#wow I’m filled with so much adrenaline right now this is the first Big Thing I’ve ever shared about my wip publicly
whumpyourdamnpears · 2 years
What's your saddest scene?
It’s hard to pick one, honestly. I think most of them have to do with a relatively minor character of mine, Katie. I’ll put a cut for spoilers, but when I’m ready to release the story you probably won’t remember this post, so it might be unnecessary:
Katie is the mother of Sarah, one of my characters who starts off as somewhat of a side character, but an important side character none-the-less. For all of Sarah’s life, she’s been led to believe that her mother and father shared a loving, idealistic marriage, which came to a tragic end when she died in childbirth. The sad part is none of that is true. Katie and Sarah’s father weren’t “married,” he abducted Katie when she was eighteen and held her captive for the next 5-6 years. The two of them had Sarah, and then Katie ended up dying when Sarah was about four or five during a failed escape attempt.
Maybe I’ll pick Katie’s death scene as one of the saddest scenes I’ve conceptualized, because there’s so much going on with it that ends up layer onto layer on the sad cake. The fact that all her years of planning resulted in nothing. The fact that it was her young daughter that ended up giving her away because she didn’t know any better, she thought her and mommy were playing a game and that daddy would want to play it, too. That it’s left unclear whether or not her “husband” killed her in a fit of rage or if it was truly an accident. That while Katie’s dying she’s begging to see her daughter, which she’s not allowed to do, because it’d just scare her and she wouldn’t know what was going on. And then the fact that Sarah never remembers what it was like having a mother, or how much she fought to bring her home
I hate when characters who deserve happy endings don’t get them. It’s kind of a squick of mine. But in order for the story to even happen, she needed to die. It was unavoidable. Any part of her story or what her legacy leaves behind reduces me to tears, especially when her daughter finally gets to meet her family and Katie’s family are trying to navigate how to have a relationship with a woman who has never met them, but looks so much like the little girl they lost
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hannahssimblr · 9 months
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Later, when darkness has settled and all of our drinks are emptied, I offer to fetch another few bottles from Shane’s room at his mobile home. His place is much closer to this end of the beach than mine or Joe’s, especially since I know a shortcut that takes me through a few medium-spiky bushes and over a broken fence. It’s just a ten minute walk, maybe eight if I’m quick. 
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“I can come with you,” Clóda says, “I can help you carry the bottles and all if you want.” And I think that maybe the walk will take more than eight minutes if I take the long way instead. As we walk down the beach together the wind blows gently and pushes her hair all the way out of her face. A nice face. A face I’ve been a bit obsessed with ever since I first saw her serving tables at the boat club in June. I suddenly don’t really know what to say to her in the silence of this empty beach, where there’s just her and me and the flapping of the wind on our clothes and rubbish from the day strewn all over the white sand. 
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“Is work busy and all?” I manage, and cringe because it’s a stupid thing to say. 
“Yeah, as busy as it gets now.”
“Where’d you get that job?”
“My dad owns the boat club,” She pauses and there’s a silence that goes on for several seconds, followed by a creeping awkwardness that becomes so intense that it feels static. Neither of us has any idea what to say. I should have come alone, and if I had I’d be halfway there by now, but it’s already too late to turn back and take the shortcut to put us out of our misery.
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“Rachel fancies you,” she blurts out, and I look at her in time to see her turn red before turning her face away from me. 
My stomach twists, “Right, okay.”
“Do you fancy her? Because if you do then she wants to know if you’ll shift her.”
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Is this why Clóda wanted to walk with me, to ask me this? The thought fills me with such disappointment that I’m of half a mind to turn around and go home for the night. I clear my throat, “Um, no I don't, sorry. She seems nice though.”
“She is nice. And she says that you’re fine.”
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“Well, thanks,” I glance at her, “You don’t think I’m fine, no?”
A little smile creeps up, “Why?”
“Just wondering.”
“Do you think I’m fine?”
“Yeah I do actually,” I say. “I think you’re really fine.”
This shocks a laugh out of her, “Wow, you just went and said it.”
“Would you rather I was more awkward about it?”
“I dunno.”
“See I’m not very awkward like that.”
“Probably because you don’t have to be.”
I grin and bend to look into her face as we walk, but she’s too shy to meet my eyes. “What does that mean, I ‘don’t have to be’? What do you think of me?”
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“I think you were fine before you cut your hair and pierced your ears like a girl,” she says. “And don’t go being all full of yourself, because you’ve a bit of a big nose.”
I laugh, “I can have all those things and you can still like me.”
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She stops at the path that leads towards the holiday village, and she’s trembling a little, with excitement, maybe, fear, adrenaline. “I think it’d be bad if I liked you, because Rachel said she liked you first.”
“Why didn’t you let Rachel come and walk with me then?”
She smiles. “Because I didn’t really want her to be on her own with you. Do you think I’m a bad friend for that?”
"She'll recover, I think."
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“When I saw you on the tennis courts that first day I thought you were cute.”
She nods, “And you’re good at tennis. You’re better than all your friends.”
My palms start to prickle, “and you liked that?”
“I think it’s cool when people are good at stuff.”
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I like hearing about when I’m good at stuff, and I like that she’s telling me this now, so much so that my heart is beating faster than it should. I want to ask her about what else she likes about me, what else she thinks I’m good at, but then I think maybe it’d be better if I showed her instead.
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I kiss her. 
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She is not surprised. She puts her hands in the right place, behind my neck and she tilts her head forty five degrees to the right and she lets me kiss her, her top lip, her bottom lip, and I try to move her with me and create rhythm and melody with our mouths and our bodies but her head is as stiff as the rest of her, and after a minute or two she releases the breath she’s been holding the entire time onto my cheek in a shuddering torrent and I realise that she doesn’t really know what she’s doing.
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“Clóda,” I murmur, and I draw back and stroke her cheeks with my thumbs, where her skin is glowing and tinted blue in the moonlight, but my attempts at intimacy suddenly seem too much in contention with her awkward rigidity that I let my hands fall away from her and rest on her hips instead.
“You’re supposed to kiss back.”
“I was kissing back.”
She was standing still with her mouth open like a baby bird waiting to be fed, but I know it’d be an embarrassing thing to point out to her. 
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“Are you nervous?”
“A bit.”
“Can I help?”
She looks down at our feet and pushes her hair behind her ears. “I’ve kissed heaps of boys,” she insists, as though she thinks I’m about to start accusing her of being frigid. “I’m not bad at it.”
“I didn’t say you were bad.”
“I’ve done other things too, by the way.”
“I’m sure you have.”
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“I’ve actually done loads. Like, nearly everything.”
“Yeah I believe you. It’s not that, I just think you were- we’re both nervous, okay? Can we go again?”
“And relax.”
“I am relaxing.”
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I drift in closer, “Yes, okay,” my lips graze gently against hers as I speak, and she smells nice, familiar, like coconut suncream and that sweet body spray that all of the girls at school use after P.E class.
She’s tense still, but when I tell her gently to relax she tries to, and the kiss is more pleasant, though she’s giddy now, excited, perhaps about the thought of telling all of her friends about this, and the thought of that alone, just this fantasy that I’ve invented about what she’s going to say about me later puts me off her a bit. 
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I draw away from her a bit, but she steps into me keenly, afraid that my kiss will be too fleeting, “you can touch my boob if you want.”
“I’m okay.”
“No, I mean, it’s fine, I’ll let you.”
“Maybe later?”
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I’ve offended her now, “Yeah, um, alright then.”
“I hope that’s cool, I’m just kind of in a bit of a rush to get to Shane’s mobile home and all.”
“Yet I get it,” though her hair flip is indignant.
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“Do you still want to come? You don’t have to, I don’t mind going on my own.”
She glances over her shoulder down the expanse of the dark beach and shakes her head, “Like, no, it’s fine, we can still go together. We’re probably close to it by now, so…”
“Yeah we are.”
“Okay then,” She folds defensive arms around herself and hikes up the incline towards the village with wind whipping her top around and her heels crushing the backs of her red ballet shoes. 
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“I think you’re really pretty,” I say, a bit pathetically to the back of her head. 
“Um, and, well if I’ve upset you or something-”
“You’ve not, I’m fine.”
“Alright then,” and she walks two metres ahead of me all the way to the caravan park in stony silence. 
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idontknowreallywhy · 2 years
Best Jupidad Moments #6 Nevermoor Ch 9 - What’s Really Important?
Right, I’m not going to lie, I’m struggling to differentiate between “the best Jupidad moments” and “ALL the Jupidad moments” as each one has its particular charm but… I’ll try to rein myself in!
First: trying exciting new things…
The bone-shaking terror she’d felt watching the platform speed towards her was washed away by a wave of adrenaline, and she let out a triumphant shout as they hooked on to the rail. Jupiter grinned, throwing his head back to enjoy the ride.
I especially love this moment right now because I recently took my daughter on her first proper rollercoaster ride. She wanted to do it, to start with, but got herself very worked up and tearful in the queue. Part of me wanted to just say “ok fine, we don’t have to do this today” but I feel like I know her fairly well(!) and I was sure she’d enjoy it and also be really proud of herself for facing her fear and going through with it. So instead I said “we’re going to do it, I think you’ll love it but if not it’ll be less than a minute, you’ll be safe and I’m with you and we never have to do it again”. Thankfully she did love it, but I did question myself and my parenting a lot in that queue!
Our Jupidad is making a similar call, albeit without the assurance of physical safety cos… Nevermoor… and sure enough this becomes one of Morrigan’s favourite things about living in the city. Did he know for sure she wouldn’t hate it? No. But he pushes her to try anyway.
I also suspect he’s running distraction here - she’s nervous about the garden party, so he gives her something else to focus on, where she gets a big old shot of adrenaline and arrives at the party thinking “wow, I did that!” which should take the edge off the nerves at least a little. Clever Jove.
He also lets her choose her own outfit, rather than forcing her into something that would make her either blend in with everyone else’s pastel vibe, or match his own flamboyant style…
… filled with people in light linen suits and pastel dresses. Jupiter had allowed Morrigan to choose her own outfit – a black dress with silver buttons, which Dame Chanda declared ‘smart, but utterly lacking in spectacle’. Morrigan thought Jupiter’s lemon-yellow suit and lavender shoes provided enough spectacle for both of them.
I think this is a pretty big deal actually and perhaps not something Morrigan would have foreseen after the “black isn’t a colour” conversation. Would it have been kinder to have said “I think everyone else will wear something more spring-ish”? It might have saved her from a couple of insults from Noelle… but the two of them were likely to clash anyway and isn’t it better to start making new friendships by being yourself? It’s easy to want to protect a child from getting splashed by social waves, but if you coddle them too much they won’t learn to swim in the sea.
There are some waves, however, that nobody should take to the face. Like raw sewage, radioactive waste, or Baz Charlton…
He was cut off by a sharp look from Jupiter, his mouth left hanging open. ‘Consider your next words carefully, Mr Charlton,’ Jupiter said in the low, cold voice that Morrigan had heard from him only once before, on Eventide at Crow Manor. She shivered.
Baz Charlton closed his mouth. Jupiter stepped aside, releasing the long-haired man from his gaze and allowing him to stumble away. He sighed as he smoothed down his yellow suit and gave Morrigan’s shoulder a quick squeeze. ‘Told you. Odious man. Pay no attention.’
I really want to know what the deal is with Jupiter’s low, cold voice because it really freaks everyone out! I wonder how often he uses it other than in Mog-defence-mode? It’s a very effective way of protecting Morrigan here and although I think we’d all like to see Baz dropped from a great height into a skip, I really appreciate how there’s no physical threat used.
Enjoying yourselves?’ Jupiter wandered over with a placid smile, ignoring the stream of servants rushing past with nets and brooms. Morrigan chewed the side of her mouth guiltily. ‘A bit.’
Ha, I love the image of that smile where he knows exactly what’s gone on here. I also adore the fact that Morrigan has somehow befriended the one child out of 500 who is probably the most like Jupiter was at school 😅
Plus the moment of mirroring later when she asks Jove a question she knows the answer to:
‘I’m here illegally, aren’t I?’
Jupiter chewed the side of his mouth. ‘A bit.’
How do they debrief later? Not with a “so, what did you think of Wunsoc?” but…
‘You made a friend.’ ‘I think so.’
‘Anything else of interest?’
Morrigan thought for a moment. ‘I think I made an enemy too.’
‘I didn’t make my first proper enemy until I was twelve.’ He sounded impressed.
Oh poor Morrigan, you’re going to rack up a few of those pretty soon. Thanks to Jupidad for making that sound like an achievement rather than a character flaw 😬
‘Promise you’ll think about it?’
‘Only if you promise you’ll stop thinking about not getting into the Society.’
‘But if I don’t get in—’
‘We’ll blow up that bridge when we come to it.’ Morrigan sighed. Just give me a straight answer, she thought. But she said no more.
Jupiter ushered Morrigan down the hall ahead of him. ‘Now. Tell me more about your resourceful new friend. Where in the Seven Pockets did he find a barrel full of toads?’
And just like that he brings it back round to what should be important to an 11 year old - friends, having fun, new experiences - and sharing the excitement of these things with a parental figure is such a precious and vital part of the relationship. Jupiter proves he is as interested in these details of her life as much if not as more than the big picture “what does the future hold, what is my purpose?” kind of stuff that threatens to take over.
This is maybe my favourite thing about Jupidad - how he constantly values her as a person (and as part of that her everyday life experience) above everything else, even though he is confronted with the BIG thing that makes her particularly important to the world every single time he looks at her.
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I hate that I love you p. 13
13. I hate you
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Epilogue 
Warnings: annoyingly persistent dude shows up this time, but not for long so don’t worry! probably some swearing too, and a first time writer’s SMAU so might be awful lol
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Fem!Reader
A/N: how are we already done this fic omg... i won’t lie to yall, I finished the majority of the chapters within a few days cause I was so excited to write haha. But thank you so much for everyone who has kept up with this series and has interacted with me about it! I love interactions so never feel like you can’t interact okay? :) 
Anyways! Onto the story! More written things this time cause you know, we can’t have a big finale and a confession that needs to be said over a text (or at least i don’t personally like text confessions so here we are lol) Enjoy :)
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Tsukishima groaned internally as he thought about what to type next. This was the moment he had been waiting for all week. You were finally talking to him, even if it was over text. He didn’t want to mess this up and have your name never pop up in his notifs again. But what would he even say? 
He wasn’t even really sure what happened, how he ended up here waiting for the nurse to bring him an ice pack. He knew the gist of it but the details were still a tad hazy.
“Doesn’t matter how much she rejects me! I’m going to keep trying! Girls like that, you know. If you start slacking off, she’ll just start ignoring you!” The guy had practically yelled across the courtyard in Tsukishima’s direction. It wasn’t that it really pissed him all that much off. It was more the way the guy was talking about you that got under Tsukishima’s skin. “She’s just so beautiful and so smart, she’d make the perfect girl to have on my arm! I don’t care how many times she says no, Y/N’ll be mine eventually!”
Before Tsukishima even knew it, he had a fistful of the guy’s shirt in his hand, glaring down at him, “Stop talking about her like she’s some sort of prize. Besides, how old are you? Even a toddler can understand what NO means.”
Maybe Noya and Tanaka had been passing through and Yamaguchi had called for their help, or maybe they just decided to jump in, but before he knew it, Tsukishima felt himself fall back. Noya and Tanaka had both thrown him aside (neither of them meaning to, they just had a lot of adrenaline and wanted to get up in front). Even though Tsukishima told Y/N he didn’t really hit his head, he could remember the pain surging through his skull. His head was killing him.
Did he black out? Or was he just missing pieces? Tsukishima thought back to the moment and frowned. All he could really remember was the pain and then suddenly, you were crouched next to him with that worried look in your eyes. Honestly, he thought he was dreaming because you were sitting there right next to him, holding his hand and touching his face. 
“Tsukki, are you okay?” You had asked him, helping him sit up. He felt his cheeks flush in that moment, realizing what had just happened. Tanaka and Noya were still yelling at the guy, not even realizing they had practically thrown Tsukishima across the courtyard. 
“IF YOU SO MUCH AS LOOK IN Y/N’S DIRECTION WE WILL COME AFTER YOU. DON’T YOU KNOW THE POWER OF SECOND YEARS?” Noya had added in, the two of them making the best intimidating faces they could manage.
“We should get you to the nurse’s office,” you had told him and before he knew it here he was. He could remember leaning against you as the two of you walked but other than that, it was all a blur.
“Here’s an ice pack, try to rest okay? No volleyball for at least a few days too,” the nurse was telling him and he just nodded. He hadn’t even gotten another word typed out before she had come back and now he was going to have to face you without really knowing what to say.
“So?” You looked up at him in anticipation and Tsukishima wasn’t really sure what you were asking about - his last text or his head.
“I’m fine,” he stated quietly, holding the ice to his head. “I don’t think I have a concussion but I can’t play for a while.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled nervously, eyes darting away from his. This had been because of you. You felt the guilt fill you up - if you had just gotten the guy to leave you alone in the first place, none of this would’ve happened. Maybe you should’ve done what Bokuto and the others told you to do and talk to the school’s administration about it. But it seemed like such a trivial thing to complain about.
“Oi,” Tsukishima interrupted your thoughts, nudging you. He could see that guilt written all over your face. “Stop it. It’s not like you hit me or anything.”
“Yeah well, but it’s not like I didn’t want to,” you huffed, frowning up at him. The two of you stood there awkwardly for a moment, both of you waiting for the other to bring up the topic of anticipation. “So... are you going to explain your last text?” You finally asked, a ball of nerves sitting in your stomach. 
Tsukishima bit on his inner cheek, thinking about all the things he had wanted to say to you for the past week. “I’m bad with words when it comes to how I’m feeling,” he stated quietly. “I’m good with facts. I know for a fact that there are so many things about you that I hate.”
Wow great start to the conversation, you thought to yourself, your heart falling a bit. The two of you hadn’t spoken in a week and this is how he wanted to do things?
“Let me finish,” he grumbled, seeing the discomfort in your eyes. “I hate how you click your pen when you’re nervous for a test, I hate that you doodle on my notes in class or that you draw smiley faces on my hand when I’m not paying attention. I hate that you text me at 3 in the morning to ask me questions about the homework or just to ask me how I am. I hate the fact that you refuse to put your books back in your bag and that you’ll just carry them in your arms because we both know you’re clumsy and that you’ll end up dropping something. I hate that you’re always the loudest person during my matches, I hate that I can pick you out of a crowd and that when I can’t see you I get worried.”
Your eyebrows furrowed a little as he continued, his eyes now starting to avoid yours. 
“I hate that you get along with all my teammates and I hate that they make you smile and laugh. I hate that you and Bokuto are good friends and that he makes you happy. I hate everything about you because everything you do just makes me like you more.”
You blink in confusion... was this.. supposed to be some sort of twisted confession?
“I hate that you were so childish that you ignored me for a whole week for being an asshole and that it’s been the most miserable week of my life. I hate that I heard your voicemail more times than your actual voice this week because you wouldn’t pick up the phone. I hate seeing that you hadn’t sent me a text message back, I hate that I wake up at 3 in the morning just in case you reached out to me. I hate that there were no smiley faces on my arm and no doodles on my notes, I hate that I wasn’t able to help you pick up your books or study with you. I hate that I can’t stop thinking about you from the time that I wake up, to the time I go to bed, I hate that you’re in my dreams every single night and I hate that no matter how many times I’ve dreamt about saying these things, it’s never the way that you deserve. I hate that you’re effortlessly perfect and that every guy who walks by you knows it too,” Tsukishima’s hands balled into fists as he thought about it all, scoffing a little at himself. 
How desperate, he thought to himself. He hated how absolutely cheesy he sounded. But he couldn’t stop now. “I hate... I hate everything about you because everything you do just makes me fall harder for you. I hate that I love you, Y/N because no matter how much I want to hate you, I just can’t.”
Time must’ve stopped right then and there. Or else that’s what it felt like. Tsukishima had finally said the words that you were waiting for the whole time you’d known him. Tsukishima... loved you? Everything you felt was... mutual?
Maybe time hadn’t stopped at all and you were just staring at him in complete shock, because Tsukishima was shifting awkward in the empty hall the two of you were in, waiting for some sort of reply out of you. “O-Oh!” He recovered quickly, his whole face turning red, feeling like it was you waiting for him to say something else. “A-And I’m sorry. For being an ass.” His eyes dropped to the ground, holding his head in shame, “I know I was being a dick about Bokuto. And after the first game you came to. I thought that the whole jersey thing was going to make you realize how I felt but you just thought it was to freak out your stalker and...”
“I only thought that cause when you gave me your jacket, you told me it was for the plan,” you interrupted quickly, biting on your lip nervously. “I didn’t... I didn’t want to believe that you would really give me your jersey cause that would mean that everything Yamaguchi said was true.”
Tsukishima looked at you for a moment, a small scowl on his lips, “What did Yamaguchi say?”
A small smile started to play on your lips, “That Tsukishima Kei had a big fat crush on me. Who knew?” You couldn’t help but giggle, watching as this tall glaring bean pole started to go pink with embarrassment. There was such a relief off of your shoulders, knowing that he was admitting how he was feeling and apologizing. 
“S-So you knew?”
“Of course not,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I figured Yamaguchi just told me that because he was encouraging my crush on you!” The words slipped from your lips before you could slap a hand over your mouth, eyes widening as you look up at him.
There was that stupid smirk on his lips, growing bigger as he tilted his chin up in pride, “So Y/N Y/L/N has a crush on me huh?”
You scoff, rolling your eyes a little in embarrassment, “Pfft. What? Me? No way.”
Tsukishima smirked, catching your chin in his fingers and forcing you to look at him, “Go out with me,” he demanded softly, pressing his forehead against yours gently. “For real this time.”
Your whole body was going hot with how he was looking at you, the soft but teasing look in his eyes was driving you insane. You hadn’t ever seen him look at you like this before, “O-Okay,” you mumbled quickly and Tsukishima smiled. A real genuine giddy sort of smile.
Before you could embarrass yourself further, you shove his shoulder gently and pull away, walking towards the exit, “But if you’re ever that much of an ass to me ever again, I’m never talking to you again!” You yell over your shoulder, trying to pretend like your heart wasn’t just leaping out of your chest. 
It didn’t take long for Tsukishima’s long legs to catch up with you, casually opening the hallway doors for you, “Fine.”
“Don’t think you confessing to me makes up for anything, I’m still mad at you.”
“What? Why! I said I was sorry! I thought you said it was ice cream or words! And I apologized!” His scowl was evident, even though his heart was fluttering. Everything he wanted, it was finally happening. 
“Well you were a real asshole so you’re going to need at least words AND ice cream.”
“You’re impossible.”
“But you loveeee me.”
“Just wait till Yamaguchi finds out your whole confession was about you hating me,” you mused as the two of you walked and Tsukishima groaned a little. With how sassy Yamaguchi was getting, he was never going to hear the end of it.
“I will literally buy you any kind of ice cream you want, just don’t tell him,” Tsukishima mumbled, not wanting to admit how embarrassed he would be if his best friend scolded him over his confession.
“No way,” you laugh, shaking your head with a huge smile. “Tsukishima Kei finally confessed to me and I need Yamaguchi to know that he did it in a very Tsukishima way.”
The blond boy just groaned but he swiftly grabbed your hand and stuffed it in his pocket with his own. You tried not to seem so surprised and quickly started looking in every direction but his, not wanting him to notice how nervous you were getting every time his thumb would slowly make a circle along your skin. The two of you walked back to your friends, chatting away the tension that had been so thick before, as if it was a totally normal day for you. As if both of you weren’t thinking I’m the luckiest person alive.
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universalistotalis · 3 years
Miya Osamu x Female Reader
Fluff fluff fluff to a little angst
Mention of Mommy Miya and Atsumu lol
2.9k words
You wiped the sleep from your eyes as you were woken up by one of your family members who sat beside you on the bus. People queued in line to exit the vehicle that’s stopped in front of the airport and you can hear the soft chattering of the passengers as they lined up the aisle.
It feels sad really. To be leaving a country that you’ve explored for days on end, enjoying the culture, the view, the food, and all the little details in between. You wrapped the jacket more to your figure as the cold and the sadness crept into you. You welcomed the feelings though, because it meant that you had such a wonderful time that you didn’t want to let go.
Blinding lights made your eyes squint as all of you entered the gigantic airport. ‘Here we are’, you said to yourself. The busy goers walked and jogged past you here and there, some were loading heavy bags trolleys, some were panicking while looking at the schedule, and some were just chilling at the aligned chairs, sipping a cup of coffee.
“So, we’ll go check- in on our flight and we’ll go to the duty- free shop for souvenirs. All right?” You just nodded at their plan because they’ve been repeating that ever since you went out the hotel room where you stayed.
As you had hoped, the duty free shop was so full of things that you wanted. Just packed with all the goodies like the country's famous snacks, the foreign cosmetics that you adored, and even the cool relief patches that you tried and were so amazed at. Good thing you were given enough money to purge on what you wanted so you filled an entire basket! After all, you never know when you can come back to this country again.
“Excuse me.” Someone from behind you cleared his throat.
You were busy looking at the label of one of the beauty products from the shelf that you didn’t notice that you were blocking the narrow column.
“Oh sorry.” You apologized and scooted a little so that the person could pass. You turned to see the man and your whole body froze for a millisecond at the sight. The air felt electric all of the sudden as your gazes fixed on each other. He was the first one to look away and go on his way normally, as if not feeling the surge of adrenaline that you just felt.
“Damn, he’s beautiful.” You whispered. You swore you have never seen someone that beautiful in your entire life... EVER! And it wasn’t helping that his body was so built and tall and that his hair had this ombre gray color going on. No one’s supposed to look good with that hair color but why did he pull it off?! How?!
“Samu! I found your favorite cookies from yesterday!” An loud, excited voice made you jump from behind and you turned around in reflex. You saw the beautiful man earlier, standing at the end of the aisle and examining the pack in his hands while nodding. “I told you we could find it here! C’mon, let’s get more!” A tall blonde man next to him said while dragging him away.
You blinked, trying to process what you saw. Wow.
That’s it! Some people are just god’s favorites, aren’t they? You thought you were having issues with your vision but it was clear that there is not only one beautiful man. But TWO! He has a twin and good god, they were both so fit!
‘Does this store have a sale on these guys because I would like to purchase, please!’ You just chuckled at your crazy, thirsty thoughts and proceeded to checking out the things you bought.
They never left your mind. There were still five hours to spare before your flight but not once did they, especially he, stop running in your head! You scolded yourself one too many times this past hour because of the scenarios flooding in. There were date nights, traveling to different countries, petty fight scenes, cute nicknames, and all the sappy shit that couples do and say. You’re just hurting yourself really, and you had to stop!
The gods just wanted you to have a good one minute of your life and that’s it. You’ll never see him again!
You sighed and excused yourself to get a beverage that’ll quench your thirst from so much daydreaming. The nearest vending machine that you saw was at the other waiting area so you had to walk a little bit further. Your eyes were already set on the juice drink once you neared the machine.
“Hey, y/n!” You looked up questioningly as you saw your family waving and approaching you. “Let’s stay here a bit. People are beginning to flock there and I don’t like it. Besides, we can see if they’re already boarding from here.”
“Alright.” You agreed. “You want anything from the vendo?”
“Anything that you’ll have please.”
You sealed the top cap of the bottle mindlessly while staring blankly at the the vending machine. Your fingers were a little numb from the cold drink but you didn’t mind. You allowed yourself to be overly emotional at the thought of ending the vacation and of not having the boy you swore would be perfect for you. How could a single meeting that lasted for seconds affect you so much?! A small, sad chuckle left your lips because you knew you were so damn whipped but that didn’t really matter now.
“You’re so damn whipped, man! What, you’ve known her for like five seconds and now you think you’re in love with her?” Atsumu hissed, looking at his brother like he had grown two heads.
“Shut yer trap, Tsumu.” Osamu snapped out of his daydream once his brother’s voice penetrated the peaceful area.
“Then stop staring!” Atsumu laughed and shook his head. He took a glimpse of the person behind him to check the girl out and he had to admit, you were pretty even in your simple clothes.
“Hey.” Osamu called, a hint of warning laced in his deep voice.
“What, I wasn’t looking!" Atsumu dramatically puts his hand up in the air. "Stop being possessive of your five- second girlfriend, sheesh!” He teased more as he was met by the scowling face of his twin.
“I’m not in love with her.” Osamu scowled and folded his hands together like a toddler.
Atsumu was trying so hard not to laugh at his state and denial. “Look, Samu. We practically came from the same cell, you don’t have to lie to me. If it makes you feel better, we’ll reduce it to a crush. Now, how does that sound?”
Osamu rolled his eyes but he knew Tsumu was right. When he saw your eyes from the store, he felt a prickling sensation in his whole body that it shocked him a little. He swore all the hairs on his skin stood up at the encounter and that was the first time he ever felt that way! And what are the odds that you came to sit on their waiting area, giving him such a good view?
“Honestly, bro. You’re being creepy.” Osamu massaged the bridge of his nose in despair as his twin clicked his tongue in judgment.
“And you’re being annoying.” He countered.
“Cool down! Why don’t you go get us a drink then?” Atsumu smirked and challenged.
“Get your own damn dr—“
“That would be great, honey! Can you please get me water too? I’m getting a little thirsty from waiting.” They both whipped their heads at their mother who was smiling so sweetly and both melted at the sight.
“Okay.” They said in unison and got to their feet in a flash.
“‘Kay, here’s the plan.” Atsumu announced while acting like he’s warming up for a game.
“What plan? We’re just getting drinks?!” Osamu regarded him questioningly.
“We are just getting drinks but the vendo’s in front of your girlfriend, dummy!”
“Shit!” Osamu's eyes widened as he cursed. He hated that Atsumu was making sense. They do need a plan!
“It’s so hard to be the smart brother. I gotta do all the work!” Atsumu sighed dramatically earning himself another eye roll. “So, the plan is…” He paused for a while, trying to get his brother’s attention.
“What?! What do we do?” Osamu's patience was on thin ice and his frustrating brother is not helping one bit!
“Wow, you’re really trusting me on this, huh?” Atsumu stared at him in wonder. “Damn, what did that girl do to you?”
“God fuckin’ dammit, Tsumu, you’re wasting time!” Osamu strangled and shook him lightly. The other just laughed his ass off while trying to break free.
“Boys.” The warning tone and stoic gaze from their mother were enough to make their way to you. To the vending machine, that is…
“I’ll stay here, lover boy.” Atsumu patted Osamu’s back as they neared the destination which was just meters away from their seat.
“Wait, what? No—"
“Don’t be scared, you dummy. You can do it!” Blonde hair swayed in front of Osamu’s face as Atsumu danced a little cheering dance for him. “I’ll have cola, by the way. Now, go!”
Osamu tripped a little as his back was pushed but he didn’t seem to care as he was nearing your crouching form. You were just so damned focused on that phone that you didn't acknowledge his presence.
"Okay, we're just going to go through this like a normal person, Samu. No big deal." He whispered to himself.
“Y/n.” One of the persons beside you called. “I want the juice again pleaaaase.”
He saw your head perk up and was stunned when you laughed at their plea. “Alright, alright! Same flavor?”
Osamu didn’t realize that he was nearing the vending machine the same time as you were as he was so distracted by your charm. So your name was y/n and you had such a cute voice. And definitely a cute smile. Somehow, that was enough to make his imagination run wild!
It all happened so fast and you became aware of his presence a little too late. All you knew was that there was suddenly a looming figure on your left and you jumped in surprise, not meaning to.
“S-sorry.” He stuttered, a little surprised at your reaction too.
“No, no, it’s okay.” You smiled and bowed your head politely at him, praying to all the gods that he doesn’t see you blushing nor hear the heartbeat from your chest. “You go first.”
He blinked and looked down at you questioningly but he declined gently. “No, no. I can wait. Ladies first.” He gestured and stepped aside.
“Alright.” You smiled again.
Your mind was going a hundred miles per hour! You never thought that going to vending machine would be the hardest endeavor of your life! With hands shaking slightly, you inserted the coins until they reached the exact amount of the drink that you wanted and you pressed on the button that suddenly lit up.
A sense of dread flooded your being because that was it. After you press the button, you’re going to go back to your normal life. You were going to turn around and leave and never see that face again.
But as you stood there, you wondered why there wasn’t that familiar sound of the bottle dropping for you to claim?
“That’s weird.” You whispered and crinkled your nose. Your finger pressed the button again... and again, hoping that it result to something but to no avail.
“Is it broken?” His voice echoed the question in your head.
“I don’t think so.” You pouted a little. “I was able to get the same drink a while ago.”
Both of you just stared at it for it moment.
“Kick it.” He suggested, while putting his hands in both of his pockets and cooly transferring his weight on the right side.
“What?” You asked, horrified.
You were flashed with his laughing grin and crinkling eyes. “No harm in trying. C’mon!” He encouraged.
“If I get in trouble, you’re going down with me.” You warned but then you took him up on his challenge and kicked the bottom of the huge metal.
And truthfully so, the bottle dropped.
He crouched down and fetched the cold drink in his hand while still grinning like a fox. “Okay, I didn’t think you’d actually do it but here you go.” His voice was so heavenly to hear especially when it was still alight with humor. His eyes looked at you so sweetly that you were effectively just stuck there, under his spell.
“Thanks.” You chuckled and took what he was holding out. At the touch of your skin, the both of you jumped at the sudden and strong electricity that coursed through your veins. It was the same thing you both felt at the store but this time, it was stronger!
“Woah.” He said in awe. “I—"
You rubbed the back of your hand as if it stung and gazed up at him to take a good look. He had kind, brown eyes below his bushy eyebrows and thick, plump lips below his pointed nose. His cheeks were dusted pink which was cute. But his jawline contrasted as it was ready to cut your heart open. His gray hair was tousled too which matched his cool look and outfit of dark blue jeans, white shirt, and a leather jacket.
“T-thanks for this, again.” You stuttered. “I gotta go now.”
“N-no, wait.” He stuttered as well while instinctively pulling your sleeve by the hem. Another surge of lightning shot through you but you managed to smile back at him.
“W-what if it doesn’t work on me?” He said, sheepishly. “I need your kicks.”
For the first time since you met him, you started to relax so you let out a hearty laugh. “Okay, I’ll be right here.”
Osamu smiled gratefully at you before turning back and loading his coins. His ears rang at your words, ‘I’ll be right here’. He hoped you would be for a long time but that’s just wishful thinking.
One… Two… Three… Four…
“Wow, how many would you take?” Your amused voice made him grin again.
“It’s for the whole family.” He shrugged and crouched for the fourth time to get the drink. “This would be the last.”
“Good thing it didn’t break!” You said and again you were met by the awkward silence and him just staring. “Uhmm…”
“I’m Osamu, by the way.” He blurted out suddenly. “Miya Osamu.”
He tried his best to hold all the four drinks in one arm and extended one out to you.
“Oh… uhm…” Fuck.
“Uhm?” He laughed, still waiting for your introduction… desperate for it, really.
“Y/n L/n.” Warmth spread from your hands to your body as you held his and squeezed lightly. “It’s nice to meet you, Osamu.”
“Nice to meet you too.” He continued to shake your hand, not breaking eye contact. ���Really nice.”
You laugh at the awkwardness but it seems like both of you don’t mind. You just want to prolong this interaction of yours and without you knowing, he was doing the same.
“Thank you for waiting. Flight QR 1008 is now accepting passengers on board.”
Osamu’s world crashed as the announcement continued. That was his cue to leave. He didn’t want to let your hand go so he tightened his grip more.
“That’s our flight.” He whispered and smiled sadly at you.
You nodded as your heart shattered in pieces. “Have a safe flight, Osamu. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
“Same here.” He replied, slowly letting go of your hand. “You take care and try not to break vending machines next time.”
A laugh bubbled inside your chest as he stepped back in agonizing slowness. “I’ll try.”
“Bye, y/n.” He waved and walked back to his brother who you saw patted him on the back.
“Do you know the guy?” You were asked when you went back to the seats.
“No, I just met him.” How you wish you knew him more.
“Well, he’s such a hunk, isn’t he?” They teased but you just laughed and shrugged it off.
You’re going to suffer this heartache for a while.
On the other end, Osamu carried his backpack over his shoulder, looking like he’s carrying the weight of the world.
“Hey.” Atsumu wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “You alright?”
“It’s gonna take a while.” He grumbled.
Atsumu nodded in understanding and tightened his grip on his brother for support. “It’ll be fine, Samu.”
And before they could enter the boarding gate leading to the plane, a surge of courage ran through Osamu’s body. All he knew was that he just had to do it or regret it forever. It's worth the risk!
“Hey y/n!” He shouted, jogging his way to you when they neared the entrance doors.
You were stunned at the mere mention of your name from a baritone voice. The grip of two hands followed and they were heavy on your shoulders.
“Let’s meet again, yeah?” Osamu asked you, full of hope in his eyes. “Someday.”
You nodded your head and smiled. You love that idea. “Someday.”
With that, he waved his final good bye, bowed at your family, and left.
All was well but you never saw each other again.
Masterlist!!! Read more here hehehe
I actually enjoyed writing this so much hahaha I'm in love with the twin's tandem and their constant witty comebacks and bickering! I also miss going to airports and travelling and spotting eye candies outside... TAKE ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE PLEASE!
Anw, Hope you're all doing great. Stay safe!
Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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Prey for You | Part 4
Genre: Smut, angst, and some fluff this time
Word Count: 4.4k
Summary:  It has come to this. After your landlord kicks you out, you’re at Chan’s mercy. Turns out, he might not be as bad as you thought he was.
Warnings: enemies to lovers, switch!reader, switch!chan, wolf!hybrid chan, fox!hybrid reader, thigh riding, really unheathly dynamics
A/N: this part is like the opposite of a tootsie roll soft on the outside hard on the inside
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Part 5, Part 6
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“This is just for a short while.” You say, swallowing the bile that has risen up in your throat as you look at the smug wolf sitting in front of you on his couch.
“Sure.” He shrugs nonchalant, but the cocky arch of his brow says otherwise and you have to squash down your pride with everything you’ve got not to jump on him. Like it or not, you’re at his mercy now that your landlord has officially evicted you. Without his gracious help, you’d now be on the streets. “I’ll find another place as soon as I can.”
“You can take all the time you need.” He opens his arms wide, going for a welcoming vibe but the stupid grin on his face counteracts it.
“No. I’ll be out of here soon.” You deadpan, not wanting to owe him more than you already do. God knows he’ll hold his over your head forever.  "And I don't feel comfortable living here for free so from now on until I leave, I'll be taking care of things around the house."
“Oh, how domestic.” He chirps sweetly.
"More like a live-in maid." You mutter under your breath but he easily hears it, the stupid grin finally dropping from his face as he sits forward and looks at you sincerely. "Don't say that. I meant what I said. You’re here as a friend."
"Yeah, sure." You snort. “You’re basically high from gloating.”
A smile tickles his lips again as he leans back. “I always enjoy the chance to one-up you, but that doesn’t mean I’m lying.”
“Wow, you really are a saint.” You jeer, grabbing your bag and heading towards the room that is to be yours.  
To your great surprise, living with Chan was actually kind of nice. Aside from the obvious perk of living in such a comfortable, beautiful house that had everything you could ever need. Chan himself was proving himself to be a quiet congenial roommate. Most importantly, he left you the hell alone for the most part, staying cooped up in his studio the majority of the day so that you barely even saw him. And despite your agreement that you’d take care of things around the house, he still did most of his things himself, picking up after himself and washing his clothes before you got the chance to. He fed himself too as indicated by the boxes of takeout from every possible fast food place filling out the trash. So you were barely wasting any time on taking care of the house, and spending most of your days following up on your studies like you so sorely needed. 
All in all, this whole arrangement was working out positively in your favor. Too positively, that you have to wonder what he was getting out of this. He can’t possibly really be doing this out of the goodness of his heart, especially since no one is even aware of this kind deed for him to gain any morality points off of it. He hasn’t even made a move on you for the whole three weeks you’d been here, seeming content to just coexist with you that you were starting to feel like you were taking advantage of him somehow. Even though this whole thing was his idea. 
Maybe that, your momentary self-doubt, is what prompted you to do what you did next. 
“Hmm, something smells nice.” Chan remarks, walking into the kitchen where you were making yourself some food. He stands behind you to take a look at what you were cooking, and you feel your heart skipping a beat at the now familiar scent of him filling your nostrils and his body being so close to you. And when he speaks, his voice deep and calm next to your ear, it makes your skin tingle. “Looks tasty too.” 
And like a teenager who had the great fortune of being noticed by the popular jock, you twist your head around to look at him, dewy-eyed as the words stumble out of your mouth before you can think them over. “Would you like to have dinner with me today?”
He pauses, looking at you curiously and you turn back to the food and continue nervously, “I mean, that junk food you eat everyday can’t be good for you.” 
“Aw, are you worried about me?” He asks cheekily, and your shoulders tense. “Never mind.” 
“No, no, I’ll have dinner with you.” He rushes to say, plopping down on a seat resolutely. “No take backsies.”
“Idiot.” You mutter, finding yourself wearing an involuntary smile because of him once again.
You’re not the best cook, you’ll be the first to admit it, but Chan praises your food like you are a world class chef. 
“Fuck off, Chan. It’s not that good.” You protest awkwardly, not really used to being complimented. But he insists, mouth full of food, “It is! It’s sublime.” 
You look down at your food to avoid eye contact with him and put on your best snooty voice. “Poor thing. Your habit of eating exclusively junk food must’ve ruined your palate to the point where you think my cooking is anything but decent.” 
“You sell yourself short. These hands--” He suddenly grabs your hands suddenly, startling you as he kisses them. “They’re magic.” 
You yank them back to your lap, flustered, the adrenaline pushing your poor fluttering heart into overdrive and making you panic. You quickly grab your fork and shove some food into your mouth trying to distract yourself from the conflicting emotions clashing in your chest, and regretting it almost immediately as your nausea swells up. 
“Is that how you woo prey?” You snark, taking a big gulp of your wine to wash down the piece of food you barely chewed. “Blatantly lie to them about their cooking skills?” 
The atmosphere fully changes as Chan drops his cheery attitude.  “Can we not talk about… that? It’s just you and me here. We don’t have to let the outside world in, do we?”
You still, your sense of danger rising up exponentially at his suggestion, and once again you find yourself wondering why he was doing this. What was his endgame here? Was he just messing with you? He puts on an honorable performance but you’ve seen him slip before. It must get tiring for him. Maybe he wants to see you hurt; it’s in his nature and he’s been repressing it for so long. You’d be the perfect victim too. No one even knows you’re here, and even if they did, they’d never believe your word over his. 
Or he could be genuine. Maybe he’s as nice as he tries to be. But that just scares you more, because how do you deal with that? You’ve never had a relationship with someone that was open and trusting. You’ve always hid behind your games. They kept you safe. No one has ever truly hurt you because you’ve never allowed someone to get close enough. But if you trust Chan, if you let him in and he betrays you… you don’t know how you’d even recover from that. 
You want to believe though. Everyone always says how much of a good person he is, how loyal, how selfless, how supportive. They can’t all be blind, right? And you’ve seen it too, in the way he always strived to protect his friends from you. He wanted the best for them. Maybe he could want the best for you too.
“Okay.” You answer in a small voice, heart pounding. 
His answering smile is bright and big, but it does nothing to assuage your fears so you settle for taking another sip of your wine. That’s what it’s made for, right?
“So, what do you actually do? I never asked.” Chan makes conversation as he gets back to his food.
You clear your throat. “I’m a waitress.” 
“Oh, and… um, is that what you want to be doing?” He asks unsurely. 
You roll your eyes at him, feeling a little at ease at his naivety. “No. Nobody wants to work in the service industry. It’s basically slavery and all your costumers are either rude or crazy. I hate it.” 
He pauses, looking like he’s thinking very hard for a moment, before he asks, perplexed. “So why do you do it?”
“To eat?” 
“Oh. Right. Of course.” His ears turn red and it’s his turn to take a big gulp of his drink. “I’m, uh, apparently an idiot. Yes, people work to afford living. Of course.” 
“I guess you’ve never had to think about that.” You note, surprised that you don’t feel any bitterness as you say it. 
“No.” He stares at the food on his plate. “I’m sorry.” 
“What are you sorry for? It’s not your fault.”
“Yeah but--”
“But I don’t have money so you feel sorry having money in front of me?” You grin, tone light, and he smiles back, face flushed as he obviously chastises himself in his head. 
“So…” He starts again, and it’s a little endearing how nervous he is. “What do you really wanna do?” 
You regard him for a second, wondering if you should really cross that line and let him in. Well, here goes nothing. 
“I’m studying to be a doctor.” 
His jaw drops to the floor. “You?”
“Yeah, shocking right?” You quip, taking another sip from your glass.
“I mean, yeah.” You would take offense at his words if it weren’t for the--you begrudgingly admit--endearing confused frown on his face. “Isn’t that a traditionally prey profession? Don’t you get, like, weird looks or something?”
“Yeah.” You snort, feeling the bitterness rise to the surface. “I get more than just weird looks. People feel the need to tell me every moment of every day how I’ll never be a good doctor. How no one will trust a fox with their life. How I should just quit and get into business or law or whatever other profession that can use my no-doubt nefarious skills.”
“That sucks.” He says then immediately cringes at his lame comment.
“Yeah, no shit. And guess who says it the most? Prey hybrids.” 
A light bulb suddenly clicks above his head. “Is that why you dislike them? They’re really not all like that--”
You interrupt him sharply, already knowing where he was going with this. “They’re not like that to you because you’re powerful and rich and you could do whatever you want, but they’re ruthless to me. They’ve always been. So yeah excuse me if I don’t care too much for your prey apologism. It’s pretty infuriating actually.”
“I really think you should--”
“What about you?” You ask pointedly, clearly wanting to change the subject. “I mean, I know that you’re a producer. I suppose this is what you’ve always wanted to be doing.” 
“Ah, yes.” He coughs, straightening in his seat as he reels back from the change of topic. “I’ve loved it since I was an angsty teen listening to hip hop and pretending like I’m so cool and gangsta.” 
The thought of little rich boy Chan swearing it up and down and acting like a thug brings an involuntary and sincere laugh out of you. It doesn’t bother Chan though. If anything, he looks content to have made you laugh. 
“Did you…” He begins after your laughter dies down, fiddling with the stem of his glass as he looks at you from under his lashes, “Have you ever listened to any of my tracks?”
“No.” You scoff, the word coming out automatically. I mean, why would you? It’s not like you like the guy. 
His face falls at your flippant answer. “Ah. Of course.” He says flatly, bringing his glass to his mouth. 
You feel a pang of guilt in your chest. Logically, you know you have no reason to feel bad. You two were never on the best of terms and you have no obligation to listen to his songs. And yet, as you look at his crestfallen face, the guilt still eats at you. 
“How about you show me some after dinner?” You find yourself suggesting and his face immediately brightens up. “Yeah! I mean… you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He interjects quickly, even though he clearly wants you to. 
“I want to.” You say firmly, and he smiles. ___________________________________
“I’m a nice guy who just has a lot of money?” You wheeze, cracking up and face flushed from the intoxication. You were somehow on Chan’s lap as the night progressed from him showing you his proudest works to his most regrettable ones.
“I know. I know. What was I thinking, right?” He laughs along with you despite his obvious embarrassment. 
You lean in close to his face, humming, "I think it's endearing." You kiss him. 
"You just like embarrassing me." He protests weakly, mouth opening against your lips. 
“Guilty.” You pull away to take his shirt off. Caressing his exposed muscles, you grin, “Hmm...yummy.” 
He bursts out laughing, “You like it?”
You shrug, “It’s not what I usually go for but I can get used to it.” 
He scoffs at that, and pulls your own shirt over your head. Tugging your bra over your breasts, he cups them in his hands and murmurs against your skin, “Well, I don’t need to get used to these.” before his mouth latches onto them. He sucks marks onto the sensitive flesh while his hands grope and knead your breasts. 
Looking up at you, he pushes your breasts together and laps his tongue over the nipples. Your arousal spikes as your gaze locks with his challenging one, and you start rocking yourself over his thigh. 
"Fuck that's hot." He mumbles, lightly tugging on your nipple with his teeth as he pulls away, making you moan out and your hips swivel down to push your core harder against his thigh. 
"Wait, wait," He pulls you to your feet, and you whine, protesting the loss. 
“Hush, baby girl.” He soothes, yanking your pants down your legs along with your underwear before he slips his hand between your legs to drag a finger up your slit, hissing when he feels your wetness. "That's what I want." He groans, pulling you back down on his thigh and using his grip on your hips to make you move over his thigh again. "Want you to ruin my pants with your cum, baby girl. Show me how much you need me."
"But I don't need you." You retort, though your hips don’t slow down. 
“Are you sure about that, my little fox?” He flexes his thigh under you, pushing it up more against your core. 
“Uh-huh.” You breathe, squeezing your eyes shut and throwing your head back. He takes the opportunity to get back to sucking on your breasts, which only makes your movements more frantic. 
“Come on, baby, tell me how good I am and I’ll help you.” He gasps between kisses. You tug on his hair, almost bouncing on his thigh now. “Why don’t you beg for it, pup?”
“Unbelievable.” He growls, pulling your head down. “You’re still so prideful even as you hump my leg like bitch.” 
Whatever stinging remark you would’ve hurled at him is muffled against his lips as he pulls you into a hungry kiss. You let him push his tongue into your mouth, taking him in and caressing it with your own before you put your hands to his chest and push him back. 
“You really want it? Want me to say how good you are for me? How wet you make me?"
He nods eagerly. 
“What a sweet pup.” You praise, “Striving so hard to please me. You’re doing so well, baby. You’ll make me cum real soon.” 
“Do it, please. I wanna see what you look like cumming up close.” 
“Keep tensing your leg like that and you’ll have me cumming in no time, puppy.” You bite your lip, small but needy moans flowing out of you. “What a good boy you are, so good.” 
“Please,” He whispers, his hands helping you move faster on his thigh. “Please, please.”
“So close---ah---oh god, so close...baby!” You gasp, grabbing onto him tightly as you finally cum, the orgasm surprisingly potent. He beams up at you, soaking up every little moan and shudder you let out. “So pretty.”
Gradually, your panting breaths turn into airy giggles as you get down from your high. You give his lips a peck before your hands fall between you and starts pulling his dick out from his sweatpants. You grin against his lips, feeling giddy. "I can’t believe I’m gonna let you fuck me in your studio. How cliche.”
His answering chuckles are punctuated with little moans as you glide your hand up and down his hard dick. “If it--ahh-- makes you feel any better, t-this is the--ahh, yeah like that, baby-- the first time I fuck anyone here.” 
You giggles increase in pitch, “You’re so full of shit, Chan.”
“I’m serious.” He whines, leaning up into your touch as you swipe your palm over the leaking head of his cock. “This is kind of a... sacred place for me."
“Yeah, right.” You roll your eyes, “It can’t be that special if you’re here with me now.”
“It is.” He insists with a pout, and continues casually as if it was nothing, “Because you’re special.” 
Your hand stills on his cock, your face turning to stone as you try and make sense of what he just said.  He's messing with you. He has to be.
Fear and uncertainty makes your stomach churn and your skin loses all color, your face getting cold and sweaty as the bile rises up in your throat. You thought you could handle this but you can’t. You’re too much of a coward to risk it and your sense of self-preservation rears its deformed head once again. 
Standing up abruptly, you croak through your suddenly dry mouth,  "I think I’m gonna go. I need to lie down" 
Chan gets up too, not letting you go. "Oh, is everything okay? Are you sick?". 
"I’m fine. I’m just..." You explain weakly, wriggling yourself out of his grip as quickly as you can in your intoxicated state. "I gotta go."
“Hey, wait!” Chan calls after you, but doesn’t try to stop you. You hear him curse out just before you get out of earshot.
You wake up with a huge headache and an even bigger feeling of dread. The events of last night coming back like a bullet shot through your chest, and you’re even more confused now with the hangover shattering any hope of a coherent thought forming in your head. 
You stumble out of bed and head to the door, resolving to get some water and some painkiller so you’d maybe start to feel like your head wasn’t likely to explode at any moment. But as you slide the door open, you hear bickering voices just outside in the living room.
"Chan, what the hell are you doing man?" You hear a familiar voice ask but your brain is too scattered to pinpoint the owner of it right now. Luckily, you don’t need to as Chan speaks up in reply, "It's fine, Jisung. It’s all under control."
"No, it's not. Isn’t that what you used to tell me? That no matter how much she makes it seem like she cares, she could flip the table on me at any moment and that I shouldn’t trust her. That’s what you said!”
You quickly pick up that they’re talking about you despite how much you don’t want to believe it. But that’s the kind of language that has always been directed at you, there is no mistaking it. Yet, against all reason, you hope it’s not true. Or at least, you hope Chan would deny it. 
He doesn’t, of course. They never do.
“I know what I said!” 
“And? Do you trust her now?” Jisung asks incredulously. 
“Of course not.” Chan vehemently denies, the resoluteness in his voice piercing straight through your heart. 
Of course not. Of course he doesn’t trust you. What a ridiculous question.  
“Jisung is right, Chan.” A new voice adds and you focus on the sound of it, trying not to break down just yet. “You’re letting her sleep under your roof, man, and you didn’t even think to tell us. Has she been messing with your head?”
They are talking about you like you are some kind of monster, some wild beast that would pounce on you the second you turned your back to it. You’d find it amusing coming from anyone else, but not from Chan, because for once in your life you wanted to believe that someone could see you as something other than what the world thought you were. You blame yourself for this one. 
“My head is fine.” Chan retorts angrily, letting out a forced sigh. “I’m just.... She was in trouble and I had to help her.” 
“Oh, you had to?” The new guy interjects mockingly, “Tell me, would she have helped you if you were in her position?”
“That’s irrelevant.” Chan protests. 
“No, it’s not. She would’ve let you suffer and laughed about it. She’s bad news, man.” 
“I think you guys are being a little harsh.” Another voice speaks up, deeper than the rest. “Maybe she’s not as bad as you think. I’m sure Chan has a good reason for trusting her.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure his dick does.” Jisung scoffs, “You know, I can’t believe you’d do this after preaching to me for hours about how I need to stay away from her and how stupid I am for letting her get to me. But hey, I’m just a stupid squirrel hybrid, right?” 
You’ve heard enough. Pushing the door the rest of the way open, you plaster a smile on your face and step into the living room, the four boys’ head snapping around to look at you. 
“Chan, you didn’t tell me we had guests.” You ponder theatrically, ignoring Chan’s dismayed exclamation of your name. "Oh hey, Sungie. I knew you'd be back for more." You wink at him and he immediately ducks behind the dark-haired stranger. 
“Please go back to your room.” Chan asks, equal measure pale and tense.
“But aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?” Your eyes flit over the three guys, stopping when you get to the blonde, freckled one. “Especially this one. What’s your name, pretty boy?”
The boy blushes at the unexpected flirtation but extends his hand out to you nonetheless. "I'm Felix." He greets you unexpectedly cheerily, and you’re even more surprised to find out that he’s the one with the deep voice.
But before you can take his hand, Chan steps between the two of you. 
"I need to talk to you." He grits, pulling you to your room and shutting the door behind you. “What are you doing?”
You shrug, feigning ignorance. “Saying hi to the guests?” 
“Now is not the time for your games.” Chan rakes his hand through his hair, stressed out, but you keep up your innocent facade and he sighs in defeat. “You know what? Just stay in your room until they leave and then we’ll talk.”
“No, we’ll talk now. Are you ashamed of me or something?" You wonder, cocking your head to the side. “I thought you said I was special to you? But apparently you say a lot of things.”
“Why, Chan?” You finally let your facade drop, letting the full extent of your disappointment and sadness break through. “If you don’t want me here then why did you offer in the first place?”
“I do want you here. I just wasn’t planning on anyone finding out about this.”
You laugh in disdain, “How do you always know what to say, Chan?” 
“I’m sorry but you have to realize how bad this looks for me. I worked fucking hard to get to where I am today. There are so many people waiting for me to make the slightest mistake so they can watch me fall. And here you are… well, you don’t exactly have the best reputation. If people find out about us then--”
“Wow, you really are an angel, aren’t you?” You bite, venom lacing your every word.
He laughs cruelly. “Oh, yes, and the judgement comes out. You’re such a fucking hypocrite. You can judge everyone and treat them like shit, but as soon as someone does the same to you you’re suddenly the poor misunderstood victim that everyone bullies.”
You reel back at the harshness of his tone and words. He’s never spoken to you like that before, no matter how much he was upset at you. It was jarring. “Stop it.”  
“Why? It’s what you’re best at, darling.” He sneers, continuing to ruthlessly attack you. “You judged me before you even knew me and went about treating me like a feeble predator because that’s what you decided that I am. And now you want me to take responsibility for your actions and stand up for you when other people treat you the way you’ve been treating them? But here’s the thing, baby; maybe if you had actually been a decent person and treated others with respect, you wouldn’t be in this situation right now. Hell if you'd been a decent person, you wouldn't be having such a hard time anywhere, not with me, not with school, not--" 
"No, fuck you, chan. Don't you dare tell me this is all my fault. You know nothing about my life! I can't believe I actually--never mind.”
“No say it. You actually what? Liked me? Cared for me? Don’t make me laugh, fox. You don't give a shit about me. Every time I try to get close to you, you pull back like I make you sick. If it weren’t for me offering you a place to stay, you wouldn’t even be talking to me right now. You only care now because I have something to give you, but the second you’re done with me, you’ll throw me in the trash like you do everyone else. And I’m not going to sacrifice all that I’ve worked for to entertain you until you’re bored.”  
“You may be right. I may be as awful as you all say I am.” You smile, tears falling down your face. “But at least I'm honest with myself. You on the other hand? Under all your pretense, you're just as fucked up as I am. And one day, everyone will see you for how ugly you really are. ” 
A/N: sorry guys she (me) had to do it to you. leave your feedback uwu
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harrylovex · 4 years
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summary: you meet Chris at a wedding and he takes you back to his house...
warnings: fluff, smut, oral (female receiving), fingering, spitting, filthy dirty talk, alcohol usage
a/n: ummm this is my favourite thing i have written so far...i love wedding!chris ;) feedback is much appreciated and let me know if you have any requests! also please don’t hesitate to send me a private message if you guys ever need a friend to talk too. love you all lots!!!!!!
you were sat in a church, fourth row from the front, wedding leaflet perched in your lap. a smiling couple’s photo on the cover, welcoming you to their special day. you waited patiently for the ceremony to begin.
abby, one of your close work colleagues, was getting married today, and you were so happy for her. the church was beautiful, big paintings all around, softly decorated with flowers everywhere.
her husband to be was quite weathly, so they had gone all out with the wedding, guests had been arriving for the last half an hour and the benches were beginning to fill.
you sat quietly in your dress, looking around every once in a while. you didn’t have a plus one, you didn’t have anyone to bring. you were kind of shy when it came to talking to men, and so you had only ever had a few short term boyfriends in the 23 years that you had been on this earth.
as you sat daydreaming, the last few guests began to arrive.
suddenly, there was an ass in your face, someone squeezing past you, knocking your knees.
“oh! sorry!” you exclaimed, picking your feet up and letting the unknown person pass.
“no worries, it’s my fault for being late”, a deep voice said. you looked up at the man, the light shining around his face. he was gorgeous, you’d never seen anyone like him.
you smiled as he sat down next to you, his thigh rubbing against yours. oh my god, you thought to yourself, he was hot.
he was wearing a dark blue tux and looked incredibly handsome, his beard and smiling mouth making you swoon a little. you tried to hide the fact that you were blushing.
the man turned to you as he sat down, holding out his hand. “sorry i startled you a minute ago, i’m chris”.
his eyes sparkled, looking you up and down. you chuckled to yourself and shook his hand. his palm feeling big and warm against yours, goosebumps crawled over your skin, and you prayed to god that chris hadn’t noticed.
“i’m y/n”, you replied, smiling widely at him.
you both faced forward again as the music started up. abby’s husband was standing now at the altar, sweating a little. the huge doors opened at the entrance and abby slowly began to walk through, arm hooked into her dad’s as he walked her up the aisle.
you gasped a little, taking in how beautiful abby looked, her hair in curls down her back, a small tiara perched on her head. her dress was strapless and trailed down her back, reaching a few metres behind on the floor.
abby reached the altar and the priest began his usual routine. you sat back on the bench, distracted by the gorgeous man sat next to you, he was so close, and smelt so damn good.
he leaned towards you discreetly, keeping his eyes on the bride and groom.
“so...bride or groom’s side?” he whispered.
“bride’s, you answered. i work with abby, have done for the past few years.” his breath tickled your right cheek, smelling of spearmint toothpaste. “you?”
“also bride’s side, i’ve know abby since we were kids, i used to live next door to her.” chris returned to his earlier position, and you both sat in silence for the next twenty minutes. listening intently to the bride and groom seal the deal and say their vows. every now and then you would sneak a few side glances at him, seeing how the light shone on his face from the window. he sat with a small smirk on his face, his large hands perched on his thighs that were spread out, still touching yours.
just before the ceremony was about to finish, chris dropped his wedding leaflet on the floor in front of you. he bent forward to pick it up, grabbing your right thigh with his hand to keep himself balanced. you tensed at the gesture, feeling the adrenaline rush through your body. chris took his time sitting back up again, accidently banging his head on the bench in front of him in the process.
“shit”, he mumbled loudly, making you laugh.
“shh!” you both turned around, looking from where the noise came from. and old lady behind you scowled, holding her finger up to her lips. chris looked at you and raised his eyebrows, making you giggle again. you both turned back around, chris rubbing the back of his head with the hand that had just touched you.
you both sat in silence for the rest of the ceremony, finally getting up to gather with the bride and groom outside. just before you went to walk through the doors, you grabbed chris’ hand from in front of you, taking him by suprise. “can i stay with you outside?” you asked him. “i don’t really know anyone here apart from abby...and now you i guess...” chris stared at you, immediately making you look down at your shoes, regretting what you had said.
chris hooked his pointer finger under your chin, making you look up at him. “of course you can, love, follow me.” the way he called you love made butterflies explode in your stomach. he grabbed your hand again, pulling you through the crowd to the green garden out the front.
all of the guests were gathered around in small groups, champagne flutes in hand, chatting about the lovely ceremony that had just taken place and getting to know new people.
“can i get you a drink?” chris asked you, never letting go of your hand. “sure, champagne is fine.” you watched as he wandered off towards the drinks tent, taking in the sight of his body. wow, you never thought that you were going to meet someone so handsome and friendly today, funny how things can change.
chris walked back with two flutes in his hand, some black sunglasses perched on his nose, making him look even hotter than before.
“thank you” you said as he handed you your drink. he smiled at you, pulling you over to a group of people he knew, introducing you before striking up a conversation.
it was a few hours later, the evening creeping up on you. you had consumed quite a few glasses of champagne by now, the alcohol making you feel confident, but a little dizzy.
you had lost sight of chris about an hour ago, getting caught up in conversation with abby. chris had been wonderful, introducing you to everyone and now you had pretty much spoken to over half of the guests.
“y/n! come back to the house with me, i need help getting ready for the party tonight”, abby said, smiling. she still looked incredible in her dress, totally relaxed and happy. “i’d love to! let me just grab my bag.” you walked over to the cloak room area, searching for your small shoulder bag.
once you had found it, you sauntered back outside, eyes landing on chris a few metres away. he was caught up in conversation with abby’s dad.
his eyes met yours, his pupils a little dilated from the alcohol. he muttered something to abby’s dad, walking slowly over to you.
“hey. he said, grinning slightly. “hi”, you replied, laughing at him. “listen chris, i’m going back to abby’s to freshen up for the party later”. his expression dropped. “will I see you again later?” he asked, making your heart flutter.
“maybe...” you replied, smirking up at him. just before you turned away to leave, a wave of confidence came over you, and you leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, in a spur of the moment. “see you later” you whispered in his ear, your hand on the back of his neck.
you scurried off, leaving chris stood on the grass, cheeks tinted red, his mouth a little open.
you had been to abby’s, and now you were back at the venue, having a delicious dinner. sadly, chris was not on your table. but you made small talk with everyone, glancing at chris a few times as you sipped your way through a few gin and tonics. you were definetley taking advantage of the free bar.
you hadn’t spoken to chris since before you left for abby’s, and you were dying for him to approach you. he sat a few tables away, he had taken his blazer off, and sat in his trousers and white shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a silver ring perched on his middle finger.
your eyes met a couple of times throughout dinner and dessert, chris’ eyes staring into yours as you smiled at him innocently.
finally, people started to abandon the tables, moving over to the bar or onto the dancefloor. chris didn’t miss the opportunity, coming over quickly and sitting to your right. he hooked his fingers onto the underside of you chair and pulled you towards him, until your thighs and elbows were touching. he smelt of aftershave and beer.
“so...did you have fun at abby’s?” he questioned.
“yes I did actually, what did you do while I was gone?”
he smiled. “i hung out here with the groom and a few of the other guys.”
you looked over to chris, his eyes glistening. his tongue flicked out onto his bottom lip for a second, and you wondered what it would feel like to kiss him, what his hands would feel like roaming your body. the alcohol was definitely starting to take over your thoughts.
chris stretched out, snaking his left arm around your shoulders and resting it there lighty. you stared at his hand, his fingertips softly grazing your collarbone.
the two of you sat like that for a while, talking as if you’d known eachother since forever.
after a while, you started to feel a bit flustered. “can we go outside for a bit, it’s getting hot in here.”
“of course.” chris stood up, holding his hand out. you gladly took it, stumbling a little as the alcohol rushed to your head.
“woah!” chris caught you by the waist, his arm extending back around your shoulders.
“maybe i shouldn’t have had that last gin and tonic.” you laughed together, reaching the doors. chris opened them, letting you go through first. you gave him a small smile.
it was much quieter out in the open, and you started to feel much better after a few breaths of fresh air.
you turned around, looking for Chris and saw that he had gone round a corner and was leaning back against a brick wall, staring at you whilst he took a sip from his bottle of beer.
your eyes met his and you blushed, looking down. he gestured with his fingers to go over to him, so you did.
you slouched against the wall next to him in silence. you stayed like that for a few minutes, before chris spoke up.
“you know, i never thought i was gonna meet someone like you here today, i’m so glad I didn’t bring some random chick as a plus one.”
you laughed a little, running your hands through your hair. “if i knew i was going to meet you here i would have told abby to get hitched years ago.”
it was chris’ turn to laugh now. he took a long swig of his beer, as if for confidence, and moved to stand in front of you, placing his free hand on the wall next to your head.
his eyes bore into yours, leaving you speechless.
“can i kiss you?” he asked, his tongue slipping out to lick at his bottom lip.
you didn’t know what to say, so you just nodded, your heart beating out of your chest.
chris smirked, leaning in until your lips met.
his lips were so soft and warm, fitting like puzzle pieces against yours. you kissed him back firmly, your hands on his chest.
his hands wandered to your waist, squeezing slightly. you gasped at the contact, chris taking this opportunity to sneak his tongue into your mouth.
he tasted of beer, his tongue exploring your mouth. you’d never felt anything like it, you couldn’t believe that the hottest guy you’d ever seen was actually kissing you up against a wall. chris moaned into your mouth and you thought you might faint just by the sound.
you laughed a little under your breath, and chris pulled back, breathing heavily.
“what are you laughing at?”
“um...your beard is tickling me.”
he laughed out loud, smirking before moving to kiss along your jaw.
it felt so good. he moved down to your neck, his fingers trailing down your thighs, hitching your dress up a little.
pressing kisses along your throat, you lifted up his shirt a little, running the tips of your fingers up and down his abs.
he bit at your neck, soothing the sting with his tongue, making you whimper against his ear. chris had never heard a more beautiful sound.
his hands found their way to your painties, cupping between your legs.
you breathed out harshly at the contact and pulled away.
“chris, as much as I want to, we can’t do this here.”
chris was also breathing heavily, his lips red and hair messy, he looked gorgeous.
“we’re leaving.” he said bluntly, grabbing your hand and pulling you back into the venue.
his eyes searched the room, looking for abby. his eyes landed on her standing by the bar, chatting to one of her old friends.
chris pulled you over to her.
“abby, me and y/n are leaving.”
abby looked chris up and down and saw you standing behind him, your hands entwined. she smirked, she knew you both too well and realised immediately what was going on.
abby laughed, her eyes sparkling. “have fun.” she said, “and Chris...look after y/n.”
you giggled, feeling chris’ hand tighten around yours.
“oh don’t worry, I will.” chris said. butterflies erupted in your stomach. you were in for the best night of your life.
abby waved you guys off and chris took you outside again, hailing a cab.
you climbed in after chris, excitement rushing through your veins.
chris mumbled his address before returning his attention to you, hands roaming under your dress.
you straddled him, forgetting about your seatbelt. his hands grabbed at your ass under your dress, earning a moan from you.
your hands were hanging loosely from his neck while you kissed him roughly.
chris bucked his hips up and you whimpered, not expecting it.
“fuck darling, i can’t wait to get you home.”
you smiled at the way chris called it home, running your hands through his beard.
the cab stopped as soon as it had started, the journey seeming short when your mind was focused on the literal greek god in front of you.
he pulled you off of him and you straightened your dress down over your thighs.
chucking a few notes to the driver, he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the cab and up his driveway.
you could definitely get used to holding his hand like this.
woah, his house was huge. you gasped to yourself and tugged at chris’ hand.
he turn around and stopped, raising an eyebrow.
“your house is beautiful.” you said. chris laughed and grabbed you by the neck, pulling you towards his lips. you didn’t think you could ever get bored of kissing chris. everytime was like the first.
he kissed you harshly for a few minutes, making the butterflies in you stomach start to move down to your core.
you shivered, partly because you were cold and chris noticed, dragging you into his house. he didn’t stop until you were both in his bedroom, closing the door.
you stood awkwardly while chris took off his shoes, watching him from across the room.
he smirked and motioned for you to sit on the bed...you obeyed.
he lifted you up as if you weighed no more than a feather, putting you down so you were propped up against the headboard.
he pressed his lips against yours roughly, making you feel numb. he moaned into the kiss, stopping for a moment to pull your dress over your head and unclip your bra.
he leaned back to get a good look at you, taking his own shirt off. your eyes nearly bulged out of your head when you saw how chiselled he was. jesus.
he laughed at your reaction. “stop staring.” he said, moving to kiss by your collarbones.
the soft kisses he was leaving was making you open your legs unconsciously, your body sliding down the bed.
“eager are we?” chris asked with a smirk, running his fingers across the tops your thighs. “anything i do that makes you uncomfortable, you tell me immediately.”
you smiled at his kind words, your fingers tangling themselves in the hairs at the nape of his neck, his mouth moving down to suck at your hard nipples.
“fuck!” you cried out, your chest arching up.
he teased, sucking and licking at your nipples as if his life depended on it, moving from the left one to the right.
at the same time, he reached down and unbuckled his trousers, pulling them off quickly before discarding them in a corner of the room.
his attention back on you, he pulled you roughly by the ankles, making you lay flat on your back.
“are you gonna be a good girl for me?”
you nodded. lost for words.
“no, love, you’re gonna have to use your words if you want me to do something.”
“yes chris, please, i’ll be so good for you.”
he smiled at that, hooking his fingers in your panties and pulling them down and off of your ankles.
you breathed in and out, trying to catch your breath, but it was impossible with the way chris was looking at you right now.
you squeezed your thighs together, desperate for some friction.
chris tutted, pulling your legs open by your knees, his eyes never leaving yours.
goosebumps formed on your skin as chris picked your left leg up and slung it over his shoulder, kissing down your calf.
you stayed silent, watching him intently.
after what seemed like ages, he reached your core, blowing onto it lightly.
you whimpered, wiggling your hips.
“what did i say about being a good girl?” chris questioned, sending a light slap to your cunt.
you squealed, wiggling even more.
“fuck, my little puppy’s so wet for me.”
you moaned out at his choice of nickname, thanking god in your head that you had met chris.
chris began to taste you, his tongue sliding up your slit, creating a rhythm.
you squeezed your eyes shut, not having felt this much pleasure in your entire life.
“shit chris, it feels so good.” you could hardly speak, your words coming out in chokes.
“you taste delicious baby.” chris moved to your clit, applying more pressure with his tongue, grunting with every movement.
you reached your arms out, grabbing fistfuls of chris’ hair, pulling hard. you thought that you might be hurting him, but from the noises he was making, and how he was speeding up his movements on your clit, you realised that he loved it.
“so good for me...” he mumbled, never removing himself from you.
your pussy clenched around nothing, and you craved for chris’ fingers to be inside you.
not being able to form a sentence from the pleasure, you reached down and grabbed at his hand, pulling it towards your cunt. his fingers grazed your folds, before he pulled away.
“tell me what you want pretty girl...is it my fingers?”
“y-yes chris, please, please i need your fingers inside me.” you stuttered.
“aw, my little puppy wants my fingers stuffed into her cunt, is that it?”
you nodded, whining loudly. you looked down and saw Chris fumbling with his fingers.
he took his silver ring off of his middle finger, grabbing your hand and sliding it onto your own, looking up at you and smirking, his beard covered in your juices.
before you could process what had just happened, he spat sloppily onto your cunt.
you gripped the sheets, your pussy clenching hard. that was the hottest thing you had ever witnessed, you thought you might just come from that alone.
chris spread his spit through your folds, before sliding his middle and ring finger into your dripping hole.
you shut your eyes, clenching around his fingers, adjusting to the size.
“fuck baby, so tight for me, pulsing around my fingers.”
he started to thrust his fingers in and out fast, simultaneously licking at your clit. you moaned loudly, knowing that you weren’t going to last much longer.
chris wrapped his arms around your thighs, holding you still as you squirmed underneath him.
your legs started to violently shake. “chris, chris fuck, i’m gonna come!”
chris loved the way you said his name, speeding up the pace on his fingers and his tongue.
“come for me, come on my tongue like a good girl.”
your orgasm took over you, you felt as if your soul was leaving your body. you cried out, gripping chris’ hair, your legs shaking violently.
you squeezed your eyes shut all through your high, chris’ pace beginning to slow down once you became oversensitive.
your heart felt as if it was gonna burst out of your chest. you could feel your juices dripping down your thighs.
chris pressed soft kisses up your torso until he reached your face.
“my girl did so well for me. came so hard.”
you started to come back to your senses, turning your head to face chris.
he smiled at you cheekliy, his fingers sliding into his own mouth, licking at your juices.
your breathing sped up again. you moved your head over to kiss him, tasting yourself.
“that was amazing.” you smiled into the kiss, moving your hand up to chris’ hair. “i never thought i’d end up in your bed when i woke up this morning.”
chris chuckled, his eyes darkening again.
“oh darling, we haven’t even started yet.”
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
To Love a Jerk
Pairing: Neito Monoma x gn!reader Genre: angst, fluff Warnings: getting shot, mention of blood Summary: you and Monoma have always butted heads but things take a turn when class 1-A is attacked by the League of Villains Word Count: 2.4k words
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It wasn’t always like this. 
At one point, you and Monoma were good friends. Then, entrance exams came around and you somehow made it into class 1-A while he was stuck in 1-B. It honestly didn’t make any sense to you. People like Mineta can be in class 1-A while other people with amazing quirks and skills are in lower classes? Maybe Mineta will be better once he acts more courageously.
Either way, the school splitting you up like this wasn’t a problem for you but it was for Monoma. He’s always been prideful and being put in a lower class rather than being with other top students wounded his pride. In return, he pokes and prods at class 1-A. Luckily for you, his teasings directed at you are normally just playful because while he doesn’t like being a ‘lesser’ to you, he still remembers the friendship that you two once shared. 
You actually got into UA under recommendation and passed the entrance exams with flying colors. Because of this, you were in the top three of your class, alongside Bakugo and Todoroki. For some reason though, Mr. Aizawa pushes you harder than the other two. Maybe because he sees your potential and wants to help you improve. Who knows. Either way, you don’t appreciate being worn down like this every day. 
After practicing out in the field with your class, you all make your way back inside. Once inside, he lets you have a restroom and water break before returning to the classroom. You’re currently gulping down water like you just got out of being in the desert for a week when Monoma comes over to you and the others that were waiting for water. 
“Wow, you guys look tired. I can’t believe class 1-A is so weak! You were out there for, what, an hour? How pathetic!” You pull your head away from the fountain, turning to look at him. Once he sees you, he goes quiet for a moment before smirking and walking over to you. “Aww, what’s wrong, (Y/n)? Are you tired? Want me to fetch you a towel for all that sweat and dirt on you?” he coos. 
You sigh and roll your eyes, not really feeling in the mood to be putting up with him right now. “You sure are talking big but we both know that if I wanted to, I could still wipe the floor with you in this state,” you say boldly, staring at him with fierce eyes. His smirk falls and he stares back at you quietly for a couple of seconds. 
“You do realize that I can just copy your quirk and then it would be a pointless fight, right?” he replies, quirking a brow up at you. You aren’t sure why you decided to say this next. Normally, you would never say such things to him, or anyone else for that matter. It’s just that you’re so tired, you hurt all over, and your head is too hot, making it hard to think straight. 
“Yeah, you’re right. It would be pointless because you don’t have your own quirk. You have to steal other’s quirks just to fight. How does that feel? Being so unoriginal, I mean.” As soon as you finish, you want to take the words right back. Everyone stares at you both, looking between you two in complete and utter shock. 
Luckily for him and unluckily for you, Kendo comes over to save the day for Momona before you can apologize. “C’mon, Monoma. Stop tormenting class 1-A,” she says weakly, looking at him with concern. She’s never seen him like this. No one has. 
He’s silent. 
Monoma just stares at you in silence, hurt shining in his eyes. If anyone else insulted him, he would’ve laughed cockily and fired something back. He never thought you would ever say such things to him. He looks over at Kendo and nods before walking outside with the rest of his class since it’s now their turn to go out. 
You sigh and close your eyes, guilt and shame filling you to the brim. Stupid, stupid is what you are. “(Y/n)? We are walking back to class now,” you hear Deku softly call out to you. You turn away from the door that leads outside and turn to look at him, smiling weakly at him as you walk with him back to class. 
After that day, he refused to come and talk, or torment, you. It was eating you alive inside. There was no “Need some help with your homework, (Y/n)? You’ve never really been the sharpest tool in the shed.” or “Hey, (Y/n). I got a ninety-eight on my quiz whereas you got a ninety-seven. How does it feel to be such a sore loser?” He always used his insults as an excuse to talk to you and to even help you with said homework or something else that was ‘embarrassing’ for you.
He still talked to the other 1-A students though, continuing to make fun of them and the like. His insults were actually worse than usual. You decided after the third day of him not talking to you that enough is enough. You were determined to corner him and talk to him after school.
Today, your class was to go to USJ and practice your skills for saving and helping people from natural disasters. You were actually pretty excited to be able to work on these abilities. Well, that is until the League of Villains appeared. They separated you all and caused havoc amongst all the students. 
After fighting through villain after villain after villain, you and some of the others finally reached the source. The villain had hands all over him along with a dressed-up villain with a purple smoke-like substance emitting from him. All Might was fighting tooth and nail to beat some bird looking figure. 
It took a little while for things to start looking up and you started to believe that the good guys will win. You even helped to stop the bad guys and you’ve never felt more proud of yourself. You helped save All Might! 
It all came crashing down though when a villain with gun barrels for fingers fired shots at your group. You were hit and you honestly didn’t feel it at first because of the adrenaline. The villains warped away, letting you collapse to the ground and relax. Once your adrenaline started to subside though, it was the worst pain you’d ever felt in your entire life. You ended up blacking out from all the pain. 
When you woke up, you were in a bare white room, which you figured out was a hospital. You shift your position a bit and then feel it. You turn to see Monoma sitting in a chair with his head on your bed, his eyes closed as he peacefully sleeps. You sigh and gently place your hand on his blond locks, planning on running your fingers through the silky strands. 
That is until he pops up the second you touch him. He stands up with a shout of your name, his chest heaving with each heavy breath that he dragged in. “Are you insane? What were you thinking? What part of ‘top bad guys’ made it seem like a good idea to fight them?” he shouts. 
You stare up at him with a blank expression as he yells before a smile starts to break out on your face. “I’m fine, thanks for asking,” you reply teasingly. He huffs and crosses his arms over his chest, glaring sharply down at you. 
“I know you’re fine, you dope! The nurses who have to keep checking on you because you decided to do something stupid told me as much!” he snidely replies back. You bite your lip, trying to stop smiling. He’s honestly such a dork. Instead of saying he’s worried about you and he’s glad you’re okay, he insults you. 
It goes on like that for a while until a nurse finally comes in and tells him to lower his voice. The nurse, seeing you’re awake now, goes to get the doctor. The doctor explains you were shot and lost a lot of blood, but they got you here in time and were able to save you. You didn’t realize how serious it was until the doctor finished telling you everything. She then tells you that you’ll have to stay at the hospital for a little while to make sure that there are no complications.
“You know, you’re very lucky to have such a kind boyfriend. He made sure you were always wrapped up in a blanket, the window open to give you light and fresh air, and—”
“Okay! Thank you, doctor!” he hisses, a blush spreading across his face. The doctor chuckles as she and the nurse leave, teasing smiles on their face. You turn to look at Monoma with a raised brow and a smirk. Before you can tease him though, he’s standing up again and grumbles out, “Are you hungry? Thirsty? You were out for quite a while. I’ll go get you something since your weak body can’t handle it.” He then walks to the door before quickly leaving, your giggles following him out.
He visits you every day and even stays when your whole class comes to visit you. “Look at that, I didn’t think Monoma liked anyone,” Denki teases. Monoma’s face lights up as dark as Kirishima’s hair. 
“Look at that, I didn’t think you knew so many words,” he hisses back at Denki. 
“Monoma,” you say in warning. He turns to look at you before huffing and leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. “He didn’t mean that. He’s just in a pissy mood,” you excuse for Monoma. Denki didn’t seem to mind one bit as he grins, turning to look at Sero and Kirishima before making a whip sound. Monoma opens his mouth to give a snide remark, placing his hand on the bed to help him stand up. You place your hand over his though, successfully stopping him. He instantly shuts his mouth and stares down at your hand. 
You then notice that Deku isn’t there amongst your peers. Once you ask where he is, everyone explains that he, once again, went too far and injured himself. You hum in understanding, knowing how reckless Deku can be. The class catches you up on what you’ve missed out on as they leave their flowers, balloons, cards, and the like all over your room. You thank them for visiting as they leave, your eyes moving to Monoma once they’re gone. 
He remained quiet the entire time and still appeared to have a blush on his face since you kept your hand over his. “We really need to work on that temper of yours,” you tease, giggling as a pout comes to his lips. 
Once you’re finally released from the hospital, he takes you home and makes sure you are 110% fine before finally leaving. When you come back to school, everyone is ecstatic to see you back. Everything goes back to normal after that. 
Well, except for the fact that Monoma follows you around like a lost puppy now. At first, you thought it was cute. I mean, he wasn’t the only one worried about you. After a while though, he was the only one still fretting over everything you do. You didn’t want him treating you like glass anymore, so after school one day, you confronted him. 
He’s walking you home like always, making sure there’s nothing blocking your path as you two walk. “Monoma, why do you treat me like porcelain?” you ask, coming to a stop as he moves a branch out of the way for you. He pauses and turns to look at you, acting like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Well, it’s not my fault that you’re so weak. It was pathetic how you—”
“You need to stop,” you interrupt, crossing your arms over your chest. He stands up straight after moving the branch off to the side. 
“Stop what? Helping you? You always complained that I’m not nice to you and now you’re saying I’m being too nice? Make up your mind,” he says after scoffing. You sigh and walk over to him, coming to stand in front of him. 
“Monoma, please. Talk to me. Why are you acting like this? It’s been weeks since I was shot. Why are you still treating me like this?” He turns to face you, his eyes seeming to shine under the sun. 
“Because I…” he trails off, looking away from you once more and starting to walk away. 
“No, Monoma. We are talking about this,” you command, taking a hold of his arm. He spins around and turns to face you, suddenly in your personal space. 
“Because I care about you, (Y/n)! As soon as I heard what had happened, I felt like someone punched me in the gut. I suddenly couldn’t breathe and I prayed to god for the first time in years. I prayed that you were okay, that you wouldn’t die before I could tell you how I feel,” he says in one go, gasping for air when he finishes. 
Your brows furrow though, this explanation not clearing anything up for you. “How you fe—” He cuts you off with his lips, deciding to show you instead of telling you how he feels. Your eyes go wide at the sudden kiss, your heart trying to jump out of your chest. You close your eyes to return the kiss but before you can, he pulls back and stares into your eyes once you open them again. 
“I love you, okay? Jeez, how stupid are you?” he breathes. You can’t help but giggle like a schoolgirl, tugging him back in for another kiss. He wraps his arms around you with a low hum, a breeze blowing through you both and making his hair tickle your forehead. The kiss is sweet and loving, your lips sharing the words that you two have always had trouble saying. 
“You did it again. Is it that hard for you to say something to me without insulting me?” you ask once you two pull back. He scoffs and tightens his grip on you, his eyes playfully squinting at you. 
“Is it so hard for you to say it back?” he sasses, a smirk coming to his face. You bite your lip and bring one of your hands away from his chest to brush his hair out of his eyes. 
“I love you too, jerk.”
More with MHA
Tag List: @nojammsss03​ ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
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blush-and-books · 4 years
College AU, Fluff, Meeting, Screenplay
after spending 20 minutes panicking about the fact that you sent me a request. i watched some modern family. and then buckled up to write a little college au for you. yes they are at usc lmao. julie is in the john wells screenwriting program and luke doesn’t specify in this but in my head he’s a business major. enjoy and thank you so much for making me briefly lose my mind
Julie didn’t realize that she had stayed past her reserved time. 
Not a single part of her had been keeping track -- she was much too enthralled in finishing her draft of the pilot episode of her television drama. It was a portion of one of the many portfolio pieces that she would accumulate over her time here, and she was determined to make it a strong “first episode;” seeing as how not only was the Pitch Fair coming up, but her professor also recently found an in with David E. Kelley and was teasing an opportunity at an internship. 
She was putting an inhumane amount of pressure on herself to write this, and make it beautiful. Unfortunately, it was hard for her to focus when she had two other roommates with raging social lives and coffee shops were only distracting towards her creative flow. 
That was how she found herself -- running off of three coffees and three Bangs (and a seventh concoction that was part-coffee, part-Bang, that she never wants to think about again), four hours of sleep, and pure adrenaline -- staying way past her time in the private studying room in the library. 
An insistent knock on her door is what tipped her off. 
“Hello?” There was an exasperated, deep voice on the other side of the door. “You almost done in there? Your time’s up!”
The flow of her creative juices was suddenly interrupted, and when she looked, panicked, at her computer clock, her terror was confirmed. “Shit.”
The first thing she does is rush to unlock the door, and open it up to let the other party in. She doesn’t even stop to look at them before whirling around back to her computer and bag to pack up her garbage and other belongings; wanting to rush out of there as soon as possible. 
“I am so sorry,” she gushes, still unaware of who was actually in the room with her. “I just had this big script to write and I am seriously out of it because I have been consuming dangerous amounts of caffeine on no sleep, so I am so sorry if you lose study time because of me-”
Zipping up her bag and slinging it clumsily over her shoulder, Julie allows herself to meet the eyes of the stranger whose education she has just hindered -- and is met with the sight of warm green. 
The stranger (the extraordinarily attractive stranger who is wearing a sleeveless shirt that shows off unfairly toned biceps), is smiling down at her with what she could only describe as concerned amusement. He doesn’t even have any kind of backpack with him, she notices; just a leather-bound journal in one hand, and a jean-chain being jingled in his other hand. 
“Actually,” he chuckles a little. God, Julie would kill to not look like the walking dead right now. The universe has decided to be so, completely unfair to her in every way. This guy is probably terrified of her. “It sounds like you need this place more than I do. You stay.”
But he doesn’t make any actual move to leave -- he just lingers on her, on her face. 
Probably on the dark circles shading under her eyes, and the oil that’s probably dotting her nose and chin. He probably thinks she’s disgusting -- but he’s doing a hell of a job hiding it. If she were an idiot, she would think he was looking at her in awe. 
The two of them just stand on each side of the desk, eyeing each other in an inexplicable way. 
(It feels magnetic. But Julie thinks she’s also just tired.)
“No, really, take the room. I am so sorry I stayed into your time.”
The hot stranger (God, why?) bites his lip with a smile, and shakes his head. “No, I mean- It’s probably more beneficial if you stay. I wasn’t going to study.”
“... Then what was your plan?”
He wiggles his hand from side to side, gesturing to the journal grasped between his fingers. Julie tries to focus her eyes on the book instead of his arms, but wow, his arms. 
“Some writing of my own. I’m in a band, and I write all of our songs.”
Wow. Another writer. And he’s in a band -- and Julie looks like a fool. 
What did she do in her past life that deserved this?
“Oh, that’s really cool,” she tries to tell him, and she really means it, but she’s also kind of miserable in her current situation so it comes out a little less than enthusiastic. 
Hot Stranger takes notice. “Wow, yeah, you sound super interested.”
Julie literally buries her head in her hands, and rubs them over her face a couple times for good measure. Maybe this is a dream, and she’ll wake up with the sweet memory of caring green eyes and floppy brown hair on a guy that is too perfect for her to exist in real life. 
“I’m sorry. I’m just a little frustrated at my current situation.”
“Understandably so. Lots of caffeine, no sleep, and high expectations for yourself can do that to a person.”
“And add a cute writer guy on top of that, while I feel like shit, is a recipe for disaster.”
Yes, she just said that out loud. 
Does she even care at this point? Not really. She’ll wake up from her caffeine crash tomorrow morning and probably manage to convince herself that it was all a dream.
But right now, unfortunately, she is still in reality. “You think I’m cute?”
Writer Guy bounces on the balls of his feet, like a physical response to the compliment. She can’t help but find it endearing -- if also a little bit like a little kid who just got told that he was going to get ice cream. Her heart kicks in her chest, because she should seriously just leave before anything else dumb comes out of her mouth. 
But he’s so cute, and he’s grinning at her as if they’ve been friends for years. And the thought of leaving is unsavory. 
“That sounds like my cue to leave,” Julie responds instead, tightly gripping the strap of her bag. “Thank you for the sympathy, it was nice to meet you, and good luck with your band thing. Maybe I’ll see you around.”
He doesn’t have to tell her twice. In fact, it’s probably pathetic how quickly she comes to a stop and spins around to meet his eyes once again. 
“Really, you should stay. This room is big enough for the both of us. And if you’re writing a script, that means you’re in John Wells, and that’s-” He scratches the back of his neck. “That’s big. It’s really cool. If you don’t mind me scribbling in my songbook, then I would really like it if you would stay.”
Julie is so floored by his request, and the way he looks surprisingly nervous while making it, that she completely forgets to actually respond. He continues to fill the silent space with anxious talking.
“I- I’m Luke, by the way.” His hand is suddenly in front of her, and he is only about two feet away from her instead of eight feet, and he almost takes her breath away up close. 
She has enough brain cells in her to take it. Do the calluses on his hand almost make her audibly gasp? Yes. But the important thing is that she doesn’t. 
“I’m Julie,” she finds herself saying to him -- Luke -- with a small smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Luke doesn’t drop her hand. She doesn’t pull it away. “It’s nice to meet you too, Julie.”
God, Julie must be about to fall asleep standing up at any moment, because she obscenely feels like she has never heard her name sound so beautiful. It carries new meaning coming out of a literal stranger’s mouth, and it’s just like that that she realizes she should probably take her hand out of his so that it doesn’t get clammy and he isn’t immediately disgusted. 
“So… You wanna stay? We can write together?”
She’s going to need another coffee for this, but yes -- she really, really wants to stay.
And so she does. 
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 2]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; cam show, masturbation, dirty talk, sir!kink, tiny jealous!seungcheol. Wow! Thank you all so much for your interest in Cherry Bomb and our very favorite simp! LMAO 😆 And thank you all for being so patient! I know one week drags on when ur waiting for content so thank you so so so so so much for your patience! 🥰🍒 also, some new characters in this, am sorry if ur not a fan but the rest of svt r also simps in this so we had to expand a bit 🤪 HAHAHA HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEUNGCHEOL!!!
chapters; 1 - 2 - ? 
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It’s 10:05AM when Seungcheol makes it to work, tossing his things in his employee locker before pocketing his phone and heading out to the floor for the day.
He’d gotten approximately 3 hours of sleep and the giddiness was still eating him up when he greets Jeongguk; the tall male that works at the concession stand at the roller rink.
“Hey Seungcheol-hyung! Whoa, you look like you didn’t get any sleep, what happened to you?” The two share a laugh; Seungcheol ruffling his own hair as he sighs. “I couldn’t sleep last night, I was just too… Uh, excited about w-work…” He stutters out, Jeongguk’s eyebrow raised almost immediately at the blatant lie.
“Hyung, we’ve been working here for months. No offense, but nobody gets excited about coming here. Yoongi-hyung is hiding in the restroom as we speak.” Jeongguk deadpans, eyes rolling as he passes Seungcheol a water bottle. “Did you get laid?”
Not really, but kinda? But no, Seungcheol thinks.
“Nah, I just, I got a new PC game and I stayed up all night playing. You know how it is!” Jeongguk nods in understanding.
Seungcheol checks his phone for the umpteenth time since he’d woken up and you still hadn’t texted him. Not that he entirely expected to be woken up to a text message from you, but he perhaps had dreamt of it; waking up and scrambling to find the device while he shook the sleep from his eyes.
Sighing, he pockets the device, swiping the water bottle off of the countertop before he shoots Jeongguk a fixed stare. “When does Namjoon-hyung get back from his vacation?” Namjoon was one of the managers who’d gone on an extended vacation recently which left Seungcheol picking up extra shifts. 
On normal occasions, he would’ve politely declined but seeing as it meant extra cash, he practically begged to take them.
“Mmm, dunno. Maybe like a week?” Seungcheol mentally cheers; that meant one more week of extra pay even if he dragged his tired body home every night. He would finally be able to buy you that Sybian that he’d been saving up for. You never asked for one but Seungcheol liked to spoil you and quite frankly, he wanted to see you fall apart on it while you thought of him.
“Cool, well, I’ll be disinfecting the rollerskates. Tell Yoongi-hyung to come help me if he ever emerges from the restroom.”
“You got it, hyung!”
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In the time between leaving Jeongguk at the concession stand and the fourth pair of skates he’s disinfected, a party of ten show up at the roller rink; loud and obnoxious as they set their things everywhere. He sighs, knowing exactly that he would be the one to clean up the mess afterwards.
Seungcheol watches the gaggle of teens fumble all over the rink, a sigh on his lips as he sanitizes another pair of skates. He contemplated every single day if it was worth working at the old and usually empty rollerskating rink, but he had to admit, it paid obscenely well. Nobody wanted to work there so his boss basically paid him double his old wage; silent screams running through his head as soon as he realized that meant he can afford to spoil you with more gifts. That had been hard when he was working at the diner down the street.
“Hey ‘Cheol, some kid broke the wheels off of his rental skates. D’you think you can go handle it?” Yoongi drawls, eyes glued to his phone as he waits for Seungcheol’s reply.
“Sure, let me just finish cleaning these.”
Yoongi nods, walking off. Seungcheol sets the old pair of skates down, dusting off his work pants as he stands up. He feels his phone vibrate in the pocket, fishing it out to check what it is.
[cherry_clouds has gone live!]
His vision goes red; pupils shaking when he sees it. You never went live this early in the day. He can feel his throat going dry, panicked screaming in his head when he realizes his break isn’t for another hour and a half and your shows usually lasted at least 45 minutes on a short day. But Seungcheol can’t miss this; not after the two of you had spoken last night.
Seungcheol’s teeth clench as he glances around the loud room, seeing his co-workers on the floor. He just needed to catch your show for at least 15 minutes and he swore he’d be fine.
“Fuck them kids.” He mutters under his breath, beelining for the employee restroom.
Seungcheol says a thankful prayer, locking the door behind him as he sits on the countertop. Just a few minutes; 20 tops. He lowers the volume so nobody can hear your voice except for him.
tangerine_kwan: whoa, a morning show?
alphagyu97: for once, i’m glad i wake up early
xcaliburDK: honestly, same
You giggle on screen, wiping the sleepiness from your eyes as you stretch out on your bedsheets. Seungcheol smiles appreciatively; you’d slept in the cute sheer lavender babydoll he’d sent you when you first hit 5k subs. “I know… it’s really rare, huh? I woke up and I felt so needy… I was so wet when I woke up…” He watches with bated breath as you tease yourself, running your hands from your torso down between your legs.
artist8hao: oh? what’s on your mind, doll?
universe_WZ: what did i miss
“I was just thinkin’, y’know? I couldn’t sleep last night after I finished all the important stuff I had to do~ ‘n you didn’t miss anything yet~” You tease, fingertips pressing into your soaking panties as you moan.
dom.cheol: i couldn’t sleep either… too busy thinkin’ about you ;)
Seungcheol feels the adrenaline pulsing through his veins, checking how much time has passed since he holed up in the restroom.
dom.cheol has donated $50
therealchan99 has donated $25
therealchan99: all the insomniacs are probably cryin rn
sleepy_wonu: speak for yourself, i’m deadass in the middle of my forensics lab with headphones on and the screen dimmed to hell
“Oho~ Is our sleepy_wonu trying to be a forensics scientist?” You giggle, biting your lip cutely as you stare into the camera lens.
sleepy_wonu: ya, maybe i can buy you gifts if i ever start getting paid big bucks
Seungcheol’s eyes narrow at the comments, jealousy bubbling up at one of your other regulars. He typically tried to keep his jealousy in check, knowing that just because he showered you with gifts didn’t mean the two of you were exclusive or that you owed him anything. And he especially knew you always liked to engage with your viewers and ask them about themselves.
“Hmm~ Our dom.cheol seems quiet this morning~ Everything okay, sir?” Seungcheol feels the arousal pouring over his body and he tries to will it away;  after all, he still needed to get back to work once you were done.
dom.cheol: everything’s ok, sweetheart. you’re very cute in the morning
Your eyes pierce the camera and Seungcheol can momentarily feel his breath stop; fingertips clutching his phone for dear life.
“Mmm, I went to sleep last night dreamin’ of nice and strong hands pinning me down to my bed ‘n fuckin me into the sheets…” You pause, slipping the sheer babydoll over your head which left you only in your lace panties. “And there was a really really really dominating voice making me cum and tellin’ me to take all of his cock and oh~ god, it’s like I could feel it!” You finish, slipping your soaking panties off before you spread your legs wide for the camera.
You don’t waste any time, plunging two fingers deep into your pussy as you keen, toes curling against the sheets as you start fucking yourself.
“Ngh, fu--fuck, ‘n they made me cum over and, hah, o-over, fucking my pussy ‘n my ass… ‘n then cumming down my throat… Mmh and I still wanted more even when they filled me up with so much cum~”
Seungcheol’s throat is drier than a desert, almost dropping his phone as he listens to you. There was absolutely no way you weren’t talking about him.
tangerine_kwan: holy shit
dom.cheol: what else, baby
You curl your fingers, barely able to touch your g-spot and it makes you wonder for a second how well Seungcheol could finger you and how much of his cock you could take.
“A-ah, and--mmh, and I--I kept begging ‘Sir, p-please fuck me more!’ ‘n I felt so f-full… God, it felt so real~ I really needed to cum when I woke up so I turned on my cam~” You whine, thumb pressing down onto your clit. You hated to admit it but thinking of Seungcheol’s deep voice and obscenely handsome good looks was enough to make you cum once more before you even went to sleep and now even your subconscious seemed to crave the devilishly handsome male.
alphagyu97 has donated $75
dom.cheol has donated $250
artist8hao: those cute ‘lil fingers enough to satisfy your greedy pussy?
Mewling, you start rubbing circles on your clit, chasing the quickly growing urge to cum. The sound of donations flood your ears but all you can think of is Seungcheol’s deep voice groaning and growling into your ear. “No~ I want m-more but… but I came so much last night too! Maybe I am a ‘lil greedy, huh?” You tease, adding a third finger as you moan loudly. The stretch felt good; head imagining Seungcheol’s fingers as you fuck yourself faster.
dom.cheol: why don’t you cum? I can see you want to, sweetheart.
“Mmm, is it okay, sir? Can I cum already?” You ask shyly, batting your eyelashes at the camera as Seungcheol grits his teeth, cock throbbing in his work pants. He would definitely need to take care of this before he stepped back out onto the floor.
dom.cheol: cum, babygirl, you deserve it.
Your eyes snap shut right after you read Seungcheol’s comment, biting your lip as you race to your orgasm. The sound of your fingers fucking into your wet pussy and your moans are all Seungcheol can hear, pupils blown wide knowing you just came thinking about him, probably. Or so he hoped, at least.
You can feel your legs shaking, threatening to snap shut as your orgasm crests; the sound of rapid fire donations battering your ears as you cum hard on your own fingers. Choked sobs and cries are all you can muster, shapes dancing behind your eyelids the entire time the pleasure washes over you.
xcaliburDK: well goddamn, good morning to me
sleepy_wonu: fuck
universe_WZ: i… speechless
Seungcheol smiles smugly to himself, mentally patting himself on the back.
“Mm… ‘m so tired…” You murmur, slipping your wet fingers from inside your pussy as you moan at the emptiness. Seungcheol watches as you lick your fingers, cleaning them off before you lay on your side facing the camera.
universe_WZ: i think u deserve a nap
alphagyu97: yea, cuz holy shit fuck that was hot
therealchan99: god i love it when u dirty talk
j__min has donated $400
j__min: me too, dollface ;)
Confusion crosses Seungcheol’s face at the newcomer, blood draining from his body at how much they seemed to donate on the first go.
“Huh? Oh! Do we have a new regular?” You inquire, sleepiness lacing your voice. A nap was definitely needed after the last 24 hours of your life.
j__min: ur quite cute, might need to keep my eye on u princess ;)
dom.cheol has donated $450
That’ll show them, Seungcheol thinks. He didn’t often think of himself as competitive either, but goddamn, would he go the extra mile for you.
You giggle tiredly on camera and he can see the sleepiness in your eyes, watching with fondness as you answer a few more comments, yawning cutely as you stretch out on the bedsheets again. He mentally thanks you for not giving the newcomer any extra attention.
dom.cheol: take a nap, sweetheart.
Nodding, you yawn once more. “Okay, everyone~ I think I’m gonna take that nap you all seem to want me to take, hehe~ ‘n then I’ll probably wake up and get some food delivered ‘cause I’m still really tired after last night… But I just can’t help it, y’know? Sometimes I just wanna be fucked nice ‘n hard by a real cock~” Winking, you say your goodbyes, thanking them for their donations and support; blowing the camera a kiss before you end the stream.
Seungcheol lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, body slumping atop the counter. He had loads of questions now that you were off air. Firstly, were you thinking about him? Secondly, who the fuck was j__min?
Shaking the thoughts from his head, he checks the clock. 45 minutes. He groans. At least nobody had come looking for him.
Seungcheol places his phone down onto the counter, biting his lip and palming himself over his work pants before he thinks, screw it.
A satisfied groan spills from his lips as soon as he wraps a hand around his throbbing cock, not wasting another second before he starts a quick pace. He imagines your tight pussy and your face contorting in pleasure as he fucks you into your own bedsheets, thrusting up into his clenched fist as the images linger in his mind. Licking his lips, he thinks about your sweet moans as you beg him for more, stray tears slipping down your cheeks when you call him ‘sir’ through choked sobs.
And it doesn’t take long before Seungcheol is cumming, teeth biting into his bottom lip to keep his noises in as the euphoria washes over him.
He sighs, sated, as he slows down his strokes, thankful he didn’t get any cum on his work pants.
Seungcheol gives himself a second to catch his breath, shuffling off of the countertop to get cleaned up before he steps back out. He grimaces when he meets his own eyes in the dingy mirror; he’d just gotten off at work while you did an extremely rare morning show. Granted, it wasn’t the lowest he’d ever felt but definitely was a contender.
Shaking his head, he steps back out, the outdated pop music hitting his ears as soon as the roller rink comes back into view.
The gaggle of teens are still on the floor, Jeongguk looks unbothered and Yoongi sits by the skate rental booth; not a single one of them even noticing he was missing for the approximate hour he was in the restroom.
He really loved his job.
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That night, Seungcheol trudges home more tired than he usually is.
You still hadn’t texted him, which was fine. But he had checked his phone every second he had free, zoning out when he saw no new notifications.
Seungcheol toes his shoes off once he crosses the threshold of his studio apartment, making his way to the sofa before he flops down onto it. He scrolls through a few apps, mindlessly reading a few things before his stomach growls.
“Guess I should eat…” He mumbles to himself, placing his phone onto his chest before he closes his eyes for a second. Sighing, he relaxes, almost falling asleep. It was generally really loud at work with the people and the music always blaring, so he liked to bask in the quietness whenever he had the chance to.
This time, however, the peace and quiet doesn’t last long when his phone vibrates on his chest, alerting him of a text message. He grabs his phone at lightning speed, eyes wide when he sees a text message from an unknown number. Quickly opening the notification, his pupils shake as he recognizes your typing style almost immediately.
Unknown Number: Cheollie~ ><;; ‘m sorry I didn’t text sooner… i was kinda shy… and i slept so much too hehe~ oops~ i hope i’m not bothering you? i didn’t know when it was a good time…
Seungcheol shakes his head at his phone, sitting up as the excitement blooms within him again. He take a moment to figure out the best response, typing and erasing the same sentence three times before he sends it.
‘Not at all, sweetheart. ;) How was your nap?’
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grantzarrr · 4 years
Just a thing g.d
summary: Y/n and Grayson don’t like labels but they fuck around with each other and feelings are definitely there, but what happens when they are revealed?
warnings: poorly written smut :)
tags: @fangdolan @gothlydolan @onlyyyarii (idk why it didn’t work :(( )
There she is, in her sexiest piece of lingerie that she could find. What was she doing? Well, she was taking mirror pictures for her boyfriend—fuck buddy—? To everyone besides them, they were seemed to just be dating but Y/n and Grayson just didn’t want to put a label on it yet. They never claimed each other but would always deny that they were fuck buddies, they just wanted to enjoy each other without having to feel like there was a need to call- what they have- something. Just taking it slow.
But while she was setting that up, Grayson was in the middle of filming for his podcast with Ethan and Ryan and she knew far and well what he was doing. She knew exactly what time it was, she knew that if Grayson’s phone ‘blew up’ a few times, everyone would be on his case ready to ask questions. And that's exactly how she wanted and what she wanted.
“So gray, are you still trying to figure your love life out or—like what’s going on there?” Ryan asked, being very keen on his relationship.
“Uh, ry you mean fuck partner?” Ethan teased knowing where to push him.
“Oh fuck off e, we’re not fuck partners nor in a relationship—just enjoying each other for a bit.”
Then he felt it, his phone buzzing notifying him that he received a message, he only glanced though, roughly seeing your name and turning his phone back over. But then, that notification went off again back to back. That right there caused some heads to turn as Grayson saw it was you again and going to see what’s up this time. And oh- was he surprised, there you were sitting on your knees in some lingerie, giving him that little smirk he would love to fuck outta you. He noticed the first little remark of 4 that you sent, that one just stuck out more it seemed like you were talking as if you had known what exactly he was doing.
here’s something to talk about on ur little podcast. p.s ik u wanna tell them were together so go on ;)
And that fucked Grayson up, as much as he wanted to fucking call you his just for you to say that did something— but he couldn’t be quite sure. But as he continued staring he started to shift in his seat a little, only staring at your tits in that, looking so perfect for him. Only him. All he wanted to do was to cover them in hickies. Oh, how bad he wanted to flip you over your vanity and force you to watch him through the mirror as he pounded into you miraculously. Then to place you on your knees and shove his dick down your throat until he saw the tears himself.
“Yo gray? seems as if someone got you a little tensed there? You’re shifting bro..” Ethan chuckled, he knew it was you asking to get dicked down or something. He just wanted to fuck with his brother and see how long it would take here. “Oh no, it’s nobody.” He blurted out quickly but he knew for this to stop he had to respond, to at least say something so he did it swiftly as possible.
Y/n you better fucking stop or I swear you won’t even have free hands to type.
He was pissed, aggravated he was so mad that you were getting away with that, and he couldn’t do shit. He had to sit there and film his podcast for about an hour and he just fucking knew you wouldn’t let this go, not even for a second. And he thought everyone forgot until Ethan brought it back up and he had to say at least something they wanted to hear now.
“Is that uh is that your girlfriend? Hm? Is she asking for you to come over again?” Ethan lightheartedly joked but still, he was so determined to get Grayson to boil and steam over like he did every time just on camera. “Jesus e, would you let it go already.” Grayson gritted being so easily tempted to just end the podcast, it's been at least 58 minutes he can firmly say.
“Oh no go ahead, I would like to hear about this so to be fuck buddy, what is it only on Fridays? like a club? because I would love to be invited” Ryan joined in with Ethan on the little joke but he seriously wanted to know about this just in the goofy little way to make of it. But just as Grayson was about to answer, another one of a more scandalous photo sent. This photo made its way to his number one spot on the “Private Folder” of his. Grayson felt like he was gonna explode but the explosive was straight at his dick and his face went beat red. Not of embarrassment but because holy shit— look at you.
It was you legs spread and the camera hovering just where to leave the imagination running wild but still enough to tell you were wet, even if he has already seen it all. It still fucked him up in ways he couldn’t even began to fonder over. And it was just enough for him to say enough of that teasing.
“Yo, um, I gotta go- but finish the pod ok? Alright, I’ll be back...later.” Grayson rushed off quickly. Everyone in the room just watched in silence as he quickly gathered his phone and a few small little things he carried with him and he left. “Yup, booty call- where the fuck is my 10 dollars, Ryan!” Ethan shouted, happy he won this little ‘bet’. “Wow-.” Was all Ryan could say.
Once Grayson got to her house, he didn’t even bother to knock, he knew that the spear key was always under the 4th rock to the left. And when he got in...oh boy was he furious. Talking as he closed and locked the door back, not knowing she was right in the living room getting herself off. “Y/n what the fuck was that!? I told you that I-.” He was stopped dead in his tracks when he heard her wimpier his name softly, he gulped quickly and turning her way to watch exactly what she was doing. “Oh-, I see you’ve started without me—and that’s the biggest mistake of your fucking life babe.”
And with that, he went and grabbed both her hands and held them above her head, diving in with a very heated kiss. Y/n begun mumbling words against their kiss as she tried rolling her naked hips against his crotch for some friction. “You wanna go and send shit like that to me when I’m filming? Then have the audacity to finger yourself? Instead of simply telling me you wanted to fuck—god why are you so risky.”
He tried to not rage at her, there was no point she wasn’t his girl but nor was she a ‘fuck buddy’ well technically yeah, but to them, they weren’t. But the shit she pulls sometimes fucks him up, having him thinking about it for days and easily getting hard at the smallest memory and he can’t say shit or it’ll be over, and boy he fucking loves it, who wouldn’t? The adrenaline is what Grayson Dolan is all about. He doesn’t know if she feels the same or he just really knows how to fuck her right yet. “ Mhmm I did and I’ll do it multiple times until you boil over because I’m your little risk maker.” She smirked—oh did she just say-
“You wanna fuck with me like that hm? Have me thinking about it for days? Well, I’ll show you a good fucking alright.” He growled at her, having a good reason to give it to her good after that claim. He started attacking her neck. Sucking and licking, little nibbles here and there and he then moved down her body. Still having her hands above them. He stopped right at beginning of her pussy.
“Get up and bend over on the couch, now.” He demanded and was very determined to show her what she could have if they were together. He still didn’t quite know if she meant what she said but shit... he’ll take it. As she was getting up he smacked her ass giving her more of a little pep in her step, and she didn’t dare to say anything. As she was getting in the position, he got behind her and started to scrip, he just wanted to see her bend from behind, getting some of the action in. Once he did he started to stroke his cock, eyes fully on her pussy from behind and her ass. Her being impatient and hearing his short little breaths, she peaked from her shoulder at him and God was that a sight to see.
“Does that feel good, angel?” His deep voice rumbling within her, he knew he wouldn’t get anything out of her. His dick is big enough to keep anything but moans and groans from escaping. So all she did was nod quickly. The couch was snacking, she was shaking he was pounding into her giving out everything he had built up. “Fuck, I love the sounds my fucking pussy makes.” He gritted. She already knew face down on the couch, ass up and he hammered, Y/n wasn’t even sure she would be able to walk after this. And oh wait— did he say?
He just filled her up to the brim with his cock alone, the thickness and fullness of it alone would fulfill her. God was he good, gripping a handful of hair for a leverage of their position, “Graysonn, don’t stop, please.” She begged and since she asked so nicely he didn’t stop and wasn’t going to until her orgasm had her in tears. “Come on, baby. I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.” But she couldn’t, her neighbors recently complained about it since their baby was born. But when he was going at it like this, all she could say was “Neighbor. Babies—FUCK!” He understood completely- on both ends. The neighbors that had their baby and that she was gonna cum, he also felt her pussy clench so he knew for a fact. He was already at the edge of his orgasm.
“Did you claim me?” They both coincidentally said at the same time but who was gonna answer it...
A/N: helloo, hope you liked it!! im gonna drown in holy water now :D
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
...and Action! (Tom Holland)
A/N: This was not planned at all. i wasn’t going to do a birthday fic ‘cause i have no idea what to write and birthday surprises can be so redundant (since i’ve written two of it already lmao) but then this idea came to me this morning and here we are a couple hours later. Wrote this quickly so bear with me aha. Hope you still like it! x
Pairing: Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Summary: It was Tom’s birthday, a surprise shouldn't be at all surprising. But he never expected his girlfriend to pop-up in the most unlikely way while on set.
Warnings: Just fluff really and a bit of a steamy moment in the end?
Word Count: 3.1k+
Masterlist in Bio
"No, no, it's okay love, don't worry about it. Yeah, thank you darling, and yes, I'll try and have fun. I love you too sweetheart. Okay, I'll see you soon, bye..."
Tom lets out a groan after he hung up, throwing his phone on the pillow before his whole body plopped down on the hotel bed with a soft thud.
"Who was that?" Harry asked, feigning concern by his brother's sudden change in mood as he tried his best to keep a steady face.
"Y/N. Something came up with work and she couldn't fly out here. She's not coming for my birthday," Tom answered dejectedly. Though his face was covered with both hands, the sadness in his voice was too obvious to miss.
"I'm sure she tried her best Tom," his brother reassured, small smile plastered on his lips.
"I know. It's just—it's so last minute and I was looking forward to seeing her today since I haven't seen her in months," Tom shot his brother a frown. "I just really miss her man," he added.
It wouldn't be such a big deal to him if it wasn't so sudden, if he had time to prepare for it basically. Tom was already getting ready to pick you up at the airport, excitement filling him up head to toe. But with an hour and a half to go, you suddenly called and said you couldn't make it. To say that his heart dropped in the pit of his stomach at the news would be a huge understatement.
You were apologizing profusely on the other line, voice filled with regret saying how it was out of your control and Tom does understand. You have a life too after all, but it doesn't make him feel any less disappointed by the whole thing.
"Want to walk around the city for the meantime?" Harry proposed as he sat on the edge of the bed, giving his brother a comforting pat on the leg.
"Let's just go to set a bit early," Tom sighed, flashing Harry a small smile. He then stood up from his place begrudgingly, heading to the en suite to pack his essentials for today's shoot.
The plan was now completely thrown out the window. He was supposed to meet you at the airport, bring you back to the hotel for you to settle your things, and then you'll go together to set so that you can watch what he does for a living. And to have you there would've been an added energy boost, his cheerleader as you've said that one time.
But with you still in London and him in New York, there was no possible way that it could happen now. Unless you teleported which was highly unlikely.
Tom will have to celebrate the day with you miles away, as heartbreaking as that sounds.
"Ready to go?"
Tom only answered his brother with a hum and a nod, energy at a low given that his excitement was robbed away from him.
Harry did feel kind of bad to see his brother so down, and he was itching to say something. But with that said, he's more scared of you than Tom, and he wouldn't want to be the one to ruin everything, so he kept his mouth shut.
Once inside the cab, Tom sat at the very corner with a sigh, head pressed against the window, all overly dramatic that Harry tried his best to suppress a laugh.
Pulling out his phone, the younger brother then quickly typed in the text and hit send, making sure he was being discreet as possible to not spoil the surprise.
Message to Y/N: We're in the car now. I already told the front desk to give you the key then you can put your things in his room. I'll meet you on set later.
Tom had no idea what's in store for him.
"Harry! I missed you, you dork. How's he doing?" you greeted with glee as you got off the couch of the make-up trailer to give the younger brother a warm hug, him returning the gesture with just as much enthusiasm.
"Missed you too. And he's still moping. He has no idea you're here, at all," Harry chuckled as he pulled away.
You couldn't help but frown a little at that. Of course you feel bad, it was his special day and the first thing he's heard wasn't the greatest of news. But then again, every birthday always has a surprise. His wasn't an exception.
"Right, how do I look?" you asked, gesturing towards yourself from head to toe. It was a waitress' uniform what you wore, your hair up in a ponytail with a visor to hide your face just a little. The fabric from head to toe was a shade of light pink, save for the shoes and apron that were both white.
"A little different, but still recognizable," Harry pointed out with a knowing smile. "He won't be able to tell it's you right away though, the mask doesn't let him see much," he added with a chuckle.
"Good, great... okay wow, why am I suddenly nervous?" you laughed shyly, bouncing on your toes anxiously despite your task being as simple as holding onto him.
You've already talked to Jon Watts on what needs to be done. In fact, he was the one who pitched the idea in the first place. You were supposed to go for the typical pop-up with a cake when everything was wrapped for the day. But Harry accidentally spilt the plan on Jon who then got excited and offered an alternative route, which wasn't at all simple for sure but it would be great fun if it worked.
Then it resulted to the planning, Tom's manager getting involved, and then the crew helped you test it out and rehearsed it earlier this morning. Preparing was a bit of a handful but Jon was enthusiastic all throughout, saying that he wanted to surprise Tom in a not-so-normal way.
Quite frankly, most of everyone was in on it. Except Tom of course, just as he always is, in the dark with most things.
"Don't worry, you'll do great," Harry chuckled as he gave you a side-hug, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze before making his way towards the door. "I need to get back to Tom before he gets suspicious. I think you're going to get called to set in a bit."
"Okay, see you Harry."
"Tom, last scene for the day and then you're through," Jon said, shooting the lad a sympathetic smile at the tiredness that was obvious on his face.
Tom nodded with a small smile of his own. He was slightly confused because the scene before this was supposed to be his last, but you never know with Marvel. New things get added even at the last minute.
"It's just a short scene, you're simply going to swoop in and save a woman who's about to get hit by fallen debris. And then when she thanks you and runs the other way, you then look up all shock and then cut," the director elaborated, Tom quick to get the drift given that he was already hooked up to wires, and that he's done this countless of time before.
Thankfully, due to movie magic, they don't need to do the actual swooping off the ground, just the swing with the women already in his arms and then him placing her back on the floor, said woman whom Tom has yet to meet.
Tom was quickly ushered to his place on top of a tall platform, and after he's put on the mask—with a bit of help—just then he noticed a figure standing right next to him who stayed awfully silent and still.
Maybe she's just shy.
"Hi, I'm Tom," he introduced sweetly, completely having no clue that it was his girlfriend he's talking to.
"Hello, big fan," you answered softly as you changed the tone of your voice a little. Your nerves were eating you up in fear that he might recognize you—and the fact that you were so high up, but you were hooked up to wires too, so it's all good—but you also can't hide your excitement given that Tom was right here beside you, finally after so long.
You wanted to just hug him, to pull him close and kiss the living daylights out of him, but composure and control is key as it is not the time for the reveal just yet.
"Right just hold on to me," he spoke kindly and you couldn't stop the grin from erupting on your lips as your wrapped your arms around his shoulders, very much amused at the fact that he still has no clue despite being so close now. Maybe it was the suit constricting his senses.
"Good, hold tight and don't look down," he playfully added.
"Ready!" One of the crew yelled, you and Tom putting your thumbs up at the exact same time.
"We are rolling... and action!"
With only one arm wrapped around your waist as the other pretended to take hold on to his web, Tom jumped. No hesitation, no warning, no countdown, just pure confidence as he full on jumped.
The short squeal you let out was quite embarrassing as you held onto him tighter, wind moving pass your face in top speed that you couldn't bear to keep your eyes open. It was only five seconds tops that you stayed in air, your feet touching the ground in no time. But still, your heart hammered against your chest loud and fast, a pure rush of adrenaline coursing through you despite already having done this a couple of time just hours before.
"Are you okay?" Tom asked, Queens accent now in full play as he lets go of your waist to hold you in arm's length. You kept your head low as you nodded, acting your best on being out of breath and a little shaken—which wasn't that hard since that genuinely was a high swing.
"Y-yes, thank you for saving me Spider-Boy," you spoke in the squeakiest tone you can muster, still trying your best to hide your real voice just to play with him for a little more.
"Uh, it's Spider-Man," he corrected unknowingly, the confusion clear in his voice because Jon's instructions weren't being followed, but he can improvise.
"I don't think you're there yet though," you answered normally this time, Tom's whole body going rigid at the sound of the familiar voice.
Both his hands lets go of your shoulders in a haste as he swiftly pulled his mask off, eyes growing wider once it landed on your beautiful face.
"No way," he gasped, stumbling back away from you in utter surprise, hands going on top of his head to tug at his hair as he tries to comprehend what was going on, if what he was seeing was real. It felt like he's just seen a ghost, one gorgeous ghost that is.
"Hi there birthday boy," you giggled, the whole set erupting in cheers and wolf whistles while Tom still kept a fair distance from you. He was completely awestruck at the sight of you standing there, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water as his brain tried to process everything.
"I—what?" He looked around set in pure bewilderment, his eyes meeting his brother's who only gave him two thumbs up, that's when he realized Harry was in on it too. Tom shook his head before looking back at you, tears now starting to well up in his eyes as he jutted his bottom lip out in a cute pout.
"Do I not get a hug?" you teased as you opened your arms wide. The boy didn't waste any more time as he ran towards you just like how they do in movies, he's an actor after all. He didn't even bother to put his brakes a little as he jumped into your arms. A soft 'oomph' came out of you at the impact, quickly followed by hearty laugh as you wrapped your arms around him, sighs of reliefs coming out of the both of you at the familiar feeling of warmth.
"It's actually you," Tom whispered as he buried his face on the crook of your neck, his breath warm against your skin and his grip around you tightening sweetly, your familiar scent filling him up with nothing but joy.
"Of course it is. Did you really think they'd find someone who looks exactly like me?" you flashed him a wide smile as you pulled away a little just to get a better look at him. Tom mirrored your grin as he rested his forehead against yours, eyes coated with adoration as it stared right into your own, and oh how much you've missed this boy.
"No, because you're one of a kind," Tom gushed, grin all wide as he nudges the tip of his nose with yours lovingly, just so glad to finally be so close to you after being away for far too long, to feel the softness of your skin after months of being deprived from it.
"That was so cheesy," Jon interrupted with his megaphone, tone playful which was soon followed by laughter echoing around the whole space.
Tom groaned, head falling softly on your shoulder in an attempt to hide the shade of red on his face, completely forgetting that you were still on set surrounded with a bunch of crew members. He had no problem being cheesy, but those lines were saved for only you and him, so when other people gets a chance to hear them unintentionally, Tom can't help and get all shy about it.
You rubbed his back with a giggle, turning to place a soft kiss on the side of his head making your boy let out a satisfied hum, Tom squeezing your waist in response.
"Right you two, let's start from the top and get this done so that you can go off to your little honeymoon," the director called out again, laughter obvious in his voice.
"Wait is this scene actually going to be in the movie?" Tom called out to Jon. "Yes, but don't take of your mask. And except for the part where you run off looking all scared of her, and then the part where you looked like you were about to cry and—"
"Got it Jon!"
With that, you two were back on the platform again, Tom sporting a wide ass grin as he never did take his eyes off of you, not even for a split second.
"Quit staring," you muttered with a pursed of your lips, cheeks heating up at the attention he was showering you. He only answered with a sweet laugh, leaning closer to give you a peck on the temple that's made your heart melt.
"Are you okay sweetheart? You look a bit nervous for someone who's already done it once," Tom teased, noticing how deep you we're taking in your breaths.
"I auditioned for this part months ago Tom, I have to do my best," you grumbled, face all serious that made him furrow his brows at you in question. "Wait, really?"
"No," you puffed out your cheeks with a laugh. "See, this is why it was so easy to surprise you. You are so gullible," you teased, earning a scoff from your man.
"Shut up and just let me save you from distress," Tom retorted with a light-hearted tone, shooting you a playful eye roll before he puts the mask back on, but never did he deny your statement.
Once everything was ready and set, you did the scene again, but without the extra shenanigans this time.
The party was a blast.
Granted, it wasn't all extravagant or over-the-top, it was just simple, a casual dine and drink. But when you spend it with the right people then it will always turn out better than expected.
A small local restaurant was pleased to host it, food and drinks delicious, ambiance great, and company even better. But as the night took its course however, especially with all the alcohol in his system, Tom hasn't been able to keep his hands to himself.
His smile was casual as he kept his end of the conversation with the people around him. But you knew better, especially with his hand going up—too high up—and down your leg in a way that wasn't good for your sanity. And the fact that you wore only tights paired with a skirt wasn't at all helping your case.
He was the one who called it a night for the both of you soon after. The moment you placed your hands on top his bulge as payback, he just lost it completely.
Once the door of his hotel room was shut close with the click of the lock to match, he was onto you in a split second. His lips were pressed on yours in a searing, hungry kiss, hands touching everywhere just so he could pull you as close as he possibly could.
"I missed you so much," he groaned between the kiss, hand gripping on your waist as he stirs you towards the bed. But you had a plan for the night too, so you quickly turned around and pushed him back instead, Tom landing on the edge of the mattress with surprise written on his face but pure fire swimming in his eyes.
You leaned down to kiss him again, only slowly, teasingly this time. You raked your fingernails up and down his jeans, the feeling already making Tom feel ecstatic and hot as he lets out another low groan. But before he could lift a hand up to bring you down to him, you pulled away with a knowing smile, slight mischief laced on your lips but more of it found in your eyes.
"What do you have in mind love?" Tom asked, voice a deep grumble as he watched your every move with intent. With your palm flat against his chest, you pushed him back a little more, up until he leaned back on his hands, whole body now spread out, and what a tasteful sight it was. You leaned forward towards him with a sweet smile, both hands resting palms flat on his jean clad thighs.
"The birthday boy deserves a private show, don't you think?" you whispered in a honeyed tone, tilting your head to the side as you gave his thick thighs a playful squeeze.
Tom lets out a shaky breath at that, eyes raking up and down your body, making sure he wasn't discrete about it before he met your gaze again, eyes coated with lust just as much as yours are.
With a pleased smirk, Tom opened his legs wider for you to easily slip in between them, voice deep and gravelly as he said,
"Sounds wonderful, darling."
Like, Reblog, and Leave a Comment if you enjoyed and lemme know what you think! x
Tom H. Taglist: @spacebitch2 @hollanddolanfangirl @keepingupwiththehollands @hollandsamor @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @unbelievableholland @vinylmendes @kittenruby
send me a message/ask if you want to be added/removed to the tom h. taglist loves!
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trashyswitch · 3 years
All Aboard the Pizzaplex!
It's closing night of the opening day at Pizzaplex. Vanessa had been hired to keep guard over the place to make sure no thieves get in and rob them. But Vanessa would wind up getting quite distracted on her first night...And the deep voice in her head (who's lurking in hopes of doing crime) is only adding to the distractions.
{Words written in this format} represent Glitchtrap. This fanfic was suggested by an anonymous user. So, I hope you enjoy the fanfic! Sorry it took a bit.
Vanessa was keeping guard over Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex. It was such a large building...It’s strange that they only hired one security guard for the entire restaurant. And inconvenient for her. Vanessa had to be on the run as much as possible to make sure she was thoroughly checking the entire side of the building. It wasn’t easy, and it didn’t pay much. But it is a pretty place to look at and it did get her out of the house.
Vanessa walked herself towards Roxanne’s Raceway and checked around there to make sure no one was hiding in the dark. The neon lights looked pretty cool on the surface, but it also distracted from what could be hiding in the darkness. That was one thing Vanessa found difficult. Everything is covered in bright, neon lights but none of the lights actually revealed anything hidden within the dark. Hence why she had her flashlight.
Vanessa had started to walk closer to the race track, when an animatronic with deep, red eyes showed up behind her. Vanessa immediately noticed the red eye lights reflecting off the metal. She widened her eyes and turned right around. The animatronic let out an ear-bleeding robotic scream and grabbed her!
Terrified and filled with adrenaline, Vanessa dropped her flashlight and screamed as well!
The robotic screaming quickly stopped and was replaced by autotuned laughter. Vanessa had placed her hand on her chest as she breathed heavily, and let out a sigh of relief. They’re not going rogue...They’re just being evil.
Vanessa growled. “What was that for?! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Vanessa reacted, hitting the animatronic in the shoulder. “Which one are you anyway?” She asked, waving her now-injured hand.
“You don’t recognize me?!” The animatronic asked, before moving their face into the bright pink light. The light revealed it to be Roxanne Wolf. Her flowy grey hair rested itself onto her back as she knelt down to put Vanessa down. “Can’t handle a little scare once in a while?” Roxanne asked, showing off her claws.
Vanessa crossed her arms. “Not when it’s a robot doing it.” Vanessa replied bluntly.
“Aren’t you supposed to be keeping an eye on thieves?” Roxanne asked. “Huuuman thieves?” She over-exaggerated the word ‘human’ to emphasize that not just robots will go rogue.
Vanessa softened her expression. “Fine...humans can give people heart attacks too.” Vanessa replied.
{Damn right.} a deep voice inside of Vanessa’s brain, told her.
“That’s right!” Roxanne pushed Vanessa’s security hat down. “It’s been decades since robots were predicted to take over the human race. So stop being such a traditionalist!” Roxanne declared. “We’re not that hard to live with, are we?”
Vanessa fixed her hat. Then, she made a ‘well…’ kind of face and rocked her head side to side, meaning ‘you kinda are but you’re kinda not’.
Roxanne hummed. “Well, Monty’s pretty hard to live with. But the rest of us are nice! We were made for children, after all!” Roxanne told her.
{Yeah, made for killing children...} the deep voice added.
Those words didn’t exactly help her…
“So: was it fun seeing me scream and freak out?” Vanessa asked.
“Well, yeah! Very fun, in fact! Even the simplest things can scare people.” Roxanne admitted, curling and wiggling her fingers.
Vanessa’s eyes widened as an uncontrollable and childish smile grew onto her lips. The wiggling fingers took her right back to when her Mom would tickle and tease her. It surprised her, and always kept her in a giddy mood. Even the wiggling fingers would completely change her mood into adrenaline-filled excitement.
“Oh! So you DO like being scared!” Roxanne teased. “A bit of an adrenaline junkie?” She asked.
Vanessa nodded. “Yeah.”
Roxanne giggled and turned her eyes red for a moment. “Peek-a-boo.” She said in a monotone voice.
Vanessa widened her eyes and stared at Roxanne, growing nervous. “C-Come on Roxanne...You-you can’t get someone t-twice.” She tried to say.
Roxanne turned her neck slowly, and purposefully twitched her neck to the right. She scraped her foot on the ground, making a loud metal sound as she stared into Vanessa’s soul. “Play with me Vanny.”
Vanessa widened her eyes. DID SHE JUST SAY VANNY?!
{SHIT- SHE KNOWS. RUN!} The deep voice shouted to her.
Vanessa shrieked and immediately took off running. Vanessa yelped as the sounds of clanging metal and moving artificial joints filled the echoey kids mall. How did she figure out?! She hasn’t even been suspected, let alone caught! She continued sprinting around the mall and skidded to a halt in front of the ball pit.
“Come play with me Vanny! Let’s PLAY!” Roxanne suggested.
Feeling cornered and unable to do anything else, Vanessa took a headstart and jumped to try and get over the ballpit. But the ball pit was just so wide, that she wasn’t even close to making it to the other side. Vanessa fell feet first into the ballpit. When her feet touched, she got herself up and started ‘running’ through the endless plastic balls in the pit pool. Roxanne ran up to the ball pit next and grabbed a rope. With unbelievable percision that only robots possessed, Roxanne threw the life buey right around her body.
“NO!” She shouted, trying to remove the buey. But Roxanne pulled more and picked her up under the arms. “Gotcha!” She yelled. “I scaaaared you again!” Roxanne declared with a laugh.
“Put me down! That was so uncalled for!” Vanessa yelled. “And why Vanny as a nickname?” She asked, growing slightly nervous.
“Oh!” Roxanne looked at her own fingernails and flipped her own hair. “I took the name Danny, and used the 1st letter of your name! Vanny!” Roxanne explained.
Suddenly, Roxanne widened her eyes and looked at Vanessa closer with suspicious eyes. “Also, did you just say ‘uncalled for’?” Roxanne asked, placing her hand on her chin. “You were practically begging for it! You got very excited when I wiggled my fingers.” Roxanne said out loud.
Vanessa bit her lip and finally gave Roxanne an awkward, rough smile.
“Saaaay...Have you heard of the tickle monster? Maybe even met them?” Roxanne asked with a smirk.
{...You’ve got to be kidding me…} The deep reacted.
Vanessa giggled a little nervously. “Yehehehes, I hahave.” Vanessa replied.
“How about Roxanne the tickle monster?” She asked curiously with a raised eyebrow.
Oh no...Oh NO! PLEASE NO!
...Actually, please yes. It’s been years.
{What even is my life…} The deep voice muttered. {Out of all the people- You?!}
Vanessa yelped and kicked her feet as Roxanne’s pointy green fingertips dug into her upper ribs and armpits. She threw her head back with a big smile and let out a fit of laughter. “aAAAHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAIT, WHAHAHAHAT?!” She yelled.
“Now fear the mighty power of Roxanne the tickle monster!”
{........Oh...} The deep voice muttered.
“But yes! Don’t you know that Roxanne Wolf has nails built right into her fingers?” Roxanne showed off her thin, green fingernails proudly. “And they’re perfect for turning into the tickle monster!” Roxanne teased as she started up tickling with both hands again.
Vanessa twisted and turned around to try and get out of her grip. But the tickling was weakening her muscles. She was losing control of her body parts the longer she was tickled, thanks to the wolf-shaped robot that is Roxanne Wolf.
“Now now, there’s no need to be so loud and fussy.” She reassured her. “Just sit back, relax, and enjoy your first of many tickle attacks.” Roxanne suggested.
Vanessa didn’t know what to do! On one hand, she wanted to be put down and go back to her job. But on the other hand…
Tickles didn’t seem like that bad of an idea right now…
Roxanne wrapped her one arm under Vanessa’s armpits and started lifting up her shirt a bit. Vanessa squeaked and giggled, shaking her head. “Nahahat thehere! Ihit’s vehery tihihicklihish thehere!” Vanessa begged.
“Really? Well I have some sad news for you:” Roxanne poked her belly button, making Vanessa squeak and kick. “I’m a rebel wolf~”
Roxanne shoved her hand under Vanessa’s belly and tickled around and in her belly button. Vanessa hung her head and kicked her legs outwards while she cackled up a storm.
Another pair of footsteps soon could be heard. “I hear laughter! Where’s it coming from?”
{Great...now you’re luring more animatronics over…} The voice muttered in her head.
“It’s Cackly Becky over here! She’s the source of the cutest laughter we’ve heard from any adult!” Roxanne replied.
WOW! Hey Freddy! Look at this chick!” Monty yelled.
“Monty, I’ve seen Chica before!” Freddy yelled back.
“No! Not Chica the chick, a security guard chick!” Monty grabbed the nametag and read it. “Vanessa!”
Freddy walked over with his microphone in his hand. “Oh! Pony girl! I see her all the time!” Freddy told them.
“I’ve never seen this bad babe around at all.” Monty admitted.
Roxanne frowned as she gave Vanessa a break and flipped her upside down. “She’s not bad. I’m bad.” Roxanne corrected as Vanessa’s slip-on shoe clapped against the ground. “This lady here in my claws, is a goody-two toes.” Roxanne teased as she gave Vanessa’s toes a little tickle.
Vanessa squeaked and giggled. “NOHOHOhohoho! Nahahahat myhyhyhy feheheheeheheheeeeet!” she pleaded.
“Ey lookie here! A senstive babe~” Monty teased, leaning over on his knees to get a better look at Vanessa.
{And people complained I was disgusting…} the deep voice muttered in Vanessa’s head.
Roxanne stopped tickling Vanessa for a moment and pushed Monty a few feet backwards with her foot. “You’re disgusting. You’re gonna be turned into gator soup if you treat any lady like that.” Roxanne spat.
Freddy looked over at Roxanne with a smirk. “You missed the pit.” Freddy mentioned. With a simple push, Monty stumbled backwards and fell right into the ballpit. Vanessa widened her eyes and dropped her jaw. She was SO gonna lose her job…
Monty popped out of the ballpit pool, gagging. He coughed up about 5 plastic balls. “That almost made me malfunction!”
“Nohow wahahait-”
“Your existance almost made me malfunction!” Roxanne shot back.
Roxanne and Monty looked down to where the new bout of laughter was coming from: Freddy was kneeling down in front of Roxanne, poking and scratching Vanessa’s belly button. Vanessa was giggling and pushing his hand away with no success.
“Kitchy kitchy koo!” He poked the belly button. “You click, then she laughs! Click, and laugh! Boop and gaggle! Beep, wiggle and cackle!” Freddy teased.
“Too ticklish? Is there such thing as too ticklish? If so, how can I know?” Freddy asked.
“Your laughter?” Freddy clarified. He thought for a moment. “But...your laughter doesn’t change. How do I find out it’s too much based on something that doesn’t change?” Freddy asked.
Vanessa grabbed Freddy’s hand and tried to move it to her side. “HEHEHEHERE. TRYHYHYHYHY!” She told him.
Freddy looked at where his hand was located now and smiled. “Okay! If you say so!” Freddy started tickling her sides next. Vanessa squeaked and fell into a fit of high-pitched giggles. “Ooooooh! It DOES change! How interesting!”
“Ihihihi knohohohow!” Vanessa reacted with him.
Freddy moved to squeezing her hips next. “eeEEEEHEHEHEHEHE!” Vanessa’s laughter grew squeaky and moved up and down quite a bit.
{Your ticklishness is gonna be a problem in the future...I hope you know that.} The deep voice mentioned.
“Wow! Your laughter changes a lot like emotions do!” Freddy reacted, making the connection.
{Wow...In the 2060’s, animatronics can make connections. Who would’ve thought?}
“SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUHUP!” Vanessa yelled to the stupid criminal voice in her head.
Freddy’s smile dropped. “I...But why?” Freddy asked, sounding almost hurt.
{Don’t fall for it. He’s a robot. He can’t actually feel emotions. He’s just imitating human emotions and getting real reactions from you through fake-}
“Don’t stop.” Vanessa blurted out. Freddy blinked and tilted his head. “I...Sorry, I don’t want you to shut up. And I don’t want you to stop either.” Vanessa admitted.
Freddy smiled and went back to tickling her sides. “Okay. Thank you for telling me.” Freddy replied.
“Now THAT’S bravery!” Roxanne declared as she started tickling her toes again.
Vanessa giggled and danced her arms around upside down. She was loving it! The toes were such an evil spot to go for too! Roxanne had to tickle the middle of her foot sometimes to open up the toes. For whatever reason, that actually worked. Why? Who knows!
{Woooow...Look at you! Being all honest, and showing your vulnerable side to the animatronics that express fake emotions! Fan-frickin-tastic.}
Vanessa snickered to herself. The guy can’t even properly swear. What a fucking coward.
{...I can swear...Ass.}
Vanessa just about guffawed out loud at that. That’s it?! This man’s gotten SUPER soft. Must be all that programming turning his broken brain into mush.
{...If it weren’t for me using your body to continue doing the thing I crave so much...You would be my first.}
Vanessa giggled at both the foot tickles and at the deep voice. He’s all talk and no action. He’ll claim he’s ‘waiting for the perfect moment to strike’, but he’s really just not doing anything besides haunting her mind. Hence why he’s attempting to tolerate the one-sided tickle fight that was happening between Freddy, Roxanne and Vanessa.
...If he was so smart, maybe he wouldn’t have considered Vanessa as an option back in the VR game...
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outerbankswriting · 4 years
Spider Bites (JJ x Reader)
Description: The reader and JJ are secretly dating, until one day their love for each other leaves a few marks that don’t go unnoticed by their friends.
Request: You’re my new favorite writer across all the fandoms I’m in, and Could it be? AMAZING! I would like to request something for whenever you have time? I was just thinking something along the lines of you and jj secretly dating but the other pogues have suspicion and one day they suggest to go swimming and you forget that the night before jj covered you with hickeys so you strip into your swimsuit and everyone sees and just stares and jokingly makes fun of you and jj
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Spider Bites
It was almost midnight and your boyfriend was still laying next to you. You were running your fingers through his soft, blonde hair as his eyelashes fluttered. He was falling asleep and you couldn’t blame him for it. Not even an hour ago the two of you were proving to one another how bad you had craved each other the whole day.
You and JJ were secretly dating, which just increased the sexual tension that always built around the two of you while you were hanging with the rest of your friends, which never failed to make you and JJ crash to your house or the van for either a quickie or long hours of passionate sex while the night was ending.
You had both decided to keep your relationship a secret from your friends to save yourselves from their endless questions and teasing and also because the adrenaline of having to sneak out to see each other always ended up with good sex and you loved to have him all for yourself, no pressure and no questions from anyone, just the two of you.
“Hey baby,” you softly whispered to his ear, “wake up.”
He groaned as you slightly nudged his arm.
As much as you wanted him to stay the night, you’d agreed on having Kie come over first thing in the morning to make some quick sandwiches for the day since all of you were going to spend your whole day at the beach, and you were not planning on having her find out about you and JJ’s relationship this way.
“Come on, we’ll spend the whole day together tomorrow again,” you said as you slightly traced your fingers all over his chest, “and you know Kie is coming in the morning.”
“You’re more comfortable than my bed,” he mumbled and snuggled closer to you, “and warmer and you also smell nicer.”
You smiled at your sleepy boyfriend before letting go of his grip and heading out of bed to put your pyjamas on, JJ’s eyes never leaving your body.
“I can’t believe how hot you look even with your unicorn pyjamas.” He smiled at the sight of your purple and blue unicorn pyjamas.
“Shut up.” You threw a pillow at him and he pulled you from your waist to his body and attacked your side with tickles as you tried your best to not scream, “JJ stop! My mom’s going to wake up!”
His fingers left your sides as soon as you threatened him with your mother. You cupped his face and placed a soft kiss on his lips before handing him his shirt.
“As much as I love the sight of you without a shirt on,” you smirked, “it’s time to go.”
“Alright, alright,” he groaned as he got out of your bed, “but promise me tomorrow we’ll sleep at the van.”
“I pinky promise.” You pointed your pinky finger at him as he smiled at your actions and locked his pinky finger with yours.
“Night baby.” He leaned in to give you a small peck on the lips before sneaking out of your room through your window, which was now his own personal front door for your house.
The next morning you were awaken by a loud knock on your door which made you get out of bed in a heartbeat.
“What is it?” You could barely open your eyes and thought your mother was the one knocking.
“I don’t know why you have a phone if you never bother to answer.” The fruity scent of your best friend’s shampoo filled your room.
“I’m sorry Kie.” You mumbled and made your way to your bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth while your friend picked out your swimsuit.
“I brought all the ingredients to make the sandwiches, it shouldn’t take us long.” She handed you your bikini and you put it on without even bothering to look in the mirror for you were barely awake and being hurried by your friend.
You grabbed a red tank top as well as some shorts and put them on top of your swimsuit.
After you and Kiara were done making sandwiches, the two of you headed to the beach. The guys were already drinking beer and sitting around as they waited for you and Kie to arrive. Your eyes immediately landed on JJ’s toned torso, as memories of his body on top of yours last night invaded your thoughts.
“Why are you guys drinking so early in the morning? You do know it’s terrible for your bodies right?” Kie spoke as she placed the bag full of sandwiches in front of everyone.
“We got thirsty.” JJ said as he winked at you and rushed to grab a sandwich.
“Please tell me they have honey mustard,” Pope pleaded while unpacking a sandwich, “I love honey mustard.”
“They do.” John B chewed on his already half eaten sandwich and Pope smiled before taking a big bite of his.
You and Kie stared at the hungry men devouring the sandwiches and shared glances with each other.
“Please do leave some for us.” You laughed as you watched John B reach for his second sandwich already.
A few minutes went by and all of your stomachs were filled with food and water (well mostly beer for the boys) and you were all sitting down by the beach talking about your plans for the night and telling random stories.
“Should we go swimming?” John B proposed.
“I think we should surf instead bro.” JJ added.
“Do you see any waves? Because I sure don’t.” Pope pointed at the calm, waveless sea.
“I wouldn’t mind getting a bit wet,” You said innocently before realising how bad it sounded to your dirty minded friends, “oh you’re all a bunch of pervs.”
“I mean you could’ve worded it differently.” Pope raised his hands as if he were a victim.
“She still made a point saying you’re all a bunch of pervs though.” Kie added.
“Well are we going to go swimming or what?” John B said as he took off his shirt.
JJ and Pope did the same as John B, while Kie took off her swimsuit cover up. You put your hair into a quick ponytail to not let it become a mess with the water and then took off your tank top and shorts.
“Wow.” Pope widened his eyes at you and you stared at him in confusion after also noticing Kie’s eyes widening.
“Well, well, well,” John B grinned at you, “someone had fun last night.”
You furrowed your brows at him and saw JJ scratch the back of his neck as he tried to hide the light shade of pink his cheeks were getting.
You looked down at your body and immediately felt your cheeks heat up.
Red and purple marks were covering your abdomen as well as part of your cleavage, and all you wanted to do was run away from everyone. You were completely unaware as to when exactly last night JJ had left such big hickeys all over your body.
Sure you were used to having JJ mark your body with his mouth whenever he had the chance since he absolutely adored the sight of your body filled with his own touch, but you always made sure to either cover them up or remind him to place them somewhere not visible.
“Won’t you look at that?!” You nervously laughed at yourself, “A spider must have bit me last night.”
“That spider must have been desperate for it then.” Pope said and Kie tried her best to not let out a laugh.
“I guess spiders are invading The Cut now because” John B raised an eyebrow at JJ, “our friend here is also covered with spider bites.”
You stared at JJ’s neck which had two small yet still noticeable hickeys and cursed yourself for it.
“She’s right though, spiders are going crazy here,” JJ defended himself, “it must be the weather or something.”
“Is there another animal invasion that explains the scratches on your back then?” Kie questioned as she pointed at JJ’s back which was indeed covered with scratches.
John B laughed out loud and high-fived Kie while you and JJ shared glances trying to see what to do even though you both knew it was too late already.
“Do you guys really think we hadn’t noticed it before?” Kie giggled.
“Noticed what?” You pretended to be oblivious.
“How the two of you are always leaving early and then sharing looks the next day,” Pope answered your question.
“And how our dear friend JJ always has scratches on his back,” John B added.
“And how you always have smeared makeup on your body which I guess you put on to cover the spider bites.” Kie smiled at you.
“Let’s not forget how it’s been what?” John B looked at the others, “More than a month since JJ has stopped telling us about his one night stands with tourists?”
You couldn’t help but let out the smile forming on your face.
You and JJ had started dating a little less than a month ago and the fact that you were the only girl in his life made your heart want to burst open with happiness. You had been friends with JJ for years already and were very familiar with his reputation of sleeping around with girls and the fact that he had stopped doing that even before the two of you started dating, just proved how much he really wanted only you.
“Alright, alright,” JJ snapped out, “you got us, are y’all happy now?”
He walked over to your side and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, Kie giving the two of you the biggest smile ever while John B and Pope high-fived each other.
“So what?” John B raised an eyebrow at the two of you, “Have you two been macking each other behind our backs?”
JJ turned to face you and you gave him a small smile which made him smile back at you.
Even though you were surrounded by your friends, that little moment felt like it was only the two of you standing there and agreeing it was time to let the world know.
You loved each other, and no matter how hard you tried to hide it from the rest of the world, there was so much you the two of you wanted to do without the fear of being discovered by your friends that you knew it was time to let the truth out and enjoy your relationship freely.
“We’re not only macking bro,” JJ smiled at his friend before turning to face you again, a look of pride and happiness all over his face, “she’s my girl.”
A/N: I think this is my favorite request so far... I loved writing this so much! hope you enjoyed it. 
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lilchibi-chan · 4 years
Siren Song: The Date
If you haven’t read part 1 you can read it here
Tonight is the night of your date with Keigo and your stomach is absolutely tied in knots. It’s currently 4, which gives you enough time to get ready so that you won’t keep him waiting. You decide to take a relaxing shower to help calm your nerves. Then you brush your teeth, so that your breath is fresh and clean. After, you decide to do your hair and throw some bombshell curls in it. At this point, it’s 5:30 meaning you have enough time to do a movie style montage of going through your clothes until you find the perfect thing. A red body con dress with spaghetti straps and some clear heels. It was definitely one of your favorite dresses, but it also reminded you of Keigo’s wings. You decided to do a “no makeup” makeup look to make yourself feel like even more of a bad bitch. You also added a small amount of highlighter to accentuate your cheek bones. You spray some perfume and look at the clock. It’s 6:15, so you decide to clean while you have the time and you won’t come home to a messy apartment.
You walk out into your living room at exactly 7 and sure enough you hear a knock on your balcony door. Keigo is there with lilies, your favorite. He looks at you floored by how beautiful you look.
“W-Wow kid, you look-wow,” he says basically speechless
“Ya know, you could just come in through the building like everyone else,” you say jokingly to try and get him to say something
“Why would I do that...when I can come straight to you,” He says following you inside as you go to kitchen to get a vase for the flowers
Keigo watches as you walk to the kitchen, he eyes you up and down because he is still not over how good you look.
When you turn around, you notice him staring.
“Like what you see,” you ask teasing him and receiving a laugh
“You have no idea,” he says under his breath, so that you don’t hear
You quickly placed the flowers in some water and walk over to where he was standing.
“Ready!,” you say with an excited smile
He grabs your hand and leads you to the balcony. He then climbs up on the ledge and reaches out his hand
“Do you trust me,” he asks expectantly
“Yeeesss,” you say nervous, but intrigued
He pulls you up on the ledge with him then cradles you in his arms.
“Hold tight kid,” He says, his eyes glimmering with excitement
He takes off and at first you have your eyes closed. You feel your heart beating so fast that it’s gonna beat out of your chest from the excitement and adrenaline you feel.
“Take a look kid”
You do as he says and you can see the lights from the city as far as the eyes could see. Any fear you had went away, as you were too mesmerized by the beautiful sight in front of you. Keigo was used to seein this view, but as a first time flyer on Air Hawks, he figured it was something you should see.
“So what d’ya think,” he asked
“It’s amazing,” you say with laughter in your voice,”it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
“That feeling you have right now... that’s the feeling I had the first night we met and that’s how I feel every time I’m with you. Whether it’s listening to you sing or hearing your laugh. Seeing that gorgeous smile and that beautiful face of yours. That feeling of pure happiness and wonder and hope, that’s how I feel with you. My baby bird.”
“Keigo,” is all you manage to get out before his lips meet yours and you can literally feel every ounce of his feelings for you in that one kiss.
“C’mon kid, there’s somewhere I wanna take you. Not that you really have a choice considering we’re hundreds of feet in the air and you can’t really follow me up here,” he says with a soft,breathy chuckle
He flies through the sky once more and you arrive at a really fancy restaurant. It’s empty, with the exception of the host and a couple waiters, the bartender and kitchen staff.
“I rented out the whole place for us. I hope that’s okay, if not I understand if it’s too-“
You cut him off by giggling, finding his anxiousness very cute.
“It’s fine,it’s not too much at all. I find it very romantic actually.” You say trying to reassure him
He let out a deep breath of relief.
You both sat down at the table and ordered drinks. Hawks had actually ordered the appetizer and entree beforehand. He even ordered desert.
While you both waited for everything, you decided to strike up conversation.
“Keigo,” you start,“can I ask you something?”
“Of course, baby bird,” he says in a comforting tone after hearing the uneasy-ness in your voice
“Why me? I know for a fact you have women fawning over you, basically worshipping the ground you walk on and you chose to ask me to go on a date with you. ” you ask, insecurities flooding your mind
“Baby bird, to put it simply, you’re the only woman who makes me feel the way I feel when I’m with you. That sounded better in my head, but what I’m trying to say is, you don’t want Hawks the winged hero, you’re more interested in getting to know me. From the night I heard you singing on your balcony, I knew you were special. What I feel for you, is that once in a lifetime, can’t eat-can’t sleep, reach for the stars kind of love. I know it’s really early to say that, but you’ve got me hooked kid.” He says honestly
You can’t help, but blush and feel a little embarrassed by his honesty. Obviously not embarrassed in a bad way, but in the best,most amazing way possible.
Your appetizers and entree come out of the kitchen at the same time and you devour everything. Not like an animal though, you have class. You were just really hungry because you didn’t wanna be rude and not eat anything if he did take you to a restaurant, so you had a light lunch, just something to hold you until dinner with him.
“A girl with an appetite huh,” he says teasing you and it caused to blush for the millionth time tonight
“I like it,” he says with a warm smile causing your whole face to go red
“I didn’t wanna be rude and not eat everything,” you say honestly while playing with your fingers
“Baby bird, you don’t have to starve yourself for me. I like you just how you are and nothing is gonna change my mind about that or how I feel about you.”
You give a small smile
“Thanks Keigo.”
Dessert comes out and you see that Hawks has ordered you a slice of tiramisu because he remembered it’s your favorite and on the plate it has a special message Be My Love Bird?
You look up at him, tears brimming your eyes and a huge smile on your face.
“Yes. A thousand times yes.” You say happily
He is just ecstatic and can’t contain his excitement. He rushes up from his chair and moves next to you. He then turns your chair so that your whole body is facing him. He cups your face and bends over, so that he can kiss you. Filled with pure happiness he deepens the kiss and asks for permission to enter your mouth by moving his tongue between your lips. You allow him to enter and this turns into a full make out session. You can feel yourself getting carried away, but you don’t care. Before things get more intense, you feel Hawks pull away.
“How about we get out of here? Then I can show you how happy I am the right way,” he says in your ear, sending shivers down your spine and your eyes roll back from the sensual tone of his voice
He puts some money on the table and the whisks you outside. This time you both take off like you’re hugging, you holding as tight as you can, but not cutting off his ability to breathe.
You both arrive at his penthouse and you are in awe at how big it is.
“Like what you see, baby bird,” he asks mockingly as you had done before
“It’s just-wow,” you say blown away by the size of the place and the view from it
He laughs at the expression on your face
“So cute,” he says just before kissing you again and again deepening it as he did before
You start to feel the heat raise on your face and ears again as you get lost in the kiss, wanting more from him. You drape your arms around his neck and he proceeds to lift you up, so that you’re straddling him and he carries you to his room. He gently lays you on the bed and then just stands there admiring you and how vulnerable you look. He smiles, then bites his lip.
He then hovers over you and whispers in your ear.
“I’m going to devour you baby bird.”
This leaves you shocked, but still ready for him to do whatever he wants with you.
He begins to kiss your lips then leaves trails of kisses down your neck, breasts and stomach. He starts leaving kisses and small bites on your inner thighs which gains small moans from you and builds up anticipation between your legs.
He released a deep chuckle at your reaction, knowing he was driving you crazy. At this point, you were dripping wet just waiting for him to enter your pussy. He can sense you getting impatient, so he moves back up to your face to look you in the eyes and give you a smirk.
“Relax, you’ll be my song bird soon,” he says, then grinds himself into you, so you can feel his growing erection. Another moan leaves your body. The teasing isn’t over yet, as he decides to work some magic with his fingers. Slowly rubbing your clit, he can feel you get wetter by the second. He enters your body with his fingers causing a gasp to leave your mouth and you arch your back.
“Yeah~, that’s it baby bird. Give yourself to me,” he says seductively
After few minutes of this you start to beg.
“P-please Keigo, I need you.”
“Tell me what you want songbird~. I wanna hear you say it.”
He starts to eat you out. Slurping, licking, even kissing down there. Making you go crazy, having a fit a moans escape your lips.
“You taste so fucking good, songbird~” he says in a low growl
“Keigo,” you say weakly
“C’mon baby bird~, you gotta tell me what you want,” he says in your ear, sounding greedy, but waiting for you to give him permission
“I-I want you...inside me,” you say shy
He looks at you and with the moonlight shining in, he can tell you’re blushing.
“So fucking cute,” he says adding emphasis on ‘fucking’
You hear him slip on a condom and then he hovers over you. He slowly eases himself into you to prepare for his size. At first he has the tip and a bit of his shaft.
“Fuck! So fucking tight.”
He starts to move, slowly and once he feels you loosen up, he inches more of himself into you.
As he moves deeper, moans escape your lips.
“Relax baby bird,” he says then moves super close to your ear,“I’m just gettin started with you,” he says in a deep, husky voice
This causes your eyes to roll back from the erotic tone in his voice. You couldn’t wait for him to ravage you, for him to claim you as his. Just his.
His movements become more comfortable, as you’ve adjusted to his size. He picks up his pace, hit you a little harder and deeper. You start to feel your juices start to drip down as he keeps thrusting himself into you.
“Fuuuuuuck kid,” he says reveling in how warm and wet you are
“Get on all fours,” he demands and you do as he says
Before he enters you he says,“If you want me to stop, just say so”
You nod in response and then he enters you. The feeling of him filling you in this position was almost too much to take, but mama ain’t raise no punk, so you let him get used to you this way before you made him stop.
He started muttering fuck several times under his breath, starting slow just as he did before, but this time the sensation was different. He had a hard grip on your ass as he pulled you into him, doing hard strokes, causing there to be a loud clapping sound as you made impact with him.
He starts going faster and harder. His bedroom is now filled with a symphony of moans coming from the both of you.
“Ah fuck~, ahhh~” he sang feeling himself get closer to his climax
“K-Keigo, ahhh, fuck... so fucking good”
“That’s it song bird, sing for me.”
His movements are now faster than before, stronger now too
“Fuck..K-Keigo, I’m c-close,” you confess
“Me too, song bird.. but I’m gonna take care of you first”
He started to move a little slower so that you could ride out your orgasm. He finished soon after and then cleaned up.
After he cleaned, he met you in the bed and pulled you into him. He wanted to feel your warm skin against his in the purest way. He wanted to hold you in his arms and cuddle you.
He started humming in your ear, resulting in you drifting off to sleep. He did the same and you could feel his chest rising and falling as he took sleepy breaths. This was the most perfect place in the world and you had it all to yourself.
The next morning, you wake up and see Hawks isn’t there next to you. You figured he must’ve left, so still tired, you decided to take a shower and let the warm water heal your body from last night. When you were fully awake, you realized you don’t have any extra clothes.
You grab the extra towel that hung from the towel rack and enter the bedroom. You see on the corner of the bed, he left you a tshirt of his and some sweats. He even wrote you a note.
Baby bird, meet me in the kitchen when you wake up. Breakfast will be waiting for you
You got dressed and walked out into the kitchen. His back was turned, but he heard when you opened the doors to his to room.
“Hey there, baby bird,” he said in his deep voice, sounding like sweet music to your ears
“Good morning,” you say politely
“It’s a little past morning,” he says to you causing you to be confused
You look at your phone
“Yeah, sorry about that love bird, but I do tend to have that affect,” he says with a smirk
“S-shut up Keigo,” you say blushing
He chuckles at your reaction
“You’re so cute baby bird,” he says sauntering over to you. When he reaches you, he places a kiss on your lips
You both sit together and eat breakfast, technically brunch at this time. He found little ways to touch you, whether it be your foot, leg, arm, whatever. He just wanted to be close to you.
You spend the rest of the day watching a couple movies until he brings you home.
“See you tomorrow, song bird” he says before leaving
You can’t help but smile about your magical night with Keigo and can’t wait to see him when he visits you while he’s on patrol tomorrow.
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I just wanna thank you guys for all the love on Siren Song pt. 1, it means a lot, especially since I love writing and I love this bird man so fucking much. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Lmk if I should do a part 3 🥺
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moxfirefly · 4 years
Video calls and confessions
Part 2
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Rated Explicit (18+)
Got around to that part teo for this one shot.
The world going to shit wasn’t exactly how’d you planned out your Friday afternoon. This morning you had woken up with enthusiasm and a desire to treat yourself.
You’d gone out to the city, had your nails done, grabbed an obscenely priced coffee and on your way had stumbled on a museum.
A little culture never hurt nobody.
For Christ sake it was a free entry day too.
So why then, as you admired priceless art and sculptures had literal hell descended upon the evening?
Creatures. Actual monsters. The screams of the public deafening.
That had happened about half an hour ago. In your haste you had thanked you fight or flight mode to quick into flight. The shaking in your body had cause you to run into one of the exhibit rooms most cluttered with random ‘junk’ whatever this art installation had gone for it was surely not for somebody to duck behind for safety.
You checked your phone. The news was reporting the attack of the art museum. Authorities had been sent as well as the B.P.R.D...
That made you pause and clutch your phone.
If the bureau was on its way then that meant Hellboy was too.
The very notion of possibly seeing him in the flesh made your heart skip a few beats. The two of you had been communicating on and off for a while now since the private shows had started. You knew mixing work and pleasure wasn’t smart but fuck, you had it bad for this guy.
There was a sense of relief washing over you. He’d be here, he’d take care of this mess. Maybe you’d finally see him and not through a computer screen. You knew things had escalated with him although neither of you had really properly addressed it.
“Please whatever is up there, if I survive this I’m fucking telling him I’m in love with him” You whispered to yourself. This possibly couldn’t be your last day on earth.
Something screeching and something akin to a human scream startled you. You hugged your knees closer and tried not to breath loudly. Gunshots and more screams could be heard.
Then something came crashing into the installation where you were hiding. Your scream was imposible to hold in. The creature was screeching so loudly, a sound that left your ears ringing.
Adrenaline made you run out as fast as you humanly could. You heard the great strides it took to catch up to you. This was it wasn’t it? You were gonna die?
Your legs kept pushing you forward even as your muscles burned with pain. Your eyes hurt from crying and your throat felt like it was sandpaper. Something like a claw reaching for your hair made you close your eyes. There was no way you wanted to see how this ended for you.
Two shots.
Loud and so very clear, the sound coming out of left field made you trip and fall. The screening fortunately had stopped.
“Miss?! You’re safe! Hey! You gotta get out of here now!” That voice you knew all to well. You looked up and saw red and a stone hand.
“R-red...” Your voice was small, a sob catching in your throat.
“Y/N!?” He was shocked, eyes wide as he knelt in front of you.
You weren’t sure how your body moved or if he moved you but somehow you’d ended up with your arms around him sobbing into his neck. Hellboy held you tightly, whispering that you were safe, an array of cusses slipped out as he breathed heavily.
The knowledge that you were here, if he’d been a millisecond too late, all crashed down on him as he picked you up and carried you to safety.
You could’ve died, was all that ran through his head.
You’re alive, was all that ran through yours.
One helicopter ride, a medical exam and a shower later you found yourself at the home base of the B.P.R.D. A nice young woman by the name of Alice had loaned you some clothes and had taken you to Hellboy’s room to wait. A debriefing was happening and all you could do was sit tight.
You resolved to canceling all your cam shows for the week stating you had fallen terribly ill. There was no way you could work, your hands were still shaking as you typed out the post and notified your one on one shows. It felt like hours as you sat on the couch, you had looked around at his room, seeing and array of personal items that made up his personality.
Such a big part of you often dreamt about this but your nerves had you glued to your spot.
The door opened and Hellboy came barreling in like a tornado. You flinched and bit too hard on your already chewed off nail, so much for that manicure.
“I’m so sorry, I wanted to leave that stupid meeting but it’s fucking mandatory because Daimio thinks it’s necessary, asshole that guy I tell ya-“ He took in your state, the still slight tremble in your hands, the few scrapes here and there. You looked small and scared and it absolutely destroyed him.
In his silence he made his way towards the coffee table and sat in front of you. “You know I often fantasized what it be like to see you in the flesh, this wasn’t how it usually went I promise” He smiled and for the first time in this piss filled day, so did you.
“How would it go?” You asked softly.
“Some mood light, a little wine maybe some music” The two of you chuckled. Your chuckles quickly dissolved in you trying to hold back your tears.
You were almost killed tonight, the shock would take some time to subside. “Hey hey kid, it’s ok, I’ve got you. Ain’t nothing gonna happen to you on my watch” Hellboy’s flesh hand rested on your knees.
You leaned forward and rested your forehead on his shoulder. “...When I read you guys were sent out, I really got excited that I’d finally see you” You felt his flesh hand stroke your hair.
“I’m in love with you” You blurted out, his hand going to still. “I said, if I’m making it out of this alive I’m telling him, so I’m telling you...” You looked up at him, e/c meeting his golden ones.
“I-Im not dancing around this no more, I’m tired of pretending that what’s been going on isn’t just some work thing that I do, fuck, I love you I really do and I think you do too” Your mouth want dry again, the scratchy sensation making you swallow.
Hellboy searched out your eyes, something in his head was going a mile a minute. Was he searching for a lie? Something disingenuous?
That all died when he lunged forward and kissed you.
A kiss that truly and utterly left no worry.
You were kissing Hellboy. You were gripping Hellboy by the scruff of his shirt. The way his lips molded against yours, the abnormal warmth to them, the softness to them, the roughness of his scruff.
Pulling back for air felt obligated but he’d insisted by pressing the stumps of his horns against your forehead. “Wow...that’s...so much better than I could’ve imagined” He was star struck in a way and it honest to god made you laugh.
The days events took a back seat for now you wanted to take in the being before you. You scanned everything you normally did while on cam with him. Your hands explored his face, running across scars and hair.
Then you remembered what lay to his right and your heart raced.
You gripped his stone hand, fascinated by the texture of stone, how he held your hand with so much regard to his strength. The patterns, the markings everything has you entranced.
“Extraordinary” Was all you could muster as you rubbed on what would be the inside f his wrist. “I’m sorry, is this weirding you out?” You looked at Hellboy only to find him grinning. “Having a beautiful girl touch me? Yes it’s completely weirding me out” He mocked and you couldn’t help but playfully shove him.
“God I need a beer, can we...?” He was leaning over toward the mini fridge next to the couch and pulling said drinks out. “Read my mind, beautiful” He offered one towards you.
This morning you were going about a normal routine, and now after a near death experience you were in the room of a man you had been falling in love with for months. The twist and turns of life.
Around round 3 you’d excused yourself to use the bathroom. As you washed your hands and saw your normal pristine face a little worn down from the stressful events you frowned.
But there you stood in Hellboy’s bathroom. Surrounded by things all him. The tips of your fingers ran through a brush of his. This was a reality right now.
You stepped out and caught him shrugging off his coat. Busying your thumbnail again at your teeth you watched his now visible arms flex with the movements.
“All good?” He smiled leaning against the dresser.
There was a pregnant pause in which the two of you merely just ogled one another from across the bed.
You moved first.
You walked over the bed and stood on it, you reached out a hand that he took without hesitation and with the extra height from the bed you met in a heated kiss face to face. You wrapped your arms around his neck, you felt his around your hips.
In a wordless haste you yanked at his black T-shirt and busied yourself with taking off yours. He watched mesmerized, as always, the revealing of your skin.
The image before you though, god you wanted to scream.
Hellboy undoing his belt and swiftly yanking the whole thing out of the belt loops without breaking eye contact. Off were your pants, and on was him as he took you down on the bed.
It was a haze, breathless kisses and chants of desire. He one handed the button of your jeans and his own. The brief separation to take the offending items off had the two of you giggling almost. In record time he was back on you and you welcomed it with a ferocity to your kisses. Tongue slipping into his mouth, you swallowed a groan of his that vibrated all the way to your cunt.
He was here, you were here. Physically.
You grinned as he trailed kisses over both your covered breast. “Take-fuck-take it off please, now right now” You felt the air leave your lungs when he simply broke the bra in half and met his reward, two beautifully round breasts he had craved more than any meal. Hellboy pressed his face between them and inhaled before leaving a series of bites and marks. Each time he bit down your raised your hips in search of friction.
The heaviness in the air, the warmth of him lapping and sucking at your breast. The heated tongue wrapping around a nipple. Hellboy devoured you, and if your breast had him like this...
“Baby please, wanna touch you too” Your hands ran down his back, sharp nails leaving a path. Hellboy shuddered as he left a nipple with a loud pop. “Go on, I’m all yours” That very comment sent a gush of heat and you bit your lip to hold a moan in.
You nudged him to lay on his back and you climbed on top of him. Hands running over your body, the feeling of that stone hand gently cupping your rear was enough to make you grind down on him with purpose.
“I promised you something every time we spoke, you remember what that was?” You rubbed yourself on him as you began to trail down his body. Hellboy’s eyes were fogged with lust. “Oh, you remember” You kissed his stomach, nails scratching his sides before hooking into the waistband of his underwear.
He was going to have a stroke.
Hellboy watched you slide his underwear down. Eyes hungry and mouth engulfing his cock. He bucked up without meaning to but you caught most of the onslaught by closing up your throat. A minor choke and you were back on track.
Fuck he was big and thick, you did your best swallowing as much as possible before settling the rest with your hand to jerk. The gut punched groan that left him egging you on. He saw your head bob, the way your lips stretched around his length, the blissed out look as you sucked earnestly. “Shit shit, you look beautiful” Hellboy reached a left hand across your cheek.
Letting him go with a breathy inhale, spit on your chin you jerked him lazily.
He was putting this look away for a rainy day. You had no right looking so utterly debauched and perfect.
“C’mere and kiss me, beautiful” Hellboy whispered softly and you obeyed crawling on him to meet him in a sensual slow lip lock.
Underwear gone, or more so also ripped apart. You were now on top of him about to guide his cock into your drenched hole. The initial burn was actually delicious, that breach between pain and pleasure sending a delightful shock through your body. Once fully seated on him you reveled in stretch and burn. “God this is, fuck I-“ You moaned as you tested with a sway of your hips, he was hitting your spot perfectly. You rested your hands on his chest and he gripped your waist.
Hellboy was gone, the sight of you riding him, lost in your pleasure caused by him nevertheless. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever see. Lost to it all you fell forwards, burying your face in his neck. Your impending release had you stuttering your hips. “I got you baby, I got you” He muttered against your ear. You moaned as he held you, hips pistoning upwards to drive that orgasm out of you.
It crashed something fierce, running all over your body and coming out as a scream against his neck. You felt limp as a noodle but held onto him as he fucked his way through yours. When he came he yanked another orgasm out of you along with his.
The two of you laid there, a mess of limbs clutching at each other. Hearts racing, lungs trying to catch up.
Exhaustion won. You fell a sleep on Hellboy, still inside of you, his mouth against your temple.
There was no turning back now.
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