gently at your entrance. The sensation of his bare flesh against yours has you in a daze, desperate to be filled up by him.
“Mhm,” you say, drunk off the feeling of him behind you like this.
“Gonna put it in now, okay?”
“Yeah,” you say, breathing heavily as he jerks himself a few times. And without another minute to spare, he’s sliding himself inside of you, bottoming out almost instantaneously as your pussy takes him with ease.
“Oh my god,” you breathe out. “You’re so big.”
Minho smiles against your neck, pressing one chaste kiss and gathering your hair out from in front of your face.
He starts with gentle thrusts, panting in your ear and letting his hands wander all over your body as he moves. Your eyebrows arch up in pleasure, mouth agape as he picks up the pace, the wet sounds of his thrusting teeming all around you.
“God, you take me so well,” Minho breathes. “You’re so wet for me still.”
You can barely respond to him, one hand reaching up to tilt his jaw toward you so you can kiss him on the mouth again, your lips drooling with saliva and fucked-out with pleasure.
“I’m close,” Minho says into your mouth, pausing his thrusts momentarily to then pick up the pace again, much faster and with even more force.
“Ah- me too.”
As he moves in and out of your sopping cunt, one of his hands sprawls out across your tummy, pushing down with gentle pressure as he thrusts. You feel your insides contract at the sensation, now much closer to your release.
“Fuck, M-Min I’m gonna,”
He smiles against your neck again, amused with your reaction to the little move.
“Let go,” he says breathlessly into your ear. “I know you can give me a second one.”
His hand pushes down a little more, now tickling your insides with the constrained sensation against your abdomen.
And between his thrusts, you feel yourself let go around him, letting out a series of breathy moans as you cum on his still-moving cock. Only this time, you let go of everything, trickling fluids over him and the edge of the table, soaking the floor with remnants of you.
Minho’s orgasm follows just seconds after, breathing out melodic whimpers and moans as he feels you squirt, shooting ropes of his cum inside of you and fondling your breasts through his orgasm. He thrusts every last drop back into you, pulling out when he feels you shudder from overstimulation once again.
“So beautiful,” he murmurs between kisses as he pulls out. “You made a mess for me, baby.”
When you’re both finished, you’re quick to dress yourself, pulling your sweater back over your head and buttoning your jeans once again. Minho turns around while you get dressed, well aware that he was inside of you just minutes ago, but wanting to respect your boundaries now that you’re no longer being intimate. He gets dressed too, observing through the little window how the rain hasn’t started again in the entirety you’ve been up here. When you’re done, he turns back around, shooting you a little smile as you fix your hair.
“What?” You inquire, mirroring his expression as he stares back at you.
“Where have you been?” Minho asks simply.
“Where have you been all my life?”
You cock your head a little, not missing the way he blinks nervously a few times after asking the question.
“Not the suburbs,” you reply with a smile. “That’s for sure.”
The gentle lull of jazz music rings through Minho’s ears as he wakes, glancing around to take in his surroundings. He’s sprawled out on the dingy red couch in the back room, still wearing last night’s clothes, hair glued to his forehead under a sheen layer of sweat. The clamoring of dishes startles him, and he furrows his brows together in annoyance as he wipes his forehead with the back of his hand.
“Minho?” A voice says, and he shuts his eyes preemptively at the inquiry. “Did you…sleep here?”
When his eyelids flutter open again, he’s met with Jeongin, who’s already showered and dressed for his noon opening shift, clutching the till in both hands as he observes Minho’s disheveled state.
Beside him, the little folding table is in disarray, empty bottles of coke and peanut shells scattered everywhere. His mind goes back to last night- the arcade game, kissing you in the spare room upstairs. Fucking you over the pool table at ungodly hours of the night.
After you’d both finished, you agreed to stay in the back room downstairs until daylight when it was a bit safer to be on the road again. You and Minho chatted over diet cokes and a game of cards, between makeout sessions and desperate groping at each other in the dim light of the room. He wanted so badly to make love to you all over again, resisting the urge only because he didn’t want you to think all of this was just for sex. And maybe it started that way, when he fled back to the kitchen after helping you adjust your cue stick during a round of pool in an attempt to hide his raging hard-on. But somewhere along the way, he was also encapsulated by you- by your endearing obsession with Diet Coke, your ability to carry a conversation with a total stranger in these circumstances, and undoubtedly, your unique talent at fixing things.
It was just past 5 when you left, doing a double-take at Minho’s snoring figure to ensure he was actually asleep. You wanted to thank him- in fact, you stood over him for several minutes, playing the conversation in your head of how this would go.
“I’m leaving now- thanks for the life-changing sex and the free sodas. Call me if you’re ever in the city you despise.”
There was no good way to go about it- any which way, you knew that the two of you were destined for very different things, to live completely separate lives.
“You’ve never lived without the notion of wanting to migrate as soon as possible,” Minho had said to you earlier, and you knew he was right, even still longing to one day get out of this province, and maybe even this country. A simpler life scared you- exactly what Minho chased after. And perhaps by extension, chasing after Minho scared you, too.
The dive bar suddenly feels suffocating to Minho, still looming with the rotten scent of cigarettes and beers. For the first time ever, he feels boxed in, much too confined by the four walls and the foggy window at the back.
“I’m leaving,” Minho says, quickly gathering his bag and his blazer from off the floor.
“Where are you going?” Jeongin asks, still holding the till and scanning Minho with a worried expression on his face.
Minho isn’t sure where- in fact, he’s not quite sure about anything right now. All he knows is that you’ve sparked something in him, something he hasn’t felt in a long, long time. The days of working as a private chef paint vivid memories in his mind, days which he still had passion within him, trying new recipes late through the night and never ceasing to better his methods. A time that now feels one lifetime ago, much more complex in juxtaposition with this new life. Except maybe simple wasn’t the solution all along- for once, he’s determined to bask in all your complexities, even if it means sacrificing everything he left the city to pursue.
“I’m going to the city,” Minho says, combing through his hair with his fingers.
“The city? I thought you hated it there?”
Minho says nothing, sauntering to the door and fishing his car keys out of the drawer by the register.
“Oh, and Jeongin-ah?”
“Call someone to move that arcade game downstairs.”
“The Pac-Man one? It doesn’t work-”
“It does now,” Minho replies. “Just promise me it’ll be down here when I get back.”
“Sure thing. But- how’d you get it to work?”
And without looking back, Minho approaches the double doors, keys in hand, no particular destination in mind. The gray clouds have nearly cleared up by now, fresh hues of blue painting the vast sky that overlooks the day ahead. The city calls out to him from afar, bustling traffic and busy roads clouded in pollution. But this time, he answers, in hopes you’ll be there, too.
*Part 2 out now, available here.
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helaintoloki · 1 month
hi can you do a ben hargreeves x reader where you comfort him after a mission because you know how he doesn’t like to you use his tentacles and how feels like a monster. Just major fluff I miss ben
a/n: i love writing ben fluff your wish is my command anon <3
warnings: brief mentions of blood, lots of comfort and fluff
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Blood cakes itself into the crevices of your finger nails as you diligently scrub the metallic scented stains off of Ben’s favorite sweater. The sound of the running water from the sink fills the somber silence as the boy sits quietly and watches you work. He hasn’t said a word to you in over an hour, but you know better than to push him. This isn’t the first time Ben has sought out your company after a miserable day, and you surely doubt it will be the last.
You’ve lived across the street from the Umbrella Academy your whole life, and ever since you were five the Hargreeves have always been your closest friends. Despite their lives being full of heroism and extraordinary power, they enjoyed the normalcy of your life and relished in being able to live vicariously through you. They loved to hear you recount your day at school or your trip to the local mall; they asked about a million questions regarding your family and what it was like to have a real mom and dad. You were their window into the real world and the person that could keep them grounded even on the toughest days. As a result, whenever one of the children was having a particularly rough day they’d seek solace in the refuge of your bedroom.
And that’s exactly why it didn’t surprise you to come home after school and find Ben waiting awkwardly in the center of your room as he tried his absolutely best to avoid getting blood on your carpet. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know why he was here in the middle of your bedroom, and you didn’t press him for details as you immediately got to work cleaning the mess.
After some time you’re able to get his sweater perfectly spotless and hang it to dry before joining your friend who sits somberly upon your bed. He’s too ashamed to look you in the eye, but he doesn’t push you away when you carefully wrap your arms around his figure and pull him into your chest for comfort. Out of all the Hargreeves siblings, Ben seeks you out the most, so you’ve come to learn that all he usually needs is a soothing hug during times like these. It isn’t long before his shoulders quietly begin to shake in time with his sobs, his fists grabbing handfuls of your shirt to ground himself into the present as you reassuringly rub his back.
“You had to use your powers today,” you prod gently, though your words come out as more of a statement than a question. You already know the answer based on his demeanor, but you feel this is something you must voice aloud anyway.
“I’m a monster,” he cries miserably into your chest prompting your heart to ache painfully in response. You hate that he sees himself in such a way; Ben is perhaps the kindest boy you’ve ever met, and you wish he could view himself through your eyes and realize just how special he is in spite of his abilities.
“You could never be a monster, Ben,” you assure him with a tight squeeze before pulling back to see him eye-to-eye. “Every day you and your siblings fight to keep the world a safe place. You are so selfless and kind and important, and the portal in your chest doesn’t change any of that.”
“Is that really what you think?” He utters meekly, sniffing back his remaining tears as he slowly loosens his death grip on the fabric of your school uniform shirt.
“I would never lie to you, Ben” you reiterate with sincerity in your tone. You offer him a kind smile and use the pads of your thumbs to wipe away his tears before confessing, “I love you too much to do that.”
His breath hitches softly in his throat at your words, and he’s quick to swallow down his nerves before stuttering out a rushed, “I-I love you too.”
Your room grows silent until the only sound that fills the space is your quiet breathing. A look of understanding is shared between you then, and now it is Ben who pulls you into his embrace for the tightest hug imaginable. While he had once feared having you anywhere near the monsters’ den, he now held no trepidation at having you so close to his chest. He loved you, and you loved him in spite of the thing he hated most about himself, and in the safety of your room he could finally feel whole and at peace with his flaws.
Ben will always come to you in search of comfort, and you will always be there to give it to him.
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dreamauri · 1 year
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┇𝗠𝗬 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 - part one ┇୧ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ :🪴: ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ୨୧ ╮ ┇arranged marriage does not always hold ┇the outcome you expect !! ┇︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦˚₊   ┇ . 🌿 :: pairing — ( max vertsappen  x  wife! reader ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠genre — ( angst / romance )  ┇ . 🌿 :: ⁠song — ( link ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠word count — ( 709 ) ╰  🌿 :: ⁠ content warning — ( X )
★ ☆ short start, i think its okay?? ━━━━━━━━
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Why were you so shaky? The paint is going to splatter on your clothes. Stop it. You like this shirt. Stop shaking. You should be happy, Y/N. Be happy.
Blink. It's too blurry, blink! Was your vision always so blurry like this?
No it's not. Are you crying? You are, aren't you.
"I'm crying?" You're voice was hoarse and quiet. The whole apartment was quiet and your voice was the first one you've heard in a while.
You'd arrived early in the morning only to be greeted by an empty apartment and silence. Your suitcase was the only noise you could hear as you dragged it to the apartment along with it dropping on the floor once you found the spare key and entered.
Your morning was spent deep cleaning and tidying the foreign flat. The dishes were dusty and the carpet had practically gone trough a hurricane. The only pleasure you had taken is unpacking your clothes ( the only items you could bring along ) and finding a fresh canvas waiting for you outside in the balcony.
You thought maybe taking a small painting session would calm your nerves and cool you down. But it didn't. It didn't at all. All it had done was help all the recent events skin in and settle. This would be your new life now.
Streams of hot tears ran down your eyes damping your cheeks. And while some tears ran downpour neck other dripped from your chin onto the colour palette you held in your hand.
With shaky breaths, the paint brush was set down and your palms were quick to rub dry your eyes and tears.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"I'm . . . Back." Max sighed as he was greeted with silence. He entered the apartment. It would be pushing it if he expected you to welcome him with a smile and a kiss.
Especially after that small wedding. And especially after being to busy to plan and go on a honeymoon. And especially after not coming to pick you up from the airport when he instead chose to go play a game of paddle with his friends.
Only when he saw you painting in the balcony did he feel guilt swell in his chest. He'd treated you like a package didn't he? Ordered you. But even packages you wait for and greet at the door.
This package had to let herself in, and she had apparently seen the chaotic state of the household and took matters into her own hands. Max now knew that he didn't make the best choices. Maybe he shouldn't greet you all smelly and exhausted. Not the best way to greet your new wife.
Oh but what a wife. Max thought dreamily, the cool water from the shower adjusting the temperature of his body. Your skin and body, a blessing from heaven. Your eyes, beautiful big diamonds. Your hair, golden silk.
A true prize you were. He's always wanted to keep you in his pocket ever since he saw you for the first time in high-school back in the day. And although he was a whole two years younger than you with him in year 9 and you in 11, he couldn't help himself.
"There you are." Max smiled as he finally found you, his hand finding your bicep and stopping you in your track. "Hey." The greeting was gentle and whispered in your ear, his arm finding your waist and pulling you in a kiss.
"Hi." You whispered just as quietly, looking down to avoid his eyes. You always thought they were too blue and big for his head. People with blue eyes always creeped you out.
"I missed you." "You did?" "Of course I did." Max chuckled , pressing another kiss to your lips. "I see you found my gift." He gestured to the window where the canvas sat drying. "I was going to make you something to eat. I didn't know when you were coming. I didn't hear you come in." "That's fine. I was thinking we can go eat . . . out i mean. eat out . . . You want to eat out?" "—Yeah yeah, I can eat out." You nodded quickly, the awkwardness was growing quickly.
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here’s a little challenge for you: steve + bucky + reader + one bed. make what you want of it hehe 😇 congrats on 1k, jen! <3
In the middle of the night
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AN: Another day, and once again, beds appear to be in short supply. Thank you for this thot, Lyn!
Beta’d by @lfnr-blog-blog-blog, dividers by @firefly-graphics, moodboard and banner by me
Main Master list | Challenge Master list
Summary: What’s worse than sharing a motel room with the supersoldier boyfriends you have a crush on? Having to share a bed with them.
Relationship: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
CW: THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED, Smidge Angst, Minor miscommunication, pining, teasing, implied smut about to commence.
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���Guys, I’ll just take the sofa. I’ll manage.” You weren’t sure if you were trying to convince them or yourself. It didn’t work though; Bucky just looked at you with his eyebrow raised.
“Really,doll? You might be shorter than us, but you’re not that short.”
He was right, of course. At 5ft 10 you were far too tall for most sofas let alone the one in the room of this ratty motel. 
“What do you suggest then? That we all sleep in that?” You nodded your head at it. It being the king sized bed in the middle of the room.
Steve looked up from where he was rummaging through his go bag.
“Seems like the only sensible option to me. Normally we’d offer to sleep on the floor, but…” He eyed what passed for a carpet in the room. You had to agree with him. The chances were that anything placed upon it for any length of time would be carried off by the roaches that were probably living in it. You shuddered at the thought and repressed a gag.
“Well as long as you two keep the mushy stuff to a minimum, I suppose. It’s bad enough when I’ve shared a room with you both before and you’re being all cuddly and shit. Makes a single girl sick.” This time your gag was for comedic effect.
Bucky grinned at you, and in two strides was next to you, arm slung around your shoulder, giving you a slight squeeze.
“Are you just jealous in general, or jealous of one of us, specifically. Wouldn’t blame you; we are both hot.”
“You wish!” You pulled a face and shoved him away. “Now go get a shower, Barnes. You smell of swamp.”
He pouted back, but his light blue eyes sparkled with amusement.
“Me! What about Stevie! And you, doll. We all fell in that water.”
“Yeah, but you’ve still got swamp weed in your hair.”
You reached up and plucked the offending piece of flora from his chestnut locks then, feeling impish, threw it at Steve. It landed on his shoulder, but he just turned on ‘the Captain glare’ as you and Bucky started giggling like children.
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An hour later you were finishing off in the small, and frankly disgusting, bathroom. 
Bucky had used it first, scurrying in to escape Steve’s overdramatic ire and you had gone in search of food. When you got back Bucky was sitting on the edge of the bed, in his sweats and rubbing his hair dry with a threadbare towel. You threw bags full of food for your two enhanced teammates onto the coffee table.
“Cap in the shower?”
“Yeah - he won’t be too long. I’ve known that guy to have a full shower in less than 2 minutes. And after all these years, I’m still not sure how he does it.”
True to Bucky’s, Steve had stepped out just then, clad in his own sweats, short blond hair sticking up from where he’d given it a quick scrub. Gathering your own wash things and clean clothes to sleep in, you’d slipped around him, trying to ignore the loving look Bucky was throwing at his boyfriend.
Luckily there was enough hot water left for you. The boys wouldn’t have heard the end of it otherwise.
Returning to the bedroom, you mentally prepared yourself for an awful night’s sleep.It was bad enough that you were, once again, sharing a room with two men you had massive crushes on - who only had eyes for each other, this time you’d also be squished on the same bed, no doubt clinging onto the edge of the mattress and trying not to fall out.
The two supersoldiers were already lying in the bed, eyes closed, Bucky being the little spoon to Steve’s big one. They were scootched over so far that you were worried that Steve was about to drop off his side. Gingerly you climbed into the remaining space, your back to Bucky, and you switched off the small lamp they’d left on for you.
Moonlight shone through the thin curtains, casting weak shadows. You tried to relax but found yourself just staring at the strange shapes thrown on the wall in front of you. You could hear both of them breathing. 
Completely fake.
Bucky shifted behind your back, his arm brushing over your ass and hip. If he had been asleep you could have believed it to be accidental. It settled across your waist, a copy of how you imagined Steve’s was lying over his.
“Um…Buck?” You whispered out of habit. “What are you doing?”
“‘S not a lot of space, doll. We need to cosy up, so you and Stevie don’t fall out.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“He’s also like a radiator, sweetheart. And we’ve noticed you don’t like to get cold. Just go with it.” Great. Now Steve was joining in.
“It just feels… you know… weird.” Something about the darkness was making you feel braver than you had in a while. Although that bravery started to wane slightly when Bucky shuffled even closer and you could feel his breath on the back of your neck.
“Whaddya mean ‘weird’? I think it feels nice.”
You flipped over to face him, despite the fact that there was so little light it made the gesture pointless. You were getting frustrated. Both emotionally and sexually.
“Bucky. Your boyfriend is right there, cuddling you, but apparently cuddling me is nice. And for some reason Steve is fine with it.”
The shadows behind Bucky shifted; Steve lifting his head.
“Wanna know why I’m fine with it?”
“Cos you’re secure in your and Bucky’s relationship, and you know this is just practical?”
He chuckled, low and deep, and boy did the sound do things to you. Oh, god! How keen were his senses? Would he be able to smell your arousal?
“Well, yes, but also, no…”
Before you could question him, Bucky’s arm tightened around your waist and suddenly he flipped you both, placing you in the middle of the bed, wedged between him and Steve. Your hands were pressed up against Steve’s chest, his coarse chest hairs tickling your palms. Bucky’s hand was splayed against your stomach, keeping you in place, pressed against him.
“What the hell?”
“We realised something, doll.” Bucky was practically purring in your ear. His hips pressed up against your ass and…oh!
“W-what’s that?” You could barely breathe, frozen rigid in the bed, afraid to move.
Steve wiggled down the bed in front of you, so that your hands were on his shoulders and both your faces were level.
“That you aren’t jealous of either of us when Buck and I are being affectionate. You’re jealous of both of us. You’ve got the hots for both of us.”
You scowled, hoping that despite the low light he could see your annoyance.
“So, what? You decided you’d both tease me. Thanks so much.” You shuffled violently and sat up, kicking off the last part of the coverlet. You pushed up on your knees, but Steve copied you, effectively blocking you.
“We’re not teasing you, sweetheart. Let me finish. Please.”
The bed dipped behind you; Bucky getting to his knees too. Your head was a swirl of emotions. Confusion, want, frustration, and something that might have been hope. Steve took hold of your hands, rubbing his thumbs across the backs of your knuckles.
“We’re trying to tell you… we’ve got the hots for you too.”
“Majorly,” Bucky interjected. “It’s been torture these last few months. Fighting beside you. Sharing a room. You, being so close, but not attainable.” You could feel the heat radiating off him and all you wanted to do was relax back onto his firm chest. And you wanted to believe what they were apparently telling you.
Steve tugged on your hands, pulling you closer to him.
“You can’t begin to imagine how Buck and I have been when we’ve got back to our apartment at the compound after missions with you. How we’ve been so wound up, so goddamn horny thinking about you. Thank goodness for sound-proofing. I think we’ve fucked each other seven ways from Sunday everytime.”
Bucky had moved again; regained his previous spot plastered against your back. Both his hands were settled on your waist, just above your hips. He dipped his head, and his hair brushed your neck before his lips settled just below your ear. Testing you.
“Do you want us, doll?” His lips trailed down your neck and you tilted it to bare your throat to him. Your busy mind had cleared. Now only the want remained. Bucky and Steve were pressed against you in the moonlight, surrounding you with their scent and promising you pleasure. All you had to do was answer.
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Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @marvelstarker-mha98 @talia-rumlow
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muffinsin · 8 months
Cassandra x fucked up/psychopathic reader
Prompt: Cassandra gets herself someone with little to no morals, someone violent and appreciative of her sadistic tendencies
(Fem reader)
Warning for: Violence, partly NSFW content
Idea inspired and matched by @fantasy-relax . Go check out their take of the story written in the reader’s POV! I absolutely loved it, and I’ll link it here! :) I highly recommend reading it too, as it’s a direct counterpart to this!
Let’s get into it! ;)
Cassandra gasps in shock when she spots the small scratch on her sword. Immediately, this shock turns to anger.
“Hey!”, she yells, relishing in the wide, fearful eyes that land on her.
“"Look what have you done! My favorite sword has a scratch! You useless woman!", she curses.
She grabs the sword tightly, her gloved hand running alongside the blade. It’s not even close to being as sharp as it is meant to be!
Is this foolish imbecile trying to sabotage her?!
" I'm s-orry Lady Cassandra my arm was tired and I-AHH"
Cassandra laughs at the scream that follows, the fearful eyes widening in terror.
The cut made by the sword was fast and made with lethal precision. The arm rests on the soft carpet, and it draws more laughter from Cassandra.
She crackles at the sight of the imbecile falling to her knees, more and more tears spilling down her red cheeks.
"Not tired anymore I bet", she snickers. More screams and cries follow.
Please this, please that. Please spare me, please, please, please, please. As if the word has any meaning to Cassandra at all. She merely rolls her eyes at it. If her prey was a little more entertaining with her begging, at least!
She inspects the bloody blade, a sick smile coming to her lips.
Perhaps, it was sharpened properly after all. She shrugs it off. The scratch still lays beneath the blood!
With a large grin on her face, she steps to the kneeling woman again, her hand reaching out to grasp the little bit of her upper arm that is left.
Again, the woman is howling in pain.
With a quick cut to her other arm, it also falls to the floor. Cassandra crackles as blood spills and splutters in her face.
Now she sees the twitching fingers of the unattached arms, she giggles. She should’ve probably broken them first, but this one is really testing her patience!
With another slash to her chest, the woman screams again. She falls on her back, and Cassandra laughs loudly at the image. With no arms remaining, she can barely squirm away.
“Poor, little maid”, she states mockingly. Like a turtle turned on its shell.
She allows to drop the sword to the floor. It is in need of proper sharpening now!
Instead she brings out her sickle. She relishes in the fear that surrounds the maimed woman.
The maid keeps screaming, until Cassandra at last is done with her and cuts her head in another clean swipe of sickle.
She smirks to herself, yet nearly jumps in surprise upon hearing a hum.
In the doorway, stands another maid.
Golden eyes catch yours, and she gives you a sadistic smile.
"What is it, little morsel? Want to be next?", the taunts, giggling. Oh, two victims in such short times? Ah, and you practically ran into her arms!
She’s crackling with delight.
Rising from the floor, she walks up to you slowly, circling you such as a predator would their prey.
She licks the blood off her sickle, golden eyes wide in excitement. You smell so well already! Perhaps she would let you run along, merely to chase after you. Not that you’d stand a chance against her, of course.
She’s just about ready to raise her sickle to your pretty face when unexpected words fall from your dry lips.
"That was a clean cut my lady, you have a steady hand"
She freezes.
Cassandra is left dumbfounded, her eyes, even with her lazy eye, wide as you easily walk past her and inspect the body.
You bend over it, and all she can do is watch.
What the?
She thinks she is just ready to catch herself again, to resume taunting you and kill you when another comment comes from you.
"You also have to be pretty strong or have a sharp weapon to make this so smoothly"
She finds herself frozen yet again, her flies buzzing in excitement beyond her control.
What’s going on?
She resists the urge to tell you, proudly, that the weapon was rather blunt and it was her sheer strength that allowed her to maim, then kill.
You’re standing now, and it’s as your eyes bore into hers. She doesn’t understand.
Why are you praising her for this? Maids usually cry at her sight. The staff calls her a monster.
And why is she liking your praise this much?! You’re a lowly maid! She shouldn’t be accepting compliments from the likes of you! What if her sisters found out? What if her mother was to fi-
Another comment.
"Truly impressive"
This one makes her chest feel light. Her eyes widen for a moment when she feels her cheeks heating up beyond her control and her flies buzz purr loudly.
Quickly, she swarms away, more and more until she is in the safety of her room.
Her prey is long forgotten as she falls into her large bed, face flushed and an uncomfortable ache in her chest and between her legs.
She groans at both.
With her blush only increasing and embarrassment taking over her, she swarms out of her dress and tends to the sudden wetness between her thighs.
Cassandra doesn’t know why she’s even doing this! She shouldn’t!
It’s a waste of time!
She’s only doing this to scare you!
You deserve to be scared!
She’s just proving things to you!
She definitely isn’t doing this to receive words of praises from you again…!
Still, she holds the unattached leg of a maid tightly, her scalpel making clean cuts into the soft flesh.
"How is this cut for you?", is carved inside in no time. She knows, it’s petty! Hell! She’s feeling petty!
“Pretty cut, bla bla!”, she curses. “I’ll show you this cut!”
You will have to falter in fear with this one! How dare you not fear her?! She’s going to show you! She will give you reasons to be afraid!
A petty pout turns to a wide, excited grin, she drops the leg in front of your door and knocks her gloved knuckles against it quickly and hard.
She feels her excitement bubbling in her chest.
She resists the urge to giggle when she hears you move about and quickly swarms to the ceiling, her dark golden eyes wide and curious as she clings to the wall.
Cassandra nearly curses herself for the blush on her cheeks. Stupid, stupid blush!
She can’t stop thinking of your words from yesterday. Your praise…
Cassandra bites her lip hard as she frowns and pouts.
She isn’t doing this to hear you praise her work!
At last, you are outside the door. Cassandra frowns when you pick up the leg with no qualms at all. Not even a little shriek? She could groan and growl in her aggravation!
Then, her breath hitches when you read her message aloud, a small smirk on your lips: "How is this cut for you?". Your voice is pretty…you are.
Cassandra squeaks suddenly at your next choice of words.
"Aww, My lady is pretty cute"
She’s blushing hard again, her entire face warm and pink, all the way up to the tips of her ears!
She hasn’t- she’s never- never had anybody-
Cassandra’s eyes widen when you look up, her swarm quickly flying away. She still hears your soft laughter and nearly swarms face first into a chandelier.
Cassandra hums to herself as she cleans her sickle of blood again, when she suddenly hears some unlucky maid walk down the steps to the basement. She grins in anticipation.
Ah, what poor, unfortunate soul have they sent to clean this time?
She walks slowly, yet finds herself frozen in her spot again when she realises it’s you.
You’re inspecting one of the maids, one Cassandra has just finished playing with. She gulps.
What’s going on in your mind? Why are you just watching in wonder?
She prays there will be no blush appearing on her face this time.
She straightens her posture a little, forcing herself to fall back in her confident, predatory state.
"Seeing your future, little maid?", she hums. Golden eyes flicker with excitement when you flinch and she hears your heartbeat rate increase.
Ah, she knew she could scare you! She smirks confidently and hums in delight as she steps closer to you.
"I make sure to keep her miserable as long as possible by-
"Making cuts that are painful but not mortal, absolute brilliant, nothing less of expert like you"
Cassandra feels flustered yet again. What? What?!
She stands with her lips parted, her words having died on her tongue. Thankfully, you aren’t facing her.
She feels her cheeks burning as your fingers graze her arm to move her aside, and in her shocked state, feels herself move back when you push her hip and arm gently.
She watches, dumbfounded, as you take a look around. You seem so curious! So admiring of her work! It’s making her feel so flustered!
She growls, quietly, as though demanding to stop her body from reacting this way! She already feels the pull in her chest and the ache between her legs, the warm feeling on her cheeks.
She recalls her sisters’s words and growls again. She does not have a crush!
Cassandra Dimitrescu does not get such silly things as crushes! Even on a goddess like you…
She watches with more curiosity than she’d like to admit as you inspect one of her recent victims, a man-thing, held up by hooks that go through his hands.
He’s gagged, to stifle his annoying whimpers and cries. Cassandra has grown tired of hearing them.
She tenses when you poke his broken legs and giggle to yourself.
"Very creative", you admire.
Cassandra, happy you aren’t facing her, pulls her hood all the way down in an attempt to stop and hide her blush.
She’s purring, but hopes you’re unable to hear it. For a moment, she hits her own chest, as though to make the purring stop.
Of course, it doesn’t.
Full of curiosity, it seems, you keep exploring.
Praises fall from your lips like droplets from a waterfall, each making Cassandra feel more and more flustered and needy. She shouldn’t be so flustered at this! And she definitely shouldn’t be getting turned on for this!
Her swarm buzzes so loud, she knows you must hear it soon. Upon finding you’re starting to turn around, she quickly grabs you as a swarm and carries you out the door.
This is a first, she thinks with a blush, Cassandra throwing someone out of the dungeons.
"Rude", you remark as she drops you rather ungracefully and disappears back down.
She swarms until she is able to shut a door behind her, her back sliding against it as she sinks to the floor.
Cassandra’s face is burning bright pink and her flies buzz all too happily. She wishes she could fight the large grin on her lips as she hugs herself and pulls her hood down to cover her face again.
In the following days and weeks, Cassandra can’t help but gift you more limbs.
She can’t help but want to shower you in gifts. You’re so…perfect…she thinks with a dreamy sigh.
Upon finding that human ones are often praised and returned to her, she opts for gifting you animal meat instead. This one, you praise her for too, knowing she is spying, and even cook!
She recalls a couple of her gifts for you
A deer leg with the words “you have pretty eyes” carved inside. She remembers nearly falling from her spot at the ceiling when you read it out loud and hummed: “Mhm, my favourite colour has always been a dark gold”
Those were her eyes!
Her blush only went away hours after you said that!
A boar heart. She spent hours looking for one and was so proud to gift it to you with the attached note written in blood: “Did you know they are the most similar to humans?”
She nearly gasped upon seeing the fond smile on your lips and hearing the pretty giggle.
A full, juicy bunny. “Small like you”, written in blood. She had blushed at the small that was pulled from you.
This goes on for a small while, until one day a group of hunters try to raid the castle and kill the monsters inside.
Of course, they pose no challenge to Cassandra at all!
She crackles in delight, even, at the opportunity to kill this many!
Still, she’s pouting angrily. Daniela has six already! Bela has five and a few spare limbs! And her? Cassandra has only caught four so far.
She curses under her breath. Why must she be slower than her sisters?! She trains by far harder than them! It’s unfair!
With a start as she looks at one of the dead maidens on the floor, she remembers you.
She realises, unlike her, your life is in danger! Was, seeing as the intruders are now taken care of.
Bodies, blood and all kind of gore is in the floors and the carpets of the castle. Cassandra is unbothered by it. She must find-
Golden, dark eyes widen in delight when she first smells, then sees you kneeling on the floor at the main hall.
You’re well! At least she assumes as much.
In her worry, Cassandra can’t help but pounce. She tackles you to the floor easily, her body on top of yours, her thighs on each side of your hips as she leans down to inspect your beautiful face.
"Are you okay?! Did they hurt you?! Tell me who-"
"I'm fine lady bela take care of them", you interrupt gently. She calms down a little, yet frowns again when she sees the three bodies piled on one another in the corner of the hall.
"You took three", she states, curious.
"Oh yeah, that reminds me" You point at the three bodies, and she follows it. They’re all of decent size, and she’s quite impressed that you were able to take them on.
Quite refreshing, for a human.
"They are all yours, Lady Cassandra"
Her eyes snap back to you in surprise.
Hers? A gift? For her?
She smells their blood when she inhales…they smell scrumptious! She wants to take them, so bad. Yet…
There is a rule among the three sisters, to avoid fights, or at the very least lessen them.
Only the prey they hunt can be eaten by them. No sharing, no taking another sister’s prey. She blushes as she is once again reminded of her pathetic four bodies.
Then, she perks up. With your three, this would make seven! She’d have caught the most!
She knows, she is stronger than them…just not faster.
"I killed them, so they are mine, but I’m not gonna eat them, so they are all yours”, you reason. Cassandra blushes again.
She eyes the corner with the pile of bodies and grins widely again. Yes! She accepts! Mother will be so proud! Her sisters will be envious!
You…are so painfully adorable, perfect, hot and make her feel so flustered…
She gasps audibly above you when you grasp her chin tightly.
She keeps staring at you, golden eyes wide when you lift your apron to her face and begin to clean the blood around her lips.
She feels your thumb slide across them and can’t help but attempt to press her thighs together- something that clearly does not work with your hips between them.
Her face is bright red, pink cheeks and tip of her ears, an entirely flushed and warm face.
“Cute”, you whisper, and she really wishes she could’ve stopped that squeak that came from her.
She gasps when your hand moves from her chin and grabs the back of her neck instead, and with wide eyes, she feels herself be yanked downwards and to your lips.
After a second or so, she at last catches up and eagerly returns your kiss.
She’s moaning and whimpering, panting against your lips. She’s so flustered, and yet can’t help but grin and hold onto your hips tightly.
"FINALLY, the pining was killing me!”
You and her jump at the sudden voice in the main hall.
She’s covering you with her body, as though to protect you from an attack.
Instead, Cassandra blinks when her warm cheeks are smudged by her younger sister’s palm.
Quickly, she snarls at her and rips her face free.
From there on, you’re in a relationship. Cassandra eagerly brings you more and more gifts and shows you her appreciation for your praise in just the right ways.
She appreciates, too, when you bring her gifts.
Often, these include bratty maidens or animals you find out in the garden. Sometimes, rarely, you find her a rose and dip it in blood for her. She’s blushing endlessly when it is gifted to her. It’s beautiful!
She sits next to Daniela, rolling her eyes and acting as though she isn’t listening when her sister tells her of her latest book.
Suddenly, you come into the library, dragging a maiden behind you. Her eyes sparkle in delight! Lunch and a gift!
"Knock first! I know you have manners", Daniela fumes.
Cassandra snickers. She coos at you and resists the urge to get up and cup your cheeks. Like hers, they are flushed red. Yet while hers is the result of feeling flustered, she feels your heart beat angrily.
Still, she teases eagerly.
"Aww, did my draga mea miss me so much?”, she coos.
You seem to ignore her words, but certainly not her.
Pride blooms in her chest as you walk up to the table and grip her sickle.
The maid you’re carrying is dropped, crying and begging as she attempts to get away from you and the two murderous sisters.
Daniela rolls her eyes when she hears Cassandra’s heart rate pick up. She just wanted to gossip!
“Oh!”, Cassandra gasps when you grab the crying woman’s head by her hair, pull out her tongue and cut it off swiftly.
She crosses her legs and pushes her thighs together harshly at the ache and sting of her clit.
Never has she seen something this arousing before. Her face is flushed bright pink and she’s panting from only watching you.
"AHH-UGH!”, the pathethic woman cries. Cassandra watches with a dark, sadistic glint in her eyes as you merely grab her again and bash her head against the floor.
Neither her, nor you mind Daniela’s groans about the beautiful floor of her beloved library.
One, two, three, four, five bashes. She is out, and Cassandra feels as though she is drooling and her lips are dry at the same time.
You drop the woman her and walked to the sadist, and she gasps again when you throw the sickle on the table.
All words are taken from her. She can only look at you, her cheeks bright red and pink, her eyes wide and sparkling with love, admiration and arousal.
“Mgmph!”, she moans as her grin is grabbed and you kiss her deeply until she is panting. She feels the blush on her face just grow bigger and warmer at your actions and whimpers at the embarrassing purrs that come from her chest.
Cassandra bites her bruised lip as her gloved hand is grabbed by you, and smiles almost shyly when the tongue of the maimed woman is dropped in her hand.
She’s crying on the floor, bloodied and unable to move. She knows, if she did, Cassandra would be on her within seconds.
"Here my love, a snack", you speak softly. Cassandra blushes even more. She’s thankful Daniela seems to have taken her leave.
She moans when you kiss her again, your warm tongue inside her mouth and dominating hers easily.
She whimpers, almost, when you let go of her and only cup her bright pink, warm cheek.
You brush her hair behind her ear, and Cassandra feels too flustered to meet your eyes for a moment.
"I still have duties to attend, I’ll see you later, draga”, you coo, and she nearly whines again. The pressure between her legs is becoming nearly unbearable. How can you make such a display and then attempt to leave her to her own devices?!
She knows, she must look like a lovesick puppy. No better than Daniela. Oh, but she can’t help it at all!
She grabs your wrist quickly when you turn around, and blushes harder under your gaze. You’re smirking at her when you turn back to her.
“Don’t go…”, she breathes out, her thighs spreading a little. Her head spins when you inhale and kneel before her, your hand boldly squeezing her thigh through the fabric of her dress.
It seems, your duties can wait. They must!
“I-I’m your superior”, she breathes out. “You have different duties to attend to, now”, she adds.
You smirk at the panting woman, and Cassandra bites her lip at your hum.
“If my Lady wishes so…”, you whisper back, a sly smirk on your beautiful lips.
Suddenly, Cassandra feels herself be yanked off the cushioned sofa and onto the floor. She jumps when you lean close, your hand grabbing the crying woman’s bloodied chin.
“You best watch now, bitch. This is the closest you’re getting to your goal, you filth!”
She whimpers at the arousing scene, though feels puzzled. What? She doesn’t quite understand.
“What do you- YA!”, she shrieks when her hair is grabbed by you and you spread your legs.
Pulling down your underwear and tugging up your skirt, you push Cassandra’s head between your thighs.
She moans, your scent is making her feel lightheaded.
“Start, Cass. We don’t have all day”
She presses her thighs together harshly. She’s so wet, she feels it even through her entirely soaked, black panties.
Cassandra jumps when she notices you step on the squirming woman’s lower back, trapping her in place as you grant her a view of Cassandra’s tongue lapping at your folds.
She blushes at this, but knows: the woman won’t last. She will serve her as a snack after the meal she is having just now.
“Mghmm”, she moans, her eyes closing and her hands resting on your thighs.
Cassandra can’t help but thrust her hips forwards as she drags her tongue through your wet folds. She wants- needs- you so bad. And you seem to be in a similar state.
You’re utterly soaked for her, your pussy drooling your arousal and love for her. She’s panting as she licks you over and over again, before she at last wraps her lips around your clit.
Sharp moans and your nails digging into her head are her reward. She moans loudly, the vibrations of her against your clit only adding to the pleasure she grants you.
“Go-ood, keep going”, she hears you groan. You tug her hair sometimes, and she moans at each move.
Cassandra squirms and gasps, sucking and licking your lips all too eagerly.
“Mhmmmn, mhhnnnm”, she moans.
She feels you grind your core against her face, your hips shaking lightly.
The pathethic cries of the woman only fuel her further and add to the dripping wet arousal between her own thighs.
“Mhnnngn, she’s wonderful at this..!”, you groan, and she blushes and squirms again.
She hasn’t got a clue what the maid has done to deserve your wrath, but doesn’t care either. All she can focus on, is your quivering thighs.
With another broad lick across your southern lips, she collects more of your wetness.
“G-Good, so clo-ose”, you moan, and it’s music to her ears. She feels even more shameful and aroused when she pushes her clothed core against your leg, her soaked, panty covered clit rubbing against your ankle as she ruts against you.
She hears you chuckle breathlessly at this. She’s so needy, so pent up…
As her gloved fingertips dig into you slightly and she sucks your clit a little harder, she feels you orgasm against her lips.
Cassandra moans with you, her back arched and her tongue eagerly lapping her remaining meal.
“C’mere…”, you moan, and she obeys eagerly.
With a single pull and push, it’s now her who is smushed against the cushions. Yet, her cheeks burn hotly. Unlike you, she isn’t sitting.
She’s bent over, her chest and face against the cushions, her behind sticking out for you.
She digs her fingertips into the soft material of the sofa when you lift her dress and tear her black, partly transparent tights easily.
“Y-Yes…!”, she groans, eyes rolling to the back of her head at your rough actions. She knows, she’s right on the edge and utterly drenched for you.
“Good girl”, you praise as you tug her black panties off. She feels the air of the room hit her cunt for a mere moment and whimpers in embarrassment when you place your index and middle finger on one southern lip each, then pull them apart to reveal her completely.
Her face burns and her pussy drools.
“See that?”, you pant. She assumes you aren’t talking to her and it’s making her feel even hotter.
“That’s all mine, you fucking bitch. Don’t you forget that ever again!”, you curse. She squirms, and moans hotly when she feels your tongue drag through her soft folds.
Her back is arched and her thick thighs quiver, her fat ass shaking when you slap it playfully.
Cassandra feels so good, right there from all your beautiful teasing and demonstrations.
She moans hotly when a finger is pushed inside of her, then a second follows.
Her pussy grips you tightly, and a wet, squelching sound is heard with each thrust inside.
“A-Ah! Ye-es!! Don’t stop!”, she moans, her voice high pitched and loud. She groans and moans when she feels your lips wrap around her clit and suck it harshly into your mouth.
“Mhnnnm! F-Fuck! Yes yes! YES!”, she screams.
Your fingers thrust in and out of her fast, rubbing her warm insides and curling at her G-Spot as they thrust.
Cassandra sees stars when your teeth graze past her clit.
Soon, by far too fast for her to feel as though she has any of her dignity left, she cums on your fingers and feels a soft pair of kisses pressed against her thighs.
“That’s it, my Cassandra”
Her head spins at the possessiveness in your voice.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 months
Steven Grant NSFW Alphabet
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A = After (what they’re like after sex)
He needs aftercare. Please caress him, cradlde him. He might even need some clean up. Tell him how good he did for you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He really likes his own curls and eyes.
On you, your tits ... and the little details on your body, like freckles, scars and moles.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He is a gusher and he actually cums a bit more than average.
He loves to watch his own cream pie dribble back out.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He edges himself for DAYS on end thinking of you. He never lets himself cum, though. That is reserved for when he is intimate with you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very much, considering it used to be Marc who got all the action. But Steven is just starting out.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
You on top of him, riding him as rough as you can manage.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He is adorable, quite silly at times. He will flirt cutely with you while balls deep inside you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Black curls like on his scalp, though he does his best to keep trimmed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It is so very important to Steven to not just have sex, but to also be affectionate. He yearns for affection, for romance, for your love. Please love on him!!!
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Oh honey, when you are not available, his hand/fleshlight will serve him perfectly well.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Femdom, edging, overstim, voyeurism and light bondage.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bed! Bed! Bed! And the shower.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Almost every little thing about you. Hell, you could breathe in his general direction and he'd go gaga.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
DDLG, CNC, bodily waste, hard BDSM and Fisting
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He gets so weak when you suck his cock, like he will cum in a minute tops. But he can lavish for hours between your thighs. He loves eating you out.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He prefers slow and sensual, but when you are rough and fast on him, he will be driven crazy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Steven will absolutely use every excuse to quickly have you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is actually quite open to experiment, but always has to risk-minimalise before doing something new.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He is a bit of a quick shoot, but has barely a refractory period and he can go for five rounds at a time.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns a fleshlight, which gets frequent use when you are not with him. He has no qualms using your toys on you if you fancy it, either.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh no, he would not dare. Though he does like when you tease him. Build up that tension.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Unexpectedly loud. He mostly whimpers and whines at a 'please don't disturb the neighbours' volume.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Nothing gets him desperate quicker than some dry humping. Grind together and see him unravvel at top speed.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Steven is actually quite hung. He is cut, but it does not look like someone mutulated his cock, luckily. He's got some nice thick veins and a well filled sack.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He is actually really really horny a lot of the time. He just does a superb job of not showing it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
AHAHAHA, NOPE. He has about a million and one rituals he needs to execute before he can sleep and he might not feel comfortable letting you in on them. He will literally only sleep if exhaustion makes his brain zonk off.
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eph3merall · 2 months
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18+ content, smut, stalker!matt / don't proceed to read if stalking is a triggering concept to you.
☆ . . . matt knew it was wrong. gaining your trust was just so easy, though, he couldn't help himself. really. you were sweet and naïve, and how could he not take advantage of that when you were just the prettiest thing ever as well?
it's why he finds his tongue prodding his cheek as a big ringed hand slides one of your drawers open to reveal the pretty laid out panties. cute pastels, neutrals, some flashy, lace reds as well. he's biting down on his tongue to stop the groan suddenly clawing up his throat.
matt wasn't in a rush, no. he'd driven you to a party earlier with your girlfriends, albeit a little reluctant since there would be guys there. worse comes to worse, he can track your phone anyways.
sliding the black backpack off his shoulders and letting it drop to your carpeted floor, he unzips a smaller pocket to fumble for the pairs of panties he bought a few days back. two pink and white pairs in the exact brand and style, because he couldn't have you finding out what he was doing, right? that'd be such a shame.
sure, it's freaky and creepy and some people would call him psychotic.
swapping out the neatly lines up pairs in your drawer with the ones he bought just a few days ago, he stashes them in the pocket of his backpack—not before bringing a pair up to his face to sniff them though.
his teeth dig into his bottom lip to stifle the groan building up, even though he's alone in your room. taking a few steps towards your bed, matt sits himself onto the edge of it.
soon enough though, his cock is straining hard against his boxers and sweatpants just from the smell of your sheets and pillows. once his junk is free, a tortured groan leaves his lips once he's starting to pump at it—pre cum already leaking from his slit.
he can't help his free hand reaching for a pair of your panties, pressing them up to his face to sniff at them. his hand works in fruition for the release he's suddenly craving so badly.
god, he's crazy.
yeah, it's wrong and all but fuck matt feels so good. without a second thought in his head he's bringing your panties down to shoot his load into the crotch area of the fabric. chest heaving and tongue swiping over now dry lips, he's sighing heavily.
blue eyes come into focus some more, and he's quick to clean his hand up. washing them and making sure he didn't get any of his cum on your carpeted floors or his own clothes—then stuffing the messy scrap of fabric back into a pocket of his backpack.
slinging both straps over his shoulders, his hood finds placement back on the mess of brunette curls on his head. he's leaning over your bed to fix it—replicating the wrinkles and messy corners. fluffing up your pillows and making sure everything is in place and all perfect.
even if you wouldn't notice, he shouldn't risk it. after how far matt's come? yeah, no. blue eyes take a sweep over your room to make sure nothing is in the wrong place or order, nodding to himself and running a hand through his hair as he slips out of your room.
walking to his car he parked in your driveway, he slides his phone from his pocket once he's in the drivers seat of his car. he just couldn't help but scroll through the album of photos he had saved of you, a slow smile spreading on his face with each scroll. you were so pretty, it made him sick. and also a little hard again.
starting his car out of your driveway, matt pulls up your number.
"hey. y'ready for me to come pick you up yet or nah?"
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fun fact. this wasnt gonna be the og writing, draft ended up not saving the first time and i was SO mad. bc the first draft (in my own opinion bc no one else has read it) was so good and UGH am i horribly upset it didnt save. this vers is a lil shorter i remember but hopefully its enjoyable!! after that vers not saving i wanted to give up on writing this but.
stalker!matt prompt/idea (?) lowkey from @sturnioz (pretty girl please lmk if you dont want me tagging you <33)!!! sort of? maybe??? idk. its 3 am im really tired :/
do we fw stalker!matt bcs im thinking of writing him a fic lols.
not proofread as always... i wrote this while listening to faye webster, mac demarco, n the smiths n idk how to feel about that bc this was filthy
©eph3merall 2024
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avenging-fandoms · 1 year
Imagine you and Pedro are broken up/on the break and he gets invited to the met gala, he knows it’s your absolute dream (although you’re not famous) to attend and asks you to be his plus one?
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kinda cheesy but you'll beg for more
You and Pedro were together for 18 months before you split. Each day was agony for both of you, splitting up almost 5 months ago. It was a mutual decision as you two couldn't see each other as much as you wanted.
Pedro held the Met Gala invitation in between his thumb and index finger with his phone in the other. Your text from New Years were on his screen- he didn’t answer.
Pedro always remembered how much you adored the Met Gala. Looking at all of the outfits and watching videos of people talking about them. You loved his Met Gala outfit from 2019 and would always ask for him to wear it to dinner once and he would laugh.
You smiled behind your wine glass as you took a sip, setting your glass on the table and grabbing your clutch. “I’m going to run to the bathroom really quick.” your date nods at you and you stand up, feeling your phone vibrate in your pocket as you open the door.
“Hi honey. I uh… I got something in the mail today..”
“Pedro you haven’t spoken to me since-“
“I want you to come to the Met Gala with me.” he spoke loudly over you and your sentence stops, the letters poking the inside of your throat with your eyes trained to the wall.
“Wha..? What? What? What are you talking about?” you manage to sputter and try to keep your composure as an older woman washed her hands.
“I got an invitation to the Met Gala and was asked if I was going to bring a plus one, and I know you’ve dreamed of it for so long.”
You left the bathroom and headed outside, fumbling your keys as you slammed the door. “Pedro, you haven’t spoken to me in forever. You ignored me on New Year’s and that was it.”
“Okay, yeah, I ignored it. I didn’t want to talk to you because it hurt me. We had just split, I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you by taking you to the Met Gala.”
After weeks of designing, altering and fitting, you were ready for the fucking Met Gala.
Your dress was everything you dreamed of. The red complimented you so well and your jewelry was amazing.
You hadn’t seen Pedro at all this whole time. You were finally all finished and most of the team started to clean and scattered. You sat in your chair and scrolled on your phone, hearing a knock on the door.
You stood up immediately, fingers rubbing against your palms as the team cleared the room and the door closed. “Hi.”
“You look..” his mouth turned dry as his eyes moved all over you, the ghost of a smirk on his face. He was falling in love all over again. “Like the most beautiful rose in a field, honey.”
“Did you purposely make us match?”
“No, but I love it.”
“Your shorts..” you inhale and cross your arms, Pedro sticking his leg out to show off his shorts.
“What, do I look weird?” He asked in a panic and you bite your lip softly, shaking your head.
“Quite the opposite, Pedrito.”
No one knew who you were. You were someone who worked at a school, not on sets in front of cameras.
Your hand held Pedro’s bicep tightly as you two start walking the carpet, posing for the cameras. You had no idea how to pose, how to properly smile on the carpet, you were struggling.
Pedro’s puppy dog eyes never left your face as he watched the joy in your face. Your left arm wrapped around his back and your right hand on his chest just above his stomach. He looked at the cameras and put his hand on yours, fingers rubbing your hand.
You two drop your hand and Pedro held up your dress as you both walked. You looked at him with a shimmer in your eyes and he winked at you. You stopped and went to head off the carpet but he grabbed your hand, pulling you into him. "Where are you going? This is all you've been dreaming of for years."
"I thought you'd want pictures to yourself, since you're the actual star." You smile and he shakes his head, letting go of your hand and extending his fingers.
"Wearing that dress, I'm not the star here, honey. Why do you try some solo shots?" He gestured to an open spot and you widen your eyes.
"No one will want pictures of me, Pedro. They don't know my name." He backed you up into the spot and smirked.
"Oh, they will. Enjoy it, Yn. You deserve it" He nods and goes back to where he was, looking at you before taking pictures himself.
You took a deep breath and posed, cameras flashing in your eyes. You turn and faced your back to them, looking over your shoulder to them and feeling so confident. You look at Pedro who took a deep breath as he watched you, grateful you said yes.
You started to run out of poses and blew a kiss, Pedro gripping his heart as you meet up with him. "How was it? You looked wonderful!" He beamed and you giggle, holding his hands as you shake them.
"Pedro this is amazing, I can't believe this is actual real life, thank you!" You smile and hug him tightly, Pedro rubbing your back as you sway. "Okay, wardrobe change. I can't party in this big thing."
You found a room to change and Pedro waited outside. You peek out the door and he raised his eyebrows. "Can you help me unzip and unclip and stuff? I can't do it all by myself."
"Uh.. yeah. Yeah, of course." You opened the door and Pedro walked in and you closed the door. You stand in front of the mirror and move your hair, Pedro humming and talking to himself as he worked on it. "How come your team isn't here?"
"Probably dipped 'cause I'm not famous." You joke and he rolls his eyes. The dress became loose and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Oh my god, thank you, Pedrito." He backed up but you looked up at him. "Help me step out?"
"Yes." He smiles and you cover your chest, Pedro bringing the dress down and putting it on the hanger as you slid on the new dress and smoothed it over your body. "Oh.. that dress is perfect, honey."
"I feel like Jessica Rabbit." You fix your hair and grab his bicep. "Ready?" You look at Pedro, who's already looking at you. "What?"
"I'm really glad you came with me, Yn. I know I've been ignoring you I just.." You drop your hand as your eyes search for his next words. "I couldn't stop thinking about you so talking to you would've made getting over you harder."
"And how is inviting me to the Met Gala helping you get over me?"
"I never can."
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ithebookhoarder · 11 months
A Whole Latte Love to Give 🍁 (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Description: You hate running late to work as it means you don't have time to stop for coffee - and what's worse, it's your favourite coffee season too.
A/N: It's Autumn and I'm a coffee addict so this felt right 😅 In fact, if anyone brings me coffee in the morning they are automatically my favourite for life 💕
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Warnings: Swearing, references to smut, I think that's it.
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You hated running late. 
It was frustrating and meant you had to sprint to make sure you made it to the subway on time to get across town to your office. You’d also then end up arriving with your hair all over the place, out of breath, and normally dripping with an uncomfortable amount of sweat. 
That alone would have been bad but when your boyfriend/boss had the super nose of a blood hound, it actually made you want to curl up into a ball and melt into the carpet. 
Needless to say, you were having one of those days today. The alarm hadn’t gone off and you had barely had enough time to put a comb through your hair, let alone grab some form of breakfast, or more importantly, coffee. 
You were embarrassed to admit how heavily you’d come to rely on the caffeinated beverage but honestly? It was all that kept you running most days. Besides, this was New York. People here were used to drinking it like it was water - which is to say you were struggling by the time you made it up the stairs to Nelson & Murdock. Worse still was the fact that you’d passed your favourite coffee shop on the corner as you’d sprinted to make it to your first meeting of the day. 
The bright fall leaves glued in the window were mocking you as they declared the arrival of the season and with it, their drinks menu - including your favourite drink of all time: a pumpkin spice latte.
Yeah, that particularly stung as you had to physically drag yourself away, knowing you didn’t have the time. Damn it. 
You’d have to wait til lunch to treat yourself and mark a start to your favourite season - a thought that had you grumbling to yourself as you finally made it up the stairs and to your office. 
Thankfully, it was quiet when you pushed the door open and managed to drop your bag at your desk. No clients were sat waiting for you, ready to berate you for clocking in a whole five minutes late, which was a huge relief. 
In fact, the only other person who appeared to be in the office at all was Matt - and even he seemed to have only just arrived, given the fact he hadn’t even taken off his coat yet. How strange. Normally he’d have been here a good twenty minutes or so already, having barely stopped long enough at his apartment for a quick power nap. 
Maybe he was also running late this morning?
“Morning, Matt,” you sighed, by way of greeting. “Sorry, my stupid phone didn’t charge last night so I missed my alarm. I only woke up because the asshole builders outside my place decided to start construction a whole hour earlier than normal, which is a pain but kinda saved my ass in the end. I mean, thanks to them I at least had time to brush my teeth but that was it if I was going to make the subway- Oh!“ 
You stopped. 
You stared down at your desk, surprised to see the steaming plastic cup sitting waiting for you. You were even more surprised to see your name scribbled on top, as well as your order printed on the side: a large Pumpkin Spice Latte. 
“Is this for me?” you blinked, turning your gaze across the room. “You got me coffee?” 
“I figured you wouldn’t have time,” Matt shrugged, in true Matt fashion. He always underplayed it whenever he did something for you. He never saw it as a big deal, whether it was taking a bullet for you or just grabbing your dry-cleaning. “You’re always in before I am unless you’re alarm fails to go off so… I grabbed you a coffee when I grabbed myself one. Don’t worry about it.” 
“But … you got my favourite? You remembered?” 
Matt laughed, holding his hand over his chest as he gasped in mock hurt. “Your surprise wounds me, sweetheart.” 
“Oh, hush. It takes more than that to hurt the big bad Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, Matty.”
“Well, I don’t know about that. You’re kind of my weak spot.” 
His admission tugged at your heart and it was hard to hide the resulting grin, especially when he followed the words by stealing a kiss and pulling you into his arms. 
This was always the best part of your morning routine, stealing a moment together before Foggy and Karen arrived. Just a perfect moment of peace, where nothing else existed other than the two of you. It was as if the world had stopped, just for a second, and there was no crazy crime bosses trying to kill you both, bills to pay, or clients in need of your help. 
You were simply two people in love, starting another day at work with a cup of coffee. 
“Have I told you today that you’re the best?” you hummed.
“Not today, I don’t think.” 
“Well then, I’m telling you now. You’re my hero - my coffee grabbing hero.” 
“At your service,” Matt chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “But, you do know there’s an easier solution to this, right? One that would cut your commute in half and allow you ample time to get coffee in the morning?”
“Oh, what’s that? Super speed? Or are you going to show me how to parkour my way across rooftops?” 
“Actually… I was thinking you could move in with me?”
You stopped. 
Your head lifted so you could look him right in the eye. For a second you couldn’t tell if you’d misheard him or even just imagined it. “Are - are you serious?”
“As a heart attack,” he teased, his nerves showing as he waited for your answer. “Which is incidentally what you’ll have if you keep on drinking nothing but coffee all the time.” 
“You are such a hypocrite, Murdock-”
“So what? That a deal breaker?” 
“No,” you gasped, meaning every word. It was true. There was no force on earth that could drive you away from the man you were blessed to call your own. “I think, that actually sounds like a pretty good idea to me.”
“Wait, is that a yes?”
“Yes, Matt. It’s a yes.”  
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It was about a week later that you finally made the move a reality. 
You spent the Saturday, assisted by a giddy Foggy and Karen, moving your boxes up the flights of stairs to Matt's apartment. They were only too eager to facilitate the pair of you finally moving in together (a fact proven by the fact you caught Foggy handing Karen a $50 bill. She had apparently bet you'd move in together before the end of the year).
"I had you down for six months ago," Foggy had grumbled, rolling his eyes at Karen's triumphant cheers. "Not my fault you two move at the pace of a glacier."
Still, you knew he was only joking. He was second only to Matt in his enthusiasm, helping move your worldly belongings about the apartment that was now also your home.
"I'm just going to run down and grab the last box from the van," you called, stepping out into the hallway and leaving the three of them to it.
However, you'd only made it a step when you heard someone calling your name.
"Y/N? Is that you?"
You turned and smiled at the kindly elderly woman who you knew to be Matt's closest neighbour. "Hi there, Mrs Manning."
You'd run into her a few times since you and Matt had started dating. She was a kind old soul who had been widowed sometime last year. Now, it was just her and her cat Tigger who resided in their apartment - and she had a real soft spot for your boyfriend.
"You doing ok?"
"Fine, thank you, dear," she smiled, gesturing to the few cardboard boxes still sat by the front door. "Those yours?"
"Uh, yes," you nodded awkwardly, sliding your hands into your pockets, “I’m actually moving in.”
"Well, finally. It was about time," she teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Now I can have you both over for dinner. It'll be nice for me and for that darling boy in there to have some company. He always spends too much time alone. I swear, he is wasting away - never any meat on those bones of his."
"We'd love to come to dinner," Matt answered smoothly, opening the door and popping his head out with a stealth you still couldn't get used to. He must have heard you talking from the other side of the door. "And don't worry, Mrs Manning, we'll both take good care of each other."
"Good good - and don't worry, I'll have my music playing nice and loud for most of the night so make all the noise you need," she teased, winking cheekily at the pair of you before turning back towards her apartment.
You and Matt were left standing there, speechless.
"I'll see you lovebirds later."
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togetherhearted · 1 year
Commission for @ahhlito [at this point I feel like it is you? After all so many kind gestures towards me 😭]
Topic-Headcanon or drabble about Reader taking care of Pino.
Fun fact,The LoP oc I made is unironically a maid that likes to take care of him like a big sister. I tried my best to not indulge myself too much. I hope you'll like it!
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Pino had left many hours ago. It was supposed to be a quick trip outside;or so Geppetto said. Your eyes often glanced outside in hope to see the familiar puffy brown hair coming close to the hotel. Still nothing, so you went back to your chores, not noticing him passing the gates. The puppet dragged his feet inside the hotel's hall. His head was high like always. He shook his metal arm;dripping of oil. Droplets hit the carpet and floor and Polendina thanked the heavens Antonia was not here to see him making a mess 5 seconds in. Pino was positively drenched from head to toe of whatever substance puppets and those new weird zombies released while dying. Sophia went to greet him but stopped mid-walk -Oh- Was everything she could muster. Pino was looking really messy this time. She made him stay put, near the stargazer and went to call you in a hurry. Her light blue shoes ticking on the marbled floor. Polendina instead grabbed a mop and cleaned the floor around a confused Pino who tilted his head and looked at him through all the chore. You walked downstairs, ready to greet the puppet when you stopped mid-stairway. -Oh- You had the same reaction as Sophia. -I told you this was...umh- The other woman tried to find the right words. You huffed and puffed your chest proudly. -Leave it to me. I can handle this- You walked towards Pino. You extended your hand towards him but when he seemed to extend his greasy one you took your hand back. -Ok, never mind Pino. Follow me. We have lots to do- The puppet gave a firm nod and followed you upstairs. Pino followed you in the bathroom where he was undressed and immerged in the warm bubbly bath you promptly prepared. This was the first time he had a bath;he must have been in a bad shape;luckily he seemed waterproof;except for the metal arm that you removed. As the puppet played a bit with a rubber duck you passed him your hands found their way to his hair. Pino tilted his head up and blinked at the foreign sensation. -Sorry,didn't mean to startle you- Pino shook his head and put your hand back in his hair. You figured he liked to have his hair washed. Since he had no problem with being immerged for a long period of time, you moved your attention to his legion arm; scrubbing away all the oil and dirt stuck in the cranes. -They did a number on you, mh?- Pino nodded as his eyes watched you turning his arm like new. It was sparkly even. After his legion arm it was turn of the clothes. You threw everything in a wooden basin and cleaned them. Pino watched you intently;his cogs made ticking noises;he almost seemed happy someone was taking care of him and his belongings. Once done with those as well,you wrapped the puppet in a warm cloth to dry his body and hair. Pino was calmly sitting at the edge of the tub; enjoying your proximity. He wondered if he could the same to you;take care of you like you just did to him. Then an idea came to his...mind. He was going to wash you to repay your kindness, so he pushed you in the tub;drenching you from head to toe. -Pino!W-why?! Why you did t- Pino put his cold finger on your lips before grabbing a sponge. You did the math and burst out laughing. -Oh, you're so silly...-
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If you'd like to commission or leave a symbolic support you can do it here
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scriveyner · 7 months
breathe it in
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“Is something burning? It smells like something is burning.” Akutagawa squinted at his phone, the only source of light in their room for the moment since Atsushi had hissed and gestured at him to not turn on the lamp on the bedside table.
“Nothing’s burning.” Atsushi crouched by the bedroom door. He’d cracked it open when they woke from the cacophony of pots and pans falling out of the cupboard downstairs. “It’s fine.” Akutagawa huffed indignantly behind him but didn’t move from the bed. “They’re doing something nice for you.”
Continue on AO3 or after the jump
When he glanced back over his shoulder, it was to see that Akutagawa had hung his head slightly, hair masking his expression from Atsushi. Atsushi smiled fondly and glanced back through the crack in the door. It didn’t matter how often it happened now, but Akutagawa was nearly always overwhelmed by gestures like this. It was a little adorable.
Shadows moved in the hallway. “Oh shit,” Atsushi huffed as quietly as he could, pulling the door as close to closed as he could manage without latching it. “Here they come, put your phone away!”
There was a quick shuffle of covers when Akutagawa slid his phone under the pillow while Atsushi bounded over him. The mattress bounced with his landing and settled, and Atsushi barely had time to burrow beneath the covers before the door creaked slowly open.
There was a long pause. Atsushi wondered for a moment if they’d been found out, but then there was the burst of small feet thumping on carpet and suddenly the entire bed bounced.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Acchan and Ryuu-chan went immediately to full volume. Atsushi was once again thankful for a detached house.
Akutagawa whuffed loudly and painfully, Rashomon exploded harmlessly in all directions. Atsushi rolled onto his back and pushed himself up on his elbows—Acchan had not spared his father his wrath, landing directly on his solar plexus. Ryuu-chan was at least more forgiving; standing on the mattress itself and not Akutagawa.
“Maybe don’t kill your dad,” Atsushi said, picking Acchan up and moving him off Akutagawa by the back of his shirt. “I would very much like for him to reach his next birthday.”
Akutagawa sat up slowly with a grimace, which relaxed once his lungs were able to circulate oxygen again. “We made breakfast,” Acchan said, now safely standing in the covers between Akutagawa and Atsushi.
“I made breakfast,” Ryuu-chan corrected, his own green-tinted Rashomon lifting the tray off the floor.
“I helped!”
“Acchan helped,” he conceded.
“Thank you,” Akutagawa said as he carefully took the tray from Ryuu-chan’s Rashomon. He balanced it on his lap, studying the spread. “Are these pancakes? I didn’t know you knew how to make pancakes.”
Ryuu-chan beamed. “Gin-neesan taught me! The last time we stayed overnight with them she taught me how to make a lot of things!”
“They’re very good,” Acchan added. “I helped taste test them.”
Atsushi snorted. “I bet you did.” He leaned over and tousled the top of Ryuu-chan’s head, leaving his short dark hair spiked in all directions. “They look fantastic. And hey, it’s you’re birthday too. Happy birthday!”
Ryuu-chan grinned from ear to ear.
“Why don’t Acchan and I go clean up while you birthday boys enjoy laying around in bed while you can.” Acchan flattened himself on the bed, but Atsushi scooped him up under one arm anyway, leaving Acchan to hang limp, defeated.
“But we already cleaned up,” he protested, limbs and head dangling. “Ryuu-chan made me dry the dishes. I didn’t even break anything this time!”
“Excellent. Let’s double-check your work.”
Ryuu-chan climbed over to Atsushi’s now empty side of the bed, and Akutagawa lifted his arm, allowing Ryuu-chan to snuggle up against him. “Thank you very much,” he said. “These pancakes are quite delicious. You must have gotten up very early to prepare them.”
As if on cue, Ryuu-chan yawned hugely into Akutagawa’s side. “I’m not tired,” he protested quickly, which led immediately into another yawn. Akutagawa let out a soft huff of amusement and kissed the top of Ryuu-chan’s head.
“Happy birthday, Ryuu-chan.”
“Happy birthday, dad!”
Ryuu-chan waved at Atsushi with his Rashomon as Kunikida-san carried him past, tucked securely under one arm. He had both his arms wrapped around the enormous long-neck dinosaur plushie that Kyouka gave him, and he clearly wasn’t interested in letting it go anytime soon. “Everyone is spoiling him rotten today,” Atsushi said, sincerely amused. There had been a minor attempt to get at least some work done today, but the moment Kunikida stopped caring literally everything productive halted immediately.
“It’s his birthday,” Akutagawa said. He leaned against Atsushi’s desk; arms folded as he supervised. Acchan trailed Kunikida and Ryuu-chan, his party hat slid mostly off his head and covered nearly head to toe with frosting.
“Well, it’s your birthday too,” Atsushi reminded him, chin in his hand as he watched the chaos. Akutagawa gave him a sour look and Atsushi stuck his tongue out, which made Akutagawa roll his eyes before huffing in amusement.
“And no one will let me forget it,” he said.
Tanizaki had bounded up to them when they first walked through the door earlier, holding party hats in both hands. Akutagawa had set his icy glare upon him, and he immediately turned tail. There were limits to what Akutagawa would put up with. Although, Atsushi suspected, that if Ryuu-chan asked him he would begrudgingly participate.
Fortunately, Ryuu-chan was quite distracted by so many presents. Kunikida-san set him down at Ranpo’s desk, where the easel he had received earlier was set up with paper and paints.
“Paint me,” Ranpo demanded, feet up on his desk. Ryuu-chan climbed up on the desk and began to arrange him, before situating his newest stuffed dinosaur in Ranpo’s lamp.
Yosano exited the conference room, now carrying Acchan by his scruff. “I’m going to go hose off your son,” she called, as Acchan was leaving bits of frosting in his wake. “He got into the distraction cake again.”
Atsushi hung his head and sighed, before standing. “I’ll help.”
“You’ll do no such thing; I am perfectly capable of hosing down a child.” Yosano waved him off. “Besides, is Dazai ever going to show up? I don’t want to miss that.”
“He’s taking us to dinner tonight, I believe,” Akutagawa said without bothering to pull out his phone.
“Which means that it’s actually Chuuya-san taking us to dinner tonight, and Dazai-san turning into a living mooch as usual.” Yosano rolled her eyes in amusement at that pronouncement but then disappeared through the door into the lavatory, Acchan suspiciously docile in her grip.
Atsushi slid his arm over Akutagawa’s waist, and Akutagawa leaned into Atsushi’s chest. Ranpo put his glasses on the dinosaur to Ryuu-chan’s eternal amusement, paint already smudged up on his nose. The office all around them was full of lively chatter.
Atsushi sighed, content. “Happy birthday, Ryuunosuke,” he murmured into Akutagawa’s ear, and Akutagawa tilted his head and smiled against the kiss.
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oddlittlemiss · 2 years
✨House Cleansing✨
If you recently moved into a new space, you might want to consider cleansing your home of any negative energies that might still be there from the previous owners. Clearing your home from bad energy is also a good idea if you gone through a breakup, had a big life transition, or if you’re just feeling off.
A home should be a place where you feel relaxed and at peace. But when bad energy is lingering around, your home can become a place of hostility and negativity. This negative energy in your home can affect every other aspect of your life. Which is why house cleansing is an important practice to do regularly for your personal well-being.
There are many different ways to cleanse a home or even a single room in the house, and here’s how I cleanse my home/room.
1. First Thing’s First: Clean And Declutter Your House
Get rid of all the clutter by either putting things away or disposing them. Make sure to clean every corner! As you clean your home/room, know that keeping broken items (a statue with a broken arm put back with glue is fine but specifically ones that are irreparably broken) can bring down good energy. As well as items that doesn’t make you happy when you look or hold them. Use this time to get rid of it or donate if they are still in good condition and move on.
Then spend some time to dust, vacuum, and check for cobwebs. You don’t want the negative energy to have any reason to stick around.
Make sure to open all blinds, windows and if possible the doors. Let in as much light and fresh air as you can while you clean.
2. Remove Negative Energies From Your Home
When you cleared away the clutter, it is now time to start removing negative energies. A simple and fast way to clear out bad spirits and negative energy is smoke cleansing. You will need;
~ A fireproof dish for catching embers and ash
~ Any cleansing herb (frankincense, rosemary, cedar, etc.)
~ A small fan or your hand
Begin by standing in the center of your home or at the front door of the room you want cleanse. Then light your herb bundle or incense and let the flame die out which is fairly quick. Let the smoke carefully waft around you first, beginning at your head and working down toward your feet. Walk clockwise going from room to room if it’s a home or just walk clockwise in a single room. Fan the smoke paying special attention to the walls, corners, floors, and even the ceiling. Envision the smoke absorbing bad energy and carrying it away through the open windows and doors.
Some people like to recite incantations or make positive affirmations as they are smoke cleansing. If you want, saying a prayer or appealing to a higher power for extra help with the house cleansing is perfectly fine.
If smoke cleansing isn’t possible, there are sprays you can use instead. Just mist carefully around you first and then spray around the home.
3. Further Protect Your Home
After smoke cleansing, I like to cleanse my home with salt. Pour salt (as much as you feel guided too) into each corner of your home/room. Ring a bell 3 times in each corner to break up any stagnant energy which the salt will absorb afterwards. After 2 days, vacuum or broom/dustpan the salt and throw it away. If your place has carpet or you want to clean up the salt easier you can pour the salt into a bowl and place them in the corners. If you don’t have a bell clapping with your hands works too.
Doors and windows are where outside energy can enter your home. Keep these spaces purified with a house cleansing solution. Mix a bucket of water with;
~juice from 5 Lemons
~1/4 cup ammonia or white vinegar
~1 cup of Sea Salt
Using a cloth, clean the doorknobs, doors, frames, and windows in your home with the solution and let it air dry. If you are cleansing a single room use 1 cup of water, 1/2 lemon, 2 teaspoons of ammonia or white vinegar, and 1/4 cup of sea salt.
4. After Cleansing Tips
Now that you’ve cleared the bad energy from your home, you can focus on attracting positive energy and protecting your cleansed space. Here are some things you can do:
You can keep cleansing and protecting your space with crystals. Place your chosen crystals in areas where bad energy seems to collect. Here are some crystals you might want to consider;
~Selenite can cleanse energy and raise the vibration in your home.
~Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal that absorbs negative energy.
Many people like to keep salt lamps in varies rooms around their place to continue clearing bad energy.
Witches broom also known as besoms, can help sweep away bad energy and protect against evil. Place a besom just inside your front door or room, hanging with bristles up, to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. A small besom can also be hung over the door with the bristles down to help catch negative energy before it enters the home.
Rearrange the furniture and objects in your home in a way that makes you happy. You can also buy new things to make your home feel better.
Planting rosemary near the front and back door of your home is said to keep negative spirits away.
Consecrate a candle or buy a candle created to bring good things, protection, etc. and light it to invite good energy into your home.
It is important to be aware of the energy in your home - good or bad. If you notice a shift in energy as time goes by, consider cleansing your home/room again. After all, your home should make you feel safe and be a place you can restore your energy.
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BakuDeku | A Rainy Day Together ☔️💚💥
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I wrote one of these for DabiHawks last night, and felt inspired to give BakuDeku a little rainy day love as well :) Enjoy! - RRUH
Katsuki groans when he sees the weather report for the day: cloudy and overcast, with an 80% chance of rain. He had been looking forward to a day at the park with friends - plans for a game of basketball and a shared bento box on the dewy grass had been swirling around his mind all week. All those plans were quickly going up in smoke as the first thick rain drops pelted down on his kitchen window.
"Shiiiiiit." He sighs, texting his group chat to postpone their plans for a sunnier day. The rain is picking up - battering the tiny apartment and sinking Katsuki into one of his gloomier moods. He slumps over to his couch and buries himself in his favorite weighted blanked. His boyfriend Izuku had gifted it to him earlier in the month - a housewarming gift when he had signed the lease to his very first apartment. He wraps himself up and lets weight of the material sink onto his chest. He's longing for the sun, willing the clouds to part and -
There's a knock on the door. Katsuki looks up in surprise - the rain is pelting the door with a steady rhythm. Whoever is knocking on his door must be absolutely soaked. With an effort, he wrangles the heavy blanket off of him and trips his way to the door. He throws open the bright white storm door to see his favorite person in the world - Izuku. His freckled boyfriend is beaming up at him from the stoop, soaked to the skin and trying his best to shield bags of groceries from the torrential downpour.
"Kacchan!" Izuku glows like the sun, letting Katsuki pull him into the threshold. He drops the grocery bags to the ground with a splash.
"It took you so long to answer - I thought maybe you had forgotten to put on your hearing aids again." Izuku reaches into Katsuki's fluffy hair and runs a finger along his right ear, checking that the hearing device is in its rightful place.
"Nah - I was just zoning out. Really bummed it's raining. I was looking forward to catching up with the guys from 1A over a game of basketball. It's all gone to shit now." He gestures out at the downpour, locking the door behind Izuku.
Izuku looks at him knowingly. "I figured you might be - that's why I brought snacks! Why not invite the gang over for a movie marathon?"
Katsuki laughs, digging into the grocery bag nearest him. "Oh my God - all you bought is junk! Cookies, potato chips, mint chip ice cream...Deku, we're heroes - we can't be eating this shit!"
"It's a Saturday! It's fineeee." Izuku practically sings, moving to unload all the groceries on the kitchen island.
"You're dripping puddles all over the carpet!" Katsuki grumbles, pointing at the pools of water Izuku is splattering across the clean kitchen tiles. Izuku laughs and continues to dance out of his reach. Katsuki gives up trying to chase him and instead fires off a quick text to their friends: "Movie marathon in an hour. My new place." He's immediately met with a thousand thumbs up and smiley emojis from Mina and Kirishima. They've all been begging to see his place for weeks.
"Oh - I'm gonna invite Todoroki, Shinsou and Ururaka too if that's alright!" Izuku calls over his shoulder as he forces two pints of ice cream into the already full freezer. "Oh - and Ida is back in town after that hero conference! I'll text him, too."
"Whatever, nerd." Katsuki rolls his eyes and busies himself with drying off the floor by the door. He's grown fond of all of their classmates and secretly revels in spending time with the group, despite his grumbling.
Once he's satisfactorily dried the kitchen floor, he grabs Izuku from behind and puts him in a friendly headlock. The green haired hero yelps in surprise, then relaxes when he feels Katsuki plant a kiss at the base of his neck.
"Listen, Deku. If we're going to host a party today you need to make yourself look presentable. You're soaked." He releases his boyfriend and helps him to strip off his wet hoodie and t-shirt. Katsuki pauses for a moment to admire the glistening, hard earned muscles that make up Izuku's chest and stomach. "Go hit the showers, babe."
Izuku laughs and doesn't need telling twice. He dashes to Katsuki's immaculately clean bathroom and chooses the fluffiest towel before hopping into the luxurious shower. Izuku loves that Katsuki stocks all the best soaps and shampoos and bubble baths in his bathroom. The explosion hero is an absolute slut for self-care.
Izuku takes his time, letting the hot water run across his stiff muscles as it banishes the chill from his bones. He grabs a sweet smelling shampoo and lathers it into his curly green hair, enjoying the way the liquid bubbles up in his hands. He can hear Katsuki working his magic in the kitchen - shifting through cupboards to find the fancy popcorn. After ten minutes of enjoying the steam, Izuku turns off the faucet and grabs the oversized bath sheet Katsuki keeps folded just for him.
"Hey, Kacchan - do you have an extra change of clothes I can borrow?" But Katsuki's already thought of that - and Izuku shouts out a quick "never mind!" when he notices the clean pile of folded clothes on the bathroom countertop. After a few minutes fighting with Katsuki's hair dryer, Izuku emerges back into the kitchen - fluffy and clean. A pair of Katsuki's grey joggers are slung low over his hips, and he's sporting a black tshirt with the word "Dynamite!" scrawled across it in a graffiti-style font.
"You look good." Katsuki says appreciatively, holding up two large bowls of freshly made popcorn. He's in full homemaker mode, decked out in his favorite apron and cooking up a storm. "Think this will be enough?" He sets up the popcorn popper with a third bowl.
"Do I smell cookies?! Are you making cookies, too?" Izuku ignores Katsuki's question, bouncing towards the oven to get a good look at the batch of chocolate chip cookies rising on a bright blue pan.
Katsuki puts down the popcorn and pulls Izuku into his arms, resting his hands on his boyfriend's slim hips. He leans in and their lips melt together as naturally as breathing air. "Of course I'm making cookies, loser. They're your favorite."
Izuku grins and opens his mouth to say something cheeky when a barrage of knocks hit the door. He scampers away from Katsuki and towards the entry way to let in their waiting crowd of rain-soaked friends. At the last minute, he turns back to look at Katsuki. He has one hand on the door knob, and a huge smile stuck on his face.
"Kacchan - I love you."
Katsuki's heart squeezes in his chest, and he barely has time to register Izuku's words before the door flies open and Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina and Sero come tumbling across the threshold.
Within minutes, the little apartment is filled with friends, laughter, and tiny puddles of rain. Katsuki doesn't even bother to wipe up all of the rainwater this time - instead, he basks in the glow of Izuku, their friends, and the little life they've built out for themselves in the wake of a rainstorm.
Thanks so much for reading!! I love building a cozy lil scene for my fave characters to just vibe in 💚
Similar MHA fics I've written:
BakuDeku Smut: Hooking Up At A Pro Hero Gala
Pining Katsuki | BKDK Headcannon 💚💥
DabiHawks Rainy Day Together ☔️
My Full Master List
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