#would've done well with a relaxed first season and then an action heavy second season
matt0044 · 1 year
RWBY lacks Bathos and that seems to bother people.
It occurs to me that this is another reason why the RWDE and so-called critics consider RWBY a good punching bag is summed up alot in Overly Sarcastic Productions’ video on Bathos. By this I mean that it’s unabashedly proud of being a web series inspired by Anime. While not every trope in the medium is used (luckily), it still indulges in a lot of cliches the medium is known for.
Also think about how sincere RWBY is. Ozpin’s grand speeches about the war and its aftereffects or even the human nature of fear. Salem’s monologue at the start of Volume 1 and end of Volume 3. Ruby’s grandstanding against Cordovin. Blake and Yang just... Blake and Yang.
There may be some goofiness along the way but it’s clear that the writers are not here to appeal to the lowest common denimenator like Warner Bros would’ve if the studio had control over it.
We all know how that went with Gen:Lock. :/
I find myself comparing to a lot of this to Red vs. Blue. While the latter was sincere and more deep down the road, it started out of as a dudebro-y type of comedy.
Said comedy would persist even as it would become more sincere such as with Volume 8 putting Sarge, Church and Wash’s characters to the test. The Freelancer flashbacks also dial back the slapstick to a near zero but still be keen to sling some zingers in battle.
RWBY doesn't start out as a parody of Halo or anything but is starting mostly from scratch and is largely unironic about what it wants to be. There are few times where you'd find RvB's style of college frat boy humor in RWBY if at all.
So a lot of the RWDE as well as non-fans sees them opening up their heart and seeing a target with an easy bull's eye.
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yandereaffections · 3 years
Scenario with Agapito: reader is laying on his chest with minimal clothing and they’re watching Netflix in bed, the show YOU
Episode 2 season 2 particularly: when Joe shoved jasper through the meat grinder. It would be the perfect episode for him to flaunt his protective side
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With the window open the smell of cigarettes and the slightest hint of weed from the last time Agapito got his weekly high slowly got replaced by the night air. The vanilla pumpkin candle on the same bedside table agapito stashed his cigarettes helped quite a bit to settle you two down into each other's embrace as well. Crickets chirping with the occasional sound of a car passing as you two focus on the tv Agapito dragged out of the common room to his bedroom just for his angel and their want to lay down on him with all the warmth of a bed to keep you two all cuddled up.
To be honest if agapito knew you liked this show of an obsessive and dedicated lover then surely he would've been able to be himself around you sooner than he did. "YOU" is certainly something he can relate to, admiring the way Joe's thoughts almost completely reflect his own from time to time. Even better is that you not only see the similarities in their love language of smotheringly protective but also in their voices, a similarity that Agapito wouldn't notice until you eventually set up a recording of his and Joe Goldbergs voice up against each other, but that can be done another time.
Right now it's time for nothing more than laying on this man's chest in just the right position where you can see the tv that's awkwardly placed on his wardrobe, all the items that were once somewhat organized on top still pushed aside to make room so you two can watch a unstable man pin after a bold love interest. It's almost funny how much the character "Love" reminds him of you, straight forward and not taking shit yet loving and mothering, and when Agapito mentions it to you he makes sure to have you sat up on your elbow just so he can see your smile. "It's true though," he says through a smile, tugging you back into his chest, wanting to feel the softness of your skin against his once more "you're amazing like that, naturally" a sigh following as you squirm with his arm around you trying to get back in the perfect position again
Moments like this are what he wakes up for every morning to feel, even if he keeps falling asleep promptly after his first or second alarm it's the feeling of you in his arms that encourages him, the gentle touch he treasures. Content in this moment with you happily pressed against his torso even if you two are focusing on another's relationship on the screen. At least he gets to randomly smooch kisses onto the top of your hair as he admires the curves highlighted by the candle light he can see from this angle, each of which he would love to caress if the arm closest wasn't busy keeping you squished in a snuggly hold.
It wasn't until the moment Joe started cleaning up the body of Jasper that Agapito even dared contemplating disturbing this moment. He's sure you've watched this plenty of times without flinching before he came around, though that doesn't dismiss the fact your lover doesn't want you seeing a single bit of brutality that isn't necessary. Ignoring the way you whine at him while he sits up, basically forcing you up as well, awkwardly leaning on his bare stomach as Agapito scoops his hand under the side of your face promoting you to focus solely on him. No need to spare the slightest of glances towards the main character making deep cuts to dismember and grind down the body of his victim when you're facing agapitos sudden attack of kisses, "don't take your attention off me" being mumbled between each love sick smooch, not even caring if the scene has passed or not anymore, completely lost in you as he pulls his angel on top of his lap. You can continue watching when Agapito's done with what he started.
Pressed closer to each other certainly helps beat off the cold that's beginning to come through the window yet still he manages to bring shivers to each part his hand traces, from your bare hips all the way up your spine, a evil smiling making its way to the corners of his mouth as he feels the shutter travel up your spine. Only at the feeling of you slapping his shoulder will agapito stop, breathing as heavy as your own though still very proud of his actions. "I just wanted to chill, man," despite being out of breath and obviously flustered you managed to speak that, quickly shoving your body back against his own in a cuddly position where he couldn't dare pull you back into intoxicating kisses. "Is that why you leaned into each kiss?" A quick snap with a cocky tone before you slapped his shoulder once more "Oh, hush", and he complied, satisfied with the amount of love he basically stole from you as he relaxes once more with a new part of the same episode playing in front of you two.
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