#would definitely recommend watching the show 👌
Yeah so about the newest Precure series-
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mikuni14 · 2 months
I Cannot Reach You
Today I binged I Cannot Reach You and I think this series has become my favorite Japanese BL 💖
I liked everything, especially how the series showed pinning, friends to lovers trope, suffering, uncertainty and struggling with the fact that love, confession can "endanger" a close friendship, the fear that letting go of feelings that become more and more difficult to conceal and control, can destroy a long, cherished friendship. I really like that Kakeru becomes aware of Yamato's feelings at the beginning of the series and is not stupid and clueless for the rest of series. I'm so glad we watched them struggle together 👌 I really liked the communication between them, the language they used, their kindness, the fact that they never wanted to hurt each other. I really liked how they couldn't control their feelings. I absolutely love their circle of friends, people who sincerely support and try to help Kakeru and Yamato. Especially Zen Master Hosaka and Yamato's sister. I also like the subtle (although I would like it to be more visible, but well, it's not this kind of series 😚) physical aspect of their relationship, Yamato is definitely very horny for Kakeru, it was visible, but I must admit that I would just love to see more of this 🤭
What I also liked was that the "seme type" character was shown as perfect on the outside, but at the same time he was the most dependent, the most vulnerable and the most pathetic in this relationship. Many times he couldn't cope with himself and his feelings, he relied on others (what would he do without Hosaka and Mikoto...) and that was great.
AND I ALSO LIKED (did I mention that I liked everything? 😄) the large number of emotional scenes that tugged at my heart and made me feel a deep bond with the characters. It was a wonderful experience, exactly what I look for in BL series 🥺💖
The series is wonderful, I love it, I highly recommend it, 10/10.
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(their hands 😭)
I love these boys.
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mermmarie · 11 months
My Mutant Mayhem review if anyone is curious, lol... (Non spoilers part)
Saw Mutant Mayhem twice now and will be seeing it a third time (because the 2nd showing was fucked up unfortunately, and I got my tickets refunded) and it's a good movie! My overall rating would probably be an 8/10. (:
Visually it's amazing. It's 'sketchbook' style of animation was perfect for the world and their goal to keep this version of TMNT on brand with the Teenaged aspect.
The humor was great too. Laughed a lot. I really don't think any jokes missed. And the soundtrack was mwah! 😚👌💖 Chef kiss!
The only reason why I give it an 8/10 instead of 10/10 is because I do think that the movie falls a little short in the second half of the film. But I would definitely still recommend going to see it for yourself!!
Explanations and spoilers below the cut! You have been warned!!
I think my main problem with the 2nd half of the film is the TCRI/ 'Milking' bit. I just think it was a little too much for them film in the sense of it seemed crowded/out of place? Like... I think that it would've fit better in the 2nd film. I get that they wanted a scene where Splinter saved the boys from danger but TCRI/Cynthia Utrom seemed so irrelevant to the plot at this point, I think it would've worked better if Splinter saved the boys from Superfly and the other mutants, and the led into the scene of the final act over everyone vs Superfly and then saving New York.
Buuut... I suppose they wouldn't have the solution of the retro-mutagen to defeat Super Duperfly without the TCRI/Milking scene. So, hmm... 🤔
That's another thing I don't think they touched on well enough, because I didn't realize that the retro-mutagen was a thing until the 2nd viewing. I missed where they said it turns mutants back into their regular animal forms the first time watching it (apparently it was at the very beginning of the film), so it really confused me when it seemingly came out of nowhere and became the solution for the film. (Also seems like a very powerful mechanic to put into the world this early into the franchise assuming that the show will pick up after the movie but, I guess they'll work around it somehow. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Two other criticisms then I'm done complaining.
1: The movie doesn't really play into Donatello's main character trait/trope of being a 'genius/inventor' at all... Typically, I'm all for bending/re-inventing the traditions, but being the genius of the group is really Donnie's thing. It seems the film only goes with the geek aspect, which was fine and fun. Just a little disappointing that they didn't touch on my boys' intelligence really. Yes, he does come up with the majority of the groups' plans, but they weren't anything too profound in my opinion. Like... Leo probably could've come up with them on his own if he thought on them a little harder. Nothing that screamed 'that's genius' to me personally.
2: Them removing their masks at the end of the film. It's SACRILEGE!! 😭 Okay I know I'm being a little dramatic with this lol, and I understand that it was the films way of saying 'they're normal' and they don't need them now that they're going to school but first of all... It's not just about them being ninjas... I've always viewed their masks as an extension of themselves. Part of their personal identities. It's a defining trait for them, like hair is for most humans. Second, they look like frogs without them. Not bad!! But they literally look like the Punk Frogs that exist in the universe!! So, it was just a little sad and weird to see them go without them.
It makes me wonder if they will be maskless for the beginning period of the show or not....
Okay now for the bits I loved about the film!
The No Diggity crime fighting montage was my FAVORITE part of the film. 😭💖 I seriously cannot wait to watch that a million times and over when the movie comes out on dvd/streaming.
Leo's crush on April is REAL!! And it was so cute!! 🥺💙💛 The introduction of it was practically an exact play-by-play of 2012 Apriltello, but the film did not make it annoying. XD (Now if that will hold up for the show, who knows? 👀)
Raph's excited-aggression was great. Despite the joke of him having a 'rage problem' I don't really see this Raph as angry? To me it just seemed like he had a lot of energy and he liked to expel it in destructive ways, and it was really fun! Leo and Donnie are my favorite turtles of this iteration, but in terms of the film itself, I think Raphael shines the best.
The Found Family plot was a pleasant surprise! Was not expecting the other mutants to become allies and end up living with them! That was really cool and sweet! (Wingnut was my favorite and Leatherhead of course~💖)
Another pleasant surprise was the humans ACTUALLY accepting them and the turtles integrating in the public so quickly! Did not expect that at all. It will be super interesting to see a TMNT series start off with that!
I really loved Donatello's voice in this! All the VA's did a fantastic job but Micah Abbey blew it out of the water imo. I know a lot of people were not into his voice when the first trailer was revealed, but I think it fits this iteration of Donatello perfectly!
Speaking of VA's... Ice Cube as Superfly was really fun. He didn't put on a voice, but he delivered his lines so smoothly it worked.
Aaand, that's about it... I'm probably forgetting stuff but overall, it was a really good film and I'm excited for the show to come! (:
Anyways! Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hey shaz, I've seen people question why we need more jikookers banding together and I wanted to address another side of it. ( This may get long sorry!) Yes ttkkers are getting way too comfortable invading jkk spaces but besides the fights they start....they also hurt alot of new and more casual media-using jikookers.
Not those insecure ones, but those who genuinely love and support jikook but may not be in the ideal headspace to combat these people. I'm not a big social media user and I've met so many other jikookers who feel the same and just use Twitter and media to appreciate jkk and engage with content they enjoy. No one asks for drama, but then you have tkkers there shuting down curiousity and engagement from the onset. They attack stupidly yes, but for ppl new to this, or not strong enough for that fight..its enough to leave a traumatic impression. And it's bloody ironic this happens to the new jikook community when tk is the first ship that most new fans get recommended and indoctrinated into!
Especially in this "drought" before MS, please remember to take care of yourself and your mental health first. And definitely keep in mind that to support jikook, jk and ESPECIALLY Jimin..you have to be willing to play the long game. Trust in these two and their relationship. That the truth will out eventually, that they KNOW they have people out there who support them and that everything will work out.
Tkkers will make something out of nothing so you better believe they will always have "explanations or connections" for every little thing Tae and jk. They have the advantage of bending their narrative however they need. Jikook, however, is a real couple with real problems, and moments. They will never play to a narrative so we won't always get these "easy loud moments" all the time. THEY determine what to show and they determine when to show it..all we can do is try to understand NOT impose a narrative. Yes, I understand it gets frustrating when you see tae and Jk moments being twisted by tkkers while jkk are laying low. Tkkers always be loud for no reason, rather than let those things get to you, appreciate the subtly of a different jikook right now. Enjoy that these moments we get are left there for each other and for us who they know will understand. Those who get it, will get it and whose who don't will be writing wattpad narratives to explain jikookery👌
Idek why we listen to people who loudly claim Jkk haven't seen eo all year. Anyone with a brain would know all members are seeing eo at some point we just dk about it. We only found out from RM Minimoni were together recently otherwise we'd have never known that if he didn't tell us. So who knows who else is hanging out and when?
Also as per the logic that what u see is what's real then tkk the real couple have only see eo 5 times all year so far. How does that make sense? These people when they claim things they don't even consider how it will backfire on them. In 6 months tkk have only seen eo 5 times and I'm supposed to believe they're a couple? How?
Its why I hate insecure Jikookers sm because they don't think. Ever. And even worse they listen to people who are absolutely dumb as fcking rocks. I can't respect someone who believes anything a tkkr has to say. I simply can't.
But everything anon said was true. However can I just say as bad as twitter is you can only see what u want to see? If you curate your timeline properly you shouldn't be able to see their shit. Very many Armys are on twitter and don't even know what goes on half the time. Especially Armys who don't ship and are on twitter for BTS and other things. They are completely blind to the fighting half of the fandom does. It's absolutely possible. Just follow the right people and block anyone with a tkkr sign on their bio and u should be good. Also Suga solos are moving like tkkrs now in terms of dragging Jimin every chance they get so u might wanna watch out for those, too.
Oh also unfollow Jikookers like me who fight alot with these people because then u will definitely see that crap on your timeline 😂
Gd luck! 😘
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a-queenoffairys · 7 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @breserker hello
Three ships:
Odd/Sam K. (Code Lyoko) - they've been on my mind the most lately. She doesn't appear often but I like the side of Odd we get to see when she's around, and I like her, and they like each other, and it's great.
Komi/Tadano (Komi Can't Communicate) - they're both sweet and really cute together and I got excited when they confessed to each other.
Marinette/Adrien (Miraculous Ladybug) - I've liked them since the start of the show and I've enjoyed seeing the newer seasons explore the different pairings in the love square.
First ever ship: I'm sure there were romantic pairings I liked in media I watched/read as a kid, but I can't think what they would have been. But if we're talking around the time I discovered fandom, that would be Ulumi and Jerlita from Code Lyoko. I still like and ship both to some extent and with some caveats, but I don't really do much with them in fandom at the moment.
Last song: Choose Your Fighter by Ava Max, because it's the last song on the Barbie soundtrack. Thinking about getting the deluxe edition but kinda miffed that that's a thing. If I'd known they would leave some songs off the original album just to release them on another CD a while later, I would have waited to get it >:T Anyway the whole soundtrack is great.
Currently reading:
The Books of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin - I recently finished Tehanu and Tales From Earthsea is next. Decided to give it a shot after seeing positive reviews and they were right, it is a good series set in a really unique world.
Ghost Hunters Adventure Club: The Secret of the Grande Chateau by Dr. Cecil H.H. Mills - also heard good things about it, but I've only just started it.
Jackrabbit and the Beast: A Jackrabbit Brujo Tale by Bre Garcia - just finished reading recently, and so should you, it is good :3 :3 :3
Currently watching: Rewatching BBC Merlin with @dialovers, and slowly getting through Our Flag Means Death season 2.
Currently consuming: Yoghurt with fruit
Currently craving: Chicken parmigiana pie from Heatherbrae's. Their whole gluten free range is just 👌 but that one's my favourite. If you live in NSW I'd definitely recommend seeing if they have a shop near you.
Uhhh tags - @yoshistack @orville-redenbacher-space-hero @pigeonsparty @sapphiclizziebennet @sheepydraws @cosmicpines @meandmyechoes @dialovers @littlemomentsofgold if you would like to participate 👍
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kayjayo1227 · 1 year
Hello there, sorry to be interrupting!
I was curious about what issued you've personally encountered with Stampede!
I'm completely new to the series, I know there's an older adaptation also but supposedly it was very inaccurate to the story and I'd love to know the differences between iterations before sticking to one.
I am definitely 👌 close to just reading the manga and nothing else though, given that Stampede didn't really spark joy for me as I'd have hoped it would.
Thank you for your time either way!
Wishing you a stellar day :)
You asked so I’m gonna probably write a whole lot lol 😝
I am not by any means a Trigun 1998 purist or anything, I actually got some issues with it too later on once they deviate from the manga. Personally, I think between the three the manga is ABSOLUTELY the better version just in terms of storytelling and visual style and whatnot. I very highly recommend it.
Trigun 98 nails Yasuhiro Nightow’s visual style perfectly. It’s got absolutely iconic music, and it’s one of those animes that helped make anime a big thing in the US. Plus, I’ve got a lot of nostalgia for it personally because I watched it first and as a kid. It’s very good.
The problem with 98 is that the Trigun manga took a hiatus and was republished later under a different magazine, and from that point on is known as Trigun Maximum (if you do watch 98 this split starts to happen right after the stuff with Eriks and the little timeskip) so it misses out on a LOT of good stuff and makes up it’s own ending. But up to that point it’s a phenomenal adaptation.
Trigun Stampede is… it’s a weird case for me. Because while on the one hand I don’t hate the cg style here, I also feel like it’s wrong for Trigun. It’s so crisp and clean instead of gritty. They seemed to be leaning a lot more into the sci-fi side of Trigun than space western and it’s just a surprising choice?
They’ve done a great job characterizing Vash. I was actually very excited to see Knives using y’know KNIVES lol and (while I haven’t got there yet) I know the ending of the series plays into 98/the manga somehow. But it felt weird to me watching it when so many characters were weirdly different.
They made changes and I don’t get why? Like changing the planet’s name from Gunsmoke to No Man’s Land lol why? I personally was really hoping they would give us more accurate manga adaptations but instead they gave us something that was neither. It keeps a lot of that original Trigun peace and love to it, but every character change leaves me just looking at the screen and going “WHY”
Just for example about what I mean (and the biggest example of it)
One of my favorite manga characters is Livio. I love Livio. He isn’t in 98 at all. But he has a big part in the manga. The second he showed up in Stampede I was pretty annoyed. They took one of my favorite character designs and just…made it real bad. And so far the characterization doesn’t seem right either, although I’ll admit it bothered me enough I haven’t watched more yet.
None of these things make me consider it an abomination or anything, I do believe there s a lot of good stuff there. Just makes it hard for me personally to keep watching. It could be better!
Some comparison photos of Livio
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And some comparisons of Knives
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It’s just…it’s not bad but it’s not what it could have been 🥲 I don’t believe there is anyone out there that has read the manga that would think either anime adaptation is superior to it
Anyway, sorry for the novel! I love the manga and have been screaming at my friends to read it for years lol
Definitely check it out!
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writingwife-83 · 2 years
I just watched the last episode! It was amazing!
Firstly: Qui-Gon!!! I knew he'd show up eventually. *sniff* He was always there.
And the fight between Obi Wan and Darth was great. It gave me chills to see Anankin's eye looking out (was that Anankin's actor?) and hearing his voice mixed with Darth's was just chilling and touching.
And Obi Wan got his full strength back and was doing some awesome Earth Bending (I don't know if you've ever watched Avatar but it's also really great show, fully recommend it. I think you'd like Zuko, the Kylo Ren of the show)
Reva almost made me cry. I didn't have too much sympathy for her seeing her chasing Luke, but hearing her weeping saying, "I failed them, I failed them" it just hit home that every terrible thing she's done was to bring justice to the murdered children.
I really hope that her character returns and is allowed to keep growing.
I really loved this show. It's refreshing to have a fairly simple storyline with great characters.
Well, once again meant to answer this already, but I forgot lol.
Yasss Qui-Gon! I think everyone was glad we at least got to see him, even if it was awfully brief. The fight scene and the voice combo they did… chefs kiss brilliant! 👌 I was literally thinking during that fight that something like that would be great, so I was thrilled they had the same thought lol.
Yes, I actually have seen Avatar! My family and I watched the whole thing a couple years ago and we really enjoyed it. LOVED Zuko and he absolutely is the Kylo of that series.
I agree about Reva, I think Moses Ingram did a great job playing her and building the slight conflict until we finally got the really moving redemption. It would definitely be nice to see more of her character! Though, I’m of the opinion that the show was great as it was, and I’m actually hoping they leave it as a one time series instead of doing another season. I feel like the story was told and it added quite a lot, but more isn’t always more, y’know? Idk that’s just me! I know a lot of fans would love more of it.
Glad you enjoyed the whole thing and I hope it only adds to your enjoyment of the next parts of the Star Wars saga that you have ahead of you! 😁
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userwoodz-archive · 1 year
hi!!! it's okay, i hope you're doing well with uni and aren't too stressed. i usually don't respond too quick either since i have to remember to manually check your blog to see if u have responded lol and yes i do like other groups! there aren't really any others that i put the same amount of energy into as skz (i honestly don't think that would be physically possible lol). before skz my ult was BTS, but i still don’t think i put quite as much energy into them as i do skz now lmao i still like BTS and keep up with them but i think i like subconciously started distancing myself from them starting like a year or so ago bc i knew they would be starting to enlist at least jin if not all of them soon LOL like a subconscious emotional health defense mechanism or smthn... i think it worked but i'm ngl the picture of them all rubbing jin's shaved head made me a little emotional 😭 i honestly have a hard time keeping up much at all with other groups besides skz, but i'd say second place to skz is definitely ateez. otherwise other groups with like. a lil more significant listening time and that i can at least tell who's who (lol) are TXT, Xdinary Heroes, and (G)Idle. I listen to at least a little of several other groups, tho, and also watch content for groups that i barely listen to just bc they're hilarious lmao like seventeen, p1harmony, and enhypen, those groups all just have some really funny guys in them. i'm also really into Jackson Wang's solo stuff at the moment omg the magic man album is so good and go watch the come alive music video it's 👌👌👌👌 i was never like. into GOT7, i have a few of their songs in my library, but the come alive music video showed up on my recommended the day it released and i was like oh jackson wang? like, GOT7 guy? sure i'll check that out lmao ok now i'm just rambling so i shall go back to working on your present hehehehheheeh >:) good luck with your studies!! - ❄️
hi again beloved !! i’m doing okay!! i only need to hand in one more essay in a couple of weeks and then i’m done! i hope life is being kind to you too darling <3
‘a subconscious emotional health defense mechanism’ asghsdhjffjfjf very very valid tbh i totally get you! and i know !! i saw that and went 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺.
and oehh!! i love ateez and txt too! any biases there ? also agsgshd i totally get you i love svt and my god they’re so hilarious. truly one of the funniest groups.
and !! i’ve recently been getting into xheroes i think they’re very talented! and i really want to get into p1harmony as well! i have some friends and moots who are so they’re on my dash sometimes and they seem so lovely and funny honestly !! and i’ve also heard some music/covers and they’re sooo talented honestly. i hope after uni dies doen a bit i’ll have some time to properly get into them
and interesting!! i don’t really listen to got7 but i’ll def check it out and let you know what i think!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
also feel free to ramble always and thank you so so much!! can’t wait to see what you create ❣️
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xuseokgyu · 2 years
Oh I have heard things about Going Seventeen. Maybe once I listen to a bit more of their music, I then like to watch dance practices and stages, and THEN I'll give the reality show a go. Thank you for the recommendation though, and the song recs are definitely going on my listen to later list.
It's really interesting how our various biases feel different to us and sort of serve a different purpose, if you will. I don't want to give myself away so I'm going to be purposefully vague here, but one of my Ateez biases is so unbelievably attractive to me, mostly physically but also some major parts of his personality too, so I guess he's what you could call my type although i never really thought I had one hahaha. And another bias I feel like he's literally me, because we're so similar in many ways, but I also feel the need to protect him as well, and perhaps it's because I feel that strong connection to him.
Ah, so Wooyoung has joined the bias line officially then? What about your logbook series, you're going to have to add him to that too 🤣🤣 I agree, he really is the definition of a bias wrecker. If you were ever to change your url to a combination of your Ateez biases instead, it would be so long hahahha woohwayungi maybe?
I think I'm starting to get some ideas for what to make you. I really want it to be something you'll love so I'm putting a lot of thought into it. If you had to choose a favorite era for all four of your boys, what would you pick? Is there any particular styling you like on them? Or a favorite hair style/colour? No detail is too insignificant!
Let me know what you think of the songs! 🥰 What are some of your favorites from atz??
I’ll continue under a read more cause…. This got long hahahahahah
Yeah.. Wooyoung is officially there, he has his tag and is mentioned on the pinned post BUT he is slightly under the three og ones (at least for now…); When I had my “click” moment of realizing and accepting he was a bias as well I did stop think about what I was going to do with the logbook series hahah But for now I decided to keep it just with the tall line… Wooyoung already has a lot of content (Hwa too but 🤫). Maybe in some where he has a way too iconic scene I’ll add it as a bonus hahahah
Ooohhh good question! With svt I made sure to use the first, second and third syllable of each of their names, but I with four biases that wouldn’t work hahahahah I guess to follow the same logic I can start the url with “Jeong” to represent both Yunho and Wooyoung since in hangul they do have the same surname (and I’ll go with Yunho’s romanization since he was here first hahah).. so the url would either be jeongseonggi or jeongminhwa 😂😂
I technically also have to redo my header and add baby Woo… but I lost the original file and right now I’m being lazy 😗✌️ hahahah
And AAHH you are getting me excited for my gift!! Hahah I’m also really excited to learn who you are!!!!
So for the looks and eras…. I’ll try to be concise; I’ll give two hairtyles/two eras for each hahaha (btw this reminds me of Jazzy’s little Christmas project in which I absolutely clogged the tags of the post with some of my favorite looks of only TWO biases btw and then later saw that everyone was going for one specific thing… 🙃 guess I got carried away, I just wanted to give her options!! I hope I didn’t make her feel like she had to use it all hahaha)
• So for Hwa… Pink Hwa of course and whenever he has the ashy/grey blond hair… So Wave and Fever Part 1 eras 😘👌 (no matter the color, I feel like the best styling for him is the under cut) and I have to mention the MOST PERFECT THING I’VE EVER SEEN: The look with the cropped suit for the A to Z album...    •  For Yunho his Ethernal Sunshine/Fever Epilogue blonde hair give me major golden retriever vibes so... yeah hehehe and his styling for Immitation (which I guess is pretty basic so is also the styling for various eras but like) major boyfriend vibes. Honorable mention to Rhytm Ta Yunho <3 •  So, picture this, I started biasing Mingi when he was still on hiatus based on “old” content, so for the longest time the standard image I had of him was his red hair, ginger Mingi holds a very special place in my heart; Then he came back full power with the grey hair!! Which for me had its peak performance during the Fever Epilogue era (wolf Mingi 🫶) as you can see Fever Epilogue was a VERY GOOD comeback for me, it is also my favorite album overall Honorable mention: whenever he wears glasses •  And finally Woo! One word: THANXX!!! give me the bandanas and the ponytail!! YAS and OF COURSE Oreo Woo (or as I like to call it: Raccoon Woo)... Kingdom last half, AOTM... this look was superior in so many ways (I also have a post about my favorite looks of his so...)
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whimsical-twist · 2 years
Revolutionary Girl Utena Afternoon Tea Set!
Edit: is it just me of is the photo quality terrible? 🤔 Click the pictures I guess for not grainy images? 😆😅
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I can't believe I have never seen or heard of this show until now! It's so good and way ahead of it's time. One of the creators of Sailor Neptune & Sailor Uranus made this show so of course it was awesome! The sound track was also so good. You have to appreciate the music from the 1990's 👌🎶
I spend so long on all my streaming services trying to decide what to watch. Then 2 hours pass and I haven't chosen anything and I finished my dinner 😂 One of the reasons why I love custom orders is because you get such good anime recommendations.
This was my first custom order request made back in June and my last set for the year! After 6 months it came to life! This was definitely none of my favourite sets as I went out of my comfort zone to try new things! I am definitely not a baker, that's why I love to collab because I suck at decorating. It took me 10 tries to pipe a rosette on the cupcakes 🙉
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I didn't want to tie any collabs down during December as I knew it was busy for everyone. So, I was super adventurous and made macarons for the first time! Not regular macarons but, Character Macarons 😱 I followed all the tip highlights by the ever so amazing @macaronart and other that they fact that I burnt a few, they all turned on amazing! I appreciate all the macaron makers out there because it was a really time consuming process and I honestly would rather pay you your prices 😂
This was a French and Japanese Fusion Menu! This is definitely my favorite Savory Selection to date! I'm glad that the birthday girl loved it 💞 I went with duck as it's commonly used in both cuisines. I feel as though a lot of Japanese cuisine is already French Fusion so it was easy to come up with the savouries and sweets. 😻
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Rose - Hazelnut White Chocolate Cheesecake
Utena & Anthy - Matcha Macaron
Chu-Chu - Hojicha Cream Puff
Rose Seal Ring - Chocolate Castella, French Buttercream & Edible Chocolate Ring
Kashira Shadow Puppets - Duck Confit Millie Feuille with Shiso leaves & Yuzu Marmalade
Pink Rose - Creamy Crab Croquette with Smoked Salmon
Utena & Anthy - Chicken Chausser on Shokupan
Rose - Miso Duck Breast with Pomme Anna
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi 😊I really really really really loved your blog. Even it's a jikook blog, still you bring OT7 content 👌Thank you so much for this 🌹And I have been reading Jungkook masterlist. And read about how romantic is he. Can I get like that for JM?? I'm curious to know about how romantic is JM. We know he is very intimate but I want to know it from you. Thank you again keep going 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Hi! Thank you for your kind words 💜💜 for those who haven't seen it yet, my JK is a romantic post which can be found on my Jungkook Masterlist. That masterlist post includes mostly posts just about JK, but includes some where it's also about jikook too. Same for my Jimin Masterlist. 😊
We can definitely do one for Jiminie! He is so sweet and romantic at heart too! Not as much as a self proclaimed romantic like JK though.
To start lol, Serendipity literally exists?! Like hello?! That song is romance personified 😭 and the way he talks about it too 🥺
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And I'll follow this up with Jimin saying that one day he would want to write and sing a song for the person that he loves as a present to them
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Or how during a vlive with RM. He talked about how much it touched his heart when he was out and saw an old couple just enjoying each other's company and how sweet it was to him to witness 🥺
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When he answered in an interview about how love is about equality. And how his ideal love story would be getting to love one person for his whole life
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When he said he promised to go to the moon with Jungkook. 🥺🥺 Honestly just his whole star gazing, moon watching, astronomy - let me show you the stars thing he has going on
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He talked about watching Me Before You on vlive which is a romance movie, a bit of a happy and sad one. In the same vlive he mentioned that his favorite Movie is the notebook too
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His penchant for pet names is the cutest and sweetest thing ever. I wont even get into it with the members, but even ARMYs get pet names from him. 🥺
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And a couple of the times that the group has picked Jimin as the most romantic member, one in an interview in 2017, again for a J14 magazine and another in a 2020 interview where everyone picked Tae after he released Sweet Night, but Tae picked Jimin and JK as the most romantic memebers instead.
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The few song covers he has done have been top tier romantic, he has recommended some beautiful songs over the years too. And his solo songs are all so so so lovely.
He is definitely a sweet romantic at heart and is soooo sweet and lovely and kind. He loves so much and so hard and has so much love to give 🥺 I adore him so much 💜💜 thanks for this ask! It was fun!
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youreignhere · 2 years
My Top 10 Favorite Bl Shows
I'm new to Thai Bl, started in November 2021 but in my eyes, these are SOME of the jewels of Bl. I'm open to new ones, lemme know in the comments 👇
These are ranked by visual, chemistry, plot and acting. Ready, let's go! Warning: some spoilers!
10. Hello Stranger
This isn't my first Filipino Bl, I watched My day before and thought it was good, but damn did Hello Stranger surprise me. Filmed during the pandemic and on an online setting, it really made it different. The actors were so good and I'm glad it was a slow burn. I recommend for newbies.
9. Papa and Daddy
This show was so cute, I think I smiled through the entire show. It's basically a show about two dads and their son. The actors had great chemistry and the topics of discussion were new and fun. I highly suggest watching it but be warned, it's ending was too dramatic. Those who know, know.
8. You make me Dance
I like anything that carries a soul mate plot lol. But honestly, Korean Bl can go toe to toe with Thai Bl and even portray some healthy, cute and beautiful relationships, like the one in you make me dance. I live for the dance visuals, made me so relaxed.
7. Lovely Writer
Yooo, this was a nice twist to the regular Thai Bl settings, it was really interesting to watch them bash Bl drama stereotypes and include 👌consent😩 like ugh well done. There were some beautiful scenes and I laughed a lot. As a writer, I highly recommend it, even for newbies, check it out on YouTube.
6. Tale of 1000 Stars
This would be number 1 just because I love EarthMix, lol their friendship makes me believe in love and I wouldn't be surprised if they were together. Anyway, this was the 3rd Bl I watched. The THIRD, I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT. I watched it on YouTube of course and I fxcking loved it. Not only does it temporarily get rid of the regular School and Engineering setting, but the visuals. I Repeat, THE VISUALS. not to mention the soundtrack is added to my daily life. I know a lot of people are frustrated about the ending, but I loved it to be honest and can't wait to see what they do when there's a season two.
5. Bad Buddy
The visuals, the chemistry, the soundtrack, the love. I smiled all through this ENTIRE show. I'll definitely be rewatching it, cause they are a comfort ship, perfect for those looking to start Bl, but be prepared to have high standards afterwards. Only green flags for Pat and Pran.
4. Not Me
👁👄👁 bitch off gun are the main characters, of course it's gonna be lit. and I'd put this in the top 3 but I gotta put me first 😭 so the messages and the cinematography in this series are INCREDIBLE. THE ACTING, LIKE WTF GUN. I LOVE BLACK. like the switch between each twin is stunning, I'm still shook. I love the seriousness and the topics they focused on in this series, not to mention the action scenes. If you're looking for something different and empowering, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
Honourable Mentions
•CutiePie- bish this shit slaps. Yooo, that kiss, the soundtrack, the Visuals, this would be in the list, but the entire series hasn't finished airing. Did I mention the ACTORS AND THE CHEMISTRY?!
• 2gether and Still 2gether- I liked it, have a lot of Srubb songs now, but I didn't connect with the actors a lot. Bright and Win are good actors, but please don't hate me, they didn't have great chemistry, it was good, but not great. I enjoyed the slow burn tho and it was fun to watch. I recommend to newbies, check it out on YouTube.
•Tharntype- my first Bl and I think a lot of y'all too. I love MewGulf, they are Kings, but if this was made now, I think it would have been better and probably darker. I like Type and Tharn's chemistry, but they seriously need to communicate and probably see and therapist. Not to mention Lhong, like damn, that was a twist. But it's in the Mentions cause of the amazing soundtrack, visuals, acting and chemistry.
•Theory of Love- I didn't finish this. I got tired of Third crying and Kai, can't remember his name, was a HUGE red flag.
•KinnPorsch - now airing and I haven't even watched the first episode but it's in this list cause of that fucking trailer- NO SPOILERS HOES, I'M WAITING TILL MY BIRTHDAY (29TH)TO WATCH
Top 3
3. Sotus and Sotus S
Here me out. I watched this like a few weeks ago and damn. I loved it, lmao, I would love to see Kongpob and Sarawat (2gether) go toe to toe in a flirting compilation. This show was perfect, it didn't need a lot smexy scenes and I really loved the portrayal of the characters. I'm biased I guess, cause Arthit is a lot like me in my relationship. I'm not the most blatant (even as a straight girl), I like my space and I'm very awkward. Later on the show deals with life and I the visuals are my favorite too, even if the show is like 4 years old I think.
2. Manner of Death
Bitch, you thought I'd forget the literal Kings of BL. Maxtul run this shit. Together with me want my second Bl, lol I know right. I still crack up over the "you be tripping" and the chemistry between maxtul both kills me and makes my ovaries burst. Then I found Manner of death. Bitch, biiiiiiiiitch. This show was everything I needed and would be number one. The plot, the acting, Inspector M' ass, the LOVE. I'm shook. Watch it on YouTube if you want. It's worth it.
1. Until We Meet Again
Well, you should have known, I did say I love a good soulmate story. But honest to God, I sobbed maybe 50% of the show. I watched it like two weeks ago and now I use the soundtrack to write. Guys, guys, this show broke me. I've watched a lot of shows and read a bunch of books in my young life, but I loved, LOVED this show. I started the first episode and was, wtf am I doing here, then convinced myself to watch it, even though I know how it would end. The actors, oml THE ACTING. I know ppl say Fluke cries too much, but have y'all seen Theory of Love, any who, the Visuals were amazing in this show too, holds up well with 1000 stars and Not Me. I live the plot and the deep issues in the storytelling, it was everything that hurt me, but I would definitely watch it again cause damn. And the soundtrack, yooo the soundtrack.
Well that's all for now, I'll update this if you guys want. Lemme know your recommendations and I'll watch them while I wait for Cutie pie, Cupid's last Wish and KinnPorsch👇
I will also be featuring affiliated links and my link 👇https://beacons.ai/youreignhere/writing.
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
Hello, I’m the anon who asked you about the movie rango, do you have any bad horror/scary movie recommendations? Like so bad it’s comedy kind of vibe but normal horror movies work too
Thanks :)
i watch a TON of horror/thriller movies/tv shows but i tend to avoid the "so bad it's basically comedy" genre. Ya know things like the one with the tire that goes around making people's heads explode or the one with the recliner chair that eats people and stuff like that. I know of them but never watched them because they just sound a little too bizarre for me
THAT BEING SAID... i really loved 'Malignant', and that's a movie that people kinda tout as a "so bad it's hilarious" movie. but I actually genuinely loved it, unironically. I thought it was gorgeously directed and original. the plot twist is WACKY but i actually really appreciated that it was so bizarre and i think it added a necessary element to the story and that, without it, the movie would have been less entertaining.
If you want to watch a "scary" movie for the sake of mocking it, then M. Night Shyamalan's 'Old' is definitely worthy of your taunts. It's not scary or even suspenseful. Or written well or acted well or directed well... it's very stupid and i spent most of the time making fun of it, so if that's something you like to do... give it a try? lmao
There was this one movie that i watched that sorta falls into the "so bad it's hilarious" category and it was called 'Ghosts of War'. I swear to god... the surprise ending had me REELING. (not in a good way, but still) like for reals i watched the whole movie out of stubbornness even though it was kinda... mediocre. And then at the end? the big reveal? I was like "WHAT???? BUT WHY????" so if you want to have that sort of reaction to a somewhat tedious movie, then by all means, check it out lmao (TW war stuff ofc)
'Hereditary' is one of the most recent horror movies that actually freaked me out. I think it was sooooo good. It was haunting and uncomfortable and the acting performances from Toni Collette and Alex Wolff (who was also in 'Old' but was WASTED) were beyond amazing. It does have some horrific imagery though so if you don't like to see gore, then there's a whole scene that you would probably want to avoid watching. Personally, I looked away from the screen because i did NOT want to see it lol
'The Wretched' was a surprisingly good horror movie. I thought the twist was interesting and I didn't see it coming, though when thinking back on it, i do recall noticing the hints and signs and wondering "what's that about?". Also the performance by the woman that plays the neighbor lady (i've forgotten everybody's names lmao) was creepy and well done 👌
Some of my favorite movies to watch are those unnerving ones that make you simmer and sweat in your discomfort and one that I watched fairly recently that I LOVE was 'Rent-a-Pal'. It really gives you those conflicting thoughts of sympathizing with the main character as you watch him descend into madness caused by his loneliness and WOW i remember getting to the end of that movie and looking over at my partner and saying "I LOVED that"
If you like to think "hey this is a really good commentary on Capitalism and so-called 'trickle down economics'" while also being disturbed, then I highly recommend 'The Platform'. I wasn't sure i was going to like that one, since it's more horrific in a "oh yikes this is too close to home..." kinda way but it really demonstrates the "dog eat dog" mindset of capitalism and greed (TW for the death of an animal and cannibalism)
If you're looking for more of a 'light' horror, AKA a thriller, then I def recommend 'Ready or Not'. I wasn't expecting to like that one as much as I did. Samara Weaving is a badass and the ending took me by surprise in a hilarious but satisfying way.
'Hush' is another good one if you like thrillers where the main character is a bit of a badass. it follows a deaf woman as a masked murderer tries to get into her home and kill her
'Triangle' surprised me by having a pretty interesting plot. it was fun watching the mystery unravel as you follow along
'The Autopsy of Jane Doe' is one of those horror movies that really makes you sweat as you watch because you're just constantly uncomfortable, waiting for something awful to happen. (TW for a cat death that still makes me mad with how unnecessary it was)
'Us' and 'Get Out' are great, but i feel like i don't need to tell you that lmao
'The Ritual' has some of the best monster horror I've seen. Genuinely creepy and so so so interestingly directed. Like oof some of the scenes are SO good that i still think about them years later
For more psychological horrors, i recommend 'Gerald's Game'. I wasn't sure i would like it but it was way more intriguing than i anticipated. (TW for some mild sexual abuse)
'I'm Thinking of Ending Things' is one of those movies that I feel like doesn't exactly fit into the "horror" genre because it's kind of a slow burn think piece, real artsy and introspective rather than scary. But if you like movies with a slightly creepy and confusing feel to them that seem to inch along with strange, almost dreamlike visuals, then i def recommend it.
Welp, I think that's all I got for you. I watch a shit ton of horror/thriller movies and shows but i really only remember the ones i actually enjoyed and then completely forget about the ones that didn't make an impact on me lol
anyway, hope you find some that you enjoy! let me know your thoughts if you watch any of them 🥰
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henchin · 2 years
(OsKr anon) Heeeeeeeen i started ghost game today and I'm already 6 episodes in. It's so good, the characterization is pretty well written and the plot has been really interesting so far. Thank you for the recommendations and the info about the free episodes it's been really nice getting back into digimon again. I love pumpmon and all the protags partners a lot. Sitting through all of 01 and 02 again would be a lot for sure especially if youve seen it once before. I definitely dont think i could do it for sure. Literally i get you, i have to watch with my hands clasped together so i dont reach for my phone. Something about 02 man, it created a generation of fujoshi i swear. Yes!!! Oskr who dont get along at all in the beginning but become inseparable by the end of the journey. Dracumon who keeps playing pranks on gaomon because his reactions are funny and he wants his attention. *heavy breathing* (´┓`*)
yaaaay finally someone to talk to about ghost game with🥳 but yes I think the characters are the strongest part of the series so far. I don’t mind monster of the week stuff especially when it’s pretty decent on its own but I have a feeling ghost games main plot isn’t gonna go full swing until either the last half or third of the show. I have more to say but I don’t wanna spoil anything so I’ll keep it to myself for now lol
the closest I got to rewatching adventure was watching part of adventure 2020 lol. I’m still on episode 9 or 10 orz. I could probably rewatch tamers if I had someone to watch with just cuz I always really liked that season. as for 02 I think ken was a ship catalyst for sure😂 a cute villain that turns good and joins the main cast later in the series is prime fujoshi bait👌👌👌
I live for high salt karachun that becomes softer towards osomatsu the more their relationship develops… I can definitely see this kara not being as love love as say ao (even when they actually get together) but definitely has moments where he spoils oso.
sdghgsf yes cute digimon relationship…! gaomon that constantly has to save dracumon from the wrath of much larger digimon he plays pranks on and when everything is said and done osomatsu being subjected to an endless lecture along with dracumon “Why me too??” wwww
so cute… I could think about this forever🥺🥺🥺
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