#writing in second person gave me a headache but like maybe it was that I was shitfaced as well
thefandomdirtymind · 1 year
How about opla!sanji being completely in love with the reader the moment he sees them?
It just hits him, bam, love at first sight. He plans to marry them kinda moment. Maybe they are in need of rescue or part of a rival crew.
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A/N IMPORTANT:  Hi Anon ! Thank you for your request. I had so much fun writing it and playing with the idea of Sanji just planning his own wedding cake at the first of the reader. I assume by your use of Them that you wanted it gender neutral so I did my best and I hope you will like !
I though I knew love
OPLA - Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader Gender neutral (Them)
Sanji series : SFW Shiny Offering - NSFW The Small Favor - SFW The Mermaid Dream - SFW The Magic of a Kiss  - NSFW Casual
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
Love is a strange thing. Leading you to have affection for a thing, a pet, a person, multiple people at once, maybe, one more that another or felt head over heels for somebody at first sight. 
Not that you could tell yourself. Your love life hadn’t nothing to be told if not the term “boring” was the best to describe it. You had ,of course, a certain attraction and affection for your previous partners, but in your experience, the big true love was only things existing in books and short stories. 
However,the last thing you wanted to think about right now was love. The chain retraining your wrist was starting to get itchy, the little drop of water falling from the ceiling every ten seconds slowly gave you headaches and you could smell it in the air. The crew of Marines had become a little bit more nervous since they brought you a new cell companion, an unconscientious pretty orange haired girl. Maybe she would become your key to escape that rat hole of a ship. 
As if your thought had summoned it, you suddenly heard the blast of cannon and the scream of an eminent battle. Your brain working at full speed, you immediately start to search for a way out of that damn cell. Never you will allow yourself to be caught again, neither by the marine ,who’s without no doubt will execute you, nor by those pirates. You didn’t escape the circus or Buggy to come back in this nightmare. You prefer to drown. 
Kicking the door as hard as you can, targeting the rusty corner of the keyhole you abruptly stop when you hear heavy footsteps in the stairs and a face you had hoped never see again. 
“ They finally caught you hm ? “ Zoro nagged you, taking a look at Nami who slowly was regaining consciousness. “ Welcome back, I'll get you out in a minute. I have to decide what we do with your little roommate here. ” 
“ I suggest you let me go and forget my existence. I did what I did because I was in debt with Buggy, go hunt him down instead “ You replied,already knowing that the pirate hunter wasn’t the kind to let you go so easily.
“ I could, or you could win your freedom. Fight me and I'll let you go “ He offered, opening the door, but still blocking you the way. 
Sanji was right behind Zoro, clearing his part of the deck, kicking with all he had. Somewhere between a missing punch from a Marine and a successful attack of this part against a kneecap. He had nodded when his green hair crew member had informed him that he will go downstairs to help Nami. But, he hadn’t come back since and Sanji didn’t like it at all. How many times he will have to save the life of that ungrateful mosshead.
Getting down the stairs, the blond chef never passes the last step. What was in front of him was simply unreal.  
Sanji, though he knew love, had felt love before. But, as you succeed to push Zoro in a full blast, he realizes that he, in fact, never felt it that way. Seeing you still enchained, but still so beautifully strong, trying to defend  yourself as furiously as a tiger, with the only help of the loose chain of your restraints bracelet. Makes him feel as if he receives himself a punch in the guts. From somewhere he could hear the wedding bell and almost see the magnificent cake he will bake for the event.
Maybe a Lemon quatre-quart or a simple sponge vanilla cake with pieces of strawberry in it. Are roses will be too classic or a cascade of fresh tiger lily accros the cake would make it look to bold.
He sadly couldn’t finish his delicious pastry though. When, as in an attempt of escaping what could be a mortal blast, you enter in full collision with his body.  
As you try to get up, your eyes finally meet his. In the most stressful moment of your life, you feel yourself caught in the bluest gaze you've ever seen. And just like that, the idea of love at first sight didn’t seem to you like some literature mirage.   
“ Hello there “ Sanji smiled, laying under you, his head gently resting against a step, letting you free to decide your next move. Sure if you decided to step on him to break free, it would probably permanently break his heart, but if it would save your life, he will accept it gladly. 
“Hi…” You nervously replied, trying, and failing pathetically to not smile with him. 
“ Hey waiter, stay out of that ! The fight isn’t over come back here Y/N “ Zoro groan. 
“ In fact I think we should all get out of here “ Nami declared, as a boom and a big crash came from upstairs.
Finally untangle yourself from the blond man, still on your guard in front of Zoro, but unable to snatch your gaze of Sanji. You nod of the head and proceed to get up the stairs. 
The whole ship was a mess, every Marines on the deck was unconscious, the mainmast was down and as you can see, the only person still standing was a way too joyful young man wearing a straw hat.
“ Hey ! Did you find another crew member !? “ He asked, like if you aren’t still unchained and clearly under the dark gaze of Zoro. 
“ More like a lot of Berries in warrant “ The young swordsman replied. 
“ We can’t collect a warrant while being yourself a pirate Zoro and you had to admit it was a great fight you had. “ Nami contributed, offering you a smile. “ I was mostly unconscious but I heard you had escaped from Buggy, we are different, we could need your help in our crew.”  
“ I will gladly welcome them in the crew if they want to join, “ Sanji answered, smiling at you, a tenderness you hadn’t fully understood in his eyes. “ I can’t wait to cook you your favorite meal.”   
“ Well, I...if Zoro will not kill me in my sleep I guess that I will stick with you for a while. “ You answered, curious to discover the meaning of this strange feeling you felt earlier with the tall blond. And the woman, Nami, seems right. Even in the clown crew, you hadn’t seen nothing like their good chemistry.  
“ Whatever “ The ex-pirate hunter mumbled, clearly not happy but ready to follow ,what you surprisingly guess, is his captain.  
“ Yahoo !  I’m Monkey D. Luffy, we are the straw hat crew and I will be King of the Pirate ! Let’s get back to the ship, those handcuffs would be really uncomfortable ! “
Later that night, free of your chain and well fed for the first time in a while, you stay a little longer in the kitchen. 
Sitting at the table, the soft noise of Sanji cooking and the waves crashing against the hull . You absently dried the table knife you were previously cleaning. 
“ Y/N can you try those and tell me which you prefer ?” Sanji gently asked you, putting in front of you two slices of cake. 
A lemon quatre -quart and a vanilla sponge cake with strawberry pieces. 
At first surprise, you gave them a try, not sure of the last time you had cake. 
“ I can’t choose…They are both delicious ! “ You answered, finishing both slices. “ What is it for ?” 
“ Oh it’s for an event I plan for the future…” He simply replied, taking away the empty plates. “When we will be ready”
You didn’t know exactly why, maybe it was his soft smile when he was talking about that mysterious future plan or the gaze he was laying on you. But you couldn’t help yourself to feel your cheeks warming up a little, excited to discover more about that plan and which role you will play in it.
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flem17ng · 9 months
Pretty girl: KCC x reader
keep on pretending, pretty girl
note: here it is! I may have made myself cry writing this
summary: Kyra is straight. She has liked boys since she was little. She had boyfriends all through high school. She is straight. At least she thought she was... but then she met you.
warnings: internalized homophobia kinda, Kyra being a cutie, angst (Sorry), the effects of the lesbian master dock, happy ending (Because i Ilove ya'll)
word count: 4.8k
"Kyra!" you yelled from across the dance floor, "come dance with me!" She hesitated for a second before moving towards you. It wasn't normal for her to think twice about dancing with her best friend but recently she had been getting weird feelings every time she saw you, or was near you... especially when she was near you.
The club was crowded with sweaty couples, all twirling together in time to the pounding music. Kyra finally reached you and you danced. some mindless pop ballad that neither of you knew the words to. You watched her dance, one hand in the air, grinning like a maniac and giggling. She was absolutely gorgeous like always.
"how much have you had to drink ky?" you asked with a smirk as she moved closer to you.
"huh? nothinggg" she slurred, proving her point moot. You knew she was drunk, she only got touchy when she was drunk and now she had a hand on your waist was was slowly dancing into your personal space. Maybe if you were smart you would confront her about this, but you weren't. On the contrary, you were utterly and completely in love with her. So instead you pushed her off you gently, grabbed her hand, and subtly started pulling her towards the door. You weren't smart but you were wise enough not to let her get ahead of herself. Your best friend was straight, you knew you had no chance, it would be torture to let yourself pretend while she was like this.
"come on ky ky, let's get you home" You opened the club door for her and let her walk onto the street.
"it's so pretty tonight!" she exclaimed, looking up at the Sydney city lights before turning to you, "you are so pretty tonight" she giggled. You tried to ignore the way your heart stuttered at her words and her drunken smirk. It helped to remember that she didn't mean it. Kyra walked towards you with a cheeky grin, placing her hands on your shoulders.
"you are the prettiest girl in the world! you know that right" she laughed. you just frowed and looked at the ground.
"come on. You're drunk. I'll get you an Uber." You took out your phone and started typing when you felt her lean forward and press a quick kiss to your cheek. You wished it was easier to fall out of love with someone, but it wasn't. Especially when that someone was Kyra. Kyra with her perfect teeth, her tanned skin, and her warm eyes. Kyra who sent you 'good morning texts' and knew your coffee order off by heart. Kyra was standing on a street in Sydney on a Saturday night with the prettiest smile. Kyra who was straight.
When the Uber finally arrived Kyra pouted. "I don't wanna leave you," she whined and you smiled at her before paying the Uber driver and giving her a quick hug.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Text me when you get home ok?" She nodded and gave you a drunken wave before getting into the car and driving off.
Kyra woke up with a headache and three text messages.
Y/N: Get home safe?
Y/N: hey ky. I dropped some painkillers at your door! I hope the hangover isn't too bad :)
tinder: you matched with Tom G! Message him to get a conversation started.
Kyra groaned. The odd feeling in her chest was back. It was like a flipping fluttering feeling that seemed to appear only with you. It would be a pleasant feeling if it wasn't mixed with the plummeting sensation of dread, confusion, and (weirdly) guilt. She clicked on the notification from Tinder first. The guy wasn't bad-looking, he had similar hobbies. But as Kyra looked through his photos again, she couldn't help but think he looked a little bit like her best friend... she closed her phone. She didn't have training that day so there was no reason she would have to bump into you. It wasn't that she didn't want to spend time you you! But she knew she got ahead of herself when she was drunk. She says things she shouldn't, and she gets touchy. She knows this because she does it on purpose: always acting more drunk than she is, leaning into you, batting her eyelids, and knowing she'll get away with it. She knows you won't call her up on it.
Maybe she would meet up with that Tom guy anyway. Why the hell not? She was young and single, and straight and so was this guy. She was sure of all those things! So why did she feel so horrible when she opened up her phone again, ignoring your texts and tapping on the Tinder app?
Kyra: Hey x
Tom G: Hi :)
"Y/n you can't just let her do this to you" Ellie groaned as she took another large gulp of her coffee. It had been a few weeks since the club with Kyra and ever since, she had been cold and distant, making up lame excuses about seeing some new guy. It was a cycle that was familiar at this point: Kyra was your best friend, you were her pretty girl, she gets drunk, she flirts, she gets cold, hooks up with a few guys, and then comes back to gossip about it. Unfortunately, Ellie had been there to see it all.
"Look I know! but I just can't help it ok! When she wants me I..."
Ellie's expression softened with understanding. As much as she wished she could snap you out of it and point you in the direction of literally any other woman, she knew it would never work.
"you know my opinion on this. Drunk words are sober thoughts and all that." she shot you a sad smile.
"Yes well. her sober thoughts right now are all about some guy called Tom." you rolled your eyes. Stupid Tom and his stupid XY chromosomes. You chewed your muffin with an aggressive frown. Ellie shook her head letting you finish your bite so you could continue.
"And besides. Yes! maybe she is gay. but she certainly doesn't know that does she. What's the point Ellie?" you sighed. "she only wants me when she's drunk. in the morning it's like nothing happened"
"Look I don't know what you want me to say! You need to get your mind off her. Go hook up with someone" Ellie rolled her eyes. She was terribly supportive but there was only so much delusion she could take in one morning.
"See I would... but she's asked me to come round for a movie tonight" Ellie just groaned. You could never pull yourself away from Kyra, no matter how much you tried. It wasn't like you did try though. you drank the rest of your coffee, feeling suddenly like a bum on a bar stool.
"You're too young to look so hopeless! You're attractive, and queer in Sydney for god's sake!" She laughed, giving you a playful slap on the arm. You knew she was right even if you would never tell her she was. Your phone buzzed.
Ky 🤍: can't wait to see you! I have to tell you about Tom ;)
"Jesus Christ I'm pathetic" You covered your face with your hands dramatically.
"Correct! Now finish your muffin so we can pay and leave please."
Kyra rushed forward into a hug when you arrived at her door a few hours later. She was dressed in a loose pajama top and shorts and her hair was in a messy bun with strands out to frame her face. You wished you could greet her with a kiss, or run your hands through her hair... Instead, you returned the hug, handed over the bag containing ice cream and snacks, and walked into the apartment like a friend would.
"I missed you!" Kyra shouted from the kitchen as she put the icecream in the freazer, "I feel like i havnt seen you in forever"
You swallowed back a remark about kyra ignoring you for days and choosing some guy over you and instead followed her into the kitchen with a grin.
"I missed you too Ky! How have you been?" you knew better than to bring up your last outing to the club. She would brush it off with a joke or get cold like she always did.
"Well... Tom took me Bowling the other day! It was so romantic" She giggled, grabbing her phone to show you a picture of the two of them at the bowling lane. You swallowed hard and nodded supportively.
The night wore on relatively the same: you talked and laughed and gossiped about your friends. Kyra was only about 2 wine glasses in when she started feeling weird again. Maybe it was the way your hair was sitting or the way the light was hitting your face... Either way, she needed to be close to you. On the couch she cuddled up to you, resting her head on your chest while some movie played on mute in the background. When she closed her eyes and listened she could hear your heartbeat under her head, slow and steady. The movie, a rom-com, must have been coming to an end as the two characters finally got together in a scene that might have been heartwarming if either of you had been playing attention to the plot.
"Y/n?" Kyra asked suddenly.
"hmm?" You had let yourself relax a little into the sofa as the night wore on and now rested a hand on top of her head gently.
"I dont want Tom to be my boyfriend" she whispered, so quiet you almost didnt catch it.
"I thought he was romantic? and smart and handsom?" you asked, looked down to were kyra lay with her eyes squeezed shut on your chest.
"I don't know i..." Kyra opened her eyes and looked up, your faces suddenly very close together. "I don't want him to be close to me like you are" She admitted, her voice sounding vulnerable.
"He woldnt be! It would be different. He would kiss you and all that." you responded confused. Kyra had had boyfriends before, she knew what that relationship entailed.
"But I want to do that stuff with you!" She smiled moving her face even closer so your noses brushed. You felt your heart drop. You had hoped the evening wouldn't take this direction mostly because you wanted to save yourself the pain.
"Kyra..." you breathed. You knew this is when you should pull away, push her off you, and tell her to sort herself out. Instead, you just squeezed your eyes closed in hopes that she could sober up and stop playing with your feelings. "You know it hurts me when you do this Ky..."
"I don't want to hurt you" She whispered and you could hear the cheeky smirk on her lips. You could feel her wine breath on your own mouth. God why was it so hard. You opened your eyes, only to find her still close enough to touch. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were flushed from the alcohol. She was looking at your lips and you knew the kiss was coming before she even leaned in.
It was sloppy and one-sided. You refused to kiss her back despite how much you wanted to, despite the way your heart raced at the feel of her warm lips on yours. She tried to deepen it when you placed a hand on her shoulder and pushed her away softly.
"Enough. Time for bed"
"But you taste so good" Kyra giggled with a pout pulling on her rosey cheeks. You swallowed and shook your head. You had let it go too far, you needed to stop, you needed to leave before you did something stupid like let her kiss you again.
"Tom wouldn't mind me kissing you silly" She laughed finally rolling to the other side of the couch to let you stand up. You felt your eyes sting a little. You wouldn't cry in front of her, you wouldn't let yourself be comforted by her.
"I don't want you to kiss me Ky. Just go to bed now" You didn't wait to see her pout at you because you knew your resolve wouldn't last if you did. Instead, you turned on your heel, grabbed your bag, and headed out of the apartment.
Ky 🤍: Oh man I drank way more than I thought last night! I can't remember anything from after we turned on the movie lol
You rolled your eyes when you saw the notification. At this point, you could predict the fallout of every possible flirty Kyra situation based on her first text of the day. She wasn't a lightweight, she knew how to hold her liquor so the part about not remembering anything was nothing short of a blatant lie and you knew it. Maybe a year ago, hell maybe even a month ago, you would have let her get away with her bullshit, but not now. Yes, you loved her but you loved her when she was just being herself, not some character she pretended to be. Maybe that's what made it so painful: not because of what she did when she was drunk but because deep down you knew that she knew exactly what she was doing while she was doing it. She knew what she was doing when she kissed you, she knew what she was doing when she told you she wanted to be with you...
You needed space, no matter how much it hurt. So you ignored her text. And her call that came later. And her offer to get coffee the next day.
Ky 🤍: I miss you pretty girl ;)
That notification was soon replaced with:
Ky 🤍 Deleted one (1) message
A few days latter and kyra stopped trying to call. Part of you was thankful... But most of you just wanted to cry. It was self preservation mostly and Ellie agreed it was the right thing to do. But you couldnt help but feel you would loose your best friend if carried on ghosting her.
10:30 am
Ky 🤍: Tom asked me to be his girlfriend btw.
That was when you really did cry: Hot heavy tears that seemed like they would never end. The tears brought with them a horrible emptiness and you mourned not only your friendship but that delusional part of yourself that still believed that one day Kyra would realize you were there for her all along.
11:00 am
Y/n: Thats great Kyra! sorry I've been off grid for a while :)
You hated yourself as soon as you pressed send. But it was Kyra, and no matter how bad it hurt you were there for her. It wasn't her fault you had a silly crush on her after all. You bit down another sob that threatened to break free. here you were again, making excuses for her.
11:05 am
Ky 🤍: SHE'S ALIVE!! come to the bar tonight to meet him? pleaaseee
Y/n: I'll be there.
"Y/n I didnt think we'd be seeing you here tonight" ellie called from the booth that was already very full with the rest of your group. Ellie shot you a knowing look as kyra shot up from her seat to great you with a bear hug.
"Well... I needed to meet the mystery man didn't i?" you tried for a smile but it came out all forced and wrong.
"Come on! Sit next to me. I already got you a drink" Kyra shot you a winning smile as she turned back to the table. You couldn't help but smile at the spring in her step.
Tom sat on her otherside seemingly unaware of the subtle tension between his new girlfriend and yourself. Maybe the tension was in your head you bagan to think...
But then you felt a cool hand rest on your thigh and you knew it wasnt. Kyras hand was hidden by the table but you could feel it: Resting on your bare leg, slightly too high to be friendly. You ignored it at first, taking another sip of your coke, laughing at something sam was saying.
But then she gave your leg a squeeze and you felt your breath hitch. Her fingers absent-mindedly began fiddling with the hem of your dress. You shot her a look but she wasn't even looking in your directing.
Already you caught yourself making her excuses: she was nervous, she was a little drunk and did not realize what she was doing, and she was a touchy person by nature (this was true).
"You are my favorite. You know that don't you" You flinched when you felt her hot breath tickle your kneck. You had been so engrossed with your thoughts that you hadn't even noticed her leaning towards you to whisper in your ear.
"Please get off me Kyra," you said, a little loudly making Ellie and Sam look at you with concern. Kyra's smirk dropped into a genuine frown.
"What?" She didn't sound drunk now. You turned to face her, a knot forming in your throat. You couldn't hurt yourself like this, not when her boyfriend was sitting at the same table. Not when you had spent every day since you were 14 falling in love with her.
"I said, Get off me" You pushed her hand off your thigh and stood up suddenly. It was too hot in the bar, too crowded. You turned and almost ran towards the door, needing to get away from Kyra's shocked face, Tom's stupid smirk and drawling voice, and Ellie's pitying expression. No sooner had you exited the bar did you head her run after you.
"What the fuck was that about Y/n?" she shouted, looking disheveled and shocked. You could have laughed.
"What was that about? I could bloody well ask you the same thing. Has it ever occurred to you once, that I'm more than just your drunken experiment" you yelled back, "I mean really Kyra! We're experts at this little dance by now."
"What are you talking about?" you really did laugh then, only to stop the hot tears waiting to burst.
"you get drunk and you want me. I'm your favorite, I'm your pretty girl, I'm the most beautiful person in the world. And then the next day I'm what? nothing? your best friend?" The tears start rolling now, making it hard to breathe but you need to get this all out. It's been welling in your chest for years, building pressure and heat and now you need to let it go.
"So what is it ky? Do you love me like you say or is it just the wine? or sorry, is it Burbon today I didn't ask." you knew it was cruel, especially as you saw the understanding in her eyes. "I'm done with this. I'm done with you. I can't keep wasting my love on you when you can't even return it." Your cheeks felt hot despite the cool breeze and your heart raced.
"Y/n he's not my boyfriend... he asked but I said no," she said quietly as if that was a balm.
"Who cares Kyra? because if it's not him it's some other man. It's anyone but me. or at least until you get a couple drinks in." Kyra was definitely sober now if she wasn't before. Her expression was somewhere between guilt, anger, and hurt. You wished you would hold her, kiss her, and make it all better but it wasn't possible.
"I do... I do love you like I say when I'm... drunk," she muttered to the floor. "I just- I need to figure it out. being with Tom it's like-"
"pretending. It's pretending Kyra." there was no anger left in you now, just sadness. Kyra loved you but she wouldn't face up to it without being knockout drunk and what was worse? you had wasted all your love on her.
"Y/n I love you though"
"Stop. You're being mean" a sob escaped you, "Just keep on pretending. I can't wait around for you to figure yourself out." You took a couple steps backward, suddenly feeling deja vu from the last time you found yourself outside a club on the street with Kyra. She must have had the same thought because she looked up at the city lights, the colours bouncing off her wet cheeks. Before she could look back at you and break your heart more, you turned and walked up the street, hoping she had the sense not to follow you.
You didn't talk for months. 3 Months and 2 weeks to be exact but who was counting? Kyra broke up with Tom that night without hesitation. She knew what the weird feeling she got when she was around you know. She had been so scared so so long it felt weird to put a label on the emotion. She loved you. Was in love with you to be exact. And as far as she knew, you hated her. All she could think about was how broken you had looked as you shouted at her. You looked so tired and hopeless and it was all because she hadn't realised how she was affecting you. It was just fun, drinking a little as an excuse to be close to you. She knew kissing you at her house that day was a mistake but it's all she wanted to do.
"Kyra you messed up mate. You're really in the doghouse." Sam stated from the other side of the couch while Kyra cried yet again. All she seemed to do now was cry.
"Is she dating anyone?" She asked. sam just shook her head and didn't answer. She had already told both of you that she wasn't going to be the middle man of this mess.
"I know it's hard to face up to these feelings ok? But remember what she told you? You need to figure yourself out before you try to make things right."
"It was hard for me too" Kristie rubbed her back as she entered the room, "I mean things are pretty uptight where I come from and I just wanted to fit in. I know that isn't quite the issue for you but-" she shrugged "For me it helped to remember that life is too short to give a shit about whether you like a boy or a girl."
"I like girls" Kyra stated (It had taken a long time and a lot of girls in red music videos to realise it but now she was dead certain), "But I don't just... I love her." She deadpanned, looking up at Kristie. "That's so scary..."
Sam shrugged again, "It's scary sure, but from the sounds of it she feels the same"
Kyra snorted, "Well maybe she did before I fucked it all up."
"Look man, she isn't going to be the one to reach out to you. No matter how much she loves you, that girl is stubborn as hell. You need to be the one the make amends." Kyra nodded.
She loved you and she knew that now. She loved the way you teased her for her bad jokes, she loved the way you smiled and sang in the shower. She loved to way you squinted your eyes when watching a movie. She missed you. And she knew now that she was a damn fool for thinking any differently.
The past few months had been rough to say the very least on the matter. You had taken Ellie's advice and gone out to a few clubs, hooked up with women whose names you can't remember, and tried your best to forget about Kyra. Every other morning you seemed to be waking up in a bed that wasn't yours, and every morning without fail you felt a deep hole in your chest like something had been wrenched out of place. You wanted her, yes, but you needed security more and that was something she wasn't able to give you. Not if she wasn't even able to admit she was gay.
That morning, exactly 3 months, 2 weeks, and one day since you last saw Kyra you felt as though you might finally have forgiven her. Sure you were upset and hurt and embarrassed, and you were sure as hell done making excuses for her; But at the end of the day, Kyra was your best friend and, if your recent escapades had taught you anything, she was also the love of your life.
The knock came at your door when you were halfway through your third cup of coffee for the morning. It startled you enough to leave you swearing and rubbing your hand where you spilled the drink.
"Coming!" you yelled, dropping the cup off in the kitchen before padding barefoot towards the door, expecting the mailman or a delivery. When you opened the door to see Kyra you were glad you had already put your mud down or you would have dropped it again.
"Kyra?" her name felt weird on your tongue, "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you," She said simply, stepping in and shutting the door softly behind her.
"You could have texted"
"No, I- I needed to talk to you"
"Well. You're talking now" You couldn't help but be a little aloof, you had no idea where to conversation was going to go. Kyra took your statement as permission to continue.
"Can we sit please?" You nodded and led her over the the kitchen where she sat on one of the bar stools. You stayed standing, leaning your hip on the counter.
"I'm sorry" she blurted before you could say anything, "I'm sorry for treating you like shit and for ignoring your feelings, I'm sorry it took me so long to figure myself out. I'm sorry I pushed all these guys in your face like I had something to prove to you. Most of all I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I felt sooner because maybe we wouldn't have gotten into this mess in the first place." She took a breath and rubbed her palms on her thighs nervously.
"The truth is that all those times I flirted with you and stepped over the line... I was not drunk at least not like I acted to be. It was a confidence boost I needed to say what I was thinking, what I am always thinking. I've realised now that I've loved you for years, maybe longer. I knew I felt different towards you than I did others but it was so scary."
You nodded, feeling a knot of emotion form in your throat. Here she was, after months of not talking, saying all the things you had been longing for.
"And I know that it's going to take some time to trust me again" Kyra looked into your eyes now, feeling more confident, "But Y/n I love you so much it hurts. I'm done pretending ok? I'm yours." She smiled softly, "If you'll have me that is."
You watched her fiddle with her fingers for a second before opening your mouth.
"Kyra you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that." She smiled at you and your heart skipped its familiar beat at the sight. "You're right, I'll need time but..." You stood up straight and walked towards where she sat, "I want this so bad Ky."
You stepped in between her legs and cupped her face between your hands. You watched her eyes go a little wider and her cheeks go pink. You felt her heart speed up under your fingers and for the first time, it was you leaning in to kiss her. Her lips were soft and warm and minty. Her breath was hot and clear against your skin. She wrapped her arms around your waist and sighed against your lips making you giggle. You ran your fingers through her hair like you always wanted to and pulled back slowly. Kyra's eyes were still closed, a small smile on her swollen lips.
"You're the prettiest girl in the world Kyra. You know that right?" Kyra opened her eyes and smiled her perfect smile and your chest filled with a wave of warmth. You would take it slow with her, careful... but in that moment it was everything just to be near her and she felt the very same.
You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around her tightly. You just needed to hold her, to keep her there so she wouldn't leave. As if she read your mind, Kyra moved your hair and planted a small kiss on the side of your neck.
"I'm not going. I promise" she whispered and pressed another feather-light kiss under your ear. Maybe you were a fool, maybe you were an idiot, maybe you were just stupidly in love with this girl. Whatever it was you knew she was telling the truth. Kyra Cooney-Cross was done pretending.
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wannabehockeygf · 7 days
Melting - Clayton Keller
"So you'll smile at everything I say, You got some soft lips and some pearly whites, I wanna touch them in the dead of night, Your smile ignites just like a candlelight, Then somehow, I know everything's alright."
*** request: i smushed the two requests I got today together, so it's #2 "Five more minutes?" plus #11 "You fell asleep on me, I didn't want to wake you up." another prompt requested was smutty, which I am happy to do, but you should probably re-request. summary: a mediocre first date turns into something more intimate word count: 4.1k pairing: clayton keller x fem!reader warnings: none just teeth rotting fluff! notes: - I love my man clayton more than anyone else. i will always be happy to do any requests for him. - saw one of my grades grade drop from 92 to 76 today so I needed a full reset and I guess that reset was writing fluff! - based in Arizona because I'm still in denial
italics represent flashback
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gif creds: keller-clayton i gave up putting gifs in my fics a while ago but LOOK AT HIM I JUST WANNA KISS HIS FACE ALL OVER. *** The last thing you remember was standing on that tenth hole of the mini-golf course, wondering if it was socially acceptable to call an Uber in the middle of a first date. Mini-golfing had felt more like a middle-school field trip than an actual adult date. And if your performance had been any indication, you weren’t exactly “fun at parties” material. By hole six, you were already praying for the windmill to sweep you off your feet and put you out of your misery.
You weren’t trying to be dramatic, but let’s be honest—you sucked. Badly. You didn’t just miss the hole; you missed the general direction. The ball took off like it had a personal vendetta against you, disappearing into the bushes half the time. By the tenth hole, you were seriously considering feigning a headache, or better yet, an existential crisis, to bail early. Maybe there was a black hole you could throw yourself into.
That’s when Clayton saved you.
Well, saved might’ve been a strong word. He asked, “Do you wanna ditch this whole thing and go back to my place?”
Cue all your alarms going off at once. Yeah, you knew exactly what that meant. First date, cozy house, late-night drinks—he wasn’t subtle. You were supposed to say no, laugh it off, maybe suggest a different venue.
Instead, you heard yourself agree.
You thought you’d stay for a bit, make a polite exit before things got weird. But then, you ended up at his house—a stupidly nice one, complete with a pool, basketball court, and palm trees that looked straight out of a vacation ad. Like, was this guy a finance bro? Or did he have one of those mysterious jobs where he’s always "working on something big?" Either way, it felt excessive.
Then came the wine. Hesitation turned into a sip, which turned into three glasses, and somewhere between one of his stories about traveling to Europe and your sarcastic commentary, you ended up on his lap, his hands–
“Am I the asshole for-”
Immediately, the noise cuts out, and you hear a soft curse coming from… under you? “Shit!” Clayton hisses, taking a deep breath which you feel completely. 
You stir, blinking against the sunlight spilling in through unfamiliar curtains. For a second, you can’t quite place where you are. Your brain is doing that sluggish, half-awake thing where it refuses to connect dots. All you know is that you’re warm, too warm, and there’s something solid beneath you.
Wait, why is your pillow breathing?
Your eyes snap open fully, and sure enough, there’s Clayton—underneath you. You’re sprawled across his chest like some kind of human blanket, legs tangled with his, your face smushed into the crook of his neck. Casual. Totally normal. Just your typical Saturday morning human pretzel situation.
Oh god.
Panic prickles up your spine, and you stay perfectly still, trying to figure out how you got here. You remember the mini-golf—barely—and the way you’d been one sad swing away from asking if he had a time machine to rewind you out of the entire evening. Then there was his house, the wine, his stupidly perfect jawline. And… oh right, that situation.
Your mind goes from zero to a hundred in seconds, racing to catch up with reality. You’re on top of him. Like, full-body contact, face-in-his-neck, can-feel-his-breath-on-your-skin kind of on top of him. Oh god, what the hell happened last night? Did you…? No. No, you remember now. Mostly. You didn’t sleep with him. Right?
You chance a glance at his phone screen out of the corner of your eye, and yup—he’s casually scrolling through TikTok like this is the most normal thing in the world. Like you're not literally draped across him like some kind of half-conscious sloth. The soft, muffled sound of a Reddit story video plays from his phone, but it's drowned out by the thunderous beat of your pulse in your ears. You can feel the rise and fall of his chest beneath you, steady, calm, like you didn’t just wake up using him as a human mattress.
How long have you been like this? How long has he been awake? He’s obviously been up long enough to decide that reaching for his phone was preferable to trying to extricate himself from your limpet-like hold. You mentally groan. So, what now? Do you play it off? Pretend to still be asleep until he leaves? Just roll off him dramatically and flee the house?
You squeeze your eyes shut, willing yourself to vanish into thin air, but no such luck. You're still here, still on top of him, still melting into the soft heat of his skin.
How the hell did this happen?
And then, like a bad movie montage, it all comes flooding back. He’d pulled you onto his lap, his hands steady on your hips as if they’d always been there. The warmth of his touch had sent shivers down your spine, and you weren’t sure if it was the wine or something else entirely making your head spin. You could still feel the smooth drag of his palm as it slipped under your shirt, fingers teasing along the curve of your back. Your heart had been racing so fast you were pretty sure he could hear it.
“You’re—uh—comfortable?” you’d asked, your voice coming out breathier than you’d intended.
Clayton had chuckled, that low, rumbling sound that made your stomach flip in ways you weren’t proud of. “Very.” And then, without another word, his lips were on yours, soft but insistent, like he was waiting for you to tell him no.
But you hadn’t. At least, not at first.
Instead, you'd leaned into him, your hands slipping into his hair, tangling in the soft strands as the kiss deepened. He tasted like wine and something sweeter, something that made your brain go a little fuzzy around the edges. You could feel the heat building between you, the way his fingers dug into your hips just a little harder, pulling you against him until you were practically straddling him.
For a moment, it had felt like this was exactly where you were supposed to be—right here, in his lap, his mouth on yours, and your body pressing into his like it was the only thing keeping you anchored to the earth. But then—then something in your brain had clicked back on, the fog lifting just enough for you to realize what was happening.
Your heart had stuttered. You’re definitely not in the right headspace for this
You’d pulled back, breathing hard, your forehead resting against his. “I—um—maybe we should…” You hadn’t known how to finish the sentence, and your words had tumbled out in a mess of half-started thoughts and awkward pauses. Clayton had stilled, his hands dropping from your waist instantly, his eyes searching yours with something like understanding.
“Yeah, of course,” he’d said, his voice soft, and you could tell he wasn’t mad, wasn’t pushing. He just…stopped.
And that’s where the details get a little blurry. You must have fallen asleep after that, the wine and the tension finally catching up to you.
And now, here you are, waking up on top of him like some kind of oversized cat, his phone buzzing softly beneath your ear as he doom scrolls some more.
You shift, just slightly, testing the waters. His hand, the one not holding his phone, brushes absently against your back in response. A lazy, absent-minded gesture, like he’s forgotten you’re there but also somehow hasn’t.
Is this... normal for him? Just scrolling through TikTok with a girl sprawled across him like he’s some sort of makeshift mattress? Maybe this is his thing. Maybe you’ve entered some weird new level of dating etiquette where waking up on top of your date is a normal, acceptable thing that people do.
You finally muster up the courage to move, rolling onto your side—slowly, carefully, like you’re disarming a bomb. Clayton’s arm, previously draped across your back, falls away, and you find yourself sitting next to him instead of on top of him. Progress.
He glances over, his eyes meeting yours for the first time since you’ve woken up. There’s no awkwardness, no tension, just a soft smile that somehow makes you want to crawl back into the crook of his neck and stay there forever.
“Good morning,” he says, his voice still rough from sleep, and you can feel it in your bones.
Oh god, you think. You are so screwed.
“Hey,” you mumble back, trying to sound casual but knowing full well your voice betrays you. Your throat is dry, and you really, really wish you could just dissolve into the couch.
Clayton lifts his phone. “You fell asleep pretty quick after the wine,” he says, like he’s giving you a status report. “Didn’t want to move.”
Oh no, that's fine, I love waking up like a koala in a tree, clung to a guy I barely know. It’s totally my thing, you think, but what comes out is a garbled, “Thanks. Uh, yeah. Long day.”
You can feel the heat creeping up your neck and spreading to your cheeks. The mini-golf disaster, the wine, the whole making-out-on-his-lap thing—it all feels like some weird fever dream. But here you are, awake, on his couch, and somehow still alive.
“Well,” he says, stretching slightly and glancing at the time on his phone, “if you want coffee or breakfast or anything… no rush.” There’s something about the way he says it, all nonchalant, that makes you think he’s done this before. You wish you could bottle up that confidence and chug it like an espresso shot. But then he continues, “Or… you could come back here?”
You stare at him for a beat, trying to process what just came out of his mouth. Come back here? Like, back to the human pretzel situation you’d just barely escaped from? There’s no way he’s serious. But when you look at him, his face is soft, his eyes sleepy in a way that makes your heart do an embarrassing little flip.
You blink, your brain scrambling for a response. You could say no. You could grab your things and make a polite-but-hasty exit, chalking this whole thing up to “well, that happened.” But then he shifts slightly, his hand still resting casually on the couch, so close to yours that the warmth of his skin is almost tangible. His voice is soft when he speaks again, barely above a murmur.
“Five more minutes?”
Oh. Oh, that’s unfair. He’s not playing fair. You can practically feel your resolve slipping through your fingers like sand. Five minutes? What kind of heartless person says no to that?
You glance down at his hand, at the way his fingers twitch just slightly like he's waiting for you to move. It’s such a simple invitation, but for some reason, it feels like the world’s biggest decision. Your internal monologue is in full gear, screaming at you to think this through, but your body betrays you almost immediately. Before you even realize what you’re doing, you’re leaning back into him, your head finding its way to the curve of his shoulder like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
You can feel his breath catch just a little as you settle against him, and for a second, the room feels heavier, like the air itself is thicker. His arm instinctively comes around you, gentle but steady, pulling you just a fraction closer. His warmth seeps into your skin, and you’re not sure if it’s the leftover wine fuzzing your thoughts or the fact that you’ve somehow wound up here, in this moment, but for once, your brain doesn’t race to catch up. It just… stops.
His heartbeat is slow, steady, beneath your ear, and you feel like you’re floating in this weird bubble of peace, suspended between the moment you just left and the one you’re trying to make sense of now. His hand rests lightly on your back, his thumb absentmindedly tracing a soft pattern that sends tiny sparks up your spine. The room is quiet, save for the occasional hum of the air conditioner and the soft rustle of the sheets as he shifts to get more comfortable.
You can feel the weight of his chin resting against the top of your head, and it’s such a small thing, such a casual, barely-there gesture, but it feels like everything. You close your eyes, letting yourself sink into the warmth of him, the softness of the moment. This isn’t what you expected—hell, none of this is what you expected—but here you are, breathing him in, his chest rising and falling in time with yours.
“You okay?” he asks quietly, his voice rough with the remnants of sleep. You can feel the vibrations of it in your bones, deep and gentle, as if he’s scared of breaking the stillness.
You nod, but it’s not enough, not when your face is pressed into his shirt. “Yeah,” you manage to mumble, your voice muffled by the fabric. “I’m okay.”
More than okay, actually.
He hums softly in response, the sound a low rumble that makes you feel like you could stay like this forever. And maybe that’s what scares you. How easy this is. How comfortable it feels to be wrapped up in him like this, even after the absolute chaos of the night before. You can’t remember the last time you felt this… safe.
There’s a part of you that wants to analyze every little detail—wants to pick apart why you’re so comfortable in his arms, why you’re not sprinting for the door, why your heart is doing this stupid fluttery thing every time he shifts even the slightest bit. But instead, you let yourself just be.
For once, your brain doesn’t go into overdrive. For once, it doesn’t matter what happens next, or what the mini-golf fiasco meant, or whether you’ll see him again after this. All that matters is the quiet, the warmth of his chest under your cheek, and the way his fingers trail lazy circles on your back.
You’ve only known him for, what, a handful of hours? Yet somehow, this moment feels like the calmest you’ve been in a long time.
His phone buzzes again, and you feel him shift slightly beneath you, but he doesn’t check it. Instead, he tightens his hold on you just a bit, his arm pulling you closer until you’re tucked into him so securely that it’s almost hard to tell where you end and he begins. But suddenly, it starts to feel slightly suffocating, and you can’t help but try to ease the tension, even if it’s in a weird way. “I’m guessing you don’t go on dates often?” you try to joke, but it sounds largely breathy.
Clayton stiffens for a moment, like he’s been caught off guard by your question. You can feel it in the way his chest stops its steady rhythm under your cheek. The hand that had been tracing lazy circles on your back pauses mid-motion. For a split second, the comfortable cocoon of warmth and quiet you’d both been wrapped in feels like it’s stretched a little too thin, like the moment might crack under the weight of the question.
Then, he lets out this weird, choked laugh. It’s not exactly a hearty chuckle, more like the sound someone makes when they’ve been caught with their hand in the cookie jar and aren’t sure how to explain themselves. You shift, lifting your head slightly to look at him, and when you do, you’re met with a sight that almost makes you snort. Clayton—mister “I-have-a-stupidly-nice-house-and-know-exactly-what-to-do-with-my-hands-like-it’s-no-big-deal”—is blushing.
His cheeks are a shade of pink that would’ve been adorable under any other circumstance. But seeing him like this? The guy who confidently pulled you onto his lap last night and didn’t even blink? Yeah, it’s throwing you off, and the tiny, embarrassed laugh that bubbles out of you isn’t helping.
“I—uh—what?” He stammers, shifting awkwardly beneath you. His arm, the one that had been holding you so comfortably, suddenly feels unsure of itself, hovering like he’s debating whether to pull you closer or shove a pillow between you to create some much-needed distance.
You blink up at him, trying to hide your amusement. “The date. I mean… you don’t seem like the ‘mini-golf-and-wine’ type.”
His blush deepens, and he clears his throat, his gaze darting away from yours like he’s desperately searching for an escape route. “Yeah, well, uh… I don’t really do this often.”
You peek up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Not often, or not at all?"
He chuckles nervously, and it's not that smooth, rumbly laugh from last night. It's more like an awkward, I’m-really-not-used-to-this kind of sound. “Not at all?” he says, but it comes out like a question. His face flushes just a little, and you can’t help but smile at the fact that, despite owning a house straight out of a Malibu dream, he's clearly not as suave as he seemed.
“Wait, seriously?” You shift slightly, trying to get a better look at him, but this only makes him more flustered. His hand, which had been resting casually on your back, retreats to his side like it’s suddenly self-conscious. “But you have this”—you gesture vaguely at his ridiculous house, the pool you vaguely remember seeing through his sliding glass doors—"and you don’t date?"
Clayton looks like he wants to sink into the couch and disappear. He rubs his face with his free hand, groaning softly. “Yeah, I know it doesn’t make sense.” He hesitates, glancing at you before continuing, “I’m just… busy, I guess. Work and stuff.”
“Oh, work and stuff, how mysterious,” you tease, unable to resist poking fun at the vague excuse. “You make it sound like you’re Batman or something. Got a secret crime-fighting career on the side?”
His laugh this time is real, shaking off some of the tension. “If only. I mean, I could rock a cape…”
You grin, glad to see him relax, even just a little. “So, what’s the deal then? You have this nice house, you’ve clearly got some kind of job that lets you travel to Europe, and yet… no time to date?” You raise an eyebrow. “Are you some kind of super-busy finance bro who’s married to the grind?”
Clayton cringes, but there’s a sheepish smile pulling at his lips. “No, no finance bro stuff. Just… um… sports?”
You stare at him, blinking slowly as the realization hits. "Wait… sports?" Your voice comes out more confused than you intended, and it lingers in the air between the two of you. Clayton shifts, his expression growing a little more sheepish, like he’s just admitted to something far more embarrassing. You raise an eyebrow, silently urging him to continue.
"Yeah," he finally mutters, rubbing the back of his neck like he’s trying to work out the tension. “I mean, it’s not a big deal, but, uh… hockey. NHL, actually.”
You blink again, processing the words as they hang there. Hockey. NHL. Him.
“Wait, like… you’re a professional hockey player?" you ask, almost breathless. Your heart stumbles for a moment, and you try not to make a big deal out of it, but the surprise is clear in your voice. He nods, awkwardly.
"Yeah, but it’s not like I go around telling people that." He glances at you, gauging your reaction. His cheeks turn back to a faint pink, and suddenly, his earlier confidence from last night seems to vanish.
You squint at him, tilting your head. "Wait, so... you just let me ramble about mini-golf without dropping that bomb? Was this like a test or something?"
His eyes widen, and he waves his hands defensively, nearly knocking over the throw pillow. “No, no! It wasn’t a test!” His voice is frantic, trying to backpedal from your accusation. “I swear! I didn’t think it was relevant… I just—” He stops, rubbing his temples like he’s regretting this entire conversation. “It’s been a while, okay? I’m just… I’m just glad to have someone warm here for once that isn’t my dog.”
That soft confession hits you harder than you expected. The vulnerability in his words sinks into the quiet between you, and you find yourself melting into the moment. You smile softly, shifting in his arms to look up at him fully. There’s a warmth blooming in your chest, and it has nothing to do with the cozy blanket wrapped around you.
A professional hockey player? You’d barely noticed his muscles last night, all lean and casual under his t-shirt, too distracted by the chaos of mini-golf and his awkwardly charming attempts at flirting–better than your other Hinge dates. Now, though, the pieces are falling into place—his house, the sleek car, the fact that he was clearly trying so hard to make a good impression despite his obvious nerves. He wasn’t trying to hide his life from you… he was just so genuinely out of practice that he didn’t know how to navigate it.
You pull back slightly, just enough to look at him, your forehead still resting lightly against his shoulder as you tilt your head up. His face is flushed, and he’s staring down at you like he’s expecting you to bolt at any second.
You let out a breath, your fingers absently tracing the hem of his shirt where it’s bunched around your waist. “You really should’ve led with that, you know,” you tease, your voice light as you try to keep things from getting too serious. “Might’ve saved us both a lot of confusion.”
Clayton groans, burying his face in his hands for a second before dropping them back to his sides in defeat. “Yeah, well… I didn’t want to, like, make it weird,” he mutters, his blush creeping back up his neck. “I just—god, I’m really bad at this, huh?”
You can’t help but laugh softly, shaking your head. “Nah, you’re not that bad,” you reply, your voice gentle. “Just… out of practice.”
The silence that follows is easy, the weight of his chin resting on top of your head once more as you both settle into the moment. His arm eventually returns to its place around you, his fingers grazing your back in slow, lazy circles, and you let yourself sink into the warmth of him again. It’s so soft, so quiet. It’s almost too perfect, really, like you’ve stumbled into some kind of dream you didn’t even know you wanted.
He clears his throat after a beat, his voice hesitant. “So… if I’m this bad at dating,” he says slowly, “Does that mean I’m not getting a second one?”
You blink, surprised, and tilt your head up to look at him again. His eyes are soft, full of that quiet vulnerability from before, and you feel your heart stutter in your chest. You weren’t expecting that, weren’t expecting him to be so earnest about wanting to see you again.
You open your mouth to respond, but your brain falters for a second. A second date? After everything last night? After finding out he’s an NHL player, of all things? But then his gaze catches yours, and there’s something in his eyes that makes it hard to say anything but yes.
“Well,” you say slowly, your lips curving into a teasing smile, “I guess that depends.”
“On what?” He tilts his head, genuinely curious.
“On whether or not our next date involves fewer golf clubs and more dogs.”
His face lights up, a real, boyish grin spreading across his features, and he lets out a soft laugh, the tension in his shoulders melting away. “Yeah, I can definitely do that,” he murmurs, his hand sliding up your back to rest just between your shoulder blades. He pulls you closer, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “You’ll have to meet him first, though. He’s got final approval.”
You chuckle softly, the sound muffled against his chest. “Well, let’s hope I make a good impression, then.”
There’s another pause, and you feel his breath catch just a little as he presses his chin against the crown of your head again. “You’ve already made one,” he says quietly, almost like he doesn’t want you to hear it.
Your heart skips, your chest tightening in a way that feels both exhilarating and terrifying. There’s a softness here, a tenderness that you didn’t expect, and it’s seeping into the space between you like warm sunlight through a window. You’re not sure what this is yet, not sure where it’s going or what it means, but for the first time in a long time, it doesn’t feel like you have to know. You’re just… here, in the moment, wrapped up in him and the warmth of his arms, and that’s enough.
Maybe it’s more than enough.
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hearts-hunger · 8 months
january blue || josh kiszka x reader
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist | Cabin Fever Masterlist
Summary: You're sick, and Josh takes good care of you.
Pairings: Josh x Reader | Genre: fluff, h/c, sickfic | Word Count: 2k | Warnings: none!
A/N: Here's another one of those self-serving fics that I hope you like :) Also this is lowkey an ad for Netflix's “The Greatest Night in Pop” because that was a great documentary. Anyhoopla I hope you like it! ♡
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“Sweet baby, when is your birthday again?”
You pulled your blank gaze from the waiting room wall, frowning a little as you looked over at Josh. It took you a second to think of a response; the fluorescents overhead were harsh, and everything seemed unnaturally bright under them. Josh held the pen poised and ready above the intake form, waiting for you to tell him your birthdate.
The uncomfortable vinyl chair creaked when you turned towards him. “You don't know my birthday?” you asked, unsure if you should be surprised by that. You were surprised, but you were also rather disoriented, so maybe it was a normal question for an attentive boyfriend to ask.
He cracked a smile, a welcome bit of tenderness in the cold, stark doctor’s office. 
“I do,” he said. “I was only teasing.” He jotted it down along with your other details, taking care of the task for you as you sat in the waiting room together. It was sweet of him to do it and try to take your mind off things while he did, and it made the appointment seem a little less daunting.
“What are your symptoms?” he asked, writing down the ones he already knew. “Earache, sore throat, congestion?”
You nodded, covering your ear with your hand, careful of pressing too hard. “Dizziness, too. And a headache.”
“My poor baby,” he said sympathetically. He finished up the intake form. “Okay, honey. You’re all set.” He returned the clipboard to the front desk, taking your hand when he came back to sit next to you.
“What do you think?” he asked. His hair was a golden halo of soft curls, and it didn’t surprise you that even the awful atmosphere of the doctor’s office didn’t dim his warmth and cheerfulness. “Do you wanna read one of these magazines that have been here since the eighties? There’s probably some older ones if that sounds too modern.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “I think I’m okay, thanks.”
He smiled. “Well, let me know if you change your mind.”
He pulled out his phone to answer a text from Danny; you rested your head on his shoulder, trying to ignore the persistent ache and the vaguely panicky feeling you always got at the doctor. 
Josh gave you a quick smooch on your forehead. You smiled.
“What was that for?” you asked.
“Danny said to give you a get-well kiss,” he said. “So there you go.”
You cuddled closer to him. “Thanks for coming with me.”
“Of course, baby.” He pocketed his phone. “Thanks for asking me. I would have been sad to find out you went without me.”
You raised your head to look at him, a bemused smile crossing your face. “Why?”
He shrugged. “I know you don’t like the doctor, and I like to be with you for things that make you nervous, if I can. I’m glad you know you can ask me for help.”
Your smile was wobbly, then. “Aw, Joshy. I love you, you know.”
He gave you a sweet smile. “I love you too, baby. Hopefully we’ll be in and out, and then we can spend the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch. Sound good?”
“Sounds wonderful,” you said with a sigh. 
You lost track of time in the waiting room, sucked into the weird vortex of discomfort and the smell of antiseptic, but eventually your name was called. Josh went with you, and though you might have felt a little embarrassed to be a grown woman with a personal escort to the doctor, you just didn’t have the energy to care. Besides, there was nothing wrong with having Josh with you, and you were glad you didn’t have to do it alone.
He waited patiently while you got your vitals checked, making jokes about your pulse being a little high with white coat syndrome. When the nurse left you alone in the room again, he gave you a thumbs up.
“You’re doing great, baby,” he said with a sweet smile. “I bet you’re the best patient they’ve had all day.”
“I do my best,” you said. You fidgeted on the table, the paper crinkling under you. “Can we get coffee after this?”
“Sure, honey. Whatever you want.”
You gave him a teasing smile. “Whatever I want, huh? Could you strip naked right now and do the hula for me?”
He laughed, and the warm sound of it took the edge off the chill of the sterile room.
“Maybe not whatever you want,” he corrected. He stood and came over to the exam table, giving your thigh a comforting pat. “But I think I can handle coffee.”
You winced and tilted your head as you felt a sharp pain go from your ear all the way down your neck. Josh gently covered the spot with his warm hand, and you leaned into his touch.
“There’s this new documentary on Netflix,” you said, trying to distract yourself from the ache. “About the night they got the supergroup together for ‘We Are The World’.”
“I saw the trailer,” he agreed. He slowly ran his fingers over your fevered skin. “You want to watch that when we get home?”
“Sure. We can make a roster of who should be in the next version with you guys.”
He smiled. “Okay, baby. I’d like that.” A sympathetic frown tugged at his features when you grimaced again.
“I'm sorry you don't feel good, honey,” he said. “I know a jacked up ear isn't very fun.”
You breathed a laugh. “I shouldn't complain. Your whole eardrum exploded, so mine’s easy in comparison.”
He chuckled. “Are we in a competition for worst ear injury? That's kinda weird, even for us.”
You leaned your head against his, thankful for the way he comforted you and made you smile without even trying. 
He pulled back when the door handle turned, and gave your hand a squeeze before he took his seat again. The doctor gave you a quick exam, confirming an ear infection secondary to a sinus infection, and prescribed you a round of antibiotics. 
Josh got you squared away at the desk before you left, and you were content to let him do the talking as the pain started to catch up with you. He led you out to the car, getting you settled in the passenger seat before he got in himself.
“Still feel up for coffee?” he asked.
You curled up in a pitiful little ball. “Yes, please. But maybe I’ll get the Medicine Ball instead.”
He kept one hand on your thigh as he drove, and you half dozed with your hands wrapped around the wonderfully warm Starbucks cup. He ran into the store to pick up your prescription and a few other things, and though he’d promised to be quick, he was gone longer than you’d expected.
“Where did you go?” you said, an irritated, petulant tone creeping into your voice. “The Bermuda Triangle?”
“I’m sorry, baby,” he said sincerely, putting the bags in the back of the Jeep. “The pharmacy line was super long. I guess I should have taken you home and come back out for your medicine.”
You softened, feeling a little guilty. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be grumpy with you when you're running around doing everything for me.”
He touched a hand to your cheek. “You don’t have to apologize, baby. I know you don't feel good. I understand if you’re grumpy.”
You held his hand and kept it pressed to your cheek for a moment. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure, baby. Let’s get you home, okay?”
At home, he got your medicine and some painkillers into you before he ran you a bath. He sat on the edge of the tub, brushing your hair back from your face.
“I think you’ll feel better if you have a nap, baby,” he said, keeping his voice quiet. “Do you want to eat something before you lay down?”
You shook your head. “I don’t really have an appetite.”
“I understand. I’d like you to try and eat a little something, though, just so the medicine doesn't make you sick. How about some soup?”
You looked up at him. “Can you do the spinach and rice one Jake makes?”
He nodded slowly. “Uh... yes. I think so.” You laughed when he pulled out his phone to ask his brother for the recipe.
He pressed a kiss to your hair. “Let me go get it cooking,” he said. “You enjoy your bath.”
You gratefully sank into the warm water, letting it soothe your aches until you felt all jellied and tired. Still, you were reaching the edge of your tolerance for the consistent pain; you knew the Tylenol had to be kicking in soon, but until it did, you were steadily getting more outdone with feeling so miserable. You hardly spoke when Josh came to help you out and brought you warm pajamas, and he watched you with worry as he steered you to the couch.
You winced when the pain spiked suddenly. “Oh my god, ow.”
Josh pulled back from you. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
“No. My stupid ear.” You gingerly pressed your hand to it, close to tears with frustration and discomfort. You looked pitifully up at him. “It hurts, Joshy.”
“I know, baby,” he said gently. “I’m sorry. What can I do?”
You shook your head, unable to think of anything, even if there was anything he could do. He just pulled you close and held you in a safe, steady hug, and it was exactly what you needed.
“My sweet baby,” he said softly. “I’m so sorry you’re hurting.”
A few tears spilled over, and you buried your face against his chest.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you said in a small voice.
“Honey,” he soothed. “You’re welcome. You don't have to thank me. I wish I could do more to help.”
You hugged him tighter, resting in his warmth and closeness. “You’re perfect, Josh.”
He rested his head against yours and rocked you gently. “I love you, my sweet girl.”
When the uptick in pain finally subsided, maybe because the medicine had finally kicked in, you let yourself be settled on the couch in a nest of pillows. Josh covered you with every fuzzy blanket he could find until you were practically buried in them.
“Joshy,” you giggled. 
He smiled. “There’s that sweet laugh,” he said tenderly. “I missed it. What’s got you so tickled?”
You tried to lift your arms under the blankets. “I’m gonna be trapped in here.”
He chuckled. “It’s my master plan. Keep you wrapped up in blankets so you can never escape me.”
“I don’t want to escape you.”
“Just making sure.” He held your face in his hands and gave you kiss after kiss after kiss, each one sweet and gentle and joyful. “I love you very much, you know.”
You gave him a bashful smile. “Yeah, I know.”
You had dinner — Josh had replicated Jake’s recipe perfectly, which he insisted was thanks to his twin’s detailed instructions — and watched the documentary about the recording of ‘We Are The World’. The two of you spent a while listing people you wanted in your supergroup to play with Greta Van Fleet.
“I want Noah Kahan and Gregory Alan Isakov,” you said.
Josh nodded sagely. “I see the vision. We should get Labi Siffre too.”
“Can we go back in time and get John Denver?” you asked.
He smiled. “Yes. I’m making that executive decision. Because I want to grab the original lineup of Fairport Convention.”
“So... we’re doing a folk rock version, then?”
He hummed in agreement. “And we make friends with everybody, and it’s the number one single in the world, and it’s your favorite song that we’ve ever done.”
You laughed and cuddled against him when he pulled you close.
He ran his hand up and down your arm. “I'm glad you’re feeling a little better, honey.”
You gave a contented sigh. “Me too.”
It had started to rain when you got home, and there was still a gentle, steady drumbeat on the roof that matched the hazy blue wash against your windows. Josh held you close and told you about what they’d worked on in the studio, and before long, the warmth of his voice and the sound of the rain worked as surely as a lullaby to pull you towards sleep.
Josh brushed his thumb over your cheek. “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he said softly.
You tilted your face up for a kiss, and he obliged you. He was all love and gentleness and warmth, as he always was, and you melted into his touch.
“You love me lots, don’t you?” you asked.
“Yes, baby. Lots and lots.”
“Oh good,” you said, cosy and sleepy and content in the safety of his arms. “I love you lots too.”
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gvf taglist:@malany-gvf@spark-my-nature@eearevee@madneedshelp@demonrat444@josh-iamyour-mama@honeyandsweettae@mydarlingdanny@gretavandann@sacredjake@myleftsock@joshskittytickler21@hellowgoodbye@watchingovergvf2@fearfulspirit@mywaysoon@carbondancingthroughtime@caprisunsister@eraofstardustchords@sacredthefran@shesawomaninadream@serendipiti@demonrat444@wildflowerxx-x@tearsofdanny@iluvjoshkiszka@jordie-gvf-admin@demolitionndann@hi-hi-hello11@wildbluesorbit@nessie-glorpa@laneygvf @jazzyfigz @musicspeaks @amythestars @missharvestmoon @readyforthegarden
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buckychristwrites · 1 year
About You | Day 8 | j.t.
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Summary: Your job? Pop culture journalist for The Independent. Your assignment? To write a profile on the cocky footballer that you're publicly feuding with.
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Discussing tits?? Cussing. Enemies to lovers
A/N: Let me know what you think! :)
Masterlist | About You Masterlist | Main Blog
“Holy shit!”
Keeley’s face was horrified by the picture on your screen. It was your face the morning after the match. The bruising had spread from the bridge of your nose to your forehead and your cheeks. The swelling had been minimal, and you were lucky that you hadn’t gotten a black eye. You had still taken the day after the match off, however, for that reason, and because you desperately needed to get started on the article. 
Though, it had been weird being away. That had been the first day in a week where you didn’t see or hear from Jamie. There were too many instances where you thought about texting or phoning him. But ultimately, you didn’t speak to him at all. Maybe that was why you were able to be so productive. You had gotten a decent chunk written, and had transferred the audio, video and picture files all onto your laptop and organised them. 
But now you were back in action, face caked in makeup to hide the extensive bruises and anti-inflammatories taken to bring the swelling down. When you ran into Keeley in the car park, she had asked if you knew why Jamie had been pulled from the match. Roy, she had said, was so angry about it, despite the win they still claimed, that he just couldn’t tell her. So of course, you had to tell her what had happened. 
“He really pummelled him though?” She asked. You nodded. She looked pleased. “Good for him. That prick sounds like he deserved it.” Retelling the story had brought back the feelings from the day prior, making you shake your head.
“I’ve never been defended like that before.” 
You weren’t looking at her as you stared at the picture of yourself, but you could feel her studying your expression. 
“Jamie’s amazing to have on your side once you have him,” She said in a quiet voice. When you looked at her again, you could see what she was thinking just by the look on her face. It felt like she was seeing right through you, reading your mind. Maybe she was.
“He is,” You finally said with a nod. She nodded back in understanding, biting back a smile. 
You tried to distract yourself from the butterflies in your stomach. The breeze felt nice, blowing just enough to cool you down from the sunny warmth without being considered too windy. It felt a little too bright outside, but maybe that was from the injury you were sporting. Your head had been incredibly sensitive, easily developing a headache at the drop of a hat.
“Quite a relationship the two of you have developed over the last week,” She remarked innocently before taking a sip of her coffee. You broke eye contact as you began to look around. 
“It’s crazy what can be accomplished after yelling at each other in the car about our feelings,” You told her. 
Keeley was never a stupid woman, and you never took her for one. You could dance around the topic as much as you wanted, but you could tell by the way she looked at you in this moment, that she knew everything about the conundrum going on in your head. For a brief second, you considered the idea of talking to her about it. Maybe she’d have some insight for you. She was, after all, the most qualified person you knew to give you advice when it came to player number 9 of AFC Richmond. You took a deep breath.
“Can I tell-”
“Are we workin’ out here today?” 
The both of you jumped a kilometre in the air before whirling around. Jamie approached with a look of amusement on his face.
“Fuckin’ Christ, Jamie,” Keeley scolded with a hand dramatically over her heart. “You nearly gave me a fuckin’ heart attack.” He couldn’t help but grin mischievously while she continued to shake her head. Your heart was racing, and you knew it wasn’t just due to the fear you had felt moments before. 
“Sorry,” He said, without an ounce of apology in his tone. When he glanced at you, he immediately looked away, the smile on his face seeming to fade away. “Erm, would I be able to talk to ya?” He asked, his eyes finding you again. You looked over at Keeley with a look that begged her to stay.
“Well, see you guys later!” She said. If you hadn’t been paying attention, you would’ve missed the wink she gave you before scurrying off and disappearing through the door. 
“Right, erm.” He scratched the back of his neck, looking around as if something in the car park would help him. You watched him carefully. He looked so guilty, and sad. 
“I just, erm…” He tried again, but trailed off. Finally, he inhaled, clapping his hands together. “We missed ya at practice yesterday.” You bit the inside of your cheek.
“I missed it too,” You said. Though you knew that’s not what you missed. “I just… I just needed a day for proper work and rest, I think.” He nodded in understanding. 
“Your face looks much better than I thought it would,” He said, lifting a hand to point to where you got hit. You stared at his fingertips and remembered how they felt when cradling your head in that little room during the match. It was like your cheeks had the feeling burned into them, for they suddenly grew very warm. You felt embarrassed by how much you wish he would do it again.
“I’m wearing makeup,” You admitted before showing him the picture on your phone. His hand instantly went to face, running downward from his eyes to his chin before dropping back down to his side. His knuckles on that side were covered in bruises, and you had to actively tell yourself to look away.
“I should’ve been more worried about keepin’ you safe than lettin’ me anger get the best of me,” He said. “I know you said it wasn’t me who hit ya, but it still wouldn’t’ve happened if I hadn’t acted like a loon. I’m sorry.” He shook his head. “I’m just so sorry.”
You wracked your brain in a desperate attempt to say something, anything, that would make him feel better. But you knew it was all in vain. You knew, in that moment, he was hearing his dad in his head, calling him a fuck up and a monster, or whatever it was he was thinking. But it was all in his expression, as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the pavement. 
“You stood up for me,” You reminded him. “You were trying to protect me and keep me safe.” He nodded.
“I was worried ‘bout you bein’ upset by the way you rushed off after the match.”
It was true. When you had woken up back at Richmond that night, with Jamie’s arm around you and head using yours as a pillow, you were filled with a lovely feeling. The team were piling out at the time, clearly having seen the two of you already and no longer paying it any mind. You had woken him gently, allowing him to pull away from you on his own before you rose from your seat. A quick goodbye was exchanged before you left, trying and apparently failing, to appear nonchalant as you stepped off the coach and headed to your car. 
“Then you didn’t come in the next day,” Jamie continued, shrugging his shoulders. “I just… I just wanted to make sure you and I are alright.”
You wanted to comfort him with more than just words. With a hug, or the squeeze of a hand. It didn’t feel like the right moment, and you weren’t sure how he would handle the gesture, so you decided against it. You were suddenly hyper aware of your hands at your sides, so you shoved them in your pocket. 
“Of course we’re alright,” You said. “No other mate of mine would ever do what you did for me. You may have just gotten promoted to my best friend.” This seemed to placate him, for his face relaxed, now smiling slightly.
“You don’t have any friends who’d break a person’s teeth for ya?” He asked, astonished when you shook your head. “Sounds like ya need to get new mates, yeah?” You turned and started to walk towards the door, him following close behind.
“What makes a person a good friend to you?” You asked him as the fresh air turned into air conditioning. The hallway seemed more sparse than usual, but you wondered if that was because the two of you were now considered tardy.
“They just give a fuck about ya,” He explained, waving to the always excited security guard. “I used to think a good mate was just someone who I knew for a long time and could go to the club with.” He took a long moment to think. “But… now I know that the length of time doesn’t matter, it’s the quality of the person.”
As much as you felt bad about it, you were shocked by his answer.
“That was really thoughtful, Jamie,” You said, staring at him in awe. He straightened his posture. 
“I can be thoughtful, sometimes.” 
Upon entering the changing room, you were surrounded instantly by players, who all began talking at once and looking over you. You looked around between all of them, overwhelmed as you tried to pick out some of what they were saying.
“Is your nose okay?”
“We were worried when you didn’t come in yesterday!”
“Is it broken? It looks the same…”
“Gentlemen!” You announced, raising your hands up. They all stopped, the silence a huge contrast from a moment before. “My nose is fine, and not broken. It’s just very bruised and painful. I just needed to get some work done and rest my head yesterday, but I missed you all too.” 
They all calmed, even looking happy at your words. 
“Where’s the bruising?” Van Damme asked, looking closely at your face. “I don’t see any.” You pulled your face away.
“I’m wearing makeup, goofy.” He straightened, making an O shape with his mouth. 
“Women are so magical with their makeup abilities,” Dani said in a dreamy tone. “Shapeshifters, they are.” Rolling your eyes with the biggest smile on your face, you turned around and returned to Jamie, who had been watching the whole exchange with an amused grin.
“They really like ya,” He informed you. In the middle of pulling your notepad from your pocket, you froze and looked at him.
“They were more than worried when you didn’t come yesterday, they were havin’ a strop about it.” He pulled his shirt off. You tried not to stare. “Kept askin’ me if you were in hospital or somethin’.” You looked around at the team, who were now getting changed and not paying you any mind. It hadn’t occurred to you that you hadn’t just turned things around with Jamie, you had also changed things with them, as well. When you had started coming around, just over a week ago, they were all standoffish towards you, sending glares at every chance and keeping their distance. Now, they seemed to care about you just as much as you cared about them.
The coaches entered, looking around at the team. Their eyes all fell on you at once, and you thought they would be indifferent. But they all seemed to look almost relieved at the sight of you. The moment was gone as quick as it started, as they began to address the team while you took your notes.
Back to business as usual.
It was an average day on the pitch. For the first hour, you watched as normal. But you began to feel yourself getting antsy, as it seemed to be something you had been watching the same thing over and over again. You thought about the things you’d need from the article. Plenty of pictures filled your phone of him playing, but maybe taking pictures of the stadium itself would be nice. There were lots of pictures and posters of him hanging out that had been proudly displayed by ownership. Maybe you could get a comment from someone who wasn’t a player.
Taking one last look at the pitch, you snuck off to the tunnel. You made an effort to not look back once more to see if your leaving was noticed. The prickle you felt on the back of your neck let you know that at least one person was watching you.
There was something so serene about the club when the hallways weren’t swimming with people. The history on the walls were so fascinating, and being able to have the chance to walk around and actually soak it in made you giddy. Meeting people and interviews were all well and good, but this was your favourite part of your job. The research, the learning, the things you got to see that the layperson did not. You looked at every picture of previous teams, looking for familiar faces and feeling excited when you actually found them. 
When you got to the current team’s picture, you felt a surge of pride as you took a photo of it. This team had become so important to you in the last week, and you found yourself wondering if you would feel the same in a week, a month, even a year. Would they say hello if they saw you at an event? Would they reply to your comment amongst a sea of fan replies on Instagram? Would they even care to remember you once you're gone?
As per usual these days, your thoughts floated back to Jamie, the same questions still standing. You knew these feelings went far beyond friendship at this point. Would it even matter, in the end, after you went back to your normal job? You’re just you, and he is Jamie Tartt, footballer legend extraordinaire, the best of his generation. He had pieces done about him all the time by interviewers from around the world. Fans adored him, and would cry, yell and faint on the street over him. He met women and men who were, let’s face it, richer, more beautiful and more interesting than you ever could’ve dreamed of. 
You were just a silly little journalist who caught a silly little crush on the mad famous footballer. The one who, incidentally, you had hated just a few months prior. What a world.
“Are you alright?”
You shrieked, whirling around to find Rebecca Welton standing there looking like an absolute bombshell while also looking positively fearful.
“I’m so sorry,” She said as you slapped a hand over your chest. “I just saw you standing there-”
“No no, it’s alright,” You said, finally catching your breath. The skin on your cheeks felt like it was melting off from how hot they were. “I just got lost in thought, is all. I’m okay. How are you, Rebecca?” She looked surprised, even hesitant, by your question. 
“I’m well, thank you.”
The two of you just stood there for a long moment, looking around awkwardly. You put your phone in your pocket before folding your hands together in front of you. This was the first time you had seen or spoken to her since the first day. While you weren’t going out of your way to avoid her, it did make you feel better to not see her. The first impression you had gotten was that she didn’t really want you around, so you felt you were helping her out by keeping yourself scarce.
“The team seems to have warmed up to you,” She said, a little quickly. “Keeley says that Jamie and you have become… quite close?” You nodded.
“Shocking, I know,” You said with a laugh. “It was a surprise to everyone.” You wished deeply in that moment that she was easier to read. She was smiling, but she was the type of person where she could smile at you while also planning your murder and allocating the resources and money for it at the same time. 
“I do hope that means that the negative articles about my players stop,” She said, still smiling. In this moment, you wished desperately that you were back on the pitch. Or maybe dead in an alley. Anywhere, really, would be better than this.
“Yes, I’ll find someone else to slander,” You said. Your heart dropped, stunned, when she actually laughed at this. The sound of it sucked the air from your lungs.  
She began to walk away, but stopped, raising a finger before turning back to face you. 
“Are you still going to the Gala?”
You looked back at her again. 
“I am,” You told her. “Wouldn’t miss it!” She nodded, looking around the hallway before back at you.
“Have you decided on an outfit yet?” She asked. “It’s black tie.” You shook your head.
“I have some dresses in my closet. I’ll probably go with one of those.” This time, it was her turn to shake her head.
“Oh. No, no,” She said, waving you off. She looked you up and down, seeming to assess you. You could practically see the wheels turning in her mind. “I’ll send you some ideas. You let me know which one you want, and I’ll have it sent to your apartment by morning.” 
Your eyebrows knitted together, your mouth now agape. 
“Rebecca, I can’t let you do that,” You said, the shock filling your voice. “I appre-” She waved you off again, which made you shut your mouth.
“I won’t hear a word otherwise,” She said before giving you a lovely smile. “Just let me know which one you think suits you best. Preferably by the end of the day.” She turned around and began to make her way down the hall, leaving you dumbfounded.
“Thank you!” You called after her. She didn’t speak, but instead she waved behind her. You continued to watch her. 
“Do you already know where I live or something?”
When the team returned to the changing room, you were already on the bench in front of Jamie’s locker with your legs crossed atop the wood. You had returned to take pictures of the locker room, having gotten what you wanted from the rest of the stadium. Now, you sat on your phone, scrolling through the dresses that Rebecca had sent you. 
“Where’d you disappear off to?” Jamie asked, leaning over your shoulder to see what you were looking at. He let out a low whistle. “What are those for?” 
“The Gala,” You said, trying and failing to hold back your excitement. “Rebecca said she’d get me whatever dress I want. For free!” You huffed. “I can’t decide which one though.” Snatching your phone from your hands, he began to scroll through them himself.
“These are for you?” He asked quietly, looking at you before looking at the dresses. You eyed him nervously, about to ask him to give you his honest opinion when-
“What’s for you?” Sam asked, taking the phone from Jamie, who gave him an angry look. Sam studied the phone, about to open his mouth before Isaac took the phone from him, who then had it immediately stolen by Van Damme. 
“This one is lovely,” Van Damme said as he started to show you which one he was referring to, but then Richard snatched it from him. When he looked through the options, he snorted.
“You are crazy!” He said to Van Damme. “The best one is this one!” Colin yanked the phone, although it was quite a fight this time as Richard had quite the grip on it. 
“This one would really bring out her eyes though,” Colin retorted, showing Richard another one. Dani grabbed the phone and looked, giving you a precious smile.
“You would look lovely in all of these,” He said kindly. You blushed while Bumbercatch looked over Dani’s shoulder.
“You have to pick the best one, bruv,” Isaac grunted. “We already know she’d look lovely in all of them!” You peaked over at Jamie, who was a mix of annoyed and amused. Everyone began debating, voices louder and louder as time went on. You watched the entire thing without the smiling on your face faltering at any point. 
The door to the coaches’ office burst open, and Roy and Coach Beard made their way out. Their presence did not calm a soul in the room.
“OI!” Roy shouted. Everyone froze to look at him. He looked around at everyone, being sure that every single person in the room got an individual glare before saying, “What the hell is going on here?”
Within ten minutes, the dresses had been printed out and taped to the whiteboard, your phone having thankfully been returned. Coach Beard was at the board with a pointer in his hand. Everyone was talking over each other.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen, let’s talk this out like adults,” Beard exclaimed as the voices slowly came to a stop. “Now through door number one is this lovely ankle length dress with a straight cut neckline and spaghetti straps.” He paused for a second, presumably for the drama. “Elegant. One might even say… chic. A beautiful red for a black tie evening. Will definitely stand out.” 
“What if she doesn’t want to stand out?” Jamie called out.
“It’s a Charity Gala, Tartt. Every woman wants to stand out!” Isaac shouted. 
Jamie rolled his eyes, mumbling under his breath about how none of these blokes know you at all. You ignored the flutter in your tummy as you continued to watch the mayhem.
“Door numero dos!” Beard exclaimed, a little louder this time. “A pink mini dress with a frilly skirt, heart neckline and no straps.” You shrugged.
“I don’t know if I have the tits for that one?” You admitted. The room erupted, everyone yelling at you. You shrugged defensively, throwing your hands up. “I’m just saying!” They continued to pop off.
“You have beautiful tits!”
“It’s not the tits, it’s the heart of the girl who wears them!”
“Who made you feel so self conscious about your tits? I’ll fucking end them with my bare hands.”
“Oi!” Jamie stood up, raising his hands and looking at the team. “Stop fuckin’ talkin’ about her tits, yeah?” Everyone mumbled in agreement as Jamie slowly sank back into the seat. “Fuckin’ innappropriate that is. Borderline sexual harassment, in my opinion.”
“And last, but certainly not least,” Coach Beard continued. “We have a long, floor length black dress, slit down the skirt, with a straight neckline and no straps.” 
“It’s too similar to the first one!” Sam pointed out, which the rest of them roared in disagreement.
“You just don’t understand fashion, Sam,” Colin said, ignoring Sam’s look of absolute disgust and shock towards the back of his head.
“But it’s better than the first one,” Richard pointed out. “The skirt slit makes it just-” He lifted his fingers to his mouth, kissing them before opening them again. “Chef’s kiss.”
“It has the elegance of the first one without being… aggressive with the redness,” Isaac remarked. 
They continued to debate passionately. You looked at Jamie, who, for the first time since you had ever known him, remained perfectly silent, just listening.
“What do you think?” You asked him, in a quiet voice so only he could hear you. He looked over in surprise, eyebrows to his hairline.
“Me? You want my opinion?” He asked. You shrugged.
“I’m getting everyone else's, may as well chime in,” You said. You decided not to tell him that as much as you loved the chorus of loud opinions coming from the rest of the room, the one you wanted most was his. He stared at you, searching your eyes, before turning and looking at the dresses. A few moments passed before inhaled deeply and spoke again.
“The black one.” It was so confident of an answer. “Number three.” 
“Why that one?” You asked, turning to look at it again. 
“The first one makes you look like you’re going to your ex husband’s weddin’ and you’re tryin’ to make a point. The second one looks like somethin’ you’d wear to the premiere of a children’s movie.” He looked at you again, his eyes going up and down your body, before turning back to the board. “The black one just feels like you. It’s simple, but still se- still nice.” He nodded in confirmation. The two of you met eyes again and he swallowed. “The black one is perfect.”
Not waiting another second, you stood up.
“I’ve made my decision.”
They all looked at you expectantly. You paused for dramatic affect, and the longer you waited, the more impatient they all got. It was a little exhilarating. 
“Number 3,” You declared. “I’m picking the black one.” 
The room erupted once more, a mix of enthusiasm and disappointment. Before it could get too chaotic, Jamie stood.
“It’s her fuckin’ choice, yeah?” He yelled. “Either be happy for her or keep your mouth fuckin’ shut.” Despite the aggression in his words, you could see the twinkle in his eye, and when he met your eye, he winked before smiling at you. 
It wasn’t until you went to sleep that night that the smile on your face faltered, but even in your sleep, there was still a slight whisper of one on your lips.
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maimingaffairs · 1 year
I would like to request angst to fluff for Aleksander where they were past lovers but reader was killed just like what happened to Luda. Eventually on the present time (Alina's timeline ig), during the winter fete, Aleksander saw reader's face as Alina was doing her magic showcase ig and Aleksander followed reader outside (maybe for fresh air) and then thats when reader started getting flash backs maybe a headache (DO UR MAGIC HERE LOVE) and maybe when whe wakes up, he's asleep by her side and she just says "Sasha?" in that sweet tone and ALL FLUFF
hi my anon baby <3 i worked on this for a couple of days. sorry it’s so late!!! i feel as if i’ve seen a couple fics like this and i tried to make it as different as i could while still staying within the margins of your request… i hope it’s okay.
warnings: canon typical violence, character death (kind of?) blood, angst, fluff, all of it. just all of it.
word count: 4.7k
of Wildflowers & Damnation
(aleksander morozova x fem!reader)
Some days were easier than others. Just as on the other side of the coin, some days were harder. Inconveniently, today happened to be one of the harder days for Aleksander. He tried to reason with himself often that after nearly five hundred years of living, that he shouldn’t be so affected by loss anymore. 
That didn’t make it any easier, unfortunately. He’d lost so much in his life, that he didn’t mourn so heavily, and then he’d lost you. 
He’d met you nearly two hundred years after the creation of the fold, and to say he loved you would be to say it was only a bit cold in the arctic, which is to say, it was a gross understatement. He loved you more deeply than he ever knew was possible, and perhaps that’s why it was so terribly hard to accept even all these years later, that you just weren’t alive any longer, while he lived on. 
He had tried to bring you back, he really did. Much to his mother’s dismay, for the second time in his life, he resorted to the use of merzost to heal you. But you never woke. 
Aleksander stood silently near his door. It was nearly time for him to find Alina, to join the festivities at the Winter Fete, to show the country’s most influential just how powerful the Sun Saint really was. He knew it was time to go, but his mind wouldn’t rest.  It wouldn’t stop replaying your last day with him. 
The two of you walked hand in hand through the forest that was just behind your small home. Aleksander wasn’t normally one for such plain and domestic types of endeavors, but the wildflowers were blooming in the valley at this time of year, and he wanted nothing more but to see you smile at them, as you did every year before that. 
“Do you have a favorite flower, Sasha?” You had asked him softly and looked up at him with a big grin. You better than anyone knew that he wasn’t much of a flower person, but the question was still on your mind as you walked together. 
He thought to himself for a moment as he peered down at your excited face and then he shrugged, “Oh, there’s too many to choose from, my lovely. Perhaps a dandelion.”
“Dandelions are weeds, Aleksander.” You pointed out and he shook his head and nudged your side. 
“They still bloom, do they not?”
You didn’t seem to like this answer, because you simply huffed under your breath and gave his hand a little squeeze, “Okay but I meant a real flower. Not a little yellow weed.” You insisted. 
He thought for a moment longer and then he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your hairline, “Alright. Poppies.” He finally conceded and you seemed to like this answer much more than the last, because you hummed and sidled up to him sweetly, your head resting against the side of his arm. 
“Poppies. I would’ve taken you for a rose person.” You mused. 
“And why roses?” He asked, curious to hear your response. 
“Because. They’re terribly beautiful, but you wouldn’t dare just grab one recklessly. They’re covered in thorns. You have to be gentle with them, work around the thorns. Then it’s yours to have. Kinda like you. Just gotta work around your thorns.” You replied and then let out a tiny giggle, “At least, that’s what I did. Seemed to work out just fine for me.” 
Your words made his chest feel as if it was flooding with impossible new amounts of affection for you and he stopped the two of you where you walked and he leaned down to delicately wrap both of his arms around your waist. You eagerly wrapped your tiny arms around his shoulders and he moved down a bit more, closer to your level. 
To Aleksander, you were the sweetest thing in the world. Everything from your kind smile to your fiery attitude made him swell with love for you. To love and be loved in return was such a strange concept for him to grasp. Especially when the returned love was given by such a gentle soul such as yourself. He often found himself unworthy of such a love, unworthy of your kindness, your care, your acceptance. You knew of his past transgressions, yet you loved him anyways, always insisting that mistakes get made. Everyone messes up. To the world, he was The Darkling. The Black Heretic. A wicked man with a soul as dark as his eyes. That version of himself even existed in his own mother’s eyes. But to you, he was simply Aleksander. 
He held you even tighter now and he buried his face in your hair for a long time before he slowly pulled away from you and brought his hands up to delicately cup your face. He held your face so gently as if he was convinced it would shatter between his fingers and he watched your eyes, fascinated by you. 
“What a sweet little thing, you are. What did I ever do in this life to have been blessed with such a love?” He asked softly, leaning down to nudge his nose against yours a few times. 
“If I had to guess, it might have had something to do with your sympathy for weeds. I suppose they need love too.” You teased, and he didn’t even bother rolling his eyes at your teasing before he pressed a tender kiss to your lips. You kissed him back and placed your hands on top of his, letting out another little giggle into his mouth. He pulled back and watched you in amusement, a smile spreading across his own face. 
“What could you possibly be laughing at during a moment like this?” He asked and you scrunched your nose up and patted the backs of his hands a few times. 
“Your beard tickled my lip.” You replied gleefully, your eyes meeting his in a mirthful gaze. 
He slowly pulled away from you and took your hand again, pulling you into his side as the two of you started to walk once more, “Shall I cut it then?” He asked and chuckled. 
You practically skipped alongside him as the two of you walked and you shook your head, “No. I think you look handsome. But you might need a haircut soon. You’ve got bangs nearly.” You pointed out and reached up with your free hand to push a strand of hair away from his eyes, “Don’t worry. I can do it for you.” You added and laid your head against the side of his arm once again. 
He laced his fingers in between yours and gave your hand an affectionate squeeze as he led you down along the dirt path, “How have your lessons with my mother been going?” He asked. 
It was your turn to nearly roll your eyes now and you took a quick glance up at Aleksander, “Well. She doesn’t like me much, and I’m still not very good at controlling my fire so… to be continued. Maybe. I don’t know. Perhaps I just don’t want to learn anymore. I have no use for these powers.” You replied and tapped the side of his hand with your pinky finger. 
You were an Inferni, a poor one at that. Normally Aleksander would protest and tell you to embrace your gift but he didn’t this time, resigning to let you speak your mind. If you didn’t want to pursue your abilities, he wouldn’t force you, “I don’t think she dislikes you.” He replied down at you finally. 
“Oh, I think she does. She’s always got a backhanded comment locked and loaded just for me.” You argued with a little sigh. 
Aleksander knew it wasn’t you that she disliked in specific. It was just the fact that his mother disliked the fact that he was selfish enough to let himself love you. She always insisted that he’d ruin you, just like the girl he loved before you. She insisted that he wasn’t meant for you, always telling him to set you free before he inadvertently broke your wings. Deep down, he knew his mother was right. She usually was. But he couldn’t bring himself to ever make you leave. Not now. He was too far in. 
He shook his head a couple of times and sighed, “She’s not exactly inviting. But that’s not to say she dislikes you. Don’t pay her any mind, my love.” He replied and then brought your intertwined hands up to his lips so that he could place a few light kisses to your knuckles.
He lowered your hands back down between the two of you once again and he glanced up over the hill in the distance. You two were nearly to the small valley and he could tell your excitement was growing, because your steps got more hurried and you occasionally would let out giddy squeals and hums. 
A snap of a stick on the path behind you had Aleksander sweeping you in front of him as he turned around to survey the area. The two of you had stopped walking now and he looked around behind both of you, finding nothing. 
“What was that?” You asked quietly and glanced up at your lover, feeling a bit uneasy. 
“I’m not sure, darling.” He replied cautiously and turned back around to glance down at you. 
Your eyes were already fixed up on his face. You didn’t look scared, but you didn’t look like you felt too secure either, and he didn’t blame you. Something had shifted in the forest around you two, there was a strange feeling. You grabbed onto his arm tightly and you gave it a little tug. 
“Sasha, we don’t have to go any farther. We can head back home now.” You whispered, but he shushed you softly and turned back around slowly to check the path behind the pair of you. 
A small snapping sound came again, but this time it was now in front of the two of you. There was a little shuffle and another snap and he felt you yank his arm again.
He turned around as your grip on his arm loosened and he looked down at your face, which was now drained of color. You wobbled a bit and fell forward onto him, and he swiftly caught you with a shocked exclamation of your name. 
He held you upright and that’s when he saw the arrow that had lodged itself in your back and stuck out through your chest. He wildly looked around and had spotted two men in thick furs darting out from behind a tree. Drüskelle. He had barely a second to move the two of you before they let loose another arrow and he retaliated quickly. 
One of the men let out a yell in their native tongue and Aleksander wasted no time in quickly diving down to the ground with you as another arrow flew. He gently sat you up against one of the small trees on the edge of the path and turned around, and with zero hesitation, finished the two men off easily with The Cut. As they fell to the ground, he looked around for more. When none came, he turned to you and scooped you up into his arms as quickly as he could, not daring to pull the arrow from your chest quite yet. 
“Hey, hey. Y/n. You’re going to be alright.” He insisted. 
But the way your head lolled to the side weakly made him think otherwise. You didn’t respond to him, but you looked up into his eyes, tears beading in the corners of yours. 
“We’re going home. I’m taking you to my mother, we can fix this.” He promised and didn’t wait a single second more before he was dashing off down the path with you hanging all but limply in his arms. He could feel the warmth of your blood seeping through the sleeve of his shirt and he grit his teeth, refusing to let himself panic. You were going to be okay. You had to be. There wasn’t a chance in hell that Aleksander was going to let you go now that he had finally found you after years upon years of being alone. He didn’t notice the tears gathering in his own eyes until they were falling down his cheeks and you let out a distressed sound.
“No, Sasha. Don’t cry. It’ll be okay.” You whispered hoarsely, and the sound of your voice only made it worse.
He ran straight out of the forest and through the field behind your home before he finally ran through the back door. He laid you down on your side atop the round wooden table in the middle of the room and he yelled for his mother, who came shortly after he called. 
“Mother. We need to do something. Drüskelle, in the forest attacked us, and they-“ he started frantically, only to be cut off by the older woman.
“There is nothing you can do, Aleksander.” She said shortly and then shook her head, “We don’t have a healer nearby. We aren’t healers ourselves.”
He looked over at you, and you seemed so much smaller than usual now, curled up on the table with an arrow still protruding from your back, “Mother, there has to be a way. I will not let my lover die.” 
“There is no way. There is no natural way for us to save lives. You know this. Bid her goodbye.” She said sternly. 
His head perked up a bit and he reached out to make sure you were still alive by touching your pulse. 
Weak, but still there. Just barely. 
“But I can. I can do it, I’ve practi-“ 
“You cannot!” She protested and held her hand up to her son, “You will not! You will take whatever time you have left and say goodbye, for it is only the way of life. We see life come and go and we remain. Not even you can change that. I’ll give you space. That is final.” Baghra said sharply and turned on her heel to leave the two of you alone. 
Aleksander was at your side in half a second, and he crouched down to be level with your face. Tears were rolling across your face and your lip trembled fearfully. 
“It doesn’t hurt, Sasha. Don’t worry about me please.” You whispered and he reached out to brush tears from your eyes. 
“I’m going to fix this. Okay? You aren’t going to die today. I swear it.” He promised, but his faith was running thin. He reached out and he grabbed your arm gently and held you in place, “I’m going to remove the arrow, okay? And then we’re going to heal you.”
“You are not a healer, Aleksander. Don’t do this.” You begged softly and he looked down into your eyes again. He pursed his lips and shook his head a few times. 
“I won’t lose you. I won’t walk this earth without you by my side, do you understand?”
“No, Aleksander, no.” You protested, trying your best to sound stern like Baghra had, but your voice faltered and he knew you didn’t have much time left. 
He ignored your protests and grabbed hold of the arrow and quickly pulled it out of your back, and whatever voice you had left was spent on the wail you let out as your blood began to freely spill out over the table. He quickly threw himself over you, only to find you shaking. He looked down at your face to learn that your shaking was from your silent sobs and he frowned deeply. 
He was going to save you. It was going to be alright. 
He closed his eyes and placed his hand over the bleeding hole in your back, wracking his brain for the strength to use the magic so forbidden that had been abused by his ancestor, to heal you. To save you. 
He let out an agonized yell and finally felt the same cold, pricking sensation spread through his veins that had occurred the day he created The Fold. He felt stinging in his fingertips as he pushed out everything he could from his hand into your wound. Into you. 
At long last, the stinging stopped and subsided, and Aleksander realized you’d gone still under his touch. He felt a little splash of relief and he turned you around onto your back, only to find your eyes closed. He felt his face drain of all color and he shakily reached up to feel your pulse against your throat. 
To say the days following were that of pure anguish was to put it lightly. He’d taken you to the valley of millions and millions wildflowers and laid you to rest there. At least he knew you’d be somewhere you loved. 
For weeks after your death, Baghra was full of warnings and disappointment for him, chastising him for using merzost once more. 
“You don’t know what you’ve done, Aleksander. You may have very well not healed your lover, but you don’t know what you’ve done. This will come back to you one day. You will regret it. There will be punishment.” She warned.
Not that he cared. 
“Let me regret it. Let it haunt me for the rest of my days, woman. It’s not the only ghost that hangs above my head, now.”
You didn’t recall much. At all. All you knew is that one day you suddenly did recall, as if it was the beginning of your life. 
Amnesia the doctor called it. You’d likely had a head injury and forgotten things, that’s all. 
Whatever you were before, whatever life you led, it was erased from your mind without a single clue as to what it had been prior. In the last few years that you started recalling, you’d worked as a dress maker in the city of Ketterdam. When one of your clients had graciously invited you to come to Ravka’s Winter Fete with her and her daughter in trade of two elegant gowns for them, you’d accepted her offer immediately. 
So there you stood, in the hallway of the crowded Ravkan palace, eyes traveling the faces of everyone who passed by. The two girls you’d attended with had gone off to greet the royal family, and you’d stayed back, opting to survey the crowd instead. You’d heard word that the Sun Summoner was going to be putting on a display in only a few short moments, and just as the thought crossed your mind, it all began. It started with a whirlwind of activity, and you watched the Grisha throughout the room showcase their abilities skillfully, and the sight invoked a strange feeling deep within your chest. You had the sudden urge to bring your hands together just as they did, feeling as if you could perform alongside them. You fought the urge back and flexed your hands a bit at your sides, shaking off the strange feeling.
Your eyes travelled to the front of the room and they fell upon a girl and a man, standing shoulder to shoulder, both wearing black. You assumed it was the Sun Summoner and who you had heard to be General Kirigan, the fierce Ravkan general who also happened to be Grisha. As the pair began their display of power, you felt your head begin to ache dully, and once the Sun Summoner’s light lit up the entire room, the pain in your head only grew sharper. 
Everyone in the room seemed to be filled with excitement, and as the display was done, the volume seemed to increase tenfold, making you clutch your head between your palms. 
The pair at the front of the room turned around and when you saw The General’s face, you blinked a few times. A thought clawed at the inside of your mind, begging to be let free. But you didn’t know how. You didn’t even know what it was. He seemed to notice you shortly after you noticed him, and you could’ve sworn you saw a look of complete astonishment cross his face as quick as a flash of lightning.  
Suddenly the room seemed to blur out as if in your periphery and you gasped as little flickers of imagery flashed behind your eyes. 
A field of flowers, the darkest eyes you’d ever seen, and fire. You furrowed your brow together and you leaned your hand up against the nearest wall, your chest rapidly rising and falling with short, quick breaths. Disorientation fell upon you and you found yourself stumbling through the crowd of partygoers and out of the room. The bustling hallway was a struggle for you to navigate, but you eventually prevailed and found the door to the courtyard. You all but went falling out the door and you stumbled clumsily until you reached grass and you held your hand to your chest as you stopped running. You felt sick to your stomach and your hands began to feel clammy and you swore that you heard someone calling your name- though you were unsure how you knew the name was yours- because you hadn’t been called by it before. You couldn’t even respond in anyway before your eyes rolled back into your head, and you were collapsing backwards towards the ground. 
Aleksander felt insane when he followed you out of the palace. He’d had days where all he could do was think of you, but never once had he seen your face anywhere but his mind. He called after you, but you didn’t seem to notice, and if you did, you didn’t respond. He walked briskly up to you just in time to watch you collapse, and he lunged forward to catch your falling body in his arms awkwardly. The strange angle at which he held you up at made you look so small and fragile, and he hoisted you up into his arms. It couldn’t be you. There was no possible way it could have been. He didn’t dare look down at your face for a few moments, standing there in the courtyard with his jaw set firmly. 
Finally, he did dare to look down, and when he did, he almost found himself collapsing with you. Sure, you were unconscious and your hair had become a bit tousled, but there was no mistaking the face that he saw. It was yours. His y/n. 
He looked around wildly, trying to come up with an explanation for the mere fact that his very dead lover was here. How you were here. He buried you. He reached up with one hand and he brushed the backs of his fingers across your cheeks. He refused to let himself feel relieved or happy or excited. If this was the punishment his mother had promised him years ago, he wouldn’t give in. But he couldn’t just leave you. Not out here, not like this. He stood with you in his arms for a while longer in contemplation before ultimately deciding he’d take you back to his chambers and wait for you to wake. If you woke. Then he’d proceed to ask who you were, to figure out what was happening. 
He carried you off through the night towards the nearly deserted Little Palace, and once inside, he made a beeline for his bedroom. Once he reached the shelter of his room, he closed the door fast and locked it, looking around to make sure no one was inside. He promptly walked you to his bed and laid you out on it, staring down at you. The urge to lay at your side was consuming his every thought and he ground his teeth together, fighting back a round of tears. 
Yours was the face he saw when he fell asleep. Every night. Some dreams were pleasant. You and him in the flowers, or even in bed together, happily. He’d hear your laugh, your hums, your sweet voice… all of it. Some dreams were not so kind, and these were the ones where he relived your last moments over and over again. 
His endless patience had seemed to run out and his will to remain complacent broke. He’d take the pain of having to lose you again if this wasn’t real, he’d be damned all over again to feel the emptiness of your loss if only just a moment of his time could be spent by your side one last time. 
So he kicked off his boots and removed his black decadent kefta, and he slid down into the bed next to you, his eyes not leaving your face once. He reached out across the minimal space he gave between the two of you and he grazed his fingertips across your cheekbones, up into your hair, down the side of your neck and along your jaw. Everywhere. He traced the outline of your lips and he swiped the pad of his thumb across your chin. Not a single thing had differed from his memory. If you’d told him he’d plucked you out from behind his eyes and laid you out in front of him, he would’ve believed it. 
Oh yes, if he was to be damned with the consequences of trying to save you, then he’d take them. He’d take them graciously if it meant one last night at your side. 
He was unsure of when he fell asleep, but he didn’t ever realize that he had until he felt hands on his face. His eyes shot open and he expected sunlight to light up his room, but instead it was dark, with only a glimmer of silver light filtering through the window. He frantically looked across from him on his bed and he reached up to push the hands away from his face, but once his eyes focused in the moonlit room, he dropped his hands and found himself lost in your eyes instead. 
Your hands stayed against his cheeks and you seemed to be at a loss for words. He knew the feeling well. It was mutual. 
The state of unconsciousness you had fallen into had been one of unrest. Memories upon memories began to flood your head all at once. Still, you were unaware of how you were alive and how you had come to be unearthed, but you assumed it must have had something to do with the merzost that you so vehemently opposed him using. 
He reached out to touch your face so gently, as if he thought you were only a figment of the moonlight and would disappear underneath his touch. When you didn’t, he let out a sigh, one that sounded terrified and relieved all at the same time. You couldn’t find your voice while you stared at him, your mouth wanting to form a thousand words all at once. 
Until it settled on just one.  
To Aleksander, this was the sweetest sound he’d heard in his entire long life, and he couldn’t help the tears that loosed themselves from his eyes. He could only nod in response as he wrapped his arms around your small form and he pulled you against his chest. 
If this was damnation, then he’d embrace it with open arms, and if this was a second chance to save you from the consequences of his past, then he’d do better this time. Whatever the case may be, he wasn’t going to leave this room until he was sure you wouldn’t evaporate into nothing. He laid his hand ever so protectively against the back of your head and he leaned his own head down until his lips touched your hairline. He could’ve whispered a million things to you at that moment, promised you everything, sung you praises and profess his love until he ran out of the breath to do so with, but he’d never been one for that many words all at once. So he leaned down to press his lips against yours, and it said everything he couldn’t all at once. He pulled back slowly and he tipped your head back a bit so that he could gaze down at your face, unchanged by all this time. 
And so he uttered out a promise, one that he intended to keep this time, no matter the cost.
“Yes, my sweet girl. It’s me, and I will never lose you again.” 
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radioisntdead · 5 months
Since we have a hat gremlin- what about other hat wearing Characters?
Sir pent., husker, Lucifer... SUSAN (angel wore a hat one time and so didnt vaggie- do they count?) and Valentino?
My only note is that if Valentino has one it is the equivalent to the most angry lil devil that bites his bald ass head like a rabid flea.
Good evening my dear! I GOT THIS ASK IN THE MORNING AND I KID YOU NOT IT HAS BEEN ON MY BRAIN SINCE. Switching between third person and referring to the reader as you
I'm thinking Sir Pentious's hat creature is like a little lizard, like the gecko lizard that tries to sell you car insurance but instead of car insurance it's just insurance, for what you ask? No idea it's probably a scam don't buy anything from hat lizard, Lil' hat lizard likes to take out with Sir Pentious's hat when he's sleeping, freaks out the eggy Bois, hat gecko totally tries to be a wingman and set him up with Cherri bomb! They are the best winggecko
Huskers hat creature is SMALL, they like the warmth from his fur, you take a lil' nappy nap, snoozy time, when he was a overlord they would help him win casino games, how you ask? I don't know, I don't know how it works but probably by stealing cards or something, his hat creature is probably drunk off their rockers too! Probably chill in cups when not in the hat.
Lucifers hat creature is a duck, 100% a regular duck, a duck that likes to vibe in a hat, that's all I got, the hat quacks. [Lilith gave you to him before leaving.] He likes to show you off to Charlie and the other sins "LOOK AT MY DUCK! THEY REALLY LIKE MY HAT HAhaA"
ANGEL'S CRIME HAT, his lil hat creature is just a lil' guy! He treats em' like a second child [the first is fat nuggets obviously] takes you out of the hat to dress you up, you probably ride fat nuggets like a horse when out of the hat, crime hat creature is totally small enough for that,
I despise Valentino so the bastard is, as per usual dying.
[Warning for mild implied suicide, it's not in depth but It's implied, just a sentence not the reader or the grapist.]
He doesn't have a hat gremlin he has a hat cursed demon leech.
Cursed leech wasn't always cursed, they originally clinged to one of Valentino's victims who ran out during extermination day and you can guess what fate they met.
You, the little hat thing wanted revenge for your fallen friend and so you exited the hat you were originally attached to and infested Valentino's.
Valentino has a constant headache because you bite, sharp teeth piercing his skin, he can't take the hat off because you latch on like a leech, you probably have some diseases that transfer to Valentino so he has to go to the doctors often.
Hat leech will eventually lead to Valentino's permanent death and only then will they be satisfied in taking revenge for their fallen friend, they will exit Valentino's hat and return to the one they left, maybe they'll move on to someone else and be their friend but until then they're on their own.
Vaggie doesn't have a hat gremlin, she has a BOW gremlin, allegedly came from heaven, you are the bow itself. Unraveling to be a bow creature that helps taking people out.
Bonus for Vox because he has a hat right? Or am I delusional we'll find out.
Lil robot creature, totally doubles as a spy, vox's hat is sometimes seen around the hotel stalking Alastor.
SUSAN MY BELOVED OLD GRUMPY LADY, I gotta write for her again soon!
Her hat creature is just like her! Old! her hat will rise up for a moment curse someone out before shrinking back down, similar to Rosie's gremlin, maybe they're related? They probably get into fights, the folks of cannibal town just see Susan's hat and Rosie's hat going at it, dueling probably with weapons I can see them using guns or sticks, sharp sticks,
Susan likes her hat creature, treats em' like a pet and feeds them sinners.
DOODLES TIME, I can't draw anyone's hats for the life of me.
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My handwriting sucks but we don't talk about that
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Helpless part 43, however much we fear the truth we must face it
Hi, I guess I'm doing this now...? Will gave it to me with the second Heartstopper book, I don't really know what I'm doing but I guess I'm meant to write down my thoughts sooooo..... I hate myself, I wish I was dead, I'm a freak, I can't even fucking eat for fucks sake what the fuck is wrong with me, the only good part if my life right now is Will an he's bound to leave soon enough. Fuck I wish I had a fag on me but I already know I won't get away with that in the infirmary, it's not that bad but it makes me feel so fucking useless, maybe if I shadow travelled back to my cabin I could get some, Will would fucking murder me but I might do it.
Here is a list of reasons I hate myself because that seems fucking productive:
1. I'm a fag that deserves to burn in Hell
2. I'm dependent on drugs before I can drive (legally)
3. I can't fucking eat like a normal fucking person
4. I hurt everyone I touch
5. I'm a fucking twig
6. I can't even use my fucking powers now that's how pathetic I've gotten
7. I'm a freak
8. I nearly betrayed everyone
9. I'm a shit brother to Hazel
10. I managed to make my own sister hate me
11. I'm a demigod
12. I can't just be fucking happy for once
13. I over think every fucking thing
14. I need my fucking mouth washed out with soap
15. The Catholic Church
I could say more but I don't think I have time for that, I'm gonna go and think about how I can kill myself while locked up in this place
Fuck is my only thought right now, kill me (PLEASE)
Bianca, mi dispiace, mi dispiace di essere quella di cui hai sempre dovuto prenderti cura, quella che hai praticamente cresciuto solo per riaverla. Vorrei essere morto al posto di te, ogni singolo giorno lo vorrei, vorrei poter essere buono come un fratello maggiore che eri per me per Hazel. Vorrei non essere una fottuta delusione, vorrei che tu non dovessi unirti alla Caccia per allontanarti da me. Spero che ti sia piaciuto essere rinato. Mi dispiace tanto per tutto.
Putain, je n’ai pas écrit en français depuis un certain temps, alors voyons si je me souviens encore comment le faire, si mon orthographe est décente, c’est seulement parce que j’ai passé environ une heure à écrire ces conneries, donc vous devriez toujours être déçu. Qu’est-ce que j’écris ? Aucune putain d’idée, mais j’ai déjà lu Heartstopper trois fois aujourd’hui et je pense que c’est trop gay, même pour moi, de le lire plus que cela en moins de cinq heures. Kayla est venue avec de la nourriture plus tôt, aucune idée de l’endroit où se trouve Will et je n’ai toujours pas mangé de merde parce que c’est à quel point je suis inutile.
I really wish I had a smoke right now, but I know I can't, I feel so fucking stressed for too many fucking reasons and my heads been pounding for hours, Kayla gave me a panadol a few hours ago but that did fucking nothing so yeah struggling to not hit my head repeatedly on a wall out of pain. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about those nights when I was what, twelve? Probably because of the nightmares, I'm fucking useless aren't I? I couldn't even stop it from happening to Hazel, I'm fucking pathetic. Gods I can't wait to get out of this place, I love Will but I don't know how much longer I can take of this place. The bright lights shining into your eyes so much it gives you a headache, the scent of rubbing alcohol filling the room, the plain white walls that feel trapping, everything feels wrong. I know why I'm here, no one trust's me alone, the part they forgot to mention is that I'd be better off dead. I already know Leo, Piper and Jason talked shit about me on the Argo II, I know they all wanted to leave me in that jar, I know that to Percy and Annabeth I'm nothing more than a burden, I fucking hate myself and so do they so why can't they just let me fucking die?
Guys the bold means it’s written, was gonna do underline but that doesn’t work in tumblr xx
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serickswrites · 2 months
Make Me Your Villain XII
Master list here (complete with chapter links, summaries, and character bios)
Warnings: referenced heart break, referenced near death experience, pain
In the weeks since Liam had broken up with her, Nova had barely seen Liam. The first week, Henry assured Nova that Liam was mostly sleeping in his room, no doubt still recovering from almost dying even though Nova had healed him. But by the middle of the second week, Nova began to suspect that Liam was avoiding her. Maybe he needed time to adjust to only being friends again. She knew she did. Nova threw herself into the research. They still needed to find a way to stop Jude since going to head to head didn’t always work out successfully. She hadn’t spent much time in the library solo and so being there day in and day out by herself was kind of nice. She had time to think. And time to learn.
The first thing Nova did when she sat down to research was learn about herself. She wasn’t so certain that Liam was right when he said she could be immortal. Nova was shocked to learn that healing powers, though rare, weren’t unheard of. That there were very likely several thousand people worldwide living with the same power she had.
Liam was right. With enough training and increase in stamina, there wasn’t anything her cells couldn’t heal. They were always in a state of repair and regrowth. “Jude can’t kill me, you idiot,” she said as she poured herself another cup of coffee. Liam had dumped her for nothing.
“You need more training to get there,” Henry said as he sat down across from her. “You’ll get there. And then maybe Liam will get his head out of his ass. But until then, Nova, you have to keep working on yourself.” Henry winced as he leaned back in the chair.
“Back giving you issues, old man?” Nova said as she watched Henry struggle to get comfortable in his seat.
“I am not that old. And no, it’s not my back it’s—“ “Sciatica. I can fix that.” Nova said with a smile.
“Well go on then. Since you’re getting better at sensing what’s wrong, what else needs healing in me?” Henry smirked.
Nova stared at him. Really stared at him. She felt the ghost of a headache behind her eyes. Some stiffness in her hips. And a twinge in her sciatic nerve. She had been delighted to learn that she could sense the pain and ills in others and that it would make her a more effective healer. She wouldn’t have to rely on civilians or Liam telling her where the pain was. She could just feel it.
She began to glow, enveloping Henry in a glowing light. “It’ll be all better in just a moment, Henry. You’ll feel shiny, fresh, and new.”
Henry gave a sigh of relief. “Oh that is the good stuff. Thanks.” He stood up.
“Did you come in here just so I would heal you?” Nova looked up at him with an arched brow.
“Oh absolutely. I live with a healer. No more need to beg Liam to teleport me to the urgent care. Or drive an hour to Oxwell. Not when I have a resident healer!” Henry gave a big grin.
“You could have just asked! I would have healed you! HEY!” Nova called after Henry’s rapidly retreating back. “Asshole,” she muttered as she pulled the next book towards her.
The book was a handwritten journal from Liam’s dad. She wasn’t sure she should be reading it, but it was a research journal, and it was in the library. Maybe it would have the information she needed to look in the other piles of book to find what they needed to know about Jude.
She was wrong.
The journal, as it turns out, was a combination of research and personal writings. And it was all about Liam and shadow wielding. Nova put the book down. “I shouldn’t be reading this. I should definitely put this away and go outside. Go anywhere,” she said out loud to herself, as though hearing the words would help her convince her conscience to do the right thing.
But Nova didn’t leave. She picked up the book again and read. Maybe it would help her be a better partner in the field to Liam if she understood the mechanism of his powers.
He has my eyes, Liam’s father’s bold handwriting said, but he’s got his mother’s hair. He’s absolutely perfect. Never in my life did I think it was possible to love something more than the love of my life, but the moment the doctor put Liam in my arms, I knew I was wrong. I would do anything, absolutely anything, for this perfect baby.
Nova couldn’t help but smile as she read about Liam. About his father’s absolute adoration of Liam and Liam’s mother.
I should have realized he was different early on. I should have noticed the signs. Not that it would have changed anything. But I would have been more prepared. The house seemed darker when his mother was pregnant. I thought it was just the time of year, just my age and my eye sight getting worse. The moment he entered the world, the shadows took shape more than they ever had before. It was almost as though they were living, breathing beings that followed him everywhere.
I had never heard of shadow wielding. Never knew it was possible. Which is funny coming from a lightning wielder. But his mother is a normal. How was I to know that our son would have powers that I never even dreamed about before? I must seek the literature on this. Surely someone has seen this before.
Nova was surprised. Even Liam’s dad, the person with this extensive library on powered individuals, hadn’t heard of shadow wielding. How did Liam have the power? Where did it come from? And what was the extent?
Liam can use his shadows to pull himself between this plane and the next and back again. Nova read in the journal a few days later. Liam was two. There wasn’t much progress in Liam’s dad’s search for the history of shadow wielding, but Liam’s powers were growing at a rapid rate. I lost him for three hours yesterday. Fortunately his mother wasn’t home or who knows how she would have reacted. He was there with me in the garden one minute and I turned my back to grab the ball he had thrown and then he wasn’t.
I looked everywhere. Absolutely everywhere outside. But he was nowhere. I was ready to go inside and call for the police when I heard him laughing in the conservatory. How had he gotten there?
He teleported again when we were putting him to bed. This time I wasn’t alone. But I was able to calm his mother quickly. He hadn’t gone far—just back to the conservatory. He loves music so much, no doubt from the hours of listening to his mother play. Maybe he will be a musician like her one day.
Teleporting was an extension of his shadow wielding. Nova would have never made that connection. But reading it, it made sense. The in between was dark, made up of shadow and air, nothing solid.
“You never told me that teleporting was an extension of shadow wielding,” Nova said as she sat across from Liam at the breakfast table the next morning.
It was the first meal they had shared since he had broken up with her. Nova came into the kitchen that morning, fully expecting him to teleport away when she walked in, but he hadn’t. He merely set a full mug of coffee already made the way she liked it and said, “Good morning.”
“You never asked,” he replied as he sipped his tea. “I take it you found my father’s journal. Well, the early one,” he said cringing. “So embarrassing.”
“But it’s cool to read. Your dad hadn’t even heard of the ability. I wonder how that works,” she mused as she pulled the box of cereal towards her.
“I don’t know. I…I don’t know how far he got in his research.”
“But you have read most of those books.”
“I’ve read his research on healing and on soul-suckers. Not shadow wielding. I don’t need to read about that, it isn’t relevant.” He took another long sip from his mug.
“But what if he found something your powers could grow into that we could use as a weapon against Jude? We would never know since you didn’t bother to read! Come on, Liam, don’t you want to know about yourself?”
Liam shook his head. “I’ll read his research on shadow wielding once Jude’s been stopped. Besides,” he put his mug down, “I have a pretty good handle on my powers as it is.”
Nova opened her mouth to reply, but she was alone in the kitchen again. “Then it’s a good thing I don’t have my head up my ass and don’t mind doing the research for you!” She called knowing that somehow he would still hear her. He always did.
Tags: @dutifullykrispyland@jesssmolfur@parad0xical2@st0rmm@keeper-of-all-the-random-things@pigeonwhumps@gala1981@allylovessweets @whumpitywhumpwhump @
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Sneak peek season 2
So I’m currently still busy writing for season 2 and I have to say it’s hard! I don’t even know if this sneak peek down below will be included or not!
I have so many drafts for different storylines, but in the end, I get stuck and can’t seem to write more.
Like, season 2 was a mess with new characters and we didn’t see much of the old characters except for Eun-yu, but that doesn’t help me because I get stuck with that as well.
I’m just going to wait for season 3 to drop and hope I can have a clear storyline, but until then here is a little sneak peek of what I have.
It’s just a draft so there can be some spelling mistakes and stuff.
I felt my body move from the ground being lifted by someone or something. My body was completely limp against the person's chest. I wanted to say something, but the only sounds that came out of my mouth were little groans or my attempts at making noise.
Every time I wanted to open my eyes blurriness covered them. I only saw dark silhouettes around me giving me a bigger headache than I already had.
At some point, I just gave up and closed my eyes going completely unconscious.
The next time I woke up my head was still pounding. I don't know how long has passed, but everything still hurts.
My vision was still the same as before, so I think that there hasn't past much time. The healing hadn't kicked fully in and my body was still struggling with all the wounds.
It was so bad that it felt like I had a fever. My clothes were sticking to my body while sweat was rolling down my forehead.
When I tried to look around it seemed to me that I was in a room. I had no idea who was here or who had brought me here.
Someone was kneeling beside me busy looking at my stomach where the wound was.
Who is this?
I felt them move my body before thet began to wrap what I thought was a bandage around my stomach and back so that it would stop the bleeding.
"E...Eun-hyuk?" I mutter out thinking it was him seeing that the person was busy looking at my wounds.
Did he find me?
Was it him who helped me?
The person stopped for a second before continuing with what he was doing.
Maybe it wasn't him.
But who would be helping me? I don't think someone random would just help a person they saw dying on the ground let alone be able to fight a monster like that.
When the person was done wrapping the bandage around me he gently let me lay down on the soft surface.
I think it was just some blankets on top of each other, but it was definitely softer than the ground.
I could feel the person stand up, but before they could fully stand up I grabbed their arm.
"S..st...ay, pl..es.." I tried to form words, but they came all out in stutters.
I just didn't want to be alone. I have no idea where I was or who this was, but just the thought of being alone made me scared especially seeing I couldn't defend myself in this state.
The person paused a second before I could feel them grabbing my hand. It felt familiar, but I just couldn't think of who it could be.
It did bring me comfort, so I just closed my eyes again going back into the darkness.
When I woke up again I finally could see better. My body was stiff when I wanted to move and together with the dryness in my mouth I could tell that a full day had passed.
Slowly I sat up and took a look around. I was in a tiny room. It had a toilet in the corner and a small window at the top of the wall just beneath the ceiling.
Where the hell am I?
I threw the blankets from my body seeing that the bandage was still there covered in blood. My wound felt like it was fully healed.
I mean I didn't feel it anymore so I think it's gone. Slowly I stood up and began to make my way to the door.
I want to get out of here or at least find the person who helped me. A frown came to my face when I tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.
"What the..."
Again I tried to open it, but no luck. They really locked me up here. I let out a sigh turning around in the small room. My eyes went to the window.
It was high, but if I jumped I could reach it and pull myself up. I wouldn't be able to crawl through it because it wasn't big, but at least I could see where I was.
Here it goes.
Jumping as high as I could I managed to grab onto the edge of the window. It was surprisingly easy to pull myself up.
Thank you monster strength.
When I looked outside I could only see grass and rocks. The grass was too high for me to see something else.
This isn't helping me any further. I let out a deep breath and jumped back down. Who would lock me up in here?
Why would someone save me and then lock me up? I looked around trying to find something I could use to escape, but there was nothing there.
The makeshift bed of blankets and a bottle of water was sitting next to it, something I hadn't noticed before.
My tongue licked my dry lips knowing I had to drink, but what if it was poison?
Would I die if I drank it?
I don't think I could die from poison. I would be sick, maybe, but dead not really.
Besides I need to drink something sooner or later. Who knows how long it would take for the person to come back? I took the bottle from the ground before taking a seat on the bed.
I have so many questions.
Who or what helped me, why, where am I, do they know I'm a monster or do they think they just saved a human?
I guess I will know when the person comes back. I mean I can try to escape further.
Maybe I could break the door with my strength or mind, but I kinda want to see who helped me.
What if it is really Eun-hyuk?
He has a history of locking people up.
No, seriously maybe he thought that locking me up while I was unconscious would protect me.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
Character voice
Thanks to @elsie-writes here, @elizaellwrites here, @mk-writes-stuff here and here, and @willtheweaver here.
Rules: rewrite a given line in your OCs' voices!
Got long, under the cut :)
"I've got a headache."
Lexi: "Oh, man I got a headache. Well, that's what ibuprofen is for. Time to go out to a crowded bowling alley!"
Maddie: "I've felt worse. I'll be fine." (Is dizzy)
Ash: "I have felt worse before. Maybe I should use those probing devices :)" (bad idea)
Gwen: (if she has nothing to do) "I should probably go lie down. I don't feel good." (If she does) "I feel terrible, but I'll push through. For [person]."
Robbie: "Pfft I'll be fiiiine don't worry about it! I have braved through more before!" (Is later seen lying down)
Akash: "No need to worry about me. I'll take some Tylenol and be okay."
Jedi: "I will be alright. We have medication for a headache." *Injects himself with some over the counter drugs*
Carmen: "Everyone BE QUIET I have a headache!"
Everyone is so healthy here (:
Prompt: Uh oh, you forgot to do something very important!
Lexi: "Oh no! I forgot!?? How??" *flips frantically through her color-coded planner* "I couldn't have forgotten to write it down.... it's not possible...it has to be here somewhere..."
Maddie: "I did? Whoops."
Ash: "Oh. Sorry. Uh, guess I'll try and remember next time."
Gwen: "Oh my gosh I am so sorry I forgot!! I've been under so much stress lately... It won't happen again. What can I do for you to help?"
Robbie: "Oh SHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT--" *scrambles around trying to get it done in five seconds*
Akash: "WHAT?! Shit, there's no way I forgot... Guess I did, huh. What is wrong with me? This is why I write stuff down... Oh, um, sorry I forgot, man. Uhh hey is there any way I can make this up to you? Like now? Cause this may haunt me."
Jedi: "Oh, I am terribly sorry... It must be sleep deprivation... I apologize, I will go do that now."
Carmen: *borderline panic attack, likely kicks or punches something*
"Where are we? How did we get here?"
Perfect for TSP actually
Lexi: "Wait, what just happened? Everything just simultaneously changed. The temperature and humidity levels are different. I must be dreaming." (Anxious)
Maddie: "Woah that was super weird. Where do you think we are? (Excited and curious)
Ash: "What-- that isn't possible...but it clearly is... what happened?" (Is also genuinely curious)
Gwen: "Woah. How did we get here? It's... admittedly cool here. Beautiful even."
Robbie: "Holy shit, where are we?! Did I blackout? Or was I just walking and not paying attention so much I took a wrong turn?"
Akash: "Dude...what happened? Did we take a wrong turn? I don't think we did - I was paying attention."
Jedi: "Well... *looks around and pokes at the map on his tablet* it appears this map was not as straightforward as I assumed. I frankly have no idea how we got here. I suppose we are lost. Well, if we must be here, let us survey the area and collect data." (This is what I call the Star Trek Voyager method)
Carmen: "Who gave me wrong directions?! There is no way I possibly got lost. Who can tell me in precise detail how we got here?!"
"I don't have enough curse words for how much you pissed me off."
This one was harder than I thought because most of these guys don't get cold angry, but I'll try.
Lexi: "I have a pretty large vocabulary. I know all the synonyms for, like, every curse word. But I don't think that I know enough for you!"
Maddie: "Hm. I'm not sure I can think of enough curse words that can describe how I feel toward you. Like, none of them work."
Ash: "I would love to cuss you out, but nothing is accurately describing how mad I just got."
Gwen: "I'm not exactly one for swearing, and I'm really pissed that I can't use any cuss word in English, Spanish, or Italian because you're making me so angry."
Robbie: "Bro, I have the most creative swears I know, and even I can't think of one you deserve."
Akash: "Y'know you're pissing me off so much that I literally cannot think of a good enough swear for you."
Jedi: "I will have you know that I am not one for expletives, and I see that this is because I have never been able to find one that quite describes how I am feeling toward people like you."
Carmen: "I would love for you to see how angry I am, but unfortunately you're such an irritating idiot that I cannot find a single swear in my vocabulary that can accurately depict that fury!"
"You want me to eat that?"
Lexi: "Oh, you want me to eat this? Um, that's...fine, thank you.... Y'know I actually ate a lot earlier, and I don't think you want me to eat anything else...thanks though. Really thoughtful of you."
Maddie: "I don't want to eat that."
Ash: "No offense, but I'm not going to like this."
Gwen: "It was very sweet of you to think of me, but I don't actually like [ingredients]. Yeah...sorry. I feel bad, can I do anything for you?"
Robbie: *long exhale* "Look, man, I know you worked really hard on this. And...yeah it's awesome for you to uh....do this. But...I don't think you want me to eat that."
Akash: "That food looks interesting. Oh, you want me to eat that? Umm. Okay..."
Jedi: "It would...be my pleasure to eat this. However, I am afraid I don't quite like this meal."
Carmen: "Why would you want me to eat that? It's gross."
Alrighty that's finally done. Softly tagging @aziz-reads @atelierwriting @mysticstarlightduck @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @stesierra @rickie-the-storyteller @sam-glade @memoriethereaderandwriter-blog @ahordeofwasps @spitefulbull + anyone else who wants to
Your phrase is, "Who would leave milk on the counter?"
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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jwanniie · 9 months
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Just an idea I got, it’s fluff! I don’t think there are any warning🤔 Riki kinda bad boy🤭
"Aww, that’s so cute,” you said, smiling at the confession letter that was dropped in your locker. It was such an ego boost, but being constantly given one is sometimes tiring who can believe.It’s usually the same handwriting—very curvy and messy, but still adorable. It's very well decorated, and the paper color changes every time. It’s been continuing for the last 3 months every other day, but you still have no clue who it could be, and you don’t even recognize the handwriting.
“Riki I never knew the boy who has a fight every day was secretly a softie who has been sending creepy letters to a random  girl."Jake said teasingly, "Hey, it’s not creepy; I'm... I’m just doing it for fun.”
"Oh, really, in fact, it’s been 3 months since you’ve been sending them. Just admit that you’re in love." Jake continued, "Pfft, that’s total nonsense. You must have lost your mind, bro." Riki opposed the idea, even though he knew he was head over heels for you.
You were going to class when a tall, handsome boy approached you. "Uhm, hi, I’m Riki from the science class. I don’t think you know me, but I wanted to ask you a favor. Could you tutor me? So I asked our science teacher for a tutor, and he recommended you and told me to ask you, so here I am," the boy said while scratching his neck, being obviously nervous. "Oh, hi, Riki, well, I can tutor you, but I have a pretty busy schedule, but if you want, we could exchange numbers and send each other our schedules, you said while ""smiling warmly at him. The way his eyes lit up when you mentioned exchanging numbers couldn’t go unnoticed. He forgot how to speak for a second, but he still replied after a while, "Oh, really?" Of course, here is my number." He tried to play it cool but didn’t succeed. "Thanks; I will text you when I’m home, but I have to go by!" You said it warmly and took the paper where he wrote his number.
When you arrived home, you texted him and sent him your schedule; he sent you his, and you both agreed on some weekdays where you could tutor him.
The tutoring sessions were pretty peaceful. You just helped him with the stuff he struggled with; he didn’t struggle with a lot of stuff, so the sessions were pretty short. Even though his reputation wasn’t the best, he was actually very smart and understood things very quickly. He just didn’t have the motivation to actually do homework and study.
You woke up feeling nauseous and you had a headache but you still went to school you went to your first three lessons but at the fourth you just couldn’t make it anymore your headache got way worse and the nauseous feeling didn’t seem to leave any time soon so you just decided to go home you asked the teacher if you could leave earlier he accepted and told you that you can go since the class wasn’t over when you left from there that meant that the hallway would be empty when you were walking you saw Riki you were about to greet him but stopped since you saw he was doing or actually writing something you hid behind the end of the locker and watched him carefully when you looked closer you saw him writing a letter and dropping it in your locker you smile and went towards him “so it’s been you all this time” He heard the voice, and his life flashed before his eyes, and he froze there and didn’t even say a word. You opened your locker and saw the letter with the familiar handwriting. You giggled and told him, “If you liked me this long, you could have just told me straight, but don’t worry, I like you too." Riki stood there shocked, not processing what had happened in these last two minutes. You yourself didn’t know how you actually caught feelings for him, but it was in those short tutoring lessons that maybe the way he was fixing his hair, maybe the way he looked breath-taking while being focused, or maybe his whole personality was just too hard to not fall for. You gave him a hug, and he returned it even more tightly. “I like you; wait, no, I love you,” he said, his voice warm and sweet. You rubbed his back and responded, “I didn’t know you could be such a softie, Riks. “Only for you, though," he pecked your forehead and hugged you. “Where were you going, by the way?” he asked, remembering that your class wasn’t even over yet and you were in the hallway. "Nah, forget about it; let’s go grab ice cream,” you said, intertwining your hands.
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seokka0o · 1 year
ɪ. ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʀᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ 
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Goo Gunil ♡ Afab!reader
Synopsis: You fell into his trap. easy, fast, so trying to invent your quick escape seemed like the solution, somehow coming out on top, which causes your first mistake. being so strongly attracted to gunil certainly wouldn't work, you have to imagine that all that hate would go somewhere and it landed you in the seat of gunil's car.
Description: Band!au ; enemies to enemies that fuck :)
Warning: smut; manipulation; fingering, making out, protected sex, masturbation ; car sex ; strength kink
Author: I suffered, but there's the first chapter. I think the hardest part was actually starting, I kind of didn't know where to go and that left me stuck on this chapter for a long time, so I believe the next ones come out better, I hope at least. About updating each one, I intend to do a cap per month, so I can focus on writing some other things as well.
Prologue | Moodboard
Not fully proofread
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To read and understand this chapter, read the previous one
"wait!" you called before the door gave its ultimatum and closed. gunil looked at you over his shoulder, practically cutting you in half, his hands closed into a fist and you sighed deeply. maybe you were feeling too ripped off to quote the part where you were giving in to gunil's antics.
"Do you really think they'll believe you?" you snatched. gunil smiled mischievously and stepped inside, closing the door behind him again.
"I'm not sure... maybe" Gunil shrugged and walked back towards you, stopping again in front of you
“come on y/n, you won't need to try too hard…” gunil brushed your hair, dark eyes towards you, and then the beautiful smile broke out again “just one way on your people and I won't do anything… .well, nothing you don't want me to do ”
gunil had a very specific voice melody , it felt like hypnosis, the worst kind of man by far, you should have known from the start this wasn't going to end well, but it took until the last second, his speech silenced you, you maintained intense eye contact before he cut and trimmed his head on the side of your face, sighing the warm air close to your ears and smiling right away.
"Cat got your tongue?" He whispered bringing a warm shiver to your skin, your eyes fixed on the living room wall and your lips tingling from missing his kiss.
You stammered, not out of fear, but anger mingled inside you and became a bone-shaking, intense tangle. Gunil cast a sideways glance and noticed the tears that were gathering in your eyes and with an utterly boastful air he grabbed you by the chin and made you look into your eyes.
"You're an asshole" you said tearfully, still trying to demonstrate something that would be able to keep the gunil away from you, even if at that point you didn't know if you really wanted him away.
"Yeah, I know that" he replied with a pride stamped on his chest, he demonstrated the kind of person that made you attracted and then he took your lips as if minutes ago he hadn't threatened you in some way. "And you like it" he whispered.
You followed the fine line, you tended to fall into crazy talk easily, but you attest to that when you promptly received his lips, with a certain abstinence, but you accepted it willingly.
The sigh escaped your lips when you felt him using the strength he had to sit you down on the teacher's desk, that was the beginning of your headache, when you murmured as he pulled your lower lips and deepened the kiss in a way solid, grabbing you and squeezing your thigh over your pants.
Your hand traveling on the chest guarded by the tight t-shirt and you proclaimed that you would somehow make that place your fun spot, without thinking about the consequences of it, feeling the pressure of his body on yours firmly, eliciting a considerable moan from your lips.
The sassy hand traveling your spaces, the tongue invading your mouth in a wet, sexy kiss, gunil wanted to ensure your doom before the sun went down, or you even had time to think about the shit he were doing.
The pressure of the touch of the lips changing the measure of his good will; gunil took the necessary time, you felt like it wasn't something that grew just because of the alcohol itself, you could clearly say that you've never felt a kiss like that in your life.
When he felt it was time, gunil guided you to lie down on the table and broke the kiss to run his seals down your neck, making his breath warm over your skin to feel it.
"What's the good, kitten " whispered gunil against your skin and then he stood up to watch you, sly smile on his lips and he goes back to keeping his hands on your thighs, opening them for him little by little, pressing himself in the middle moving your bodie in a harmony of his, his awakened member touching your covered intimacy with such precision it made you roll your eyes "will you cooperate?"
Being too honest, you didn't give a shit, the clouded mind took you out of any condition to take in, the sight of him between your legs made you drip, the need for gunil inside you was overwhelming. Then you thought: "fuck it, he's already lying anyway, with some reason and some pleasure in it"
"I-I will" you stammered, feeling stupid, uncontrollably horny, a cornered animal
"Very well" he smiled again, leaned towards you, leaving a seal on the corner of your lips "see you around"
He whispered leaving you confused and then he left, definitively, your stagnant body only returned to reality when the door slammed deep, leaving you together with your thoughts, and your wet panties. It was something unavoidable to feel, you waited for the heat to subside and twisted your leg before getting ready to go outside.
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Coming home was never so torturous in your entire life, nothing seemed to resolve your situation, so you thought a shower would help, wash your soul of all tension and go back to bed and rest. It seemed like it was too much for your body to take in so clearly, you still felt numb, neglected by the sense of the pleasure you'd been denied.
At that moment you were already under the covers, watching a movie trying to distract when you found yourself slipping your hand inside your pajamas. it wasn't all that intentional, you were full of the feel of his hand on your body in such an uncompromising way, and the tension he created didn't seem to match the things that came out of his pert mouth. what was it? you had no idea what you were getting into.
Your head was full of thoughts about him, good or bad you found yourself in continual despair. The moan carefully escaped your lips, you were so wet it was almost deplorable; it was inevitable not to think about the sensation of his covered member touching you, the sensation of the touch of tongues, the message of him descending your body in kisses to your wet intimacy.
There was no need for any visual or auditory stimulus, you had the image of gunil clear in your head, as if he were there to somehow touch you and take away all that despair that wanted to consume your body at any cost.
"Bastard" you whimper, part your lips with your fingers and start exploring. Touching sensitive points before reaching the destination. Your hips moving in tandem with his audacious hand, you moaned once more, remembering the arms adorned and protruding from the gym, clearly remembering the strength he used each time to hold you close, the firmness he used to open your legs for him. Your eyes close and you start circling, moaning in sync, feeling everything tense, you were in a deep rage, the feeling of emptiness grew, your head flooding again, I wish he would have done  the favor of fucking you in that damn room .
You started to circle faster, using your other hand to caress your own body, your back bending in a moment of pure despair and the damn gunil smile being the only thing you could visualize with the arrival of your limit, still an immense void to the end, but still an extreme desire to eliminate the drummer's life.
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you didn't know what the hell you could do to get around that situation, even if inside you knew well that Gunil hadn't opened his mouth, the paranoia consumed you at gigantic levels and it's not because you were forbidden to talk about it or anything like that. you only had a problem with wanting to handle everything yourself, it seemed absurd to want to put the board in a situation where you clearly shouldn't be.
The fraternity still seemed reluctant, you presented articles and more articles about why not to close the club and even so they wanted to keep the final decision, for a deadline that was getting shorter and shorter and definitely! that was far from not being your problem, from what it seems Gaon has a beautiful photo of the day of the night that you and Gunil are kissing like a crazy, where supposedly you should already be in charge of the club, a photo that he made it clear that if by chance everything went wrong he was going to do it all under the pretense of informing all the type of harassers you are trying to take advantage of your position by threatening them and the club's security for favors
a pack and motherfuckers who now had a gun over your head
setting up facades on top of facades and so you're the damn band went on a warpath.
the chaotic practices were the worst, you and gunil got into a few arguments throughout the week, the kind of nerves getting heated while the others watched the circus burn with delight, maybe it was too late to back out? no, you could get a big problem with being accused of abuse of power if by chance all this fell apart, so you shut up, you would have to deal with it yourself, there was no point in so much headache, that would have to be resolved as soon as possible.
“It's been quite a week for you, I've barely seen you during breaks” you sighed in agreement and laid down on the cafeteria table, closing your eyes so you could have some mental rest even if it was just for a few seconds.
“The end of the month is near, besides the exams I have to deal with this damn club” you replied to your friend with some disgust, making her laugh poking your arm, calling your attention to drink the coffee you had ordered earlier
“I thought it was going to be easier, because your making out with gunil seemed to pay off” you felt the twinge coming from the back of your neck, you cursed to the winds and picked up your coffee cup, taking a good drink
"don't remind me of that, i hate to say i regret doing things" you muttered in displeasure making your friend laugh
“there are certain evils that come to the good, he shouldn't be so difficult to deal with if you use the right words y/n” she definitely didn't know what she was talking about, not even remotely, the whole situation made you nauseous and you didn't even have the desire to reveal such an atrocity in your friend's presence, is liable to bring the entire campus down and you are trying to maintain subtlety.
“I don't even know how to answer that, the occasion just drives me to despair, I can't let the fraternity close this club for anything on this earth” You finished your coffee, depositing it on the table
“I can try to help in some way and fit them into the closing event of the semester, but you'll need to convince the them to hold the club it until then… I think it can generate a good profit for the campus” you felt like a kind of nanny. it was as if everything in the lives of those blessed boys was now completely their business and that certainly wasn't in the plans. But that it was an idea to consider you wouldn't deny.
“I can see” you replied still lying on the table, keeping your eyes closed for your rest. "I need to go now"
you muttered under your breath getting up from your chair and pulling your backpack, it was time to go to that damn club and face the weirdos for a few more hours, hoping to keep your composure
“good luck” said your friend with a kind smile and you just waved your hand as you walked out of the cafeteria.
making your morbid way through the halls, pondering your attitudes and sighing heavily at the lack of encouragement, when did staying around become life's biggest current problem? maybe you should have stayed home that fateful night, but decided it would be a good idea to open the doors to a life full of adventure and now you had an unfortunate bastard threatening your reputation for nothing, you should have thought twice about considering that one Such a handsome guy would want something with you, because even if gunil says it was just a coincidence, you don't believe it, under those conditions everything should make you doubt it.
when entering the room you didn't look to the side, so you didn't notice who was there, or if there was even someone, you took your destination to your desk and sat down, lying on the table uninterested, a little frustrated in general terms.
you didn't want to have to deal with anything other than your persistent sleep, real life problems didn't need to be solved in your dreams, so you tried to try to get some sleep.
at least you were what I expected
"How rude of you not to say good morning" the drumsticks hit the drum hard, you felt that you were close to your end, maybe it was even a sign that you would finally be collected from this world to be able to have a good rest. But no, it was just Gunil, the damn drummer.
"Why should I if you don't care either?" You didn't look at him, you kept your head on the table and your eyes tightly closed, you felt like you might feel less scared that way.
" why should I care? You're going to be rude anyway, I just expected some minimal politeness at the very least." He objected.
You rolled your to gunil as if he had any right to demand some closeness from you, or to question your character in any way.
Obviously you pondered a lot what you should say at times like this, but nothing that came out of your lips seemed more effective, it was like fighting a wall.
"I don't want to fight with you today" you avoided looking at gunil quite often, the issues of that day seemed to stick in your throat every time "leave me alone for a while"
His drama time distracted your head, gunil was sitting right beside you  when you  jumped at his touch on your hair.
"What's the matter, honey? Are you still sad about that day?" Questioned Gunil, laughing at the not-so-gentle slap you gave over his hand
"No" you objected
"It's not what it seems, you barely challenge me now" gunil countered "I'm offended"
“Gunil, I'm not your kitten for you to be playing around like that” you said at last, without moving.
gunil was silent for a while and then he smiled without saying anything for a short period of time, you for a moment felt that he would have peace, but he was wrong again in an idea where he only did that out of desperation, not out of pure evil.
"Not really, but it's still interesting to see how you react to everything" gunil shrugged, it was an honorable way of demonstrating that at least he teased you that way because he liked it too.
"You're a fucking sadist" you mumbled and then exhaled through your lips. You held the silence without contesting, shrugged your shoulders and then moved your body to stand up "I'm leaving now, I don't want to deal with you for now"
You shouldered your backpack, looking at the gunil below you, with twinkling eyes in your direction and then you smiled in advance, as if he were a mutual friend of yours.
"I hear they are going to allow a new story in the newspaper, please be kind and give good feedback" said gunil one last time, smiling kindly. You cursed in response and quickly made your way outside. You didn't like the feeling of being alone with Gunill, or having to talk to him, even though the goofs in the rest of the club didn't offer you any security, it was better than being alone.
 Outside the room, your legs felt a little wobbly, you had to lean against the wall cautiously and then get some air before walking back out of there, maybe having another coffee to take care of your own club later.
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The remaining days lasted too long for your liking, you weren't sure if it was because of any situation you had seen, but some rumors already started to grow, soon towards the end of the day you heard that some people were saying that you used the club to have some privileges with some guys, fuck with them necessarily saying.
You ignored it as far as you could, you didn't want to make a fuss about anything, but the chill in your spine ran in a way that already indicated the end result of this joke, you were confident, little by little you were managing to get around the situation, it could be that they would be accepted for play at the end-of-semester festival, but gunil's recurring fear and hatred wanted to make you trip over your own feet and fuck with everything you were entitled to.
You were in the hallway, near the door of your office, your deep circles said how exhausted you looked. Your friend was talking about the seminar for the next few weeks when he walked by, across the hall, he didn't even hesitate to look at you, but you didn't miss a frame, damn you gunil and your good looks; he looked real when he disappeared down the hall, you gurgled and cut the subject at once
"I'm going, see you later" you said without waiting for answers, questions.
The footsteps became restless, you stomped so hard on the ground you thought you might break the second floor, your eyes glanced catching the last gunil step before disappearing down the hall, it ended in the parking lot, the car whistled and as soon as he put his hand to open it you practically ran to meet him.
"Hey" you said firmly. He glanced at you over his shoulder and smiled as he contemplated who he was dealing with. "We can talk?"
"Sure, but do you want to do it here?" He asked with his hand still on the car doorknob. You looked sideways and shrugged "come in"
He dictated, opening the door and then getting in the car, you stood on the outside, and then he looked at you as if waiting: "Fuck it" you thought before looking around and going around the vehicle, opening the door and getting in at once, feeling the car smell invade your nostrils.
"And then?" He asked
"Y-you haven't been saying anything around right?" You asked "we have an agreement and I'm doing what I can to resolve it"
You didn't want to believe you were being made an idiot of, even though it had been a long time. Even if the neutral expression on his face made you want to die for not being able to predict the answer.
"Me? Not necessarily, but you have to consider that there are six of us, the problem is not just me" gunil smiled, leaning back on the car seat.
"Don't come with that shit now, you have full control over them, just your guidance" you ended up losing a bit of your control in this situation, hated this suggestive form of gunil, as he was always very evasive. It made you want to punch him in the face until you didn't have any remnants of that pretty face to make fun of you anyway, it didn't seem to be anywhere near over and you already felt at your wits end, exhaustion taking everything you had. has, both physically and psychologically.
"Calm down kitten, I already told you, the problem is not just me, do you realize how popular jiseok is? It wouldn't take long to deduce that anyway" he completed, looking at the parking lot in a relaxed way.
"Your lack of concern gets on my nerves" you silently cursed
"But only because I know you'll give your all to save our club," he replied.
"I should throw it all on the fire honestly, you are a bunch of bastards" you shook your head, seeing gunil tilt his head to the side and then lean on the bench you were sitting on.
"Would you have that courage? Now that we were creating a good relationship" he said with a certain authority, deep down you felt that he was trying to make something clear between the lines, almost a way of coercing your exorbitant idea to try to get out of the corner.
"Good for who? Sometimes I think you're seriously crazy" it took you to believe that crazy for too long, now you had about thirty thousand obstacles in your way.
"You need to relax a bit, y/n, I feel bad about the last event" gunil started, his palm landed on your leg in a very comfortable way, as if he was used to practice.
"What are you doing?" You asked and he sighed in a way of shutting you up.
"See?! You're so rude...just like I was saying. I think it wasn't fair the way I treated you, even if it wasn't a big deal it still doesn't seem like the most Courteous way to treat someone" he began a caress Subtly on your thigh, he rose and fell as he kept his eyes on yours, a form of hypnosis that already seemed too repetitive.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about" you got around
"You know, look how nervous your body gets…" he whispered, forcing his fingers against your flesh, making a snarl leave your lips without warning "I'm sorry, should I redeem myself? Did you happen to touch yourself thinking about me? Or slept sad about what happened "
Damn his ability to read your mind, you didn't want to feel guilty but your mind took you back to the night you played with your body thinking about the atrocities he could have done to you and didn't.
"Your silence says a lot my dear, please let's play a little, it wouldn't be any fun if you gave up so soon." He completed, using the hand that was on the bench support to hold your chin, lifting your jaw, you took a deep breath, each time it was as if your senses disappeared and then you fell again, in the warm sensation of his lips touching yours, in an explosion of feelings you murmured returning with the need of a million years.
His hand started to move more intensely and then everything started to heat up. He kisses you passionately, between his lips the taste of lip balm and the coffee he drank every day, the touch of tongues unifying and tumbling excessively, making you mumble and sigh in despair. The palm of his hand sliding towards your inner thigh where he left a strong grip, pulling open and your stubborn moan that came out between the kiss making a smile on Gunil's lips. You can feel and there was no greater anger in your being at that moment.
The car was a little further away in the parking lot, facing the wall, which got rid of your fear a little and certainly that would be your problem since gunil suddenly took the audacity to insert his hand in the pants you were wearing, in a hurry that only he felt, because at that moment he already knew that he shouldn't pass from there, having so many wasted opportunities made him go crazy.
His hand slid gently, you freely allowing access by opening your legs a little more, releasing the access that jeans would not give so easily, with that signal he just continued, entering your intimate piece, right after. Gunil's fingers had a unique feeling of longing, even if in this situation you never knew from intercourse, you were psychologically exhausted by abstinence from touching each other, maybe you more than him, but you couldn't deny that it was a situation that started from both.
You moaned at the touch of his index finger against your entrance, you still weren't exactly wet but he explored anyway, tracing his finger between your lips until he reached your clit, which he began to circle with mercy. You lost the rhythm of the kiss when the nerve was touched, everything in you trembled and you began to moan more consistently, Gunil's other hand went down to the back of your neck and there he held it, keeping you close.
When the air was lacking he released the kiss in a snap, his eyes in an intense glow and you could notice the way his arm made a certain strength to move the fingers inside your pants. You moaned low and released one of the buttons on your pants to relieve the pressure, your body leaned over the car seat and then the waves of pleasure began to emerge.
"It's cute how you get into a string of mistakes, y/n" the clear objective would be for you to avoid fucking or having any kind of contact with them, however it seemed that you were unable to keep your game, gunil had an exceptional lip and you couldn't keep up for long. You lose.
"I hate you" you mumbled, biting your lower lip to contain the noise, your right hand entered your blouse and then you started touching your own breast, trying to relieve of tension and touch yourself a little
"Oh dear, show me, don't be selfish" gunil asked lovingly as he stroked your hair. You gave him a friendly look and then pulled your shirt up, revealing the bare breast which was twisting the nipple, gently "you're so hot"
He growled and without prior notice he penetrated one of his fingers, starting to fingering your  very wet intimacy, even though it was a little uncomfortable there was nothing to do, you pushed yout hips and fucked with his fingers for a while, moaning softly avoiding fuss of people passing by the parking lot and the feeling of the body gradually losing strength.
"Please Gunil, I-I'm almost there" you didn't want to have to be pushed to an extreme without getting what you wanted, the clear objective was to get him inside you as soon as possible and the way he moved his fingers so patiently inside you made you squirm to the core, the force with which you bit your lips almost tearing them to hold back your own orgasm when he finally stopped.
"Are you sure about that?" He asked as he withdrew his fingers from inside you, feeling the texture of your liquid tasting him right after. You growled low and nodded in a desperate act.
"Please…" you begged containing the anger inside you and watched him smile smugly. Gunil lowered the car seat a little and hit his thigh 
"as you wish"
He held the pants up by the drawstring, you could notice the bulge marked by the pants, however watching them pop out made butterflies bubble, your mouth watered at the mention and from the urgency you started to remove your bottoms.
Opening the glove box from inside gunil takes out a condom which he uses. In a short time you turn over on his lap, careful to snuggle both bodies and then he fits over your entrance, a moment of pleasurable pain as you slide down feeling all the volume fill you and there you are, you exchange a kiss. measly eye contact, the eyes bright of empty gunil your body trembles and almost instinctively you bring your hand to cup his jaw.
"Don't look at me with that face" you complained, keeping your body still over his "you've done too much, now at least fuck me properly"
A bold statement like that was like music, gunil let out a genuine laugh in response to your understandable anger, not least because he wasn't going to deny his share of guilt and it just happened to be convenient to use this whole situation to get a good fuck with you. 
When you started riding he came to the aid, he held you by the hip and started to lift, the hot car started to muffle the windows which little by little gave you freedom too, moaning in a still restrained way, but in moments rocking on top of his dick and closely watched everything he could, inside that car he didn't have much freedom but the little that was given to him he used to climb his hip towards your , getting as deep as he could.
You in this out of control state, you were losing track, you wanted more and more while your moans rose in pitch. In a flash you felt the gunil's firm hand touch your neck, cutting off your breath and stopping your promiscuous sounds for him.
"Want to make a fuss? If you're going to act like a slut and swing on my dick, do it in silence" gunil growled, panting, sweat taking over his body and the gym days being put to the test for that whole insane process. You rolled your eyes in pure desire, your insides without any containment, you reached your limit for the first time, but still not feeling that it was enough, you continued to move, now making low sounds, with your hands on gunil's shoulders and his now on your ass, pulling and releasing still aiding in the movements.
The sounds of gunil came straight to your ear, low melodious sighs, nothing too fancy but you've been dreaming about it for so long you felt it on the edge of the abyss, the butterflies in your stomach and his cock punching as deep as it could inside from you, far from being friendly, it was a consensus, you were far from liking each other in any other way.
You felt his body tense below yours, the panting getting louder, Gunil punched harder this time, went up strong thrusts putting the bodies in impact, you ended up reaching your second limit first than him and right after the calm came up, you were huddled over him trying to come to your senses.
"I wish I wasn't in your shoes" gunil laughed, and you with no time for jokes got off him
"Shut the fuck up for God's sake" you said while getting dressed, already realizing your mistake but not regretting it one bit
"are you going?" He asks
"What? Want to take me out to dinner?" You ask as you finish getting dressed
"No thanks" he replied "I hope you are aware of what you just did"
"You won't say anything to anyone, you need me, I just wanted to make sure the sex was good" you dictated, watching him get rid of that disgusting condom and get dressed again
"I expected no less from you" said gunil
"Really, now use this favor as an incentive to keep those imbeciles' mouths shut, I'm going to settle this guild thing" you commented
"It won't come out that cheap you know that right?"
"I know I know, but at least for now do it there, like you said yourself, we have a deal" you pull the car handle and get out, making your way out of that parking lot as fast as possible.
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Taglist : @tentenharuno
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maleyhae · 1 year
this is part 2 of my last fan fic.
warning : cussing, reader asking herself if she wants Georg or wants to get back with tom, pls let me know if there's more unedited
a/n: I'm thinking abt doing a October event for halloween so if you have ideas send them sorry if this is ass my head hurts and I was losing my vison a bit :P and also @mikalame
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I woke up barley remembering anything from last night. Besides that, I was crying a lot last night and then as I gained my vision back, I realized I wasn't in my and toms' room but in Georgs. Omg did me and him sleep together. No, we didn't because I remember that I walked in on him fucking Alyssa. I guess I started to cry again because as Georg came in the room with Bill and Gustav and it looked like they had food.
"Hey (nickname) how are you feeling" Bill said. "Good" I said while taking my food from Georg and feeling someone hugged me. I looked over and saw Gustav hugging me. "Billy...can you go get my stuff from his room I don't want to see him or her right now." I said barley in a whisper. "They're not here right now so if you want you can go, and Georg can go with you I can't right now sweetie." He said in a soft voice even though we were friends he called me more loving names than tom ever did, and the fun thing was that me and him weren't even fucking toxic. I got up not caring I was just in my bra and some of Georgs Pj pants at the moment and walked out and went into the room with my key and had georg follow behind me kinda like a lose puppy.
I grabbed my stuff when I heard i high pitch laugh. God, it sounded so fucking forced I looked back and it was the whore and man-whore. I know how some people get when their boyfriend cheat and the call the second person a whore, slut, bitch honestly both of them are whores and the other stuff. Tom looked ashamed while Gustav (who also came along) looked like he wanted to beat his ass.
As i stand at the door I saw her and tom. ___ looked like she wanted to beat his or Alyssa's ass couldn't really tell but i knew her high pitched laugh gave ___ a headache. I saw Gustav which I didn't know he came but he probably only came because Bill told him too. But after Bill and Gustav heard what happened because I'm surprised, she didn't go to them first but then again it was like 2-3 in the morning.
But then again they or we would do anything for our friends in need no matter the time. I got snapped out of my thoughts when I heard tom say he's sorry and he was drunk. I thought it was complet bullshit and
___ looked at him and walked away.
It's been a couple months me and georg have gotten closer but Tom has also been trying to get back into the picture. I've been avoiding him even though I was in the band as the (your choice) so it was hard.
He's been asking for me back but I've been thinking I don't know. Do I want him back? But then again I've been crushing on Georg so do I want Georg or Tom? That's just like asking a toddler chocolate or a toy they'd say yes. Though I'd have time since I'm going back to (your native country) to see my family while I take a break from the band they all understood and Georg had asked to come and I said maybe and well he said it was fine and I'm going alone.
It still urks me Do I want either one of those boys or nobody leave the band and start over on my life with them still being my friend?
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A/N- Hi again :3 sorry if this is bad I really had no ideas and this took forever because every time I started to write on it I lost vision and had a terrible head ache I might be getting sick though but let me know if y'all want this to become a tiny series or not cause I'm down for it it whatever 🤷‍♀️ or do you want part 3 to be toms POV 😱😱😱
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piggyette · 3 months
i treat ask games like surveys this is make me admit stuff by lost-head-adventure or smth idk its deactiviated
Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
not including messages i consider too private to share on tumblr. yes
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You talked to an ex today, correct?
Have you taken someones virginity?
no i dont think so. all of my partners have been more experienced than me
Is trust a big issue for you?
yes ): im working on it
Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
i like lots of people but as far as "crushes", no not recently. i should though
What are you excited for?
my partner system to get home from work. our next grocery run. autumn. my birthday next month
What happened tonight?
i posted about that today but, other than all that, i ate some pizza... honestly i should write or record or something tonight
Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
no? wasted chicks are super funny
Is confidence cute?
confidence is hot yeah
What is the last beverage you had?
a monster. i should get water or something
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
none but i dont really talk to a lot of people. only the women in my family and i cant trust them. its not about being the opposite sex tho
Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
What are you gonna do Saturday night?
its sunday rn but yesterday i cried so hard i gave myself a headache and listened to a new album
What are you going to spend money on next?
probably a new microphone or sushi
Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
yes? of course
Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
my partner system, but specifically mar, rich, robin, and trent
The last time you felt broken?
today at like 7pm
Have you had sex today?
yeah lol <3
Are you starting to realize anything?
being 23 aint shit. i dont know fuckin anything.
Are you in a good mood?
its alright. could be better
Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
yeah theyre chill
Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
no thank gawd. otherwise id be the type of douchebag to go around calling my shit hazel.
What do you want right this second?
a haircut... jack... a punch to the jaw. (not sft text beyond this point to the end of the answer) to be dressed up in vinyl lingerie to match someone elses military gear and ride his dick while gagging on his fingers
What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
nothing. id end up in jail
Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
nah i recently dyed my roots again. its black but im a natural blonde
Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
usually people who arent intentionally witty are unintentionally hilarious so thats hard to picture. but if our humor just isnt compatible i mean. maybe. probably not tho that speaks to a lot of other shit
What was the last thing that made you laugh?
@fuckin-pistol-whipped's replies
Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
yeah. sunset eyes, if this somehow gets back to you, im sorry i didnt give you a better warning. ill be back sooner than you know. it wont be months this time. i want to figure something out but i dont want to keep giving you half promises. soon, i dont know when. i love you. it means something, i swear.
Does everyone deserve a second chance?
yeah id say so
Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
sometimes <3
Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
oh yeah for sure. i think we're in a situationship. maybe we're dating? idk i cant rember. god i need to see him again soon. i should watch some videos or smth
Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
nah but i usually drink diet soda. if im buying it out at like a gas station or smth ill go full sugar cuz its just a one time thing but. i think i drink two diet cokes a day. i dont always finish em
Listening to?
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+ shuffle queue
Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
yeah but i prefer pen tbh. i keep like two hand notebooks a pencil and a pen on me at all times
Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
probably at his house with his cats. or with his band
Do you believe in love at first sight?
i believe in instant chemistry but love is kinda something u collaborate on. its like a living thing. ive recently figured out that two people can be in love and still wanna maim each other a little bit from time to time
Who did you last call?
@fadenkreuze but thats like a given. it was @antichristxsuperstar in front
Who was the last person you danced with?
my cat. it counts, in my book
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
we were having sex and i guess my mouth just looked that good hanging open and drooling
When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
i dont think its been a year but. it was probably springtime i wanna say-- no, late winter. valentines day cupcakes. mini ones.
Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
nah im not a hugger. he knows i like him ok tho
Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
i dont believe in embarassment. but yea sometimes i make a fool of myself. usually it makes em giggle and then its fine <3
Do you tan in the nude?
i do a lot of things in the nude but i dont tan. im goth so
If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
i dont remember it
Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
yes actually it was rich. hey rich
Who was the last person to call you?
Do you sing in the shower?
yes sometimes but i sing all the time
Do you dance in the car?
Ever used a bow and arrow?
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Do you think musicals are cheesy?
no theyre an art form. i think A musical can be cheesy but not all of em. having said that ive never been a huge theater person but ill watch a bootleg every now and then
Is Christmas stressful?
it doesnt have to be but some people make it stressful. its lonely tbh
Ever eat a pierogi?
yep. theyre p good
Favorite type of fruit pie?
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
equestrian, veternarian, rockstar.
Do you believe in ghosts?
"do you believe in barometric pressure" "do you believe in wool fibers" "do you believe in the oxidation of metals"
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
all the time
Take a vitamin daily?
Wear slippers?
yes and i encourage others to do so as well
Wear a bath robe?
nope too warm and humid where i am
What do you wear to bed?
the buff
First concert?
it was a festival for nu metal bands in like 2008 or something. metalfest i think it was? or something close to that name. i dont remember all the acts that played but mudvayne was there i know for sure
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
in my town theres only a walmart but i prefer target
Nike or Adidas?
Cheetos Or Fritos?
fritos are more versatile. remind me of chilis and soups
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Favorite Taylor Swift song?
Ever take dance lessons?
Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
yeah. professional cocksucker
Can you curl your tongue?
some people cant do that?
Ever won a spelling bee?
this is a traumatizing memory for me i refuse to elaborate
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
yes often. usually during sex
What is your favorite book?
i hate these questions cuz then i forget every single book ive ever read. idk ill say the most recent book i read. the long hard road out of hell by marilyn manson
Do you study better with or without music?
with but it has to be instrumental or so loud its mind numbing owwww speaking of my ear fuckin hurts fuck you billy corgan
Regularly burn incense?
not anymore
Ever been in love?
Who would you like to see in concert?
obvious answers are like. mm. nin. slipknot (but like in 2002 or smth).
What was the last concert you saw?
in person? i dont even remember. its been over a decade
Hot tea or cold tea?
cold tea always preferable
Tea or coffee?
coffee. also cold
Favorite type of cookie?
sugar cookie or chocolate chip
Can you swim well?
Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Are you patient?
DJ or band, at a wedding?
either or. both? both
Ever won a contest?
Ever have plastic surgery?
Which are better black or green olives?
Opinions on sex before marriage?
theres another type of sex?
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Best room for a fireplace?
the den
Do you want to get married?
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thefreakymunson · 2 years
Leather and Lace, Chapter 2
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taglist: @fuckmeupeds @xcatnapsx @aysheashea @benztripp @eddiemunson95 @micheledawn1975 @sidthedollface2 @sherrylyn628
CW: None so far, this is a pretty chill chapter lol
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Another Monday morning, another Chemistry class, another stupid headache.  Eddie was actually early to school, having to swing by and give Dustin a lift.  The only other person in the class was the quiet girl that sat behind him – Luna.  He leaned further back in his chair, rocking it on the two hind legs as he laid his head back on her desk and looked up at her skeptically upside down.
“Why are you here so early?” He questioned softly.
“I’m always here this early,” Luna said, pushing his hair to the side as she finished writing what she was scribbling down.
“Yeah, but why?” Eddie wrinkled his nose. 
“Why not? You get the good parking spaces when you get here earlier.” She nodded, making the mistake of looking into his big brown eyes.
“Holy shit,” Eddie said, sitting up and turning around to face her, “Are your eyes real?”
“I mean, like…they’re gorgeous.” Eddie shook his head in disbelief, “You’ve got killer eyes.”
“Thanks,” she said with a small smile, “Grew ‘em myself.”
He laughed at that, and then turned around to face the front of the desk.  He was quiet for a few minutes, watching as the other students walked in the room.  When he went to turn around, she held the pencil up and waited for him to take it.
“Thank you,” he gave her a small smile, “I owe you my life, yada yada.”
“Help me defeat the final, yada yada.” She said mockingly.
“I know I keep asking this,” he said,  leaning forward to rest his chin on his fist that was in the center of her desk, “But I think you’d like DnD if you’d just try it.”
“You always play when I’m working,” she shrugged as the teacher started talking.
“I think you can make time if you truly wanted to,” Eddie shrugged slightly, “Maybe we can hangout after you get off one night and I can teach you the ropes.”
“Munson! Eyes forward!” O’Donnel yelled at the two of you, causing Eddie to roll his eyes.
He placed two pointed fingers to his temple and sighed, “Today’s the day I’m finally going to do it.”
“Turn around,” Luna laughed.  And Eddie realized it was the first time he had actually seen her laugh, or hell even really smile at him.  It was a pretty sight.  Her cheeks puffed out, creating tiny lines at the edge of her eyes, her lips dipped to the left in an awkward smile.
“Mr. Munson-“
“All right, all right.” Eddie grumbled, forcing himself to turn around in his seat, “Happy?”
“Thank you.”
When Iz stepped out of the dressing room that night, she half-way expected to see Eddie at the bar.  Except he wasn’t anywhere in sight.  A bit disappointed, she made her way to the stage and performed the opening act, entertaining the guys as much as she could.  She wasn’t feeling it tonight, but the bills had to be paid, and the guys were tipping heavily. 
She was hanging upside down on the pole when her eyes caught the familiar head of hair.  She hadn’t seen him in months now, but she knew him from anywhere.  King Steve Harrington.  She saw him make his way to the bar, and then over to the stage, giving her a small wave to let her know he wanted to talk.  She watched out the corner of her eye as he sat a second glass down in front of him, a drink for her.  Always the gentleman.
Her playlist ended and she walked over, sitting down in the booth in front of him, offering a small smile as he leaned forward.
“It’s been awhile, King Steve.” Iz smiled over at him.
“Yeah, it has, hm?” Steve smirked, “I was wondering if you were still here.”
“Unfortunately,” she smiled despite the sadness in her voice, “How have you been?”
“Okay,” He shrugged, “Ya know, working and all that bullshit.  What about you?”
“Shouldn’t complain, I guess.” Iz shrugged, “You’re not here for a dance?”
“No,” Steve gave her a small smile, “I’m throwing a party in a few days and I was wondering if you’d want to make a few extra bucks? I’ll pay you and anything you make will be your own…looking for a couple of girls, actually.”
“Mmm, stripping in the Harrington mansion,” She grinned as she leaned forward, swirling her drink with her fingertip, “Sounds like a fun time.  When is it?”
“This Friday night,” Steve nodded, “If you can’t swing it, that’s okay.  I know you’ll probably make more money here, but I just want to help.  I know the shit you’re facing and I think you’ll have fun there.”
“I’ll be there,” Iz smiled at him, “Thanks for the invite, Steve.  Really.”
“Yeah, of course.” He gave her a small smile, “You been taking care of yourself?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, “I have been.  School’s been rough, but ya know…I’m surviving.”
“Good,” Steve said, finishing his drink and then standing up, “I’ll see you Friday then?”
“Yeah.  Friday.” Iz smiled, watching as he tossed a tip on the bar, gave her one last look, and then walked out the door. 
If only things had been different, if only she felt safe enough to expose her true identity, she knew she would’ve had Steve wrapped around her fingers.
The next night,  Eddie’s head was swimming.  He couldn’t believe she had called him.  He was attempting the chemistry homework when his uncle yelled out the phone call was for him.  It had been three days since Eddie gave Luna his number to give to Elizabeth.  He leaned against the wall, shooing Wayne away when he felt the man was too close to him. Wayne held his hands up defensively and backed away, a knowing smirk playing on his face. 
Eddie had a call from a girl.
“Hello?” Eddie asked, trying to remain cool.
“Hiya,” Elizabeth’s voice rang in through the phone and he realized he was holding his breath.
“Yeah, silly.” Elizabeth laughed, “Who else would it be?”
“Mmm, I don’t know.” Eddie smirked, “Guess I was giving up hope that you would actually call.”
“Things have been a little crazy work wise, I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” Elizabeth laughed, “Late nights at the gas station is crazy, even in small town Hawkins.”
“Gas station?” Eddie cleared his throat, “Y-you work at a gas station?”
“Yeah.  The shell station down by the train tracks.” She nodded, “You should come see me sometime.  Make the night shift go by faster.”
“When are you working again?”
“Tonight.  I don’t work there every night, but it’s good money.” she said, twirling the phone cord around her phone as she moved to lay on her back in the center of her bed, “You know, I’m sort of surprised you had Luna give me your number.”
“Why’s that?”
“You never really talk to me in school,” She shrugged, “I get it, though...talking to a girl might ruin your bad boy image, hm?”
“Bad boy?” He laughed and leaned back against the wall, “That’s a new one.  Nicer than the alternative.”
“What’s the alternative?”
“Oh, you know what they call me in that fuckin’ school,” Eddie snorted.
“I think you forget I’m the new girl, Edward.” She said, a small laugh accompanying the sarcasm.
“They call me the freak,” he snorted, “I’ll take your nickname over that one.”
“I don’t think you’re a freak, Eddie.” Elizabeth said softly, “I think you’re pretty cool, actually.”
“Yeah?” He chewed on the inside of his cheek, the unfamiliar hot feeling rising to his cheeks, “I think you’re cool, too.”
“I’m getting ready to head to work,” Eddie could hear her smile through the phone, “You should come get some gas.”
“Yeah, I think I should, too.” Eddie grinned, “Apparently there’s some cool gas clerk there, too.  Guess I’ll come check her out as well.”
Elizabeth laughed at that and looked up at her ceiling, “I’ll see you in a bit.”
When Eddie pulled up to the Shell station, he was sure he was going to find that same pinto looking car sitting in the parking lot, but he didn’t.  There was a nice Mustang with a license plate that read “XOE-1986.”  Custom.  He felt a bit disappointed, but that was soon displaced when he saw the blonde headed girl waving him inside.
He took a deep breath and checked his reflection as nonchalantly as possible, and was rounding the corner, finally ready to spend some alone time with the girl that had alluded him for the past two weeks, when all of a sudden he seen a shorter head of long dark brown hair standing opposite of her.  So much for being alone with her, right?
“There he is!” Elizabeth’s voice rang from behind the counter, filling the station’s otherwise quiet space.
“Great,” Luna sighed, “I can finally leave.”
“Hey, Lun.” Eddie gave her a small smile.
“Ew, don’t call me that.” Luna wrinkled her nose up at him.
“Yeah, that sounded awful.” Eddie hung his head in slight embarrassment, watching out the corner of his eye as she slid down off the counter and hoisted her bookbag up over her shoulder.
“But hello.  And also goodbye.” Luna playfully saluted him, “I’ve got to get to work.”
“Jesus, you both work late shifts?” Eddie glanced between the two of them, watching as they shared a knowing look with a small nod.  If only he knew…
“Gotta make money somehow, Eds.” Luna said, patting his arm as she walked past him. 
The smooth transition of Luna leaving, Eddie leaned forward on the counter, and Elizabeth jumping up on the counter  to sit in front of him filled the air with that unmistakable perfume again. 
“God, you smell good.” Eddie snorted, “Always do.”
“You go around sniffing me a lot, Eddie?” She laughed, crossing her legs on the counter as she looked down at him.
“Perfume smells that good, I can’t help myself.” Eddie laughed softly.
“Yeah, Luna’s mom is like this hippie woman that makes her own scents and sells it.” Elizabeth shrugged, “We get free bottles all the time for helping pay her treatments.”
“Treatments?” Eddie shrugged, “That’s cool, I guess….whatever she does, I’ll make sure to keep you stocked in it.”
Elizabeth laughed softly and looked down at him, brushing the strands of hair back away from his face, “You’re cute, Eddie.”
“I think you’re pretty cute, too.” Eddie smirked, watching as she leaned down and pressed her lips to his.
A million thoughts flooded his mind.  He wanted to ask how long she had been stripping, if she was going to continue to work there – not that he had a issue with it.  He really liked her, though, and he really really liked kissing her.  He decided that the moment his lips touched hers. 
The sound of the door opening jolted them away from each other and Elizabeth turned to see Luna standing there, slightly shocked at what she had walked in on, but still had a quizzical look on her face. 
Luna felt the pang of jealousy hit harder.  She felt like such a idiot in their presence, wanting to escape as fast as she could, but needing to find what she had lost.  She couldn’t work without it.  She bowed her head and walked past the two of them, biting her tongue – Elizabeth wouldn’t have even knew who Eddie was if it wasn’t for her.  She felt the anger rise a little higher, knowing that it was just a show-off move.  Everything Elizabeth done was to show-off. 
“Sorry to bother you two,” Luna cleared her throat, “But I need my mask and I think it’s behind the counter.”
Elizabeth and Luna shared a look.  Elizabeth silently asking her to stop – be quiet, and please not ruin this.  Neither of them wanted to be outed.  Neither of them wanted to fess up to what they done for their money.  No one else needed to know in this tiny town.  They’d be the skanks of Hawkin’s High.
And Luna, letting her jealousy win for a moment, but knowing deep down, Elizabeth was right.
“There’s a spare one in the backseat.” Elizabeth cleared her throat, “Use that one for tonight.”
“I don’t want to use that one,” Luna shrugged slightly, “They know me by mine.”
Eddie glanced between the two of them, sensing the tension.  He wanted to ask if he needed to leave, or if he needed to help look for whatever it was she was looking for.  But mostly, he just wanted to offer so Luna would leave a bit faster. 
“Do you-“ Eddie started but was quickly shut up by Elizabeth’s fingers covering his mouth.
“No, she’s fine.  She’s using my car tonight since hers bit the dust and is in the shop, she can use the one in the backseat.” Elizabeth gave him a small smile, “Me and you can go to the back for a few minutes, yeah? I’m not tall enough to reach the top shelf and there’s no other help here tonight.”
Luna watched as Eddie nodded and Elizabeth slid off the counter, tangling her fingers in his as she lead the tall boy into the back storage room. 
Luna fumed the entire way to work after she grabbed her bunny mask from behind the counter.  She regretted giving Elizabeth his number.  She wouldn’t make him happy – she wouldn’t even remember his name within a week.  She’d suck the life out of him, use him for drugs, and then forget all about him within a months time. 
“Poor Eddie,” Luna sighed as she slid the pink bedazzled bunny mask down over her face before she stepped out of the car, “Doesn’t even know he’s got the wrong girl.”
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