#writers askmeme
lunarblue21 · 5 months
🍄, 📚, ☁️, and 🎱
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Off the top of my head I can't think of any right at this moment so I'll come back and edit this answer later....
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
It was this: [The pain manifested seconds later as the dark purple of a bruise spread across his foreleg, accompanied by a sharp jolt through his bones. Diego gritted his teeth against the pain, his expression aghast as he stared at the RE.] that I jotted down so I wouldn't forget it and then I ended up revising it slightly when I put it into the actual doc it was meant for later.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
Well, my ao3 username is the same as my Tumblr username, so why I chose my tumblr name came down to my love of the colour blue and my love of the sky, so I put the two together into "lunarblue" which is also a sly reference to a "blue moon" and the 21 is a reference to my birthdate.
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats
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hauntedfalcon · 2 years
🎙💌 for the fic writer’s ask please!
🎙️which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
genuinely, any of them!! consider this blanket permission. I would be especially thrilled if someone took on any of the CritRole fic I've got up, because I'd love to hear a podficcer's take on the character voices
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I wish I had something actively in progress right now to share! here's a bit of the last thing I fiddled with:
“Congratulations on the happy event,” said Cerrit. 
Loquatius laughed, barely audible. Here, with the city landed on its mountaintop and with its climate wards powered down, his breath fogged the air. A novelty. Maya had walked all the way here breathing out dramatically and declaring, Look Dad, I’m a dragon! 
“When you go back in,” Cerrit continued, “would you tell the First Knight and the Alcald of Cathmoíra that they can send their children with Wrayne? I’ve eliminated her first. Forgive my selfishness; the kids are getting tired.” 
“Not at all,” Loquatius said. “I wonder if I might trouble you for a favor in exchange.” No, this was not the beat, and they were both going to be terminally stiff and formal. 
Cerrit tilted his head and looked away from the hall and the beautiful people, one of whom was a murderer, at his oldest friend. Loquatius’s golden Herald visage was put away now. The night was too dire for that. 
Pupilless eyes still on the reception, Loquatius said, “Would you speak with Laerryn next?” 
This was what Cerrit expected; he didn’t blink. He also didn’t answer directly. “You remember Senior Sightwarden Folsen?” 
“Improbable name. I remember.” 
This was where he would take a long draw from a pipe, if he had one. Cerrit blew a plume of breath out of his nostrils instead. “Folsen always said, all other things being equal, the person who finds the body is usually the killer. I don’t see this being quite that neat, do you?” 
Loquatius shook his head. One of the caterers had happened upon the grisly scene in Patia’s bathroom, and screamed prodigiously. There was no connection between her and the victim, no motive, and only the scantest opportunity. 
“Did you get a look at the body?” Cerrit asked. “Looked like it went through a thresher.” 
“What about a forensic dialogue?” 
“First thing we did.” Divine magic was occasionally useful for more than just smiting things. “He didn’t see his killer.” 
Loquatius’s brow furrowed but he still didn’t look at Cerrit. “Cuts, you said?” 
“About a thousand. And a gash on his forehead, where someone slammed him into the tile wall, but that wasn’t what killed him. He was on his back, head toward the wall. He took the first hit, then turned around, and still saw no one.” 
“Your boys would have found a weapon by now. So it must have been a spell, or a spell scroll.” They both knew what kind of spell left cuts like that, all over a body. “Someone went in after him, invisibly, attacked, and then became invisible again before he could turn and look… so a spell and a ring?”
He glanced to Cerrit, to see if they were on the same page. They were, and hell if Cerrit didn’t miss sifting through a case like this, but it was not seemly for a lieutenant of the Eyes to discuss details of an active investigation with the Herald of Avalir.
Loquatius seemed to realize this at the same time, and scrubbed the interest from his face. He went back to being a vaguely bored rich bastard. “Well, you have theories of course. Otherwise you wouldn’t have cleared your wife so soon.” Emphasis on your. 
The urge to raise his feathers was strong, but Cerrit resisted. He said, “A man is dead. Keep it in your pants a while longer.” 
“I—” Loquatius shut his eyes, breathed in through his nose, tried again. “You’re right! You’re right. I would like to consummate my marriage while it’s still my wedding night. But that is out of my power. You, however, should prioritize eliminating people with verifiable alibis first, and Laerryn hasn’t left my side this whole evening.” 
And what else could Cerrit expect him to say? “Not even to take the air for a minute?” he asked softly. “It’s a big crowd in there.” 
“I’ve been casting calm emotions every once in a while. Least I could do, after inflicting all this spectacle.” Loquatius’s brows drew together, painfully earnest. “Pinch. She hasn’t left my side.” 
Cerrit did not insult him by looking down at the Ring of Honor. Instead, he turned his gaze back to the hall, where Laerryn sat at the wedding party’s table, looking very calm indeed. 
There were a lot of ways to slip out of a room. And there was a lot more to proving innocence or guilt than an alibi. 
Especially when the deceased was the suspect’s supervisor, the Architect Arcane himself.
He set one hand on Loquatius’s shoulder. “Go back to her. And settle in, friend.” 
The mask of vague boredom slipped to show the dismay underneath. “It’s not our fault he happened to die here,” Loquatius muttered, sounding younger than his hundred-odd years. 
But he took Cerrit’s advice, and Cerrit remained expressionless as Loquatius straightened up and strolled back inside, stopping first at Eaedelus Okiro’s table, then at the end of the wedding party’s table to speak to Evandrin and Zerxus, and finally moving to kiss Wrayne’s cheek as she left with the collected children. 
Only then did Loquatius resume his place beside his bride. The seat on his other side, for the best man, would remain empty with its champagne flute undrunk for as long as Cerrit was about this work.
He blew out another puff of breath. The work of exonerating, or charging, Laerryn Coromar-Seelie would consume the night. And if Cerrit let himself believe he was doing either one of those things, he would start to ignore evidence to the contrary.
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fctedivided · 2 years
Tags (part 1/?)
Might as well using my newest tags.
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mylordshesacactus · 7 months
Eyes & Fear
Fun fact I forgot I reblogged an askmeme a few days ago and seeing this message in my inbox unexpectedly sure had a psychological effect of some kind.
How many planning documents do you have?
Total? No idea, genuinely no clue how many I might have between WIPs and defunct planning docs and indefinite-hiatus projects, etc.
On average though, I generally will have one bullet-point planning doc per major plot- or organization-heavy project. For a oneshot, my writing and planning document are the same--I put the bulletpoint outline at the top and work through in sections.
For Reunification, though, I do have a separate planning document. I'll stick snippets of dialogue I don't want to forget in there (like Beverly's extended "if I was the Draenei..." gag in the recent chapter) as well as keeping an overall broad-strokes outline of the plot and of elements that have to be introduced well in advance. Like, for instance, the fact that Beverly is on the Forsaken payroll as an assassin. Or Genn's paranoia, or the ongoing dragonflight crisis.
Then, when I'm actually writing that section of the fic, I'll pull those broad-strokes notes to their own separate bulletpoint list at the top and expand it dramatically, turn it into its own zoomed-in beat-by-beat roadmap.
Similar focus--X has to happen before Y, character A has to being this up before character B mentions the other thing, etc.
What is your greatest fear as a writer?
Shouting into the void.
Alternatively, gaining an enthusiastic following of people who absolutely cannot fucking read.
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mixelation · 11 months
get to know fanfic writer askmeme: 27
get to know your fic writer
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Controversial choice, but I really like starting! I like figuring things out and just fucking around. I don't really like editing, but fortunately fic in general has low standards for it lmao.
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damienthepious · 4 months
i'm late to the party but for the fic writer ask: 7, 12, 14, 17 and 19 (maybe the last one for penumbra fics specifically :D)
idk if it counts as late if you're the ONLY one who shows up to the party and by party i mean askmeme lmaoo
7. Share the first line of your five most recently published fics. ooooooo okay this should be interesting. first lines of the FULL fics bc if i try to figure out chapters i'll go insane. Also whoah i need more dynamic opening lines, i think:
The Beast In On His Chain: [The screeching halt of an injury is complete anathema to Sir Damien; it drives him nearly to madness every single time.]
Lulling: [Rilla always just happens to have Damien stop by when she has an appointment involving a baby, whether it's for the kid, or just a newer parent who she knows is likely to bring the baby along for their own appointment.]
Empty: [Lord Arum wakes to an empty bed and thinks-]
By The Arm To The Altar: ["He... won't be attending the dinner, either."]
this pile of leaves (is where we'll stay): [Arum is, slowly, growing somewhat more used to... relaxing.]
12. What fandom do you want to write for more often? oh i misread this at first as "what fandom DO you write for most often" and i was going to laugh and laugh. I really do wish i could kick any of my Megamind fics into gear! besides that i have... a few naddpod ideas that make me wish i had the brainspace for them asap. god. naddpod brainrot.
14. What two fandoms would you write a crossover for? uhhhhhhh. hmmmm..... i don't think about crossovers often I guess? uhh. something something smash second citadel together with the harp in the hallows somehow.
17. What trope is your favorite to write? hurt/comfort? If we're getting wide and general? falling asleep together for specifics
19. What headcanon do you always include in your stories? ah man it's hard to even differentiate that from just the weird mental landscape i've created for myself. Probably the oldest and most consistent is that Arum doesn't eat meat, despite his threats to the contrary.
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justporo · 11 months
I, S and T for the fanfic ask! 😁
Hello my dear, @tavdraws! And thank you so much for asking! (From this askmeme)
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Oh yeah... Listening to my very self indulgent playlists (mainly this Astarion one, lol). I'm very much a mood writer and a playlist covering all possible moods helps me with that. I also find myself writing a lot with a drink tbh... The drink of choice being a glass of red wine atm... (drink responsibly my friends...)
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Oooh, enemies-to-lovers is a big one for me. Friends-to-lovers too - everything really burning slowly. Also huuuge fan tbh of the "there's only bed at the inn" thing. Oh and also: "villain gets the girl (GN)", morally grey characters (could go feral over those...), "touch them and you die"-energy. Oh man, the more I think about it the more there are... I have a problem and probably also need therapy.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Miscommunication... Like really, you could really resolve this plot with a few lines of dialogue...
Also when marriage or pregnancy is the ultimate happy ending - it can be, it might be, but it does not have to be and especially has not be the ultimate vision of happiness...
Also quite honestly I really don't like major character deaths. I grow way too attached to characters and that's actually too painful for me.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
Syrus for the askmeme!! (if you already did him or just wanna do two, Alexis?)
favorite thing about them: he is leaps and bounds the most i have ever felt a ygo character has been relatable to me specifically. I love that he's just this neurotic mess with such a sweet character arc and this very real fear of "what if im not good at the one thing im going to school for and all of my peers are going to leave me in the dust" like...i went to art school I Know That One !!!!!!!!!!
least favorite thing about them: HES. A LITTLE BIT OF A CREEP and like it's very very funny with this little 4'6" twerp but good god they slapped so much "wow! hot girl alert !!!" mid-2000s humor on him with the dark magician thing/just how he acts around women in general. we didnt need all that.
brOTP: his relationship with zane makes me sob and cry and throw up and explode we know this. Top Yugioh Siblings of All Time for me. Power Bond Event Hits Every Time. I also just adore his friendship with Jaden....Syrus has two whole brothers and I WILL cry about it.
OTP: listen. listen to me boy. No one is on my wavelength of College AU Syrus and Mana From Duel Monsters weirdboy4weirdgirl power couple but they're GOOD. You could take the dark magician girl thing and make something FUN out of it!!!!!!! Me and the Bad Bitch I Pulled By Being Autistic *picture of Syrus Truesdale*
nOTP: not super into jaden/syrus as a shit just because i'm more locked onto the platonic/surrogate siblings read with that, but it's fine. i don't think theres any sy ship i hate. unless you ship him with his brother in which case explode then.
random headcanon: god where do i start. lactose intolerant. has OCD and is plagued by intrusive thoughts you cant even comprehend. gets headaches after crying. likes star fox. carly rae jepsen would rock his whole fucking world. would collect hot wheels (based) and booby lady anime figures (cringe.)
song i associate with them: Point to Prove (I Was an Ugly Kid) by Bug Hunter kind of a Sy song big.
favorite picture of them: so many. this one is especially good though.
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local 16 year old thinking murderous thoughts
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blueberry-ash · 1 year
WIP titles askmeme
tagged by @shadaras
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Somewhat listed from "most to least recently worked on"; it gets a bit messy when I keep some of my drafts in different places.
(This is... absolutely not everything in my WIPs pile. I'm leaving out all of my currently-being-worked-on Writer's Month stuff, because it's handwritten and doesn't have titles. And, well, I simply have far too many WIPs - even when only looking at those I've actively worked on in, say, the past six months - to be interested in copying them all out here, jfc. I chose to cap it at the 25 most recently worked on things.)
Writer's Month 2023, Day 2 - Perfume (Zhou Yebai/Gao Yingjie, non-con)
FSQ x GYJ, guardian tree verse adjacent
FangQiao, Lavender Haze (FangGaoQiaoWang sedoretu stuff)
BRX x LJ, doing a dragon
AWY x DYQ x LF, ways to fall asleep
GYJ x QYF, the one that's totally not an octonauts fusion
SMC x QYF x WC, fuck me already fic
AWY x LCH x OIA x QYF, 'fuck it. fill your hands' (redux)
all x Qiao, in this house we kiss QYF
AWY x GYJ, Conflagration
BRX x LJ, Baozi's big dick problems (Baozi/Luo Ji/Qiao Yifan)
CYX x SMC, hotel bed
KT x OIA x V, RECURSIVE for the Arranged Marriage AU
all x QYF, (Rabbit Prince AU), Mo Fan builds them a bed
AWY x QYF, QYF finds out AWY has been paid for sex - he gets turned on abt it rather than whatever (kink bingo)
AWY x QYF, hooked up before they joined Happy
GYJ x QYF, magic fertility rune thing
FSQ x GYJ x WJX, firsts and lasts
FSQ x WJX, Changelings (idk maybe make this a notfic)
GYJ x LXB, drunken sex
GYJ x QYF, silkpunk AU
LJ x QYF, «If you don't have your own cock, store-bought is fine» (newest version)
GYJ x QYF, Pac Rim AU
MF x SQY, Team China fic
GYJ x QYF, kemmering
(Not tagging anyone because ajfka;sdlfsd etc but if you see this and you'd like to do it! Then you should consider yourself tagged :D )
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kaydeefalls · 1 year
9 and 73 for the fic writer asks please. Also I'm cheering you on re: the last Carthaginians chapter. Whenever you end up sharing it, it will be a lovely gift. Everything you've written for the Old Guard has been a treat to read, so I acknowledge and respect the current difficulties while also having faith that you will find a way to make it work.
@astrabear Thank you, I appreciate that! I promise I am working on the last chapter, this summer has just been kind of a whirlwind IRL and my brain just Does Not Work sometimes when it comes to writing, sigh.
So, Fic Writer Askmeme!
9. Do you comment on stories you read?
Yes, I try to, though not as often as I should. I know how valuable comments can be from a writer perspective, and I've been trying to be better about commenting myself. Sometimes I just don't have the mental energy to engage. But I try.
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
*squirms uncomfortably* Honestly, I don't know that I stand out as such. I think I'm pretty reliable/consistent in terms of quality and tone at this point. If you like one of my fics, you'll probably like the others (fandom/pairing preferences aside). So that's something?
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andrea-lyn · 1 year
Writing askmeme - 3 & 14!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I was actually thinking about this the other day, but I feel like one of the hallmarks for me is sort of a more generic setting, in that I leave the details around the edges fuzzy on purpose so that people can fill in those blanks with their imaginations. I'd rather focus on the specific dialogue or feelings or blocking, versus going into five paragraphs about where they are. I'd say another one is just general AU writing. I'm a sucker for an AU.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
I'm pretty willing to try anything, but trusted friends/writers definitely have me clicking quickly and KNOWING it'll be quality. I'd say any omegaverse stuff, or super angsty (without a happy ending), or even some of the more cracky tropes because I know those people will make them so engaging and deliver a fantastic story that fires on all cylinders.
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ciaran · 1 year
16, 19, 40 for the weird questions for writers askmeme?
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
an entire plate of food with food in it :']
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
i think i kind of always wanted to be a writer, but i resisted writing for a long time. i did it in my head, and i refused to show people. i had a certain...essential understanding that the contents of my head made me vulnerable in a way that i could not come back from. even now, i hesitate a lot before showing my irls my work. i started writing, though, to share with people online, and then i kept writing out of a certain determination to be able to revisit my own thoughts. i started when i was ~16, and apart from unavoidable breaks (no laptop, college), i've been writing consistently ever since. these days i'm trying to work on my editing process, the post-script stuff, figuring out how to polish work and what is best suited to the way i write. eventually, i want to be able to write novels, but i think i'm a long way from that still.
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
SO GLAD YOU ASKED: death wish, josh alex baker.
from this writing ask meme
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hauntedfalcon · 2 years
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
ooooooooooooh boy it's like... a three-way tie between plot, characters, and language. if I *have* to pick only one of those... characters. without that, nothing else works
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labete-du-gevaudan · 2 years
Askmeme for writers #40?
40: Which is your favorite original character, and why?
I love all my characters v much. But in the current AU I'm working on right now with a friend, my favorite is Dreamer. His real name is Conan Ward, but he goes by Dreamer. Dreamer is a little bit special. He works for one of the biggest underground crime bosses in the area and loves the taste and sight of blood. But he's also just got really strong puppy dog energy when he's around his best friend Ghost. He's my favorite because he's just so fun to write.
Here's an art of Conan from another AU where he was actually a guide spirit and he was very not amused at having been placed with someone who was his complete opposite lmao.
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nenyabusiness · 1 year
17 for the fic writer askmeme?
What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Just answered, but thank you!
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cloudstrifing · 1 year
11, 12, 47 for askmeme?
hewwo anon thank u for asking! :3
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
i like gritty fucked up aus so both the ones that came to mind are that, tread carefully and mind any warnings!
At Sea by story_strudel (rudereno): extremely cool ff7 au, wonderful world building and vibes, amazing characterization, the emotional slow burn has me eating my hands I am just sitting here so patiently waiting for updates and even if it is never completed im still grateful for what this author gave me. their fic enchantment night is a banger too
f*ck yourself: self-improvement with convicted felon millions knives by elthedane (kniveswood): WEE WOO STRONG CONTENT WARNING FOR THIS ONE, contains heavy themes, dubious consent, and prominent side kv--this knives is a convicted murderer who is fully freaking out bc he might be falling for someone who is NOT vash, give it a hard pass if that's not for you. the characterization and writing and au setting are so top notch though that I personally (as a guy who doesn't seek out kv ever) decided to stick it out and trust the author. its marked complete but does update occasionally, the story is far from done. tho this one is absolutely not for everyone so I repeat CURATE YOUR EXPERIENCE DOT JPG!!!!
i dont have a third one that is a particular favorite Right Now but ive read a handful of very good vashwood oneshots recently, interested parties can check out my bookmarks bc i save the ones i enjoy!! _(:3
12. How does receiving or not receiving support/feedback impact you?
immensely....... it's been said before but it really makes all the difference, especially for writers. we can’t monetize in the same way as artists so letting us know u enjoyed our work is The reward. I write original stuff as well which is more of a toiling in darkness type endeavor anyway, but im absolutely in fandom to connect and vibe with y'all and any and all feedback makes me more motivated to create new stuff. i do try to reply to every comment too to show my appreciation!! other interactions like replies/dms/qrts are equally treasured! 🫶
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
so many. soooooo many. it depends a little bit on the length of the fic and how long ive been working on it but like uh, at least ten? i dont necessarily recommend this because im sure its possible to be more efficient and intentional but i reread my wips at every stage on different devices to fix rhythm issues and "he would not say that" incidents so yea.
questions r here if anyone else wants to chat !!
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