#wreck my hole
jonathanbyersphd · 2 months
"Old habits die SCREAMING" but it's me pining after platonic Stoncy
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13eyond13 · 1 month
nothing more cringe than coaxing and half-forcing someone to go to the movies with you because you're talking up how good the last one in the series was and then they finally agree to go and then it ends up being over two hours long and also kinda the worst 😬
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goldkirk · 3 months
CONTENT WARNING for weight loss (a percentage number) and mentions of throwing up
In other news I'm waiting impatiently for a GI appointment to tell them "hi I lost 15% of my body weight in six months and I throw up more often than once or twice a year now so can you please fucking listen and do something this time"
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sukugo · 1 year
do you have a favorite headcanon, from yourself or that you picked up from someone else, of either knives or vash
hmmm don't think i could say i have a favourite, bc there's so much good stuff (plus im relatively new to them and still Exploring the kv world so haven't had as much time to establish them), BUT there is one thing that im really so so so very into and it's the idea of knives and vash only being capable of having sex with each other
i already mentioned it in this post, which pretty much says most of it really
but yeah i LOVE the idea of their bodies being incompatible with human bodies and rejecting them (in the case of flower genitalia, a closed bud that never blooms and opens, and in the case of a more regular genitalia situation, an unresponsive dick/hole, no erection, no lubrication, no gape. just the tightness of an unwiling opening. just the burn of desperate need against skin rubbed raw)
and along with the lack of bodily response, we have touches and gropes being discomforting, grating, painful at times, and always feeling so, so wrong, like their entire body is on edge, wrongness crawling all over their skin.
it's not that glaring of an issue for nai, who would not have sex with humans (more accurately: anyone who's not vash). but in vash's case, who lives among humans, i'd find it definitely is.
although, the thing is, their bodies dont even work for themselves. not being able to have sex is one thing, but they can't masturbate either, bc their bodies need the other's to react, they don't respond to their own prods and touches and pleas. no amount of personal desire can make their bodies react, not unless the other is there. (which would negate the above comment: it is an issue for nai too, who can't properly physically manifest his desire for vash) (i dont think a nai sexually repressed for 150 yrs could lead to good things...)
and well, it's all bc essentially, they are one. two halves of a whole, made from each other and needing each other to complete each other. they exist as one and no matter how much time they spend apart, how much they clash, the truth of the fact is carved into the makeup of their bodies.
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sofastuffing · 3 months
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started as a sketch for a collab with irls and then I went a bit overboard
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happyhyenaminis · 1 year
managed to grind through the last 6 pink horrors in one sitting tonight 😪 ready to be based and join the other 14 from earlier in the year
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cup-noodle · 9 months
that moment when you feel a hyperfixation coming on but it hasn't quite consumed you yet is the strangest thing. kinda like watching a train driving towards you in slow motion, nothing you can do about it except watch it slowly take over your brain and rip your productivity to shreds
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doggirlprincess · 11 months
I want to collapse into a butch's arms after a long day. I want them to rub my feet and listen to me bitch about the world, to help relieve my chronic pain for just a moment. I want to lean on them as we walk up the stairs together, help guide me into the shower so I can decompress alone. I want to be loved by someone who wants to love me.
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flydotnet · 6 months
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Starting the year off the only good way I could think of: a self-portrait inspired by bullshit my friend and I spewed this weekend.
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sparrowposting · 9 months
I am hungry and restless, dreaming of exits
Climbing the gates of my mind
And I am thinking of futures, reaching for sutures
Trying to reclaim my time
And now I'm dropping the weight of the earth
Just long enough to give me a rebirth
Cause I deserve to be well, yeah I deserve to be well
And maybe I do not have enough strength
For more than a couple of steps in a day
But I deserve to be well, yeah I deserve to be well
I'm climbing up out of this hell
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mabaris · 3 months
every companion in origins is optional, save morrigan and alistair. so if you refuse morrigan’s offer and let alistair take the final blow… are you allowed to finish the game alone? if there’s just two of you, would it skip the part where you leave someone behind to guard the gates in order to even LET alistair be on the roof to kill the archdemon??
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bahoreal · 2 years
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bbc wreck (2022)
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east-coast-lit-thot · 4 months
I don't have alot of gay friends, but I'm highkey attracted to one of my few gay friends ... but like I don't want to ruin the friendship by saying anything 🙃😬😮‍💨
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zibiscusloon · 1 year
Well in recent news I fucking hate hail
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kyliafanfiction · 1 year
so, I read the full fanlore page for that whole ‘fandom ghost’ thing about m/m and the way there’s this one character that keeps being written into every character over and over, across pairings, inserted into a usually minor or underdeveloped character, etc
and there was a section on a female ghost that also tends to show up in a lot of these m/m fics, a smart, sassy, beautiful female character who is also reduced to being an enabler for the m/m ship, etc. 
And while I don’t really read m/m, that does track with my limited exposure.
BUT, I think there is also a fandom ghost in f/f fic too. I honestly don’t read the wider f/f widely enough to articulate it as much, just what’s in my fandoms and I don’t really have an expansive set of them or add new ones that easily.
BUT in my experience, and from what I see in summaries and tags on ao3 and posts here on tumblr, there is a common character archtype wedged into characters regardless of if they fit, across a lot of femmeslash stories.
I can’t give a solid point by point as I write this at 5 in the morning, coming off stewing over the thoughts in my sleep, or so it feels, but like:
the m/m fandom ghost is a type a personality, controlled and tsundere and hypercompetent and gets wrecked by the messy guy that comes in and destroys their carefully crafted life, etc.
The f/f fandom ghost that I’ve seen is actually the opposite. That is, when given two characters that seem like a viable ship, one of the characters is whacked with a hammer until she fits a mold: an often clumsy or perhaps more accurately careless, butch (and made more so than her canon presentation), very muscular (again, more so than her canon presentation), often quite a ladies woman, very toppy, definitely plays opposite a more repressed or controlled character (but usually one who is bettered rooted in canon as being that), and destroys that character’s neat little world. They are usually, despite their butchness, a lot sillier or softer outside the bedroom, again, and they think sunshine comes out of the other character’s ass even before they get together and -
I’m starting to run into some limitations on the specific words because I just don’t read this enough to stop and articulate it (because I often close out of F/F fics that get too into wedging the characters into archetypes like this rather than the characters themselves (because it does happen a lot) but I very much do have a ‘I know it when I see it’ thing happening here.
I’ve seen it crop up in Buffy/Faith, Kara/Lena, Regina/Emma and in others I have read less extensively (there are F/F ships I’ve never seen it in, like Tara/Willow) that I’m not thinking of specifically
And like, there is a bit of a difference between the m/m fandom ghost, which is really the same character being dressed in a new skin over and over, and that skin usually being a minor or secondary character, etc, and this f/f one, which is more likely (but not always) to be fit into a fairly prominent character, and is less like one character wearing different skin and more many square characters being badly bashed into one round hole, but
I feel like I’m on to something here. For some femmeslash writers, there really are a lot of fics that feel like they’re not writing the two characters. They’re writing the one character and an archetype that may not actually fit the other character all that well, but damn the Torpedos and full speed ahead.
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joyish-little-boy · 7 months
thinking about Usopp and Sanji and Sanji telling Usopp he was okay with Usopp dying for Nami and proceeded to sacrifice himself for Usopp and then later in Water 7 all their little moments together like wahhhhhhh they are my little guys who both hate themselves in different ways </3
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