#wow what a cool character i hope nothing bad happens to her
kismetmoon · 6 months
another one, bartender
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[ID: a digital painting of Nora Vigenere, an original stylised Flatland character from the Gravity Falls / Flatland fanfic ‘Flat Dreams’.
Nora is a humanoid character with dark grey skin and an eye for a head with a sharp point on top. She is wearing a white blouse with frills on the chest and Juliette sleeves, a teardrop-shaped necklace with a purple gem, a black skirt and black high heel boots.
She is sat down with her legs crossed and is leaning slightly forward. She has a half-lidded expression with a raised eyebrow and is looking off to the side. Her right arm is laid on her lap and her left arm is held up at a 90° angle. She is holding a glass of whiskey in her left hand. There are motion lines around the bottom of the glass to indicate that she is swirling it.
The entire image is monochrome, except for the purple charm on her necklace, the brown whiskey, her red iris and a yellow triangular caution sign with a black exclamation point above her. The rest of the background is grey.
End ID].
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puppet-boys-writing · 5 months
hii wally!!! 🐈can I request some fluff with baby boy thunderhoof and fem reader (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧. she lives in this cabin in a field and he just so happens to see her everyday (while on his patrol for energon) until he musters enough courage to talk (with a tough ol demeanor) but turns into a hot mess
hope this isn't too complicated 😭
The Cabin In A Field
➵Author: HI!! I hope you enjoy!! I liked writing this, even if my brain kinda fuzzed out towards the end!
➵Character(s): Thunderhoof
➵Type: fluff
➵Relationship: platonic. Thunderhoof got a crush
➵Reader Type: she/her, human
➵Summary: Thunderhoof passes (Y/N) everyday on his patrols, never stopping to talk to her. He finally gets the courage and tries to keep his cool
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Everyday Thunderhoof passes by the quaint little cabin, out in the open field, with the human femme at the same time each day. She’s always sitting there on the porch swing outside. The human always waves at him as he passes the cabin, zero fear evident on her face. He never returns the wave, just huffs and continues on his way, deciding the patrol was far more important. He doesn’t want Steeljaw on his aft about this.
Today was seemingly no different. As he nears the cabin he sees her there, swinging absentmindedly on the porch swing. She seemed bored as she was swinging, but upon spotting the giant mech, she visibly brightened and waves to Thunderhoof. However, instead of just continuing on with his patrol as usual, he stops and stares at the human.
The mech grumbles to himself for a moment before deciding he has nothing to lose and heads over to where the human sits. Her eyes widen in surprise for a moment before she waves, with much more excitement this time. Thunderhoof rolls his optics but crouches in front of the human.
“Wow!” the human gasps, staring at Thunderhoof in awe. “You’re much bigger up close!” She stands up from the porch swing, holding her hand out to touch the giant but stops when his optics narrow at her.
“Ayo, show a little respect here, squishy.” Thunderhoof almost feels bad with the way she drops her arm and pouts. He makes a motion towards himself, “I’m Thunderhoof, see? I ain’t somebody y’should be messin’ with, y’hear?”
“Well, Thunderhoof, I’m (Y/N)!” She holds her hand up once more, this time for a handshake. “I’m real excited to finally meet you! It’s not everyday you get to meet a giant robot!”
Thunderhoof considers, before pushing her hand down with a digit. She’s soft, he thinks. But he pushes that thought aside with a huff, “Cybertronian.”
“Pardon?” (Y/N) gives a polite smile, albeit looking a bit confused.
“Cybertronian. ‘S what I am.” He averts his gaze, trying to keep his cool and tough demeanor. “I ain’t a ‘giant robot’, I’m Cybertronian.”
“Oh! Okay. Okay, got it!” She moves forward and gives the giant mech a pat on his knee. “Thank you for informing me. I’d rather not offend you!” Thunderhoof turns a glare at her but it falters at her smile and her soft touch on him. He can practically feel his spark trying to beat its way out of its chamber. How dare a human make him feel this way. 
(Y/N) keeps her hand on his knee, but her head tilts at the obvious battle going on inside the mech’s processor. “Thunderhoof?” she speaks so softly, worried. “Did I say something wrong?”
Thunderhoof grumbles and gives a halfhearted glare to the human. “Y’better take yer hand off me, squishy, before I squish you. It’s what you humans are good for, afterall.” The mech huffs
(Y/N) takes her hand off Thunderhoof, raising both in defense. “Alright, alright! Boundaries, I get it.” She smiles softly at him, “I just wanted to make sure you were okay!”
The large mech stares at her, processor racing, before he stands up and crosses his arms. “Why aren’t’cha scared, human? I could easily squish you under pede.” He growls at her, trying to appear threatening. 
She shrugs, “There’s not much excitement out here. Besides, if you wanted to squish me, I’m sure you would’ve done it already!” She grins up at him, hands on her hips now.
Thunderhoof scoffs, trying to find a comeback, before simply grumbling as he can’t find one. He drops to sitting, causing (Y/N) to wobble from the rumble of him landing on the ground. Once she stabilizes, she has a cheshire grin, “I’m right, huh? You don’t have the heart to squish me!”
He glares at her, his faceplates flushing a light blue. “You better keep yer trap shut before I change my mind.” She shrugs, moving back to sit on the porch swing once more.
She seems more than content to sit in silence with Thunderhoof, using her foot to make the porch swing rock. Thunderhoof watches her as she picks up the book that was sitting next to her to read. His glare softens just a bit, faceplates still flushed.
Perhaps he can sit here for a while longer. Steeljaw can wait.
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jayden-killer · 4 months
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
What would happen if your favourite fictional character appeared in your bed...?
A/N: oh boy. This is 1000% certificated angst. *cries hard* ALSO ITS BEEN ALMOST ONE YEAR OMG I'm back!!!
Taglist (write me down in the comments if you want to be added!): @strxngegirl @d1lf-loverrr @laysmt @musicalhistorical @souichi-sbitch
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Miguel and I didn't have much to do that day. My boss had let me take a few days off, and I was somewhat relieved. The possibility of not going to work in those days turned into an opportunity to strengthen the bond with Miguel. Now he lived in my house until his Gizmo adjusted and he was able to get through to Lyla. I didn't mind his presence, because I had always considered him as my friend, or maybe more than a friend, even before I knew he was real.. But that didn't matter. Miguel was going to leave sooner or later. And this would also lead to a void in my heart. I decided to chase those thoughts away and suggest that he take a walk in the city park near my house that morning. He agreed.
The humidity was gone, and I remember him blowing a light cool breeze that ruffled our hair and clothes. On our way to the park, we didn't talk much. I had guessed that Miguel was a man of few words, but I still hoped that he had something to say. Anything.
"Here we are" I let my face adorn itself with a smile "A little fresh air won't hurt you. Lately you've always been locked up in my studio trying to find a solution to get back into your dimension".
"Indeed" he agreed, looking around "But it's not a situation to be underestimated. I'm afraid Lyla is broken"
"I'm sure you'll find the right solution, but it's not good for you to be stuck indoors 24/7. Even I go out once in a while!" I replied, joking. There seemed to be a small smile on his face. "Maybe yes..."
My gaze fell on a café, never seen before, which had probably recently opened. I figured a coffee or something might help miguel relax even more. I met his eyes, tired and thoughtful. "Would you like a coffee?" I proposed.
"Okay. No sugar, but milk...and medium"
"Wow, the big boy is thirsty this morning!"
“Whatever, get in line, since there's a lot of them.” He rolled his eyes annoyed. "Okay, you stay here, I think it won't take me long. The queue is flowing" With that, I left Miguel for a few minutes, hoping that nothing had happened, nothing strange or bad. But maybe I was wrong. And I could not have foreseen it.
Miguel remained silent, watching his friend leave. He took a deep breath and looked around for the third time, then sat down on a nearby bench. He admired the children's play area for a while (at least, it seemed to him a while) and tried not to think about it at all. But it was not easy for him not to think of his beloved Gabriella. Her beloved, perfect child. Every time her face came back to him, the memories resurfaced and he always ended up in a difficult situation, in which he either cried or was forced to repress that sadness. And the second option today was the one he would have chosen. Crying in public, at his age... "You're a grown-up adult, O'Hara, act like one! Gabriel wouldn't be happy about that, so don't try to cry-"
"Excuse me, sir, but can you get the ball out of those bushes? It's too high".
That voice managed to bring Miguel back to reality and he noticed a pretty, little girl in soccer gear and her face slightly covered in mud. Miguel's eyes widened, his heart rate accelerated considerably and he seemed to forget what was around him. He almost forgot even the little girl's ball. He was too busy watching the girl smile politely at him, patiently waiting for him to give her the ball back. Nodding weakly, he got up off the bench, plucking the ball from the branches with ease. The little girl jumped with happiness and took back the ball that Miguel handed her, to then give him an even bigger smile.
"Thank you very much, sir!"
His words flew out of her mouth without a second thought. "Is that you, Gabriella?"
"Thank you". Smiles to the bartender, carrying in hand the two glasses full of coffee. On one of them there was written "Miguel :)". I specifically asked the bartender to draw a smiley face, because I thought it was cute. But as I was walking to the place where I had left Miguel a few minutes ago, I almost dropped my coffee by the hand. My mouth opened with surprise. I never expected to find Miguel chatting happily, inches away, with a little girl. His tail was high and he was wearing sportswear, while he was swinging his legs with a football on his legs. That little girl had a very familiar face. I thought I saw her somewhere. It was at that moment that I realized: it was the carbon copy of Gabriella, Miguel’s daughter. But what was she doing there? Why was she there?
My legs moved by themselves, getting closer and closer to eavesdropping on the scene. And so Miguel noticed me: he looked up from the child’s eyes and, unexpectedly, smiled at me. I never thought I’d see Miguel smiling. He radiated a warm, warm smile that made my heart cliff. Gabriella really had a strong influence on him.
"I... I brought you your coffee," I said without a second thought, and I stretched my arm, passing the glass. He nodded, and took it. She opened and closed her mouth when she finally spoke. "She is Gabriella"
"Great pleasure!" The girl gave me a bright smile and waved at me, so I waved back.
"My pleasure. W-Wha..?" My head moved towards Miguel's direction, visibly confused. "What is happening?"
"She, huh... I pulled a football out of a hedge. And now she’s telling me that she had auditioned for a major soccer team" Miguel explained. I had the distinct feeling that he was almost justifying himself as if it was wrong for him to talk to a shameless copy of his daughter. I never thought there was one on this Earth. Where did she come from? All that was missing were anomalies that appeared outside of multidimensional portals and began to disrupt the city. I shuddered at the thought. Maybe not.
"Oh" I sighed, and smiled embarrassed. "Anyway... cool!"
"Yeah," Miguel smiled even more when his eyes fell on Gabriella’s adorable face. "Can I see some dribble? I bet you’re really good"
"Sure, sir!" Gabriella got up from the bench with speed and, without wasting time, showed us some dribble she made with her foot. The ball held its balance on the tip of her foot, and Gabriella took on a real concentrated expression, frowning her eyebrows. At the end of that, she smiled all satisfied, and asked, "Was I good?"
I clapped my hands, clearly surprised by his performance and showed a big smile. Miguel joined too, clapping more than me. He leaned over her and messed up her tied hair. "You were great, mija".
He had unknowingly called her mija.
In my heart, I hoped that Gabriella did not know Spanish. But she didn’t say anything, on the contrary, she smiled even more at his praise. That little girl was special to Miguel, I could read his face. " Now I have to go. Bye, sir!" She waved at him, and we did the same, watching her running away and returning to the park area. That's when I decided to finally sit beside Miguel, coffee still in my hand. I didn't want to look up at him. I could sense he had a look full of sorrow, and decided to keep looking at my coffee.
"She's great".
"I mean, she's... Great." It was his time to sigh now, shooking his head and chuckling. "I didn't know there was one of her here".
"Neither did I".
Our brief conversation ended in an awkward silence. This was until Miguel decided to keep talking to me. "I'm not saying it's your fault. Of course, it's not, you couldn't know. I'm just saying...I miss her".
Oh. I didn't expect that confession. Miguel wasn't one to express to another person his feelings, and maybe this was the perfect occasion to him to show that he really missed Gabriella.
I couldn’t imagine how he felt devastated to see a variant of his daughter here when he didn’t see it coming. It was the last thing on his mind. All those memories that he tried to repress, all the emotions that he felt for his daughter, now surfaced. Maybe I was stupid to take him out that sunny afternoon. Maybe it was better if we both stayed home. But still, as he said, how could I know?
I glanced at Miguel, who was smiling faintly. Nom had still touched his coffee. " Don’t worry. I know you really miss her".
"My precious girl...".
His voice broke and I saw him shaking. He was...crying. Holding tightly his coffee, he shook and put a hand on his face. He didn't hold himself. Oh, god. No, I couldn't see him crying. This broke my heart. Miguel... was crying. He looked like a scared baby. A baby in a man's body.
I gently took his arm and brought him close to me, placing his head on my shoulder. He buried it more and uncontrollably sobbed. "It's okay, Miguel". With one hand I rubbed his back. "None of this it's your fault. It's okay. You're going to be okay". I softly said, almost like a mother comforting his child. But in reality, I didn't know he was going to be okay. I just hoped he would be, someday.
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baileypie-writes · 14 days
Hello. How about those sunshine villain friend!Reader headcanons, but this time with Star Twinkle Cures?
A/N ~ Sure! Hope you enjoy!
~The Star Twinkle Pretty Cure With a Sunshine Villain Friend~
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Fandom: Star Twinkle Precure
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral, a villain, heavily implied to be an alien
Relationship: Platonic
Characters Included: Hikaru Hoshina/Cure Star, Lala Hagoromo/Cure Milky, Elena Amamiya/Cure Soleil, Madoka Kaguya/Cure Selene, Yuni/Cure Cosmo
Genre: Fluff, a pinch of angst
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers for Yuni’s backstory, possibly OOC Elena, Madoka and Yuni.
~Star Twinkle Precure Masterlist~
Guide: Each character’s dialogue is their signature color, and Reader’s dialogue is uncolored.
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~Hikaru Hoshina/Cure Star~
~ Hikaru wants to befriend everyone she can both on Earth and in space. So she couldn’t care less that you’re evil. Sure, you were working to practically destroy the universe, but she thought you were worth getting to know, and hopefully, change! You sure made it easy being your friend too. It was hard to believe that someone as sweet as you was a villain!
“A Notraider? No way! You’re joking right?”
“Nope! I’m a Notraider!”
“Wow! I would’ve never expected that! You’re so nice!”
“Haha! My team often says I’m too nice!”
~ Most encounters the you two share outside of battle is purely happy and kind. Neither of your jobs are ever brought up by her, as she only wants to have fun! If anyone else tries arguing with you, she’s quick to scold them. You’ve been nothing but kind(minus the attacks on Earth and space), so you don’t deserve to be ridiculed!
“Why is (name) here?”
“Because they’re our friend!”
“But they’re, you know…”
“What? The nicest person ever? Yeah, they really are!”
~ Hikaru believes that there must be a reason as to why you chose your path. And she’s determined to find out. But instead of pushing you for info, she just talks to you like a friend. She hopes that if she gets close enough with you, then your backstory will slip out!
“So, where are you from?”
“Nowhere special. What about you? Have you lived here your whole life? It sure is a nice town!”
“Yeah, it is! But you totally changed the subject!”
~ Whenever you help the Pretty Cure or innocent bystanders out, Cure Star’s overjoyed! It’s proof to her that you’re not all bad, and that you don’t actually want to hurt others. She always gives you a big hug afterwards, thanking you for your support.
“Eee, (name)! You were so cool! You really helped us out back there!”
“Of course I did. You’re my friends!”
“See guys, I told you they’re not acting! They really are nice!”
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~Lala Hagoromo/Cure Milky~
~ After finding out that you’re a Notraider, Lala was very confused. Your personality didn’t match with your job. Yuni even nearly convinced her that your kindness was fake. But after getting to know you better, that possibility never crossed her mind.
“You really think they’re faking ~lun?”
“I’m positive. There’s no way a Notraider can be that nice.”
“I don’t know… it seems pretty real to me, but you could be right ~lun.”
~ She mostly just does what Hikaru does; not mentioning your occupation outside of Pretty Cure related business. It does make it easier to have fun. She often finds herself forgetting until someone brings it up. She gets quite annoyed when that happens, as she sees it as the happy moments being ruined.
“If you hate (name) so much, then you can just go away ~lun!”
“Oh, well excuse me for not wanting to be around the bad guy!”
“Lala! Yuni! Please cut it out!”
~ She especially gets along with you better if you’re also an alien. She’ll ask you about your planet, curious about your origin. If you don’t want to talk about it, she’ll talk about Saman instead. While she wants to know about your home place, she doesn’t want to be pushy.
“This is how we greet each other in Saman ~lun!”
“Oh, cool!”
“How do your people greet each other ~lun?”
“We do this!”
~ It throws Cure Milky through a loop whenever you help her and her team out. It doesn’t make sense to her as to why you’d help out the opposite side, but she’s happy nonetheless. And she’s always quick to thank you afterwards.
“Thanks for saving me ~lun! But be careful next time, because I nearly hit you with my Milky Shock ~lun!”
“It’s no problem! And I definitely will. That looks like it hurts!”
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~Elena Amamiya/Cure Soleil~
~ Elena is always positive about embracing differences. So even though you’re from the opposite side of the battlefield, she still makes an effort to be kind and respectful to you. Even if you’re fighting face to face, she never shows any distain towards you. After all, you’re sweet and kind, so it’s only right to match your energy.
“Good morning Elena!”
“Oh, good morning (name). How are you doing?”
“I’m pretty good. How about you? How’s your family?”
“They’re all good!”
~ Another reason as to why she’s so kind to you, is because she feels bad for you. Every Notraider has a similar reason as to why they chose their path. They either have a hatred for their own planet, or other planets. And there’s always a sad backstory as to why. So Elena knows that’s most likely the case for you. So she hopes that becoming your friend will help heal you, and hopefully help you turn a new leaf.
“Do you ever wonder why (name) chose to become a villain?”
“Yes, at times.”
“I mean, when you think about it, there has to be a good reason. Remember Tenjo? What if they had a similar life that made them choose to be a Notraider?”
“I never thought of that. That could be the case.”
~ She really has a way with words. So she tries using it to her advantage. You’re given many talks by her, trying to make you switch to the good side. She desperately wants you to leave the dark side, but that doesn’t show in her words. She remains calm and collected, even when you reject her offer for the millionth time.
“It just feels like a waste for such a kind person to be fighting for such a bad cause.”
“I honestly think it’s a necessary cause.”
“Are you absolutely sure though?”
*sigh* “Okay then.”
~ When receiving help from you, Cure Soliel is not only happy, but very proud. The fact that you care so much about your friends and the innocent, that you’d fight your own side for them fills her with hope and gladness. It’s just another reason for her to believe that you can be changed.
“Thanks for getting my siblings to safety, (name)! That was so kind of you!”
“You’re my friend, so of course I’d save your family, silly!”
“Not such a bad guy, are you? Haha!”
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~Madoka Kaguya/Cure Selene~
~ Madoka is always a logical thinker. So she was not a supporter of you at first. It didn’t matter how much nice energy radiated off of you. You were evil, and that was that. But of course, your kindness wore her down, and she couldn’t help but be your friend.
“I thought you said you weren’t gonna get close to (name)? So why are you hanging out with us if we’re with them?”
“I don’t know. I just always seem to end up in their company.”
“Awww, is someone becoming their friend?”
“I suppose so.”
~ While she likes you, she’s still always careful not to reveal any important information about the Pretty Cure to you. While you may be nice to them, you’re also nice to the other Notraiders. So there’s a pretty good chance that you’d share that information to help them. So she never lets anything slip. You’re not allowed on the spaceship either. She’s always gentle and kind about it, though.
“Sorry, (name). But this as far as I can allow you to go. We have some important Pretty Cure business we have to discuss.”
“Oh, I see. That’s fine! I have a meeting I have to go to anyway! See you!”
“Good day.”
~ Madoka isn’t one to prod into other people’s business. So while she wishes you’d turn to the good side, she just leaves it alone. Besides, some of her other friends are trying to persuade you themselves. Why add more stress and pressure? She even talks to them about getting off your back sometimes.
“I know you want to get (name) to join us, but don’t you think you’re being too… um… pushy?”
“Yeah, I guess I kinda am. I’ll try to tone it down.”
“Great. I think it’s for the best.”
~ Cure Selene is always taken aback whenever she receives help from you. She knows you’re dedicated to your job and its cause, so it confuses her as to why you’d fight against it, even if it was for a moment. It warms her heart when you tell her the reason, though. It truly makes her glad that she became friends with you. You’re genuinely a kind person.
“Won’t you get in trouble for this?”
“Probably. But you’re my friend, and I don’t want you getting hurt!”
“You’re truly one of the kindest people I’ve ever known, (name).”
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~Yuni/Cure Cosmo~
~ Yuni refused to let herself like you. You work on the same team as the alien who turned everyone on her planet into stone. You may have had nothing to do with it, but she didn’t care. She was even convinced that your kindness was fake. She thought there was no way a Notraider could be a walking ray of sunshine. She never talked to you, and she minimized eye contact as well. If she knew your location, she’d stay far away from it.
“Hey Yuni! Do you wanna go-“
“Will (name) be there?”
“Yes, but-“
“The count me out.”
~ You, being the kind person you are, tried your best to respect her wishes. However, a certain pink-haired girl didn’t. She always found a way to make the two of you bond, whether Yuni liked it or not. So, while it took way longer than it did for others, your rays of sunshine eventually peeked through the cracks of the wall that she had put between you.
“Yuni, (name), will you two go get some donuts for while we’re working?”
“Thanks! Bye!”
“She didn’t even let us respond.”
“That’s Hikaru for you!”
“Haha! I guess you’re right!”
~ Even after breaking the ice, she’s still a bit distant. A part of it is because she feels awkward from how she acted previously. But even so, she’s still nice. She now understands that the fate of her planet wasn’t your fault, so she lets go of her hatred. You’re friends now, so there’s no need to blame you for something you didn’t do.
“What’s your planet like?”
“Ah! I’m so sorry! I forgot!”
“It’s okay. Do you still want to know?”
“Oh, yeah!”
~ Cure Cosmo only grows closer to you after you help her or the innocent during battle. She’s proud of you, though she’d never admit it. Your powers combined obliterate the threat with no problems, so the fact that you’re also a great team together is another reason to like you even more. A small celebration with donuts always follows your victories!
“We were so awesome! Hey, why don’t you join the Pretty Cure (name)?”
“Haha! Nice try! But I’m very dedicated to my team.”
“Eh, you’re loss.”
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dante-winning-archive · 8 months
DmC: Devil May Cry Thoughts
So I finally decided to experience the DmC Reboot, and my overall verdict is: Not As Bad As I Expected. 
I took notes, so let’s break it down. This is over 3 pages in a doc btw, so buckle up I guess. Hope it was worth the wait.
What I Liked
Level Design
This is probably the game’s biggest strength. Great amount of variety, and the atmosphere of each level was great. 
Limbo is a really cool concept. 
The twin’s special abilities (like Dante’s grappling hook type weapons) made for some really cool platforming. 
The typography really works in this game. Like, words and phrases appearing in the environment to taunt Dante or just provide additional flavor to whatever is happening. Very comic book. 
The Bob Barbas boss battle had a really cool neon techy aesthetic, which isn’t something I would have expected for this game. Neat!
The game show levels leading up to Lilith’s boss fight were cool too! 
The Succubus boss battle made really good use of the environment. 
Enemy Design
General demon mobs are automaton-like, which is pretty neat. I’m not a fan of that sort of aesthetic, but I respect the creative direction. 
All the bosses had decent variety in terms of design and battle mechanics.
Item/Weapon Design
I think this was another pretty strong point for this game
It’s a small thing, but the designs of the orbs were nice.
Rebellion’s shape shifting is neat. Rebellion doesn’t really have any cool powers like Yamato does in the mainline games, so it was nice to see it do something besides being a big sword. 
Ebony and Ivory were pretty, but didn't seem particularly useful what with all the other weapons Dante had at his disposal.
Combat looks dynamic and satisfying, and I can see the influence it had on DMC5’s combat. 
The voice acting is good
Occasionally, it was genuinely funny
The Vergil gameplay at the end? INCREDIBLE. 
The music was good. Nothing really stood out to me, but it did enhance the game. 
What I Disliked
I really hated her character design. And I’m not saying it wasn’t effective character design, or that it was bad. I just personally didn’t like it. 
Her weirdly pulled skin, the corset piercings, the way her skin bunches up around the tops of her gloves… ugh. 
And maybe that’s the point! I’m probably supposed to find it offputting! But I hated looking at her. 
Pregnancy is a really intense squick of mine, so all that was just no! No! No! No! 
I wish I could unsee her boss battle
Minor Design Complaints
Dante’s DT design was a little disappointing, especially considering how well designed everything else is. 
Yamato’s design was also lackluster. 
The fatphobia was disappointing but not surprising, especially considering the year this was released. 
Mundus sex scene… ew
The sniper abortion scene wasn’t as shocking as I expected it to be, but it sure was there
The way Vergil pronounces Yamato lol. Ya-MATT-o
Pronouncing Mundus differently was a little weird. The mundus amungus…. 
Mundus’ boss fight was uninspired. Wow, a giant statue trying to squash Dante on a platform. Never seen that one before.
A lot of this game has a ‘gross’ factor, which I’m not really into. That’s just personal preference, because I do think it mostly works in context. Just not my thing. 
In general, I found the characters to be pretty one-dimensional. 
The Twins
The two of them working together in Mundus’ tower, one in each world, was really cool. If you’re going to have twins in a setting with two worlds overlapping, having one in each is (chefs kiss). Being able to play as both of them to achieve the goal would have made it even better. 
I really enjoyed the scenes they had together, but there just weren’t enough of them. 
It was nice seeing them share physical affection (in the form of a mutual shoulder pat)
But “I loved you, brother” just didn’t have the emotional impact I wanted it to have. 
And the issue is really… they’re strangers. They may be brothers, but they barely know each other. Their relationship just didn’t get as much attention and buildup as it should have. 
He’s so friendly and helpful sounding at the beginning, it was kind of cute. 
But it is revealed he’s pretty cold and calculating, willing to sacrifice Kat because saving her wasn’t worth the risk to him. 
His mad hax lol 
give him his hat back, cowards
Even though he was carrying Yamato around, I wasn’t sure he could even fight until the very end. He just seemed so weak. The thing about the twins is that they’re equals on the physical level. IDK, it was just weird to see a Vergil that didn’t fight. 
honestly, a way more interesting character than Dante.
A devil-may-care character that learns to give a shit? Always a classic. 
As unnecessarily edgy as he seems, his poor coping mechanisms make sense for how he grew up. 
An assault survivor, because of course she is. It’s just disappointing. Was it necessary? Was it??
Overall, she’s fine. No real strong feelings about her. 
Despite having a ‘role’ (guiding Dante through Limbo and helping him escape it), her job could have been given to Vergil and the game would have worked fine. Maybe even better. 
Sparda and Eva 
Having Sparda outlive Eva and be responsible for hiding the twins was an interesting choice. I also like that we have confirmation for what happened to him (eternal torture). 
I would have expected an angel and demon to be a power couple, but they seemed to have been beaten pretty easily. For plot, I guess. 
The Story
I wasn’t really all that invested, tbh. There’s nothing wrong with the story, but at the same time there isn’t really anything notable about it (except Vergil’s bit). 
It’s a hack n’ slash, so I’m not expecting a masterpiece, but it was pretty one note.
WHY is there a war between demons and angels? Where did the Nephilim come from, how many were there, what role did they play? More importantly, why should I care about any of this? 
The twins avenging their parents should have felt like… like taking on a mantle to continue their cause, and I really didn’t get any of that. There wasn’t any weight of legacy. And the main games handle that so well. 
Overall, I just felt like there wasn’t enough emotional impact, especially between the brothers. There wasn’t enough time to really grow to care about the three protagonists, imo. 
Dante's character arc is... learning to give a shit, I guess, but even then, his decision to be the protector of humans feels really out there. Did he really show that much growth throughout the game for this declaration to really feel deserved? Rewarding?
Likewise, Vergil's shift from revolutionary to would-be king is equally abrupt. Like maybe the entire point of it was to be out of left field, but from a storytelling standpoint... an out-of-nowhere twist like that just doesn't feel rewarding. Having more time with Vergil as Dante throughout the course of the game, to have a subtle buildup so that when you look back and say 'the signs were all there and I missed them', that would have been really good. Like, disregarding the fact that any fan of DMC knows Vergil is going to abandon everything for power.
Vergil’s gameplay and story at the end was a lot more compelling than the rest of the game combined. It’s literally the only thing I’m interested in learning more about. 
Final Thoughts
The game was… alright. Not as bad as I expected it to be, but I’m not sure I would call it good, either. There were a lot of really interesting concepts that just didn’t reach their full potential. The ‘hard’ elements like design and combat were there, but the characters and story were lacking. Making a DMC game heavily influenced by the Divine Comedy is a great idea! 
I think that there are two things that really held this game back. 
Making it a DMC game. As its own thing, it could have been really good. Could they have told a story based on the Divine Comedy with twins named Dante and Vergil without stepping on DMC’s toes? Probably not. But with some changes, it could have worked.
The marketing. I didn’t see it in real time, but we’ve all heard of the weirdly homophobic marketing for this game. And I think that really soured people’s opinions of the game. Still does, tbh. ‘Dante is not a gay cowboy’ as if that isn’t his entire appeal….
Anyway, I don’t think it quite deserves the hate it gets. If you go in knowing you’re not getting a ‘real’ DMC game, it’s not bad. 
Rating: 5/10 
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rainesaur · 6 months
Tumblr media
wow! what a cool character! i sure do hope (loads missile launcher) nothing bad happens to her!
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katieskarlette · 11 months
I watched the trailers and read the Blizzcon '23 stuff on WoWhead.
Meh. Not the spark I was looking for to rekindle my passion for the game.
(Morose lack of enthusiasm for 11.0, and Shadowlands postmortem below.)
Instead of getting hyped for upcoming content, it just makes me feel bad about how little I care anymore.
I used to be on the edge of my seat, palms sweating, happily freaking out about new cinematics and new expansion releases. I would plan ahead and take time off to watch the Blizzcon livestream, and stock up on food I could eat while glued to the screen. Today I got home from work and turned on my computer...and only then remembered that Blizzcon was today. After seeing the trailers and stuff I'm like, "Okay. I guess that's fine. Whatever." [Garrosh voice] Times change. [/Garrosh voice]
I didn't expect the news about upcoming expansions to knock my socks off, though. If Dragonflight, an expansion that was practically custom-made to focus on my favorite lore, didn't rekindle my love for WoW, nothing was going to.
That said, I'm still underwhelmed. I can't say that Alleria, Thrall, and Magni are characters I'd be super excited to hang out with. (It was a nice touch to have Thrall going gray, though.)
Xal'atath (sp?) is pretty cool but forgive me for being wary considering the track record for female villains in this franchise.
Anduin...very mixed feelings there. I'm glad he's back, and it was nice to hear Josh Keaton's voice again. I don't recognize him physically anymore, except those baby blue eyes, which is probably why the cinematic spent so much time zoomed in uncomfortably close on his face. I get that that's the point, that he's grown up and gotten grizzled, but he looks and feels like a completely different person.
I think part of the problem is that we didn't get to see him changing. He went from dropping his sword to resurrect an army and being stubbornly optimistic in BFA, to weary but still full of the Light in the cutscenes with Sylvanas in Torghast, to completely blank (save one glimmer) while under Zovaal's domination, to this broken, unstable, self-loathing shell of a man in the 11.0 cinematic. Even if we're generous and count the tiny conversation with Sylvanas at the end of her novel, we have to just imagine what happened to him in between then and now. It's okay to ask the audience to fill in some implied developments, but this is jarring. (I suppose it's possible we'll see more characterization in-game between now and then. I'm not optimistic, though.)
I imagine Anduin will go through an arc where the Light comes back to him, or he finds some kind of peace again and reclaims his throne, but I don't have the patience to wait around for it to happen, or the confidence that it would be done well.
I also can't separate the character's angst with the real-world consequences of Shadowlands sucking as hard as it did. Yeah, Anduin, you've been through absolute hell--so have we. You haven't recovered--and neither have I.
When they had him do the "Arthas pointing Frostmourne just left of the camera lens" pose, instead of going "Ooh, I recognize that! That was cool!" it just reminded me of all the times they did fanservice callbacks to the Lich King in Shadowlands, only to shit all over that part of lore. That's the last thing I want to be reminded of.
It was a bold move to reveal the names and story hooks of the next two expansions, but rather than whet my appetite it just removed the hope that "maybe the next expansion will be better." Nope, it'll be more of the cosmic bullshit that I don't care about: Light, Void, Titans, etc. It's okay in small doses, but it's not the kind of story that pulled me in and made me fall in love with the world.
I hate to say it, but this might be the nail in the coffin for me. I definitely miss the glory days of WoW when it was a huge part of my life and I got so much enjoyment out of it, but I'm beginning to realize that those days aren't coming back. When I think of all the hours and dollars I invested in the franchise it makes me want to cry--not that I regret any of it. I just wish the spark hadn't gone out for me.
I had been so immersed for so many years that maybe it was just time for it to run its course. The social climate has also changed a lot for me, from a thriving guild during MoP, to sporadic bursts of people logging on in Legion and early BFA, to a ghost town in mid-to-late BFA and SL. Strangers can be rude and elitist, making pugging more stressful than fun. I've also been concentrating a lot on my own original writing in the last year.
Those are factors, to be sure, but I do have to lay a lot of the blame on Shadowlands. I had gotten past so-so expansions before. Cataclysm wasn't the best, but all the Firelands stuff was fun, and some of my favorite dragons got screen time. MOP was freaking fantastic. WoD was a dud expansion for me, but there was enough to keep me busy and playing right up to the end. Legion was awesome. BFA wasn't great, and the loss of Teldrassil left a very sour taste, but it had good leveling content, some fun characters, and generally enough stuff going on to tide me over. It was going in a pattern of great expansion, not-so-good expansion, great expansion, not-so-good expansion, and that was okay.
Then Shadowlands came, and it was grimdark, overly serious, cosmic-scale stuff, headed by the most aggressively boring villain the series had ever had. There were a ton of new characters, and, except for Denathrius, Renathal, and Theotar (and Merileth and his slimes, in small doses), none of them interested me. The game systems somehow became even more fiddly, complicated and confusing time sinks than they were in BFA. The afterlife setup barely made sense, conflicted with past lore, complicated future lore, and was ultimately depressing as hell--you probably won't spend eternity with your loved ones, and even if you do, you'll probably end up as a blip of red energy that gets consumed and then cease to exist at all. That's just how I want to imagine all my favorite Warcraft characters ending up! (We probably didn't see Tirion Fordring because some blue guy in a toga needed his anima to grow better grapes. FFS.)
But the worst aspect of Shadowlands, IMO, was the way the pre-existing characters were done dirty--every single one of them.
I don't know you manage to take one of the greatest paladins of all time, then turn him into fiery overlord of the undead, and have him be boring, but there's Bolvar. Get that man a throat lozenge and some personality. Taelia got cameos in which they mentioned their relationship, but nothing ever came of it. He was a father figure to Anduin in the king's youth, but you wouldn't know it by what they did/said in SL. Going by BFA and SL, freaking Saurfang was more of a father figure to Anduin than Bolvar, who literally raised him for several years of his childhood.
Nathanos got an epic sendoff courtesy of Tyrande in the prepatch, then got teased a few times without ever appearing or mattering again.
Sylvanas was a mess. I don't need to get into details; we all know the trainwreck of a story. The concept of making her soul complete again so she had to come to terms with what she had done was a promising one, but it was handled so clumsily and briefly that it was ultimately frustrating.
The less said about the Jailer, the better. I wanted so badly to like Zovaal, but he was the most flat, boring, paint-by-numbers Saturday morning cartoon villain in the franchise's history. Not interesting, not sympathetic, not fleshed out, not funny, not charismatic, not sexy, not scary--none of the things past Blizzard villains had going for them.
Uther's story was one of the better ones, but because of how closely tied it was to Arthas' story, and the unforgivably bad way that was handled, it ultimately fizzled.
Thrall was...fine? The bits with his mom were neat, but I couldn't stop thinking about what a crappy afterlife it would be to constantly fight, spy, scheme, and play politics, all while the supposed love of her life is nowhere to be seen. Poor Durotan.
Baine famously, frustratingly, amusingly in an if-you-don't-laugh-you'll-cry kind of way, did jack squat in the entire expansion. I know his arc got cut for time, but regardless of the reason he was yet another character whose involvement in SL was disappointing.
Jaina was wasted. Her history with Arthas (and, to a lesser extent, Anduin) could have made for some memorable, heart-wrenching story, but instead she was just a generic sorceress. That was especially disappointing given the respectful, deep treatment her character got in BFA. I know not every character can have the spotlight in every story arc, but the complete lack of personality she had in SL was especially jarring in contrast.
Anduin's arc should have been interesting, but we never got into his head enough to really feel what he was feeling. We had that glimpse of his horror after stabbing the Archon, and he left his father's compass as a clue, but those were fleeting moments open to interpretation and not enough to offset the blank slate we got the rest of the time. Even that would have been forgivable, given the limits of storytelling in a game, but the thing that sticks in my craw the most is that constant, blatant Arthas parallels led to...nothing. Anduin would have been just as devastated to be mind-controlled into doing evil stuff even if Arthas had never existed. Arthas meant nothing to Anduin. The only time he met the man was as an infant. They weren't related. Nobody in-universe was comparing them. Garrosh compared himself to Arthas in the War Crimes novel, and Anduin fleetingly thought about Arthas when he befriended Calia in Before the Storm, but that's it. Even as hokey as it would have been to make Anduin secretly Jaina and Arthas' son, at least that would have explained two expansions' worth of in-your-face parallels between the two characters. But no. It all came across as fanservice--or fan teasing--and had no payoff.
Speaking of Arthas, arguably the most famous and recognizable character in the franchise (competing with Illidan and Scantily-Clad Female Night Elf #17 for the top spot)...
After being teased about his possible involvement or whereabouts all expansion long, after they milked every possible drop of nostalgia out of his story in an attempt to make SL palatable, after all the flashing red arrows calling our attention to parallels between him and Anduin, despite his importance to three prominent characters (Uther, Sylvanas, and Jaina), Arthas never did anything (boss mechanics don't count), never had a line of dialogue, never appeared in a form we recognized, got insulted and belittled by Sylvanas one last time, and disappeared in a flicker of blue plasma that was less impressive than a drunk frat boy lighting his farts with a match.
So yeah. Toss Shadowlands in the trash heap (except Sire Denathrius). It was so bad it tainted the entire franchise for me, so that I couldn't even enjoy the long-awaited dragonpalooza that followed.
Phew, that was a long rant, and the first time I've written about WoW in ages. I guess it just goes to show that I have deep roots in the franchise that come along with strong feelings--which makes it all the harder to accept that I may not even buy the next expansion. I suppose I'll weaken when the time comes, but I'm certainly not shelling out for the collector's edition or other bells and whistles.
But then the Li'l Wrathion in-game pet stares at me from another browser tab, and I think about the new Wrathion plushie, and I'm like...DAMN IT, why couldn't you have done this years ago? :(
Anyway, sorry to be a downer, but I'm kind of in mourning, in a weird way, as I come to terms with the way I feel--or more importantly, don't feel--about Warcraft now.
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holyguardian · 6 months
Meet the Writer
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
(CANON MUSES) - Hyperfixation or go home. Aerith has been a character I have written since about 2016, but before writing for her I always had a strong attachment. I was actually scared to write her because of how attached I was, because what if my thoughts didn't do her justice? She was my first heartbreak in a videogame, and I know for a fact when I discovered fanfiction I was only interested in Aerith-centric stories. I'll have to break them out of baby jail but I have the Play Arts Vol. 1 Aerith and Tifa figures from around 2005, they're stowed away under my bed "for safe keeping" from my era of not displaying the things I love most. (OCs) - I began roleplay through creating original characters in original settings, and to be honest it's way more fulfilling than worrying about canon portrayal because you bend and grow your own character as you see fit. I think my roleplay journey is something embarrassing like 8 year old Muddy honking with other 8 year old friends with tabletop RPGs, then 12 year old Muddy honking on neopets writing one liners with other 12 year olds, to 13 year old Muddy being introduced to teenchat which had chat rooms specifically for roleplay that were flooded by horny old men (asl?) and a few actual writers, and from those few actual writers I learned that we could simply write over MSN messenger to each other without the creeps! Then a 14 year old Muddy was introduced to something called IMVU which was like sims but chat bubbles wow cool! Insert a period where I dropped off from that noise for a couple of years because of schoolwork. 17 year old Muddy returned, and started over new with this nonsense, and I eventually met my viking of a friend Odin and shifted to the IMVU forums into a little RP group, proceeded to roleplay little pieces over MSN until that exploded and then over to AIM. Then life happened and I fell out of roleplay for a while. By the time I swung back into wanting to write again (fueled by my discovery of fanfiction) I didn't know where to go so I googled "where do people write together" and some crunchy old yahoo answers post pointed me to Tumblr. This is all to say that in my writing journey, before I started writing here on Tumblr, I only ever wrote original characters.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Combat scenes. Cool to imagine, cool in media, cool concepts. Writing those fuckers out? Hard pass, I'm absolute garbage.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Let's be honest, I love me some fluff. I think happier moments are the kind of thing I write the most, and when there can be a deep emotional connection that then allows me to have fun with the not so happier moments. It might be a surprise but I really enjoy grim dark kind of gritty themes too, but I have to be in the right mindset, preferably writing with behind the scenes hollering and still have a theme of hope. If it's a hopeless setting and nothing matters and it's all bad I tend to feel crushed.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
They come to me in visions. I think I form headcanons the way most people do, I had a life experience (I DID THIS THING, WOULD MY CHARACTER DO???), witnessed something in media (fast motorbike COOL LADY ON FAST MOTORBIKE maybe could be my cool lady) or there was a headcanon prompt that made me think about something specific.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
I can only write in silence. If I manage to write with noise, I'm distracted and the product is usually... meh.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
The vast majority are winged, but my best replies tend to be for threads where behind the scenes we have "AND WHAT IF THIS" anywhere up to 10 years into the future already. Even having those "AND WHAT IF THIS" moments it's nice to reach the actual moment in a thread and realise how the characters might react way differently at that point.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Yee. Romance is fun, but I also enjoy 'shipping' in a sense of 'exploring a deep relationship' which can be completely platonic. Found family. Friendships. Mentors.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Muddy. Real name Kristy, also misheard a lot as Krissie which I surprisingly like better.
May 20 BC.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
This answer always changes. At the moment it's deep greens / turquoise / white.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
My favourite songs tend to be the ones that can stir emotions at more than a surface level 'oh this sounds nice!' Aerith's theme is an obvious hard hitter and I know that I appreciate a lot of the FFXIV OST for the emotional damage it gifted to me in the past. Then there are artists like Aurora Aksnes and Florence Welch who always captivate me.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
My answer for this and the next question is still the same as the last time fhreugwiq. Damsel on Netflix.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Last show I watched was when I joined a discord stream to watch through a dear friend's favourite anime with them. I'm horrible and don't know the name. Next show I intend to watch was at the suggestion of a best fren. I have a problem with only rewatching my favourite shows or only watching things people ask me to.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
O' Death (Haunted Version) — Bobby Bass.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Flavour slapping me in my face, please. Begone my childhood of boiled wet vegetables without seasoning. If I have to pick an all time favourite, it's gotta be this chicken tikka masala curry recipe my oldest brother introduced me to, which coincides with the time that I started to realise food didn't have to be boring.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
I don't much take notice tbh, I live in North Queensland where there isn't an insane amount of difference between the seasons — Summer real hot, Winter wear your light jumper for a week or two but peel it off by the afternoons. I guess Autumn is my favourite because that's when fresh figs and persimmons are on the supermarket shelves.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
Gestures at Skit and Vers like I'm Chris Pratt and they're the raptors. Can bang on about anything with this pair, there are rare moments where I have that "oh, that wasn't very normal of me" thought about something I said but then they return the same energy.
Tagged by: @slumberingchaos
Tagging: ANYONE! YOU! STEAL IT! I don't know who has done this one already.
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lovebirdgames · 1 year
I finished Clark's route a couple of times over by now, and I want to tell you how much I am LOVING THIS!
I loved it when it brought up the need to plot an escape, because this is exactly what I go to yandere/horror romance for! I love being given crazy situations that you have to think your way out of, and you have a decent amount of time to do so. I love stuff like this because it makes life feel like a puzzle to be solved, and I get this euphoric feeling that if I can just think through a problem with all of my options, I can escape anything.
I love the characterization of Poptart! I love that just having a different perspective of a character can change their name in the text boxes. This is just so amazing, thank you!
I love seeing the relationship develop between Cadence and Clark. At first, I was a bit upset that there wasn't much romantic action going on between them, but it just made it so much better when he finally did show his love for her! It was SO cute when Garth and Susie came to Cadence's rescue in the ending! I love that they immediately reacted like normal people, not characters in a romance, expecting a romance.
I love that even though Cadence and Susie go through so much to separate them, they still want to be friends, and want to work through their issues instead of just ditching each other because it's easier. This gave me hope in humanity, and I am so grateful that you included this in the story! I need more stuff like this, stuff that gives life a different perspective. I've struggled in the past, viewing people the same as tissues, not having a friend longer than a year, but this gave me hope that my bestie and I can stay friends even after this one year together.
This friend is the one who told me about this game a few months ago. I am so happy to see this release the year that I am almost the same age as Cadence, so I can see myself in her shoes and love a 16-year-old for about three years before feeling weird about the age gap. I'm sure it doesn't matter to some people, but it matters to me, and that's just a special treat for me.
The ending did leave me a little confused. It's weird to just change the mechanics of a school like that.
I just want to mention something about the storyline, and I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but I realized while playing my second time that some of the bad parts of this game happen right on my birthday. My birthday lands on the day that they were supposed to do something fun but weren't able to. I know that if I were in that situation next year, I would start sobbing hysterically. I would hate to make big plans for my sweet sixteen only to improvise the way that they did. August birthdays😭
WOOOOO! Wow, thank you so much for all of your feedback!! I'm really happy that the game spoke to you on such a deep level, especially the themes surrounding friendship. I'll admit I wasn't perfect on that front either and lost my fair share of friends during my middle and high school years, but as you grow, you will better learn which ones are worth keeping around.
It's very cool that you got to experience the game right around Cadence's age. Even as you get older, there's nothing that says you can't stop loving these characters. They'll always be here for you when you need them.
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bigdickevans · 2 years
i watched smile and wrote down my live reaction if anyone cares lol. long story short it was better than i thought it would be, the death/spooky effects were fun but it was kinda heavy handed with the mental health commentary
i went into this thinking it would be funny bad but. goddammit. ok i liked the opening.
the fucking back and forth shots of the main lady and the college girl’s faces, it set me up!!
then when it showed college girl had gotten up. idk man something about how empty and sterile the office is wigged me out even more.
and her cutting her neck was neato
at the title card now and alright goddamn it didn’t have to flash like that yeesh
oh also it sounds like this is just gonna be it follows but with suicide instead of sex
lord they’re trying to do mental health commentary. great.
ugh if i end up liking this movie i’m gonna be embarrassed
that cat’s dead. and nooo i don’t know that because i checked doesthedogdie.com
i was hoping the cat would smile lmao
i’ve decided this takes place in The Boys universe
sorry i got so distracted by a-train that i forgot to say that main lady seeing the dead girl in the dimly lit kitchen did freak me out.
we’re back to the mental health commentary.
why does the cat have such a big fucking bowl
Young cop(?) dude gives me the creeps.
Haha sassy black coworker!! very funny and cool el oh el
ooooo i liked her passing the rooms and having to backtrack
bro is vibing stop snapping
im so sorry but this carl actor has a really silly voice
i feel like this boss also looks familiar
oh he was in designated survivor ok
actually i’ve been kinda constipated so maybe if i watch this on the toilet i’ll shit myself and finally be free
jesus this lady just can’t stop breaking glasses
none of this would’ve happened if you just KEPT YOUR HOUSE WELL LIT
wow what a cast
i sorta missed the whole bit where she listened to the recording and heard stuff, i was unclogging my toilet
main lady and blonde bitch are sisters?? wow that went straight over my head until now. i knew they had to be related in some way? but i kinda thought the husband and the main lady were siblings
dead cat moment
love that they felt the need to clarify it was her cat lmao
when the boy picked it up it looked like really bad cgi
yeah babe sometimes you just gotta yell it out
im sorry… mental health preachy message aside, are you telling me the fiance had to look up the fact that mental illness can be hereditary??
for some reason i feel like the main character’s spiral happened way too fast
but to be fair i guess she does have that trauma with her mom, so maybe even though she works in healthcare she’d still be more susceptible to this line of thinking?
the number of times they say “crazy” in this movie is getting ridiculous
love a good smashed in head, i appreciate they didn’t add a loud noise with it considering the amount of jumpscares in this fucking thing
thank god horrible events always happen to artists so we can have ooky spooky drawings
these “coincidences” are so obviously connected it’s ludicrous that literally nobody noticed until now
I mean cops being inept is nothing new i guess
main character is being? unbelievably unreasonable here?? yes, calling a mental health professional is what you’re SUPPOSED to do when someone around you starts acting like this
i thought one of the whole points of this smile demon thing was that it could look like anyone? they haven’t really been utilizing that as much as i assumed they would which is a bummer
loved that moment with the sister at the car
it is kinda neat that the death has to be super dramatic so it inflicts as much trauma as possible
but also couldn’t you just do something traumatic that doesn’t involve murder or suicide?
like pretend you murdered someone or killed yourself in a crazy violent way in front of someone so they believe it happened, orchestrate a big practical joke
the demon voice is goofy
putting a knife that big up your sleeve seems like an atrocious idea
it’s like in chainsaw man. the whole door thing with denji. i’m not elaborating bc i don’t wanna spoil anyone.
the mom is kinda hot
lol i like how slowly rose closed the door
ooooooo!!!! suddenly tall mom!!!
i’m a tad disappointed with the monster design :/
HELL YEAH you thought a house fire could kill a demon?? lmaoooo
rose the throat goat
hell yeah love a good person burning
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goldyluna · 23 days
Ask Game: Tsukasa, Basil, Undyne (or you can answer only on Tsukasa if you don't want to answer on three 💖)
Tsukasa Tenma
First impression: Loud and embarassing. I had to skip some of his story, because it was giving me the second hand embarrassment.
Impression now: He is still loud and embarrassing, but he grew on my so much. I love all of the cast but he holds a special place in my heart with my kins. He is funny, he truly is a star ⭐
Favorite moment: I really liked the scene duting the Main Story where he and Emu were on Ferris Wheel. I also like the scene where Tsukasa imitates Rui (and others too), I just find it funny
Idea for a story: a lider swap au where all the liders swap their groups. They could learn how to lead different types of groups in different environments. I know it is a story idea for all of the cast, but I think it would be interesting to see Tsukasa—loud, eccentic and charismatic—with different type of people, to see him interact with them and make new friends. He could take it as an opportunity to broaden his horizons, to think about new ideas for show and to get new opinions from other people. It would be a really good opportunity for all of them to learn more about themself
Unpopular opinion: dunno if unpopular, but I think Tukasa's fans/haters can be ones of the most annoying and/or overwhelming people in fandom
Favorite relationship: his relationship with Saki and Toya. They are just so siblings, I love it. I also really love his relationship with Kaito, I think they really understand each other
Favorite headcanon: I really like when people make him aroace (even if I also like shiping him in not queerplatonic way). And I love when others headcanon him and Saki as Polish
First impression: what a sweet little boy, I hope nothing bad happens to him
Impression now: oh, he needs so much terapy. Give him all the terapy he needs, please and thank you. Everyone did some bad things, but damn, I would give him a really long hug
Favorite moment: this one can contain spoilers!!! I really like his photos, the wholesome ones and not so wholesome ones. Like, babe, what are you doing taking a photo of crime scene, stop. I also really like how he was represented as a watermelon, and his head went pop
Idea for a story: Basil living a happy live, preferably. Where he has a flower shop decorated with photos. A lot of friends. With a little angst of him spiraling down because someone from his past comes to his shop and then lashing out on his childhood friends for leaving him in the worst moments of his life. Yes, it is me projecting right now xD
Unpopular opinion: Spoiler! I think Basil should hold a grudge about Sunny and others. Sunny left him alone, Aubrey bullied him, Kel wasn't really being a friend for him too, during those few years. Like, I love the game, it shows us the real, hard problems, they all went through a lot. But I dont think they all would go out of this situation stronger together
Favorite relationship: I think all of the characters have interesting relationship, can't say I have a favourite one. I don't really ship anyone for real
Favorite headcanon: i like when others make him nonbinary. He looks like a person that would take in a lot if animals, bunnies the most
First impression: my first thought was "oh wow, she will be a bitch" in a "she is gonna be a real pain in the ass during battles". But I liked her design
Impression now: she really was a pain in the ass during the battle xD I died so many times (mostly in genocide route). I think she is really cool and baddas and her music theme is so goooood
Favorite moment: when after the battle in the pacifist route she is running after us to Hotland that, you know, is hot and she is a fish. It was really funny to me when we could pour water on her
Idea for a story: her going to aquarium in the zoo and wanting to go swim with other fish
Unpopular opinion: I really am bad in unpopular things as I dunno what really is unpopular, so bear with me. I really think she should be more buff
Favorite relationship: I can't choose between her relationship with Alphys and with Papyrus. Both relationships are so sweet and loved all interacions between them in the game
Favorite headcanon: she wanted to be a mermaid (she still does) and when Alphys do a ship art for them (because let's be real, Alphys would do that) she would draw Undyne oc as a badass mermaid and she would love it every time
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The Ones Who Live opinions
In an effort to keep my blog Mostly Cegan, I’ve compiled my The Ones Who Live thoughts into one post that no one asked for! I’m open to discourse so let’s discuss 🗣
First off; WOW. It was incredible and everyone should watch it - even if you gave up watching TWD, TOWL is for you!
The Civic Republic and the CRM are SO cool. We see them a bit in World Beyond, and I’m so glad they expanded that part of the universe further in TOWL!!!
Six years really isn’t that long in the grand scheme of things; I think consignment could be fun for a while – plus, you’ll be in great shape when you’re let into the city 😉
Yeah I’d love it if Jadis/Anne could simply not exist please and thank you.
I hope there’ll be a limited series from the perspective of the Civic Republic and the various CRM-guarded safe zones/secret cities with a more in-depth view of them. World Beyond shows you how incredible the CR is, and why the CRM has to do what it does… To get meta with it, there isn’t a lot of rebuilding society in zombie shows/films; usually they either show the before or the after, but the TWD universe is showing the during 👌
What the actual fuck did poison gassing Michonne’s group do for the CR?? The CRM gained *nothing* from that; why did they do it??
Noooo Nat!
In episode three, the first time Michonne and Rick talk after he tricked her, the way she took his helmet off, threw it, and just glared at him is unintentionally hilarious. Like ‘this love is about to get conditional after what you just did’. He knows he fucked up, and he’d do it again in a heartbeat because his mind is Made Up.
Excuse me. Passive aggressive Michonne is my favourite person ever. Their snippy ‘heart’s not really in it because I love you more than life itself, to the point of detriment’ arguing while in life-threatening situations is adorable. “Commando, really?”
The Roomba! Hahahaha, love it. Rick and Michonne’s interactions feel natural, idk how to explain it but Michonne laughing and saying “that explains why it’s so spotless in here,” feels domestic and normal in a way that throws you right back to season five.
If these characters weren’t so well-established, their back-and-forth would have eventually crossed the line into being annoying, but because we know them and their journey so well, I was hanging on every word, man. Damn.
Not Rick shoving a knife through the fandom’s communal heart by dreaming about Carl… 
I appreciate that quick lift make out, then that quick car make out. Gotta get a smooch in while you can 😂 Also let me tell you, Rick wearing a plain jumper is *doing it* for me for some reason…
Uh. Hello Gabriel? I guess it makes sense because of Jadis but… didn’t expect to see him here…
Okay how is Rick tied to the bed - he has ONE hand??? Surely the tie would just slip right off? Unless he’s wearing his fake hand, but why would he be wearing it while sleeping? Is he faking?
Jadis/Anne/Bitchface was already an irredeemable asshole, but then episode five happened and OH MY GOD there’s a spoiler for Huck’s death! (I haven’t got to that episode of World Beyond yet and I’m dreading it). Though as much as Jadis is unpalatable, it’s difficult not to feel bad for poor Gabriel. He saw the best in her so he was ultimately the only one to lose her.
I was on the CRM’s side until that last episode – man, the Echelon briefing really shines a light on everything. But it’s good to know that the Civic Republic lives on!!
Rick, my man, why did you leave your insanely awesome hand behind? What was that about?
THE REUNION! I have no words.
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starlight-time-machine · 10 months
Week in Review
11/19/2023 – 11/25/2023
It’s great to see a more light-hearted/silly arc in Undead Unluck after Rip’s action-heavy one. And I’m soooo happy to see the little Agoo bunny girl again…and now I want ramen.
AGHHHH WOW CIPHER ACADEMY’S ANNIVERSARY COLOR PAGE IS SO COOL Some of the hair color choices are a little…but I’m just so happy to see Cipher Academy’s continued success. Here’s to many more years! Also wow Iwasaki’s such an incredible artist…not only is the cover page a big spread with a lot of characters, we’re also getting this army of Dekiai-chans in the chapter itself. I also love all the variations in Dekiai-chan designs, especially the Judge Dekiai-chan with her twintail scales. Super cute. The little Tayutan moments were also super cute. And the Toshusai backstory!!! Agh!!!! And the foreshadowing to Iroha having to face his own past!! AGHH!!!!
I do wonder about how long Cipher Academy will end up being. Since the beginning of its serialization, I’ve been scared about it getting an early cancellation because of its niche premise, but I’ve held onto hope that Nisioisin’s name being attached to the project would lend it some credence…and now that it’s survived a year and getting color pages and merchandise, I’m more at ease about it. But even then, I don’t think it’ll necessarily last a super super long time – they’re already on their way to the 50 billion morg that was laid out at the very beginning of the series, and we’re finally getting some insight and backstories for characters who have previously alluded our understanding. I can totally see Iroha facing some sort of final boss and maybe a twist or two before obtaining the morg in the digital Cipher Academy and save the battlefield dancer before the series just comes to a natural end. (And selfishly, if Cipher Academy ended up being like a 10 volume series, it’d be more appealing for VIZ to print physically and then I could collect the whole thing…). But on the other hand, there’s definitely room for expansion beyond the actual Cipher Academy (perhaps even to actual wars), so who knows. For now, I’m grateful for what we’ve gotten, and I just hope that Nisioisin and Iwasaki can create the story to their satisfaction.
Perhaps this week will be a record for the shortest Manga Sunday ever…
Watched the new episode of Make Some Noise and it was pretty fun but generally unmemorable. This group of comedians just maybe didn’t have the right synergy for me.
I read the first two chapters of At Summer’s End because they just got added to the Manga Plus app and the art style looked intriguing. It’s definitely of those quiet and subtle mangas, and the tone is refreshing, but the story itself didn’t really grab me so I don’t think I’ll continue.
I’m glad to get more insight into Nayuta and her motivations in the new Chainsaw Man chapter. It seems that being reborn didn’t necessarily curb her instinct to hold power over those she doesn’t care about – loving her is fine and good, but Denji really needs to teach this kid some empathy.
House M.D. Party time: the first episode was bad and unmemorable, the second episode was kind of bad but at least in an interesting way. First of all, I don’t care about Chase/Cameron so their scenes meant nothing to me. Second, I liked Thirteen and Wilson interacting but I didn’t like her convincing him to go date a woman. What happened to wlw/mlm solidarity, Thirteen!! Third, I hated the Foreman and Taub scenes because I feel like they had no idea what kind of dynamic or conversation they would have so they made them take drugs and do goofy stuff and I hate it! It felt so out of character…and it could’ve been a great opportunity to actually explore this dynamic but they just tossed it away. Fourth, the House scenes were okay. Fifth, the kid brother is right about naming the baby Toadette. It’s a better name than Walker, in any case. And also it’s kind of hilarious how the baby plot basically had no real culprit behind it (the nurse having seizures is a blameless culprit) or anything that would’ve made the incident interesting, so it was purely there to facilitate the bottle episode, huh? At least they took this opportunity to be more artsy with their shot compositions – lots of blocking and framing things in specific ways. Also Thirteen speed-flashing Taub was very funny; I like their dynamic the most in the group because they’re both a little cunty and fun.
More House. There are so many patients with relationship issues this season, I suppose to parallel the relationship issues going on with House and co., but I don’t like it! I wish we had domestic Hilson moments for at least two seasons without Wilson or House trying to get a girlfriend again. I also don’t like Taub going back to cheating – I want to just erase of all of this from the canon in my mind. At least we got the hilarious “I’m as straight as any of you! [Looks at the two bisexual people in the room]” scene and the “We just started milking him last night” line but other than that the episodes were unmemorable.
A pretty fanservicey chapter of the Kusuriya manga…and not one that I particularly liked… I don’t like when a manga introduces triplet (or triplet-esque) characters because it feels like they just want to fill out the roster without actually designing a bunch of different characters…and I mean design both in the visual way and in the character writing way, because they always play up the sameness as a defining character trait. It just feels like they’re redundantly taking up space in the cast…I would’ve much preferred three new character designs so that each of them could get a chance for their personalities to breathe. Also, small nitpick, but Chinese people (especially in historical China) generally wouldn’t wear something white in their hair casually because it’s associated with funeral rites. It’s kind of bad luck/vibes. Also also, I think I’m going crazy a little bit, but the art in this chapter was wonkier than in other chapters…maybe because we just got through an important and action-packed arc and this one was more lighthearted, so the artist loosened up a little… But man. I’m also tired of ghost stories – I prefer the medical mysteries, as you may be able to surmise from all the House I’ve been watching, but maybe all this ghost business is going somewhere (hopefully). Ahh with the serviceable anime and this middling chapter, I’m feeling my passion for Kusuriya slightly wane. I wonder if it’s still a 10/10 for me…well, the anime will take ages and the manga will take literal decades, so maybe once I read all of the light novels I’ll reassess how I feel about it.
House: That was a pretty good season finale. It’s not as good as season 4’s, but it’s second best for sure. I really enjoyed the framing narrative of the penultimate episode, it let me imagine Dr. Nolan actually joining House’s team and being around to be his friend and allow him to be more open with people (not to mention how their dynamic in itself is pretty fun, what with Dr. Nolan being quietly insistent on not taking any of House’s bullshit). The end to Hilson’s domestic bliss makes me miserable, though. And then the season finale was also great – I love when there’s a big disaster in medical dramas because the sense of urgency and challenge is gripping and all sorts of things can go wrong in interesting ways. Seeing House genuinely connect with his patient and be so vulnerable was amazing, and it made the ending all the more tragic and heartrending… And then the Huddy happened and we skipped past it because we despise Huddy lmao. That one thing stopped it from being a perfect season finale for me, as petty as that is. But I have to be true to my Hilson bias.
A huge project landed on my lap so I had no time to do anything else in my frenzy, whoops.
I watched the new SpyFam episode while I ate dinner and it was great! The action scene was as fluid as I’d hoped it would be, and it was even funny and beautiful at times (the fireworks lighting was amazing). I really enjoyed the editing for the comedic moments in particular, like Yor ploughing through a bunch of wacky assassins without even letting them introduce themselves and the dutiful Chief cleaning up after her. The serious part of the fight was also great, and helped elevate Yor’s internal emotional arc. I’m looking forward to seeing the arc conclude next week.
Undead Unluck: I’m afraid…it’s Fuukover……………………………………………..no actually I’ll bring out the visuals for the first time on this blog because after I saw this I had to pause the episode and sit in silence for twenty minutes because WHAT ON EARTH IS THISSSSSSSSSSS
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This is extremely petty of me to complain about but it made me genuinely upset… The curvature of the smile is all wrong, and the overly full bottom lip makes him look like a creepy Chad meme AGH and the pronounced wrinkles under his eyes and on his neck just give off an entirely different connotation from the manga… Manga Shen looks sly and unsettling, almost otherworldly, while Anime Shen looks like a wojack I’m going to CRYYYYYYYYYY
It’s so sad looking at the past two weeks of me being like “I can’t wait to see my boy Shen be unsettling!” only for THIS to happen…even the usual slick graphic for the Negators was weaker in this episode…what happened…
After last week’s episode and now this one, I fear the production is slipping away from them a little… There was a lot of recapping and weird editing last week, and here there were…an unusually high amount of still frames, and they weren’t even used that artistically to hide the obvious shortcuts they’re taking. I really wanted to keep my hopes high for Undead Unluck after its amazing start, but now the cracks are really starting to show and the things that I’ve tried to graciously ignore are now rearing their heads… The ugly 3D zombie models, the weird pacing, the mangaka’s weak monster designs (sorry buddy, but you do make up for it in the human designs/writing)… Unfortunately, butchering Shen’s smile alone is enough to make it impossible for the Undead Unluck anime to be a 10/10 for me (and I was really hoping for it to be one. Because it’s fun to add new titles to my little awards page).
At least there was a lot of Chinese in this episode, and most of it was passable…even if I’m still a little bitter about Mui’s casting. But I don’t know, I feel like I’m seeing Undead Unluck slipping from me in real time and it sucks. This used to be the highlight of my week, but now I’m just dreading it…if it continues to be like this, I’ll eventually accept that that’s just the way things are (like I did with Kusuriya), but right now it stings.
Speaking of Kusuriya, wow that was a great episode this week. It’s on par with the Lihua episode for me, maybe even a bit higher because there wasn’t any janky animation. The pace kicks off quickly right away to highlight the urgency of the situation, and I can see that a lot of care has been put into portraying Maomao’s emergency medical skills. I like seeing the dynamic between Maomao and her dad, too – I feel like it’s a pretty unique anime parent-child dynamic (but of course, a lot of things about Kusuriya’s writing is unique). Maomao quietly solving the mystery was also fun, and it didn’t feel like a drag like last week’s did. What I like about Kusuriya’s mysteries is that there’s not always anything to really do about them once they’ve been solved (ie. no criminal to catch/prosecute), it’s more about the joy of solving the mystery itself. But this allows the situations surrounding the mysteries to be more fluid and ambiguous – they’re often not a specific moral judgement on the culprit but just an exploration of the setting or a philosophy. I also liked the conversation between Maomao and Meimei in the bath, and that shot of Maomao in the annex was amazing foreshadowing. Also, getting ponytail Maomao was such a treat. And then! The return to the rear palace! Everything about the conversion between Maomao and Jinshi was just perfect, the little animations of Jinshi tapping on his leg or the cup to show his irritation, the pacing and performance of the voice lines, Jinshi’s various expressions, it all culminated into such a pitch perfect comedic scene that closed out the episode nicely. I’m glad I’m ending this Week in Review on a high note.
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
as a DC/Marvel fan you should know that there is no correct timeline, everything happens at the same time, that is, there is no “first” conversation. fax.
why would I be bored? you're so cool wtf 🤨 and okay, so if we were to talk about them I would follow your encouragement... which is definitely not what's happening here, definitely.
the therapy thing caught me off guard- but yeah, things are getting so fucked up it's kind of sad actually. I have nothing to add since you're literally taking the words out of my mouth here. I'm not particularly a football fan, not that kind at least, so I didn't even know about the existence of this team and these fans before. I was definitely happier when I didn't know they existed to tell the truth and you're right about them being disgusting, I only got a glimpse with some fans who commented on Hailee's pics in the game (mostly made by men. not trying to generalize but wow, how shocking) the urge to throw up was real.
It seems that now it's time to sit back and hope for the bare minimum. that's it, let's focus on the good things, meaning: Kate's so-called quirks. (yeah, sometimes it can be hard not to see Hailee herself in her characters-)
– 🌟
you know what? that's a very good point and i could probably make a very cool reference or joke to expand on it but my brain is tired so...my bad
first i'm mysterious and now i'm cool? my ego is going to end up being massive at this rate. i'm very glad we're definitely not talking about them because this article does a great job at explaining a lot of things but it's also kind of a long read. and i definitely wouldn't like to point out the similarities between michelangelo and emily dickinson or the fact that said similarities in their poetry is what sent me down a bunch of rabbit holes, not all.
you have no idea how refreshing it is to find someone who understands what i mean and feels the same way. it's hard to explain how tired yet worried i am. it's all just an endless loop that ends in me getting more and more annoyed each day. i've never liked football and i'm so pissed hailee is the reason i've learned so much about it. everything i know about JA and the buffalo bills has been against my will but my insta explore page doesn't care and keeps making me see it. [AND YES, i second that. i know "not all men" and whatever but every comment i've seen from his fans is disgusting. and it only furthers my belief that she cannot be happy or okay because on what earth would someone like hailee be okay with those misogynistic assholes]
yes, please, i kept saying how much i didn't want to think about the situation and ended up writing a bunch of really long rants 😶 i would 119% prefer to talk about kate and all the thoughts i have floating around in my brain about her. [i'd also love to hear some of yours because i can't help but wonder how universal my way of understanding kate's personality is. last point about hailee, the fact that all her characters are queer/queer-coded in some way is incredibly telling hence my constant 'the closet is glass' comments because...come on]
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #13 act 6 p4
still in these conversations where the kids reveal their true feelings about each other except not TO each other but to someone else. this dirk one is so true though roxy has been the goat of their session and the one fucking thing holding them all together. god i love roxy
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wow so cool they all ascended at the same time! surely nothing bad will happen immediately after
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theyre finally arriving. holy shit . theyre COMING THROUGH THE WINDOW. JOHN AND JADE
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yeah ok so jade showed up and her and jane immediately got turned evil
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this is a CLASSIC dave/karkat mess around. if you know, you KNOW . shit had me ROFLing.
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holy davesprite . i havent seen this mf since like RIGHT AFTER cascade. literally its been eons
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TRUEE i think its a strider lalonde thing they looove to go on and on about random bullshit
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hey its these bozos what up yall
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waitt theyre being friendly to each other? breath players CAN get along!!! this is huge news. especially for me.
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this actually would be a hard ass shirt fr i need that shit
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this is the reaction i get when i bring up minestuck to my friends... and im like guys please its actually fun i promise... .(im lying)
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yo its the fan trolls what uppppp
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okay nice meeting you
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this is all very silly :D
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YES!!!!!!!! OKAYYYY TAVROS!!! stand up for yourself girl you are serving like crazy right now. i think maybe this is more meaningful than when he tried to kill her, cause that was just a too little too late type of thing where he wouldnt have actually accomplished anything by succeeding, and also had no chance of doing so. BUT realizing his CONFIDENCE and his FREEDOM actually is meaningful and it will accomplish things later on!!! :D YAY TAVROS
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insane behavior
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i think i agree with john here, i dont think it is out of line for him to hesitate in giving you the life ring. you dont have to be a good person to be a hero. but you do have to do... heroic things? like, ever? maybe once in your fucking life? when is the last time ANYTHING you did could be considered "heroic?" when you were alive, all you did was make everyone around you suffer. they had to kill you just to make sure you didnt doom them all. when youre dead, sure youre hunting down a weapon to kill the big bad monster, but you dont even seem to care about the millions of troll lives you are mind controlling against their will to be bait for your big mission. who the hell are you trying to save? the heroes that are alive in this story literally NEVER encounter the version of the villain that you are trying to stop. whats more, this big plan to use the your ghost army FAILS because the one who was doing basically ALL the legwork mind controlling most of the ghosts ditches you, and the only reason you still have an army by the end is because the guy you fucking bullied the whole time when you were alive (and a lot of the time you were dead) BAILS you out by ACTUALLY being a hero and a genuinely good person that doesnt need to MIND CONTROL PEOPLE to get them to follow him. look. i understand everything you are saying. about not having time to deal with the morals and ethics of what you are trying to accomplish. because the ends justify the means. but the thing is that NONE of it matters. YOUR PLAN FAILS. YOU GIVE UP and have an actual SATISFYING character arc. then it gets retconned and the main version of you goes back to being Worse. and then her plan...? succeeds? i guess? if succeeding means literally EVERY ghost in the army gets obliterated, the secret weapon deploying the four beta kids who are almost all killed by LE, and randomly davepeta being the one to throw him as well as themself into a blackhole. i guess if that counts as success, then congrats. you didnt even get to see that happen though, because you got ejected from the fight frame one. HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT!
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anyway... what was i doing. oh yeah look at this. this is a bit sad
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okay this is pretty real. even if it is nonsensical, and maybe a little bit problematic?
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me talking about myself three images ago
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i like this panel. poor john cannot find his friends
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this is a very cool panel as well
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my worst nightmare
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fucking scary ass motherfucker please get a grip. also brown contacts .
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well. things are pretty bad right now! jade is evil jane is evil everyone is on random planets with no memory of how they got there john is missing. if i didnt know any better this might seem like the beginning of something really bad . but what do i know. anyway catch you on the next one. or catch me? joff i will see you next time. ok joff bye joff
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Oop! Ahhh a lawyer :D
Dang I was hoping they'd show us who it is lol, like a case we recognize xD
Ah hello lady :) who are you?
Oh cool ocd :))
Ope in the rain?? Hmm I don't remember this xDD when was it lol
Or maybe it is one we've never seen! Idk lol
OPE LOL she's his lawyer now I guess xDD
Oohhh nooo, "how inexperienced"? I bet she's never had a case before xD
Well yk like been in court
Uhhh ohhh
Ohh amputated his hand o.o!! Interesting 😳👀👀
Oh there's her name and like a special over layer voice too lol
Ah yeah there's another lady :D
That lady from the beginning
Ope yeah!!! The Good Lawyer :DD
This is so exciting :DD
OOOFGH I bet this is gonna be good :DDD!!!
Wow!! That's crazy :DD!!
That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode!! I thought it was great :D. We didn't get much interaction between the cases, but to be fair, we usually don't lol :D. We did get a bit though, so that's always nice :)). But the little group scenes we did get were really great :D. Plus some duos we don't always see - ESPECIALLY considering some (one - person/duo) of them haven't been here for 5 seasons XD. It was great having Kalu back lol, and I really liked all of the storylines :). And, slightly different in this case (just by my meaning), the patients were cool too :). When I said storylines a second ago I was talking about the characters' personal storylines, but I'm not always/usually doing that lol. Anyway, great episode!! Really sad for that one plot though DD':. Still, great (not exactly despite that bc it was great too lol but yk :) ).
Now, time for the individual parts!!
Quick bit: Jerome 🥰🥰, love you hun, miss you 😭 <33, excited to see you again soon :)) (hopefully xD). And also nothing better happen to him and Asher lol.
Lim! We didn't see much of her this episode, but she was great for what she was in :DD. I'm so sorry she had to go through that when she was younger <33. And then at the end, she hired Kalu :DD!! And was smart about it too lol :)), finding him a spot. Then of course, her scene eitht he girls at the end :')). Well not Lea but yk lol. Them all having dinner together was so cute 😭😭❤️, AND supporting Morgan? We love to see it 🥰🥰🥰 :')). Them :'DD. But yeah, Lim specifically offering to do it :'). Not that Jordan wouldn't, but this is a section about Lim lol. Also, we didn't see Lim do much of her job medicine wise like hands on, but she helped with Morgan and Jordan's case and she hired Kalu lol, so, she was as always amazing at her job :). Anyway, she's great, love her :DD.
Perez :). Another person we didn't see much, but again, he was great for what we did :)). Did his job well, and seeing him try to help Park out a little while also kind of being deer in the headlights sometimes lol was sweet :). Also him trying to guess who Joe was to Park XDDD. Hilarious lol, I love him <333. But yeah, he was amazing this episode 🥰🥰. I hope the NA is working out for him btw :'D.
Andrews! Too bad he didn't get the donation xD. But lol, he was great this episode. Honestly, I think his level of anger level at Kalu was pretty good - it's been years, lol, he's at least partially over it xD. But I'm glad they could still work together :). And of course, Andrews was great at his job this episode 🥰. I'm definitely excited to see how it goes in the future with him since Kalu's around! Like I said, I think where he was at was good, but I do think they should talk at some point. Also, by the way, I started this paragraph on Sunday (Monday morning?), so it may be a bit short from here on out lol - I'm on a time crunch xD. Anyway! I love him ❤️❤️.
Glassman :)). I'm really glad he could be there for Lea :'DD. He helped her feel better about herself, and her fears, and he found her a way to keep a bit of her 'old' life :')). Amazing 😭😭❤️. Also, again, I love me some Maddie stories :')). The amount of we've been getting lately is just lovely :DD. - wait. Glassman better not die any time soon xD. Anyway, I really loved his scenes with Lea, they were so cute and sweet :'DD. And I'm sure he was great at his job this episode lol - I don't think we saw it xD. But, nonetheless :). He was great :)). I love him <333.
Morgan! I felt so bad for her this episode :'((. Seeing that look the others gave her when they were talking about having an abortion? 😭. But also, seeing them support her at the end of the episode was so :'))). I love them all so much <333. Anyway, Morgan was great at her job this week :'D. It was definitely a tough one, but they all got through it <33. Also, Morgan's conversation with Park was a slay moment xD. I love her :') ❤️❤️.
Asher! Again my man with his tea-seeking tendencies lol xD. But, even though we didn't see too much of him this episode, he was great in what we did see :). He was great at his job, obviously, but it was also fun seeing someone interact with Kalu who never knew him :D! But also. Not that I don't trust Asher. But he better not like Kalu 😒. Or at least not for long and obviously not do anything about it. I trust Asher, I don't trust the writers xD. He better have been just looking for tea lol. Anyway, he was great, and funny as per usual lol xD. I love him 🥰🥰.
Jordan :)). Her case was so sad this episode :'((. I mean obviously it was Morgan's too but yk lol. I'm glad they honored her wishes and tried to save the baby, but I'm also glad they eventually convinced her to let her go. Jordan's conversation with her was so 😭😭. Just, heartbreaking </33. But I'm so glad she managed to do it <3. No one deserves to be put in that situation (the patient I mean, but also them as doctors), but they went through the whole thing with respect and grace. Also I loved them all being there and supporting her for the baptism :'). And of course, that ending scene with the girls was great <33. So yeah :D. Jordan was amazing at her job this episode 🥰🥰. I love her <33.
Shaun! It was really nice seeing him try to help Lea :)). I am glad they found a compromise :D. Also, it was super cool seeing him interact with Kalu again!! I'm interested to be seeing more of that in the future :DD. Anyway, yeah, Shaun was great this episode 🥰🥰. He was of course amazing at his job. Speaking of, I'm SUPER interested in how everything's going to go down next week! I believe this is the introduction (based on context, and just that I don't think it's already running lol) of The Good Lawyer, and it'll certainly be cool :D. But I say speaking of because of the malpractice suit - that's gonna be interesting to sort out!! Anyway, it looks really good :D. But yeah! I love him ❤️❤️❤️.
Lea :)! I'm really happy she managed to find a compromise :D. Kind of, keep a piece of her "old life" with her :')). And her scenes with Glassman were so cute 😭😭. But I just think it was really nice with showing a) that you can have mixed feelings, and b) that just because you have kids does not mean you have to change every bit of your life completely and never look back. You can still have your identity :)). Anyway, I'm super glad she got her cool car 🥰🥰. And I'm sure she was great at her job this episode, lol. I love her :DDD.
Park! I don't always go in importance/plot/idk significance to me order, but I decided to put him at the end in vaguely that (ish) :). Not often he goes last! Cool :)). Anyways, I loved him this episode!! It's not often we get to see Park ANGRY (and I use caps for emphasis), but we did this episode and it was super cool :)). Like, that boxing scene? OOGH, the drama!!! Anyway, he was awesome :DD. He was also great at his job :))! And honestly, for his sake, I'm glad he managed to forgive Joe :'). He deserved that <33. I just think it helped him gain some peace 🥰🥰. Also his conversation with Morgan was great :)). He really did need somebody who wasn't afraid to say anything lol. But, yeah <33. I love him ❤️❤️🥰.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was great :D. The cases were cool and interesting, and there was an abundance of great character moments!! A bunch of emotions swirling around, but also some funny bits :D! And a pretty evenly spread focus, for the most part. And of course, this episode seems like it'll be pretty influential! Kalu is coming back to St Bon's :DD!! That's big news!! I think it'll be really cool having him back 🥰🥰. Looks like I'll have to start doing a Kalu section, lol! I would say again, but it'll be for the first time since I wasn't liveblogging back then xD. And I didn't watch it live anyway, I think I started in 2019 or 2020 lol. Anyway! Still, it'll be super interesting to see ehow everything works out :DD. Like, how it all ends up being from now on. Idk if he's gonna stay around, but it's cool for now! I'm really excited to see what happens :D. And, of course, for the introduction of The Good Lawyer!!! It looks awesome :DD. The episode, and the show/character/concept (both I guess?) as a whole :)). Super excited for that too 🥰🥰. But, back to now, this episode had a ton of great moments. And it was really good in general, not just in moments :)).
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was really great. I'm definitely excited for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 15: Old Friends
I really enjoyed it! I'm nervous for the next one, but I'm super excited as well. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 16: The Good Lawyer
See you then!
0 notes