#wren Chaiya
pkmacabre-shadow · 5 months
Captain N: New Adventures
Chapter 4
Monsteropolis: A hi-tech city that is the home of robots, Dr. Light, and Dr. Wily. Currently, it is in disarray due to Wily causing a ruckus again with his robots. It’s almost as if he never learned his lesson.
The N Team made it to the city, looking at the chaos occurring with robots running a muck. While flying, each of the players tested the joycons with some transforming into a weapon. Megaman had told them that the shoulder buttons provide them with a shield.
“Jeez, this city has seen better days,” commented Melody. “We have to get the citizens to safety,” said Megaman, “we’re gonna land on a clear space, so we’re gonna have to split up.” “Right! I’ll go with you Rock,” replied Pit. “Before I go, here’s a pair of goggles for you Melody, it could help you out in battle. The angel handed the googles to the girl, then he and the blue bomber left to save the citizens. Melody decided to put them on as she looked on. Kirby decided to join the two, leaving the group alone.
“Huh, would’ve been more helpful if they taught us how we use them instead of just the basic button combinations,” said Chester, “I could see why Megaman dipped. Pit maybe, considering the state of this city. Not sure about Kirby aside the fact that he’s a literal pink demon.” All of a sudden there was a zip. “Did you guys hear that?” asked Wren. Another zip passed by, Chester answered Wren’s question: “Yeah.”
“Hold on, I think I know who the guy is,” said Melody. “You don’t mean-,” Chester was saying what his friend might mean before he was cut off. “That’s right, it is I, Quickman!”
The gang looked at the source of the voice. There he is, the red, yellow, and black speedster. “I haven’t seen you anywhere. You guys newbies or something?” questioned Quickman. “Shut up, we’re here to find Wily,” exclaimed Melody.
Quickman chuckled. “Seems like you’re dropped off by the blue dork and that flightless bird,” he replied, “I had fun, let’s dance kids.”
Quickman attacked at full speed while the others tried to do something: Chester and Wren tried to fight but got hit by him, and Melody tried to intervene but got hit as well, making it futile. “Is that all you got,” Quickman laughed.
Chester grabbed the joycon off his belt and it turned into a sword. He ran after him trying to get a hit on him, but Quickman dodged. This repeated on until Quick kicked him in the stomach, knocking him over. Seeing what he did, Melody did the same but the joycon turned into a gun. She aimed at Quickman getting a successful hit. Quickman turned to see who shot him.
Wren went over to pull Chester up. “Are you alright?” she asked. “Yeah, I’m fine,” groaned Chester. They looked over to the fight in front of them. Melody ran while shooting Quickman.
As she ran far from the speedster, she stood her ground and charged her weapon. She then released the energy as Quickman ran straight to the blast. He was shot and fell down.
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pkmacabre-shadow · 5 months
Captain N: New Adventures
Chapter 3
Palutena heard the commotion of 6 people. In fact, she heard 3 new voices, meaning that the players have arrived. She could tell the confusion in the voices of one of the players, so she decided to show up and give out the answers what everyone needed.
“I can explain what’s going on,” she spoke. Everyone looked and turned around to where that voice came from. “Lady Palutena,” saluted Pit.
“I see you and our friends made it to Skyworld safely?” asked Palutena. “Uh- Y-yes m’am,” answered Chester. Palutena chuckled. “Well, that is a good sign,” she said. “Now then, let’s start with what’s happening.”
Palutena sighed, and spoke: “I’ve brought you all here for an important mission.”
Wren, Chester, and Melody caught on; Megaman, Pit, and Kirby, on the other hand, were caught off guard. “I’m sorry, a mission?” questioned Chester. “Yes,” Palutena answered.
“You see, there are new threats named Galeem and Dharkon,” she continued, “they are the embodiments of light and darkness.”
“Everyone was turned into puppets of their control, not until Kirby rescued all of us,” she added. A poyo was heard, making everyone to look for the source of the sound. “I didn’t see you there when we were saving them,” said Pit.
“Yeah, I should really thank you for that,” Chester added.
Then Palutena continued the story. In short, Kirby went on a long journey saving his friends, with all of which being successful. However, Galeem came back with vengeance, along with Dharkon. Not even being cut in half by Sephiroth couldn’t keep him down. She told them that the reason why she chose them is because of their skills that could potentially help them in defeating them.
“So all of that is because of the fight for control?” questioned Melody. “Technically yes,” answered Palutena.
Because of the information Chester was given, he became shaken and asked: “Why me? Why me and my friends of all people?”
Palutena looked with sympathy. She knew how things worked between the digital world and the real world, but she had to tell him about it.
“The thing is… you and your friends are chosen because of your father,” she answered. That brought on a shock to everyone. Well, almost as Megaman and Kirby knew what Palutena meant.
“My dad?” Asked Chester.
“Indeed he was,” Palutena responded, “he was your father since 1995 as Captain N, and he’s kinda like you.”
She told Chester his father’s story: His father, Kevin Keene, is a game master like him until he traveled to the digital world and became Captain N. Tabuu was the world’s first threat, and he defeated him with the hell of Sonic. “And now you know,” Palutena responded.
Chester was shocked at this revelation; you mean that his father was the one who defeated Tabuu all these years ago? Then why did he only tell him and his sister that he used to be the game master all these years ago?
“I know this is a lot to take in, Chester,” said Palutena, reassuring. “He may need some time to think about it,” said Melody with Wren nodding in agreement.
All of a sudden, Megaman got a call. “Oh no,” he said, “it’s Doctor Wily.”
Everyone got prepared. “Don’t worry Rock, we’ll help you out,” said Pit. “But what about the others?” Asked Megaman, in a worried tone.
“It’s okay, because I gave them their weapons: The joycons,” answered Palutena.
The three teens looked at themselves. Chester has them on his waist. Melody also has one too, but it’s at the opposite side of her bag. And finally, Wren sees both of them on her wrists.
“I help you guys out with them,” said Pit, “In the meantime, we’ll fly down to Monsteropolis to fight Wily. Think of it as a practice exercise.”
“We’ll be also seeing Simon and Little Mac, even Doc Louis,” added Megaman.
Pit looked at his robotic friend, then back at the players. “C’mon, we gotta go. Come with us or we’ll be in danger,” said Pit.
With one more look at Palutena, Chester looked back at Pit and joined them.
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pkmacabre-shadow · 5 months
Captain N: New Adventures
Chapter 2
The sky is bright and clear as day. Flying around in the sky is an angel, basking in the warm sun and the fresh air.
“Heya Pit!” That voice, it sounds familiar. It’s the blue bomber: Megaman! “Oh hey Rock, what’s up?” greeted Pit. “Hey Pit, I just wanted to check up on you,” answered Megaman. Rock, also known as Megaman, is a fighting robot created by his father Doctor Light. Having the ability to copy the powers of Robot Masters, he uses them in battle and brings peace to the world.
Pit smiled. Then a big flash of light comes, making the angel turn around and looking back. The robot looking where the light came from.
“Did you see that,” asked Megaman. “It came from there!” “Yeah, let’s check it out!” replied Pit. Little did they know, a pink round ball on a star is catching up to them as they also noticed the light.
Everything was surrounded by light before the teenagers could see again. They realized that they’re in the sky, and they’re falling down. Their life flashed before their eyes, up until they were caught one by one.
“Got ya!” Yelled Pit, having caught Melody. Megaman caught Wren. “You alright?” asked the robot. Wren is too shocked by what she saw. Finally, Kirby caught Chester.
Everyone landed to skyworld, the home of angels and gods and goddesses. Each of the fighters placing the teens down.
“Are you alright? That was quite a fall,” asked Megaman in a concerned manner. Wren then replied: “Yeah I’m fine, but… you guys look… familiar.” That caught on to Chester and Melody, having a clear look at their saviors.
“Hey wait, she’s right! They do look familiar!” exclaimed Melody. This surprised the others.
“Ah- well- It’s nice you know us and all. How about we start by introducing ourselves?” Said Pit. “Good idea,” answered Megaman
“Right well, I’m Chester Keene,” said Chester. “I’m Wren. Wren Chaiya,” said Wren after the older boy. “And this is Melody Helder.” She pointed to the dirty blonde behind her. “Nice to meet ‘ya,” greeted Melody.
“Nice meeting you guys,” replied Megaman. “How did you all fall out of the sky already?”
Melody, Chester, and Wren have no idea how to answer that question since it all happened so fast. Wren decided to explain how they got here in the first place.
“Neither of us know how all of it happened,” Wren answered. “There was this big light that engulfed us then all of a sudden-“ “I can explain what’s going on.”
Wren was cut off by a mature, feminine voice. Pit, Megaman, and Kirby recognized who that woman is: It’s Palutena.
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pkmacabre-shadow · 2 years
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New artstyle
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pkmacabre-shadow · 1 year
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Wren Chaiya
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pkmacabre-shadow · 5 months
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Wren Chaiya
Age: 17
DOB: 11/19 ♏️
Ethnicity: 🇱🇦 🇹🇭
Facts about her:
-Thai-Laotian, lives in America and is a US citizen
-Chaiya means victory
-Is autistic and tends to be more quirky
-self advocacy issues
-complicated family tree
-Friend of Chester and Melody
-part voice of reason, part chaos enjoyer
-Favorite activities include drawing, gaming, and writing
-very passionate about drawing, hence why she studies art
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pkmacabre-shadow · 5 months
Captain N: New Adventure
Chapter 5
The fight with Quickman is over. The robot master is only knocked down from the blast. The three teens walked over to him to see the damage.
“Did I over do it,” asked Melody. “No, I don’t think so,” Wren answered, “this guy literally attacked us.” Chester sighed, this is the first day and all of this just happened. “Let’s just get to Wily,” he suggested. Wren nodded, with Melody saying yeah to him.
Meanwhile, Pit, Megaman, and Kirby finally made the citizens to safety while trying to clean off the debris. “Phew, that’s quite a task,” stated Pit as he wiped his brow. “Sure is,” said a mysterious voice.
Everyone looked to where the voice is at. “Crashman!” exclaimed Megaman. “That’s right. And you’re all gonna turn into a masterpiece,” Crashman replied back.
Crashman shot out many crash bombs around the area. Luckily, the three moved out of the way before an explosion happened. Pit landed on a building and shot an arrow at Crashman. Crashman looked at the angel with an agitated look, and shot a crash bomb at him.
Before it could hit Pit, Kirby sucked the bomb into his mouth leading to it exploding in him.
“What are you doing,” exclaimed Megaman. “What’s it look like,” answered Crashman. He then went and slashed Megaman in the chest. The injury isn’t too severe, however, but Megaman is trying to resolve the conflict despite the situation.
“C’mon Kirb, we need to help him,” said Pit. Kirby replied back with a poyo, and flew to get hits on the bigger robot master. Crashman backed down, but he looked up now looking more angry. He then opened up his hidden compartments that contained missiles, leading to him shooting all of them at Megaman, Pit, and Kirby.
Megaman and Pit watched as Kirby sucked all of the missiles. “Hey, Rock, do you have Air Shooter,” asked Pit. “Wait yeah- you’re right, I do,” answered Megaman upon realizing what he meant. Before he met up with Pit in the sky, he had to fight Airman that led to him getting his power. It was a difficult battle, but he pulled through and defeated him.
As Kirby finished and Crashman finished shooting, Crashman jumped until he saw Megaman change to Air Shooter. Megaman shot an air torpedo at Crashman causing him to be in the torpedo and flew away from the rest of the group.
“That was a close call,” said Pit. “C‘mon everyone, we need to get to Chester and the others,” announced Megaman.
Megaman, Pit, and Kirby ran from the battle ground to find Chester, Wren, and Melody.
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pkmacabre-shadow · 5 months
Captain N: New Adventures
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: This is a new fanfic I made as a sort of AU to Captain N: The Game Master (1989). Like the old Hero Factory AU fic I made (which is when I was around 16 when I made that), this fanfic is gonna be rather amateurish so take it with a grain of salt and constructive criticism is welcomed to help me improve. I may need to make drawings for Wren and Melody though.
The day is June 9th, and summer vacation has already begun.
Three teenagers graduated from their high school, and are currently playing super smash bros. The young man sitting down is Chester Keene: A young man, age 18, a gamer and an a strategist who participated in e-sports in school. The girl next to him is Wren Chaiya: A Laotian-Thai young woman, age 17, a creative artist and sometimes fighter herself. She used to participate in Tae Kwon Do but quit for education. She likes to play games during her downtime. Wren is autistic, meaning that she thinks and speaks differently to others. And finally, the other girl sitting next to him is Melody Helder: A young woman, age 16, turning 17 in a few days as she is born that very month much like her mother. Her mother is a teacher at a middle school specializing in history and art. She is born with an impressive IQ, and has a talent in hacking, especially in emulation and piracy.
“Aww c’mon, that was a cheap trick!” exclaimed Melody. “No it’s not! I’m using a strategy here!” yelled back Chester. Wren is observing how her friends played as the characters they chose. She wasn’t great at fighting games herself, but is still learning from it and what moves she should use ever since she first played the same game for her own switch.
Melody is playing as Megaman, Wren as Little Mac, and Chester as Samus.
As time passed, the game was soon over with the one in victory being Chester, to no surprise to the two girls. “Ahh… that was fun, I’m beat,” sighed Chester. “Yeah, ‘cause you’re the game master here. Not to mention the different strategies…” said Melody. Then Chester said, “yeah right.”
Wren looked over at her friends. Then, she asked: “Hey, Chester, do you think you could invite your sister over?” Chester then looked back at her. “Why’d you asked?” He asked. “I feel like she’s been a little left out and that she’s been watching us play this game for some time,” Wren answered. “Say, have you been teaching her the ropes of smash bros yet?” she asked. “I have. I made her picked Kirby since it’s an easy one for her to play as in a fighting game, but hasn’t perfected yet.” Chester answered.
“I see. And another thing,” replied Wren. “What games have you been playing lately?” That question got Melody interested. “Yeah Chet, what else did you play?” asked Melody in a condescending tone. Chester noticed a bit of tone in his friends’ words, then he answered: “I’ve recently beaten the 6 Megaman Games, some resident evil games, and Breath of the Wild. Currently playing that Metroid game.”
That got the answers that they wanted. Then Wren saw something at the corner of her eye. “Hey guys, what’s going on with the TV?”
There is light coming out of Chester’s TV, and it’s… doing something…
“What the-?!” questioned Chester.
Then the teens’ visions went white, until they opened their eyes.
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pkmacabre-shadow · 1 year
Yukari was in juvie
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pkmacabre-shadow · 2 years
Happy birthday Robin
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pkmacabre-shadow · 2 years
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Wren Chaiya
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pkmacabre-shadow · 2 years
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Remember Tom? Yeah, well he’s not relevant to this AU anymore.
The reason for this is because I was gonna name Robin’s mom Marissa but I realized that another character is named that so I renamed her as Melissa with her husband being named Joseph. This ended up adding the actual Marissa (the lady from G1) into this AU, replacing Tom. If you think about it, it would make kinda sense why Robin’s family work for the Autobots in the past. Since Marissa worked with them before, like in G1. And, as a good Transformers fan I am, I shipped her with Thundercracker in this AU.
So it do be gonna be like the “Did you fuck my aunt, TC?” Thing from Robin
But they got along later on
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pkmacabre-shadow · 2 years
I realized that it’s Wren’s birthday
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pkmacabre-shadow · 3 months
Captain N: Adventures in Smash
Chapter 2
As Pit and Megaman flew in the sky, they looked down to where the forest is - the location of the power they’re investigating. At the corner of his eye, the blue bomber looked closer to see a flashing light.
Pit: Something wrong Rock?
Megaman: I saw a light down there. Could be an explosion or fire.
Pit: That could be our source of that power! Let’s go Rock. *flys down*
Megaman: Pit wait!- *sighs* When will he learn…
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The robot then flys down, following the angel. As he made it, he saw the source of fire coming from. They look new to him, albeit unique in some way.
There is a blonde boy wearing a yellow hoodie and a blue and white varsity jacket. He’s holding onto a blade. Beside him is a tan girl wearing a red hoodie; it looks like she’s wearing it like a dress. She appears to have gauntlets on her arms, testing her strength on some trees. And finally, there is a girl with dirty blonde hair. She looks unique from her outfit to how she’s using her weapon, as if being more reckless with it, being in a form of a gun.
The tan girl lifted and threw some tree stumps at the two with them either being sliced up or blown to bits. It also appears that some of them were kicked down. When the training is over, they all sat down taking a breath.
Wren: Phew, throwing those trees are a lot of work.
Chester: You think that’s bad? Try getting a hit only for it to be stolen by your trigger happy friend here.
Melody: Hey!
Wren: Even so, we need to do something here once we learn our powers. We might as well go camping until we finally get the help we need.
Pit: There you are!
The three turned to where the sound originated from, with Pit and the robot landing.
Melody: Megaman?
Chester: Ah great, more fighters to remind us that this isn’t a dream.
Pit: Sheesh. Sarcastic much? Anyway, the name’s Pit. You may know my friend here, his name’s Megaman.
Wren: Hehe- actually my friends and I already know about you guys. My friend Melody is a huge Megaman fan, same thing for Chester’s other friend. Nice meeting you, though.
Pit: Really now? I knew Megaman has fans since he stopped Wily but I never knew he has more out there.
Wren looked at Melody talking to Megaman, asking a ton of questions about his battles and such. She chuckled, wondering if Chester's neighbor would react if he met the robot in real life like her friend here, knowing how much of a fan he is to Megaman.
Wren: I just remembered something. We haven’t introduced properly yet.
Pit: You do have a point there.
Wren: Since my friends and I already knew you and Megaman from a separate world, I think I should start first. My name is Wren Chaiya, the other two are Chester Keene and Melody Helder.
Chester: Hey. Anyways, how we end up here is rather confusing to say the least… My sister found a CD ROM, so I decided to invite my friends over and suddenly got transported to here.
Megaman: And you also have these *points to the controllers*
Chester: Uh yeah. They’re joycons, what about them?
Megaman: I’ve seen something similar like that decades ago with the old power pad. It has similar powers as yours but this one is much stronger.
Melody: So what you’re saying is that the power pads grow stronger each year as technology evolves?
Megaman: Bingo!
All of a sudden, creatures made of dark energy surround them.
Chester: *pulls out blade from power pad* What the- What are those?!
Pit: Primids! They’re weak enemies but they can pack a punch!
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pkmacabre-shadow · 2 years
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Wren Chaiya and Robin Riverlocke-Yeager
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pkmacabre-shadow · 2 years
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Made these on Picre including my Transformers human OC Wren Chaiya
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