#wow i gotta.........stop waffling on these posts huh
pinstripe-doodles · 2 years
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Wesper, Tattoo and Flower Shop AU Headcanons
I want to be like a head canons and MAYBE fic person, but I guess the only way to do that is to start writing?????? Send me headcanon requests, if you’ve seen a post on my blog about any of these fandoms, I’ll do it. Ships, characters, history of a setting, you name it, I’ll do it. Unless it’s morally wrong or smut, cause I’m a minor and won’t write a sex scene, sorry not sorry. Anyway, maybe I’ll turn some of these into fanfics if I ever get the time. Anyway, these headcanons are for Wesper if they were in a flower and tattoo shop AU, duh.
Jesper is working for a flower shop run by his father
He’s best friends with the owner of the tattoo shop across the street, our very own Kaz Brekker (“you gotta stop coming over” “why?” “Your flowers are ruining my aesthetic”)
Jesper comes over more after that comment
Both Jesper and Kaz live in flats over their respective shops
Then one day, Jesper goes to Kaz’s (Crow Club) only to find the shop closed
But when he looks across the street he sees that an upper window was left open, and there’s a boy in there
And oh he’s cute
That boy is none other than Wylan Van Sunshine Eck
Wylan had run away from home after his father kicked him out. Why was he kicked out? Cause his father is a) homophobic and b) found out about the stick and poke music note Wylan gave himself on his collar bone (yes I know a stick and poke given by yourself on the collar bone is difficult, but if my friend can tattoo “fuck you” on her big toe using a mirror, it’s not a super big stretch)
Eventually he found himself at the Crow Club, where he Kaz offered him a job after seeing some of Wylan’s sketches
When Wylan ran away, he packed his flute, sketchbook, pencils, and a change of clothes
For the first few days, Wylan only meets the people who work at the shop, Inej, whose roommate, Nina, works across the street, and Matthias, a burly Russian man who learned the art of tattooing in his home country
At the end of his first week apprenticing for Kaz, Wylan has got a few things
Number one is a room facing the flower shop across the street, which from the window of he saw a boy with the prettiest mouth in all of human history ever period walking into the flower shop. Probably to buy flowers for whoever he was dating since there’s no way he could be single (or so Wylan thought)
Number two is a new tattoo done by the one and only Inej Ghafa, and it’s a flock of crows flying across his left shoulder blade to celebrate him being free
Number three is a new set of friends (or at least one since Kaz and Matthias are so cold all the time) and this friend invited him to go get waffles with them on Sunday, since they all had Sunday off
Anyway they go get waffles and Wylan is introduced to the friends from the flower shop, Nina, who gives Wylan a bear hug and has a bleeding heart (realistic) tattooed on her arm (done by Matthias), and the pretty boy from before
The rest is history
Now when Jesper comes into the shop, he has a new way of annoying Kaz
“Jesper stop hitting on my apprentice and get back to work”
“Wylan, I expected better from you”
Jesper doesn’t want to admit it at first, but his hitting on Wylan is more than just an annoyance tactic against Kaz
He starts bringing Wylan flowers
It starts small, a single daffodil
A couple peonies
But as the months goes on it gets bigger
“Oh I swear the only reason I’m giving you roses is because a person cancels their order”
“Quite blushing so hard or someone will mistake you for your bouquet”
Wylan doesn’t want to admit that he’s absolutely in love with the man who brings him flowers
Eventually Wylan starts making flower related puns and pick up lines at Jesper
“Hey do do you have tulips? Well so do I, lets put ours together”
“Wow you really ROSE to the occasion with these flowers, huh Jes?”
They’re awful
Jesper falls more in love with Wylan after each one
Then one day, Wylan is allowed to do his first tattoo on his own to get his license and stuff
Who does he tattoo? YOU GUESSED IT
What does he give Jesper????
A circle of daffodils on Jesper’s forearm
When Jesper started calling Wylan “Sunshine, he got the sun tattooed on the second knuckle of his left finger, so he could flip Jesper off when he called him that. You can’t say Wylan didn’t enjoy irony
By this point, Nina and Matthias have gotten together, they have a whole thing, but I can write about that later. Anyway, all Wylan and Jesper’s friends are pressuring them to get together, except Kaz whose acting like an asshole
“I dunno, Jes, Wylan seemed pretty interested in this guy who came in the other day...”
“Listen Wylan, you could do better, I say this as Jesper’s best friend, but he’s- NO THERES NOTHING GOING ON WITH ME AMD INEJ WHY WOYLD YOU THINK THAT, HMMM DO YOU LIKE INEJ, HA CHECK AND MATE!” (Obviously cold hearted Kaz doesn’t get that worked up, just read it without caps, but it would be so much funnier if he did)
Nina usually makes innuendos, but her go to is
“So you and Jesper/Wylan huh?”
Inej is straight forward
“Ask him out. You know he like you back”
“No he doesn’t,”
“Yes he does, have you sent the way he lights up when you do literally anything?”
Matthias just glared suspiciously at the two of them when they do anything together.
Jesper and Wylan: *talk about the weather*
Matthias: 👀
Alrighty, I’ll expand on this if you like it, Hell, I can even do other couples, just pop something into my inbox and I’ll try and get around to it,
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| marked | j.jh | ch. three
genre: superpower!au
a/n: i posted a bit late today but hope you’ll like this chapter! send me an ask for discussions, or if you’re confused :D 
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the morning sun woke you up and you haven’t gotten used to the warmth you hadn’t experienced in years. the sounds of birds chirping even at winter still left you amazed. the pink curtains swayed in sync as the wind entered the room, making you stand to close it. though instead of doing that, you took notice of the other kids who played out in the snow. it had been a while since you felt joy and peace in you. right now you had a place to stay in, food to eat and people to share with. everything was provided and it came to the point where you chose to stay.
the alarm went off on the side table between your bed and mina’s. she quickly snoozed it before getting off of the bed. “good morning.” you prepared coffee at a small counter of the room.
“i gotta get dressed.” she yawned, her slurred words asked for more sleep, but you knew she couldn’t go back to sleep anyway.
your back faced her and tingled when you took a sip of coffee. you slightly danced to the music the headphone gave off. “they’re by the door.” you told mina.
“seriously y/n you can see them?” she asked as she opened it, four figures came into view— seokmin, mingyu, eunha and eunwoo.
“we thought y/n would leave the next morning so we came to check if she really did.” eunwoo waved at the both of you. “and she’s here. $20 you too!” he gestured the boys you assumed they had a bet.
“y/n! this is eunha! she’s part of our group too.” mina brought you to the rest.
“it’s finally nice to meet you.” eunha grabbed your hands and shook them, making you flinch at the sudden greeting. “we’re going to the hall. we have our morning exercises there.”
the hall you last saw became a gymnasium. mats and equipments aligned by the walls. people began their stretches while some had already started their routine. the group brought you along the middle where it separated the boys and girls. whispers grew until they became quiet. like last night, eyes were on you. most were fascinated at your presence while others hid behind others. ‘the newbie’ they referred you.
eunha started doing stretches and as you tried to follow, you felt people crowding around you. they were curious of what else you might do. “hey y/n! take fast!” a voice in the distance behind you yelled. people squealed and ran away when an iron weight plate flew to you like a frisbee. others had their eyes closed with their hands, fearing the worst case that could happen. you took the iron plate without looking back, and when you did, bunch of ‘oohs’ escaped their lips.
while you continued to do the exercises, the hall remained silent where only sounds of equipment and sighs were heard. the door suddenly slammed open. a boy in his sleeveless hoodie came in, earning attention.
“he’s here! he’s here!”
“wow first time in the gym since forever.”
“that jerk finally showed up huh.”
after seeing him, mingyu and the other boys called your group. “y/n! there’s someone we want you to mee- hey where are you going?!”
the boy in the hoodie walked past them without a word. he didn’t stop walking. you thought he would go and do his routine but he ended in front of you. his mask was the first thing you saw before fists appeared right before your eyes.
oh boy what’s going on?
you avoided the continuous punches, hoping he would grew tired of it. he was probably one of those who wanted to challenge you like the one who threw the iron plate. this time, there were no breaks in between. “tsk.” you sighed.
though you saw his motives into at least landing attacks on you, it seemed like he knew your motives as well? he’d block or avoid your every attempt to hit him. he was strong. all kicks, punches were nothing to the both of you. neither were injured. cheers of encouragement grew until he stopped, making you do the same.
“ah just when i thought i could defeat you. my friends told me you were strong, i had to see it for myself.” he scoffed, removing his mask and hoodie. you looked at the boy who smiled before you, his dimples showed and you’d be lying if you weren’t swayed by it. he was cute. literally.
“my name’s jaehyun. i heard you’re an absolute like me.”
“you’re crazy for doing that. she could get injured!” mina pointed fingers at jaehyun, not taking a single bite from her breakfast.
“hey i just had to double check her powers. i wasn’t convinced when the guys mentioned she’s an absolute.”
you sighed how your morning could be this noisy and energetic. window showed rays of sunlight that made the snow floor brighter, slightly blinding your eyes. you wondered what an absolute does. no one dared to tell you, even if you did read their thoughts to find an answer, it was somehow blocked. you tapped your chopsticks onto the tray, grabbing jaehyun’s attention. he immediately slid the curtains to a close. he smiled at your daydreaming state, happy to find someone like him. “i can tell you what an absolute does if you’re really curious. seems like you have no idea about your power.”
the rest of the group rolled their eyes at jaehyun’s starter for a conversation. 
“there he goes again. he knows what you’re about to say, y/n.” eunha said.
“he reads peoples’ minds like it’s a book to them. how creepy!” mina faked a clap as if to mock him.
“exactly! which is why it’s hard to keep secrets from him!” seokmin gave hi-five mina.
“correction, it’s not read. i hear your thoughts even before you say it.” jaehyun finished his waffle, turning towards you. you played with the radishes on your plate before jaehyun started to speak. “this is what an ‘absolute’ does.” he poked your hand. “they have a power that consists of skills, capabilities that’re beyond comparison than the people here.”
you raised your brow in confusion. “so you’re saying that’s the only point an absolute can have? heck, i don’t even know my own capabilities.”
“i’m aware that you know you’ve been categorized. let me name the others.” he took a sip from his milkshake. seokmin and the other had eyes on him too, like he was about to tell a nightmare story. “mina for sure told you about how we got our powers- that is near death experience.”
mina stood up and slightly banged the table. “you heard our conversation last night?? how dare-”
“shush you twerp.” mingyu pulled mina down to her seat.
“in the core, the system tells us five main power categories.” jaehyun brought out his fingers to name them. “the manipulators— those who controls or influences— that’s eunwoo with teleportation. the emitters— those who emit any matter from their palms— mina with fire/heat. the adapters— those who can quickly adapt to the environment— seokmin with resistance to cold and mingyu with aquatic. the enhanced and the supernaturals have the same qualities depending on the cases. however, the supernaturals are relatively on a higher level than the enhanced. eunha is an enhanced in synesthesia, which is why she’s on the investigation council, and was able to locate you.”
you tried to bring the new information to your head as your brain processed each and every word jaehyun said. “and those like us?” your eyes anticipated for the next, resting your chin onto your knuckles.
“the absolutes, are greater than all the categories combined. though we don’t have any emission or adaptation-related powers, we have an infinite scale of sense. strength is a bonus too. in my case, it’s hearing. and yours..” he trailed off, looking into your eyes.
“mine is vision.” you completed his sentence, a smile grew on jaehyun’s face. 
“that’s right.”
no matter the answer, this was news for you. a good type of news. yet something still bothered you; the people you unintentionally took lives from. 
the bell rang and the rest of the group decided to leave for their own training sessions and classes. they said goodbyes, leaving only you and jaehyun on the table. 
“i can’t answer that, but i know someone who does.” he blurted out, the silence between you and him ended. “since starting from now we’ll have classes together with gongchan.”
“can you ever avoid hearing my thoughts? it’s getting creepy, like others have said.” you swallowed your saliva, avoiding his gaze.
“can you ever avoid seeing my thoughts?” he retorted back, his dimples still evident. “and i know you found me cute earl-”
“agh stop!” you threw a tissue at him, he laughed as he shielded himself. “can’t blame me for seeing ten seconds into the future, can you?” 
“ah, so you found me cute even before i entered the hall.” he teased, his upper part of his ears shaded pink. “i can detect if you’re lying or not.”
“and what if i’m not?” you stuck out your tongue, later you giggled at the boy’s reaction. “your ears are really honest, aren’t they?”
jaehyun covered his ears in embarrassment. “i’ll give you an a-plus for noticing that on our first meeting. let’s go?”
| marked — chapter three: another you |
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dumbbitchnumberone · 5 years
Peter meets Lucky the pizza dog in TVG?
Peter hardly ever finds himself in Brooklyn. It’s not that he has a problem with the place—it’s just that he spends 80% of his waking hours slingshotting back and forth between Queens and Manhattan either as Peter Parker going to the Stark Internship or Spider-Man going to meet with any one of his various superhero contacts, most frequently Daredevil and Deadpool though. But for once he’s made time to go out and do something other than his obligations to society.
Peter isn’t quite sure how Wade picked up on it, but the camera really was the perfect gift. He used to love taking pictures with the little digital camera that May and Ben got him for the photography class he took in eighth grade. It was a good camera, but a combination of Peter’s hideously bad luck and clumsiness doomed it to a watery death in one of the many ponds of Central Park shortly before Ben passed away. They hadn’t had the money to get another one then, and Peter hadn’t really been in much of a mood for doing much of anything what with the emerging superpowers and Ben dying.
A couple days after Wade and Matt showed up to his birthday dinner to deliver an incredibly nice camera, Peter is desperate to take it out and use it. Taking pictures of the city is good and well, but for this occasion, Peter wants a subject who might actually follow his directions, unlike the city itself.
Peter feels incredibly awkward asking MJ if she’ll let him photograph her, and after one of her dead-pan delivery jokes that sends Peter’s heart into his throat, she agrees to it. Despite it being incredibly mainstream, MJ agrees to go to Williamsburg because there’s a food truck that hangs out there and apparently has the world’s best chicken and waffles, and she’s been wanting to try them for a while.
Peter buys her chicken and waffles and takes pictures of her and they talk and laugh and have a good time. He’s honestly not sure, but he thinks that it just might possibly maybe be a date. And if it is a date then he’s… he’s really okay with that.
Peter’s practically on the ground taking a picture of MJ sitting on someone’s brick steps when the spidey sense starts up with a barely-there tingle.
“Peter? What is it?” MJ asks as he stands up and sets the camera on the lowest step. She’s gotten really good at telling when the spidey sense is going off.
“I’m not sure,” he mumbles, turning to look at the street.
Nothing is happening. Cars are stopped at traffic lights, people are using crosswalks. Peter’s just about to write it off as something like a used needle in a nearby alley until a dog shoots out of an alley about ten feet away from them and runs straight into the road with the now-moving traffic. 
“Oh shit,” Peter says because the stupid dog just stops in the road and there’s a car coming right at it.
He doesn’t even think about it before running out into the street and grabbing the dog just before someone who is definitely texting and driving plows right through the spot where the dog was. 
Peter’s standing there on the sidewalk, now across the street from MJ, with an easily seventy-pound dog in his arms, and of course, of-fucking-course, the people who saw what happened actually applaud. Peter feels like he’s in a bad Tumblr post as he watches MJ lift up his camera and take a picture of him.
The dog actually seems surprisingly okay with being carried around as Peter makes his way to the nearest crosswalk to head back over to MJ. The dog is totally drooling all over his arm, and he can feel its tail thumping against his side.
MJ continues to take pictures until he’s back with her, and she smiles at him.
“Wow Peter, you’re a real hero now,” she teases, taking a step forward to scratch behind the dog’s ears.
She reaches down to the dog’s collar and looks over the tag, snorting as she does. “Says his name is Lucky. Pretty accurate.”
“Does it say where he lives?” Peter asks, adjusting his hold on the dog slightly so it at least looks like he’s struggling with the weight. 
“Ummm, yeah—it does,” MJ answers as she turns the tag over and puts the address from it into her phone. “It’s like half an hour away. You good to carry him?”
“As long as you can carry the camera,” Peter replies.
They laugh and joke on their way over, Peter grimacing at the way the dog’s drool slowly starts to soak his sleeve through.
“What do you think happened to his eye?” MJ asks, petting the dog’s head as they walk.
“I dunno. Probably just got an infection and had to get it removed. That happens a lot,” Peter replies.
“Lame. Where’s your sense of story? I think he lost it fighting the Russian mafia.”
Peter snorts at that. “Oh so now the dog’s a bigger hero than me, is he?”
“Maybe. Not sure if he’s cuter though,” MJ replies, and Peter blushes up to his hairline.
Their destination ends up being a pretty innocuous apartment building, and MJ is the one who steps forward to ring the buzzer for the apartment listed on the dog’s collar.
A man’s voice answers after about a minute of MJ mashing the button.
“Shit—fuck—uh, yes? Hello?” he says.
“We found your dog,” MJ says.
“Describe him,” the guy says.
“Uh, the tag says Lucky, big, yellow, one eye, drooling all over my friend, purple collar,” MJ says.
“Oh hell yeah!” the guy says. “Come on in.”
The guy buzzes them in, and MJ and Peter share a look.
“If he ends up being a weirdo then I think I can handle it,” Peter says as they head up to the right apartment.
“You ever fought while holding a dog?” 
“Nah, but how hard can it be?”
They get to the apartment, and MJ knocks on the door before stepping back.
A big blond guy with a black eye and a lot of butterfly bandages on his face opens the door.
“Lucky!” he says, and Peter sets the dog down on the floor. It immediately runs over to the guy and bounces around him.
“Mr. Barton?” Peter says.
Clint looks up from his dog. “Oh hey, Pete! You found my dog?”
“Found him in the middle of the road about to get run over,” MJ says. 
“Lucky!” Clint scolds. “I thought you knew that cars were bad!”
“Alright well, it’s nice to see you Mr. Barton, but we gotta head out,” Peter says. “You should keep a better eye on your dog—considering that’s your whole thing,” he tacks on in a joking tone.
Clint snorts. “I’ll do my absolute best.”
Peter and MJ head back down after that and start walking in the general direction of the way they came from.
“So, how did you know that guy?” MJ asks as Peter’s taking her picture by an interesting bit of graffiti. 
“Oh, that was Hawkeye.”
“The Avenger?”
“Huh,” MJ says. “He was less put together than I expected.”
“Most of the heroes are like that.”
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everlastingdreams · 6 years
Dex X Reader: Sugar Crush Chapter 11
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Notes: Sorry the chapters are a bit boring :/ the good stuff is yet to come. 
Summary: Reader moves into the same building as one Agent Poindexter. A bond starts to grow between them. Can the reader move on after a traumatic past ‘relationship’ ?
Chapter: 11/?
Trigger Warning:  Mentions of physical and emotional abuse ! YES this one will come with trigger warnings. I tried not to post too much into detail stuff but this entire thing comes with a trigger warning !
Word Count: 1222 words
The next day you were going through job advertisements on your phone when someone knocked on your door.
It couldn't be Dex, you saw him leave for work earlier when you went to get your mail.
And you had passed Mister Wilkinson on the way back up as he was leaving to go to the park with Nancy.
It was soon clear who it was when a familiar voice called out to you “It's me !”
You opened the door with a smug look “You are very persistent in trying to sell me cookies, huh ? ”
Ally rolled her eyes at your comment “ Very funny. Can I come in ?”
“Yup.” you stepped aside to let her pass.
“Saw you sneak out with the fed.” she said as she looked around the kitchen.
You liked Ally, it was as if she had no fear when it came to conversation.
You shut the door “I wasn't sneaking out.” you objected.
“So, what did you do with your special agent.” she kept looking around the kitchen.
You let out a chuckle “He's not my special agent. He is an official Special Agent.” you corrected her even though you knew she just said it to mess with you. “And you can find what you're looking for in there.” you pointed to the fridge and she nodded at you sheepishly before she opened it and grabbed a waffle.
“Uhuh. So this is like what ? The second time you went out with him ?” she asks.
You sat down at the table “Well technically, we were both already out the first time. Considering I was jogging and he was jogging and we just ended up in that whole bag thief thing...”
She scoffed and chuckled as she took a bite from the waffle “Oh boy. You are trying so hard.”
“What ?” you looked up at her confused.
She threw her head back in frustration “Why can't you just admit it ? You like him. And yesterday you two went on a date. Am I right ?”
This girl was smart for her age. Too smart maybe.
“I didn't realise it was a date at first. Only figured that out when he was buying the popcorn.”
“Seriously ?” she snorted as he held back her laughter.
“I know. I know. I am terrible at this aren't I ?” you looked at her.
She sat down as well “Nah, just a bit slow.”
“Thanks.” you huffed.
“You're welcome. But hey, here's the interesting part.” she looked like she had a secret to share.
You eyed her curiously “And what's that ?”
“I never saw him around another woman. Not once since he moved in here. But then you move in and * poof * this guy's drawn to you like a magnet or something.” she took another bite.
You thought about that for a moment “ I wonder why, though.” Ally raises a brow “I mean. Why would a guy like him be interested in me ? I don't even have a job yet. Let's be real here, he's handsome, has a good job, and on top of that he's great. And I just...” you stopped.
“Just what ?” she quickly asked.
You thought for a moment before you spoke “I just got out of a bad relationship.”
She nodded “That cut on your face ?”
You nodded in confirmation.
She fumbled with a napkin “Well, for all it's worth. I think you're really nice, I mean, you always feed me when I'm here. Perhaps this guy realises you're something special. Weird, but special.”
You raised a brow “I'm not sure if I should feel flattered or insulted ?”
She laughed as she jumped of the chair “The latter. I gotta go, should be heading back to school, lunchbreak is almost over.”
“Good luck in school today.” you told her as she walked to the door and she stopped in her tracks.
“Wow. I haven't heard anyone say that to me in years.” the sadness in her voice made you look up at her.
“Well, I mean it.” you smiled warmly.
She looked over her shoulder and shouted “Thanks for the waffle !” as she walked out the door and shutted it behind her.
You were drinking some nice warm coffee when your phone rang. You didn't recognize the number but then again, only very few people had your number.
You took the call and heard Dex's voice.
“(Y/n) ?” he enquired.
“Dex, hi !” you felt cheerful at the sound of his voice.
“Hey, listen, are you doing anything this afternoon ?”
Your fingers tapped the mug as you replied “Nope. Why ?”
“Good. Why don't you come to the presidential hotel today ?” he sounded confident.
Your brows drew together “Dex.. why do you want me to meet you at a hotel ?”
It must have taken him a few seconds to realise how it must have sounded to you.
“I- I, well it's where we are working currently. I thought maybe you might be interested in seeing how we operate. Meet the colleagues ?” he explained a bit more nervous and you held back a small laugh.
It was an interesting proposal. Your ex never talked about his work, kept it all a secret. And here was Dex, inviting you to see the workplace and curiousity got the best of you.
“I'd love to. But, are you sure that's even allowed ? I don't want to get arrested or something, Dex.”
You heard him laugh “Come on, I won't let that happen.”
“Dex..” you were suspicious.
He sighed “I asked permission, they gave it. Guess those waffles bought your way into the FBI.”
He sounded genuine so you believed it was okay “Alright. I'll come.”
“Awesome. I'll meet you in the lobby. Text me when you're here, alright ?” Dex sounded excited.
“Alright. Got it. See you soon.” you ended the call.
Now you wondered if you actually had clothes that were suited for the situation. You were sure you would stick out if you walked in there wearing your usuall attire, it was a classy hotel after all.
You opened the still unpacked box that held your clothes and pulled out a dress that went just below your knees. It wasn't a new dress, but it would have to do.
Good enough you thought.
You got dressed and grabbed a plate with some waffles before you left to meet up with Dex at the hotel.
You walked to Mister Wilkinson door and knocked.
He opened the door and you smiled at him “Hi, Bob. Got you these. Brought some for Nancy as well.”
He clapped his hands together in excitement “Oh my, how kind of you ! Thank you, (y/n) !”
You shrugged it off “Don't mention it. I always bake loads when I make them. You should see me trying to figure out how much pasta I should cook, it never ends well.”
He laughed at your comment “We all have our flaws, I'm just happy baking isn't yours. Nancy will love these.”
“I have to go, but say 'hi' to Nancy for me ?” you said.
“I will. Have a good day !” he shouted as you walked away.
“You too !” you shouted over your shoulder to him.
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@givemeabite@aquietfortitudeandstrength@missminx1993@fuchsiagrasshopper@legion-18@love-mia-marisol @star-spangled-man @bilson-bethel@peterbxrnes@burningmusicmachine @xxemoluverxx
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Chapter 15: The Great Fossil Fight! What? Clefairy is Evolving!
“Naomi, you need to learn to see with your stomach, not your eyes,” Fae muttered, looking unimpressed at the elaborate breakfast Naomi had put together in the dining hall.
“What?  There’s nothing wrong with wanting a full stomach.”
Fae shook her head with a smile, going back to her Kalosian toast. “You’re going to have scraps…”
“Clef!” Clefairy was eyeing the spread on Naomi’s plate.
“Pancakes make you sick; remember, Clefairy?”
“Clef…” Clefairy huffed, then plucked a bluk berry from the top of Naomi’s pancake stack.
“Kailani, what’s got you so distracted?” Naomi asked as Kailani looked up from the Cure Dex.
“I was just thinking about that weird aura that Raichu got during the previous fight…”
“Oh, I’ve dubbed it Cure Aura!” Rotomi spoke from inside the Cure Dex, while Naomi muttered, “wasn’t that Dr. Pierce’s idea?”, “It seemed like a power boost was granted to Raichu when he fought against that weird Infernape…the energy signature matched what’s generated when you guys all transform.”
“A Cure Aura, huh…?” Kailani tapped her fork to her lips in thought.
“I wonder if it’s something all our pokemon are capable of?” Fae wondered, “Like, the situation has to become dire.”
“I think, as Precure, our goal should be to *prevent* situations from becoming dire,” Asuka warned as she arrived at the table, “Good morning everyone.”
“Morning, Asuka,” Naomi greeted, before biting down on a piece of a waffle, “Help yourself!”
“I’m good; I ate before I boarded the ferry,” Asuka smoothed out her skirt and sat beside Naomi, “Anyway, I spent some time last night looking up information on the other Precure out there.”
“For real? What’d you find?” Kailani turned to face her.
“Well, it wasn’t that hard; people are really enamored by the Precure. There’s photos, articles and blog posts all over,” Asuka took out her phone, swiping through some photos, “There’s two in Johto I’ve never even seen with my own eyes; Cure Crest and Cure Radiance...but I know there’s three others that have been spotted. No one’s caught their names, though.”
“The detective did mention there are three in Kanto,” Fae nodded, “Sacred Wing, or something?”
“Seems that the Precure mostly go wherever the trouble appears,” Asuka concluded, “So I suspect they’re all trainers with pokemon capable of such fast travel, which means they’re pretty tough.”
“Or maybe they have fairies like Rotomi, who can warp?” Naomi suggested.
“Ah, but I haven’t even tested it yet with all of you guys…” Rotomi replied, “But I guess…maybe it’s possible?  I admit I didn’t travel far much in my world, so I didn’t get to see just how many kinds of fairies there were…”
“You didn’t travel?” Kailani echoed, as the girls stopped to look at Rotomi’s face on the Cure Dex.
“Well, no…Amaranth stayed at home a lot,” Rotomi admitted, looking down, “So we didn’t get to see much…”
The girls looked to each other, before Kailani smiled.
“Don’t worry, Rotomi.  We’ll take you lots of places…and once this is all over, I’m sure you and Amaranth can travel lots and lots, too!”
Rotomi looked up. “…for real?”
“For real!” Fae agreed, “Speaking of which, we’re going on a field trip today, so you can come along!”  
“A field trip? Ooh, where to?”
“The Academy of Natural Science!” Fae beamed, “It’s a museum and a college, and they’re doing a special exhibit on fossils!”
“I’ve got an idea! Bzzt!” Rotom emerged from Kailani’s bag. “Okay, hear me out. How about juzzt for today, Rotomi and I zzzwap placezzz!  It’ll look like Kailani’s taking picturezzz on the Pokefinder!”
“Oh, that’s a great idea, Rotom!” Kailani replied, “What do you think, Rotomi?”
“Well…if that’s really okay…”
“At this time, current technology is capable of restoring pokemon from fossils,” a tour guide was explaining as she gestured to a skeletal kabutops, “However, full skeletons such as this are unable to be restored.”
“That’s incredible, to find a full skeleton…” Fae muttered, “Kailani, can I borrow the Pokefinder?”
“Sure!” Kailani passed it to her, as Fae held it up and smiled.
“How do you like it, Rotomi?” Fae whispered.  Rotomi’s face appeared on the screen.
“This is amazing!  So much history all in one building!”
“Fossil pokemon are still few and far between, because it’s a long and expensive process to revive them, and even then, it’s not a guaranteed success,” Fae explained, “Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping pokemon lie…that’s what I think.”
Naomi was staring at masks and drawings on display in a different exhibit, “So these are all from one of Unova’s indigenous tribes?”
“It says the tribe is called the Tempa,” Asuka said as she read a plaque, “They’re known for their pottery and passion for music.  These artifacts were donated from a reservation in Unova.”
“That explains why it’s all in such good shape—the reservation must have been taking good care of these,” Naomi mused, as Kailani and Fae joined them.  Fae pointed the Pokefinder toward one of the old paintings.
“It says that this picture tells of an old legend,” Fae murmured, “About a warrior who acted as a liaison between people and pokemon, working for both their needs, and defending them from those who would want to harm either.”
“You mean like…” Rotomi began, then exclaimed, “A Precure!?”
“Rotomi—!” Fae held the Pokefinder to her chest as some curious museum visitors looked around to find the source of the voice.
“Sorry…” Rotomi whispered, embarrassed.
“It’s alright, Rotomi, but you have to calm down…truth is, this is all really exciting too.  And it means it’s possible that there’s a Precure legend set in our own world!”
The girls made their way to the next exhibit, where numerous gems and minerals were on display.
“Wow! Look at the size of that moon stone!” Kailani pointed to the twelve-inch chunk of crystal in the display. Fae took out Clefairy to have a look.
“Cleffyyy!” Clefairy’s eyes lit up and sparkled.
“I know! Just wait until you’re ready to evolve and use the moon stone we’ve been saving!” Fae replied, as Clefairy looked back at her excitedly.
“You think that’ll be any time soon?” Naomi asked.
“She’s almost ready! I’ve been keeping my moon stone in my bag for the big moment!” Fae nodded, as if agreeing with herself.
“Ooh, I hope we’ll all be there when it’s time!” Kailani beamed, “Though, I gotta wonder how you gauge a pokemon to be ‘ready’ for evolution…”
Back in the fossil exhibit, an unwanted guest examined the fossils, sneering.
“Pfeh…what’s the big deal about a buncha rocks?” Entropy snarled, looking the fossils over with disdain, “They’re pokemon who’re dead and gone!”
She made her way toward a glass display case showing an old amber fossil. Leaning over, she read the description. “‘This fossil contains a portion of remains from the pokemon Aerodactyl, a rock/flying type.’ Yeah, but it’s not the real thing…” she paused, thinking for a moment as an idea came to mind.  “But maybe…”
With one fluid snap of the wrist, she pulled a nega-ball out of her pocket, expanding it and opening it.
“Alright, nega-ball…can you do a little special trick for me?”
She pointed the open ball at the fossil, as a darkened aura enveloped it.
“That’s it…nega-evolution, go!”
In the gem exhibit, the girls looked up as they heard screams, and glass breaking. “What was that noise!?” Kailani cried.
“Sounds like a commotion in the fossil exhibit!” Rotomi said within the pokefinder, “Let’s go!”
Fighting against the crowd of visitors fleeing the fossil exhibits, the girls arrived to see display cases and windows broken, and heard the loud pounding of wings against the air outside.
“Of all the places!” Fae complained, “Let’s go!”
Outside, Nega-Aerodactyl had perched itself atop the museum, talons digging into the roof as it raised its head and let out a deafening shriek.  Civilians below clutched their ears and continued to flee.
“That’s right…keep runnin’! Show us how scared you are!” Entropy cackled as she stood atop a statue outside the museum, “Generate more an’ more fear!”
“NEGA!” Nega-Aerodactyl prepared to take to the sky, when a flying kick from four well-aimed feet knocked it off the roof, crashing it into the ground below.
“We preserve the past to protect the future!” Sunrise announced, “You have some nerve, pulling a stunt like this!”
“Ah, cram it!” Entropy taunted, “No one wants to hear yer lousy altruistic yappin’!”
Sunrise flinched. “Wh-what?”
“NEGAAAAA!” Nega-Aerodactyl took to the air, beating its wings and kicking up a windstorm. Sunrise grabbed onto a lamppost to keep from being knocked off her feet; Starlight did the same and grabbed Willow by the hand, who in turn grabbed Wish by the bicep.
“At this rate it’ll cause a storm like a hurricane!” Willow cried.
“Aerodactyl is a rock type, so let’s counter it!” Sunrise raised her free hand. “Cure Ball!”
A glittery, pastel-colored pokeball appeared in her hands. She threw it with all her might. “Brionne! Use bubblebeam!”
Brionne emerged from the pokeball, immediately firing bubbles against the torrent of wind—against all odds, the bubbles struck, throwing Nega-Aerodactyl off as the wind stopped.
“Ah, come on!” Entropy snapped in irritation, “Nega-Aerodactyl! Crush ‘em!”
“Nega!” Nega-Aerodactyl planted its talons firmly on the ground before breaking into a charge.
“No you don’t!” Wish broke into a sprint in response, holding out her hands and catching Nega-Aerodactyl by the snout, skidding several feet before coming to a stop. In response, Nega-Aerodactyl swung its head, knocking Wish skyward as she yelped in alarm.
“Wish!” Sunrise cried out, then flinched as she heard her friend make impact on the rooftop of the museum.
“Oww…” Wish shakily stood up, then glared. “I won’t let you make a fool of me! For people and for pokemon, I won’t let you win!” Taking a deep breath, she jumped from the roof, landing on Nega-Aerodactyl’s back with a strong kick and forming a crater where it stood before flipping back to her team.
“Nice work, Wish!” Sunrise praised her, but Wish seemed to ignore her, instead charging back at Nega-Aerodactyl. “Hey, wait!”
“Your time has come and gone!” Wish shouted at Nega-Aerodactyl as she ran, “You just wanted to rest, right!? And that mean woman woke you up, right!?”
“NEGA!” Nega-Aerodactyl anticipated her attack, swinging a wing and knocking her through several trees.
“This is going from bad to worse!” Rotomi cried, “I don’t know just how much damage healing the nega-evolution will undo; there may be a limit!”
“What’s up with Wish, though?” Starlight asked, when she heard Entropy laughing at the whole display. “That’s it! I’m comin’ for you!” She began sprinting at Entropy, swinging her leg only for it to blocked by Entropy’s bat.
“I’ll help you get back to sleep!” Wish declared as she leapt at Nega-Aerodactyl again, only to be blocked effortlessly by a wing.  Wish responded by grabbing the top of its wing and throwing her weight back, flipping it onto its back.
Nega-Aerodactyl regained its composure, taking to the sky and beginning to form a series of stones around it.
“It’s going to use ancientpower!” Sunrise exclaimed, “Everyone get ready!”
“I’ve got this!” Willow raised a hand as a flurry of leaves appeared. “Magic Leaf Storm!” With a flourish, she sent out the leaves toward the oncoming stones, striking some but missing others.
“Hurry! We have to help it rest!” Wish pleaded, “It doesn’t want to be awake!”
“I get that, Wish, but we have to work together on this!” Sunrise replied.
“I know, I know, but—“
Sunrise looked up. “Wish!”
“Huh!? Eep!” Wish yelped, failing to react in time as a boulder came right for her.
In a flash, Clefairy had emerged from her pokeball, ramming her body into the boulder and destroying it.  Clefairy landed in a crouch, shaking her bruised head and rubbing her stomach. “Clefairy…”
“Clefairy! I’m so sorry, I—“
“Clef!” Clefairy looked over and shook her head.
“She wants to help us, too, Wish!” Willow said to her friend, “Come on!”
“Not so fast,” a new voice spoke.  Entropy kicked away Starlight and looked up in irritation.
“Ataxia! Get outta here right now; this is my job!”
Ataxia stood atop a lamppost, toying with the Nega Ring around her wrist.
“I’ll be leaving momentarily,” she replied, “But you’re taking oh so long with this little mission. I thought I’d help you out. Besides, we have been called for a meeting.”
“A meetin’!? Now, of all times!?”
“Come along, sweetie.” Ataxia pointed her hand toward Nega-Aerodactyl and snapped her fingers. A dark aura surrounded Nega-Aerodactyl, who bowed its head and let out a low, pained rumble from its throat. Armored spikes formed along its back; two horns sprouted along the bridge of its snout; its tail grew a lance-like tip. It grew even bigger in size, towering the three-story museum itself. “And there. Now, let’s go.” With that, she vanished.
“What!? Grr…this ain’t over! Nega-Aerodactyl! Crush this entire town!” Entropy shouted as she vanished too.
“NEGAAAAAA!” Nega-Aerodactyl roared once more, its body radiating sinister energy.
“It’s even stronger, now!” Rotomi wailed, “We can’t let it run amok!”
“Right!” Wish immediately took off with Clefairy.
“Hey, wait!”
“Type: Fairy!” Wish shouted as she and Clefairy shared an aura. “Precure Moon Shimmer Blast!”
A spiraling beam of pink light flew at Nega-Aerodactyl, knocking it onto its back but appearing to do no damage; it immediately flipped over, folding its wings in a circle and slamming down, kicking up dust and debris.
“Wish!?” Starlight called; when the dust settled, it appeared that the Nega-Aerodactyl had curled up and covered Wish and Clefairy, its head tucked in.
“No! It’s closed itself in around her!” Sunrise shouted. “She and Clefairy are stuck right in front of that thing’s face!”
Wish was frozen.  She stared up at the rows of teeth looming down over her and Clefairy, as she started to shake.  A myriad of thoughts rushed about in her head.
I can fight.
I can’t fight.
I rushed in.
What was I thinking?
“Clef!” Clefairy clenched her tiny fists, stepping in front of Wish.  “Cleeeeefairy!” She seemed to threaten the beast.
“Clefairy, no!” Wish finally dropped to her knees and hugged Clefairy tightly.  “Don’t…don’t try and fight it!  Even I can’t win!  We need the rest of the team…”
Clefairy looked to Wish, a fire alight in its eyes.  Wish stared back, the world around them all but silent save for the thuds of her friends attempting to force Nega-Aerodactyl to open its wings and expose itself.
The two continued to gaze at each other. A distant memory came forth.
“I can’t…I can’t do this…” a young Fae, no older than ten, was whimpering quietly to herself in the woods, the sun having set and the young girl having lost her way.  She had heard the echoes of eerie laughter, seen the sinister gaze of errant ghost pokemon, all looking for someone to terrorize.  The air had grown stiff and cold, and Fae’s tears stained the dry ground.
“Cleffa…” Cleffa stood beside her, tugging at her dress.  When Fae looked over, Cleffa offered a big smile, and after a moment, Fae returned the gesture.
“What am I doing…? I’m supposed to be your trainer, and be brave and strong, right?” Fae stood up, picking up Cleffa and taking a deep breath.  “Okay, let’s go toward some light.”
Slowly, Fae began to walk, noting the distant light of a town.
“We gotta keep going, yeah? We can’t just give up now…”
“Clef!” Cleffa agreed, then held out her hands, forming a little ball of white light.
“Oh, wow..it’s just like looking at the moon!” Fae grinned, as the dim light lit their path.  However, she stopped, hearing the laughter again.  “D-did you hear that?”
“Cleffa…” Cleffa replied worriedly.  A chill went down Fae’s back.  Slowly, she turned…
“GAAAASTLY!” A Gastly cackled, causing Fae to scream and fall over.
“Cleffa!” Cleffa jumped out of her arms, irritably throwing the ball of light; Gastly responded by backing away, as if frightened by it. Cleffa only got more annoyed, forming more little balls of light and throwing them, forcing Gastly to back away even further.  Fae got back to her feet, shaking her head and narrowing her eyes.
“C-Cleffa! Use Psyshock!”
“CLEFFAAAA!” Cleffa formed a psychic wave around her, firing it at Gastly, who was struck and ran away. Fae picked up Cleffa and began to run faster toward the light, before finally stumbling out of the brush and finding herself on the outskirts of Celadon City.
“We…we made it!” Fae looked to Cleffa.  “Thanks to you!”
“Cleffa!” Cleffa cheered excitedly, then looked down as her body began to glow.  Confused, Fae set her down and backed up a few steps…and when the light dimmed…
“Clefairy!” The newly-evolved Clefairy leapt into Fae’s arms, nuzzling her and showering her trainer with affection.
“…you always want to help me…you’ve always had a big heart, Clefairy…and you’ve always known when it was the right time for you.” Wish smiled sadly. “Thank you for always being there…”
“Clefairy!” Clefairy nodded in resolution, when her body began to give off an aura.
“What? That light…that’s like what happened with Kailani’s Raichu!”
“Clefairy….” Clefairy stepped back, then blinked as something appeared in front of it.
“My moonstone!”
“….” Clefairy looked at the stone, then at Wish.
“…you know when it’s right, Clefairy!”
“…Clef!” She closed her eyes tight…and clutched the stone in both hands.
“That thing’s ludicrously armored!” Starlight snapped, “For all we know, it could have already—“
“Don’t say it!” Willow replied, “They’re fine!”
Suddenly, a beam of light shot up…and a figure was striking Nega-Aerodactyl in the jaw with a fierce, psychic-laden uppercut.  As it fell backward, Wish stood up...and Clefable landed beside her.
“Clefable!” Clefable declared triumphantly, still radiating the Cure Aura.  Wish held out a hand, as something began to form in it..a pretty scepter, with a cloud and moon motif, and what appeared to be catlike ears coming out of the top.
“Dream Baton, let’s go!” Wish declared, swinging and drawing a series of crescents in the air. “Precure: Wish Under Moonlight!”
The crescents flew at Nega-Aerodactyl, causing it to stagger repeatedly, while Starlight struck it from behind with a powerful knee to the head.  Willow and Sunrise grabbed it by the wings, holding on with all their strength.
“All together, now!” Sunrise announced.
“Precure: Quartet Refresh!”
“NEGAAAA!” Nega-Aerodactyl was struck, beginning to vanish….before the Old Amber reappeared where it once sat in the display case, the damage to the museum undone.
“Wow…Clefairy not only gained the Cure Aura, but it evolved, too!” Kailani grinned at Fae, “Guess it was the right time, after all!”
“Guess so…I guess I was dragging my heels on it.  In the end, Clefable decided when she wanted to evolve, not me.” Fae looked to Clefable, sitting on her bed and eating a pokepuff. “She’s always surprised me with how mature she is…and she’s so good at keeping me calm when I’m scared or anxious.  I mean, all my pokemon are, to some degree, but…”
“We get it, Fae,” Naomi grinned, “Pokemon just kinda…know, sometimes, yeah?”
“…yeah. They really do.”
“Still, that was a little concerning…” Rotomi frowned, “Ataxia showed up and made the nega-evolution even stronger.”
“And she mentioned a ‘meeting’ of some kind…” Kailani added, “Sounds like the big bad’s re-strategizing, with all these Precure showing up.”
“Which means we need to keep getting stronger!” Naomi pumped a fist. “Easy as that!”
“I wish…” Kailani sighed.  Fae giggled slightly, then stretched, flopping back onto her bed.
“For now…I think we’ve all earned a good rest!”
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sanzyfreshbrah · 7 years
V-Day Application
@spokenwithhands this got mad long so I’m just gon post it instead o sending it in.
Name:  Sanzy Fresh, brah
Age: probs like 6, i think?
Do you like to cuddle?: yea. warm and safe and close to you is good. would like to cuddle again.
Can we make-out?: yea. i ain't done that much before but i'm a good learner and I can have a lot of tongues if that helps? or just the one magic one.
A night in or dinner out?:  uhhhh. either or, really? safer ta stay in, but i still safe around you fo th most part so. whichever one ya want. up to you.
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?:  yes. both.
What makes you a good Valentine?:  uh. i.. I ain't able ta actually up an love, but like. i'm kinda dependent on you continuin ta up an like me so. if this helps that.. an I gotta make up to ya for up an vanishin an general bein not so great a boyfriend. are we still dating? did i mess that up? mad sorry if I did, at least as sorry as I'm able ta be, given I like seriously ain't want ta lose you or not have ya around anymore though I know you ain't able ta stop existin (or not existin?) and uh. i dunno, g-dawg, I really don't. i ought ta be mad sure bout most everythin but I think I've changed. like things ain't so clear anymore. i got worries now. i fear more than I used ta be able ta fear, more than I s'posed ta be able ta fear. and that's scary. so. uh. yeah. I thought I up an had things figured out but dawg I still ain't know what I s'posed to be doin anymore. like I ain't got purpose anymore. ain't got to worry bout eatin anymore wit the host you made me, which I mad thankful for, but like. i ain't really got to worry bout stayin stronger ta keep from bein replaced by my own cause I got mad power now, thanks again for that, but yo I ain't know what to do now. like eventually it'd be rad to like control all of evrythin but I've up an learned all bout lots of stuff and that don't seem like either possible or necessary so. that's on hold, at least. ...i need purpose. and i guess maybe that could be you? i don't know. ...haha wow I got, real carried away here, huh? my bad. it a lil easier ta think when I writin stuff down. guess I ought ta start journalin? but uh. forgot what I was even answering... oh, right, ok. I think I answered the question in here somewhere. uh. let me know if I didn't, I guess. yea.
Would you cook for me?:  yea but I ain't that good at it. I know how ta make pancakes an waffles an cinnamon buns, though, and like, mac n cheesy an stuff in boxes usually. plus there be mad amounts of food that peeps ain't usin or are throwin away and I still got like a mountain o pizza left over. it don't seem ta ever end, and it's stayin fresh somehow. ha. yea. oh an my fridge be magic so it always got th good stuff, but the good stuff be still fresh from th' 90's, so it ain't got modern or older foods or nothin.
Would you let me cook for you?: you still not able to use stoves? th' last time you had a toaster ya made it shoot lasers and you had a microwave at one point that ya probs used for science too. But like, if you up an make something for me, I absoradly gonna eat it. don't matter what it is. I'm gon like anythin ya make for me. yea.
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