fia0rose · 3 years
Should I start a writing challenge for myself? For example:
Write 500 words a day (I'd post it here)
Write a chapter a week (^^)
One day write 500 words and the next day develope a character (repeat)
Which one should I do? I just need a little more of that little thing called motivation
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atthequillsmercy · 3 years
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"So, how is #nanowrimo going?" #sendhelp #writingchallange #writinggoal #writingchallange #whathaveidone https://www.instagram.com/p/CV9QU09rMYx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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princecai · 5 years
Winter Challange Part 1-5
So I've gotten a "Winter Writing Prompts" challange, one word for every day of December. I'm sadly a bit behind, but I'll try my best. I've decided to write around 200 words for every prompt, and everyone from Saiph's POV to get to know him as he is ment to be one of the characters in "Tales of Stars Gathering". Here's the first five. Enjoy!
Saiph opened the door to his little hut and looked out on the snow falling there. He wasn't fond of snow, as it had more cons than pros. The only good thing about it was that one could bring it in in a jug and turn it into water by warming it up. The downside was that one could no longer find things, and let's not even talk about how hard it was to get somewhere without leaving tracks. Could he not been a hedgehog or bear? Think how nice it would have been to hibernate and wake up to spring. He pulled his brown cloak tighter around the body and stepped out with his staff in hand. In the other hand had he a basket. Saiph turned his gaze up to the grey sky and the odd eyes narrowed. It wasn't supposed to snow today. He muttered, annoyed, because yesterday hadn't shown any signs of snow. Now it would take a while to find all the mushrooms and fungi he needed for his stew. The snow wasn’t deep yet, so luckily it wasn’t too hard to find what he needed. Some yellow chanterelle and dotted stem bolete, but also some which weren’t for eating.
Hot Chocolate
It was only once in a while Saiph went to the market in the Elven capital, Irmasari, and this time he had met a merchant from a land far away. This merchant sold spices and meat, and the most curious scent came from his booth. As Saiph got closer, he realized that the scent came from a steaming hot liquid in a cauldron over a fire. It didn’t smell like anything he had smelled before, and looked strange with its brown colour. ”Would you like some hot chocolate?” the merchant asked, as he saw how curious Saiph was. ”Yes. What is it?” Saiph couldn’t take his eyes of the brown liquid. ”Warm milk, a little sugar and most important, cacao powder.” The merchant poured some of the hot chocolate in a cup, and gave it to Saiph. ”Careful, it’s hot.” ”Cacao powder?” ”Yes, it’s made from the seeds of the Cacao plant growing on Serine.” Saiph nodded and smelled the hot chocolate, and waited for it to cool off as he wanted to try it without burning his tongue. He had learned the hard way to wait for things to get cold, but figured this should still be lukewarm when one drank it.
Elven children were rare. As rare as they were, the Elven folk most of the time hid them away from other people. Saiph however, would never harm the children, as nothing was more innocent than the young Elven offspring. But he couldn’t help but stop and look at them when he saw any. This time it was in a small village were some children were playing outside in the snow. He stood there calmly, looking at them, his cloak on and staff in hand. Saiph had seen these children before, years ago, in summertime and they had grown. Not much, as Elven children took years to grow but some. They made snowballs, bigger and bigger, and put them on top of each other. A snowman. As they played Saiph could also see an Elven woman watching them, and she nodded with a smile when their eyes met.  He knew he was accepted as long as he held his distance. When he was back at his hut, deep in the forest, he built his own snowman. It was taller than the one the children had made. It got some berries for eyes, a small stick as nose. He even gave it an old scarf around its neck.
Saiph came inside his hut and walked straight to the fireplace to put on a new log and made sure the fire was breathing. The flames soon grew bigger and bigger, crackles was heard as the wood was burning. A warmth started to spread in the room which made the most of the hut. Saiph's home wasn't a big place compared to most, but he didn't need much. It had room for his things and a bed to sleep in. He stopped in front of the fireplace and looked into the  flickering blue flames. It was the birch that made the color of the fire, and Saiph enjoyed looking at it. The scent of smoke felt like home, as he always had a fire on, something which was important during the winter. There, in the flames, he saw things. Little red ember salamanders crawling up on the wood, bathing in the warm fire. They were always there, helping him keep the fire alive and eating old ashes. But those wasn't the only things he saw. This time a pair of eyes were staring back at him. Golden fox eyes. Saiph knew for certain those eyes didn't belong to just any fox.
Saiph could hear the wind howling outside of his hut. The night was dark out there, but yet he could see the snow blowing through the window. He was warm and safe inside his hut. At the moment he sat in a chair by the fireplace reading an old book written in Elvish language. A study of dragons. It was a perfect book to read to the sound of  a cracklling fire. When he first heard the sound from outside, he didn't react to it, but the second time the book got put away, and he got up in a hurry. The sound of a barking deer in distress. Saiph put on his brown cloak and went out. It didn't matter anymore that there was a snowstorm outside the door. He stopped to listen and soon heard the deer's cry for help. With his staff in hand he followed the barking through the blowing snowstorm to a small mere in the forest. In a hole in the ice there was a deer. The deer he was looking for. "Help is coming", he told the deer in Elvish. It wasn't easy, but Saiph refused to give up, and as soon as he had gotten the deer out of the water he brought it home with him to warm the poor thing up.
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caitepowers · 6 years
S.C.O.U.T.S.: The Prologue
S.C.O.U.T.S.: Special Citizens Obliged and United To Save began with a group of girls raised in seclusion away from outsiders and the modern world. Only those few people who were trusted to raise them to be the warriors and defenders that they were destined to become were allowed to know about the existence of the 8 girls were masters or either combat or academics and were willing to live a life of seclusion in the mountains and forests of Japan. Not a lifestyle many or racing to take up, but the Priestess raising children found 3 teachers willing to live on the hidden compound with them, and together the 5 preistesses and the 3 teachers raised the 8 children to become lethal in Combat and have genius intelligence. Each girl had their own power and personality and was trained to be able to expertly hone their own skill.
Between their uniform levels of combat and academic intelligence partnered with their own unique abilities, it is no surprise that competition between them began to grow, for years the girls would get in trouble for using their powers against each other, they were raised to be sisters yet treated very differently which caused a lot of tension. The preistesses and the teachers gave up one night and kicked the girls out of the compound, none of the girls stuck together until someone screamed. The scream was deafening and in these parts of of the forest belonged to no stragglers. Every girl thought that itwould have been one of the other girls. Scared and alone going further from the compound seemed like a mistake but going back at the moment also seemed dangerous. Each using their own abilities to protect themselves and find others the girls slowly began to pair and group up. All 8 girls eventually found each other and tried to account for the scream, they all claimed that they didn’t scream. After about a minute of looking around for potential threats and possible plans of action all the girls began running back to the compound. The closer they got, the louder crying noise they heard. When they get to the opening before the compound they see the Gate is opened, which means that it was never closed behind them, beyond the opening was a preistess on the ground and a pool of blood and other preistesses fretting around her. She was dead, murdered and the compound was no longer secure, was no longer home. Someone knew they were there, what they were, how to kill them, and how to leave without being seen. So girls began to lean into their training and began their real world excersises it wasn’t long before they were global news assisting in global issues outside of Japan. Some say they came from the pits of hell, some say they came from the heavens, those who say otherwise frankly don’t have much of an imagination.
The real truth is that 8 girls raised in solitude, descended from long forgotten Galactical folklore of Gods, Godesses and Warriors becomes heroes for the planet they called home using the powers given to them from beyond. They saved the world. This is the thing about war it’s never really over and with a crew of only 8 against an entire universe or bad and evil, victory is a fairytale. Peace does not exist.
They are dead, all of them are dead. I was there, I witnessed it and I still cannot believe it. I am not sure if I ever will be able to bring myself to begin to understand what happened.
“We are ready for you now miss,” the guard says bringing me back to reality and out of the past.
He guides me into the room where all the leaders of the United Nations are sitting staring at me as I approach the podium in the center of the floor. The room is big, but not as big as you would think. Every time is was here before, there were about 50 cameras and 100 microphones around the podium and room recording everything that is said. But this is not a normal situation. Nothing about today is protocol. Instead of formal requests and events planned, and UN represntatives in place taking notes and translating the meeting while it is also being recorded, this meeting was not preplanned in fact as far as I know it was planned about 10 minutes ago when I was yanked off of the sidewalk here in New York. That is when I met this guard who walked me in after asking me to wait in the lobby. I didn’t wait long, I wouldn’t have waited at all but when he eberered the room two more guards flanked me and blocked the door. I was meant to stay. And as stated earlier, actual world leaders are here and not their chosen cabinet members. Before approaching the podium I stop about halfway taking in the room and fully noticing the differences. Once I get there I make eye contact with the current leader of the United Nations and the President of the United States of America. They make eye contact with me. The Leader of the UN speaks to me first.
“Identify yourself” he says. His tone was calm the only normal part about whatever was happening.
“My name is Harper” I say say nervously.
“Full name please” same tone.
“My name is Harper Leilani Stone” I say plainly, shaking the nervous tone.
“Please read what is on the podium out loud for the room to hear Ms. Stone” the President of the United States says.
Having a huge insecurity about reading outloyd in public I try and skim the pages before I begin to read aloud, but my eyes can’t leave the top of the page, and the words cannot come out.
“Is there a problem Ms. Stone?” The President asks me.
“No” I say but that isn’t meant to be the answer to his question but a response to the document before me.
“So start from the top for us Ms. Stone.” He says his patience is beginning to dwindle.
“No, no,no, no,no,no,no,no,no” I said shaking my head as I step from behind the podium nauseous at the idea that these crazy politicians are planning something like this.
“Excuse me?” He says, his patience has left the building at this point. That is why I didn’t vote for him. Ya know I always had that vibe that he was not as mild mannered as he ran out. Wasn’t the only reason but just a reason.
“Are you insane?” I say as I look at him. I look away from him and face the other leaders in the room, “Are you all insane?Do you not remember what happened the last time?”
They all look away from me like I am the crazy one.
“You are the only one who could do this, we need you to be on board” the leader of the UN says.
“Then I guess it isn’t happening” I say curtly.
“S.C.O.U.T.S.” He says, “Do you remember what that means?”
“You cannot be serious? How can all of you well educated democratic leaders think let alone fully support this idea this trash?” I go back to the podium and grab the paper and hold it up in the air. “Have you all forgotten?”
“Have you, Ms. Stone?” Says the President. “You were asked a question please answer it.”
“S.C.O.U.T.S., never heard of her” I say throwing the document in the table in front of the the In leader and the President as well as a few other leaders sitting with them.
“Mia Young, Shadow Park, Carmen Santiago, Tiffany Ellis, Heather Dudnst, Prim Hashimoto, and Jazmine Chatterjee” someone yells from down the table. It’s the Queen of England Next to her Prime Minister, I guess they both got invited. “7 of the 8 original scouts who stood with the message and principals to defend the world against evil. No one has forgotten the tragedy that happened, no has forgotten the tragedies that happened before or after it either. But evil has not rested with them being gone. We need help.” She said he tone less harsh toward the end then it was in the beginning. I make eye contact with her and walk down toward her seat and stand in front of her.
This was always the plan, not a plan I made or had any part in making, but a plan none the less. And not following through with it would be a disservice to the ones lost. I look down at the table and see the words on the paper upside down. A part of me was hoping that I would never have to do this, like something would change so I couldn’t or didn’t need to do participate or keep up my end of a bargain. But that isn’t the case and my word must be kept especially in this thing called private politics.
“Secret Citizens Obliged and Unite To Save” I say back to the men who has asked me my questions earlier. “I have never and will never forget the meaning nor will I ever retract from duty.” I say centering myself back at the podium. I am looking at the room one last time before focusing back on the President and UN Leader.
“It is with Great Honor Ms. Stone, that we have this ability to reactivate the Scout project. And we have decided that now is the best time to do that. As you are the sole survivor of the original scouts you will recruit and train the next group of scouts and prepare them for what is ahead of them. You will have two years.”
“Sir with all due respect the first group was given 18 years of trialing and they still lost.” I say offended by the time limit, no way was that a realistic expectation.
“As the sole survivor frontbe original 8 you know first hand what will work for trainings and what won’t, use that to your advantage to speed up the process.” He says, clearly he no idea what it really takes to do what he is asking.
“With all do respect it can’t be done” I say, “I am on my own and I won’t have any resources available to me how do you expect me to do this?”
“That is where we come in” he says confidently. “You and the scouts you recruit will have access to all resources and locations needed to train, survive, develop, learn, play whatever. If we have it” He says featuring towards everyone in the room, “you have it.”
“Will you try?” Asks the Queen.
“Yes” I say hesitantly. By the time I am leaving the building with a fancy top secret passport and some secret stash weapons and money, I am already developing plans A-K on how I could possible do this all in two years... hopefully o succeed and if I don’t, hopefully no one else dies in the process.
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triastariirfiani · 6 years
Menggali Syukur ke Puncak Hati
Alangkah banyaknya nikmat yang Allah berikan setiap hari bahkan setiap detiknya. Dari nikmat bisa bernafas dengan gratis, nikmat melihat, mendengar, nikmat memiliki teman dan keluarga yang selalu ada, nikmat rezeki yang tidak ada akhirnya sampai kita kembali kepada Allah serta nikmat waktu dan keimanan yang masih Allah lekatkan dalam diri kita. Nikmat yang mengantarkan kita untuk terus belajar dan berbenah.
Sayangnya, sadar atau tidak dalam keseharian adakalanya keluhan masih saja sering keluar dari lisan, mengeluh atas ujian yang dikira kita adalah manusia yang paling berat masalahnya, mengeluh atas makanan yang tidak sesuai inginnya kita, mengeluh dengan kondisi cuaca, mengeluh dengan sikap orang di sekitar kita, mengeluh dengan lingkungan kerja, gagal masuk PTN impian, skripsi yang belum selesai, atau harus mencoba berulang kali apply beasiswa, mengeluh atas doa-doa yang belum Allah ijabah dsb. Kadang kita lupa dengan kondisi diluar sana yang hidupnya jauh lebih berat dari kita, pengemis di jalanan yang cacat fisik, pemulung yang dari pagi mengaiz rezeki, para penderita penyakit kanker yang divonis oleh dokter, orang-orang yang sedang terbaring lemah di rumah sakit, kondisi pasien di rumah sakit jiwa yang membuat kita pilu, Anak-anak yang rela jualan koran hanya untuk bisa sekolah, ibu dan ayah yang banting tulang untuk kesejahteraan keluarga. Disaat kita mengeluh dengan semua keadaan tersebut, diluar sana ada banyak yang merindukan posisi yang Allah berikan. kita masih jauh lebih baik yang Allah berikan nikmatNya, Allah tahu kita tak akan sanggup berada di posisi tersebut. Lalu apa lagi yang membuat kita tidak bersyukur ata segala nikmat Allah????
Allah tak akan menghukum kita karena tidak tahu, kata Imam Al Ghazali, begitupun sebaliknya Allah akan mengazab siapapun yanh tidak mau tahu.
Atas segala nikmat tersebut lalu apa yang menjadi penghalang untuk terus belajar? belajar ilmu agama yang dirasa tak akan pernah cukup, belajar bersyukur menggunakan nikmatnya, belajar tentang perjalanan yang akhirnya akan menemui kembali selamanya, apa yang akan kelak kita katakan kepadaNya jika tidak menggunakan dengan baik segala kemudahan yang Allah berikan..
Mari cemburu pada mereka yang selalu bercumbu dengan ilmu, Berlimpah dengan dakwah ,Bermesra dengan Allah, (Salim A. Fillah)
Masya allah, perkataan diatas mungkin menusuk dada! Malu dengan sosok yang selalu mendekat kepadaNya.
Kemauan untuk terus bersyukur itulah yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk terus belajar dan beramal menjemput hidayah. Mengubah sikap mental kepada Allah, dari tidak tahu menjadi peduli, dari berburuk sangka menjadi ber-husnuzhun, dari ragu menjadi yakin, maka saat itu Allah akan menunjukkan jalanNya.
Makassar, Januari 3 th 2019
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writeawaytrain · 6 years
With a telescope
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Writing Prompt 3 @scribuary: Acrostic writing. For poetry, the first letter of each line spells out a word. For prose, where the first word of each paragraph spells out a message.
Simple gifts are the stars in the dark watercolored skies
Every one seen from across the world and space and time
Exceptionally brilliant, though as with all good things, they will cease.
To their deaths, they may destruct with a fiery passion
Holes in space in an unstable reaction
Even curiouser, they may fill up with light to swirl forevermore.
Still, we may never know
Those stars who have been born and have yet to grow
And in our lives, we are like them
Reaching far across the galaxy of our own globe
See the brightness, every one a gem.
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How it began
Hi, I’m Po. I’m 22, and work a 8 to 5 office job, which I hate. When I was younger I loved writing and it always made me happy. I recently dig up my old poems and short stories and teared up as I remembered how happy I felt when I was writing them. Even though most of them felt with loneliness and depression.
I was told that I should start writing again and do something actually liked doing to help deal with... everything. I just didn’t know where to start.
So I found a websites that has 365 writing prompts (yep) and 101 poetry prompts. Well the poetry prompts are more like just overall prompts but I’m gonna try to write some ‘insightful’ poetry with those prompts.
I’m documenting all of this here so if anyone sees this they can hold me accountable and remind me to do my writing for the day.
Another thing I do, which I’m pretty sure a lot of y’all do, is I take forever to write because I need to be listening to the PERFECT soundtrack/playlist/podcast/etc and that just always puts me off from writing or doing anything. So this time I’m just gonna grab my phone, hit shuffle on ALL of my music and start writing. On the bottom of my writing I’ll put what songs I listened to while writing it.
Well, let’s do this!!!!
Btw if anyone wants to join this just message me and I’ll send you the prompt website. Or use your own prompts. The point is to write, and shake off those rusty writing hands. And tag me in those beautiful writing creations you guys make 💖💛💙
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umamiebbb · 4 years
Apa yang bisa membuatmu menangis
Mengingat dunia ini begitu cepat berlalu, siang berganti malam, malam berganti siang. Hari demi hari, bulan demi bulan hingga tahun silih berganti. Cepat sekali rasanya.
Waktu begitu cepat, tapi rasanya hidupku begitu lamban. Lamban menyadari apa yang terjadi, lamban menyadari apa pesan-Nya yang ingin diajarkan padaku, lamban membuat proses ini menjadi lebih indah,
Banyak waktu yang terbuang tanpa makna. 
Banyak orang yang mungkin tersakiti.
Banyak kegiatan yang tak tersentuh.
Banyak sekali hal yang kulewati sia-sia.
Ibadah yang sekenanya, mungkin sekedar menggugurkan kewajiban.Orangtua yang bersedih dan banyak kecewa karena diri ini. Terlalu mengejar dunia dengan mengenyampingkan akkhirat, padahal aku tau bahwa ketika nanti aku meninggalkan dunia yang sebenernya fana ini, disitulah justru aku memulai kehidupan yang sebenarnya.
Aku menangis, mengingat diriku yang sia-sia selama ini. 
Aku menangis, mengingat diriku yang tau akan dunia yang fana, tapi masih tetap terlena.
Aku menangis, mengingat aku selalu mengulangi kesalahan yang sama.
Aku menangis akan kekerasan hati ini.
Aku menangis, meminta ampunan pada-Nya
Aku menangis, meminta kesempatan kepada-Nya agar aku bisa benar-benar menjadi baik.
Aku, makhluk-Nya yang selalu ingin menjadi lebih baik. Hari demi hari mencoba lebih memaknai hidup. Menyadari benar-beenar bahwa hidup ini sementara. Ada perjalanan panjang yang perlu dilewati hingga bisa sampaii pada kehidupan sesungguhnya. 
Memang tak mudah, hati ini selalu ada di dalam dua keadaan. Iman naik dan turun. Perlu ada yang menguatkan. Dan yang membuatku menangis, menangis terharu, betapa beruntungnya aku. Aku dilahirkan di tengah keluarga yang selalu menjunjung tingi nilai dan aturan agama. 
Saat itu, mungkin aku merasa gerah, merasa mengapa sih serba tidak boleh, merasa hidup ini terlalu banyak aturan dan banyak ketidak syukuran. Tapi perlahan, aku menyadari dan mensyukuri hal tersebut. Betapa bahagia dan beruntungnya aku. 
Itulah yang membuatku selalu menitikkan air mata dan bahkan bisa berderai air mata.
Semoga Allah selalu memberiku kesempatan dan menuntunku untuk terus jadi baik ya. Aamiin
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thedarks · 4 years
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Perihal luka hanya kita yang bisa memahaminya. Tak ada yang mampu menjelaskan luka yang telah lama ada dalam diri kita kecuali hati kita. Sebab pertahanan pertama kita adalah kata "baik-baik saja" disumbang tawa sumbang agar celah tak terlihat. Lebih dari itu, tak ada pula yang mengerti bagaimana rasanya luka yang sudah tumbuh ini. Meskipun sama pada penyebab terjadinya, untuk penjelasan yang benar-benar sama itu tidak ada. Ada ekspresi luka lain yang tak dipahami orang luar, keluarga pun misalnya. Sebab memang hanya kita yang memahami, merasakan, dan menjelaskan. Banyak orang yang bersikap tahu akan diri kita, nyatanya sepercik pemahamannya. Hanya melihat tanda bukan berarti memahami. Tentang serupa tapi tak sama. _ Ingin sekali berkata, "Berhentilah menjadi sok bijak jika sebenarnya kamu pun tak memahami lukamu! Berhentilah pura-pura baik saja dan menasehati untuk tegar jika nyatanya kamu sama rapuhnya dengan luka berbeda." _ Jadi, hentikanlah bermuka baik jika kamu hancur. Obati dulu dirimu. Jangan paksakan rasa yang sama. Aku terluka, kamu pun (dengan rasa yang berbeda) ______ Written by📝: @veve_oo97 Pictured by📷: Twitter members ______ ▶TAG: TEMANMU◀ ▶FOLLOW: @veve_oo97◀ ____________________________ #senandika #kata #luka #senja #kataveve #lara #poem #poetry #newpost #writingchallange #motivasi #tulisan #literasi30detik #statuswa #infohits #sastra https://www.instagram.com/p/CBIZBYqpm3X/?igshid=1snhldabvwwys
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mblwrites · 4 years
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A world of selfie’s. We live in a world where it’s normal to photograph ourselves in ever situation and moment, where we’re judged by our uploads and how perfect they are. It’s vain and self centered, but also a way for us to shout out and show who we are., what we are and what we represent. I hate taking pics of myself but something about this mirror called to me... something about how it’s separated into sections, how it’s split and parted. We’re all built and made up of many different elements and parts, we’re complex, and no one thing can define us. This generation we live in forces us to fight for the attention we deserve.• • How about you? What do you think defines you the most? What do you think about selfie’s? • • • • • • #selfie #mirrorselfie #writersofinstagram #writeaway #lifebloggers #writeaway #writing #almost30 #reading #mirrorpics #mirrorphotography #mirrorselfies #splitmirrors #splitmirrorpicturez #selfworth #writingchallange #writersofinstagram #writingcommunity #bloggerlife #pearlsofwisdom #winethoughts #winetherapy #latenightthoughts #selflove #instamoment #lifeblogger #lifestyle #wonderfulllife (at Merkaz Sappir, Hadarom, Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAOPa0eB3IE/?igshid=g21oobxz10g1
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elektramorfosa · 7 years
Dream: Profesional in You
Menuliskan mimpi sama seperti menguatkan kembali harapan yang mungkin luntur karena termakan usia. Semakin dewasa nampaknya manusia akan semakin realistis sekaligus pesimis. Mimpinya satu persatu akan ia kubur degan sendirinya. Terlebih ketika ia orang yang takut untuk gagal dan merasa nyaman pada zona amannya, dimana saya termasuk dalam kategori itu. Saya memiliki mimpi yang besar, yang membuat saya masuk ke jurusan psikologi. Lulus dengan nilai yang memuaskan. Namun impian itu ternyata tidak mudah, langkah besar harus diambil, yaitu dengan melanjutkan studi Magister Psikologi Profesi. Mampukah saya?
Karena hidup adalah pilihan. Berdiam diri pada zona aman atau memutar kendali dengan keras. Keduanya tanpa jaminan bahwa saya akan sukses. Bertahun-tahun bekerja membuat saya nyaman dan melupakan mimpi untuk bisa menjadi seorang profesional psikolog . Pun demikian bila saya ingin menggapai cita-cita itu maka saya harus resign, melanjutkan sekolah dan memulai semuanya dari awal. Tetap bekerja pada instansi lama tidak menjamin adanya peningkatan karier tetapi melanjutkan sekolah pun tidak ada jaminan bahwa saya akan sukses dan berhasil seperti apa yang saya cita-citakan. Dan saya memilih opsi kedua dengan segala baik-buruknya.
Melanjutkan sekolah adalah keinginan lama, karena untuk dapat menjadi psikolog memang harus melanjutkan pendidikan. Langkah demi langkah telah ditapaki dan semoga Allah memudahkan untuk meraih puncak. Menjadi seorang profesional yang bekerja secara mandiri dengan hitungan jam. Bukan mengikuti jam kerja 8 to 5 yang terkadang lebih. Berbicara dan memberikan sesuatu kepada khalayak dan menjadi tenaga kesehatan profesional non medis. Karena saya meyakini adanya hubungan yang erat antara kesehatan jasmani dan rohani.
Tulislah mimpimu sebagai sebuah doa yang terikat, maka saya akan meminta pada Tuhan agar suatu hari diijinkan memiliki usaha yang bergerak dibidang kesehatan dengan layanan home care. Memberikan pelayanan secara psikologis dan medis di rumah, karena bagaimanapun tempat ternyaman adalah rumah. Baik kepada pasien maupun care giver. Tentu saja pelayanan medis-nya pasti terbatas. Tapi nampaknya indah bila kita bisa membantu meringankan beban orang lain. Semoga Allah memudahkan. Aamiin...
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sadarutuh · 5 years
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Dalam hari-hari yang kita lewati puluhan orang bahkan ratusan orang yang kita temui, baik yang disengaja ataupun yang tidak, baik yang baru ataupun lama, apakah kita pernah sadar, semuanya bukan lain terjadi melainkan Allah yang pertemukan, dan itu sebuah rezeki yang Allah kasih untuk kita bersilaturahim kepadanya. Silaturahim adalah menyambung kasih sayang dengan orang lain, yang tidak kenal menjadi kenal, yang jauh menjadi dekat, dan yang dekat menjadi akrab, semuanya terjadi melainkan Allah yang pertemukan lewat scenario yang dia buat untuk mempertemukan individu dengan individu yang lain. Menautkan hati dengan hati yang lain. Dengan silaturahim kita bisa berbagi simpati atau empati, membentuk sebuah ikatan yang tak kasat mata. Allah telah mengabarkan lewat nabi, bahwasannya menyambung silaturahim itu menjadikan diri kita diperlancar rezekinya dan dipanjangkan umurnya. Maka setiap pertemuan adalah rezeki, baik orang lama ataupun baru, yang periang ataupun pendiam, yang dingin ataupun hangat, dan yang sinis ataupun bersahabat. “Sadarilah, setiap kita bertemu orang, Allah telah memberikan kita rezeki berupa kesempatan untuk menjalin silaturahim. Kita hanya belum tahu apa dan kapan kebaikan akan datang darinya. Kita hanya belum mengerti kapan Dia akan menghindarkan kita dari keburukan. Antusiaslah pada setiap pertemuan. Antusiaslah pada setiap rezeki yang datang. Istimewakan setiap orang yang datang.” Tanpa individu yang lain, mustahil kita bisa hidup di bumi ini, bahkan seorang Nabi Adam saja, membutuhkan individu yang lain yaitu Hawa untuk melengkapi dirinya untuk saling membantu dalam kebaikan, bahkan Rasulullah saw pun butuh orang-orang yang selalu mensupport beliau dalam perjalanan dakwahnya, walau caci maki serta hinaan yang mereka beliau dapatkan. Ada cerita, ketika mendapati orang yahudi yang suka mencaci maki Rasulullah saw itu tidak ada, Rasulullah mencarinya dan menanyakan kepada seseorang, bahwasannya si Fulan sedang mendapati musibah sakit, lalu Rasulullah menjenguknya. @skoper.id #skoperid #KelasMenulisOnline #Day21 #writingchallange #kelasmenulisonline #awan_gelembung https://www.instagram.com/p/B4oPGTAlWva/?igshid=1u8wbvmuu4cgs
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atthequillsmercy · 2 years
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Today was a busy day at work and I will admit when I had downtime, I was reading to free up space on my kindle. I have books that friends send me who asked for honest feedback that I never got to and my brain needed to decompress. It was nice to sit and read, resting from the frantic need to put fingers on the #freewritetraveler keyboard. I am free tomorrow save for errands and chores. Perhaps I'll be able to surge passed the daily goal. #amwriting #campnanowrimo2022 #campnanowrimo #writingchallange #indieauthor https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf0Uq1xt3ZM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marionannberry · 6 years
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Day 4 of NaNoWriMo and the question is what’s your why? Why do I write? Why have I chosen to write memoir?Where do I start? 💫 Like these many tiny boxes of mystery gifts, that is why I write. I want to open the box to see what is inside? What story is to be reviled? It’s exciting to see how a story unfolds as the words flow onto the page. 💫 Why I wrote a memoir? It actually chose me. Creativity chose me to work through and I felt the urge to share an experience of working for a luxury hotel in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. It’s about much more and that is where the second memoir will led me. I love memoir because I can see where I have made choices that shaped me and my journey and ended up exactly where I needed. Right here and now. 💫 What’s your why? I love to hear about your writing journey and how #nanowrimo is going for you. - - #grateful #writingcommunity #memoir #nanowriomo2018 #nanomemoir2018 #writinglife #nanothatwrimo #writingchallange #writersofinstagram - @brandywhenry @selfpubform @nanowrimo @10minutenovelists (at Bridgewater, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxY_mVhhIx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=too38awx11fn
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rizaummami · 6 years
#WritingChallange [Day 1 : List 10 things make you really happy]
Baiquelaaah, bulan ini ku akan berkomitmen dengan @ukhtiekece @alfianadewi dan @ikaaika untuk ikut #writingchallange lagi sampai satu bulan ke depan. Semoga ga sering kabur ya, kayak bulan lalu hihi.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa daftar kebahagiaan sederhanaku. Nomor 11 akan buat anda terkejuuut!!!
1. Dengerin Ummi ngomel
Sebagai makhluk yang mudah meng-iyakan perintah orang lain aku memang sering buat ummi kesal wkw. "Kalau disuruh tu ya langsung dikerjakan, jangan iya iya aja. Harus disuruh dua tiga kali baru dikerjain" itu kalimat langganan di rumah. Baru abis itu ku ndusel-ndusel dia biar gak marah lagi. Bahagiyaa~
2. Lihat bentuk kuku orang
Ada yang kayak aku gini juga gak? Aneh rasanya yaa. Aku bisa suka sama kepribadian orang lewat bentuk kukunya. Makanya kadang kalau ketemu sama orang baru aku langsung liat bentuk kukunya, langsung punya feeling gitu.
3. Makan pete pake sambel
Kalian bacanya langsung ilfeel gak? Langsung bergumam dalam hati "iyuwwh" gitu gak? Yakalau enggak bisa jadi selera kita sama mwehehe. Orang cantik mah bebas~ kemudian ku ditampol.
4. On time
Akutu suka ngaret, paling semangat kalau udah deadline, dan paling suka leha-leha bin nyante kalau banyak waktu kosong. Kalau ada tugas dan kerjaan yang bisa dikerjakan tepat waktu berarti itu aku lagi musuhan sama si males.
5. Ke toko buku
Ku kasi tau ya ke toko buku itu jangan ngajak temen. Pas lagi asik-asik baca diajak pulang itu ga enak aseli. Biarkan ku goler-goleraan di gramed, jangan diajak pulang dulu. Biarkan ku ditegur satpam karena potoin isi buku dan baca sambil lesehan, biarkan saja. Nanti akan pulang sendiri kalo udah bosen.
6. Siswa bilang "ya paham, ngerti"
Itu tuu, kalimat yang buat lega setelah capek ngoceh di depan kelas. Bahagianya jadi guru memang beda.
7. Berdiri di depan kelas
Jadi pusat perhatian siswa itu menyenangkan, tapi kita mesti tampil cantiqqq dan menawan hehe. Supaya tetap kelihatan fresh gitu. Tapi bukan yang menor. Sebagai wanita tulen ku bahagiyaa kalau di puji siswa "ibu cantik". Di kelas juga mesti belajar ngomong santun dan bijak, biar jadi panutan.
8. Nahan marah
Every child is unique!! Jangan mudah marah ya. Gapapa kalau mereka gak mau kerjain soal ke depan, gapapa kalau mereka gak dapet nilai 100 pas ulangan, gapapa kalau mereka ribut waktu ngerjain latihan. Jangan dimarahin. Pake cara lain ya bu guru pak guru. Marah-marah bukan wadah untuk buat mereka jadi nurut.
9. Beli buku
Suka beli buku sampe over budget, yang entah kapan baru bisa dibaca sih haha. Harus bisa nyisihin uang buat beli buku, karena setiap buku punya kekuatan magis yang menyebabkan pembaca entah gimanapun caranya baru akan membacanya ketika waktunya relate-able sehingga pesan dalam buku sedemikian nabok meresap sampai ke sumsum tulang.
10. Nulis
Aku ini anaknya gengsian. Nulis buatku jadi media penyampai. Walaupun gak ada yang baca. Nulis itu seperti berbicara, pendengarnya adalah si pembaca. Pesannya akan sampai tanpa harus disuarakan.
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a2zexplorers · 4 years
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#writers #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #writingchallange #WritingChallenge #writerslife #words #author #instagram #a2zexplorers
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