#wouldnt be able to sync them up anyway......
beamzar · 10 months
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22nd November 2023
Open Entry: 19:26
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Today was a good day.
Woke up very groggy, my voice was even huskier than the day before. What fixed it was a very VERY hot shower in the morning. I like Wednesdays because usually i dont have to rush to get things done, although this will end soon when i actually start attending my maths class. I wasnt able to prepare breakfast or lunch though, so i had to pass by a corner shop and buy 2 croissants and a strawberry yazoo (2 because the minimum card payment was 3£) (total scam but i gobbled those up anyway, so nothing was wasted in the end anyway).
School was nice, I didnt sneeze that much or anything. I honestly expected it to be way worse because of the large break and barely being able to survive cause of this virus. The only thing that really bugged me was my vision going blurry, and my eyes burning and swelling up. I was dizzy and practically blind the whole day, even started walking on the road (didnt die thanks to my friends lol).
I was alot more talkative and playful too i think. I think my friends are getting very comfortable around me, which is the best feeling ever. I value all of them a ton, so being nice to be around to them means the world to me. We had a nice walk, some nice chats. Film was suprisingly decent too. My eyes were burning up tho and i honestly felt like that clip of Dream, where he kept putting his head in his forearm. Damn Sarah for not warning us about the lights. It was comfy and warm in the class though, which is nice seeing as the outside completely contrasted it.
After the lesson i spent some time with my friends. Again, very fun. I love being around them.
The walk home honestly was alright. It was dark and sketchy as always, i kept getting weird looks from some creepy men. Might have been because i was lip syncing and drumming to Type O negative tho lol. I like listening to them when i have to walk alone in the dark, or metal in general. It makes me feel less scared. I think my favourite bit of that was the part by the park. The hill woth the forest behind it looks like something out of a fever dream. Very creepy, but in a good way sorta.
Got home got dressed, usual stuff. Mh dad called me, as he promised he would yesterday. I had a very nice talk with him, lasted about 1 hour. I love him alot, he kept telling me jokes and preaching life lessons. I ended up showing him one of my recent artworks, which he LOVED. I was so happy he did, he seemed very proud. What did make me sad is him not believing me when i said he was the best dad id ever ask for. Really got to me, because hes been his best for me, hes been the best to me, and in all honesty i wouldnt replace him with anyone else if given the chance to. Hes great, and has shown me a ton.
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Close Entry: 19:45
Heres todays song:
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videostak · 1 year
insaaane to me i mean i still need  a lifetime of practice b4 i can rly even say i drive stick but like just being able to do it today felt like a huge relief like ok i can actually do it... AWESOME ..  wanna take it as slow as possible cause unlike automatic if im not careful i really can get in a bad accident or just get stuck in the middle of the street all freezing up lol but like gonna keep driving to the record store as often as i can i mean i dont wanna waste money too much tbh but like wanna have somewhere to practice driving to then eventually go to the thrift which is gonna be actually tricky compared to automatic cause like theres a slope AND its where u have to turn from a big street so like the heat will be on lol but i dont plan to do that til like i really genuinely feel like ive gotten very comfortable driving to the record store n back. then after that once i can do that ill start driving to the mall which is a normal length drive of like 10 15 mins or so and doing that is like the test tbh to rly see how comfortable i am driving n how in sync i am with it. and then like oncei reach a point where i genuinely feel comfortable and safe driving in it (and more importantly handling slopes at like a full stop and just going up normal cause like theres a decent amount of slopes on the way to both swap meets) like once i got that down i can attempt to drive to the swap meets n stuff.. will probably use my sisters car still tho i mean like just to not get too cocky u kno and for running errands of course in the meantime but hope to eventually switch to using mines 100% of the time. i mean also rn my car has like no ac or cd player or aux or anything so if im going somewhere far id wanna like be able to chill tho also liek i rly try not to use the ac or anything when driving alone since its good to save gas n stuff i only use it when driving with other ppl so they dont complain abt it being too hot n stuff like when im by myself i roll the windows down soyeas but rly hoping i can get a cd player in my car and aux n stuff and listen to albums regularly n stuff :D well kidna cause thatd be real cool but also id be worried abt like having to switch discs n stuff when an album ends LOL well probaby wouldnt and would just listento an album on repeat for a ride regardless of how long it is or smthn .. i mean id probably also switch CDs like if its a real long drive like one album on the way there and one on the way back n stufff. anyways felt nice af driving today getting there and getting out of my car looking at it and locking it n stuff :) like since its an old car u actually have to lock it physically which is real cool i had to make sure all the doors were locked n stuff it was awesome. was paranoid the whole time while at the record store taht it was rolling away or smthn since that can happen if u dont park them properly like if u put it in neutral and the emergency brake doesnt work then itll just start rollin away so what u have to do is put it in first when u park like put the emergency brake and put it in first and turn it off with feet both on clutch and brake then u can not worry apparently but i was worrying like wondering if i had forgotten to do that lol.
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skruttet · 2 years
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moomintroll’s widdle paw 🥺
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
bonus fanfic au content,,,, this time featuring,,, animatronic reader au
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sjdfhsjdhf i was chatting in the discord w some pals and someone jokingly said smthn like “omg reader is secretly an animatronic confirmed” and i was like *eyes emoji* i mean,,,,,,,, they aint but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
(some tidbits n other info below the cut)
so! here is Not Fine’s reader as a modified staff bot, designed to do repairs and general maintenance, yknow, change lightbulbs n stuff. they dont have a voicebox so theyre mostly silent (at first? idk maybe theyd get a voicebox later) but they sure have done a lot of thinking and are roughly as Aware as the other animatronics. they constantly feel a little out of place, not quite a simple staff bot but also not as interesting or complex as the glamrocks. 
still, despite their vague and ambiguous relationship with the other animatronics, theyre friendly and endearing and, naturally, the other animatronics get attached to them. theyre sort of like a nurse to the others, coming around to do routine maintenance and fix little things, so theyre kind of like,, a younger-sibling-like figure to the glamrocks hsdfhsdfs
i feel like they would be able to keep their senses during a Longest Night/Security Breach type scenario? If only partly because theyre such an oddball/recently made animatronic, they wouldnt have had the time to catch the virus or be synced with Vanny or however you choose to look at that mess, maybe just bc theyre ✨different✨ like that jhsdjhfsdj. Maybe they’d help Gregory in small ways, never directly interact with him but catch on that something is Wrong with the others and they dont mean well when they try to catch Gregory, so they start making small traps here and there to slow down the other animatronics. Maybe they rig a door to shut and lock as soon as he passes through, maybe they knock something over or cause a loud ruckus when one of them is close to where he’s hiding, idk, just little things like that. Maybe at some point Freddy would need fixing that Gregory can’t do and Reader-bot comes in and saves the day before immediately retreating again?? idk theyre pretty pacifistic so i dont think theyd take up a very offensive front but theyd still want to help
do they still end up in a romance with Sun/Moon???? Who knows!!! Maybe!!! Probably! idk!!!! I just work here!!!!! anyway idk why i made this sorry jskdfhj
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lovelyshawnn · 4 years
Sick Little Games
George Weasley x Reader, Draco Malfoy x Reader
Y/N and Draco were known as the ultimate slytherin duo. When she catches him in the act of infidelity, she makes it a goal to hurt him back as much as he hurt her. What starts as nothing but a sick little game, turns into something more with another red headed boy.
“what would malfoy think if he knew i was fucking his girl right now?” george grunted in my ear, hips thrusting into mine while my back was pressed against the prefect bathroom’s cold stone wall. my legs were wrapped around his waist, sultry moans tumbling out of my mouth as he fucked me senseless. his words only intensified the pleasure as i gripped on to his biceps for support. he could feel my wet pussy clenching around his throbbing cock, signfying that i was close to coming.
“what would your little boyfriend think if he knew how well you take my cum?” i let out a whimper as his thick cock hit my gspot, making my vision go completely white. “fuck y/n,” he grunted as his pace quickened. i let out a string of curse words, toes curling in pleasure as he rubbed my clit with his long slender fingers as we reached our orgasms together.
his movements slowed and eventually halted, cock still balls deep in me as he placed loving kisses all over my face. he slowly released me from his hold, planting my feet back on the ground before completely removing himself from me. with our chests still heaving, we transitioned from standing by the bathroom’s windows, to the warm bubbly bath. this was common thing for us, so naturally we were able to establish a routine. sneaking out of the dorms late at night to see each other, satisfying our thirsts for each other before taking a dip in the bath to relax and cleanse ourselves of our sins.
george’s hands worked its way down my neck and shoulders, rubbing out any knots while he gave me little pecks on my forehead. i smiled my first genuine smile of the day. i was constantly dragging myself throughout the day, in and out of my classes, plastering a fake smile until the clock struck a certain time at night where i would meet up with george. “so why are you still with that git anyways?”
i rolled my eyes at his choice of words. i considered not even replying at all, but one glance at his concentrated face with that accusational eyebrow raise, and i knew this was something he wasnt going to drop again.
“he loves me,” i sighed, shrugging my shoulders.
“he loves you? is that why you caught him fucking pansy parkinson in the forbidden section of the library?” georges hostile tone rang in my ears.
it was supposed to be our date night. draco knew how stressed i had been with all our recent exams, and how much i needed a break. my sweet, loving boyfriend of almost 2 years proposed we have a date night full of snuggles and snacks to relieve my stress. after getting dolled up and waiting in our slytherin common room for over an hour, i came to terms with the fact that he wasn’t going to show up.
the silly thing was, i really tried to make excuses for him. blaise had strolled past on his way up to his dorm and asked why i was sitting there all alone. “just waiting on draco,” id say passively, in which he’d give me a pitiful smile before heading up. i thought, maybe he just got caught up on some of his prefect duties. or maybe he took a nap and overslept. or maybe he even got detention for the day, but he would never forget about me, right? surely he couldn’t forget about his own plans that he made.
i’d grown tired of sitting there all alone, letting my thoughts eat me alive. so i grabbed my book bag and decided to head to the library to get a head start on some homework. walking deeper and deeper into the dark library, thats when i heard it. the faint gasps and moans coming from a high pitched female voice. “ugh,” i thought, “who wouldn’t even have the decency to go to a private spot?”
i rounded the corner, my eyes almost bulging out of my skull as i took in the sight in front of me. a bright platinum head of hair stuffed into the crook of pansy parkinsons neck, as he fucked her on one of the library desks with her skirt hitched all the way up. they had been so into it that they didnt even see me. what gave it away was some stupid lamp falling over as i rushed out of the library, tears in my eyes. athough they stopped at the sound indicating someone was there, they never knew it was me.
my vision was blurry, tears streaming faster down my cheeks as i ran away. i wasnt sure where i was going, but i knew i had to be as far away as possible from that complete and utter asshole. from the second i saw him til now, a million feelings coursed through my body. i was devastated, devastated that the man i loved for 2 whole years had been lying to my face. how long was he unloyal for? was this the first time? these unanswered questions made me transition from grief to rage. i was infuriated that he took me as some kind of fool who would never find out about his cheating ways. i had been so caught up in my emotions that i didnt notice where i was going, smacking face first into a very toned chest.
“Woah! Y/N? You alright there, love?” George’s voice was impossible not to recognize. “Oh, I-I’m sorry,” I gasped before turning around to leave. His warm hand clasped around my wrist softly, tugging me back as one of his hands lifted my chin up so that he could inspect my face, and most importantly my blood shot eyes.
“You’re crying,” his voice was a lot softer than i’ve ever heard it before. with him being a gryffindor and me being a slytherin, i was used to the rude remarks he’d yell at us in the hallways. him and his lovely twin have always made my life here at hogwarts a living hell. as of recently, he went from constant bullying to the exact opposite. he was always throwing complements my way as loud and obnoxious as possible. and i knew he did it just to get a rise out of his most hated slytherin of all, draco. draco was always a possesive boyfriend, not wanting any guys to look at me. but having a weasley complement me out of everyone else would’ve drove him absolutely mad.
however, what started out as an excuse to piss off draco, had turned into something else. george couldn’t help but notice how my eyes were a lot browner than he remembered, a certain twinkle in them whenever i got excited talking to my housemates about something. he quickly found himself feeling jealous as malfoy walked through the halls with his arm around my shoulder.
of course, i was oblivious to all of this, which would’ve explained his soft tone. “I’m fine,” I sniffled, wiping my tears off with the sleeve of my sweater and avoiding direct eye contact. “Come with me,” he wasted no time, dragging me down the corridor before i could mutter a response. he led me to the prefect bathroom, opening the doors for me as i took in the beautiful mosaics.
“how did you even get the password?” i asked suspiciously to the troublesome boy.
he shrugged, “turned percy’s hair blue and wouldnt change it back until he’d tell me,”
i let out a snort, which i was quick to cover with a cough. only he could make me genuinely laugh after figuring out the man i had loved so deeply, didnt love me back enough to keep his dick in his pants. i turned away from his gaze, but he saw it. he took pride in being able to cause that gorgeous smile, but he was nice enough to not tease me about it tonight. he’d definitely bring it up another day, though.
“so, whats wrong?” he asked, arms crossed as he leaned against one of the porcelain sinks. i let out a sigh, debating on whether i should tell him at all. he was supposed to be our rival, afterall.
“draco cheated,” i stated. georges face softened, all traces of humor dissipating into thin air. “i’m sorry y/n,” he started, “that bloke doesn’t know what he’s got.”
for the first time that night, i looked up at him and saw the look he had in his eyes. the lingering gaze around my figure, the softness in his facial features, the way his eyes bored into mine with a sense of longing.
that was when a lightbulb when off in my head. ill admit that im not proud of what my next thought was, and it was definitely one of the most slytherin things i have ever done, but it was worth it. i wanted to hurt draco. i wanted him to feel as bad as i did, and i wanted revenge.
i strode over to his leaning frame, making it a point to swing my hips in the process. my lips formed a pout as i spoke to him in a low voice. “if he doesn’t know what hes got,” i trailed my fingers from his shoulders down to his chest, “who will?”
my lips got incredibly closer to the shell of his ear. “you?” i asked, cupping his buldge with my hand. he let out a barely audible whimper, eyes staring back at me like a deer in headlights.
i left a gentle kiss on his neck, “tell me if you want me to stop.” george shut his eyes for a split second, contemplating his morals. he weighed his options and outcomes. on one hand, he’d be able to piss off that spoiled brat malfoy, which would give him enough satisfaction to last him the rest of his life. on the other hand, he’d finally get to know what the taste of his crush’s lips were like. it was a win win situation. fuck it, he thought before closing the gap between us, lips moving in sync as the kiss became increasingly passionate. his hands roamed all over my body as i ran my fingers through his hair.
it was an amazing night, full of multiple orgasms that left me struggling to walk properly. george was certainly thicker than malfoy. the day after was when the feelings of sadness, regret, and confusion came sinking in. as soon as i woke up and left my dorm, there he was. in his perfect green uniform that perfectly matched his perfect porcelain skin. dracos head was held high, not a care in the world as it was obvious he completely forgot about our date night and had no idea i caught him and pansy red handed.
i walked past him, not even batting an eye in his direction as i made my way to the great hall. “y/n!” he called out, quickly catching up to me, “whats wrong?”
i rolled my eyes, “you forgot our date.” his eyes immediately widened as he realized his mistake, cheeks blushing like a tomato as he recalled where he was instead of the date. “darling, please forgive me. i’m so sorry, i just got caught up in my studi-“
i halted my steps, not wanting to listen to his bullshit excuse, “i forgive you.” he looked at me with bewilderment, “y-you forgive me?”
“of course,” i gave him the most convincingly sweet smile, “its not a big deal at all!”
his shoulders relaxed in relief at my words. oh, what a stupid boy. what a stupid, stupid boy. the only reason i was “forgiving him” was because i was going to hurt him back, a lot worse. he held my hand in his as we continued our stroll to the great hall, him lifting my hand up to plant a kiss on my knuckles.
right when he had done that, i locked eyes with a familiar red head from across the corridor. he smirked as he watched me, noticing the way my steps were slightly different than normal. it was the same shit eating smile he wore last night as he made me reach my 3rd orgasm, face buried between my legs and licking up my juices as if his life depended on it. i bit my lip as the flashback played in my head, instantly making me feel lightheaded again.
draco and i took our usual spots at the slytherin table, everything seemingly normal until the owls arrived. a letter had been dropped into my lap.
unravelling the parchment, there was a faint message scribbled across in black ink. “same time and place tonight?”
there was no name or any indication of identity, but i knew exactly who it was. luckily from where i was sitting at the table, i had a clear view of george. as i looked up from the letter, i instantly made eye contact with him, him giving me a sly wink before regurning to eat his mashed potatoes. he didnt need an answer, he knew id come back after the night we had togegher.
“whos that letter from?” a voice snapped me out of my haze. i jumped slightly before tucking the letter safely into my robe, “oh, it was just mum.”
“whatd she say?” draco questioned, slightly suspicious as he recognized me hiding the letter.
“she asked how you were, shes having dinner with your parents this weekend,” i said while gulping down my goblet of juice. draco seemed convinced at that answer, dropping his suspicions rather quickly, “oh thats right, mother was telling me about that.”
it was ironic, really. we were seen as the picture perfect duo. the slytherin prince with none other than his slytherin princess. we had the world in our hands, both coming from wealthy pureblood families. even our parents were over the moon at the news of our relationship blossoming, instantly talking about our plans for marriage in the future. but were we willing to throw that all away for these sick little games?
hi guys i know i usually write shawn fics but ive been into hp recently and wanted to give it a try! if u guys rlly like this one, id love to make a part 2 n finish the series (: pls lmk and give feedback! 🤍
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willadisastercry · 4 years
Keith has a whole panic attack in the middle of a mission...
tw: description of a panic attack, depersonalization and derealization, breathing difficulties
Keith is the leader. How was he supposed to let his team know that he was dissociating when he was supposed to be leading them? He tried to push past it to finish the mission, but he can’t, not this time.
Keith secretly hates explosions.
Like really hates them.
Well, explosions and anything loud or jarring. So basically every sight and sound that came with the commotion of battle.
He’s in a war, he knows that the things he sees are terrifying.
Except it isn’t always battle.
It’s anything.
But he also knows that he doesn’t have time to have that type of visceral fear of something he experiences nearly every day.
So he ignores it.
He ignores the flinches and the odd looks and the spilled drinks and the times where it takes him an extra beat to respond over the coms.
He ignores it until he can’t help it anymore.
He pushes it down until the pressure is too great and it lets itself loose.
He can’t possibly let his teammates know that he is that vulnerable, that skiddish, that weak.
That they haven’t even made it through the war and he’s already been marked by it.
Because he’s observant and he seems to be the only one of his teammates that experiences it aside from Shiro.
And even then, Shiro has an explanation.
A reason for it.
But Keith doesn’t.
And though every now and then the tenors of battle catch up with one of them and the gravity of it all makes a striking appearance... but none of them crumble like him.
None of them struggle in their lions to make sense of what they’re seeing or hearing or doing with the sensory overload that came with battle...
or when his friends’ chatter spikes a little too loud and he shivers at his newly unfocused vision as they drone out of range...
or the bass of a song rings a little too heavy and then all he can hear is the sound of his own heart and suddenly he’s forgotten how to fill his lungs...
or the whir of an engine or machine somewhere distant in the castle stops him dead in his tracks, suddenly leaden with the burning anticipation of an attack, both alien and anxiety.
He wrote it off as just a teeny little aversion to loud and unexpected sounds. A knee-jerk reaction that he just couldn’t help. Nothing to dwell over.
Just sometimes when he’s particularly stressed or overextended or on a particularly noisy mission and something catches him off guard, he loses his breath. His focus. His awareness. But only for a moment. Because the feeling always passes and he waits until the battle is over to deal with it in safety.
At least it usually passed.
A thundering boom swallowed Keith’s attention as Black tumbled dazedly through space, jarred and unmoving, not because the lion was out of commotion from a strike, but because Keith was.
Keith had just been relaying an order to fall back and regroup when an asteroid in his blind spot exploded into dozens of bits and pieces beside him, one of the fighter ships having hit it rather than Black.
He should’ve been relieved because he wasn’t stunned. He could still fight and help his team.
But he wasn’t.
Because damn, why’d he feel so weird now.
He blinked hard and took a deep breath.
No. Not right now. It was nothing, you weren’t even hit. You’re fine. You’re team needs you, just focus.
“KEITH, do you copy?! Yellow and Red are stunned, it’s just me against this entire fleet—gah! I could really use some backup!” Lance rushed over the coms, but it took Keith a minute to fully absorb what he had said.
Everything seemed so delayed and distant even though the sound was right in his ear, it was like the coms were... yeah the coms were probably just fudged up.
Keith blinked back the haze that clouded his vision and brought his hands back up to the controls.
He didn’t remember them ever falling away or when they had started shaking.
So he took a breath, ignoring how tight his chest felt and sent his lion back into motion anyway, a minute later coming up on Lance’s rear and immediately returning the fire of the fleet that was kicking his ass.
“About time! What’d ya take a cat nap or something—“
“Shut it—“
“Guys I’ve almost retrieved all of the data... Shiro there are five sentries escorting a the package coming down the east corridor... Hunk, Allura, how are your lions?! There’s another fleet headed your way that Keith and Lance won’t be able to hold off on their own!”
Zip. Zip. Thud. His legs had officially gone numb.
“Working on it!”
“Red seems to be weak, but I will see what I can do.”
Zip. Crash. Boom. The cotton in his ears really muffled everything, making his friend’s voices sound robotic.
“Keith, on your right!”
“The reinforcement fleet just deployed and is headed your way!”
“Can anyone cover me while—“
But Keith didn’t hear the rest of Lance’s pleading question because another explosion or zap or something was making its way through his chest and rattling his lungs. It had been really close. He hadn’t even seen it. But he felt it. Was black okay? Was he...?
Keith inhaled sharply, his chest was now so tight it felt like the air he sucked down went nowhere.
He tore his hand away from the control stick, clawing at his armor so he could slip his hand under and scratch at the warm, sinking feeling just under the surface of his skin.
“Language, Keith!”
“What’s your deal, mullet? I’m getting destroyed over here...”
“M’sorry L’nce...”
Keep it together. Just a little bit longer.
But there were so many ships. And he just felt so off.
“Everyone just focus!”
But that’s the issue, he couldn’t focus.
“Almost done! Shiro and I will be on our way soon—“
“GaaAH!! Keith what are you DOing?!”
He wasn’t quite sure what he was doing either.
It was like he was on auto pilot, the sounds of battle and his teammates overwhelming him so much that his consciousness was starting to sort of retreat.
“Damn it...”
His voice was a broken whisper. He knew this feeling.
It started slowly. His hands were tingling, like pins and needles except he couldn’t quite feel any of his extremities anymore. He knew the sensation was there but everything was so dull, too far away to grasp.
He flexed them, stretching them out completely and then wringing them together.
“Shit—guys m’sorry,” he slurred, his mouth was so dry it came out as more of a croak that his lips couldn’t quite articulate correctly.
The whooshing of lazers wouldnt stop, it was constant. It was in his ears, it was in his chest, it was suffocating him. He grunted dejectedly.
Now wasn’t the time. Now was dangerous. Not even just for himself but also his team.
The steady beat of his heart lapped dizzingly inside his skull. They were relying on him and he was falling apart.
Please... not now.
Every nerve in his body seemed to hum with anxious energy, even though he wasn’t- he couldn’t be-
He desperately tried to stop it, tried to beat down the feeling as quickly as it flared, but it wouldn’t settle.
He thrust his head back against the pilot chair and sucked in heaving breaths.
He needed air. He needed to not be in Black and not be in space, anywhere but where he was.
And it just kept mounting. All the sounds of the battle going on outside, the conversation over the coms, the beat of his own heart. It was too much.
It was all just too much.
With a strangled yelp another wave of anxiety washed over him and he went rigid. His breathing was desperate and hysterical now.
His chest never relaxing past the arc of his pitiful breaths. Not releasing much, or filling much either, just tightening further and clenching harder each time he tried.
He could feel himself giving in to his body’s overachieving stress response, how his mind stayed firm but his constricted lungs pleaded with him, hell bent on removing the stress of the anxiety flooding it any way it could. He might pass out if it continued any longer.
But there were no messages being received by his brain or sent out to his limbs anymore, the channels had shut down. Nothing was in sync anymore. His mind wanted mercy, it begged with his body to listen to reason and to no avail. He was in danger, but this wouldn’t do him any good. It would get him killed. It would get his team killed.
But nothing would get through now. Not when he couldn’t manage his own breathing, not when the option wasn’t his anymore. There was no room to try and regulate it now, he was well past that point.
He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t keep it back, the terrible feeling that was now consuming him.
The floor had already dropped out beneath him, he’d already missed the stair, the shot of panic had fired, had been set into motion and there was no stopping it now.
It was cold and prickly and daunting and he didn’t want to feel it anymore. He’d pass out for sure and splatter his brains on the control panel in front of him if it continued.
He couldn’t.
He didn’t—
And then almost as subtley as it came on, there was a strange ease that flowed through him and his entire body went numb now, both hands falling limp in his lap and Black tumbling forward lifelessly as soon as he let go of the joysticks once more.
It was a different kind of warmth. Not even a warmth really. Just a lack of a crippling cold or anxious heat.
Like the dial had been turned from 10 to 0.
He’d broken, he’d caved.
He failed in subduing the ridiculous feeling. And now he was stuck. He was floating. Not just in space, but also somewhere outside himself.
It wasn’t that he was looking down on himself or able to see his own body. Rather he felt like he had lifted from the ground, like anti gravity had failed and he was now floating up except he was still within himself sitting on the chair.
Keith could see that he had not moved or shifted, but since he couldn’t feel it he couldn’t stop the sensation of believing that he had.
He wasn’t sure what was worse in this situation, full on panic mode or utter catatonic.
Both were dangerous.
Both he couldn’t stop or help even if he wanted.
But at least before he could move.
The only benefit to his withdrawn conciousness was that his hearing was filtering back in.
“—th-ieth—ome in!”
“—too many, fuck!”
“—damned mullet, where are you?!”
Soon he could sort of make out the indistinct static from the coms and then the mush of voices separated and solidified and he was becoming aware of the flurry of concerned remarks mixed with indignant ones that were flooding the channel.
“Has anyone had any word from Keith?”
“He sounded sort of strange that last time he was active...”
“Wait, what happened?”
“Is Black down?”
“Keith, do you copy?”
“There’s so many...”
Zip. Crash. Zip. Zip. Thud.
And as he came back to himself for a moment he also became well aware of Black’s absence. The lion had been taking heavy fire and was rendered just as unresponsive as Keith.
“Lance if you corner them against that asteroid then I think I can power up Yellow enough for one blast!”
“Red is starting to respond...”
“So no one has gotten a status from Keith?”
“Keith do you copy?”
“Is he okay?”
But things were growing fuzzy again, his surroundings dimming as his hearing faded again.
His eyes lolled around lazily before glazing over, reducing whatever was happening over the coms and outside of Black to a sort of hollow static.
He didn’t think he’d call this blacking out, because he never lost consciousness. He just lost... awareness.
Like he was aware that the strap around his waist was the only thing keeping him from bonking around in Black since zero gravity was now actually down. And he was aware he was floating helplessly off into space, and that he didn’t feel like he was in his own body, and that he still wasn’t breathing properly.
But he wasn’t aware of how much time was passing, or that his coms were still working and his team was desperately trying to get him to respond, or that he was still very much being fired on.
This went on for a while.
But he supposed it was safer like this. Because when he feels the panic rise, the only thing he can focus on is stopping it before it gets really bad. But then when he can’t catch it in time he hyperventilates. And passes out.
Because the need to squash it down and the fear of not being able to sometimes made it worse. Like so much worse.
And so sometimes his body retreated instead.
He was scared to feel that, to feel everything at once. And he knew what came with feeling like that. His body remembered what he’d do to try and take back control, like muscle memory, like scar tissue.
He’d pinch his leg until it bruised or punch a wall until his knuckles split just to have something else to focus on so he didn’t get so hysterical he wasn’t able to breathe and faint or sob so hard he’d make himself so dizzy and nauseous he threw up.
The options were really endless. And they all terrified him.
But this time he’d had so much else to worry about that he couldn’t ground himself even if he tried. Sure it might’ve involved smashing up his hand on the console, but he wouldn’t have put himself or his teammates in danger by checking out like this since he hadn’t.
So instead when the panic rose but the battle still raged, it overwhelmed him rather quickly because he couldn’t handle something so abrupt all at once. It was too much input and he was just so tired already that his body didn’t even try to fight it for long and acted on reflex before he could.
His consciousness retreated and left him sitting in his pilot chair catatonic, his frozen gaze boring a hole into the dark control panel in front of him, his heart beat and the whirring outside an after thought over the serene sort of high of being detached from everything. Of feeling absolutely nothing.
If his chest hurt, he couldn’t feel it. And if his nails were digging into the skin of his gloveless hand through the fists he held, he couldn’t be sure until they opened. Or if his breathing had leveled, or hadn’t, or if Black was okay. He couldn’t feel it. He couldn’t feel anything.
And so he stayed like that until Blue and Green latched their claws onto Black and began towing them both back to the castle. The suddenness of it jarred him, tearing him from his bliss before he was particularly ready to come back.
Keith had no idea how long it’d been, but he knew he was moving now.
He reached around blindly for something to anchor him, the fact that he was physically floating around in his seat really didn’t help the false sensation of floating he felt as he tried to come back to himself.
Keith still wasn’t all there and it was another kind of terrifying. He blinked dazedly, hot tears making their way down his face and meeting at his chin.
He must’ve groaned or whimpered or breathed a conscious-sounding breath because the coms were alight in his ear after that. Though their sentiments were still delayed as it took him a while to decipher each phrase, his teammates worries managed to cut through the intense ringing.
“Do you copy? Repeat: Keith, do you copy?”
He groaned again. He wanted to assure them that he was okay but his mouth didn’t move the way it should.
“The mullet lives, yay!”
“Shut up, Lance... and don’t worry Keith, we’ve gotcha.”
His breaths came in harsh pants now. He wanted to come back down into his own body. He wanted to feel his hands again. The in between was almost worse then the peak of it, not being neither here nor there felt so wrong. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t summon the feeling back.
He looked down as his hands clenched and unclenched. No, he hated that there was control but still no feeling and was soon discarding the other glove, wringing his hands together until they went white and then banging them against the console when that didn’t work but all he got was an angry nudge from Black.
Black! Black... hi.
He didn’t realize the presence of Black in his mind could be so comforting. It warmed him. He hadn’t known he was so cold.
Paladin hurt! Black Lion sorry they couldn’t get paladin safe. Black Lion also hurt. Black Lion sorry.
No... I’m not hurt and it’s not your fault. This-this happens sometimes I just... wasn’t ready. I’ll be okay.
Black Lion tried to wake my Paladin up. Blue and Green Lions came. They heard me calling to my Paladin. They help my Paladin.
I know they’re helping me. I’ll be okay soon. Thank you, Black. You did so good.
He was able to relax a little after that because Black was using whatever energy he had left to send reassuring waves of comfort to Keith. And eventually his breaths weren’t so harsh, but he still wasn’t really himself yet.
Just when he was coming to a steady pace, a regulated and somewhat controlled rhythm, Black’s ramp lowered with a hulking crack.
The panic swirled again. It rose up in his throat like sick would and then he was hunched over and heaving, gripping the arms of his chair so tight it was like he was scared he would all but disappear if he didn’t.
There was a hand on his back that made him flinch so hard his stomach cramped at the movement.
Another was pulling his helmet off.
“What’s wrong buddy?”
Air. He breathed in deeply, almost choking as recycled Keith air became recycled castle air. Not much of an improvement but enough of a change to have his chest stuttering.
“Keith, can you talk? Can you tell us what’s going on?”
It was cold outside the helmet and his body trembled. You weren’t really supposed to sweat inside of the paladin armor, it was literally designed to regulate body temperature, but Keith’s hair was stringy and stuck to his forehead and it certainly didn’t help how cold he’d suddenly become that he was drenched.
“He doesn’t seem to be injured...”
Hands were pulling at what was left of his armor, he’d almost forgotten he’d basically ripped his chest plate off.
“Yeah, no, he’s all good. So why—“
His lungs swelled with a heat like he had inhaled fire, he couldn’t stop his strangled gasps now, or the tears.
He couldn’t breathe.
“Cn’t—can’t! Sh-Sh, f-fuck-can’t! Shir-Sh-Sh—“
“Woah, there mullet. Just relax buddy.”
“Uhm, shit. Shiro! We need you like now.”
Keith felt like his chest was in a vice grip. Like his lungs were being squeezed and dripped dry of every ounce of air they contained. Everything tingled and felt so far away all at once. His own hands felt far away as they clawed desperately at his neck, scratching at it like that would bring the air back and stop this. His blood coursing cold as ice through his veins, the steady flow of it burning against the heat concentrated in his chest.
He could vaguely feel tiny hands pulling at his own as they rubbed the skin at the back of his neck raw. He blinked back the tears welling in his eyes only to find that black dots had also joined the party and let a gutteral whine escape along with a particular strangled inhale.
And then a shadow loomed over him and he distantly thought he must be fainting until Shiro’s hands descended on his face, his own coming into view as they were held away from him.
“I’m here! Yes you can. You can breathe. Why don’t you try doing it with me? Just like this. That’s okay! Don’t worry about it right now, it’ll come easier soon, just keep trying. Yeah, just like that. Here, put your hand here, follow me. Good. That’s good.”
Keith came back to himself slowly and in parts. Once he could feel his hand on Shiro’s chest he tightened it around the material, like he might disappear too. And then his other hand was frantic, searching for something else that was solid.
“We’re here, we’re right here,” Lance assured, taking Keith’s hand up and squeezing. He sounded scared.
Why would Lance be scared?
“Hmn, huh-huh-fff...” the curse tapered off in a crackle, it started out as a languid sigh but turned into a sheepish hitch.
“Hey, just focus on breathing. You’re okay, everything will be alright. You’re safe, you’re back at the castle,” Keith clung to Shiro and Lance desperately, the sensations coming back to him and making him both overwhelmed and relieved.
“That’s it, just worry about breathing.”
Shiro was pulling the hand not clutching at his shirt away from his thigh where the nails were digging in, producing a sharp tingle that Keith welcomed because it was something. He then moved the strands of hair dampened out of his wide eyes while they darted around, wild and almost unseeing. That’s how Shiro knew what was wrong. That look. The distinct haze of Keith not really being present.
“Pidge is getting you something to drink if you’re up for it. And we can go somewhere else while you calm down, but only if you want to...”
Keith didn’t like the idea of moving just yet, of trying to walk. Because when he walked in this state he could really feel himself drifting off, detaching further with each heavy step. And apparently that got conveyed to Shiro who was squashing the idea from the response that followed it.
“We’ll wait a bit, no worries. We’ll wait here for as long as you need. The battle is over, you can relax now.”
Keith didn’t know what it was about what Shiro had said, but the comfort in knowing he was safe, that he was allowed to be vulnerable like this in front of Shiro... it got him. He didn’t know where he found the emotional reserves but was soon crying so hard his breath hitched as snot gushed from his nose and erupted in wet coughs from his throat.
There were hurried fingers fumbling with the belt that trapped him in his pilot chair, but then he was released and falling forward to his knees and into Shiro’s arms.
“I’ve got you...”
His cries were desperate and heartwhrenching, Lance caught himself wincing away at times, giving Keith’s hand a squeeze when he let out a particularly whining hiccough.
“I just-I just... I need it to stop-I don’t want to f-fe-feel like this... anymore, please-I-I-c-c-can’t-I can’t make it stop...” he sobbed, completely at the mercy of his swelling panic now. He hated not being in control of himself, he felt so weak and he hated it.
“You’ve gotta let it run it’s course, it’ll end. I promise, it’ll end... just breathe for now, in and out...” Shiro soothed holding his hand against his chest again so he could feel his calm, deep breaths and mimic them.
Lance motioned to the door, silently asking Shiro if him and Pidge should go, but Keith twitched when he moved to get up and let out a choking whine.
Keith didn’t want to be more alone, he didn’t even care about how weak he must seem.
“You want us to stay? We’ll stay, whatever you need...” Lance covered their clasped hands with his other hand, Pidge taking post at his leg and working herself between him and Shiro, getting a glimpse of his face with her new position.
“We’re right here, we’re not going anywhere.”
He wasn’t sure how long he stayed like that, Shiro rubbing circles on his aching back as his whole body shook, Lance on the floor a little further away letting him pinch and squeeze his hand as long as it wasn’t his own, Pidge humming something softly and guiding the straw of the hydration pack into his mouth when he allowed it.
He felt so safe. And loved. He just felt bad he couldn’t calm down quick enough. If he was more of his right mind he wouldn’t have been caught dead letting himself fall to pieces in front of his friends like this, but he didn’t have the energy to worry about that then. He was more than over it but coming out of that state completely proved difficult.
“S-sorry, I’m trying... I c-can’t-“
“That’s okay, however long it takes bud.”
There were moments where he was completely lucid and making jokes and moments where his breathing would become unsteady again and he’d try and ground himself but hands were there to stop him.
Eventually he mumbled something about being cold and wanting to go lay down.
“Okay, we can bring you to your room if you want... yeah? Ok. Lance do you mind—careful”
“Easy there, mullet.”
Shiro and Lance hoisted Keith up but his legs wavered and he leaned heavily into his friends’ supporting arms, turns out the feeling hadn’t fully come back yet.
“Sorry,” he gushed, “my legs feel... weird.”
“That’s okay, we’ll just take it slow.”
And they did. They guided an unsteady and still shaking Keith back to his room at a snails pace, stopping occasionally when he advised them that the room was spinning and he wasn’t sure he was still on the ground so they could assure him that yes he was in fact still on the ground.
They didn’t rush him or get mad when they had to pause, even Lance took on a concerned tone of understanding. Because he did, he seemed to understand perfectly just like Shiro had that Keith couldn’t control any of what his body was doing or how it felt. Because if he could help it, he would’ve finished the mission and walked himself back into his room, but he couldn’t help it. And they somehow knew that.
And they let him know that it was okay that he couldn’t.
When they finally got there they helped him sit and get him out of the rest of his armor. It was apparent that his hands weren’t quite working right just yet.
“I’ll get that,” Pidge said unfastening the straps of his boots when he struggled at the clasps, sliding them off for him. He didn’t even mind. He felt like he should’ve jumped at the brush of her hand against his, but he didn’t.
“Let’s get you out of this,” Shiro offered, dragging the zipper at his back down slightly.
He only grunted and shut his eyes because his head was pounding from all the sobbing he did and he wasn’t spinning anymore so the action didn’t make him nauseous now.
And then he really, really would’ve been embarrassed when Shiro and Lance were tugging him out of his suit, especially since Pidge was there, but he couldn’t find it in him to care much that he was in just his boxers.
And neither did they. They took care of everything for him as he sat there in a haze, just focusing on staying upright and alert while they helped him get dressed. He hadn’t even realized that they were done until Pidge was curling up in his lap not seeming to care that he was still trembling, Shiro and Lance carefully stripping the rest of the signs of battle away.
Although he was less hysterical, his body was still working its way through the physical symptoms that usually came after. Like being really delayed with his responses and his legs occasionally uncontrollably bouncing or how he’d involuntary take a huge gulp of air every once and a while.
They would ask him something occasionally and it would take him several blinks to comprehend their sentence and respond.
But soon someone was bringing a cold rag to mop the sweat from his face and the residue of blood from his palms where his nails broke the skin. It soothed the blotches he felt around his bloodshot eyes and helped ground him in a way he’d never really expected it could.
Pidge successfully intercepted a concerned Coran who had barged in at one point making Keith nearly jump out of his skin. He just wanted to know if a pod would ease his distress and tutted in understanding as they calmed him back down and continued to clean him up, because no this wasn’t something that alien tech could fix.
And then when they were done they wrapped his fuzzy throw blanket tightly around his upper body before easing him back against his pillow and shrugging the comforter over him. Pidge refused to leave his side when he gruffed that he didn’t care if they stayed or not and remained curled up against him like a cat. Lance strewn out at the foot of the bed. Shiro close by on the floor with his head against the wall.
It didn’t take him long to settle down like he had thought it might, like it usually did. He was completely exhausted, so that helped, but he was also just so at peace with his friends surrounding him that it came easy.
They all stayed until they heard his breathing even out until he was snoring lightly with his mouth hung open.
And then they figured they could stay just a bit longer until their eyelids started drooping and they fell asleep like that. Pidge having been out since her head hit Keith’s arm-pillow and Lance hadn’t been too far behind once he knew Keith was sleeping peacefully.
Hunk and Allura checked on them all quietly once they returned, not wanting to disturb the peaceful bunch. They didn’t stay because they were dead tired after having had wrapped up the mission by themselves once Lance and Pidge left with Black and Allura had dropped Shiro off.
But they also didn’t stay because from what Coran relayed, they’d had a moment with Keith and were taking this time to bond with the boy that didn’t let anyone besides Shiro in ever.
It was historic and they didn’t want to push it.
Keith had let himself be vulnerable in front of his teammates. He had let them take care of him. And they were glad that he did and were happy to do it.
They loved him. And he knew that.
He went to sleep thinking about that... knowing he was loved.
It was the best sleep he’d gotten in space so far.
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bisexualmaedhros · 7 years
06, 11, 19, 57, 69
ah, thanks!!!06 (how do you want to die):painlessly. and after ive done the things i want to do, seen the things i want to see, etc. i want to be buried, not cremated; with a tree planted either on my grave or really close by, with a nice bench nearby so people can just kind of hang out and maybe have a picnic if they want.11 (do you like someone):i think so :-( the thing is, i generally start liking people once i become really close friends with them, so if we were to be in a relationship and that went wrong, i could potentially lose a really great friend- and those are so hard to come by. ive heard of people staying good friends after breaking up, but i dont know if thats what this person would want, and i cant really talk with them about it without sounding like im just toying with their emotions, yknow? anyway. yeah19 (would you go back in time if you had the chance?):if it was guaranteed that i: wouldnt catch some horrible illness or pass one on to everyone; wouldnt be able to change the future; and would be able to get back to the present safely whenever i wanted; then yes i would love that. i think it would be an interesting experience.57 (do you believe in true love):i think so! i believe that its possible for people to care so much about each other that theyre just super in sync or whatever. i mean it wouldnt be easy to get to that point, certainly, but i think its possible.69 (nice) (do you believe in soulmates):hmm, i dont really believe that theres some magical connection or destiny that someone is just "meant for you" and everything is perfect automatically. again, i think you have to work to get there. i feel like you become someones soulmate, and that most likely youre not it from the beginning. soulmates, to me, have an element of destiny involved (at least in the traditional sense), and i dont believe in fate or destiny.thank you so much for the ask!!!
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galimatios · 5 years
sci fi ya au musings from twitter thread mostly nts
maybe i do want to write YA science fiction ya with gay and all my favorite self indulgent tropes and also plugsuits
I HATE MYSELF I IMMEDIATELY HAVE SCENES IN MY HEAD . ITS BEEN TWO GODDAMN SECONDS. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO THESE CHARACTERS ARE YET tjinking about those rooms in that one ep of black mirror where youcan program jt tk show whatever you want on the walls. maybe projection of virtual reality vs reality as a major motif. simulations and distance... long distance relationships during a war in space action too... have to think about an enemy but maybe we rag on capitalism a littlle maybe some conglomerate is fighting a proxy war using aliens vs the govt the protags are in the military for theme.. war sucks bye but also theres dynamics i want
UM I CAN PUT BIG MECHA INNNNNNNN YEAHHHH anyway i want 2 loyal dog dynamics to juxtapose w eachother + platonic soulmate type protag duo, best friends , one girl one boy, theyre both equally important, some SHIT happens and theyre forced on different sides at some point one loyal dog is treated well, like an equal, will follow x to the end of the world the other is Not treated well. i want to explicitly make that relationship abusive so i can point at it in the text itself and have other loyal dog be like , that's not love. abandoned loyal dog gets adopted by main duo, ends up in a relationship w one of them (whichever one makes it gay), im ship girl with side character who inspires tf out of her, sort of like. theyre competitive and the side character is light years more skilled but girl wants the challenge, wants the chase, is fueled by the prospect of catching up so "wait for me" LAYS DOWN NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS HAVE NAMES OR DESIGNS OR ANYTHING BUT IM ALREADY ATTACHED TO THESE CONNECTIONS mc pair: one techy soft boy nerd who just wants to protect his family so thats why he agreed to help develop/operate tech bc he thinks this is how he can help headstrong pilot ace girl who has no one but wants to prove herself and make a name for herself so she'll be remembered she wants to win glory for herself and comes off as super confident but actually she's just. asuka evangelion except she doesnt crash and burn so bad bc she has the boy who sees thru it, you dont have to try so hard probably happens after a fight where she's reckless hes not one to get mad but this time he's pissed bc she was exceptionally close to dying, yells at her, why do you keep trying so hard to die kinda snaps her back to reality he wants her to rely on him more bc that's what hes here for anyway loyal dog defects from enemy + meets this pair after other loyal dog suggests he joins the crew, tech boy is kind to Everyone but loyal dog FORMERLY AN ASSASSIN ???????? TYPE?? SNIPER?? develops baby crush girl sips her drink :3c
I HAVE TO THINK MORE ABOUT THEM BC OH NO THEYRE CUTE but girl is chasing after some nb femme prodigy who she's rivals with and admires for more than just her skill theyre both emotionally constipated idiots tho so its like. (hand touch) thats enough for 100 years there is. so much tension. and prodigy seems so perfect on the outside but is actually in some kind of super strict fucked up program bc of her skill, and she hated it and is suffering ace pilot is the one to barge in headstrong and fuck everything up and get her out of there girl believes prodigy is amazing. really. incredible. a part of her feels like she'll never catch up . but even so watching prodigy walk into the unknown unflinchingly resolute ... it's both sad in a way bc she's being left behind but also she wouldnt have it any other way bc she thinks forward is the only way prodigy should be facing. its what inspires her. that strength ... h they definitely settle down together in the future tho bc i need ththattt
"when this is all over" said the prodigy, "come find me" this is so self indulgent anyway plotwise once both the govt and the enemy r revealed to be equally bad the main cast defect to a revolutionary group. they will Not win within the span of the novel but theyll have a small victory, very les mis one day more flavored, and even if they did not win they stood for something they believed in, did something to try and tell the truth... also i need more of a cast so i can kill characters off nice now all i have to do is fill all this in with world building and action and stuff and ill have a novel so many sci fi things have done the 2 pilot mind sync emotional thing right so if i do the same thing no one knows if i took it from one franchise or another i need to twist it around a little but i may have ideas haha i can. totally make this a part of my fucking huge sci-fi au really wanna call main girl lane and main boy khemrin . .. i cant unsee the girl as rey flavored so shes ending up w red hair and irish, but boy is SEAsian with a huge family, loyal dog who defects is african, prodigy is asian, other loyal dog feels south american prodigy... astrid is her real name but she may have a codename fsr? idk why i feel it. icarus? assassin defector... something that starts with an o or a d other loyal dog... i need to think but i also need to figure out the personalities of their respective pairs inserts minh as evil one. done. maybe mephis adjacent character for the... no mephis doesnt care abt anyone BUT hed be a great side character OH god what if au jonah and ambrose oh boy. FUCK jonahs probably there for some special task bc hes. attuned to some shit idk
I GUESS IM GONNA DEVELOP AMBROSE MORE ive only written him as a young adult but as a teen hes angry and rebellious and got drafted, ended up being a simple foot soldier but he meets jonah and a lot changes jonah's there on top secret bullshit, same program as astrid definitely has some shit to do With Experiments. astrid has enhanced eyesight/coordination on top of being an ace combat pilot, i think jonah might be able to open up warp gates or limited pocket space mephis is evil scientist who doesnt care abt casualties
I'm thinking about unnamed pilot lesbians and i am. enamored immediately holy shit god they're both so goal oriented and focused but once the fighting is finally over they finally allow themselves to embrace the intensity of their emotions for eachother and i am fucking perishing they were essentially raised as child soldiers so it's this clumsy process of trying to figure things out for the first time, this kind of innocent but intense and blooming love between two hardened soldiers, the years of war coming away when they're together for the first time actually fuck i did name them but i'm still not sure about ace pilot girl? i want to name her lane or something monosyllable, maybe i'll revamp raine and make her this oc instead... either way i'm just. ugh. UGH. FUCK. holy shit they love eachother so much
I"M GETTING REALLY FUCKED UP ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF THE PRODIGY (ASTRID) DYING IN THE LINE OF DUTY or well at least goes missing, presumed dead but raine just... doesn't believe it. astrid can't die. she's too amazing. there's no way fucking. huge disbelief. she refuses? raine going on a near suicidal self-appointed mission against commander's orders to rescue her, khemrin tries to hold her back but he can't, she' fucking gone speeding off on one of the fastest scouting ships she can hijack raine finding her alive but barely conscious in a damaged cockpit floating in space for who knows how long, raine unable to open the hatch and get to her but anchors her ship to hers, NOT EFFECTIVE BUT HER ONLY REAL CHOICE w/o compromising the air seal. makes the journey back astrid barely makes it to the space equivalent of a truck stop (unaffiliated) and raine calls for backup in panic and tries her best to tend to astrid's wounds an feed her and she's fucking PANICKING but trying so hard to keep it together astrid wakes up and raine's crying i don't have anything specific its just really soft and raine never Does this god when they meet again after the war, raine running her fingers over the scar left from astrid's helmet shattering h raine in a tux and astrid dressed like a princess and raine kissing her shoe sorry im gay bye
0 notes
sadrien · 8 years
wanna chat? pt. 14
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
i got my harry potter nerd on for this chapter, mostly because i wanted to write and didn't know what to write about
also, i'm glad you all liked the previous chapter <3
dipshit = adrien fergie = alya no = nino dancing queen = mari
fergie: its 2 quiet in here time for the #discourse
no: no
fergie: shit im blanking i need a topiC @the babs: someone pls
no: i refuse to support this
dipshit: Anything?
fergie: yes
dipshit: Ok give me a second
no: fuck dude i just wanted a day of chill
fergie: babe with friends like us thats just not possible
dancing queen: What are we doing??
dipshit: Hogwarts house discourse Go
no: i cant believe i have to break up with you
fergie renamed this conversation to “hogwarts house discourse”.
dancing queen: Oh no
fergie: alright alright alright adrien = puff mari = puff nino = puff
dipshit: How do you figure
no: uhhh
dancing queen: Sorry al that seems wrong
dancing queen: oh it is it definitely is but ur all sweet enough for hufflepuff and loyal and we all eat too much food hmmm realistic one… adrien = puff mari = snake nino = raven mayb
dipshit: Make Mari Gryffindor and I’ll agree with you
fergie: whaaaaaat our girl is ambitious aF theres no way
dipshit: But she’s also a really strong leader and incredibly brave
dancing queen: If were arguing over anyone Id say adrien should be a gryffindor Oh wait maybe ravneclaw???? Hes super smart Shit this is really hard? He could be in three???
no: the fuck i was thinking slytherin actually
fergie: ???
dancing queen: ???????
no: listen my dudes the hat takes what you want into consideration right? it does it for harry anyway
fergie: what does this have to do with marshmallow being a snake which is just not accurate
no: im getting there
dipshit: Are we going by stereotypes or nah
dancing queen: Nah The stereotypes suck
no: im just saying theres no fucking way if we were wizards teh agrestes wouldnt be pure bloods and gabriel would be classic fucking slytherin
dancing queen: Ok Ill agree with that
fergie: mhmmmm
dipshit: I wouldn’t say that
no: bro even if you arent going off stereotypes your old man is probably the mos t ambitious perosn ive ever met like scary mari is almost as scary
dancing queen: Hey!!!!!!
fergie: so sorting hat
no has changed their name to sorting hat.
sorting hat: sup
fergie: are u saying adrien would ASK 2 b slytherin
sorting hat: well yeah yeah i am 
fergie: …………… i did not consider
sorting hat: i know you didnt
dancing queen: First of all since we cant decide and Im getting mixed answers from online quizzes
dancing queen has changed their name to lion snake.
lion snake: Second of all doesnt the hat also base it off of what you value the most??
dipshit: Lion snake? Like a chimera?
fergie: nerd
dipshit: Actually the chimera also has a goat ignore me
sorting hat: what the fuck
dipshit: Greek mythology
fergie: u kno what i dont wanna kno
dipshit: Anyway back to this
sorting hat: oh yeah anywa yeah the hat does but adrien wanting to please his dad might overrule that idk my dude jk didnt exactly lay ou t the rules of this super great
fergie: jk needs to c h i l l and ye each of the golden trio couldve ended up in at least one other house
dipshit: That would’ve been cool Also I don’t think I try to please my dad that much
fergie: oh sweetheart
sorting hat: dude
lion snake: Adrien you really really do
dipshit: Really?
fergie has changed their name to adriens legal guardian.
adriens legal guardian: someone needs to take care of you
dipshit: I promise I’m fine I’ve got Nathalie
sorting hat: does nathalie give you hugs
dipshit: No? Why is that relevant?
adriens legal guardian has changed their name to i love adrien.
i love adrien: turn on ur location agreste
dipshit: Please know that’s actually kind of creepy I’m at home you don’t have to worry about location
i love adrien: hella
sorting hat: alya chill out with the name chagnes also now im gonna be confuse d
i love adrien: i love him too but truuuuu
dipshit: ????
i love adrien: can i change it
sorting hat: last time for today??
i love adrien: ilysm
i love adrien has changed their name to cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub
dipshit: I have a fanclub? Wait that wasn’t the smartest thing to say
lion snake: Its a good thing youre cute
dipshit: I try to ignore them
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: have u ever been on the official insta of the fanclub bc its hilarious and beautiful
dipshit: …. Alya why
sorting hat: oh we totally googled you
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: mhm
lion snake: ^^^^
dipshit: That’s…..nice of you?
lion snake: Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable omg
dipshit: It’s just? Kinda weird?? I don’t mind and I probably should’ve expected it I just forget sometimes that that’s a thing people can/will do
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: adri if it makes u feel any better i google everyone ive googled everyone in this chat in our class their parents ymself random strangers if im able to
sorting hat: that is not surprising at all
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ur not special i mean u r ur v special to me and ilysm but not here everyone gets googled and twitter stalked also tell whoevers running ur official accounts to be less lame idc about salad u eat
dipshit: What????
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ur social media is B O R I N G i kno u dont run it but i still expected more memes
dipshit: Honestly I don’t look at it
sorting hat: its like the person we thought you were when we first met you except more boring
lion snake: Ok no thats not true Because I thought he was an asshole
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: oh shit tru
dipshit: Ahhhh yeah sorry about that
lion snake: Its fine I promise!!! Weve talked about this Its like Super perfect adn model-y and professional andnot  at all a teenage loser who stayed up until 2 watching sailor moon and eating doritos
sorting hat: fucking relatable
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: weebs
sorting hat: yo youre the one who decided to date some
lion snake: Hey Ive never asked Adrien do you have unofficial personal social media???
dipshit: ……………………. Shhhhhh
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: WHAAAAAAAT LINKS LINK S LINKS LINSK
dipshit: I have a tumblr but that’s it
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: oh my go d this weekend  we get 2gether adn make adrien all the social media and we revamp his tumblr bc ur theme sucks
dipshit: ???? You’ve never even seen it???
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i know it does marsh !!!!!!!! can u imagine if lb and cn had social media!!!!! id c r y
PM between dipshit and lion snake
dipshit: P l e a s e
lion snake: Oh my og d
dipshit: Please please please please please please please plEASE
lion snake: HOld on!!! Im discussing with tikki
dipshit: Plagg says he doesn’t care what we do
lion snake: Yeah we arent trusting him
lion snake: No Just because of that No
dipshit: Pleaaaaaseeeeeeeee My lady it’ll be great I swear
lion snake: U gh Well talk on it on patrol tonight k??
dipshit: YES!!!!
19:05 in hogwarts house discourse
sorting hat: i know weve moved on but man. fuck snape
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: do u think if i track down lb and cn and ask them for their hogwarts houses theyll tell me
sorting hat: worth a shot?
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: update: chat says ladybg is a gryffindor and lb says shes iether that or slytherin so like mari and they cant agree on cn
sorting hat: damn you adrien i cant stop thinking about this what is mari?? what is adrien??? what am i?? al youre either gryffindor or ravenclaw ive decided
lion snake: Youre the sorting hat shouldnt you know all???
sorting hat: bruh we need the actual sorting hat for this
lion snake: Fair enough
sorting hat: lets say adrien is a hatstall and move on
PM between dipshit and lion snake
dipshit: Rise and shine bugaboo Akuma at 3 o’clock Literally 3 o’clock the time not the like If you’re using 12, 3, 6, and 9 as directions It’s not You know what My tracker on my baton is turned on so use that to find me
dipshit: Mari Mari Alright plan b I’m gonna call  you and if you don’t pick up I’m going to show up on your balcony Which sounds creepy but also this akuma is now stacking cars and I don’t really know what to do? They aren’t even trying to do anything else right now Am I missing something??? I’m confused
lion snake has changed their name to ahHHH
ahHHH: IM SO SORRY Tikki woke me up my phone was muted She says Waitw e dont hav etime for this Ive gotta transform so Ill talk to you when I get there??
dipshit: It’s fine just watching an akuma build a tower out of cars Remind me to show you how to sync Skype up to your yoyo
ahHHH: Youre on skype on your baton??
dipshit: Yeah it makes things easier
ahHHH: Huh Al and nino didnt wake up?
dipshit: I think the akumas too far away for them to hear, but also it’s not exactly being distructive When we actually start fighting people might start waking up but for now it’s being pretty quiet even with the car stacking
ahHHH: Well thats good they need their sleep Wait if the akuma was quiet how did you know??
dipshit: People started posting to the Ladyblog forums and I had that open in another tab
ahHHH: ???/ Why were you up????
dipshit: Bad night I couldn’t sleep so I put on Howl’s Moving Castle
ahHHH: Feeling any better?
dipshit: I’m sure I’ll feel better when I see you :3
ahHHH: Oh myg do Itst oo early for this Ill see you in fa few just stop that cat face
dipshit: ;3
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