#woven rushbelle
ace-of-spaders · 2 years
I must admit that there's a reason I came back here today (two, actually, because I want to gif every single Rush scene 😁) and that reason is a prompt list I accidentally found while logged into my Belle rp blog because I realized most of those prompts could go well with Lizzington, so if anyone wants a ficlet about our favorite couple, just go to the prompt list I just reblogged (of course, you're more than welcome to also scroll through my 'prompt list' tag and choose a prompt from any other list I ever reblogged), pick whatever prompt you like and send it in!
You can also send a prompt for a ficlet about Rumbelle, Golden Lace, Woven Beauty, Woven Lace, Rushbelle, Rush x Chloe (can be platonic) and Nick x Mandy)
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ace-cf-cups · 8 months
Hi! I'm Di (but you can also call me Spades), a twenty-something disaster head over heels for Rumbelle (and its variants), Anyelle and Anyem, as well as Robert Carlyle and Emilie De Ravin, of course.
I make gifs (most often), write fanfics and occasionally make fanvids/edits.
This is the blog I made as a place for all the content and all my love for Rumbelle (also Golden Lace, Woven Lace and Woven Beauty, I ship all four, they are all beautiful), Anyelle, Anyem and other works of Bobby and Em, with a side of other OUAT content, as well as my love for the cult 90s tv show Friends, which has become my comfort show, Chandler Bing and Mondler, my second favorite fictional couple after Rumbelle.
I ship most Anyelle/Anyem pairs, especially the following*:
Rushbelle (Nicholas Rush/Belle, my beloved ♥ Rush definitely needs a Belle as most of Bobby's characters do, to be quite honest)
Hamelle? MacBelle? what do we call these two cuties? (Hamish Macbeth/Belle, Hamish is one of the first roles of Bobby's I've seen other than Rumple and holds a dear place in my heart... and would also benefit greatly from having Belle in his life, even though I also ship him with Isobel)
Russelle (David Russell/Belle... also ship him with Hiero, because come on!)
Robelle? Morrelle? (Rob Morrison & Belle)
Bellix / Felle (Felix DeSouza/Belle... I also ship him with Hiero, guilty 😅)
Lachelle (Lachlan MacAldonich/Belle)
Sutherelle (Robert Sutherland/Belle)
Develle (Danny Devine/Belle also yes, ship him with Hiero )
Gazelle (Gary "Gaz" Schofield/Belle)
Wirrelle? Belleric? (Eric Wirral/Belle)
Macelle (Father MacAvoy/Belle)
Frankelle? Keanelle? (Frank Keane/Belle)
Plunkelle (Will Plunkett/Belle)
Renelle? (Renard/Belle...)
Although I've unexpectedly started consuming Bobby's filmography again a couple of days ago, so I feel like I might add a couple of ships in the near future 😁
(* I also ship almost every of the listed characters with Lacey)
I am ALWAYS O P E N to prompts for Rumbelle, any of its variants and any of the Anyelle/Anyem ships from this page, as well as Mondler, ficlets/moodboards!
I am ALWAYS O P E N to Rumbelle, any of its variants and any of the aforementioned Anyelle/Anyem ships, as well as Mondler, roleplay in Discord – just hit me up in DMs!
I am ALWAYS O P E N to screaming incoherently about our favorite characters/ships in DMs/Discord at 3 am and at any other godly and ungodly hour 😜
My main personal blog is @ace-of-spaders
My AO3: ace-of-spaders
My FFnet: Ace of Spaders (not Rumbelle updated yet)
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eirian-houpe · 2 years
TMI Tuesday
Happy Tuesday - has it really been a month since I last posted on of these?
Life has been crazy and busy, and busy and crazy, and then I took a vacation. I did manage to write a chapter of Secret of the Seas while away (aboard a ship), but since I got back I haven’t had a chance to type it up or edit it.  Hopefully soon.  I also still have some chapters of Disparate Pathways, and Time’s Curse to edit and post - again, soon!
Anyway, go on and drop me an ask and let me know what you’d like to see updated next.  If you drop me an ask like that, I’ll give you a tidbit for the named fic.  How’s that for a fair exchange?
Otherwise, here are some other suggestions for you…
Ask suggestions
Ask something about any of my fics (full list is below the cut). If you want specifics from some fics that are already outlined, you can ask about:
Disparate Pathways, Chapters 48 through 56 All Our Past Mistakes, Chapters 11 through 44 Lover’s Leap Series, Stories 15 through 31 Time’s Curse, Chapters 4 through 10 Laer o Faen, Chapter 27 & 28 Stargate: Atlantis, Harms Way or any of the 20 fics in the series.
Ask something of any of my characters in general or you can get really specific if you like - for example you might want to ask Gold from Pawn Shop a question about a chapter, a thought, a feeling… (the world is your oyster really)
Ask about my process as a writer, what makes me tick,, or even ask about me personally. Almost nothing is off limits.
Also, if you want to see a specific character or fic featured in Three Things Thursday, or Saturday Secret, feel free to send in prompts, if no one does, then either the choice will be random or they just won’t happen at all. I made an analogy for why that might be in a different post about a car stuck in the mud with spinning wheels. Those wheels are still spinning!
Please remember: if you read a fic you enjoyed on AO3 or on Tumblr (not just mine), please take the time to comment and/or leave kudos, and to reach out on TMI Tuesday. It means a lot to the writers and artists.
You can find all my fics currently on AO3 here, and there is a full list under this cut.
Storybrooke’s Best Kept Secret - Rumbelle
Darkness In Hyperion Heights - Woven Beauty au
Seven Tastes - Rumbelle
Tuesday - Rushbelle AU
The Language of Flowers Series - Rumbelle
Disparate Pathways - Rumbelle AU
Scattered - Rumbelle AU
All Our Past Mistakes - Rumbelle AU
What the Actual Fuck! - Sutherelle
Breathe - Rushbelle
The Lover’s Leap Series - Rumbelle
Awakening - Rumbelle
War Is Coming To Storybrooke - Rumbelle
Given No Choice - Rush
Thoughts On A Happy Ending Series - Rumbelle
Darker Hearts Series - Wish!Rumbelle
Modern Wonders - a OUAT/Alice crossover
Time’s Curse - Rumbelle
The Pawn Shop On Main Street - Rumbelle
The Mansion On the Edge of Town - Rumbelle with a side of Jefferson
Cobra: In Your Prayers - Cobra/FatWS/UC:Undercover et al
To See Series - Rumbelle
Nobody Knew (Bingo) - Rumbelle
Secret of the Seas - Rumbelle AU
Butterfly and Phoenix - ST:DSC
Laer o Faen - Tolkien
Ship’s Rats - ST: DCS
I Amar Boe Men Heb - Tolkien
Coming Down - Halt and Catch Fire
Armor of Ice - Halt and Catch Fire
Duath i-Achas Eriol - Tolkien
Balance of Terror - Sleeper Cell
What To Believe - UC: Undercover
If: In The End - UC Undercover
Precious - The Mummy Series
Forbidden - The Mummy Series
Power Is - The Mummy Series
Angel of the Heart - The Mummy Series
Star of the Morning - The Mummy Series
Not Yours To Keep - Foundation (TV)
No Saving Throw - Stranger Things
Here are fics that haven’t yet been started, but are in the Muse’s bucket.
The Miner’s Day Festival - Rumbelle
Aftermath - Rumbelle (with a side of madness)
Saving The Dark One (WT) A twist on a twist of Rumplestiltskin.
Brought To You By The Color… (Red)
(In)consistent equation
The Boston Storybrooke Line
Breaking the Waves (Movie AU)
ILP (or IEP) for Rumple.
One Last Wish
In Service to My Son
Playground Games
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
“Only Remembered For What We Have Done.”
Librarian: UC
Exquisite Harmonies
Resolutions - Rushbelle in the Deck the Halls universe.
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emospritelet · 4 years
Small World Weaver- how are you doing my friend? Don't you miss Lacey? Rush and Belle- how is married life?
I think this calls for a snippet
“What’s she like?” asked Rush. “I mean personality-wise; looks-wise I could see she’s a lot like Belle. Not sure how to feel about that, other than that you might have a type.”
Weaver smiled.
“Lacey is like a force of nature,” he said. “She’s gorgeous. Exciting. Intelligent, too, but I think she tries to hide it. Funny. Sexy. Way out of my league.”
“Well, that goes without saying.”
They both chuckled, and Weaver took another drink.
“But you like her?” said Rush. “Enough to want to take it further?”
“Looks that way,” said Weaver dryly. Rush shrugged, lifting his glass.
“And here I thought you were sworn off serious relationships.”
“Must be getting old.”
“Must be.”
There was a moment of silence. Weaver wrinkled his nose, glancing around the bar, and ran a restless hand through his hair.
“Honestly, I don’t know why I’m bloody well thinking about it,” he admitted. “She hadn’t given any indication she was looking for anything more than a one-nighter.”
“Did you?”
“Suppose not.” He peered into his whisky. “Besides, we live at opposite ends of the country. It’s not as though this would turn into anything, is it?”
“Well, not with that attitude,” said Rush.
Weaver sent him a level look, and Rush sighed.
“Look, if you like her, just tell her,” he said. “Wait until after the wedding, and tell her about what happened with Belle. If she doesn’t call you a pervert and run screaming, you could be in.”
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worryinglyinnocent · 5 years
Super Fluffy Smutty Sunday Masterpost
Hello everyone! Here’s your one-stop shop for all the fluffy and smutty goodness that was posted yesterday. Enjoy!
Pot Luck (rumbelle, T)  Belle uses ‘Lacey’ as a secret identity whilst hustling pool.
Sweet As Sugar (golden lace, E) Gold enlists the help of baker Lacey for Bae’s school bake sale.
The Best Medicine (rumbelle, E) Nurse Belle meets her one night stand next day in unusual circumstances.
Roll With It (golden lace, T) Gold really wants Lacey to stop doing roller derby before she gets hurt.
In The Air Tonight (rumbelle, G) Rumpel takes an amnesia-struck Belle on a date in Storybrooke.
Cadillac Love (rumbelle, E) Gold and Belle have some fun in the Cadillac.
The Measure Of A Man (rumbelle, G) Regency AU - Belle’s parents try to match-make her with two different men. 
Artistic Merit (rumbelle, E) Belle wants to pose for erotic artist Gold.
Uncovered Undercover (woven lace, E) Detectives Weaver and French go undercover at a strip club.
Coffee Date (rumbelle, G) Number Twenty-Six ‘verse - Belle and Aiden’s first date.
For The Love Of Maths (rushbelle, T) Rush can be romantic in his own way.
Rumours (rumbelle, E) Belle has an interesting way to get rid of unwanted guests in Gold’s house.
Baby Shower (rushbelle, T) Whispers ‘verse - Belle’s baby shower on board Destiny.
What The Heart Wants (rushbelle, E) What The Eye Sees ‘verse - Belle takes action on what she saw.
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timelordthirteen · 5 years
2019 Fanfic Year in Review
Stats Words Posted on AO3: 143,578 New Stories posted: 28 Stories Updated: 10 WIPs finished: 2 WIPs still to complete: 7
Total words on AO3 as of the end of the year: 830,210
The Thick of It
His Girl Friday Chapter 2 - Sam’s first few day of work are mostly what she expects, but in Malcolm Tucker’s office one must always expect the unexpected.  
Belle of the Ball - Rumple and Belle’s adventures after they left Storybrooke in S6.
The Bartender Part 9 - Rumple reassess his plan, and Belle has to deal with Gaston.
Golden Lace
Peppermint verse follow up (nsfw)
Ornament follow up
The Don’t Fall in Love Job Chapter 4 - On a cold, stormy night, Gold reminisces. (nsfw)
Tallahassee - Demon hunters AU
Golden Lace
The Don’t Fall in Love Job - Chapter 5 - Lacey runs out of options and makes a tough choice, and Gold gets a surprise.
Rumbelle/Dark Lace
The Bartender - Chapter 10 - Now complete!! In the Enchanted Forest, Rumple and Lacey make a quick journey and prepare for the oncoming curse. In Storybrooke, Belle gets a late night visit from Gold and some magic happens…
Queen and Country Part 1 - Heads Above Water - Another crisis, another long day and night, and Robert Sutherland finds himself alone with his assistant Belle
Queen and Country Part 2 - We Are Inside Out - A conflict leads to something more, in the past and the present.
April, May, and June: 0 :(
Golden Lace:
Some Other Time Chapters 7, 8, and 9 - Now complete!!
Woven Lace:
Things You Said Chapters 1 through 4 - A series of Woven Lace ficlets in an AU Hyperion Heights, based on this list of prompts.
In All Things - A Rumbelle arranged marriage AU set in a period romance style Enchanted Forest.
His Beautiful Hero - A Rumbelle superhero AU.
In Death - A post S7 drabble.
Returning - A Rumbelle Hades/Persephone AU (nsfw)
Babysitting - Rumple “accidentally” acquires a baby.
Synchronicity Chapter 1- A Rumbelle anti-soulmate soulmate AU.
Lost and Found - A short possible S6 cursed AU with Sir Rumple.
An Act of Kindness - Spinner Rumple whump where Lady Belle saves the day.
In the Dark and Wicked Hours - Rumbelle AU, dark and smutty. (nsfw)
Future Things - An awkward third date conversation leads to a clarity about the future.
Worth Remembering -  A Rumbelle coffee shop AU with spinner!Rumple.
Golden Lace:
Going My Way -  Gold, Lacey, and a little road trip. (not entire nsfw)
Woven Beauty:
Killing Time (Chapters 1 through 16) - A Woven Beauty Law & Order-ish AU featuring serial killers, divorced Weaver and Belle, and more tropes than you can shake a stick at. (nsfw) Please mind all the warnings!
Where When and How - A short Rushbelle AU
Woven Beauty:
Killing Time (Chapters 17 and Chapter 18)
In All Things Chapter 3 - Belle and Gold depart for his estate with a few tender moments.
Woven Beauty:
Killing Time Chapter 19 - In which Weaver and Belle finally some happy moments.
Woven Beauty:
Killing Time Chapter 20 - Belle and Weaver start working their new lead, and relationship status, with some surprising results.
In All Things Chapters 4 through 14 -Rumbelle arranged marriage AU (eventually Explicit)
Alabama, Arkansas - Rumbelle fic for 31 Days of Fandomas with varying scenes in their life centered on the theme “home.” (Teen)
In Need of Rescue - Sir Rumple and Belle being cute at a Solstice Ball. For 31 Days. (G)
Star-Crossed - Rumbelle Christmas ficlet for 31 Days. (G)
Ribbons - Dark Castle AU. Rumplestiltskin contemplates what the evening might hold for him. Fluff and established relationship. For 31 Days. (G)
Merry and Bright - Mr. Gold tries to take in the Christmas makeover his house has been given. Christmas fluff for 31 Days. (G)
Golden Lace
Night Shift - A WIP Golden Lace fic inspired by the song Night Shift by Lucy Dacus. Angsty, smutty, and eventually holiday themed. For 31 Days. (Explicit)
Woven Beauty
O, Tannenbaum - Weaver’s desire to help Belle get a Christmas tree takes an unexpected, but delightful turn. Ficlet for 31 Days. (G)
The World Didn’t End -  Weaver and Belle find themselves alone in a hospital waiting room on New Year’s Eve. (G)
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abovethemists · 6 years
My Year in Fanfic
This is my third year doing this. Just a round up of everything I managed to write this year conveniently in one post. Feel free to ignore as this is mostly for my own records. 
Total words written: 151,682 (which is my best year to date and exceeds the 150K word goal I set for the year!)
Goals for 2019: Write 200,000 words. Finish some of my outstanding WIPs. This Secret Is Safe and The Pages In Between each have one chapter left and are first up to finish. I figured out how Phantom Pain is going to end so I’ll post that soon too. I’ve got an update in the works for Love Makes Us Sick and I’ve got a couple more prompts for my multi chapter Christmas fics. I won’t make any promises on Purgatory because that fic just makes a fool of me any time I try to predict an end.
Total WIPs finished: 0 (yikes)
Total One Shots written: 9
Take Me Lost, Make Me Found
The Life You Save May Be Your Own
No Satisfaction
We’ll Have to Muddle Through Somehow
A Cup of Cheer
The First Fall of Snow
Christmas Stockings
Snowed In
Total Ficlets Written: Too many to count
Total multi chapter fics started: 5 (Double Yikes)
The Worst That Could Happen (Rushacey Fake Dating AU)
The Pages In Between (Lingerie Model Belle AU)
This Secret is Safe (Rumbelle Waitress AU)
Brimstone and Mistletoe (Priest Gold AU)
Vodka and Peppermint (Woven Lace AU)
Itemized month by month list beneath the cut:
Phantom Pain
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 29
The Future’s So Bright
This ficlet about their baby girl’s birth
No Two Hearts
This ficlet where Liam and Belle get engaged
The Worst That Could Happen (A Rushacey Fake Dating fic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Take Me Lost, Make Me Found - a Rumbelle runaway bride AU from a prompt for barn sex.
Not a thing 
The Worst That Could Happen
Chapter 3
The Life You Save May Be Your Own - A post finale Rumbelle “fix-it” 
Adtempero - A Rumbelle “Adjustment Bureau” AU
This Secret is Safe - Rumbelle “Waitress” AU
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
This Secret is Safe 
Chapter 6
No Satisfaction - RCIJ fic for the prompt “get us out of here”
Love Makes Us Sick - the angsty booty call story updated for the first time in 2 years!
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
This Secret is Safe - Rumbelle Waitress AU
Chapter 7
Send me a number and a pairing ficlets:
Swanfire Waking Up with Amnesia AU
Rush/Lacey Brand New Neighbors AU
Rumbelle 2 Miserable People Meet at a Wedding AU
Rush/Lacey One Night Stand and Falling Pregnant AU
Woven Lace Prostitute/Client AU
Remadora Meeting at a Support Group AU
Rumbelle Nanny/Single Parent AU
The Pages In Between - The lingerie model!Belle story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Love Makes Us Sick 
Chapter 6
The Pages In Between 
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Three Inches of Space - an angsty post “Beauty” ficlet
This Secret is Safe - Rumbelle Waitress AU
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
The Pages in Between - The lingerie model!Belle story
Chapter 6
Rushacey loud neighbors ficlet based on this tumblr post
This Secret is Safe 
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
The Pages in Between 
Chapter 7
Feet in the Air, Head on the Ground
This ficlet about being Snowed In
The Pages In Between
This future ficlet about a pair of Christmas Stockings
Blue Christmas - Tilly and Margot spend their first holiday together
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Vodka and Peppermint - Weaver is spending his Christmas investigating a string of murders in Hyperion Heights and finds himself bewitched by witness Lacey French.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
The First Fall of Snow - Dark Castle Rumbelle fluff (OS)
A Cup of Cheer - Belle doesn’t think Professor Rush should be alone on Christmas. (Rushbelle OS)
Phantom Pain
This prequel ficlet about how the affair came to be
Brimstone and Mistletoe - Father Gold has an inappropriate crush on one of his parishioners. But maybe his feelings aren’t as unrequited as he thinks.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
I Won’t Be Home For Christmas - Belle finds herself snowed in with her boss who she’s just happened to be in love with for ages.
Drabble 1
Drabble 2
Drabble 3
Deck the Halls - Lacey is personally affronted by Rush’s lack of holiday spirit and plays a prank on him in retaliation. (Rushacey OS)
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avatoh · 7 years
RSS ✨🎄✨ OK I have 2 ideas started & I don't wanna write somethin u might not like so 1) Rushbelle on Destiny w/ “huddling for warmth” taken quite literally, AKA “use my body heat to keep you alive”. Stubborn idiots who need to LOOK INTO THE EYES OF DEATH before they'll confess their feelings!! 2) Woven Lace that's shaping into a “we're both alone on Christmas” thing where warmth is a recurring theme. 1st meeting, h/c, kinda dark at first, but they're gonna CUDDLE (and bang) SO HARD. Thoughts?
Let’s be honest, Santa. I like KNOW that you would prefer to write one of these over the other and your just asking me to be polite. You choose! I like both!!!!
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ace-of-spaders · 2 years
I really want to roleplay and I want something that would be faster and easier formatting-wise than Tumblr atm, so DM me if you're up for writing Rumbelle (I'd love to explore any/all variations of Rumbelle: them in Storybrooke and in the Enchanted Forest, both at various points in canon and AU, Gold x Lacey, Weaver x Belle in an AU where she didn't die and was cursed with everyone else, Weaver x Lacey...), Rushbelle, GoldenQueen (once again, I'd love to explore different variations here — Rumple x the Evil Queen, imp!Rumple x Regina, Gold x Regina etc — but atm I'm a bit hyperfixated on Weaver x Roni) or Nicholas Rush x Amanda Perry on Discord with me!)
In each couple I can write both Rumple/Nick or Belle/Regina.
I usually write in para/multi-para but size doesn't mean much to me as long as there's enough material to build a reply off and, though I know that we all are busy in real life, I'd like to write, ideally, every day or, at least, every other way (writing isa great distraction from the stressful situations in life, after all).
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ace-cf-cups · 8 months
Since my inbox is always open for prompts* ( seriously, send them in, as many and as often as you'd like - I love working with prompts! ), here's a handy list of all the ships you can send them for:
Golden Lace (Mr Gold & Lacey)
Woven Lace (Weaver & Lacey)
Woven Beauty (Weaver & Belle)
Woven Kitten (Weaver & Hierophant from Operation Endgame)
Russelle (David Russell from The Last Enemy & Belle)
Russellacey (David Russell & Lacey)
David & Hiero
Rushbelle (Dr Nicholas Rush from Stargate: Universe & Belle)
Rushacey (Dr Nicholas Rush & Lacey)
Rush & Chloe
Hamelle? MacBelle? Bellish? (Hamish Macbeth from the eponymous tv show & Belle)
Hamacey? Lacish? (Hamish Macbeth & Lacey)
Sutherbeth? Macland? (Isobel Sutherland & Hamish Macbeth from the eponymous tv show)
Bellix / Felle (Felix DeSouza from Formula 51 & Belle)
Lacix / Fellacey (Felix DeSouza & Lacey)
Felix & Hiero
Develle (Danny Devine from Dead Fish & Belle)
Lacine? Devacey? (Danny Devine & Lacey)
Danny & Hiero
Rob and Sam Morrison from the Flood
Robelle? Morrelle? (Rob Morrison & Belle)
Wirrelle? Belleric? (Eric Wirral from There's Only One Jimmy Grimble & Belle)
Laceric? Wirralacey? (Eric Wirral & Lacey)
*prompts are welcome and encouraged for: ficlets (of course!), TMI Tuesday questions/IC questions (you can ask any couple in general or specifically from one of my fics any questions), moodboards/aesthetics, gifsets (you can also request a gifset related to one of the aforementioned characters - whether it be a moment from their show or aesthetic or compilation or lyrical gifset etc), edits/fanvideos
The list will be updated as I watch more of Bobby's and Em's filmography and/or grow more confident in writing other Anyelle couples.
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eirian-houpe · 2 years
TMI Tuesday
Happy Tuesday!
Late, late, late today, but finally here. Been writing, still hitting those daily goals. Tomorrow is a TWD (not The Walking Dead, though it may as well be - teacher work day), so I can stay up late today... if I can stay awake that is. It’s already past my bed time.
I finished Disparate Pathways. That’s a really strange feeling.  Relief and sorrow both at the same time.  It’s not all edited or posted though so... I’ll see it again for a while.
Since no one wrote me which fic they’d like to see me write next (as folks were invited to do), I had to choose one myself, so I’m now working on Time’s Curse, another book AU.
So... hit me up with some questions about those fics or any others you might want to know about... anything you want to know.
Here are some other suggestions for you…
Ask suggestions
Ask something about any of my fics (full list is below the cut). If you want specifics from some fics that are already outlined, you can ask about:
Disparate Pathways, Chapters 46 through 56 All Our Past Mistakes, Chapters 11 through 44 Lover’s Leap Series, Stories 15 through 31 Time’s Curse, Chapters 4 through 10 Laer o Faen, Chapter 27 & 28 Stargate: Atlantis, Harms Way or any of the 20 fics in the series.
Ask something of any of my characters in general or you can get really specific if you like - for example you might want to ask Gold from Pawn Shop a question about a chapter, a thought, a feeling… (the world is your oyster really)
Ask about my process as a writer, what makes me tick,, or even ask about me personally. Almost nothing is off limits.
Also, if you want to see a specific character or fic featured in Three Things Thursday, or Saturday Secret, feel free to send in prompts, if no one does, then either the choice will be random or they just won’t happen at all. I made an analogy for why that might be in a different post about a car stuck in the mud with spinning wheels. Those wheels are still spinning!
Please remember: if you read a fic you enjoyed on AO3 or on Tumblr (not just mine), please take the time to comment and/or leave kudos, and to reach out on TMI Tuesday. It means a lot to the writers and artists.
You can find all my fics currently on AO3 here, and there is a full list under this cut.
Storybrooke’s Best Kept Secret - Rumbelle
Darkness In Hyperion Heights - Woven Beauty au
Seven Tastes - Rumbelle
Tuesday - Rushbelle AU
The Language of Flowers Series - Rumbelle
Disparate Pathways - Rumbelle AU
Scattered - Rumbelle AU
All Our Past Mistakes - Rumbelle AU
What the Actual Fuck! - Sutherelle
Breathe - Rushbelle
The Lover’s Leap Series - Rumbelle
Awakening - Rumbelle
War Is Coming To Storybrooke - Rumbelle
Given No Choice - Rush
Thoughts On A Happy Ending Series - Rumbelle
Darker Hearts Series - Wish!Rumbelle
Modern Wonders - a OUAT/Alice crossover
Time’s Curse - Rumbelle
The Pawn Shop On Main Street - Rumbelle
The Mansion On the Edge of Town - Rumbelle with a side of Jefferson
Cobra: In Your Prayers - Cobra/FatWS/UC:Undercover et al
To See Series - Rumbelle
Nobody Knew (Bingo) - Rumbelle
Secret of the Seas - Rumbelle AU
Butterfly and Phoenix - ST:DSC
Laer o Faen - Tolkien
Ship’s Rats - ST: DCS
I Amar Boe Men Heb - Tolkien
Coming Down - Halt and Catch Fire
Armor of Ice - Halt and Catch Fire
Duath i-Achas Eriol - Tolkien
Balance of Terror - Sleeper Cell
What To Believe - UC: Undercover
If: In The End - UC Undercover
Precious - The Mummy Series
Forbidden - The Mummy Series
Power Is - The Mummy Series
Angel of the Heart - The Mummy Series
Star of the Morning - The Mummy Series
Not Yours To Keep - Foundation (TV)
No Saving Throw - Stranger Things
Here are fics that haven’t yet been started, but are in the Muse’s bucket.
The Miner’s Day Festival - Rumbelle
Aftermath - Rumbelle (with a side of madness)
Saving The Dark One (WT) A twist on a twist of Rumplestiltskin.
Brought To You By The Color… (Red)
(In)consistent equation
The Boston Storybrooke Line
Breaking the Waves (Movie AU)
ILP (or IEP) for Rumple.
One Last Wish
In Service to My Son
Playground Games
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
“Only Remembered For What We Have Done.”
Librarian: UC
Exquisite Harmonies
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eirian-houpe · 2 years
TMI Tuesday
Happy Tuesday!
So after a long, long while of not being around here and also not getting much writing done, November began and so far - so far - I have managed to meet my Nano goal each day.
For now I’m working exclusively on Disparate Pathways. As things currently stand I have six... count them six more chapters to write until I have finished that particular fic.  I have a lot of chapters to edit and post, but for now, concentrating on the writing.
After that I am not sure which fic I will go to for focus, and of course there’s always the option to branch out a little bit - doesn’t mean that’ll happen, I’m just keeping it in the back of my head. Anyway, go on and drop me an ask and let me know what you’d like to see updated next.  If you drop me an ask like that, I’ll give you a tidbit for the named fic.  How’s that for a fair exchange?
Otherwise, here are some other suggestions for you…
Ask suggestions
Ask something about any of my fics (full list is below the cut). If you want specifics from some fics that are already outlined, you can ask about:
Disparate Pathways, Chapters 46 through 56 All Our Past Mistakes, Chapters 11 through 44 Lover’s Leap Series, Stories 15 through 31 Time’s Curse, Chapters 4 through 10 Laer o Faen, Chapter 27 & 28 Stargate: Atlantis, Harms Way or any of the 20 fics in the series.
Ask something of any of my characters in general or you can get really specific if you like - for example you might want to ask Gold from Pawn Shop a question about a chapter, a thought, a feeling… (the world is your oyster really)
Ask about my process as a writer, what makes me tick,, or even ask about me personally. Almost nothing is off limits.
Also, if you want to see a specific character or fic featured in Three Things Thursday, or Saturday Secret, feel free to send in prompts, if no one does, then either the choice will be random or they just won’t happen at all. I made an analogy for why that might be in a different post about a car stuck in the mud with spinning wheels. Those wheels are still spinning!
Please remember: if you read a fic you enjoyed on AO3 or on Tumblr (not just mine), please take the time to comment and/or leave kudos, and to reach out on TMI Tuesday. It means a lot to the writers and artists.
You can find all my fics currently on AO3 here, and there is a full list under this cut.
Storybrooke’s Best Kept Secret - Rumbelle
Darkness In Hyperion Heights - Woven Beauty au
Seven Tastes - Rumbelle
Tuesday - Rushbelle AU
The Language of Flowers Series - Rumbelle
Disparate Pathways - Rumbelle AU
Scattered - Rumbelle AU
All Our Past Mistakes - Rumbelle AU
What the Actual Fuck! - Sutherelle
Breathe - Rushbelle
The Lover’s Leap Series - Rumbelle
Awakening - Rumbelle
War Is Coming To Storybrooke - Rumbelle
Given No Choice - Rush
Thoughts On A Happy Ending Series - Rumbelle
Darker Hearts Series - Wish!Rumbelle
Modern Wonders - a OUAT/Alice crossover
Time’s Curse - Rumbelle
The Pawn Shop On Main Street - Rumbelle
The Mansion On the Edge of Town - Rumbelle with a side of Jefferson
Cobra: In Your Prayers - Cobra/FatWS/UC:Undercover et al
To See Series - Rumbelle
Nobody Knew (Bingo) - Rumbelle
Secret of the Seas - Rumbelle AU
Butterfly and Phoenix - ST:DSC
Laer o Faen - Tolkien
Ship’s Rats - ST: DCS
I Amar Boe Men Heb - Tolkien
Coming Down - Halt and Catch Fire
Armor of Ice - Halt and Catch Fire
Duath i-Achas Eriol - Tolkien
Balance of Terror - Sleeper Cell
What To Believe - UC: Undercover
If: In The End - UC Undercover
Precious - The Mummy Series
Forbidden - The Mummy Series
Power Is - The Mummy Series
Angel of the Heart - The Mummy Series
Star of the Morning - The Mummy Series
Not Yours To Keep - Foundation (TV)
No Saving Throw - Stranger Things
Here are fics that haven’t yet been started, but are in the Muse’s bucket.
The Miner’s Day Festival - Rumbelle
Aftermath - Rumbelle (with a side of madness)
Saving The Dark One (WT) A twist on a twist of Rumplestiltskin.
Brought To You By The Color… (Red)
(In)consistent equation
The Boston Storybrooke Line
Breaking the Waves (Movie AU)
ILP (or IEP) for Rumple.
One Last Wish
In Service to My Son
Playground Games
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
“Only Remembered For What We Have Done.”
Librarian: UC
Exquisite Harmonies
1 note · View note
eirian-houpe · 1 year
TMI Tuesday
It was very late last night when I even started writing, so I was just messing around with some bits and pieces of ideas that I may include in other fics. Still Waters is finished, and will languish for a few days before getting an edit.  I want to edit the next chapter of Time’s Curse if I get a chance today so that it can be posted.  The upshot of it all is that I don’t quite know what I want to write next.
Once I decide, I’ll be good to go, but it’s the deciding that’s the hard part. Being tired doesn’t help.  Also Summer School starts tomorrow, so I really do need a plan.  The pressure is real!
Anyway, please feel free to ask about Lover’s Leap, Time’s Curse, or any of my other fics
Here are some suggestions for you.
Ask suggestions
Ask something about any of my fics (full list is below the cut). If you want specifics from some fics that are already outlined, you can ask about:
All Our Past Mistakes, Chapters 11 through 44 Lover’s Leap Series, Stories 15 through 31 Time’s Curse, Chapters 6 through 10 Laer o Faen, Chapter 27 & 28 Stargate: Atlantis, Harms Way or any of the 20 fics in the series.
Ask something of any of my characters in general or you can get really specific if you like - for example you might want to ask Gold from Pawn Shop a question about a chapter, a thought, a feeling… (the world is your oyster really)
Ask about my process as a writer, what makes me tick,, or even ask about me personally. Almost nothing is off limits.
Also, if you want to see a specific character or fic featured in Three Things Thursday, or Saturday Secret, feel free to send in prompts, if no one does, then either the choice will be random or they just won’t happen at all. I made an analogy for why that might be in a different post about a car stuck in the mud with spinning wheels. Those wheels are still spinning!
Please remember: if you read a fic you enjoyed on AO3 or on Tumblr (not just mine), please take the time to comment and/or leave kudos, and to reach out on TMI Tuesday. It means a lot to the writers and artists.
You can find all my fics currently on AO3 here, and there is a full list under this cut.
Storybrooke’s Best Kept Secret - Rumbelle
Darkness In Hyperion Heights - Woven Beauty au
Seven Tastes - Rumbelle
Tuesday - Rushbelle AU
The Language of Flowers Series - Rumbelle
Disparate Pathways - Rumbelle AU
Scattered - Rumbelle AU
All Our Past Mistakes - Rumbelle AU
What the Actual Fuck! - Sutherelle
Breathe - Rushbelle
The Lover’s Leap Series - Rumbelle
Awakening - Rumbelle
War Is Coming To Storybrooke - Rumbelle
Given No Choice - Rush
Thoughts On A Happy Ending Series - Rumbelle
Darker Hearts Series - Wish!Rumbelle
Modern Wonders - a OUAT/Alice crossover
Time’s Curse - Rumbelle
The Pawn Shop On Main Street - Rumbelle
The Mansion On the Edge of Town - Rumbelle with a side of Jefferson
Cobra: In Your Prayers - Cobra/FatWS/UC:Undercover et al
To See Series - Rumbelle
Nobody Knew (Bingo) - Rumbelle
Secret of the Seas - Rumbelle AU
Butterfly and Phoenix - ST:DSC
Laer o Faen - Tolkien
Ship’s Rats - ST: DCS
I Amar Boe Men Heb - Tolkien
Coming Down - Halt and Catch Fire
Armor of Ice - Halt and Catch Fire
Duath i-Achas Eriol - Tolkien
Balance of Terror - Sleeper Cell
What To Believe - UC: Undercover
If: In The End - UC Undercover
Precious - The Mummy Series
Forbidden - The Mummy Series
Power Is - The Mummy Series
Angel of the Heart - The Mummy Series
Star of the Morning - The Mummy Series
Not Yours To Keep - Foundation (TV)
No Saving Throw - Stranger Things
ILP (or IEP) for Rumple.
“Only Remembered For What We Have Done.”
Here are fics that haven’t yet been started, but are in the Muse’s bucket.
The Miner’s Day Festival - Rumbelle
Aftermath - Rumbelle (with a side of madness)
Saving The Dark One (WT) A twist on a twist of Rumplestiltskin.
Brought To You By The Color… (Red)
(In)consistent equation
The Boston Storybrooke Line
Breaking the Waves (Movie AU)
One Last Wish
In Service to My Son
Playground Games
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
Librarian: UC
Exquisite Harmonies
Resolutions - Rushbelle in the Deck the Halls universe.
No - absolutely not - I will not write a sequel to this fic!
0 notes
eirian-houpe · 1 year
TMI Tuesday
Yesterday I managed to write something for the first time in ages. It felt good, even though it was only just shy of 1000 words on Still Waters, the next fic in the Lover’s Leap series. I’m going for day two today, and with less things on my ‘to do’ list...
See, here’s the thing.  As well as depression and anxiety, and all, I have ADHD.  Yes, they often go together, right?  Well, I’m only supposed to make a ‘to do’ list with three things on it, otherwise I get overwhelmed.  Trouble is, if I don’t put something on the list when I think about it - I forget... and that just causes a whole bunch of other issues!  Damned if I do, damned if I don’t LOL
Yesterday I also re-read both of my Halt and Catch Fire fics. Why?  Well the 30 Days of Fanfic Challenge had a question about pairings, and it came up, and suddenly I wanted to read them again.  Now I want to rewatch HaCF, maybe see if I can finish those fics.
Anyway, here I am, and I’m chugging along.
Please feel free to ask about Lover’s Leap, Halt and Catch Fire, or any of my other fics
Here are some suggestions for you.
Ask suggestions
Ask something about any of my fics (full list is below the cut). If you want specifics from some fics that are already outlined, you can ask about:
All Our Past Mistakes, Chapters 11 through 44 Lover’s Leap Series, Stories 15 through 31 Time’s Curse, Chapters 6 through 10 Laer o Faen, Chapter 27 & 28 Stargate: Atlantis, Harms Way or any of the 20 fics in the series.
Ask something of any of my characters in general or you can get really specific if you like - for example you might want to ask Gold from Pawn Shop a question about a chapter, a thought, a feeling… (the world is your oyster really)
Ask about my process as a writer, what makes me tick,, or even ask about me personally. Almost nothing is off limits.
Also, if you want to see a specific character or fic featured in Three Things Thursday, or Saturday Secret, feel free to send in prompts, if no one does, then either the choice will be random or they just won’t happen at all. I made an analogy for why that might be in a different post about a car stuck in the mud with spinning wheels. Those wheels are still spinning!
Please remember: if you read a fic you enjoyed on AO3 or on Tumblr (not just mine), please take the time to comment and/or leave kudos, and to reach out on TMI Tuesday. It means a lot to the writers and artists.
You can find all my fics currently on AO3 here, and there is a full list under this cut.
Storybrooke’s Best Kept Secret - Rumbelle
Darkness In Hyperion Heights - Woven Beauty au
Seven Tastes - Rumbelle
Tuesday - Rushbelle AU
The Language of Flowers Series - Rumbelle
Disparate Pathways - Rumbelle AU
Scattered - Rumbelle AU
All Our Past Mistakes - Rumbelle AU
What the Actual Fuck! - Sutherelle
Breathe - Rushbelle
The Lover’s Leap Series - Rumbelle
Awakening - Rumbelle
War Is Coming To Storybrooke - Rumbelle
Given No Choice - Rush
Thoughts On A Happy Ending Series - Rumbelle
Darker Hearts Series - Wish!Rumbelle
Modern Wonders - a OUAT/Alice crossover
Time’s Curse - Rumbelle
The Pawn Shop On Main Street - Rumbelle
The Mansion On the Edge of Town - Rumbelle with a side of Jefferson
Cobra: In Your Prayers - Cobra/FatWS/UC:Undercover et al
To See Series - Rumbelle
Nobody Knew (Bingo) - Rumbelle
Secret of the Seas - Rumbelle AU
Butterfly and Phoenix - ST:DSC
Laer o Faen - Tolkien
Ship’s Rats - ST: DCS
I Amar Boe Men Heb - Tolkien
Coming Down - Halt and Catch Fire
Armor of Ice - Halt and Catch Fire
Duath i-Achas Eriol - Tolkien
Balance of Terror - Sleeper Cell
What To Believe - UC: Undercover
If: In The End - UC Undercover
Precious - The Mummy Series
Forbidden - The Mummy Series
Power Is - The Mummy Series
Angel of the Heart - The Mummy Series
Star of the Morning - The Mummy Series
Not Yours To Keep - Foundation (TV)
No Saving Throw - Stranger Things
ILP (or IEP) for Rumple.
“Only Remembered For What We Have Done.”
Here are fics that haven’t yet been started, but are in the Muse’s bucket.
The Miner’s Day Festival - Rumbelle
Aftermath - Rumbelle (with a side of madness)
Saving The Dark One (WT) A twist on a twist of Rumplestiltskin.
Brought To You By The Color… (Red)
(In)consistent equation
The Boston Storybrooke Line
Breaking the Waves (Movie AU)
One Last Wish
In Service to My Son
Playground Games
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
Librarian: UC
Exquisite Harmonies
Resolutions - Rushbelle in the Deck the Halls universe.
No - absolutely not - I will not write a sequel to this fic!
0 notes
eirian-houpe · 1 year
TMI Tuesday
As I promised yesterday, I just uploaded the next chapter of Time’s Curse. That feels like a bit of an accomplishment to be honest, because as I intimated, things have been a bit rough, and the transition between school, and summer is taking it’s own sweet time - as is letting go of all the stress I’ve been carrying with me.
Anyway, here I am, and so far so good.  That’s all we can ask, right? 
Just as an FYI, The Rumbelle Showdown third round reading and voting period is in full swing right now. Give them a read, vote, and support your fandom writers.
Please feel free to ask about Time’s Curse or any of my other fics
Here are some suggestions for you.
Ask suggestions
Ask something about any of my fics (full list is below the cut). If you want specifics from some fics that are already outlined, you can ask about:
All Our Past Mistakes, Chapters 11 through 44 Lover’s Leap Series, Stories 15 through 31 Time’s Curse, Chapters 6 through 10 Laer o Faen, Chapter 27 & 28 Stargate: Atlantis, Harms Way or any of the 20 fics in the series.
Ask something of any of my characters in general or you can get really specific if you like - for example you might want to ask Gold from Pawn Shop a question about a chapter, a thought, a feeling… (the world is your oyster really)
Ask about my process as a writer, what makes me tick,, or even ask about me personally. Almost nothing is off limits.
Also, if you want to see a specific character or fic featured in Three Things Thursday, or Saturday Secret, feel free to send in prompts, if no one does, then either the choice will be random or they just won’t happen at all. I made an analogy for why that might be in a different post about a car stuck in the mud with spinning wheels. Those wheels are still spinning!
Please remember: if you read a fic you enjoyed on AO3 or on Tumblr (not just mine), please take the time to comment and/or leave kudos, and to reach out on TMI Tuesday. It means a lot to the writers and artists.
You can find all my fics currently on AO3 here, and there is a full list under this cut.
Storybrooke’s Best Kept Secret - Rumbelle
Darkness In Hyperion Heights - Woven Beauty au
Seven Tastes - Rumbelle
Tuesday - Rushbelle AU
The Language of Flowers Series - Rumbelle
Disparate Pathways - Rumbelle AU
Scattered - Rumbelle AU
All Our Past Mistakes - Rumbelle AU
What the Actual Fuck! - Sutherelle
Breathe - Rushbelle
The Lover’s Leap Series - Rumbelle
Awakening - Rumbelle
War Is Coming To Storybrooke - Rumbelle
Given No Choice - Rush
Thoughts On A Happy Ending Series - Rumbelle
Darker Hearts Series - Wish!Rumbelle
Modern Wonders - a OUAT/Alice crossover
Time’s Curse - Rumbelle
The Pawn Shop On Main Street - Rumbelle
The Mansion On the Edge of Town - Rumbelle with a side of Jefferson
Cobra: In Your Prayers - Cobra/FatWS/UC:Undercover et al
To See Series - Rumbelle
Nobody Knew (Bingo) - Rumbelle
Secret of the Seas - Rumbelle AU
Butterfly and Phoenix - ST:DSC
Laer o Faen - Tolkien
Ship’s Rats - ST: DCS
I Amar Boe Men Heb - Tolkien
Coming Down - Halt and Catch Fire
Armor of Ice - Halt and Catch Fire
Duath i-Achas Eriol - Tolkien
Balance of Terror - Sleeper Cell
What To Believe - UC: Undercover
If: In The End - UC Undercover
Precious - The Mummy Series
Forbidden - The Mummy Series
Power Is - The Mummy Series
Angel of the Heart - The Mummy Series
Star of the Morning - The Mummy Series
Not Yours To Keep - Foundation (TV)
No Saving Throw - Stranger Things
ILP (or IEP) for Rumple.
“Only Remembered For What We Have Done.”
Here are fics that haven’t yet been started, but are in the Muse’s bucket.
The Miner’s Day Festival - Rumbelle
Aftermath - Rumbelle (with a side of madness)
Saving The Dark One (WT) A twist on a twist of Rumplestiltskin.
Brought To You By The Color… (Red)
(In)consistent equation
The Boston Storybrooke Line
Breaking the Waves (Movie AU)
One Last Wish
In Service to My Son
Playground Games
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
Librarian: UC
Exquisite Harmonies
Resolutions - Rushbelle in the Deck the Halls universe.
0 notes
eirian-houpe · 1 year
TMI Tuesday
Three. More. Days until we say goodbye to this year’s kids (until next year that is, unless they are graduating seniors).  Then two teacher workdays until school is out...  Then I wait for summer school. LOL
I honestly am going to be working on Lover’s Leap just as soon as I get my mojo back.  It recently took a hit, and I’m in that writery limbo of, ‘why bother-ness’. Sad but true. The next story is Still Waters, with a Celtic focus.  
The Rumbelle Showdown third round writing period is in full swing right now - in the meantime, you have the opportunity to vote for your favorite eliminated fic from round two, though you only have until eight am on June 11th to do so. Give them a read, vote, and support your fandom writers.
Please feel free to ask about Lover’s Leap stories (any of them), Still waters, or even any others of my fics.
Here are some suggestions for you.
Ask suggestions
Ask something about any of my fics (full list is below the cut). If you want specifics from some fics that are already outlined, you can ask about:
All Our Past Mistakes, Chapters 11 through 44 Lover’s Leap Series, Stories 15 through 31 Time’s Curse, Chapters 5 through 10 Laer o Faen, Chapter 27 & 28 Stargate: Atlantis, Harms Way or any of the 20 fics in the series.
Ask something of any of my characters in general or you can get really specific if you like - for example you might want to ask Gold from Pawn Shop a question about a chapter, a thought, a feeling… (the world is your oyster really)
Ask about my process as a writer, what makes me tick,, or even ask about me personally. Almost nothing is off limits.
Also, if you want to see a specific character or fic featured in Three Things Thursday, or Saturday Secret, feel free to send in prompts, if no one does, then either the choice will be random or they just won’t happen at all. I made an analogy for why that might be in a different post about a car stuck in the mud with spinning wheels. Those wheels are still spinning!
Please remember: if you read a fic you enjoyed on AO3 or on Tumblr (not just mine), please take the time to comment and/or leave kudos, and to reach out on TMI Tuesday. It means a lot to the writers and artists.
You can find all my fics currently on AO3 here, and there is a full list under this cut.
Storybrooke’s Best Kept Secret - Rumbelle
Darkness In Hyperion Heights - Woven Beauty au
Seven Tastes - Rumbelle
Tuesday - Rushbelle AU
The Language of Flowers Series - Rumbelle
Disparate Pathways - Rumbelle AU
Scattered - Rumbelle AU
All Our Past Mistakes - Rumbelle AU
What the Actual Fuck! - Sutherelle
Breathe - Rushbelle
The Lover’s Leap Series - Rumbelle
Awakening - Rumbelle
War Is Coming To Storybrooke - Rumbelle
Given No Choice - Rush
Thoughts On A Happy Ending Series - Rumbelle
Darker Hearts Series - Wish!Rumbelle
Modern Wonders - a OUAT/Alice crossover
Time’s Curse - Rumbelle
The Pawn Shop On Main Street - Rumbelle
The Mansion On the Edge of Town - Rumbelle with a side of Jefferson
Cobra: In Your Prayers - Cobra/FatWS/UC:Undercover et al
To See Series - Rumbelle
Nobody Knew (Bingo) - Rumbelle
Secret of the Seas - Rumbelle AU
Butterfly and Phoenix - ST:DSC
Laer o Faen - Tolkien
Ship’s Rats - ST: DCS
I Amar Boe Men Heb - Tolkien
Coming Down - Halt and Catch Fire
Armor of Ice - Halt and Catch Fire
Duath i-Achas Eriol - Tolkien
Balance of Terror - Sleeper Cell
What To Believe - UC: Undercover
If: In The End - UC Undercover
Precious - The Mummy Series
Forbidden - The Mummy Series
Power Is - The Mummy Series
Angel of the Heart - The Mummy Series
Star of the Morning - The Mummy Series
Not Yours To Keep - Foundation (TV)
No Saving Throw - Stranger Things
ILP (or IEP) for Rumple.
“Only Remembered For What We Have Done.”
Here are fics that haven’t yet been started, but are in the Muse’s bucket.
The Miner’s Day Festival - Rumbelle
Aftermath - Rumbelle (with a side of madness)
Saving The Dark One (WT) A twist on a twist of Rumplestiltskin.
Brought To You By The Color… (Red)
(In)consistent equation
The Boston Storybrooke Line
Breaking the Waves (Movie AU)
One Last Wish
In Service to My Son
Playground Games
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
Librarian: UC
Exquisite Harmonies
Resolutions - Rushbelle in the Deck the Halls universe.
0 notes