#just off snippets online and my dad watching it
cup-noodle · 8 months
that moment when you feel a hyperfixation coming on but it hasn't quite consumed you yet is the strangest thing. kinda like watching a train driving towards you in slow motion, nothing you can do about it except watch it slowly take over your brain and rip your productivity to shreds
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legolasghosty · 1 year
I want to know about Willex Ikea meet cute please I am so intrigued. also any of the trans ones if you’re feeling up to it no pressure!
Hello Anon, yes of course!
Lol, the people have spoken, I guess the IKEA fic is the next one I need to finish. Basically, the premise is that Alex and Willie are both in an IKEA shopping for new bedframes(Alex cause Luke and Reggie broke his and Willie because racecar bed therapy assignment) and run into each other(literally). And then they hit it off and end up bed shopping together! SNIPPET TIME!
"How goes the search?" Alex asks.
"Not good," Willie sighs, leaning back against the fake wall. "I know they have them here cause I looked online, but I haven't found any yet and I've been here for an hour."
Alex winces sympathetically. "When did you get here?"
"Like… 11:30?" Willie answers.
Alex glances down at his watch, then back at Willie, then back at the watch. "Ummm, you've only been here for like 20 minutes then," he informs them.
Willie stares at him for a solid minute, then drops his head back against the wall and groans again. "I'm doomed."
Alex resists the urge to chuckle at the drama. "I promise you're not doomed," he replies. Then he glanced around. There are a lot of beds around… and he needs to look through them too for himself… "Wanna look around together?" he offers hesitantly.
And then let's see... I have a few trans ones... let's go with the Willex t4t high school one! That one is less of a single fic and more of an ongoing set of one shots. The original I ended up posting and you can find it here! But from there, it has expanded into a few other shots of Willex being cute in this universe!
The current one that is half done is good dad!Caleb giving Alex the whole 'you hurt my kid you die' talk. I just love the dynamic of them both loving Willie so frigging much and being like, "Okay we both love him. And would kill anyone who hurt him. We good? Good!"
“Ah, Alex, got a minute?”
Alex stops short at the voice of Willie’s dad coming from behind him. He turns around slowly, setting the two newly filled water bottles he’d been holding on the counter. Willie is still upstairs in their bedroom, working on some math homework. Alex had been trying to write a paper for English when they both realized they were almost out of water. So Alex had volunteered to come downstairs and get them both refills. 
The whole thing should take five minutes, tops. But Alex knows this trip suddenly got a bit longer. He can hear it in Mr. Covington’s light but loaded tone.
“Sure, what’s up?” Alex says, forcing a smile.
“Lovely,” Caleb responds, resting a hand on the kitchen island and giving Alex a grin that seems tinged with danger. “I just wanted to have a quick chat. Please, sit.” 
He gestures at a stool nearby, then turns and heads for a cabinet. Alex settles on the stool, twisting a silver ring around his left pointer finger to keep himself from freaking out. This is fine. Just a casual talk with his partner’s dad. Who could probably get away with all sorts of illegal activities on charisma alone. No big deal.
Thanks for the ask Anon! This was fun!
(Look through my list of WIPs and ask me whatever you want about them!)
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purplesurveys · 2 years
another rare pokémon aka a two-in-one
1 - Are you interested in any reality TV shows? Yes, but I only watch their snippets on social media more than anything; I was never the type to seek out whole episodes even if it’s a reality show that I enjoy.
2 - When was the last time you made plans with someone? What are you going to do with that person? I haven’t made super sure plans recently but I do know that this Christmas I have at least two get-togethers happening – a Powerpoint party with Angela and Reena; and a reunion with my entire college friend group.
3 - How often (if ever) do you use moisturizer? Never. I don’t even own some.
4 - Name five things you can touch from where you’re sitting right now: This chair I’m sitting on, my phone, the edge of the table, another chair, and my scrunchie. Not a varied selection considering I’m at the rooftop and the most I can touch is just...air, lol.
5 - Have you had any of your wisdom teeth removed? What was the reason? (eg. infection, impaction, lack of space). Yeah, I’ve had two removed. By the time I needed to get them extracted, they were decayed and had reached a point where they were causing excruciating pain throughout my head.
6 - What was the reason for your last hospital visit? Urine and blood tests.
7 - Where was the last place you had an itch? My right knee. I think I had an allergic reaction on that spot since I recall seeing rashes on it the other night.
8 - If you’re on a long car journey, would you rather drive or be the passenger? Depends on who I’m with. If it’s a road trip with family, I’d rather my dad drive; if it’s with friends I’m fine either way and I’d actually prefer if a friend and I would take turns driving.
9 - What’s the earliest time you’ve had to wake up for work? What about the latest time you’ve clocked off for the day? I remember having to wake up at like 4 AM during my INTERNSHIP because we had a client who was going to be on a morning talk show. Looking back though I have little to bitch about because at least I got free breakfast out of it ha.
Latest time I’ve clocked out...probably 1 AM? I can recall a couple of instances off the top of my head where I had no choice but to work through the evening. 10 - Do you use a laptop, desktop, tablet or phone to take your surveys? Always a laptop. I don’t have a desktop; haven’t used the iPad in years; and I imagine it would be a bitch to answer 50-60 questions through a touchscreen.
11 - Are you fussy when it comes to how your surveys are formatted on your blog? Yep, a little bit. I don’t mind doing things manually as long as it’s able to keep my finished surveys exactly the way I usually format them to be.
12 - How old were you when you first got internet access at home? Was it broadband or did you have dial-up first? Technically I was like 3 when I first had a taste of dial-up internet - my parents mainly kept it around so they could email one another while my dad would work in another country. I never used it though lol, because what was there for a 3 year old to do on the internet in 2001?
Anyway, the first time I got to use the internet for real was in 2008, when I was 10. Back then the laptop still had to be plugged into the router at all times if we wanted to keep online. 
13 - When was the last time you painted your nails? Not sure. A couple of months ago, I think.
14 - What’s your typical order when you go to Starbucks (or wherever your favourite coffee shop is)? Iced caramel macchiato, in grande. I try to make the pastry different every time but I am quite partial to their dark chocolate macadamia cookie.
15 - What’s your favourite thing to have on toast? Just butter is fine.
16 - Do you have any debt? If so, are you on top of paying it all back? Yeah like P200 to my dad because I didn’t have cash on-hand to pay for a recent package I received hahaha.
17 - What was the last thing you purchased with a credit card? Continued from...Tuesday or whenever it was. Technically it was my dad’s credit card and the last and only thing I bought with it was my current phone.
18 - Have you been to college/university? If so, has your degree been useful to you or was it a bit of a waste of money? I did go to college but I got to enjoy free tuition for like 7 out of 8 sems, so I wouldn’t be a good judge for worth it-yness. As for my degree, it has been useful to a degree – I’m not a journalist per se but I have stayed within the profession, and I can say it’s helped me out.
19 - How often do you travel by public transport? Never. I would use it if it were as reliable as the ones I see in like Korea or Europe, but alas I live in the Philippines. I’d much rather drive.
20 - Do you have an instagram account? If so, how often do you post on there and what kind of things do you post? I do. I mainly post stories, but my overall profile (when I do occasionally post) is basically a recap of all the museums I go to, and the artworks I see. If anyone’s familiar with RM’s Instagram profile, my own profile is essentially the same thing minus the nature and minus photos of myself haha. My Instagram is strictly dedicated to art.
21 - Are you close to your extended family? Do you wish you were closer? Some! I’m very close with my mom’s side of the family; but I’ve also been making an effort to be closer with my dad’s side as we are not getting any younger.
22 - Do you prefer to give your pets human names or not? We give them human names that just so happen to also be suitable for pets, if that makes sense? Like I wouldn’t name a pet Mark or Lisa, but we’ve named our pets Kimi (after Kimi Raikkonen) and Cooper. Only Agi’s isn’t human-like.
23 - Do you like having ice in your drinks? Only when I’m outdoors. 
24 - When was the last time you went to a BBQ restaurant? Couple of months ago when my uncle Rocky visited from the States and wanted to get Korean barbecue.
25 - When was the last time you re-arranged the furniture? Is this something you like to do often? Literally just this weekend since we put up our Christmas tree and had to move some stuff around to make space for it. We don’t do it a lot and actually it just only happens around the Christmas season.
26 - Have you ever used a fire extinguisher? Would you know how to use one without reading the instructions? Never had to, and no. I really should learn how to, come to think of it...
27 - What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to deal with at your job? Clients with expectations that are just wildly unrealistic and force us to find a way to make it realistic.
28 - What was the last thing you used your mobile phone for? I used Spotify to play music while I take surveys.
29 - Did you used to play The Sims? What version or expansion pack was your favourite one to play? I did! I was never a big follower though and just bought whatever kind my dad happened to buy. I played Sims 2 on the PS2 a lot when I was younger; and then Sims 4 a bit with the PS4.
30 - What was the last thing you used a lighter for? I’ve never used a lighter for anything haha. Scared of fire.
Would you tell your co-workers what underwear you have on? I imagine I’d only do so outside of a work environment, like if we were having dinner somewhere as just friends and not co-workers.
Do you make your bed each morning? Yes. It helps me calm down and get into the Right Mood for work. Having a messy environment subsequently messes with my ~condition for the day.
How many family photos do you have in your home? We have a handful of them perched along our stairs, and I believe my parents also keep a few family portraits in their bedroom.
Are you concerned about the economy? Yes, mostly on how it affects the poor and how it makes them poorer. I’m very fortunate and privileged to be in a place wherein inflation doesn’t noticeably affect me and my family’s situation, but it shatters me a little bit every time I read the news and see a student have to stop schooling or jeepney drivers being forced to stop working because gas just costs too much now.
What is the most interesting food you’ve eaten? This Filipino fusion place in Pobla that had unique takes on local cuisine. I’m not a big fan of Westernized or fancified takes on Filipino food,  but their dishes were quite tasty!
Do you remember anything you learned in school? Yeah man, like most of them haha. They’ve been helpful.
Are you happy with how much money you make? I am, but because I am selfish and materialistic I am always wanting more lol.
How do you feel about people who drive SUVs? Whatever? It’s the way people drive that would help form my opinion around them.
When is the last time you saw your real hair color? A couple of weeks ago when I still had my roots + brown hair. Recently dyed my whole hair purple though.
Are you the type of person that will parallel park? Yes. It’s easy for me because I have cute lil car hahaha.
Will you drive around the block to look for a spot? As much as possible, no. I’d rather wait if it means I get to secure a spot close to where I need to be.
What do you like to collect? K-pop merch... 😬
How many pancakes could you eat in 5 minutes? Barely one. I am an excruciatingly slow eater.
Do you think cheese and mustard together on a sandwich is gross? I’m not sure as I’ve never had it, I think. I’d still try it though.
How do you feel about babies? I like them.
What is the worst taste to have in your mouth? Spoiled stuff.
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kariachi · 2 years
A collection of Pride snippets, involving most of the hero-side kids.
“Question,” Alan said, picking through his half of he and Chris’s closet, “where’s the line between ‘incredibly gay’ and ‘tone it down before you hurt yourself’?” Watching from his bed, Cooper shrugged.
“You’ll know it when you get there.” Humming, Alan stared deep into his wardrobe.
“…we keep the glitter to an accent.”
“Probably a good idea.”
Watching over Ben’s shoulder as he put a ‘no cops at pride’ banner together, Kevin chewed his lip. He hadn’t been asked for his input, but, this was happening on one of his properties. That meant he should say something, right? Right.
“Benji? Hate to be the one to break this to you but, you’re a cop.” Ben froze and turned to him.
“I’m a Plumber.”
“Exactly. Just because your focus is on aliens and mutants doesn’t mean you’re not a cop.” For a long moment Ben just stared at him, jaw slack. Slowly, he set his markers down and rose to his feet.
“I need to go lie down a minute,” he said as he made for the car. Kevin just watched him go.
“Never even crossed your mind, huh?”
It took a moment for Helen to check her phone, busy getting lunch together. A single picture, of a custom rainbow shirt strewn out on a bed, the word ‘Available’ across the front in bold white lettering.
manny wtf
remember back when I worried my family wouldn’t be supportive apparently dad had to be talked out of one that requested a butcher specifically
“I really need to thank your parents again for letting me stay over.” Gwendolyn rolled her eyes with a laugh as they went through Emily’s overnight bag.
“When, in the past twelve years, have they not let you stay the night?”
“Still,” she laughed back, “any rescue from my dad’s advertising. Oh!” she pointed at a small rainbow bag as Gwen pulled it out. “Pins! I found a shop online that does nice ones, so I went on a bit of a spree. Thankfully Uncle Chuck is cool with funding my pride stuff.” Turning them out onto her bed, Gwendolyn started shifting through them. A couple of bi pins, some standard rainbow, a few trans and nonbinary, a small handful of ‘queer and disabled’ ones- “One for me and three for the guys when we see them tomorrow.” -and one genderfluid one.
“Em…” The grin that split Emily’s face was almost as wide as the one on Gwendolyn’s.
“I wasn’t about to leave you out. Put it on after we leave, I’ll remind you to take it off when we get back, your mom will never have to see it.” Eyes going teary, Gwendolyn pulled her into a tight hug.
“Best. Friend. Ever.”
“I’m good but, you want this ‘no cops at pride’ banner Kev’s got lying around.”
“You know what, sure. Don’t feel like carrying anything around, but Dad’ll have a field day.” Huffing, Pierce glared down at his phone. “How is it so difficult to find decent demi-guy themed anything?”
“Don’t look at me,” Argit said, “I only even get involved in this stuff to make Kev happy.” Everything human gender and sexuality just, didn’t apply to Erinaens. As happened when you were dealing with disparate species.
“How I wish I gave as few shits as you. All of this stuff is just, not what I’m looking for.” With another huff he set down his phone and threw up his hands in surrender, turning his attention to his lunch. “You think I can get Kevin to make me something custom?” Argit snorted.
“Throw him a twenty and you’ll be set for life.”
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
yellow : s.r
after a mission that targets couples, spencer realises how much you truly mean to him back home (4.1k oops) 
shameless plug but i have an etsy shop (10% off on tote bags until 2nd december!) 
criminal minds masterlist 
(also the case idea is just something i came up with! please do not steal my ideas/work or repost elsewhere without permission. thank you!) 
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Warmth. That was the first thing you noticed when you woke up. Warmth radiating from the sunlight filtering through your blinds, warmth from your boyfriend who you were curled up against and warmth from your cheeks as the events of last night replay in your mind.
Yet, as always, those are short lived once your alarm clock sounds.
Spencer stirs upon hearing the repetitive beeping. His arm tightens around your waist as you move away to press snooze and his breath fans across your neck as he chuckles.
“Good morning,” He whispers, shuffling to kiss your jaw sweetly until you turn to face him. “every morning I’m amazed at how beautiful you look.” Spencer admits candidly.
“That’s because I haven’t opened my mouth yet and you can’t smell my morning breath.” You mutter, unable to take him seriously as his curls point in every direction and sleep laces his tone. “You’re something else, you know that, Spence?” You chuckle, lifting an arm up as you brush your hand across his face.
Humming in response, Spencer begins to open his eyes. “You know, around 50% of adults in America suffer from morning breath, the ADA has researched it’s caused by bacteria in your mouth building from food particles between your teeth, gum line and tongue.” He explains, watching as you roll your eyes. “And yes, I do know I’m something else, you tell me most days, except yesterday.” A smile lines Spencer’s lips as he pictures the exact moment. “Yesterday you called me a fucking God.” He chuckles as you groan, lifting your hands to cover your face.
“Please, just forget that.” You tell him through your hands whilst Spencer shuffles as his body rests above yours.
“Y/n, open your eyes.” He whispers, and as you move your hands Spencer leans down, kissing you softly. Pulling away, he sighs happily. “I love you, but I need to brush my teeth.” He announces and rises from bed, heading to the bathroom as your laughter lines the corridor.
The sound of your phone buzzing interrupts your thoughts as you reach over and unlock it. For a moment you allow your eyes to adjust to the brightness glaring into your retinas.
“Spence?” You call out as you force yourself from the cocoon of your bed as you shove your feet into your slippers.
As you exit your bedroom, you meet Spencer halfway to the bathroom as he looks at you with wide eyes whilst a toothbrush hangs out of his mouth, toothpaste marking the corners of his lips.
“Penelope texted me, she assumed your phone was downstairs,” Which was true, and Penelope knew Spencer well enough to know such. “you’ve got a case.” You tell him with a heavy heart as Spencer’s face falls and nods.
Retreating back to the bathroom, Spencer spits the toothpaste out as he looks at his reflection. He knew this was his job, and you both knew the hours weren’t the typical nine to five. But for once, Spencer wanted to be selfish and stay with you for the weekend that he promised you.
“Hey,” You speak up as you wrap your arms around Spencer’s waist as you rest your head on his back. “it’s okay, you can make it up to me another time.” You reassure him as you rise to your tiptoes, kissing his bare shoulder. “I’ll go make you a coffee.” You add as your arms slink from Spencer’s waist as he finishes brushing his teeth and turns the shower on.
“Or, you could join me?” Spencer pipes up, a mischievous smile lacing his lips as you pause before turning on your heels.
��Spencer Reid, are you suggesting I accompany you in the shower?” You feign shock, resting your hand on your chest as your lips part whilst Spencer’s tongue glides over his lips for a moment, that rare glint crossing his gaze.
“I’m suggesting we save water, last year alone over 2.5 billion people were living in areas of drought, and that’s not including-” Cutting Spencer off, you remove your dressing gown and slippers.
“Alright, I give in.” You wave him off. “It’s too early to listen to your statistics.”
“Morning, sorry to call you all in during the weekend.” Hotch starts as everyone takes a seat around the table, Spencer trying his best to suppress his yawn as he drinks the coffee you made him just before he forgot it as he left. “Garcia?”
“Right yes,” Penelope gathers herself as everyone opens their tablets whilst Spencer flicks through the physical case file. “over the last two months, there have been three murders of married couples,” Penelope begins to explain as she displays images of the three couples. “our first couple were newlyweds, married for two weeks before they were kidnapped and tortured before dying from lacerations to their throats which I will not be looking at on the screen.”
“Same MO for all three couples?” JJ asks, and Penelope sighs as she nods in response.
“That is correct, our latest couple were discovered placed back in their bedroom this morning when their daughter arrived home from a sleepover to discover her parents,” Penelope trails off as Hotch rises to his feet.
“Wheels up in 15, we’re going to Phoenix.” Hotch states as he walks out of the room, slowly followed by everyone else.
“Take it your romantic plans aren’t happening, kid?” Rossi speaks up as Spencer follows him out from the conference room.
Spencer shakes his head. “We’re going to try again next weekend if we can,” A sigh leaves Spencer’s lips as he grabs his go back, throwing it over his shoulder. “but she’s just, so understanding.” He admits, and Rossi whistles.
“Says more than my ex-wives.” Rossi comments.
“How is my sweet Y/n?” Penelope asks as she follows the team toward the elevator, JJ chuckling with Tara.
“She is just fine, Penelope. But she does miss you, don’t worry.” Spencer tells Penelope who beams happily as he makes it into the elevator.
“Well, I’ll make sure she’s safe whilst your gone, goodbye my crimefighters!” Penelope waves as the metal doors close on everyone, and that familiar silence falls over all of them as they begin to pick apart the case.
Arriving in Phoenix, Hotch splits the team up and Spencer is paired with JJ to go to the morgue.
“Based on victimology, our unsub targets the wives first, looking at our first victim, Charlotte Yestley, the bruising on her wrists and ankles is much darker than her husbands.” Spencer explains as the ME returns with the reports.
JJ hums as she leans closer. “But overall the damage on Charlotte is cleaner than on Michael. The laceration on Charlotte’s neck was done in one motion, whereas Michael has multiple lacerations and stab wounds covering his torso.”
“Cause of death for both was the loss of blood from the laceration to the neck.” The ME states. “Charlotte Yestley died within minutes whereas Michael would’ve bled out for at least an hour.”
“So he’s torturing the husbands, could be symbolic? Maybe our unsub was married, lost his wife and is looking at couples who have what he no longer does?” JJ suggests.
“I’m not sure, I’ll call Garcia and see if she can find anything out about the Yestley’s.” Spencer exits the room as he calls Garcia, leaving JJ to discuss with the ME the toxicology report.
“Go for Garcia,” Penelope answers the phone.
“Garcia can you look into the Yestley’s personal life, considering they were newlyweds there must be something online about them.” Spencer asks as Penelope types away.
“I’ve got hundreds of photos appearing across social media platforms from the past five years of them both. It seems they met in college and then split up after they graduated, got engaged two years ago and were married at the Hillsong Church. Intimate celebration, close family, two bridesmaids and a best man.” Penelope reels off, and Spencer nods to himself.
“I’ll call Hotch, see if we can talk to the bridesmaids and best man,” Spencer tells Garcia. “thanks, Penelope.”  
After investigating further, the team had conducted it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows between the Yestley’s. In fact, days before the wedding it was nearly called off by Charlotte as she caught her fiance with another woman.
“What if that’s it?” Rossi speaks up as the team sit in the room the local PD helped them set up. “Cheating, being disloyal.”
JJ glances over to Spencer, seeing the cogs whirring away in his brain. “Rossi, you and Lewis spoke with the Littlewoods daughter, right?” Spencer asks as he walks over to the board, looking through all of the photos.
“Yeah, she said how her parents weren’t sharing a bed anymore, they were in the process of separating.” Tara comments and Hotch straightens up as Spencer turns on his heels.
“Rossi is right, it’s all about being disloyal. The unsub is projecting onto these couples, finding out about their personal lives or seeing snippets of them and punishing them for cheating or harming one another.” Spencer explains, and Hotch nods as he glances around at the rest of the team.
“I think we’re ready to deliver the profile, guys.” Hotch states as he closes his case file, heading out to speak with the deputy.
“So, how’s it going?” Your voice filled with curiosity is the only thing that can soothe Spencer’s thoughts as he lies down on the firm hotel mattress.
A long exhale leaves Spencer’s lips. “We’ve delivered the profile, now we’re just trying to narrow the search down.” Spencer explains, hearing the faint sound of the TV playing in your house. “How was work today?”
“Same old same old.” You chuckle as you busy yourself, unable to sit still without him at home with you. “My Mom came by earlier, she says hi.” You add shyly, despite having been together for two years, your parents visiting was an infrequent occurrence.
A small smile forms on Spencer’s lips as he listens to you, the normality he craves in his life. “How is she? Did your Dad abandon her like last time at the airport?” He asks through the line as he closes his eyes, listening to your story as you ramble on about all the things your Mom picked out about your house and about Spencer.
“And then she had the cheek to say you’re never here! Like, where is my Dad?” You scoff, hearing a gentle hum on the other end of the line. “Sorry, I got a bit lost there.”
“S’okay.” Spencer mumbles, his eyes unable to open again. “I’m hoping we’ll be flying back within the next week, sorry.”
You finally pause as you rest your hand on the back of Spencer’s beloved armchair beside his old bookcase. Forcing your smile to remain in place, you nod to yourself. “I get that, serial killers don’t have a care for date nights and the lives of others.” You laugh dryly, something that doesn’t go undetected by Spencer.
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” Spencer whispers to you, picturing you in front of him when he opens his eyes, only to be greeted by the tap leaking in his bathroom sink.
“Just, keep safe and find the son of a bitch, yeah?” You mutter. “I love you, Spencer.” You add, moving to sit in his armchair as you wrap his blanket around him, his aftershave weaved into the fabric.
“I love you too.” He whispers.
As you hang up, the tiredness Spencer previously had has vanished as he faces the ceiling, staring at the Artex wishing you could be by his side.
“Another couple has been taken from their home,” Hotch announces as he enters the conference room, everyone turning to look at him. “Maria King, 81 and Jacob King, 85. Their neighbour suspected something was wrong when they noticed their front door was wide open.”
“So our unsub has taken them to a secondary location?” JJ asks as Hotch nods in response.
“We’ve got a lead currently on where they might be held, but we’ll have to move quickly.” Hotch states as he exits the conference room, the rest of the team filing out straight to the lockers.
There was an unsteady tension in the two SUV’s on the drive to the abandoned farmhouse. Everyone was thinking the same thing, why the unsub would take an elderly couple.
“He’s clearly escalating from our profile.” Tara states as she sits in the passenger seat. “Garcia, was there any sign of an affair from either Maria or Jacob King?”
The sound of Penelope rapidly typing echoes through the line until it suddenly stops. “Nope, Maria and Jacob recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary, and it seems they’ve never been more in love.” Sadness coats Penelope’s voice as she looks through the photos of the couple. “The owner of the farmhouse is Tyler Edwards, however, Edwards sold the property last month to Lewis Wise. Unlike his name, Lewis was not the wisest in life. It seems that his wife, Clara, was on her way home from a business trip and died in a car crash.” Penelope explains, but a small gasp leaves her lips.
“What is it, Garcia?” Spencer chimes in, and the sound of typing increases.
“Well, turns out Clara was not coming back from a business trip, but instead her lover, Daniel Lovatt.”
“That could be our trigger,” Tara states. “Wise loses his wife and discovers she’s been having an affair.”
“How long ago did Clara die, Garcia?” Hotch asks, nearing the entrance to the property.
Humming, Penelope quickly answers. “Two months ago.”
“Same time the murders started.” Spencer mutters as they prepare to exit the SUV.
“Please let them be alive.” Penelope mutters to herself, closing the photos of the elderly couple from her monitors.  
Arriving at the farmhouse, the faint sound of screams could be heard as the team exit the SUV’s.
“JJ, you, Lewis and Rossi take the back entrance, Reid, we’ll go through the front.” Hotch explains, and with everyone in understanding, the team split up.
Following Hotch, Reid tried not to focus on the cries for help from the strained voices inside.
“Just, shut up!” The unsub exclaims.
“Please, my wife, she’s hurt. We need help.” A new voice, Jacob King cries out to the unsub.
“She won’t need help for much longer, I can promise you that.” A sick laugh follows and Hotch kicks the door down, running forward with his gun aimed at the unsub.
“FBI, drop the weapon!” Hotch yells as the unsub is standing behind Maria, his knife against her neck as her eyes continue to drop, she’s already losing blood.
“Lewis, just drop the knife. This couple, they’ve done nothing wrong.” Spencer speaks up, seeing the rest of the team enter from the back of the farmhouse, slowly walking forward, guns aimed at Wise.
“They have! Look at them, they, they hate each other!” Lewis spews as Jacob sobs quietly, his fingers intertwined with Maria’s.
“No, they don’t. Lewis, I know what happened to your wife, and I’m so sorry.” Spencer hesitantly steps forward, Hotch keeping his eyes trained on Wise. “But you don’t have to do this, there’s another option.” Spencer’s voice remains soft as he glances down to the couple and flashes a brief smile.
“I can’t, they need to be punished.” Lewis states as a whimper leaves Maria’s lips.
“Lewis, just put the knife down and we’ll talk.” Spencer reasons. “Here, I’ll put my gun down, how about that?” Spencer slowly lowers his gun to the floor, ignoring the worried looks from his team behind Lewis.
“But they are bad people.” Lewis repeats, his eyes darting from the couple to Spencer. “I, I won’t let them get away with it.” Lewis yells, and before he’s able to apply more pressure to Maria’s neck, shots are fired and Lewis falls backwards.
“Oh my god,” Jacob cries as his wife falls into his embrace.
“We need medics here, now!” Hotch speaks into his earpiece whilst Spencer rushes over, quickly followed by JJ.
“Medic’s are coming, you’ll both be all right.” JJ assures the couple as Maria looks up at Jacob with such adoration as he wipes her tears.
“I’ll always love you, Maria.” Jacob tells his wife as she shushes him. “No, no let me say this,” His voice cracks, and JJ looks up at the sound of sirens in the distance. “you were my first love, and you’ll always be my last.” Jacob sniffs as Spencer keeps pressure on the stab wound on her side, trying to ignore how blood is seeping through her top.
“I love you,” Maria breathes out as her eyes start to close, but Jacob protests.
“Don’t go yet honey, there’s so much more for us to do.” Jacob cries out, just as the medics arrive.
Stepping back, JJ rests her arm on Spencer as she guides him out from the farmhouse as they join the rest of the team, witnessing Lewis Wise being taken away.
“You okay, Spence?” JJ looks up as Spencer focuses on the police car as it drives away, his gaze shifting to the Kings sat in the back of the ambulance, still together, holding hands.
“Yeah, yeah.” Spencer nods, tearing his eyes from the couple as the image of you crosses his mind. “Just thinking about a few things, that’s all.”
“Wanna share?” JJ enquires, raising a brow to Spencer.
Yet, a small smile forms on Spencer’s lips as he shacks his head. “Maybe some other time, let’s go.”
For the entire flight home, Spencer could only think of one thing; you.
As soon as they arrived back at HQ, Garcia enveloped the team into a tight hug. “Oh thank god, you’re all safe and home.” She gushed as the team entered the bullpen one by one, Spencer last.
“Our angel came in yesterday for a visit.” Penelope speaks up as she walks alongside Spencer into the bullpen.
“She did?” The surprise is evident in Spencer’s tone, in the two years you’ve been together, you’ve visited the bureau a grand total of three times.
Penelope nods, trying to hide her growing smile. “She erm, left you something on your desk.” With that, Penelope rushes over to the others, having a hushed conversation whilst Spencer nears his desk.
Standing in front of it, nothing looks out of place. He knows exactly where he left the seventeen case files on the right-hand side just below his phone set. The pen pot still has three blue pens and two black, his monitor is off and the keyboard is parallel to the mouse.
“What did she leave?” Spencer calls out to Penelope as he spins in his chair, looking over as the team stand together, trying not to make it obvious they’re spying on him.
“Erm, try the second drawer?” Penelope answers and Spencer nods before turning back to his desk and opens the second drawer down.
Inside is an envelope with his name written across the front. Lifting it up, Spencer wastes no time opening it like a child on Christmas day, revealing an invitation for dinner, tomorrow night.
Unable to hide it, a blush rises through Spencer’s cheeks as he chuckles under his breath. You always have been one for extravagances, but that’s just one of the many things he loves about you.
Rising to his feet, Spencer slips the invitation into his satchel. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Bye, Spencer!” Penelope waves as Spencer tries to hide his eagerness to get home as he lightly jogs to the lift, his foot tapping against the floor as he waits for the doors to open.
Once they do, he slides in and once out of sight, the team turn their attention back to Penelope.
“What was in that envelope?” Rossi raises a brow to the tech wiz who merely shrugs her shoulders.
“I have no idea, Y/n knows better than to tell me these things.” Penelope explains, but there’s a hesitance in her tone the team know all too well. “But I may have taken a look at her recent search history and found out she’s booked a table for 7pm tomorrow evening at Spencer’s favourite restaurant.”
JJ chuckles to herself as she pats Penelope’s arm. “Couldn’t keep out, could you?”
Lowering her head in defeat, Penelope nods.
“Come on, how about a drink to celebrate another case?” Rossi suggests, and the team all gratefully agree. “And maybe Penelope will spill what else she knows about the future Mr and Mrs Reid.”
Pulling up outside of your apartment building, Spencer releases a shaky breath as he heads up to your floor, having the route memorised after your third date together.
As he stands outside of the apartment door, he reaches into his worn satchel for the key as music begins to play inside.
He doesn’t recognise the tune, but the faint sound of you singing along is something ingrained in his mind and hopes to never forget.
Unlocking the front door, Spencer quietly steps in as your singing becomes louder and more energetic as the beat of the song increases.
Unable to wipe the smile from his face, Spencer wanders through toward the kitchen and hovers in the doorway. There you’re dancing, holding a spatula in one hand as a microphone whilst wearing one of Spencer’s old shirts. You’re so carefree, without worry or sight of the missions Spencer endures, you’re not exposed to the graphic crime scenes or twisted minds of their unsubs. You are just you, and Spencer adores it.
“And it was called ‘Yellow’ So I took-” Turning on your heels you yell, throwing the spatula at Spencer. “Christ, Spence!” You laugh, running your fingers through your hair as you exhale shakily. “You scared me, when did you get in?”
Rushing over to him, you wrap your arms tightly around Spencer, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
For a moment, Spencer just holds you close, not wanting to respond. He always misses you when he goes away on cases, but coming back to you is always bittersweet.
“A few minutes ago, I could hear you singing and wanted to witness it without interruption.” He explains as you loosen your grip around him, relaxing your hands on his hips as you look up at his tired face.
“I missed you, goof.” You mutter as Spencer’s hand rises to your cheek, caressing it softly as you hum, leaning against it.
Faintly, the radio continues to play as you sway with Spencer before he leans down and kisses you. As always with Spencer, it begins as a delicate kiss as if he could break you, but as your arms rise to behind his neck, it deepens into something more passionate.
You smirk at the sound of him moaning quietly before pulling away. “Come on then, we’ve got time before dinners ready.” You wink, guiding him up the stairs as he chases behind you.
Lying in his arms, slightly sweaty, Spencer moves your hair from your face. Your eyes are growing heavy, and suddenly the words from Jacob King cross his mind as he held Maria in his arms, begging her to stay awake.
“You were my first love, and you’ll always be my last.”
Spencer mutters your name as you hum in response, opening your eyes as you look up at him. Outside, the sunset is peaking through your blinds, but this time it’s blinding you instead of him.
Squinting up to him, Spencer breathes a laugh. “I just want you to know, you’re my everything, and I know we don’t do emotional speeches because neither of us can finish without crying, but I love you, Y/n. And, I always will because you’re my sunshine, you’re the stars that glow in the night sky, though stars don’t actually glow as they’re mere-”
“Spence,” You mutter, shuffling in his arms to lean on your elbows, paying close attention to him as his eyes flicker over yours.
“Sorry, I, well, you’re my yellow. You radiate joy when I come home from missions and you never pry, you always give me time to explain when I’m ready. My family, the BAU adore you, I’m pretty sure Penelope might book us a wedding venue and arrange a wedding soon.” You laugh lightly, knowing it would be the case with Penelope. “And I just love you.”
A tear slips from Spencer’s eye, barely having a chance to fall before you wipe it away.
“I love you too Spencer Reid.” You sniff, tears glazing in your eyes as they glow in the sunlight. “And I’ll forever be grateful to be your yellow.” You whisper, curling up into his arms as he kisses the top of your head, wishing this moment would never end.
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Can’t wait to read more from you ♡
hey anon, thank you! so this ask came in around the time i was going to post the shotgunning scene, but i saved it until i had another snippet to post. and it took a little while, i was stuck on what to choose but this morning i remembered this little scene (not that little, but i cut it down as much as possible) and wanted to share it, just like the last one it's not really edited but i really like it so enjoy <3
David sighed and settled Matteo against his chest. He was tired, he was aching and all his muscles were hurting. He squeezed Matteo again. His horrible boyfriend was giving him no sympathy. Said he'd brought it on himself with all the dumb sports he insisted on doing. Still, he came to watch every practice, every game. David loved football, he'd been so keen to join and get back into it, but he would admit half the fun was showing off, seeing how impressed Matteo was every time. Matteo didn't give a shit about football, but he would watch David play for hours.
He shuffled now where he lay against David's chest, pulling back and leaning over him.
"Bit achy, should've stretched more I suppose," he said.
He was pretty bad at that, too keen to get home and collapse in bed with Matteo. All he'd wanted to do was laze away the afternoon. It had been a long week, he wasn't just tired from football. After a lot of nagging from his mum, Laura, and yes from Matteo, he'd finally tried to knuckle down a bit, get back on track. Matteo had helped, but he sure was a pushy tutor. David was secretly impressed, he'd tagged along to watch him tutoring in German with Hanna. He was so good at it, somehow fun and yet a little stern when he needed to be, keeping everyone's focus on him as he went through grammar rules and vocabulary. Even David couldn't distract him. No, Matteo had sat him down at a table and made him practice his conversational German with the other students.
But he was back on track, his grades were up and his mum was happy and no longer threatening to send him back to his old school.
"I've been thinking," Matteo said, sitting up and yawning.
He pulled David up and started trying to stretch out his arms, trying to help ease the aches. David rolled his eyes but didn't stop him.
"Thinking what?"
"Jonas and Hanna are going away to some romantic cabin in a few weeks," Matteo told him, moving down to David's legs and repeating the stretches.
It did feel good, especially when he started kneading at the muscles. Who needed a sports massage, when he had Matteo?
"Yeah, and I thought we could tag along."
"As what third wheels?"
"No. I mean yeah technically, but we'd mostly ignore them, do our own thing, you know? Like a little holiday together. It'd be romantic," Matteo explained.
"Oh but..."
"Yeah," Matteo whispered, smiling nervously.
David blushed as he realised what Matteo meant, what he had planned. He stared up at him and returned that nervous smile. He was nervous, but he wasn't scared. Nothing about Matteo scared him, there was no need to be afraid, not with him. It was just them, everything was always good with them.
"I'll bring the condoms then," David said finally.
That broke the nervous tension and Matteo started to laugh. David joined him.
"What?" Matteo asked, letting David pull him back down for a cuddle.
That was how David knew they were ok, because they could always laugh about this stuff. It was silly, it was awkward, but if they could laugh about it they would be fine.
"My dad made me buy them, after our safe sex chat," David said, grinning.
"Safe sex," David said.
"No, why did he make you buy them?"
"Prove I was mature I think," David said, that was what he'd figured anyway.
"You use the self checkout?"
"Yep," David admitted, grinning and pressing a kiss to Matteo's cheek.
"I bought some online," Matteo said, giggling.
"We are winning at this mature thing," David said, high-fiving him.
"We should talk about it though, now not then," Matteo said.
David nodded. He was right, that would be the mature thing to do, so he pushed Matteo off him and they laid down next to each other. David pulled the blankets up over them.
"Yeah," Matteo whispered, snuggling closer.
"So... is it awkward? This?"
"No, not really. It's just is isn't it?"
"Yeah, it's just us," David agreed.
It was them and it would be perfect, no matter how awkward it was. No matter how clumsy or bad they were at it. It was just them and it would be perfect. David pulled Matteo against his chest, running his fingers through his hair.
"So you know how I'm different?"
Matteo shrugged.
"You're allowed, you know me better than anyone, you know more about me than anyone.”
"I know, I know how you're different," Matteo admitted, blushing a little.
"And that's ok?"
"Yeah," Matteo said, nodding enthusiastically.
David knew he was sincere. Knew the differences in his body didn't temper his desire one bit. Matteo wanted him, that much was clear. It was written all over his face. He wanted him. David flushed even redder, but he held Matteo's gaze. Then he sat up and pulled off his shirt.
"Take yours off," he demanded, shuffling out of his football shorts.
Matteo frowned, but did as he said, stripping down to his boxers, then shuffling closer as he started to shiver. He stared at David, taking him in. Right now, even in his binder he felt no different from Matteo. They'd done this before, many times now, and it always made David feel so good in himself. He never felt strange or weird. He just felt comfortable. He was pretty sure being intimate with Matteo would make him feel even more comfortable.
Matteo ran his fingers over the hem of David's binder, tugging slightly and frowning.
"You ever think of mixing it up?" he asked.
"It's always black with you," Matteo said fondly. "I was looking for your birthday last month, saw some cool spacey ones but I chickened out, thought you'd be annoyed."
"They're not clothes Matteo," David said patiently, he wouldn't have been annoyed, he wasn't sure how he would've reacted if he was honest.
"No I know. But... even if no one sees, isn't it nice to have something a bit cool?"
"Is that what these are?" David teased, pinging the waistband of Matteo's bright green boxers. They had a white flower print. A lot bolder than the clothes Matteo wore, reminiscent of the brightly printed shirts he kept hidden away in his wardrobe.
"I just like colours, they're fun," he said shrugging.
They were fun. David just smiled at him. He continued to rub his thumb over Matteo's waistband, making him shiver.
"I get to see them," Matteo said, reaching out to touch.
"It's not underwear," David reiterated.
"I do know that, but... you have to wear it, so why shouldn't you get to feel sexy?" Matteo reasoned.
David just smiled.
"Space is sexy?"
"Oh shut up David!"
David kissed him, loving how flustered he was getting.
"Would you think I was sexy without my binder?" he asked quietly.
"If you were comfortable, then yeah I think so, to be naked with you would be nice
"Wonderful," Matteo said quietly. "It would be wonderful."
His cheeks got pinker and pinker and David blushed too.
"Ok?" David whispered, not letting go of Matteo, but not letting his hands wander any further either. Matteo was shivering but David knew it wasn't because he was cold.
Matteo just nodded.
"We don't have to do anything, at the cabin I mean. If we get there and we're not ready, we can just do this, just cuddle under the blankets.
"By the fire?"
"Yeah, that'll be nice," David said, pressing a kiss to Matteo's temple. Then he kissed him on the lips, again and again. Matteo rolled onto his back pulling David on top of him.
"I'm excited," he whispered, "nervous, but excited too."
David just kissed him, he kissed him again and again, losing himself in it, in Matteo. Matteo's hands drifted down to David's hips, holding on, and his eyes fluttered shut.
"David," he said quietly, but it wasn't a warning, it was soft and a little needy.
"Let me make you feel good," David said.
Matteo opened his eyes, they were wide, and filled with want. He stared at David and nodded. "Can I make you feel good too?"
David bit his lip and thought about it, he trusted Matteo he did. He stared down at him, at how genuinely he wanted to make him feel good. David nodded.
"Teach me," Matteo whispered.
"I will," David said, pulling Matteo close for a kiss. They would learn, together.
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lilydalexf · 3 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with tatooedlaura (Laura Sprys)
Laura has 28 fics at Gossamer, but the big treasure trove of her stories is at AO3, where she has 193 fics. Thank goodness for the richness of the X-Files and for talented, creative people like Laura who can find so many interesting ways to tell tales in the show’s universe. Big thanks to Laura for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Maybe reading mine but reading older fic in general is something I still do and something I still find entertaining. I do wish i could get into my old fics and post a warning that some of those were written before the author: ever had a drink, ever had sex, ever had a boyfriend, ever lived on her own, ever had a real job, or ever experienced much of anything in the real world.
Then again, fanfic is a perfect time capsule for the age and it’s always fun to see where the originals started and how they’ve grown.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
Back in the day and up and through today, it has always been a fun experience. From it, I’ve learned to love writing. I’ve learned that fans are crazy, weird, wonderful, generous, talented, committed, passionate, and imaginative. In a fandom, you can think whatever you wish and write about anything you like and because I’ve been around so long, I’ve gotten to watch the storylines shift and the relationships change ...
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
Originally, I never had much interaction with people other than ones who sent emails commenting on my fanfic … the internet at my parents house was dial-up and I had to access through the AOL free disks that arrived in the mail so, for the most part, I didn’t have the bandwidth or the connection speed to do more than upload stories and download episode guides.
Good lord, I remember submitting a story and having to wait upwards of two days to two weeks before the new batch of stories was posted ... then ephemeral came around and you could actually have your story up in under a day ... all ya'll who started on tumblr and ao3, you have it great, let me tell you :)
One thing that stands out in my mind still (and I’m still friends with her on Facebook) was a woman from western Canada who I stumbled across somewhere while looking for the blooper reels. She offered to send me her copies on VHS for my collection. I don’t think she asked for payment and one day, a package arrived from a lovely woman near Lethbridge, bloopers playable, tapes labeled in clear printing. I still appreciate that 20 some odd years later :)
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
Fandoms are crazy places. Tread lightly at first but enjoy what you want, ignore what you don’t, rewrite what you hate, and write what you love. Don’t be an asshole when you don’t agree with someone … when you do, tell them …
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
I was on board from the first episode. It was a show about two people who you felt were destined to be together but weren’t, and wouldn’t be for years. It was a cop show about aliens and a monster show with cops. I was in the right place at the right time in the right frame of mind and there was just something that clicked and I never looked back. Friends were not allowed to call me on Friday night and once it switched to Sunday, I made sure that my parents got us on early evening bowling league so we’d be home in time to watch. Even my boyfriend (eventual husband) knew to shut the hell up from 9-10pm, even if he was sitting next to me on the couch (with my parents in their chairs watching as well)
Also, my 56-year-old dad had a crush on Scully from the start so that was entertaining as hell as well
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I have been writing stories in my head for literally as long as I can remember. Watching some episode, I honestly don’t remember which one, I suddenly had an idea for a story about Mulder and Scully. I had never written a story with pre-existing characters before and it was totally foreign to me. How do you write a character with a current storyline. It was weird, it was difficult, it was some of the most fun I’d had writing up to that point.
Suddenly, I didn’t have to explain or describe the characters, think of jobs and mundane things … they already had those … and it was great.
Honest-to-God, my first fic was written, in pencil, on a yellow legal pad by flashlight while lying with my head at the foot of my bed so I could see my parents coming down the hall if they happened to wake up at midnight to go to the bathroom. Later fics were written by the light of an 10” TV/VCR combo with me still lying with my head at the foot of the bed. I still have those old legal pads somewhere and I remember having to type them in secret, having to wait until the house was empty for 20 minutes to an hour at a time. Uploading them was always unnerving because of the slow dial-up and the fact that I didn’t have my own email address, but had to use my dad’s. I’d have to make sure to check it whenever I could, intercept the feedback I’d get off gossamer.
I was such a damn rebel.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
Well, I now know how to interact with people given tumblr and AO3 but it hasn’t changed much. I contribute a little more now that I understand posting on social media but mostly, I still just write like a fiend and post, read voraciously and give kudos and likes often, comment some and reblog.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
I dabbled and have a favorite ‘Fringe’ fic … I tried to read a Harry Potter fic once … I type ‘West Wing’ occasionally in ao3 and tumblr ...
And nothing, absolutely nothing, has ever caught me like the X-Files did in regards to the fandom experience.
I have shows I watch and re-watch and re-watch but no two characters have ever had me writing and thinking and planning like Mulder and Scully. No other combo has ever made me write upwards of 300,000 or more total and still have plenty of stories to tell.
I’m okay with this.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Aside from Mulder and Scully and the gentlemen three of Frohike, Langley, and Byers … I love all Scully’s nieces and nephews in my ‘Life’ series … I also love Corduroy (picture books), Harold (purple crayon fame), Neville Longbottom, the characters from my own novels, Katniss (book not movie), Anne Shirley, Elnora (from the Limberlost), Will Stanton/Merriman/Barney/Jane from ‘Dark is Rising’ and 10,459 others …
I’m a children’s librarian so most of my favorite books are those written for the younger and YA crowd. I like my job :)
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I watch this show all the damn time. I will think about Mulder and Scully when I have nothing else to think about, normally writing and editing whatever story I may have in the hopper at the time about them.
My husband laughs when I have the show on. He knows all the episodes with me and it’s one of my comfort shows that I don’t have to pay attention to when it’s on. During it, I have edited books, decorated cookies, been sick, been recovering, simply wasted a perfectly good day because I could.
My 17-year-old daughter keeps it on while she does homework and works out.
It’s a staple at our house and no one is allowed to make fun of it, even though we all know that parts are completely ‘make fun-able’
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I read fic all the time … I have worked my way through AO3 starting from the beginning and if it was more easily readable on a phone, I’d work my way, once again, through gossamer.
Restated from above: I dabbled and have a favorite ‘Fringe’ fic … I tried to read a Harry Potter fic once … I type ‘West Wing’ occasionally in ao3 and tumblr ...
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
I have all kinds of favorites on tumblr but right now, I honestly don’t remember most of the names … I pretty much read everything that comes through my dashboard and every few days, i read through the newest posts on AO3 … I love you all!!
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
Of X-Files fics, I love my newer stuff … I read “Life” and its sequels every few months … ‘Your Place or Mine’ is another one I will read … actually, I’ll just say it .... I read all my own fic over and over again …
With fic, you get to write the characters as you want to see them and write situations that you want to see … I write for myself most of all and I love to read what I wrote :)
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I write them all the damn time. I have tons of snippets and half-finished that I occasionally glean things from but while sometimes, old stuff morphs into new, sometimes, it just needs to gather that dust and live a quiet little forgotten life in some backhand folder on my dropbox account ...
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
First question is answered above.
As for other creative work, I have published two YA novels, have the third in that series in editing … I have five other novels in the hopper in various stages of ‘good lord this needs an edit or twelve’ …
I am writing things constantly in my head or on my laptop … most is crap … stome sticks … some turns into fic and some turns into books …
But the point is, I am writing, in some form, at all time :)
Where do you get ideas for stories?
Some two sentence conversation will spark an idea … the line of a song will inspire an idea … a word will start a sentence which will turn into a paragraph which will tumble straight into a story … and sometimes, stuff just pops in my head for no damn reason at all ...
What's the story behind your pen name?
On gossamer, I am L. Sprys because that was my name at the time :)
On tumblr and AO3, I’m tatooedlaura because my name is Laura and I have, now, six tattoos (yes, I spelled it wrong in my handle but that’s life) … when I decided on the name, I think I only had two
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
They do now … it took me years to crack and tell them … my husband has never read them, nor have any of the people I have told (as far as I know)
Now, I don’t really care who knows … I’ll tell them I write smutty X-Files fanfiction and family-friendly X-Files fanfiction …
I am too old at this point to be embarrassed by what I like to do. If they laugh at me, I tell them they only get to laugh when they’ve published a book and I pull up my books on Amazon … I’ve only had to do that once and it shut them right the hell up …
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
Gossamer: L. Sprys
Tumblr and AO3: tatooedlaura
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
I love you! I see you! I appreciate you! I hope you enjoy! Don’t judge me for my grammar issues! I will never be able to spell the word ‘excersize’!
(Posted by Lilydale on April 27, 2021)
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
first of all, this chapter right here is my comfort chapter from now on. i said what i said. I will be rereading it again and again just because i can. it was PERFECTION
here's me going crazy at 2 am yesterday.
alec shaved his beard because it made him look older
magnus and alec are the oblivious parents istg
“Are you decent?” Max yelled. “I don’t want to be traumatized again.”
“Hey! We agreed not to talk about that!” Alec yelled back.
Im not even surprised at this point
“Happy anniversary, bapa!” Rafael kissed him on the cheek and handed him the flowers.
“Where are my flowers?” Alec asked.
Rafael plucked a rose from the bouquet and threw it at Alec. “Here you go.”
“Thanks, son,” Alec mumbled.
“David made it,” Max said shyly. "
Oh,” Alec replied and then shrugged. “Well, the icing could be a little sweeter I think.”
Ever since Max started dating, Alec had become incredibly protective. Alec liked David of course – it was impossible to find someone who didn’t. But that didn’t mean Alec approved.
And it didn’t help that the blond boy was absolutely terrified of Alec.
“I don’t know,” Alec analysed the card. “David used too much glitter.”
“Since when do you have a problem with excessive glitter?” Max demanded.
“I didn’t use him!” Max huffed. “He was thoroughly compensated for his efforts!”
“Compensated how?” Alec asked.
“Uh,” Max said. “With donuts.”
when i saw donuts i immediately thought of rose and luisa from jtv
but should i continue the show? i got tired of jane continuously embarrasing herself
“You expect us to follow rules?” Alec asked in surprise. “In our own home? On our anniversary?”
The warlock boy grinned wickedly before leaning close to Alec.
“You better do it, or I will tell everyone about your secret,” Max whispered.
Alec blinked at that.
the secret...
is highschool musical that bad? i havent watched it. should i?
what if i cried
i just wanna hug alec??? but i cant say it'll be ok because it wont
“Is that why you are not attending?” Magnus grinned at his friend. “Or is it because you are terrified of Georgia?”
“That child is the reincarnation of Christopher Lightwood!” Ragnor complained. “I heard she made explosives out of demon ichor! Who makes explosions out of demon ichor?”
how tf do you think we have survived huh??
medicine that's how
vaccines, anti biotics and what not
stop being close-minded and fucking do it
ok i know the risk is great
it was different for warlocks. The Shadow World was their universe. The nephilim kept it safe. At one point in their lives, they had learned to coexist with them, out of necessity and out of obligation.
And now here they were – working together in the name of friendship and love.
how things change...
say what
the causes are what
ok let's not jump to conclusions
im fucking crying wtf
alec doesnt deserve this shit
all he's done is make the world a better place
hes worked so hard on this
what am i supposed to say to my parents if one of them comes to check on me and im sitting here crying at 2 am
He didn’t want to believe in a reality that would punish Alec. Alec who only wanted to do what is good and right.
Alec was who was losing his hope and strength every passing day. Alec who was struggling. Alec who was turning to desperate measures to cope with all the stress.
please alec
no please
Because if Magnus found out Raziel was the one causing all this pain for Alec, he would march up to heaven and set the bastard on fire himself.
blue and gold
The shadowhunter was a good influence on him. Magnus hoped Alec would see it sooner rather than later.
“Max isn’t allowed to do a lot of things,” Magnus chuckled. “But he does them anyway.”
thats my boi
rafael is growing into the consul voice
they grow up so fast
nope nope he's still the little 5 year old
voice cracking what do you mean he's 20
im glad hes happy with mila. or is he...?
Magnus had deduced as much. Alec lived in his beautifully oblivious world. But Magnus noticed.
He noticed the hickeys. He noticed the late-night visits. He noticed the tense phone calls.
well thank god there's at least one non-oblivious person (alec i love you so much but you are very very oblivious)
“What’s stopping you then?” Magnus asked.
"2554 miles,” Rafael chuckled sadly.
me with all my online friends
probably more miles
Magnus tried to do the math but promptly gave up.
But Alec did lie though. Magnus pushed the thought away.
“Except melt it?” Rafael chuckled.
“Yes,” Magnus chuckled back. “As you can see, the bar is extremely low in the Lightwood family.”
i have no clue what the words describing the outfit are
time to google
Fifteen years. Fifteen years of loving and Alec still made his heart stutter.
dont do this to me right now I WILL CRY
“What the hell?” Max exclaimed. “Why are you all dressed up?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, it’s my anniversary,” Alec chuckled.
Fifteen years. Fifteen years and Magnus still took Alec’s breath away.
it's not funny MY EYES ARE WATERING
“Bapak is a good looking one in the family,” Rafael pointed out. “You are the chaotic one and I am the smart one.”
“What am I then?” Alec asked dryly. “A sack of potatoes?”
“You’re the sexy one,” Magnus grinned. “A sexy sack of potatoes.”
Alec grinned back and leaned forward. Magnus put his hands around Alec’s neck and kissed him. He kissed Alec with all the love he had inside his heart.
Just like the first time. Just like the hundredth time. Just like the thousandth time.
Because with Alec, every kiss mattered. Every single one.
muffled sob
“Stop making out, oh my god!” Max groaned.
Magnus sensed a pillow coming their way but Rafael caught it before it hit them.
“Max, stop!” Rafael scolded. “You will wrinkle dad’s suit and ruin bapak’s hair! I spent hours ironing both!”
why is max me when i see people display affection in front of me
“They are here,” Rafael said. “You two better look exactly the way you did when I left with Max or I will raise hell.”
Selena was wearing a blue crop top with the words “MIND YOUR OWN UTEREUS” written in gold.
i need that top
The argument of “who gave the best gift” had started when Jace and Izzy had gotten drunk on vodka. It didn’t help that Alec had gotten drunk as well. All three Lightwood siblings had then proceeded to have an argument about who had the best spouse. The whole night had been drunken chaos. Magnus, Clary and Simon had let them have it since the Lightwood siblings had a tendency to carry the world on their shoulders even when nobody asked them. They rarely ever let loose ever since their worlds had plunged into sickness and demon attacks. Especially Alec. So, Magnus had let his husband be that 18-year-old boy again. The boy who got drunk and fought with his siblings and sang songs about Magnus’ pretty eyes.
Georgia considered that. “I’m not allowed to melt it, right?”
“No,” they all replied in chorus.
“Dad,” Max said. “Can you keep a picture of me wearing this necklace in your office?”
“Why?” Rafael asked.
“I think it will piss off the boomers,” Max giggled.
“Nice!” Lexi grinned. “A downworlder wearing a shadowhunter heirloom? They will lose their heads. Uncle Alec, you must do it.”
“I will do you one better. I will hang a tapestry,” Alec chuckled.
he actually gave to camille first-
Why couldn’t this boy just cause chaos during his travel year like the rest of them? Why did he actually study and do his research as recommended?
why would you NOT study and research during your travel year????
oh shit
well well well
david bby stfu
i love you but pls stop speaking for all our sakes
“Holy shit,” Max said. “It is expensive then!”
“Don’t pawn the ruby!” Rafael warned.
oh no
pls dont fight
oh so i was wrong about magus confronting him from that snippet
all you need to know is im sobbing right now and grammarly is the only thing making this coherent
dont mind me just
don't do this to me at 3 am
thank you for adding light into my life again
(me while editing this: today really isn't my day huh? i just slipped in rainwater outside my balcony because I heard rain and ran there. now my knee and back hurt and I think I sprained (?) my toe-
wait im gonna go check out the rain and then continue editing this
ok i got bored of the rain)
that made me laugh through my tears
“Objectively good looking?” Jace snorted. “Excuse you, but my parabatai is smoking hot! He is a freaking prize, okay? If we had a magazine for hot shadowhunters, you would be on the cover page. Every single issue.”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Alec interrupted. “Magnus, are you happy? Now all my friends have told me I am pretty.”
“I said smoking hot,” Jace corrected.
“We are not being biased,” Clary pointed out. “It is the general consensus, Alec.”
“It’s true,” Lexi said. “So many people have asked me for your number, Uncle Alec. And I would have given it to them if I wasn’t worried about being turned into a marshmallow.”
“Dad, I don’t know why you are so worried,” Max said in a bored tone. “You’re a told DILF.”
David choked on his champagne and Jace patted him on the back.
“What the hell is a DILF?” Alec demanded.
“Oh, I know this one!” Jace said excitedly. “It means Dashing and Irresistible Looking Father. Max is right, you are a total DILF.”
“Mr. Herondale-” David raised a hand.
“I heard one of the shadowhunters in their travel year calling me a DILF too,” Jace said proudly.
“It’s not a rumour,” Selena spoke up and passed her phone. “There is a group chat at Scholomance just to thirst after you.”
add me to it
“Alec Lightwood can run me over with a Maserati and I would thank him.”
“Give me that,” Izzy grabbed the phone and started giggling. “Petition for Consul Alec Lightwood-Bane to stab me with his mortal sword.”
“Isabelle!” Alec hissed, cheeks flaming. “Stop it!”
“I want one!” Jace grabbed the phone now. “By the Angel!”
“Read it!” the kids yelled in chorus.
“I would gladly let Consul Lightwood-Bane inspect my mortal instruments,” Jace chuckled and threw the phone at David.
David shook his head vehemently and threw it at Max.
“My body is just a hole for Alec Lightwood,” Max read out loud and started laughing so hard that he fell off his chair.
Lexi grabbed the phone and giggled. “I want the Consul to strip off my runes among other things.”
She passed the phone to Gigi, who looked at the phone and look at Alec.
“Uncle Alec,” the girl said. “This person wants you to crush them with your massive archer arms.”
“Give me that,” Rafael grabbed it now. “Aw, this one is a classic, dad. Alec Lightwood turned me gay.”
He threw the phone at Simon, who stared the screen and looked up. “Uh, I don’t think I can read this one out loud in front of the kids.
“Is this the one about the basement?” Selena chuckled and Simon nodded.
google translator time
oooo Rafael's gonna talk with Mila
Magnus you're such a good father
“Sometimes things are just sad. So, you need to let yourself be sad.”
Alec and Magnus hiding under the bed and spying on them is just-
Jace had tried to give Max the shovel talk and had gotten a little too emotional.
of course, he did smh I love him so much
“David doesn’t need a shovel talk,” Alec smiled. “He knows what would happen to him if he hurts my son.”
David gulped. “You will throw me into the silent city?”
“I will ask me husband to portal you to hell,” Alec said – Consul Voice. “We have relatives there.”
the beloved relatives yes
“Goodnight,” Jace gave them a salute. “Have fun inspecting Magnus’ mortal instruments.”
damn it
oh my god guys he said he'll stop smoking
just lemme have this moment
my boy's lungs will be intact
“I can’t wait to see all the messages on the chat after that,” Magnus giggled.
Alec looked up. “I’m more than a tall glass of water, Magnus!”
In his dream, he saw them again. But they weren’t smiling this time.
nope nope nope
Nah I don't know what you're talking about
damn, I think I really hurt my back...
OK BUT THE IMMORTALITY ANGST???? WAS SO SO GOOD???? I know it makes me cry but is it bad that I'm always so excited for angst written by you because of HOW GOOD it is????
"When I die I will love you from my grave" I NEED THIS ON MY FOREHEAD OH MY GOD I LOVE THESE TWO SO SO MUCH
alright I need to get something for my back and my knee (I'm home alone so this will be fun)
OK, I THINK THE NEXT CHP WILL BE ANJALI'S POV I JUST FEEL IT!!! I miss my girl so much I hope she's doing ok. Jaime too...
I'm rereading all of these chapters after chapter 10 because why not. Bye!!
I hope your knee and back feels better soon!
also fuck that teacher yelling something doesn't make people understand it any better ugh dumb piece of shit anyway screw that person.
I hope you get some good rest and recovery from this rollercoaster of a day.
Take care!
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artist-in-space · 4 years
Did the final spn episode seem like a mockery of the show and the fans to you? I don't know what I expected from the finale but it wasn't this... :/
Hey! Let me preface this with I’m not actually a dedicated fan of Supernatural. I’ve watched like-- the first two seasons, snippets online of different scenes, and basically was diffused with information through Tumblr and Pinterest.
And I could still say: wow, just. Wow. 
I didn’t think they’d go anywhere near that area. I mean. I predicted that it might be a little bit anti-climactic like... “okay one would probably die by a final battle” but hoo boy what was that
For shows like these, yeah. It is a mockery. It’s got a following that is so dedicated that it stuck by it for more than a decade, and they just ask for the bare minimum: a good story. Because the actors are definitely great at acting, and the effects are fine. Character relationships are always the foundation of a good story, because even if the plot goes off the rails, the characters make it tolerable.
And for all characters to just. Be like that? Anyone-- even a non-fan-- would see that there was something terribly wrong with the ending. 
The fans asked for a good story, and-- whatever their reason they may be, we’ve seen all the jokes of homophobia and misogyny and incest and whatever going around-- it just shows that this... wasn’t it. This was a slap to the face to people who stuck by the series.
I remembered when they announced SPN S15, as a final season. A lot of people groaned and went oh no, not again, it would never end, how will they make it even worse, I hope they do something with the final confrontations but ultimately, they wanted the series to be laid to rest, peacefully.
This one? Oh boy. Not at all. This wasn’t GOT-- not a fan of GOT, but unlike the eight year-span, SPN had a decade and more. The characters were OOC, yeah, I read my dad’s frustrations when the finale dropped. Unlike GOT, there wasn’t any romance pushed (I love you being actually canon from Castiel and left...there) and there was no weird ending in heaven. 
The way Dean died... that was so disappointing to me, seeing as he was my favorite character back then. To just die by that. You’d think after everything he’d die...by, I don’t know. Old age? Or the series just doesn’t go the death route and leave it open-ended? I wouldn’t even mind an Inception ending where we just guess what happened and we’re doing our own interpretations. But no, somehow SPN went to....the wtf ending.
I expected the finale to be bland. To be weird. But to end in death in that way especially for Dean, make a weird way for Sam to live and go old, not even Castiel appearing (after all that importance he brought to the series, you’d think he’d be part of it, right?)-- it’s like they read every fan’s wish and decided, hell no. Let’s not make any of those happen, and instead we’ll make it worse. 
It’s decidedly like Sherlock S4, but not really because you could see the degradation from S3 if you’re keen on it, then S4 came in swinging and went ‘let’s destroy everything, but here’s them in the end taking care of a baby :)’ so there was “consolation” for the whole Holmes-Watson friendship break thing. But Christ, SPN looked at that and went “let’s destroy the hearts of everyone in this series, give the fans something so fabricated and hopeless where “everyone” is just happy that they’re dead.
What a weird way to end a series talking about Free Will and hope throughout their run, and anon, my god, I hope you go through a period of self-care because that was SUCH a bad ending.
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goose-books · 3 years
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goose-books productions: a 2020 review
view the image in higher quality here! (open the image in a new tab to zoom in.) thank you to my dearest @yvesdot for the template
transcripts and month-by-month details under the cut! for reference, you can find my projects here :-) overall, new and old followers, thank you for another good year over here! [holds your hand] [holds your hand] [holds your hand] [holds your h
i spent late 2019-early 2020 working on 2019’s nano project, quark, aka the speculative fiction thing about new york city and prophets and dissections of the chosen one trope and gay people. quark is my second-oldest project (five years!), but it’s also probably the most ambitious, so it’s been... difficult to wrangle into place, and i didn’t end up finishing a first draft. oh, well.
enjoy a snippet that is devastatingly emblematic of everything about quark. the tone. the homoerotic tension. the ensemble cast all talking over each other. the fact that caelum has spent pretty much this entire scene crying. fun autopsy report meeting.
Marble stares at the notebook in Shade’s hands. Or maybe he’s staring at Shade’s hands. Dawn feels a little voyeuristic, so she does what she does and says a dumb and unrelated thing: “Augustus, I think this pizza-on-the-floor thing is hurting my ass.”
Augustus flutters his hands. “Sometimes nonconformity is painful.”
“At least we’re originals,” Caelum mumbles into his sleeve.
“Exactly,” Augustus says.
“True originality doesn’t exist,” Marble says.
“Oh,” Shade deadpans, “it’s going to be a fun autopsy report meeting.”
It isn’t.
in january i stressed myself out trying to make the plot of quark work. so in february, i decided to take some time and write something Entirely For Fun. like, entirely for fun, no rules. and. my god. how do i explain the project i started calling “third eye for the bad guy.”
it was an unholy mashup of many of my past hyperfixations, including the gone series, a tale of two cities, warrior cats, and the left hand of darkness. one of the characters was a canon scalie and one was a canon fictionkinnie. it centered around a polycule of wannabe-evil-overlord high schoolers. i only wrote like three chapters but i was lost in the sauce for all of february and then i just… like… wiped it from my mind and moved on? somehow??? one character was a werewolf and that literally wasn’t relevant at ALL
Someone was going to die on these steps.
This had been Ivy Lee Palomo’s thought last year during the all-school photo, and it rose in her mind again now. The one hundred marble stairs leading up to the great double doors of Saint Constantine Academy were the school’s pride and glory, steep as the mountain, sharp as the blade under Ivy Lee’s skirt. With the cutting wind and snow glazing the stone more often than not, with the freshmen wild and wired on their first day of their first year, it was really only a matter of time before someone slipped and cracked their fucking head open.
It wasn’t going to be her. Not when she had Doc Martens and reflexes like an electric coil. Still. Ivy Lee didn’t want to watch someone die. She didn’t get along with dead people.
in march, i got back to the project i’d started in 2019 - AMT, my podcast! it’s a shakespeare retelling set in a modern high school; this excerpt is funnier and also more unnerving in context. (double, double, toil and trouble...)
INDRAJIT: What the hell are you doing?
DEE (like she’s lying): Making pasta.
NONA: That’s right.
MORA: We have the keys to Mab’s office.
DEE: We’re using her stove.
NONA: To make pasta.
DEE: Do you want some?
and darkling rears its head! all of my other projects have existed for at least a year; darkling (specfic king lear retelling) is... special. it was conceived in april, when i started hyperfixating on king lear, and i still managed to write an absolutely ridiculous amount of content for it. it was like the power of hyperfixation let me speedrun the entire process. which. okay.
iv: control
They say Cressida Stayer was nine years old when she turned her hair to gold. They laid her down in bed blonde, and the next morning, the waves cascading down her shoulders were solid metal, glinting harshly in the sunlight, weighing her down, creating that odd head-cocked expression she still wears now. Nine years old. Two or three years before most people develop enough magic skills to dye a single curl. Much less transfigure their hair into precious metal.
People also say Leovald Stayer’s immediate reaction was to hack it off her head and melt it down for cash. But generally they say that part a lot quieter.
in may i wrote AMT episode 15, by which i mean that in may there was a day when i sat in my room with the door shut for literally five straight hours listening to the same three songs on loop as i wrote the climax of one of the plotlines of AMT. so. that sure was… a day.
ISAAC: Do you want… do you want someone to drive you home? Hawk, you’re worrying me -
HAWK (almost cutting him off): Don’t. Don’t say that. I’m here to help. With your… thing.
ISAAC (quietly): I… don’t know if you should be here to see this.
HAWK (a little louder, more audibly upset): Well - what else am I going to do? Go home and - and have my dads talk at me and - and not be able to answer them? Because I can’t? I can’t. I don’t know what to say.
ISAAC (V.O.): I wonder if this is what he feels like, on the outside, looking in at me. Watching someone else hurting. Helpless and afraid.
He still fits perfectly in my arms. I rest my chin on top of his head and pull him close to me, like I can stop him from shaking, like I can stop anything from happening the way I know it’s going to. I bury my face in his hair. He smells so familiar. He’s so warm.
God, Hawk. I love you so much. You shouldn’t be here to see this. Something bad’s gonna happen. And you’re not the kind of person who belongs in a tragedy.
okay, honestly, i should talk about “night shift” here, because in june i wrote a whole short story in one night (and then foamed over it for a week), but i am still in the process of submitting it places! so i am terrified to put even a sentence of it online. instead: the other thing i did this month was to finish AMT! (sixteen episodes and somewhere around 175k, iirc, but don’t quote me.) these lines are the opener to the final episode!
RAHMA (V.O.): The combined series of sophomore year disasters stretched through November. It’s June now. It’s taken me… a long time to get this all put together. I was going to make a vlog about it, initially - well, calling it a vlog sounds frivolous. I was going to make a video recounting the whole deal. All of it. From when I kissed Avery Fairchilde to the very last night. I scripted dozens of drafts; I put together dozens of bullet-pointed lists of what to cover… and it was never enough. Because Avery and I weren’t the only ones involved. Even if I was only focused on the two of us, it wasn’t just the two of us.
So… I gathered up everyone else. The whole town of Ellisburg is still talking about the week the town went crazy, but it wasn’t just a week. There was a lot leading up to it. And I think if anyone’s going to talk about it, it should be us. The people who lived it. So here we are. The most ambitious Rahma Ashiq production of all time - at least so far.
every july i pause whatever else i’m doing to celebrate the birthday of aurum & argentate, twins from my oldest and dearest WIP The Mortal Realm. july fifteenth! mark your calendars. they’re princes, though argentate would really rather not be; you can read the full birthday piece here.
“Do you… plan to get dressed?” A bit of the usual humor crept back into Aurum’s voice. “Although if you want to speak to the kingdom in your underthings, by all means, you have my full support.”
Argentate scrubbed at his face. He wasn’t dressed, no, but the usual malaise hung over his shoulders like a cloak. Guilt. Nerves. The sick sense that he hadn’t done something he was supposed to. The numb knowledge that it was too late to change a thing.
“I meant to,” he said. “Get dressed, I mean.” The rest went unsaid: I have just been sitting here. On the floor. Thinking about how I should get dressed.
“Ah,” Aurum said, extending his hand. “The traditional route. We’ll save the nude speeches for the future, then.”
Argentate took his hand, stumbling a little as Aurum pulled him to his feet. He steadied himself on the closest wall, taking a few deep breaths. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. His hands found their way to the cross, again and again.
this summer, i wrote an entire draft of Valentine Van Velt is Dead, AKA “holden caulfield goes to exposure therapy,” AKA the weird little personal side project i keep tucked into my coat. interesting features include second-person narration from a narrator who doesn’t like the main character all that much. so reading it is kind of like the book wants to kill you? with an added dash of general melancholy.
You used to live here. That’s the thing that’s got you feeling so off.
You didn’t recognize your old house. I mean, you kind of did. You remembered that the road was on a hill. That hill felt like a goddamn forty-five degree angle when you were a kid. But if you didn’t have the address written down you wouldn’t have known it at all. It would have been just another little suburban house in rows of perfect little towns that make your skin crawl.
So now you’re in this diner looking out a gross smudgy window trying to block out the elevator music pumping through the speakers in the ceiling or whatever. I don’t know how speakers work. You’re trying to tune that shit out. The waitress comes over and catches you by surprise so you just point at some coffee thing on the menu so she’ll go away. For the record: you don’t drink coffee.
There’s a public library across the street. A little square building. You probably used to go there. The lady comes over and thunks your coffee on the table and gives you a kind of look, like she wants to know what in the goddamn hell you think you’re doing here and not at school. You sip your coffee and look out the window until she leaves you alone again. And then you spit it back into the cup because, for the record: you don’t drink coffee.
i spent september and october prepping for nano, so i was mostly working on darkling...
It’s late spring; still, at this time of night, on a rooftop, there’s a chill. The wind plays with the end of Ruby’s coat, with her hair. She hands the bottle off to Jasper, stares up at the fogged-over sky, wishes she were lying in Dany’s arms in Dany’s bed instead of here. Wishes, even, that Dany were the one on the roof with her. At least then they’d be cold together. At least then she wouldn’t have to imagine what Dany would say; she could just listen, and watch Dany’s flashing smile and her flinty eyes.
(She cuddles. This is another thing Dany does that Dany probably shouldn’t do, based on everything about Dany; it’s not like rattlesnakes cuddle. But Dany likes to nuzzle into Ruby’s side and rest her head on Ruby’s collarbones and toss an arm over Ruby’s chest, and hold her down like she’s worried she’ll float off somewhere. She’ll card her fingers through Ruby’s hair and hum. Even though they could get caught, even though she’s probably got better places to be - Dany cuddles.)
Ruby imagines it, momentarily, both of them on the roof together, sprawled like horrifyingly beautiful gargoyles, sharp teeth flashing, blood running hot. Up here - it’d be like they ruled the world.
But whatever. Jasper’s fun. He’s hot. He’s got a sharp tongue in a lot more ways than one. And she likes when he lets the mask down. She likes seeing the soft bits underneath. She wants to sink her teeth and nails into them so hard she draws blood. Masks don’t bleed. Ruby would know; that’s why she is what she is.
...though i was also in creative writing class in school, and thus ended up writing a bunch of poems of varying quality (my teacher had a real thing for poetry) and also one darklingverse short story where rory and cressida hold hands! which you can find here.
Lorelai Rory Flowers is afraid of thunder.
This is a bit of an embarrassing thing to admit, as they’re seventeen (“at least seventeen,” they like to tell people, “maybe two hundred, who’s to say?”) and generally wise beyond their years, or whatever it is that adults say about kids with too much psychological baggage. Being afraid of thunder is not a very wise-beyond-one’s-years trait. And yet the state of affairs remains: loud noises make Rory want to melt into the earth. Back when they still went to school, even the fire alarm sent them scuttling under their desk to hide.
Right now, in the elevator, all they can do is shrink into their sweater.
They haven’t let go of Cressida’s hand yet.
and then november of course was nano which was an adventure all the way through. (opening tumblr on the fifth day of nano to find out about d*stiel... was something.)
“Apologize to me. Or get out of my house.”
Gracen’s voice is very, very low. For a moment she thinks he hasn’t heard her at all. Then he spins, eyes blazing. “What did you say?”
Gracen watches her own chest heave. She pushes herself up off the desk, stands with the effort of pushing a mountain off of her back. Leovald is six-foot-four. Gracen is six-foot-two. In her heels, in the heels she must wear to be a professional woman, to be a lady - they are the same height.
Gracen wipes her nose. When she lowers her arm, there’s a streak of blood across the back of her hand. Fire shivers in her chest; her heart rings in her ears; her voice could cut steel.
“I said,” she says, low, slow, volume building, “apologize to me. Or get. Out. Of. My. House.”
and finally, the poem i posted this year! it’s called the beast sonnet, and you can find it in its own post over here (with commentary! how sexy.)
i kill the beast and drop down to my knees, my blade stained dark with blood of stygian hue, and for a moment these scarred hands shake free, and hold a world unfurled for me anew. but once-mourned victims, victors, vices find; fear winged me; now its absence strips me bare. my sword now dulls, my legs, my voice, my mind; the beast, pried from my throat, leaves no skill there. and still i hear it laugh, O DEVOTEE— O CHILD DEAR, NO GLORY WITHOUT ME.
i was quite productive this year; i have to think it was because i was avoiding things... the peak of my productivity happened over the summer and in november, AKA, college app hell. (almost done with the last applications! pray for me.)
a general breakdown of what occupied me this year:
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(no, i don’t know why the “various other things” category ended up so large... i blame all the one-off projects i wrote a single page for, and also whatever the fuck happened in february. yes, i do know why it looks hideous; it’s because each of my WIPs has a theme color
thank you once again for spending some time at goose-books dot gov this year! what to expect for next year: well, i very much hope i can produce AMT... also hoping to get darkling ready for beta readers, so keep your eyes out!
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emybain · 4 years
Quarantine: Renegades Edition
so please don’t take this seriously. i honestly don’t remember writing half of it, but it be like that. this is simply a glimpse into the lives of Nova and Adrian during a global pandemic, aka snippets of the few months they’re in quarantine together. also, happy birthday to my girl nova. there’s a bonus/crack scene at the end that was inspired by tiktok, as well. i regret nothing (other than this poorly written fic)
“They’re saying this thing could spread into June, July, maybe even August,” Adrian said, relaxing back into the leather couch, pulling the laptop with him. Nova adjusted against him, pulling the blanket over her legs just a little higher as the AC powered on. 
“That’s if people keep being dumbasses,” Danna replied from behind the screen, leaning forward to rest her head in her palm. “It’s our job as citizens to prevent the spread of this disease. Why can’t people get that through their thick heads?”
Nova and Adrian were on a video call with the rest of their friends, who were all also quarantined in their homes. Nova had her own apartment, but at the very start of this outbreak—a new disease that was rapidly spreading around the world—she decided that quarantining by herself for an unknown amount of time wouldn’t be good for her mental health, so she packed up clothing and other essentials and headed over to the Everhart-Westwood residence. Not to mention that a mansion was vastly better than a one room apartment. Oh yeah, and she supposed being stuck with her boyfriend every day wasn’t so bad. 
“They’re being ignorant,” Nova chipped in. “People think that they’re immune, or that this virus is being blown out of proportion.”
“When they get sick, I’ll laugh.” Ruby popped a cracker in her mouth before the camera became blurry as she moved. She appeared to have shifted from lying on her back to her stomach from a spot on her bed. There was minimal background noise from her end, which was suspicious since she shared a room with two teenage boys. They must��ve been off playing video games, probably who Max was laughing with from his room upstairs. 
Narcissa poked her head out from behind a lengthy book from her place on Danna’s bed in the background of Danna’s screen.. Like Nova, she lived by herself, and would rather be with her significant other than be alone. “This isn’t the first time a pandemic has spread throughout the world. There was the European Virus fifty years ago, coronavirus back in the 21st century, the Spanish Flu in the 20th century, and so on and so forth.” She waved a hand in the air. “Hopefully, people will come to their senses. History always repeats itself, no matter how hard we may try to prevent it.”
“Thanks for the optimistic input, babe.” Danna rolled her eyes and cast a glance back at her girlfriend.
“It’s what I do,” Narcissa replied, returning her attention back to her book, but there was a smile on her face. 
“Well, maybe when things start to calm down a bit, we can all hang out. A picnic or in cars or something.” Oscar shrugged. “Six feet apart, of course. I’m not about to catch something from you nasty people.
“Did you just suggest a picnic?” Ruby snorted. “You might want to check your temperature. I think you’re getting sick.”
“You seem to forget all about the many picnics we’ve had.”
Ruby stuck her tongue out in response, then straightened a little and turned her head to the side. “What?” she yelled. After a moment, she turned back to the screen and groaned. “Ugh, I have to go. Mom’s making me bake with her again. Maybe this time we’ll try something besides bread or cookies.” She waved at them before she vanished from the meeting. 
At that moment, the front door clicked and opened, revealing Hugh and Simon, both carrying multiple grocery bags. 
“My dads just got home from the store. We should probably go help.” Adrian sat up, leaving Nova to fall a little in his direction as she had been leaning on him. 
“Hi Adrian’s Dads!” Oscar yelled, though they were already out of the room when he did so. Nonetheless, they both shouted back their greetings from the kitchen. 
“I should probably go, too. There’s this show I started bingeing and I finished the fifth season last night. I’m dying to know what happens after that cliffhanger.” Danna leaned back in her chair. 
“Oh, is it that one you were telling me about?” Nova raised her eyebrows. “Based off of that movie series?”
“Yes! And watch it so I can rant to you about it! I’m so pissed off at the main characters. They’re just...so stupid.”
With that, the remaining five waved and said their goodbyes. Adrian set the laptop down on the coffee table in front of them, and they both stood up. Nova stretched, her muscles tired from sitting for nearly an hour. 
In the kitchen, Hugh was unloading the bags while Simon busied himself with spraying the items with cleaner and wiping them down with a paper towel. A couple of weeks into quarantine and Nova and Adrian knew what to do. They got to work putting stuff away, with Nova on pantry duty and Adrian at the fridge. 
Although Nova hadn’t been out in public since the world went into quarantine, she could tell that the grocery stores and other places were beginning to recover from the initial shock of the pandemic. With each trip to the store, Adrian’s parents came back with more and more food and supplies. Hugh had even decided to buy a fridge to store out in the garage for extra food that didn’t fit inside. She found that to be a bit ridiculous, but it seemed to make him happy. What was it with men and having fridges out in their garages?
“Is Max upstairs?” Simon asked, pushing a milk jug toward Adrian. 
“Yeah. I think he’s playing video games.” Adrian shot Nova a look, and she repressed a smile; they both knew what was about to come. 
“Has he done any schoolwork since we left two hours ago? Or at least left his room?” 
“I think he left to use the bathroom about forty five minutes ago,” Nova said. She glanced at the knock-off brand of her favorite crackers in her hand and sighed, placing it on a shelf. The off-brand wasn’t bad, but it certainly wasn’t the same. It was the type of product that you had to buy name brand, as the imitations were just a waste of money. Alas, with the pandemic, she knew it was a fight to get the good products before anyone else. 
“He’ll get it done, Pops,” Adrian reassured. “He’s been doing fine the last couple of weeks. Just going at his own pace, is all.”
“I know.” A sigh escaped Simon’s mouth. “And I’m glad that he’s able to be a kid now, but being a kid includes doing your homework.”
Nova thought of the classes she was taking at a local university. She was doing her best to keep up with her online work, but as the weeks dragged on, she was losing motivation. “This quarantine is probably nothing for Max, remember? I’m sure he does his work whenever he wants to because he actually enjoys doing it.” She shrugged. “Better than sitting around surrounded by glass walls.” 
“You’re probably right,” Hugh added, washing his hands once the last of the groceries were out of the bags. “I’m not too worried about him, just as long as I get to see his face once a day.” He chuckled at his own words. Simon offered a smile in support. 
Once all the groceries were stored away, Nova and Adrian headed downstairs, taking the laptop with them. 
Adrian stood from his seat, where he had previously already been on edge. 
“Nova, where are you going?” The glare he received was enough to scare off anyone else. He had seen this side of her before, though, and was unfazed. “It’s almost midnight,” he added, only increasing the glare.
“Anywhere but here.” Her eyes turned to Hugh, who crossed his arms in response. The two were arguing. Again. It was something that was new to their quarantine, having only surfaced about a week ago. They liked to argue over literally anything, from who got to have control over the remote to whether or not Nova should be a part of their daily “family walks” to the current state of the government and the involvement of the Renegades, who were no longer in charge but were still heavily tied into politics. Hell, even the weather wasn’t safe from their growing agitation with one another. Today, everything had been going fine, for once, until Hugh just had to bring up a curfew, as Nova liked to leave the house at odd hours. 
“This house is a fucking nightmare.” She gripped the keys to her motorcycle in her hand and turned to the door. From beside him, Adrian heard Max mutter something about irony under his breath. He too, despite entering the years of being a disagreeable teenager, was sick of the fighting. 
“Language, young lady,” Hugh said, warning laced in his tone. 
“Once again, you’re not my dad,” Nova gritted out. She opened the front door, revealing the darkness outside. “And you never will be.”
“Nova, what he’s asking isn’t completely unreasonable.” Simon ran a hand through his hair and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “You’re in our home for who knows how long, so as parents, you’re now our responsibility. Even when you’re not under our roof, you’re our responsibility. We just want you to be safe.”
“If you don’t want to follow our simple rules, then why are you even here? We’re paying for an apartment not two miles north from here, and you’re not even there. Instead you’re here, wasting our time and resources.” Even though the words weren’t directed at him, Adrian felt a chill go down his spine. 
Nova’s mouth opened, and she stared at Hugh blankly. Adrian could’ve sworn he saw her eyes welling up. “I’m here because I didn’t want to be alone. I’ve been alone my entire goddamn life, and I didn’t know if I could handle doing it again.” She swallowed, hand turning on the screen door. “But it’s not like I expect you to understand.” And then she was out the door. 
Adrian rushed forward, eyeing his dad coldly. “Seriously?”
“She’s out of line!” Hugh defended, although Adrian could see the regret in his features. 
Choosing not to answer him, Adrian shook his head and went outside. Nova was at the end of the driveway, sitting on her motorcycle and looking down at the ground. Adrian approached her slowly, making sure his steps were loud so that she knew he was there. 
“I don’t walk to talk about it.” She hid her face even more from him when he bent down. “You’re welcome to come with me, but I don’t want you to get in trouble for breaking curfew.” Her voice soured at the word. 
“I understand why you’re mad, but don’t avoid me because of it.” He lightly nudged her chin with his knuckles. 
“He’s just so...so…” she lifted her head up, running a hand through her hair in frustration as she tried to find the right words
“Stubborn? Controlling? Self righteous?”
“Yes.” She let out a laugh, though it was void of humor. “It’s just...who does he think he is? I’m an adult. Even if he was my father, he can’t control what I can and cannot do.”
“You seem to forget that I’ve had to live with him for years,” Adrian said dryly. He reached for her hand and laced their fingers together. “I’m an  adult, too, but that doesn’t matter because he pays the bills.”
Nova gave him a long look. “You really need your own place.”
“Don’t remind me.”
“But you get what I mean.” She looked down at their hands, turning them around to examine the back of his. “I’m not his kid. It’s different with you because you’re his son.”
“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to keep you safe.” Her grip on him tightened, just slightly. Even though it had been a few years since the events surrounding the supernova, Nova still had trouble believing that her former enemies actually cared about her. It was hard to trust them when it had been ingrained in her from a young age that they were the bad guys. 
“I can take care of myself fine. I’ve been out in the middle of the night so many times I’ve lost count. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid.” 
Adrian sighed and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. There wouldn’t be any reasoning with her, at least not tonight. He had to let her cool down and return to the subject when she had a clearer mind. “At least come back inside? We can go play video games downstairs, or watch a movie, or do anything you want. I’m sure once you and Hugh are both calmed down, you can reach a compromise.” 
“But I don’t want a fucking com-”
“Or he’ll see things your way,” he tacked on quickly. Right. When she got like this, it had to be her way. It was funny, how she resented Hugh at times for his stubbornness, when she was equally as stubborn if not more so. This quarantine was really getting to all of them. Adrian couldn’t wait for the day life could go back to normal. 
“Adrian? Nova?” Adrian turned his head around to see Max, who was squinting at them through the dark, despite the outside lights being on. 
“What’s up, Max?” Nova shifted her body on the bike to face the teen. 
“Pops wants to know if you’re coming inside soon. He needs to set the alarm so he and Dad can go to bed.” Max paused, eyeing the bike. “Unless you’re going for a ride, then he’ll leave it off.”
Adrian waited for Nova to answer, as it was up to her. Nova ran her free hand over the bike, then sighed. 
“We’ll be in right behind you. I was just...checking some things on her.” All three knew she was lying, but Nova was still learning how to express her emotions in front of others. Even in front of Max, someone she got along with as well as she did with Adrian. 
“Alright.” Max turned to leave, then glanced back at her. “You know, things are rough right now, and I know it isn’t easy for everyone to be in isolation for so long, but,” he shrugged, “at least we’re together. I was able to make it in a quarantine for ten years with no one but myself and the doctors for company, so this is easy for me, but I know I’m probably the only person on this planet who thinks that way.” He let out a soft laugh. “I guess I’m just trying to say that I’m glad you’re here, and that I’m glad our family is quarantining together.” The smile he shot her was genuine. He turned back around and walked back to the house, where Adrian could see the outlines of his dads watching at the door. 
“Huh.” Adrian watched his brother go inside. “Just when you think he’s starting to learn how to be a proper kid-”
“-he goes and spouts shit like that?” Nova finished, shaking her head. Adrian could see the small smile on her face through the curls hiding her features. 
“Yeah.” Adrian squeezed her hand. “C’mon, let’s go back inside.”
Nova placed the mixing bowl in the sink and turned on the faucet. She reached into a drawer and grabbed a towel, placing it under the running water. The kitchen was a mess, although she had seen it in worse states. At least the ingredients were all stored away so that she could get started on wiping down the counters. Hugh and Simon were at headquarters for the day, as their presence was required for something Nova didn’t care enough to know about, and they figured it would be best to work from there instead of coming home. And, according to Simon, them being out in public and at headquarters would be good for publicity. It had been a while since they stepped into work, seeing as even the Renegades had to obey social distancing orders. 
Point being, they were out of the house, so Nova could do whatever she wanted without questions being asked. And she had grown to appreciate baking during quarantine, among her long list of new and revisited hobbies. The Everhart-Westwoods always, to Nova’s surprise, had sweet tooths, so they never minded that Nova made a mess of their kitchen; it was just when Hugh or Simon entered the kitchen and started asking a bunch of questions that got on Nova’s nerves. Today, she could bake in peace. 
Or so she thought.
“Mm. Smells good in here.” She looked up at her boyfriend, who just entered the room. He peeked at the oven. “Cupcakes?”
“Muffins,” Nova corrected, setting the used towel next to the sink. There was dried paint on his forehead, as well as on his hands. She had to shake her head. How was it possible to get so dirty? Well, she should speak for herself and her flour-covered apron. 
“Oh, well, same thing.” He shrugged and grabbed a water glass from a cabinet. 
Nova blinked and reached for the remote, which was sitting beside her, and paused the show she was watching on the kitchen’s small TV. “No. No not really.”
Adrian chuckled and nudged her lightly as he passed her to the fridge. “Yeah, kind of. The only difference is cupcakes have frosting.”
Nova scoffed. “The only difference? They’re two completely different things. That’s like saying ice cream and gelato are the same.”
Adrian turned to face her, leaning against the fridge. He took a sip of his water. “Ice cream and gelato are the same. One’s just claimed by the Italians.” 
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Those aren’t the same, either, dumbass. Ice cream, clearly from its name, has more cream than gelato. And gelato’s more dense than ice cream. Those are just two differences.” She crossed her arms. “There are more.” 
“And? What does that have to do with muffins and cupcakes?” 
“Because they’re not the same.” Nova had to laugh at the absurdity of it all. And Adrian claimed he was a smart person. Yeah, maybe smart compared to sloths. “Muffins are considered a bread. Cupcakes are...well...cake. Two completely different recipes. You can’t just slap some frosting on a blueberry muffin and say it’s a cupcake. Maybe it looks like one, but the flavor and textures are way off.”
“They both are made the exact same way, babe. No difference.” With the way he was smirking, Nova had the thought that he could just be messing with her.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me.” She glared at him. “Fine. If you won’t believe me, the baker, then you don’t have to eat any of my muffins. Not cupcakes.” 
He groaned and reached for her, but she dove out of his reach. “Nova, don’t be like this. I’m sorry. They’re not the same, okay? Happy?”
“Not until you’re honest.” She checked the timer above the oven. “I’m going downstairs for a minute.” Pointing a finger at him, she added, “Don’t mess with them. I’ll know.”
“Admitting defeat?” he called at her back. 
“Hell no,” she tossed over her shoulder. “This conversation is far from over, buddy.”
She definitely heard him mutter rudely how he knew, but chose to ignore it. After all, she was the bigger person in the relationship. 
Adrian turned into a parking spot and turned off the car. He glanced over at Nova, who was giving him a very pointed look.
“The park? What did you plan? A picnic?” That was, in fact, the plan, but only part of it. 
Leaning over, he planted a gentle kiss on her lips. It only softened the look a little. “You’ll see, nosey.” He unbuckled himself and opened the driver door. “Now, come on.”
She rolled her eyes, but got out as well. Seeing her in a pair of cutoff shorts and a simple t-shirt was refreshing, as she had been wearing sweats for the past two months, ever since the world was sent into quarantine. She and Adrian both had been dawning the same three pairs of pants and shirts for weeks now. But, this was the first time they both actually got out of the house, save for their daily walks or motorcycle/car rides, so it was only fitting to get dressed up for the occasion. And by dressed up he meant ditching the sweatpants. 
Also, it was Nova’s birthday. Adrian hated that she was being forced to spend it unceremoniously, when so many of her birthdays had gone practically unnoticed growing up with the Anarchists, so he took it upon himself as her boyfriend to do what he could for her. And that meant having a socially distanced picnic in the park with their friends, who they hadn’t seen in person in months. 
They walked down the sidewalk hand in hand, going into the grass whenever a biker or runner passed by them to maintain distance. Adrian almost wanted to pull his mask out from his pocket, but knew he was probably fine. Besides, if he put his mask on, Nova would follow, and he knew how much she hated wearing them, for obvious reasons. They were outside, and there were hardly any people in the park.
“You’re an idiot, Adrian Everhart,” Nova said once they could see their friends, but there was a smile on her face. They were all spread out on blankets, making a circle, and in the center sat an unoccupied blanket piled with food and gifts. 
“Hey, I can’t take all the credit.” He squeezed her hand, grinning down at her. 
“It’s about time you two showed up,” Oscar said, checking his watch. “We’ve been here for hours. We’re starving.” He stood and went to the middle to start making a plate. Adrian made a face at his back. He had specifically asked that they wait for Nova until they started eating in the group chat, so he guessed Oscar was holding his word. He waited, after all. 
“Twenty minutes,” Danna corrected from her spot beside Narcissa. She looked at them and rolled her eyes. “Happy Birthday, Nova.”
Everyone chorused in their ‘Happy Birthdays’ and Nova thanked them as she and Adrian sat down on the one remaining blanket. “You guys didn’t have to go and do this for me.” She turned her gaze specifically toward Adrian. He raised his hands in defense.
“Blame Oscar for putting the idea in my head. All he ever talks about when we video call is how bored he is.”
“That’s true.” Nova shook her head in amusement. “This is very sweet, but don’t expect me to cry or anything.”
“You cried on your seventeenth birthday, and that’s enough for us,” Ruby teased. 
“That was literally two years ago.” Nova ran a hand over her face. “It meant nothing.” 
“Mhm,” was Ruby’s response, but Adrian could tell she wasn’t convinced. None of them were, obviously.
Nova peered at the food pile. “Is that Mediterranean pizza I see?”
“Yeah, and it’s all yours,” Oscar clarified, passing a plate he made for Ruby to her before sitting down himself. “I still don’t understand how you like that. There’s not even meat on it!”
“There’s also cannoli’s.” Adrian stood to go make them both plates. He knew that cannoli’s were one of the few desserts she liked, probably because they weren’t that heavy. “Do you want one or two?” 
She pondered the question for a moment, then smiled at him. “Two.”
When he returned with their food, she leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“What was that for?” He handed her plate over.
“For being you, and for giving me the best birthdays ever.” She shifted her body to lean against him. “How’d you know I wanted to see everyone for my birthday, anyway?” 
“Because I know you.” He kissed her forehead. “Happy Birthday, Nova.”
Bonus crack scene:
“I would like to thank everyone for joining me today,” Nova said, swirling the water in the wine glass she snatched from the cabinet. Since Hugh wouldn’t let her drink actual wine, this was the next best thing. She cleared her throat. “I took it upon myself to observe the members of this household over the course of a week and rate everyone on their performances.” She pointed to the pyramid of papers set up on the wall, held there by type. There were pictures of everyone in the household behind a white sheet of paper. Starting at the bottom on the left side was the worst member, and the one at the top was the best. Why she decided to do this, she had little clue, but she figured it would be an entertaining activity to spice up everyone’s day.
“Is that what this is? I thought it was something actually serious.” Hugh leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. There was a smile on his lips. 
“It is serious.” She pointed her glass at him. The fast movement caused a bit of water to slosh over the side. “It has come to my attention that there are people in this household who have some improvement to work on if they want to move up next week.”
“If I’m not at the top, I’m breaking up with you,” Adrian joked, adjusting the glasses on his face. She narrowed her eyes at the camera he was pointing at her.
“I do not accept bribes.” Tearing off the first piece of paper, she began. There was a snicker, probably Max. “Hugh.” He immediately started protesting, but Nova silenced him. “No, no, no. You’re mean to me. Always looking to post up or some shit.”
“Language,” he warned, though his tone was light.
“Not to mention you don’t let me express my true self by cussing,” she added sharply. “Also, you tried to kill me three years ago and I’m sorry, but I just can’t forgive my haters like that. Try better next week, okay?”
“Hold on, wait a second.” Hugh held up a hand. “First of all, young lady, if you want to bring up the past, it goes both ways, but we’ve both changed for the be-”
“No comments at this time,” Nova interrupted. She ripped off the next sheet of paper. “Next up is Nova.” Laughter broke out in the room. Even she couldn’t help from smiling. “Not gonna lie, I held out hope for this one, but she’s got a lot of issues, if you know what I mean. Always picking an argument, refuses to participate in family activities, and is kind of just there. Doesn’t really do much of anything. The only reasons she’s above Hugh is because, for one, she’s far more attractive, and she bakes stuff for everyone.
“Oh, come on!”
“-you refused to cuddle with me yesterday and watch guilty pleasure movies because you said you were busy. You argued with me the other day on the validity of the Star Wars prequels and sequels.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “And you’re filming me without my consent. Other than those things, though,” she shrugged, “pretty cool boyfriend. You didn’t say anything when I stole one of your sweatshirts the other day, so that gets you some points.”
“Wait, the gray-”
“Max is next.” She tossed the white paper to the ground. “You never say anything mean to me, unlike some members in this household, but that could also be because you spend all day on video games. Because of that, I’m afraid you can’t be higher.”
“Hey, I’ll settle for third.” Max shrugged, grinning. 
“And that’s why I like you!” She nodded firmly. “In second place, we have Simon. Who doesn’t like Simon? You always have something nice to say, and on occasion, you’ll back me up in an argument because you’re an intellectual. I always enjoy our deep conversations, too. Truly a wonderful person.”
“Thank you, Nova. I enjoy our talks, as well.” Simon chuckled. He looked pretty pleased to be on top. 
“And that leaves us with,” she ripped off the last paper at the top, causing the room to erupt in laughter and clapping, “Obi Wan Kenobi. Truly an iconic and handsome man. Every time I watch Star Wars, he brings up my serotonin levels. Not just because he’s cute, but because he can land some sick burns.”
It was easy to say that, thanks to Adrian’s video, Nova started a trend all over the world.
87 notes · View notes
purplesurveys · 3 years
Are you and the last person you kissed in a relationship or just friends?  I don’t keep contact.
Has anyone ever pointed out that your laugh was unusual?  Hmmmm, I don’t think so. I feel like that would be the type of comment that would get to me so I definitely would’ve remembered it.
Would you get a lip piercing?  I don’t plan on getting any piercings.
Nose piercing?  Nopes.
What are you currently waiting for?  For this fucking day to end so I can be closer to Thursday and to the weekend.
Do you have feelings for anyone?  Nah.
Have you ever run over an animal?  Nope. I’ve had extremely close calls with animals who suddenly dart into the road, but fortunately these have all been situations wherein I got to hit the brakes with nobody behind me.
Have you chewed gum after someone else already has?  That’s disgusting, no.
When people sneeze do you say ‘bless you’?  Sure, out of habit and just to be polite.
When was the last time you were on a bouncy castle?  I don’t think I’ve ever been on a bouncy castle, but I’ve been on a lot of bouncy other things haha, like inflatable slides, soccer balls, Anpanmans, etc. The last time would probably be a nearly a decade ago; I definitely haven’t been near one in a while.
Have you ever went on a bouncy castle whilst drunk?  Well no, because the ones I’ve been on were situated in school fairs, which is the last place I would want to be drunk in.
Have you ever entered an art competition?  No, I have no justification to join one haha.
What is one thing you will never do? Try hardcore drugs. < Same. 
What is one food that you detest?  Pineapples.
Did you have a rebellious phase growing up?  Yeah I was a bit of a handful to raise, but I’m in firm in my stance that it had a lot to do with the way I was raised. I grew up mostly without a father figure because my dad worked abroad and I felt neglected by my mom who had her own shit to deal with. There was no stable support system to lean on, so I ended up lashing out a lot in my puberty years. Unfortunately everyone else just saw a rebellious child and not a plea for help.
These days when I show off my achievements on social media, I’ll see congratulatory comments from my mom’s friends and she’ll usually go on about some “late bloomers grow with time” narrative and it pisses me off because nobody knows how much I’ve had to grow and mature and learn how to be happier all by myself, all from scratch. If I had just received the proper care and attention early on, I wouldn’t have had to do any catching up to begin with.
What religion were you brought up with? Roman Catholic.
Are you still that religion?  Jesus no. I darted out of there as soon as I gained the consciousness to think about these sorts of things.
Do you often find yourself questioning your future?  Sometimes, but I do my best to not let it get to me.
How many friends do you have on Facebook?  Over 670.
What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school?  I started with punk rock in the first half of high school, so I had my Rancids, H2Os, Against Me!s, Cro-Mags, etc on my iPod. It evolved a little bit towards more indie, folksy sounds towards the latter half - Banks, alt-J, Hozier, Twenty One Pilots - which I largely attribute to the crowd I was part of at the time.
What pet names do you use with your significant other?  I’m pretty straightforward so baby works out for me. Other, more specific pet names just grow naturally with the relationship, I think.
What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries?  S&R.
Have you ever seen a theatre show?  Yeah. Most of them have been required.
What’s your favourite vegetable?  Broccoli or bell peppers.
Have you ever missed a flight?  Never. I’ve experienced several delayed flights, though, which is always such a hassle especially if the delays happen in provincial airports since they never have any recreational offers to keep passengers from getting bored other than TVs that run the same damn five ads.
Do your neighbours have any pets? Have you ever met them?  Yeah, a lot of have dogs. I’ve met some.
What color is your bedroom door?  Brown.
If you were ever to become famous, would you grow annoyed at fans?  Only towards obsessive ones who wouldn’t give me time to breathe or would go so far so as to stalk me or my loved ones. But I am a fan too, so I imagine I would actually be understanding of those who would ask for pictures or whatever as long as they were polite and not at all intrusive.
Have you ever met your favourite band/singer?  Nah. I am terrified of meeting celebrities HAHA so I’ve always shut down the chance. I’m pretty sure I would actually turn down the chance to meet BTS if I hypothetically suddenly got the magic keys to that door.
Are you embarrassed by any of the songs/singers/bands you like?  No. I feel like that sort of thing just happens in like high school, when your friends are still a bit judgmental. Nowadays I don’t see why I should be embarrassed of anything I like, especially if it’s not hurting anyone.
Have you ever written a story?  I’ve made attempts but was always terrible.
Think of the last poem you wrote: What inspired you to write it?  My homework that required me to write said poem hahaha.
Do you have a chance with the person you like right now? 
What’s the weirdest thing you were scared of as a child?  Watching commercials at night. It’s still a slight fear of mine but it’s mostly dissipated now.
Are there any embarrassing stories your family tells about you?  About me? No. I don’t have a lot of those since I was a really shy kid who barely moved a finger anyway.
In your opinion, what is the funniest TV show?  I have a *really* soft spot for Perfect Strangers, which I actually revisited yesterday :) The show was never super popular so it’s near impossible to find clips online, but when I checked YouTube I did see a slight increase in short snippets from the show so I had a really fun time binge-watching yesterday.
What is the maximum number of children you’d ever have?  Three, but that’s pushing it. Ideally, I’d have two so my first would have company.
Have you ever been concerned you had a serious illness?  Mental ones, yes.
Are you comfortable with who you are?  For the most part, yes.
Would you date someone even if you knew you’d get made fun of for it?  No. Why would it be any of their business?
Does popularity matter to you at all?  I mean, yeah in the sense that I honestly aspire to be well-liked by as many people as possible. But I don’t necessarily want to rub shoulders with popular kids.
Would you ever consider homeschooling your children?  Continued from sometime this week ider. No. I don’t think I’m capable of teaching, and generally I’d want them to be able to learn in a more open environment where they can have regular contact with different kinds of people.
Who told you about the band/singer you are currently listening to?  Well Angela got into them first and since we’re best friends, there was a certain point where she just decided to loop me into conversations that involved them. I was impossible to sway for a long time, but then one day a video compilation of them showed up on my feed, and for some reason I actually watched it, and I watched all the way through, and I was immediately intrigued – particularly by J-Hope haha. I then asked Angela to tell me more about them and the rest was...financially irresponsible history HAHAHAHA
Do you ever read fanfiction?  OMG yes. Funny you should mention that because my favorite author uploaded a brand new fic this morning, which I obviously couldn’t get to all day because I had to go to work. I’ll be reading it in all its 44,000-word glory tonight :D
Would you rather die in a plane crash, ship wreck or fire?  Plane crash. Instant and mostly painless.
What are your top five favourite TV shows?  Breaking Bad, BoJack Horseman, Friends, The Crown even though I was never able to continue it since...andddd that’s all I got.
What is your favorite superhero movie?  Not a fan of superhero movies.
If you died next week, what would be the cause of death?  Stress from overworking. I’ve FINALLY started to consider taking a leave for the first time this year because I’ve just realized just how fucking exhausted, burned out, and overwhelmed I actually already am from having no rest at all in the last 13 months.
Have you ever taken a break from Facebook or other social media? Why?  Yes, I do mass deactivations when I’m severely depressed. These days I can’t really afford to that anymore, though, since my work is closely tied to social media.
Who is the most talented person you know?  Probably Andi.
Are you currently platonic friends with anyone you’ve had sex with?  No.
Where did you and your current interest go on your first date? 
Have you ever experienced two people fighting over you (physically or mentally)? What happened?  Nah. I’ve had two people like me at the same time, but there was never any tension to watch out for since they mostly didn’t know each other.
Have your parents ever thought you were gay? What happened?  I think they know I dated Gabie and that we broke up because they’ve stopped asking about her. Everyone knew we were best friends, so the fact that they’ve avoided her as a topic for a whole year is able to tell me something.
Are your parents more liberal or conservative?  Dad’s on the liberal side, mom dances around on the spectrum a little bit. I know she’s fine with things like tattoos and having LGBTQ+ co-workers, but she’s also conservative especially towards matters like religion.
What year are you going into at the beginning of the next academic year?  No longer in school.
How far away does your closest family member live?  A few footsteps away.
If you’ve seen both, did you prefer the Disney version or the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland?  It’s not my type of movie/genre to begin with.
Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not?  Yes. I don’t see the big deal; I’ve already done it anyway.
Are you more liberal or conservative?  Liberal.
Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?  Ooh not sure. I haven’t gone back to the books in a while, so I don’t remember if there was anyone I had an attachment to.
What’s the worst that could come out of letting gays marry?  Nothing.
What’s the most sexual thing you’ve done?  Had sex...I guess? And a bunch of stuff that comes with it.
Name something that you are against.  Racial discrimination.
Why are you against it?  Because it is infuriating to see, and it shows me the very same treatment can happen to me or my family as well and that scares me, especially since some people turn particularly violent towards people of color.
Have you ever played the Tomb Raider games?  No.
Do you like it or hate it when your partner is clingy?  I imagine I wouldn’t enjoy it if I’m not as into whoever my next partner would be.
Beatles or Rolling Stones?  I don’t listen to either.
When was the last time you changed your opinion on somebody?  Not so sure about a whole change in opinion because that hasn’t happened in a while, but I grew more grateful for my manager today because I finally mustered the strength to tell her that I’m begin to struggle mentally with work and she not only encouraged (read: begged) me to file a damn leave for once, but she also got sushi delivered to my place.
What was the last thing that made you feel proud and why?  Andi was telling me about their day today and how they handled being misgendered by a prof, who then proceeded to throw a fit when he got corrected, and how they, again, maturely handled said fit. I was proud of them because there are a million ways that incident could’ve turned out, but they dealt with it in an extremely mature and calm manner considering they were the one who was wronged.
Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you?  If it was about an extremely personal problem I would probably be taken aback at first, but I still would definitely make some time for them and help in however way I can, since they apparently trust me enough to confide.
What was the last thing to fascinate you?  The music video for My Universe! Super cool to watch and I love that they made a short film out of it too.
Is there a certain noise/sound which scares you?  Doors being slammed shut, because that’s what my mom does when she’s furious. She did that when I was a kid and she does it to this day, so I get extremely nervous when I hear the sound, even if it happens by accident.
Do you have a favourite microorganism? Nope.
Out of the people you know, whose birthday is next?  My cousin Bree.
If you have pet fish do you bother to name them?  I did when I had them as a kid.
Do you keep your eggs in the fridge?  Yes?
Have you ever owned chickens?  Nope.
When did you last listen to music?  Like five minutes ago. I tried to have a jazz playlist on but I realized I wasn’t in the mood for music so I changed my background noise to have a random VLive on instead. 
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Strawberry Necklace Part 6 - Yungblud Fan Fiction
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Word Count: 1850 words.
Warnings: None, for this part. Smut, fem-dom, and prostitution for the whole story.
Summary: Nova and Dom accidently announce their relationship to Nova’s family.
Where else can you find this:  Ao3  |  Wattpad
Part Five  | Part Seven
Nova woke up with warm arms wrapped around her waist, and the feel of Dom's chest pressed against her back. He wasn't asleep, but he didn't seem to interested in getting up and disturbing her - she wasn't sure he even knew she was awake - instead he seemed to be happy to bury his face in her hair and cuddle. It was utterly adorable - he was utterly adorable, possibly the sweetest man she'd ever met.
 But as much as she wanted to bask in the peace of this moment forever, and enjoy Dom's cuteness, she wanted to say good morning to him even more.
   Stretching slowly - and making sure to 'unintentionally' push her arse against his groin - Nova hummed sleepily before rolling over to meet Dom's hazel eyes, sparkling as they were in the mid-morning sunlight: "Good morning, handsome."
 "Hello." Dom blushed sweetly: "Did you sleep well?"
 "I slept amazingly. You must've worn me out." she teased him, wanting to see Dom blush harder, and instantly getting her wish when she winked at him: "Breakfast?"    
"I feel like I should be offering to make breakfast you." Dom managed to get out past his embarrassment: "I think you literally fucked my brains out."    
Nova laughed: "That's cheesy as fuck, you know that?"    
"Got no brains left, can't help it." he grinned cheekily.
   Nova laughed, shaking her head and leaning in to peck him on the cheek before she got out of bed to head to the bathroom - snagging his t-shirt from last night on her way out. By the time she'd finished, Dom was out of bed too, in his boxers and skinny jeans, ready to slide into the bathroom after her, giving Nova the chance to head to the kitchen to make a start on the breakfast she'd offered.
 Dom followed her out a few minutes later, slinking into the kitchen to wrap his arms around her waist as she fried bacon. He gave her a gentle squeeze, before untangling himself to make them some tea, the two of them working in comfortable silence.
 The only time they spoke was when Nova heard Dom taking a picture of her when she was stood at the sink with her back to him, smirking over her shoulder at him as he openly took another, and asked her if he could put the first one - the one without her face in - on his Instagram story.
 It was really sweet that he asked, in Nova's opinion. She wasn't exactly shy - wearing nothing but Dom's over-sized t-shirt and her underwear was hardly the most scandalous she'd ever looked - but she appreciated that he didn't just assume that she would be okay with things. She let him post it, smiling when he showed her his story, with a shower of multi-coloured hearts around her. It was absolutely the cutest picture anyone had ever posted of her online, and Nova suddenly wished that she could post a similarly cute picture of him...but given the only people who followed her Instagram were her family and friends, there was absolutely no way she'd get away with posting a picture of anyone they didn't know without getting questioned.
 Showing off that she had a new love interest for the first time via Instagram probably wouldn't be the smartest move. Most of her family already despaired over her life choices, she didn't need to give them any reason to bitch about - or at - her. Especially since she and Dom weren't actually together.
 Nova didn't need all that family drama over a perceived relationship didn't actually exist yet - the key word being 'yet'.
 What label - if any - she and Dom were going to use was something they would have to discuss before they told anyone anything - but Nova didn't want to be pushy. It would come up when it came up, and until then they could just keep it quiet, at least on her end.
 Of course, Nova was used to men who weren't comfortable discussing emotions - and Dom was far from that.
   "So, I know we didn't say anything more than that we were going to see each other, and I don't want to be pushy..." he said while cutting into his eggs: "...but I'm going to be pushy. Are we, like, dating? Are we partners now? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Are we just seeing each other?"
 Nova carefully swallowed her mouthful of tea before looking at Dom: "What do you want us to be?"
 "What do you want us to be?"
 Honestly, Nova couldn't be upset that he'd turned the question around on her...even though she genuinely had no idea where to begin answering it: "I...I don't know. More than just seeing each other."
 "But not partners, or boyfriend and girlfriend, or whatever we'd call that?"
 "Not yet? I know we really like what we've seen of each other, but we've only spent one night together as, like, just us." she tried to explain how she felt, taking a bite of bacon just for a chance to get her thoughts in order: "So I guess dating? To see if we're as compatible as we think we are."
 Dom nodded thoughtfully: "I think that sounds good."
 "You're not upset that we didn't jump straight to being officially together?" Nova asked, trying not to frown in concern.
   She wasn't used to people wanting to take things this fast - and falling back on her usual pragmatism was the only way she could think to go about things right now, but she didn't want to upset Dom when all he was doing was being sweet.
   But despite her concern, Dom just grinned and shook his head: "If we're dating, that means I get to show off and take you on fun dates to impress you, and I'm actually really looking forward to that. I'm gonna blow your mind."
 Nova laughed: "You already do...but I'm really looking forward to going on dates with you, too."
   Dom grinned, and leaned in to press his forehead against Nova's affectionately. Nova leaned into it, smiling almost as wide as she saw Dom was, before she closed her eyes to just bask in the moment. She definitely hadn't been expecting it to go that well - the fact it had had left her feeling giddy from relief and excitement, and, if his facial expressions were anything to go by, Dom felt much the same way.
 Which, as far as Nova was concerned, was a perfectly good reason to have a lazy day together.
 They'd just gotten past what Nova had been worried would be a really awkward conversation a lot sooner than she thought they would, in possibly the best way they could, with neither of their feelings getting stepped on - if that didn't mean that they'd earned the right to have an easy few hours, she didn't know what would.
 The pair of them ended up back in her bed, cuddled up together under the blankets, watching Rock of Ages on Netflix, singing along to all the 80's songs as dramatically as they could while remaining under the blankets. It didn't last too long; by the time I Want To Know What Love Is came on, they'd lost interest in Tom Cruise and his blonde girlfriend, and were more interested in each other.
 Dom was on top of Nova, one hand on her cheek and the other on her waist, singing random snippets of the song playing in the background between dipping down and kissing her softly, all while smiling sweetly. Nova had never been seduced by Rock of Ages before, but Dom was managing it, somehow. Nova tangled her hand in Dom's hair so she could pull him down for a proper kiss.
 It was still sweet. Dom's hand stayed on her cheek, his thumb rubbing gently over her cheekbone
 Nova leaned up a little further, willing to get a crick in her neck if it meant that she could keep kissing Dom - only for her phone to go off on the bedside table. Dom pulled away, breathless, and looking so gorgeous Nova couldn't resist pulling him in for another kiss...just in time for her phone to go off again with a second message.
   Dom laughed this time, even as Nova groaned in frustration: "Why does my phone hate me?"
 "Clearly someone wants your attention just as much as I do." Dom joked, gently rolling off Nova and handing her her phone before getting to his feet: "I'm going to get a drink. Do you want anything?"
 "There's a bar of Marvellous Creations in the fridge, if you wouldn't mind bringing it back with you."
 Dom beamed: "The one with the popping candy?"
 "Of course."
      Dom clambered out of bed to go to the kitchen, and Nova picked up her phone to see who had messaged her, only to see it was a picture from Stella. Assuming it was just some more random bullshit from the kids' dad again - he was so fond of being a dick for the sake of it, even if Stella hadn't actually done anything wrong, often resulting in nothing actually happening - Nova opened it to see what the dickhead was saying now...and almost dropped her phone.
 It wasn't a message from Stella's ex.
 It was the picture of Nova from Dom's Instagram, followed by a message asking if it was in fact a picture of her.
   Even if she was asking if it was Nova in the picture, Nova knew Stella knew it was her. Stella knew what she looked like, even from behind, and the picture was in her kitchen. Even if Nova said it was just some other blonde woman (which might've worked, since it wasn't like Stella could reasonably argue with that), there was no-way she could deny that the kitchen was hers.
 She never thought she'd regret
 ...There was no denying that that was her kitchen. And there would be no getting away with telling Stella that it wasn't Nova, just a random blonde woman in Nova's kitchen.
   Dom came back into the toom, took one look at her face, and immediately dropped down next to her on the bed: "What's wrong?"
 "So...I forgot my niece was a fan of yours." Nova buried her face in her hands: "She follows you on Instagram."
 It took a few seconds for the realisation to hit Dom - but when it did, his face fell: "She saw the picture of you on my story?"
 Nova nodded: "She did. And she sent it to her mum. Who is now asking if it is me in the picture, like she doesn't already know what my bloody kitchen looks like. She just wants to me tell her it's me."
 "...What are you going to do?"
  "What else can I do?" Nova scrubbed her hands over her face: "I'm going to tell her it's me."
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BTS Full Set Reactions/Kink List: Porn Habits
sweet-teeth-mfs said: BTS FULL SET Reactions/Kinks List: BTS & Porn Habits 🥴🔪🔥
Warnings: If you haven’t guessed it, this post will be discussing porn habits so will contain sexual references.
A/N: This is my first ever reactions post so I hope I do this justice. I’ve been reading from all of the blogs I know who do reactions well, so let’s put this to the test. 
Let’s start with our leader.
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Kim Namjoon.
He has unashamedly been open with his porn habits, including using his Dad’s ID to access such sites when he was underage (I mean who doesn’t?). And let’s be honest, there’s nothing to be ashamed of either. Porn is porn. Everyone has their own tastes or levels and therefore, everyone watches or reads it in some way.
So what would he watch? TBH, I racked my brain for a while with this one and there’s only one answer I can think of. 
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. He’s been watching it since 2nd Grade so he must have quite the collection by now. There’s only one limitation for Joon, Hentai would be a hard fap for him. 
Joon likes to see everything and have an element of powerplay, so anything with a POV angle would be perfect. I think he’d watch porn from anywhere and he’d watch it at anytime or place. He would openly share his porn stash with the other members if they asked (except the personal collection he’s filmed for himself). 
He’d watch it with you too, paying attention to what you liked and disliked, almost using it as research for his session with you later. Would definitely film his own stuff but from his POV so he can watch it later, making sure to keep your face out of it. Not because he wouldn’t like it, but he’d be concerned he’d accidentally saved it to the shared folder.
Joon would be more than happy to send content to you too. Once he knows what you like, he’d film for you just as much as you do for him. When sending Joon video, be sure to call his name or call him ‘Daddy’. He loves that.
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Kim Seokjin.
Jin being the eldest of the group has certainly figured out a few things about what he likes and dislikes. He would’ve also figured the best way to sneak in a session without being caught out.
Jin prefers to watch in complete privacy and when at the dorm, would leave his room to use the locked bathroom instead. He’d also take his headphones to ensure he could hear the moans. He’s very visual (and if into women) definitely a breast man. They don’t need to be massive, just feature a lot and although 99.9% of men love a cum shot to the face, I think Jin would prefer one to the tits. 
He also prefers to watch something from the DOMs angle. Not pain or abusive in any way, but something that demonstrates a more domineering side that he can relate to. He wants the other person to succumb to his charms and his porn would need to do the same.
Jin wouldn’t film with you but would ask for some Facetime while he was away, specifically so he could see your face and the shapes it would make when you cum.
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Min Yoongi.
Yoongi would normally be typecast into some really dark stuff. However, I gave this some more thought as there’s more than meets the eye.
Yoongi loves sound and would ask you to send recordings he could listen to while in the Genius Studio. But don’t fake it, he would know and hates overelaborate screamy ‘porn sex’. It would be a rare opportunity for him to watch videos so ASMR is perfect for him. Just playing it on his headphones and everyone would fully believe he’s working on something. 
When it comes to visuals, he would definitely prefer to have videos sent to him than searching online. However, he’d have a personal stash that he’s filmed when you’ve been together of his hands and tongue doing things to you. He’d actually send these to you along with a message like, “wishing I could do this to you right now”.
Yoongi would purposefully film with you for when he’s away, ensuring he’s got you spread and shining over his cock or taking you from behind so he’s got your ass in shot. 
He NEEDS to see and hear everything so when you send him a picture or a quick video of you playing with the toy he bought you, make sure to spread for him showing how wet you are and display your slick covered fingers to the camera. Also, tell him how much you need him instead of your fingers or toy.
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Jung Hoseok.
Did someone call for Daddy? Yes, Hobi loves his stash but actually prefers to find something new each time. He’s very open to new things and would probably try everything once, but as soon as he sees something he doesn’t like, he’ll find something from his collection. 
He’s definitely a curves man, would prefer to watch something with more movement and rhythm. The person at the centre of all of this would need to have a sexy vibe more than a distinct feature. Would totally follow the same porn star once he found one he liked and would watch anything from that person, even the masturbation films, which are probably his favourite.
But there’s one very important factor. Unlike most guys, Hobi doesn’t like cumshots. He would much prefer to watch someone take a load in their mouth, display and swallow so he can see it slide down their throat. Therefore, would totally film you sucking him off to watch back later.
If you’re sending him something while away, he would love to watch you get off. Use your toys, get the suction cup to stick it to the floor and play for the camera Bish. He’d want to see you wind and grind on that thing.
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Park Jimin.
Ok, this one was fun because most of the web sees Jimin as this cute little angel (Which he is... sometimes) but he totally isn’t 100% angel. His dirty mind could write some serious fanfics which brings me onto his porn.
Jimin likes to be able to relate to real couples and would most likely read erotica so he can imagine everything in his head. Most likely to frequent Wattpad and AO3 on a regular basis. He’s not into anything overly romanticised, he’d be more 50 Shades than Mills and Boon, but when it comes to visuals, he prefers homemade content with real couples. Not just any old homemade content, he’s looking for the gagged and bound section for when his inner DOM needs power.
As a result, he would totally film his own DOM stuff and not just with his mobile phone in hand. He’d have it on the bedside table or at the end of the bed so he can go hands-free, slapping your ass or pulling on your leash throughout. Jimin would want your cum face in full view so he can recall the feeling of you tight around him. He’d even edit the sections together so he’d have snippets he can refer back to rather than the whole session. 
When it comes to sending Jimin something to take a load off, send him a masturbation video praising him to the ends of the Earth when he’s feeling DOM. Tell him how good he feels and how your fingers aren’t enough.
For is inner SUB, you need your ASMR skills because he wants to be hands-free. Record some audio for him to listen through his headphones, moan for him but with stern instructions, tell him he’s been bad (or good) and when he’s allowed to cum. It’ll keep him going for days.
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Kim Taehyung.
*Cracks fingers* - KIM TAEHYUNG … *tsk tsk tsk* - where do I even begin with him? Shall we start from the light to the dark?
Tae needs some plot. A little bit of backstory. I’m not saying he’s after something like overly romanticised, but something a bit “Eyes Wide Shut” or “Secretary” would totally shuttle his cock. Would regularly watch international porn so he can get lost in the language, especially French or Portuguese which sounds erotic in its own right. Anything that includes plenty of foreplay and shows the main character writhing to meet hip to hip gets him going.
Oh, why did I say “Secretary”, yes, because Tae likes it dirty and would be open to the more quirky aspects of porn. Powerplay to the point she pisses at the desk? Yes, total turn on. It’s not the physical act, it is the meaning behind it. The power that’s portrayed in the DOM and the loyal submission that’s apparent from her. So whether he’s watching anime or something dark, don’t just take it at face value. 
Tae would be open to filming yourselves if you are. He’d get really into the role, discussing boundaries and buying something special for the main event. He’d even set up the room with lighting and get you in the mood beforehand, so it’ll feel very art house. You’d both watch it together and alone, but he’d love to sext you on the regular while away.
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Jeon Jungkook.
Be warned. To me, Gguk is a little Antonie de Caunes (search Eurotrash TV Show if you don’t know who that is) so this is going to be a little bit fun!
Jungkook idolises Joon, so I think he’d totally steal his stash on the regular. Sheepily asking, “got anything new?” when the hard drive is shared for his alone time. Loves everything and tries everything once. If he likes it, he’d want to try it out too. It’s actually easier to recall what he doesn’t like, which is nothing!
Seriously nothing is out of bounds for him. Girl on girl action, hell yes! Big titties? *motorboats* Anime, yeah why not? Fake taxi? Yeah, sure. We’re talking full on cheese, but interestingly, he’d watch this with Tae and Jimin for fun and not to get off. It would be like watching their own version of Eurotrash! 
However, when it gets a little too much for everyone, they’d slink off separately and get the good stuff.
Gguk would find the masturbation videos to watch on his own and he’d prefer these than anything else. However, he does like to film his own POV when he’s with you. He is GCF of course. 
He’d film when he’s both DOM and SUB but most importantly would want a new film every time he goes away. He’d film you riding his cock when you’re on top, your hands on his chest as you whip your head back all while he’s calling you Noona. But, he’d also film when you’re spread beneath him, begging to be taken by Daddy.
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bereaving · 4 years
Haha so it is! 😂👌 but I have to say only the young version of him or like the "Bly version" of Owen cause later when he has his own restaurant and Jamie and Dani visit him, and the scene right at the beginning when he was holding his speech, he seemed kinda rude idk 😶
Definitely would be so much worth when he'd play the gardener like so many things wouldn't make any sense at all. And I mean then Jamie would take his role? Or she wouldn't be there at all? That would be such a nightmare 😅 so I'm glad they changed that and brought us this wonderful female gardener 💚
And so true, if he would be Dani's love interest it wouldn't have such an personal impact to me, too. 
Yeah after the thing Rebecca said, I was expecting something to happen but like it was a creepy moment for sure. I had a heart attack but then I realized it's just Peter getting chocked so all good 😂
Watching it the first time I was feeling down for so long 😪 and even now, same here, I cry every time I see the end or just a bit of it...and same, the ending song, I Shall Believe, is so sad just by listening to it, my whole body aches. It's a terrible feeling. And I'm sure that no other show will ever have such a traumatic impact on me
Definitely! We don't really have anything else than just our hope, that keeps us up. If we'd also lost this, man, we would be down for sure.
Omg me too! I have expected so much more to come from him as an actor. Like he was great in Orphan Black but there...idk not really hit it for me 
But just like his overall character was kinda weird for me and he acted pretty selfish most of the time so yeah not really a fan of him 
From all I've seen, she's super crazy 😂 but I'm not invested in the story just looking at her scenes tbh 
Haha yeah definitely would do that too (without the murder) 😂 I mean, seeing Victoria as a real person without any role to play, she seems like such a pure, kind and sympathic person, I can literally picture doing everything with her like for real ❤ 
Also love the fact that you're going to be a chef 👌 that's pretty cool 😇
Older Owen was one of the very few times that I feel the casting got it wrong. Or maybe that’s more to do with the actor and his delivery, I’m not that entirely sure. Cause when he first spoke, I get that the idea is to come off as this... Dad Vibe Dude, but my general impression was very much “who the hell is this dude and why is he like this?” And an addendum that if he’s actively encouraging Flora and her hubbub to be to “do drugs on a beach in Bali”... IDK which version of Bali he went to.
A Bly without Amelia as Jamie is at this point very very unimaginable. I’m really so glad that they went in the direction that they did. There was a point in Collider Ladies Night with Victoria, where the interviewer said something similar about OJC and Amelia, and Victoria agreed, too. I’m happy that the cast and crew are happy with the result tbh; at least from the snippets of quips I’ve seen around, anyway.
The thing with that song is how soft the lyric is. I remember when I first heard it, it was... god, about 20 years ago when I was in Middle School. It was on a random MP3 CD we used to buy as a way of “discovering” songs. My shock when it was playing in the final episode... lol. Instant throwback to the youthful days of yore + crying. There’s something to be said in that scene, too. How everyone stood close to other people (Owen next to Miles, Flora dancing with Henry), and then. There’s Jamie. Standing there with a glass of champagne, and no one else, and just... watching. 
On to Steven: you hit the nail on the head. I can see him in his physicality of embodying that Crain trait, but whatever it was that he was trying to do, it wasn’t really working for me and the whole thing just felt like it landed in the middle of nowhere. I can’t relate to him, I can’t build any kind of connection with him whatsoever. Even his reaction when he first saw Nell’s corpse for the first time in the funeral home felt really off, and then when he spat out to Hugh that “the wrong parent died”, I’m like... 😶“OK.” Teenager Steven I was ok with, but the adult one... Every time he’s on screen, I was nonplussed.
And thanks for the kind words! I’ve wanted to study culinary arts for so long, but only had the chance to get everything together at the beginning of the year. So I’m excited to really get it going and not having to depend on theory classes being delivered online and being stuck literally thousands of miles away from where my campus is.
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1 22 58 and 67 for the video game ask meme? o u o
1. First game you played obsessively?
Oohhh, I think that’s gotta be Kirby Super Star Ultra for the DS. I don’t have the cartridge anymore, but it was my first video game video game. Before that I also had like a Barbie fashion designer game where you drew the clothes onto templates and then like set the stage? It didn’t really have stakes, not like a platformer does. And I had a Game Boy game that was like, Winnie the Pooh that I know I never finished. I think I got Kirby in like, 2009 I think? 2010? And I think I unlocked a good chunk of the game-- again, I don’t have the cartridge anymore-- but like. Kirby music and characters and such is always going to be nostalgic and fun to me because of Super Star Ultra!
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?
Not many, actually! I have a keychain from The Arcana (a visual novel with GORGEOUS graphics) on my backpack --
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and on my previous backpack, a messenger bag, I had this Mimikyu plush keychain!! But beyond that, I really don’t have much merch that is worn.
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58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?
Ohhh man-- well, I’m inclined to put FFXV on the list, just because RPGs are SO big (and because I have a lot of love for it ahaha). Spider-Man PS4 gets a slot of course, being perhaps my favorite video game. The last slot is a toss-up between Destiny 2 and Uncharted 4. I love the worlds of Destiny and really enjoy just screwing off on my own (and I really love how you are rewarded for exploration with story snippets-- nothing that impacts what the quests and such are, but fleshes out the world and characters). But I also adore Uncharted 4-- the controls and gameplay and the GRAPHICS are to die for, and the story is a solid one. It’s one that I’m replaying for like the fourth or fifth time now (for a friend because she isn’t fond of console gaming) and I just adore how cinematic is is.
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?
When I was little I used to watch my dad play video games a lot! If it was on the GameCube, it was probably Pitfall: The Lost Adventure (because of how similar the tropes and protagonist are in comparison to Uncharted 4, my dad would call Uncharted 4 “HD Pitfall” ahah); if it was on his PC, it was either No One Lives Forever, a historical spy FPS with a lady protagonist, or Tron 2.0, a Tron FPS. When I was small enough, I’d sit on his lap and watch, but as I got bigger I’d just scoot the other office chair over and watch. He’d specifically find his way to cinematic parts for me (there’s a part in one of the NOLF games where you ride a snowmobile and jump a ravine, and my dad would specifically pause the game if I was gone so that I could see him jump it!).
It’s kinda funny cause my dad hasn’t been able to play as much as he used to, as he was doing college online and only recently graduated. Now he’s got more free time, but before he’d sit and just watch me play on the consoles, so it’s kind of like we’ve switched places!
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