#wow this finn character looks amazing he is so badass!
I think we as a fandom should unify and pretend is the pre (and during) TFA era, back when we all were happy
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firstofficerwiggles · 3 years
Followers Celebration!
Wow, you guys, I can’t believe there are 300 of you out there following me!!! Thank you so much for your support! Whether you interact with me a bunch or whether you simply enjoy seeing me on your dash, know that I appreciate you all! To celebrate this milestone, I thought it would be fun to do a Star Wars Tournament of my favorite charaters. (Big thanks to @asta-lily​ for the idea with her Pedro Character Playoffs!)
Each week there’ll be ‘games’ where you must vote for your favorite of the two characters to determine a winner. To vote click here
Here’s a look at the bracket I’ve created. More details about my divisions and this week’s games are under the cut.
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Like the NCAA baskeball tournament, I have four divisions with each character ranked by how much I love them (Believe me it was torture to decide the ranking.) Here are the divisions:
Certified Good Bois Club
Din Djarin
Han Solo (yes, he is a good boi)
Poe Dameron
Lando Calrissian
Cassian Andor
Play-in game: Captain Rex vs. Commander Cody
Space Wizards Hangout
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Leia Organa (I know, not a Jedi)
Ahsoka Tano
Rey Skywalker
Play-in game: Kit Fisto vs. Mace Windu
The Evil Lair
Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Emperor Palpatine
Count Dooku
Darth Maul
General Grievous
Moff Gideon
Play-in game: Bo-Katan Kryze vs. Jabba the Hutt
Can’t Do It Without Us Cantina
Boba Fett
Padmé Amidala
Jyn Erso
Jar Jar Binks (this one is a gift for you, Lils)
Play-in game: Jango Fett vs. Bail Organa
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So to start us off we have four play-in games, aka the wildcard slots. Remember voting starts now and goes until Thursday, June 17th. Click here to vote.
Play-in Game 1: Battle of the Clones - Which one is the goodest boi?
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Captain Rex versus Commander Cody. Ok this one is going to be tough because they are both great soliders and such sweethearts. I know they are both fan favorites too so I honestly have no idea which way this will go.
Play-in Game 2: The lesser known Jedi - Which one could mind trick you anytime?
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Kit Fisto versus Mace Windu. So I know there are plenty of Kit lovers out there but he doesn’t have a whole lot of screen time and he might be a bit obscure for some. Mace Windu is definitely a badass, but he killed Jango Fett which annoys the hell out of some fans.
Play-in Game 3: They both suck - Who’s going to girlboss their way out of this one?
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Bo-Katan Kryze versus Jabba the Hutt. So Bo-Katan sort of redeemed herself (I guess) in The Mandalorian when she helped Din rescue Grogu, but she still has Death Watch Terrorist on her resume so she’s definitely evil. Jabba the Hutt is a crime lord who keeps slaves and condemns people to death for his own amusement, so nothing redeeming about him.
Play-in Game 4: DILF Wars - Which one has won your heart?
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Jango Fett versus Bail Organa. Another tough one here. Both have many amazing qualities but they’re fairly different from each other. One is our original kickass Mandalorian bounty hunter who gave us Boba Fett and all of our beloved clones. The other is a suave diplomat who negotiated hard for peace and then raised Leia to be the dynamic leader that she is.
Have fun voting! I can’t wait to see whom you choose!!
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girlobsessed21 · 4 years
My thoughts on The 100 7x05
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Hey, guys,
Sorry for not doing any comments on the last two episodes. I’ve been a little busy and I struggled to connect to the show, so it hindered my enjoyment, but it’s all better now. Liked episode 4 and 5 was even better, jampacked with info and it answered a lot of questions.
Welcome to Bardo
Badass Octavia is da bomb (people don’t say that anymore, right?). When she was captured in episode two, I thought she had lost her fighting spirit, but it’s back, bitches. Well, until she runs into an invisible wall trying to escape. She’s captured and transported to M-cap (whatever that means). Then we get a welcome little flashback to Lincoln but it’s obvious that Bellamy would be the hand reaching out. He’s her rock, like she’s expressed many times.
Unlike John Murphy who is not quite a friend, or family and definitely not a lover. Introducing so many new characters in the final season of a show is never a good idea, because this is the time to wrap up all the stories of the existing ones, but come on, who cannot love Levitt. Even when he first meets Octavia, he doesn’t want to hurt her. Jason, you better not harm one hair on this precious little puppy’s head!
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As he binges The 100 through Octavia’s eyes, he starts rooting for her, and he actually gives a damn, unlike most people on this show. He understands her strengths and weaknesses and he makes her see it too. “You’re a warrior to be sure, but your heart is pure.” Wow, what an honest and beautiful line. (Scroll down for my shipping comments.)
So is O and Hope’s fleeting little reunion. It’s amazing to experience this deep loving side of Octavia after her darkness. She’s truly one of the most diverse and developed characters on the series. Now Hope and her resilience is quickly making it to the top as well.
While Hope is trying to send her back home, we learn that memory loss is due to the time dilation. One quick note on this, it’s not linear, there’s no easy equation to calculate it unless you’re Stephen Hawking or Einstein. I don’t think it’s constant either. 10 years on Skyring = 11 days on Bardo = a few minutes on Sanctum. In the current time, 5 years on Skyring = 1 day on Sanctum = 7 days on Bardo. So, it’s clear that the planets are moving, and other factors are playing into the phenomenon. It’s more important to understand the time relative to each planet.
Levitt was the one who tattooed Hope’s code onto O’s back, also the one who planted the note into Hope’s arm. Indeed the kind of man you want on the inside, he even accepts a blow to the face as thank you.
Thirty minutes on the clock and the trio gets led to a congregation to praise the shepherd. I never thought it was Anders, I do, however think it might be Cadogan. The Bordoan’s built the underground forest because they destroyed their planet. Ugh, what’s new? The shepherd herded his sheep from earth to Bardo via the stone. Cadogan and his second dawn cult?
Back to Clarke. So, after last episode I thought ‘the key to winning the last war’ line was an artifice for luring Clarke to disciples, but now it’s clearly true. They’ve located the key and they will win the last war. Levitt was interested in Clarke surviving the City of Light with the flame in her head, they probably assume she still has it. Cadogan burned Becca alive. Could it be because of the flame? Is this all because of that damn little chip that can’t seem to die?
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Bellamy is not dead, I repeat, Bellamy is not dead! I believe that memory could be staged or implanted for a reason. Also, there’s no body, he jumped through the bridge. In the promo photos, he wears a ring but his actions towards Octavia seem a little cold and generic. On first watch, I thought it was bad acting but if he was programmed to do this, it makes sense.
Note the sequence of events. Octavia returned 7 days ago and was asked to talk her brother down, but we don’t see the actual scene. Instead we’re shown a memory. They could have implanted it to make her vulnerable and perhaps more susceptible to the procedure. I don’t know, but this theory could lead to Robot-sheep!Bellamy on Nakara, where he’ll encounter Clarke and the gang.
I have to be honest, I really don’t like this character arc for Bellamy. It’s unoriginal and a mime of Peeta’s storyline in Mockingjay. Sorry, but so far it feels like the writers were so over the show, they just wanted to get it done. And that attitude really bleeds into one’s creative concepts. I could be completely wrong, in fact, I hope I am.
Echo spins a Finn
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My word, I lost the love of my life once, but I sure didn’t kill anyone. When Echo received that vision of Roan, I was hoping for some progression on her individual arc, they’ve made me care about her, and now we get the opposite. Why? One thing I have to admit, a killer performance from Tasya Teles! No pun intended.
Look, this show hasn’t explored Bellamy and Echo’s relationship enough to make her murder believable. It was the exact same thing with Finn. I wasn’t invested in Finn and Clarke’s connection, so his actions of killing a grounder tribe was more repulsive than understandable. Sure, Echo loves Bellamy and her sole purpose is to save him, but I’ve never truly witnessed their love for each other. They had one or two intimate scenes which cannot compel a deed like this. And in the process, she screwed Hope and Diyoza.
Anyway, I don’t think there’s any coming back from it. She murdered an innocent person in cold blood. That’s sure to open a door to the dark side.  Just look at Octavia after killing Pike and her actions were justified by jus drein jus daun.
Say Sanctum three times slowly and it sounds like… Sanctum
Blind faith
Look, I’m just gonna come out and say this song is getting old. Every episode featuring Sanctum is the exact same thing with different lines. Can we please move on from it, already? Yes, we know the COG want Russel dead, and the adjusters will go to extreme lengths to free Russel and the prisoners are background noise.
I did appreciate Nelson stepping in to try and save the girl, though. Still doesn’t save the fact that it’s repetitive. The Sanctum plotline is really struggling to take shape and I hope it happens soon. Dramatic eyeroll.
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At least in the drought of a desert, you can always count on Murphy. “…I say we live and let die.” Typical cockroach line, right, but it’s ironic when he’s the one to step up, even if it is for Emori. Under the magnifying glass it’s the exact same plot as episode 1 and 3. He hesitates to take action, and eventually becomes the hero.
I mean, he saved that poor kid from being burned alive. Can you imagine sacrificing your own child in such a horrific away? Cults are beyond whacked, and, unfortunately, it’s reality that cult members are so blinded by their faith that they do not see rhyme or reason.
How did Murphy fail that test? I didn’t. When Trey named the four pillars, I thought, isn’t rejoice one of them? Surely, a cockroach would have smelled that trap a mile away.
Indra the great
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Can we just give a massive round of applause to Adina Porter!!! That powerhouse walk vibrates strength and majesty, damn, she should be a false god, I wouldn’t dare threaten her with or without an army.
Three little words was all it took for her to recognize evil. “There’s a spider on your shoulder.” Smooth. Too bad she can’t kill him. Why not, how many of the faithful are left to cause an uproar? Wonkru doesn’t know it’s Sheidheda, they won’t care, the COG will fall in line and the prisoners will be happy as long as they get their compound. Sorry, I don’t get it and I don’t understand why she doesn’t tell anyone.  Someone please explain?
Granted, JR Bourne as Russel is way better, but I still don’t understand his actions. I hope they explore and explain him more, because he still feels flat unless he knows something of this final war. I’m hoping these two storylines align soon since it’s really driving a wedge between me and my love for the show.
I’ll start with the easy stuff, Murphy, Emori and the perfect dress gets a heart eye emoji from me. They are so damn cute this season, can they please live happily ever after in the palace?
Octabriel vs Levittavia
Now, I enjoy Levitt fangirling over Octavia. I feel like he has a deep sense of her through her memories. If I have to root for an underdeveloped relationship, it will have to be one where the characters share thoughts and experiences even if it is through a sick, sci-fi procedure.
On the other hand, Gabriel and Octavia have immense chemistry, two seconds of them together bends my mouth into an “Aah, cute” pout. This will also add some approval and representation for mixed racial relationships.
I really don’t mind either way as long as they make me care through showing and not telling.
So, if my theory is correct, and Bellamy does end up on Nakara, Bellarke will encounter each other quite soon. Bellamy won’t be himself though, but he might pretend to be Bellamy to win Clarke’s co-operation. Is there hope for Bellarke yet?
Echo is now trotting a dangerous path and Bellamy might be pledged to a cause, so I doubt there will be a happy ending for Becho. Since 7x01 I’ve been thinking that the writers might want to develop something between Clarke and Gaia but if they are separated, is there enough time? Guess we’ll see.
This monster of a review is finally done… If you read through everything, you deserve a gold star! Let me know what you think, till we meet again…
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miasswier · 6 years
miasswier’s ultimate glee ranking: no 24
24: I Do
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Written by: Ian Brennan Directed by: Brad Falchuk
Overall Thoughts: This one is a tough one to rank, mostly because the parts that I love I love so goddamn much, but the parts that annoy me annoy me so goddamn much. It’s pretty high up on the list because, objectively, it’s a really strong episode. It’s smack-dab in the middle of the strongest set of episodes in season four (lasting from “Sadie Hawkins” to “Guilty Pleasures”), and has really good entertainment value, while also showing a fantastic portrayal of the difficulties of living with mental illness. I originally had it higher on the list than I do now, but I re-watched it again and ugh, seriously, the parts of this episode I dislike drag it down so goddamn much. Still, it’s really strong, and it has some of my favourite moments in all of Glee history.
What I Like:
Finn telling Rachel that not everything is about her. What I like most about this moment is that it’s true. It’s not just Finn telling Rachel that to ~conceal his true feelings or whatever. Him kissing Emma legitimately had nothing to do with Rachel.
Okay, this whole storyline annoys the fuck out of me, but the scene before Jake and Marley sing their duet is pretty funny. It’s too bad they didn’t give Ryder more of a chance to be funny, because Blake Jenner has fantastic comedic timing.
Kurt and Blaine making out in the backseat of that car. Obviously.
“This is just bros helping bros.” “I love it when you talk fratty.” These two are the biggest fucking dorks.
“Tell me that’s not Tina again!”
Becky as the angry flower girl, throwing her petals with so much fucking force.
Jake calling Ryder out on his racist assumption that Jake would steal, or that Marley would assume Jake was stealing. As far as I remember there’s been no indication that Jake has ever actually committed a crime? He’s just lippy with teachers and sleeps with tons of girls and thinks that makes him a badass, but he isn’t a thief.
Jake and Marley not having sex. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: nobody can convince me that Marley wasn’t asexual. Still, I remember hearing the spoilers that five couples would go into hotel rooms and that four of those would be having sex and instantly hoping that Jake and Marley would be the ones that didn’t. I mean, Jake talks a big game about “taking it slow” but they’ve only been dating for four episodes, so that’s, what, a month? Maybe two? I’m glad that Marley didn’t let herself be pressured by the romantic gestures and such.
Santana raising her arms above her head while she follows Quinn into the hotel room. She’s so excited for the sex she’s about to have.
Honestly, Santana and Quinn in general in this episode. Everything about it is perfect, other than Quinn instantly shooting down the possibility of bisexuality, but my absolute favourite exchange is when Quinn tells Santana that the only non-gross guys are Will (ew) and Al Roker and Santana goes “Al Roker is disgusting, by the way.”
Seriously, though. Santana and Quinn had sex. Twice. That is a canonical thing that happened. I think about it every day tbh. God bless Glee.
Brittany taking pictures of Sue as she walks down the aisle and whispering “you look so good.”
“Oh, look, it’s the glee kids.”
Kurt very obviously hiding his boner behind his jacket as he gets out of the car, and Blaine’s adorable “oh my god.”
“You do realize how trashy blasphemous this is, right?” “Oh, come on Mercedes, everybody hooks up at weddings.”
Kurt pulling Blaine into the hotel room by the fucking tie.
I really enjoy the entire montage of couples post-sex (or post-not-sex, in the case of Jake and Marley). Obviously the Klaine scene is my favourite, but even the Artie/Betty scene is pretty cute. Also, Finn and Rachel’s scene is really heartbreaking in hindsight, since that’s the last time we see them on-screen together (in the same location, at least), and it’s the last kiss Rachel ever gives Finn.
Honestly, although it does annoy me in the context of the episode and in the context of when it aired, in hindsight the whole “we are endgame” speech is pretty sad. Hearing Finn talk about how he and Rachel are going to end up together, no matter what, is like a knife to the heart. Like, wow. There’s so much stuff on this show that in hindsight is just gutting.
That being said, it’s hilarious when Finn gives that whole pseudo-deep metaphor about seeds and Rachel just responds with “are you telling me you want to be a gardener?”
“Will Schuester is a weepy man-child whose greatest joy in life is singing with children. And his best friend? Nineteen.”
“Well, don't say that to Will Schuester. He'll have you singing a stripped down acoustic version of I Will Survive in a choir room full of teenagers with meaningful looks on their faces.”
Rachel telling Finn the honest truth that Emma running off has literally nothing to do with him. I’m glad that we’re at the point in the show where Finn making every woman in his life’s drama about himself is getting nipped in the bud.
Blaine and Kurt flanking Tina in red and white. They look like the angel and devil on her shoulders. Also, they’re totally going to make out during Showgirls.
The portrayal of Emma’s downward spiral over this episode and the previous one is so fantastic. Because it’s real. Here is a woman getting ready for what is supposed to be the happiest day of her life, and she’s just dreading it. Her anxiety gets worse and worse, and that just makes her OCD flare up even more-so than usual, and the result we get in the scene leading into “I’m (Not) Getting Married Today” is so wonderfully acted by Jayma Mays. I can think of very few TV shows who accurately dealt with this downside of mental illness: not even being able to enjoy the things that are supposed to bring you joy. Emma wants more than anything to marry Will, but she just can’t do it. It’s so raw, and emotional, and I’m so glad that we got to watch her perspective and not just Will and Finn’s. It’s just… god, I love that whole scene and that whole story. It’s just so goddamn real.
What I Don’t Like:
Mercedes calling Kurt and Blaine her “arm gays”. No thanks.
Okay, yeah, in hindsight the Finchel stuff is really sad, and I did tear up at a few of their scenes, but for fuck’s sake. It’s season four and we’re still dealing with this bullshit? They don’t have that much screen time, but it feels like every one of their scenes is never ending. And just exhausting. Plus, one of those scenes takes place while Kurt and Blaine are singing and I’ll never forgive Glee for that. Never.
In a similar vein, Artie and Betty have way too much screen time considering she was a one-episode character, and they also have a scene during Klaine’s song. It’s almost worse than the Finchel scene because it involves Artie literally annoying a girl into dancing with him via insulting her. She said no, bud. Leave her alone.
Jake/Marley/Ryder is SO ANNOYING OH MY GOD. Of all the annoying heterosexual bullshit I’m forced to put up with in this episode, theirs annoys me the most. First of all, we’re supposed to be rooting for Jake and Marley, but Glee is clearly showing us that Jake is the worst. But then Ryder kisses Marley, who is dating his best friend, so guess who just got added to the list of “the worst”? Seriously , why were these two the only two options given for Marley? She would have been way better off dating Unique.
I know this is a stupid, nitpicky thing, but I hate when Ryder says “she’s just a sophomore” about Marley, because I’m 98% sure that he and Jake are also sophomores, but this makes it sound like they’re both these mature adults or at least seniors, which just ends up making it seem creepy that these two guys are trying to get with this girl who they both clearly see as innocent and inexperienced, and seem to like all the more because of those qualities.
Again, one of the few episodes where I could accept Will having a lot of scenes, and he’s barely in it. Why does Glee always shove Will down my throat when I don’t want him, but hold back on him when he should actually be there? This is his goddamn wedding and he just got stood up. At least show him going to the honeymoon sweet in the hotel alone or something.
Another nitpicky thing but Mercedes isn’t at the reception and that makes me sad >:(
You’re All I Need to Get By: I like the scene that comes before this, but the actual performance is boring, mostly because I do not give a rats ass about Jake and Marley. Also, it’s weird that Marley has solo lines in this. I would understand her singing along to some of it, but why is she singing parts by herself? She didn’t know this performance was happening!! HOW DID THEY CO-ORDINATE!!!
Getting Married Today: An awesome performance and amazing vocals by Jayma Mays. I love all of this except for the weird, floating Will Schuester head that is horribly green-screened to hove over Emma running away.
Just Can’t Get Enough: I really, really like this song. The performance, however, frustrates me. You barely see Kurt and Blaine! There are two scenes interjected in the song of straight couples talking, and almost all of the shots during the song are of straight people dancing. WE GET IT FOX! You didn’t want too much gay on your TV, and this episode already had two boys making out, and the implication of them having sex, as well as two girls having sex. Can’t let the boys actually be seen singing together after all that. (Seriously, though, the cover itself is fantastic).
We’ve Got Tonite: Despite my frustration with Finchel in this episode (and always), I really adore this song. It’s the last time they sing together, but even before it was that I still loved it. It’s slow, but sweet, and has fantastic emotion behind it. Plus, we haven’t had Finchel duets shoved down our throat for quite a while now, so I can appreciate how nice they sound together all the more-so. I also love the sneak-attack group song approach they took. Having everyone sing one line and then Finn and Rachel close it off was really clever and makes for a cool song and a great performance.
Anything Could Happen: This is a fun, upbeat song, and it’s a fun, upbeat scene, but honestly, it feels out of place. We aren’t at a fun, upbeat place when this episode ends. Rachel thinks she’s pregnant. Will can’t find Emma. Finn still feels guilty even though Rachel told him explicitly that it wasn’t his fault. Marley feels weird about Ryder kissing her (even though it wasn’t her fault!). The only storyline that really had a happy ending was the Klaine/Tina one (technically Artie/Betty too, but since we literally never see her again…), so I don’t know why this is suddenly all upbeat and happy. It feels like a really odd note to end such an emotional episode on.
Final Thoughts: I’ve always held this episode close to my heart. There is so much that happens in this episode that is so important to me (mostly Quinntana sexy times, but a lot of it is the Emma stuff too). Yeah, some of it annoys me, and the stuff that annoys me really annoys me, but it doesn’t outweigh all the awesome parts of this episode. Just, overall really strong and well-crafted. A+ Glee!
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chaosslibrarian · 7 years
My first opinions of Star Wars The Last Jedi, just about an hour after I got out of the theatre. Under cut because wow they’re spoilers! THIS IS LONG so kind of detailed spoilers lol
I’m going to try to do my opinions as chronologically as I remember them, but it’s probably going to end up a huge mess after a while. I’m doing the Reylo thoughts last because... yeah wow.
Poe/Finn/Rose/The Rebellion (and some Hux)
If I start with the plot elements that don’t involve shipping I thought it was a genuinely funny scene with how Poe baited Hux, and how Hux bought it because he’s so uptight he wouldn’t be able to catch a joke unless it was his face and it was thrown at him. Even then it’s doubtful. It felt in character with Poe’s hotshot personality, and the way he talked to Kylo in one of the first scenes in TFA. 
Oh boy, here we’re already going to get all jumbled up, because to continue with Poe I think they did a great job of portraying him as the want-to-be hero who thinks he’s doing the best he can yet ends up fucking everything up in the end. I definitely think that the FO would have followed them through light speed anyway, because Hux is just that cunning and power thirsty that he would. But the Rebels would have been able to make it to Crait without detection if not for the Finn/Rose mission.
I loved the dynamic between Finn and Rose btw. Finn is the reluctant hero whose previous actions that have been based on his love for others have placed him in a seat he’s not quite sure he can, or wants to, fill. For Finn there are only two things that matter: Rey and Poe, but Rey first and foremost before anything else. When he was about to escape to her, the idea of her being out there lost esp after how he last saw her? Definitely enjoyed that idea of not all heroes being the ones who want to be heroes, but that some even suck at being heroes lol... in different ways. Poe and Finn show different ways you can be an amazing hero and a sucky hero all in one mission. Love it. Love them.
I had so high hopes for Rose as a character, and she definitely lived up to them. She saw her hero try to escape and said “fuck him” and tasered him. Her sister died for them so she wasn’t about to see anyone take off when they were needed the most. Rose’s backstory was just... yes, I loved that she was given a motivation, and that she was awkward and awesome all at the same time. Her saving Finn who was on a suicide mission was... yes. Risking her own life for him? She and Finn both love very fiercely, and I think that makes them perfect for one another. You could really tell that Kelly and John got along well on set.
From what I saw before I was expecting leaving the theatre not feeling the Rebellion’s cause being as legitimate as before. Though it did become evident that at this point it was all retaliation and both just trying to eliminate each other which is a battle neither side was better or worse for (their ideologies behind their desire to eliminate the other is what makes them better or worse). In the end they’re both killing people. It was also interesting bringing up arms dealings. A very political point to place smack dab in the middle of a Star Wars film, but a true one nevertheless. It’s easy to see arms dealers as abetting the “wrong” side and profiting off of war like that, but this is reality. They arm both sides and benefit from the perpetuation of war. This is what is happening in our world right now, and a social commentary that to me stuck out like a sore thumb in a way that I didn’t know whether I liked or not in a movie like this. I’m leaning towards like, but not sure yet. 
I’m really sad to say that I didn’t see much in the storyline for Leia and Admiral Holdo, they had some moments but it just felt like they were side characters giving the others something to bounce off of and give them their motivations and struggles to deal with. I think the one part of the movie I wasn’t at all happy with was how they did the Leia-force-pulling-herself-back-on-the-ship. It just looked weird and like a witch flying on a broom against a star sheet backdrop. You could see the wires even if they were edited out. I really wonder what they will do with Leia’s character in IX. It honestly feels like Rian didn’t really know what to do with Leia, and that’s  the one downfall of this film. 
Rey/Kylo/Luke/Snoke/Hux (Reylo!)
I think I heard somewhere before that Luke would just chuck the lightsaber over his shoulder and away when he took it, but the moment fell a bit flat for me. Maybe it was delivery, cutting, how it was written... it just didn’t fit into the scene. Not because it was unexpected, unexpected things can still fit into the scene...
Rey’s quest to convince Luke of coming back to join the Resistance, hiding who she is from him because the truth about it scares her. Slowly she begins opening up. But Luke begins making the same mistake he did with Kylo fast when he decided to teach her the very basics of the Force. It was kind of cute of what Rey thought Jedi were, and it lends credence to the idea that she took some of the knowledge from Kylo’s head IMO. 
Back to Rey vs Luke. Luke’s fear of Rey as soon as she investigated the other thing on the island, something that scared Luke, he shut her down. Instead he’d be comfortable with her powers being left out there untamed and so easily manipulated? Odd choice Luke. 
When Rey thought that Kylo had come to the island but it was just a force vision/bond instead I... loved it. Rey’s quick anger and Kylo’s exploring curiosity of what was happening. It kind of felt like a fanfic, but in the best of ways like the truly well written ones you wish you could see on screen... and I guess a fanboy like Rian is writing “fanfic” but it’s now canon (so cool!). Their slow acceptance of each other, the initial hostility and awkwardness, the anger that Rey got to unleash on him to sort through it. The different stories of how Ben became Kylo but were all the same.
In the beginning Luke did feel responsible for what he’d done, but he didn’t want to fess up to what he really had done. He had been guided by fear, even if just for a few moments, and unleashed it against a child who should’ve been given comfort and guidance... Luke did create Kylo, even if he only did so in a few seconds of fear. But Luke seeking Ben out and looking into his dreams... it wasn’t a thing of the moment. He reacted against a fear he’d already created in his head beforehand, fearing the past instead of looking toward the future and helping Ben. 
The scene where Kylo was shirtless was funny. The whole “can you cover up?” (not verbatim ofc) was so cute. Rey all flustered seeing a man we know she is conflicted about and seeing him look really damn good...yeah, I liked that scene because it pushed the characters even further and told us as an audience that they’re building towards something. Rey doesn’t hate him anymore, she might even feel some kind of attraction that she doesn’t yet understand herself... 
When Rey got sucked down into the “dark hole” and the whole mirror thing. It was creepy yet so well done. I was going “nope... nope, nope” during the whole scene because nope. That’s creepy AF well done Rian. The whole waiting patiently in line for something, following an order and just following along to get to the end felt like something the FO definitely stands for. I mean... “Order” you know? I don’t know how to best explain it right now as it’s 2am and I’m pretty tired. Might get back to this idea at a later date. 
But I loved how it was Kylo she confided in this too. And, how she knew this kind of clandestine connection she had with Kylo would only drive Luke away... and probably because she didn’t understand what it meant herself either. When she turned to Kylo with you know she’s starting to trust his word, starting to see him as a human being with complexity and struggles that can’t be placed into neat boxes of “good” and “bad”. When Kylo admitted to being a monster I think that threw her off a lot...
Then when Luke finds them, and the fight between Rey and Luke where Rey truly shows herself as a girl on a mission who will not deal with this man’s crap anymore. Either she Luke comes with her, or she goes finding hope somewhere else in someone else. 
Rey’s gullible, definitely. She was gullible in TFA, and she’s quickly learning that she needs to not take things at face value, because people have sinister motivations that she can unwittingly end up giving power to.
As for Kylo’s part of this... he’s just as starved for love and affection as Rey is. They’re both finding something in each other that hasn’t been provided anywhere else. Kylo’s curiosity at first and then calm acceptance that she was now a part of his life, and then seemed to fall deeper and deeper into this connection between the two. Their fingers touching? ahhhhhhh, once again... need to get back to this at another point. Too much to say. 
In the throne room I was on edge it was so good. We obv knew Kylo wouldn’t kill Rey because hello, but for a while I was uncertain how exactly this would go about. Kylo seemed to have for a moment been 100% onboard with the whole manipulating Rey, but then his betrayed face at this connection between the two of them created by Snoke for nefarious reasons... oh he was betrayed. But, after years and years under Snoke he now knows how to hide his intentions, knows how to conceal them under other expected feelings. 
Rey calling him Ben was a sure way of her turning him against Snoke. The whole “wanting to kill his enemy” thing and he turned the lightsaber subtly around and THEN LIT IT UP AND KILLED SNOKE was so fucking badass I couldn’t deal. Oh, and before that Snoke’s torture of Rey and how Kylo seemed to want to get up and rip his fucking throat out. 
The two of them fighting together? I don’t think I breathed for like a solid minute. It was incredible. I am... yes. Yes. I need to see that over and over and over again. When Rey threw him her lightsaber and he killed the pretorian guard?? Holy fuck. That was awesome.
And when Rey turned down his hand, because while somewhat good idea Kylo your execution of it is 100% terrible and you need to get your shit together. That struggle there. HOW THEY STRUGGLED FOR THAT SABER AND HOW IT FUCKING BLEW UP!? omg
and then Hux finding Kylo and Kylo lying because... he just helped a rebel get away and he killed the supreme leder for her?? Hmm, people might have questions about that so better not go spilling that secret to others Kylo? Hmm?
OH, and BEN! BEN!
At the end of the movie where they share that bond one last time before she pulled up the bridge? Idk if that’s her cutting him off or not. Can she do that? I think in IX she’ll struggle with that a lot.
But during the battle of Crait.... oh boy. Kylo you are a child. And Kylo and Hux trying to both have power was like watching two children bicker, but that’s what they’ve done since TFA so no surprise lol. Then Kylo’s obvious tantrum at Luke. Blasting him for minutes to make sure he’s dead (and holy crap Hux’s comment was gold). When Luke survived I understood he wasn’t actually there so I wasn’t too pressed with what was going to happen during their fight. Was quite surprised that he actually died though, wasn’t expecting that! But it was a good way for his character to go. Not murdered or lost in a battle, but being a hero (side note: I liked his arc in this movie where he got to face himself again and was given the OK to burn down the temple basically).
And Rey and Kylo/Ben talking about her parents? WOW that was so sad and so... a lot. Her parents were truly horrible, I had hoped for something more from it, but I also liked that she was a nobody because it’s hopeful in a way. That out of hardship and bad experiences you can emerge as something bigger and significant, a hero. That’s a great message for kids and adults everywhere IMO. But it was a heartbreaking scene where Kylo/Ben challenged her to search for what she knew to be true. She didn’t have the legacy she hoped she had, she didn’t have a family that missed her and would come back for her. She’d known that for a long time but it was the one comfort that she had. The dream of being something greater. But now she’s... greater. Greatest maybe. 
Talking after the movie my friends and I agreed that Kylo’s ideas of wanting the old structures to die and to create something new were actually quite... you know good, but his ways are bad. Like I touched upon before. Even Luke was on that path where he wanted the Jedi to end because it was an archaic idea of the world and needed to be changed. So Rey may be a Jedi, but she will have to build up an entirely new Jedi “order” because she has no knowledge of the one before, and she has a unique ability to make it far better than it used to be, maybe with more of a balance. She’s somewhat drawn to the dark, no? It’ll be interesting to see...
I think IX will be focused a lot on building a new kind of structure, of demolishing the old to make room for new and improved things. The size of the Resistance dwindling fast it’s going to be hard for them to keep standing up against the FO, they’ll be wholly reliant on Kylo’s weak-spot for Rey. While he seemed ready to kill her after her rejection... remember he’s got the temper of a teenager atm. He will need to cool it a little, and with his connection with Rey I think that will happen. I hope that their bond remains open and frustratingly inconvenient for both of them, when they’re both alone and that that will help with creating the BALANCE of the future.
I really really hope the next film will be about finding the balance and both of these sides trying to build up new things in the ashes of the old. Kylo doing it dark-side method at first, but increasingly Rey will help him connect with the light side of the Force, and together they will end up creating a grey sort of harmony that is a bit chaos where neither side ever really wins because they both need each other to exist.... and Rey and Kylo will need each other to exist...
Hmm, this got way longer than I intended. Way longer. Now it’s 2.40am... heh. But lots of thoughts. I have to see it again. And again.
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sharpereviews · 7 years
Spoiler Free review:
I loved everything about this movie. In my opinion, this was one of the best Star Wars movies ever created, including the Originals. This is coming from a life-long Star Wars fan. Going in, I was worried that I was going to hate Finn’s story line, but I actually really loved it. It might have been my favorite part of the movie (this coming from a Reylo shipper). Here’s why, Finn’s story line basically saw Finn’s character grow and made it where he was proactive to the story. He went from being a coward who wanted to get away from the First Order to a man who faces his fear and is willing to sacrifice himself for a cause. I loved it. I honestly just love Finn so much and I LOVED Rose. Oh my god I loved Rose. Actually, to my surprise, I loved all of the new characters in this movie. DJ was the one I was most nervous about, but I enjoyed him and liked the fact that Benicio Del Toro gave him a tic. He played him flawlessly. 
Holdo was by far my favorite new character. I love Laura Dern in everything she’s in and this might be one of my favorite character’s she’s ever played. 
As far as returning characters, I loved their character development. Hux was the standout for me as far as returning characters. What Johnson did to him easily made him one of my favorite characters in the new trilogy because I have a soft spot for smart villains with sarcastic dispositions and who are also treated like shit. 
A lot of people loved Poe in this movie. I am not one of those people. To me, he was an asshole in this movie and he had zero consequences for his actions. That said, it’s impossible to not like him because Oscar Isaac is fucking charismatic and really funny. Plus he has this weird thing where he can have sexual chemistry with a spoon. So of course people are going to ship him with every other character. He never had an actual physical scene with Hux but I found myself thinking, “Hmmm... That’d be interesting.” Even his scenes with Holdo had me thinking, “Wow, they could potentially be a power couple.” I personally do not ship Damerey, but I’ll be damned if I do not seek out Damerey fan art. You do your thing Damerey shippers! 
I loved Luke’s character development. I know we were told that Luke went full hermit, but Luke went FULL HERMIT. No spoilers here, but there’s a scene with a blade of grass and it is probably one of the greatest scenes in Star Wars history. Mark Hamill played Luke flawlessly and I loved his dramatic scenes as well as his more lighthearted moments. Also, I’m not saying anything but Luke has never been so badass. 
Leia’s scenes were emotional and I was tearing up toward the end. Carrie Fisher might have been in Force Awakens, but this was the return of Leia. Her scenes had weight and I loved that Leia, even when she wasn’t being active, was important to the other characters. Leia’s character is the force that binds this universe together. If she’s not going to be in the next movie, the universe is going to fall apart. Leia is so important. DO. NOT. KILL. HER. JJ!!! Carrie would want Leia to live on. 
Which brings me to Kylo and Rey. You can definitely tell that Daisy Ridley has grown so much as an actress from Force Awakens to this one. Not just emotionally, but physically. Rey is BUFF in this movie. I loved Rey in this movie and loved the character growth. I can’t wait to see where she goes in 9. Her chemistry with Kylo Ren was electric and honestly, if this movie proved anything, it’s that when they’re on the same side, they are the ultimate power couple. 
Adam Driver has been getting a lot of praise for his performance as Kylo Ren and it is well deserved. The character in itself is complex, but his micro-expressions and his physicality brings another dimension to the role and dude, it’s breathtaking. This guy, if he wanted, could be THE leading man of this generation. But due to the fact that he doesn’t seem to like big budget projects and the press tours that go along with it, I have a feeling that he’s going to stick to independent projects. Here’s hoping that I’m wrong. He has managed to elevate Kylo Ren’s character to one of the greatest Star Wars characters in the history of Star Wars. I loved every second that he was on screen. 
The only problem that I had with this movie was the fact that Snoke was hardly present, and that Captain Phasma straight up did not need to be in this movie. I love Gwendoline Christie and her fight scene was awesome, but it was not needed. She was so wasted and Phasma is definitely the Boba Fett character of this trilogy. People will love her toys and kids will probably grow up thinking she’s awesome because she looks cool, but then they’ll grow up and realize that she’s pretty lame. Gwendoline needs to be in more action movies though, and I look forward to seeing her in other things after Game of Thrones end. I love her so much. 
My other problem is that Maz Kanata wasn’t in it enough. She had one small scene, and I fucking loved it. I don’t care if it was a “Shoe-horn” scene, I love that character and she is fucking amazing. I still want Lupita Nyong’o to have an in person character in Star Wars. Get on it Johnson. 
So yeah, that’s it. I know people are split on this movie. But I personally love it. The people who didn’t like it probably went in with too many expectations and didn’t like some of the directions this movie took. I think that the more they watch this movie, the more they’ll love it. This Star Wars movie is going to have a lot more staying power than Force Awakens and Rogue One and I am so glad that I saw it in theaters. I am probably going to see it at least two more times. That is non-negotiable. 
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realoscarisaac · 7 years
about the last jedi...
here’s a few things i said on my spoiler account on twitter after watching it for the first time:
- I don't know how i feel about tlj I need to watch it again
- there were some great moments but overall it was kinda messy
- That Leia Scene tho!!!! wow i loved it
- Porgs are cute and harmless I thought they were going to be annoying but they were adorable they look tasty tho I almost died in that chewbacca scene oscar must have loved it
- Finn is so pure I love him so much the "I won't let them win" scene!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried so hard
- Mark Hamill was amazing in it
- I cant stop thinking about Rose. She was such a great character i love her so much.
- i wanna watch it again but... honestly... finn storyline was not good. I mean I loved his scenes with rose but I feel like that story was hers and he was only there to help her. he was a hero at the end of course and john was phenomenal as usual but idk.  Finn's interaction with rose and poe was amazing but he didn't have a personal arc, his own character development in my opinion. except for the phasma and the I won't let them win scenes none of the scenes he was in were actually his.  I wish there were more scenes like these two. I truly missed Finn in this film since he was the heart of the force awakens.
-  I hope JJ abrams gives Finn a good plot in the next movie...  JJ abrams I fucking trust you. you were the one who saw the potential in john so please don't let him and finn down
-  btw I'm not talking about his screen time... all the characters had ~~equal~~ screen time and I'm very happy about it but like Ive said it before, I think his storyline was actually rose's and he was there to help her. I LOVE LOVE LOVE ROSE she was my favorite character but  Finn deserves his own thing
-  I LOVED HUX IDC. he's a terrible human being obviously but I really liked him as character in this film lmao he had a good arc??? better than Finn tbh which makes me SO MAD.  anyway I love domhnall gleeson
- the most important scene in the movie was oscar’s ass right after he wakes up. holy shit. what was that. poetic cinema
-  the resistance storyline was SOOOO MUCH BETTER than the other ones, it saved the movie imo. poe was so amazing I have no question about it I'm really proud of my boy I love him so much his scenes with leia and holdo were so good adn oscar is truly the most beautiful person in the world, he was so fucking handsome that it was distracting.
- I need to see it again so I can decide if I liked or not the jedi part of the movie. that kylo and rey scene that was supposed to be their Badass Moment was... meh? i was so “no no no this is not happening”. everyone in my screening was cheering and i was like *confused face* “hmmm i dont like it”. Rey was so ooc in this movie i legit dont get it.
- finnpoe.................................................... ugh :/
anyway this is what i think after watching only one time. im watching again in two days so
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Stray notes after watching The Last Jedi
Or: why does this movie just keep getting worse whenever I remember it?
The notes are after the cut just in case someone hasn’t seen the film yet or doesn’t want a long ass bullet point post in their dash. Some of them are serious and well thought-out, some are nitpicky and some are there just for the heck of it.
“Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.” - Why, that’s just peachy, Rian! Too bad the future your selling is a little shit.
In general, Rian Johnson doesn’t seem to have much respect for the past. See tathrin’s post about all the things established in TFA that were turned upside down in this film, but I think Johnson doesn’t have much consideration for the original trilogy either, reducing Chewbacca to a background character and trying to replace “May the Force be with you” with some other, less inspired line.
Seriously, why are they saying “Godspeed”? Did monotheism reach a galaxy far, far away and they now, suddenly, have a notion of God? And, while were at it, why is “treacherous snake” a thing, now? Are there snakes in the Star Was universe? ‘Cause, so far, all animals have been on the fantastic side of things. What else is there? Do they have kittens??? That’s an important question...
The movie had A LOT of hamfisted comic relief. Of course there were some honestly funny scenes (I will forever laugh at Rey feeling the Force with her hand), but most of the jokes felt very out of place. For instance, the first scene, with Hux and Poe. I laughed my ass off at that interaction, but that’s an SNL sketch, not a Star Wars scene. I was half expecting Matt, the radar technician, to show up.
Seriously, someone should tell Rian Johnson that he isn’t directing Guardians of the Galaxy. In more than one scene, the excess of jokes killed what should’ve a truly great, emotional moment.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much indifference do I feel towards porgs?
The ammount of queerbaiting that went into promoting this film was insane. Look, actors on franchises like this one have media training, so whenever, say, Oscar Isaac ran his mouth about the possibility of Finn/Poe being canon, he was at least authorized by Disney to do so (worst case scenario, he was instructed to sell this narrative). I didn’t particularly care about the ship and I think Poe Dameron could’ve died in TFA without any harm to the franchise, but to hamfist that non-sensical romance between Finn and Rose after feeding the fans’ hopes for a gay pairing was, in my opinion, downright cruel.
And don’t even get me started on Poe and Rey’s meaningful gaze at the end of the film, with Poe going all “I know” as if he’s Han Solo or some hot shit like that! Poe/Rey is the worst possible ship to become canon. Yes, the worst. Yes, you heard me, worse than Reylo.
Speaking of Reylo: after TFA, I said that I low-key shipped them ‘cause that’s the kind of fucked up ship I like. Look, there are people in this website who like to wear diapers and want to fuck Pennywise, so, screw you, I’m not apologizing for wanting to read fics about a fictional pairing made up of two adults. HOWEVER, this is not the sort of thing I want to be canon. From the get go, my opinion on Rey’s official love life has been “either she ends up with Finn or she ends up alone”. That being said, I think they handled the relationship between her and Kylo Ren very well in this film. I’m glad they didn’t deny the fucked up sexual tension that was going on there, especially coming from Ren’s side, and chose to play into it. A failed redemption arc fits them perfectly and Kylo Ren’s “please” when he asks Rey to rule beside him was a great moment for the character and one of the few truly emotional moments of the film.
But that thing were they get to hit on each other through the Force, sharing sad stories and touching hands? Yeah, I’m pretty certain I’ve read that fic. Actually, I’m pretty certain I’ve read about three fics like that.
Let’s keep on the Kylo Ren track for now, then: he did get some very nice character development in this film. The Last Jedi was more his than any other character’s, even Luke. For a minute there, before the movie came out, I thought they were going to make some changes to him due to the whole backlash, but they went full “overgrown angsty kid” with him in a way that actually made him more compelling. I like the way Luke’s fear ended up pushing a conflicted teenager into the Dark Side and that Kylo is still very much stuck at that moment. As usual with Sith and Sith by-products, Kylo Ren is moved by anger, and his anger feels much more real after this little bit of backstory.
Who is Snoke, though? Are they going to explain that in the next movie? It feels like they should’ve done it in this one, but I hope they at least give him some context before the trilogy is over.
Sooooo... Did your conflicted antagonist cladded in black, with black hair falling all over his face, just trick his bald, deformed Dark Lord by using his occlumency powers? *Owen Wilson voice* Wow.
“The Supreme Leader is dead. Long live the Supreme Leader.” - A perfect example of a really amazing moment botched by comic relief, ie, Snoke’s little tongue falling out of his dead body.
After the film ended, @robogigante​​ complained a lot about Hux’s transformation from an actual, threatening villan into a punchline, and, you know what? He’s right. There’s a scene there that looks like a Bugs Bunny cartoon.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do I hate evil, square-headed BB-8?
I’m sort of glad Rey’s parents aren’t anyone important. Star Wars relies too much on heritage and it’s a nice change having a hero who isn’t Space Jesus or Space Jesus’ direct lineage. Her scene in the cave was incredibly beautiful.
They did point to something else in TFA, though, implying heavily that her origin was important and that Kylo Ren already knew about her. That was some Moffat level of badly written plot twist right there.
There’s something Emma Watson-y about Daisy Ridley. This is neither a compliment nor a complaint, just something I hadn’t noticed before.
Both Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver grew a lot as actors since the last movie, especially Driver. Even though it’s still hard to take Kylo Ren seriously sometimes due to Driver’s cry-baby face, he’s way more convincing in his rage and intensity than he was in TFA, where his acting felt a little too mechanical.
However, some of the other actors aren’t living up to their potential. John Boyega’s charisma is extremely underused and I know for a fact that Domnhall Gleeson can do a lot better than what he was given here. In a couple of scenes, even Hamill and Fisher seemed a little uncomfortable in their roles.
“Shit, we’ve already signed Lupita’s check! Gotta shove her in here, somewhere!” - I’m so sorry, honey. You are so beautiful and talented... You deserved way better than that.
Kelly Marie Tran is adorable and I absolutely love her in interviews and such. She seems like a delightful person. However, her character was completely unnecessary. Her only purpose was to serve as a future love interest to Finn, and I’ve made my thoughts about that pairing quite clear already.
“...it’s saving the ones we love...” - BITCH, YOU’VE KNOWN HIM FOR WHAT? A DAY?
As a matter of fact, all of that storyline felt completely unnecessary. It was as if the writers didn’t know what to do with Finn so they gave him a spunky sidekick and a pointless mission just to kill time. I found myself wishing he had spent the whole movie in a coma, and that’s really sad, because I really like John Boyega and was hoping he would become a strong protagonist for the franchise.
Another thing @robogigante​ pointed out (and I’m quoting him ‘cause I know he’s not making a post of his own) is that Holdo had no reason whatsoever to hide her plan from Poe or anyone else in the Resistance. She just... didn’t like Poe Dameron that much...
Excessive jokes aside, casino planet was okay and helped flesh out the Star Wars universe a little bit more. However, much like Phasma, Benicio Del Toro’s character (whose name I already forgot) was just another Boba Fett, all flash and no substance, and I particularly hate that “squeaky clean abused little children representing hope” crap. It’s one of the tackiest tropes in existence.
I did get the feeling that that kid is going to join the Resistance on the next movie. Like they’re going to do a ten year jump to justify Leia’s disappearance/death. It would also help the Rebels to get their shit back together, Kylo Ren to gain more control over the First Order and Rey to learn some more about the Force in order to meet her fate. The existence of that child is still horrible and that ending was so over the top I can’t even put it into words, but it’s a good hook for a leap that, if handled well, could be very good for the story.
I also got the feeling that they originally inteded to kill one member of the original trio per film. That would’ve been cool. Too bad Leia will have to die off screen.
Was it just me or is the timeline in this movie really weird? Poe’s plan seems to take place entirely in a day, maybe two, while Rey apparently spends at least a week in Luke’s island.
I’m glad Carrie Fisher got to have at least one badass Force user scene before dying. Her flight among the debris of the Rebel cruiser was a beautiful reminder of how powerful the Force can be, on par with Luke’s astral projection, not to mention a gorgeous scene in its own right.
Holdo and Leia definitely had a torrid love affair after the Organa-Solo divorce came through. No one will ever convince me otherwise.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do I love the crystal foxes?
There was a preoccupying absence of wipe transitions and epic soundtrack inserts. Actually, I don’t even remember hearing any music at all. The editing was way too conservative. It didn’t even feel like a Star Wars movie, sometimes.
How is it possible that The Force Awakens was basically a remake of A New Hope and still felt more daring that The Last Jedi? Look, we already know you’re not killing any of the characters ‘cause they have to come back for the next installment, but raise those stakes a little bit, jeez! Give Kylo Ren and Snoke more conflict before their face-off, give Rey an opportunity to actually scare Luke with something that matters, give Finn and Poe a mission that actually means something to the Resistance, not a MacGuffin to keep them busy... Anything!
The Last Jedi is actually an okay-ish movie, to be honest, but, in a way, I think I disliked it even more than the prequels. Sure, The Phantom Menace is objectively a much worse film, but at least it had soul. George Lucas’ midichlorian and CGI packed soul, but soul nonetheless. The Last Jedi has nothing. I know Star Wars movies are all about the money, let’s not delude ourselves that this is in anyway high art, but this one just felt like the biggest money grabber of all. There is no personal investment in it whatsoever and no sign of what makes Star Wars Star Wars in the first place.
When’s Lando coming back?
BONUS: I am never watching a fucking 3D movie again in my life. The background always seems out of focus, it’s too expensive and I hate putting glasses on top of my glasses. I don’t care if I have to wait a month to watch the next Star Wars, I don’t care if I get spoilers, I’m not watching anything in 3D ever again.
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missyhopps · 7 years
1, 5, 9, 13, 10
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1. is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
Honestly, Melissa. She is so chill and has her shit together probably more than the rest of them and I feel like i don’t always give her the attention she deserves. 
5. if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
Oh man this one is kinda tough but I’d have to go with Ella since she is so uptight and it frustrates the hell out if me lmao!! 
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
Oh boy be prepared for one hella long answer (Under a read more for Reasons): 
Melissa: I really wanted to play Judy Hopps in an rp and I knew I had to use Daisy Ridley cause she just fit so well to me and I absolutely love her!! I didn’t really find any rps that I felt fit for me but then I stumbled across this one and I figured i’d give playing her daughter a shot instead. Honestly, it was the best decision I have ever made!! 
Blane: SO Captain Hook is like my favorite disney villain and I just love pirates so much I really wanted to play one!! As you guys know I am Star Wars trash and the idea of using Adam Driver (who’s my bae) as an FC popped into my head and  I couldn’t resist. I really love blane though because he is a huge grump but secretly underneath he has a heart of gold and If you couldn’t tell by now that is like my FAVORITE Trope!! 
Elliot: I really wanted a character from Frozen and I absolutely love Anna’s personality. She’s so loving yet feisty and I really wanted to transfer some of her personality into one of her kids. THUS Elliot came about!! He was actually originally meant to be a total smol but then the thing with Finn went down and he just kinda turned into an impulsive, fiery, goofball lmao!!
Aria: At the time when I brought Aria in, all the Olympus kids were really tough and just badass and then I got the idea of making an optimistic child from Olympus who was like the baby of the group and needed protecting and I knew I had to apply for her!! Also I really wanted a girl character since Melissa was my only one at the time. 
Simon:  I’ve always thought that Princess and the frog is grossly underrated and I just love that movie so much!! When I got the idea of playing Simon I couldn’t resist. He is just so shy and awkward yet loving and just ahhhhh he’s my little baby!! 
Violet: Okay so I had been wanting to Play the daughter of Victor and Victoria for a little while but I didn’t really act upon it until Whale had said that she wanted to bring in Emmy. Then I was like Okay I have to do it now lol!!  Honestly I love that she’s so gentle and vulnerable Even though I can be pretty awful to her for that very same reason. (Sorry Violet) 
Chloe: I had been wanting to play a really crazy party animal type of character but I had zero idea of where to put her. Then I saw that The fairy godmother slot was open and I just fell in love with the whole rebellious, out of control, youngest daughter aspect!! The rest just kinda fell into place after that!! I honestly have no idea how the whole batman thing started though but it’s became one of the staples of her personality!! XD 
Zelda: I really wanted to use KIm Taeyeon Cause she is bae!! I was tied between making her the daughter of Lucifer or Zero and I ultimately went with Zero because he’s like my fave and I lowkey wanted Halloweentown kid!! I think what I love the most about her is how clueless and excitable she is yet, she’s still endearing at the same time!!
  Ruby: I just really wanted a bitchy stuck up kinda character and I knew I wanted a daughter of the queen of hearts so then came Ruby!! I then started thinking of really dark headcanons for her and she kinda transformed from being this stuck up brat to being a lot more vulnerable and I honestly like it much better that way!!
Rooney: Before Rooney I used Alex turner for this really chill, flirty son of Jetsem but my muse for him just plummeted. I really wanted to use Alex Turner still though cause he’s a total babe! When Lucy wanted a sibling for Stevie I was totally sold!! I love that he is like a stereotypical bad boy type who is a total fuck boy (even though he isn’t really so much anymore) with an abusive father and Idk  I just really love him!! 
Warren: I’m going to be completely honest the idea for Playing Warren actucally came when I heard Grim Grinning Ghosts on a halloween playlist lmao XD!! I actually went to Disneyworld last summer and I rode Haunted Mansion like four times while I was there and it just made me think about how amazing it is!! Then I started coming up with headcanons and a backstory for one of the hitchhiking ghosts and I become obsessed with wanting to play him!! I am so glad I did though cause despite the little shit he is I love warren!! He is really different then most of my other characters and I really love playing this smug asshole!!
Cecily: Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie of all time and I really wanted to play a princess character so badly so when the slot for Beast and Belle’s kid opened up I knew I had to play her!! The first time I played Cecily she was just all up in everyone’s business and Idk I didn’t really like that a whole lot. Then my muse for her just disappeared and I dropped her which I regretted. Luckily I picked her back up again and she turned out being a lot more gentler and sweet the second time around which I like a whole lot more!!
Ginger: I love Suzy so much and I really wanted to use her but I had no idea where. Then idea of making her a sugar rush kid came to me and I really liked it!!  Rancis is a little shit but I love him and the idea of him being this affectionate dad was one i fell in love with!!  Ginger was supposed to be a lot brattier then she is now but she ended up being this total sweetheart and i don’t know how that happened lol!!
Elise: Originally Primrose was my sweet flower obsessed blonde princess but I lost my muse for her and I just really missed the idea of having a sweet nature loving princess. Rapunzel is like one of  my favorite princesses and I just love her so much (Clearly, like I use her for my mascot and everything lol) So I got the idea of playing her and Flynn’s daughter and it was a total no brainer!! 
Archer: I honestly have no idea how I got the idea to make a son of Sitron cause he is such a small and obscure character but I did. I know I wanted a skittish smol from the isle who was an easy target. Park jinyoung is such a cutie and he seemed to really fit the bill and so Archer came to be!!
Bridget: TBH I HAD THE IDEA FOR BRIDGET FOREVER!!  Since last november I’m pretty sure.  The idea of an energetic sweetheart who had dyslexia and was actucally really insecure was one that wouldn’t leave me alone. Eventually I gave in  and the rest is History!!
Ella: Like Bridget Ella was one I had wanted for some time but just never had the strong enough muse to apply for. I also couldn’t for the life of me decide on a Fc for her. I thought of using Crystal Reed but then I ended up using her for Cecily. Then Rouge one came along and me being the trash I am, inspiration struck. Ella turned out to be a lot more of a pain then I had ever imagined she would be though lol!!
Olivia: Boo is adorable and I wanted to play a character who was just very childlike like that so I figured I’d play her daughter!! Plus Lee  Sung Kyung is just gorgeous!! 
Addie: My inspiration for Addie actucally came about when I was looking for Faceclaims to suggest on the Fc help blog. I stumbled Upon Ashley Moore and I thought Wow she could totally be the daughter of Coraline and Wybie. From there, I started thinking of a personality for her and headcanons and it just spiraled out of control  lmao!!
I got 13 in another ask actucally and If I put it on this one it will end up becoming a novel lol!!
10.which muse is the most fun to write for?
I think i’d have to say Warren cause he’s just such a little shit and an unapologetic asshole. He’s also pretty different from the rest of them and I love the whole aspect of him being a ghost it makes writing for him a lot of fun!! 
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Finn rant
Okay, here goes. I wanted to take the time to summarize everything that I hate about the Star Wars fandom and it’s treatment of Finn. This is all stuff that has annoyed and in some cases offended me that I’ve had to look at for well over  a year since joining this fandom. This is also everything that I’ve felt like I had to keep my mouth shut about because it seems like most people in the Star Wars fandom have no problem whatsoever with. If you disagree with me, that’s great, and feel free to message me why. If you feel offended, then unfollow me, because that’s what I’ve been trying to do for over a year.
So the other day, a dear friend of mine told me that the finnreyfridays one-shot we were working on was sexist. Like actually sexist. Do you know why they told me it was sexist? Allow me to answer the question for you.
They told me it was sexist because the plot included Finn saving Rey. That’s why. I didn’t turn Rey into a helpless damsel-in-distress, I didn’t write Rey as a slutty scavenger who flirts with every guy she sees.
I wrote Rey as a skilled Jedi who was ambushed by Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren on a mission, and simply needed help. That’s it. It’s not an unrealistic situation at all, and Rey still got the upper hand on Kylo Ren. She was in danger and outnumbered, and Finn showed up and helped her.
And it’s became very clear to me that it offended my friend for one reason. That reason was that by simply because my having Finn rescue Rey, I apparently shattered Rey’s character and turned her into a helpless damsel-in-distress....
A few weeks ago there was photoset made by @shropshiregirl79 for finnreyfridays. It was a daily planet au with Finn as superman and Rey as Lois Lane. One of the pictures showed Rey in danger and Finn rescuing her, carrying her in his arms. Someone got mad about that and said they made Rey into a damsel-in-distress. 
Another situation arose where someone posted artwork of Finn and Rey as an old-style movie, with Finn a detective pointing a gun at someone while Rey clung to him. Once again, someone got mad and said it turned Rey into a damsel-in-distress. 
It’s become so taboo in this fandom just to have Finn saving, or even protecting Rey without people (probably white feminists) getting mad at it. Why is that? Is Finn’s only role only to be put in peril for Rey to rescue? And if you’re one of the people who gets mad about that, let me ask you a question. Would you be mad if it was Finn?
Here’s the deal. I joined the fandom well over a year ago. I can safely say I’ve read about
thirty to forty fics
where at some point,
Finn is inevitably captured or put in peril, and rescued by Rey or Poe.
I’ve seen
finnrey shippers
who supposedly love and appreciate Finn, joke around and call
Finn a damsel-in-distress (or trooper-in-distress)
and talk about how Rey does nothing but save him over and over, and everyone laughs and jokes about it.
I’ve read fics where on the off-chance that Finn does risk his life to save Rey, he gets criticized for it because he was being
RECKLESS and Rey HAD IT UNDER CONTROL. Seriously? Finn can’t even save Rey without it involving him being stupid or catching hell or it? 
It’s always, “Finn why did you do that?! You could’ve died!” instead of “Wow Finn thank you for saving me, I’m glad you’re okay. That was pretty brave.” But nope. Can’t even have that. 
I’ve read fics where Finn is flat out tied up and gagged. I’ve read a fics where Finn is captured, beaten, stripped down and hosed and left in a cell shivering in the corner helpless, wishing that Rey or Poe was there to save him (but it’s okay because ta-da they come to his rescue).
I’ve read a fic where the entire thing was just worshiping Rey. Literally. It’s Poe’s pov during a battle, and Finn is basically getting beat up and dragged away by stormtroopers, by the way that’s his entire role in the fic, just to get his ass kicked. He doesn’t do anything else. So Finn’s getting beat up, and the rest of the fic is Poe being completely ENAMORED left in AWE by Rey’s amazing flawless skills fighting through the stormtroopers and kicking ass left and right and looking SOOO beautiful and graceful with her lightsaber and she rescues Finn and Poe thanks her and thanks her over and over again. 
That’s the entire fic. Kissing Rey’s ass and kicking Finn’s. And guess what? The readers ate that shit up. They loved it.  So let me sum it up again. Finn can get beat up by stormtroopers, captured thousands of times, stripped, tortured, hosed down, and left shivering in a corner basically crying for Poe and Rey like bait, and people say that they appreciate Finn’s character for this? This is okay to everyone? Yet if I write a one shot where Rey is outnumbered, defeats Kylo Ren but is then outnumbered and Finn comes to save her, then I’m destroying Rey’s character? Then I don’t appreciate her character? Then the entire one-shot is sexist garbage based on turning Rey into a damsel in distress? Apparently so. Thanks fandom. 
Again, I’ve been putting up with this for over a year, and it took a lot of time for me to actually muster up the courage to rant about it. If this offends you, you’re probably apart of the problem.
Finnamon Roll?
Okay, another major trend I’m sick of is the constant EMASCULATION OF FINN.  Let me sum up Finn’s character.  He suffers from trauma. He was taken away as a baby and raised to be a ruthless killing machine. He endured 20+ years of brainwashing, propaganda, and conditioning. He had no friends whatsoever (SLIP WAS NOT HIS FRIEND). He was the best stormtrooper cadet in his unit. He almost never missed a shot with a blaster. He was an outcast, and constantly criticized for having a heart. In TFA, he suffers from trauma, is still an expert shot with a blaster, rescues Poe, keeps Rey from getting shot by stormtroopers, makes a tough decision to leave Rey because he knows what the First Order is capable of, and even begs her to come with him. He comes right back into the fight after seeing Hosnian Prime get destroyed, and is witnesses Rey get kidnapped by his worst nightmare.  What does he do? He decides to help the Resistance, gives them vital information that only HE knew, volunteers to go to SKB. Captures Phasma and forces her at gunpoint to lower the shields, helps Rey escape from SKB, witnesses Han’s murder, watches Rey get slammed into a tree, before making the final decision to stand up to his worst nightmare, knowing he might die just to protect Rey. His last line in the entire movie is “Come get it.”
After summarizing his character, how come all I see on tumblr is “awwwwww look at my cute smol wittle Finny. He’s so harmless and adorable!!!” Like...excuse me? Is that all tumblr was able to get from that movie? So let me get this straight. Because Finn isn’t a cold-blooded murderer, he’s suddenly nothing but a squishy pile of hearts and flowers and sugar  who couldn’t hurt a fly? Really?
How come in most highschool aus, Finn’s portrayed as an overly-meek or powerless nerd? If anything, Finn would probably be a pretty strong guy who gets straight As and stands up for his friends no matter what. But that doesn’t mean he’s a bully either.  This is what the fandom does with his character, instead of exploring the endless possibilities with his backstory and trauma. AND on the off-chance that someone writes an actual Finn-centric fic based on his backstory, it’s always just Finn and his stormtrooper buddies having a romance or exploring sex for some reason. We can’t even have a Finn story without it circulating around people he knows. It’s always about someone else at the end of the day. What’s heartbreaking is that most of the things I’m complaining about happens in the stormpilot and finnrey ships (this is where I expect people to unfollow me). Like come on guys. I could see r/eylos doing this, but not you guys. You’re so much better than that. 
Space Prince Finn (More Emasculation)
Look, when I first heard the idea of Finn being a lost Prince, I was stoked. I was blown away. My reaction was,”Finally! This fandom’s actually given Finn something of his own! He could be royalty! How dope would that be!”
But...of course, this fandom has to take that amazing concept and uh...
Well, we ruined that too. We basically turn Finn into a jewelry stand, and a makeup model. Of course, I’m not saying men can’t wear what they want. If a man wants to wear makeup or wear jewelry, that’s completely fine and I encourage that. But here’s the issue. 
We constantly idolize Princess Leia and Queen/Senator Amidala because they are figures of royalty who can fight and take care of themselves, as well as look badass while they do it. 
So why is it that when we have Prince Finn, he’s once again, emasculated, put in dresses and given nail polish, lipstick, doused in glitter, and turned into a damsel-in-distress who not only needs constant rescue once again, but this time needs Rey/Poe as a bodyguard to protect him? It’s a double standard. I’m sorry but you can’t praise Leia and Padme for being badass royals who don’t need protection, and turn around and make Finn the opposite. 
And again, it’s something that the fandom eats up for some reason. We’ll shun the Hutt-Slayer bikini (rightfully so. it’s disgusting), make it a point to make fun of the hutt-slayer bikini and constantly criticize it, yet draw Finn in it and everyone thinks it’s cute and hilarious. This is the shit that I’m sick of.  Look at T’Challa, otherwise known as Black Panther. He is royalty, but he’s also very powerful, knows how to fight, is an amazing fighter, and is taken seriously. Very seriously. He is strong, brave, serious, and intimidating, yet he’s not a bully or a stereotype. 
THIS. THIS is what I expected Prince Finn to be. This is what Prince Finn would be if it were canon. He’d be a strong leader, handsome, noble, powerful, and intimidating. And he wouldn’t need constant protection from Rey and/or Poe. Especially not this constant emasculation and woobifying. 
We live in a day and age where Princesses are being portrayed as stronger and stronger, and are told that they can rescue themselves. So why is Finn being treated the opposite? Why is Finn being treated like he’s just there to look pretty for commissions and make out with Poe? Why does he need all-powerful Rey to always protect him? Why can’t he be taken more seriously?
I want you to think about this.
Okay. This was a lot to cover, and it’s something that’s been nagging at me for a while now. Look. I look up to Finn. I really do. He’s my hero. He’s the first main black lead in Star Wars, and that means the world to me. I want to see him grow and be appreciate and given an epic role moving forward, and I feel like the Star Wars fandom isn’t the place I’m going to find any of that. 
Not a day goes by where I’m not tempted to deactivate and walk away from the fandom entirely. There’s just too much shit Finn is put through that drives me insane. There’s too many things that I look at or read that make me feel like this fandom will never actually appreciate Finn the way the he deserves to be appreciated. Even the people who say that they love Finn tend to do this.
So I wanted to write this rant in case I ever deactivate because of this fandom. Just so you, the readers, can know why.
Thanks for reading. Means a lot. If you’re still wondering when the One-Shot is coming out, probably next week. I have to finish it on my own. 
@errrbodylovesfinn  @finnsajedi​ @diversehighfantasy @starwarsfandomh8speopleofcolor @imaswan
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gleefail · 4 years
Glee Memories: 1x15 The Power of Madonna
A long, long time ago, as Glee was approaching graduation in Season 3, I found myself nostalgic with some rare free time on my hands. So I decided to rewatch the series from the beginning and jot down some memories, discrepancies that have arisen since, fave quotes, tally solos - all that good stuff, strictly for shits and giggles.
8 years later (eek!) and once more I find myself with an unexpected abundance of free time. With so many revisiting or being newly introduced to the show between binge watching during Quarantine and all the tragedy that has surrounded the show since it went off the air, I figured I’d finish what I started. And by finish, I mean go through the end of S3. Cause I truly cannot acknowledge what happened after that. Except for 5B.
Kicking this off by reposting the first 15 episodes I already went through. Enjoy!
1x15 The Power of Madonna heeee, Sue just referenced Desperately Seeking Susan. Man, I loved that movie as a kid. Who’s That Girl as well anybody remember that one?!
hahaha, how have I never noticed before that Quinn is drawing a picture of Rachel Berry…a very unflattering picture that says “LOSER”? Awesome.
hahaha. Jesse and Rachel ‘hypothetically’ went to a Wiggles concert. Seriously, he’s kinda perfect for her.
Aw – The Montage from A Chorus Line is playing under Jesse’s pressure-her-into-sex moment. I have such fond memories of that song. I was featured in this song for a show that ended up changing the course of my entire life, quite literally. :)
“Would you please stop talking? You’re grossing out my baby.”
“But I can’t wait to get a guy mad at me for saying ‘no’.” Bite your tongue, Mercedes. Also…be careful what you wish for.
Still creeps me out that they have this whole sex talk with Mr. Schue in the room. And that he eavesdrops. And that when he speaks up it’s to ask if they’re having that much ‘guy trouble’, not to actually be a good teacher and help Rachel out in her “my boyfriend’s pressuring me to have sex but I’m not ready” situation or to respond to Britany and Santana’s advice to just never say no and that they should have more self-respect…teacher of the year indeed.
Do women really still earn 70 cents to every dollar a man does for the same job? Oh, eff that!
More Emma pamphlets:                HELP! I’m in love with my stepdad!                I still breastfeed …but how old is too old?                Congratulations, you’re pregnant.                Proper Wiping: Easy as 1…2…3                …and something about Toxic Shock Syndrome and Asperger’s that I                can’t read, lol.
Ugh, douche. Will just said this area of expertise (sex) is Emma’s blindspot. Jerk.
So Glee seems to have a knack for insulting folks that will later be guest stars. Gwyneth Paltrow and John Stamos have been mentioned thus far, and Lindsay Lohan just made the list. Hmmm…
I love the Ann Coultier jab. Cause I despise that ‘woman’
Ray of Light routine on stilts. Still leaves me speechless.  My favorite part is still when the men on stilts do these assisted lifts with women who are not. They get them so effing high.  It’s just amazing.
“Somehere on the English countryside in a stately manor home, Madonna is weeping.”
“Hall of fame MILF”
HA! Artie’s look in response to Tina giving him side-eye. Too funny.
Finn has no idea what misogynistic means. #BlessFinnsHeart
Kurt is gonna do a video of Madonna’s styles. With Mercedes. Kurtcedes love. :)
Yeah, I find it hard to believe high school boys wouldn’t be rubbin’ one out at these girls in corsets, touchin’ themselves and bein’ a little S&M with one another. Even if they hate Madonna with a passion. Their disinterest is completely unrealistic.
Britany has a (younger presumably as she plays soccer with a 7 year old) sister. Forgot about that. I think RIB did too.
The way to get a man forever is to take his virginity? Really? I would think that would unleash him into a sexual awakening and sleeping with everything he could now that he wouldn’t be perceived as ‘lame’ or a loser or whatever for being a virgin…no?
Finnocence. Nice.
Can we acknowledge that Finn lost his virginity in a plot for Santana to snag a younger man (by what, 4 days I think she said?) to emulate Madonna per Sue and not get kicked off the Cheerios? That’s…just so sad.
“You’re about as sexy as a Cabbage Patch Kid.” – ha!
So…watching this post-Nationals, does Emma get to have Madonna playing in her office now? ;)
Finn’s pissed that Rachel lied to him and didn’t really break it off with Jesse. Evs. Mind ya business, Finn.
So because he’s jealous or his ego is hurt or whatever, Finn tells Rachel if her and Jesse leads to something bad for the entire Glee club not to expect anymore friendship from him. Um…yeah. I’d marry him a year or two later. Cause…clearly he’ll be there through rough times…douche. Selfish, childish douche.
I still really like this mash-up of Borderline/Open Your Heart. And as much as I don’t love Finchel, the angst in this is my cup o’ tea. I like it.
I do love all the Madonna shout-outs in the hallway. Makes me feel old that I recognize each of these looks. Oy.
Finn, why are you just randomnly tearing books from the shelves and knocking them to the floor as you walk through the library? Such a badass…
I was watching an episode of Gilmore Girls and Brad was the piano player for one of Emily Gilmore’s parties (I think Rory’s college grad party). Hilarious. Also, he looked EXACTLY the same. How long ago was that?!
I find it awesome that Mercedes has a picture of a gal from So You Think You Can Dance in her locker. I love that show.
Up With People rejects. Ha.
Hmm. Will is suddenly not intimidated at all by Sue and her quips. What brought that on? Although, it’s hot when he stands up to her. Until he makes fun of her hair. Then he seems like a jerk.
“Oh, snap!” I love this moment. And the gif that came out of it.
Birth moment of the Sue, Kurt, Mercedes dynamic right there. Yay. :)
Sue just told Kurt and Mercedes about her sister being handicapped. I don’t care what anyone says, she likes them, even just a little bit. And I love this dynamic of the three of them. It always makes me smile.
Hahaha – Kurt’s reaction to Sue not being able to keep up with the latest looks when she was younger. Hilarious.
“Mercedes is black. I’m gay. We make culture.”
“I picked the Stephen Sondheim biography section for our clandestine meeting because only he can express my melonchalia.”
“You deserve epic romance.” Listen. Looking back from the end of Season 3, I really am not understanding why I’m supposed to want Rachel with Finn. Jesse makes so much more sense.
“Foreplay shall begin at 7:30 sharp.” Oh Emma. A for effort.
Vogue. Man. I was so little when this came out. I remember when it premiered on MTV.
Jane Lynch has such long legs. I’m jealous.
“Will Schuester. I hate you.”
Like A Virgin still makes me really uncomfortable. For so many reasons. I just…don’t need to see this side of any of these characters. I feel like a voyeur.
How did Santana and Finn swing a motel room at 15 years old? Hmm….
Add Whoopi to that list of joked about future guest stars. Yeesh…that’s 5 now? 4? Stamos, Paltrow, Lohan and Goldberg.
Sue is gonna reinvent Kurt and Mercedes. Squee!
Why is Rachel looking at sheet music for Where Is Love? Cause 1. I hate that song, 2. I hate that show, and 3. shoutout to the pilot?
Finn just asked Rachel how her date with Jesse went. With the subtext of “did you sleep with him?” WHY are they even talking about this? I don’t get it. It’s private Finn, so rude you’d even ask. Also, how does he even know they are even close to sex? I missed something. This is so weird. Made even more weird that neither of them seems to think it’s weird that they’re having this conversation. Ugh.
“Just come out so we can talk. Or sing about it.” Jesse is ridiculously perfect for Rachel Berry.
Okay, I’m gonna rant for a second: I know I’m anal and put him on a pedestal and all, but S3, they make it sound like Sam had sex with one of his clients at the strip club; after they’ve shoved super-romantic in-love-with-Mercedes Sam at us for like, 9 episodes in a row over a span of like, 3 or 4 months; regardless of how I personally feel about that or that ship, right now we see a super uncomfortable scene that still breaks my heart where Finn is dealing with the aftermath of sleeping with Santana, when he has feelings for someone else, but more in that he doesn’t have feelings for her, therefore it didn’t mean anything and it’s clearly not sitting well with him. Regret is all over his face. It’s so sad. So…why did they do the same thing but expect it to be okay in S3 regarding Sam (but even more gross cause of the whole stripper/client aspect)? Eff you, Glee.
I feel like this might be the most real and vulnerable I’ve ever seen Santana (in the post-coital conversation with Finn in the motel room bed). I mean…a couple moments may rival it, but it’s definitely top 5 if not top 3. It’s so sad to see how she really feels about this aspect of her life that publicly she seems so proud of and invincible to. Man. Poor Santana.
Um…is Puck playing Ninja in the background or just being a human statue or something? It doesn’t look like anyone is playing with him, so it must be the latter? Random.
Something changed in the way I felt about Glee after this episode, now that I look back on it. I felt like I should’ve left this episode feeling like “wow – they’re ballsy and go against the grain! They’ll do the unexpected” but…instead I was left with a feeling of “do I trust these writers with these people I’ve come to care about?” I’m referring to the possibility of consummation with 3 couples, 2 of which would have seemed…not completely unhealthy and one that obviously was…and they had those 2 chicken out and consummated the 1 that just shouldn’t have because it was kind of an irresponsible message to send to the youngins watching this show who they say at times they speak to when they write things like Kurt’s gay storyline or about being an outcast but finding a group that understands you and being happy with who you are. But here I’m sure they’d say something about how they’re not role models and shouldn’t be emulated. Yeah. This was the beginning of the end of my true love for Glee and the beginning of me just loving certain characters and occasional episodes or storylines…the beginning of my love to hate Glee. Whee. :/
It’s cute that Will polished Emma’s shoes. :)
I know a lot of people think it’s condescending and all, but I think the way Will handles suggesting counseling etc. to Emma was nice. There’s something mature about it. I think it’s that he’s like “we need to take action to work through our issues or they’re not gonna go away” as a team. It was nice.
“What the hell? It seems like now people are doing things JUST to hurt my feelings!” Ok, so maybe Finn IS more perfect for Rachel than I thought. Selfish little man-child.
Jesse St. James just joined New Directions. Kurt is pissed cause it means he’ll have no chance at a solo. Mercedes mentions that they only trot her out at the end of songs to wail on the last note, how is that okay? Truth.com. Also, why were those two issues NEVER addressed by Will? They were put out there, they were true as hell, and they were just ignored. Teacher of the year indeed.
Santana points out that obvs Jesse is a spy. Mr. Schue sticks up for Jesse and lets him join. Yet Rachel wasn’t allowed to date him cause that would be bad for the Glee club? #WTF?
“Mr. Schue, is he your son?”
“Okay, from the top!”  
4 Minutes. Seriously, I never thought Chris Colfer was hot before I saw this song. But let’s be real – he is hot as fuck in this song, I still think so. It was the first time I noticed as well that boy had grown into a little man! When did THAT happen? Wasn’t he just a baby-faced nugget like, 3 episodes before this?
Also, I love both of the vocals for them on this song.
Ok. This still pisses me off (can you tell this is an ep that started my rage towards Glee? Lol): Emma, Mr. Schue and Rachel are all distraught and shocked when they see that Mercedes and Kurt have joined the Cheerios…WHY? Britany and Santana are already on the Cheerios and in Glee and it’s fine. Quinn was. Why is this such a betrayal? They didn’t QUIT ND to join the Cheerios. And isn’t Rachel in like, 16 clubs in addition to Glee? Puck, Finn, Mike and Matt are on the football team. Artie has jazz band and AV club. Mercedes and Kurt and Tina are the only ones who are ONLY in Glee Club. This is stupid.
Shot of Quinn who is happy as a pig in shit for the two of them. THANK YOU Quinn for having sense and being a cool person and good friend.
“You guys could’ve at least given me a heads up.” “You mean, the same you way you gave us a heads up before NOT giving us a solo almost every week?” PREACH!!
You expect me to believe that the sexuality of Express Yourself, Artie working on that kick-ass Vogue video, or that amazing performance of 4 Minutes didn’t sway the boys to like Madonna…but their shitty rendition of “What It Feels Like For A Girl” did? Fuck you, Glee. I’m not an idiot. Stop treating me like one.
Why is Kurt a part of this lesson on treating the girls with respect? 1. He’s into Madonna, so he doesn’t need to be converted. 2. He’s NOT treating the girls like garbage. Teacher of the year indeed.
“I think we’re gonna need a new baritone cause Finn would like to become Finnessa”
“My growing feminism will cut you in half like a righteous blade of equality.”
Kurt mentions he’s an honorary girl. Again, WHY is he a part of this lesson?
AW. It just broke my heart a little that Tina said to Artie “why would you propose when you don’t even like me?” Aw. Poor Tina.
Alright, I admit, I love that whoever wrote this ep finally ended this nonsense with Finn being all pissed at Rachel for dating Jesse like she did something wrong and made him realize why she was even single to be pursued by Jesse in the first place. Kudos…whoever you are cause they didn’t credit the writer or director on this ep (the fuck?).
“Sing off. The parking lot. 5:00. Be there.” “No…”
“Frankly, I need you. I’m tired of carrying the male vocals all by myself.” Oh, FUCK. YOU. Finn! (I say on behalf of Kurt, Artie, and Puck).
Kurt just sang his first itty bitty solo in Glee club and then before Mercedes starting singing he ran up and gave her a peck on the cheek. Oh my God, I love them.
Gospel choir. So. Effing. Random. Yet so. Effing. EPIC.
SOLOS: Rachel (4), Mercedes (3), Finn (3), Emma (1), Santana (1), Will (1), Jesse (1), Kurt (2)
0 notes
The Last Jedi spoilers below the cut 
Okay sooo this movie was just really weird to me?? Like was it a good movie? Definitely. Was it a good star wars movie? I really don't fucking know tbh. Gonna have to watch it again to form solid opinions. For now, I'm just gonna talk about the good and bad.
The Good:
It seems to me that put the reylo story to rest which is brill!!! Like I know that it seems like it was a pro reylo movie (and yeah, there were parts like the shirtless scene and the hand holding scene that were) but it seemed to me that by the end of the movie they were through with the kylo redemption arc. Rey shut the door on his stupid face, it looked final. And if after this they still try to redeem him I will literally fucking scream
I know a some people didn't like the way the Luke/kylo story was handled but I found it interesting. It's always been implied that the dark side can make you do things that you wouldn't think of otherwise, draws on more intense, darker feelings like pain and fear, and I think that's exactly what happened with Luke. He got scared and succumbed and for a split second was ready to kill the piece of shit kyle (should've done it tbh). This led to him being bitter, and I can understand that too. The guilt obviously weighed heavy on his conscience. I would have preferred a movie where Luke hadn’t turned into a bitter old man, but as it is I didn’t absolutely hate his arc I guess. 
I mean, they already fucked up the perfectly happy expanded universe endings so I’ve been resigned to the bitter fates of the original trio. 
I also quite liked Rey trying to figure out her past, and I especially loved that she turned out to be descended from "no-one." It's the theory I've been hoping was true (the other ones I wouldn't have minded was her being related to obi wan or qui-gon). It's a message I thought was cool: anyone can be force sensitive, anyone can be a Jedi. Ofc, kyle might have been lying and she might still be a skywalker and this whole reylo thing might be a gross ploy by rian to imitate the incest stuff from the original movies in which case i will personally find rian and stab him
Quite liked the theme of letting the past go. So many of the characters are stuck in their pasts, and the first order existing sort of hinges on the ideas of the original empire so the overarching theme of letting the past die resonated. It applies to fans too: purism gets you nowhere. 
The fight sequences were all amazing. Luke fucking owning kyle's ass made my life!!!!
Yoda!!!!!!!!!!! Listen, I’m just a bitch for OT characters showing up
Holdo being a badass and just straight up flying her ship at lightspeed through the first order barrage like wow how fucking iconic??
Rose being the sweetest ever (Kelly Tran played her to perfection, working wonderfully with the material she was given). She was allowed to be soft, sweet, kind and capable, strong, badass all at the same time, which was so great. And her crush on Finn as well as their dynamic was adorable.
The Bad:
Ho my god- the reylo. The Force Skype thing was literally a fanfiction plot. The angsty longing gazes from Kyle's end made me gag. The hand holding thing?? The elevator scene?? Why would you make me look at that with my own two eyes whyyyy. Thank God it's (probably) over
It just boggles my mind??? That whole sequence where he and rose go to that planet to get the hacker guy took my out of the movie completely. It almost felt like prequel levels of nonsense. Were both rose and finn as a pair entertaining to watch? Yes. Would they be good as a couple? Yeah sure. Is it super fucking great that they're an interracial couple? Yes!!! Doesnt fucking erase the fact that it felt like that whole plot and Rose (as much as I love her and as much as I'm happy she exists) too was created because they didn't know what to do with Finn.
And why tf was there so little interaction between Finn and Poe?????????? Look, I get that Disney can't make them a couple if they don't want the movie to be banned from some (bigoted) countries (including mine unfortunately). Movie making is a business, whatever I get it, but the interactions between these two were part of why I (and so many others) liked tfa so much. That whole hacker planet plot should either have been Finn and Poe's, or else Finn should have had a plot back on the ship. Ughhhhhh
And also, making Rose and Finn kiss/a couple basically just ensures that Finn is never going to end up with Rey and I'm fine with that only if she ends up single by the end of this series. Or like, just as long as she's not with fucking kyle ron. I'm just terrified that that's exactly what's gonna happen though. Let's hope j.j doesn't let us down.
Other stuff:
Did anyone else notice that Rey had taken the Jedi books from the temple. Is that why Yoda was chill with destroying the temple?
What was the Dark Side seaweed pit about? It was a pretty cool sequence but like?? 
Pretty disappointed with snoke tbh. Went into the movie looking for answers and came out with absolutely nothing. Where did he come from? Why is he the supreme leader? Why is he the supreme leader if he’s a little bitch who was beaten by actual child kylo ren? Why wasn’t he 15 ft tall smh
I’m really sad that Luke’s gone, but I’m pretty sure he’ll appear as force ghost in the next movie. He has to.
How are they gonna deal with Carrie Fisher’s death? They’ve apparently said that they don’t wanna bring her back through cgi so does that mean they’ll have to kill her off? She was supposed to have a pretty big part of ep9 but I don’t see what they can do besides killing her off. They could send her off elsewhere but it would be pretty odd if she was alive and she didn’t appear through the movie. 
ANyway I cried every scene she was in
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reylo99 · 7 years
Star Wars TLJ
Do not read if you haven't seen the film!
First Impressions:
What???? Luke? Leia using the force? Snoke? Serious force bond skype? Sexy Kylo? Angry Kylo? Badass Rey? Yoda!!!!!! Omg YODA!!!!
Honestly guys TLJ has so much in it that you must watch it a 2nd time to give a clear opinion!!!
Second view:
Wow. Incredible. Beautiful. Like fan fic on the big screen.
I must say that I was truly emotionally rattled with every scene Carrie Fisher was in!! I couldn't help it!! The scene where Holdo and Leia hold hands and Holdo tells her "May the force be with you" I cried!!! And I wasn't sure how to feel about "superman Leia" but now that I saw it a 2nd time, I am completely happy with it!! We never saw Leia truly use the force till this point and it was damn incredible!
I hated Holdo for half the film! Until she sacrificed herself in the most amazing, badass way ever!
Personally I wanted more for Finn. I feel like we weren't given any character development for him and I will tell you the truth! I love Finn!! He is one of my favorite characters and I was really hoping to see more out of him! And Rose Tico was a good addition to the cast! That kiss was awkward period!
Poe! Oh Poe! Now he was given a hell of a lot of screen time and I don't mind! Poe Dameron is dangerously daring and I love it!
MASTER LUKE FREAKIN SKYWALKER!!! Oh hail Mark Hamill!!! The best part of this film is Luke!!!!! He is so damn awesome and I loved everything about him! I mean its Luke! I am hurt that he is now one with the force! I had a feeling that would happen but I have to admit that he is amazing and all powerful Jedi! And his look in the scene with young Ben! Holy crap!
Rey! A nobody? Hmmm. I like it. And its a very Disney move. But then again... Is it true?? Ive been asking myself if maybe Kylo had his reasons to lie or manipulate her in some way! I mean I just dont know. And honestly if its true! More power to her! I am a believer that you dont have to be the offspring of force sensitive parents to be force sensitive! But Rey is the light side equal to dark side Kylo Ren! You know the grandson of Darth Vader and obviously a Skywalker. So I guess I had conviced myself that his counter part would be a descendent of a Kenobi or even a Palpatine. And yeah I was never on board with Rey Skywalker. And no reylo was not my only reason for that. We just have plenty of Skywalkers in the film we dont need another! Which brings me to Reylo... Ok Im going to be honest! The first time I saw the film I didint see the confirmation of Reylo that everyone talked about and that I personally hoped for! The second time around it was clear! Its there! No denying it! And Snoke claims to have bonded them?? And Im not so sure about that! Im not saying he did not do it but I cant say oh yeah I believe the ancient man in the room! I would believe more like he amplified something that was already there. Oh and that Reylo fight scene! Please... You are not alone...neither are you...hand touch...not to me...elevator scene... Yup! Life!!!
YODA! Not much to say there! Its YODA!!! He is hilarious and full on greatness!
Go watch TLJ twice!!! Maybe more times! Coming from the person that had to watch TFA 5 times in a 2 day span to be convinced lol I cant wait for the novel!!!!
#TLJ #The Last Jedi #ThelastJedi # Reylo #Spoiler
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